Sunday, July 1, 2012


Have at it!


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Anonymous said...

199 - you are so nice and kind. But I think your post would be much more appreciated at DST's Scrap Talk. After all I still believe there are more designers and CTMs here than regular scrappers. And it's too bad that since you've posted here, it's unlikely that you would also take this nice info to post again at DST under your own name. I just wish more people could benefit from your post. Thanks anyway!

Anonymous said...

#200 that's not very honest of you. You should let Amanda know and pay for a new subscription.

Anonymous said...

2 - I no longer design so have no reason to go there anymore.....the only reason I went there was because a month or so ago, I got an email from her saying there were new downloads in the forum. I clicked the link and was able to log in.

Anonymous said...

Why does someone always ask that? It just makes you look stupid.
Stupid is as stupid does ;)

Anonymous said...

It's probably the same person who always posts "pot meet kettle" (or some stupid variation). No creativity, so they just replay the same tired old cliches.

Anonymous said...

Don't be jealous

Anonymous said...

Why does someone always ask that? It just makes you look stupid.
Stupid is as stupid does ;)

Yeah, you sure proved that, didn't you.

Anonymous said...

Do zombies digi scrap? If so, why?

Anonymous said...

LOL. Thanks #8, I needed that.

Anonymous said...

When did Baers Garten leave SBG ?

Anonymous said...

I just love how so many designers just seem to sneak away from SBG.

Anonymous said...

I have a questions about CTs. What happens when you are required to scrap 1 page per kit, but one of the releases are impossible to work with? Are CT members generally honest about it? Or do they just scrap an awful page? I have been approached by 2 designers to CT for them but I just don't love every kit they release. Thanks for any opinions.

Anonymous said...

13 - well, that's where the "creative" bit of Creative Team Member comes in, isn't it? It's your job to be creative - go, be creative. Have a look through the galleries for some inspiration, that sometimes helps me.

Anonymous said...

If I was the designer, I'd want you to voice your opinions. Even making a request for certain types of elements is better than saying nothing at all and I think some designers (probably more often than not) would appreciate the feedback.

Anonymous said...

#14 Snotty much? There are some designers that really can't put together a kit AT ALL. Some kits are hideous and impossible to use. If she finds this is the case, she should speak up. Maybe just send a private email or message.

Anonymous said...

When I was a CT and a designer produced a kit I couldn't work with, I told her.

Anonymous said...

I have been approached by 2 designers to CT for them but I just don't love every kit they release. Thanks for any opinions.


You can say thanks, but no thanks or tell them you can't work with every kit. Nothing wrong with being honest.

Anonymous said...

#12 Examples?

Anonymous said...

I always tell the designer I can't work with the kit or, when possible, I make something that doesn't fit the theme of the kit.

Anonymous said...

#20 that is what you should do, create something that doesn't fit the theme then when people see it used outside of the box they might want to buy.
I always tell my CT if there is a kit that they don't want to use to not feel obligated. When I was CT I would just say I didn't have photos that would work for the kit.

Anonymous said...

I just saw the FB post about Guest Bees at SO. I guess they are losing their CT... and this is the solution? Not sure if they will get good scrappers going this way? Thoughts -

Anonymous said...

When I was still doing CT, I always tried my best to scrap with every kit the designers put out. I consider that a challenge and I believe I actually became a much better (or well-rounded) scrapper for it. Many times it forces you to venture outside your comfort zone and that can be so much fun. However, when there's one I really couldn't work with at the time, I told the designer why, as honestly as I could manage. (If it's quality issue, it's really your job as CT to tell the designer anyway.) Mostly for me it's just style clash or lack of suitable personal pictures. But then again I chose the designers carefully before agreeing to work for them. Lucky me they never made anything hideous.

Anonymous said...

BUY MY STORE sales. Where do you see those? Which designers use those? I am always wondering if it means "I need money now", or "I love my customers so much", or "I want to be noticed", or maybe "Maybe that way I can get sales". Looking around, some designers have them on a regular basis, others never have them, yet some will maybe do one. What do you think? Did you ever have a BMS sale? Did your favorite designer ever have one? I mean, digital supplies can be inexpensive but with a BMS offer, it gets almost ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

I'm always suspicious of those who have BMS sales, especially those who have them often. For me, BMS means your stuff don't regularly sell. And if they don't regularly sell, they might not be so good.

Anonymous said...

As a customer, when I see a "buy my store" sale, I assume the designer needs quick money for some reason. Some will even say that they need money for _________. I will buy if I like the designer's stuff and don't have a lot of it already. I don't assume that there's something wrong with the designer.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to see some of my favorite designers have BMS sales! But usually it is the lower quality designers or like #26 said, someone who might have an emergency financial need and need cash quickly.

Anonymous said...

Digi Deborah has BMS sales all the time.

Anonymous said...

I did one when a store I was at closed. I'll probably never do one again, because it undervalues the work so much.

Anonymous said...

#29, if you have such a sale, beside the point of "undervalueing the work" (which I really agree), do you think it was worth it, money-wise?

