Tuesday, January 1, 2013

January 2013

What will be smack worthy in 2013 ?


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Anonymous said...

198, too bad the deadline was last January. ;)

Anonymous said...

I just checked scrapflowers forum... Looks like they did indeed just post this designer call, the 2012 is a typo.

Anonymous said...

#197 I am not a designer so can't comment on the quality of Royanna's kits with a professional opinion, but I have purchased a great many of her kits and I am happy with them.
I think she has a good eye for color and has a good many elements which are different from just the usual. It has always amazed me how many different kits she produces.

Anonymous said...

Lots of Project Life here:

Anonymous said...

Why don't you send those links to Becky? She can decide how far she wants to persue her trademark.

I seriously doubt that she will ever read this blog. I know she is at a tradeshow right now because I read about it on FB.

Anonymous said...

180, it usually isn't all smack here. It's always been that way. I think what people do hate are the lectures for when people do smack.

Totally agree.

Anonymous said...

Project Life trademark information for those wanting to know


Anonymous said...

Scrapflower's new owner is Joyce Paul. I don't think she's Paul any more though.

Anonymous said...

Joyce Paul used to design, and when Scrapflower was Catscrap - a few years ago.

Anonymous said...

Joyce Paul also owns MScraps

Anonymous said...

If the term "Project Life" hasn't been trademarked (if it even can be trademarked- not everything can be) then I would think you could use it freely. I haven't paid attention because I'm not doing anything with PL, but does it say "Project Life (tm)" on all of her stuff and website? If not, then I guess it's okay to use it.

Anonymous said...

Sorry- 12 was my post- didn't notice there was a new page up with other trademark info until I published the post. I refreshed the page when I got on-line but didn't see that there was a new page and just responded to the last message I saw. Apologies!

Anonymous said...

#10 - Joyce also still designs under the name Pink Poppy Press.

As a designer, I wouldn't want an owner who already owns ANOTHER store. That doesn't even make sense to me.

In addition to 2 stores, she also designs and sells those designs at MScraps (which she owns) and Oscraps (which she doesn't own).

Anonymous said...

Before I get slammed- I do love Royanna's stuff, she gives a lot and it's pretty diverse. Yes- it's all FREE, but it bothers me too that she makes promises without follow-through... She's STILL having internet problems-okay, fine that does happen. But at the beginning of the month she said there would be videos about using the kit to make a smash album... first video was due out the 4th or 5th. But she never posted her part of the kit on the 3rd and then all these internet/router problems showed up. So no videos and no kit parts. I've been around long enough to know it's not the first time that something was due and right at the last minute she's suddenly got computer problems- AGAIN.

On a good note, someone else is having problems with her internet, but as soon as she's got it fixed she's posting her 2 days, leaving them up for 48 hours AND putting them in the store for free for a short time- just to make sure that people can get to her 2 days of stuff. That's what people were asking for- extra time to download! They links up for 24h but then if they are late you have to constantly check to see if it's posted, or fear losing out on part of the kit (usually the alphabet- who wants only 2/3 of an alphabet??)

The thing is, this designer I'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt. Royanna- not so much. You can only pull out the "computer problem" card so many times before it gets fishy. Even her supporters say things like, "She sure seems to have lots of computer problems!" I agree with people that said she's good at design/coming up with ideas but not so good at organizing and the business side. It's a shame, because it really reflects badly on her.

Anonymous said...

I bought Royanna's CU store a couple of years ago. Huge waste of money. Her quality is as good as her promises.

Anonymous said...

I don't think highly of Royanna's quality, HOWEVER, the new stuff she's put out under the "40 Days" freebie is excellent quality. I don't understand the reason for the difference, but kits 22, 23 and 24 were superlative and pretty IMHO. While kits 1-21 were ok. Not great. My concern with her quality is always 1) jagged edges, 2) not quite good enough shadowing on layered elements, 3) heavy handed use of the burn tool. And more jagged edges.

But I recommend all the nay sayers to check out her 40 Days freebie, when it comes back up, I mean, and see for yourselves.

Anonymous said...

I can't even find the newer kits - that store is a mess.

Anonymous said...

Just be prepared to only get 25 days of the 40 days of freebies, you know? I agree about the bad shadowing and overuse of burn. Is she still putting all that Eiffel Tower stuff in everything? She went to Paris and it seemed like from then on everything was vintage Paris this and vintage Paris that. Yes, Paris is beautiful, so is vintage. But not in every friggin' kit! That's about when I stopped caring about her "new" stuff.

Anonymous said...

So she was healthy enough to go to Paris, but somehow is always dying of illness?

Anonymous said...

Royanna has been homeless two or three times since DD has been around. Living in her car with her family - and yet posting pictures of them at Disney during the same period. Holding big buy my store events (with other partners, Wetfish/Princess Lala tossing some in) to raise money for a home. Divine was down for over six months about 2 years ago now. She claimed crash. Ok, fine, that happens. But it was down for SIX months while they waited for servers fees to be paid. This whole disease thing has only been around since that crash. She has always made promises - half the time doesn't follow thru. With all the complaints from other designers in the rumor mill about payments, etc - I'm surprized anyone sells there.

Honestly, between Royanna's made up illness's and homeless problems (but can still go to Disney) and Charly not knowing who she is or which sister to be....I don't know which is worse, so I choose to stay clear of both.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, back when I didn't know any better I did the "buy my store" with her. She made it sound like it was a one time thing and get it now 'cause you'll never get the chance again! How many times has she sold her entire store now? MANY.

I don't want to believe she's making up illnesses, but to know that she's supposedly living in her car and then going to Disney (and Paris?)... I don't know. This is what I can recall from all the stories- not necessarily in this order, but in total I remember: She's had 2 different kinds of cancer... last year (spring?) she got some weird blood disease and had to have like 7 blood transfusions and was/is in daily, constant, excruciating pain... her husbands partner (in whatever business) apparently ran out on him taking 100's of thousands of dollars and leaving them with the debt. Okay, let's say all that is true... but then how can ONE person have SO MANY computer problems?? (Excuses, maybe?) Then there's that quote about how much she spends on the server each month and that DD is her "only income" but then she claims she doesn't even take the income from DD but puts it all back into the store... and yet can pay for trips to Disney and Paris, France? It doesn't add up. I feel for her if she's even going through half that- but OWN UP TO IT! Just say you are over-extending yourself and take a step back. I think she's a control freak, too.

Anonymous said...

