Tuesday, January 1, 2013

January 2013

What will be smack worthy in 2013 ?


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Anonymous said...

I am not being mean, I am really just asking why it matters if she goes over the $12,000.
I want to help him (and the family), and ease the burden they now have to carry for every day of his life--and he'll need to be seen by specialists for the rest of his life.


So you're saying that anytime a designer or a CTM or a customer or ANYONE in the digi community has a child who needs ongoing care which will require expenses for that child's life duration, that the community should band together to help fund it?

You've gotta be effing kidding me.

This was about making sure the family had enough money to pay the doctors, so that the doctors would actually perform the surgery when it is necessary. That's it. It's not about funding the family for the rest of eternity just because they have a new expense on their balance sheet.

Grow up. You may THINK you're being so sweet and heartfelt by saying that those of us who feel otherwise are bad people and have no heart, but honestly when does it end? We're just being logical and honest about it. If Mye's initial post had been something like "I just had a baby that will require specialists for the rest of his life and I would love help paying for it" you wouldn't have donated either. Admit it.

Anonymous said...

If you don't want to donate, don't, but to sit here and say you wont because you don't want her to have a penny more, well, you may want to think long and hard about what that says about you as a human being.

Thank you for speaking to my inner conscience. You have given me a spiritual awakening beyond anything I have ever known. It would be beneficial to others now if you were to leave here and go spread your wisdom elsewhere...forever. By the way, do you ALWAYS miss the point in a discussion or do you just enjoy being sanctimonious whenever you get the chance?

Anonymous said...

I think once the $12K goal has been reached that the collab should be pulled from the shop and that the indiegogo site should be disabled. End it there. It's the honorable thing to do.

Anonymous said...

This was about making sure the family had enough money to pay the doctors, so that the doctors would actually perform the surgery when it is necessary. That's it. It's not about funding the family for the rest of eternity just because they have a new expense on their balance sheet.


^^This^^..exactly. Well said.

Anonymous said...

1 - I wish I knew who you were so I could be your new best friend.

Anonymous said...

1 - I wish I knew who you were so I could be your new best friend.



Anonymous said...

I think once the $12K goal has been reached that the collab should be pulled from the shop and that the indiegogo site should be disabled. End it there. It's the honorable thing to do.


Agreed. That way people don't get burnt out and are more than willing to help when others need it.

Anonymous said...

7 raises a totally good point: once Mye has the money needed to fund the surgery and save the baby's life, that should be it. That way, next time someone needs a donation, a collab, whatever - people in the community still have the money or time to help the next person. It would be really awful if everyone spent their extra money on this collab, and didn't have any leftover to help someone else in February while Mye walked away with more money than originally required or requested. This "charity" shouldn't be open-ended, as some on the end of the previous page seem to suggest. ::eyeroll::

Anonymous said...

Coincidence? Very similar name, very similar preview. Anyone know who released it first? Just curious.




Mye's came out in the past day or so, and Traci's last week. And yes, I am sure that Mye probably stole the idea. BTW hi Traci, just because you make something, doesn't mean it has a trademark on it.

Anonymous said...

The goal is $12000, but nobody knows if there would not be a surprise expense added to it, something the doctors are not expecting to happen before, during or after the surgery, or other supplies they have to pay for (blood, oxygen, extra doses of medication, more thread for suture, etc.) so even if we, as a community, want to help "only" for the surgery, who is to say that the invoice will ONLY be $12000. It is not about purchasing a loaf of bread that has a fixed cost. To me, if it goes over by a bit, I would not be worried. I don't think we should worry about the extra. If someone required help after a house fire, would we calculate exactly, to the penny, how much they need and stop helping when the goal is met?

Making sure that the money goes where it is supposed to is a valid concern, but grumbling because maybe $500 would go to additional expenses still related to the surgery instead of the exact "surgery invoice" seems just a little nit picking.

Anonymous said...

Nobody's grumbling over $500 you moron. Where did you even come up with that number? Yes if it's $500 extra I have no trouble with that. We're grumbling because the collab will be for sale for another 2 weeks, almost, and in just a few days it's already raised $4k. Even if sales slow down, those sales coupled with the Indiegogo income will potentially top out around $15-20k conservatively. So we're trying to put a finger in the dyke. Also, your loaf of bread analogy is just plain stupid. It doesn't even make sense. Apples to oranges my friend.

Anonymous said...

Coincidence? Very similar name, very similar preview. Anyone know who released it first? Just curious.



It doesn't matter, they are both fucking ugly.

Anonymous said...

LOL at more thread for suture. Are you for real?

Anonymous said...

It doesn't matter, they are both fucking ugly.


This made me LOL because it's the first thing I thought when I saw Traci's at the Lily Pad. I thought..why would anyone steal THAT????

Anonymous said...

LOL at more thread for suture. Are you for real?


Unfortunately, I think she/he is..moreover, I think there's more than one of 'em...

Anonymous said...

Nobody's grumbling over $500 you moron. Where did you even come up with that number?


Agree on no one grumbling about a small amount of overage AND the fact that the o.p. is indeed a moron (for further info, refer to the "loaf of bread" analogy which has nothing to do with anything).

Anonymous said...

Nobody's grumbling over $500 you moron. Where did you even come up with that number?
Nobody mentioned that specific number but more than one post don't want to pay more than what is needed for the surgery and the only number they have is what has been mentioned, $12000. Example:

3: I think once the $12K goal has been reached that the collab should be pulled from the shop and that the indiegogo site should be disabled. End it there. It's the honorable thing to do.

In the end, will anyone need a proof that the surgery will have cost that much? would anyone be upset if $12000 was raised and the surgery ended up costing less than the doctors expected? Would anyone suggest that Alphonse's family give away the difference?

Anonymous said...

In the end, will anyone need a proof that the surgery will have cost that much? would anyone be upset if $12000 was raised and the surgery ended up costing less than the doctors expected? Would anyone suggest that Alphonse's family give away the difference?


Believe me when I say this, don't give another moment's worry that the surgery will cost less. Where have you been? Mars?

Anonymous said...

Of course it won't be less expensive, but the reasoning is the same: if the family gets more than is needed (whether by more money raised, or less cost incurred) would you suggest they reimburse the donators? or give the extra away?

Anonymous said...

Estimates of costs for a surgery might be misleading too. I don't have examples from the Philipines but here are things to think about, whether it is for this little boy or anyone else getting an estimate:
(they are not open heart surgery examples, sorry)

Anonymous said...

Omg what the fuck is wrong with you people? They needed money for a surgery. We stepped in and donated small things. Not a huge kit. We donated a few papers and elements. I hope they DO raise more that $12000 and I hope it all goes to Mye & her family. You think that there won't be bills AFTER the surgery?! You think that the baby won't have to have medication, possibly a nurse. Even if the baby was completely fine. SO WHAT?! Give them what was raised! There is already a finite amount of time for the collab to be for sale. Whatever is raised during that time should go to the family. PERIOD.

