Sunday, July 1, 2012


Have at it!


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Anonymous said...

Is DHD a exclusive store?

Anonymous said...

wow where is everyone?

Anonymous said...

The Blog Train is horrible, as usual. 60 mini's and not a single thing to download. That palette needed a neutral. And I thought the whole point of the photobucket was so everyone could see what the others were doing? Why do we need 40 tents, campfires, and pine trees?! Isn't there anything else camp related?

This is a great example for Julie. Here we have a massive free camping kit, but if I go camping this summer, I'd still have to buy one because this one is awful.

Anonymous said...

#3 i saw some parts to DL on this blogtrain
I visited all blogs and here are those i prefer Not the worse ... :-/

And that's all... not a lot for 60 designers

Anonymous said...

Yes, DHD is exclusive.

Anonymous said...

@3- hahahaha, I totally agree!!!!

Anonymous said...

So, #3 and #5, which good blog train contributions are yours?

Anonymous said...

I think you meant #6 not #5.

Anonymous said...

LOL, #8 - you're right. That's what I get for trying to be a smart-aleck. I'm not very good at it!

Anonymous said...

So, #3 and #5, which good blog train contributions are yours?


Why do they have to be contributors? What if they are only customers? Huh, what then?

I haven't looked at the blog train for a long time for a lot of reasons. However, if something is crap, it's crap.

I would have to agree 100% with the commenter who made the observation about having the Photobucket account. I cannot beging to tell you how many collabs have the same items in it. I know when I was doing collabs, I made sure that my part fit the theme but was very different from everyone elses.

Anonymous said...

@ #7 (from 6), I was agreeing with this:

#3-"Here we have a massive free camping kit, but if I go camping this summer, I'd still have to buy one because this one is awful."

I'm just NOT a fan of this pallet.... REALLY flat.

Anonymous said...

The really flat palette seems to be a theme every time.

Anonymous said...

@ #4
of your list, the only ones that are my style and possibly what I would download are:
I really like her frames and some of her other elements
Her alpha is cute and something I dont currently own in my digistash

But really, I dont think I'll be downloading any of the contributions because they just aren't my style. But hey, to each their own! What might not be my style, could be someone elses!

Anonymous said...

#3 here and no part is mine. I'm a shopper. So if you were hoping this train would make me buy from you, you failed.

Anonymous said...

LOL, and if I was simply hoping to have gained some exposure, then I succeeded. Win!

Anonymous said...

#15 - nope, no win.

Contrary to the popular myth, not all publicity is good publicity.

You may have gained expsou8re, but if the exposure is negative, for example, your stuff is crap, then it's not good for you, is it?

Anonymous said...

Exactly #16. I may know your name now, but I don't have a good opinion of it. I'll think of you and then think of bad recolors or generic CU. So if you think that's a win, then Win!

Anonymous said...

Hey, if you're looking for fame in the crappy designer arena, then congrats!

Otherwise, you just scored a big fail.

Anonymous said...

My thoughts on the first 20 blog train stops - please note I am purely a customer with no design experience etc. Will try get to the rest soon but need to go feed baby.

01. Karen Diamond Designs - Big alert when I try to visit the site, "Warning: Something's Not Right Here! contains content from, a site known to distribute malware. Your computer might catch a virus if you visit this site.
Google has found that malicious software may be installed onto your computer if you proceed. If you've visited this site in the past or you trust this site, it's possible that it has just recently been compromised by a hacker. You should not proceed. Why not try again tomorrow or go somewhere else?" - Off to an excellent start. Contribution is ugly. Elements flat and boring. Papers are ugly. Did not download.

02. Luv Ewe Designs - Word arts. Boring. As someone with 0 design skills, I can make these myself in 20 seconds. Did not download.

03. FranB Designs - Template and Alpha. Not bad if you like templates. Alpha is nothing special. Downloaded purely to check out the filesizes for the template. (size is good btw)

04. AliSarah - Minikit. I like the fish patterned papers.

05. Note-able Scraps - Minikit. Hideious Preview. Put off immediately by the alpha.

06. Aimee Harrison - Minikit. The papers are cute. Don't like the ugly tree or campfire. Same templates as what are in the first download (at least the campfire is). Nice kit though as she obviously realises you can use neutrals with the palette. The wooden frames look nice enough but too chunky for me, personally.

07. WinksArt Graphics - No real comments on the kit as she has a ridiculously tiny preview and I can't find how to enlarge it.

08. Daybreak Scraps - I like the papers - simple but look like they have been done well. Elements are... so so. The animals look flat but I like the flower sticker looking thing.

09. Wishing Well Creations - Looks like it was thrown together in a hurry. Like the font she has chosen for the alpha so worth downloading purely for that. Nothing special about the papers. Never known WWC to have any quality issues and looks like she has kept up with that.

10. Damsel Designs - I have a weak spot for dots so I like the papers. Like the big icon elements also. Rest of the kit is ugly.

11. Snickerdoodle Designs - Seems sort of mish mashy. The sleeping bag doodle is cute. The flowers are ugly and don't seem to fit to me.

12. Bon Scrapatit Designs - Like this one. Good use of the palette and neutrals. Quite pretty except for the tyre swing which doesn't seem to fit and to me, looks as though it was made by someone else.

13. Digi Deborah Designs - Ugly textures. Nothing original. Looks to me like it's all CU templates used.

14. BrownEyedSusan Designs - Ugly. Nothing in this kit seems to fit together and I'm already sick of seeing the same CU templates.

15. The Brown Owl - Just ugly. Seems perfect for Poser fans though it appears she forgot to put the poser doll things in.

16. Digilicious Designs - Just an alpha. Kind of cute.

17. Amanda and Millie - Templates. Kind of ugly but they're just templates so really they can be whatever you make them. Downloaded to check filesize and it's good.

18. Keep in Tough Designs - Average. Good use of neutrals though.

19. Simply Kelly Designs - Alpha. Like the idea behind it. (In case you haven't noticed, I find it hard to comment on alphas - what can you say about them really?)

20. MagsGraphics - Terrible quality but I do like the waves - if the were made by someone else! Embossed paper pack that she's offering via facebook is a good idea but is still terrible quality.

Anonymous said...

Oh dear. That blog train is awful. Those colors are not good.

