Sorry, the most designs my designer didn't release to us on our CT board. She put it together last min. for a sale at the store and I didn't get to work with it before it was taken down. The only similarities between that and the kit she was accused of copycatting were the colors and the fact that it was fall related, which is ridiculous. The other kit was one I chose not to work with and now it has been taken down. So I don't have a product preview to show you. It was similar in thyme the same way Kate's kits were to the Etsy clip art. And if you think Kate didn't rip off the clip art than TLP should have never called my designers store about her kit. The defamation of character comes into play when a store owner contacts another store owner and accuses a designer of copyright infringement. If the store owners had decided to fire the designer out of fear from the complaint there is definitely grounds for a lawsuit. For some of these designers this is their livelihood.
Is this a store that you own? If you didn't fire them, then there is no defamation of character. If it isn't your store and you are just CT or another designer, you need to back out of the discussion. You might not have all the information.
#178 Bickering about how someone chooses to barter is what makes women look stupid.
I completely disagree. This is actually a case of women helping other women and offering their opinions. Too many times, women are taken advantage of because they don't understand all the ramifications of a decision they're trying to make and have no one to offer them either alternatives or basic facts that they might not be aware of.
Fact: You're offered product in exchange for your time - lots of time. Once you used the product in the store your pay will be whatever Tracy releases that month. You may or may not like it or use and it may or may not be very much product. Nevertheless, the amount of time required for the duties will not change.
Fact: The duties are open ended which means you could be working many more hours than you initially thought but the product exchange won't.
Fact: you can make the choice to just not apply if you don't like the terms.
Fact: One can know all of your wonderfully thoughtout facts and still decide to apply. But it's really not our business. it's not like there's a creative team union.
It's bartering, plain and simple. I found a hard working sugar daddy and bartered with him for some money to supply my digi addiction. I work pretty hard for that cash. ;)
Considering nobody even knows who the accused designer is except you, I don't believe there is any defamation of character at this point. The CTM posting about it here might have just made a closed door accusation public if people start researching and hunting.
Really how can anyone be that intimidated by a designer just because they are at a "popular" store? They have no more power than anyone else when it comes to copyright infringement. They might have the money to deal with the legal issues but I doubt that they will want to go through all that.
If I was the designer and knew that all of my work was original, I would not have deleted the kit and I would hope that my store owner would stand by me. Removing her kit so quickly makes me question her inspiration source and points to guilt. It's BS to be intimidated by the popular people. This isn't highschool anymore. Stand-up for yourself and act professional.
10-Not all the comments about that designer were from one person. I'm also aware of the situation. I'm not a CTM with either of the designers. I think the TLP owner jumped the gun with the accusations. The colors weren't the same--it was a fall kit--most fall kits tend to look alike (IMO) Most designers get their CU things from similar places, and if it was ok for one of them to use it, then the other one should have been able to use it too. TLP is cooking their own goose.
183-I can't show you kit to kit since my designers were gracious enough to take them down (because they were afraid of offending anyone). But I can show you this: compared to this: -----
So the idea of the Etsy seller ripping off Kate didn't occur to you? That Etsy seller has been open since 2009, Kate has been doing those doodles since 2007.
You are just going to end up looking like a lunatic with all these unverified rantings. If you don't have proof, you might as well not even bring it up.
Really how can anyone be that intimidated by a designer just because they are at a "popular" store? They have no more power than anyone else when it comes to copyright infringement. They might have the money to deal with the legal issues but I doubt that they will want to go through all that.
If I was the designer and knew that all of my work was original, I would not have deleted the kit and I would hope that my store owner would stand by me. Removing her kit so quickly makes me question her inspiration source and points to guilt. It's BS to be intimidated by the popular people. This isn't highschool anymore. Stand-up for yourself and act professional. ----------
Are Traci's products even worth the time and energy of what she wants done for her "admin" position? _______________________
That's totally subjective. Not to me personally, but I'm sure to someone they are. Also, I bet those who will apply not only love her designs but also feel some kind of connection and loyalty to her.
And if you think Kate didn't rip off the clip art than TLP should have never called my designers store about her kit. ------
Why does it not occur to you that the Etsy seller ripped off Kate? Why? As I said before, Kate has been around a lot longer doing those doodles than the Etsy seller has.
I want to know what kits were involved. If you are not naming names out of loyalty to your designer, then you should not have brought it up here. Why did the designers take down the kits if they were sure that nothing was wrong? Doesn't seem like they have a lot of confidence in their work.
Another possibility is that a CU designer ripped off TLP designs and sold them. It just doesn't make sense to me that they wouldn't fight it if there wasn't really some sort of infringement. I doubt that TLP would go around bullying like that because it can ruin their reputation. It's all speculation unless someone comes forward and not some CTM that is more than likely clueless.
Thank you 12-it's their livelihood. And bottom line TLP needs to stop bullying smaller designers just because their stuff might be similar in nature. I don't care if Kate did or didn't rip off a stupid clip art kit. Her stuff is not my style in the least. It just illustrates my point that here is someone in their house claiming to be "original" who in fact may be deriving actual images or ideas from some clip art. Take the log out of your own eye before taking the stick out of someone else's and before you land yourself in court.
I know nothing about this current situation and from the sounds of it, I dont want to know.
BUT I have seen a designer fired for an accusation from a very prolific designer. In fact, that big name designer even came out and publicly stated that the designer she accused did nothing wrong intentionally (she got some bad CU from what should have been a reliable source and had proof) and the designer was still terminated because of the "potential fallout from the community." It was total bullshit, but the designer was pretty much ruined after that.
Most sites I have been affiliated with have a policy of removing questionable kits until the issue is resolved. Thats what my contract states as well. It helps remove the potential liability until it can be sorted out.
and the designer was still terminated because of the "potential fallout from the community." It was total bullshit, but the designer was pretty much ruined after that. -----
Fault of the store for not standing behind their designer. Similar thing happened in a store I was at and the owner of the store stood behind the accused designer 100% when the truth came out.
I don't care if Kate did or didn't rip off a stupid clip art kit. Her stuff is not my style in the least. It just illustrates my point that here is someone in their house claiming to be "original" who in fact may be deriving actual images or ideas from some clip art. -------
No it doesn't. If Kate is not ripping off the Etsy seller, how exactly does it illustrate your point of someone at TLP ripping of someone else? And then your statement that you don't care if is ripping off people is just weird.
Most sites I have been affiliated with have a policy of removing questionable kits until the issue is resolved. Thats what my contract states as well. It helps remove the potential liability until it can be sorted out. -----
I doubt it, after all, she's not 'ruined', is she? I think I remember what incident #26 is talking about. It was about two or three years ago, maybe more.
What is going on with the slow speeds at ScrapMatters lately. Can they not handle the traffic from their daily download? If it is this bad in the evenings now, how will they handle DSD?
I'm a customer and I have to share this.. Sugary Fancy at After Five Designs is one generous designer.She had a 50% coupon til today 10/10 and I bought a few things.When I added one kit at half price to my cart another one was added to my cart for free. Then I made a second purchase,I bought two kits for half price and got two other kits(the one kit was the same as the first order)added to my cart for free.Crazy!!!But I can't say I didn't love the gesture.
#62, why would any designer purposely post that here? They know they'll get smacked even from a positive mention. No news is good news when it comes to this place.
#58 - it's pretty obvious that you're Sugary Fancy. -------
Um, no. A quick Google search would take you to her blog, where it's quite clear that she's not a native English speaker or writer, unlike #58, who hasn't quite grasped punctuation.