It sounds like petty jealousy to me when someone say the stupid shit you people are saying (because the money isn't for YOU!). "Proof". You didn't need proof to donate to it. It didn't cost you anything but maybe an HOUR. Get over yourselves and just be happy that you helped a little one in need. Those who didn't contribute need to stfu. It's none of your fucking business.

Anonymous said...

I thought the $12,000.00 was only a downpayment so to speak in order for the child to have the surgery.

It seems like everyone who is posting seems to think this collab will raise $12,000.00. January seems to be a bad month for many people. In the school where I work it's generally a bad month for collecting money anywhere from $5.00 to $18.00

Anonymous said...

and before you even say some other stupid bullshit. I'm not mye, not a ct for mye, I don't even know her. Never had a conversation with her.

Anonymous said...

For that matter, she might not even have a real baby and this is all a scam. Either give because you want to, or don't. If you're worried she'll collect "too much", don't buy the kit. If you want to help her as much as you can, buy it for yourself, and send an additional donation through the other site. Everyone can just do what THEY think is right, and mind their own business at the same time. Then everyone wins. If you're that skeptical, just keep your money to yourself, along with your opinions.

Anonymous said...

#9 I thought I read in the description that was Mye's *2nd* set of Veneered alphabets. So I think she must have done it first... and thus it wasn't the only one, scary enough. (I don't like them either. But I do like Traci's preview better. Easier to see.)

Anonymous said...

I like how everyone who's speaking reasonably, and not ranting, but just discussing things (and also in plain English without typos and grammar nightmares and the like) is on the side of "let's help her fund the surgery and then cut it off so we're not funding her family's entire life" - - - and everyone who seems to be getting all whacked-out-bent-out-of-shape, and ranting, and seemingly breathing heavy (with lots of typos or lack of understanding of language) is on the side of "let's fund the deLeon's life forever, we don't care how much they get, because it makes us feel good about ourselves" It's funny to me, just saying.

Anonymous said...

For that matter, she might not even have a real baby and this is all a scam. Either give because you want to, or don't. If you're worried she'll collect "too much", don't buy the kit. If you want to help her as much as you can, buy it for yourself, and send an additional donation through the other site. Everyone can just do what THEY think is right, and mind their own business at the same time. Then everyone wins. If you're that skeptical, just keep your money to yourself, along with your opinions.


You're truly missing the point, which appears to be contagious or hopefully, you're all the same thick-headed idiot.

Anonymous said...

I like how everyone who's speaking reasonably, and not ranting, but just discussing things (and also in plain English without typos and grammar nightmares and the like) is on the side of "let's help her fund the surgery and then cut it off so we're not funding her family's entire life" - - - and everyone who seems to be getting all whacked-out-bent-out-of-shape, and ranting, and seemingly breathing heavy (with lots of typos or lack of understanding of language) is on the side of "let's fund the deLeon's life forever, we don't care how much they get, because it makes us feel good about ourselves" It's funny to me, just saying.



Anonymous said...

#9 I thought I read in the description that was Mye's *2nd* set of Veneered alphabets. So I think she must have done it first... and thus it wasn't the only one, scary enough. (I don't like them either. But I do like Traci's preview better. Easier to see.)


It's scary to think there's more sets of these by anyone anywhere. They truly are fugly. Both designers do much, much better work than this...thank goodness.

Anonymous said...

You're truly missing the point, which appears to be contagious or hopefully, you're all the same thick-headed idiot.

I'm pretty sure the point was that some people want the funding cut off at $12k and others feel it's fine to go as far as it can. I addressed both sides of that coin in my response. Maybe you should read it again, unless you can't see it from way atop your high horse.

Anonymous said...

I'm assuming that the money is being collected and sent to one site so it can be sent to the family in one lump sum.
If that's the case, if there is an overage then it could be held in anticipation for the next benefit.
It doesn't matter to me how it's done. I'll be in awe if the goal is reached. I surely hope it will be.

Anonymous said...

I'm assuming that the money is being collected and sent to one site so it can be sent to the family in one lump sum.
If that's the case, if there is an overage then it could be held in anticipation for the next benefit.
It doesn't matter to me how it's done. I'll be in awe if the goal is reached. I surely hope it will be.


This is what I think should be done. Have the cut off at 12 grand and if there's overages apply to the next benefit. There should always be a goal amount and then once reached, surplus should be kept for and given to the next fundraiser. It really is that simple. There needs to be a cutoff unless it's an ongoing charity such as when the collab was done for Eva.

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure the point was that some people want the funding cut off at $12k and others feel it's fine to go as far as it can. I addressed both sides of that coin in my response. Maybe you should read it again, unless you can't see it from way atop your high horse.


No, you most certainly did not address both sides you addressed one side badly...twice. You have missed the whole point; several, with a lot more patience than I, have posted what the issue is with having a set goal amount for these personal benefit requests and stopping there. If you can't or won't get it, and I'm thinking CAN'T is probably the case, then that is your problem...and probably the rest of ours as we have to continue reading your idiotic posts.

Anonymous said...

Guess I better move out of the way so you can carry on with saving the world, then. I'm too stupid to participate in any discussions. Guess I should have stayed in school past 4th grade.

Anonymous said...

I cannot believe some of you people. I certainly hope that you're never in the position to need charity - to have to ask for help only to be worried about when someone else determines you've had enough.

Anonymous said...

No one else talk. #34 knows it all. The rest of you are idiots. If you CAN'T get what she's saying, you don't deserve to breathe her air.

Anonymous said...

Name calling: A sign that you've won an argument. You big poopy head.

Anonymous said...

Guess I better move out of the way so you can carry on with saving the world, then. I'm too stupid to participate in any discussions. Guess I should have stayed in school past 4th grade.


Most intelligent thing you've probably EVER said...

Anonymous said...

Name calling: A sign that you've won an argument. You big poopy head.


Stupid posts: A sign you have nothing intelligent to say.

Anonymous said...

I cannot believe some of you people. I certainly hope that you're never in the position to need charity - to have to ask for help only to be worried about when someone else determines you've had enough.


And you can join the "Haven't Got a Clue" group who seemingly have no idea, even after NUMEROUS posts, what our point is to have a set amount and then move on to a new cause so OTHERS can also get the benefit of charity.

Anonymous said...

Coincidence? Very similar name, very similar preview. Anyone know who released it first? Just curious.



The paper scrap industry released it first.

Anonymous said...

No one else talk. #34 knows it all. The rest of you are idiots. If you CAN'T get what she's saying, you don't deserve to breathe her air.


Thanks for proving my point; you just smacked yourself...You truly are an idiot.

Anonymous said...

#40 - I didn't donate to some random next cause, I donated to Mye. While I understand the point you're trying to make, donating to the next cause isn't really an appropriate solution.

The only real solution is, if you care about any overage, don't donate in the first place. If you want to donate only if she's not at her goal, then send her a note and ask her.

