Tuesday, May 1, 2012


For the record, I have no access to anyone's IP addresses, and no desire to know who's posting on this blog.

Of course I am a participant.


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Anonymous said...

I like the new freebie up at SSD by Jenn Barrette. I like it when designers actually try to make a GOOD freebie rather than just thrown together crap because they have to or feel they have to.

Anonymous said...

#199- I agree 100%.

Anonymous said...

167: Could we also list the abbreviations of the designers too down the side of the blog? Thanks
168: #167 - There are way to many to list. Some might share the same initals.

If some designers share the same initials, this is a good reason why they should consider labeling their digi kits with their names instead of a 2 or 3 letter code. The person with the same 3 letter code as you might be getting all your business!

Anonymous said...

193 - I'm 187. DST used to be a useful resource to designers and scrappers alike. It has changed hands too many times over the past couple of years, and the current owners aren't even involved in the crafting/scrapping world. The site has gone way downhill. Most designers don't even check in at the DCR anymore. Yes, I have access to the DCR but I used to stop by there daily to gather info and learn something, and I only stop by there now about once a month, if that. There's never any new info, and most designers avoid it. The forum used to be very active, but now it's basically dead. I used to funnel my marketing money into advertising there, but it's worthless to do so now. The gallery is just a dumping ground for CTM layouts to meet gallery requirements, and the only comments on layouts are 2-word "beautiful layout" wastes of time, usually from non-English speaking foreigners. It's a wasteland, compared to its former self. Why would I ever copy anything from there and bring it here? What I meant about this being a better source of info is that many things that need to be discussed publically can't be discussed at DST because they censor everything that's even remotely controversial. So if you want the real story on the latest gossip, you come here and read and try not to get caught up in the meanness. And I know you agree with me, because you're here too. If you say otherwise, you're a hypocrite.

Anonymous said...

196, BG's quality is great. They know what they're doing. Their designs though have gone down over the past year or two. I think their former designs used to be realy cute and useful, but now it seems that most their kits are just churned out CU items to create as many kits a month as they possibly can. Can't fault them though b/c it's obviously working for them or they wouldn't do it. Not for me though.

Anonymous said...

#2- I agree. Ever since Shannon sold DST it's gone downhill fast. It's so slow half the time.

Anonymous said...

DST is useless.

Anonymous said...

Why do people keep going there and advertising with DST?

Anonymous said...

You know, I've been coming over here this week, reading these posts, and I have to say that I am disgusted by the trash people like to talk. But yet it likes a train wreck, I just can't stop reading to see what inane thing pops out of your mouths next. I'd like to know what makes any of you so called experts on what a persons reasons are for closing stores, buying stores, or trying to make themselves better? Has it occurred to any of you that perhaps stores close because poor designers, huge hosting fee increases, not enough staff help, or just overall needing a change? Not everyone closes store after store just because they can, some were multi owned, and were closed because owners left.

And for bashing people, what in the world are you thinking trash talking so many designers/scrappers? Don't you have enough sense to realize that everyone is doing the same thing, trying to help make ends meet and support their family, make a little extra money for their hobby? I don't think you have any designer out there who does this just because they can. Everyone has a reason.

You choose to bash people I've never heard of, and some that I have, and of course that prompts me to go exploring to see just how bad these people and their stores are, and you know, I can't find a thing wrong with most of them, in fact, several of them got a bit of money from me today, so you ebd up bring traffic to these people and their stores. Interesting how that happens.

Ya know, this crap blog is not doing a bit of good except letting the same sad group of biddies bitch. That's all it is. You are picking on people you have no honest reason to. Why can't you put those fingers and mouse to good use and actually do something constructive, like try to design, make a scrap kit, make some layouts, DO SOMETHING...don't just sit their on your asses all day.

Or if you need something or someone to really bitch about, how about a certain script designer everyone knows and loves to hate that constantly whines about her life and how her scripts are her only income and how pirates ruin her life and business, and how she changes her TOU like we ladies change our panties....every freaking day! Now there is something to bitch about. How many people has she bashed and ruined and screwed over by changing her TOU and charging shitloads of money for a license fee, and then revoking it if one stray pixel gets out of line?

Ohh or yet another script designer that loves to puke out the scripts and then gets called to the naughty mat because they are stolen from coloring books or clip art that is copyright. Hmmm think about the initials JD and QB.

There is quite enough crap there for ya to bitch about. Find something constructive to bitch on before you keep destructing those who are just trying to make ends meet. Just because you think you know a person, it doesn't mean you do, and doesn't give you the right to judge them or their actions.

Just my 2 cents worth, well maybe a nickels worth. Oh and go ahead, pick my post apart for your amusement, you may as well, gotta get your jollies some way eh?

Anonymous said...

So it's ok if we bitch about two script designers you have an issue with but no one else?

Anonymous said...

Oh no, bitch about whom you please. I'm just saying that some you have picked apart on here haven't done anything to you except exist, or design something you don't like, but there are others out there who are actual problems to the design community and I don't see any of them being picked apart. What makes them so good that they aren't thrown to the lions den? That is why I say you are the same little group of biddies with a pity party for yourselves and a bitch fest for others you love to hate apparently. So are those others not worth your time?

Anonymous said...

#7 just rode in on the crazy train...

Anonymous said...

Yea, I did #10, but in this world the crazy train is the least of your problems. I just think you all are the same group since you obviously travel in the same digi circles and bash the same people. You live in a very narrow digi world indeed my friend if those are the only ones you have to complain about.

