Tuesday, January 1, 2013

January 2013

What will be smack worthy in 2013 ?


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Anonymous said...

I would say 2Peas.

Anonymous said...

2Peas hasn't been around longest for digital, though, have they? I know that SBB and TDC were around in the very beginning. Oscraps is pretty old, too, I believe.

Anonymous said...

Yes, but Maya invented digital scrapbooking!

Anonymous said...

When I see Traci post about TRD I read it as turd lol.

Anonymous said...

2 peas digital gallery, least recent Feb. '05.


But this is a challenge in '99.

Challenge - Digital Challenges :Make your own background paper using brushes
by Sande Krieger
posted 12/10/99
Galleries: Scrapbooking

Anonymous said...

#4- There are alot of abbreviations of designer's that I read wrong lol.

Anonymous said...

#199 - is Meredith producing anything new? The last time I was there she had the same number of products that she had there 12 months ago, which stuck me as strange as she used be so prolific.

Anonymous said...

I know that SBB and TDC were around in the very beginning.

TDC wasn't there in the very beginning, but pretty darn close. Add SBE, Digitals, Scrap Girls and DSP to that list - at least, they were all around when I started near the beginning of 2005. Speaking of 2005, does anyone remember Pages of the Heart?

Anonymous said...

But this is a challenge in '99.

Challenge - Digital Challenges :Make your own background paper using brushes
by Sande Krieger
posted 12/10/99
Galleries: Scrapbooking

Some things never change :)

Anonymous said...

9 - what do you mean?

Anonymous said...

Challenge - Digital Challenges :Make your own background paper using brushes

#9 - this! The fact that in digi I still see this kind of challenge.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I meant to type #10, not #9.

Anonymous said...

TDC wasn't there in the very beginning, but pretty darn close. Add SBE, Digitals, Scrap Girls and DSP to that list - at least, they were all around when I started near the beginning of 2005.
It's funny you mention these stores (and the previous post mentioned 2Peas) cuz I don't shop at any of those places. They seem dated to me.

Anonymous said...

#13 - I don't shop at any of those stores either, in fact, I don't shop at all. Mostly because the newer stores don't have anything new, by which I mean, something I haven't seen before.

Clearly, though, people do shop at those places because they are still around, unlike some of the newer ones which seem to close down after few years.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if DSP is so successful because they do not allow their designers to use CU. Do any other shops do that?

I dont like most of the stuff there anymore, but it was the first digi shop that I found and shopped at. From what I understand the designers there do quite well.

Anonymous said...

#15 - doesn't explain the other stores that do allow the use of CU and are still around and doing well, or so I assume.

DSP has never appealed to me, even way back in 2005. I'm not sure why, maybe because it was too much like paper scrap, which also didn't appeal to me at the time.

Anonymous said...

Before Sunny & dh started SBE they ran a yahoo group with an FTP where people uploaded designs to for anyone in the group.
About in that same time frame DSP & SBB were already up and running. Margie from DSP had a yahoo group. I think she says that they were around before SBB.
I remember buying 2 PSP template cds from another site and I asked on the SBB forum if anyone knew how to use them. I got a pm not to mention those cds again.

Anonymous said...

#17 Why were you told not to mention them?

Anonymous said...

#18 Not OP but I'd guess it's probably because they don't want to give a competitor free advertisement?

Anonymous said...

I thought DSP was an offshoot of SBB. Like they all were at SBB and then the people running DSP broke off. Part of it was the dispute about 200 vs. 300 dpi if I remember correctly, and I may not. I started digi-scrapping 2004. SBB and SBE were the two sites I visited. Digital Design Essentials with Gina Cabrera was one of the first designer only sites and she had the first creative team that I remember. Designer Digitals and The Digi Chick (owned at the time by Holly McCaig) were opened not long after that. Maybe 2005. I never visited DSP, Digitals, ScrapGirls, etc. so I don't know when they started but I think it was that far back. Digital scrapbooking had been around for a few years before I started but it was very "digital". People didn't use kits and the layouts didn't look like paper. It was in 2003-2004 that scrappers realized they could still do a traditional layout using digital elements.

Anonymous said...

Before January 2003 there were only yahoo groups.
Then in 2003 and in what I think is a right order were SBB, Cottagearts, DSP, SBG, DDE by Gina C., Pages of the Heart at the end of the year.

Anonymous said...

And that SBG was only Maya. It didn't become a commission store until 2007 or so?

Anonymous said...

The copyright information on their respective sites for DSP and Digitals is from 2004 onwards

For SBG it's 2003, but I know she was on her own for a long time.

Scrap Girls are currently celebrating their 8th anniversary.

Anonymous said...

#18, I never did get an answer why as to why I couldn't mention those cds that I purchased from cottagearts. At that time I don't even think SBB had a store.
Come to think of it I also bought a cd from Maya way back when and that was before she had a store or site? I can't remember, that's been a long time ago,lol!

Anonymous said...

I have been around the Digi world for 10+ years now. There were only a handfull of stores. The most popular back when was Scrapbook Bytes, Scrapbook Elements, Scrap Outside the Box, DSP and maybe one or two others, Digitals started fairly early but not sure it was there at the beginning as well as A Cherry on Top and NSBD. Within another year or two there was an explosion of stores and designers, A lot of designers worked to put food on the table and pay bills at the beginning. It was a good stay at home job. Now most just want to hopefully make a quick buck or some fun money. I miss the good old days!! LOL

Anonymous said...

I know there are some - a few - designers who make in the thousands every month, but I think that now most are happy with a few hundred. I suppose it's a combination of circumstances. A glut of designers and a bad economy - world wide. I wonder how software company designers do? Such as MyMemories? I see a lot of their ads around lately.

Anonymous said...

I gues Jen Yurko and DSA are getting away with their stunt. It's a shame how much of a fuss is made if it is a prominent store in the community.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if the explosion in the number of designers is matching the expansion in the number of scrappers. Even if it did match, it is too bad to see that many designers are still expecting to make a "quick buck", and really have products that shows how little work they put in.

Anonymous said...

sbb is celebrating their 10 year anniversary this past weekend through today.

Anonymous said...

My Memories has designers that make a lot of money and some that make very little. It is my most consistent store sales wise so I keep it open.

Anonymous said...

WTF with this store name? http://www.pimpmytagswithscraps.com/store/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=46

and before you ask- I didnt go looking for it. Someone posted a link of Facebook.

Anonymous said...

#30 - so what if someone posted it on FB, why post it here?

I don't see anything wrong with that name, considering that people around here say CT whore and also talk about pimping product.

Anonymous said...