Why are so many designers bothering with that train? They need a new color picker.

I don't think I'll waste my time ever going back.

Anonymous said...

To be fair, I kind of like the colours. Dawn by Design for example has used them well. Perhaps they do need to give ones that are easier to work with though seeing as most of these so-called designers still haven't figured out what neutral colours are. Time to start including them in the palette!

Anonymous said...

#19 again, with the second 20 blog train stops (I am quite good at typing with one hand, it would seem)

21. Starsong Studio - Ugly textures. Looks mainly the unedited CU items.

22. Christine Smith Digital Design - The papers look nice - especially the two on the right. Bad preview - the shadowing seems a bit inconsistant a puts me off.

23. Digital Harmony Designs - Like the owl paper - looks like it's by Miss Tiina or someone but still cute, nonetheless. Ugly flower but good use of neutrals.

24. mariscrap - Very mishy mashy looking kit. Whole pile of stuff just thrown together with no real style.

25. Created by Jill Scraps - Ugliest/flattest ribbon I have ever seen.

26. MerCas Designs - Like the start people and the little fire is cute colors. Brown thing looks like a poorly drawn banana but I think it is a canoe.

27. Digital Creations from Millstream Cottage (does that design name seem ridiculously long to anyone else?) - The fish doodles are cute (another of my weak spots are doodles). Kind of like the fish paper but wish I could see it better. Rest of the kit is ugly.

28. Digi Cyber Scraps - I'm starting to wonder why every minikit has a fish paper in it. Is that all you do when you go camping? I feel a bit odd that when someone says camping, fish are probably the last thing I think of.

29. MaitriScraps - Elements look very flat. The button (I think that's what it is) looks half down. Button shape, apply style.... and done? No bevelling (is that the word I want?) etc.

30. Designs by Krista - The caravan is cute and I like the papers, particularly the chevron one. The rest is ug,y.

31. HotFlash Designs - She could collab well with Mariscraps because these kits are so similar - no real style, just a bunch of vaguely camping related stuff thrown together and called a kit. Preview is terrible. Too much crap just thrown on one spot, can barely see the papers.

32. SugarButt Designs - Ugly and terribly flat preview - someone teach this girl how to shadow!

33. Designs by Sherri Tierney - Image is not showing.

34. Snips and Snails Designs - Quite cute. Quality looks decent however that tent should not have been added. Ruins the whole thing for me.

35. Queen Pamedalah - Ugly doodles. not sure what the random shapes are meant to be. The blue paper with the dandelion silhouette things on it has potential however it's poorly created.

36. Dawn by Design - Basic but cute. Downloaded it for the journal card and like the papers. Excellent quality.

37. Violamoni - Don't like the elements. Seem too flat and I don't like that she's added doodles but not colored them like doodles, if that makes sense. Do like the hexagon paper. Glad there is not a tapeworm (does anyone else remember that?)

38. Queen Bee Scraps - Like the papers. The fox (or racoon?) is cute. Rest is ugly. Tag is terrible and should never have made it out of photoshop (maybe that's why it's hidden behind everything in the preview)

39. Armina Designs - Link does not work.

40. Scraps by Missy - Ugly elements. Too flat. A couple of the papers have potential but are not worth downloading the kit for. (especially when it's 50MB total for 5 papers and about 10 elements)

Anonymous said...

- Lol, maybe I'm not so good at typing with one hand. There are so many typos and spelling mistakes and missing parts of words. Oh well.

Anonymous said...

#23 - you did better than some people with two hands

Anonymous said...

#22 I appreciate the critique of each stop of the train..saved me from going to look..thanks :)

Anonymous said...

What do you all think of 'like to download' facebook freebies?

Are there any good ones out there?

Anonymous said...

What do you all think of 'like to download' facebook freebies?

Hate it. Don't even like facebook for family. The 'like' freebie would need to be incredibly amazing for me to even consider it. (But I'm most likely in the minority since 10 billion other people seem to love facebook).

I also have some concerns about using the 'like' app, because isn't that giving a third party access to your account in some way?? (not sure how that works).

Anyone know how to 'unlike' someone?

Anonymous said...

Go to their page and hit the like button, it will unlike.

Anonymous said...

#27- I'm on the anti-Facebook train, you are not alone

Anonymous said...

I agree with #24 on your typing and with #25 about the appreciation :) Looking forward to the next 20. Oh and YES I remember the tapeworm! LOL!

Anonymous said...

If you don't want to use Facebook for your family, then don't. Make an account just for digital freebies and put no information on it. Problem solved.

You aren't giving the Facebook apps permission to do anything other than post on your wall that you downloaded a freebie - a post which you can then go and delete if you don't want it on your wall.

Designers aren't going to stop doing Facebook freebies and Facebook hops, in fact you will probably see more and more of them. Facebook is proving to be incredibly effective tool - those of you on the anti-facebook train are in the minority. You can keep complaining about it, or you can create a solution for yourself.

Anonymous said...

I think most designers use Facebook because it's easier (or was easier) to get their products out there. I'm not sure I would go "like" every page just for a blog train though.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure I would go "like" every page just for a blog train though.

Good lord! It's only a click of the mouse, it's not like you have to drive (or heaven forbid, walk) anywhere to get it.

Anonymous said...

I also have some concerns about using the 'like' app, because isn't that giving a third party access to your account in some way?? (not sure how that works).

Anyone know how to 'unlike' someone?
Jul 2, 2012 12:00:00 AM

It would likely depend on the application but I doubt any apps would be able to access that information, more likely only the designer who installed the apps information.

Of course not every designer has to use an app. You can write your own 'app' to do a like freebie. I am sure I saw one designer who didn't have any branding on her app.

Anonymous said...

It's not like you can't make a fake account with a fake name. I've seen people make accounts for pets. Hell I've seen stuffed animals with their own facebook accounts.

Anonymous said...

I also have some concerns about using the 'like' app, because isn't that giving a third party access to your account in some way?? (not sure how that works).

While I understand your concerns, let me point out some stuff:

1. you are on the internet
2. if you do any kind of digi shopping, they have your details
3. if you do any kind of internet banking etc, they have your details
4. you sound seriously paranoid.

Anonymous said...

Here's the remaining stops on the train - enjoy!

