Ya know, I remember when she stated up DD and she was the shiz and people forgave her for stealing layouts from other galleries to promote her new site because they felt honored to be singled out.
Yep, if she is so sure god knows where her heart is, she's going to pay for her lies and deceit.
5--I just put Mommyish's goodies in my cart. Nothing was half off. :( I'm sorry if she's retiring because I love her designs. But she also randomly stopped selling PU awhile ago and went to straight CU. So it's not surprising if she's doing something like that again.
Is there ANY chance that Royanna will be selling in another store now? Or has she burned too many bridges in the digital world?? 'cause if it happens, I'm avoiding that store.
Wasn't Royanna selling at another store too? I seem to remember reading about that not that long ago and being quite surprise that she would have time to do so with managing DD. But maybe I am wrong.
I guess Ro figured she paid her, now go away? Dang. And is it just me, or do there seem to be a lot of designers missing from the store? I hope they got paid and got out on their own.
#7 Sorry I didn't mention that you had to use a coupon. She's retiring from pu products and only designing Cu for now. I bought half her store.I liked her products and couldn't resist the 50% off.
Wasn't Royanna selling at another store too? I seem to remember reading about that not that long ago and being quite surprise that she would have time to do so with managing DD. But maybe I am wrong.
She sold her stuff for a while at Digiscrap Warehouse. That store went kaput in the spring of 2011 or 2012. She may have sold her stuff somewhere else too.
She has a shop open at My Memories, but not much in it. And I can tell you it doesnt sell much based on her ranking on the designer page.
If you go to My Memories and click to see all designers, you see all their shop headers. Those are ranked based on performance the previous month. Today would still be December, it will update in the next few days to reflect January. Some of those designers at the top- scary stuff- but they are said to make thousands. Anyway, RA is no where near the top.
Yes, she did start selling at other stores, first during the big server crash she was at Digitals for a while and had her CU stuff at Digiscrap Warehouse. Then when that one "yummy" store started up she was selling there until there was all the fuss over them alledgedly using DD's mailing list, which she denied and promptle quit. More recently she started selling at My Memories and her etsy shop.
Am I the only one totally addicted to buying digi goodies. I have tons of supplies but I can't stop buying new stuff all the time. The designers out there are very talented. Well most of them..
I'm the same way, #21! I especially like realistic stuff, so anyone that has that- I'm probably buying their new stuff each time. I will admit to waiting for big sales, but then I buy, buy, buy! I have most of my stuff on a portable hard drive- need to go and organize it- again! I think I'll install Picassa again.
What do you use to organize it all? I try to keep it organized by store/designer, in case I have to credit someone, but I rarely post onto galleries so it doesn't matter that much. But I also find it's easier to go and see if I've bought something before already. Every site should work like Lettering Delights where you log-in and it tells you if you already own it!! LOL!
I'm #21. I usually shop when there's a sale.But sales happen all the time in digiland so I'm always shopping. Yesterday only... I bought kits from Mommyish, a few bargain bites from sweet shoppe designs I wanted the free kit with $10 purchase they had, the notebook from Digital Design Essentials and $Deals from Pixels & Co.
I use ACDSEE but I have to spend a week organizing everything at least. I have a folder which I store things I buy by store and date. It's easeier for me to remember that way. I also have a wish list folder with folders for every shop and inside a preview and price for every item I want. I need to organize my digi stuff by designer in ACDSEE because they keep moving around so much I'm losing track.
I bought a ton of stuff today, too. The first of the month is my favorite time. So many sales and new products and I really like the Scrap Packs in addition to TDD packs. I get a lot for my money and have found some new designers to follow.
I don't organize anything other than putting kits by designer on my EHD. Then I don't buy the same thing twice and can find a kit easily.
8, thanks for the code. Was it in her newsletter? (I could have sworn I was signed up for it. But I'm signed up for so many that I could have missed it.) OMG, I totally forgot today is the 1st! I gotta go DL TDF and see if there's anything good. I'll report back--if no one else does.
I've bought a lot this month too. I shopped a little bit at SSD, I got a couple of Mommyish's kits, and Tracie Stroud had a 40% off coupon on her page that I picked up some kits with.
25-If you organize by designer name instead of store name, you won't have to reorganize every time someone moves from store to store. It works when I remember to do it that way.
If you are a designer at divine digital right now, turn your stuff off. If you stick around for a closing sale, you won't see a dime of it and Royanna will run off with it in the end. That's a sure fire bet.
Any bets on how long Royanna will stay quiet once the Closing Sale is final? And whether she will hold onto the site name until she can make her grand comeback? And whether she will have blacklisted all those that she has blocked on the site now?
I figure this is a great Cash Cow for her and while she wants to stomp her feet and end it right now, in a few months- when the money isn't flowing in off of other people's hard work- she will miss it and swoop back in. I figure she'll have made a "miraculous recovery" but will, of course, still be "in grave danger" but she missed her peeps and wanted to get back into it. That will be her story at least.
I guess I never really paid attention to the site enough all these years, but until this blew up I never realized how Christian-oriented that site really is. That's not meant to be bashing- have my own religious views and respect others' views- but I guess I never realized how many of the regular posters(and thus her fan-club over there are heavy-duty religious people. And if you aren't, then you better watch out! LOL
That's what I was thinking, #41! (on both counts!)
I give her a couple of months and then she'll talk to God again (i.e. her Bank Account) and decide she can't keep herself away from her customers. And she'll have some grand project to welcome them all back and spread her LOVE and FAITH... and 15 days into the 30 day challenge she'll have some "life event" that keeps it from being completed. But that's okay, they will say, because they are just grateful for her generosity and it doesn't matter that she has ZERO follow-through. 2 months is about right. She's got the Disney Pass paid for this year, so she just needs spending money!
oooh... I hadn't thought of that #43... interesting! Well, the designers that were ticked have left or are leaving... so she could have a DT call and the new ones wouldn't know how she is, so she could string them along for a good 6 months at least. She's blocked all the supposed "haters" and so now they can go on their merry Kool-Aid drinking way! Hmm... that is an interesting theory.
We will have to wait and see. I really hope she does close and stay away. It would be nice to see her fade into Digi-scrapping history. But she's too narcissistic- so that's too good to be true!
She's been busy this morning. She just deleted the mega-kit category. Newest kt in there was from 2011. Three designers have empty stores. Deleting them is really going to cut into going to Disneyland today!
I think she's desperate for money. Some of the designers who weren't paid yet may be filing claim forms as we speak so she needs money to pay them off. Because obviously she's already spent the money they earned from sales.
She's the worst king of shister using her Christianity to hide behind. Reminds me of Tammy Faye Baker, lol.
Any one think she's really going to manage to complete the rest of the 40 day challenge like she "promised" she would?
Also- I ticked off somebody over there and am now blocked from seeing the freebies portion any more- did she EVER post her stuff for January? And is she posting for February? Or is she too busy running from her obligations... I mean- working towards closing down her store?
What do you think it would take- what would Royanna have to do to finally let all those fan club people know what kind of person she really is? If not paying her designers for nearly 4 months (after not paying them on time twice before in the year) is not enough... if claiming internet problems while being on FB and Pinterest isn't enough... if repeatedly being late on projects or not completing them is not enough... what will it take?? What kind of spell does she put people under!!!!????
So Royanna is having another 50 cent sale? Some of those kits are listed at 7.98- I'd be kind of pissed that she marked them down so much now. Wait- does she ever sell at her asking price, or are they always marked down at least a little? Either way, I think it's weird what she's doing. Other designers have stuff 50% off and she's having a Yard Sale!
Minimum store price was a dollar because of the high paypal fees when I was there. Yet for one sale some designers had their sale prices down to 50 cents. The next sale I specifically asked if sale prices could go under a dollar. Her replay was not to do that - I would be taking food off of her family's table!
I remember one time her telling me that she sold many kits at full price ($4 for a DAD). Then about 2 - 3 weeks later she said she had to do another buy my store sale because she had not had any sales!
A price of 50 cents does not make sense if a customer is buying only one item, but if they buy 10 items it adds to a $5 purchase so the paypal fees won't eat it all up. I am sure if she puts everything on at 50 cents, people will buy more than one item at the time, so she won't be bothered by those "high paypal fees".
You know, she kind of shoots herself in the foot by giving away such huge kits in the DAD and freebies things. Why buy her stuff when you can get so much free? I have bought stuff from her, but only when she has extreme sales or the buy the store thing (once- I know people who have bought it several time! What the??) Maybe if she gave away less then people would buy more? She's not getting any more of my money, that's for sure!
she does the BMS for $20. If you miss enough DADs (5 at $4 each) then it is cheaper to do the BMS. Which was probably why she was not getting any sales. Yep, shot herself in the food and trained her buyers just to wait for the BMS sale. She is a natural blonde all right.
Many stores and designers have trained their customers. Too many in fact. Customers are not stupid. A lot of them will wait for the expected sale, even if they still like the product enough to buy it full price. I think those regular sales are badly used as a marketing strategy.
I'll admit to it- I wait for the sales. And I would buy them at regular price, but on sale I can buy more so why buy at full price? I know that sucks to hear as a designer. :-(
Why would I buy anything from her? I don't want 1000 pictures of her anyway. Why she feels I would want all those sexay photos of her in the first place is beyond me.
#60- oh, yeah-- why does she do that? I delete all that crap as soon as I unzip the files. I hate that she puts her face on everything (though that is better than the boudoir photo she used to use!). I do have to admit her hair looked a lot better back when it was brown with blonde highlights than that pile of thrashed straw she has on her head now. But good hair or not, I don't want her photo a thousand times over!
