Personally I find designers that have high LO expectations usually require you to work with every kit they produce. This is a turn off for me, I may love your designs but every so often you will produce a kit that I do not like, I don't feel like I should have to work with it and produce a LO that is not my best work just because it was required if you know what I mean? ---------
I completely agree with you. Any designer with any sense is going to know that not everything they produce is going to appeal to very single CTM every single time.
Personally I find designers that have high LO expectations usually require you to work with every kit they produce. This is a turn off for me, I may love your designs but every so often you will produce a kit that I do not like, I don't feel like I should have to work with it and produce a LO that is not my best work just because it was required if you know what I mean? ---------
I completely agree with you. Any designer with any sense is going to know that not everything they produce is going to appeal to very single CTM every single time.
---------- Maybe not, but I think joining a CT means that they should try to work with everything, like it or not, if that is the requirement. After all, they are a CT member to help the designer. They receive free kits in return for layouts. Don't join that team if you don't like what is expected.
Maybe not, but I think joining a CT means that they should try to work with everything, like it or not, if that is the requirement. After all, they are a CT member to help the designer. They receive free kits in return for layouts. Don't join that team if you don't like what is expected. ---
Miss the point? Why, yes you did.
For the record, every single CT I joined didn't demand LOs to be churned out factory style and guess what, all those designers did quite well. In fact, I can't think of a one that still isn't designing, five or more years on.
Who is Adorable Pixels, and why a joint CT call with CRK? Are they actually the same person? A random designer turning up at a store like Scrap Matters is a little odd. CRK is doing a ton of promoting for Adorable Pixels!
Miss the point? Why, yes you did. ---- No. Did not miss the point. I said, "Maybe not, but I think joining a CT means that they should try to work with everything, like it or not, IF THAT IS THE REQUIREMENT." I did not say that I agree with that tactic. I support your right to dislike some of the kits and the rules, stand by your beliefs, and leave the team, making room for another person, who is willing to produce a layout for every kit, IF THAT IS THE REQUIREMENT.
To answer your questions, Adorable Pixels is a partnership between myself and a friend of mine, who has been selling graphics on istockphoto for years under the design name of Totally Jamie.
I promote it on my FB page because they are still partly my designs. We held a joint CT Call because its easier for me to manage 1 team than it is to manage 2 teams.
#189 That drives me nuts and after getting 3 or 4 kits from a designer and seeing the same stuff, i usually wont buy again. In fact its been a little while since i bought anything from anyone cuz nothing is standing out. I keep thinking i already have that i just can recolor.
Re: papers in a kit - when you buy real papers, even a stack that is all the same, they are never identical. Ever. It drives me nuts to see a 'paper pack' that is all the exact same texture/overlay in all the colors of the kit. I see some fairly successful designers doing it, too.
Re: elements on papers - I actually really like it when the same elements are on the papers, so they coordinate. In paper scrapping, there are often coordinating lines with the same images on stickers and papers. That being said, elements on papers must be flat, like paper - it really bothers me when I see 3D elements scatter around on paper ... like a real apple, or an element that has a bevel.
My pet peeve - papers that are super darkened around the edges. I see this on a lot of kits with loads of realistic elements so I guess its a style thing, but I hate it.
I hate the Scrap Matters daily download because the links expire after 24 hours.I already lost 3 out of 5 links.I never understood why the links have to expire at these daily downloads.
Maybe not, but I think joining a CT means that they should try to work with everything, like it or not, if that is the requirement. After all, they are a CT member to help the designer. They receive free kits in return for layouts. Don't join that team if you don't like what is expected. --- Which is why it makes sense to do "use what you download". If I don't download it, I haven't gotten it for free, and don't owe a layout. I get to use what works for me, the designer gets good pages because I was inspired by the kit, and no one is giving anything away.
One of my paper peeves is when the designer uses an element from the kit as a pattern on the paper.
I'm just curious but why do you feel that way. I find that it's a plus to have a matching paper to a few of the elements. I like to cut up papers for other things and I don't have to make my own.
I don't think there is anything wrong with using an element in more then one kit but the element needs to at least look different beyond a color change. That's where a real designer gets the kudos from me. Too many designers don't know enough about their programs to know how to do this. The newer CS5/6 and Elements 10/11 have a lot of powerful tools to accomplish this. Some of the most underused tools by designers is the clone stamp and the puppet warp though not sure if PSE has these tools. Also there are some great filters and plug-ins out there that can change up an item that one might not even recognize as an item already used before.
Not trying to sound like a snob but I guess I am because if you are a designer and you can't afford to upgrade your software then you can't take your designing to a new level. Older versions of PSE which a lot of designers still use just can't let someone get to a new level of design. Even older versions of CS are the same way. Again just my opinion but I think this is why so many kits out there look the same because designers can't do anything new with the older programs so they continue to make the same old stuff.
#15 - I will disagree with you on the issue of upgrading if you are a designer. I think that if one needs the newest tools to be creative, maybe they are not that creative to begin with. When I see that designers need this program, that filter, and that other special effect and so on, I do wonder about the designers real abilities. A true artist does not need the fanciest and newest brushes in town; they can be creative with what they have. THAT is creativity, in my mind.
Which is why it makes sense to do "use what you download". If I don't download it, I haven't gotten it for free, and don't owe a layout. I get to use what works for me, the designer gets good pages because I was inspired by the kit, and no one is giving anything away.
There is another upside to this for the designer...if you have 10 CT members and only 3 of them download a particular kit, there is probably something wrong with that kit. Why don't you ASK your CT why they don't like it?
and I also like the recurring themes on elements and papers, but only if they are resized down in size for thin elements.
I'm a ct member for a few designers and one store. At the store, we are assigned kits each month, then we get to pick what we want from other designers after we finish that assignment. Some of the kits they give us are really not my style. Since that is our assignment, however, that is what we have to work with. I've found that working with kits that aren't particularly ones I'd choose myself has made me a better scrapper. I can now work with about any kind of a kit and made a very decent layout.
I'm a ct member for a few designers and one store. At the store, we are assigned kits each month, then we get to pick what we want from other designers after we finish that assignment. Some of the kits they give us are really not my style. Since that is our assignment, however, that is what we have to work with. I've found that working with kits that aren't particularly ones I'd choose myself has made me a better scrapper. I can now work with about any kind of a kit and made a very decent layout. ----- This is how a CT is supposed to work. Be supportive and create for the designers regardless of their style. Bravo to you. You obviously get it.
"I've found that working with kits that aren't particularly ones I'd choose myself has made me a better scrapper. I can now work with about any kind of a kit and made a very decent layout."
I totally agree - working with a kit that isn't really you, forces you to step out of your comfort zone and really evolve as a scrapper.
I also find it inspiring to try and use a kit for a layout that doesn't follow the kit's intended theme. Like using a Halloween kit to scrap about your new house or something like that. Just to show the versatility of the kit.
So, what is this Scrap Stack thing? Apparently you needed to be on some special list in order to get invited. It's all over the community today.
And apparently someone got Tara-boo-boo's (from SSD) feathers all ruffled up because she went off on her page on FB about it. She even resorted to her all capital yelling.
#21- You don't need to be special to get an invite. Just sign up for their newsletter. It's pretty much Pinterest for scrapping and JUST about scrapping.
#22- I need another place to put all my crap. I might as well put it there. Her stuff is OK. I'm not sure I can do the 6 LO's per month requirement. That is alot of pages per month to do IMO.
Her stuff is OK. I'm not sure I can do the 6 LO's per month requirement. That is alot of pages per month to do IMO. ------------------------ Some people are on 10+ teams. How many LO do they make in a month? I guess if one designer asks for 6 LO, you can expect that her team members won't be on 10+ teams!