Anonymous said...

The same way you get your jollies from ripping apart script designers. There are only a few who come here to be mean-spirited. The rest of us look for constructive criticism and people/places to avoid. Some even come for help with their designing career - and some even provide them that help. It's obvious that you've only read the bad posts and not the good ones. Sometimes we come with questions. I would wager that *most* people who read here either never or very rarely post - such as myself. I'm afraid that one can't come along and expect people to only discuss the topics they feel are OK to discuss. If you are not willing to tolerate all opinions and styles of discussion, this is not the place for you. There are many posts that I find offensive but I just skip them and move on to ones I find useful. It's called "personal responsibility". You are responsible for yourself - not the rest of the world.

Anonymous said...

From #7 - Ya know, this crap blog is not doing a bit of good except letting the same sad group of biddies bitch.
Really? Because you admitted to buying from a few of them yourself. I'd say that did some good for them.

There is no such thing as bad press.

You can sit there on your soapbox all you want. You read here. You post here. You shop from designers mentioned here for the first time - bringing traffic to those stores from this blog. All of which you admitted to yourself.

Then, you chastise people with your crazy rant about how they're mean and say mean things, but then you go on about 2 script designers we should add to the mix of designers that are smacked here.

Sorry, honey. You can pretend you're a nice, decent person, but that's all it is... pretend.

Anonymous said...

Amen #13.

Anonymous said...

What the hell is a script? For that matter what is a biddie?

Anonymous said...

I can see some of #7's points, but she didn't have to throw in some initals of script designers. It kind of defeats the purpose of her post.

Anonymous said...

A biddie is a nice way of saying "bitch". A Script is the PSP version of an action

Anonymous said...

If stores are " multi-owned", why not just buy out the other owner, instead of just closing the shop down?

Anonymous said...

#18 - maybe because both owners want to sell? Just a thought based upon the information you provided.

Anonymous said...

The reason you don't and won't likely see those "script" designers mentioned here is because basically NO ONE HERE shops at the stores they sell at. One that you mentioned is at that 'new' Professional Scrap Design place (taking the place of DSW, LOL) and Joanne's Designs has been called on the carpet here a year ago for her outright theft of design from other companies and lost her spot at DSW because of it. People who buy those scripts or others like it aren't designers anyway. Those "scripts" make the nasty little elements for them without thought or reason added in. And it shows. So, if you are one of those that has a grudge with Joanne (and obviously you do since you mentioned her TOU changes which was the problem last time) - you are wasting your time trying to get a discussion going here to promote your hatred. No one cares about those people. Why? Not worth the bother.

Anonymous said...

Ahhh Scrap is for sale.

Anonymous said...

Why can't you put those fingers and mouse to good use and actually do something constructive, like try to design, make a scrap kit, make some layouts, DO SOMETHING...don't just sit their on your asses all day.


I repeat - I am creative. I've been published in elite magazines like Somerset - how about you? And isn't sitting in front of the computer desinging also just sitting on my ass all day? You are confusing me.

Anonymous said...

21- Never heard of that store. Is it any good?

Anonymous said...

I'm just saying that some you have picked apart on here haven't done anything to you except exist,

How do you know that for certain? You don't. You are one crazy person.

Anonymous said...

If you are not willing to tolerate all opinions and styles of discussion, this is not the place for you. There are many posts that I find offensive but I just skip them and move on to ones I find useful. It's called "personal responsibility". You are responsible for yourself - not the rest of the world.

Spot on!!!

Yeah, I posted several times again, but I'm on the other side of the world and asleep when the good stuff happens.

Anonymous said...

well I still see loads of Mickey ears sillhouettes in kits. Theft also and very obvious too

Anonymous said...

I come here to find out who is moving shops, what stores are closing, who has design or quality issues and so on. I also like to read about the blog trains and what is good. You can't find out any info anymore in the DCR.

Anonymous said...

I think you should feel ashamed and ask the Lord for forgiveness and close it down.

Which Lord?

Lord Darcy?
Lord Peter Wimsey?
Lord Darnley?
The Lord of the Rings?

Anonymous said...

26- You see them in some big shops like SO, SSD, TLP and SBG.

Anonymous said...

Yep just like the angry birds kits and Mario Brothers. So why are the unknown designers who do this being kicked for this and the well known designers can get away with it? I think that's an amazing thing in digiland.

Anonymous said...

#30 - no one is getting away with it as far as I know. A certain well known doodle designer got kicked to the curb for her use of the Olympic rings, another designer got kicked for her blatant use of mickey ears.

The little guy always gets busted over the big guy, it's the same in every thing, not just digiland. Don't be so insular.

Anonymous said...

Also, a well known designer also got kicked for Dr. Suess doodles.

Anonymous said...

What about all the sock monkey kits I'm seeing around? Is that copywrite infringement?

Anonymous said...

33- I'm not sure if it's copyright infringement. I don't know if sock monkeys are copyrighted.

Anonymous said...

Sock monkeys are not copyrighted.

Anonymous said...

#33 - since you are capable of using the web, why not go and look it up on Google. But make sure you spell copyright correctly or you may not find it.

Yes, someone will say I'm being 'mean' but FFS, how hard is it to type the search into Google instead of asking here?

Anonymous said...

#28 - HA! my precious

Anonymous said...

HAHHA Really? You are gnashing your teeth over initials when half here clearly called out specific names of people? That is rich.


I can see some of #7's points, but she didn't have to throw in some initals of script designers. It kind of defeats the purpose of her post.