I don't know where Royanna lives, but maybe she lives within walking distance to Disney and can easily get a family season pass. That sure would not cost as much as having to go there from another state or so. Maybe that is how she can go to Disney with her family. Again, I don't know. But I agree that everything together just looks odd from the outside.

Anonymous said...

She's live in CA. It's a little bit like going to Six Flags if you live in Chicago. In stae yearly passes are cheap compared to what the rest of us pay. I have some friends that live in Orlando and a year pass is cheap for them.

She posted about her homelessness and illnesses on FB. Surely if it wasn't true one of her many family members would have said something? I stand behind my family but not if they are being big fat liars for sympathy!

I think some people just have really hard lives and bad computers.

Anonymous said...

I think some people just have really hard lives and bad computers.
That is when finding a reliable assistant might help her give a better business impression at least.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, it could be that she has a really hard life and bad computer... or just bad luck in general. But I agree with #25 that a reliable assistant would give a better impression. Even giving her the benefit of the doubt with all of this stuff, I still don't feel I can count on her. That's the hardest part- getting excited about her ideas and then being let down... again. Free or not, it's a bummer when you expect a month of fun and after 15 days it just... ends. Or you miss a couple of the parts of a set because they were posted at whacko times and taken down really quickly after taking forever to be posted!! When I think of some designers I think of fun and colorful kits and happy feelings. When I think of Royanna I just think... "oh, well." I just don't get my hopes up anymore. Too tired of being let down. I don't want to feel that!!! I want her to get some help and get it all together! Royanna- if you read here- get someone on your design team (not necessarily a designer- just someone) to just help with posting, etc.- PLEASE!

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure she went to Paris before all the health issues and housing problems. That was in 2007 or 8. You talk like she went last week.

Anonymous said...

Actually, it was 2002... unless they went back again?


Anonymous said...

I wasn't certain, 28. I just knew it was a long time ago.

Anonymous said...

199 - Actually I do

Anonymous said...

Royanna has flat out lied saying she can't get to payroll because she's sick but then posts on facebook pictures and status updates about how she's out for coffee and at Disneyland. She's a compulsive liar.

Maybe her family has washed their hands of her and her lies. I know I would have.

Anonymous said...

24- I live in FL and for a family of 4 annual passes to disney are no where in my budget. I can pay for Busch Gardens or Sea World passes for my family for what 1 pass for one person costs for Disney. I would compare 6 Flags to one of those parks, not Disney.

Anonymous said...

So Joyce is going to own TWO stores now? How can she keep up with ownership, designing and a baby?

Anonymous said...

@183 - it's more like it's made *for* Project Life (and the rest) than that it's a "Project Life" product from what I see. ???
It's not called Project Life. It's titled, "Yep, that's life".

No, it's actually got a doodled flag on the packaging that says "Project Life". Learn to read.

It's labeled as thought it's a PL product. I didn't think you could put "Project Life" on packaging, either, as it's a company name. Same as Disney, Coke, etc.

Anonymous said...

#34 I looked around and didn't see anything on there (other than the stuff about it being "for" Project Life) that said Project Life- I blame my old eyes. Maybe if people were more specific about what the gripe was about other people could "learn to read" better. And if there is a problem then it's up to the trademark owner to take care of it. Contact them. I'm not into the Project Life stuff, so don't care either way who is making what.

Anonymous said...

WTF with Etc by Danyale spamming the digital scrapbooking Gallery group on facebook with product ads all the time lately? She has posted twice this weekend with the same exact new release, how has she not noticed that it's a place for us to all post our LAYOUTS and not a place to blatantly advertise products?

Anonymous said...

34, email Becky and let her sort it out. No need to be ugly about it.

Anonymous said...

36, why doesn't the group admin send her a message and tell her to stop?

Anonymous said...

37, I'm not the OP or 34, but you're not the smack blog police. People get to type what they want around these parts, despite those who are trying to be all happy-sally-clean-up-the-blog for their new years resolutions this month.

The product package that was originally linked up on the last page, 183 I think, doesn't have a project life banner on the package, but that's because it is a bundled set and each of the 2 individual products do have that label, as shown here: http://www.sweetshoppedesigns.com/sweetshoppe/product.php?productid=24802&cat=0&page=1

So I see the OP's point, and I don't think it's anyone else's business to tell everyone else on the smack blog how to talk and what we can say. If you are know-it-all enough to correct the OP and say "it's called Yep, that's Life" when there really is a PL banner on it and you're blind, then you don't need to worry when someone corrects you back.

Anonymous said...

LMAO at "happy sally clean up the blog for their New Years resulotions this month"

Anonymous said...

38, good question. I have no idea who that is.

Anonymous said...

It's not fair to be calling people "blind" when the correct photo isn't even linked to in the first place. I don't want to go "searching for the truth". "Learn to read!" Yeah, learn to link correctly!

And so yes- what's with using the words Project Life if you don't have the rights to them?

Anonymous said...

I agree with 37. Send it all to Becky Higgins. We can't do anything about it because we aren't the trademark holder. She is. If she doesn't want to further persue it then that is her business.

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure she went to Paris before all the health issues and housing problems. That was in 2007 or 8. You talk like she went last week.

I know from a previous post that she went in 2002, however, she had apparent health and housing issues before 2007.

Anonymous said...

When CatScrap changed to Scrap Flower, I knew it wasn't going to survive and it didn't. Why they now think they can resurrect a dying store is beyond me.

Anonymous said...

Becky Higgins & her staff would be very busy indeed if they go after everyone in the paper scrap or digi world who is trading in on Project Life.
It's probably good publicity for her and not worth the time or trouble.

Anonymous said...

Considering that project life is based on project 365, which wasn't her idea in the first place, she's hardly in a place to be throwing stones.

Anonymous said...

Resurrection of Scrapflower - there are a lot of European and Russian designers who are not at a store any more. I think it's going to be more European.

Anonymous said...

#48 - like Digital Crea? Could be.

Anonymous said...

47-yup, that.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

51 - SATC is a TAGGER store not a store for digiscrapping your memories. Why even bother to post it here?

Anonymous said...

51 -52 - Funny to read that it OPENS IN LAYERS. What should be put between the layers?

Anonymous said...

#51 - about as useful as these


Anonymous said...

Except, she has filed for a Trademark. Which digital scrapbooking designers have actually done that?

And it's not based on Project 365. She says it isn't a photo a day project.

Anonymous said...