Anonymous said...

No, it really wasnt. I was very new as a designer and not really known at all. I would probably do better now, but I value my work more now and wouldnt go there.

Anonymous said...

I would do a BMS offer, but I would charge $100 at least. After all, if I have over $1000 worth of products in my store, I would guess that $100 would still be a great deal. But would people even look at a $100 BMS offer? I think scrappers (and probably designers) have been trained to look for and expect rock bottom prices, even for a BMS deal.

Anonymous said...

And then you are selling your product for just 10% of its value. I dont like doing sales over 40%. I spend HOURS on kits and even though you sell each kit more than once, the hourly rate rarely comes close to what I feel my time is worth. I also spend much less on kits, and I use what I create so that helps me balance the difference. But, I just cannot justify discounting my work that much. I might feel differently if I were a designer making thousands a month, but I doubt it.

Anonymous said...

I just saw the FB post about Guest Bees at SO. I guess they are losing their CT... and this is the solution? Not sure if they will get good scrappers going this way? Thoughts -

Jul 9, 2012 8:15:00 AM
I think it shows just how pathetic that store has become. Their CT requirements are too rigid (you can't be on any other store CTs) and I think that limits who would be able to guest or CT there. I know a lot of CT who have left and gone onto individual designer CTs just so they could remain a Bee, then had to drop being a Bee because CTing for so many individual CTs is far more work than CTing for a store.

Scrap Orchard doesn't do anything special that their CT needs to be exclusive to just that store. They're completely paranoid. You couldn't pay me to guest there.

Anonymous said...

#33: I make thousands a month and you won't see a Buy My Store, or sales over a certain percentage off on my menu either. I also value my work, and other choose to agree or not.

Anonymous said...

I like BMS sales if someone is retiring or leaving a particular store. Other than that, I typically stay away from buying them.

Anonymous said...

#35- LOL, thousands? HA! That's funny.

Anonymous said...

37, I don't know why you think that's funny. Believe it or not, there are people who make that, and I'm not 35.

Anonymous said...

Amanda's tutorials didn't help me at all, but her downloads were worth the subscription. I wouldn't sign up again though.

Anonymous said...

I'm not 35 either, I'm at a small-ish store and I'm betting some (if not most) of you have not seen my designs and I clear $550-700 every month. I see no reason why someone who is at a big store with a large fan base could make $1000+ a month.

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with #14 about being a CT member. Figure it out. If you sign on to work with a designer's kits, it is your job to do so, whether you care for the kit or not. It is not about you and your layouts. It is about making the best out of what the designer gives you (for free). If you don't like working with the kits, resign. And no, I don't think you should have an opinion and tell the designer that you don't care for it, can't work with it, or give them suggestions. Everyone has an opinion of what they like, and it is the designer's opinion that matters, not their CT. Quality issues? ok. Design? Nope.

Anonymous said...

I'd rather my CT members didn't do a layout at all than did one that was forced.

Anonymous said...

#41 - CT is mostly a volunteer job, not slavery nor are most being salaried. If they don't like a kit, they can say so.

If a designer can't cope with the opinion that their kit is not workable, they should rethink what they are doing.

If a CT can't work with a kit, hey, guess what, maybe a customer can't either. So a CT's opinion does matter.

Anonymous said...

I'm on a store CT and I have the same issue with awful kits. Half the designers are pretty good, but the other half, the kits just don't have anything in them. I can't decide if it's ok to tell a designer their kit isn't full enough. Is that a real complaint or a matter of taste?

Anonymous said...

I know of designers who do make thousands. I'm not one of them, but thats the goal. Why else do all that work? I could design freebies if I didnt want to make money.

Anonymous said...

44 I would want to know. And if I were your store owner, I would want to know so it could be worked on.

Anonymous said...

#44 - I'm inclined to think a kit not being full enough for you is a matter of taste. I see some of the most intriguing minimalist style layouts done with so few elements. I think it depends on if you are a clustering/layering/paper piecing type of scrapper more than if the kit is full enough.

Now, if the kit is overpriced AND not very full AND not very unique papers or ellies, then that's a different matter, I think.

Anonymous said...

As a CTM, I've been surprised at what other CTMs make with a kit I struggled with. I've also made pages that other people have commented they loved my page and had no idea what to do with that kit. I think it becomes very subjective if you can't work with something.

I agree with #47. Maybe it's just a style difference. I can't work with kits designed for minimalist styles - even if they seem to have all the basics I would need. I think they're pretty, but I'm never happy with my pages using them.

Anonymous said...

As a designer I put fewer elements in my kits than others. I don't agree that kits should have 60+ elements including a dozen flowers and leaves. As a scrapper I don't do dozens of elements and clusters on my pages, either. I don't like the look of it. I think telling someone their kit isn't big enough to work with is like telling a fantasy scrapper their kit isn't papery enough.

Anonymous said...

I like kits that are full, but not so I can use a bunch of things. I like to pick and choose what to use. If there isn't a lot of embellishments then all the ct pages will look the same.

Anonymous said...