41. Kooky Cat Designs - Not bad. Looks decent and like real paper.

42. Ponytails Designs - Alpha. Decent and something different. The idea is cute (string with pegs to hold the alpha letters) but the string looks flat.

43. Ronda's Scrap Bits - Ugly. Flat looking elements. Not sure what the green thing is meant to be.

44. F Studio Design - Blog has not been updated in over a month.

45. Let Me Scrapbook! - Ugly papers. The doodled elements are cute. Good use of the palette.

46. Mikki Designs - One of the papers makes me want to scratch my eyes out. The icon flairs are cute though. The white polaroid frame could have been left out as it doesn't seem to fit with the rest of the kit.

47. Three Owls in a Nest - Hideously flat preview. Someone get this girl a shadow. However, I am in love with that deer, if only it weren't holding a sign saying "Welcome Campers" (but obviously it's keeping to the theme).

48. Marisa Lerin - Blog last updated 6/22

49. J. Conlon and Sons - (this is that Quality DigiScrap Freebies site)... on a note not about their offering, why sign up under J. Conlon and Sons? If I were looking down the list to only visit designers I like, i would completely miss their site because it's known as QDSF. Anyway,,, offering is ugly. I like the hexagon papers but this kit definitely does not belong on this site and I doubt the author would list it if it were made by someone else.

50. Word art World - I usually like her word art. There's actually been effort put into it (which I guess is how it should be considering her design name). However, in this case, it's ugly and looks like it was done in a rush. The star paper is cute enough but not worth downloading the whole freebie for.

51. Trixie Scraps Designs - Love the two patterned papers. The frame is next. The wordarts are neat. The stars are neat. The tree is ugly and seems like it's just thrown in there to keep the kit to the theme because the rest of the kit is unrelated.

52. Pizazz Pixels - Oh god. I don't even know what I'm looking at. Gross.

53. m&m Designs - notice to check back tomorrow (Is it tomorrow yet?)

54. Sunrise Scraps - Ugly. Why is there a roll of toilet paper and a piece of poop? I just don't know why you would use a poop element. What on earth would you be scrapping? (a case of, just because you can, doesn't mean you should)

55. Delicious Scraps - Hideous flower. Looks like it's made with a script (pretty sure it is after taking a quick look around the site). The papers are nicely done but nothing special... just dots, chevron and plaid.

56. Blue Flower Art - I got a little bit excited when I saw the first preview... awesome frames... until I realized they are for sale and not the freebie :(. The actual freebie is ugly. Ugly texture on papers. Elements look like ugly CU items and poorly recolored (why is the ribbon almost black then white then green?)

57. Sankp Studio - Just ugly. Marshmallow with... brown on it
? What is this. Very flat looking.

58. 4 My Babies Scraps - Another case of thinking you can use all CU templates and call yourself a designer (I guess you can but whatever). Nothing special, pretty sure I even recognise the CU styles. I'm guessing this kit took about 5 minutes to make and most of it was spent opening photoshop.

59. Eyeinspire - Nice papers. Nothing special alpha but the quality looks fine. Offering some CU paper templates also... (so I guess we'll see a whole lot of these patterns in the next blog train ;) )

60. Robin Sampson - Very mishy mashy kit. Pick a style and stick to it, would you! Papers are very flat.

Anonymous said...

(had to split into two posts)

61. My Digi Chocolate - Ugly. No texture on the papers from what I can see. No texture on anything actually. Stupid sized preview.

62. Carin Grobe Design - Alphas. Nothing special but nothing to complain about either.

63. Mel Hains - Paint frame that's shadowed on the preview. If you can't even shadow something correctly (I realize there's not a rule about shadowing but you just don't shadow paint!), should you really be designing. Very flat elements.

64. Scrap-n-a-Snap Designs - Templates. These are actually nice. Worth downloading if you're a template fan. Will admit I'm impressed. And the filesize is good.

65. Designs by Angel - Quality looks ok. Something about the frame just seems off - maybe needs better texturing? Not sure. But the frame is cute either way. Don't like how the papers are previewed - the one at the back might be nice but how can I tell?

66. Snuggle Berry Pie Designs - Ugly - the beaver template is ridiculous so why would you bother putting it in a kit. And if it's not a template, why would you bother still? And I don't like the preview because you can't tell what's included and what's not. Like the little stars are cute but I think they're just part of the packaging.

67. Busy crafting mommy designs - Mishy mashy kit. Nothing goes together. However, there is a paper previewed that looks interesting if only I could see it however the rest of the kit makes it not worth downloading.

Overall, most of the offerings are horrid. Designers don't know what neutrals are. Can't pick a style. I don't mind CU but if you absolutely rely on it like most of these, there probably won't be a lot of flow. A few papers scattered throughout are nice but there are almost 0 elements in the entire train that are worth downloading.

Noteable absence - where is Connie Prince? Maybe her little minion Shari was too busy this month to make a freebie...

Would also like to add - I downloaded very few of these so my comments regarding quality are based solely on the previews. The only things I did actually download were the templates to check the filesize (and #64's to keep) and Dawn by Designs Contribution.

Anonymous said...

For such a know-it-all, you'd think you would keep up. Connie hasn't participated in months, not since they made a rule that the freebie must be created by the designer and not a CT member.

Anonymous said...

#39, oh did one of my comments hit a nerve?

Anonymous said...

Okay. I think that most all of the blog train things are awful and wouldn't download. The only one I would probably download is the one by Busy Crafting Mommy Designs. Just for the bear. It totally made me laugh. I don't know if she was trying to be funny, but it cracks me up.

Anonymous said...

#40 not really. I disagree on one or two of your opinions, but they are opinions, so whatever. The last statement about Connie is where you lost me. I respect honest critique and reviews of the blog train because it's about the products. The last statement, though, was bitchy and mean-spirited just for the fun of it. If you're going to be a bitch and bring someone up on a smack blog, you should probably try not to make an ass of yourself while doing it.

Anonymous said...

I think Shari just doesn't like being called a "minion".

Anonymous said...

Why on earth do designers include a JPG file of the template in the folder? It's not like I can do anything with it. It's not layered, doesn't have transparent pixels, etc. All it does it take up room.

Anonymous said...

#42 Actually it wasn't bitchy. I haven't looked at a blog train since the end of last year so was unaware Shari was no longer making freebies for it. I'm actually a Connie fan and regularly buy her products. Not really sure why either because her stuff not very original. I just can't help myself.