I always wait for sales too because I agree #59 on sale I can buy more stuff...and that makes me happy. I have so many products to work with already in case I need to scrap something asap so I'm not in a hurry to purchase something full price. I can wait for the sales and yes #57 I know when to expect sales from most stores I buy from. Don't forget there are 2 major sales a year NSD in May and DSD in November.
#63 - exactly! It's not like real paper scrapping where you use an embellishment once and you have to buy another one to use it again. I have so much "stash" already I can easily find something to use while waiting for a sale. Now, even with all that stash, I'm going to buy new stuff- I can't resist. But I'm going to buy it on sale. And that's the tough part for the designers and owners. You have to have sales to compete with the other stores- and the customers know it and know when it will happen. Hell, I can keep track of when designers have birthday sales and mark those on my calendar, for instance. But marking your stuff down to 50 cents is crazy! I hope she still doesn't get many sales!! Although I'm sure her Kool-Aid drinking buddies will step up to buy from her to help her out. Back when she was gone from the board for so long, one member was trying to get everyone to make a page to show Royanna how important she was to all of them (*gag*) and then there was another post saying they should all buy *something* from the store- no matter how little the cost- but just something from the store to show her they care and they miss her. Blegh! And I'm sure Royanna is counting on this now. She's probably been strategically planning this exit for months!
I like #66's idea, too - but not enough to spend money on it!
Good catch #68!!! I have long suspected that her computer broke when she wanted it to. Many times she has rattled off some techie speak to me as to what the problem was - only thing was that I know enough to know what she was saying did not make sense! Like how after her ehd crashed she replaced it with a 3 terrabyte SOLID STATE ehd!!
Royanna has more ammunitions for sympathy. Now she is putting her dog to sleep. I have seen others post about that kind of sad event in their life on FB and I think it is ok, but it is amazing how, coming from her, it does not have the same effect on me. My first reaction is "is this for real?" as for probably most other people, I WOULD feel sympathy. Can you "wear out" sympathy in others?
That is where she posted that it is her ONLY source of income for her family. If she has not taken a dime from the site and reinvested EVERYTHING into the store, they must be starving! since 2009 that is.
re customers waiting for sales: I know some designers who pride themselves on being "extreme couponers." So it really annoys me when they complain about not using a coupon or doubling up on their sales (like, don't use a coupon code she gives you with the store's sale). Why is it OK for her to save via coupons but not her customers? Everyone loves to save money. Oh, and I have a question about gift certificates. At TLP I saw a designer say "Please don't use a gift certificate or coupon code with this product. It's already discounted enough!" I get why she doesn't want people to use a coupon code, but why can't you use a gift certificate? Do the designers NOT get money if it's a REAL gc (meaning someone bought a gc as a gift for a DSer. It's not a gc that the store made as a prize for a challenge or some other freebie win.) DH bought me a gc to a few different DS stores for Christmas. I'm going to feel like shit if the money goes to the store owner and not to the designers I actually bought from. OK, does that make sense?
#78 Now that you mention it I always wondered what designers who work at same stores do? Do they exchange products for free or do they offer their fellow designers coupons? When you say you know designers who pride themselves on being "extreme couponers" what do you mean? Where do they get their coupons from?
79: I'm 78. I meant extreme couponers IRL. Like, they get $200 worth of groceries for like $15. So, they want to save money but they don't like to let their own customers save money. Whatevs.
#78 - I don't think I've ever seen a designer asking not to use a gift certificate. I understand not using a discount coupon on a discounted item, but a gift certificate? That seems strange to me.
Allison Pennington says (in italicized red font, no less) *no discounts, coupons, or gift certificates of any kind are to be used with this grab bag - it's already deeply discounted*
http://www.the-lilypad.com/store/Treat-grab-Bag.html I have no problem not using a coupon on a grab bag because a GB is a big fat discounted item. But no gift cert? TBH, I'm not planning on buying that GB, but I am planning on using a gc--but I want the money to go to the designers. What am I supposed to do with the gc burning a hole in my pocket?!
This is the first time I have heard her say they have a dog - and a service dog at that. The thing is she was talking with me a year ago about wanting a small scruffy female mix. But if you have a service dog from one of the reputable organizations one of their firm rules is no other dogs in the house.
I would never sell at a store that didn't give me the $ for my sold products just because they were bought with a gift card. That's basically stealing from your designers.
You know, she kind of shoots herself in the foot by giving away such huge kits in the DAD and freebies things. Why buy her stuff when you can get so much free? .... Maybe if she gave away less then people would buy more? She's not getting any more of my money, that's for sure!
This is what doesn't make sense to me - she gives the stuff away to get traffic to her store. She uses the traffic to attract new designers (whom she apparently doesn't always pay). But the store itself should be worth a fair amount of money because of the traffic, why isn't she selling the shop or the domain name?
This is the first time I have heard her say they have a dog - and a service dog at that. The thing is she was talking with me a year ago about wanting a small scruffy female mix. But if you have a service dog from one of the reputable organizations one of their firm rules is no other dogs in the house. ------
Still - if you have a GC you should be able to use on anything. You can in actual stores so why should digi be any different. It's not as if you're going to lose anything. Once you make your kit you can sell thousands of copies, theoretically.
The other designers do participate in the DAD's, but often Royanna is doing one a month. You make a lot more money when you do the DADs. Some of it is the exposure and some of it is people buying the days they missed. Of course you have to not price it so high they won't buy! Only better money maker is having the Divine Diva Deal for the week. That is cause she actually sends out a newsletter advertising the DDD. (Well, usualy does)
#88 She does do some of the DAD - well, she's signed up for days, whether she posts anything or not is another issue! LOL I have gotten stuff from her before in DADs. But recently she did the "Wise men seek him"/25 names for Jesus give away and she was doing the 40 days of inspiration or whatever it was called- what it became was 24 days of downloads spread out over about 40 days followed by many, many days of excuses as to where the other stuff is/would be. So she does give away stuff. Most of the time it's free for a day and then goes into her store at "regular price" which is now steeply discounted to 50 cents each.
This is the first time I have heard her say they have a dog - and a service dog at that. The thing is she was talking with me a year ago about wanting a small scruffy female mix. But if you have a service dog from one of the reputable organizations one of their firm rules is no other dogs in the house. ------
Who are you talking about? Feb 2, 2013, 11:13:00 PM
I believe it's in reference to Royanna F. from Divine Digital
In all of the stores I've sold in, I've never received the money when it is paid for by GC. The store receives that money when the person buys the initial GC, it isn't later given to the designer that the GC was used on unfortunately. Sucks.
My store sells GCs and gives them for payment to mods etc. We get paid on stuff bought with purchased GCs but not on the payment/promo ones. From what our owner says its a pain to sort through, but she does it.
#94 That sucks! I never knew that! I always wondered why designers would say not to use a GC... I wish it was made more clear. SO basically you can only use a GC on stuff from the OWNER of the store (as they have already gotten the money for the GC)!!!
I'm going to be very annoyed because I think the money should go to each designer I buy from. And if TLP and other stores advertise their GCs as "payment" and as "great gifts," why don't the designers say anything? (And why do stores give away GCs instead of coupon codes?!) If GCs were only available to paying customers (and not as freebies for challenges or whatever) then it would be easy for the store owner to pay designers for GC purchases. STORE OWNERS, if you're reading this, will you please clarify to your customers where your GC funds go? Do it here, do it on your store's "buy a GC here!" page, do it in the forums. I don't care where. But please make it clear. I understand that store mega collab money goes to the store to fund the site--that makes sense. But GCs? ITA with PP--that's stealing from your designers! (Note to self: Just ask DH to put $$$ in PayPal next Christmas. Then I can spend what I want without worrying the GC money isn't going where it should)
I have to say.. this Royanna creeps me out. I can't believe she has pulled the wool over so many eyes. I'm all for religion and what not but people need to be smart at the same time. Common sense folks.. if it smells like shit more than likely it is shit.
And what about points we gather in certain shops like Scrap Orchard and the Lilypad? When I purchase stuff with those points I'm guessing nobody gets money either.
I just saw a new post Mye De Leon posted on her blog about the money she gathered. They have collected the money for the surgery and a little extra. Great news. She gives a detailed description where she got her money from. Mscraps gave her 1100 euros. Did they sell the charity collab? I can't remember.
#98 - That's right. Points will mean less money to the designer (and the store for that matter), so if you want to support a designer in particular, don't use points on purchase for her products. As a designer, it is annoying to see a $20 purchase where the customer only pays $3 because the rest is paid in points. I understand that it is the situation for all the designers in the same store, but it is still a downer to see it (but I surely understand the customer who will want to use those points they earned or accumulated).
re: GC's - - I don't know about other shops, but where I sell (yes, a well known top middle tier store) when something is paid by GC, the designer gets the $$. If GC's are given out for prizes...the designer still gets their $$ if it is spent in their shop. It's the owner that takes the hit (if they gave out the GC's). I can't imagine a shop where the designer isn't paid if someone uses a GC. That is just WRONG - and blame can be put on the owner.
I have sold in stores where I got the $$ from gift card sales and stores where they owner kept the money. I always found the later to be theft as well.
I think customers really need to understand why designers sometimes "store hop". There are a lot of things that happen behind the scenes you don't learn until after you open shop. The GC thing was one of the reasons I left that shop, but I ended up being called a store hopper.
If a GC is purchased and the owner got $$ then the designer should be paid- and in my shop is paid. But if the GC is promo and more like a coupon then the owner got no money and I dont mind not being paid. Our shop uses GCs to pay bloggers and some of our ad people. They are working to promote for us so I dont see it as any different than handing them links to a kit.
103 - Me, too. Where I sell designers get the $$ for GC purchases.
Points sales shouldn't go to the designers. They are a loss for the store as a whole. They are points that the customer earns for being a repeat customer and they are usually a penny to the dollar on what they've spent. So if a customer has spent enough in your store to earn a free kit, good for them! That's the kind of customer I want.