Anyone think that Steph, Katie and Peppermint read here? In this weeks podcast they seemed to hit on almost every point covered in this months posts, from political views on FB to CT requirements. They even mentioned that Steph had at times been critisied yet Katie never had been.
How many of you actually scrap for yourself and not just for CT teams? I know that all layouts even for CT teams are for you, but I mean with kits you buy because you want to scrap with them.
#30- It could be that they have people who read here and report back to them if something is said about them. ALOT of designers have people who do this. Then again there are alot of designers who read and post here as well.
I'm a ctm. I'm on several teams-more than 10. I almost always do more layouts than required. Ten teams doesn't really mean anything--it is "how busy are the teams a ctm is on" is what counts. For instance, I'm on one team that the designer hasn't done one kit since January. Another designer hasn't done any since April. Even though the teams aren't busy, it still counts as a team. When I apply to a team I list my active teams. (and that may be designers that only produce 2-3 kits a month.) The store CT's are consistent.
I'm on 2 CT's. I probably create about 3 LO's each per month for them. I do around 8 LO's a month from my own stash of stuff I buy. I was once on 5 different teams and ended up totally burnt out and will never do that again. It kind of ended up taking all the fun out of digiscrapping. So I learned a good lesson for myself.
One of my paper peeves is when the designer uses an element from the kit as a pattern on the paper. --------------- I'm just curious but why do you feel that way. I find that it's a plus to have a matching paper to a few of the elements. I like to cut up papers for other things and I don't have to make my own. ---------------
I totally agree - working with a kit that isn't really you, forces you to step out of your comfort zone and really evolve as a scrapper.
I also find it inspiring to try and use a kit for a layout that doesn't follow the kit's intended theme. Like using a Halloween kit to scrap about your new house or something like that. Just to show the versatility of the kit. ----------
I've been forced out of my comfort zone with a lot of kits, it didn't 'evolve' me as a scrapper at all but it did make me realize what I really didn't like in a kit.
However, I also try and use kits in a way other than intended. If a designer made a boy kit, I'll scrap something other than a boy page. And the same for other themed kits.
if you have 10 CT members and only 3 of them download a particular kit, there is probably something wrong with that kit. Why don't you ASK your CT why they don't like it? ------
There may be nothing wrong with the kit. A very similar scenario did happen on one team that I was on. We didn't like it and yet it was one of her bigger selling kits. Another time, we all loved a kit, made a ton of pages, it was one of her favorites and it was one of the least sellers. You can never tell.
I've found that working with kits that aren't particularly ones I'd choose myself has made me a better scrapper. __________________________________________________
I disagree. While working for a store CT and being assigned a designer that wasn't really me I would put as much effort in as I would to a kit I liked. But found that I always created a page that the designer was happy with but it was what I would regard as a throw away page, made to fulfill requirements and nothing else.
#38 At the end of the Sept thread and at the start of the October thread Steph was critisied quite a bit, while the only mention of Katie was that she was that she was "lovely" (I am paraphrasing cos I can be bothered to find the actual post).
During the podcast Steph mentioned that she had been critisied for things she had said on the digi show or on the daily digi (I can't remember which) while she made a point of saying that she didn't think that Katie had ever had a similar critical response.
Hope that helps clarify what I said (I am #30). Not sure which bit you though was silly, what Steph said, or what I said.
#41- I agree with you. I have had to work with designers whose stuff was so-so in quality and didn't mesh with my style or even with the type of designs I like. I ended up hating those pages and never printed them for my scrap albums.
From what I read designers can't post CT pages in with their products they can "stack" nor can they do anything CU related. You can only post something YOU made ( layout, product etc). They wanted Pinterest but JUST for scrapping.
#50 - why would you think that? Paislee Press has been at Oscraps for longer than One Little Bird has even been designing. I'm not sure I follow the logic.
From what I read designers can't post CT pages in with their products they can "stack" nor can they do anything CU related. --------
Just because one of the terms reads:
You will NOT reStack for promotion. CT members and Designers MAY NOT use this function to promote product. This means designers may NOT require reStacking and CT members must NOT reStack their designers' work. ABUSE WILL LEAD TO YOUR IMMEDIATE REMOVAL.
#52- I didn't say it wasn't going to happen just that it was a "rule". I wonder who will get away with it and who won't. I can't see them removing and revoking their friends memberships.
#54- No, I think you can add your CT pages to your own gallery stacks (I think they require you to have organized "stacks" and have names for them). Now, if Traci came and stacked that layout to her product stack then I think that would be against the rules. That is what I get from reading the confusing stacking rules.
I got an invite the other day and signed up but learning the rules have really made me not want to even use my account there or stack anything. Maybe I'm just reading to much into what they expect.
For all you out there that are on CT's. This is what designers have to deal with. CT's who vanish without so much as an email or PM... and CT's who give excuses to leave like they have no time because of personal reasons, then 2 seconds later start up on new teams! CT girls, we are not dumb, it's like being stabbed in the back. Just think about that next time you decide to leave a team, please be honest and communicate.
#56 - what I used to dislike more than those things happening were the CTMs who downloaded almost every single product you had, made very few LOs, had all kinds of excuses of why they haven't yet used such and such product and then disappeared, only to join another team.
#56- I've had designers just disappear like that for weeks or even months and not say anything at all to their team. So we wait to hear what's going on and stay out of loyalty to the designer.
I have also seen some designers straight up lie and say they have no CT spots yet a day later they add someone else. So, it's not just designers who have to deal with backstabbing OR vanishing people.
I think why some might do that is because they really don't want to hurt the designer or CT's feelings. They might think it's the easy way to do it.
#57- That LO can be seen as just posting a page you made and not as a promotion. I think they need to outline specifically what they mean or else they will end up having to delete alot of layouts.
I think why some might do that is because they really don't want to hurt the designer or CT's feelings. They might think it's the easy way to do it. -----
If you're six year old and even then I'd question that thinking. And to clarify, not your specific thinking in posting that, but if any CTMs or designers think like that.
#62- SSD and TLP have had postings about it but I don't consider that to be all over the community. Unless they consider Facebook part of the community. I have seen alot of people offering invites to people.
#57- That LO can be seen as just posting a page you made and not as a promotion. ---------
True. I can't access the whole stack to see if it's just her work, or if it includes the work of other CTMs for Traci. If it's the first one, that's okay, if it's the second, that's clearly against the rules.
There's an easy solution to the whole CTM/Designer issue. Either don't be on CT teams or don't have a CT team. I don't know if it's the right solution but it's the easiest one.
56-I've left teams because of personal reasons and then joined other teams soon afterwards. Sometimes personal reasons resolve themselves. I left one team because of the store the designer was at. I didn't want to post there anymore. It was a personal problem with the store actually. (staff at the store). So personal problems are different for different people. I also quit a few because I wanted to consolidate my teams at fewer stores to make it easier to take part in the forums. See? Personal problems are take on a lot of different forms. I also quit ct's when the designer changes the requirements, or changes stores to a store I don't want to participate at.
#73 - if you told the designer you were leaving/quitting, that's ok. No one is talking about the kind of CTM. It's the ones who just disappear without a word.
When I no longer got on with the store or designer, I just told them it wasn't working out. I don't see what's so hard about telling the truth. You don't have to tell the whole truth, but just up and disappearing is rude.
#74 i miss irene alexeeva. I really loved her stuff.
I once was on a team where the designer made you sign an agreement commiting to her team for a certain amount of time and if you left she would get in contact with all your other designers u ctd for and let them know how unprofessional u were. I was a little put off bythat but waa like okay i can understand where shes coming from. But then a few weeks later she flaked out and was going to quit designing and then wasnt going to quit and then the next thing was she did quit. I thought now that is very unprofessional.
I don't think restacking LOs in anyway is against the rules, the only rule I've seen about promoting is that CTs can't restack their designers products. I think she wants to focus more on the LOs and less on the products. It will be interesting to see how it's enforced though. How will they know who CTs for who? What if there is a loyal customer who restacks everything but isn't on the CT? It seems like if they are going to allow product, they will have to allow people to restack it! So this will be interesting.