If you're not willing to ask the question to the only person who can answer it, then you really can't say anything - let alone tell people how to distribute money that isn't yours in a way that wasn't intended.

Anonymous said...

... and by all means, if she goes over the amount and you donated and feel she shouldn't have taken anything over the amount, send her a note asking for the money back.

Anonymous said...

*your, not the money back.

Anonymous said...

35, get a clue. Nobody has said that Mye shouldn't be helped. Everybody seems to be supportive of helping, in fact. So don't tell anyone here that you "hope we're never in the position to need charity" because we're all helping already. We're just saying it shouldn't be open-ended. To come back and argue that you "hope we aren't ever in need" (suggesting that we're all being awful people who don't want to help anyone) is ridiculous. Sign of your brain's ability to process information, I suppose.

I sure do hope you're never in a position to need a brain...

Anonymous said...

OMG LOL 46! Too true.

Anonymous said...

Just curious... there have been many charity fundraisers over the years and I can't recall any of them generating discussions about overages. Has this been an issue before?

Anonymous said...

YUk..just eww. Whatever happened to quality check?


Anonymous said...

176 - There would be the $12K or so for the surgery itself, but there will be additional hospital bills, I'd reckon. I'm sure overages will help with ongoing issues with the child. I wouldn't begrudge a bit extra, particularly since the heart condition tends to go hand in hand with Down's syndrome.

What is sad is that you must be someone near her because she has not officialy mentionned the Down's syndrome. This is very mean and discusting from you to have openly talk about it before she did.

What's even sadder is that the OP never said the baby had Downs. At least, that's not the way I'm reading it. I do believe she was saying that the baby may have Downs because that kind of heart condition tends to appear in babies who have Downs.

Anonymous said...

Just curious... there have been many charity fundraisers over the years and I can't recall any of them generating discussions about overages. Has this been an issue before?

Nope, but there have been other types of discussions about charity collabs. I guess this discussion was triggered because of the large amount of money involved. Other collabs have had non specific amounts, as far as I recall.

Anonymous said...

speaking of charity collab kits, does anyone remember "Trevor's Treasures"? It was a collab for a designer's son maybe?
I contributed to that several years ago. I wonder how that young man is now. I don't remember a thing other than I contributed.

I had to Google it and found this update, there may be more, but I figured if you were really curious, you could follow up :)


Anonymous said...

49 Anonymous said...

YUk..just eww. Whatever happened to quality check?

Jan 19, 2013, 3:35:00 PM

It's just a font stacked on top of a picture (the same picture over and over) of a chocolate kiss??? And the letters are H U G E. I think the intent was okay, but do not like the outcome!

Anonymous said...

Never hear of an issue with overages until this collab

Anonymous said...

#40 - I didn't donate to some random next cause, I donated to Mye. While I understand the point you're trying to make, donating to the next cause isn't really an appropriate solution.

The only real solution is, if you care about any overage, don't donate in the first place. If you want to donate only if she's not at her goal, then send her a note and ask her.

If you're not willing to ask the question to the only person who can answer it, then you really can't say anything - let alone tell people how to distribute money that isn't yours in a way that wasn't intended.


Actually, I see your point here. I guess the solution for these personal charity situations is to put a stop date (as has already been done) on the collab.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe even on a smack blog you (in general) are bitching about a Charity for a friggen baby. Some people really are reaching a new low in this place.

First, no one is bitching about the charity.

Second, this is not new, discussions about charity collabs have happened before, frequently.

Third, referring to the baby as 'a friggen baby', while hand slapping no less, is a new low.

As several had said, people are entitled to know where their money is going. There have been far too many scams, both IRL and in the digi community, to not want to know.

Anonymous said...

YUk..just eww. Whatever happened to quality check?


Do you just surf the net all day to find products to smack? I come across a lot of crap products but I don't post them here.

Anonymous said...

Anyone notice that the Baby Grace and Innocent Heart charity collabs have near identical color palettes?

If you've bought both, you'd have an incredibly huge, and hopefully diverse, kit.

Anonymous said...

Well no 57 I don't, but apparently you chose me to pick on because I posted a product that literally sucks like many others have brought bad products to light. Must be having a bad day if you want be snarky.

Anonymous said...

>>What is sad is that you must be someone near her because she has not officialy mentionned the Down's syndrome. This is very mean and discusting from you to have openly talk about it before she did.

I'm the OP, and no, I don't know Mye nor did I know if the baby has Downs. But your reaction to my post pretty much tells me that my concerns were warranted. Thanks for smacking me, though, because the mis-spellings were amusing at least.

Anonymous said...

I cannot believe what I'm reading here. Why would it be anyone's concern how much money is raised for Mye's son Alphonse? Whenever a charity event is held, or a fundraiser begun, a goal is usually set. It's a dream to reach it and if it is exceded, hooray for the generosity of the community involved. Mye did not ask for the charity...it was all the ideas of others that turned it into a charity collab and event. I hope they raise as much as is humanly possible for this family, and that it eases their burden a little. A huge thank you goes out to the generosity of the digiworld. Good on you for pulling together and, hopefully, pulling this off and more.

Anonymous said...

I cannot believe some of you people. I certainly hope that you're never in the position to need charity - to have to ask for help only to be worried about when someone else determines you've had enough.

This is either incredibly naive or stupid - you pick. Mye needed $12,000 - that's basically what she asked for. No one is saying to give less than that. The determining factor is that once she reaches that amount the money stops. I don't know how to type this so you can understand that concept. If and when the amount reaches $12,000 - it should stop. It's supposed to be an emergency allocated amount, not an on-going entitlement.

Anonymous said...

Well no 57 I don't, but apparently you chose me to pick on because I posted a product that literally sucks like many others have brought bad products to light. Must be having a bad day if you want be snarky.


No. I just get tired of all the people who post these products from stores they have no intention of every buying from, solely for the purpose of smacking it.

I'm also tried of the arm chair psychiatry that goes on here.

Anonymous said...

Whenever a charity event is held, or a fundraiser begun, a goal is usually set. It's a dream to reach it and if it is exceded, hooray for the generosity of the community involved.

And guess what happens in those situations? The people who donated want to know where their money goes. Thanks for the great analogy!

Anonymous said...

Do you just surf the net all day to find products to smack? I come across a lot of crap products but I don't post them here.


Well, aren't you a sweetheart?..and a hypocrite... you are bitching at someone for bitching...

Anonymous said...

I cannot believe what I'm reading here. Why would it be anyone's concern how much money is raised for Mye's son Alphonse?

Really? You can't believe it? I don't believe you.

Why is it anyone's concern? Because if they donated, it's their money and they are entitled to know where their money has gone, even if it's a charity. Believe me, if I donated $20, I'd be wanting to know how the donation money was being used. It's naive not to expect people to want to know that.

Anonymous said...

I'm also tried of the arm chair psychiatry that goes on here.


I'm "tried" of your incessant typos...get spell check.

Anonymous said...