Anonymous said...

Oh 13, Apparently you can't read very well. I didn't buy from the biddies bitching, I bought from the ones being bitched about, and I must say I am not unhappy with my purchase.


Then, you chastise people with your crazy rant about how they're mean and say mean things, but then you go on about 2 script designers we should add to the mix of designers that are smacked here.

Sorry, honey. You can pretend you're a nice, decent person, but that's all it is... pretend.


Who's pretending? I just thought since you have so much time on your hands to bash these ladies trying to make a living, why not bash the rest. looks like you are good at rehashing the past.

Anonymous said...

12 you are looking for constructive criticism coming here??? Honey if you want criticized then you get it here, if you do something these people think is bad, if you are one of the "elite" pampered princesses who never do anything wrong, then go seek "constructive criticism" from a peer, someone who can give you feedback on your own stuff and not someone elses.

Anonymous said...

Oh and 20, if the script makers are not worth the bother, then why the hell do you find everyone else worth the bother? Makes no sense to me. I feel that if one so called designer is worth the "bother" then anyone else is too, and for the record, those two certain script makers, have been at it again just this past week. Love how you get to pick and choose who you want to drag through the muck, just goes to show you must have a personal vendetta against the ones you are trashing.

Anonymous said...

That's like comparing COLS to Asgard as far as "worth the bother". Not that it's ever stopped us from bashing COLS, but still.

I can't really take either script makers or the people who use them to "design" seriously. They rank up there with posers as far as I'm concerned.

Anonymous said...

Please don't use Aagard and COLS in the same sentence. That's just mean to Aagard. My question is, What designers out there use scripts to design?

Anonymous said...

41, Just like script designers are worth the bother to you, a certain store, products or designer might be worth the bother for someone else.

Anonymous said...

stuff made with scripts looks fake for me personally. I don't like the look of script outcomes.

Anonymous said...

45 - I agree 99% of the time. Occasionally, one script will give pretty good results though.

Anonymous said...

#28 LOL... Yes, I love how so many Christian's think everyone has the same beliefs as them.

Anonymous said...

If you go back to the old blog, you will see that script and action designers do indeed get bashed here. So that point is moot. Now, let's all do what #7 told us to do and get off our butts and go do something useful like design a scrap kit or solve the world hunger crisis. Oh wait, if we all do it at once, they'll know who we are. We'll have to do it in anonymous shifts. Or we could go write some scripts or actions. Look at me - I'm standing up! (OK, I lied. I'm still sitting. But I'm going to get up soon - and refill my coffee mug!)

Anonymous said...

#47 - what makes you think that person is a Christian? Just because you call on the name of the Lord doesn't make you a Christian. Why do people who are not Christians always assume anyone who disagrees with them is a Christian? As #28 already effectively pointed out, the other poster could have been calling on any number of lords.

Anonymous said...

#49 "ask the lord for forgiveness" sounds pretty Christian to me. Who else says that?

Ya, #28 was kidding. Are you kidding me??

Anonymous said...

anyone else doing adsr and annoyed that every year they are behind in posting the prize? It should be posted every week when a new challenge is posted.
if you get eliminated and they remove you from the prize thread then you dont get the prizes for the challenges you did complete since they are not posted on time!
Just frustrating, and I hope all the prizes this year aren't crap!

Anonymous said...

Christianity is a lifestyle, not words. Writing "ask the Lord for forgiveness" does not make one a Christian. Continue reading her rant and you could make any number of assumptions about what she (or he) might be. So no, I am not kidding you.

Anonymous said...

@51 Yes, we just got the first prize and it wasn't even complete until a couple people mentioned it. Some of the challenges this year seem a bit lame though, why not more where both parts of the team actually get to do something besides a simple layout. Unless it's always like this? I've only participating in a couple of years.

Anonymous said...

I have never done the asdr. How do you get eliminated?

Anonymous said...

#52, What assumptions would you make then from her " ask the lord for forgiveness" rant then?

Anonymous said...

54 - you get eliminated if you do not finish the challenge for the week on time while meeting the requirements. So, all in all, it is not an elimination format per say, as a lot of teams make it to the end.

Anonymous said...

I would assume she/he is judgmental and enjoys trying to make others feel guilty for doing the same things that she/he does. And, since these are just my assumptions, I could be totally right or I could be totally wrong. You know what "they" say about assuming...

Anonymous said...

#57, I agree with you. I don't think that the poster realizes how they come off though. I could be wrong though.

Anonymous said...

Well that's always a problem with "talking" through typing. I might think my joke or sarcasm rings through loud and clear but someone else may take it literally and be offended. Someone may post something in seriousness and I may take it as a joke. Someone may post a question in all seriousness and we may all think it's a taunt. Especially since we don't all speak the same native language - it's easy to misconstrue things. Of course, sometimes we do post things just to be snarky and start some banter ;)

Anonymous said...

I tend to not understand sometimes when people use a translator. What they type doesn't always come out how they mean it.

Anonymous said...

I agree with #57. The OP might also be one of those people who think their sh*t doesn't stink and is holier than thou.

If you don't like or agree with a smack blog, the solution is simple: Don't read it.

And if I'm going to hell for this things I've read on this blog, you'll find me at the bar. I'll save a place for you. :)

Anonymous said...

#61, The OP could also be one of those people who thinks " the Lord" can save us all.

I want to buy ad space at DST. Who actually owns it now? Is it worth spending the money on the space? I'm just wondering if it will do anything for my business as far as extra advertising.

