Oh please, I come to this blog all the time and I hardly ever see SBB talked about. It's a rare thing. This would lead me, and others too obviously, to believe that there's not much to talk about. Granted this might be a good thing, no gossip and drama, but let's not fool ourselves into thinking that SBB is ever a hot topic around here 195.
SBB has never been talked about all the time, not on any of the smack blogs. Sure, it comes up every now and again, but hardly a regular.
I see names of stores and designers on here that I've never heard of, but I would never presume that they aren't good etc just because I hadn't heard of them.
To each their own. I shop at SBB regularly. Still there are other stores that I never visit that are mentioned here and some that are mentioned here that I've never heard of before seeing the name here. I don't assume they are fading or not doing well simply because I don't visit them. The SBB designers do use social media, at least they use facebook. They pop up in my feed a lot.
I often see little element packages by the bigger designers what contains only 1 kind of product like washi tapes, buttons, stains - I find them very nice, but a bit expensive for 2-3-4 bucks, because e.g from a washi tape pack I can't do a page so I need to buy more different packages. What do you think, these kind of products can attracting the buyers? Can be sold well? I'm just curious.
Scrap Matters is RR's BIG announcement? what a joke.
Let's be honest here, One Story Down was a big joke, so what's the difference? At least Scrap Matters has a history of managing to stick around, even with server failures.
ScrapMatters is a perfectly solid store and has been around a long time. I don't see the joke, either.
Comparing OSD to SBB is the joke. SBB was one of the first digital scrapbooking stores and has a massive customer base because of it. OSD is a new store and more of a boutique store at that with a smaller customer base.
Remember the old days when the Jen Wilson sales would bring SBB to its knees? That was the last time I did any serious shopping there.
Yeah that was way before there was an actual thing called Quality Control. Most of her stuff would have never passed as it was so poorly done-jaggies and pixels all over the place. She did much better working for a paper company where stuff she made didn't show. I never did understand why she did so well considering the quality of her work. Guess most people were just clueless back then.
You might be surprised to learn that a lot of new scrappers don't know about "quality control" and jaggies and such. In fact, the QC level now is definitely higher but a lot of people don't care that much. Some jaggies can be seen if you zoom at 200% but if you print, they might not show. Or some scrappers don't print and only use a digital version of their layout (making PP slideshows, DVD, using digital frames, etc.).
Although I think it is great for designers to aim for the best QC possible, some customers don't really know the difference anyways. So their stuff will still sell.
If you are looking for jaggies at 200% you are overlooking. Photoshop, PSE, and PSP are pixel programs. Those are probably not jaggies you are seeing, but natural pixelation in the program. If you want to see how it will print look at it at print size. I quality check at 100% sometimes an even further zoom, but truly print size is what really matters.
11- Agree. I have seen a store owner who was doing QC at 200% just "to be sure", and obviously, she found pixels. Duh! I am surprised to see that many people talk of QC, and at the same time, cannot realize that a pixel is... square! Nobody can make a perfect curve out of squares. Just like trying to make a smooth circle out of legos!
QC processes are a good thing though I never cease to be amazed by the number of designers who don't bother to look at their stuff at 100% zoom. Blurry texture, unintentional jagged edges, color fill or pattern that doesn't go all the way to the edges, no texture on white/light colored portions of papers or elements, improper resolution, etc. Some of the people I've seen as the biggest offenders are some of the biggest names in the industry.
color fill or pattern that doesn't go all the way to the edges
This is the one that makes me craziest. How do designers not zoom in fully while making papers? If you're adding items into your paper (patterns, overlays, etc.) then you have got to double-check to make sure everything lines up exactly so those awful stripes don't show up on the final product. It's really not hard to hit CTRL+ a few times to look at 100%.
color fill or pattern that doesn't go all the way to the edges -------------
Most of these are obvious at layout size/print size, no need to even 100% zoom, where it might be overlooked, which is why it drives me crazy that they get into a final product.
#4 how do you know she is going to Scrap Matters? I have not seen her announce it. She is still having a "guess my new store" thing on her blog that ends Thursday. Unless you are someone from behind the scenes spilling the beans. Now I can go to her blog and correctly guess the new store (if you are right anyways) so thank you!
2 Peas keeps your products (and therefore your name remains on their designer list) for some time even after you leave. I have no idea why anyone would want to go there.
27 said "2 Peas keeps your products (and therefore your name remains on their designer list) for some time even after you leave. I have no idea why anyone would want to go there." --- ITA. I once CTed for a 2Peas designer who wanted to leave the store, but she didn't want to give up all her products. How can a store keep products? I think that's bullshit.
It's in their contract, and yes, they continue to pay if they sell any of your kits. A few designers have successfully pulled their products, but it's a very drawn-out process.
Re 2Peas - it's not as if the designers signing up didn't know what they were getting in to, is it? They signed the contract with that knowledge, crying foul later is a bit ridiculous.
I have known a few designers at 2Peas over the years both current and former, and they get paid whether they are there selling and loading new products or not. Old products keep paying out forever, even if you leave and go elsewhere. To answer 27's - "I have no idea why anyone would want to go there" - people go there because of money. Plain and simple. It's a lot of money for not much work. We should all be so lucky.
33: I have known a few designers at 2Peas over the years both current and former, and they get paid whether they are there selling and loading new products or not. Old products keep paying out forever, even if you leave and go elsewhere. To answer 27's - "I have no idea why anyone would want to go there" - people go there because of money. Plain and simple. It's a lot of money for not much work. We should all be so lucky. --- I didn't realize they keep your products UP. I thought they just "hold onto" them, so the designer can't move them to a new store. Yes, easy money EXCEPT that you aren't in control of your product. I'd hate that. I don't like 2Peas but I realize lots of people shop there. I think they're overpriced, and now that I know they keep products from designers who leave...well, it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. As a consignment shop, shouldn't the designer be in charge of their products and whether to "pull them from the shelves" as they say in brick-and-mortar stores?
Obviously the designers don't mind, 34, because they're still making money. I doubt they care about the taste it leaves in your mouth. Why are you taking it personally when it doesn't affect you?
now that I know they keep products from designers who leave...well, it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. As a consignment shop, shouldn't the designer be in charge of their products and whether to "pull them from the shelves" as they say in brick-and-mortar stores? -----
It's called a contract. Ever hear of one? If they sign a contract agreeing to leave their product in the store when they leave the store, why should it leave a 'bad taste in your mouth'? It's not as if they are stealing anything.
13 - I actually don't like a lot of texture on the papers I scrap with so little to no texture on a lighter paper doesn't bother me a bit.
^^ Fair enough, but if the paper has some light bits and some darker bits - and the lighter ones don't have as much texture - the paper looks very weird. Especially when printed.
There must be something to it, because I have noticed that more designers seem to be going to 2Peas lately. Just Jaimee and Mommyish both went there in the past month, I think?
Just checked 2Peas, their prices seem on part with everywhere else. Sure, a few years ago they were more expensive but their prices haven't gone up, unlike everywhere else.
The commission they charge is high but I hear that designers sell triple the product and very rarely discounted so they still make silly amounts of money. I know they're not even allowed to set coupons.
Not at all an odd tangent - Lauren Reid was the former owner of OSD and she was also selling at 2Peas, that's how we got there. In fact, the OP at #23 and #24 actually asked about it.
DHD NEEDS to get rid of that stupid watermark on their previews. On the rare occasion that I choose to shop there, I can't see half of the kit because of it.
The thing with 2Peas is if the designer wants to leave and go to another store they can't take their older products with them because of the contract. That is what I don't agree with. Also, I've heard that sales were about the same as with other stores - they just don't have to do all the extra stuff like the other digi stores make you do. So yes, if you plan to just dump your products and do little else, then maybe it's the store for you.
So Lauren was selling at 2P's the whole time OSD was open? She's got a whole lot of products in their store and still listed on their designer list. That list is so long.
Anyone know how many designers are truly there and active? How long does 2P's keep the designers's product to sell after they leave?