I've been a CTM for years and have come and gone off some teams quickly and been loyal to other teams for years. I agree with the PP that "personal issues" can mean anything and they're rarely what you assume - just like real life.
I've left very sought after CTs because they move to stores I wont support, too. That's probably my most common reason for leaving a team, actually.
Sometimes their styles change and I've had mixed reactions to telling them the truth about that. Some respond professionally to your face, then slam you behind your back, some slam you to your face, and some seem to take it for what it is and don't slam you at all.
All in all, it really doesn't matter WHY the person is leaving your CT, the fact they TOLD you should be reason enough. If that's not good enough for a designer, well, that about says it all about the designer.
#89 - Don't presume anything. I was thinking the same thing but still joined and posted layouts. I don't hang out at SO, SSD or any of their designers and yet my layouts got restacked and commented.
The very first image is a sign that says all the images you upload must be your own. Which to me means, CT can't upload their designer's previews, and designers can't upload their CT's layouts. Unless designers somehow think they OWN those CT pages.
I like scrapstack - it really is a nicer place to be inspired rather than visiting galleries and such. I find scrapstack fun and personal for you and your scrappy friends without mixing up the recipes and diy hair braid tutorials.
I think the whole site pretty much "rips" Pinterest, they could have come up with an original concept with some features that could still cater to the scrappers without being a Pinterest wannabe.
My personal opinion it is clearly a Pinterest type site but they never claimed to be anything different, I have seen it constantly mentioned as "pinterest for scrappers". I would have liked for it to be layouts only, I think allowing products makes it totally commercial and it will be interesting to see how heavily the rules are enforced. But overall it looks like a great site to me. I haven't got my invite yet, but when I do I intend on joining up and using it as my home gallery as well as my inspiration gallery because it sure is easier than trawling through 6+ galleries and pinning each LO. Overall I think it is a fabulous idea so long as it is kept fair and doesn't turn into a CT dumping ground. Just my two cents.
#91 I have been told by two designers that I CT'd for that they owned my LO's and they could do with and post them wherever they saw fit, if they chose to print them they could as they owned them (though good luck printing a 12x12 at 72dpi). Needless to say I didn't stay on their teams for long after that.
My personal opinion it is clearly a Pinterest type site but they never claimed to be anything different, I have seen it constantly mentioned as "pinterest for scrappers". I would have liked for it to be layouts only, ---------
I have a feeling that once everyone signs up and the site goes live on DSD that it will become a CT dumping site and promotional site as well. I hope they keep it fair and treat everyone equal unlike some other sites and galleries.
#97- Designers do not own our layouts. I don't know why they would even try to say that. I'm glad you didn't stay long after that.
99 - You will NOT reStack for promotion. CT members and Designers MAY NOT use reSTACKing to promote product. This means designers may NOT require reStacking and CT members must NOT reStack their designers' product images. ABUSE WILL LEAD TO YOUR IMMEDIATE REMOVAL. Uploading your own CT work into your personal CT stack is totally fine.
#101 they are the TOU, not everybody ever sticks to the TOU so really it's a question of how many people they have enforcing the rules and how they are going to go about people who break them. Plus how are they going to know what CT's you are on? What's to stop an "inspiration board" where a scrapper who does not CT for a designer stacking the product preview, CT LO's with the kit for inspiration and other scrappers LO's for inspiration that have used the kit. That to me would look like promotion but if they are not on the CT then it doesn't break the TOU.
Will this start a trend of 'silent CT' for designers? Meaning those who make a deal to restack drsigner's product without publicly joining the team? Or am I just too pessimistic? Perhaps both.
105- I think they are banking on the fact that their "fans" will re-stack for them. I also wonder if they are going to keep a spreadsheet on who CT's for who. That seems to be the only way they can really enforce the no re-stacking of CT work.
Maybe they'll rely on a reporting button. I haven't checked it out yet to see if there is one. I can't see them keeping a spreadsheet of deisgners and CTMs. It would be a nightmare to maintain such a document. It changes too much.
If there's a report button though, it will be fun to see if there's going to be a whole lot of reporting of products that designers and their followers don't like for the sake of reporting their competition.
#96 No actually - I am not affiliated with the site at all. I am a designer though looking for something fresh and new - getting tired of the old forums and crap photopost galleries. I find this site a refreshing change in our community. Frankly, I'm sorry I didn't think of something like this first. It WILL be big and successful whether you like it or not. Yes, it IS a pinterest-like application. To my knowledge, it is a joomla extension called social pinboard. That seems to be the whole point of it. I think it's a great way to concentrate our community in an interactive way - why do you think pinterest is so popular. It allows us to share ourselves, our lives, our ideas, our creations with others - it allows us to see products we may want to buy or get inspiration from layouts in a way that isn't drab and boring like galleries which are super user unfriendly. I think it's eye candy, and also a good way to get even more exposure creatively and professionaly.
Am I not understanding what "reStack" means? When you "pin" it the first time, is that called "stack" and then reStack is re-pinning someone else's? So to 'reStack' a designer's image would be the same as a re-pin? I think what that rule says is that the CT can't all go and re-pin their designers' product previews. And they can't post them themselves, because they don't own them. So, in theory, the only product preview posts we should see, should be from the designers themselves.
So, in theory, the only product preview posts we should see, should be from the designers themselves.
I believe the rule is that you can't reStack for . It's the uploading that you can't do unless you own the preview or LO. The customers can reStack previews since they are not promoting for the designer.
I went to look for inspiration and went to a category. I had to weed through tons and tons of products uploaded by a designer called Cornelia before I could see even one layout to repin (or restack).
I personally think there should be a separate category for product and the designers shouldn't flood the other categories with their stuff.
I also saw some SSDers completely flooding the gallery at scrap stacks.
#118- I agree. The designers are uploading all their product previews it really stops us from seeing the layouts. There should be a limit on the amount of previews a designer can upload daily too.
So, if I'm a CT, I can't post my layouts with a product from a designer I ct for? I made the layout with products I love, and it's my photos and all. I don't get it.
You can upload your LOs that you have made from designers you create from you just CAN NOT restack their images of the products that they upload of their products
I think it's a great way to concentrate our community in an interactive way - why do you think pinterest is so popular. It allows us to share ourselves, our lives, our ideas, our creations with others - it allows us to see products we may want to buy or get inspiration from layouts in a way that isn't drab and boring like galleries which are super user unfriendly. I think it's eye candy, and also a good way to get even more exposure creatively and professionaly. ---------
How exactly? I'm really wanting to know because when I looked yesterday, it looked no different than all the other galleries out there, except it's a hot mess.
Apparently, they dont. At least not yet. Here is what is on Pinterests about page:
How does Pinterest make money?
Right now, we are focused on growing Pinterest and making it more valuable. To fund these efforts, we have taken outside investment from entrepreneurs and venture capitalists. In the past, we've tested a few different approaches to making money such as affiliate links. We might also try adding advertisements, but we haven't done this yet.
Even though making money isn't our top priority right now, it is a long term goal. After all, we want Pinterest to be here to stay!
Meh, I'm over Pinterest, I can't remember the last time I looked or even pinned anything. It's my shortest online addiction ever, lasted about a month.
#126 ....and so the same designers who get featured everywhere else will have somewhere new to get featured!!! It's not what you know, it's who you know!
Is there a way to search this blog? I don't see a search box anywhere. And yes, I may just want to see if I'm popular enough to be mentioned. Or, maybe I just want to research a store. Or, maybe I want to research you. :) Thanks in advance for any help.
