Wednesday, May 1, 2013

May 2013

I've downloaded a dozen zips from the Digiscrap Parade Blog Train and I'm happy with what I downloaded.  Judging from the previews I've seen of the next DST Blog Train, I say the Digiscrap Parade blog train is a 100% improvement.  Well done contributors, I'll be looking forward to the next one!

What does everyone else think about it ?  Any gripes or praise you'd like to dish out ?


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Anonymous said...

I'm guessing you have no ability to pay attention to detail.

I'm guessing you're a Sweet Shoppe drone.

Anonymous said...

The only place worse than SSD is DSP.

Anonymous said...

TLP claims that its designers create such unique and original items and they charge more for everything than most other places because of that, and this is why I think their owner would be very interested to know how many of the shop's designers just bought loads and loads of CU from me this weekend.

Anonymous said...

Hahah! I'd love to know:)
Which shop do you sell at? Do you do basic or more unique cu?

Anonymous said...

People are surprised that TLP designers-or designers at any 'top tier' store are using CU? Hardly.

That whole designers using CU argument is beyond old and tired.

Anonymous said...

I think their owner would be very interested to know how many of the shop's designers just bought loads and loads of CU from me this weekend.

You're kidding yourself if you think AM doesn't already know that her designers use tons of CU.

Anonymous said...

I have no problem with designers using CU as long as they don't use them like Harper Finch does.

Anonymous said...

AM doesn't own TLP anymore.

Anonymous said...

Gina Miller sells at TLP. That unique and original product that TLP prides themselves on should be banned from ever being said again. I read that statement and laughed my ass off.

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say that I love getting "thank you" emails after I purchase from a designer, especially during iNSD weekend. I know it's a hectic weekend, but the fact that designers are still on top of those emails really shows that they care about their customers.

Anonymous said...

10 - Or they really didn't sell much and have time to do it.

Anonymous said...

8, I think you're mistaken. Amy has "TLP Owner" listed on her facebook profile again, starting in 2013. She also had it listed back in 2011 and before. She has also been acting as an owner would in the public eye lately. I think she and Laura hooked back up.

11, you can use that as an excuse for not providing good customer care, but any designer who views this as a real business has time to respond to customer inquiries. I'm not saying they need to send a personal note to everyone who purchased from them to say thanks (b/c that's so 2008), but I've been answering customer e-mails and facebook messages all weekend long and I sell a lot of product. I make 4 figures during a single weekend over NSD/DSD. I just make sure to block the weekend off so I can focus totally on getting it right in the customer's eyes when it gets busy. That is likely WHY I sell a lot.

Anonymous said...

"so 2008" It's true. And I agree, I've been focusing on CS all weekend. I think providing a quality product, good sales, and good customer service mean more than a thank you note.

Anonymous said...

I have never ever gotten a thank you note from a designer for buying her product. Do a lot of them do this?

Anonymous said...

10 - Or they really didn't sell much and have time to do it.
What an arrogant thing to say.

Anonymous said...

I have never ever gotten a thank you note from a designer for buying her product. Do a lot of them do this?

The last thank you I got from a designer was, literally, in 2008.

Anonymous said...

I will bet you $100 that #11 is Traci Reed.

Anonymous said...

Last time I got one was back in 2008, too. A lot of the Scrap Artist designers did it. I always felt as though it was a bit of a violation of the site privacy policy. I didn't sign up to receive emails from these designers, and just because my email address appeared on their receipts didn't give them the right to email me. I don't need thank you emails that are just churned out for the sake of scoring some "look how nice and down to earth I am" points. Just answer my emails in a timely manner if I have a question, that's all I ask.

Anonymous said...

Some of us have lives outside of scrapbooking. Homes to maintain, children to look after, meals to prepare etc. Not to mention that it is actually a weekend, when one would expect to have some free time after we've finished being "Moms Taxi Service" to our children and their activities/social lives.

My kids and family come first. Sending thank you letters to customers with a ridiculous sense of entitlement is way down the bottom on my to-do list.

Anonymous said...

#18 What if the thank you email included a coupon code for a future purchase? Would you still feel like it was a violation of the privacy policy? (not trying to be snarky - just curious).

Anonymous said...

Last time I got one was back in 2008, too. A lot of the Scrap Artist designers did it. I always felt as though it was a bit of a violation of the site privacy policy. I didn't sign up to receive emails from these designers, and just because my email address appeared on their receipts didn't give them the right to email me. I don't need thank you emails that are just churned out for the sake of scoring some "look how nice and down to earth I am" points. Just answer my emails in a timely manner if I have a question, that's all I ask.

This is why I do not to thank you notes. I did them once and got a couple of really upset emails in response, so I never did them again.

Anonymous said...

Then Amy must have just become owner again recently. It was Laura and Kelly who owned it since last year. Why does TLP keep changing owners all the time?

Anonymous said...

#17- It sounds like something Traci would say.

Anonymous said...

#19- It's those customers who support your family by buying your products. A little respect towards them goes a long way. I'm not saying you have to send a thank you note but your last comment was very stuck up. I am wiling to toss $100 in the bet pot that #19 is also Traci Reed.

Anonymous said...

#20 I don't want a coupon either. That almost makes it worse, because a designer only hands out a coupon to make me spend more in their store. They're not thanking me, they're just trying to manipulate me into coming back. Just don't lift my email off my store receipts. It's annoying. And I don't need to feel warm and fuzzy about how "special" I am because you sent me a bulk thank you along with a list of other faceless people you BCC'd. If I buy a kit from a designer it's already sending me a receipt from the store, a receipt from PayPal and download links. I don't want more email clogging up my inbox because of a $5 purchase. Customers who think this is such a great CS tactic must be lonely women who don't get any email otherwise. I have plenty of emails already.