Anonymous said...

When designers do giveaways and use random.org or a place similar, do they click until they like who wins? Or do they just go with the number that is posted first? I have always wanted to know and figured we are all anonymous here, so maybe someone will answer.

Anonymous said...

#62 - Just submit a help ticket. Someone will answer you there, so you do not have to figure out who specifically to contact.

Anonymous said...

#63, as a designer, I just look at the number of posts, ask through random.org without looking at the list of post. I generate 3 numbers, in case it might end up on the post from a CT member, or one of my own post to reply to someone else, but I will always use the first number, if that post is a legit one.

Anonymous said...

Why would you use Random.org if you only want to choose people or comments you like? You can pick those yourself without the generator.

Anonymous said...

66, sometimes, some designers will post a screenshot of the result, so I guess they want the specific number to show. But it is definitely dishonest if someone does that. I just hope they don't do that.

Anonymous said...

I'm #63, I asked because I have usually let my kids pick the winners or do it myself. I figured random.org might be easier. #65, That pretty much answers my question.

Anonymous said...

#66 They didn't say they just pick ones they like. They said they make sure it's not a post that is one of theirs or their CT.

Anonymous said...

63 As a ct member, at one ct I was responsible to pick the winner of the kits. I used random.org to do that. I just inserted how many comments we had, and took the first number. I don't remember any time I had to redo it to get a different winner. (no other ct members put comments there as they already had the kit.) So in this case, the designer wasn't even involved. Many times, CT members do much more than just layouts.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure what the point of using random.org would be if you weren't going to take the first number. It could take you forever (depending on how many comments you have) to land on one that you want doing it that way because it's random. You might as well just not say how you chose, and no one would likely question it. The only time I've ever had to redo it was when the post was ineligible and that has only happened once or twice.

Anonymous said...

I'm #66 and I answered #63 and she didn't talk about landing on a CT comment. When you do a give away, CT members usually don't play cause they already have access to your products. So yeah #69 she DID ask if we designers click until we have someone at the first post with a comment we like.
I'm a designer who uses random.org for its randomness.

Anonymous said...

#72, Some designers ask their CT to bump the giveaway, so in that case yes a CT comment can come up as a winner.

Anonymous said...

that's the great thing of random.org, you can filter those out.

Anonymous said...

Did you stop uploading to galleries due to all general comments like "wonderful" "great LO"? If you can't come up with something better to say, don't bother saying anything.

Anonymous said...

Catscrap becomes scrapflower and has a designer call (saw on Facebook)

Anonymous said...

that's old news, and I think Scrapflower sounds childish, but oh well whatever makes them happy.

Anonymous said...

#75, Are you referring to a specific post? Or is this just a general question? I will say that the general comments are annoying. They usually come from people who don't speak English as their first language. There are some galleries where they take the time to actually comment and I usually comment on layouts there.

Anonymous said...

@78 it was just a general question. English isn't my native language too, but when I comment I'll try to give a comment with constructive criticism, or say what I really love about that page. I won't bother commenting when I can't come up with something good.

Anonymous said...

79- I wish more people took the time like you do.

Anonymous said...

I'm not even uploading to DST anymore, cause nobody sees it. 2 seconds later my page will be on page 6. I'm not browsing in galleries like I used too, it's not showing your skills or work, it's just plain advertising from CT's. Guess I just have to suck up that change in scrapland.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Most teams require you to post at DST. I wish they would require another gallery instead. Seems pointless to post there.

Anonymous said...

it IS pointless, cause no-one will ever see your layout.

Anonymous said...

They have ads on DST? (Thank god ad-blockers were invented)

Anonymous said...

What about 2Peas? I heard it's better to post there.

Anonymous said...

the prices for ads at DST are ridiculous IMO. And I really wonder if it will give you more traffic, customers and/or sales, cause I think DST is now more a place for designers to display their products instead of customers are looking there for the goodies and click ads. But maybe someone can tell me I'm wrong?

Anonymous said...

What are the prices? How do they compare to prices for ads in other venues?

Anonymous said...

I thought about ad space, but I am not sure about it now. I only go to post my new releases and half the time it's really slow for me.

Anonymous said...

If the traffic at DST sucks then I wouldn't buy ad space there.

Are there any other good advertising options??

Anonymous said...

Any good sales this weekend, with it being a holiday?

Anonymous said...

I didnt keep the email with the pricing on advertising. It wasnt worth the $$ IMO. Other than the product gallery I wont be paying them for advertising. I did find this info in my trash folder- maybe it will help you:

DigiShopTalk will no longer be using the designer forum member list to stay in touch with our designers. To stay updated on all advertising opportunities, please sign up for our designer mailing list:

http://eepurl.com/lkG-T Thank you!

Leah Advertising Manager DigiShopTalk

Anonymous said...

The product gallery isn't a great way either anymore. That's why I think DST is more advertising space than a place were customers can go for sales and good deals.

Anonymous said...

Anyone know if Sweet Shoppe will be having a CT call anytime soon? Just curious ...

Anonymous said...

94, I think if they do, they are doing it by community vote like last time. Where people nominate someone they feel deserves a CT spot. Whoever gets the most nominations I think wins a spot.

Anonymous said...

Isn't that essentially just getting all your friends on a CT? I like the nomination aspect, but the most nominations is just a popularity contest.

I don't follow at SSD because it's very cliquey. Maybe we can all nominate a crappy scrapper and they'd have to take her (or him). That would be fun.

Anonymous said...