I thought people would be smacking on Traci Reed for expecting an administrative assistant to work for free. Oh, I'm sorry, not free. Eight bucks a week (ie access to her kits). Why do women fall all over themselves(ourselves?) to do a $15+ an hour job for free?!
If someone is willing to take that offer (reasonable or not), why would it be Traci Reed's fault?
I don't understand those who took on a dozen or more CTs myself but then I realize it's none of my business. Maybe it's fun and easy for them; they don't have to work; they have their own maid(s); their grown-up kids have moved out of the house; they need to feel loved; or all of the above. I'd say good for them (and their designers.)
#173- I didn't see that till now. You do get indefinate access to her store but does she dole out what you can and can't have for free? Like collabs. And did she set a limit on how much you actually get for free? That IS alot of work for just supplies.
RE: Traci Reed's assistant position: It's like the "vounteer" positions at DST. Do they get ANYTHING in return for their time? The word "volunteer" makes me think they don't. At least Traci's assistant will get her kits. And it in my not-so-humble opinion, it would be nice to get kits without having to be forced to scrap on a deadline (like a CTM does).
Yeah, kits without CT deadlines could be nice. But "able to work on short deadlines" and "other duties TBA" sound a touch ominous. It could end up being far more stressful that a CT. Administrative assistant jobs can be a real PITA, even when there IS a salary attached.
It's like the "vounteer" positions at DST. Do they get ANYTHING in return for their time? The word "volunteer" makes me think they don't. ----------------- Isn't that awful? Hoping to find people who care about a community they might visit everyday, use for promoting their products, or their designers and might want to contribute without necessarily get paid. I am sure it never happens in real life, right?
As for Traci, what if she finds someone who does care about helping and not care that much about being paid? Maybe there is such a fan out there just waiting for the opportunity to help.
OK-I am pissed off for my designers. Just because they are up and comers does not mean that one large store has the right to bully them or try and trash their reputation by calling their store owner and accusing them of copyright infringement. Especially when one of the designers who was quote un-quote infringed upon is she herself ripping off PU clip art from Etsy. Defamation of character is something that can be taken to court and prosecuted here in the US so I suggest the people at TLP knock it off. When it was one accusation I could write it off as an isolated incident. But to hear it now from 2 designers on 2 ends of the spectrum in 2 completely different stores it becomes a trend.
183-I can't show you kit to kit since my designers were gracious enough to take them down (because they were afraid of offending anyone). But I can show you this: compared to this:
I don't know 186-these are uncanny don't think? compared to this:
Well if you are not convinced than it is even more BS that TLP accused my designers of copyright infringement because they were not even near as close as these examples are.
Are they similar? Sure - but none of them, including Kate's are close enough that I'd call copyright infringement. And they are the same style as the rest of Kate's work so they're obviously her own art.
#185 and #191 do your homework and read the etsy listings. both sets have CU options FOR COMMERCIAL USAGE :- CREDIT BACK REQUIRED - Remove credit for additional $15 A No Credit Required Commercial Use License may be purchased for an additional fee of $5.00.
Wish I could show you. I'd wager money there are more designers out there being treated the same way by TLP. 194 if you believe the examples you cited are not copyright infringement than it is all the more reason TLP should back off and stop accusing other designers of copyright infringement. Especially when they have it going on in their own house! If store owners are getting these nasty accusations coming in they should remind TLP about how serious defamation of character is and give them their attorney's phone number.
I am missing something. Where did TLP make copyright infringement accusations? Is it in the DCR? Where is the defamation? This is the first I'm hearing of it
I don't understand why you can't show us. Don't you have the product preview if it's your designer?
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 2453 Newer› Newest»Personally I find designers that have high LO expectations usually require you to work with every kit they produce. This is a turn off for me, I may love your designs but every so often you will produce a kit that I do not like, I don't feel like I should have to work with it and produce a LO that is not my best work just because it was required if you know what I mean?
I completely agree with you. Any designer with any sense is going to know that not everything they produce is going to appeal to very single CTM every single time.
Personally I find designers that have high LO expectations usually require you to work with every kit they produce. This is a turn off for me, I may love your designs but every so often you will produce a kit that I do not like, I don't feel like I should have to work with it and produce a LO that is not my best work just because it was required if you know what I mean?
I completely agree with you. Any designer with any sense is going to know that not everything they produce is going to appeal to very single CTM every single time.
Maybe not, but I think joining a CT means that they should try to work with everything, like it or not, if that is the requirement. After all, they are a CT member to help the designer. They receive free kits in return for layouts. Don't join that team if you don't like what is expected.
Maybe not, but I think joining a CT means that they should try to work with everything, like it or not, if that is the requirement. After all, they are a CT member to help the designer. They receive free kits in return for layouts. Don't join that team if you don't like what is expected.
Miss the point? Why, yes you did.
For the record, every single CT I joined didn't demand LOs to be churned out factory style and guess what, all those designers did quite well. In fact, I can't think of a one that still isn't designing, five or more years on.
Who is Adorable Pixels, and why a joint CT call with CRK? Are they actually the same person?
A random designer turning up at a store like Scrap Matters is a little odd. CRK is doing a ton of promoting for Adorable Pixels!
Miss the point? Why, yes you did.
No. Did not miss the point. I said, "Maybe not, but I think joining a CT means that they should try to work with everything, like it or not, IF THAT IS THE REQUIREMENT." I did not say that I agree with that tactic. I support your right to dislike some of the kits and the rules, stand by your beliefs, and leave the team, making room for another person, who is willing to produce a layout for every kit, IF THAT IS THE REQUIREMENT.
4- Looks like they did a joint call in August too.
To answer your questions, Adorable Pixels is a partnership between myself and a friend of mine, who has been selling graphics on istockphoto for years under the design name of Totally Jamie.
I promote it on my FB page because they are still partly my designs. We held a joint CT Call because its easier for me to manage 1 team than it is to manage 2 teams.
Makes sense to me. I hadnt heard of adorable pixels but your blog is cute!
Thank you :)
#189 That drives me nuts and after getting 3 or 4 kits from a designer and seeing the same stuff, i usually wont buy again. In fact its been a little while since i bought anything from anyone cuz nothing is standing out. I keep thinking i already have that i just can recolor.
Re: papers in a kit - when you buy real papers, even a stack that is all the same, they are never identical. Ever. It drives me nuts to see a 'paper pack' that is all the exact same texture/overlay in all the colors of the kit. I see some fairly successful designers doing it, too.
Re: elements on papers - I actually really like it when the same elements are on the papers, so they coordinate. In paper scrapping, there are often coordinating lines with the same images on stickers and papers. That being said, elements on papers must be flat, like paper - it really bothers me when I see 3D elements scatter around on paper ... like a real apple, or an element that has a bevel.
My pet peeve - papers that are super darkened around the edges. I see this on a lot of kits with loads of realistic elements so I guess its a style thing, but I hate it.
I hate the Scrap Matters daily download because the links expire after 24 hours.I already lost 3 out of 5 links.I never understood why the links have to expire at these daily downloads.
Maybe not, but I think joining a CT means that they should try to work with everything, like it or not, if that is the requirement. After all, they are a CT member to help the designer. They receive free kits in return for layouts. Don't join that team if you don't like what is expected.
Which is why it makes sense to do "use what you download". If I don't download it, I haven't gotten it for free, and don't owe a layout. I get to use what works for me, the designer gets good pages because I was inspired by the kit, and no one is giving anything away.
One of my paper peeves is when the designer uses an element from the kit as a pattern on the paper.
I'm just curious but why do you feel that way. I find that it's a plus to have a matching paper to a few of the elements. I like to cut up papers for other things and I don't have to make my own.
I don't think there is anything wrong with using an element in more then one kit but the element needs to at least look different beyond a color change. That's where a real designer gets the kudos from me. Too many designers don't know enough about their programs to know how to do this. The newer CS5/6 and Elements 10/11 have a lot of powerful tools to accomplish this. Some of the most underused tools by designers is the clone stamp and the puppet warp though not sure if PSE has these tools. Also there are some great filters and plug-ins out there that can change up an item that one might not even recognize as an item already used before.