#62, I'm positive it's not her. I used to CT for her, Ana is awesome, but her English honestly isn't that great. Nothing against her, it's just not her native language.
Does it really matter if it's her or not? I'm more curious as to what this incident being talked about is. If you say it wasn't the Jenn Labre thing, why did she leave so quickly from SO?
Um, 198 how do you know that those clip art "artists" aren't copying Kate? Both of those sets you linked are older sets, and frankly, Kate's drawing and coloring style is way better!
I'm wondering if the mystery situation being talked about above doesn't have something to do with Amanda Dykan and the accusations made against her by someone from SSD (I think it might have been Melissa Bennett? or maybe Zoe?) Anyway, she was fired from Digital Candy, but then came back as another designer name and it was later found out that the owner of DC was serving as Amanda's CT lead for the new designer/brand name. And then Digital Candy was closed in a big, dramatic way. All very stupid.
Um, 198 how do you know that those clip art "artists" aren't copying Kate? Both of those sets you linked are older sets, and frankly, Kate's drawing and coloring style is way better! ----------
I'm really glad that someone else thought of this as well.
When you find a similarity between, let's say, a clipart and a scrap kit, why do you always presume that the digiscrap designer is the copycat? Check the dates first... And second: just because two things look alike, it doesn't mean the one designer is copying the other. It could be a commonplace or just the same font of inspiration.
#62 you're such a smartass. I'm #58 and I'm a customer.Jeez can't a customer have a positive opinion about a designer without getting slammed that's it's the same designer?
Everyday I see copy cats in digiland,one designer is copying the other or is "inspired" by the other.I've bought many kits with similar elements that are obviously CU but then again how do I know what is CU and what isn't? A few examples.Valorie Wibbens first made the clear pockets. An example of her recent pockets:
Here is Traci Reed's version:
I've seen other 2 designers make similar pockets.I can't remember their names this minute.
Other similar elements:
Digiland is full of similar stuff.Stop making the Kate Hadfield thing such a big deal. If I start searching I'll make a list a mile long. By the way I'm a customer,a very active one and years in digiland.
#69 Please tell more.I remember the whole Digital Candy-Amanda Dykan debacle.It was the store I first bought digital products from.And one day out of the blue the store closed with a huge letter explanation.
The only thing I remember is that the whole copying incident was about a wedding car(just married)that she copied from another designer. But it was a big deal in digiland because she came out as a designer with a new name.I won't be surprised if she's still designing today with a third name. I liked her designs.
Amanda Dykan stole from a stamp designer and claimed the designs as her own. She also did all that craziness with the designing under another name and denying it was her. I was a bud club memeber at the time the whole AD thing happened. It was like having a front row seat for a train wreck.
That is also not the incidence I am referring to in #26.
I just googled "'amanda dykan' smack" and they came up... I wasn't in the industry quite yet when it happened but I read about it the last time it came up here.
Jennifer Labre left SO because Kami kicked her out. She did not leave by choice. That much is obvious from her Facebook posting. Since it's unlikely she was stealing or copyright infringing since she's now at SM, I'd say the best educated guess is her sales were pathetically low for SO. Anyone with half a brain would have known that to be the case just looking at Jennifer Labre's products and what does sell at SO.
#78- God no please not her. It's like another Aly. #80- Your right. Jenn wasn't there long enough to know her sales. If that was the reason then Kami expects perfection right away and high sales. I would not want to work for someone like that.
While checking out Jofia's sale at After 5, I noticed their list of designers is very short. Where is Amy, the owner? Didn't they used to have about 20?
75 said "Everyday I see copy cats in digiland,one designer is copying the other or is "inspired" by the other.I've bought many kits with similar elements that are obviously CU but then again how do I know what is CU and what isn't? A few examples.Valorie Wibbens first made the clear pockets. An example of her recent pockets:" --- No, Victoria was NOT the first person to make plastic pockets. She may have been the first DIGITAL designer to bring them to the masses here in DS land (I have no idea if that's true but I'm going by what you said), but WHERE did she get the idea for plastic pockets? From paper scrapping, where pockets have been around for over a decade. Should the company that first made plastic pockets tell Victoria not to sell her digital version? So please, let's be careful before assigning "This designer was first and had the best, most original idea ever!" to any designer and any element/paper/whatever. Plus, if other people made a kit or element pack with the same theme (without ripping off the another designer), then who cares? What if Levi Strauss made the first pair of jeans and no one else had tried to make them?
Plastic pockets have been around digi for awhile, I can't remember who first made them but it was years ago. Definitely not Valorie (or Victoria either)
I was just reading and saw the post about Tara-boo-boo! lol Would that be her boohooing about bullying when she and her little minions are the ones that like to do the bullying? Which brings me to another point and that is I hope no one says anything bad about Penny's CrapStacks place because that will surely make Kimberly Morris run and cry. How pitiful is it when you are that stuck up a designer's rear end that you cry over something so trivial. Everyone has an opinion so get over it.
#90- So many people are having issues with Scrap Stacks. Like how the rules are bent for some people and not for others. It's cause more people to pull their hair out than it's worth it to even be there and "stack". I am tempted to just delete my account there. Kimberly Morris, isn't she the one that won everything during the SSD games?
I think now that we have so many designers coming out of the woodwork now that alot of color scheme and products are starting to look the same. Is that really considered copying?
#95- What about the same CU flowers or ribbons? I have seen designers go off about another designer using the same ribbon. That's what happens when a CU pack is for sale. More than one designer will use it in a kit.
#92- yes, that would be her. i'm sure it helps that she loves to kiss a**. sad that it is that way, but that's life. i don't really care for SSD anyway.
#104, whatever since you aren't specific. And if you are a designer, you should know that color schemes are trends and generally everyone uses the same ones with some variation.
I can't believe that designers would be that stupid. If I ever see a fellow designer post something like that, I would suggest that they not buy CU any longer. Never happens where I work!
Question: If you approach a store about selling there, and are turned down, is a simple "Thanks, but no thanks" the best answer, or would you like to know the specifics behind the decision? What if there was potential that you could sell there at some point? Would you like to hear more specific critiques, or is that overstepping?
I've designed for a few stores over the years. Not once have I seen a post complaining about someone using a using the same CU element. The closest we came was when it was in a store collab and one of the designers removed it willing without problems.
And generally designers don't talk about business like that in front of store CT. They always had a designer forum that the CT can't see for those types of discussions.
So while it is possible, I agree that I would be ready to leave if I ever saw that unprofessionalism especially in a forum that CT could see. You never know where they'll end up spreading that information.
Gennifer, I have applied, I have been turned down, and I have asked. To me, it is different to hear "we are not marketing that kind of products" than "we have already filled the spots for now" or "we would rather have someone with more experience". And if it were a quality issue, I would want to know so I could improve, maybe for the next call, even if at the same store. Getting just a "no thanks" makes me feel like the owner might not have looked at my application that closely. It might not be the case, but that is how it would feel.
#112- Alot of designers I know are very open with their personal CT. Some do and have talked about design related things like that in their own personal forums.
If the owner does not want to automatically give out too much details, in case the designer does not want to hear more, maybe an in-between answer would be "No thanks. If you want more information on our decision, just let us know". That way, those who want more, will ask for it, and those who don't, won't feel like you are drilling them down. But again, if a designer does not want to know more about reasons, or how to improve, it is their problem. You can behave profesionally, and they will just have to take it or leave it.
#80 - I disagree. If it's an established store like SO, if she can't earn good money in the first couple weeks, then she wont. Period. That whole "you have to be there awhile to earn money" only applies to low volume, new stores who are trying to build their customer base.