31 - Just because she wanted to? It's a ridiculous name.

Anonymous said...

30 - That store has been around forever and it's for taggers, not scrappers. The name is similar to shows like "Pimp My Ride" and has nothing to do with whores. I actually know the women who run it and they are super nice. Again, has nothing to do with digital scrapbooking.

I don't know why some of you seem so obsessed with Taggers and Tagger Scraps. I doubt they care half as much about digiscrapping and the name of your stores as much as you seem to care about them.

Anonymous said...

#32 - there are a lot of ridiculous names out there in digi scrapping, why not post those and ask WTF?

The tagger bashing is getting old.

Anonymous said...

Well,I'm #30 And the person who posted it on FB is an established digi designer. I didnt look at the products- just the dumbass name.

Anonymous said...

34 said "there are a lot of ridiculous names out there in digi scrapping, why not post those and ask WTF?"
People do. Did you miss the discussion about scrapping stores with Zs in their name, or designers with a Z in their name? (And wasn't it semi-recently that someone asked why we call it "Crap Takeout" but not "Crap Orchard" or "Crap Stacks.") We do talk about DS store names.

Anonymous said...

And what about scrapflower's reopening? It looks like the owner hired designer friends from her shops, because almost all of their "new" designers are from Oscraps and mscraps.

Anonymous said...

Where did you see a listing of designers for scrap flower?
It all seems very odd to me

Anonymous said...

I'm not 37 but if you go to the Scrapflower site it lists some designers. Whether those are new or are left over from when it closed I don't know. Never shopped there.

Anonymous said...

Whoever was talking about Royanna earlier this month...A designer at Divine Digitals just posted this at DST:

I haven't got a clue how to go about getting my money, hopefully someone can shed some light here for me??

Designers at Divine Digital have not been paid since October 15th. We are all extremely frustrated at the stories that we keep being told as to WHY we haven't gotten our money. Personally I think it's a bunch of Crap. I posted a public notice to the members of Divine Digital, so they understand where some of us designers are coming from... You can the story here:


Also, I've done my payroll, and send an invoice to Royanna for the money I am owed, and still nothing... is there anything else I can do? I dont want to "hire" a lawyer, because as much as I want my $200 from her, a lawyer is going to cost much more than that, however She owes ALL her designers $ !

Anonymous said...


There is the full link at Divine. Wow. Trish must be pissed to take things public! I hope RA fixes it. She owes another designer I know about $200 as well.

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't this be considered embezzlement? She's taking money from a consignment shop. Maybe the designers should call the local authorities?

Anonymous said...

I know that Trish stated that she didn't want to get a lawyer, but, honestly, it may be the only way. And most of them still won't get any money, as you can't get what doesn't exist. It's a very sad situation!

Anonymous said...

Trish would actually be in the best position to call authorities since they both live in Cali.

Anonymous said...

Now I want to see all those posters that always show up in the DAD threads defending Royanna and telling everyone they shouldn't be negative and it's JUST pixels and it's FREE so don't complain. Tell that to the designers she hasn't paid in months. Yeah, they are apparently not just making freebies but giving away their work in the shop, as well. All those people paid for their designs and the designers got nothing. But Angelic-Can-do-no-wrong Royanna got to go to Disneyland. DEFEND THAT!

And she should contact SOMEONE. If I was a lawyer I'd offer to help them all out for free just to see Karma finally bite Royanna in the butt.

Anonymous said...

When I was a designer there I made sure I got paid before I pulled out. Its one of the reasons I stayed so long- I figured I had a better shot at getting paid as an active designer.

Anonymous said...

Is there any way to resolve this through Paypal? I'm not sure how it would work but may be worth a try.

Anonymous said...

Shits starting to hit the fan at DD... but ROldemort won't see it because she's still off on FB and Pinterest.

I see the "Cult of Happiness" over there isn't jumping on the threads to defend her honor... little different when it's designers complaining about lack of follow-through isn't it? Can talk about being happy because something is FREE and we should all just be grateful for what we get when you realize all those designers you supposedly gave money to haven't gotten ANY of it for the past few months...

Anonymous said...

* Can't talk...

Anonymous said...

Royana was logged in at DD right after Trish posted. She saw it alright. She even PM'd Trish (or someone did) that the payroll would be done by the weekend.

Anonymous said...

So now she can post that it's done and blah blah blah and get all the prayers and back pats again, like always. Oh- wait... it's not the weekend YET.

Anonymous said...

Did she say WHICH weekend?

Anonymous said...

I just visited DD for the first time in more than a year. I wanted to check out the list of designers. I was surprised at how many are still there. If none of them have been paid, that is a LOT of money since October. I hope they get the money they deserve, and that Royanna gets her act together. That certainly is no way to run a business.

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't this be considered embezzlement? She's taking money from a consignment shop. Maybe the designers should call the local authorities?
I wondered the same thing. And technically, isn't it some type of fraud--RA said she'd run a store and the designers can be consignors and they'll get paid? And since it's an online store, the victims (the designers) are across the country, which could make it a federal case.
I just wish every single designer would just up and leave as soon as they get paid. Pull EVERYTHING from the storefront. If they're good designers then they'll find a new store.
(And TBH, I can't believe Trish joined DD. Didn't she know a designer to ask about RA? Didn't she know better than to join there?)

Anonymous said...

(And TBH, I can't believe Trish joined DD. Didn't she know a designer to ask about RA? Didn't she know better than to join there?)
In a way, I think that if she wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt and not just rely on rumors, or hear-say. I have seen people smacked for basing decisions solely on what was said on this blog or what is said here or there. I surely would not smack Trish for trying to go based on her own experience, and not what others might have said. In this case, it seems that what was said was true, but it is not always like that.

Anonymous said...

Funnily enough, Royanna is managing to keep up with her Etsy store


Anonymous said...

And she posts on FB constantly. She just took a long trip. Honestly, when will people learn! She's using the money from her designers to finance her trips.

Anonymous said...

55 said "In a way, I think that if she wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt and not just rely on rumors, or hear-say. I have seen people smacked for basing decisions solely on what was said on this blog or what is said here or there. I surely would not smack Trish for trying to go based on her own experience, and not what others might have said. In this case, it seems that what was said was true, but it is not always like that."
I wasn't trying to imply that she should have read HERE and taken what was said about RA here as The Truth. I meant that she knows so many people in the business (especially being a former store owner herself) that I was surprised she didn't ask people--DD designers, former DD designers, designer friends who know former DD designers--for their opinion. If it were me, I would have asked the people I trust and if *everyone* seems to say "Well...she doesn't pay us" or whatever, it would give me pause. I'm not smacking her. Well, it is a smack blog, but I was just saying it surprised me. Hell, I give her total credit for having the balls to actually post at DD about this. I've never bought from her, but wherever she goes next, I'll buy something just as a Thanks for stepping up and bringing this to light.