No, I'm pretty sure 51 has won, 55. Those hearts are bad at all.

Anonymous said...

55- I would use the hearts more easily than a condom pack, if I was to do a layout.

53- What does it have to do with Taggers even if that is the target audience for that store? I am still not sure that Taggers would use that item anyways.

Anonymous said...

They probably would if they are willing to use those trashy posers in their siggies.

Anonymous said...

Oh I don't know 53...doesn't that fit in with the other shit everyone has posted about? I mean, seriously, there have been posers smacked, tagger stores smacked, products smacked, designers smacked and FYI, taggers kits can be used to digitally scrap your memories because they are perfect size for brag books. So what is the problem? Does something like that not make your list of smack worthy?

Anonymous said...

#58 - as they are CU hearts, I can't see me using them in anything, not a layout, not a kit.

#56 - oh please, Project Life is still about recording what you do on a daily basis, be it with photos or journaling or both. It's the same idea.

Anonymous said...

61, it has nothing to do with recording daily. It's about scrapping your memories quickly. I don't document my everyday. It is nothing like P365,

Anonymous said...

Becky holds the Project Life trademark. She can cease and desist anyone she sees fit whether you think she stole the idea or not.

Anonymous said...

Who cares if Project Life is based on P365, or who had the idea first, or who stole an idea from who? That wasn't the original post's point. The point was that the Project Life term (not the idea) is trademarked, and Darcy shouldn't be putting a Project Life banner on her actual product packaging. Oh and the original link did show that banner, you stupid twit #42. It was on there twice, on each of the products shown in the bundle. It was just the main bundled preview that didn't have it but it was plastered all over the entire thing. So yes, you're blind and learn to read. Suck it.

Anonymous said...

I just checked out Project Life. Who knew? I've been doing that for years and years. I wish I had thought to market that idea and earn a ton.

Anonymous said...

Which digital scrapbooking designers have actually done that?

I don't know, I haven't asked any of them. I'm sure some of them may have though.

Anonymous said...

60 - you're a moron. Tagger size is 72 dpi. It's not print quality. Some posers are full digiscrap page size and 300 dpi. You seem to have a hard on for what aren't even stores meant for taggers. It's like posting a link to any online store that has nothing to do with digiscrapping.

Anonymous said...

#64 My bad. But you can suck it. And I still don't care about project life... oh, sorry- "Product Life" if I'm supposed to go off of the original post's information.

Anonymous said...

I just opening the Shabby Miss Jen kit offered from MSA this month. Who recolors the thread on buttons the same color as the button itself? Ugh

Anonymous said...

How should she had done it? made them different colors and hope they matched what you were making? I think they look fine. You buy clothes with matching thread in the buttons... I don't see the problem. But- to each their own. You can always change them yourself.

My only problem with the kit is the fold lines on some of the elements. I can't decide if I like it or not. I wouldn't normally do that (kind of makes it look like you are using old stuff or leftovers) but at the same time, it does make them look more "real" and I do like that in elements. Overall I really like the kit. Worth the money to me already and it's only the 1st month.

Anonymous said...

*have done it

Should have checked before I hit publish.

Anonymous said...

How should she had done it? made them different colors and hope they matched what you were making? I think they look fine


No they don't. They look like buttons a beginner would do. When you buy clothes they are maybe the same color but with a small variation. This look just like she merge the whole thing and recolor it. It's ugly.

Anonymous said...

I think they look fine too. Even recolors have slight variation and I think the threads stand out enough from the buttons.

Anonymous said...

for me, the paper flower and the button/thread combo look flat because they're all one color. Even if the recolor is done well, a thread and button and flower all recolored exactly the same looks boring. It looks like one blob of pink (or blue or one of the other bajillion recolors) on my page instead of like a dynamic layered collection of elements. So I'd rather have the button be a different color than the flower. And yes, I'd like the thread not to be the same color as the button because IRL there would be a slight difference in the shade of color between the thread and the button. There isn't enough difference. And the button spaces are so big that you can see a lot of the underlying flower...so much so that IRL you'd be able to see how the thread pierced through the paper flower. I guess the flower/button combo just isn't my cup of tea. And since it's the only flower element in the kit, that's kind of annoying. I guess that's what happens when a designer recolors an element: they think of them as individual elements instead of as recolors, so they forget to add another, totally different, flower element.
I don't hate the kit, but it's not my favorite. But hey, it's the first month of the Pass. Hopefully designers featured later in the year read this month's talk (and the little bit of smack) about the kit and use these posts to improve their month's release. Or maybe they sit in front of their computers while reading this with a bowl of popcorn and think to themselves "It's a good thing my work is perfect!"

Anonymous said...

#74 Okay- I see what you mean about the recolored flower/button elements. That doesn't bother me that much, but I can see your point and see why you would be disappointed then. And good point about it being the only flower element. Again, doesn't bother me personally, but I can see where it could bother you and others. I hope designers do take note for future kits.

You are right- it's only the first month. For the $5 price I'm sure there will be something that everyone likes over the course of the year to justify that price.

Anonymous said...

#70 - I really don't like the folds in those elements and anything else for that matter. I have been so careful trying to pick out kits that don't have the textured folds and have been disappointed so many times when I unzip the
purchase - sometimes you just can't tell by the paper preview. I'll be really happy when this trend is over...just my personal preference, of course...I know that a lot of people like it.

Anonymous said...

I just opening the Shabby Miss Jen kit offered from MSA this month. Who recolors the thread on buttons the same color as the button itself? Ugh

You couldn't see that from the previews? I agree that it looks stupid.

Anonymous said...

why is royanna on the forum all the time, but nothing is getting posted? sure i've heard it-- she's checking in on her phone and can't upload her stuff, but at least post an update! there's not even an update from the admins/dt about what is going on. just some old crap about she got the new router... that was days ago! it's almost the 15th and still nothing from her and none of the videos she got everyone excited about either. TYPICAL

Anonymous said...

Why bring up the same complaint over and over and over and over and over again about Royanna? You have your answer - she's a lying nutcase.

It's just as insane to ask the same thing over and over and over again expecting a different answer.

Anonymous said...

79 - maybe it is not always the same people reading this blog. Ever thought of that?

Anonymous said...

#80 - I guess I'm one of the few that reads old comments then, just to catch up and be in the know so I don't go posting the same old crap all the time.

Anonymous said...