50/52 I stopped shopping there when every designer worth their salt left to go to P&Co. DHD is like the underbelly of the digiworld now. The new "designers" they brought on board to replace everyone look like brand newbies who don't even know how to use PS properly. It's so sad I almost can't believe it.
Wow. I looked through all the Project Mouse products by Sahlin/Brittish, and was actually impressed that they did it so cleanly, or in other words without violating copyright and adding actual Disney items, but then WHY did both of them do those Disney journal cards????? Unbelievable. So fucking stupid. Now their entire collection is tainted with the "they violated copyright" issue.
46, you're so dumb. 45 mentioned the original question that 23/24 posted (about OSD's former owner), and then you answered by mentioning the same thing. THanks for contributing something meaningful to the conversation. Or wait...
51, yes you can take products with you from 2Peas if you leave. You just have to leave them there at 2Peas also. The only way you couldn't take them with you is if you were leaving for a store that required exclusive products, in which case the new store wouldn't accept those same products.
2Ps keeps the products forever. They never retire anything, so it just sits there. Maybe it sells, but it can't be very much.
They aren't exclusive anymore (I heard), but when they were, you couldn't put products you had at 2Ps in your new store when you left. Anything that was sold at 2Ps could only be sold there, which is why a few designers really fought to get their products pulled. Who can go to a store and create all new products?
The thing with 2Peas is if the designer wants to leave and go to another store they can't take their older products with them because of the contract. That is what I don't agree with --------
Why? They signed the contract, clearly you wouldn't.
46, you're so dumb. 45 mentioned the original question that 23/24 posted (about OSD's former owner), and then you answered by mentioning the same thing. THanks for contributing something meaningful to the conversation. Or wait... ---------
Oh really? Look again. Calling some dumb just makes you look ...
Anything that was sold at 2Ps could only be sold there, which is why a few designers really fought to get their products pulled. Who can go to a store and create all new products? --------
The same people who sign a contract they don't fully understand, oh wait ...
and if you feel strongly about the Sesame Street thing, go here
Copyright Agent
We respect the intellectual property rights of others, and require that the people who use the Sites do the same. If you believe that your work has been copied in a way that constitutes copyright infringement, please forward the following information to our Copyright Agent, designated as such pursuant to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, 17 U.S.C. § 512(c)(2), named below: Your address, telephone number, and email address; A description of the copyrighted work that you claim has been infringed; A description of where the alleged infringing material is located; A statement by you that you have a good faith belief that the disputed use is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law; An electronic or physical signature of the person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the copyright interest; and A statement by you, made under penalty of perjury, that the above information in your Notice is accurate and that you are the copyright owner or authorized to act on the copyright owner's behalf.
Copyright Agent: David K. Chan One Lincoln Plaza New York, NY 10023 Voice: 212-875-6299 Fax: 212-875-6117 e-mail: copyrightdmca@sesameworkshop.org
Royanna and her BFF's new venture... pretty sure the freebies and such are not going up by the end of the month- or ever. (And what the hell is all this double-speak? She couldn't run her own business- how is she going to make any other business run better???) And this is a copy and paste, so all the mistakes are hers. Way to show off your business savvy for potential new customers!
About Connex Concierge Description Creative Virtual/On-Site Assistant Services
In today's marketplace, small businesses are faced with a challenging "balancing act!" Failing economy, down-sizing, diminishing company resources, and lack of eonomical qualiy administrative support, are shifting small business owners from being CEO to the "Cheif of Everything" forcing them to wear many hats, and causing incredible burnout!
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Personally, I would not consider hiring her to help maintain any site of mine considering how unreliable she has been in the past. But maybe some people will not have heard of her past adventures and might go for it. Not me!
LOL @ "but what if you had an army of resources in your corner that could connect your business to a project based administrative solution that could allow you more time, increased revenue, peace of mind and stregthen your business backbone"
Looks like she needs to hire her own company to run her other company. FFS.
Sahlin/Brittish don't surprise me at all. Sahlin's products are all copies of something else (usually from paper lines) and have been brought up on this blog more than once.
She doesn't care and neither does TLP - which is why neither get my business.
OMG, you would think that someone who has been around as long as Britt-ish Designs would know that it doesn't matter if it's free or not, a copyright breach is a copyright breach.
I left a comment in simple terms so she would understand how idiotic her argument is.
I am not 100 percent positive on this but I am pretty sure it has been talked about before and if it is being given away as a freebie than it does not break copyright. Again not 100% positive on this. I have seen others get away with a kit (yes a whole kit) this way. They gave it away so nothing can be said about it. Tried to look it up but could not find it wading through all the blah blah blah.
I am not 100 percent positive on this but I am pretty sure it has been talked about before and if it is being given away as a freebie than it does not break copyright. ------
How exactly would it not break copyright? Not being snarky, just asking.
Sorry to say that Anything that you create, from the moment of creation is your property and copy-written(officially or otherwise)...so long as it does not violate someone else's. I don't know where all this "if it's free it's not a violation" came from unless they use that excuse as justification to help sleep better at night. Just because others have gotten away with it does not make it truth, it just means the creator did not really care enough to enforce the issue.
Disney & similar companies are very protective of their work as all artists SHOULD be.
The digi-scrap community is not the only one that deals with this, go to any pixel, art or even written communities and you'll find the same thing.
Britt-ish Designs has deleted comments regarding copyright.
Not surprised. When I put it simple terms she understood, she knew what she was doing was wrong. I think I have some of her kits, I'll just copy them, alter them slightly (which is more than she did) and give those away for free - I mean, I'm not profiting so it's okay.
The digi-scrap community is not the only one that deals with this, go to any pixel, art or even written communities and you'll find the same thing. ------
You guys are making a big deal over the copyright laws. The internet is full of Disney silhouettes. I just did a search at Etsy and found 993 results only for Disney silhouettes.
Why don't you go and tell on each of the 993 items only on Etsy?
This is the part where I have to say, jealous much? The Project Mouse Bundle is adorable, unique and I'm sure is going to be a best seller. I'm glad they will continue making products for this line. I also take my hat off to them for making so many disney inspired journal cards without using many disney references.
I'm #96 After looking at so many disney silhouettes at Etsy I don't think all these people are stupid. There must be a small window to be able to create a silhouette without a copyright breach. I'm sure Sahlin and Brit-tish know what they're doing. They didn't use any of those products for sale.
Oh and only on Etsy Disney products for sale, total: 84,913 items. On Etsy you can't sell used items. Only supplies, vintage or handmade. So whoever's the copyright police here should start chasing all these copyright thieves.
I'm sure Sahlin and Brit-tish know what they're doing. They didn't use any of those products for sale. ----
Irrelevant, doesn't matter if it's for sale or not. It also doesn't matter if thousands of others are doing it too. How about if someone breaks into your house and steal your TV. By your argument, that should be okay by you, because there are thousands of break ins happening all the time.
The Project Mouse Bundle is adorable, unique and I'm sure is going to be a best seller. I'm glad they will continue making products for this line. -----
Unique? Not in the least. A couple of designers at SSD made a Disney inspired collab a few years ago. Same colors and everything.
#100 They are both successful designers and have wonderful designs. Or Maybe because they thought of somthing so smart as the Project Mouse. -------
I have no desire to be a designer in digi scrap. I do quite well as a free lance graphic designer. Besides, Project Mouse is not smart in the least. It's been done before.
After looking at so many disney silhouettes at Etsy I don't think all these people are stupid. There must be a small window to be able to create a silhouette without a copyright breach. -----------
#103 The kits the designers at SSD made have nothing to do with Project Mouse. Okay similar colors but that's it. I've seen hundreds of similar products in digiland that are more identical than those kits with Project Mouse.
I also take my hat off to them for making so many disney inspired journal cards without using many disney references. ------
Journal cards are the easiest thing to do, which is why so many digi designers jumped on the bandwagon when they first appeared in paper supplies. I would have been impressed if they had made zero Disney references and still managed to get the message across.
This lack of caring about copyright is why I have no guilt in sharing and downloading free digiscrap kits. If the designers themselves don't respect copyright, what do I care about theirs?