Yes, all stores are not created equal and some things are definitely not "visible" before you join. I also was called a store hopper because I left 4 stores where things were really not great behind the scene (like the owner putting the whole store on sale at 75% without asking the designers!), but this is haunting me if I need to apply to a store and I am asked where I sold before and why I left.
I really wish I knew which stores you were all talking about. I'd love to know which stores are actually good/professional to their designers and which ones are not. As a designer it would be great to know this stuff going in! And wow 107, I definitely would be pissed over that - I want to know which store that is to avoid!
Store owners, what kind of answer would you want about the scenario #107 posted? I would NOT want to bad mouth another store but don't want to be thought of as a store hopper. What's the answer to this dilemma?
108: I think that any designer who is considering selling at a store should talk to current designers, as well as past designers. That's the best way to get a fair representation. Also, look at the way the owner communicates with you. Do they respond to your questions? Reply in a timely manner? Are they forthcoming with information?
Even giving the truth, it can still look bad on the designer. A bit like "how come she has ALL those issues with ALL those stores? Maybe SHE is the problem." Some store owners might see it for what it is, others might see more into it and disqualify the applicant. You never know!
I'm just a shopper, but I never dreamed that buying a gc went to the store instead of the designer. I've bought a few gc over the years. I will ask questions before I buy any in the future.
If you changed stores more than three or four times in a year, then you are a possible store hopper. If it's only been twice in a year and you haven't done it again, I wouldn't call you a store hopper.
116 - I guess it still depends on who is looking at those facts. Someone might have changed store 3 times in a year for very good reasons and be labeled a store hopper. Or one can have sold in 6 stores in 3 years and be perceived as a store hopper too. You never really know what a store owner will think, and if she thinks badly of you because of that, it is sad but there is not much you can do.
116 - I guess it still depends on who is looking at those facts. Someone might have changed store 3 times in a year for very good reasons and be labeled a store hopper. ---
Or maybe she got pissed when she was taken to task earlier in the month for giving us rules and consequently she herself got smacked. She might have just left permanently.
I'm pretty sure it wasn't this month. I thought it was a while ago. She asked people not to ... promote their store I think it was. And she got bitched at for it. Long story short - she tried to make rules and got smacked for it.
re "store hopping": I think that sometimes there are valid reasons to leave a store--like the ones mentioned about behind-the-scenes stuff. Also, I don't think a designer is a store hopper if they announce that they're leaving a store and then *surprise!* it's later announced that the store is changing ownership or otherwise undergoing a big change. I guess it's all about how you word it in your app for the new store. If you say "I was lucky enough to join Store ABC, but unfortunately I didn't realize that I had to participate in ____ and so I decided that leaving on good terms was better than staying and being unable to fulfill a requirement. I learned from this experience to triple-check not only the contract but other areas of the owner/designer relationship before joining a store. Then I joined Store XYZ and I had the opportunity to grow as a designer. My time there was relatively short but my sales grew and I know my loyal customers will follow me to your shoppe." It's all about spinning it. (And if you left because you hated something about the store that you didn't know about beforehand, then like PPer said you've got to ASK former/current designers.
Do store owners really care about store hopping? I hear designers and owners talking about this, but I don't think that it really matters all that much to the customer. I could be wrong. And if I am then I'm sure shoppers here will smack me.
Or maybe she got pissed when she was taken to task earlier in the month for giving us rules and consequently she herself got smacked. She might have just left permanently. ----
That was two months ago or so, not earlier this month and she didn't try and make rules. Saying no promotion is hardly making rules but some people want to get pissed about everything.
Not a single person that has bought the Fix this month has emailed to tell me that or PMed me or anything. I have an email out to Jen now, as that is not allowed per our rules at DSA, and something will have to be done. I wish someone had emailed me earlier so I could have resolved this... if I hadn't happened to read here tonight, I wouldn't have known.
Typical of some of the smackers here, they think everyone reads here or has psychic power. I guess it shows that not everyone reads here.
I hear designers and owners talking about this, but I don't think that it really matters all that much to the customer. -------
It matters to me as a customer. If someone consistently store hops, by which I mean, someone who changes stores at least 6 or more times in a 24 month period, I'm going to think there is something flaky about that designer and her product.
re: GC's - - I don't know about other shops, but where I sell (yes, a well known top middle tier store) when something is paid by GC, the designer gets the $$. If GC's are given out for prizes...the designer still gets their $$ if it is spent in their shop. It's the owner that takes the hit (if they gave out the GC's). I can't imagine a shop where the designer isn't paid if someone uses a GC. That is just WRONG - and blame can be put on the owner.
Yes this is me, too - having been through 4 stores (in 5 years, 2 of which closed, I don't think I am a store hopper) every single store owner paid out for products bought with GCs.
If you think you are not being paid for products purchased with GCs - ask about it! When you get the invoice via email, it shows balance of 0.00 when paid with GC ... it's easy to assume that means you won't be paid, but it could be that your store owner is actually paying you for it! If your store owner is not, ask them why not? Those GCs were paid for with $$ that are not intended to line the store's bank account, they are meant to pay for the product at a later time.
re: GC's - - "When you get the invoice via email, it shows balance of 0.00 when paid with GC ... "
and what if I don't get invoices about the 0.00 purchases? The owner of the store where I sell thinks that sending out the $0 invoices means unnecessary bulk emails. I don't get notifications about the store and personal CT downloads, coupon and GC uses and so on. I hate waste my time to track down these "free" purchases!
134 - Unsure of where you live, but under some circumstances, the information on $0 invoices can be used as tax write-offs - especially if they're used for marketing. You should receive ALL invoices so you and your accountant/tax professional can determine if you can recoup any of the lost income as a write-off.
If the store owner is filtering those based upon her opinion, she is in effect, providing tax advice to you and can be held liable for part of your tax liability and other financial damages.
WTH is up with Scrap Stacks? They've suspended uploading for over two weeks now while they perform a site migration. I've never in my life seen a migration as slow as that one!
I have sold in a store where the owner didn't even send the invoices as they came because it had other products from other designers (after the big uproar about designers seeing others' sales) and had customer information on it. It was considered privileged information and would have been too much work to edit them one by one. I am sorry, but if I want to send a thank you email to the customer, I didn't want to have to send the email to the owner so she would send it to the customer. Bad system. I didn't stay there very long!
Xcart is best in this situation. Designers have access to everything and can pull reports, export them to Excel, and easily sort data. On the flip side, it is much more expensive than Zen and requires a lot more server space. They still can't see if a GC was paid for, but there is a lot more info available.
Zen Cart with Private Area Mod, allows designers to see sales reports, but no customer info. It doesnt export as well either, but it can be done. While the Zen software is free, setting it up as a decent digi store runs about half of what the Xcart set up costs are.
It would be nice if there were a Zen mod that would email designers with a report similar to X cart (excludes other designers, gives designers the cusomer's email addresses, etc). I would buy it in a second. The current mod will email designers with sales, but no customer email addy and no way to know if a GC was used. Its nice, but not enough for me to bother buying when the designers get the same info from the sales report.
I do like to have customer info. One past owner kept saying it was not necessary for the individual designers to have that information since the store owner had everything. That is a nice thought, until the store closes!
As an independent contractor, YOU should be aware of that. I keep all customer info, invoice information including date, invoice #, dollar amount, etc. Anything I can. It's YOUR business, not just the store owners. You need most of the same information they have.
If ever audited, you need to prove you're not hiding income. Hard to do that without any sales records. The amount in Paypal isn't enough. Your sales information from the store is your sales log. That's what backs up the information in Paypal and then amount on your tax form.
Oh, never mind - DD is loading now. I was thinking she had pulled the plug early on the forum to avoid having to post any of the stuff she "promised"! (That's awful to say, but you know she hasn't really earned any trust!)
142 - The store I sell in uses zencart and I get an email about every sale I make including the customers email address and any coupons they used for the sale.
There should be a list somewhere of what to ask stores when you apply to work there. It seems like the stores have a laundry list of things to ask potential designers but designers have to learn the hard way what to ask... and each new store means new potential problems and new questions. Any designers willing to post some idea of what to ask/be wary of when applying? Thanks in advance!
150 - We used to get all the invoices straight from zencart (years ago) for the whole store (ok, maybe it was not a BIG store) and everyone saw everything. I would just delete those that didn't relate to my sales, but a few years ago there was a big uproar where customers were shocked that anyone else would see their info, and that had led some store owners to go to the complete opposite and they chose not to disclose any more info. I left one store because of that. Good thing I was never audited since I missed quite a bit of invoices, and now the store is long gone.
The store I am at has lots of mods on Zencart, and we all get emails for our sales, with customer information, that shows if GCs or coupons have been used.
If a store owner tried to prevent me from getting ALL my sales invoices, I would be gone in an instant. I most definitely want to know who is getting my stuff for free!!
Similar to #153 above, The store I am in uses mods on Zencart and doesn't automatically send invoices for $0 sales. However, I can see from going in and running a sales report when a sale has been made that came to $0. That report will show us the customer's name and the discount code used (only one per transaction). I check my sales report a couple of times per week just to make sure everything is legit. I've never had any trouble.
151 - I learned the hard way that you should probably come and do a search over here for the store you're thinking of joining. I had my stuff at one of Charly's stores for about 5 minutes. I should have asked around a little more before getting into that mess. The place was a disaster. Luckily I was able to get out of there without too much difficulty.
I don't understand how someone can go on facebook and muster up so much sympathy and support while in the meantime they are whacking their designers over the head with a club. She's still at it. Calling everybody that wants their money "haters" and meanies. Geeze.
160-I guess so! She's posting cartoons about not worrying about not caring about those that don't like her. If she doesn't care, why is it bothering her so much?