96, The CT and designers don't nominate them, the community does. I'm not sure how the final decision is made. It's really no different than letting your CT chose your team for you, which some designers seem to do these days. SSD is kind of cliquey, but there are some girls there who aren't like that.

Anonymous said...

Wow has anyone seen this Leach?
She is begging for donations.

Anonymous said...

98, Where do you find these people? LOL

Anonymous said...

Is there going to be another DST blog train for June?

Anonymous said...

I'm not even uploading to DST anymore, cause nobody sees it. 2 seconds later my page will be on page 6. I'm not browsing in galleries like I used too, it's not showing your skills or work, it's just plain advertising from CT's. Guess I just have to suck up that change in scrapland.

been like that for the last five years or so

Anonymous said...

Most teams require you to post at DST. I wish they would require another gallery instead. Seems pointless to post there.

Then don't post there. Just tell your designer you don't think it's worth the time and that you've found another gallery, if you've found another one that is.

Anonymous said...

cause I think DST is now more a place for designers to display their products instead of customers are looking there for the goodies and click ads. But maybe someone can tell me I'm wrong?

I can't coz people have been saying this about DST for the last four or more years.

Anonymous said...

#98 - why is she a leach? I guess that make all the font designers who ask for a donation leaches as well.

Anonymous said...

wow. I've never seen begging quite that blatant by a designer. They are usually a little subtle!

Anonymous said...

I'm not seeing any begging - I've seen far more begging in the forums.

Anonymous said...

106- So have I. Least it's subtle in a way.

Anonymous said...

100: There is a June blog hop.

Anonymous said...

These are by far the worst attempt at making a template I have ever seen

Anonymous said...

Hey 94: Here's your chance. http://www.sweetshoppedesigns.com/index.php/2012/05/sweet-shoppe-saturday-526//blog/

Anonymous said...

#109 - I've seen worse

Anonymous said...

I like the nomination aspect, but the most nominations is just a popularity contest.

As is voting and pretty much anything similar that's around in the world.

Anonymous said...

#112 - I agree. You can look in the SSD forum and pick the ones they'll probably choose. I think it's a joke.

Anonymous said...

Well....how kind you all are for designers... NOT

Anonymous said...

Please, I can tell you now who the new babes will be. They are THE cliqueyist bunch around and they'll tell you they're not and they get all huffy at the suggestion.

Should be interesting to watch.

Anonymous said...

115, Maybe the designers will surprise us and pick outside the box. The SSD designers have the final say. The community just nominates people for babes.

Anonymous said...

Wow has anyone seen this Leach?
She is begging for donations.

There are tons of people who ask for donations if you download something from the internet-font makers, artists who make brushes, shapes, backgrounds etc. Lots of people download without making donations but if I download from someone I think is good and I like their stuff I will make a donation because they took time and are willing to share their creations. Doesn't make them leaches at all!

Anonymous said...

I guess the newest fad among designers is puffed kid clip art. Some of it's cute others are just boring. It's sort of like paper flowers or banners. One designer makes one and every other designer out there follows with their own. I don't mind some clipart of this nature but when you see it in a lot of different kits it just gets old fast. At least that's how I feel about anything that is overused and in everyone's kits.

Anonymous said...

116- I'm not sure what your talking about. Do you mean like puffy stickers?

Anonymous said...

I nominated at SSD in the hopes that they may actually consider talent and not just popularity. One can hope, but we'll see how it plays out.

Anonymous said...

#119 They look like puffy stickers without the white edge.

Anonymous said...

#118 - I've never seen what you're talking about with the puffy stickers.

#120 - There are a lot of talented scrappers out there, but it would be nice to see some scrappers who don't have their noses up every designer's ass there. I hope they choose from a pool other than the normal forum kiss asses, but that isn't their usual operating procedure.

Anonymous said...

Ok #115, lets hear it then. Who will the new babes be?

Anonymous said...

There are so many girls there that deserve it. I couldn't even assume who they would be. I can only say who I want to be a Babe.

Anonymous said...

#122, That's not true. Last time they chose Lex, and she is far from a kiss ass. I do see though what you mean. Kind of like with KCB's CT call.

Anonymous said...

So, Lex is the one token outsider? Funny.
KCB's call was a joke!

Anonymous said...

#126, I think everyone who makes Babe is an active member at SSD. Most were on SSD designers teams before they became Babes.

Anonymous said...

Why would they choose someone who isn't an existing customer and doesn't participate in the forum? Silly people.

Anonymous said...

#128 - As a store owner, I would want fresh meat. My store already has the support of active community members. I would never chose my store team from the pool of CTMs currently on many of my designer's personal teams. How is that bringing NEW business to my store? How is that helping my designers find NEW customers and expand their businesses?

All that does is shuffle around the same people.

I find it silly to choose a store CT from that pool. Not only silly, but stupid and poor business practice.

In this highly saturated industry where so many people are fighting for customers, you want to bring NEW people onto your team whenever possible. With those new people come new followers, new fans, and ultimately NEW BUSINESS.

I am astounded that people do not understand how building a business works.

Anonymous said...

hurray #129

Anonymous said...

And is also eliminates the clique mentality which discourages new people from joining communities - and new people who would possibly become NEW customers. Seeing new people all the time makes new people feel more welcome and want to become active.

The fact that SSD has the clique reputation it has is because they have fostered it. Whether on purpose or not, they have done so by choosing people already in the club to be, well, in the club.

That might work in the sorority house, but it's bad for business.

Anonymous said...