Anonymous said...

#25- I am glad I'm not the only one who thinks that way about coupons via email.

Anonymous said...

I think those are Reed too. I have also noticed that she hardly ever, if at all, compliments anyone on anything they do. .especially other designers. What an asshole.

Anonymous said...

#22 Kelly and Laura still own it. And that's the only time TLP changed ownership. I don't know why it says Amy Martin is an owner again but even she is it wouldn't be changing owners again it would just be the original owner being an owner again.

Anonymous said...

I don't normally send a thank you for every single order, but I will often send a mass thank you note to everyone who ordered from me in the past couple months. So, if you ordered three times in the last two months, you'd get one email (but not three). I hope that's not too much. I don't add the addresses to my newsletter list and I don't put a coupon in it, either. It's just a thank you and nothing more.

I will, however, email someone personally if they place a single large order (at least $100). And in that email, I will usually give them a coupon for a completely free purchase that doesn't require them to spend more. Again, it's a thank you, and I would hope the gesture is appreciated.

If you wouldn't like that, then I hope you never order from me. That is how I try to do my best to provide good service. Most people appreciate it, I think.

Anonymous said...

If you're sending out a thank you email to 50 people at once I bet you'll hear back from 5 of them TOPS about how awesome you are for thanking them, 30 of them use alternate emails that they rarely check but just use so stores and designers don't muck up their inbox, and the remaining 15 are likely annoyed and would opt out of future emails if it didn't mean they had to email you back to say it to your face. So if it's worth it to you to have those 5 people out of 50 think you're so nice and grateful then go ahead and keep spending your time that way. But don't try to convince me you're doing it out of gratitude. You're doing it because you hope it'll make you more money because you're so much more in touch with your customers. Which you are, with those 5 who would probably buy from you even if you didn't send out an email so long as you have nice products.

Anonymous said...

I don't like thank you's either, primarily because I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do - do I email a thank you for the thank you? Not respond? Tell you how happy I am with my new kit? Don't send me a thank you! It's too much pressure for me! :)

Anonymous said...

Misty Cato's FWP kit at SSD is actually not ugly. I wasn't going to download it, based on the preview, then I figured it was free, so I'd give it a try. I'm surprised to see the kit is actually nice. It's just her preview that is blurry and makes the kit look bad.

Maybe just my opinion, but after actually unzipping the kit, that's what I think. Out of all of it, I think I'm only going to pitch a couple of the buttons which are subpar. The rest looks good to me.

Anonymous said...

#30, I'm sorry, but you have a terrible attitude!! :(

I don't expect or even hope for an email back telling me how awesome I am. And I *am* only doing it to express gratitude. I feel bad for you that you are so jaded that you can't believe there are still people in the world who will thank you for your business and genuinely mean it.

I guess if it bothers you so much that someone would try to thank you for your business, you should use an alternate email address for anything you order online. Even big companies will send out thanks emails for online orders sometimes. I just got one the other day from Children's Place. I was happy to receive it. And it even had a coupon in it that I will take to my local store this week to use.

What is wrong with you anyway? Do you just hate people who are kind to you?

Anonymous said...

nearly every designer already thanks me for my purchase , right there in the d/l along with all the other rubbish. I don't need another thank you. That should be enough even for the Ct member who wanted a thanks for doing her job.
As to coupons they are a marketing tool, I view as such.

Anonymous said...

Well, for both our sakes, I hope you don't order from me. Considering your attitude, I am sure that if you made the mistake once, you won't make it again and that's okay with me. You are unreal!

Anonymous said...

Don't take it personally, just realize that there's probably a lot of truth in what many people are saying here. It DOES seem like coupons are manipulative, and yes, people DO get a lot of email. I would be a little annoyed to get emails from every designer I purchased from this weekend, for sure.

Anonymous said...

About time. Scrapflower just changed to US Dollars.

Anonymous said...

Wow, if getting an email thanking you for your purchase upsets you, I wonder how you (in general) get through life's BIG things. I hope you take blood pressure medications. Someone needs to chill.

Anonymous said...

I send a thank you out a few times a year, with a coupon. I have never had anyone complain, and I usually have several coupons redeemed. Also, my list tends to have some of the same names on it each time, so my customers are coming back to me.

As a consumer, I like getting customer loyalty coupons and shop at stores that I know track my purchases and give me discounts on items I will use- how is my occasional email any different?

Anonymous said...

Traci Reed alone would be reason enough for me to never apply to be a Babe at SSD. Her new Scrap-Spiration class started off with an amazing revelation I've never seen before - scrap with old product in your stash. Dig through those "thousands" of unused products on my hard drive because as a customer and scrapper, I just buy and buy and never scrap a single page!

This explains why I've never been able to scrap before now, Traci Reed. I just buy "thousands"of products and stare mindlessly at them wondering why they're there. Thank you. Thank you for your amazing, earth shattering words of wisdom.

Thank you for telling me I can use them now. I've been waiting so long.

Anonymous said...

Well, I do send a personal thank you note to new customers, or customers who spend a lot in one purchase. As for the regular customers, I will send one occasionally. It is not an email that is copied as there is an indication to the customer that it is their purchase I am refering to. I regularly get a reply from them, and never had a nasty one. I don't see how that is "so 2008". To me, it is about building a relationship with my customers, making them feel comfortable asking questions, sending comments or even pointing out issues (and some do).
When I sold in a store that didn't allow us to have any customer info, thus not letting us send a thank you email, I found there were fewer repeat customers. Coincidence? I don't think so. And if you are bothered by a thank you note, find the delete key.