"Love the people God gave you because he will need them back one day" (that is on her wall). Can it be translated to "Care about the designers God let you have because they will leave one day" (I just could not help myself there)
Stalking her every step #165? There's another often posted on facebook saying that goes something like if you are very lucky then you get to see karma at work. Grab some popcorn folks!
If you don't automatically get the $0 invoices how do you know that the store owner isn't giving away your products to anyone that she pleases? -------
You wouldn't need to generate an invoice at all to give product away, just take it off the server.
I don't like her avatar but that's because I'm not into hipster pretentiousness. ____ Ya her avatar is ridiculous. But look at what that bundle is called.
So is Royanna posting the new stuff for the 40 days challenge already? I haven't seen any new posts, but I think I saw someone thanking her for the new prompts. She's blocked a bunch of us from different parts of the site so I'm not sure if I'm just blocked from seeing them or if the person was just thanking her ahead of time. Anyone with access able to see if Royanna has kept her promise (this time) to post the rest of the days??? I'll probably never be able to get it, so I don't really care about the files, per se- I'm just curious if in these last days she's going out of her way to show her good side. (Most likely!)
And if she's dissing people, that's pretty lame. She posted about stopping the "HATE and BASHING" so they better not be being hypocrites and bashing people now. That would be choice- kick off or block all the "haters" (people seeking justice more like it) and then talk about them all when they can't defend themselves. Say it isn't so!!
I don't like her avatar but that's because I'm not into hipster pretentiousness. ____ Ya her avatar is ridiculous. But look at what that bundle is called.
'Refresh With Everying' _______________________ OH NO!!! A typo.
#174 - No, nothing new posted. No freebies from her royal rahness. She's been posting about the haters, etc, on facebook, where she has plenty of support.
Interestingly she did post on Sunday that her doctors have told her to stop running, at least until the MRI (whenever that is). Maybe her doctors didn't know when she started!
#175 Coming from a customer point of view, if I saw that the designer had a typo why should I buy her kit? It's unprofessional. It's apparent her CT members aren't too perceptive either if it made it into the store that way.
177-I'm not on that particular CT, but on other CT's it's very common to just get links to elements, paper, and such, through the designers forum and private server not the whole kit preview. If we find a mistake, or a misspelling, or missing items, (like an alphabet letter for example) we bring it to the designer's attention. Also, some designers have their kits already in the store before the CT's get it, so there isn't time to get that information to the designer before it releases. This is a designer mistake, not a CT mistake. We make enough of them without heaping the designers mistakes on us too!
Jenn CK Designs has a big heart.She had a great idea.She's retired,why not put her items for sale again for a good cause. Good for her,for Scrapbook Bytes and all the customers that helped raise the money. I wish a lot more retired designers would give us a second chance to buy their products and help raise money for good causes.It's a win win for everyone.
#176 said #174 - No, nothing new posted. No freebies from her royal rahness. She's been posting about the haters, etc, on facebook, where she has plenty of support.
Thanks for that update! I know it's only the 5th... but wasn't she supposed to have all these prompts DONE already? Wasn't she supposed to have them done BEFORE she started the 40 days thing? Wasn't the delay to posting them because of computer issues and then the router went down...? oh, yeah- and her husband surprised her with a ski trip. So... shouldn't she be able to post at least some (if not ALL) of them NOW? All of her fan club is thanking her for finishing it and posting the rest of the prompts. Putting the cart before the horse, folks! I'm not holding my breath about this.
Oh, is she actually doing the DAD stuff this time? She missed a bunch of days in January already.
That is awesome because now Mye has enough money for the operation. Jen's money and the money from the website is well over $12,000. I hope the baby doe well and prospers :)
179 - That is amazing and Jenn really does have a huge heart. She's a talented lady and stand-up person. I hope to see her around scrapping more. I've always admired her style and layouts.
I hope Mye does something nice for everyone who helped her above and beyond. I know a few other designers donated sales from certain products, too. It would be nice to see these unexpected gestures rewarded.
I'd rather watch nice things happening than the train wreck happening with Royanna and DD. I know this is a smack blog and all, but it gets a bit tired to smack the same idiots over and over again. It's too easy and I think people like Royanna enjoy the smacking.
I'm #179 Mye posted a thank you post on her blog a few days ago thanking everyone by name that helped her out. Designers and stores. I'm sure when the baby will be safe and she'll have a piece of mind she'll thank all the people that helped her out in her difficult time.
A good idea would be a site that would gather all the retired designers and products. Mark the prices down 50% or $1 $2 $3 and pay for the sites expenses only. All the other earnings could go to good causes.
#181 - there are a few people posting pleas for the rest of the alphas - and getting jumped on by the loyalists because Ra said she would post everything.
Ra is not one of the early Feb DAD designers, though Lindsey is (Ra light - definitely same brad). I think it might of been Lindsey that actually posted that Ra's missing DAD parts from January would not be posted at all. Ra completely erased the postings for that whole DAD - they are not even in the archive.
ABCreations has pulled all of her products from DD (as have 3 other designers with empty stores). All that's there is a "sign" that she is at Wilma 4 Ever. What really makes this interesting is that she has the current Divine Diva Deal. Either nobody is buying it or she doesn't feel confident about getting the money from it.
A good idea would be a site that would gather all the retired designers and products. Mark the prices down 50% or $1 $2 $3 and pay for the sites expenses only. -----
I think it had vault in the name, digivault or something like that. Not sure it was supposed to go for charity, but it was a way to keep some retired products available. Unless there was another one.
There was a discount digi scrap shop somewhere around 07-08 that was for designers to put up retired products. It failed. It might have a better shot now with the economy being worse and paypal's micropayments option.
When you receive money from a charity, is this considered income that you add to your income taxes? Is it taxable if it's for charitable reasons ie. fundraising for medical expenses?
What about websites that have a donations button if you want to donate to them or their website? (Not medical related, just for expenses for them to pay for web servers to keep a website up)?
193 Yeah it is retarded. They are switching servers. She should have done that BEFORE the store opened. Joyce fails as a store owner. Very disorganized.
#192 - yes, on her personal page. She has over 2600 friends, so I think it is safe to say she accepts a friend request from just about anyone. And when you have that many friends it really isn't that personal anymore.
«Oldest ‹Older 1401 – 1600 of 2881 Newer› Newest»If God is real and the bible is true, then I wouldn't want to be Royanna in the afterlife.
Well crazy lady must have denied my new member request because it won't let me log in, lol. Idiot - just diggin' the hole deeper.
Amazing ..... I just got this email from DD.
Unfortunately your registration at Forums did not meet our membership requirements. Therefore your registration was deleted.
WTF? I haven't posted there in years.
Ya know, I remember when she stated up DD and she was the shiz and people forgave her for stealing layouts from other galleries to promote her new site because they felt honored to be singled out.
Yep, if she is so sure god knows where her heart is, she's going to pay for her lies and deceit.
I have to laugh at Royanna's Pinterest
61 pins for weight loss. This is a good thing, considering her health.
Followed by - oh, wait ...
1301 pins for cakes
900 pins for cupcakes
457 pins for drinks, cocktails, martinis
483 pins for cookies
2005 pins for sweet treats
Last minute sales ending in about an hour.
Mommyish at Osraps is kind of retiring and has everything off for 50% today only
Pixels & Co $Sale ends in an hour
Digital Design Essentials has a notebook for $3.00.Original price $19.99
Some of the designers at ScrapbookByte have sales ending tonight too from their birthday celebration.
5--I just put Mommyish's goodies in my cart. Nothing was half off. :( I'm sorry if she's retiring because I love her designs. But she also randomly stopped selling PU awhile ago and went to straight CU. So it's not surprising if she's doing something like that again.
7--Try the code ByeByeForNow.
Is there ANY chance that Royanna will be selling in another store now? Or has she burned too many bridges in the digital world?? 'cause if it happens, I'm avoiding that store.
New or no name stores run by people who don't know her might. Highly doubt any top tier store would touch her
Wasn't Royanna selling at another store too? I seem to remember reading about that not that long ago and being quite surprise that she would have time to do so with managing DD. But maybe I am wrong.
Wow... so it's not just regular members that are getting blocked or turned away:
I guess Ro figured she paid her, now go away? Dang. And is it just me, or do there seem to be a lot of designers missing from the store? I hope they got paid and got out on their own.
Why is it that when I try to use that link above, the page appears for one second then redirects to a Web Ring?? Any idea?
Weird... it works for me. Are you using IE or Firefox or... ?
I guess my IE didn't want to cooperate. It works with FF. Thanks.
^^^ You're Welcome! (I hate when that happens--I only use IE now when we get a new computer... and then only to download Firefox! LOL)
#7 Sorry I didn't mention that you had to use a coupon. She's retiring from pu products and only designing Cu for now.
I bought half her store.I liked her products and couldn't resist the 50% off.
Wasn't Royanna selling at another store too? I seem to remember reading about that not that long ago and being quite surprise that she would have time to do so with managing DD. But maybe I am wrong.
She sold her stuff for a while at Digiscrap Warehouse. That store went kaput in the spring of 2011 or 2012. She may have sold her stuff somewhere else too.
She has a shop open at My Memories, but not much in it. And I can tell you it doesnt sell much based on her ranking on the designer page.
If you go to My Memories and click to see all designers, you see all their shop headers. Those are ranked based on performance the previous month. Today would still be December, it will update in the next few days to reflect January. Some of those designers at the top- scary stuff- but they are said to make thousands. Anyway, RA is no where near the top.
Yes, she did start selling at other stores, first during the big server crash she was at Digitals for a while and had her CU stuff at Digiscrap Warehouse. Then when that one "yummy" store started up she was selling there until there was all the fuss over them alledgedly using DD's mailing list, which she denied and promptle quit. More recently she started selling at My Memories and her etsy shop.