Anonymous said...

Honestly, when will people learn! She's using the money from her designers to finance her trips.
that's what I keep thinking.

Anonymous said...

I don't know Royanna at all and don't know her complete history at DD, but a simple Google search of her name tells me she's full of shit. Classically trained French chef with 2 degrees and a former PGA pro for a husband (who doesn't come up in google search at all)... give me a break.

That alone would make me run away from her store as a designer.

Anonymous said...

OMG- I just Googled her, too:


You'd think she had some extra money coming in if she was working for them the past year.

And I noticed more designers stepping up at DD and reinforcing what Trish said. Good for them!! But I notice all but a couple of the "don't be so negative", "Sheesh- you are getting something for free, don't complain" people are rather SILENT on those threads over there. And even the supporters are now questioning their loyalties. Where's all the RO love and support now? I would hate to see the site fall if only for the designers there, but on the other hand if it does fall then they can go work someplace that actually PAYS them!!

Anonymous said...

More people stepping up at DD to express disappointment (since you can *finally* do that without the loyal fans jumping down your throat! Never thought I'd see that on the forums!) and more designers saying they haven't been paid either. And still no word from Royanna.

I figure any time now, the site will go down (isn't it about time for another server problem??). It would have shocked me that she's not saying anything, except I don't think she has the guts to step up and take responsibility. I'm sure her loyal fans are in a tizzy thinking that she might not be the mighty Christian warrior they always professed her to be! It's one thing to defend her when she's giving stuff away... how do you defend not paying your designers for 3 months and it not being the first time in the past year that it's happened?

I can't wait to see if she finally says something on the forums. And I'd be willing to bet that she doesn't pay everyone by the weekend!

Anonymous said...

And she posts on FB constantly. She just took a long trip. Honestly, when will people learn! She's using the money from her designers to finance her trips.


And she's probably so far behind in the payouts, that she can't ever catch up. Everyone say hello to JoeDee v2.0.

Anonymous said...

Wait- what was the JoeDee story? Basic info so I can Google myself is enough, unless someone wants to outline it briefly. I can't believe if this kind of thing has gone on before people wouldn't learn from it. Oh, wait- it's ROldemort. Of course she didn't learn/care!

Anonymous said...

Is that Lindsay that everyone keeps talking about the Lindsay that Royanna said was her BFF and wrote about in the 40 days thing? What a bunch of crap to lay at the feet of your "bestie" if that's the case! *roll eyes*

Anonymous said...

JoeDee (Elemental Scraps) was perma-behind a month in the payouts, and eventually made off with the last one after selling the store.

Anonymous said...

I hope this finally bites Royanna in the ass!

Anonymous said...

#66 Oh, Elemental Scraps! I never went there/heard about it- that's why it didn't sound familiar. Thanks- and that sucks, and I hope that isn't the case with DD... not holding my breath, though!!!

And #67-- ME TOO! I've had run-ins with her and have always thought that no one person in the world could have THAT MUCH bad luck. I called BS on that a long time ago, but of course you can't say anything on the forum. I also find it interesting that the usual crowd is not out in droves to defend her. I hope they have come to their senses, finally!!!!

Anonymous said...

Found a post from Joedee (2007) about how her site was hacked and her paypal account compromised and all the money stolen- including charity money. I noticed she looks similar to Royanna. Maybe Royanna can use this story to explain why she didn't pay her people? I'm not saying Joedee's story is not true (haven't read the whole thread)... just never heard THIS excuse from Royanna yet, so I figured it was a good one for her to use this time around. She's played the new disease/family health issue/server (router, computer) problem cards far too often, so it seems like a hacker and stolen pay pal money is a good route to go! /end sarcasm

Anonymous said...

Someone on that thread posted that there were 1000 purchases from Black Friday that needed to be reset. Did I read that correctly? And yet no one has been paid yet - OMG. Get the lawyers on the phone!

Here's what I think she's doing ..... and I could be wrong but .....

I think she's kiting. She uses the full proceeds from her store to finance her 'life' and then when the peeps grumble too much she waits until the store accumulates enough cash to back pay for a few months. She'll always be behind because the cash from previous months is used up - by her.

Just look at her facebook and all of the trips she goes on. How is that financed? Or look at her pinterest - she updates that so she's on the computer. There's no excuse - none- to not pay your designers what they've sold when you have internet access. None.

Anonymous said...

1000 purchases? What was the average purchase? $5-10 minimum I would assume. On a Black Friday it was probably a lot more, but let's keep it low just for kicks. That's $5000 minimum, only SOME of which was due to Royanna's sales. That's a CRAPLOAD of money!! No wonder she's been going on trips and to Disney with friends! Crimeny! I actually hope lawyers get involved.

Anonymous said...

I believe if I remember right, RA ran a ridiculous sale....like $.50 kits. I remember rolling my eyes at it.

Anonymous said...

50 cents!!! Why? That almost seems insulting to the other designers. She's sold her entire store what- 2 or 3 times now? Like, as an event- don't know if she's still got the option in the store now or not. I used to buy some of her stuff, but frankly it all started to look the same to me. You can only have so many Fleur-de-lies and paris junk sale inspired and baroque looking backgrounds and all that. I don't know if her sales had fallen or what, but not paying people is unacceptable!

Anonymous said...

Royanna was logged in to DD last night according to the forum.

Anonymous said...

She was on several times, throughout the night. And yet, still no response.

I've noticed she's not posting on FB as much- is she still busy with Pinterest and Etsy? I was thinking she might be "laying low" with all the comments about how much she is on-line, but she isn't answering people on the forums.

I hope she's sweating bullets over how to deal with this. She better make some Etsy sales to cover her payroll. I, for one, will not be buying anything from her ever again so she'll have to get someone else's money to cover her a$$.

Anonymous said...

Looks like-- They've pulled the original post by Trish! I got a screen capture of it when she first posted it, though. Figured that would happen at some point!

Anonymous said...

She doesn't even need a computer to pay her designers: if they've given her correct home addresses then she can MAIL them their checks. (They can mail her a copy of their sales first, if need be--if she really doesn't have internet and needs that info). I know, I know. I'm old school: who uses snail mail anymore? But seriously, to say "Oh, I don't have internet!" and then to be on fb and Pinterest is ridiculous. The same internet she uses to go on fb and Pinterest is the same internet she could use to figure out what she owes her designers. And then she can pay them.