If there isn't a lot of embellishments then all the ct pages will look the same.


No they won't.

Anonymous said...

If CT could make pages with kits a few years ago when kits didn't have a gazillion elements don't quite understand why they can't make them today. Maybe CT of the past had better imaginations. Their pages didn't necessarily look all alike and I think they weren't so glopped up with elements that a person couldn't enjoy just a simple lovely looking scrapbook page!!

Anonymous said...

I think it shows just how pathetic that store has become. Their CT requirements are too rigid (you can't be on any other store CTs) and I think that limits who would be able to guest or CT there. I know a lot of CT who have left and gone onto individual designer CTs just so they could remain a Bee, then had to drop being a Bee because CTing for so many individual CTs is far more work than CTing for a store.

Scrap Orchard doesn't do anything special that their CT needs to be exclusive to just that store. They're completely paranoid. You couldn't pay me to guest there.

Jul 9, 2012 2:12:00 PM


I don't think they are pathetic, and the way I read it - it isn't excluding people on other store CT's. More like a contest, isn't it? A way to get new faces. Wouldn't they ask someone to stay or an extended guest spot if they did a good job?

I think it is better than how they added the babes at SSD. This seems open to all scrappers. $60 for a month seems like a lot, even if you only like a few of the designers.

What are their requirements at SO? Do they have a term set usually, layout req, forum posts, challenges - stuff like that? Would more people be interested if they could be on multiple store CT's?

Not allowing other store CT's does seem paranoid. I agree about store CT's are less work than individual CT's, and that they don't have anything beyond other digi stores.

Anonymous said...

Is SM going to get better or worse with the new owner?

Anonymous said...

I think SM is already getting better. They are bringing on new designers and more people are participating in the challenges. They may not get back to the level they were at before, but they are still a good store.

Anonymous said...

I played a game today : visiting all stores listed on the right...
Some are really awfull for me but i suppose that they found their customers or would be closed.
Isn't it ?

Anonymous said...

#55 They aren't getting better... the designers they are bringing on are not very good. They've found some decent ones, but I used to buy there all the time and I don't even browse there anymore b/c the stuff is just not any good. There are a few people left I'd buy from, but not enough to keep me going. And I bought at that store for 4 years before it flushed itself down the toilet last winter. Don't get me wrong, I like Amber, and her designs but the store should have just closed.

Anonymous said...

Who would you buy from on this list? There are 24 people on the list and I like less than 5 of them. The 5 I do like, I only like some of their kits, not all. I mean, this is a store who had some really talented designers at one point.

Adorable Pixels
Alissa Jones
Amy Stoffel
Andilynn Designs
Blue Umbrella Designs
Clever Monkey Graphics
Cluster Queen Creations
Crossbone Cuts Designs
Designs by CRK
Down This Road Designs
Eudora Designs
Find Your Bliss Designs
geniaBeana Scraps
Julie Marie Designs
KimB's Designs
LDrag Designs
Memory Clips
MHK Scraps
Sherry Ferguson
Siamese Studio
Simply J Studio
Stolen Moments

Anonymous said...

KimB's Designs has pretty kits.

Anonymous said...

#58 scrapmatters
I like Siamese Studio , Amy Stoffel, picture designs, and no more

Anonymous said...

Responding to several posts in 1:

About the Guest Bee stuff at SO:
Another way to become a Bee is having your mom design there.
I agree on how they 'gain' new faces. It's way better than at SSD. This way at least everyone has a chance and not just the popular girls.

About not being able to work with a kit your designer comes up with:
If one of my designers came up with a kit I couldn't work with, I always told them. So far, they didn't make a problem of it. Main problem was that I didn't have photos to work with it, even if I broke the theme or really.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said... 58
Who would you buy from on this list? There are 24 people on the list and I like less than 5 of them. The 5 I do like, I only like some of their kits, not all. I mean, this is a store who had some really talented designers at one point.

Adorable Pixels
Alissa Jones
Amy Stoffel
Andilynn Designs
Blue Umbrella Designs
Clever Monkey Graphics
Cluster Queen Creations
Crossbone Cuts Designs
Designs by CRK
Down This Road Designs
Eudora Designs
Find Your Bliss Designs
geniaBeana Scraps
Julie Marie Designs
KimB's Designs
LDrag Designs
Memory Clips
MHK Scraps
Sherry Ferguson
Siamese Studio
Simply J Studio
Stolen Moments
Jul 10, 2012 10:41:00 AM

I like:
Amy Stoffel
Eudora Designs
Find Your Bliss Designs
LDrag Designs
Siamese Studio
Stolen Moment Designs

Anonymous said...

#58 - I wouldn't seek out any of those designers. If they were at a store I frequent, I might check them out. But none of them would draw me to a store. (And I've CT'ed for some of them in the past!)

Anonymous said...

I like:

Amy Stoffel
Clever Monkey
Cluster Queen (for templates)
Find Your Bliss
Picture Designs
Siamese Studio
Stolen Moments

Anonymous said...

Do the full time CT members only get $15/week, too?