I don't.
Since it's all free, it's totally Ok according to the arguments made here.
I don't share kits because I don't know anyone I trust online for that sort of thing. I do think it's ridiculous to mention karma for anyone when we're all posting on a smack blog.
115 - I don't think it's any different. Designers need to practice what they preach.
117 - "I don't share kits because I don't know anyone I trust online for that sort of thing."
Meaning that you WOULD share kits if you had a trustworthy source??? You've got to be kidding me. Asshole. Kit sharing is stealing. It's no better than Sahlin/Brittish stealing another company's branding and using it for their own profit. And yes that IS what they are doing, everyone.
Totally unrelated... My store owner sells her designs at another store and it kind of bothers me (in addition to our store). Do I have I right to be annoyed or am I just being a cow? She gets a lot of traffic at her other store and I wish she would bring that traffic over to her OWN store, right?
124: I'm not a designer, but if I were, my store owner selling somewhere else would annoy me. But let me ask a devil's advocate question: would the customers at the other shop really "follow" her if she stopped selling at the non-owner store? I mean, she may sell at the other store because they have a different type of customer (IDK since I don't know the stores). And maybe she includes her "I own this store!" link in her packaging at the other store. Just trying to see WHY she'd sell there, even if I think it's dumb and disloyal.
And another unrelated: anyone else having trouble viewing TLP? Are they down? I can't see anything (store, forum, gallery).
Wow the copyright police now have a whole squad looking out for copyrighted stuff. I've seen tons of disney inspired kits. Sahlin and Brittish are not the only ones doing it.
I've tried searching for free digital kits after the claims that they're all over the internet and can never find any. I don't understand how some of you always "stumble" upon them?
Disney makes people money, and as far as I can tell, Disney doesn't actually care, so why not? The only people who seem to care about copyright are the people on this blog. For me, it definitely tarnishes my opinion of Sahlin Studios, but it's not worth dragging every single Disney kit over here to complain about.
I didn't think the space thing was annoying either #135, until I tried to come here on my phone the other day. That's a real pain.
The store owner thing drives me CRAZY. I feel like they don't have enough confidence in their own store or designers if they are still in another store once they own their own. It seems like a waste of time to promote another site when you should be promoting your own. But it can be a good way to stay involved in the bigger community and keep your name out there. It sucks if they are neglecting their store to be in the other one though.
124: I'm not a designer, but if I were, my store owner selling somewhere else would annoy me.
I've been in stores where the owner sold elsewhere and I never really gave it another thought. The store owner was professional and didn't use her designing or being at another store keep her from running her own store as the professional she was. Obviously some people can't double task but there are others who double task quite easily and do a good job at it.
I think it's the principle of it. It's like saying she doesn't think her own store is good enough to be focusing all of her efforts in, so she has to go elsewhere. And you can bet she isn't advertising her own store while at the second store that she sells at. No way that owner would go for it. Doesn't Joyce own MScraps and Scrap Flower and sell at Oscraps? That's just insane.
If a store owner didn't feel like the store was good enough for HER, why should I be there? I don't care how good she is at multitasking, she should be putting all of her time and energy into the store that she owns. She's charging her designers a commission to sell there, she's obligated to make it the best it can be. Selling at another store not only gives an air of 'this store isn't good enough', it also divides her time. Maybe she's good with time management, but that hardly matters. EVERY bit of her time should go toward bettering the store she owns to make it the best it can be for those who are paying her.
My "home" is the store that I own. I fully participate like an owner should. My other store is a shop that is not a "tradtional" digi scrap shop and requires very little from me aside from repackaging my products. I make a lot of money there for very little work, so I have no plans to pull my products.
145 - I was reading over at one of the paper smack blogs and they mentioned the digi smack blog so I did a google search and ended up here. Read some of the older posts last night but couldn't find anything about OLB and PP moving to TLP, so I thought I'd ask.
124 - It would irritate me too. Seeing as how most owners don't have the time to design for their own store much less design for someone else's store, I'm going to say you have a shitty owner, or are in a shitty store.
As a customer, it looks bad to have an owner selling elsewhere. It tells me that there isn't a lot worth looking at in her own store.
RE store owners selling somewhere else: If the store does well and if you (the designer who originally asked about this) are making money, I guess you probably have to leave it alone. BUT, if your store owner isn't around when you'd like her to be or is shirking her duties, then it's time you change stores. If you ask your store owner about this, she's going to take it badly (no matter how nicely you ask her about it). Since you can't change her, then you've got to change.
#146/150: This blog is for smacking, not promoting sales. The only reason people check out links posted here is to see what a train wreck the products in question are. You damaged the reputation of the designer whose sales you posted here. Way to go.
#154 I don't agree. There are many times I see someone's post about a sale on here and go and check it out. Shame on you for speaking for everyone here. You don't have my permission to speak for me, so speak for yourself or STFU!
#148 - It was a long time ago when I sold at ACOT (2009), so their contract has probably changed. Back then there was a set-up fee and a flat $10 a month fee plus their commision. Were not any monthly collabs.
I think the main thing is that a year or so ago they fired all of their CT, both the paper and the digi teams. They had been having a bit of problem with CT drama. They did come up with something to replace the paper team, but I don't know if they ever came up with anything in the way of a digi store CT. It was like they abandon digi. I don't hang around their much anymore.
150- I appreciate the link- I don't use cutesy stuff all the time, but I do like it sometimes and there is nice stuff there! Thanks for sharing- I had never been to that site before!
154- yes, it's a smack blog but others have posted about sales before. What gives you the right to speak for everyone? And don't give me the "you are smacking me for smacking someone on a smack blog" response. I'm smacking you for speaking for EVERYONE. You can smack anyone you want and people will or won't agree with you. But you don't get to speak for everyone. And I have found plenty of new stores or designers from links supposedly smacking someone/place. So linking to a site does not automatically mean the death of the site or the designer. I think we can all choose for ourselves whether we think the person/store in question is smack worthy or not.
#154 Dramatic much?? I will continue to post about sales here whether you like it or not. I'm always pleased to find out about sales and don't like to miss them, so I like to share that info for the people interested on this blog.
#157 Nitwit Collections is not very famous in digiland, I don't know why? Glad you appreciated the link. I have bought their calendar for the past 3 years, it's a great cute gift. I print a few out, no photos needed and voila an awesome gift. Everybody who received it loved it.
#157 Nitwit Collections is not very famous in digiland, I don't know why? ------
It's called a quiet reputation. I guess she's not known all over 'new' digi because of her style, which isn't the thing at the moment. It doesn't appeal to me at all but I know lots of scrappers like it. It's similar to Liella (sp?) Designs at SSD and Kate Miller. It's good stuff, just not me.
Time to smack nitwit. I went there as per suggested, but the freaking previews are so small you can't tell anything about what is in the kit. I hate stores that don't show a nice full page of large previews. They could have the best designers there, the best prices there, the best anything there, but I won't be back.
#162 I agree. Her designs are similar to Kay Miller and Liella. By the way what happened to Kay Miller? She has her own store but isn't selling anywhere else. So does Designs by Dani, Vera Lim, Kasia designs, Kimla Designs. Do you they make that much money from their own shops? Of course Kasia,Kimla and Vera Lim are not that productive anymore.
I read about a month ago that the owner from Scrapbook Graphics (not sure about the name-Maya? ) and Fran from Nitwit Collections are partners somewhere but I can't remember? Does anyone know?
I notice that there has been questions in the SO forums about certain aspects of the new gallery, but days later these questions haven't been answered....ignored in fact!
#177 Wow! Good for you. Do you want a lollipop now? It seems like you have too much time on your hands. Why not try to do something nice instead of reporting people.
I'm not #177 but I figure if they weren't doing anything wrong there would be nothing to report. If someone sees an obvious infraction and doesn't report it, you're just as wrong as the person doing the act. Good on you 177 for doing something instead of just bitching about it!
178- Interesting reply. When someone sees a burglar at your house and calls 911, let's tell them to go do something nice instead of reporting it, since they have too much time on their hand!