Anonymous said...

Looks like-- They've pulled the original post by Trish! I got a screen capture of it when she first posted it, though. Figured that would happen at some point!
I was just going to say the same thing. I've got the first page.

And can someone explain to me who this woman with the screen name TheParsons is? I've never heard of her and OMG, her PM to shoregrl was insanely rude.

Anonymous said...

Trish added something to her signature and a post on the other thread asking about Royanna's health. I think she (and others) have taken precautions and tool screenshots. Considering that Trish was not flaming anyone, and was very factual about this whole thing, it is obvious that someone is trying to hide something. Hum... what could it be? and who could it be? *rolling eyes*

Anonymous said...

Trish posted a screenshot of her FB convo with Royanna in the DD forum: (hopefully the link wont be truncated because it DOES work)

Anonymous said...

If they are deleting Trish's posts, I figure it won't be long before the whole forum is down. Anyway, if Royanna is not answering, why isn't her BFF Lindsay/GirlinPink saying anything? She should be the one who knows the best as RA's real-life friend.

Anonymous said...

That's weird that Royanna said that they found a lump but her BFF in the forum says 2 days before that she was tumor free. I am no doctor but to have a close friend with brain tumor a lump don't appear in a 2 days frame.

Anonymous said...

I don't know Lindsay (only what was said here and in Trish' thread) but she is probably in a terrible situation and probably out of her own control. Either she was taken for a ride by Royanna and is now realizing the extend of the situation, or she is a real "real life" friend, but just cannot find a valid reason for the not-paying-the-designers situation.
(I don't want to think that she is teaming up with Royanna though)

Anonymous said...

Shit meet fan. It's getting ugly over at DD for ROldemort. If she's to the deleting whole threads stage, then a server crash or forum being down is not far behind- that would be her M.O., correct? I suspect that once she pays the designers they are all going to bolt (at least most of them) and that will leave her with less sales. So, knowing the inevitable she's probably putting it off as long as possible.

Anonymous said...

What was RA saying in Trish's screepcap? Did she give any reason? Can you please fill us mere scrappers in?

Anonymous said...


So in this exchange Royanna gives the excuse that she just found another tumor But yet look at her facebook:


She's been traveling for quite awhile. Now today she makes a post about ill-health. How convenient for her just when her designers want to be paid.

Anonymous said...

Some of us don't have access to that forum.

Anonymous said...

Royanna is in the DD forum right now. To answer or delete posts?

Anonymous said...

Lindsay herself posted that she was tumor free (And I took a screen shot of this, as well!!):

Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Orange County ,CA
Posts: 812
Images: 20
Re: How is Royanna?

Royanna is doing okay, I know she has been in pain recently. She is going to physical therapy 3-4x a week for her hips. She's had surgery on one side and she needs surgery on the other side. She just had an MRI done of her head because she cant hear out of one of her ears and the doctors thought that it might have been a tumor pressing on her ear drum. The results came back yesterday, and she is tumor free thankfully. She does have permanent inner ear damage and she will never be able to hear out of that ear again. She is hanging in there and appreciates all your love and support.
Lindsay Heim
Girl in Pink Designs
Events Manager
Challenges Manager

Anonymous said...

Can anyone do screen shots of the DST stuff - I'm curious now, and I can't see that forum.

Anonymous said...

^^^ Same here- or copy and paste. It's the Designers only forum, I guess?

Anonymous said...

It's a jpeg so I cant copy and paste. But basicly it says that Trish has an internet fraud complaint to file with the State attny in Cali if RA doesnt pay. She also says that several other DD designers are prepared to submit their forms too. RA says "do whatever you'll get your money." I can't decide if she sounds resigned or condescending towards Trish.

Anonymous said...

From #92 I can't decide if she sounds resigned or condescending towards Trish.

Probably both...

Anonymous said...

If you are reading this and you're a designer at DD, can you please answer a question that I want to ask--and I don't mean this with condescension or rudeness or other smackable words. I truly am curious: Why have you stuck around so long if you haven't been paid since October of last year? You will now be paying taxes on money that you have yet to actually receive. That is total bullshit--RA should have paid you and you are completely right to be mad. So is it guilt that made you stay? Were your sales really high and you were just hoping that you'd eventually get paid? I just can't imagine not being paid for months at a time. I totally get why for all the DD designers are pissed and I'm mad myself--and I don't even shop there. If I had, I probably would be very vocal on the DD boards. As it is, I don't feel comfortable doing that, but I do feel angry at RA for treating good people like this. It's bullshit.

Anonymous said...

89 said "Royanna is doing okay, I know she has been in pain recently. She is going to physical therapy 3-4x a week for her hips."
how the hell is Royanna walking around Disney if she has PT 3 or 4 times a week?! WTF?! Every time someone posts something that "proves" RA is sick, it makes me ask more questions instead of answers them.

Anonymous said...

She's closing up shop!!!! Are we surprised? No.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Delusional and no mention of the poor designers there and paying them. http://www.divinedigital.com/forums/showpost.php?p=133829&postcount=43

Anonymous said...

95- not only that, she just started the "Couch to 5K" recently. So she's got this debilitating blood disease, is now posting that she has to have a bone marrow transplant and she's doing PT 3-4 times a week, so I think the best thing to do is start a running program to get you from the Couch to a 5k run in something like 10 weeks (you could take longer, but still!)... I don't know what to believe anymore. Is she or has she EVER *REALLY* been sick?????? Seriously- I wonder sometimes. It's like she has Munchausen disease! I don't want to think she is making any of it up, but really- every time something crappy is going on there's another disease on the list! It's because I don't trust her that I can't even trust that she's really sick- and that saddens me!!!

Anonymous said...

I just wonder if the designers will be paid this weekend or if she's hoping to garner enough money from this retirement sale to then pay them off. It's pretty obvious she's been 'caught' and now all she can do close shop.

My opinion on her 'illness' - I don't think it's real. Sorry but I don't.

Anonymous said...

What a soap opera! I can't believe RA has gotten away with these shenanigans as long as she has. Her post that says the store is closing was sickening. She claims to be a Christian, and relied on God for the answer to close the store. What a crock. It's people like that that give Christians a bad name. I feel for her if she really is sick, but to screw around with other people's money is just FRAUD. She SHOULD be in jail. I hope the designers do take legal action on her! That is their money she's been living on.

Anonymous said...

No wonder she's been so silent- coming up with a really good "Goodbye" letter to appease the fan club. Now they can think it's all okay because she's sick and needs new bone marrow and of course THAT'S why she's been going to Disneyland with the other designers money... I mean, couldn't process payroll! What.Ever.Royanna.