129- I wish I knew what store you owned. I love the fact you like to give new people a chance. That is so rare these days.

Anonymous said...

Wow has anyone seen this Leach?
She is begging for donations.


Yup, that is pathetic, especially when this "good Christian" lady likes to lie and constantly pour her woes out on FB daily and she can't stay in any particular store to save her ever loving life. she should get offline and start paying attention to her kid, maybe she wouldn't have so many problems to complain about. How many stores has she bounced around in lately anyway, I've lost track. If she'd find a store and stick to it, she might actually sell some of her crap instead of making excuses to leave them all saying she has no time, but joins more. Maybe she needs to slap an offering plate on her blog to make it really obvious.

Anonymous said...

133..Very True,I have noticed that same stuff with her.

Anonymous said...

129-I see your point, but I also think taking people that are active in the forums is a boon too. I know one of the designer CT's I'm on recently chose some new people for her ct, and she took active members from the forum, and she's very satisfied. One of those new CT members has recently become a store ct now too. She was a great addition for the designer and for the store. I sure wouldn't disqualify an active member for a store ct. You might lose that person's support. (I also know of a case where that happened too.) The girl felt jilted, and went somewhere else.

Anonymous said...

#135 - If a member of your community doesn't understand you're running a business, they can leave as far as I'm concerned. If someone is really going to feel jilted because their current roll as a forum member is all the help a store needs from her isn't enough, then she has issues I don't care to cater to. If someone who loves the community really loves the community, they'll want it to see and grow and be a success so it stays around a long time - and that means $$. I want forum members who want to be part of the community, not just to be on the store CT. That's a rather shallow relationship, IMO.

A designer's CT is a designer's CT. I encourage my designers to find NEW people, but they'll do whatever they want and feel is best for them. Ideally, a designer finds NEW people to come and be active in our forum. That's best for the store and for their business and it's my role as a store owner to tell them how to maximize their sales.

Anonymous said...

#136 - I wish I knew what store you own. I would LOVE to be part of your community.

Anonymous said...

I am also a store owner.

I firmly believe in looking "in house" for new CT members. I don't add people to my site CT who are on my designers' CTs, but I do look for people who participate in challenges, comment in the gallery and forums, and already have a presence in my board. I might also add others, but my priority is established members of my site.

Being on a site CT is far different than being on a designer CT. It's more than just creating pages. It's about fostering a community, and building the site.

Anonymous said...

I'd much rather have people who are active in the community for my site CT than people who are actively seeking more free stuff.

Anonymous said...

I am not a store owner but I don't think that finding someone new excludes inviting someone already in the community. I understand this as being open to new people, instead of ONLY looking "within the forum". As much as someone from the forum might be a great addition to a CT, a new scrapper might also bring in some "fans", and her/his enthousiam to add to the site. Looking ONLY for new people would be as detrimental as looking ONLY in house, in my opinion. I think it is important to look both ways equally.
(I am not a store owner, and I don't CT either)

Anonymous said...

138 & 139-exactly

I've been a site ct and a designer Ct, and I definitely know the difference. I don't do it for the free stuff. Heaven knows I have enough already. I do it because I love to do it.

Anonymous said...

140-I think that is what I (140) meant too. I know one store that chose people that all scrapped the same way. No variation at all. If you looked at one of their galleries, you saw them all. I really thought that was stupid. It was all one tiny picture somewhere on the 12 x 12 page that was white or neutral color. You'd only need one kit for that type of scrapping too. Once the person had the white or neutral paper, they were set.

Anonymous said...

136 said- their current roll as a forum member is all the help a store needs from her isn't enough,

I guess it helps a store just because it adds more participation in the forum, but that isn't my objective (as a forum member--as a scrapper--as a person.) I'm there to learn, form relationships with my fellow scrappers, and to have fun, and participate in challenges.

Anonymous said...

#140 - Most of those people are perfectly happy doing the challenges, getting their coupons, and going on their merry way. Why would I fix a perfect relationship that isn't broken? It benefits my designers and my store to have active people who are willing to purchase and then scrap with their products. It builds positive, long-term relationships.

All I said was "I would never chose my store team from the pool of CTMs currently on many of my designer's personal teams." I do not actively seek community members, though. I'm not closed off to the idea, but my experience has taught me that active community members are usually happy just being community members, so I don't waste my time or theirs.

Anonymous said...

#143 - You basically just added more words to what I said, so I'm not sure why you quoted me.

As a forum member, you're there to "form relationships with my fellow scrappers, and to have fun, and participate in challenges." It's the people who do that with the entitlement attitude that it will earn them a spot on the store CT that bother me and I want no part of.

Anonymous said...

I don't think that is an entitlement attitude at all. It's a belonging attitude--a fun attitude. I know where I ct that my bosses appreciate me and my participation. I don't do it because I have to participate. I participated there before I became a ct, and continued participating because I wanted to, not because it was a requirement as a ct member.

Anonymous said...

I just a store that has ALL types of scrappers. That way I can see how a kit can be used in various styles of scrapping.

Anonymous said...

^^I forgot the word like.

Anonymous said...

I guess it all comes down to what is better for your store. New blood or old blood.

Anonymous said...

147-me too. I love it when the ct's layouts are all different so a person can see the different possibilities in a kit.

Anonymous said...

I do not have a ct as of yet, but being on both personal and store CT's I understand the difference between them as well.

I think my favorite way of being picked for a CT call so far is the designers that hold a "layout interview", for lack of a better phrase.