#177 Wow! Good for you. Do you want a lollipop now? It seems like you have too much time on your hands. Why not try to do something nice instead of reporting people. ----
Why would I have too much time on my hands, because I took a whole 1 minute out of my day to report someone?
Why should I do something nice for someone who is doing something wrong?
And you are on a smack blog, but I have too much time on my hands and I should do something nice. Do you see the irony here?
Someone asked about ACOT (sorry, I'm on phone & do not want to find the post number. I started late 2011, sales were very good. They were better than my other store plus my personal store combined. There was a $10 per month service charge plus I think it was they took 20% commission. After the CT was fired as mentioned before, sales dramatically went down and I left a few months after that. If things are the same with no digital CT, I would not join again.
I have no issue with the rest of the Project Mouse bundle but those journal cards crossed the line. They knew they were crossing the line because they are under the mistaken assumption that because it's free, it's not in violation. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt on that assumption but I don't really believe it.
ITA w/ 185. The rest of the collection was really nicely done and they did a great job of avoiding any obvious Disney references or branding. Those freebie cards completely negated all of that hard work, though. So stupid and sad.
#187 - for sales I'm guessing. They both guested (I believe) at TLP and the sales were better. More their style too. Just guessing though. I don't know and I couldn't care less either, sorry.
Okay so all of you that have so much time on your hands and love reporting copyright issues should start reporting all the disney items you find on the internet. What a bunch of hypocrites!
Probably because the O was going down hill and Vicki was a relatively absent owner from what I'd seen there.
Kudos to those who reported the freebie journal cards. Just because someone else is doing it doesn't make it right and doesn't make it ok for you to download. Downloading things you know aren't ok to distribute makes you just as guilty as anyone outright pirating kits.
It's illegal and unethical to use whether you get in trouble for it or not.
#187 - No one has an answer for you because they both explained why they were moving on their blogs and that's all the information that anyone got. You can go read about it there.
Okay so all of you that have so much time on your hands and love reporting copyright issues should start reporting all the disney items you find on the internet. What a bunch of hypocrites!
How do you know I don't? And don't talk about too much time on my hands when you are posting on a smack blog, talk about hypocritical.
Why don't you stop whining about people doing the right thing.
Okay so all of you that have so much time on your hands and love reporting copyright issues should start reporting all the disney items you find on the internet. What a bunch of hypocrites!
The only hypocrites are the ones downloading the journal cards, knowing they are in violation of copyright/trademark.
Oscraps makes me laugh. It's page after page of angry scribbles and smeared paint. It's like shit my kids would do if left in a room alone with a bunch of art supplies.
165-I said the page had small previews. I'm not going to click on every single kit to see the previews unless they interest me. on the page of previews, the previews are TOO SMALL. When you look at a page of previews at Gingerscraps for example, you can see if you want to click on any one preview to make it bigger or not. Not so at the other store. I'm not going to waste my time there.
Sahlin and Britt did nothing wrong. Dedicated to all the smart asses here on this smack blog. Here is a copy of the Disney Legal Use of the Disney Characters:
Transformative Use Another way to legally use Disney characters could be to use them in what the law refers to as "transformative use." Transformative use requires that you change, or transform, the character enough so that it is no longer a mere copy of the original. The resulting transformation is sometimes called a "derivative work." For example, if a painter created an original oil painting of his family and included the Disney character Tinkerbell as a family member, his use of Tinkerbell would be fair use because of its commentary that the artist considers Tinkerbell a member of his family. The use of Tinkerbell in the painting could be could be characterized as a transformative use, and the painting could be called a derivative work.
«Oldest ‹Older 2001 – 2200 of 2881 Newer› Newest»Oh please, I come to this blog all the time and I hardly ever see SBB talked about. It's a rare thing. This would lead me, and others too obviously, to believe that there's not much to talk about. Granted this might be a good thing, no gossip and drama, but let's not fool ourselves into thinking that SBB is ever a hot topic around here 195.
I agree with #199 and #196.
SBB has never been talked about all the time, not on any of the smack blogs. Sure, it comes up every now and again, but hardly a regular.
I see names of stores and designers on here that I've never heard of, but I would never presume that they aren't good etc just because I hadn't heard of them.
Remember the old days when the Jen Wilson sales would bring SBB to its knees? That was the last time I did any serious shopping there.
To each their own. I shop at SBB regularly. Still there are other stores that I never visit that are mentioned here and some that are mentioned here that I've never heard of before seeing the name here. I don't assume they are fading or not doing well simply because I don't visit them. The SBB designers do use social media, at least they use facebook. They pop up in my feed a lot.
Remember the old days when the Jen Wilson sales would bring SBB to its knees? That was the last time I did any serious shopping there.
I think the last time I did any serious shopping there was when Tracy Ann Robinson and Meredith Fenwick were still there, a long time ago!
River Rose...formally at OSD is opening at Scrap Matters.
Scrap Matters is RR's BIG announcement? what a joke.
I often see little element packages by the bigger designers what contains only 1 kind of product like washi tapes, buttons, stains - I find them very nice, but a bit expensive for 2-3-4 bucks, because e.g from a washi tape pack I can't do a page so I need to buy more different packages. What do you think, these kind of products can attracting the buyers? Can be sold well? I'm just curious.
Scrap Matters is RR's BIG announcement? what a joke.
Let's be honest here, One Story Down was a big joke, so what's the difference? At least Scrap Matters has a history of managing to stick around, even with server failures.
ScrapMatters is a perfectly solid store and has been around a long time. I don't see the joke, either.
Comparing OSD to SBB is the joke. SBB was one of the first digital scrapbooking stores and has a massive customer base because of it. OSD is a new store and more of a boutique store at that with a smaller customer base.
Remember the old days when the Jen Wilson sales would bring SBB to its knees? That was the last time I did any serious shopping there.
Yeah that was way before there was an actual thing called Quality Control. Most of her stuff would have never passed as it was so poorly done-jaggies and pixels all over the place. She did much better working for a paper company where stuff she made didn't show. I never did understand why she did so well considering the quality of her work. Guess most people were just clueless back then.
You might be surprised to learn that a lot of new scrappers don't know about "quality control" and jaggies and such. In fact, the QC level now is definitely higher but a lot of people don't care that much. Some jaggies can be seen if you zoom at 200% but if you print, they might not show. Or some scrappers don't print and only use a digital version of their layout (making PP slideshows, DVD, using digital frames, etc.).
Although I think it is great for designers to aim for the best QC possible, some customers don't really know the difference anyways. So their stuff will still sell.
If you are looking for jaggies at 200% you are overlooking. Photoshop, PSE, and PSP are pixel programs. Those are probably not jaggies you are seeing, but natural pixelation in the program. If you want to see how it will print look at it at print size. I quality check at 100% sometimes an even further zoom, but truly print size is what really matters.
11- Agree. I have seen a store owner who was doing QC at 200% just "to be sure", and obviously, she found pixels. Duh! I am surprised to see that many people talk of QC, and at the same time, cannot realize that a pixel is... square! Nobody can make a perfect curve out of squares. Just like trying to make a smooth circle out of legos!
QC processes are a good thing though I never cease to be amazed by the number of designers who don't bother to look at their stuff at 100% zoom. Blurry texture, unintentional jagged edges, color fill or pattern that doesn't go all the way to the edges, no texture on white/light colored portions of papers or elements, improper resolution, etc. Some of the people I've seen as the biggest offenders are some of the biggest names in the industry.
#2001: Is that the same Jen Wilson that now runs Simple Scrapper?
No, not the same. Where did the digi/paper designer go, does anyone know?
color fill or pattern that doesn't go all the way to the edges
This is the one that makes me craziest. How do designers not zoom in fully while making papers? If you're adding items into your paper (patterns, overlays, etc.) then you have got to double-check to make sure everything lines up exactly so those awful stripes don't show up on the final product. It's really not hard to hit CTRL+ a few times to look at 100%.
color fill or pattern that doesn't go all the way to the edges
Most of these are obvious at layout size/print size, no need to even 100% zoom, where it might be overlooked, which is why it drives me crazy that they get into a final product.