Am I the only one totally addicted to buying digi goodies. I have tons of supplies but I can't stop buying new stuff all the time.
The designers out there are very talented.
Well most of them..
What did you buy?
#21- There are alot of people who feel that way. I hope you got some good sales at least.
I'm the same way, #21! I especially like realistic stuff, so anyone that has that- I'm probably buying their new stuff each time. I will admit to waiting for big sales, but then I buy, buy, buy! I have most of my stuff on a portable hard drive- need to go and organize it- again! I think I'll install Picassa again.
What do you use to organize it all? I try to keep it organized by store/designer, in case I have to credit someone, but I rarely post onto galleries so it doesn't matter that much. But I also find it's easier to go and see if I've bought something before already. Every site should work like Lettering Delights where you log-in and it tells you if you already own it!! LOL!
I'm #21.
I usually shop when there's a sale.But sales happen all the time in digiland so I'm always shopping.
Yesterday only...
I bought kits from Mommyish, a few bargain bites from sweet shoppe designs I wanted the free kit with $10 purchase they had, the notebook from Digital Design Essentials and $Deals from Pixels & Co.
I use ACDSEE but I have to spend a week organizing everything at least.
I have a folder which I store things I buy by store and date. It's easeier for me to remember that way.
I also have a wish list folder with folders for every shop and inside a preview and price for every item I want.
I need to organize my digi stuff by designer in ACDSEE because they keep moving around so much I'm losing track.
I bought a ton of stuff today, too. The first of the month is my favorite time. So many sales and new products and I really like the Scrap Packs in addition to TDD packs. I get a lot for my money and have found some new designers to follow.
I don't organize anything other than putting kits by designer on my EHD. Then I don't buy the same thing twice and can find a kit easily.
8, thanks for the code. Was it in her newsletter? (I could have sworn I was signed up for it. But I'm signed up for so many that I could have missed it.)
OMG, I totally forgot today is the 1st! I gotta go DL TDF and see if there's anything good. I'll report back--if no one else does.
If the preview is any indication, I really like The Digi Chick contribution!
27- No it was floating around on FB
I've bought a lot this month too. I shopped a little bit at SSD, I got a couple of Mommyish's kits, and Tracie Stroud had a 40% off coupon on her page that I picked up some kits with.
7-She'll be at another store soon.
Mommyish will open her store on 5th Febr. at Two Peas.
(it was in her newsletter with a great drop shadow styles freebie!:))
25-If you organize by designer name instead of store name, you won't have to reorganize every time someone moves from store to store. It works when I remember to do it that way.
33-there is also a great free kit on her facebook page.
Thanks 35! Just went and grabbed it - the drop shadow styles too :)
#34 Thanks...I'm planning on organizing by designer asap because the digi stash is outta control and I'm in danger of buying things twice.
If you are a designer at divine digital right now, turn your stuff off. If you stick around for a closing sale, you won't see a dime of it and Royanna will run off with it in the end. That's a sure fire bet.
Disneyland is calling...
Any bets on how long Royanna will stay quiet once the Closing Sale is final? And whether she will hold onto the site name until she can make her grand comeback? And whether she will have blacklisted all those that she has blocked on the site now?
I figure this is a great Cash Cow for her and while she wants to stomp her feet and end it right now, in a few months- when the money isn't flowing in off of other people's hard work- she will miss it and swoop back in. I figure she'll have made a "miraculous recovery" but will, of course, still be "in grave danger" but she missed her peeps and wanted to get back into it. That will be her story at least.
I guess I never really paid attention to the site enough all these years, but until this blew up I never realized how Christian-oriented that site really is. That's not meant to be bashing- have my own religious views and respect others' views- but I guess I never realized how many of the regular posters(and thus her fan-club over there are heavy-duty religious people. And if you aren't, then you better watch out! LOL
Where's our blog administrator to make us a February smack blog?
As for Royanna, I'll give her two months. Shall we start a formal chart for bets?
That's what I was thinking, #41! (on both counts!)
I give her a couple of months and then she'll talk to God again (i.e. her Bank Account) and decide she can't keep herself away from her customers. And she'll have some grand project to welcome them all back and spread her LOVE and FAITH... and 15 days into the 30 day challenge she'll have some "life event" that keeps it from being completed. But that's okay, they will say, because they are just grateful for her generosity and it doesn't matter that she has ZERO follow-through. 2 months is about right. She's got the Disney Pass paid for this year, so she just needs spending money!
I've got to wonder if the site is really going to close at all!
oooh... I hadn't thought of that #43... interesting! Well, the designers that were ticked have left or are leaving... so she could have a DT call and the new ones wouldn't know how she is, so she could string them along for a good 6 months at least. She's blocked all the supposed "haters" and so now they can go on their merry Kool-Aid drinking way! Hmm... that is an interesting theory.
We will have to wait and see. I really hope she does close and stay away. It would be nice to see her fade into Digi-scrapping history. But she's too narcissistic- so that's too good to be true!
She's been busy this morning. She just deleted the mega-kit category. Newest kt in there was from 2011. Three designers have empty stores. Deleting them is really going to cut into going to Disneyland today!
I think she's desperate for money. Some of the designers who weren't paid yet may be filing claim forms as we speak so she needs money to pay them off. Because obviously she's already spent the money they earned from sales.
She's the worst king of shister using her Christianity to hide behind. Reminds me of Tammy Faye Baker, lol.
Any one think she's really going to manage to complete the rest of the 40 day challenge like she "promised" she would?
Also- I ticked off somebody over there and am now blocked from seeing the freebies portion any more- did she EVER post her stuff for January? And is she posting for February? Or is she too busy running from her obligations... I mean- working towards closing down her store?
Oh January's stuff will not be posted. If she gets more than one day of 40 days I will be surprised. Heck, even one day will surprise me.
What do you think it would take- what would Royanna have to do to finally let all those fan club people know what kind of person she really is? If not paying her designers for nearly 4 months (after not paying them on time twice before in the year) is not enough... if claiming internet problems while being on FB and Pinterest isn't enough... if repeatedly being late on projects or not completing them is not enough... what will it take?? What kind of spell does she put people under!!!!????
I do not know. She could get arrested for murder, even convicted, and many of them would say she was innocent
*sigh* That's sad #50... because I think you are right! :-(
So Royanna is having another 50 cent sale? Some of those kits are listed at 7.98- I'd be kind of pissed that she marked them down so much now. Wait- does she ever sell at her asking price, or are they always marked down at least a little? Either way, I think it's weird what she's doing. Other designers have stuff 50% off and she's having a Yard Sale!
Minimum store price was a dollar because of the high paypal fees when I was there. Yet for one sale some designers had their sale prices down to 50 cents. The next sale I specifically asked if sale prices could go under a dollar. Her replay was not to do that - I would be taking food off of her family's table!
I remember one time her telling me that she sold many kits at full price ($4 for a DAD). Then about 2 - 3 weeks later she said she had to do another buy my store sale because she had not had any sales!
A price of 50 cents does not make sense if a customer is buying only one item, but if they buy 10 items it adds to a $5 purchase so the paypal fees won't eat it all up. I am sure if she puts everything on at 50 cents, people will buy more than one item at the time, so she won't be bothered by those "high paypal fees".
You know, she kind of shoots herself in the foot by giving away such huge kits in the DAD and freebies things. Why buy her stuff when you can get so much free? I have bought stuff from her, but only when she has extreme sales or the buy the store thing (once- I know people who have bought it several time! What the??) Maybe if she gave away less then people would buy more? She's not getting any more of my money, that's for sure!
she does the BMS for $20. If you miss enough DADs (5 at $4 each) then it is cheaper to do the BMS. Which was probably why she was not getting any sales. Yep, shot herself in the food and trained her buyers just to wait for the BMS sale. She is a natural blonde all right.
Many stores and designers have trained their customers. Too many in fact. Customers are not stupid. A lot of them will wait for the expected sale, even if they still like the product enough to buy it full price. I think those regular sales are badly used as a marketing strategy.
Very true. Or they always have everything on sale. (which I've decided is the way it is done where I am selling now, unfortunetly)
I'll admit to it- I wait for the sales. And I would buy them at regular price, but on sale I can buy more so why buy at full price? I know that sucks to hear as a designer. :-(
Why would I buy anything from her? I don't want 1000 pictures of her anyway. Why she feels I would want all those sexay photos of her in the first place is beyond me.
Those heavily Photoshoped photos? ;-)
LOL #61-- emphasis on heavily!!!
#60- oh, yeah-- why does she do that? I delete all that crap as soon as I unzip the files. I hate that she puts her face on everything (though that is better than the boudoir photo she used to use!). I do have to admit her hair looked a lot better back when it was brown with blonde highlights than that pile of thrashed straw she has on her head now. But good hair or not, I don't want her photo a thousand times over!
I always wait for sales too because I agree #59 on sale I can buy more stuff...and that makes me happy.
I have so many products to work with already in case I need to scrap something asap so I'm not in a hurry to purchase something full price. I can wait for the sales and yes #57 I know when to expect sales from most stores I buy from.
Don't forget there are 2 major sales a year NSD in May and DSD in November.
#63 - exactly! It's not like real paper scrapping where you use an embellishment once and you have to buy another one to use it again. I have so much "stash" already I can easily find something to use while waiting for a sale. Now, even with all that stash, I'm going to buy new stuff- I can't resist. But I'm going to buy it on sale. And that's the tough part for the designers and owners. You have to have sales to compete with the other stores- and the customers know it and know when it will happen. Hell, I can keep track of when designers have birthday sales and mark those on my calendar, for instance. But marking your stuff down to 50 cents is crazy! I hope she still doesn't get many sales!! Although I'm sure her Kool-Aid drinking buddies will step up to buy from her to help her out. Back when she was gone from the board for so long, one member was trying to get everyone to make a page to show Royanna how important she was to all of them (*gag*) and then there was another post saying they should all buy *something* from the store- no matter how little the cost- but just something from the store to show her they care and they miss her. Blegh! And I'm sure Royanna is counting on this now. She's probably been strategically planning this exit for months!