Not trying to sound like a snob but I guess I am because if you are a designer and you can't afford to upgrade your software then you can't take your designing to a new level. Older versions of PSE which a lot of designers still use just can't let someone get to a new level of design. Even older versions of CS are the same way. Again just my opinion but I think this is why so many kits out there look the same because designers can't do anything new with the older programs so they continue to make the same old stuff.
#15 - I will disagree with you on the issue of upgrading if you are a designer. I think that if one needs the newest tools to be creative, maybe they are not that creative to begin with. When I see that designers need this program, that filter, and that other special effect and so on, I do wonder about the designers real abilities. A true artist does not need the fanciest and newest brushes in town; they can be creative with what they have. THAT is creativity, in my mind.
Which is why it makes sense to do "use what you download". If I don't download it, I haven't gotten it for free, and don't owe a layout. I get to use what works for me, the designer gets good pages because I was inspired by the kit, and no one is giving anything away.
There is another upside to this for the designer...if you have 10 CT members and only 3 of them download a particular kit, there is probably something wrong with that kit. Why don't you ASK your CT why they don't like it?
and I also like the recurring themes on elements and papers, but only if they are resized down in size for thin elements.
I'm a ct member for a few designers and one store. At the store, we are assigned kits each month, then we get to pick what we want from other designers after we finish that assignment. Some of the kits they give us are really not my style. Since that is our assignment, however, that is what we have to work with. I've found that working with kits that aren't particularly ones I'd choose myself has made me a better scrapper. I can now work with about any kind of a kit and made a very decent layout.
I'm a ct member for a few designers and one store. At the store, we are assigned kits each month, then we get to pick what we want from other designers after we finish that assignment. Some of the kits they give us are really not my style. Since that is our assignment, however, that is what we have to work with. I've found that working with kits that aren't particularly ones I'd choose myself has made me a better scrapper. I can now work with about any kind of a kit and made a very decent layout.
This is how a CT is supposed to work. Be supportive and create for the designers regardless of their style. Bravo to you. You obviously get it.
"I've found that working with kits that aren't particularly ones I'd choose myself has made me a better scrapper. I can now work with about any kind of a kit and made a very decent layout."
I totally agree - working with a kit that isn't really you, forces you to step out of your comfort zone and really evolve as a scrapper.
I also find it inspiring to try and use a kit for a layout that doesn't follow the kit's intended theme. Like using a Halloween kit to scrap about your new house or something like that. Just to show the versatility of the kit.
So, what is this Scrap Stack thing? Apparently you needed to be on some special list in order to get invited. It's all over the community today.
And apparently someone got Tara-boo-boo's (from SSD) feathers all ruffled up because she went off on her page on FB about it. She even resorted to her all capital yelling.
Tara-boo-boo? Who the hell is that? Scrap Stack, more info please.
Scrap Stacks the place for all your crap.
#21- You don't need to be special to get an invite. Just sign up for their newsletter. It's pretty much Pinterest for scrapping and JUST about scrapping.
#22- I need another place to put all my crap. I might as well put it there.
Her stuff is OK. I'm not sure I can do the 6 LO's per month requirement. That is alot of pages per month to do IMO.
Her stuff is OK. I'm not sure I can do the 6 LO's per month requirement. That is alot of pages per month to do IMO.
Some people are on 10+ teams. How many LO do they make in a month? I guess if one designer asks for 6 LO, you can expect that her team members won't be on 10+ teams!
#26- Good point.
I make somewhere between 20&30 layouts every month. But then again, I don't have a life ;D
#28- LOL! Then I don't either because I make the same amount of layouts too.
Anyone think that Steph, Katie and Peppermint read here? In this weeks podcast they seemed to hit on almost every point covered in this months posts, from political views on FB to CT requirements. They even mentioned that Steph had at times been critisied yet Katie never had been.
How many of you actually scrap for yourself and not just for CT teams? I know that all layouts even for CT teams are for you, but I mean with kits you buy because you want to scrap with them.
#30- It could be that they have people who read here and report back to them if something is said about them. ALOT of designers have people who do this. Then again there are alot of designers who read and post here as well.
I do. Not on any CTs and not a designer. Not affiliated with the industry in anyway apart from buying and scrapping.
I'm a ctm. I'm on several teams-more than 10. I almost always do more layouts than required. Ten teams doesn't really mean anything--it is "how busy are the teams a ctm is on" is what counts. For instance, I'm on one team that the designer hasn't done one kit since January. Another designer hasn't done any since April. Even though the teams aren't busy, it still counts as a team. When I apply to a team I list my active teams. (and that may be designers that only produce 2-3 kits a month.) The store CT's are consistent.
I'm on 2 CT's. I probably create about 3 LO's each per month for them. I do around 8 LO's a month from my own stash of stuff I buy. I was once on 5 different teams and ended up totally burnt out and will never do that again. It kind of ended up taking all the fun out of digiscrapping. So I learned a good lesson for myself.
One of my paper peeves is when the designer uses an element from the kit as a pattern on the paper.
I'm just curious but why do you feel that way. I find that it's a plus to have a matching paper to a few of the elements. I like to cut up papers for other things and I don't have to make my own.
Because it's generally very poorly done.
I totally agree - working with a kit that isn't really you, forces you to step out of your comfort zone and really evolve as a scrapper.
I also find it inspiring to try and use a kit for a layout that doesn't follow the kit's intended theme. Like using a Halloween kit to scrap about your new house or something like that. Just to show the versatility of the kit.
I've been forced out of my comfort zone with a lot of kits, it didn't 'evolve' me as a scrapper at all but it did make me realize what I really didn't like in a kit.
However, I also try and use kits in a way other than intended. If a designer made a boy kit, I'll scrap something other than a boy page. And the same for other themed kits.
They even mentioned that Steph had at times been critisied yet Katie never had been.
Who said it? It seems a silly thing to say.
if you have 10 CT members and only 3 of them download a particular kit, there is probably something wrong with that kit. Why don't you ASK your CT why they don't like it?
There may be nothing wrong with the kit. A very similar scenario did happen on one team that I was on. We didn't like it and yet it was one of her bigger selling kits. Another time, we all loved a kit, made a ton of pages, it was one of her favorites and it was one of the least sellers. You can never tell.
#39 here - I wanted to clarify that those instances were exceptions to the rule, but it was funny.
I've found that working with kits that aren't particularly ones I'd choose myself has made me a better scrapper.
I disagree. While working for a store CT and being assigned a designer that wasn't really me I would put as much effort in as I would to a kit I liked. But found that I always created a page that the designer was happy with but it was what I would regard as a throw away page, made to fulfill requirements and nothing else.
#38 At the end of the Sept thread and at the start of the October thread Steph was critisied quite a bit, while the only mention of Katie was that she was that she was "lovely" (I am paraphrasing cos I can be bothered to find the actual post).
During the podcast Steph mentioned that she had been critisied for things she had said on the digi show or on the daily digi (I can't remember which) while she made a point of saying that she didn't think that Katie had ever had a similar critical response.
Hope that helps clarify what I said (I am #30). Not sure which bit you though was silly, what Steph said, or what I said.
*can't... doh
Not sure which bit you though was silly, what Steph said, or what I said.
Bringing it up on the show was silly. It was a silly thing to do. Why draw attention to something that's not really read beyond this blog
#41- I agree with you. I have had to work with designers whose stuff was so-so in quality and didn't mesh with my style or even with the type of designs I like. I ended up hating those pages and never printed them for my scrap albums.
Scrapstacks - Just another way for SSD cronies to "promote" themselves. Blah, no thank you.