The people who complain about Tara and Laura and that whole thing at SSD will find other people they can complain with and that just forms another clique. So, who cares who sticks up for who. Most of you complaining about the Tara clique are nice to their faces anyway. It doesn't make you any better. If you don't like SSD or the little clique there, then why be active there or keep those people on your friends lists? That's hypocritical if you ask me.
Of course they never answered how Tara has ever bullied anyone. I think someone is jealous they aren't in the clique because they still are about as mature as a Jr. Higher.
I don't think Kami would boot someone that quickly based on sales. They'd have to be crazy low, so the minimum ($400, I think) isn't even a possibility.
There are alot of typewriter fonts out there, does that mean they are all copying each other? No. People are going to have smiliar products but it doesn't mean they set to outright copy them.
Your opinion might just be your opinion but it is the opinion that your decision was based on. So it makes sense to share it, in my opinion (no pun intended).
#124- based upon that survey posted in the DCR, it seems very likely not making $400 is a possibility. I doubt Jennifer Labre has many of her own regular customers to bring with her to SO and her style is not what I would have expected there. I think low sales is probably the reason, too. It's a shame Kami didn't demand a guest spot before agreeing to bring on a new designer like that.
I feel badly for Jennifer. I don't know her personally, but all that work to repackage to have a store closed a month later? That's ridiculous and unprofessional on Kami's part. If sales were that important, a guest spot to see if she was a good fit would have been the right thing to do.
Kami and I have talked about minimums before. I agree with 124... I can't see her cutting someone off for sales numbers without giving things a real chance.
This is purely based on generic conversations with Kami.
At the store I used to be connected with, if the designer doesn't have a stellar reputation, they don't even look at their application or the product. Their application is put in the NO pile immediately.
If it's an established store like SO, if she can't earn good money in the first couple weeks, then she wont. Period. That whole "you have to be there awhile to earn money" only applies to low volume, new stores who are trying to build their customer base.
I would have to agree with this. Every time I moved stores, for the first few weeks my sales would be really, really good.
I feel badly for Jennifer. I don't know her personally, but all that work to repackage to have a store closed a month later? That's ridiculous and unprofessional on Kami's part. ----
I don't know Kami from a bar of soap, but since you don't know why Jennifer left, you have no reason to suspect Kami of being ridiculous and unprofessional. For all we know, Jennifer did something ridiculous and unprofessional and Kami decided to let her go, without making a fuss. Judging solely by Jennifer's attitude, I'd suspect this is the case.
I am an established designer making good money, but I was once turned away from a 'top' store not because of the owner, but because some of the designers didn't want me there. I think it was because they didn't want the competition! Their loss!
#148 - I highly doubt that was the case in Jennifer's case. I can't see her being serious competition for anyone at SO.
I don't know what happened there, but low sales does make sense. Kami is far from professional in my experience. I don't know Jennifer, but if their personalities didn't mesh, I would think if her sales were still good and she did what was expected of her, Kami would have kept her store open.
I agree, a guest spot would have been the best thing to do. I thought SO used to require guest spots for interested designers. I can see waiving that for designers like Bella Gypsy who have been around forever, but not for Jennifer Labre.
#88 Thanks for the research.I was just trying to prove a point,it doesn't matter who first made them digitally but that so many others made them after that.So who's copying who?And the clear pockets are an example.I see so many similar digital items daily I don't know who's copying who?
154: And did Becky Higgins copy that idea from her brother's baseball card album? ---THANK YOU! That's exactly what I've thought since the first time I saw "Project Life." Why are people tripping all over themselves to work on a baseball card album?! lol
It might be off topic, but although it is great to have a list of digiscrap sites on the right, we have mentioned that several are closed already. Would it be possible to put a * beside the closed ones? That would help not have to look for something that does not exist anymore. If it is too much work don't worry. It is just a suggestion.
I think if we want to go with an "updated" list, we will need to help Gennifer as it might not be her job to check those out. As for personal stores, I am kind of wondering why they are there in the first place. Are they really refered to by those acronyms??
SH = Scraphead is closed ES = Elemental Scrap is closed SCT = Secret City Treasure I think it is closed (just from memory now)
Let the CT complaining about seasonal kits begin. Here's a clue, don't be on 15 teams so you don't have to scrap with so many holiday kits. Or, an even more novel concept, actually be CREATIVE with the kits. I've seen countless pages using holiday kits that have nothing to do with the kit theme.
Nothing like great marketing for your designers complaining about seasonal kits that makes people want to buy said seasonal kits.
How do these same whiners get on so many CTs? I don't get it.
#156, I haven't heard any complaining. Where did you read that? Who's complaining? And then they must complain all year because there always a holiday or a season. I get tired of the 4th of July kits in the summer. I'm not on a CT but as a customer it get tiresome when all the new release are the same theme.
And I like to see seasonal kits used in ways other than just the theme. It lets me know that I can use the kit outside the theme and makes it more versatile.
#167, I think it is because they are really active on the forums. They are good scrappers too and get a lot of recognition for it at SSD. Jealousy is a big motivator when posting smack!
#169 I have to agree with this. The ones who complain are even worse with being 2-faced bitches, too. Some of them claim to be friends with each other in the same breath they're shanking them behind closed doors. The complainers form their own little group hating on the other group and then they wonder why they're called high schoolers. They're all high school. It gets old real fast.
#166 - I've seen it already, too, (on Facebook) and wonder the same things. Sure they're decent scrappers, but don't you want people saying positive things about your products instead of complaining they're the same old tired things we see every year? Even if the later is true, nothing sells kits like saying, "I'm so sick of scrapping with this."
It is one thing to make seasonal kits, but what really sucks is when the color schemes are all the same or they all have the same elements in them. That is annoying. This is a customer speaking not a CT person. I like to buy kits, but not when so many look alike and if it is cookie cutter forget it. Like Charlize Creations all of her kits look the same to me. She uses the same elements over and over, but yet she complains on FB about not having any mojo. Then she pumps out 4 kits with different themes using the same elements over and over.
#176- here's an idea, don't buy only new releases and only from one designer. There is probably a kit created a few months ago that you didn't purchase that isn't seasonally themed. I'm not loyal to one designer for that very reason. They all repeat on elements. And sometimes the style becomes too redundant.
#178 I never said I only buy from one designer. That right there would be kind of dumb in my opinion. I like variety, however, I do stick to the designers where I know there is quality and originality.
#179- The thing about different designers is some have their own style and unique touches to what they create. Have you ever been disappointed in anything you have bought from those designers? I know with me if I have been then I'm not going to buy from them for a while. Also, do you CT for anyone or are you just strictly a customer?
looks like liz is moving. do you think she's following peppermint? what store has a large hybrid contingent?
#183- There are a ton of designers out there to try. To you there are maybe 10-15 to buy from but to #179 there is more. Have you tried something new lately?
185, I have and it sucked big time. Even a designer from a "top store". The elements were WAY too small or fuzzy. Cute preview! It made me want it. What can I say? I'm picky. I get plenty of kit variety with my 10-15 anyway. They always have something older that I haven't purchased.
#190- I'm with you. Previews and CT layouts can sometimes make a kit look better than it really is. --- You mean, CT LOs look better than your LO did...using the same kit?! Perhaps the CTMs are just better scrappers than you. I don't mean more talented per se, but just better able to resourcefully use a kit.