I don't believe I made an ass of myself.

Anonymous said...

#44 because not every system can VIEW the PSD or TIFF files so if you want to choose the template you want to use, you might just need a jpg file that can be displayed easily.

Anonymous said...

Whatever #45. If you are truly a fan, you would have said something like "I wish Connie participated" instead of mocking Shari. I stand by my statement that you were being bitchy and that you made an ass of yourself, too.

NO #43, I am not Shari or Connie. I'm just a regular customer of Connie's and I spoke my mind. Like I said, review the contributions to the blog train, fine. Awesome. But, the PP tossed someone in the mix when they had nothing to do with this month's blog train and I don't see the point of it. That is what I was reacting to.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, I guess I left my #1 connie fan on the other smack blog. How dare mention someone here!

Anonymous said...

#48 - should say #1 connie fan shirt... thats what I get for trying to feed baby at the same time.

Anonymous said...

Lots of people knock the blog train but I have gained almost 100 fans just from the last two days on Facebook. I call that a success.

Anonymous said...

#50 - That's wonderful!

But how many sales and new customers have you had?

Anonymous said...

Righteous indignation on a smack block... take a chill pill #47. The only one making an anonymous ass of themselves here is you. Take your wonder woman outfit and go save the world.

Anonymous said...

Digi Design Resort is having a designer call, requirements say attach to the email 2 papers and 3 self-created elements/clusters (no cu items)...what is the point of 3 self created elements when the majority of that store looks to use extractions in their kits.

Anonymous said...

Maybe a self-created element could be an extraction as long as you do it yourself?

Anonymous said...

[i]"Sunrise Scraps - Ugly. Why is there a roll of toilet paper and a piece of poop? I just don't know why you would use a poop element. What on earth would you be scrapping? (a case of, just because you can, doesn't mean you should)"

I just about fell out of my chair laughing on this one.... totally agree... it might be a nut.. or rock.. or wood......... or poop.

#44, I ditto #46- I use it for preview of the template without opening it in my program.

Anonymous said...

Sadly, there are people who scrap poop. I've seen some crazies who scrap baby poop, their kids' circumcision rings, etc.


Anonymous said...

I've seen people scrap pictures of a poop in the toilet before. It's sick.

Anonymous said...

lmBo at the poop.
#51 I am #50 and I have had 3 sales from new customers. At least that's 3 I might not have had without the blog train.

Anonymous said...

I am always amazed to see designers selling in MANY stores at once. I just got an email ad from a designer who has ELEVEN store blinkies in her signature plus a personal store. I really wonder when I see that: are those designers making big bucks, or just trying? I have had 4 stores way back, and it was a lot of work. But twelve???

Anonymous said...

59, it always makes me think they are spreading themselves too thin, and their CS will probably suck.

It's probably not fair of me, but I'm just being honest.

Anonymous said...

When I first started out, I applied to many (MANY) low level shops and was accepted at most of them. I think I had about 10-11 shops at once at one time.

I got better and now just the thought of being at more than 2 stores seems insane.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand the 12 stores either. When I used to sell I had to contribute to the monthly collab for every store. It's a lot of work when you have more than 2 stores.

Anonymous said...

What a load. Someone goes through each blog bemoaning quality issues but didn't actually download anything? You're going off a 600x600 preview? Please. And this is a CAMPING kit... We SHOULD see tents and trees and campfires!

Anonymous said...

Go take your time to check out the previews. You don't NEED to download to see they are terrible. And who said there shouldn't be tents and campfires and trees?

Anonymous said...

We SHOULD see tents and trees and campfires!


Yeah, but not 50 of them, duh! Did no one look in the Photobucket account just to see how many there already were? Very unimaginative.

Anonymous said...

What a load. Someone goes through each blog bemoaning quality issues but didn't actually download anything?

She quite clearly stated that she could not comment on the quality, only on what she saw on the preview and how the preview did not appeal to her. Previews sell, if it's unappealing, it's not selling anything and that also applies to freebies before your correct me.

I bet you were one of the designers that lacked the imagination to make something other than a tent and campfire for a camping kit.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, but I think you're wrong about how many campfires and tents. If I had been in the train, which I wasn't, I would have put my own tent and campfire as well - you know why? Because like you've all complained about, most of the designers in the train design utter crap not worth downloading.

I want my customers to have a relatively "complete" mini so that downloading isn't a waste of time and so even if all the other entries are shit I have at least offered something worthy of downloading that is in theme. Different designers will design their pieces in different styles and not every freebie hunter is going to want every tent or campfire, but those who like my style WILL want mine.

Anonymous said...

I'm sad I didn't sign up. I could have made spectacular poop. I just couldn't get past the palette. Ironic, isn't it?

I can't believe that a designer is picking these colors.

Anonymous said...

If I were after a camping kit, I would not want a tent or a campfire in it. Why you ask? Because I would have photos of my own campfire and tent, why why I need elements to represent those things? Seems silly to me, but I never did get the point of those literal theme kits.

Anonymous said...

#68 Too bad, you could have done poop in orange, tan, green and brown.... what a shame.

Anonymous said...

going thru the Blog Train I would bet 2/3 of the designers are brand new-never heard of them that's for sure. As far as looking at the previews alone one can not really tell quality so quit trying. The only way to tell quality it to open an item and see it up close and personal.

I'm not a camper but I think that a lot of the minis were just fine. Just because "you" don't like the kits or the palette doesn't mean others won't. For a camping pallett what would "you" have picked bright primary colors. I mean come on have some sense in the matter and no I didn't design for this Blog. Were there some that weren't real good yeah but go to any store and you'll see kits that you don't like and aren't real good-doesn't necessarily mean scrappers won't buy them.

Look at some of the better know designers and can't say that all their quality is great and color pallettes tasty. To me scrapping/designing is a personal preference - some I like some I don't and many could care less about quality-but eventually you would think that would bite a designer in the ass after a while-think again. It doesn't.

Anonymous said...

We should do our own blog train.

Anonymous said...

Well I will say even though everyone is saying how nasty this train is, I am getting more downloads than normal so some people must like the train.

Anonymous said...

"She quite clearly stated that she could not comment on the quality, only on what she saw on the preview..."