#46- It's not just SSD people there. I see lots of people from all over there so far. It IS owned by Penny Springman "I think".
It's just gonna be another CT whorehouse.
From what I read designers can't post CT pages in with their products they can "stack" nor can they do anything CU related. You can only post something YOU made ( layout, product etc). They wanted Pinterest but JUST for scrapping.
Is Paislee Press leaving Oscraps? With One Little Bird leaving, it makes me wonder if she's next.
#50 - why would you think that? Paislee Press has been at Oscraps for longer than One Little Bird has even been designing. I'm not sure I follow the logic.
Is there something I'm missing?
From what I read designers can't post CT pages in with their products they can "stack" nor can they do anything CU related.
Just because one of the terms reads:
You will NOT reStack for promotion. CT members and Designers MAY NOT use this function to promote product. This means designers may NOT require reStacking and CT members must NOT reStack their designers' work. ABUSE WILL LEAD TO YOUR IMMEDIATE REMOVAL.
It doesn't mean it's not going to happen.
#52- I didn't say it wasn't going to happen just that it was a "rule". I wonder who will get away with it and who won't. I can't see them removing and revoking their friends memberships.
The "stack" is called Traci Reed Designs CT work. Wouldn't that be 'against the rules'?
#54- No, I think you can add your CT pages to your own gallery stacks (I think they require you to have organized "stacks" and have names for them). Now, if Traci came and stacked that layout to her product stack then I think that would be against the rules. That is what I get from reading the confusing stacking rules.
I got an invite the other day and signed up but learning the rules have really made me not want to even use my account there or stack anything. Maybe I'm just reading to much into what they expect.
For all you out there that are on CT's.
This is what designers have to deal with.
CT's who vanish without so much as an email or PM... and CT's who give excuses to leave like they have no time because of personal reasons, then 2 seconds later start up on new teams!
CT girls, we are not dumb, it's like being stabbed in the back.
Just think about that next time you decide to leave a team, please be honest and communicate.
The "stack" is called Traci Reed Designs CT work. Wouldn't that be 'against the rules'?
According to what I posted at #52, I'd say yes.
#56 Where did that come from?
#56 - what I used to dislike more than those things happening were the CTMs who downloaded almost every single product you had, made very few LOs, had all kinds of excuses of why they haven't yet used such and such product and then disappeared, only to join another team.
#56- I've had designers just disappear like that for weeks or even months and not say anything at all to their team. So we wait to hear what's going on and stay out of loyalty to the designer.
I have also seen some designers straight up lie and say they have no CT spots yet a day later they add someone else. So, it's not just designers who have to deal with backstabbing OR vanishing people.
I think why some might do that is because they really don't want to hurt the designer or CT's feelings. They might think it's the easy way to do it.
#57- That LO can be seen as just posting a page you made and not as a promotion. I think they need to outline specifically what they mean or else they will end up having to delete alot of layouts.
So, what is this Scrap Stack thing? Apparently you needed to be on some special list in order to get invited. It's all over the community today.
All over? I've checked about four or five places and none of them have a mention of it.
I think why some might do that is because they really don't want to hurt the designer or CT's feelings. They might think it's the easy way to do it.
If you're six year old and even then I'd question that thinking. And to clarify, not your specific thinking in posting that, but if any CTMs or designers think like that.
#62- SSD and TLP have had postings about it but I don't consider that to be all over the community. Unless they consider Facebook part of the community. I have seen alot of people offering invites to people.
#57- That LO can be seen as just posting a page you made and not as a promotion.
True. I can't access the whole stack to see if it's just her work, or if it includes the work of other CTMs for Traci. If it's the first one, that's okay, if it's the second, that's clearly against the rules.
#63- It was just the first reason I could think of to not be honest about why you want to leave the team or get rid of the CTM.
#65- If someone else re-stacks your work isn't that considered promoting?
#65 That's what I was wondering.
There's an easy solution to the whole CTM/Designer issue. Either don't be on CT teams or don't have a CT team. I don't know if it's the right solution but it's the easiest one.
Who do you think got the blogging gig with KCB?
#51- I wouldn't be shocked if Paislee Press announced she was leaving Oscraps in the near future.
Did anyone find out why Jenn Labre left SO so suddenly like that? I know it's last months news but I was just wondering.
56-I've left teams because of personal reasons and then joined other teams soon afterwards. Sometimes personal reasons resolve themselves. I left one team because of the store the designer was at. I didn't want to post there anymore. It was a personal problem with the store actually. (staff at the store). So personal problems are different for different people. I also quit a few because I wanted to consolidate my teams at fewer stores to make it easier to take part in the forums. See? Personal problems are take on a lot of different forms. I also quit ct's when the designer changes the requirements, or changes stores to a store I don't want to participate at.
What designers do you really miss and would love to see design again or designers you want to start putting out more products again?
#74 Milla Designs
#75 I had forgotten about Milla Designs, she kind of just dropped off the face of the planet. Anybody know what happened to her?
#75- That made me think of the old Catscrap with Madame Mim. I miss her stuff too.
#73 I have had CT members quit and then go immediately to new teams (at the same store as me).
#59 Had those too!
#73 - if you told the designer you were leaving/quitting, that's ok. No one is talking about the kind of CTM. It's the ones who just disappear without a word.
When I no longer got on with the store or designer, I just told them it wasn't working out. I don't see what's so hard about telling the truth. You don't have to tell the whole truth, but just up and disappearing is rude.
What designers do you really miss and would love to see design again or designers you want to start putting out more products again?
I used to have a really long list, but as I just don't buy stuff anymore, my list is no longer relevant.
#74 i miss irene alexeeva. I really loved her stuff.
I once was on a team where the designer made you sign an agreement commiting to her team for a certain amount of time and if you left she would get in contact with all your other designers u ctd for and let them know how unprofessional u were. I was a little put off bythat but waa like okay i can understand where shes coming from. But then a few weeks later she flaked out and was going to quit designing and then wasnt going to quit and then the next thing was she did quit. I thought now that is very unprofessional.
#71 - Paislee Press has been at oscraps for almost six years now.. I doubt they would just up and leave!
#74 Gypsy Couture
I don't think restacking LOs in anyway is against the rules, the only rule I've seen about promoting is that CTs can't restack their designers products. I think she wants to focus more on the LOs and less on the products. It will be interesting to see how it's enforced though. How will they know who CTs for who? What if there is a loyal customer who restacks everything but isn't on the CT? It seems like if they are going to allow product, they will have to allow people to restack it! So this will be interesting.
I've been a CTM for years and have come and gone off some teams quickly and been loyal to other teams for years. I agree with the PP that "personal issues" can mean anything and they're rarely what you assume - just like real life.
I've left very sought after CTs because they move to stores I wont support, too. That's probably my most common reason for leaving a team, actually.
Sometimes their styles change and I've had mixed reactions to telling them the truth about that. Some respond professionally to your face, then slam you behind your back, some slam you to your face, and some seem to take it for what it is and don't slam you at all.
All in all, it really doesn't matter WHY the person is leaving your CT, the fact they TOLD you should be reason enough. If that's not good enough for a designer, well, that about says it all about the designer.
#84- I think the rules when you read them sound rather rudely written. Nor are they 100% clear on things.
I'm not understanding the term "restacking." Could someone please explain? If it was explained earlier, I guess I missed it.
I personally think "stacking" is a poor choice of word. Very confusing.
I'm not so sure about ScrapStacks. I got an invite but didnt join. It seems like another hangout for the clicques to me.
#89 - Don't presume anything. I was thinking the same thing but still joined and posted layouts. I don't hang out at SO, SSD or any of their designers and yet my layouts got restacked and commented.
The very first image is a sign that says all the images you upload must be your own. Which to me means, CT can't upload their designer's previews, and designers can't upload their CT's layouts. Unless designers somehow think they OWN those CT pages.