This is either incredibly naive or stupid - you pick. Mye needed $12,000 - that's basically what she asked for. No one is saying to give less than that. The determining factor is that once she reaches that amount the money stops. I don't know how to type this so you can understand that concept. If and when the amount reaches $12,000 - it should stop. It's supposed to be an emergency allocated amount, not an on-going entitlement.


Anonymous said...

And guess what happens in those situations? The people who donated want to know where their money goes. Thanks for the great analogy!

What is it you're worried about? Do yo think the family will misuse the money? With a child as sick as this? Give your head a shake and be proud the community stepped up and made it possible and stop worrying about things out of your control. If people want to give after the initial goal is met, it is their choice.

Anonymous said...

This is either incredibly naive or stupid - you pick. Mye needed $12,000 - that's basically what she asked for. No one is saying to give less than that. The determining factor is that once she reaches that amount the money stops. I don't know how to type this so you can understand that concept. If and when the amount reaches $12,000 - it should stop. It's supposed to be an emergency allocated amount, not an on-going entitlement.


This is about as clearly said as can be...yet, some will still choose to construe it as not wanting to help and being uncharitable.

Anonymous said...

Hey, #67, what incessant typos? Do you know think you know all my posts? I'm impressed, not only an arm chair psychiatrist, but a psychic as well! Good for you.

By the way, tried is a word, so, guess what? Spell check wouldn't pick up. Didn't you know that?

And guess what else? Typos having nothing to do with being able to spell. You really are a silly, aren't you?

Anonymous said...

#69 - I'm not worried about anything. I didn't donate, however, those who did are wholly entitled to know where their money went. Why is that such a hard concept for some of you?

No one, I repeat because apparently it needs to be repeated, no one is disputing the goodness of the community, so I'm not even sure what they is repeatedly brought up, it's not the issue, not at all.

Anonymous said...

People are wondering where the extra money will go because organizations and charities have been taking advantage of us for a very long time. Just look at Haiti. How many of us gave money when that disaster hit?


I'm not saying Mye's case is Haiti - I'm just saying that it's really not unreasonable to expect some kind of accountability when this much money is being collected.

Was the target total of $12,000 reached?
Did the funds go over and by how much?
How were those funds used?

Because I think we can safely assume, that if this situation is handled badly and then a similar situation occurs within our digital scrapping community, we might not be so eager to donate our time or money.

Anonymous said...

YES, we do. We need to raise money to finance his surgery and we only have a month to do it. My husband is doing his best with his job and I want to contribute as well. I am a digital scrapbook designer and a blog designer. I am humbly knocking at your doors and offering my products and services so we can get the amount needed on time.

I have a digital scrapbook store at Pixels & Company and my blog design website is My Creative Zone.

My digital products are slowly being loaded to my store and there will be $1 kits available through the rest of January. If you are a digital scrapper or hybrid artist, your purchases this month will be greatly appreciated.

If you need blog make over or a new blog design, I can do it for you as well. Please check out My Creative Zone for all the graphic services I am offering as well as the rates. If you are interested, you may place your order through HERE.

{updated} Some people have sent me messages and want to send pledges straight to our account. We can never thank you all enough. If, by any chance you want to send it straight to us, my paypal address is admin@myedeleon.com

This is the original post on Mye's blog. She did not ask for charity. She asked if others could buy her products and services to help her earn the money. The charity avenue was someone else's idea and undertaking. Stop making it sound as if Mye asked for the money, she did not. She asked that you (general you) have a look at her store or purchase her blog design services.

Anonymous said...

Well, aren't you a sweetheart?..and a hypocrite... you are bitching at someone for bitching...

Yes, I am a sweetheart. You are using the word hypocrite incorrectly.

Anonymous said...

Stop making it sound as if Mye asked for the money, she did not. She asked that you (general you) have a look at her store or purchase her blog design services.

No one is saying that Mye asked for the money. If you think it sounds like that, then maybe the problem lies with you.

Anonymous said...

#9- LOL!

Anonymous said...

All I can say is...what a wonderful problem to have...to worry about where the EXTRA money will go. I hope Mye is faced with that problem and provides a detailed account for you all.

Anonymous said...

So every person in the digital community who doesn't have health insurance for their new baby are going to get a charity collab now?

Anonymous said...

IMO as long as all the proceeds (less fees) are given to Mye's family, then the "charity" is a success and has fulfilled it's stated intent. The description says: "Proceeds to benefit Mye De Leon, and help her newborn son with a life-saving surgery."

There is no limit specified to the amount of the proceeds. There is no requirement for any specific bill to be paid using the funds. The proceeds are to help Mye's son with a life-saving surgery. That seems fairly open to me. There is a lot more involved with a surgery of this type than just the OR/Doctor fee for the surgery. Follow up scans, pre-operative tests and scans, medications, inpatient stay, and so much more. If anyone thinks that by the time this is all said and done, the amount of the proceeds will be more than what Mye will need to "help her newborn son with a life-saving surgery" then they should do a little research into medical costs.

Anonymous said...

#78 I totally agree with you.
WOW!! You people are disgusting!( referring to the negative and suspicious ones)

I can't believe I just read so many posts about where the money will go and what will happen if the money goes over $12.000 for God's sake.
Chill people. We're not talking about billions here.
A poor baby needs a surgery. Can you all take your negativity and shove it up your asses? I really hope you don't need help some day.
This is a new low for this stupid smack blog. I'm getting the hell out of here. I can't take this much evil and bitching. I have a life and I need positive things around me.

You should all be ashamed of yourselves. (You all) referring to the smart asses and the critics about the money raised for Mye.

Adios..maybe it is time to start a new anonymous good spirit blog.

P.S. Gennifer you shouldn't have mentioned the sales of the charity collab. That rised all the evilness to come out on the surface of their empty souls.

Anonymous said...

#79 If they reach out for help and the community steps up...then yes, I believe that just may happen.

Anonymous said...

OK so anytime I wonder where the money I donated for a charity actually went, I'm an evil bitch.

Yup. Got it.

Anonymous said...

#81 - You need to chill.

We. want. the. baby. to. get. the. surgery.

Anonymous said...

I think that if you call for a cut off level to donations, when it's none of your business, THAT makes you an evil bitch. I am sure the money donated will be accounted for and that Mye will thank everyone in an open letter as soon as the crisis has passed.

Anonymous said...

And if you advertise a collab to help a woman's son get an emergency surgery but then the extra money is used to dine at McDonald's the next 3 years, you're falsely advertising. All that people are asking for is transparency. But I guess that's too much to ask for.

Anonymous said...

I think that if you call for a cut off level to donations, when it's none of your business, THAT makes you an evil bitch. I am sure the money donated will be accounted for and that Mye will thank everyone in an open letter as soon as the crisis has passed.


Luckily, your anonymous opinion of all these anonymous posters is...well..irrelevant..

Anonymous said...

I find it abhorrently ironic that the ones bitching the loudest about the amount of donations have not even donated themselves. A little green, are we?