Shinta is Nerdy Scrapper Studios. She's a flaky mess. This is destined to fail.
#4 how do you know she is going to Scrap Matters? I have not seen her announce it. She is still having a "guess my new store" thing on her blog that ends Thursday. Unless you are someone from behind the scenes spilling the beans. Now I can go to her blog and correctly guess the new store (if you are right anyways) so thank you!
OSD New Owners:
Designers Kathryn-The Edits (I think)
Shinta-Nerdy Scrappers Studio
Kim-Two More Days
Chantal-Peeps & Milo
I've not heard of any of those people.
While OSD was open... Was Lauren Reid always there? I just noticed her name on the designers list.
I'm 23... I deleted a portion by mistake. At 2Peas... Was she always there?
FOUR women co-owning a shop. If that isn't the dumbest idea I've heard in Digiland lately, I don't know what is.
Lauren was at 2 Peas before TLP, which was before OSD.
2 Peas keeps your products (and therefore your name remains on their designer list) for some time even after you leave. I have no idea why anyone would want to go there.
27 said "2 Peas keeps your products (and therefore your name remains on their designer list) for some time even after you leave. I have no idea why anyone would want to go there."
ITA. I once CTed for a 2Peas designer who wanted to leave the store, but she didn't want to give up all her products. How can a store keep products? I think that's bullshit.
I'd imagine they still pay you?
13 - I actually don't like a lot of texture on the papers I scrap with so little to no texture on a lighter paper doesn't bother me a bit.
It's in their contract, and yes, they continue to pay if they sell any of your kits. A few designers have successfully pulled their products, but it's a very drawn-out process.
Re 2Peas - it's not as if the designers signing up didn't know what they were getting in to, is it? They signed the contract with that knowledge, crying foul later is a bit ridiculous.
I have known a few designers at 2Peas over the years both current and former, and they get paid whether they are there selling and loading new products or not. Old products keep paying out forever, even if you leave and go elsewhere. To answer 27's - "I have no idea why anyone would want to go there" - people go there because of money. Plain and simple. It's a lot of money for not much work. We should all be so lucky.
33: I have known a few designers at 2Peas over the years both current and former, and they get paid whether they are there selling and loading new products or not. Old products keep paying out forever, even if you leave and go elsewhere. To answer 27's - "I have no idea why anyone would want to go there" - people go there because of money. Plain and simple. It's a lot of money for not much work. We should all be so lucky.
I didn't realize they keep your products UP. I thought they just "hold onto" them, so the designer can't move them to a new store. Yes, easy money EXCEPT that you aren't in control of your product. I'd hate that. I don't like 2Peas but I realize lots of people shop there. I think they're overpriced, and now that I know they keep products from designers who leave...well, it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. As a consignment shop, shouldn't the designer be in charge of their products and whether to "pull them from the shelves" as they say in brick-and-mortar stores?
#32 - I haven't heard the designers crying foul. Just the folks here.
Obviously the designers don't mind, 34, because they're still making money. I doubt they care about the taste it leaves in your mouth. Why are you taking it personally when it doesn't affect you?
now that I know they keep products from designers who leave...well, it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. As a consignment shop, shouldn't the designer be in charge of their products and whether to "pull them from the shelves" as they say in brick-and-mortar stores?
It's called a contract. Ever hear of one? If they sign a contract agreeing to leave their product in the store when they leave the store, why should it leave a 'bad taste in your mouth'? It's not as if they are stealing anything.
#32 - I haven't heard the designers crying foul. Just the folks here.
13 - I actually don't like a lot of texture on the papers I scrap with so little to no texture on a lighter paper doesn't bother me a bit.
Fair enough, but if the paper has some light bits and some darker bits - and the lighter ones don't have as much texture - the paper looks very weird. Especially when printed.
There must be something to it, because I have noticed that more designers seem to be going to 2Peas lately. Just Jaimee and Mommyish both went there in the past month, I think?
The reason 2Peas prices are so high is because the commission they charge is crazy high.
Just checked 2Peas, their prices seem on part with everywhere else. Sure, a few years ago they were more expensive but their prices haven't gone up, unlike everywhere else.
*par not *part. Sigh.
The commission they charge is high but I hear that designers sell triple the product and very rarely discounted so they still make silly amounts of money. I know they're not even allowed to set coupons.
How in the world did we get on 2Peas? From one person's question about OSD's owner? Sorry, former owner. Such an odd tangent.
Not at all an odd tangent - Lauren Reid was the former owner of OSD and she was also selling at 2Peas, that's how we got there. In fact, the OP at #23 and #24 actually asked about it.
look at the matching cards near the bottom. guess they think they are immune to copyright violations?
If no one reports them, then yes they are.
DHD NEEDS to get rid of that stupid watermark on their previews. On the rare occasion that I choose to shop there, I can't see half of the kit because of it.
The thing with 2Peas is if the designer wants to leave and go to another store they can't take their older products with them because of the contract. That is what I don't agree with. Also, I've heard that sales were about the same as with other stores - they just don't have to do all the extra stuff like the other digi stores make you do. So yes, if you plan to just dump your products and do little else, then maybe it's the store for you.
@50, definitely agreed. I don't even bother going there anymore because I can't see the previews through the watermark.
So Lauren was selling at 2P's the whole time OSD was open? She's got a whole lot of products in their store and still listed on their designer list. That list is so long.
Anyone know how many designers are truly there and active? How long does 2P's keep the designers's product to sell after they leave?
50/52 I stopped shopping there when every designer worth their salt left to go to P&Co. DHD is like the underbelly of the digiworld now. The new "designers" they brought on board to replace everyone look like brand newbies who don't even know how to use PS properly. It's so sad I almost can't believe it.
Wow. I looked through all the Project Mouse products by Sahlin/Brittish, and was actually impressed that they did it so cleanly, or in other words without violating copyright and adding actual Disney items, but then WHY did both of them do those Disney journal cards????? Unbelievable. So fucking stupid. Now their entire collection is tainted with the "they violated copyright" issue.
46, you're so dumb. 45 mentioned the original question that 23/24 posted (about OSD's former owner), and then you answered by mentioning the same thing. THanks for contributing something meaningful to the conversation. Or wait...
51, yes you can take products with you from 2Peas if you leave. You just have to leave them there at 2Peas also. The only way you couldn't take them with you is if you were leaving for a store that required exclusive products, in which case the new store wouldn't accept those same products.
2Ps keeps the products forever. They never retire anything, so it just sits there. Maybe it sells, but it can't be very much.
They aren't exclusive anymore (I heard), but when they were, you couldn't put products you had at 2Ps in your new store when you left. Anything that was sold at 2Ps could only be sold there, which is why a few designers really fought to get their products pulled. Who can go to a store and create all new products?
Do any other stores have clauses like that?
The thing with 2Peas is if the designer wants to leave and go to another store they can't take their older products with them because of the contract. That is what I don't agree with
Why? They signed the contract, clearly you wouldn't.
46, you're so dumb. 45 mentioned the original question that 23/24 posted (about OSD's former owner), and then you answered by mentioning the same thing. THanks for contributing something meaningful to the conversation. Or wait...
Oh really? Look again. Calling some dumb just makes you look ...
Now their entire collection is tainted with the "they violated copyright" issue.
Only if someone reports them, otherwise it's just yack, yack on a smack blog that no one cares about.
Anything that was sold at 2Ps could only be sold there, which is why a few designers really fought to get their products pulled. Who can go to a store and create all new products?
The same people who sign a contract they don't fully understand, oh wait ...
I left a comment on Sahlin Studio's blog post on Project Mouse about the copyright breach of the silhouettes. Let's see how long it stays there.