She quite clearly said that about 4 posts AFTER she bashed 30+ blogs for quality issues. All I'm saying is download it and be sure before you match a designer name to a quality issue in print.

I was relieved that this blog train had dark colors and not all of those bubble gum pastels. If you don't go camping or like nature or venture outside, then you don't need to travel this particular train.

Anonymous said...

There large trains (and even most store collabs) are so frustrating, because every mini doesn't need to be so literal! We don't need 50 tents in 50 styles. You could have done hiking, fishing, swimming, geo cache, rv, s'mores, ect. There are so many things to do when you're camping aside from sitting in a tent and making a camp fire. (Although, I definitely don't need a pooping one!) And there's always huge lack of basics, like ribbons and staples.

If you do this train and you just pop out a few junky pieces with no thought behind it, it's obvious and while it may still get downloaded, as we've talked about before, downloads aren't the same as sales. And let's be honest, why do the blog train if it isn't to attract customers? Given the poor quality and general ridicule this train usually receives, why not take the few extra seconds to really do something that stands out in a good way?

Also, I didn't see her point out any quality issues, except recoloring, which you can clearly see in a preview.

Anonymous said...

Jeez - nuf on the blog train - I didn't look at it - not in it, wouldn't bother to design and waste my time to be cut down or even praised for that matter and really isn't there something else to talk about!

Anonymous said...

Well with all the crazy weather all over the world maybe many of our fellow anons are without power and/or internet. Storms, fires, floods... I always find it so ironic that when there are rampaging wildfires in one place, there are usually devastating floods in another. If only we could figure a way to move that water to save the flooded areas and use it to save the burning areas. Ah well, such is life.

Anonymous said...

#77 sounds like the next Miss America speech.

Anonymous said...

78- I was wondering what it had to do with the blog train.

Anonymous said...

Is the poop and the toilet paper really supposed to be chocolate & a marshmallow for s'mores? I haven't seen it but wondered if that's a possibility?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I don't get all the template designers. Are people really that lazy?

Anonymous said...

Are people really that lazy?
Jul 3, 2012 3:13:00 PM

You're asking this when so many designers throw completely unchanged CU into all their kits? Srsly?

Anonymous said...

#80 - not sure what the poop is supposed to be, but it's for sure supposed to be toilet paper.

Anonymous said...

Are people really that lazy?
Jul 3, 2012 3:13:00 PM

You're asking this when so many designers throw completely unchanged CU into all their kits? Srsly?
When you think of it, to a certain point, anyone purchasing a kit already done (especially if they will use it in Photoshop) can be somehow considered too lazy to do it themselves, no?

Anonymous said...

82- Alot of template designers are starting to do kits like Cluster Queen Creations.

Anonymous said...

79 - 76 wanted to talk about something else so I tried to get away from the blog train/poop conversation. Thanks for bringing us back to it though.

78 - I don't think I'd make it past the swimsuit competition.

Anonymous said...

When you think of it, to a certain point, anyone purchasing a kit already done (especially if they will use it in Photoshop) can be somehow considered too lazy to do it themselves, no?

Stephanie? Is that you?

Anonymous said...

I am #87 and no, I am not Stephanie. I still think that too many scrappers don't want to be bothered to learn their program, and then, complain that this kit, or that product is not what they want. Come on. Learn to make your own paper, or ribbon, or extractions, and rely less on whatever you find. I am not saying that buying stuff is bad, I am just saying that it is just like using templates. If you like to use templates, fine. If you like to use pre-made kits, fine. If you like to use QP, fine. But in the end, many scrappers are just too lazy to learn their programs (and many designers relying on CU too, I would bet). Of course, everyone might not feel they CAN do half of what they purchase, but the question is why can't they?

Anonymous said...

89- That's why kits are there, for scrappers to BUY.

Anonymous said...

#90 right! We like scrappers (and designers) to be lazy. Designers make more money out of lazy customers. Why not? Like everything else. I am lazy and I don't want to take time to make my own bread, so I go to the store and buy it ready made. In that regard, I still think I am lazy (to a certain point) and the store gets my money.

Anonymous said...

Jeez - nuf on the blog train - I didn't look at it - not in it, wouldn't bother to design and waste my time to be cut down or even praised for that matter and really isn't there something else to talk about!

Clearly not as you didn't manage to contribute any thing new, did you?

Anonymous said...

I don't get all the template designers. Are people really that lazy?

No, but some people are that busy, surprised? Yeah, I thought you might be.

I know quite a few people who love to do family year books but they don't have the time to design each page themselves. Templates are a great way to get scrapping done.

Anonymous said...

#91- I'm also to lazy to get my own meat from animals.

Anonymous said...

By that argument, I'm too lazy to learn how to fix my car, install new windows in my condo, make tile out of granite, maintain my washer and dryer, pave the roads in my city, pump my own crude oil and refine it to gasoline for my car...

We all pay for others to do things we either don't have the time to learn, can't be bothered to learn, or know full well how to do but still don't want tot take the time to do it.

Anonymous said...

.... I don't WANT to learn all the ins & outs of designing a scrap kit. I just want to put a layout together and print it for keepsake....

Anonymous said...

Same, 96. I can make papers or recolor ribbons, but I can't draw and all the CU in the world won't make my kit as pretty as one I can buy.

Anonymous said...

Lazy? You really can't be serious.

You're obviously not a customer of anything because you clearly have all the time in the world to do and make everything yourself. I would love to see the home you built and the car you crafted from scratch. How do you ever find the time while you're harvesting your own food crops and hunting animals for meat?

Anonymous said...

My scrapping time is limited and I want to spend it scrapping, not making papers or extracting ribbons. That doesn't make me lazy. And yes, I do know my program well enough to do that if I wanted. I just don't want to.

Anonymous said...

#98- LOL

Anonymous said...

LOL!!!!! #98, my thinking exactly. Not to mention all the cotton to pick and sewing to do, just so she isn't naked.... *eye roll*

For what it's worth, I downloaded Sunrise Scraps just to find out what the "poop" is... and it's a labeled a rock... and terrible blurry, stray pixeled, "rock"...... yeah..... *delete*

Anonymous said...

Not the OP, but I wasn't aware that knowing your program was exactly the same thing as knowing how to do everything in the universe.

Anonymous said...