Anonymous said...

Customers don't want to be bothered by a thank you email from a designer, but still want a personal attention (and probably immediate too) when they have a problem! That sounds like double standard to me.

Anonymous said...

good grief. if you want to send them, send them. if you don't want to get them, use an alternate email. did everyone forget to get their beauty sleep or something?

Anonymous said...

#42 that's sort of the point being made, and it's not a double standard. Sending a thank you note or promotional coupons a customer didn't sign up for is spam. Responding to a customer complaint or question is customer service. If someone registers for an account in your store they probably check a box asking them of they want to receive the store newsletter but they don't agree anywhere to receive emails and coupons from designers. In the example above about Children's Place, if you didn't check the "I want to receive additional offers from Children's Place" during registration they would NOT send you a thank you email with coupons. It's spam.

Anonymous said...

I don't want a relationship with the designers I buy from. I want them to design cool stuff, not be my bff. And yes, unsolicited email IS spam.

Anonymous said...

Actually, if you've had a business relationship with someone within the last six months, they are legally allowed to contact you via email, if you gave them that information. It's not spam. Purchase transactions are part of a business relationship. Therefore, you have a business relationship with every designer you have ever purchased from. For 6 months from that purchase, you can be subject to email thank yous and coupons at their whim. This also works for retailers like Children's Place, Target, etc. You don't have to sign up for a newsletter, check that you wish to receive special offers or anything and it's still not spam.

Anonymous said...

This is the second store where I sell now. Both of my store owners warned us that these unasked thank you notes are spam and in addition to violation of the privacy policy. If you want offer a coupon just add it to your zip.

Anonymous said...

whether or not something is "technically" spam or not is not as important as the perception of the customer. I absolutely HATE the fact that businesses can call me if I have done business with them in spite of the do not call list. So it may not be illegal but it doesn't make me love them. And it doesn't appear that I am the only one not crazy about it. Does that mean everyone feels that way? of course not. But you might want to take it into consideration in your thank you - maybe give them an easy way to opt out of future emails.

Anonymous said...

So thank the ct who don't pay for the kit but don't thank your customers who do pay. Got it.

Anonymous said...

It might not be a legal document, but an explanation in lay terms of the CAN-SPAM:

Notice the "Transactional or Relationship Messages" explanation and definition. A thank you email would not be considered spam even if you (general you) feel it is.

Anonymous said...

I don't want a relationship with the designers I buy from. I want them to design cool stuff, not be my bff. And yes, unsolicited email IS spam.

Anonymous said...

I might not like how things are done on the internet but if I *choose* to make a purchase online, of products made by a designer, I implicitly agree to how it works (legally). You don't want an email? Don't give one, period.

Anonymous said...

48 - They should definitely provide a way for the customer to opt out of the emails. Why would a designer want to keep annoying a customer?

At the same time, there are going to be customers who love the "special" treatment and buy more from a designer/company they feel appreciates their business.

Anonymous said...

40 - I signed-up for that list, too, and am sadly disappointed. Who the hell has thousands of unused kits just laying around?

Anonymous said...

54 - probably more than you think. I am one of those. I know a lot of other scrappers who buy kits because they can envision making a layout with it but end up either with another kit for that layout, or run out of time to do all the layouts they plan to do. I might not have thousands of kits but I sure have more than I have used, so I can see the benefit of trying to use what I have before going out and purchase more (even if they look fantastic).

Anonymous said...

Ugh. I am so tired of the like and share crap on FB. Designers, I subscribe to your page because I want to see your products and sales/activities related to your business. NOT inspirational garbage you found on Pinterest.

And then it comes up in my feed 100 more times as your CT does their required sharing duty.

Just STOP!

And yes, I unliked that designers page.

Anonymous said...

I guess FB is good but there is such a thing as too much of a good stuff!

Anonymous said...

I find it to be ironic and funny that someone who believes she is such a marketing genius (Traci Reed) essentially just began a class by telling her customers that they don't need to buy her products anymore. Genius, Traci. I bow down to you. I am also willing to throw another $100 into the betting pool above. We're at $300 now right?

Anonymous said...

You know what? Maybe by telling the participants that they don't need to buy, it will sound less like pushing and make the class more worth spending on. It might not sound like such a marketing strategy, but it is. And it has been used in real life marketing too.

Anonymous said...

I used to design and I'd send out a Thank You email. But I started off the email by basically saying "I wanted to say thanks for your purchase! If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at this address-but I promise never to email you again unless you contact me. Have a great day." That way, I hoped people knew that I was emailing them to provide support, not to interrupt their lives. A store may send you download links, but you bought from the designer--the store itself can't help you if a DL link is corrupt. The designer has to reupload (or email you the corrected zip, which I had a designer do). I've contacted stores and NEVER heard back from their CS. So I emailed the designer because it's quicker than dealing with the store.

And I never received a "don't email me" back type of email. Also I included a coupon for new customers. That way I could track return customers (because if no one used it, then I'd stop giving it). But people used it. And I never emailed them again (unless they emailed me with a question). Oh, and I never expected a response email. And yes, coupons in DS are the same as IRL: they're to get you to spend money. As someone else said, a designer isn't your BFF. A designer is a business owner, so don't take it personally or get offended when they offer you a coupon.

Anonymous said...

I'll throw yet another $100 into the pool that 59 is Traci too! I wish that woman would dry up and blow away.

Anonymous said...

And yes, coupons in DS are the same as IRL: they're to get you to spend money. As someone else said, a designer isn't your BFF. A designer is a business owner, so don't take it personally or get offended when they offer you a coupon.