Anonymous said...

Adios..maybe it is time to start a new anonymous good spirit blog.


This is a wonderful idea and one you should act upon..yesterday. Go do it...the world needs you...and we don't.

Anonymous said...

#87. As irrelevant as yours!!! lol

Anonymous said...

I find it abhorrently ironic that the ones bitching the loudest about the amount of donations have not even donated themselves. A little green, are we?


How do you know who has donated and who hasn't?

Anonymous said...

#88 Crying 'green' to those you disagree with is so childish. How would you know if any of us have donated monetarily or through the collab? You don't.

Anonymous said...

#87. As irrelevant as yours!!! lol


exactly, Einstein...the only difference is I am not pontificating about how good I am and how bad everyone else is...

Anonymous said...

#69 - I'm not worried about anything. I didn't donate, however, those who did are wholly entitled to know where their money went. Why is that such a hard concept for some of you?

^^^^^by posts like these^^^^^^

Anonymous said...

#88 Crying 'green' to those you disagree with is so childish. How would you know if any of us have donated monetarily or through the collab? You don't.



Anonymous said...

You're generalizing based on one poster that didn't donate?

Anonymous said...

Comment #96 is directed to comment #94.

Anonymous said...

^^^^^by posts like these^^^^^^


What other posts? Posts is plural and you gave an example of one. The answer is you don't know squat who gave what (a rhyme!).

Anonymous said...

You're generalizing based on one poster that didn't donate?


That's exactly what she/he has done.

Anonymous said...

I have no problem with asking where extra money, above the initial goal, went. I just don't understand the call for a cut off. I don't think I've ever heard of anyone calling for that over a charity collab or donation in the past. Is there a reason why Mye is being treated differently?

Anonymous said...

I have no problem with asking where extra money, above the initial goal, went. I just don't understand the call for a cut off. I don't think I've ever heard of anyone calling for that over a charity collab or donation in the past. Is there a reason why Mye is being treated differently?


I think several factors apply. Here's a couple. One is that a specific amount was noted-$12,000.00 for a specific cause-lifesaving surgery.

Secondly, the economy is awful and lots and lots of people are struggling so they're more aware of what they're spending and want to know where exactly their money is going.

Anonymous said...

This is a new low for this stupid smack blog. I'm getting the hell out of here. I can't take this much evil and bitching. I have a life and I need positive things around me.

You need to look up the meaning of evil and bitching, because neither are happening. Oh, sorry, you bitched, my apologies.

Good for you on having a life, I do too. Can we be friends? Oh, wait, I'm an evil bitch because I choose to be sensible. Right. I don't think we can be friends after all.

Anonymous said...

#94 - you aren't making sense.

What exactly do you mean by 'posts like these'? As you have no clue who donated or who didn't, and which ones of those are asking, your post is just, well, pointless. It's assuming a knowledge you don't actually have.

Anonymous said...

I don't think I've ever heard of anyone calling for that over a charity collab or donation in the past. Is there a reason why Mye is being treated differently?

This has already been answered, however, I'll answer it again - it's because of the amount involved. As far as I recall, there hasn't been a call for a charitable donation with a goal of $12,000.

Anonymous said...

Coincidence? Very similar name, very similar preview. Anyone know who released it first? Just curious.



It's a veneer alpha, what else can you call it? And lots of alpha previews look like this. Veneer and/or wooden alphas have been around since 2006, it's not original to either of these designers.

Anonymous said...

The $12K figure was mentioned as what they need to put up for the surgery, it was not the specific goal of the charity collab sale alone. Who knows if her husband might not get some unexpected help from his work? Who knows if the local community or church, or other local group would not contribute too? Are we supposed to only pay the difference? I think that if we want to HELP, then we contribute, period. When all the money collected (and I can assume that the collab sale will not be the only source of help) gets all in a single bank account, how can anybody specify if the $20 you paid went to pay the doctor, or the nurse, or the meal the parents will take while the child is on the operating table?

Anonymous said...

gets all in a single bank account, how can anybody specify if the $20 you paid went to pay the doctor, or the nurse, or the meal the parents will take while the child is on the operating table?

Uh, the same way other charitable donations have managed to do it, with receipts and bills. It's not that hard.

Contributing, period, no questions asked is fine for some but other people want to know where their money is going. It's not the same thing, as has been implied more than once, as not wanting to help.

Anonymous said...

I am one of the designers that donated a bit of my time to creating something for the Innocent Heart collab. I also sent some of my design earnings directly to Mye. If you are concerned that Mye might get more money than is necessary for the surgery then do not donate to her and don't buy the collab.

I fall on the other side of this... discussion that has occurred today on this blog. I hope Mye and her family DO get more than the money needed just for the surgery. I am not even slightly concerned about the money I specifically sent to her. I know she will be able to use it. Could I have used it for my family? Yes, I could have. However, at this time her family has a greater need than mine and I am happy to be able to help with her need. If you're so worried about the money then it's just as simple as not donating or buying the collab. It's not as though they are keeping the collab in the stores for months. It will be up just slightly more than 2 weeks. If there is money over that $12,000 it should go to Mye and her family also because the collab is for them and any money that has been donated through Indiegogo or other forums has been donated for Mye and her family. No one was forced to donate. I've seen many charities happen on Indiegogo and other sites over the years. Whenever the fundraiser goes over the goal amount the money still goes to the charity originally determined. In the U.S. there are legal issues with attempting to move any excess money to any other charity. Just something to think about. If any of the collab funds were held back and they were gathered through a U.S. site that site could potentially be sued and all it takes to file suit is to be one of the donators. Basically this means regardless of what some of you feel the money has to go to Mye and her family. If you don't like it you're just going to have to suck it up.

Anonymous said...

Uh, the same way other charitable donations have managed to do it, with receipts and bills. It's not that hard.
How would anyone know which $20 was used for a meal, for a nurse, for the doctor, for the room, or for anything? It does not make sense. Help or don't help. Period.

Anonymous said...

How would anyone know which $20 was used for a meal, for a nurse, for the doctor, for the room, or for anything?

You have no idea, do you?

Anonymous said...

If you don't like it you're just going to have to suck it up.

If you don't like that some people are asking questions about the money, you are just going to have to suck it up.

Read the comments about concerns relating to the money, or don't. Nobody is forcing you.

Anonymous said...

If you are so concerned about you $20 or whatever amount you may have donated then ask for it back. There is a lot more to worry about in life than whether or not Mye might get enough money to pay costs beyond the surgery as well. I'm shocked that some of you would begrudge her family that. It's not as though anyone is suggesting we support Mye and her family for life. Whatever amount is raised over the $12,000 (which is actually $12,500) really is not going to go very far so that argument is a moot point. I agree with the poster that said help or don't help. It's really not that somplex.

Anonymous said...

You have no idea, do you?
No I don't. Please, explain.

Anonymous said...