#89, I can't draw to save my life. I also have no desire to design elements, I just like to play with pretty things.

I do wonder about your comment. It's pretty safe to guess you're either a scrapper or a designer. If you're a designer, why would you want to diss people who are putting money in your pockets? If you're only a scrapper, why are YOU so lazy?

Being able to put [paint on a canvas means you know how to use your tools however it doesn't automatically make you talented at it. Designing is no different.

Anonymous said...

This is probably someone who can do enough design to make their own, but it's not good enough to sell.

Anonymous said...

Considering who does sell, someone would be hard pushed to not be good enough.

Anonymous said...

i totally agree with #71.
Your reference are your own :)

Anonymous said...

Cluster Queen seems like she tries way too hard to ride the coat tails of Captivated Visions and Laura B. She is on the CT for both and her kits are just...not good. Stick to the templates, already.

Anonymous said...

Everyone at 4th of July celebrations are they? Must be lots of Americans posting here then.

Anonymous said...

We had hot dogs and went swimming... it was a nice day outside.

Anonymous said...

I don't hang out or shop at Scrap Orchard, but was really intrigued with this Iron Scrapper thing. Then I started looking through the market to buy something to play with and realized I don't really like any of the products there. I was surprised about that, somehow. I very often like the CT layouts, though.

Anonymous said...

Because they won't let anyone with a different style into their store which I think is a waste.

Anonymous said...

There's something to be said for carving out a niche. If that was your style, you'd be loving that store. I'd rather each store stuck to one style, I'd spend more.

Anonymous said...

That's like saying Target should only carry one brand. I like to be able to shop for a variety of things in the same place.

Anonymous said...

If stores catered to more styles don't you think they would attract more customers?

Anonymous said...

Old Navy only carries one brand, and I shop there.

Anonymous said...

I think adding a few designers that offered different products would be a good thing for SO. Keeping what they have, maybe even losing a couple of the designers - but adding some with a twist... (just examples, I think these are happy at their digi homes) Kristin Aargard, Anna Aspnes, and Tangie Baxter. I think Jennifer Labre would fit there, Heather T, as well as someone similar to Studio Basic. Myabe different designers, but add something new....

Anonymous said...

#110 - I find the same thing everytime I go to shop there. I love the ct layouts, but the products themselves don't appeal to me.

Anonymous said...

AnnaBV and Irene Alexeeva both had a different style from the majority of SO designers, so you can't say that "they won't let anyone with a different style into their store".......

Anonymous said...

Megan Turnidge is back at the Orchard.

Anonymous said...

Funny how some of you say a designer doesn't fit the style of a store and now some of you are saying you wish some stores had more kinds of styles. That only works if you get designers with different styles selling there.

Anonymous said...

Old Navy only carries one brand, and I shop there.

But they have different styles within that brand.

Anonymous said...

Comparing having ONE style to having ONE brand, is like saying that a store would have only ONE designer. Several stores have a kind of a style of their own and that is fine. Others have a variety of styles. It also depends on the customers' styles. Are they mostly fantasy scrappers? They would love a store geared mostly toward fantasy, and might spend less in a store that has only 1 or 2 designers doing fantasy products. But some scrappers do not have a set style, so they might be ok with a store that offers various styles. It is all about market: having a well identified style will just appeal to different customers than having a wide range. Not more, not less, just different.

Anonymous said...

That's my point. I would be more likely to buy things in a store that had most or all things that were my style. If there were only one or 2 designers I liked, I wouldn't spend time browsing the store. I'd just look at their stuff and leave. But if the whole store was of a similar style, I'd spend time looking at everything.

Anonymous said...

I would be more likely to buy things in a store that had most or all things that were my style. If there were only one or 2 designers I liked, I wouldn't spend time browsing the store. I'd just look at their stuff and leave. But if the whole store was of a similar style, I'd spend time looking at everything.

Whereas I wouldn't, which is why I don't shop at places like SSD and SO, etc, it's all the same.

Anonymous said...

That just emphasize the point that there is not one right or wrong way to fill a store. No specific setup will please everyone. As long as they find enough customers who like it, that is all they need. It is just the same as the argument whether it is better for a store to be exclusive or not. If they do something that works, that is all they should be concerned about because there is not one only "good way".

Anonymous said...

Very true, 125. I spend at the stores that suit my taste. Others are free to do the same. It all seems to work out in the end.

Anonymous said...

Another one bites the dust. Digiridooscraps is closing soon.

Anonymous said...

I am sick of blog train reviews also. The blog trains rarely have decent stuff. What about Facebook Like freebies? Anyone care to do reviews on those?

Anonymous said...

#128 - are you kidding? there would be far too many of those. I love how some is always sick of something, but never offers anything of their own, expecting others to do the work.

Why don't you review some of the FB link freebies?

Anonymous said...

They just posted a designer call yesterday but are closing?

Anonymous said...

129, because I am a designer and I ain't going there. Supposed ulterior motives and all that.

Anonymous said...

#131, do you currently have a FB freebie?

Anonymous said...

#127 where did you see that they are closing?

Anonymous said...

132, yes I do.

Anonymous said...

The Scrapflower collab freebie is really cute.

Anonymous said...

#135 I agree

Anonymous said...

I'm just wondering why some are grumbling about stores not offering more variety in styles but then also bash those stores that accept designers that are different from their overall store style.. What gives?

Anonymous said...

133 - Inside information

Anonymous said...

Another one bites the dust. Digiridooscraps is closing soon.
Jul 5, 2012 8:15:00 PM

Had never heard of it. Googled it and looked. Not surprised at all that it's closing. Didn't see one thing I'd even take for free.

Anonymous said...

If they are closing why do they have a call out? Did your inside information tell you that?

Anonymous said...

I have heard some odd things too- and was wondering what the deal was. I noticed one of their designers deleted her comments on the call- makes me wonder what is up.

Anonymous said...

The Scrapflower freebie might be cute, but I don't think it's worth hunting down all those links. It's one thing to like a page, but then to also have watch twitter for random links and sign up for the newsletter? Nope.

Anonymous said...

I think they are trying to be original and generate traffic. Unfortunately, making the visitors "work" too hard is usually counterproductive as far as traffic generation. One better make it worth much more to have people work for it.

Anonymous said...