I have to say I honestly cannot believe how nitpicky some of you are being about smj's kit at MSA. Considering all the genuine rubbish that is out there in digiland? This is a kit most of you have paid 41cents for. Quit your bitching and go find a hobby. You have way too much time on your hands if you have to be this hypercritical of something that doesn't deserve it.

And no (because I know it's coming), I'm not smj or in any way affiliated with her. I'm just someone who is sick of seeing this bitchfest about her kit as if it's the worst 41cents you've ever spent in your life. Especially when you stop to remember there are things like this out there:


Really, take it down a notch. It's enough already.

Anonymous said...

#80 - It's been asked and responded to several times just this month.

#82 - We bitch about everything on this blog - including freebies. It's called digi smack for a reason. At least people are commenting about the actual PRODUCT and not the person.

What exactly do you expect the content of this blog to be about?

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, don't get me wrong. Very glad it's about product and not personal. But, I think it was brought up, died down and then brought up again and died down again. And now today I cannot believe someone is bitching because the thread is the same color as the buttons. Seems like someone is grinding an ax or something.

At some point, the "critique" becomes bitching for the sake of bitching and nothing more. My opinion hasn't changed. Most of what is being said about her kit is really overly critical compared to how much worse it could be if MSA asked one of these designers with a "Z" in their name to make a kit for them (just using that as an example).

Anonymous said...

You have way too much time on your hands if you have to be this hypercritical of something that doesn't deserve it.


Not one of the people complaining, but this is just a stupid thing to say. It doesn't take a lot of time to look at something and see it's faults. I can see most of those faults just from the preview and no, it didn't take a lot of time.

Anonymous said...

#84 - considering that most of the critiques are about different things, I'm not exactly seeing it as bitching for the sake of bitching. It could also be said how much better it could have been if MSA had asked a different designer. Your example is silly.

Anonymous said...

hey 67...I think you should rethink the moron idea. Many scrap kit makers in the digital community make full size kits and simply resize them down to tagger size, and they are 300 DPI. I am a designer, I do both sizes, I sell both sizes very well. Many of my customers will bundle a full kit and its smaller counterpart because they do brag books with them, and if they are going to print them, they must also be at 300 DPI. Besides, only the ones who only create tagger sized kits do them at 72 DPI. Do your homework moron.

Anonymous said...

#84 - At some point, your complaining about the way other people complain comes off as you having too much time on your hands and your being hypercritical, too.

Complaining about how other people complain? That's way worse to me than someone saying they don't like the cheesy way SMJ chose to recolor her buttons...

Anonymous said...

Just throwing this out there as an idea I had last night. I think someone should start another blog that highlights the good things about this community. Feature great products and designers, highlight things like charity kits and generous designers... be a positive thing. Now, I'm not a troll, have been here for years, but I think it's time for some positive changes around here and I for one would love to learn about some great new products and designers. And of course, it would have to be unbiased, not the ass-kissing CT posting all the time if you KWIM. I would do this but I just don't have the time to devote. But I really think it could be good for the community. Anyway, just an idea.

Anonymous said...

No offense, but good things blogs either a) die for lack of feeding, or b) get taken over by people with agendas which leads to even more bickering ;)

Anonymous said...

89 - Why consider an anonymous blog for positive feedback? Being anonymous gives even more chance for CT to flood any thread, even answering themselves. Maybe this can be done in an open forum like DST (since this blog stemmed from smacking what was posted at DST) so nobody can pretend to be 10 different people praising one product or designer. Just a thought!

Anonymous said...

I think The Daily Digi already does that. Maybe not focussing on everything you want but they keep it positive. You can comment with an anonymous name too if you want. (nobody will know who you are, just don't use your forum name) I often find new designers on Funtastic Friday.

MSA's newsletter has helped me find some new stuff too.

Anonymous said...

I think the daily digi and the MSA thing are primarily ad driven though. They have to be- server space is expensive! But the designers that get attention there are the ones that always get attention.

As far as smack blogs go, this one is for the most part fairly constructive lately.

Anonymous said...

82 said: I'm just someone who is sick of seeing this bitchfest about her kit as if it's the worst 41cents you've ever spent in your life. Especially when you stop to remember there are things like this out there:

Wait, "bitching" about SMJ's kit is bad, but bringing up a kit out of the blue to highlight how it's shitty is OK? That's ridiculous. And it's not about the price. Haven't we already discussed that? People will continue to talk about the kit as more people DL/unzip it. No one is saying they HATE the kit; however, people seem to find fault with it because they expected BETTER qualiaty from both SMJ (and MSA). And this is NOT a bitchfest. It has all been critiques--some small, some large, almost all prefaced by "I personally don't like" or some other statement to defuse the criticism. We are not bitching. Talking about Royanna all. the. time. is bitching. Discussing the MSA kit is critiquing. I for one am very happy that people are discussing it in a mostly polite, even-keeled manner. Actually, the fact that you're on a smack blog and complaining about the "bitchfest" is kind of funny since no one was bitching. You may disagree with what people said, but no one was swearing up a storm and being outrageous except for you. And if you don't like what's being talked about, why don't you use whatever manners you were hopefully raised with and politely change the subject?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

93, Funtastic Friday picks are not based on advertisers. Although, I do believe it is based on products they know and trust. I have found some new designers through that source, too. And I don't care if it is an ad. If I see it and like it, I buy it.

They also highlighted Mye's products this past Friday and her need. Did you notice? It's not entirely ad driven and shows the true heart of our community.

Anonymous said...

is this a joke???
and all of those ugly fonts in million colors

Anonymous said...

97- the price is a little shocking. No way would I pay $27 for the same alpha recolored. It doesnt look like there is even any variation on the plastic style.

96- I dont think anyone is saying you shouldnt buy what they feature. The point is that they tend to lean towards designers that are going to drive traffic for them or that will spend money with them. So you get a lot of the same popular designers in both places. Some of them may be new to you, but they are still known in the community. It's not a bad thing, just not a totally objective critique or presentation of a product.

Anonymous said...

87 - I know VERY well about tagger sized products. You're still a moron. You can't print a 72 dpi product and expect a 300 dpi result. So bringing up a cu element/store solely geared toward 72 dpi users is ridiculous. It's used for TAGGING. Therefore doesn't need to even be MENTIONED on a digismack blog about digiSCRAPPING. So feel free to do YOUR homework. I know more about tagging and design than you do apparently, and I'm not even a designer!

Anonymous said...

96 - Funtastic Friday posts are based on advertisers. The advertisers pay for the product plugs by participating in TDD monthly collections and in the other sponsor kits made available through TDD.