111 did that touch a nerve? It doesn't bother me to read the comments so there is nothing for you to concern yourself with there. There is nothing for me to suck up. I'm not complaining about the whining others have done today. I'm responding to the discussion with my own opinions and some facts.

Anonymous said...

That should be complex, not somplex. I'm not sure what happened there.

Anonymous said...

I hope Mye doesn't read here. She has enough to worry about right now without worrying about people coming after her for the money others gathered for her.

Anonymous said...

Okay I get everyone's point about where the money is going. So Mye should be concerned about gathering recipts for every dollar she spends instead of worrying and caring about her sick baby. Yeah..that makes sense people.
If some of you are going to donate("if" you donated) and are going to spend so much negative energy about where the money is going and blah blah blah well don't donate anything. Go spend it on yourself, keep the receipt and feel good about yourself because you're a very good person.

Anonymous said...

This was about making sure the family had enough money to pay the doctors, so that the doctors would actually perform the surgery when it is necessary. That's it. It's not about funding the family for the rest of eternity just because they have a new expense on their balance sheet.

Grow up. You may THINK you're being so sweet and heartfelt by saying that those of us who feel otherwise are bad people and have no heart, but honestly when does it end? We're just being logical and honest about it. If Mye's initial post had been something like "I just had a baby that will require specialists for the rest of his life and I would love help paying for it" you wouldn't have donated either. Admit it.
I said that I didn't plan on donating for the rest of his life; if you'd actually read and paid attention to what I had written, I said that I don't mind if the money goes toward other hospital bills associated with his stay right now *because they will be dealing with this for his whole life and I want to do what I can right now* so that he can have the surgery. Please do not try to put words in my mouth. I'm not trying to be a Pollyanna about this. I never said that we should help everyone all the time. And please don't tell me what I would do if Mye had written her post differently.
As someone said, the collab can be pulled from the store, and it looks like when the indiegogo site is fully funded it'll be "turned off" (or whatever their words are for it). So, don't freak out. (Oh, too late. You've become a Scrooge about giving money and you're on an anonymous blog so no one can call you out about it. How nice for you.)
I said what I personally felt: I don't care if money I give goes toward the hospital bill. But thanks for completely distorting what I wrote in order to fit your cranky post.

Anonymous said...

If you bought a kit for $20 then you didn't GIVE them money. You got a kit in exchange for $20. I honestly can't even believe this is being debated.

Anonymous said...

Well according to the site, she's raised $4,933 dollars so far, so the stores will have sell about 353 kits to fund the surgery - well less paypal costs. It seems do-able.

Anonymous said...

111 did that touch a nerve?

No. Can't you think of anything original to say?

I was merely throwing the OP's argument back at her.

Anonymous said...

I hope Mye doesn't read here. She has enough to worry about right now without worrying about people coming after her for the money others gathered for her.

Are you for real? As you said, she has enough to worry about, so she wouldn't be coming here. Some people really are stupid.

Anonymous said...

If you are so concerned about you $20 or whatever amount you may have donated then ask for it back.

FFS, you just don't get it, do you?

Anonymous said...

Go spend it on yourself, keep the receipt and feel good about yourself because you're a very good person.

Aren't you special.

Anonymous said...

123, I get it just fine. I simply disagree.

122, whatever helps you sleep at night. I am willing to bet this will get back to her one way or another eventually since people she knows read here.

Anonymous said...

If some of you are going to donate("if" you donated) and are going to spend so much negative energy about where the money is going and blah blah blah well don't donate anything.

Funnily enough, the only people who are being truly negative are the ones that aren't concerned about the money.

Anonymous said...

If you bought a kit for $20 then you didn't GIVE them money. You got a kit in exchange for $20. I honestly can't even believe this is being debated.

did you miss the point?

Anonymous said...

I think that if you call for a cut off level to donations, when it's none of your business, THAT makes you an evil bitch. I am sure the money donated will be accounted for and that Mye will thank everyone in an open letter as soon as the crisis has passed.


Oh as long as we all thank everyone in an open letter, we're all entitled to get money every time we have a baby and need help funding his/her medical needs? That's simple enough.


Anonymous said...

whatever helps you sleep at night

More cliches.

If anybody says anything to Mye about what is being said here, then they are the ones who should be having trouble sleeping, not I.

Anonymous said...

Keep telling yourself that.

Anonymous said...

(Oh, too late. You've become a Scrooge about giving money and you're on an anonymous blog so no one can call you out about it. How nice for you.)
I said what I personally felt: I don't care if money I give goes toward the hospital bill. But thanks for completely distorting what I wrote in order to fit your cranky post.

Not the OP, but I think you just twisted what the OP said in order to get your point across.

Anonymous said...

"we're all entitled to get money every time we have a baby and need help funding his/her medical needs? That's simple enough."


Entitled... I see that pop up often here and other places. To quote one of my favorite movies: "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."

Where did anyone claim that Mye or anyone else is entitled to anything? She asked for help and many people were willing to give that help. It is that simple. Why anyone is complaining that she might receive more than she mentioned needing is beyond me.

Anonymous said...

#130 - what? I don't have to tell myself anything, your post makes no sense whatsoever. You have no idea what I have said and haven't said. I could be for or against the whole issue. You don't know. So, again, what am I supposed to be telling myself?

And more cliches. Do try and come up with something original now and again.

Anonymous said...

To add to what 132 just said, if people continue to buy the collab or continue to donate to Mye so that she receives more than the $12,000, how is that anyone's business but hers and theirs? If you are concerned about what she might receive no one is holding a gun to your head and making you donate/buy the collab. No one will know if you don't do either of those things.

Anonymous said...

Poster 133, your complaints about cliches are amusing. Please continue to provide me with entertainment. Here is another cliche, if the shoe fits wear it. If not, perhaps you weren't the person the post was referencing.

Anonymous said...

On a different topic, I think it's hilarious when a designer posts a kit, sale, or whatever and every response about how awesome it is or how the responder simply MUST have it... is from someone on the designer's creative team. I just saw a post full of that and every signature had a graphic or blinkie saying "creating for ________"

Anonymous said...

But you keep addressing my posts directly, #135, so there are no shoes to be fitted, inferred or implied.

Anonymous said...

Please continue to provide me with entertainment.

Small things amuse small minds.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

That should be *nor, not *or.

Anonymous said...

136 - I couldn't agree more. I have actually considered asking my team NOT to respond to my posts on FB or in forums b/c I think it looks so ridic.

Anonymous said...

If you bought a kit for $20 then you didn't GIVE them money. You got a kit in exchange for $20. I honestly can't even believe this is being debated.

did you miss the point?

Apparently! What IS the point?

Anonymous said...

#142 - not everyone bought the kit, some people just donated. The kit itself was never under debate.

Anonymous said...

This is either incredibly naive or stupid - you pick. Mye needed $12,000 - that's basically what she asked for. No one is saying to give less than that. The determining factor is that once she reaches that amount the money stops. I don't know how to type this so you can understand that concept. If and when the amount reaches $12,000 - it should stop. It's supposed to be an emergency allocated amount, not an on-going entitlement.