Anonymous said...

#58: The only three I'd buy from are geniaBeana, KimB, and Stolen Moments. Maybe Amy Stoffel now and then but the rest of them, no way.

Anonymous said...

I have low standards, because I like most of what I see at SM, lol

Anonymous said...

65 - I don't think so... but not sure.

Are there any good newsletters out there? Tips, tricks, techniques, layout ideas.

Anonymous said...

#68 go here they have cool email templates for mailchimp - but you need to buy them, but they are worth it usually

Anonymous said...

I think #68 meant newsletters from designers/stores with those items in them.

Anonymous said...

I really like SuzyQ Scraps' newsletter because she always has tips. :)

Anonymous said...

Do the full time CT members only get $15/week, too?

Jul 10, 2012 12:02:00 PM
No. They have full access to the store.

The $15 isn't even good on anything. It's only good on "Up and Coming Products". If there is nothing new that week you like, you're shit out of luck.

I guess if you like one of the small handful of designers who release frequently, it's a good gig. If not, why bother? It's not like you can get a couple of things off your wish list.

I think it's a stupid contest. I don't see how this is any different than a popularity contest like SSD. All winners are chosen by the staff.

Anonymous said...

I agree the SO contest thing is ridiculous. I think it makes them look desperate, too.

Anonymous said...

If you don't like the SO contest, then don't enter -- easy as that. And no, I am not affiliated with SO {other than being a customer}.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Such words of wisdom, #74. People are just stating their opinion, idiot.

Anonymous said...

I think for a lot of people it's less about the guest gig and more about the hope of getting on the regular CT. Just a few weeks ago people here were saying they wished SO would have a call. It seems like this is just a different way of going about it, so they can see what each scrapper can do with their products before signing them up permanently. I'm not sure what seems desperate about that. And I'm not affiliated with them either, not even as a shopper.

Anonymous said...

If they want perm CTMs, then have a call. What they want is traffic to their site. Nothing more. There is no scouting "talent." It's all about the $$. Not that I'm faulting them for wanting good sales, but let's not give them credit for anything else.

Anonymous said...

#77 - and that is why I say it makes them look desperate. Begging for sales is all it is. I love how people make them sound so noble. It's laughable. They're no different than SSD and SO is snobbier.

Anonymous said...

People are just stating their opinion, idiot.

Feel better now?

Anonymous said...

As a designer who has had many ctm's come on during calls only to completely disappear within a few months, I can see why a store would want to test out potential ctm's before bringing them on full-time. It doesn't seem desperate to me at all. Don't other stores do the same thing? (tlp comes to mind)

Anonymous said...

Begging for sales is all it is.
What a horrible thing for a store to do. Heaven forbid.

Anonymous said...

SO's CTMs host all of their daily challenges and write the daily blog posts. It seems like it would be disruptive for them to wait for their CT numbers to go down and then hold a call, they wouldn't have enough people to keep everything running smoothly. They need a pool of people to choose from each time they lose someone. Maybe other stores can let CT membership drop and then have a call, but not all stores can operate that way.

Anonymous said...

I love how people make them sound so noble. It's laughable.

No one is making them sound noble. You're laughable.

Anonymous said...

Did I miss Fizzy Pop Designs leaving again? Did she move stores or drop altogether?

Anonymous said...

Did I miss Fizzy Pop Designs leaving again? Did she move stores or drop altogether?

Anonymous said...

It was mentioned that Fizzy Pop was leaving - don't know if she went elsewhere or just retired again.

Anonymous said...

She posted on FB that she was retiring.

Anonymous said...

Who cares? She sucks as a designer anyway.

Anonymous said...

SO is obviously doing something right because they have a huge following and make piles of money. Good for them! The jealousy here astounds me. Give credit where credit is due.

Anonymous said...

Nice #88. Way to judge. Your soul is showing.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know what happened to Jeanya Labaya??

Anonymous said...

How about Pineapple Designs, wasn't she one of the owners of SO long time ago? What happened to her?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

#93 I know she sells there but she hasn't come up with something new in a long time. Don't see anything on Facebook that explains why/says what's going on.

Anonymous said...

Positive attitude ...who is your preferred designer ?

Anonymous said...

#95 - It depends on what I'm looking for. I like many different designers, not just one, as I'm sure most people do.

Anonymous said...

80-Instead of holding a call GS recently contacted a person that posts in their gallery and asked if she'd like to be on their CT.

Anonymous said...

I'm #94: she just posted she's designing stuff to release next week. So question answered.

Anonymous said...

A few of my favorites:
Captivated Visions
Amy Stoffel
Mye de Leon
Connie Prince
Fiddle-Dee-Dee Designs
Scrapping with Liz
Pink Reptile Designs

Anonymous said...

#97 Scrapflower does the same thing at the moment.

Anonymous said...

90 - I have no soul, I'm more of an alternative girl.

Anonymous said...

he jealousy here astounds me.

An opinion different from yours doesn't mean that anyone else is either jealous or a bully. It's just a different opinion.