I like scrapstack - it really is a nicer place to be inspired rather than visiting galleries and such. I find scrapstack fun and personal for you and your scrappy friends without mixing up the recipes and diy hair braid tutorials.
I'm down with it.
#88- Well they can't call it "pinning" because that would be ripping off Pinterest.
I think the whole site pretty much "rips" Pinterest, they could have come up with an original concept with some features that could still cater to the scrappers without being a Pinterest wannabe.
Even the font and set up looks a little too similar to Pinterest for my tastes. No thank you.
#92 Sounds like an advertisement for ScrapStacks
My personal opinion it is clearly a Pinterest type site but they never claimed to be anything different, I have seen it constantly mentioned as "pinterest for scrappers". I would have liked for it to be layouts only, I think allowing products makes it totally commercial and it will be interesting to see how heavily the rules are enforced. But overall it looks like a great site to me. I haven't got my invite yet, but when I do I intend on joining up and using it as my home gallery as well as my inspiration gallery because it sure is easier than trawling through 6+ galleries and pinning each LO. Overall I think it is a fabulous idea so long as it is kept fair and doesn't turn into a CT dumping ground. Just my two cents.
#91 I have been told by two designers that I CT'd for that they owned my LO's and they could do with and post them wherever they saw fit, if they chose to print them they could as they owned them (though good luck printing a 12x12 at 72dpi). Needless to say I didn't stay on their teams for long after that.
My personal opinion it is clearly a Pinterest type site but they never claimed to be anything different, I have seen it constantly mentioned as "pinterest for scrappers". I would have liked for it to be layouts only,
I have a feeling that once everyone signs up and the site goes live on DSD that it will become a CT dumping site and promotional site as well. I hope they keep it fair and treat everyone equal unlike some other sites and galleries.
#97- Designers do not own our layouts. I don't know why they would even try to say that. I'm glad you didn't stay long after that.
I have a feeling that once everyone signs up and the site goes live on DSD that it will become a CT dumping site and promotional site as well.
Me too.
99 - You will NOT reStack for promotion. CT members and Designers MAY NOT use reSTACKing to promote product. This means designers may NOT require reStacking and CT members must NOT reStack their designers' product images. ABUSE WILL LEAD TO YOUR IMMEDIATE REMOVAL. Uploading your own CT work into your personal CT stack is totally fine.
#101 they are the TOU, not everybody ever sticks to the TOU so really it's a question of how many people they have enforcing the rules and how they are going to go about people who break them. Plus how are they going to know what CT's you are on?
What's to stop an "inspiration board" where a scrapper who does not CT for a designer stacking the product preview, CT LO's with the kit for inspiration and other scrappers LO's for inspiration that have used the kit. That to me would look like promotion but if they are not on the CT then it doesn't break the TOU.
101- Did you copy that from the site? LOL. Just because its a rule doesn't mean they will follow it.
CT members must NOT reStack their designers' product images.
How are they going to know which person is CT for which designer?
Will this start a trend of 'silent CT' for designers? Meaning those who make a deal to restack drsigner's product without publicly joining the team? Or am I just too pessimistic? Perhaps both.
105- I think they are banking on the fact that their "fans" will re-stack for them. I also wonder if they are going to keep a spreadsheet on who CT's for who. That seems to be the only way they can really enforce the no re-stacking of CT work.
Maybe they'll rely on a reporting button. I haven't checked it out yet to see if there is one. I can't see them keeping a spreadsheet of deisgners and CTMs. It would be a nightmare to maintain such a document. It changes too much.
If there's a report button though, it will be fun to see if there's going to be a whole lot of reporting of products that designers and their followers don't like for the sake of reporting their competition.
Hmm, Scrap Stacks has a 'courtesy' limit of 10 uploads a day - I just noticed that a SSDer has uploaded over 25 today. Lame.
No actually - I am not affiliated with the site at all. I am a designer though looking for something fresh and new - getting tired of the old forums and crap photopost galleries.
I find this site a refreshing change in our community. Frankly, I'm sorry I didn't think of something like this first.
It WILL be big and successful whether you like it or not.
Yes, it IS a pinterest-like application. To my knowledge, it is a joomla extension called social pinboard. That seems to be the whole point of it.
I think it's a great way to concentrate our community in an interactive way - why do you think pinterest is so popular. It allows us to share ourselves, our lives, our ideas, our creations with others - it allows us to see products we may want to buy or get inspiration from layouts in a way that isn't drab and boring like galleries which are super user unfriendly.
I think it's eye candy, and also a good way to get even more exposure creatively and professionaly.
If you want customers to see your creations, I don't think posting them on an invitation only site is the best way to do it, imo.
Am I not understanding what "reStack" means? When you "pin" it the first time, is that called "stack" and then reStack is re-pinning someone else's? So to 'reStack' a designer's image would be the same as a re-pin? I think what that rule says is that the CT can't all go and re-pin their designers' product previews. And they can't post them themselves, because they don't own them. So, in theory, the only product preview posts we should see, should be from the designers themselves.
So, in theory, the only product preview posts we should see, should be from the designers themselves.
I believe the rule is that you can't reStack for . It's the uploading that you can't do unless you own the preview or LO. The customers can reStack previews since they are not promoting for the designer.
First sentence "Can't reStack for promotion".
Sorry about that.
I know what happened... the blog doesn't accept html formatting anymore so the word that I bolded disappeared.
And who is going to police whether I just uploaded a preview to promote it, or because I actually love it?
Where is the idea that Scrap Stacks is invitation only coming from? I joined this weekend without an invite.
115 - I don't think they will monitor. They can't possibly know who is CTM for whom and who is a customer. I think they will rely on a report button.
116 - you must be blessed then because I just tried and it tells me that I'm not authorised.
I hate it and this is why.
I went to look for inspiration and went to a category. I had to weed through tons and tons of products uploaded by a designer called Cornelia before I could see even one layout to repin (or restack).
I personally think there should be a separate category for product and the designers shouldn't flood the other categories with their stuff.
I also saw some SSDers completely flooding the gallery at scrap stacks.
#118- I agree. The designers are uploading all their product previews it really stops us from seeing the layouts. There should be a limit on the amount of previews a designer can upload daily too.
So, if I'm a CT, I can't post my layouts with a product from a designer I ct for? I made the layout with products I love, and it's my photos and all. I don't get it.
I joined without an invite. It took a half a day or so to be approved.
You can upload your LOs that you have made from designers you create from you just CAN NOT restack their images of the products that they upload of their products
That whole thing sounds confusing as hell. If it's supposed to just be about layouts and scrapping, why are product previews allowed at all?
I wonder if the eventual plan is to charge designers to upload previews. They'll have to support the site somehow.
Designers should have a limit of previews to upload too. I'm getting sick of having to go through 30 product previews to get to a Layout.
124 - it looks like they're going to do featured designer kits to generate revenue
I think it's a great way to concentrate our community in an interactive way - why do you think pinterest is so popular. It allows us to share ourselves, our lives, our ideas, our creations with others - it allows us to see products we may want to buy or get inspiration from layouts in a way that isn't drab and boring like galleries which are super user unfriendly.
I think it's eye candy, and also a good way to get even more exposure creatively and professionaly.
How exactly? I'm really wanting to know because when I looked yesterday, it looked no different than all the other galleries out there, except it's a hot mess.
I think some of my comments are going into spam. Blog moderator, can you check the spam folder please? Thanks.
Designers should have a limit of previews to upload too. I'm getting sick of having to go through 30 product previews to get to a Layout.
They do. They, like everyone else, have a courtesy limit of 10 a day.
#128- Seems like comments are getting through now. What did you have to say that is so important?
#129- I realize that but are they sticking to that rule?
Seems like comments are getting through now.
They aren't. And they are clearly not sticking to the rule if some people are uploading up to 30 items a day.