Basically, letting you have a free kit (the designer usually chooses) to show off your skills by designing a layout for them, rather than searching through countless gallery layouts and deciding if they'll fit.

When I don't make those calls, I usually ask the designer if they have any tips to better my chances for the next call if they have the time. Most of them usually have responded with very surprised and enthusiastic critiques.

I do know, when I hold a CT call...my members will not all have the same style. I would prefer my work to show off it's versatility rather than showing off how people can make the same layout 20 times, in 30 different ways.

Anonymous said...

#151- I like the layout contests too. Much better than the "let's nominate" type of CT call.

Anonymous said...

151--that is why I was so surprised at that one store that all the layout artists they chose for their team made the same type of layouts. That was disappointing.

Anonymous said...

I think if they are going to pick from the pool of people that are already active and already have so many CTs at that store, if that person makes store CT, (s)he should leave the personal CTs and open those spots up for others. If you are already on 6 designers' CTs at that store, and you make the store CT, it just seems redundant. *shrug* Like was already mentioned, it's just the same people round and round.

Anonymous said...

151 - when I was a designer, I definitely looked for a lot of different styles AND people who used different programs. I can't stand the "you need Photoshop to be a good scrapper." You don't and there is a huge market out there of people who use different programs. Nothing wrong with reaching them, too.

It paid off for me. I only retired because I could make more elsewhere.

If I were still selling, I'd love to work in #129's store, too. 129 seems to be a smart businesswoman in a sea of stupid.

Anonymous said...

The store where I'm on a CT doesn't assign the store CT members to the designers that you already CT for.
So, in effect, they get double duty out of that CT member. For instance, if the store requirement is 5 layouts a month, and the designer's requirement is 3 a month, the store is getting 8 layouts from the one ct member.

Anonymous said...

Ideally, a designer finds NEW people to come and be active in our forum. That's best for the store and for their business and it's my role as a store owner to tell them how to maximize their sales.

Nice theory. I often use new people in my CT, however, they are loyal to me and not the store. They don't bring anything new to the forums etc. I know that I'm not the only designer that has CTMs like that.

Anonymous said...

Anyone know what the Babe requirements actually are? I could be nominating someone for workload hell. No one seems to have asked in the forum, so did I miss the requirements being posted somewhere? Or does no one actually care? haha

Anonymous said...

Nice theory. I often use new people in my CT, however, they are loyal to me and not the store. They don't bring anything new to the forums etc. I know that I'm not the only designer that has CTMs like that.
May 26, 2012 5:58:00 PM
Wow. You're the kind of designer stores dream of. Not. What a shit attitude.

Any CTM or designer who doesn't care about bringing anything new to the store where they sell is a waste of space. Nothing like being a leech off the people who actually work hard to bring new customers to a store.

Anonymous said...

#156- I understand what you're saying, but why stay on individual teams if you already have access to the store? That would make less work for you and maybe bring some new blood to the forum (in the case of a CT call for that designer (s))

Anonymous said...

157- I love that you use new people in your CT. CTM's usually work for the designer not the store or forum, so I get your point there. It can't hurt though if they talked in the forums with people. They can still be loyal to you.

Anonymous said...

Wow. You're the kind of designer stores dream of. Not. What a shit attitude.

Any CTM or designer who doesn't care about bringing anything new to the store where they sell is a waste of space. Nothing like being a leech off the people who actually work hard to bring new customers to a store.


Why is my attitude shit? My stores are quite happy with me and the business I bring and the money I make, thanks very much. I do all I can to bring in new business. My CTMs make layouts. I don't ask of them to participate in the forums if they don't want too. That would be bad for business. Genuine participation is so much better than forced participation. My CTMs are not employees that get paid, I can't and won't make them do anything they don't want too.

I find your attitude ironic. How many times have you seen CTMs smacked on here for bumping comments and doing nothing but selling their designer in the forums.

Anonymous said...

t can't hurt though if they talked in the forums with people.


That's not what I meant. I meant that if they don't want to participate, I won't force them too. That would be ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

160-I stay on the designer team because the store I ct at doesn't give full reign to all products. They assign 2 designers a month plus the collab. I've been there over a year and haven't been assigned to the same designer twice. I love the designer I work with, and don't want to give up that team. I'd probably give up the store team first in fact, although I love that one too.

Anonymous said...

The designers I CT for appreciate it if we are active in the forums. They ask us to participate in the forum challenges at times, and also ask us to make meaningful comments in the galleries. Some designers are at at more than one store, however, so if we participate at all the stores say 3 designers might be at, we'd be really too busy to make layouts with their products. Most CTM I know have more than 3 designers they help out.

Anonymous said...

#165 - I appreciate if my CTMs are active in the forums etc, but if they aren't, I'm not going to make them.

Anonymous said...

164: You don't have full reign? Every store I've been at has allowed that. Are they the norm, or is yours?

I would HATE to be "assigned" to a designer.

Anonymous said...

167-they have to make sure all the designers get fair play. I don't mind. It gives the ct a lot of experience with a variety of product. I've actually found a few new favorite designers.

Anonymous said...

167--I've been at both type of stores. Some stores will assign 2 designers for the month, but when you finish up your requirements for those designers, then you can pick as many other designers as you would like.

Anonymous said...

I stay on the designer team because the store I ct at doesn't give full reign to all products. They assign 2 designers a month plus the collab.

What a great idea. I love that it means all designers get the same exposure from the site CT.

Anonymous said...