Not long. lol
Here, if you want to report anyone for Disney copyright, there's an email address and phone number here
and if you feel strongly about the Sesame Street thing, go here
Copyright Agent
We respect the intellectual property rights of others, and require that the people who use the Sites do the same. If you believe that your work has been copied in a way that constitutes copyright infringement, please forward the following information to our Copyright Agent, designated as such pursuant to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, 17 U.S.C. § 512(c)(2), named below:
Your address, telephone number, and email address;
A description of the copyrighted work that you claim has been infringed;
A description of where the alleged infringing material is located;
A statement by you that you have a good faith belief that the disputed use is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law;
An electronic or physical signature of the person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the copyright interest; and
A statement by you, made under penalty of perjury, that the above information in your Notice is accurate and that you are the copyright owner or authorized to act on the copyright owner's behalf.
Copyright Agent:
David K. Chan
One Lincoln Plaza
New York, NY 10023
Voice: 212-875-6299
Fax: 212-875-6117
e-mail: copyrightdmca@sesameworkshop.org
Royanna and her BFF's new venture... pretty sure the freebies and such are not going up by the end of the month- or ever. (And what the hell is all this double-speak? She couldn't run her own business- how is she going to make any other business run better???) And this is a copy and paste, so all the mistakes are hers. Way to show off your business savvy for potential new customers!
Connex Concierge
Creative Virtual/On-Site Assistant Services
In today's marketplace, small businesses are faced with a challenging "balancing act!" Failing economy, down-sizing, diminishing company resources, and lack of eonomical qualiy administrative support, are shifting small business owners from being CEO to the "Cheif of Everything" forcing them to wear many hats, and causing incredible burnout!
Its a vicious cycle...but what if you had an army of resources in your corner that could connect your business to a project based administrative solution that could allow you more time, increased revenue, peace of mind and stregthen your business backbone?
Connex Concierge is your administrative connection to getting more out of your business!
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Personally, I would not consider hiring her to help maintain any site of mine considering how unreliable she has been in the past. But maybe some people will not have heard of her past adventures and might go for it. Not me!
Wow - spell check anyone? Oh wait - maybe she's too ill .....
#67 - thanks for heads up. Interesting that they have been on FB since July 2012.
LOL @ "but what if you had an army of resources in your corner that could connect your business to a project based administrative solution that could allow you more time, increased revenue, peace of mind and stregthen your business backbone"
Looks like she needs to hire her own company to run her other company. FFS.
Their website which was supposed to be up and running by January 2013 doesn't exist.
Their FB banner is a blurry mess.
Their twitter feed has two tweets, one of which is advertising a buy my store promo at Divine Digital.
Yeah, I'd totally hire them to help me out, they seem so efficient.
Comment on Sahlin Studio blog is gone. Less than two hours.
The one I left on Britt-ish Designs blog this morning is still there, she probably hasn't seen it yet ;0
73 The comment is gone but the freebie is still up - I guess she doesn't care about copyright violation.
She clearly doesn't care about it if she removed my comment, but left the freebie.
Another designer off my list.
Sahlin/Brittish don't surprise me at all. Sahlin's products are all copies of something else (usually from paper lines) and have been brought up on this blog more than once.
She doesn't care and neither does TLP - which is why neither get my business.
#74 - I left one too.
Last comment on this post -- still there.
Are these people in the USA? Other countries have different copyright laws, that may allow what they are doing.
C'mon people don't make such a fuss about copyright laws. It's not that big a deal.
#80 - uh, I pretty much think that Disney international copyright and trademark. Think!
#81 - it's still a crime.
Last comment on this post -- still there.
Weird, it wasn't there when I looked before. Thanks.
Aren't the character cards also copyrighted/trademarked silhouettes? they are so readily recognizable. I wonder (honest question here).
#84 - yes, the character cards are also in volition. I don't think anyone said otherwise.
OMG, you would think that someone who has been around as long as Britt-ish Designs would know that it doesn't matter if it's free or not, a copyright breach is a copyright breach.
I left a comment in simple terms so she would understand how idiotic her argument is.
I am not 100 percent positive on this but I am pretty sure it has been talked about before and if it is being given away as a freebie than it does not break copyright. Again not 100% positive on this. I have seen others get away with a kit (yes a whole kit) this way. They gave it away so nothing can be said about it. Tried to look it up but could not find it wading through all the blah blah blah.
It's not OK. Copying is copying.
Britt-ish Designs has deleted comments regarding copyright.
Not at all true, 87.
Haha, now you can't comment anon on the blog!
I am not 100 percent positive on this but I am pretty sure it has been talked about before and if it is being given away as a freebie than it does not break copyright.
How exactly would it not break copyright? Not being snarky, just asking.
Sorry to say that Anything that you create, from the moment of creation is your property and copy-written(officially or otherwise)...so long as it does not violate someone else's. I don't know where all this "if it's free it's not a violation" came from unless they use that excuse as justification to help sleep better at night. Just because others have gotten away with it does not make it truth, it just means the creator did not really care enough to enforce the issue.
Disney & similar companies are very protective of their work as all artists SHOULD be.
The digi-scrap community is not the only one that deals with this, go to any pixel, art or even written communities and you'll find the same thing.
Britt-ish Designs has deleted comments regarding copyright.
Not surprised. When I put it simple terms she understood, she knew what she was doing was wrong. I think I have some of her kits, I'll just copy them, alter them slightly (which is more than she did) and give those away for free - I mean, I'm not profiting so it's okay.
The digi-scrap community is not the only one that deals with this, go to any pixel, art or even written communities and you'll find the same thing.
Nobody said otherwise
You guys are making a big deal over the copyright laws. The internet is full of Disney silhouettes. I just did a search at Etsy and found 993 results only for Disney silhouettes.
Why don't you go and tell on each of the 993 items only on Etsy?
This is the part where I have to say, jealous much?
The Project Mouse Bundle is adorable, unique and I'm sure is going to be a best seller. I'm glad they will continue making products for this line.
I also take my hat off to them for making so many disney inspired journal cards without using many disney references.
I'm #96
After looking at so many disney silhouettes at Etsy I don't think all these people are stupid. There must be a small window to be able to create a silhouette without a copyright breach.
I'm sure Sahlin and Brit-tish know what they're doing. They didn't use any of those products for sale.
Oh and only on Etsy Disney products for sale, total: 84,913 items.
On Etsy you can't sell used items. Only supplies, vintage or handmade.
So whoever's the copyright police here should start chasing all these copyright thieves.
What paper lines does Sahlin lift from?
This is the part where I have to say, jealous much?
Of what am I supposed to be jealous?
I'm sure Sahlin and Brit-tish know what they're doing. They didn't use any of those products for sale.
Irrelevant, doesn't matter if it's for sale or not. It also doesn't matter if thousands of others are doing it too. How about if someone breaks into your house and steal your TV. By your argument, that should be okay by you, because there are thousands of break ins happening all the time.
#100 They are both successful designers and have wonderful designs. Or Maybe because they thought of somthing so smart as the Project Mouse.
The Project Mouse Bundle is adorable, unique and I'm sure is going to be a best seller. I'm glad they will continue making products for this line.
Unique? Not in the least. A couple of designers at SSD made a Disney inspired collab a few years ago. Same colors and everything.
#100 They are both successful designers and have wonderful designs. Or Maybe because they thought of somthing so smart as the Project Mouse.
I have no desire to be a designer in digi scrap. I do quite well as a free lance graphic designer. Besides, Project Mouse is not smart in the least. It's been done before.
After looking at so many disney silhouettes at Etsy I don't think all these people are stupid. There must be a small window to be able to create a silhouette without a copyright breach.
yes they are and no there isn't.
Oh look, here are more unique Disney mouse kits
On Etsy you can't sell used items. Only supplies, vintage or handmade.
or anything massed produced that will make them lots of money, then they don't care if it's vintage, handmade or supplies.
Well this one has a mickey's head silhouette so call the copyright police.
Yes #104 although disney has been done before Project Mouse is smart and a combination of disney and project Life. I love it!! It's adorable.
#103 The kits the designers at SSD made have nothing to do with Project Mouse. Okay similar colors but that's it. I've seen hundreds of similar products in digiland that are more identical than those kits with Project Mouse.
Well this one has a mickey's head silhouette so call the copyright police.
Guess what? That was smacked when it first came out.
#103 The kits the designers at SSD made have nothing to do with Project Mouse.