#181 I'm strictly a customer and I like different styles that's why I shop from lots of designers. I don't have time to scrap for myself so I couldn't CT for anyone. Yes I've been disappointed many times by quality or quantity. There are so many great designers to chose from. #182 Designers I shop from lately(the past two years)with totally different styles:
After Five: Kristin Aagard Thaty Borges Designs Boutique Cute Dolls Jofia Designs NewlifeDreamsDesigns Palvinka Designs Red Ivy Design Sugary Fancy Designs Lily Designs et designs HGD by Laurie Ann
Brit-tish Designs Personal store
Designs By Dani Personal Store
Design House Digital: Designer Digitals: Katie Pertiet Ali Edwards Studio Double D
Digital Crea: Chriscrap
Design House Digital: Gennifer Bursett Karla Dudley Juliana Kneipp
Digital Designs Essentials Personal Store
Sweet Shoppe Designs: Jenn Barette Zoe Pearn Traci Reed Kristin Cronin-Barrow Erica Zane Jady Day Studio
The Lily pad: Gina Miller Valorie Wibbens Sahlin Studio Kaye Winiecki Lauren Grier Micheline Martin
Oscraps:Kitty Designs Dido Designs MaryPop Designs Studio 68 Paislee Press
The Digi Chick: Wishing Well creations Etc. by Danyale
Scrapflower: Creashens Creations by Rachael B.
Studio Graphics: Studio Rosey Posey Natali Designs
Scrapmatters: Ldrag Designs
Scrap Orchard: Laura Banasniak WM Squared Designs By Kat Scrapping with Liz
Kimla Designs Personal store
Shabby Miss Jenn personal store
The Shabby Shoppe personal store
Nitwit designs personal store
and so many others when I found products on sale.
#183 Maybe you're stuck up and shop only from one store,maybe the store you CT for? #193 I spend so much money on digi stuff and my wishlist is always full.I can never have enough digi stuff.
#196- You have alot of different styles of designs you like, which is good. I'm not a big fan of Jady Day because of her poor customer service but I like some of the ones you posted. Designs By Dani, some of her kits seem overpriced at $8.99 but that could be just me.
Please designers make a year calendar without space for photos.It's a great gift for friends and family without all the fuss of adding photos.I've been buying NitWit's calendar for the last 3 years.I need something new.
#198 I agree $8.99 is overpriced.So is $6.99 for a kit that's why I always wait for sales to purchase digital products. I prefer to get more with my money and I can wait. I don't have to buy a kit right away, I have so many already. But I do recognise the hard work that it takes to make a kit and I have to give the designers credit for that.It's just that I can't pay so much for each kit.
«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 600 of 2453 Newer› Newest»187 - They aren't all good.
Sorry, the most designs my designer didn't release to us on our CT board. She put it together last min. for a sale at the store and I didn't get to work with it before it was taken down. The only similarities between that and the kit she was accused of copycatting were the colors and the fact that it was fall related, which is ridiculous. The other kit was one I chose not to work with and now it has been taken down. So I don't have a product preview to show you. It was similar in thyme the same way Kate's kits were to the Etsy clip art. And if you think Kate didn't rip off the clip art than TLP should have never called my designers store about her kit.
The defamation of character comes into play when a store owner contacts another store owner and accuses a designer of copyright infringement. If the store owners had decided to fire the designer out of fear from the complaint there is definitely grounds for a lawsuit. For some of these designers this is their livelihood.
Is this a store that you own? If you didn't fire them, then there is no defamation of character. If it isn't your store and you are just CT or another designer, you need to back out of the discussion. You might not have all the information.
198 - the etsy products clearly state that NO CREDIT IS REQUIRED for an extra $5.
3-Just the accusation sometimes dirties a reputation. Which, as number 2 said, this is this designers livelihood.
#178 Bickering about how someone chooses to barter is what makes women look stupid.
I completely disagree. This is actually a case of women helping other women and offering their opinions. Too many times, women are taken advantage of because they don't understand all the ramifications of a decision they're trying to make and have no one to offer them either alternatives or basic facts that they might not be aware of.
Fact: You're offered product in exchange for your time - lots of time. Once you used the product in the store your pay will be whatever Tracy releases that month. You may or may not like it or use and it may or may not be very much product. Nevertheless, the amount of time required for the duties will not change.
Fact: The duties are open ended which means you could be working many more hours than you initially thought but the product exchange won't.
5-I won't be shopping at TLP anymore. Sometimes when you sling mud it comes back and hits ya in the face.
Fact: you can make the choice to just not apply if you don't like the terms.
Fact: One can know all of your wonderfully thoughtout facts and still decide to apply. But it's really not our business. it's not like there's a creative team union.
It's bartering, plain and simple. I found a hard working sugar daddy and bartered with him for some money to supply my digi addiction. I work pretty hard for that cash. ;)
Are Traci's products even worth the time and energy of what she wants done for her "admin" position?
Considering nobody even knows who the accused designer is except you, I don't believe there is any defamation of character at this point. The CTM posting about it here might have just made a closed door accusation public if people start researching and hunting.
Really how can anyone be that intimidated by a designer just because they are at a "popular" store? They have no more power than anyone else when it comes to copyright infringement. They might have the money to deal with the legal issues but I doubt that they will want to go through all that.
If I was the designer and knew that all of my work was original, I would not have deleted the kit and I would hope that my store owner would stand by me. Removing her kit so quickly makes me question her inspiration source and points to guilt. It's BS to be intimidated by the popular people. This isn't highschool anymore. Stand-up for yourself and act professional.
10-Not all the comments about that designer were from one person. I'm also aware of the situation. I'm not a CTM with either of the designers. I think the TLP owner jumped the gun with the accusations. The colors weren't the same--it was a fall kit--most fall kits tend to look alike (IMO) Most designers get their CU things from similar places, and if it was ok for one of them to use it, then the other one should have been able to use it too. TLP is cooking their own goose.
183-I can't show you kit to kit since my designers were gracious enough to take them down (because they were afraid of offending anyone). But I can show you this:
compared to this:
So the idea of the Etsy seller ripping off Kate didn't occur to you? That Etsy seller has been open since 2009, Kate has been doing those doodles since 2007.
You are just going to end up looking like a lunatic with all these unverified rantings. If you don't have proof, you might as well not even bring it up.
Really how can anyone be that intimidated by a designer just because they are at a "popular" store? They have no more power than anyone else when it comes to copyright infringement. They might have the money to deal with the legal issues but I doubt that they will want to go through all that.
If I was the designer and knew that all of my work was original, I would not have deleted the kit and I would hope that my store owner would stand by me. Removing her kit so quickly makes me question her inspiration source and points to guilt. It's BS to be intimidated by the popular people. This isn't highschool anymore. Stand-up for yourself and act professional.
Absolutely agree. Nice to see a voice of reason.
What designers were made to take products down because of TLP then?
Are Traci's products even worth the time and energy of what she wants done for her "admin" position?
That's totally subjective. Not to me personally, but I'm sure to someone they are. Also, I bet those who will apply not only love her designs but also feel some kind of connection and loyalty to her.
5-I won't be shopping at TLP anymore. Sometimes when you sling mud it comes back and hits ya in the face.
If you are not actually involved and aware of all the facts, why do this? Do you believe every single thing you read on the internet?
I'd have to agree with the others asking about which designers or, at the very least, products, are involved.
The OP came here, frothing at the mouth, slinging accusations at TLP, with zero evidence. Who knows if it's even true.
I doubt they will miss #5's purchases that much. I used to shop there all the time and stopped (no reason, just lost interest).
Yep, they're still open.
And if you think Kate didn't rip off the clip art than TLP should have never called my designers store about her kit.
Why does it not occur to you that the Etsy seller ripped off Kate? Why? As I said before, Kate has been around a lot longer doing those doodles than the Etsy seller has.