#64 How much stash are you talking about?
I'm at 2.5 TB.
Good idea marking down birthdays and sales of designers.
54-If you really wanted her stuff, you could go in and buy .50 a day from her.
Darn good idea #66!
If she was two weeks without a computer prior 10/21 according to this thread
How the heck did she manage to upload product to Etsy?
Not only that, she managed to provide download links to the customers who purchased product during that time
To anyone not familiar with the backend of Etsy, it's not an automated set up, you have to do a lot of this stuff manually.
HOw do you know/see when those are uploaded to Etsy?
I like #66's idea, too - but not enough to spend money on it!
Good catch #68!!! I have long suspected that her computer broke when she wanted it to. Many times she has rattled off some techie speak to me as to what the problem was - only thing was that I know enough to know what she was saying did not make sense! Like how after her ehd crashed she replaced it with a 3 terrabyte SOLID STATE ehd!!
I think that Royanna chick looks like a drag queen.
71 - I think that, too. An ugly one.
HOw do you know/see when those are uploaded to Etsy?
I gave you the links - they should have had dates.
I just tested the links and they show the dates of upload.
Royanna has more ammunitions for sympathy. Now she is putting her dog to sleep. I have seen others post about that kind of sad event in their life on FB and I think it is ok, but it is amazing how, coming from her, it does not have the same effect on me. My first reaction is "is this for real?" as for probably most other people, I WOULD feel sympathy. Can you "wear out" sympathy in others?
I just tested the links and they show the dates of upload.
Ah ok. I guess I am not familiar enough with Etsy to find my way around.
Found this
Drama, drama, drama. She should start writing for the soaps but I think even they would balk at how unrealistic it all is.
That is where she posted that it is her ONLY source of income for her family. If she has not taken a dime from the site and reinvested EVERYTHING into the store, they must be starving! since 2009 that is.
re customers waiting for sales: I know some designers who pride themselves on being "extreme couponers." So it really annoys me when they complain about not using a coupon or doubling up on their sales (like, don't use a coupon code she gives you with the store's sale). Why is it OK for her to save via coupons but not her customers? Everyone loves to save money.
Oh, and I have a question about gift certificates. At TLP I saw a designer say "Please don't use a gift certificate or coupon code with this product. It's already discounted enough!" I get why she doesn't want people to use a coupon code, but why can't you use a gift certificate? Do the designers NOT get money if it's a REAL gc (meaning someone bought a gc as a gift for a DSer. It's not a gc that the store made as a prize for a challenge or some other freebie win.) DH bought me a gc to a few different DS stores for Christmas. I'm going to feel like shit if the money goes to the store owner and not to the designers I actually bought from. OK, does that make sense?
#78 Now that you mention it I always wondered what designers who work at same stores do? Do they exchange products for free or do they offer their fellow designers coupons?
When you say you know designers who pride themselves on being "extreme couponers" what do you mean? Where do they get their coupons from?
79: I'm 78. I meant extreme couponers IRL. Like, they get $200 worth of groceries for like $15. So, they want to save money but they don't like to let their own customers save money. Whatevs.
#78 - I don't think I've ever seen a designer asking not to use a gift certificate. I understand not using a discount coupon on a discounted item, but a gift certificate? That seems strange to me.
Allison Pennington says (in italicized red font, no less) *no discounts, coupons, or gift certificates of any kind are to be used with this grab bag - it's already deeply discounted*
I have no problem not using a coupon on a grab bag because a GB is a big fat discounted item. But no gift cert? TBH, I'm not planning on buying that GB, but I am planning on using a gc--but I want the money to go to the designers. What am I supposed to do with the gc burning a hole in my pocket?!
One store I used to be at gave GC for challenges, so no money going to anyone, maybe that's why?
This is the first time I have heard her say they have a dog - and a service dog at that. The thing is she was talking with me a year ago about wanting a small scruffy female mix. But if you have a service dog from one of the reputable organizations one of their firm rules is no other dogs in the house.
I would never sell at a store that didn't give me the $ for my sold products just because they were bought with a gift card. That's basically stealing from your designers.
You know, she kind of shoots herself in the foot by giving away such huge kits in the DAD and freebies things. Why buy her stuff when you can get so much free? .... Maybe if she gave away less then people would buy more? She's not getting any more of my money, that's for sure!
This is what doesn't make sense to me - she gives the stuff away to get traffic to her store. She uses the traffic to attract new designers (whom she apparently doesn't always pay). But the store itself should be worth a fair amount of money because of the traffic, why isn't she selling the shop or the domain name?
This is the first time I have heard her say they have a dog - and a service dog at that. The thing is she was talking with me a year ago about wanting a small scruffy female mix. But if you have a service dog from one of the reputable organizations one of their firm rules is no other dogs in the house.
Who are you talking about?
When I was at dd, it was the designers that made the DADs NOT RA. Unless that's changed, she isn't the one giving anything away for free.
TLP just gave away a bunch of GCs in the birthday weekend thing, so maybe she meant those. IE - no money going to anyone.
Still - if you have a GC you should be able to use on anything. You can in actual stores so why should digi be any different. It's not as if you're going to lose anything. Once you make your kit you can sell thousands of copies, theoretically.
# 87 see post # 74 - Royanna
The other designers do participate in the DAD's, but often Royanna is doing one a month. You make a lot more money when you do the DADs. Some of it is the exposure and some of it is people buying the days they missed. Of course you have to not price it so high they won't buy! Only better money maker is having the Divine Diva Deal for the week. That is cause she actually sends out a newsletter advertising the DDD. (Well, usualy does)
#88 She does do some of the DAD - well, she's signed up for days, whether she posts anything or not is another issue! LOL I have gotten stuff from her before in DADs. But recently she did the "Wise men seek him"/25 names for Jesus give away and she was doing the 40 days of inspiration or whatever it was called- what it became was 24 days of downloads spread out over about 40 days followed by many, many days of excuses as to where the other stuff is/would be. So she does give away stuff. Most of the time it's free for a day and then goes into her store at "regular price" which is now steeply discounted to 50 cents each.
#87 said:
This is the first time I have heard her say they have a dog - and a service dog at that. The thing is she was talking with me a year ago about wanting a small scruffy female mix. But if you have a service dog from one of the reputable organizations one of their firm rules is no other dogs in the house.
Who are you talking about?
Feb 2, 2013, 11:13:00 PM
I believe it's in reference to Royanna F. from Divine Digital
In all of the stores I've sold in, I've never received the money when it is paid for by GC. The store receives that money when the person buys the initial GC, it isn't later given to the designer that the GC was used on unfortunately. Sucks.
My store sells GCs and gives them for payment to mods etc. We get paid on stuff bought with purchased GCs but not on the payment/promo ones. From what our owner says its a pain to sort through, but she does it.
#94 That sucks! I never knew that! I always wondered why designers would say not to use a GC... I wish it was made more clear. SO basically you can only use a GC on stuff from the OWNER of the store (as they have already gotten the money for the GC)!!!
I'm going to be very annoyed because I think the money should go to each designer I buy from. And if TLP and other stores advertise their GCs as "payment" and as "great gifts," why don't the designers say anything? (And why do stores give away GCs instead of coupon codes?!) If GCs were only available to paying customers (and not as freebies for challenges or whatever) then it would be easy for the store owner to pay designers for GC purchases.
STORE OWNERS, if you're reading this, will you please clarify to your customers where your GC funds go? Do it here, do it on your store's "buy a GC here!" page, do it in the forums. I don't care where. But please make it clear. I understand that store mega collab money goes to the store to fund the site--that makes sense. But GCs? ITA with PP--that's stealing from your designers!
(Note to self: Just ask DH to put $$$ in PayPal next Christmas. Then I can spend what I want without worrying the GC money isn't going where it should)
I have to say.. this Royanna creeps me out. I can't believe she has pulled the wool over so many eyes. I'm all for religion and what not but people need to be smart at the same time. Common sense folks.. if it smells like shit more than likely it is shit.
And what about points we gather in certain shops like Scrap Orchard and the Lilypad? When I purchase stuff with those points I'm guessing nobody gets money either.
I just saw a new post Mye De Leon posted on her blog about the money she gathered.
They have collected the money for the surgery and a little extra. Great news. She gives a detailed description where she got her money from.
Mscraps gave her 1100 euros. Did they sell the charity collab? I can't remember.
February 3rd and we're still in January. I'm guessing this blog is running on its own...
#98 - That's right. Points will mean less money to the designer (and the store for that matter), so if you want to support a designer in particular, don't use points on purchase for her products. As a designer, it is annoying to see a $20 purchase where the customer only pays $3 because the rest is paid in points. I understand that it is the situation for all the designers in the same store, but it is still a downer to see it (but I surely understand the customer who will want to use those points they earned or accumulated).
February 3rd and we're still in January. I'm guessing this blog is running on its own...
Royanna is the new Digismacker. :)
re: GC's - - I don't know about other shops, but where I sell (yes, a well known top middle tier store) when something is paid by GC, the designer gets the $$. If GC's are given out for prizes...the designer still gets their $$ if it is spent in their shop. It's the owner that takes the hit (if they gave out the GC's). I can't imagine a shop where the designer isn't paid if someone uses a GC. That is just WRONG - and blame can be put on the owner.
I have sold in stores where I got the $$ from gift card sales and stores where they owner kept the money. I always found the later to be theft as well.
I think customers really need to understand why designers sometimes "store hop". There are a lot of things that happen behind the scenes you don't learn until after you open shop. The GC thing was one of the reasons I left that shop, but I ended up being called a store hopper.