I never said they had anything to do with Project Mouse, I said they were Disney mouse inspired, just like Project Mouse. And they come first.
I also take my hat off to them for making so many disney inspired journal cards without using many disney references.
Journal cards are the easiest thing to do, which is why so many digi designers jumped on the bandwagon when they first appeared in paper supplies. I would have been impressed if they had made zero Disney references and still managed to get the message across.
This lack of caring about copyright is why I have no guilt in sharing and downloading free digiscrap kits. If the designers themselves don't respect copyright, what do I care about theirs?
I don't.
Since it's all free, it's totally Ok according to the arguments made here.
I hope karma comes and bites you in the ass with a shitload of viruses since you're sharing kits.
I'm not 113, but how is sharing kits any different than Sahlin and Brittish using copyright images?
#114 - I hope karma comes and bites you in the ass for posting on a smack blog and being a self-righteous twat.
I don't share kits because I don't know anyone I trust online for that sort of thing. I do think it's ridiculous to mention karma for anyone when we're all posting on a smack blog.
115 - I don't think it's any different. Designers need to practice what they preach.
Corner rounding action I found today
117 - "I don't share kits because I don't know anyone I trust online for that sort of thing."
Meaning that you WOULD share kits if you had a trustworthy source??? You've got to be kidding me. Asshole. Kit sharing is stealing. It's no better than Sahlin/Brittish stealing another company's branding and using it for their own profit. And yes that IS what they are doing, everyone.
I'm not 113, but how is sharing kits any different than Sahlin and Brittish using copyright images?
Not the OP but that was her point.
I hope karma comes and bites you in the ass
That is not what karma is nor how it works.
#118 - thanks :)
Does anyone here really share kits? I don't. I've even emailed designers when I've come across their stuff being shared. Drives me nuts!
Totally unrelated...
My store owner sells her designs at another store and it kind of bothers me (in addition to our store). Do I have I right to be annoyed or am I just being a cow? She gets a lot of traffic at her other store and I wish she would bring that traffic over to her OWN store, right?
123 - Thank you.
Speaking of etsy, Sahlin also sells her products there with TLP packaging. Too lazy to put on her own packaging.
#124 - have you brought the issue up with your store owner?
124: I'm not a designer, but if I were, my store owner selling somewhere else would annoy me.
But let me ask a devil's advocate question: would the customers at the other shop really "follow" her if she stopped selling at the non-owner store? I mean, she may sell at the other store because they have a different type of customer (IDK since I don't know the stores). And maybe she includes her "I own this store!" link in her packaging at the other store. Just trying to see WHY she'd sell there, even if I think it's dumb and disloyal.
And another unrelated: anyone else having trouble viewing TLP? Are they down? I can't see anything (store, forum, gallery).
SSD is down, down, down.
I can't get into either SSD or TLP. Oh NO! The Chinese have infiltrated digiscrap stores as well.
TLP doesn't care about copyrights. They never have. They had that whole Dr.Suess release with rip-offs of Dr.Suess.
#126- I didn't even know she sold her stuff on Etsy!
#124- I would love to know who this is.
8 days left in February, and no February post. Space would be so appreciated.
20...I am #4 and I just know. :) I know its a smack blog but trust me. ScrapMatter is a VERY good...well the only guess...
8 days left in February, and no February post. Space would be so appreciated.
Doesn't bother me in the least.
Is this a copyright issue? http://mommadethis.blogspot.com/2013/02/princess-of-month-belle.html
Seems like just about ever designer is on the Disney train.
#132: owner of Mscraps sells at Oscraps too - it's weird but I'm sure she's not the only one
Wow the copyright police now have a whole squad looking out for copyrighted stuff. I've seen tons of disney inspired kits. Sahlin and Brittish are not the only ones doing it.
I've tried searching for free digital kits after the claims that they're all over the internet and can never find any. I don't understand how some of you always "stumble" upon them?
Disney makes people money, and as far as I can tell, Disney doesn't actually care, so why not? The only people who seem to care about copyright are the people on this blog. For me, it definitely tarnishes my opinion of Sahlin Studios, but it's not worth dragging every single Disney kit over here to complain about.
I didn't think the space thing was annoying either #135, until I tried to come here on my phone the other day. That's a real pain.
The store owner thing drives me CRAZY. I feel like they don't have enough confidence in their own store or designers if they are still in another store once they own their own. It seems like a waste of time to promote another site when you should be promoting your own. But it can be a good way to stay involved in the bigger community and keep your name out there. It sucks if they are neglecting their store to be in the other one though.
124: I'm not a designer, but if I were, my store owner selling somewhere else would annoy me.
I've been in stores where the owner sold elsewhere and I never really gave it another thought. The store owner was professional and didn't use her designing or being at another store keep her from running her own store as the professional she was. Obviously some people can't double task but there are others who double task quite easily and do a good job at it.
I think it's the principle of it. It's like saying she doesn't think her own store is good enough to be focusing all of her efforts in, so she has to go elsewhere. And you can bet she isn't advertising her own store while at the second store that she sells at. No way that owner would go for it. Doesn't Joyce own MScraps and Scrap Flower and sell at Oscraps? That's just insane.
If a store owner didn't feel like the store was good enough for HER, why should I be there? I don't care how good she is at multitasking, she should be putting all of her time and energy into the store that she owns. She's charging her designers a commission to sell there, she's obligated to make it the best it can be. Selling at another store not only gives an air of 'this store isn't good enough', it also divides her time. Maybe she's good with time management, but that hardly matters. EVERY bit of her time should go toward bettering the store she owns to make it the best it can be for those who are paying her.
I am a store owner that sells at two stores.
My "home" is the store that I own. I fully participate like an owner should. My other store is a shop that is not a "tradtional" digi scrap shop and requires very little from me aside from repackaging my products. I make a lot of money there for very little work, so I have no plans to pull my products.
Just found this blog. I know this is old news, but why did OLB and PP leave Oscrap?
#144 How did you find out about this blog?
Nitwit Collections is having their spring cleaning sale tomorrow for 2 days only. 2/22-2/23
I Love their designs.
146, do the CT thing elsewhere...
Someone tell me about ACOT. What are sales like there? What do they require?
145 - I was reading over at one of the paper smack blogs and they mentioned the digi smack blog so I did a google search and ended up here. Read some of the older posts last night but couldn't find anything about OLB and PP moving to TLP, so I thought I'd ask.
#146 I'm not a CT smartass. I'm a customer and I always post about sales here. Some people are interested finding out about sales.
124 - It would irritate me too. Seeing as how most owners don't have the time to design for their own store much less design for someone else's store, I'm going to say you have a shitty owner, or are in a shitty store.
As a customer, it looks bad to have an owner selling elsewhere. It tells me that there isn't a lot worth looking at in her own store.
Nitwit's stuff is way too cutesy for me. Some of it looks cute, though.
RE store owners selling somewhere else: If the store does well and if you (the designer who originally asked about this) are making money, I guess you probably have to leave it alone. BUT, if your store owner isn't around when you'd like her to be or is shirking her duties, then it's time you change stores. If you ask your store owner about this, she's going to take it badly (no matter how nicely you ask her about it). Since you can't change her, then you've got to change.
#146/150: This blog is for smacking, not promoting sales. The only reason people check out links posted here is to see what a train wreck the products in question are. You damaged the reputation of the designer whose sales you posted here. Way to go.
#154 I don't agree. There are many times I see someone's post about a sale on here and go and check it out. Shame on you for speaking for everyone here. You don't have my permission to speak for me, so speak for yourself or STFU!
#148 - It was a long time ago when I sold at ACOT (2009), so their contract has probably changed. Back then there was a set-up fee and a flat $10 a month fee plus their commision. Were not any monthly collabs.
I think the main thing is that a year or so ago they fired all of their CT, both the paper and the digi teams. They had been having a bit of problem with CT drama. They did come up with something to replace the paper team, but I don't know if they ever came up with anything in the way of a digi store CT. It was like they abandon digi. I don't hang around their much anymore.