Anonymous said...

Sorry, I am 59 and I am not Traci at all. Can I get your $100? I have heard of that marketing strategy outside of DS so it is not new or weird or impractical, even if you think it is.

Anonymous said...

I would love to hear where everyone spent the most this iNSD? I am nosey ;)

Anonymous said...

I have a business relationship with my accountant, my dentist and my mechanic. It does not make any of them my BFF.

Anonymous said...

I spent the most at The Lilypad

Anonymous said...

I didn't spend anything. NOTHING! I was too busy downloading all the freebies. Not sure if that was a good sales strategy for stores or not.

Anonymous said...

My purchases were in order of most spent

The Lilypad
Pixels and CO
Sweet Shoppe

I had a few things in my cart at SO but forgot to go back and purchase before the sale ended

Anonymous said...

STFU Traci and go away. We all know #59 is you.

Anonymous said...

Kinda disappointed in TLP's Spring Has Sprung add-on. One of the QPs is 9x9 at 72 dpi and one features big ol' jaggies. Still better than the QP Meagan's Creations is offering though--paper doesn't go all the way to the bottom on one of the circles. Should've known better as quality doesn't seem to be her strong suit.

Why don't people QC things before they release them as freebies? I'd be embarrassed to have my name attached to something with those kinds of mistakes.

Anonymous said...

Why don't people QC things before they release them as freebies? I'd be embarrassed to have my name attached to something with those kinds of mistakes.

Was probably made by a CT member and not even opened by the designer.

Anonymous said...

71 - Nothing like restating the obvious. The entire point was wondering why things weren't QCed...

Anonymous said...


Man, I hate it when I misread a comment and look dumb responding. So fat so sorry.

Anonymous said...

LOL @ So fat so sorry.

Anonymous said...

I spent the most at:
Scrap Orchard
The Lily Pad
Scrapbook Graphics

in that order.

Anonymous said...

I spent the most (in order):

lol @ so fat, so sorry, too.

Anonymous said...

and some random money at P&Co, Sugar Hill Co, SM, and so on. I bough Britt-ish Design's grab bag.

How many pages did you scrap? I did almost 10!

Anonymous said...

Didn't spend a ton, the most went to TLP. I also picked up the everyday storyteller 2 book.

Anonymous said...

My dollars for Digi went to:

I scrapped 0 pages!

Anonymous said...

Is anyone offended by Kohl's cash?

Anonymous said...

Is anyone offended by Kohl's cash?
Extremely. It's all I think about.

Anonymous said...

I scrapped 0 pages!

Anonymous said...

Nice try, but Kohl's cash is more like reward points.

Anonymous said...

I'm offended by Kohl's. Their whole approach.

Anonymous said...

I love kohls, and yet not once have they emailed me to personally thank me for shopping in their store.

Anonymous said...

69 - I am 58 and 63 and I am NOT Traci. I am a designer but not Traci. And if you want to know where I heard about the strategy of "showing you how you don't need to buy", check out this:

Anonymous said...

Oh, an asshole Canadian designer who is defending Traci Reed? Hi, Jennifer Barrette.

Anonymous said...

Oh... I am an asshole and a Canadian because I linked to a .ca site? Do you also want to give me $100 for guessing that I am Jennifer Barrette? Because you would lose that bet too (I could always use an extra $100).

Instead of playing a guessing game and name-calling game, why don't you either read that page or listen to the podcast and see why something that is "counter-intuitive" might actually work and has work for some. You might actually learn something.

Anonymous said...

My dollars for digi stayed in my pocket.

Anonymous said...

#87- I was thinking the same thing. Everyone knows how far Jenn Barrette is up Traci's ass.

#89- I don't blame you. It's just more of the same old stuff, different NSD.

Anonymous said...

Why would Jenn Barrett be up Traci's ass? She's been designing a lot longer than Traci and makes as much, if not more, from her designs. That just doesn't make sense.

Anonymous said...

My dollars for digi stayed in my pocket.
You didn't like anything anywhere?

Anonymous said...

Such a different list:

One Story Down

Anonymous said...

I was looking at some of Captivated Visions' kits just now. Do they really have only 6 papers? That doesn't seem like a lot to. I'm not smacking what they look like, but I would think a full size kit would have 10 to 12. (That's my personal take on it. I wouldn't mind more, but I don't like fewer.) She sells the paper packs individually, too. Here's a pack
The top left and the bottom right look almost identical...she just moved the white printed papers a bit and adjusted their opacity/blending. And the top right paper has the same print in the same spot as the bottom right--they'd look ridiculous if you used them together. I'm not saying they're bad quality (IDK cuz I didn't buy them) but I don't think they're worth $5.99. I can paint and scan my own old books/ledgers/cardboard/kraft paper, thankyouverymuch.

Anonymous said...

91, how in God's name would you have any idea what either of them makes, most of all Jenn, if you weren't Jenn? The only other person who would possibly be able to compare the 2 incomes would be Robin, and I highly doubt she is on the smack blog defending one of her designer's income levels against another of her designer's income levels.

Get a grip. We know it's you who posted, Jenn.

Anonymous said...

Get a grip. We know it's you who posted, Jenn.
What an idiot you are. Lol!

Anonymous said...

What I don't understand is why Traci makes so much. Her designs are mediocre at best and her attitude is one of the shittiest I have ever seen.

Anonymous said...

What I don't understand is why Traci makes so much. Her designs are mediocre at best and her attitude is one of the shittiest I have ever seen.
I agree and I don't know why she makes so much. I think her advertising is part of it. She also has some decent ct members (and some of the Babes) who make her kits look much better than they are. She also repeatedly teams up with more talented designers to make kits. Shawna, Zoe, Juliana and Jenn Barrett are all more talented than she is.