124 - it looks like they're going to do featured designer kits to generate revenue
And so it begins. That didn't take long.
#132- MSA is doing it now too.
#132 the Scrappack idea has been on the website since the day it went live so it wasn't a new decision.
#133 - that's to be expected from MSA, I don't have an issue with that, but a pinboard? C'mon.
#133 Nobody is forcing you to buy it, it's an option.
Nobody is forcing you to buy it, it's an option.
Not the point.
I have a question, how does Pinterest make money? I've never seen any advertising and we don't have to pay to use it.
#137 what is the point?
#138- I am with you on this. I'd love to know.
Apparently, they dont. At least not yet. Here is what is on Pinterests about page:
How does Pinterest make money?
Right now, we are focused on growing Pinterest and making it more valuable. To fund these efforts, we have taken outside investment from entrepreneurs and venture capitalists. In the past, we've tested a few different approaches to making money such as affiliate links. We might also try adding advertisements, but we haven't done this yet.
Even though making money isn't our top priority right now, it is a long term goal. After all, we want Pinterest to be here to stay!
So first they get us all addicted, then they advertise? lol Good plan.
Meh, I'm over Pinterest, I can't remember the last time I looked or even pinned anything. It's my shortest online addiction ever, lasted about a month.
#126 ....and so the same designers who get featured everywhere else will have somewhere new to get featured!!!
It's not what you know, it's who you know!
It's not what you know, it's who you know!
Not a unique concept to digi, that's pretty much everywhere.
Yes it is....I guess I don't know the right people! LOL
#128 - I just checked my spam folder and it is empty, so all comments are going through.
Thanks DigiSmacker.
I wonder where my comments went? Maybe I didn't hit the publish button, hmmm.
#148- Comments have disappeared here before but I think it's a Blogger issue.
Is there a way to search this blog? I don't see a search box anywhere. And yes, I may just want to see if I'm popular enough to be mentioned. Or, maybe I just want to research a store. Or, maybe I want to research you. :) Thanks in advance for any help.
#150 - try putting this in google - your name) - don't use the brackets though
It won't be super accurate, but you may find something
#151 Thank you! You rock!
Any info on any upcoming blog trains? I notice they are down to very few now.
#153 - maybe people are gearing up for DSD
#152 - you are welcome, I hope it helped a little
#153 I think DSC has a FB hop coming up soon.
#154 It did! :)
Did that. That was a mistake.
#156- Why was it a mistake? It just took me back to the blog again.
I've now added a search button to the top of the blog. Let me know if there is anything else I can do.
DigiSmacker - YOU rock, too! Thank you!
157 - Found a not so flattering post.
#160- About you? Or someone else?
love the search option. thx
#158 Thanks for the search option!!Very helpful.
122-Thank you for your explanation. I was wondering how that was going to work.
Today has been very quiet.
Everyone's busy with the search option.
I've been reading snark elsewhere
There's snark elsewhere? Oh do tell....
Probally the paper scrapping blog or DST LOL.
#167- Are you calling this blog snarky? You can't be serious.
LOL @ 166!
Not scrap related at all. There's plenty of snark out there.
I thought people would be smacking on Traci Reed for expecting an administrative assistant to work for free. Oh, I'm sorry, not free. Eight bucks a week (ie access to her kits). Why do women fall all over themselves(ourselves?) to do a $15+ an hour job for free?!
If someone is willing to take that offer (reasonable or not), why would it be Traci Reed's fault?
I don't understand those who took on a dozen or more CTs myself but then I realize it's none of my business. Maybe it's fun and easy for them; they don't have to work; they have their own maid(s); their grown-up kids have moved out of the house; they need to feel loved; or all of the above. I'd say good for them (and their designers.)
Completely agree #173. Why women will work for what is basically pennies an hour is way beyond me too.
#174 It may not be Traci's fault if groupies are falling all over themselves wanting to be Ass Kisser #1, but it makes women look stupid.
#173- I didn't see that till now. You do get indefinate access to her store but does she dole out what you can and can't have for free? Like collabs. And did she set a limit on how much you actually get for free? That IS alot of work for just supplies.
Bickering about how someone chooses to barter is what makes women look stupid.
RE: Traci Reed's assistant position: It's like the "vounteer" positions at DST. Do they get ANYTHING in return for their time? The word "volunteer" makes me think they don't. At least Traci's assistant will get her kits. And it in my not-so-humble opinion, it would be nice to get kits without having to be forced to scrap on a deadline (like a CTM does).
Yeah, kits without CT deadlines could be nice. But "able to work on short deadlines" and "other duties TBA" sound a touch ominous. It could end up being far more stressful that a CT. Administrative assistant jobs can be a real PITA, even when there IS a salary attached.
It's like the "vounteer" positions at DST. Do they get ANYTHING in return for their time? The word "volunteer" makes me think they don't.
Isn't that awful? Hoping to find people who care about a community they might visit everyday, use for promoting their products, or their designers and might want to contribute without necessarily get paid. I am sure it never happens in real life, right?
As for Traci, what if she finds someone who does care about helping and not care that much about being paid? Maybe there is such a fan out there just waiting for the opportunity to help.
OK-I am pissed off for my designers. Just because they are up and comers does not mean that one large store has the right to bully them or try and trash their reputation by calling their store owner and accusing them of copyright infringement. Especially when one of the designers who was quote un-quote infringed upon is she herself ripping off PU clip art from Etsy. Defamation of character is something that can be taken to court and prosecuted here in the US so I suggest the people at TLP knock it off. When it was one accusation I could write it off as an isolated incident. But to hear it now from 2 designers on 2 ends of the spectrum in 2 completely different stores it becomes a trend.
I have a hard time siding with you without seeing something concrete. Pony up some images.
Funky Playground has a whopping 4 designers. One of them being the 'owner'. Pathetic.
183-I can't show you kit to kit since my designers were gracious enough to take them down (because they were afraid of offending anyone). But I can show you this:
compared to this:
185- I believe Kate draws her own doodles.
184 I think it is better to have 4 with good product than over a dozen with nothin' but lameness.
Even though I'm not #167.
Fun fact of the day.
Snarky = Sarcastic
Sarcastic = a sharp and often satirical or ironic utterance designed to cut or give pain.
So yes, this blog is indeed Snarky.
Those are in no way similar enough to call copyright violation.
#185 - not convinced. sorry.
I don't know 186-these are uncanny don't think?
compared to this:
Well if you are not convinced than it is even more BS that TLP accused my designers of copyright infringement because they were not even near as close as these examples are.
Kate hand draws, sure, over a template jpeg in illustrator!
I don't think they're direct rip offs. I just did a search on etsy for slumber party clip art and also came up with these -
Are they similar? Sure - but none of them, including Kate's are close enough that I'd call copyright infringement. And they are the same style as the rest of Kate's work so they're obviously her own art.
I want to see what's being accused
#185 and #191 do your homework and read the etsy listings. both sets have CU options
FOR COMMERCIAL USAGE :- CREDIT BACK REQUIRED - Remove credit for additional $15
A No Credit Required Commercial Use License may be purchased for an additional fee of $5.00.
Wish I could show you. I'd wager money there are more designers out there being treated the same way by TLP. 194 if you believe the examples you cited are not copyright infringement than it is all the more reason TLP should back off and stop accusing other designers of copyright infringement. Especially when they have it going on in their own house! If store owners are getting these nasty accusations coming in they should remind TLP about how serious defamation of character is and give them their attorney's phone number.
Toche' 196-but does she credit these clip artists in her TOU? She claims all her stuff is original....
I am missing something. Where did TLP make copyright infringement accusations? Is it in the DCR? Where is the defamation? This is the first I'm hearing of it
I don't understand why you can't show us. Don't you have the product preview if it's your designer?
183-The images from one of the designers had been removed, so you can't compare now.
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