18-Why are you assuming I'm not involved? You are wrong. I really don't care if TLP doesn't miss my purchases or not. I won't be there to find out.
I want to know what kits were involved. If you are not naming names out of loyalty to your designer, then you should not have brought it up here. Why did the designers take down the kits if they were sure that nothing was wrong? Doesn't seem like they have a lot of confidence in their work.
Another possibility is that a CU designer ripped off TLP designs and sold them. It just doesn't make sense to me that they wouldn't fight it if there wasn't really some sort of infringement. I doubt that TLP would go around bullying like that because it can ruin their reputation. It's all speculation unless someone comes forward and not some CTM that is more than likely clueless.
Thank you 12-it's their livelihood. And bottom line TLP needs to stop bullying smaller designers just because their stuff might be similar in nature. I don't care if Kate did or didn't rip off a stupid clip art kit. Her stuff is not my style in the least. It just illustrates my point that here is someone in their house claiming to be "original" who in fact may be deriving actual images or ideas from some clip art. Take the log out of your own eye before taking the stick out of someone else's and before you land yourself in court.
I know nothing about this current situation and from the sounds of it, I dont want to know.
BUT I have seen a designer fired for an accusation from a very prolific designer. In fact, that big name designer even came out and publicly stated that the designer she accused did nothing wrong intentionally (she got some bad CU from what should have been a reliable source and had proof) and the designer was still terminated because of the "potential fallout from the community." It was total bullshit, but the designer was pretty much ruined after that.
Most sites I have been affiliated with have a policy of removing questionable kits until the issue is resolved. Thats what my contract states as well. It helps remove the potential liability until it can be sorted out.
What's there to resolve? It either looks like it or it doesn't.
#26 that store owner was an idiot.
18-Why are you assuming I'm not involved?
I didn't. I asked a question.
and the designer was still terminated because of the "potential fallout from the community." It was total bullshit, but the designer was pretty much ruined after that.
Fault of the store for not standing behind their designer. Similar thing happened in a store I was at and the owner of the store stood behind the accused designer 100% when the truth came out.
#25 the tu quoque is getting old!
Come back and post when you know the entire story.
I don't care if Kate did or didn't rip off a stupid clip art kit. Her stuff is not my style in the least. It just illustrates my point that here is someone in their house claiming to be "original" who in fact may be deriving actual images or ideas from some clip art.
No it doesn't. If Kate is not ripping off the Etsy seller, how exactly does it illustrate your point of someone at TLP ripping of someone else? And then your statement that you don't care if is ripping off people is just weird.
#25 the tu quoque is getting old!
#32- Are you from TLP perhaps?
Most sites I have been affiliated with have a policy of removing questionable kits until the issue is resolved. Thats what my contract states as well. It helps remove the potential liability until it can be sorted out.
This has been my experience as well.
No, I dislike logical fallacies!
#34 - Google is your friend
Google it. You might learn something today.
26 - Was that at SO by chance?
#34 I had to look it up LOL
Not Wiki!
#40 You sound like you know the designer she was referring to. Do tell.
What's there to resolve? It either looks like it or it doesn't.
Are you kidding? It's really not that simple.
Is that why Jennifer Labre left SO all in a rush?
45- If that was the case then why would SM take her on?
#46 Maybe SM are of the opinion that store owners should stand behind their designers in case of copyright where the designer has done nothing wrong.
But none of us know what happened with Jennifer Labre so all of this is speculation.
Is that why Jennifer Labre left SO all in a rush?
I doubt it, after all, she's not 'ruined', is she? I think I remember what incident #26 is talking about. It was about two or three years ago, maybe more.
Any comments on the poll that was conducted at DST:
View Poll Results: What are your averages sales/month after commission fees
under $50 20 21.28%
$51-150 11 11.70%
$151-$300 22 23.40%
$301-$500 8 8.51%
$501-$750 10 10.64%
$751-$1000 5 5.32%
$1001-$1500 4 4.26%
$1501-$2000 6 6.38%
$2001-$2500 1 1.06%
$2501-$3000 2 2.13%
over $3000 5 5.32%
Voters: 94. You have already voted on this poll
Oh No..Jofia Designs is retiring.One of my favorite designers.This is sad news.
#49 Voters: 94. You have already voted on this poll
So which one are you?
My comment: I wish I can get to the last category some day.
#50 oh this is sad. I bought my first ever kit from her.
I'm 26 and it was not SO. The shop is now defunct but I would prefer not to name names.
I'm 26 and it was not SO. The shop is now defunct but I would prefer not to name names.
I thought it was that incident.
What is going on with the slow speeds at ScrapMatters lately. Can they not handle the traffic from their daily download? If it is this bad in the evenings now, how will they handle DSD?
#55 what incident?
I'm a customer and I have to share this..
Sugary Fancy at After Five Designs is one generous designer.She had a 50% coupon til today 10/10 and I bought a few things.When I added one kit at half price to my cart another one was added to my cart for free.
Then I made a second purchase,I bought two kits for half price and got two other kits(the one kit was the same as the first order)added to my cart for free.Crazy!!!But I can't say I didn't love the gesture.
56: I was just on SM and I've been wondering the same thing. I like SM a lot and so I hope it's some weird fluke and it's fixed before DSD.
I'm #58. If anyone is interested these are the kits that are gifts with your purchase.
Anonymous said... 57
#55 what incident?
The one referred to at #26. I can't remember all the details, so I won't say anything about it in case I get it wrong.
#58 - it's pretty obvious that you're Sugary Fancy.
#62, why would any designer purposely post that here? They know they'll get smacked even from a positive mention. No news is good news when it comes to this place.
#62 - it's pretty obvious you don't think before you type
#58 - it's pretty obvious that you're Sugary Fancy.
Um, no. A quick Google search would take you to her blog, where it's quite clear that she's not a native English speaker or writer, unlike #58, who hasn't quite grasped punctuation.
#62, I'm positive it's not her. I used to CT for her, Ana is awesome, but her English honestly isn't that great. Nothing against her, it's just not her native language.
Does it really matter if it's her or not? I'm more curious as to what this incident being talked about is. If you say it wasn't the Jenn Labre thing, why did she leave so quickly from SO?
Um, 198 how do you know that those clip art "artists" aren't copying Kate? Both of those sets you linked are older sets, and frankly, Kate's drawing and coloring style is way better!
I'm wondering if the mystery situation being talked about above doesn't have something to do with Amanda Dykan and the accusations made against her by someone from SSD (I think it might have been Melissa Bennett? or maybe Zoe?) Anyway, she was fired from Digital Candy, but then came back as another designer name and it was later found out that the owner of DC was serving as Amanda's CT lead for the new designer/brand name. And then Digital Candy was closed in a big, dramatic way. All very stupid.
Is that what you are hinting at?
#69 - nope, as that really had nothing to do with a top designer accusing a lesser known designer of stealing.
If you say it wasn't the Jenn Labre thing, why did she leave so quickly from SO?
It's clear that no one really cares why. Some one or some two people keep asking, and no one else gives a damn.
Um, 198 how do you know that those clip art "artists" aren't copying Kate? Both of those sets you linked are older sets, and frankly, Kate's drawing and coloring style is way better!
I'm really glad that someone else thought of this as well.
When you find a similarity between, let's say, a clipart and a scrap kit, why do you always presume that the digiscrap designer is the copycat? Check the dates first...
And second: just because two things look alike, it doesn't mean the one designer is copying the other. It could be a commonplace or just the same font of inspiration.
#62 you're such a smartass.