Now go out in the world and take it to heart.

Anonymous said...

Positive attitude ...who is your preferred designer

Not again! This is not DST - go and take it there.

Anonymous said...

How about Pineapple Designs, wasn't she one of the owners of SO long time ago? What happened to her?

Illness is what I heard and she sold her part a long, long time ago.

Anonymous said...

I have no soul, I'm more of an alternative girl.

Anonymous said...

#95 Positive attitude ...who is your preferred designer ?

Me, hehehe!

Anonymous said...

Give credit where credit is due.


Anonymous said...

Give credit where credit is due.



Anonymous said...

#108 - simple question - why give credit where credit is due?

How hard was that to work out. Geez.

DigiSmacker said...

Hey, guys! I'm sending in my laptop to have some warranty work done on it tomorrow, and I'm anticipating it being gone for 2-3 weeks. I'll try to check in on an iDevice, but if things go into spam they might stay there for a day or two before I notice.

Anonymous said...

This LO was in the GSO thread. All I can see is Baby In a Crackhouse....

Anonymous said...

LOL a #111!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

LOL know, I don't really see the appeal of this style of scrapping. People seem to love it but to me it doesn't really capture memories (which is why I scrap). It's more of a subjective art.

Anonymous said...

baby in a crackhouse is right

Anonymous said...

Normally I love the artsyness of it...but that one is just too much.

Anonymous said...

I never got fantasy scrapping either. When I look at photos I want to know when and where it was taken. ya know? what was going on? There's no way you could tell me what was actually happening in any extracted photo fantasy layout. What does any of it say about someone's childhood? Sorry your life was so boring I had to spice it up with some ugly daz/poser elements to make it look like you were doing something interesting.

Anonymous said...

#117 Well said!

Anonymous said...

Putting a rat in with a photo of your baby is kind of creepy, love the "Baby In A Crackhouse"

Anonymous said...

Baby in a Crackhouse, or "Got Meth?"

Anonymous said...

#120 Good one!

Anonymous said...

I never got fantasy scrapping either. When I look at photos I want to know when and where it was taken. ya know? what was going on? There's no way you could tell me what was actually happening in any extracted photo fantasy layout. What does any of it say about someone's childhood? Sorry your life was so boring I had to spice it up with some ugly daz/poser elements to make it look like you were doing something interesting.

No, I don't know. You don't know if she scrapped that photo in a 'regular' way explaining what was going on, do you?

The scrapper was just making a piece of art. So sorry your life is so boring you aren't creative enough to do anything else.

Anonymous said...

Putting a rat in with a photo of your baby is kind of creepy

Why? People have pet rats you know. Is that creepy to?

Anonymous said...

This LO was in the GSO thread. All I can see is Baby In a Crackhouse....

It's not bad, but doesn't deserve to be in the GSO thread.

Baby in a crack house? I didn't even see that, I just saw a baby making a potion.

Anonymous said...

Putting a rat in with a photo of your baby is kind of creepy

Why? People have pet rats you know. Is that creepy to?

Yep, to me it is.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if people on here actually just try to argue the other side. They can because they hide behind their anonymity. So #122 might be posting how much she hates fantasy next time. Eye roll.

Anonymous said...

I'm 111. We have pet rats. It's still crackhouse creepy. The dead looking rat in a dish combined with the weird background with the steaming potion situation just said crack house to me.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if people on here actually just try to argue the other side. They can because they hide behind their anonymity. So #122 might be posting how much she hates fantasy next time. Eye roll.

er no, I won't. I see both sides of the issue, however, I get tired of the idiotic arguments presented by the non fantasy scrappers.

Maybe you argue just for the heck of it, which is why you think others do too.

Eye roll back at ya.

What a fruit.

Anonymous said...

Why? People have pet rats you know. Is that creepy to?

Yep, to me it is.


Anonymous said...

The dead looking rat in a dish combined with the weird background with the steaming potion situation just said crack house to me.

Been in a lot of crack houses have you?

I admit it's weird, but crack house didn't even remotely enter my head when I saw that LO.

Anonymous said...

129, because rats are creepy! EWWWW!

Anonymous said...

130 I'm sure we all have a mental picture of what one looks like.

Anonymous said...

#131 - how are they creepy? They are just rats. They make excellent pets and are very intelligent and loving.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure we all have a mental picture of what one looks like.

No, we don't actually. I certainly don't.

Anonymous said...

Curious to see this kit and the many Disney copyright violation issues it creates.

Anonymous said...

135- I would say none. It seems SOME designers can get away with making Disney kits.

Anonymous said...

Lol. Fantasy scrapping isnt my thing (though I do own a few of the kits because they were so pretty) but I think some of the creations are pretty amazing - mostly the extraction skills. When I opened that layout, I didn't think much of it. Just a normal fantasy layout you know, probably by a CT member. Kid making a potion etc.

However, now that someone pointed out the dead rat in the background, it does seem a little weird.

Anonymous said...

It's been said time and time again, Disney doesn't give a damn.

If you don't like the practices of the designer, just don't buy from them.