Anonymous said...

In my opinion, closing a business in one month due to illness is not so clever. I am not a store owner but if I was ill (and possibly needed money for my multiple medical treatments), I would rather train someone to do the day to day work and keep the business going to generate money. Also, if she has been so ill for so long, how come God only told her today to close the store? Or did God tell her to pay her designers? Maybe she is listening to what she wants.

Store owners who might be reading this, can you tell how long it takes to do payroll? I never did that, but I cannot imagine that it would take days. She did not have even 6 hours since October to do payroll??( I am just assuming that 6 hours woul be sufficient, maybe I am wrong)

Yup, whatever angle you look at it, it looks fishy.

Anonymous said...

I am just nosey and curious here: in the designers' contract, how long is it supposed to be between notification of closing shop and the actual closing? I hope it is not more than 4 weeks because if that is the case, she is going against the contract for all the designers.

Anonymous said...

103- I don't know what the contracts state, but I think at this point, they just want to be paid and are looking to move to another store, pronto! A couple of them had already announced they were leaving before Ruh-RO posted her "pity me" letter of departure. I think the sooner they get out of Dodge, the better for them!

It REALLY bothers me she didn't even make a public apology for all the problems SHE created with the designers. She just talks about God and Faith and her "Divine Journey" and all that crap. Sorry- I have spirituality but I don't go throwing around my faith like I'm some perfect little angel, all the while ignoring my "sins". She didn't pay these people- the least she could do is apologize!! But instead, she deletes the thread started by Trish and then plays the Pity-Me Card... again!!!! UGH!

Anonymous said...

She announced the closing on the DD facebook page, someone said I hope everybody gets paid first.

Anonymous said...

^^^^ LOL She's getting nasty over there now! It's playing out just like it always does. First she posts this long, rambling begging-for-sympathy post and the first negative response she gets, out come the claws, she rants, she throws a tantrum and the standard set of answers comes out: she never takes any profit! (though in the past she has said DD is her only source of income for her family, yet she never takes any profit??? HUH??) and then about how she does everything from the standpoint of GOD and LOVE (like not paying your designers for almost 4 months- I can see where that comes from a place of LOVE) and then about how she's going to pack up her toys and leave the playground and now you all get what you want because she's (in my best 4 year old tone): Quitting designing for GOOD!

That will make a lot of people happy that didn't like her work anyway!

Anonymous said...

So ..... paying her designers has caused her to quit? LOL

Anonymous said...

I think Royanna's biggest "health" issue is that she is a pathological liar.

Anonymous said...

She is fucking crazy, and I haven't ever said that about anyone.

If Trish was only owed $200 from Oct-Jan, the sales can't be that much. $50 a month? No idea why the designers were still there.

Anonymous said...

"I felt led by God to this decision. It was not an easy haphazard decision, but one truly based on Faith. Due to my failing health and the need for a bone marrow transplant it is time to focus on my Husband and two teenage boys who need me more than ever to be well."

So NOW that she is so sick that she has to close the store (but just last Monday, she posted FB pics at a ski resort!), NOW she has time to pay the designers.

Anonymous said...

No idea why the designers were still there.
As Trish had stated in the thread that was removed (or was it somewhere else), designers possibly thought they had more chance of being paid if they were still in the store than away.

Also, consider that what is owed to the designers is only part of what was sold since she has to take a commission (I don't know how much but if a common rate is 80/20, then, the $200 would be $250 in sales). And also, maybe the designers stopped adding much in their stores recently, stopped promoting THAT store, etc. I would not assume that ONLY $200 means bad sales (although maybe too).

Anonymous said...

In every negative post she is just pasting the same crappy response and not even addressing the issue.

Anonymous said...

At DST, Digilicious Designs said that when she left it took a year to get all the money that she was owed form her!

Anonymous said...

She just deleted the "How is Royanna?" post.

Anonymous said...

There's one more up still up... for how long, though?


Anonymous said...

Either not public or deleted.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and the Announcements she made are still up...


She's getting raked over the coals over the "no profit" "only income" thing... Girl just needs to admit she got caught being lazy with the payroll. I'm not saying she was STEALING IT, I'm just saying she was taking her own sweet time dishing it out. I guess she figured if she couldn't TAKE IT she could BORROW IT for awhile?

Anonymous said...

#116 - (RE: #115 link) - sorry about that. It's not public because it's the Freebie forum. Didn't think about that. So you have to be a registered member to see it. :-( And it's still up... for now.

Anonymous said...

If I had known it was going to be like this, I would have made popcorn!

Anonymous said...

She's deleting posts like crazy over there, it kind of makes me want to register just to post stuff.

Anonymous said...

I wasn't registered and just just tried - you have to be approved first. I doubt she'll approve anyone (well, maybe - but I'm not holding my breath!)

Anonymous said...

posted by Trish
"As my other threads have been deleted, i just wanted to stop in here say a big thank you to all of the members who stood behind us designers here at divine digital the last few days.

I did receive my final payment from Divine Digital this afternoon, hopefully the rest of the designers continue to get paid, as I know only 2 or 3 of us have received payments, there are many other designers that have yet to see any money.

I do believe Royanna is making the right decision in closing the store. While I do believe in MY HEART she was not honest, I am glad she is making this decision for herself and family now. I closed ESS 2 years ago for the very reason it got to be too much for me to handle and it was not fair to the designers or members. Sometimes you just need that push in the right decision.

I do wish Royanna and all the designers here the best of luck in their future endeavors"

Anonymous said...

Deleting posts is, in itself, a loud indication that someone wants something swept under the carpet. Someone who would have made an honest mistake would admit it (especially if God helped - sorry, couldn't help add this). Trish' thread (and the other "How is Royanna") was mostly stating facts. There was no name calling, no flaming, just facts. If some information was inaccurate, Royanna could have stated facts too. Deleting the threads is just giving even more ammunition to anyone wanting to go the legal route. I am sure anyone posting something will be taking screenshots, until the theads are deleted (if they don't, they should!). It will then become a cat and mouse game! And I suspect the mice will win over the cat!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Inquiring minds want to know...did God tell her to take the payroll and go to Disney? She is a liar, a hypocrite and gives Christianity a bad name.

Anonymous said...

All I can say is that there are a bunch of suckers still lapping up that Royanna bullshit.

Anonymous said...

What the hell kind of kool-aid does she give those people?

Anonymous said...