Where did you get the idea of an 'on-going entitlement'? We are talking about a kit that is for sale for a very limited period of time. Nobody is suggesting we support Alphonse for the rest of his life. However, for the short period of time that we are fundraising for Mye, I don't see how it matters if she gets more than the cost of the actual surgery.

Having a child who has had 13 surgeries, I know first-hand how expensive things are that people helping you don't think about ... like gas back and forth the the hospital, parking, meals for mom and dad when baby is in hospital (baby is the patient, the hospital doesn't feed mom and dad, and those cafeteria's are expensive!), pain meds for pot-op, cost of special equipment that has to go home with baby ... and so on. Our family gave us some money to help, and then judged us for 'poor money management' when we still didn't have enough. Getting through a surgery costs more than the actual quoted cost of the surgery. Always.

And don't tell me I 'don't get it.' I get your point, I disagree.

I have donated to many charities that I never hear where my money went. I vet the charity and decide if I trust them, then I donate. I don't expect them to divert resources to telling me where my $20 went, and I don't expect Mye to save receipts and come back and give us all a dollar to dollar accounting of where these funds go, either.

Anonymous said...

that should say 'pain meds to post-op'

Anonymous said...

All this back and forth is tiresome. I donated and I also bought the kit (I didn't even download it because I probably wouldn't use it). Mye has come out and asked for help - she will get help from me and from many in the community. I don't have a problem with that and I didn't think twice about helping.

Give because you are a giver - or don't and go away or don't complain about it.

A new topic for discussion would be real nice.

Anonymous said...

A new topic for discussion would be real nice.

Go ahead ...

Anonymous said...

Give because you are a giver - or don't and go away or don't complain about it.

People are entitled to voice their opinion, even if it's contrary to yours and others here. They can complain all they want, even if you and others don't like it. That's the way it works.

Anonymous said...

It doesn't matter whether she spends it on his medical bills, or on 3000 bags of gummy worms. Because, either way, she has to pay his medical bills. Which will be more than the $12500 as stated. Co-pays, deductibles, meds that aren't covered, etc.

But, I don't think anyone is asking for an itemized list anyway. It is just words being twisted or misunderstood.

Also, no one is begrudging whether it goes $500 over or $2000 over. I think the problem would arise when Mye posted a picture of her family in her new BMW on their way to board the cruise ship, which isn't gonna happen. Not funded by this, anyway.

However, by accepting the $12000, she can expect her purchases for the next 2 years to be under scrutiny. Just the nature of the beast. I'm not saying it's right, it's just a fact of life.

Anonymous said...

I think Satan himself posts here. Taking something really great about our community and putting doubts in our minds is his specialty. I pray Mye gets more than she needs and that our generousity overflows! It shows there is kindness and mercy in this world.

Anonymous said...

#150 I cannot agree more.

Anonymous said...

150 and 151 I don't believe in God or Satan, but I do think some of the people posting here are lacking empathy and others are flat out missing some integral part of their conscience. Fortunately that is a small minority that unfortunately has become very vocal this weekend.

Anonymous said...

Is this something one would use for their page? Maybe it's only me that doesn't see the usefulness.

Anonymous said...

Or maybe there are some people who wanted to donate but have very little money themselves and who thought that if Mye was close to what she originally needed, they weren't going to bother.

#150 people like you are just weird

Anonymous said...

Who are the owners of TLP?
Laura and Kelly. Is Kelly the Zinnias and Swallowtails designer?
Too bad I didn't win again this year at the make a wish forum.Time to shop..

Anonymous said...

Or maybe there are some people who wanted to donate but have very little money themselves and who thought that if Mye was close to what she originally needed, they weren't going to bother

This is a totally different scenario than calling for a cut off once the 12,500 dollar amount is reached. If you choose not to donate that is one thing, to worry about the donations going over the original amount of the stated goal, totally another.

Anonymous said...

#150 #152 AMEN!

Anonymous said...

Is Kelly the Zinnias and Swallowtails designer?
I don't think so. It says on Zinnias and Swallowtails' facebook page that her name is Sara.

Anonymous said...

Okay..change of subject. It's about time. Evilness has to go away.
I posted a while ago that Sahlin Studio is popular based on my own numbers when I saw that she was first with a big difference from other designers at replies on the make a wish forum last year.

This year the top 5 designers(most replies) at TLP for Make a wish are:
Paislee Press 130
One Little Bird 118
Sahlin Studio 114
Valorie Wibbens 106
Amy Martin 103.

All the other designers are below 100.

The lowest 5 are:
Amber Clegg 72
Micheline Godin 75
Jacque Larsen 78
Heather Hess 79
Rachel Young 79

Anonymous said...

#158 Sara Gleason

Anonymous said...

#156 - Some people calling for a cut-off? Well maybe one or two did. And so what if they did? All of sudden they're evil? That is just a blatant attempt to vilify those that have a different opinion than yourself .... in a very far right, fundamentalist Christian, straw man way. In fact, its hard to take people who even think that way serious.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone received any coupons from TLP designers for 10% ?
I got one in my email from Amy Martin.
For anyone interested it's: NLBDAY6 expires today 1/20/2013

I would appreciate it if anyone has coupons for TLP. I have many things on my wishlist.

Anonymous said...

#153 -
I look at them as being the same as the cut-out characters they have at Amusement Parks and such- where you stand behind it and put your face in the cut out and pose and get your picture taken. The only difference here is that you would use a photo of someone and put it behind the character image and dress someone up as a fairy or "hobbit inspired character".

I think it would be fun- for one time. I don't see using it more than once, unless you were making some project, say like writing your own storybook or something. So, I see where it would be appealing, but it's not something I would use often. If the price were less, I might buy it for the fun of it, but for $3+ and I might only use it once, I don't see the value in it. I don't know if it would work better to sell the characters separately, say $1 a piece or the set for whatever combined price.

Anonymous said...

Is this something one would use for their page? Maybe it's only me that doesn't see the usefulness


A better question is why are you guys even shopping in these stores? This one, that store that was posted earlier...one look at the header and I close the tab, I don't even need to see what else is there. It's just junk.

Anonymous said...

#156 - Some people calling for a cut-off? Well maybe one or two did. And so what if they did? All of sudden they're evil? That is just a blatant attempt to vilify those that have a different opinion than yourself .... in a very far right, fundamentalist Christian, straw man way. In fact, its hard to take people who even think that way serious
I'm #156 and I am an atheist so I guess your stereotyping just slammed back in your face. I didn't say anyone was evil either. I just said that calling for an account of where the money went and calling for a cut off are two different things. If you say just a couple people called for cutoffs you better go back and read over this page. Here are just a couple posts calling for it 1,3,7,8,11,32,62,68,70 and it goes on. Unless this is the same poster quoting and replying to their own posts, I'd say more than a couple people called for it. I disagree with them, I don't want to change their minds, I just disagree. Is that no longer allowed?