That's a cute kit. But not cute enough to have to sign up for the newsletter, stalk twitter, and mess around with liking them on FB.

Their new store is kind of underwhelming.

Anonymous said...

You don't have to stalk Twitter. I don't even have a Twitter account and I found the link just by googling.

Anonymous said...

It took me all of 30 seconds to round up the links.

Anonymous said...

Ditto to #145. I don't have a twitter account either and didn't have a hard time finding it. I personally don't see an issue with a store/designer using freebies as a form of marketing.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone actually BUY anything like this? I could put out 10 products a day if this shit really sells... ?

Anonymous said...

I'm just wondering why some are grumbling about stores not offering more variety in styles but then also bash those stores that accept designers that are different from their overall store style.. What gives?

I already asked that question (#120) and wasn't answered. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

That is pathetic...

Anonymous said...

Had never heard of it. Googled it and looked. Not surprised at all that it's closing. Didn't see one thing I'd even take for free.

It's been around for a few years you know. Nice to know it's closing just because you wouldn't buy anything there.

Anonymous said...

I personally don't see an issue with a store/designer using freebies as a form of marketing.

No one said they had an issue with the use of freebies as marketing, in fact, it seems to be agreed that it is. However, I agree with the person who said having to sign up for a newsletter, find twitter and like on FB is too much work unless you really like the freebie. I checked it out - it's okay, nothing original, not worth the effort for me. If it was on the blog, yeah, but the rest, no way.

Anonymous said...

I am always amazed at the CU crap designers/scrappers buy.

Anonymous said...

It's been around for a few years you know. Nice to know it's closing just because you wouldn't buy anything there.
Jul 6, 2012 5:29:00 PM

You seem to have a problem with reading comprehension.

I never said they were closing because of me, dumbass. I also said I had never heard of it, so no, I don't know-or care-how long they've been around.

Obviously, they aren't doing a very good business. With designers like that, it's easy to see why.

Anonymous said...

That is pathetic...

That's what I thought. I see crap like that all the time, and think "I could do that in exactly 2 minutes in Illustrator" Does anyone actually buy it though? Seriously, anyone who cannot do that in about 2 minutes FLAT should not be designing. For real. And actually, I would be looking for way better quality than that in my own products. I would be totally embarrassed to put something like that in my shop.

And here's another one, same quality, from same designer:

These were posted by a "sponsor" at

I thought MSA was so "selective" about who they let advertise there and having only "quality" designs advertised there, but my work is so far beyond this (better by far) it's not even funny, but they won't give me the time of day.

Go figure.

Anonymous said...

I checked it out - it's okay, nothing original, not worth the effort for me. If it was on the blog, yeah, but the rest, no way.
Jul 6, 2012 5:33:00 PM

ITA. It's ok, but nothing worth hopping around to more than 1 site.

Anonymous said...

my work is so far beyond this (better by far) it's not even funny, but they won't give me the time of day.

meh. I doubt that you're very objective about your own work.

Anonymous said...

I thought MSA was so "selective" about who they let advertise there and having only "quality" designs advertised there, but my work is so far beyond this (better by far) it's not even funny, but they won't give me the time of day

Evidently it's who you know, not the quality of design.

Anonymous said...

Anyone have any experience with Amanda Rockwell's Designer Studio subscription? I've heard that she was kinda flakey and didn't keep up with it.

Anonymous said...

You seem to have a problem with reading comprehension.

If you say so.

Anonymous said...

I thought MSA was so "selective" about who they let advertise there and having only "quality" designs advertised there, but my work is so far beyond this (better by far) it's not even funny, but they won't give me the time of day.

That was years ago with the original owners.

Anonymous said...

I never said they were closing because of me, dumbass.

You feel better now, sweetie?

Anonymous said...

Anyone have any experience with Amanda Rockwell's Designer Studio subscription? I've heard that she was kinda flakey and didn't keep up with it.

and I heard that it was great and she was really good.

Anonymous said...

Seriously, anyone who cannot do that in about 2 minutes FLAT should not be designing.

So much of the CU that is sold is easy to do.

Anonymous said...

Anyone have any experience with Amanda Rockwell's Designer Studio subscription? I've heard that she was kinda flakey and didn't keep up with it.

and I heard that it was great and she was really good.

No doubt, she is good, I just heard that she didn't keep up the site in a timely fashoin.

Anonymous said...

I just heard that she didn't keep up the site in a timely fashoin.
This wouldn't surprise me at all. She was one of the original designer divas back in digi's early days.

Anonymous said...

No doubt, she is good, I just heard that she didn't keep up the site in a timely fashoin

Sorry, I need spell check ;)
No doubt, she is good, I just heard that she didn't keep up the site in a timely fashion.

Anonymous said...

and I heard that it was great and she was really good

Amanda, is that you???

Anonymous said...

I love Amanda. Sometimes she does get behind on downloads or tutorials, but she is up front about why and leaves things up forever. She has always been very kind and generous with her time for me. And before you start- No, not Amanda, not affiliated in any way other than being a longtime member of her studio.

Anonymous said...

#168... comments like that are stupid. You can like someone without being them you know....

As for the scrapflower freebie... I didn't search for all the links - I found one then just changed the product ID up and down to find the others... not rocket science.

Anonymous said...

Really, you guys? You're going to go through the trouble of figuring out alternate ways to download a freebie, but won't bother to do the action asked of you first (like signing up for the newsletter or whatnot)?

The designers and store owners are exchanging their time (the time it took to design and then coordinate the freebies) in the hopes of getting your subscriptions in return. If you're not going to subscribe to whichever outlet, then leave that freebie alone.

Have some simple decency, I guess is what I'm saying. It's not savvy of you to have figured out how to get around the subscriptions, it's just little of you.

Anonymous said...

You're going to go through the trouble of figuring out alternate ways to download a freebie,

Not the OP, but she's right, it's not rocket science, but I agree that it's a petty thing to do. However, I don't agree with the use of 'guys' plural since it was only one person who said it.

Anonymous said...

Amanda, is that you???

Hello, head? Is brain in there? I guess not or you wouldn't say something so stupid.

Anonymous said...

She was one of the original designer divas back in digi's early days.

If by diva you mean someone who spoke her mind, yes, she was a diva.

Anonymous said...

No, by diva I mean she was frequently a nasty bitch to people.