Anonymous said...

87 - I know VERY well about tagger sized products. You're still a moron. You can't print a 72 dpi product and expect a 300 dpi result. So bringing up a cu element/store solely geared toward 72 dpi users is ridiculous. It's used for TAGGING. Therefore doesn't need to even be MENTIONED on a digismack blog about digiSCRAPPING. So feel free to do YOUR homework. I know more about tagging and design than you do apparently, and I'm not even a designer!


Hey 87...obviously you don't know shit! Go back and read MORON....Who said anything about making a tagger kit and expecting a 30 DPI result? I said I do full size at 300 DPI and use a resizing script to re size to tagger size, therefore my kits ARE 300DPI, and I said the only people who do tagger at 72 are the ones who only do tagger size...and FYI, that store actually has some full sized cu in it, so it isn't fully geared toward taggers. Sheesh, you are such a stupid ass, read!

Anonymous said...

Why does it matter if it is advertisement? If you see something new you like, buy it. Even if there was an anon blog for positive posts, someone could still come along and advertise their item. We all know that even bad smack on this blog can lead to sales.

Anonymous said...

101 - I'm not the op and even I thought you were saying that people were using tagger sized (which is standardly 72dpi) for a brag book. I find it highly ironic that someone who caters to these "slut" touting "siggy" crowds is coming on here and calling anyone else names. Seems the trash made its way back in the house.

Anonymous said...

Can we stop talking about posers being slutty and those who use them trashy. It's ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

Trust me, TDD is not an unbiased source of "positive" info about the community, not even in the slightest. If you aren't friends with the "right people," they won't even look in your direction.

I like the idea of a positive blog, but like a previous poster said, it would die of starvation after a while. People are much more inclined to complain, than to praise, sadly. That statistic that says a person might tell one friend of a good customer service experience, but 30 friends of a bad experience is true most of the time.

Anonymous said...

I find it highly ironic that someone who caters to these "slut" touting "siggy" crowds is coming on here and calling anyone else names.

She was merely responding in kind. Nothing ironic about that.

Anonymous said...

Why do you need a positive blog? Why not go to a forum and do the positive thing there.

However, it has to be said, either way, you are never going to get an unbiased point of view.

Anonymous said...

#79 - I am the OP who asked about Royanna. I asked for a purely personal reason but hoped I could get some feedback. I haven't been here before and wasn't aware that I had to read the thousands of previous questions so I wouldn't ask a question that had already been discussed. Your learned assessment that "she's s lying nutcase" really adds to the discussion. A couple of people thought she is really talented, a few liked and bought her kits so all was not negative and I got the information I was looking for. I'm sorry that my question offended you and may I suggest that you quickly scan and skip the posts you don't find interesting.

Anonymous said...

105 - I'm no where near an "in crowd" designer and I was featured there and TDD was very nice to me. I can't say being featured there did anything for my sales, but they are definitely open to new to them designers. Just ask. If they decline you, I'd ask for an honest reason. I'd wager it's because of style or quality, though, not your personal popularity.

Anonymous said...

109 - I wonder if the actually decline or just never answer. I had emailed them over a year ago and never had any answer, not even an acknoledgement email. Anyone got an actual "no thanks" response?

Anonymous said...

I've emailed them multiple times, both in application for TDD and other reasons. Never a single response, which I find highly unprofessional.

Anonymous said...

I haven't been here before and wasn't aware that I had to read the thousands of previous questions

You didn't have to read thousands of previous questions, reading the month of January would have been sufficient.

Anonymous said...

#110, 111 - a non-response is very unprofessional. They could at least decline and give a reason.

Anonymous said...

Even if there was a "nice" blog, you all would find a reason say it's biased especially if someone says anything nice about the big name designers. Then you would automatically believe that the poster is in a clique or on the CT or is just kissing up.

It won't work. If you have something nice, go ahead and say it here. Just don't get all tied up in knots if someone smacks you back.

Anonymous said...

#109, #110 and #111: they don't respond. There is no acknowledgment that you applied to be featured and there is no email (polite or otherwise) declining you. I agree it's very unprofessional.

And #109 good for you. However, I know they have featured people in the past who have horrible quality products, so that isn't the whole story. It's much more of a popularity club than you would think.

Anonymous said...

115 - If it is because they have too many applications (and I don't know the reason, I am just guessing), I sure think that not answering will get them more emails to sift through: people giving it another try, people emailing to see if they got it, people re-applying thinking their application might have gotten lost, etc.

Anonymous said...

Trust me, TDD is not an unbiased source of "positive" info about the community, not even in the slightest. If you aren't friends with the "right people," they won't even look in your direction.

I'm not friends with any "people", right or otherwise, in connection with TDD and I was picked up as a featured designer.

Also, it actually says on the designer application "It can take a very long time before you will hear from us,"... so why grouse about how long it takes when you were warned about it?

Lower your expectations and you'll be happier.

Anonymous said...

An auto responder is more professional than no response at all.

Anonymous said...

118- Agreed. At least acknowledge you received the e-mail/application so people don't have to wonder.

Anonymous said...

Since it's clear that when someone they want to have in TDF gets a response (at least somewhat timely if not right away) then if you don't get a response it's because they don't want you. Which is unprofessional.

If you can respond to the people you do want, you can respond to the people you don't want, too. It's lazy and rude not to.

Anonymous said...

117 - "It can take a very long time before you will hear from us,".
Everything is relative. In this day and age, with the technologies available, we are getting used to faster interactions, responses, and all. What do they consider a "long time"? What do I consider a "long time"? Sometimes, I will find that waiting a week to get a mere acknowledgment is long, sometimes, I can wait for a month. But waiting for 3 months, 6 months, a year does not seem to make sense. Heck, we might get a faster response time from a government agency at times (and they are known for being slow!). I agree that even an auto-responder would be welcome so we know the email reached destination.

Anonymous said...

109 - I wonder if the actually decline or just never answer. I had emailed them over a year ago and never had any answer, not even an acknoledgement email. Anyone got an actual "no thanks" response?
I've emailed them multiple times, both in application for TDD and other reasons. Never a single response, which I find highly unprofessional.
Maybe it's because you're not supposed to e-mail them to get featured on TDD. You're supposed to fill out an application that you can link to from their website. So if you are e-mailing them and not getting a response, it's probably because they think you're an idiot for not going through the proper channels. To be featured, you fill out their app. If you ask to be featured in an e-mail, then they're probably assuming you're a few marbles short. Why would they want to feature someone who can't even follow instructions?