The whole thing just makes me sad, really people, she is SO NOT indicative of all Christians!!! It saddens me that one of the most openly Christian digi-sites out there has gone down like this. It's not for me to say whether she is truly a Christian or not, but she is clearly not acting in a Christlike manner.

Anonymous said...

Well duh.

Anonymous said...

Royanna probably doesn't have enough money to pay everyone so she could only pay a few now.

Anonymous said...

She paid only the ones she knows would take action for the rest I doubt they will see their money.

Anonymous said...

I agree #131

Anonymous said...

On a happier note: Mye almost raised enough money through her site to get the surgery for her son:



Anonymous said...

Does the $11,185 for Mye include the money she received from Pixel and Company for the collab? I would also imagine that she had fairly decent sales in her store this month.

Anonymous said...

Did the designers get the INTEREST owed to them, too? Because if that money sat in RA's bank account or PP account for months, then I'm owed what I would have earned on it had it been in my bank account (which is where I put my money after getting paid via PP).

Anonymous said...

Trish retired 12/1 so she wouldnt have been owed anything for Dec or Jan.

I've processed payroll for a shop with 15 designers and it took me about 10 minutes. DD has a lot more designers than that, but honestly a lot of them arent very active and proabably dont sell a lot.

Anonymous said...

A fellow designer just sent me this link http://andjelina22.blogspot.com/2013/01/very-important-message-for-all.html

and the "designer" in question so please be careful http://sassidesignsblog.blogspot.com/

Anonymous said...

wow. There must have been some serious back end drama for her to post that the way she did.

Anonymous said...

#134 - No that money was just from the website set up. I have no idea what kind of funds the collab brought in.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to see Sassi Designs using Photoshop (in addition to PSP). As our resident Photoshop expert has informed us in the past, this makes her a real designer...

That CU store has no right to say anything about a customer like that. I don't care if she's asked for a refund 20 times. You block her and move on. That's part of doing business. You do not post something like that openly. All that does is open your store up for a lawsuit.

Anonymous said...

That Sassi chic looks like a nutcase though.

Anonymous said...

As our resident Photoshop expert has informed us in the past, this makes her a real designer...

Anonymous said...

Whoa! Royanna totally dropped the ball on her store.

Anonymous said...

137- that post is gone now... but fortunately, the Sassi chic left hers up! BAM! What a soap opera! It's a good week for drama in the digi world!

Anonymous said...

How undemanding is that page from Sassy Designs with that ugly pink text and ugly header, brrrr

Anonymous said...

Too bad I can't read everything people are linking to!

Anonymous said...

When Royanna posted (and copied and pasted) her sad news of the store closing, it was all about God and her health and boah boah boah. Now, everyone replying to THAT thread is so sorry for her, supporting her decision because of her health, and so on. Yet, that gave only half of the story: her half. And again, she is getting those members on her side because the picture she shows is incomplete.
I cannot imagine that the closing of the store is ONLY because of her health and God telling her. After being sick so long, it had to happen the day she is threatened publicly by legal actions. Coincidence? I think not. But again, she does not mention it in her sad announcement.

She just sounds manipulative. Could that be possible?? *rolling eyes*

Anonymous said...

Yeah and now all the people mentioning paying her designers are being called mean-spirited! WTF? How is it mean to want to support people getting paid for their work?

Anonymous said...

cache of Trish's deleted post: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:OkvofcD0L70J:www.divinedigital.com/forums/showthread.php%3Ft%3D10730+&cd=1

Anonymous said...

How do other people who live where Mye lives pay for operations? I am honestly curious and not just trying to stir something up.

Anonymous said...

Mommyto3bugs is my hero


Anonymous said...

#150 I don't live in the Philippines but in a country (I think) quite similar to it, so this is just a speculation. We also don't get free treatments for things like this, especially if you don't work full time for any company or organization. I have to buy health insurance policies for myself and my kids (which would be an impossible thing for Mye to do since in her baby's case he's born with it.) A government health program only covers basic stuff so the medical bills can be quite exorbitant.

Anonymous said...

I just read the whole thread at DD. I can't believe those people that are complaining about the one negative poster!! I wonder how negative they would be if they hadn't been paid for their job in almost 4 months. They are slobbering all over Royanna. It made me happy I quit going there 2 years ago when I had my run in with Royanna. She hasn't changed. It's still all about HER and HER and HER. If she hasn't used any money from DD in 7 years, where did it all go?? Fools for believing her!

Anonymous said...

Oh wow - that Royanna is a head case. I had posted a link to Mommyto3bugs' post (she made a few) and now the one is DELETED.

OK RA - you are one sick bitch.

Anonymous said...

I thought the same thing 153! One chick was all in a tissy, "How dare you" and other such crap. Uh - I believe they "dare" because they haven't been paid, you fucking moron! Ugh! Sometimes I wish I could reach through the screen and bitch slap sense into people!!! Ha! They should read the last page or so here and see how people really feel. The "negative" comments over there are quite tame imo compared to here, lol.

Anonymous said...

All the facts about not paying the designers are either deleted or ignored. There were two long threads about it, and they are gone. Now, it is only the sob story of herself, and everyone seems to fall back in the trap. I wonder if designers would go back into that sobby thread and posted their side of the story, if the posts would stay (or maybe that has already happened and they are deleted?).

Interestingly, Royanna has not posted anything at DST where Trish also had her side of the story. I guess Royanna has no control over there and could not delete Trish's post and since Trish posted in the designer section, Royanna would not get the members on her side.

Very curious to see how it will turn out. I doubt there will be *just* a store closing and then nothing. What will be the next drama?

Anonymous said...

I can't believe there are designers posting closing sales. Hello? After this fiasco what makes them think they will be paid when she CLOSES?

Anonymous said...

Some customers have replied to some of those posting sales, that they don't want to buy from DD exactly for that reason: they care too much about the designers to buy there and want to know where they go so they can buy there. Good for them!

Anonymous said...

Hope springs eternal?! LOL

Anonymous said...

#151 - I'm mommyto3bugs and THANK YOU. I'm surprised I haven't been kicked off of the forums yet. I don't want to start flame wars over there, but I will not back down and will not be called out for defending those designers.

Fortunately, I was able to go back a few pages in history and the post as I typed it was still saved. I'm glad, because I will probably repost it at some time if someone calls the "meanies" out again! Here it is, including the quoted part of the post I was responding to. It is not the other woman's entire post (oh, she went on and on and on!) but it was the main part that ticked me off enough to respond:


In regards to the 2 previous negative comments--HOW DARE YOU take something like this and make it public--who cares if it's hip surgery or bone marrow transplant or possibly both!