Anonymous said...

So that means most of you who post here are divas?As most of you are nasty bitches to people behind there back!

Anonymous said...

Have we hit a nerve here?

Have we hit nerve here?

Anonymous said...


learn it, diva!

Anonymous said...

No, by diva I mean she was frequently a nasty bitch to people.

I never saw her do that. Ever.

Anonymous said...

As most of you are nasty bitches to people behind there back!

I'm a nasty bitch to people up front. Deal with it.

Anonymous said...

Occasionally Amanda is not able to get a download up exactly on the first of the month, but if she thinks that is going to happen, she lets us know, and always throws in extra goodies to make up for it. I've been very happy with my membership and have been there since she first started. She has, on a couple of occasions, even sent me download links to a couple of her newest products - CU for CU brushes, just to be sweet!

Anonymous said...

WTF #177?

Anonymous said...

Have we hit a nerve here?


Why does someone always ask that? It just makes you look stupid.

Anonymous said...

I checked out the camping blog train & I can see why you guys weren't impressed...... Depressing dark colors. Out of the entire list I only downloaded a few new designers to try.

When the color palette is assigned are the designers allowed to add in some neutrals to it? I didn't notice this in any of the previews, but wondering if this is a rule or not. (adding a cream or light taupe would have been a big improvement)

Anonymous said...

meh. I doubt that you're very objective about your own work.

I may not be 100% objective, but I don't think it takes a genius to see that almost anyone with even the tiniest bit of talent and/or skill in Illustrator can do much, much, MUCH better than those 2 CU products.

Really, can you truly disagree with that?

Anonymous said...

175- She thinks she is better than everyone. I agree with you on her being a diva.

Anonymous said...

I thought Scrap Orchard designers were supposed to be exclusive? Or don't they consider MMS a "store" even though they sell PNG's and JPG's now?

Anonymous said...

It seems that the definition of "exclusive" is not as clear cut as one might think according to a few mentions in this blog!

Anonymous said...

Maybe Kami is getting desperate enough for designers that she's willing to take anybody now.

Anonymous said...

I'm the one who posted about changing the product code... and I wasn't being petty. I sub to their newsletter, like them on facebook and CT for one of their designers. Just at the time when I looked, the FB freebie hadn't been posted yet and I didn't want to forget the main part (it was the elements) as I was heading off to bed. Not sure how it was petty.

Anonymous said...

As for Meredith Cardall, you'll see none of the stuff she has released at SO is at MMS - I think products stay at MMS for a certain amount of time after a designer leaves. So I would guess she no longer releases at MMS.

Anonymous said...

She thinks she is better than everyone.

Wow, you know what she thinks? I'm impressed.

Anonymous said...

Just at the time when I looked, the FB freebie hadn't been posted yet and I didn't want to forget the main part (it was the elements) as I was heading off to bed. Not sure how it was petty.

Because you made no mention of any of these things, and your prior statement made you look petty.

Anonymous said...

I think the hearts and swirls are fine. They ARE extremely easy to make in Illustrator, but most scrappers don't have that, and many designers don't, either. Creating smooth brush strokes like that is hard in PS, and really, it's under $4 bucks. If a designer wants to buy it, what's the harm?

Anonymous said...

from the digiridoo newsletter

It is with great sadness that we announce today that DigiridooScraps will close its doors on the 15th of July. We want to take this opportunity to thank all of you, our wonderful customers for all the support over the years. Keep a lookout for some great sales from our designers in the next couple of days.

Anonymous said...

Q about facebook... if you 'like' a designer & download their freebie, what happens when the designer changes their freebie a month later? do you need to 'like' them again to get the new one? thanks in advance

Anonymous said...

No if you're already a "fan" you can download it right away. If you unlike them after you've downloaded a freebie than you have to like them again.


Anonymous said...

It seems that the definition of "exclusive" is not as clear cut as one might think according to a few mentions in this blog!
There are several designers who are at "exclusive" stores but are in other stores. There are ways around it. For instance, Sugar Hill Co. is exclusive but since they are CU only there are several designers who sell PU products in other stores. And Sugary Fancy at A5D and The Doodle Queeen at OSD are the same person. Both exclusive stores, two different brands and products - same person.

Anonymous said...

I've come across some nice digital freebies & thought I'd share the names in case anyone here might like them too. In no particular order (although most of the stuff listed is more of a paper style & not the fantasy style) .....

AudreyNeal - Whizkid Scatters -
- red white & blue scatter accents - 9to5, & Family Affair
- This designer is new to me, I'm glad I discovered her site. The above 2 freebies will appeal to people who like the look of paper scrapping.

BZBDesigns - BZB - LMAO
- cute kit in yellow, blue & grey - ohsnap kit spanning out over several days
- really cute camera themed kit
- only complaint is that the kit on day 6 is missing the string & vellum tag that is shown on the preview - Be Yourself quickpage
- really cute page in yellow & neutral colors with a little banner hanging on the top
- has tons of little freebies (many of which are tags or silver metal swirls), which seem to be CU free (but check her TOU to be sure)

Eva Kipler - Boy Meets World addon
- well designed fun kit in muted shades of kraft, blue, orange & green. - aimeeh - pieces of me template
- cute template - YB_NeonLove
- has splashes of neon hot pink & chartreuse mixed with some neutrals. fun graphic style with a youthful feel. some camera accents. - Menagerie journal freebie
- tags in dark muted colors. I love that she has a polar bear on one tag!

KHartley - CoolCucumber2 -
- large kit in pretty shades of soft blue & green. the papers are lovely & feminine, & I like the vintage images. - stars & stripes scallops
- awesome scalloped borders in red, blue & cream with stars, stripes & glitter - little firecracker cluster
- frame cluster with stars & banner accents in red, blue & tan

MMullens - LetFreedomRing Extra pp -
- really nice papers in muted reds, blues & kraft

sahlin studio [Krista Sahlin] - 6jun12 template
- cute template with strips coming down from the top. she has lots of nice stuff on her website.


Anonymous said...

Anyone have any experience with Amanda Rockwell's Designer Studio subscription? I've heard that she was kinda flakey and didn't keep up with it.


She does {or did} miss putting up the new download sometimes, but she lets you know when it's going up. My subscription ran out over 6 months ago, and I can still get in there. LOL

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