I filled out the app, and I got an invite about a month later. From what I hear, that is a normal to fast response time.

Anonymous said...

Maybe I wasn't clear enough for you.

I filled out the application for TDD. Later, at the urging of someone affiliated with the site, I emailed Steph directly for a different reason. And then a third time, requesting information on sponsoring The Digi Show.

No response to any of my emails, which were professional inquiries, not me begging to be on TDD.

To not answer another person, particularly multiple times, is at best unprofessional, and at worst, a bitch slap in the face.

An automated response is the least that they should do for TDD applications, though. Otherwise, how does someone know they actually received it?

Anonymous said...

^^ THIS x1000

Anonymous said...

#122 - wow, the OP said she filled in the app and you are calling her an idiot and a few marbles short? Maybe you need to reread what you are replying to, so you don't look like a fool.

Anonymous said...

Okay so TLP is having a 4 day 6th birthday celebration. I hope there's a good sale involved because my wishlist is huge. They mention games, challenges, make a wish, pin to win, prizes and more but no sales...

Anonymous said...

I think it's 30% off this weekend.

Anonymous said...

#126 I'm hoping at least a 40% off sale, want to stretch my limited scrapping budget.

Anonymous said...

SO tired of the on-going problems with Divine Digital and ROldemort and the DAD. (Don't worry- I, at least, won't be talking about them anymore!) I know there are other sites that do daily (or monthly) downloads. Any links you all can share? Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Gotta Pixel has a couple of mini-kits you can download (based on the day of the month), I'm not a vet there but have lurked for some time.

Not sure if they're your style, just can't think anymore of the top of my head.

Anonymous said...

Most stores have stopped doing them. They are pretty hard to maintain and deal with the complaining when a member misses a day. It causes ill feelings towards the store. And they are a lot of work for designers with very small payoff as collectors generally don't purchase.

Scrap Orchard offers something from designers in their newsletters. Usually after two newsletters it makes a full kit.

Anonymous said...

The Gingerscraps blog has a daily download that adds up to a nice kit per month. Only a customer here, but in my experience,the daily downloads are always on time and are left up for 2-3 days.


Anonymous said...

With love studio does one most months. They skipped this month for a blog train.

Anonymous said...

ROldemort...that's funny.

Anonymous said...

GS also has a welcome wagon subforum. they have free goodies there too. they're not DAD stuff but they're free. IDK how long they keep the freebies up, though.

Anonymous said...

#129 google digital scrapbook freebies and I'm sure you'll find a few websites that keep track of daily freebies. When I first found digital scrapbooking I downloaded everything from Ikea princess or something like that. Wow I forgot her name.


Anonymous said...

Everyone starts out with free downloads from Shabby Princess.



Anonymous said...

#89 - I just saw this linked on Mye De Leon's facebook page and thought it suited your idea perfectly.


I don't know this designer personally, but I've heard good things about her in the past. Kudos to Scrapbook Bytes for their support, too.

I know there is a charity collab for sale as well.

I think it's amazing to see designers show their support for causes. It sure beats the catty, backstabbing that happens here most of the time.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone notice though that no one from SSD except for penny springman contributed to the collab? Makes me not want to buy from there, how horribly rude is that.

Anonymous said...

I saw that, too 138. Jenn is one of the nicest people. I wish she was still active designing.

Anonymous said...

139-It's no secret Traci hates Mye. I'm not surprised at the lack of contributions from SSD. I think it's in bad taste, but I'm not surprised at all.

138-Jenn really is a nice person and was always a hard working designer. I've heard she's ill herself, so it's nice to see her still around.

Anonymous said...

Wow!!! JennCK Designs is such a big heart for doing this for Mye and her family. I'm definately shopping from her.
I love it when positive things appear on this blog.

Anonymous said...

#139 Studio Basic is also a SSD designer. I didn't see any TLP Designers or did I miss some of them?

Anonymous said...

137 - next time change the blogspot url to .com

Anonymous said...

What's going on with DSA? The site is down for a couple of days...

Anonymous said...

Server issues. They posted on FB today.

Anonymous said...

WTF? What a horrible product name.

Anonymous said...

Maybe they really like those stamps? LOL

Anonymous said...

#144 why? I copy pasted the links as they were. I just tried them and they work just fine. Am I missing something?

Anonymous said...

Maybe because ".gr" might give away a country or area you're in, causing people to stalk you and figure out who the hell you are.

Otherwise, I have no idea. I'm not even sure what "gr" stands for.

Anonymous said...

#147- She always has names like that for her products. Stamp Tramp is just one. If TLP had an issue with it, they would have taken it down or had her change the name when she released the first product in that line.

Anonymous said...

137 - This:

Anonymous said... 150
Maybe because ".gr" might give away a country or area you're in, causing people to stalk you and figure out who the hell you are.

Otherwise, I have no idea. I'm not even sure what "gr" stands for.
Jan 18, 2013, 12:13:00 PM

Anonymous said...

.gr is Greece

Anonymous said...

Would .ca be Canada?

Anonymous said...

Would .ca be Canada?


OMG we have a genius here !

Anonymous said...

#139 Studio Basic is also a SSD designer. I didn't see any TLP Designers or did I miss some of them?
And Sugarplum Paperie too, 139.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone notice though that no one from SSD except for penny springman contributed to the collab? Makes me not want to buy from there, how horribly rude is that.

Studio Basic also sells at SSD. Sugarplum Paperie also sells at SSD. Before you start bitching and making accusations, get your facts straight.

Also, for the record, designers weren't really invited to this collab. You had to ask someone at P&Co (or else Mye or someone in the know) to even find out about it. I didn't hear about it at all until it launched yesterday, and I was surprised to see it and sad that I didn't know early enough to contribute. I know Mye, and have worked at the same shop as her before, and would have loved to have helped out.

Moral: some very well-known designers may have wanted to contribute if they had known about it, including those at SSD.

But I forgot, the main purpose of some of you here at this blog is to bash anything and everything that SSD designers do. SMH.

Anonymous said...

Couldn't those of you missed in the first collab do another?

Anonymous said...

If I remember correctly (I didn't recheck) but there was a pretty short time frame to collect the money. Time to do another collab might take too long. But, you can still BUY the kit. After all, although the designers' contributions are fantastic, they are not worth "cash" for paying the surgery, so whoever wants to help with cash, just buy the kit and promote it. It might be more productive than to create another collab.