If, allegedly, Royanna was not paying some of the designers, there might have been a legitimate reason as to why. Be proud of making complete bafoons of yourselves in front of everyone.

The only person I saw mention a bone marrow transplant was Royanna herself. So if you are implying someone "outed her" then I don't know what that is about.

As far as "allegedly" not paying- THE DESIGNERS THEMSELVES were on the board posting they had not been paid since October. And it's not the first time that payments were late, apparently. They had received no answers to their inquiries as to when they would be paid and so felt compelled to come to a public forum to get answers. Apparently it worked. You would have seen those posts, but Royanna has been deleting threads (3 that I know of). I have screen captures of Trish's original post. She was not the only designer complaining of not being paid. Now who looks like a buffoon?

If you love Royanna and want to support here, that's great! But I don't know how any of you can justify her not paying her designers AND not contacting them about why, when they would get paid, or making other arrangements for them to get paid. They did their work- they should be compensated. I don't care how great a designer you are- you can't justify not paying people. And not paying people and not offering them an explanation is not a very Christian-like thing to do, in my opinion. Hate me if you want to, but I felt I should stick up for the designers, especially since I knew Royanna always get sympathy on these forums. She has finally (after all the posts and commotion began!) paid some of the designers, I do not know if she has paid ALL the designers, but I am at least glad she has stepped up to pay at least some of them. And as far as being my concern or not? If anyone purchased something from the other designers in the last almost 4 months- YOU gave your money to the store, YOU got your product to download but the DESIGNERS WHO DID ALL THE WORK did not get their payment. So it *is* my concern if I give money expecting the money to get to the right person and it doesn't.

Anonymous said...

Oh- wait! I went back a few more pages and got her original post. This is what was posted by the other woman- and was ALSO deleted by Royanna:

In regards to the 2 previous negative comments--HOW DARE YOU take something like this and make it public--who cares if it's hip surgery or bone marrow transplant or possibly both! You are not there and you do not know all of the circumstances. You do not deserve to know everything about Royanna's personal life. Did you ever think that she may have difficulty in dealing with it herself let alone sharing that with someone. For all you know, she could have been told she needed hip surgery and a few days later found out she needed a bone marrow transplant from a blood sample taken earlier--maybe EVEN the transplant might take place in her hip. Quite frankly, it's none of your business!! Also, HOW RUDE to bring something like that to the forum for the whole world to see. I hope you ARE happy that you did one of the most selfish, pitiful things a human being can do. Obviously, you've not had to struggle with a severe chronic illness or you would have at least a tiny bit of compassion or empathy. If you had issues with Royanna, they should have stayed private. She technically owes you no explanation of her life or condition. If, allegedly, Royanna was not paying some of the designers, there might have been a legitimate reason as to why. Be proud of making complete bafoons of yourselves in front of everyone. As you can see from all the wonderful comments, Royanna has a faithful, caring following of people that really could give a "rip" about what you've stated. It just shows your real colors. If there were legitimate concerns, you should have dealt with them in private! You should treat others the way you would want to be treated. Do you remember the little saying "what goes around, comes around?"

The irony of her saying *I* should treat others as I would like to be treated... and Royanna is a saint because she makes pretty things they like to get/buy. *Royanna* needs to treat people as well as she wants to be treated!!!

Anonymous said...

Surprised this thread isn't gone yet. Kern copied and pasted the same thing to this thread.


Anonymous said...

Thank goodness you were able to save those posts! When I went there today it had been deleted. I was so proud of you standing up those headcases! I don't have an active account there so I don't think I could post in the forum. But....

I posted this on her facebook page:


Yes, please make sure that you pay the designers as they haven't been paid since October. I find this highly disingenuous of you.

Anonymous said...

#163 is for #161

Anonymous said...

Am I the only one completely weirded out by the God goggles many of the people at DD appear to be wearing? I've been in the industry for many years and I've watched Royanna pull things like this time and again. Any other store owner or designer would have been forced to close down long before. However, each time just as it seems Royanna cannot get herself in any deeper she plays the God card and somehow all is forgiven. It's as though by invoking God she somehow becomes a martyr. It's creepy.

Anonymous said...

God goggles !!!

Anonymous said...

Agreed #165!

Anonymous said...

God Goggles :) That made me laugh. It's sad because I do call myself a Christian and I dont see anything Christian in stealing from these designers. It's okay, because she is sick? I dont think so!

And no, I know she has not paid my friend who is a designer there. She has the form though, it's going to the St Atty's office if she doesnt get paid today.

Anonymous said...

it's so pathetic how she removes the posts except the nodding and best wishes-type ones! I think these "you are wonderful person Royanna" ladies don't know or don't want to know the truth about the wonderful R.

Anonymous said...

Royanna has perfected the art of digital brainwashing.

Anonymous said...

I agree #169 and #170. I've been following that thread (which is the only one she'll allow to kept) and every negative post is removed, except "kern". It reminds me of the movie "A few good men" and the famous line "You can't handle the truth!".

Anonymous said...

and isn't there a group of people who paid money to the site for purchases and their download links never worked? I hope they contact their CC#/paypal and get the charges disputed. According to that wack job who was pasted above, I guess there is a legitimate reason why all those customers did not receive the kits that they purchased.

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHAHAH OH- this is CLASSIC. (mommyto3bugs here again)-- I wanted to respond to Kern's post- the one that got deleted from the other thread, but is allowed to stay now on this thread referenced above (#162). ** I can't post a reply on the there or start a new thread **

Guess she blocked me! I can still read, but I can't reply or post a new thread. Apparently she doesn't want to have to delete all these posts, so now she's just blocking people from commenting.

So KERN's replies and lies and BS are allowed to stay, but nothing about not paying the designers. I will try to register again, but I'm sure she's blocked my ISP or is watching out for it.

There was still some part of me that held out that she had good in her heart (Royanna) but she really is ROldemort! She is not honest and I don't care how many times she whips out the "get out of trouble free by invoking God's name" card - I will NEVER trust her again!!! Ever.

Anonymous said...

^^^^^ Royanna's behavior just proves to me that she isn't a nutcase at all, just a manipulative, pathological lier who's been using her designers' money to live on and now that she's forced to pay has brought out the sickness card.

Anonymous said...

I bought her store one time. Right before the store or server quit. It was offline for quite some time. When it finally came up, she extended my coupon, but only put about 2 peas of kits in the store until after my coupon expired. When I bought the store originally, she had about 20 pages of kits. I wasn't too happy, but made my split with DD at that time. I figured anybody that would do that can't be the "Christian" lady I had thought she was.

Anonymous said...