If a GC is purchased and the owner got $$ then the designer should be paid- and in my shop is paid. But if the GC is promo and more like a coupon then the owner got no money and I dont mind not being paid. Our shop uses GCs to pay bloggers and some of our ad people. They are working to promote for us so I dont see it as any different than handing them links to a kit.
103 - Me, too. Where I sell designers get the $$ for GC purchases.
Points sales shouldn't go to the designers. They are a loss for the store as a whole. They are points that the customer earns for being a repeat customer and they are usually a penny to the dollar on what they've spent. So if a customer has spent enough in your store to earn a free kit, good for them! That's the kind of customer I want.
Yes, all stores are not created equal and some things are definitely not "visible" before you join. I also was called a store hopper because I left 4 stores where things were really not great behind the scene (like the owner putting the whole store on sale at 75% without asking the designers!), but this is haunting me if I need to apply to a store and I am asked where I sold before and why I left.
I really wish I knew which stores you were all talking about. I'd love to know which stores are actually good/professional to their designers and which ones are not. As a designer it would be great to know this stuff going in! And wow 107, I definitely would be pissed over that - I want to know which store that is to avoid!
108- don't worry, that store is closed now, since a couple of years!
Store owners, what kind of answer would you want about the scenario #107 posted? I would NOT want to bad mouth another store but don't want to be thought of as a store hopper. What's the answer to this dilemma?
108: I think that any designer who is considering selling at a store should talk to current designers, as well as past designers. That's the best way to get a fair representation. Also, look at the way the owner communicates with you. Do they respond to your questions? Reply in a timely manner? Are they forthcoming with information?
110: I'd want the truth.
Even giving the truth, it can still look bad on the designer. A bit like "how come she has ALL those issues with ALL those stores? Maybe SHE is the problem." Some store owners might see it for what it is, others might see more into it and disqualify the applicant. You never know!
I'm just a shopper, but I never dreamed that buying a gc went to the store instead of the designer. I've bought a few gc over the years. I will ask questions before I buy any in the future.
#91 - thanks. I missed that post.
February 3rd and we're still in January. I'm guessing this blog is running on its own...
Or the owner could be an Australian. Their new school year starts at the end of January, beginning of February.
If you changed stores more than three or four times in a year, then you are a possible store hopper. If it's only been twice in a year and you haven't done it again, I wouldn't call you a store hopper.
116 - I guess it still depends on who is looking at those facts. Someone might have changed store 3 times in a year for very good reasons and be labeled a store hopper. Or one can have sold in 6 stores in 3 years and be perceived as a store hopper too. You never really know what a store owner will think, and if she thinks badly of you because of that, it is sad but there is not much you can do.
#115 What does the school year have to do with the fact that it has changed months?
#118 - maybe she's too busy right now to put up a new post, that's what.
116 - I guess it still depends on who is looking at those facts. Someone might have changed store 3 times in a year for very good reasons and be labeled a store hopper.
I did say 'possible' store hopper.
Back to school must be super chaotic if it makes one too busy to start a new blog post.
Go Ravens! LOL
#121 - it is for some. The forums always go very quiet in September, so yeah, it can be busy.
Or maybe she got pissed when she was taken to task earlier in the month for giving us rules and consequently she herself got smacked. She might have just left permanently.
I don't remember any rules.
I'm pretty sure it wasn't this month. I thought it was a while ago. She asked people not to ... promote their store I think it was. And she got bitched at for it. Long story short - she tried to make rules and got smacked for it.
re "store hopping": I think that sometimes there are valid reasons to leave a store--like the ones mentioned about behind-the-scenes stuff. Also, I don't think a designer is a store hopper if they announce that they're leaving a store and then *surprise!* it's later announced that the store is changing ownership or otherwise undergoing a big change.
I guess it's all about how you word it in your app for the new store. If you say "I was lucky enough to join Store ABC, but unfortunately I didn't realize that I had to participate in ____ and so I decided that leaving on good terms was better than staying and being unable to fulfill a requirement. I learned from this experience to triple-check not only the contract but other areas of the owner/designer relationship before joining a store. Then I joined Store XYZ and I had the opportunity to grow as a designer. My time there was relatively short but my sales grew and I know my loyal customers will follow me to your shoppe." It's all about spinning it. (And if you left because you hated something about the store that you didn't know about beforehand, then like PPer said you've got to ASK former/current designers.
Do store owners really care about store hopping? I hear designers and owners talking about this, but I don't think that it really matters all that much to the customer. I could be wrong. And if I am then I'm sure shoppers here will smack me.
Or maybe she got pissed when she was taken to task earlier in the month for giving us rules and consequently she herself got smacked. She might have just left permanently.
That was two months ago or so, not earlier this month and she didn't try and make rules. Saying no promotion is hardly making rules but some people want to get pissed about everything.
Not a single person that has bought the Fix this month has emailed to tell me that or PMed me or anything. I have an email out to Jen now, as that is not allowed per our rules at DSA, and something will have to be done. I wish someone had emailed me earlier so I could have resolved this... if I hadn't happened to read here tonight, I wouldn't have known.
Typical of some of the smackers here, they think everyone reads here or has psychic power. I guess it shows that not everyone reads here.
I hear designers and owners talking about this, but I don't think that it really matters all that much to the customer.
It matters to me as a customer. If someone consistently store hops, by which I mean, someone who changes stores at least 6 or more times in a 24 month period, I'm going to think there is something flaky about that designer and her product.
131 - THIS! and I don't feel like trying to find out where you are selling this month.
re: GC's - - I don't know about other shops, but where I sell (yes, a well known top middle tier store) when something is paid by GC, the designer gets the $$. If GC's are given out for prizes...the designer still gets their $$ if it is spent in their shop. It's the owner that takes the hit (if they gave out the GC's). I can't imagine a shop where the designer isn't paid if someone uses a GC. That is just WRONG - and blame can be put on the owner.
Yes this is me, too - having been through 4 stores (in 5 years, 2 of which closed, I don't think I am a store hopper) every single store owner paid out for products bought with GCs.
If you think you are not being paid for products purchased with GCs - ask about it! When you get the invoice via email, it shows balance of 0.00 when paid with GC ... it's easy to assume that means you won't be paid, but it could be that your store owner is actually paying you for it! If your store owner is not, ask them why not? Those GCs were paid for with $$ that are not intended to line the store's bank account, they are meant to pay for the product at a later time.
re: GC's - - "When you get the invoice via email, it shows balance of 0.00 when paid with GC ... "
and what if I don't get invoices about the 0.00 purchases? The owner of the store where I sell thinks that sending out the $0 invoices means unnecessary bulk emails. I don't get notifications about the store and personal CT downloads, coupon and GC uses and so on. I hate waste my time to track down these "free" purchases!
Why does the store owner care how many emails you get? You have a right to know where your product is going.
135 - I'm 133 and yes I agree, but we couldn't convince her. Maybe it's time to hopping:)
(sorry I'm 134, not 133)
134 - Unsure of where you live, but under some circumstances, the information on $0 invoices can be used as tax write-offs - especially if they're used for marketing. You should receive ALL invoices so you and your accountant/tax professional can determine if you can recoup any of the lost income as a write-off.
If the store owner is filtering those based upon her opinion, she is in effect, providing tax advice to you and can be held liable for part of your tax liability and other financial damages.
WTH is up with Scrap Stacks? They've suspended uploading for over two weeks now while they perform a site migration. I've never in my life seen a migration as slow as that one!
I have sold in a store where the owner didn't even send the invoices as they came because it had other products from other designers (after the big uproar about designers seeing others' sales) and had customer information on it. It was considered privileged information and would have been too much work to edit them one by one. I am sorry, but if I want to send a thank you email to the customer, I didn't want to have to send the email to the owner so she would send it to the customer. Bad system. I didn't stay there very long!
138 - thanks it's good to know! (we live in two different states).
Xcart is best in this situation. Designers have access to everything and can pull reports, export them to Excel, and easily sort data. On the flip side, it is much more expensive than Zen and requires a lot more server space. They still can't see if a GC was paid for, but there is a lot more info available.
Zen Cart with Private Area Mod, allows designers to see sales reports, but no customer info. It doesnt export as well either, but it can be done. While the Zen software is free, setting it up as a decent digi store runs about half of what the Xcart set up costs are.
It would be nice if there were a Zen mod that would email designers with a report similar to X cart (excludes other designers, gives designers the cusomer's email addresses, etc). I would buy it in a second. The current mod will email designers with sales, but no customer email addy and no way to know if a GC was used. Its nice, but not enough for me to bother buying when the designers get the same info from the sales report.
I do like to have customer info. One past owner kept saying it was not necessary for the individual designers to have that information since the store owner had everything. That is a nice thought, until the store closes!
143 - Not to mention if you were ever audited by the IRS. You NEED that information or you're screwed.
144 - you need what information? Customer info or invoices? Or both? I wonder if store owners are aware of that.
Is it just me or is Divine Digital down? I'm trying to load the site and it just sits and spins... other sites are fine.
As an independent contractor, YOU should be aware of that. I keep all customer info, invoice information including date, invoice #, dollar amount, etc. Anything I can. It's YOUR business, not just the store owners. You need most of the same information they have.
If ever audited, you need to prove you're not hiding income. Hard to do that without any sales records. The amount in Paypal isn't enough. Your sales information from the store is your sales log. That's what backs up the information in Paypal and then amount on your tax form.
Oh, never mind - DD is loading now. I was thinking she had pulled the plug early on the forum to avoid having to post any of the stuff she "promised"! (That's awful to say, but you know she hasn't really earned any trust!)
I guess we know a few more questions to ask if we apply to a call or even just ask for a position in a store. Thanks for the info.