I've been on both kinds of store CTs, where they assign, and where you have free reign, and I, of course, prefer it when I can pick things that I really like. I understand about making sure everyone has equal exposure, but tbh, it was never really an issue. Everyone got their products worked with.

Anonymous said...

This is in response to an earlier post - I so agree that it is shocking to see how many designers don't know a thing about marketing or building a business. Talent is great, but ideally it needs to go hand in hand with business capabilities. Where I see a problem is the designers that might know a little bit about business strategies, but have no talent.

Anonymous said...

Can we talk about whether applying for the a designer position at the remodeled Catscrap, soon to be Scrapflower, is a good idea? Do you think they will lose their customer base? Just starting over from scratch with a new FB page seems very limiting. Overall, do you think it is a strong store right now and, if so, do you think it will remain a strong store?

Anonymous said...

They changed owners. Lisa Sisneros bought it from what I was told. I think they just want a fresh new start. Catscrap is so well-known though. So it could be a good or bad thing for them.

Anonymous said...

Changing the name drops it down in SEO and Google rankings. If customers are loyal, that's great, but it will definitely impact new traffic.

My opinion: I do not think it is a strong store right now.

Anonymous said...

I just re-read everything about Dawn - the designer who posted she would need a new store because MSS was closing - and the most 'smack' I saw was someone telling her she'd get accepted at SDD. How is that being 'smacked hard'?

I do understand most people don't like SDD so it wasn't a compliment, but it wasn't a hard smack either.

Anonymous said...

#176, SDD isn't the worst shop out there but maybe she thinks it is. That is why she took it as being "smacked hard".

Anonymous said...

Looking back at the first comment directed at Dawn in this blog, I can read this: "Poor you. after looking at your stuff - I'm SURE SDD would take you. you would fit right in. " My first gut impression when I read it was negative simply because of the way it can be read. The "poor you" just before the mention of SDD could very well be perceived as smacking. Remove those two words from the post and it might be taken a whole different way. Too bad written words can be read so differently than intended (assuming the poster didn't intend to insult).

Anonymous said...

#178, I'm pretty sure that was meant as an insult to her.

Anonymous said...

#158, I have no clue what the Babe requirements are. I'd love to know myself.

Anonymous said...

40 said--way back
Something smells pretty fishy about how she went about going exclusive to one place, while doing this in the background. The Crap TakeOut fan page was started two weeks ago.

I think so too. I think they took advantage of MSS having problems getting off the ground. From what I hear, several of the designers from there have gone to the new store.

Anonymous said...

50 said---Appears that Jen Y has poached from GS. Apparently Maria H is one of her new designers as well.

Marie H left GS before this all happened. She left of her own free will.

Anonymous said...

Why are you bringing up the STO stuff again...that's old news now.

Anonymous said...

^^ Because someone wants to stir the pot again. It is old news and everyone involved has moved on.

Anonymous said...

Marie H is a stupid drama filled CU recoloring designer, not sure why people even bring her up.

Anonymous said...

183-because I want to. Simple as that! I just read back then when it was discussed, and wanted to say what I did. Marie H isn't as stupid as you think she is. (No, I'm not Marie). When things are said here, some people thing it is gosple. Well, it's not.
Now, as for Shannon and Ginger. I was at gs before Shannon came on to help, and believe me, she did an amazing job straightening up things there. (No, I'm not Shannon either.) I'm sure that Ginger would not stand in the way of Shannon moving to another position (store owner). They've been friends for several years. Shannon is not married to Ginger Scraps. She worked there. People change jobs all the time. Shannon has also worked for several designers as their business manager. (and still does by the way.) She does an amazing job, and I'm excited for her with her new venture. Maybe with her working with JY, that will be the difference in a shop that makes it and a shop that goes belly up like the one in JYs past.

185-I brought her up because someone else did a few pages back. That is all.

Anonymous said...

Shannon has also worked for several designers as their business manager. (and still does by the way.) She does an amazing job

How many digi designers have business managers? What exactly do they do? Or do you mean business managers for an online store (as opposed to only for the designer)?

Anonymous said...

I think they are stretching the term CT lead to business manager. She's is or was a CT lead for Colie's Corner. Big Deal!

Anonymous said...

When things are said here, some people thing it is gosple. Well, it's not.

Really? Thanks for clearing that up Einstein.

Anonymous said...

JenY never owned Inspiration lane. There was another Jen there who c-owned it with someone who refused to tell anyone her name and called herself Digital Couture.

Anonymous said...

#190, That was Jen who sells at TDC under Joyful Heart Designs. She was Digital Couture also.

Anonymous said...

190-The person that originally owned wls wouldn't tell anybody her name either--and there was a Digital Couture there as well.
And she was very rude.

Anonymous said...

187-Shannon works for more than Colie. She does the same things she did at GS but for the designers.

Anonymous said...

#191 - I think Digital Couture was Jen Yurko and Jenn Howland (Joyful Heart)

Anonymous said...

Digital Couture was no Jen Yurko. She entered a design contest somewhere and had to put her real name on the TOU. I don't remember who it was but it was not Jen Yurko. And Digital Couture was not more than one person.

The person who owned WLS was Profile Couture not digital couture.

Anonymous said...

195-That might be right, but she wouldn't tell anybody who she was. It was kind of freaky. She got downright paranoid about it. And she was very rude besides. I'm glad she's gone.

Anonymous said...

Befor her name was Profile Couture it was Digital Couture about 2 years ago.

Anonymous said...

Jenn Howland from TDC co-owned Inspiration Lane. She designed under Digital Couture also.

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