I'm #58 and I'm a customer.Jeez can't a customer have a positive opinion about a designer without getting slammed that's it's the same designer?
Everyday I see copy cats in digiland,one designer is copying the other or is "inspired" by the other.I've bought many kits with similar elements that are obviously CU but then again how do I know what is CU and what isn't?
A few examples.Valorie Wibbens first made the clear pockets.
An example of her recent pockets:
Here is Traci Reed's version:
I've seen other 2 designers make similar pockets.I can't remember their names this minute.
Other similar elements:
Digiland is full of similar stuff.Stop making the Kate Hadfield thing such a big deal.
If I start searching I'll make a list a mile long.
By the way I'm a customer,a very active one and years in digiland.
#69 Please tell more.I remember the whole Digital Candy-Amanda Dykan debacle.It was the store I first bought digital products from.And one day out of the blue the store closed with a huge letter explanation.
The only thing I remember is that the whole copying incident was about a wedding car(just married)that she copied from another designer.
But it was a big deal in digiland because she came out as a designer with a new name.I won't be surprised if she's still designing today with a third name.
I liked her designs.
Amanda Dykan stole from a stamp designer and claimed the designs as her own. She also did all that craziness with the designing under another name and denying it was her. I was a bud club memeber at the time the whole AD thing happened. It was like having a front row seat for a train wreck.
That is also not the incidence I am referring to in #26.
#76 - you can read about it on the old original smack blog in the July and August 2008 threads
I just googled "'amanda dykan' smack" and they came up... I wasn't in the industry quite yet when it happened but I read about it the last time it came up here.
Jennifer Labre left SO because Kami kicked her out. She did not leave by choice. That much is obvious from her Facebook posting. Since it's unlikely she was stealing or copyright infringing since she's now at SM, I'd say the best educated guess is her sales were pathetically low for SO. Anyone with half a brain would have known that to be the case just looking at Jennifer Labre's products and what does sell at SO.
She wasn't there long enough to be able to tell what her sales would be.
#78- God no please not her. It's like another Aly.
#80- Your right. Jenn wasn't there long enough to know her sales. If that was the reason then Kami expects perfection right away and high sales. I would not want to work for someone like that.
While checking out Jofia's sale at After 5, I noticed their list of designers is very short. Where is Amy, the owner? Didn't they used to have about 20?
Amy retired.
Does she still own the store?
I think so. I'm not sure. I never see her around the forum.
75 said "Everyday I see copy cats in digiland,one designer is copying the other or is "inspired" by the other.I've bought many kits with similar elements that are obviously CU but then again how do I know what is CU and what isn't?
A few examples.Valorie Wibbens first made the clear pockets.
An example of her recent pockets:"
No, Victoria was NOT the first person to make plastic pockets. She may have been the first DIGITAL designer to bring them to the masses here in DS land (I have no idea if that's true but I'm going by what you said), but WHERE did she get the idea for plastic pockets? From paper scrapping, where pockets have been around for over a decade. Should the company that first made plastic pockets tell Victoria not to sell her digital version? So please, let's be careful before assigning "This designer was first and had the best, most original idea ever!" to any designer and any element/paper/whatever. Plus, if other people made a kit or element pack with the same theme (without ripping off the another designer), then who cares? What if Levi Strauss made the first pair of jeans and no one else had tried to make them?
Plastic pockets have been around digi for awhile, I can't remember who first made them but it was years ago. Definitely not Valorie (or Victoria either)
A quick "plastic pockets" search brings up products from 2007.
86- I think it was Emily Powers who made the first ones.
I was just reading and saw the post about Tara-boo-boo! lol Would that be her boohooing about bullying when she and her little minions are the ones that like to do the bullying? Which brings me to another point and that is I hope no one says anything bad about Penny's CrapStacks place because that will surely make Kimberly Morris run and cry. How pitiful is it when you are that stuck up a designer's rear end that you cry over something so trivial. Everyone has an opinion so get over it.
How has Tara ever bullied anyone?
#90- So many people are having issues with Scrap Stacks. Like how the rules are bent for some people and not for others. It's cause more people to pull their hair out than it's worth it to even be there and "stack". I am tempted to just delete my account there. Kimberly Morris, isn't she the one that won everything during the SSD games?
#91- I'm not sure and I don't really care if she did.
I think now that we have so many designers coming out of the woodwork now that alot of color scheme and products are starting to look the same. Is that really considered copying?
#94 it's been that way for years. It's nothing new. And it isn't copying to use a trendy color scheme.
#95- What about the same CU flowers or ribbons? I have seen designers go off about another designer using the same ribbon. That's what happens when a CU pack is for sale. More than one designer will use it in a kit.
OSD is announcing it's new CT tommorrow. Let's see who made it that isn't a CT regular.
#92- yes, that would be her. i'm sure it helps that she loves to kiss a**. sad that it is that way, but that's life. i don't really care for SSD anyway.
#90- does anyone really care about Tara?
I don't go to OSD. Every time I try to go to their forum I have problems. I am not impressed.
#96, again nothing new under the sun. And who specifically have you "seen" go off about someone using the same CU ribbon? Really?
#98- Well you'd have to kiss alot of ass to win that much. I know for a fact that some girls were really upset about that.
#99- I agree with that. I hate going there. Plus Lauren isn't as nice of a person that people think she is.
Who got the KCB blog gig?
#100- Yes. Not in public but in their own forums.
#101- I think she will do whatever it takes to win and get stuff.
#102- YOU just said a mouth full. She is not a most defnitely not a nice person.
#104, whatever since you aren't specific. And if you are a designer, you should know that color schemes are trends and generally everyone uses the same ones with some variation.
I can't believe that designers would be that stupid. If I ever see a fellow designer post something like that, I would suggest that they not buy CU any longer. Never happens where I work!
#106- Just because you haven't seen it, doesn't mean it never happens.
Just because you say it happens doesn't mean it really happens.
I'm really glad I'm not a designer at the low-life store you are at with a bunch of drama queens.
#108- I didn't say I was a designer did I? Designers do have CT forums where they talk.
I didn't say you were. I'm just glad that I'm not a designer at that trash talking store.
Question: If you approach a store about selling there, and are turned down, is a simple "Thanks, but no thanks" the best answer, or would you like to know the specifics behind the decision? What if there was potential that you could sell there at some point? Would you like to hear more specific critiques, or is that overstepping?
I've designed for a few stores over the years. Not once have I seen a post complaining about someone using a using the same CU element. The closest we came was when it was in a store collab and one of the designers removed it willing without problems.
And generally designers don't talk about business like that in front of store CT. They always had a designer forum that the CT can't see for those types of discussions.
So while it is possible, I agree that I would be ready to leave if I ever saw that unprofessionalism especially in a forum that CT could see. You never know where they'll end up spreading that information.
Gennifer, I have applied, I have been turned down, and I have asked. To me, it is different to hear "we are not marketing that kind of products" than "we have already filled the spots for now" or "we would rather have someone with more experience". And if it were a quality issue, I would want to know so I could improve, maybe for the next call, even if at the same store. Getting just a "no thanks" makes me feel like the owner might not have looked at my application that closely. It might not be the case, but that is how it would feel.
#112- Alot of designers I know are very open with their personal CT. Some do and have talked about design related things like that in their own personal forums.
I agree with #113. It would be nice to know why we were turned down and how we can improve so we can hopefully sell there in the future.
#75 actually you should know that becky higgins first made those pockets for real. anything after that is a rip off of project life.