Anonymous said...

My iNSD Winners
Best Overall: P&Co {love the collab & the sales were awesome)
Surprise Store: TDC (I usually don't find much there but I found quite a few I liked this year)
Biggest Disappointment: TLP - Sales were blah and the BYOC was completely uncoordinated. Spent $0 there this year.

Other stores I shopped:

Spent altogether $300+

Anonymous said...

What designers at TDC did you like?

Anonymous said...

I spent about $100 between SSD, SHCO and Brittish Designs. I didn't even look at P&Co, TLP or anywhere else.

I did the Digiscrap Parade train and found myself skipping over most of the TDC designers, so I decided not to bother with the store. But, after that train, and the FB hop for Ginger Scraps, plus the purchases I did make, I added enough new stuff to my EHD to last me a while.

Anonymous said...

97 - Far too many women like mediocre men who treat them like shit. Those men are usually popular and do well with the ladies.

Her marketing is genius.
1. She makes an average product look good by having a huge team of scrappers, many who are very good. She bombards her blog and Facebook regularly (giving fans attention).
2. She gives away freebies every few months like gifts to keep you interested, but not every day to get you used to them.
3. She's started a huge marketing email "class" as if she has all the knowledge and you need her to help you scrap - which she starts by saying "you don't need to buy anything from me."

She's all talk and manipulation - just like that POS bad boy many girls would kill to date and they don't know why.

She doesn't appeal to everyone and we're probably the girls who aren't interested in the bad boy. Fortunately for Traci, we're not the majority.

Anonymous said...

I don't buy kits. I shopped for CU with:
Wendy Page, Kristin Aagard, and Inspiredbydominic this time. I didn't spend much at all compared with previous years.

Regarding emails from designers sometimes I like them and sometimes I think they are useless. I just click delete on the useless ones. No big deal.

I did get an unsolicited email from Inspiredbydominic this weekend with an upgrade to an action set I purchased. That was kind of cool. If you purchased the previous version you get the new version free. More designers should do that.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who thinks the SSD call isn't a popularity contest is a fool. Nominations or not, those designers will choose their friends and those who kiss their asses. The fact you took the time to answer those questions just gives them material to laugh at behind your back.

Anonymous said...

104 - It's been that way for years. They add a token "outsider" every once in awhile just so they can say they add from outside their herd.

I stopped drinking the SSD kool-aid awhile ago and have found far better designers elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

I stopped drinking the SSD kool-aid awhile ago and have found far better designers elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who thinks the SSD call isn't a popularity contest is a fool. Nominations or not, those designers will choose their friends and those who kiss their asses. The fact you took the time to answer those questions just gives them material to laugh at behind your back.
Of course, it is. The ass kissing is in full force and nauseating.

Anonymous said...

106 - Seriously? TLP, P&Co, SO, TDC, SM, SBG... and many more. Anyone who thinks SSD has the exclusive talent in this industry hasn't looked around.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand the SSD designers choosing their friends and people on their CTs. I would think a store would want fresh meat to promote their products and bring in new fans and customers. I guess that's why it seems so high school to me as it doesn't seemed rooted in what's good for business.

Anonymous said...

I don't care for the style of most the designers at SSD just not my cup of tea but the constant SSD bashing astonishes me is it really that bad there? Is it just a small group that comes here and bashes them or is there that many out there that feel that badly about SSD? It would be interesting to see if it is just the same few coming here complaining or if there is a large population of SSD haters.

Anonymous said...

110 - I'm not an SSD regular so I can't say for sure but I'm inclined to believe that there's just a select few haters that love to come here and bash SSD. Sour grapes, maybe?

Anonymous said...

I was thinking about the comments about how SSD always seems to pick the regulars for the babes and designer CT's but I vaguely remember a dust up quite a few years ago where they didn't pick regulars and the ensuing complaints.

Lots of SSD regulars popped up at other communities but eventually all seemed to go back and I am not sure but I think one of the biggest complainers is now a babe or maybe was one for awhile I might be mistaken it was a few years ago and I honestly didn't care then.

Just thought of it while reading all the complaints about them only picking insiders and kind of wonder if that is part of why they seem to gravitate towards regulars now???

Anonymous said...

112- You are right their were some very upset people saying why outsiders were picked and blahh blahh. I'm sure this is the reason they stay close to home now who wants to deal with a pissed off CT and have to hear about it behind the scenes for 3 days.
I'm curious who do you think is worthy of being a SugarBabe? If you could replace anyone on the current SugarBabes, who would it be?

Anonymous said...

I love things that you may not like porn, eating healthy, SSD, TLP, SG, drinking, dancing the list goes on...
People are entitle to their own opinions/likes I don't think it's hating, haters or bashing.

Anonymous said...

how about this for a thank you? I got a note from a designer when I bought her kit a few days before she had a pre-nsd sale. She sent me a coupon for $2.00 to use during the sale- when everything was 40% off. I dont think that was taking advantage- I thought it was very nice- but maybe I should post that here...

Anonymous said...

I don't think a company sending a customer a coupon is ever rude. Of course, I don't have my panties in a wad up my ass, either.

Anonymous said...

112 - Some regulars feel entitled to join store teams because they live their lives in the forum. These people might get pissed off if they don't make teams and might not buy for a week or two (if they're actually customers), but they will always come back because they live their lives in the forum. They might have a baby, hissy fit, but ultimately, they don't lose anyone any business. They also don't tend to bring in new business because all their friends are already part of the club.