Personally, I'm bored with the Disney copyright violations that crop up here.

Anonymous said...

Rats have nasty, skeevy tails. They are disgusting.

They are totally creepy.

Anonymous said...

Rats have nasty, skeevy tails. They are disgusting.

Are you for real?

Anonymous said...

Curious to see this kit and the many Disney copyright violation issues it creates.
Jul 12, 2012 7:40:00 PM

I like how her entire store is 40% off, but not that kit. The sale ad is even listed next to that kit in the PBP newsletter.

I don't see the copyright violations, honestly. She's not using any images from the movie, the kit is clearly just inspired by it. Nothing wrong with being inspired by something.

Anonymous said...

139- I take it you love New York then.

Anonymous said...

When you look at a regular page you can at least get a GLIMPSE of what was going on in the moment. When you extract a photo and put it in a completely different context there is no way for even the person who TOOK that photo to tell what was going on at the moment the photo was taken. It's just an extracted element like the rest of the filler on the page.

I didn't say they weren't beautiful pages. I've seen some really beautiful pages that were scrapped like that but from a memory keeping standpoint (which is the POINT OF SCRAPPING imo) it doesn't seem to make sense. There's no point of reference. It doesn't tell a real story. Which is fine, but I don't get it. I'm not the only one who doesn't get it either.

I didn't say it wasn't art. It's just not memory keeping (imho)

Anonymous said...

Ok, on the rat thing.... I've never been afraid of rats, even worked where we took care of them from time to time, but holy hell, yesterday in my backyard I swear a rat about 15 inches long (and looked like the one in that LO!) ran across the top of my fence.... GUH-ROSS!!!!!! But Pet rats are different, lol.....

Anonymous said...

I didn't say it wasn't art. It's just not memory keeping (imho)


No one is claiming it to be memory keeping.

Anonymous said...

When you extract a photo and put it in a completely different context there is no way for even the person who TOOK that photo to tell what was going on at the moment the photo was taken.

how do you know? you don't. you are making an assumption.

Anonymous said...

WTF with all the fantasy stuff? I am happy we all scrap different.
yeah! I scrap fantasy, I scrap my memories! but I scrap them different then someone else, So what? It would be very boring if we all scrap the same way right?
This is my way to tell my stories. So if anyone have a problem with that, Well just don't look! I don't give a shit if you like it or not

Anonymous said...

how bout just let people scrap in the style they want to. Traditional, fantasy, art journaling, whatever! We are all in the same type of business, but there are genres within the business and we need to understand that. Whether you agree with the style or content of a 'layout' doesn't negate the fact that the person who made it, did so creativly in the way she wants to be creative.

I'm not a fantasy style fan - so I just don't look at it - simple as that. I bet people who are into fantasy can turn the argument around and say that traditional paper scrappers are boring and jump plop things on a canvass and call it art.

Anonymous said...

^^ just not jump

Anonymous said...

Jesus fucking christ people. Learn to read. No one ever said they don't have the right to scrap that way. They only gave their opinion about the genre itself. It's the same as if someone said, "Hey I don't like horror movies." Or I don't think that movies based on true events or books are really movies because they aren't originally and only for the screen.

Who gives a shit. It's just their opinion. They are entitled to it as much as you are to disagree with it. But don't start jumping people's shit because they don't like a "style" of scrapping.

Anonymous said...

So what's this about??

"Hi everyone! Coming to you with a little bit of news tonight. I want you to be aware that due to some ongoing business concerns I have had, tonight I have made the decision to close my shop at Pickelberrypop, effective immediately." via Trixie Scraps on Facebook

Anonymous said...

Who gives a shit. It's just their opinion. They are entitled to it as much as you are to disagree with it. But don't start jumping people's shit because they don't like a "style" of scrapping.

Er, saying it's not preserving memories is not quite the same as saying - I don't like it. See the difference?

Anonymous said...

#151 - a distinctive lack of grammar?

Anonymous said...

Oh thank God, the grammar police are still here. I feel so much better now. *SMH*

Anonymous said...

"Hi everyone! Coming to you with a little bit of news tonight. I want you to be aware that due to some ongoing business concerns I have had, tonight I have made the decision to close my shop at Pickelberrypop, effective immediately." via Trixie Scraps on Facebook
"ongoing business concerns"... problems with the site or the owner or fellow designers? Just seems an odd way to close shop and to announce it too.

Anonymous said...

#155 I agree I was wondering the same thing to close shop in the middle of the night is just not a good idea in itself.

Anonymous said...

To #150: I think it was this quote from #122 that pissed off a lot of people:
"Sorry your life was so boring I had to spice it up with some ugly daz/poser elements to make it look like you were doing something interesting. "
She could simply have said she didn't understand, thought it was ugly, pointed out how it failed to preserve real memories, but she made insulting inferences. I think that's the part that put people on defense.
They could have said in response; "I don't understand traditional scrapping at all. Who cares what your crotch droppings said or did? All but those with mental deficiencies achieve basic milestones that fill your pages. Oh, and your husband is as ugly as you are fat."
I'm, sure that would set off a couple of fireworks in various colours.