Anonymous said...

It's only junk if you don't like that kind of thing. But I do wonder what brings people to those sites and why they post about them. It's like they find something they don't like and just want others to help them make fun of it. I looked at it and while it's not something I would want to buy, I try to at least see what others might like about it. I mean, I never liked all that "Cute as a Button!" and other "cutesy sayings" stuff years back in paper scrapbooking, but if people want to buy it and use it, that's great for them! I don't need to disparage the product because I don't use it.

Anonymous said...

I'm #166 and that was in reply to #164

Anonymous said...

#163 thank you for your honest opinion about them. It is appreciated. #164 I happen to like some of the designer at Digitals. Sorry you don't.

Anonymous said...

If anybody says anything to Mye about what is being said here, then they are the ones who should be having trouble sleeping, not I.



Anonymous said...

168- I like a few at digitals myself so don't let her get to you. I do agree on the site design being not spectacular, I have seen much worse. I recognize that the header was made by one person and not every designer in the shop should be judged by it.

Anonymous said...

#165 - disagree all you want to - just allow others the same option.

#150 and the agreeing post of #151 both sounded exactly how I described them. Life isn't always black and white but there are those who insist on seeing it as that and transfer their narrow and judgmental view on others.

Anonymous said...

Life isn't always black and white but there are those who insist on seeing it as that and transfer their narrow and judgmental view on others

Now this I can wholeheartedly agree with!

Anonymous said...

Just saw this on Facebook - SAS is donating all the funds from their entire charity section to Mye. I know the $20 price tag on the collab is high for some, maybe one of these will be easier on the budget.

What a great community we are involved in. :)


Anonymous said...

I think Satan himself posts here.


You are completely nuts.

Anonymous said...

This is a totally different scenario than calling for a cut off once the 12,500 dollar amount is reached. If you choose not to donate that is one thing, to worry about the donations going over the original amount of the stated goal, totally another.

Which is totally different from so many implying that nobody wants to help the baby. Nobody ever said don't help the baby.

Anonymous said...

I think Satan himself posts here. Taking something really great about our community and putting doubts in our minds is his specialty. I pray Mye gets more than she needs and that our generousity overflows! It shows there is kindness and mercy in this world.


WTF are you talking about? Did anybody here say don't help the baby? No, they didn't.

You have no idea what evil is if you say shit like this. People like you are scary.

Anonymous said...

Evilness has to go away.

What evil? There was no evil here.

Anonymous said...

Okay..change of subject. It's about time. Evilness has to go away.
I posted a while ago that Sahlin Studio is popular based on my own numbers when I saw that she was first with a big difference from other designers at replies on the make a wish forum last year.

This year the top 5 designers(most replies) at TLP for Make a wish are:
Paislee Press 130
One Little Bird 118
Sahlin Studio 114
Valorie Wibbens 106
Amy Martin 103.

All the other designers are below 100.

The lowest 5 are:
Amber Clegg 72
Micheline Godin 75
Jacque Larsen 78
Heather Hess 79
Rachel Young 79

As those figures are based on one store, you can't say that she is popular, only that she is popular at that store, not in the whole of digi. I also see that she is third in that group, so not even the most popular at that store. You didn't exactly prove anything.

Anonymous said...

FOR FUCK'S SAKE! You crazy over-the-top Christians, extrapolating things into something that suits your argument but has nothing to do with what the original poster(s) had in mind.

Crazy people. Why even bring Satan into this?! Jesus Christ. There, now he's involved, too. Happy?

Anonymous said...

LMAO at 179!

I do think it's funny that people think it's more awful to question where funds in a giant charity collab/effort are going, than they do normally when they smack people here and cause them actual financial hardship (getting thrown out of stores, sales plummeting, etc.). This blog is so hypocritical, which is why I love it so much. What a bunch of morons who can't see the irony in the things they think are OK to smack, and the things they think are not OK.

It's a smack blog, people! We can talk about whatever, or whoever, the eff we want to.

Anonymous said...

Is this something one would use for their page? Maybe it's only me that doesn't see the usefulness

About as useful as some of the other stuff I see. Here's an example:


It's a one time use.

Anonymous said...

Do you just surf the net all day to find products to smack? I come across a lot of crap products but I don't post them here.


Well, aren't you a sweetheart?..and a hypocrite... you are bitching at someone for bitching...


Not the OP but that was not bitching at anyone. Your post on the other hand, yes, that's bitching.

Anonymous said...

I think Satan himself posts here. Taking something really great about our community and putting doubts in our minds is his specialty. I pray Mye gets more than she needs and that our generousity overflows! It shows there is kindness and mercy in this world.


If Satan is here and you're an upstanding Christian, why are YOU here? You're intentionally putting yourself in the company of the devil? YOU have much more of a problem, if that's the case, then anyone else here.

Anonymous said...

Why even bring Satan into this?! Jesus Christ. There, now he's involved, too. Happy?

Thanks for the laugh :)

Anonymous said...

FOR FUCK'S SAKE! You crazy over-the-top Christians, extrapolating things into something that suits your argument but has nothing to do with what the original poster(s) had in mind.

Crazy people. Why even bring Satan into this?! Jesus Christ. There, now he's involved, too. Happy?



Anonymous said...

Not the OP but that was not bitching at anyone. Your post on the other hand, yes, that's bitching.


Anonymous said...

166 - Last time I checked this was a smack blog...

Anonymous said...

Not the OP but that was not bitching at anyone. Your post on the other hand, yes, that's bitching.

This IS a smack blog, most everything we talk about is bitching one way or the other. lol The sanctimonious kill me!!!

Anonymous said...

OMG I want to marry 179.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

#186 - thanks for your contribution. It was enlightening, engaging and about as interesting as Fifty Shades of Grey. No, I'm sorry, your post was more interesting.

Anonymous said...

This IS a smack blog, most everything we talk about is bitching one way or the other. lol The sanctimonious kill me!!!

So, why you are still here or are you talking from beyond the grave? There's a lot of sanctimoniousness on this blog

Anonymous said...

Last time I checked this was a smack blog...

Yes, it is, but there's a difference between just finding crap for the sake of smacking and real smack.

Anonymous said...

Yes, it is, but there's a difference between just finding crap for the sake of smacking and real smack.



Anonymous said...

So, why you are still here or are you talking from beyond the grave? There's a lot of sanctimoniousness on this blog


What are you...ten?

Anonymous said...

"real smack"


#193, please give a definition of real smack as opposed to pseudo-smack. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Lol @ pseudo-smack

Anonymous said...

What are you...ten?

What an original thought! I'm astounded by your brilliance. Truly.

Anonymous said...

Real smack is smacking on a designer or store for poor quality, bad customer service etc.

Pseudo-smack is finding product in stores that you never shop at just so you can make fun of it.

Is that clear enough for everyone now?


Maybe now we can get on with it.

Anonymous said...

Three dots, give it a rest.

You aren't very clever.

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