If I were a designer at SSD, I would want mostly new to SSD, but established scrappers who have the most potential to bring in new customers. Many scrappers who have been around for years have a following and if it's not from SSD already, I'd have the most chance at picking up new customers from that new following.

But, I run my business like *gasp* a business, not like a social club where I am the queen and require everyone to worship me. That's why I'm just as successful, if not more successful, as Traci Reed, Jenn Barrette and anyone else over at SSD who thinks their sales shit doesn't stink.

I do all of that while never once being bashed on this blog or any other.

Anonymous said...

Anyone else notice that some of the new designers at DHD do not include a preview of their kit in their download, & in some cases don't even label their papers with their name? ie. Tisha Chestnut, Michelle Scobell.

I don't know if this is a new store policy (I never had this problem with DHD in the past), but it would be appreciated if you would consider including these in your kit downloads in the future. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, right, and we know that how? You making yourself out to be some Pollyanna of the digiscrap world is easy to do when you post anonymously. Go you!

Anonymous said...

established scrappers who have the most potential to bring in new customers. Many scrappers who have been around for years have a following

Can you link me up? I haven't been around long enough to know who these people are, but would like the inspiration. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

"I run my business like *gasp* a business, not like a social club where I am the queen and require everyone to worship me. That's why I'm just as successful, if not more successful, as Traci Reed, Jenn Barrette and anyone else over at SSD"

I don't know if this is true or not, but I secretly hope that there are lots of successful designers out there that don't get mentioned on this blog. For example, look at - they never get mentioned here yet seem to have a big customer base.

What about the people who sell on etsy? Do you think they can do just as well as someone selling at one of the big digi stores??

Anonymous said...

So SO's 10K giveaway is great I guess except there's no mention of HOW to enter. I wonder which genius was the one who missed that detail.

Anonymous said...

113 I have no idea who is currently a Babe and very vague recollections of who has been a babe in the past I don't find most of the style that seems so prevalent on the site inspiring so I don't pay all that much attention.

117 I agree that it may be more beneficial to bring in new scrappers but then the gamble is do they stick around if they don't have a lot vested in the community. Hard call and one most stores probably deal with daily.

Anonymous said...

I wish they would bring on some new designers.

Anonymous said...

122 What are you talking about? I just looked at the site and didn't see anything about 10K giveaway?

Anonymous said...

Nevermind 122 I found it on the SO FB page and the click it to win it tab is at the top just like it says in the ad.

Anonymous said...

118, I can't believe anyone is still shopping at DHD.

Anonymous said...

are you kidding me? $6.75 for this? who buys this crap? kathyrn estry seems to be everywhere and i think her stuff is so gross!

Anonymous said...

I always laugh when I read comments like 124. If you're a shopper there, you do realize you're allowed to shop at other stores, right? It's not like SSD is holding you captive. If there are other designers you love who aren't at SSD, you can *gasp* actually shop their stores. OMG.

Anonymous said...

The problem with that kit is mostly how it's previewed.

Anonymous said...

I always laugh when I read comments like 124. If you're a shopper there, you do realize you're allowed to shop at other stores, right? It's not like SSD is holding you captive. If there are other designers you love who aren't at SSD, you can *gasp* actually shop their stores. OMG.
What an asshole you are. OMG.

Anonymous said...

#129- I have to agree with you. There is a whole world beyond SSD.

Anonymous said...

I've heard that Robin only leaves positive comments for 2 sugarbabes, not all her sugarbabes get that love.
How's that for moral? Expect it if your new to that team!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe how so much stock you people put in the attention anyone gets from a designer or store owner. Find some other way to validate yourself. Robin is busy running an entire store. If you want some designs to work with for free, then go for it. If you are looking to be in with the in crowd or be accepted by the cook kids, grow up and get over yourself.

Anonymous said...

I've heard that Robin only leaves positive comments for 2 sugarbabes, not all her sugarbabes get that love.
How's that for moral? Expect it if your new to that team!
Who cares? They get open access to the store and if they like the designers there and their work then it's a helluva deal. If not, then they shouldn't apply anyway. If their self esteem is wrapped up in some woman "giving them love" then they need to step away from this hobby and see a shrink. I mean really..who gives a rat's ass if Robin likes their work?

Anonymous said...

Tanyia is "SO EXCITED... no words! Concert excited!!! can not wait!!!!" according to her Facebook.

I guess the Babe invites have gone out.

Anonymous said...

cool kids

Anonymous said...

There is a whole world beyond SSD.
Right. Just like there's a whole world beyond all the other stores as well.

Anonymous said...

133. Who ever your source is they clearly have issues if they are keeping track of who the store owner comments to. Poor little girl. Perhaps she is a middle child who never got enough praise from mommy and daddy.

Anonymous said...

133. Who ever your source is they clearly have issues if they are keeping track of who the store owner comments to. Poor little girl. Perhaps she is a middle child who never got enough praise from mommy and daddy.
I'm a middle child and what Robin thinks of my layouts is down real, real low on my list of Things I Care About.

Anonymous said...

Tanyia is "SO EXCITED... no words! Concert excited!!! can not wait!!!!" according to her Facebook.
Maybe Robin left her "some love" on one of her layouts.

Anonymous said...

140. Thanks for sharing your truth.

Anonymous said...

131, what in the world did 129 say that makes her an asshole? She's saying that people can shop where they want to shop, even if that person isn't designing at SSD. It's a FACT. What about that says "asshole"? Nothing to me. You're a bitter baby.

Anonymous said...

143. There are a lot of bitter babies in this group.

Anonymous said...