Anonymous said...

Er, saying it's not preserving memories is not quite the same as saying - I don't like it. See the difference?
OP specifically said it was her opinion. "to me it doesn't really capture memories". Not a fact so no reason to overreact. See the difference?

Anonymous said...

"Hi everyone! Coming to you with a little bit of news tonight. I want you to be aware that due to some ongoing business concerns I have had, tonight I have made the decision to close my shop at Pickelberrypop, effective immediately." via Trixie Scraps on Facebook
"ongoing business concerns"... problems with the site or the owner or fellow designers? Just seems an odd way to close shop and to announce it too.
I am thinking that she done made someone mad and she was yanked. If you follow her she appears to me one of the biggest drama queens within the digi community and if you really read her facebook page it appears she is all drama in her own life.

Anonymous said...

Trixie is about as unprofessional as they come. To announce 'ongoing business concerns' makes it sound like something is wrong with the store.

Anonymous said...

159- I never even heard of Trixie Scraps

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking about taking SuzyQ's class on illustrator. Has anyone here done the class and can you tell me what you thought of it? TIA!

Anonymous said...

Er, saying it's not preserving memories is not quite the same as saying - I don't like it. See the difference?
Er, she said in her opinion it wasn't preserving memories. See the difference? Try reading the entire post before spouting off, would you?

Anonymous said...

From my experience with Trixie over the past few years, there is no drama because she's mostly never even around.

Anonymous said...

#160 It wasn't smart for her to say it publicly like that that doesn't mean something didn't happen at the store that would warrant her leaving immediately.

Anonymous said...

Curious to see this kit and the many Disney copyright violation issues it creates.
Jul 12, 2012 7:40:00 PM

I like how her entire store is 40% off, but not that kit. The sale ad is even listed next to that kit in the PBP newsletter.

I don't see the copyright violations, honestly. She's not using any images from the movie, the kit is clearly just inspired by it. Nothing wrong with being inspired by something.
Jul 12, 2012 9:06:00 PM
There are a lot of Disney copiers out there but this kit to me doesn't fall in that category. It's actually the opposite... it's "inspired by" the film which is really awesome and allows you to scrap pages that you may not otherwise be able to. IMO, it's way better than the outright copying you see from many (some popular) designers.

Anonymous said...

Stupid question, but why do designers package the exact same product for PU and CU and sell the CU for double the cost? Can't someone just buy the PU version and use that? Are designers so greedy they'll sell the exact same product like this?

Anonymous said...

I know Trixie has had a store suddenly and unceremoniously closed in the past (Inspiration Lane) for having an attitude. So it could be it happened again. And it's just like her to make it look like there is something shady going on at the store.

Anonymous said...

#167 - if you're only using it for PU then yes, of course only buy the PU version. The PU version is actually to give the people who don't want to use it commercially a better deal. I suppose if you're slime you could purchase the pu version and use it cu but then you'd be doing something illegal. So I guess if you want to be a criminal feel free.

Anonymous said...

Everyone slows down in the summer, right? Not just me?

Anonymous said...

I guess you are not a designer. It's not about greedy at all. It's about selling with different licenses for different kinds of use. Of course the product is the same, but you can't just buy the PU product and use it in your kit like you do for CU. That would be in violation of the TOU. Most probably the designer in question is selling the product this way so scrappers (not designers) can buy and use it in their own layouts without having to pay more (CU price).

Anonymous said...

170 - My sales are down maybe about 20% or so. I expect them to go down a bit more before fall starts.

Anonymous said...

Any one else having trouble getting on me so scrappy. It's saying server cant be found!

Anonymous said...

173-I wonder if she closed it completely. It could have been such a good site. What a waste.

Anonymous said...

Any one else having trouble getting on me so scrappy. It's saying server cant be found!

The blog is gone too.

Anonymous said...

Oh thank God, the grammar police are still here. I feel so much better now. *SMH*

It showed how much I cared about the designer and the announcement. Shake your head all you like.

Anonymous said...

Not a fact so no reason to overreact.

Who is over reacting? Oh, you just did by saying people over reacted.

Anonymous said...

Everyone slows down in the summer, right? Not just me?

I was just coming on here to ask what happened to the designers this week? The colors combinations are particularty unappealing, but in other cases it's the WA and overly-themed kits that prevent me from buying.

Anonymous said...

Stupid question, but why do designers package the exact same product for PU and CU and sell the CU for double the cost? Can't someone just buy the PU version and use that? Are designers so greedy they'll sell the exact same product like this?

Wendy does this because most of what she sells are actions so it's reasonable to have a PU and a CU product but most other designers just sell as one CU/PU/S4H product because making separate previews and pricing separately and putting into a store is a PITA! I use to make two products but only do one now to satisfy all needs for one price. Soooo much easier.

Anonymous said...

How many stores has Trixie been in? Why did she leave Funky Playground amongst others? Some designers seem to change stores as often as they change undies while others stay put for years. Designers that move a lot obviously aren't happy anywhere!