If the owner does not want to automatically give out too much details, in case the designer does not want to hear more, maybe an in-between answer would be "No thanks. If you want more information on our decision, just let us know". That way, those who want more, will ask for it, and those who don't, won't feel like you are drilling them down. But again, if a designer does not want to know more about reasons, or how to improve, it is their problem. You can behave profesionally, and they will just have to take it or leave it.
#116- So she owns the copyright on those pockets then?
#80 - I disagree. If it's an established store like SO, if she can't earn good money in the first couple weeks, then she wont. Period. That whole "you have to be there awhile to earn money" only applies to low volume, new stores who are trying to build their customer base.
Low sales is my guess, too.
The people who complain about Tara and Laura and that whole thing at SSD will find other people they can complain with and that just forms another clique. So, who cares who sticks up for who. Most of you complaining about the Tara clique are nice to their faces anyway. It doesn't make you any better. If you don't like SSD or the little clique there, then why be active there or keep those people on your friends lists? That's hypocritical if you ask me.
Of course they never answered how Tara has ever bullied anyone. I think someone is jealous they aren't in the clique because they still are about as mature as a Jr. Higher.
#119- From what I heard Jenn has always had low sales so Kami should have researched that better before she took her on.
#120- Every store forum has a clique. Whether anyone wants to admit it or not they ALL do not just SSD.
#121- That's because noone cares. Simple as that. Cliques happen when women get together whether its on the internet or real life.
I don't think Kami would boot someone that quickly based on sales. They'd have to be crazy low, so the minimum ($400, I think) isn't even a possibility.
There are alot of typewriter fonts out there, does that mean they are all copying each other? No. People are going to have smiliar products but it doesn't mean they set to outright copy them.
Thanks 113, 115, and 117. I wanted to be helpful, but I don't want to give unsolicited advice, because my opinion is only my opinion.
I think giving the option for more information is a good balance/
Your opinion might just be your opinion but it is the opinion that your decision was based on. So it makes sense to share it, in my opinion (no pun intended).
#127- I agree. I was about to reply with something along those lines but you said it so much better.
Does anyone know where there is a list of the DSD sales this year? Or if there is going to be a decent blog train with stores?
If a designer does not want to hear why they are turned down, they probably should not apply in the first place!
I hope there are no quick page blog trains.
Hey Gennifer, can I apply so you can tell me why I suck? LOL I kid, but seriously would love the feedback!
Well, I've never been shy about giving my opinion! However, my opinions are based on DHD's style (or vice versa), which isn't everyone's. ;)
#124- based upon that survey posted in the DCR, it seems very likely not making $400 is a possibility. I doubt Jennifer Labre has many of her own regular customers to bring with her to SO and her style is not what I would have expected there. I think low sales is probably the reason, too. It's a shame Kami didn't demand a guest spot before agreeing to bring on a new designer like that.
I feel badly for Jennifer. I don't know her personally, but all that work to repackage to have a store closed a month later? That's ridiculous and unprofessional on Kami's part. If sales were that important, a guest spot to see if she was a good fit would have been the right thing to do.
Any good sales going on right now (like, kits for 1 or 2 bucks)? I know DSD is coming up, but I want to spend some money NOW. :)
Kami and I have talked about minimums before. I agree with 124... I can't see her cutting someone off for sales numbers without giving things a real chance.
This is purely based on generic conversations with Kami.
86- I think it was Emily Powers who made the first ones.
Not by a long shot. Plastic Pockets were out before Emily was even designing.
At the store I used to be connected with, if the designer doesn't have a stellar reputation, they don't even look at their application or the product. Their application is put in the NO pile immediately.
#75 actually you should know that becky higgins first made those pockets for real. anything after that is a rip off of project life.
No. Those pockets, both digitally and in real life, were around long before Project life.
If it's an established store like SO, if she can't earn good money in the first couple weeks, then she wont. Period. That whole "you have to be there awhile to earn money" only applies to low volume, new stores who are trying to build their customer base.
I would have to agree with this. Every time I moved stores, for the first few weeks my sales would be really, really good.
I don't like Jenn as a person but I do like some of designs. Maybe it was a bad personality match between Jenn and Kami. Jenn can be a bit snotty.
Cliques happen when women get together whether its on the internet or real life.
Not just women, men too.
#142- I know. For some reason men are more up front about stuff than women. We tend to be catty and bitchy when our feathers are ruffled.
I feel badly for Jennifer. I don't know her personally, but all that work to repackage to have a store closed a month later? That's ridiculous and unprofessional on Kami's part.
I don't know Kami from a bar of soap, but since you don't know why Jennifer left, you have no reason to suspect Kami of being ridiculous and unprofessional. For all we know, Jennifer did something ridiculous and unprofessional and Kami decided to let her go, without making a fuss. Judging solely by Jennifer's attitude, I'd suspect this is the case.
For some reason men are more up front about stuff than women.
They are? News to me.
#145- Yes some are. You're either not around the right kind of guys or you're just one of those women who hate men in general.
You're either not around the right kind of guys or you're just one of those women who hate men in general.
Big assumption, it's neither, but thanks for playing.
I am an established designer making good money, but I was once turned away from a 'top' store not because of the owner, but because some of the designers didn't want me there. I think it was because they didn't want the competition!
Their loss!
#148 - I highly doubt that was the case in Jennifer's case. I can't see her being serious competition for anyone at SO.
I don't know what happened there, but low sales does make sense. Kami is far from professional in my experience. I don't know Jennifer, but if their personalities didn't mesh, I would think if her sales were still good and she did what was expected of her, Kami would have kept her store open.
I agree, a guest spot would have been the best thing to do. I thought SO used to require guest spots for interested designers. I can see waiving that for designers like Bella Gypsy who have been around forever, but not for Jennifer Labre.
#88 Thanks for the research.I was just trying to prove a point,it doesn't matter who first made them digitally but that so many others made them after that.So who's copying who?And the clear pockets are an example.I see so many similar digital items daily I don't know who's copying who?
#135 Digital Crea has 1 euro sales on mini kits til October 13th and a designer has 1.5 euro sale on 20 products.
#150 - I know you know how to use a space bar, so please use it after a period, comma and question mark, thanks!
Is it a trend or copying? I say trend.
How many Project Life journaling cards have you seen in the digital stores these days? Is it wrong to capitalize on Becky Higgins brand?
What do you think about Echo Park and their Photo Freedom Collection? Looks alot like Project Life to me.
Which came first, the chicken or the egg? I have 12 x 12 albums with divided photo album sleeves that are decades old.
So, is everyone copying? Or would you consider this pirating an idea?
And did Becky Higgins copy that idea from her brother's baseball card album?
Project life is just a variation on Project 365, which most definitely was not Becky Higgins' idea at all, despite what most scrappers think.
I think it is a trend, and designers are just meeting their customer's needs and wants.
154: And did Becky Higgins copy that idea from her brother's baseball card album?
---THANK YOU! That's exactly what I've thought since the first time I saw "Project Life." Why are people tripping all over themselves to work on a baseball card album?! lol
A quick "plastic pockets" search brings up products from 2007.
Yep, I remember they were all the rage back then too. I have some in my stash dating back to December 2006/January 2007
I'm curious about the KCB Blog gig winners too.
Anyone know?
Maybe it's on KCB's blog or FB page? If not, then you are just going to have to wait like everyone else.
It might be off topic, but although it is great to have a list of digiscrap sites on the right, we have mentioned that several are closed already. Would it be possible to put a * beside the closed ones? That would help not have to look for something that does not exist anymore. If it is too much work don't worry. It is just a suggestion.
Adding to 161's suggestion, maybe a "(P)" to indicate it's a personal store would be good too..