You're absolutely correct. 129 isn't an asshole at all. He/she is an absolute wealth of otherwise unknown information, because I'm certain the op wasn't aware there was available shopping at places besides SSD. Thank you both for setting all of us straight and telling us the FACTS!

Anonymous said...

Well said 135!

Anonymous said...

136 - That makes me sad. Not because I applied, but because someone like her gets a hard to get spot. I guess you need to be unreliable, flaky, and uncommitted to get a Babe spot.

I look forward to seeing more of my copied pages made by Tanyia without credit given. I hope her and Brook are happy together. Those 4 "original" pages are a joke. I laugh every time I see one.

Anonymous said...

145, why in the hell would someone post that they wish a store would get new designers, if they didn't want those designers to come to said store so they could shop from them? This would lead any person with half a brain to assume that they don't really understand how the internet works, and the fact that you can actually direct your browser window to multiple sites without getting electroshock.

Anonymous said...

Maybe people like to shop in ONE place instead of all over the internet. Ever thought of that? I sure wish all my favorite designers were in a single store. That would be convenient, don't you think? Can't I just wish something?

Anonymous said...

Those 4 "original" pages are a joke. I laugh every time I see one.


Did I miss something? What are the 4 original pages?

Anonymous said...

When the Op moans that SSD needs to get new designers it kind of *does* seem like the OP doesn't get out much ... its really OK to shop elsewhere. Really.

Anonymous said...

That Katrhy Estry kit isn't that bad but the preview is awful. The 'make your digital papers look rolled' preview style doesn't benefit anyone.

Anonymous said...

I actually like the look of the rolled papers. Her preview though is not well done. I would not have put all those elements on top of the patterned papers (too busy) and of course, I wouldn't have arranged them that way at all.

Anonymous said...

are you kidding me? $6.75 for this? who buys this crap? kathyrn estry seems to be everywhere and i think her stuff is so gross!

That is a bad preview, no doubt about that. Plus the preview does not match up with the list of contents. All she has listed there as being in the kit are "2 scalloped papers." If that's all the papers what are those things in the background on the preview? But it appears that if you want any solid papers to scrap with you have to pay an extra $3 for a solid paper pack that looks like it is just a bunch of recolors. Actual kit might be better than the previews, but I'm not spending that much money to find out

Anonymous said...

136 - That makes me sad. Not because I applied, but because someone like her gets a hard to get spot. I guess you need to be unreliable, flaky, and uncommitted to get a Babe spot.

I look forward to seeing more of my copied pages made by Tanyia without credit given. I hope her and Brook are happy together. Those 4 "original" pages are a joke. I laugh every time I see one.
What original pages?

Anonymous said...

I like the challenges at SSD, but not the designers, so yeah, I wish they would get some new designers. (Not the OP, but there are other reasons to wish for new designers, aside from my inability to shop at another store.)

I prefer the designers at TLP, but their challenges are kind of blah. Challenges are kind of a dying thing, I think.

Anonymous said...

136 - That makes me sad. Not because I applied, but because someone like her gets a hard to get spot. I guess you need to be unreliable, flaky, and uncommitted to get a Babe spot.

I look forward to seeing more of my copied pages made by Tanyia without credit given. I hope her and Brook are happy together. Those 4 "original" pages are a joke. I laugh every time I see one.


I have to laugh when people say they were copied. How many ways can one really make a square page different. There's gonna be similarities.

Anonymous said...

Babe invites have not gone out yet.

Anonymous said...

I have noticed more and more designers don't include solids in their kits - they go in an addon. I cannot scrap with a kit without solids, so it seems to be like it's just a way to force people to spend more.

Anonymous said...

As the original poster who made the comment about wishing SSD would take on new designers, I meant it as a designer, not a shopper.

Anonymous said...

160, you would want new designers to potentially include you or add designers to work alongside of you?

Anonymous said...

The child in a cage just creeps me out

Anonymous said...

I don't like the page but it doesn't creep me out either.

Anonymous said...

159 - I actually prefer that. I get more patterns and less filler solids. I would rather spend a couple of extra dollars on the solids and get more patterned papers in the pack or kit.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said... 162
The child in a cage just creeps me out


I expected to be creeped out, but instead I laughed. That "NOT FAIR!" look on the little girl's face as she stares at the uncaged bird ...

Anonymous said...

I expected to be creeped out, but instead I laughed. That "NOT FAIR!" look on the little girl's face as she stares at the uncaged bird ...


me too. I actually thought it was pretty clever.

Anonymous said...

Sugar Babe invites have not went out yet.

Anonymous said...

have not *gone* out. Sorry, had to.

Anonymous said...

As the original poster who made the comment about wishing SSD would take on new designers, I meant it as a designer, not a shopper.
Who do you think would be a good fit or, better yet, offer up some nice variety?

Anonymous said...

168 - Thanks, grammar is not my forte.

Anonymous said...

126 - the actual image says nothing about how to enter. The description didn't either...until something was said something here. Then details about the tab magically went into the description after a fan had to tell another fan how to enter.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to bring it up again, but I must have missed where Royanna actually posted her 40 days stuff... that was supposed to be out on the 15th of April, but wasn't- and as best I can tell still isn't. I heard that she had posted on her FB page that she was designing again- does this mean another store will open?

Anonymous said...

Oh Lord, not Royanna again. It's linked to her blog but she never posted anything. Shocker.

Anonymous said...

Tanyia is "SO EXCITED... no words! Concert excited!!! can not wait!!!!" according to her Facebook.

Anonymous said...

Maybe she is going to a concert.

Anonymous said...

92-I didn't have time to shop, or I might have.