Anonymous said...

She hasn't moved a lot. She's been at GP and SBB for more than two years each. She left FPD shortly before a lot of people left, so if I had to guess, a lack of sales was the motivation there.

Anonymous said...

Why do you care how many stores she has been in? Just because someone stays at a store for a long time means they are happy. Sometimes people make business decisions differently then you would. To each their own. I personally admire her guts to face it head on instead of quietly letting it be swept under the rug. I bet many of you couldn't do that!

Anonymous said...

You do not close a store suddenly because of lack of would leave gracefully!
You close suddenly when you do something wrong!

Anonymous said...

# 182 She is trying to save face!

Anonymous said...

#182 - yeah, right. It has nothing to do with guts and the fact that you think it does - well ...

Her whole announcement is overly dramatic.

I keep my business decisions private.

Anonymous said...

#182 - yeah, right. It has nothing to do with guts and the fact that you think it does - well ...

Her whole announcement is overly dramatic.

I keep my business decisions private.

I'm sure she'll do her best to try and justify her own side of things but based on her past history, my guess is that she whined one too many times and they got sick of it already. Trying to make it look like it was the store's fault is not only unprofessional, but makes it obvious that it was probably her fault and she's trying to cover her own ass. People who have to make public light of issues are usually trying to cover for something, otherwise they'd just keep their mouth shut (or they're just immature). I've been on CT's at two other stores with her over the last few years and this doesn't surprise me one bit. I've heard what a drama queen she is more than once.

Anonymous said...

#183 It could be more than just doing something wrong on the part of the designer. There are loads of reasons someone might leave immediately including not being paid.

I'm not saying that's the case here, but I don't think you should just assume it's solely the fault of the designer.

Anonymous said...

If it's because she hasn't been paid, then why haven't all the other designers left?
I think it has more to do with her attitude!

Anonymous said...

#186 - why quote my post when we are on the same page? We both agree she's being an ass.

Anonymous said...

I'm not saying that's the case here, but I don't think you should just assume it's solely the fault of the designer.

Considering the complete lack of drama at PBP, sorry, I'm assuming it's the designer.

Anonymous said...
Here's a fail, anyone else know why?

Anonymous said...
Here's a fail, anyone else know why?


Because the long form of Mrs. is Mistress not Misses. Doesn't really affect if you like the font or not (unless you're the grammar police?). I think the Mrs. one is cute, I don't think I'd ever use the mister one though.

Anonymous said...

The Missus is fine, doesn't have to be Mistress, but obviously she should spell it correctly. Sigh. Misses is a form of Miss (like saying someone misses the point) or a size of clothing in department stores. I realize not everyone is going to catch that but I noticed immediately upon going to the link and it absolutely turns me off when designers make a major mistake like that in the title of their product. Small little mistakes are not a big deal in the description etc., we all make mistakes when typing, which is why I have a member of my team who checks every product description for errors before the product is released. After I load it to the store, I give her the hidden link, and she catches things a few times a month. It happens all the time which is why you should always have someone double check you.

Anonymous said...

I agree it is wrong, but who cares. It's just the NAME of the font. It's not word art or anything that will actually go on a page ever. For the record, I'd have gone with Missus, not Mistress.

Anonymous said...

I noticed it, too, #193. It should be Mister and Missus, unless Darcy is referring to her many misses when it comes to making fonts. I doubt it has anything to do with a QC issue as much as it does a lack of care about grammar and communicating clearly. It's just funnier when the lack of care if with a font - specifically designed to express communication.

Anonymous said...

This might answer the misconception that Misses is not a correct form-it's plural see below! LOL

Miss (pronounced /ˈmɪs/) is an English language honorific traditionally used only for an unmarried woman (not entitled to another title such as "Doctor" or "Dame"). Originating in the 17th century, it is a contraction of mistress, which was used for all women. A period is not used to signify the contraction. Its counterparts are Mrs., usually used only for married women, and Ms., which may be used regardless of marital status.
The plural Misses may be used, such as in The Misses Doe. The traditional French "Mesdemoiselles" (abbreviation "Mlles") may also be used as the plural in English language conversation or correspondence.

Anonymous said...

LOL Yeah, I'm sure that's exactly what she was going for - "The Old Married Couple." In what world do you live in that couple means one mister and two misses??? It's obviously a spelling error of Missus. Don't be as ignorant as she is.

Anonymous said...

agree it is wrong, but who cares.


If you count me, at least three people care.

Anonymous said...

This might answer the misconception that Misses is not a correct form

No one said Misses wasn't a correct form, they were saying it was incorrect the way it was being used.

Anonymous said...

I was the original poster of the link. I am not the grammar police when it comes to something like this blog, but when you are a professional putting out a product, things like that should be checked. It makes you look stupid and even though it isn't word art or something in the product, there is still no excuse for that. Poor business practice. I am just a customer, not a CT or designer and I very often don't buy from people that have poor grammar or spelling within or even on a product.

Anonymous said...

and over we go

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