Anonymous said...

WTF? What a horrible product name.

Why is it horrible?

Anonymous said...

It sure beats the catty, backstabbing that happens here most of the time.

It's what happens on this blog, not most of the time, but it does happen. Your little bit of cattiness included. I do wish people would stop pointing it out and saying it so often, it's redundant and it doesn't make you better for saying it.

Gennifer said...

157: I'm sorry you didn't hear about the collab. It did start out with me "inviting" designers/store owners that I was FB friends with, because the whole thing was planned in a private group there. It grew, as we had hoped, when people invited their friends (and so on), and we had over 300 in the group by the time we put it together. We only had a bit over a week, beginning to end.

It's a shame that we didn't have everyone in that would have liked to participate, though. :(

Anonymous said...

#161 - if you find a statement calling catty... catty, you may want to get out more.

#162 - Proof positive that not everything should be done on Facebook - especially in private groups. How in the world would designers who aren't part of your group of friends find out about it? I'm glad so many were able to participate, but there were a lot more who would have, but couldn't because they didn't know about it until the last minute.

People wonder why so many think cliques exist in this community, then you find out something like this was put together in private by invitation only.

Anonymous said...

Gennifer - I was 157 (not 163 though) and I appreciate it, but don't worry because I wasn't mad about it at all. I understand. I was sad to not have known and not helped. But I also know that when you have hundreds of designers pitching in, extra people don't really "help" IYKWIM. :)

Gennifer said...

163: Out of genuine curiousity (so not trying to be snarky!), what would be a better way to do it? The only other one I'm aware of (Eva's) was also a FB group, so that's what I did.

There was a thread at DST, but I only posted there after someone else alerted me to it. I guess I could have posted about it here, huh?

And, it wasn't exactly invitation only... Anyone could request to join, and any member could add (and approve) other people. I did that because I was hoping that the word would spread to everyone.

Although, honestly, I hope to never be the one to have to organize one again. ;)

164: We did have a lot of designers participate, and we actually had to request that people trim down their contributions and resubmit because we had so much. We probably should have broken it into a couple of different collab kits.

Anonymous said...

I understand that designers who didn't get to participate are upset because they wanted to help a baby. But just remember that one point: This collab is supposed to help a baby. The idea that designers are here complaining about how it was set up is ridiculous. If you want to help but didn't contribute to the collab, then why not donate half your sales (or all of them or whatever) from this weekend (or week, or month, or WHATEVER) to Alphonse's surgery? But designers who come here to complain about not being asked to join in on the collab probably aren't very proactive and aren't capable of figuring out what to do on their own.

Anonymous said...

166- I agree. If a retired designer can find a way to contribute, I'd hope active ones could if they wanted to. I really applaud JennCK and SBB for what they're doing and glad to read other designers are contributing kit sales, etc.

I think it's wonderful you had so many designers for the collab, Gennifer. I bought the collab and it's beautiful.

Anonymous said...

The collab is gorgeous. Love it!

Anonymous said...

I just hope that the designers who have contributed won't stop there and will also buy it. Imagine 100 designers x $ 20 = $ 2000 but I guess it would be too much to ask to a few of them.

Anonymous said...

Designers have already contributed time and effort. Why should they be expected to buy as well? That's like saying you hope customers don't stop at buying the kit once...

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know how much money has been raised so far? I want to help, yes, but only to the point that the surgery is paid for. I could see this snowballing into something where Mye gets much more than she needs, and I honestly want to help a baby who needs a break, but I don't like Mye well enough to want tons of excess going her way. I saw one designer on FB today mention that if each of her 3500+ fans gave just $2, then it would be $7000. I thought the original amount needed was just over $12000, is that right? How close has Mye gotten? My feeling is that a lot of people would donate to make sure she gets enough for the baby's surgery, but would stop donating once they knew it was paid for.

Anonymous said...


And now I know, and knowing is half the battle.

Anonymous said...

171 - it sounds kinda bitchy to see it in writing, but yes I was kinda thinking the same thing :/

Anonymous said...

if you find a statement calling catty... catty, you may want to get out more.

Why do people feel the need to say this? Lack of imagination I'm guessing.

It wasn't the statement, it was the context.

Anonymous said...

People wonder why so many think cliques exist in this community, then you find out something like this was put together in private by invitation only.

With 300 people involved! Wow, so very private.

Anonymous said...

There would be the $12K or so for the surgery itself, but there will be additional hospital bills, I'd reckon. I'm sure overages will help with ongoing issues with the child. I wouldn't begrudge a bit extra, particularly since the heart condition tends to go hand in hand with Down's syndrome.

I do wish there was some tally of where we are. There are so many efforts going in so many avenues, it's hard to track.

I do appreciate that so many in the community are banding together to help. Warms this jaded heart.

Anonymous said...

The 12,000 dollars was only for the surgery. He's been in the hospital this whole time I believe, so the end hospital bill is going to be much more than 12,000. That is speculative. Maybe hospital stays are free in the Philippines. I don't know. I know if it was in the USA, the bill would be steep. I know a family that the husband was in ICU for two days and the bill was over 200,000.

Anonymous said...

People wonder why so many think cliques exist in this community, then you find out something like this was put together in private by invitation only.


Anonymous said...

176-I'm 177-guess we posted at the same time with the same message. I too am happy that the digi community is so supportive.

Anonymous said...

176 & 177 - That's all well and good, but the point is that people are banding together to help save a baby's life. That's what this is really about, and we all know it. People want to make sure the family can pay for the surgery, so that the baby doesn't die. However if the original plea for help was, "we have tons of medical bills because our son was born with a condition that's been cured, but is costly" then I am doubtful you'd see the outpouring of support.

Bottom line is that I want to help save the baby's life, but I really don't give a rats ass about the rest of the family's medical bills and what they owe because the truth is that we all have our story. Most of us could use help. This collab and the "banding together" of the digi community are just about saving the baby's life and nothing else. Anyone who says otherwise is kidding themselves.

Gennifer said...

We've sold over 200 of the collab kit at my store so far, and Mye has received around $4500 in donations at the Indiegogo site.

I'm very pleased with what we've raised, and I know that Mye and Kris are very appreciative. One less worry, in light of everything.

I can (of course) hope that we still raise more over the next week or two. ;)

Anonymous said...

Coincidence? Very similar name, very similar preview. Anyone know who released it first? Just curious.