142 - The store I sell in uses zencart and I get an email about every sale I make including the customers email address and any coupons they used for the sale.
There should be a list somewhere of what to ask stores when you apply to work there. It seems like the stores have a laundry list of things to ask potential designers but designers have to learn the hard way what to ask... and each new store means new potential problems and new questions. Any designers willing to post some idea of what to ask/be wary of when applying? Thanks in advance!
150 - We used to get all the invoices straight from zencart (years ago) for the whole store (ok, maybe it was not a BIG store) and everyone saw everything. I would just delete those that didn't relate to my sales, but a few years ago there was a big uproar where customers were shocked that anyone else would see their info, and that had led some store owners to go to the complete opposite and they chose not to disclose any more info. I left one store because of that. Good thing I was never audited since I missed quite a bit of invoices, and now the store is long gone.
The store I am at has lots of mods on Zencart, and we all get emails for our sales, with customer information, that shows if GCs or coupons have been used.
If a store owner tried to prevent me from getting ALL my sales invoices, I would be gone in an instant. I most definitely want to know who is getting my stuff for free!!
If you don't automatically get the $0 invoices how do you know that the store owner isn't giving away your products to anyone that she pleases?
If you don't automatically get the $0 invoices how do you know that the store owner isn't giving away your products to anyone that she pleases?
Similar to #153 above, The store I am in uses mods on Zencart and doesn't automatically send invoices for $0 sales. However, I can see from going in and running a sales report when a sale has been made that came to $0. That report will show us the customer's name and the discount code used (only one per transaction). I check my sales report a couple of times per week just to make sure everything is legit. I've never had any trouble.
So why no new thread yet? Maybe the blog owner is Royanna and she has left us high and dry. Too bad
151 - I learned the hard way that you should probably come and do a search over here for the store you're thinking of joining. I had my stuff at one of Charly's stores for about 5 minutes. I should have asked around a little more before getting into that mess. The place was a disaster. Luckily I was able to get out of there without too much difficulty.
I don't understand how someone can go on facebook and muster up so much sympathy and support while in the meantime they are whacking their designers over the head with a club. She's still at it. Calling everybody that wants their money "haters" and meanies. Geeze.
159 - I don't think I would be able to pull that off if I tried! She is good at that!
150+153- can you get the name of the mod from your shop owner?
160-I guess so! She's posting cartoons about not worrying about not caring about those that don't like her. If she doesn't care, why is it bothering her so much?
"Love the people God gave you because he will need them back one day" (that is on her wall). Can it be translated to "Care about the designers God let you have because they will leave one day"
(I just could not help myself there)
While I really hope those designers get paid, Royanna is an awful person who doesn't deserve her name even mentioned on a smack blog.
I hope those who are stalking her every step are able to move on. It's a little sick and strange, too.
Anything good happening lately? Has Jen Yurko made things right for The Fix buyers?
Thanks Sara for attempting to fix the Fix! Jen Yurko is a piece of shit.
Stalking her every step #165? There's another often posted on facebook saying that goes something like if you are very lucky then you get to see karma at work. Grab some popcorn folks!
150+153- can you get the name of the mod from your shop owner?
^^ I know they are by Diego, if that helps.
If you don't automatically get the $0 invoices how do you know that the store owner isn't giving away your products to anyone that she pleases?
You wouldn't need to generate an invoice at all to give product away, just take it off the server.
Calling everybody that wants their money "haters" and meanies. Geeze.
What a lovely Christian attitude, not.
I don't like her avatar but that's because I'm not into hipster pretentiousness.
I don't like her avatar but that's because I'm not into hipster pretentiousness.
Ya her avatar is ridiculous. But look at what that bundle is called.
'Refresh With Everying'
#172 - I didn't see the typo - funny.
So is Royanna posting the new stuff for the 40 days challenge already? I haven't seen any new posts, but I think I saw someone thanking her for the new prompts. She's blocked a bunch of us from different parts of the site so I'm not sure if I'm just blocked from seeing them or if the person was just thanking her ahead of time. Anyone with access able to see if Royanna has kept her promise (this time) to post the rest of the days??? I'll probably never be able to get it, so I don't really care about the files, per se- I'm just curious if in these last days she's going out of her way to show her good side. (Most likely!)
And if she's dissing people, that's pretty lame. She posted about stopping the "HATE and BASHING" so they better not be being hypocrites and bashing people now. That would be choice- kick off or block all the "haters" (people seeking justice more like it) and then talk about them all when they can't defend themselves. Say it isn't so!!
I don't like her avatar but that's because I'm not into hipster pretentiousness.
Ya her avatar is ridiculous. But look at what that bundle is called.
'Refresh With Everying'
OH NO!!! A typo.
#174 - No, nothing new posted. No freebies from her royal rahness. She's been posting about the haters, etc, on facebook, where she has plenty of support.
Interestingly she did post on Sunday that her doctors have told her to stop running, at least until the MRI (whenever that is). Maybe her doctors didn't know when she started!
Coming from a customer point of view, if I saw that the designer had a typo why should I buy her kit? It's unprofessional. It's apparent her CT members aren't too perceptive either if it made it into the store that way.
177-I'm not on that particular CT, but on other CT's it's very common to just get links to elements, paper, and such, through the designers forum and private server not the whole kit preview. If we find a mistake, or a misspelling, or missing items, (like an alphabet letter for example) we bring it to the designer's attention. Also, some designers have their kits already in the store before the CT's get it, so there isn't time to get that information to the designer before it releases. This is a designer mistake, not a CT mistake. We make enough of them without heaping the designers mistakes on us too!
Jenn CK Designs has a big heart.She had a great idea.She's retired,why not put her items for sale again for a good cause. Good for her,for Scrapbook Bytes and all the customers that helped raise the money.
I wish a lot more retired designers would give us a second chance to buy their products and help raise money for good causes.It's a win win for everyone.
Here's the link with the detailed invoice:
179-That is awesome.
#176 said #174 - No, nothing new posted. No freebies from her royal rahness. She's been posting about the haters, etc, on facebook, where she has plenty of support.
Thanks for that update! I know it's only the 5th... but wasn't she supposed to have all these prompts DONE already? Wasn't she supposed to have them done BEFORE she started the 40 days thing? Wasn't the delay to posting them because of computer issues and then the router went down...? oh, yeah- and her husband surprised her with a ski trip. So... shouldn't she be able to post at least some (if not ALL) of them NOW? All of her fan club is thanking her for finishing it and posting the rest of the prompts. Putting the cart before the horse, folks! I'm not holding my breath about this.
Oh, is she actually doing the DAD stuff this time? She missed a bunch of days in January already.
That is awesome because now Mye has enough money for the operation. Jen's money and the money from the website is well over $12,000. I hope the baby doe well and prospers :)
#179 Thanks for posting that! That is awesome to hear!
179 - That is amazing and Jenn really does have a huge heart. She's a talented lady and stand-up person. I hope to see her around scrapping more. I've always admired her style and layouts.
I hope Mye does something nice for everyone who helped her above and beyond. I know a few other designers donated sales from certain products, too. It would be nice to see these unexpected gestures rewarded.
I'd rather watch nice things happening than the train wreck happening with Royanna and DD. I know this is a smack blog and all, but it gets a bit tired to smack the same idiots over and over again. It's too easy and I think people like Royanna enjoy the smacking.
I'm #179
Mye posted a thank you post on her blog a few days ago thanking everyone by name that helped her out. Designers and stores. I'm sure when the baby will be safe and she'll have a piece of mind she'll thank all the people that helped her out in her difficult time.
A good idea would be a site that would gather all the retired designers and products. Mark the prices down 50% or $1 $2 $3 and pay for the sites expenses only. All the other earnings could go to good causes.
#181 - there are a few people posting pleas for the rest of the alphas - and getting jumped on by the loyalists because Ra said she would post everything.
Ra is not one of the early Feb DAD designers, though Lindsey is (Ra light - definitely same brad). I think it might of been Lindsey that actually posted that Ra's missing DAD parts from January would not be posted at all. Ra completely erased the postings for that whole DAD - they are not even in the archive.
ABCreations has pulled all of her products from DD (as have 3 other designers with empty stores). All that's there is a "sign" that she is at Wilma 4 Ever. What really makes this interesting is that she has the current Divine Diva Deal. Either nobody is buying it or she doesn't feel confident about getting the money from it.
A good idea would be a site that would gather all the retired designers and products. Mark the prices down 50% or $1 $2 $3 and pay for the sites expenses only.
It's been tried and failed.
#189 Really? When and where? Details please..
I think it had vault in the name, digivault or something like that. Not sure it was supposed to go for charity, but it was a way to keep some retired products available. Unless there was another one.
She's been posting about the haters, etc, on facebook, where she has plenty of support.
On her personal page? Because I;m not seeing anything like that on her designer page nor on the DD page.
Anyone else see the FB post that scrap flower is going offline for a few days starting 2/8? Didn't they * just* reopen??
There was a discount digi scrap shop somewhere around 07-08 that was for designers to put up retired products. It failed. It might have a better shot now with the economy being worse and paypal's micropayments option.
When you receive money from a charity, is this considered income that you add to your income taxes? Is it taxable if it's for charitable reasons ie. fundraising for medical expenses?
What about websites that have a donations button if you want to donate to them or their website? (Not medical related, just for expenses for them to pay for web servers to keep a website up)?
Thanks in advance!
193 Yeah it is retarded. They are switching servers. She should have done that BEFORE the store opened. Joyce fails as a store owner. Very disorganized.
Thanks Sara for fixing the fix. Jen Yurko is a piece of shit.
#192 - yes, on her personal page. She has over 2600 friends, so I think it is safe to say she accepts a friend request from just about anyone. And when you have that many friends it really isn't that personal anymore.
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