I guess since Scrap Take Out isn't as big of a store at Scrap Orchard, no one cares that they pulled the same thing. Still, NOTHING has been done about it from Scrap Take Out or Digiscrap Addicts.


Anonymous said...

174-and the God card.

Anonymous said...

#176 Obviously the only way to get what's owed to you these days is to publicly shame the store owner. Posting on this blog won't do. You'll have to go to their forums and post your complaint. Then file whatever papers are necessary.

Anonymous said...

Oh, it just keeps getting better and better... I am no longer allowed on the DAD forums either!! So I miss the last day of downloading... bummer! Oh, but I can't get the stuff for Feb. either! I'm sure she'll load them up with free stuff for February as her thanks to all her loyal supporters! OH WELL. The fact that she is behaving like this does not surprise me. True colors and all. I'll bet I'm still allowed in the store to spend money though! LOL

Not gonna happen, though. I refuse to help fund another one of her Disney Trips.

Anonymous said...

I'm betting that she's been reading this blog, lol.

Oh Royanna - your name is mud in the digi-community now!

Anonymous said...

The things is... Royanna has pulled this many times before. As with every time previous I imagine there will be no consequences whatsoever for her. You would think her name being tarnished would be a big deal, but really it's not. Most of the people that are not wearing the God goggles that have been in the digital scrapbooking community for more than a few years have seen this happen many times before. MANY times. None of us would touch her or anything she is part of with a 10-foot pole.

Anonymous said...

thing not things

Anonymous said...

PrincessLaLa's post:

Just for the flipping record cause i'm getting tired of the Royanna-bashing going on by people not directly involved in the current back-end issues of this site...

She/WE did not decide to close because things were posted publicly, it's something that has been considered for a LONG time and with Royanna's escalating health issues it just isn't something that could be put off any longer. Running a site of this size requires too much time, money & stress than can be handlef at this time.

What things posted publicly?? I thought we weren't mentioning that anymore?? LOL and "...at this time." But what about in October? Or November? When people weren't getting paid? And if the health issues are too much to run a site, how are they not too much to go on mini-vacations and to Disneyland? I hope she is reading here... Jigs up, Royanna!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you copied and pasted that #183 because I think it's been deleted by now. There's only 1 thread left and it has maybe 4 posts on it.

Anonymous said...

The things is... Royanna has pulled this many times before. As with every time previous I imagine there will be no consequences whatsoever for her. You would think her name being tarnished would be a big deal, but really it's not. Most of the people that are not wearing the God goggles that have been in the digital scrapbooking community for more than a few years have seen this happen many times before. MANY times. None of us would touch her or anything she is part of with a 10-foot pole.


Anonymous said...

I'm surprised by Princess LaLa's post considering that in the post she was well and truly screwed over, along with Wetfish, by Royanna.

Sorry to say that sticking up for your asshole business partner doesn't make you a good person, it just makes you another asshole.

Anonymous said...

I wish Roybanana would just STOP posting to the Kool-Aid club to dredge up sympathy! She's on 50 med's a day "just to stay alive!", hooked up to IV's for cancer treatments (I thought she was in remission from both of her cancers?), in PT 3-4 times a week and in excruciating pain... but going to Disneyland and starting the Couch to 5K run stuff, but yet not paying people? That must be the yummiest Grape Kool-aid EVER!

Anonymous said...

Let's give her the benefit of the doubt: maybe she IS that sick. If that is the case, it still does not explain the inconsistencies of what she posts on FB (Disney trip, ski resort, Couch to 5k, etc.).
Let's give her the benefit of the doubt: maybe she HAS internet and computer issues: she can be on Pinterest and post on FB.
Aside from just not adding up, nothing explains a 3 months delay in payroll. Payroll does not take weeks to process. Payroll does not require super human physical capacities. Payroll should have been doable despite health issues (especially if she was healthy enough to do what she physically has done according to her fb). THAT is not about hate or whatever she feels the comments are about. Trish stated FACTS. Royanna stated excuses. They just do not add up PERIOD!

Anonymous said...

I see that my posts have been removed from the DD Fan page.

Anonymous said...

I've noticed lots of things missing. It's like Nixon turning over the tapes and transcripts... edit, edit, edit... No coverup, though!

Anonymous said...

Poor Royanna! She's deleting posts as fast as she can and removing designers from her store. It's liable to make a serious dent in her Disney time.

Anonymous said...

It looks like some whole sections of the forum are gone too. The Cafe thingie where several posts were mentioning the non-payments is missing now!
That is not a godly thing to do. It really looks like a cover up.

Anonymous said...

176 - I agree it's shameful. I think it redeems Kami a bit that she actually made things right for people. It says loads about Jen Yurko that she hasn't done a thing.

You would think DSA would be demanding it be made right because their rules are that the products in the Fix be exclusive until the month following their sale. Not that I'm surprised by DSA's behavior either.

This will be the last Fix I buy.

Anonymous said...

Holy smokes, she's not just deleting posts, she's deleting whole SECTIONS of the forum. The "member cafe" is gone!

Anonymous said...

I am too coward to post in the forum but we can surely find some God words of our own too:

Job 7:2
As a servant desiring the shades of evening, and a workman looking for his payment:

Jeremiah 22:13
A curse is on him who is building his house by wrongdoing, and his rooms by doing what is not right; who makes use of his neighbour without payment, and gives him nothing for his work;

Matthew 20:8
And when evening came, the lord of the vine-garden said to his manager, Let the workers come, and give them their payment, from the last to the first.

Anonymous said...

She should be prosecuted - honestly she should be and if any designer is not paid yet, I would really encourage you to file the necessary papers tomorrow. Her actions have shown that she is a criminal - and regardless of what she says - she's also a pathological lier. Look over her personal facebook page (before she deletes the evidence) and tell me that a woman who is as sick as claims she is can do everything she's been doing.

She's been living the high life on your dime.

Anonymous said...

Holy smokes, she's not just deleting posts, she's deleting whole SECTIONS of the forum. The "member cafe" is gone!
That's so that members can't start new threads. The only sections left are the ones that only allow designers and admins to start threads. Now she can keep better track of the threads to delete posts from. She's removing designer priviledges if any designer says something out of line. It's amazing the lengths she's willing to go to to make sure that no one hears the truth.

Anonymous said...

And all the while passing out the goggles and kool-aid (snicker)

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't her time be better spent doing the payroll than playing cat and mouse with the posts. It would take her 5 minutes to post something to the effect that the pay was late and she is doing it right now. Then do the payroll. Then allow (or ask) the designers to state publicly that they WERE paid (I am sure designers would be happy to do it as it is the only thing they asked).

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