150- I appreciate the link- I don't use cutesy stuff all the time, but I do like it sometimes and there is nice stuff there! Thanks for sharing- I had never been to that site before!
154- yes, it's a smack blog but others have posted about sales before. What gives you the right to speak for everyone? And don't give me the "you are smacking me for smacking someone on a smack blog" response. I'm smacking you for speaking for EVERYONE. You can smack anyone you want and people will or won't agree with you. But you don't get to speak for everyone. And I have found plenty of new stores or designers from links supposedly smacking someone/place. So linking to a site does not automatically mean the death of the site or the designer. I think we can all choose for ourselves whether we think the person/store in question is smack worthy or not.
#154 Dramatic much??
I will continue to post about sales here whether you like it or not. I'm always pleased to find out about sales and don't like to miss them, so I like to share that info for the people interested on this blog.
#157 Nitwit Collections is not very famous in digiland, I don't know why?
Glad you appreciated the link. I have bought their calendar for the past 3 years, it's a great cute gift. I print a few out, no photos needed and voila an awesome gift. Everybody who received it loved it.
You damaged the reputation of the designer whose sales you posted here. Way to go.
Oh she did not.
I don't come here for sale ads. I have the rest of the internet for that.
#157 Nitwit Collections is not very famous in digiland, I don't know why?
It's called a quiet reputation. I guess she's not known all over 'new' digi because of her style, which isn't the thing at the moment. It doesn't appeal to me at all but I know lots of scrappers like it. It's similar to Liella (sp?) Designs at SSD and Kate Miller. It's good stuff, just not me.
Time to smack nitwit. I went there as per suggested, but the freaking previews are so small you can't tell anything about what is in the kit. I hate stores that don't show a nice full page of large previews. They could have the best designers there, the best prices there, the best anything there, but I won't be back.
#161 This one is for you
Nitwit Collections is having their spring cleaning sale tomorrow for 2 days only. 2/22-2/23
#163 - the previews are fine to me, they are 500 x 500, most are around 600 x 600, which is not much bigger.
And for the record, Nitwit is one person, Fran something or other. I think she sold at SSD for a very short time. Not sure on that though.
#162 I agree. Her designs are similar to Kay Miller and Liella.
By the way what happened to Kay Miller? She has her own store but isn't selling anywhere else.
So does Designs by Dani, Vera Lim, Kasia designs, Kimla Designs.
Do you they make that much money from their own shops? Of course Kasia,Kimla and Vera Lim are not that productive anymore.
I don't come here for sale ads. I have the rest of the internet for that.
Good for you, but I see people ask about sales on here a lot of the time.
I read about a month ago that the owner from Scrapbook Graphics (not sure about the name-Maya? ) and Fran from Nitwit Collections are partners somewhere but I can't remember? Does anyone know?
I'm #168 found it.
They have this site together.
Maya(Scrapbook Graphics)
Fran(Nitwit Collections)
For dog lovers..
#168 - Ah, thanks for that connection, Nitwit sold at SBG at one time, not SSD.
Yay!! Project Mouse has new journal cards coming out!!
#170 You're welcome. Thanks for the info, I didn't know that.
#171 - if you have the bundle, why not make your own journal card? They aren't exactly hard to make.
Anyone have further thoughts on the new gallery at SO?
I notice that there has been questions in the SO forums about certain aspects of the new gallery, but days later these questions haven't been answered....ignored in fact!
Congratulations on noticing that, 175.
Yay!! Project Mouse has new journal cards coming out!!
Yay!! Project Mouse freebie journal cards have been reported!!
#177 Wow! Good for you. Do you want a lollipop now?
It seems like you have too much time on your hands. Why not try to do something nice instead of reporting people.
I'm not #177 but I figure if they weren't doing anything wrong there would be nothing to report. If someone sees an obvious infraction and doesn't report it, you're just as wrong as the person doing the act. Good on you 177 for doing something instead of just bitching about it!
178- Interesting reply. When someone sees a burglar at your house and calls 911, let's tell them to go do something nice instead of reporting it, since they have too much time on their hand!
#177 Wow! Good for you. Do you want a lollipop now?
It seems like you have too much time on your hands. Why not try to do something nice instead of reporting people.
Why would I have too much time on my hands, because I took a whole 1 minute out of my day to report someone?
Why should I do something nice for someone who is doing something wrong?
And you are on a smack blog, but I have too much time on my hands and I should do something nice. Do you see the irony here?
It seems like you have too much time on your hands. Why not try to do something nice instead of reporting people.
Says the person on a smack blog.
Someone asked about ACOT (sorry, I'm on phone & do not want to find the post number. I started late 2011, sales were very good. They were better than my other store plus my personal store combined. There was a $10 per month service charge plus I think it was they took 20% commission. After the CT was fired as mentioned before, sales dramatically went down and I left a few months after that. If things are the same with no digital CT, I would not join again.
I reported the journal cards as well.
I have no issue with the rest of the Project Mouse bundle but those journal cards crossed the line. They knew they were crossing the line because they are under the mistaken assumption that because it's free, it's not in violation. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt on that assumption but I don't really believe it.
ITA w/ 185. The rest of the collection was really nicely done and they did a great job of avoiding any obvious Disney references or branding. Those freebie cards completely negated all of that hard work, though. So stupid and sad.
So does anyone know why PP & OLB left Oscraps or is it totally taboo?
#187 - for sales I'm guessing. They both guested (I believe) at TLP and the sales were better. More their style too. Just guessing though. I don't know and I couldn't care less either, sorry.
Okay so all of you that have so much time on your hands and love reporting copyright issues should start reporting all the disney items you find on the internet.
What a bunch of hypocrites!
Probably because the O was going down hill and Vicki was a relatively absent owner from what I'd seen there.
Kudos to those who reported the freebie journal cards. Just because someone else is doing it doesn't make it right and doesn't make it ok for you to download. Downloading things you know aren't ok to distribute makes you just as guilty as anyone outright pirating kits.
It's illegal and unethical to use whether you get in trouble for it or not.
#187 - No one has an answer for you because they both explained why they were moving on their blogs and that's all the information that anyone got. You can go read about it there.
Okay so all of you that have so much time on your hands and love reporting copyright issues should start reporting all the disney items you find on the internet.
What a bunch of hypocrites!
How do you know I don't? And don't talk about too much time on my hands when you are posting on a smack blog, talk about hypocritical.
Why don't you stop whining about people doing the right thing.
Okay so all of you that have so much time on your hands and love reporting copyright issues should start reporting all the disney items you find on the internet.
What a bunch of hypocrites!
The only hypocrites are the ones downloading the journal cards, knowing they are in violation of copyright/trademark.
Oscraps makes me laugh. It's page after page of angry scribbles and smeared paint. It's like shit my kids would do if left in a room alone with a bunch of art supplies.
165-I said the page had small previews. I'm not going to click on every single kit to see the previews unless they interest me. on the page of previews, the previews are TOO SMALL. When you look at a page of previews at Gingerscraps for example, you can see if you want to click on any one preview to make it bigger or not. Not so at the other store. I'm not going to waste my time there.
I have to love Britt's comment in the Project Mouse comments about how the comments section isn't the appropriate place to discuss/critique her work
(unless, of course, you are telling her how wonderful it is, then apparently it's okay to discuss/critique her work)
#195 - you don't have to click on them to bring up a bigger preview, you can just hover over them with your mouse.
Sahlin and Britt did nothing wrong.
Dedicated to all the smart asses here on this smack blog.
Here is a copy of the Disney Legal Use of the Disney Characters:
Transformative Use
Another way to legally use Disney characters could be to use them in what the law refers to as "transformative use." Transformative use requires that you change, or transform, the character enough so that it is no longer a mere copy of the original. The resulting transformation is sometimes called a "derivative work." For example, if a painter created an original oil painting of his family and included the Disney character Tinkerbell as a family member, his use of Tinkerbell would be fair use because of its commentary that the artist considers Tinkerbell a member of his family. The use of Tinkerbell in the painting could be could be characterized as a transformative use, and the painting could be called a derivative work.
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