I think if we want to go with an "updated" list, we will need to help Gennifer as it might not be her job to check those out. As for personal stores, I am kind of wondering why they are there in the first place. Are they really refered to by those acronyms??
SH = Scraphead is closed
ES = Elemental Scrap is closed
SCT = Secret City Treasure I think it is closed
(just from memory now)
Gennifer doesn't run this blog anymore.
Well, the current owner can still follow up on the suggestions. Thanks for the reminder.
Let the CT complaining about seasonal kits begin. Here's a clue, don't be on 15 teams so you don't have to scrap with so many holiday kits. Or, an even more novel concept, actually be CREATIVE with the kits. I've seen countless pages using holiday kits that have nothing to do with the kit theme.
Nothing like great marketing for your designers complaining about seasonal kits that makes people want to buy said seasonal kits.
How do these same whiners get on so many CTs? I don't get it.
Why is it whenever SSD is brought up and cliques are talked about everyone always talks about Tara, Laura, and Kimberly???
#156, I haven't heard any complaining. Where did you read that? Who's complaining? And then they must complain all year because there always a holiday or a season. I get tired of the 4th of July kits in the summer. I'm not on a CT but as a customer it get tiresome when all the new release are the same theme.
And I like to see seasonal kits used in ways other than just the theme. It lets me know that I can use the kit outside the theme and makes it more versatile.
#167, I think it is because they are really active on the forums. They are good scrappers too and get a lot of recognition for it at SSD. Jealousy is a big motivator when posting smack!
#169 I have to agree with this. The ones who complain are even worse with being 2-faced bitches, too. Some of them claim to be friends with each other in the same breath they're shanking them behind closed doors. The complainers form their own little group hating on the other group and then they wonder why they're called high schoolers. They're all high school. It gets old real fast.
#166 - I've seen it already, too, (on Facebook) and wonder the same things. Sure they're decent scrappers, but don't you want people saying positive things about your products instead of complaining they're the same old tired things we see every year? Even if the later is true, nothing sells kits like saying, "I'm so sick of scrapping with this."
If my CTM ever said something like that on FB, I would remove them from my team. That's what sells at this time of year.
#167- If you don't want them talked about, stop bringing it up. We don't care.
#170- Most women act like they are in high school. I'm sure you do at times too.
#171- So what if they complain about it. Customers also get tired of buying and seeing holiday things every week also.
anyone who reads this blog is acting like they are in junior high.
#174- Or posts here too LOL.
It is one thing to make seasonal kits, but what really sucks is when the color schemes are all the same or they all have the same elements in them. That is annoying. This is a customer speaking not a CT person. I like to buy kits, but not when so many look alike and if it is cookie cutter forget it. Like Charlize Creations all of her kits look the same to me. She uses the same elements over and over, but yet she complains on FB about not having any mojo. Then she pumps out 4 kits with different themes using the same elements over and over.
#176- Her stuff is very iffy for me. Hit or miss.
#176- here's an idea, don't buy only new releases and only from one designer. There is probably a kit created a few months ago that you didn't purchase that isn't seasonally themed. I'm not loyal to one designer for that very reason. They all repeat on elements. And sometimes the style becomes too redundant.
Maybe it's time to try something new?
I'm a customer and I buy kits from 50-60 different designers.
#178 I never said I only buy from one designer. That right there would be kind of dumb in my opinion. I like variety, however, I do stick to the designers where I know there is quality and originality.
#179- The thing about different designers is some have their own style and unique touches to what they create. Have you ever been disappointed in anything you have bought from those designers? I know with me if I have been then I'm not going to buy from them for a while. Also, do you CT for anyone or are you just strictly a customer?
#179- What designers? I'm always looking for something new to try.
#179-Good for you! Would you like a cookie?
(I wasn't aware that even 50 designers are worth buying from. Maybe 10-15?)
looks like liz is moving. do you think she's following peppermint? what store has a large hybrid contingent?
#183- There are a ton of designers out there to try. To you there are maybe 10-15 to buy from but to #179 there is more. Have you tried something new lately?
#184- She's going to TLP.
It would help to know who you already buy from, 182...
#188- I shop from the main stores mostly.
That should say #187.
185, I have and it sucked big time. Even a designer from a "top store". The elements were WAY too small or fuzzy. Cute preview! It made me want it. What can I say? I'm picky. I get plenty of kit variety with my 10-15 anyway. They always have something older that I haven't purchased.
#188, does that include OScraps. I love Mommyish.
#190- I'm with you. Previews and CT layouts can sometimes make a kit look better than it really is.
#191- I don't shop much at Oscraps. I'm hoping with the new designers they added, they will have more stuff released each week.
#191- I love Mommyish and Studio 68. I never really shop Oscraps, but I will for those two.
#190- I'm with you. Previews and CT layouts can sometimes make a kit look better than it really is.
You mean, CT LOs look better than your LO did...using the same kit?! Perhaps the CTMs are just better scrappers than you. I don't mean more talented per se, but just better able to resourcefully use a kit.
#181 I'm strictly a customer and I like different styles that's why I shop from lots of designers. I don't have time to scrap for myself so I couldn't CT for anyone.
Yes I've been disappointed many times by quality or quantity. There are so many great designers to chose from.
#182 Designers I shop from lately(the past two years)with totally different styles:
After Five:
Kristin Aagard
Thaty Borges Designs
Boutique Cute Dolls
Jofia Designs
Palvinka Designs
Red Ivy Design
Sugary Fancy Designs
Lily Designs
et designs
HGD by Laurie Ann
Brit-tish Designs Personal store
Designs By Dani Personal Store
Design House Digital:
Designer Digitals:
Katie Pertiet
Ali Edwards
Studio Double D
Digital Crea:
Design House Digital:
Gennifer Bursett
Karla Dudley
Juliana Kneipp
Digital Designs Essentials Personal Store
Sweet Shoppe Designs:
Jenn Barette
Zoe Pearn
Traci Reed
Kristin Cronin-Barrow
Erica Zane
Jady Day Studio
The Lily pad:
Gina Miller
Valorie Wibbens
Sahlin Studio
Kaye Winiecki
Lauren Grier
Micheline Martin
Oscraps:Kitty Designs
Dido Designs
MaryPop Designs
Studio 68
Paislee Press
The Digi Chick:
Wishing Well creations
Etc. by Danyale
Creations by Rachael B.
Studio Graphics:
Studio Rosey Posey
Natali Designs
Ldrag Designs
Scrap Orchard:
Laura Banasniak
WM Squared
Designs By Kat
Scrapping with Liz
Kimla Designs Personal store
Shabby Miss Jenn personal store
The Shabby Shoppe personal store
Nitwit designs personal store
and so many others when I found products on sale.
#183 Maybe you're stuck up and shop only from one store,maybe the store you CT for?
#193 I spend so much money on digi stuff and my wishlist is always full.I can never have enough digi stuff.
#195- No, the layouts were better than the actual kit.
#196- You have alot of different styles of designs you like, which is good. I'm not a big fan of Jady Day because of her poor customer service but I like some of the ones you posted. Designs By Dani, some of her kits seem overpriced at $8.99 but that could be just me.
Please designers make a year calendar without space for photos.It's a great gift for friends and family without all the fuss of adding photos.I've been buying NitWit's calendar for the last 3 years.I need something new.
#198 I agree $8.99 is overpriced.So is $6.99 for a kit that's why I always wait for sales to purchase digital products. I prefer to get more with my money and I can wait. I don't have to buy a kit right away, I have so many already.
But I do recognise the hard work that it takes to make a kit and I have to give the designers credit for that.It's just that I can't pay so much for each kit.
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