Anonymous said...

Bottom line is that I want to help save the baby's life, but I really don't give a rats ass about the rest of the family's medical bills and what they owe because the truth is that we all have our story. Most of us could use help. This collab and the "banding together" of the digi community are just about saving the baby's life and nothing else. Anyone who says otherwise is kidding themselves.

This. Saving the baby's life with the $12,000.00 surgery is the goal here. Any other medical bills are a different matter and should be handled accordingly. I have no problem contributing to the surgery (and have), however, if my money is going towards anything but that, I would not be a happy camper. After all, the plea was help for the surgery....nothing else.

Anonymous said...

Saving the baby's life is about much more than just the surgery. Mye needs to be able to care for him post-surgery, and his recovery will be long.

Mye needs food so she can continue to provide care, she needs to buy formula (because chances are even if she is nursing, she has milk supply issues due to stress) and she needs to be able to manage other incidental expenses. the more she has to worry about money, the less she has to give to that wee boy who will be fighting for his life.

It's pretty short sighted to think that all that they need help with here is the cost of the surgery.

Anonymous said...

176 - There would be the $12K or so for the surgery itself, but there will be additional hospital bills, I'd reckon. I'm sure overages will help with ongoing issues with the child. I wouldn't begrudge a bit extra, particularly since the heart condition tends to go hand in hand with Down's syndrome.

What is sad is that you must be someone near her because she has not officialy mentionned the Down's syndrome. This is very mean and discusting from you to have openly talk about it before she did.

Anonymous said...


Children with tetralogy of Fallot are more likely to have chromosome disorders, such as Down syndrome and DiGeorge syndrome (a condition that causes heart defects, low calcium levels, and poor immune function).


I found that doing a simple Google search.

Anonymous said...

I hope she does get more than $12000 and is able to pay all of Alphonse's medical bills. And if there is extra, I would hope that she would donate it to a children's charity that does work to help other kids or towards the hospital bill of another child.

I think of it this way...if my newborn were in the hospital or seriously ill, I would be with him or her every second that I could. Which means not working. Yes, the charity kit was specific to help raise funds for the surgery, but so many expenses come with having a child in the hospital, I think we can extend her some relief and leave her alone while she goes through all of this.

Anonymous said...

I haven't posted here yet but .....

When I read Mye's blog regarding her son's surgery she mentioned that they could live with the 'rest'. I actually immediately thought of Down's Syndrome. Perhaps because I have had some experience with children who have that. Having a child with DS will be a challenge to be sure, but it's not a tragedy. Most children with DS grow up to be loving, happy adults with full lives. It will all depend on the interventions and education he receives as a child. None of those cost a great deal of money. For example, most schools in the US educate children with special needs quite nicely. I'm sure the same can be said for other countries as well.

As far as contributing to the surgery - I totally understand what others are saying. I believe that we want to contribute to the surgery - period. Personally, I understand there are other expenses involved with hospital stays. Yet the community pulled together for the surgery - a one time expense. To add on more issues now is rather disingenuous. The economy is bad and we all have bills that need to be paid.

I will keep Mye's baby in my prayers, but that might be the extent of it knowing that her hospital surgery bill is almost paid for.

Anonymous said...

Further, and there's no way to say this without sounding insensitive, which is not my intent, but... EVERYONE has surprise expenses, both medical and otherwise. I think it's reasonable to want to stop at just covering the surgery.

Anonymous said...

I donated to Mye. I don't care if it goes over what she initially needs. I donated to help a baby in need hoping it would be enough with all our donations banded together.

Yes, we all have bills to pay and children to care for, but we chose to help this child and therefore, saying other people need help, too, isn't relevant.

I donated to Mye. I want my money to stay with Mye. I don't care if she raises $20,000 and I hope she does. Charity is charity. If I give to the Cancer Society, I don't call ahead and ask if they've met their fundraising goal for this month, because if they did, I wont donate. I know any extra from one month rolls over into the next month, etc. That's how charity works.

If you don't want to donate, don't, but to sit here and say you wont because you don't want her to have a penny more, well, you may want to think long and hard about what that says about you as a human being.

Anonymous said...

I can see both sides, really. We donate to multiple charities and if they're doing a fundraiser, we like to see how close they are to their goal. We donate regardless, because like 190 said, it rolls over the following month.

It's a shame there isn't ONE total tally somewhere for Mye. It's rewarding as someone who donates to see that your small contribution combined with others made a large goal.

Anonymous said...

>>What is sad is that you must be someone near her because she has not officialy mentionned the Down's syndrome. This is very mean and discusting from you to have openly talk about it before she did.

Well done, #185. You outed her more that the person you're bashing did. Perhaps #176 is a nurse, or did a simple web search.

Anonymous said...

speaking of charity collab kits, does anyone remember "Trevor's Treasures"? It was a collab for a designer's son maybe?
I contributed to that several years ago. I wonder how that young man is now. I don't remember a thing other than I contributed.

Anonymous said...

180-I hope you don't ever need help.

Anonymous said...

If someone is so concerned with not going over the $12,000 that Mye so humbly asked for help to raise, then why did you give in the first place? I am not being mean, I am really just asking why it matters if she goes over the $12,000.
I want to help him (and the family), and ease the burden they now have to carry for every day of his life--and he'll need to be seen by specialists for the rest of his life. No, I don't expect to keep paying for his medical bills for the rest of his life, but without this surgery, he won't have a life. I literally want to help this baby live. Since I am in the US and he's in the Philippines, that help comes in the form of money. So I don't care whether my money goes toward the surgery or toward one of the many bills associated with the care of his heart defect.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe even on a smack blog you (in general) are bitching about a Charity for a friggen baby. Some people really are reaching a new low in this place.

Anonymous said...

I don't want the whole kit. I just want the templates. They should sell them seperately.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I can't believe even on a smack blog you (in general) are bitching about a Charity for a friggen baby. Some people really are reaching a new low in this place.


And I can't believe, if you're so outraged by it all, that you're still reading here and, most of all, calling more attention to the matter by BITCHING about it...so get off your high horse. You're as bad, if not worse, as everyone else. People have a right to know where their money is going. If that seems low to you, then leave here and go do good somewhere....ELSE...and "friggen baby" is very offensive to me...can YOU get any lower?

Anonymous said...

I don't see people complaining about the charity. I do see people wondering where their money is going to and that's a reasonable question.

Anonymous said...

Amen 188/189!

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