Anonymous said...

133- I don't think your a middle child, lol
I'm going to assume you mean behind the scenes because I went through a few of the layouts and I didn't see any comments from her. If that's the case, I think as a store owner if you play favorites behind the scenes that's your business do as you wish but yeah you might come off as a complete asshole to the other Creative Team members. So she's not that busy running the store when she's doing that. Just Sayin!!

Anonymous said...

Have you seen the ? What do you think?

Anonymous said...

Zoe seems to have a healthy sense of self worth.
Blog reqs seem higher than others.
But otherwise this seems to be about the same ole ssd call

Anonymous said...

I don't think 1 post/week is a lot for a blog team. The Facebook posts would be better if she just got one person to handle Facebook instead of having all her blog team post there, too. That's just asking for confusion.

Otherwise, yeah, it looks like a standard call.

Anonymous said...

The other calls that have gone out for blogging have been 2 posts/month.
I don't know if you write in general or do tutorials, but I spend more time on a blog post than on a LO. Most CT don't require 4 pages a month. It's more like 2-3

Anonymous said...

I can see one tutorial/month/blogger because those take the longest to write - let's say an hour for a tut. Picking a few LOs from the gallery or show new releases? Those posts take 15-20 mins, tops to write. If you do 4 posts/month and only one is a tut, what are you spending, 2 hours/month to blog once a week?

I think most scrappers take about an hour on average to make a LO. 2-3 hours for them/month plus a bit extra for gallery posting and links.

Anonymous said...

I think your estimates are low- but let's assume you are right. Then the blogger is doing the work of a LO artist every week. How many CT teams require 4 pages a month any more?

Anonymous said...

Oh Zoe -- I loved your CT ad, until I read that "Winners" were announced 14 May 2013. That's just - bad.

Anonymous said...

183 - 2 hours/month to blog once a week = 2 hours/month for a blogger to get the same stuff as a CT.

A CT makes 2-3 pages/month to = 2-3 hours/month which is the same as the blogger if 2 hours, but more if 3 layouts/month are required.

Not sure where you're getting 4 pages in 182's example. Just because a blogger posts once/week doesn't mean it's an hour for each post nor does it mean the CT should do 4 pages/month just because the blogger does 1 post/week. It's about averaging the time over the month.

As a designer, I do my own new release posts and they take me 10-15 minutes. If it takes you longer as a blogger, you might want to rethink your workflow.

Anonymous said...

Winners? I don't see that on the ad
Am I missing it or did she change it?

Anonymous said...

186 - Yes, she changed it. Quite quickly, too. Guess she reads here. Hi, Zoe! Winners didn't bother me.

Anonymous said...

It didn't bother me, either. Though the word "winners" implies that there are "losers," and that is what I'm assuming people have a problem with.

I'm not a fan of Zoe's style so I'm not going to apply. Maybe I'd feel differently if I did apply but didn't get a spot. *shrug*

Anonymous said...

Hi Zoe!
Yes, it was winners and it's the assumption if you didn't get on the team, you are a loser.

Anonymous said...

Zoe and her CT pets read here quite often. So do some of the Babes.

Anonymous said...

Not affiliated with Zoe or SSD but I think some of you need to grow up. It's ridiculous what offends you. So I suppose the lottery shouldn't refer to the winner as a winner because it will make everyone else feel like a loser, too? Guess we'll have to stop keeping score in games, too because we wouldn't want anyone to think they are a winner/loser.

Grow up people. This isn't kindergarten or t-ball.

Anonymous said...

I'm guessing the new Babes will be:
Trashy Trish
Kim 90210
Tara Ass Kisser Extraordinaire
Tanyia I'll Drop This CT Next Month
Angie Nun69

My guesses are based upon who posted in the thread that they applied. This is by no means who I would personally choose, but based on the ass kissers SSD loves, I imagine these girls will get spots. I also don't know how many spots they're filling, but I figured 3-7 and picked 5 to average my range.

Anonymous said...

Well, Tara and Trish both have bruised lips from kissing ass so fervently so you're probably right. At least Tara scraps decently. Trish's pages are A W F U L! Kim does a pretty good job and I like about one-fourth of Angie's pages.

Anonymous said...

Hi Zoe!
Yes, it was winners and it's the assumption if you didn't get on the team, you are a loser.
Oh, geez. Some of you truly need to find something to do.

Anonymous said...

"I run my business like *gasp* a business, not like a social club where I am the queen and require everyone to worship me. That's why I'm just as successful, if not more successful, as Traci Reed, Jenn Barrette and anyone else over at SSD"
How do you know you're as successful? Are you privy to their tax records or something? Not that you couldn't be but how do you know? Statements such as yours reek of dishonesty.

Anonymous said...

Zoe seems to have a healthy sense of self worth.
She should have. She's one of the very best designers at SSD.

Anonymous said...

195 - I'd say it means she knows how much she makes and is guessing the blow-hards at SSD make at least that much.

Statements such as yours reek of being one of those $100/month "designers" or one of the SSD blow-hards who are convinced no one else makes decent money in this business.

Anonymous said...

Statements such as yours reek of being one of those $100/month "designers" or one of the SSD blow-hards who are convinced no one else makes decent money in this business.
LOL! Don't ever go into detective work!!

Anonymous said...

I wonder if the SSD designers and CT will ever learn that posting a string of posts with the same language and meaning in a short time period are obvious?

Anonymous said...

I wonder if the SSD designers and CT will ever learn that posting a string of posts with the same language and meaning in a short time period are obvious?
I wonder if you are truly as stupid as you sound? I also wonder how you made the leap to conclude your idiotic observation?

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