186 - I KNOW Marie H. I've worked with her in the past. She is not the brightest bulb in the box and filled with DRAMA. If it isn't her sick daughter, it's her husband. Would I work with her again? No way. She joins a store that I am at (I CT for a store and design for one), I will talk to the owner so I can avoid her at all costs. Drama bitch.
Befor her name was Profile Couture it was Digital Couture about 2 years ago.
^^^ Profile Couture is actually Aly DeMorales (aka Happy Tits on this blog). She was Paper Planes Designs and then one other that for right now I can't remember. She is now Designs by Aly DeMorales and sells at Stuff That's Crap.
Digital Couture's name was something like Molly or similar ... I'm sure it could be found on the old smack blog as when she entered that design competition everyone was interested to FINALLY know her name. And I agree she was incredibly rude and I'm glad she's gone.
Ju Kneipp moved to DHD. If it wasn't a big player before, it will be now. I've actually liked it for years...very classy stuff. I've always liked Sara's stuff.
You all have nothing to worry about,that intellectually ignorant Charly wants nothing to do with MSS take it and shove it,It's not worth it to me anymore,I can not believe there is so many mean people in Digi and to think any of them were my so called friends or pretended to,All i wanted to do is have fun,design and relelax,but knowing you all hate me so much for what i have no idea,i have done nothing wrong to anyone,I do not hate anymore nor do i say anything wrong to anyone,I mind my Buisness,But seems no one wants me around you win Yup you all fucking win..I will stick to my Ugly Berry Sweet Scraps store and you all can have every other place there is in Digi OK? Is that better are you all Happy you won i will Leave no worries there i just need to know where you all hang out so i know its your place and i am not wanted..Oh please let me know what other shops you all are in and if i am a member i will leave to make you all Happy ok?I do not want to be anywhere i am not wanted.I am sorry i cannot construct a sentence without f-ing it up.
I'm sorry, #14. I couldn't understand a word you were trying to say with the run-on sentences. I know grammar isn't a real concern for most Americans these days, but it does make you look "ignorant" to people when you type like that.
It's hard to take someone seriously when they can't even form a sentence. I'm not trying to be mean saying this to you. I'm not smacking you. I'm merely letting you know that you show people your ignorance and then people call you ignorant. If you don't care about communicating effectively, why should anyone care about what you're saying?
Also, I think it's really for the best you let MSS die. I have enjoyed posting my layouts in their gallery, but digi doesn't need another store. If you can't find the relaxation you're seeking at the current store you own, I'm not sure how you think you're going to find it elsewhere.
Anyone REALLY know that #14 is Charly? If she wanted to be known as herself, maybe she would have posted as herself (also giving her the option to delete her poste later on, if needed). With the anonymity of this blog, it would be fairly easy for anyone to pretend it is Charly, just to make her look even worse. I don't know Charly myself, so I would not be able to tell the difference. I am just the "devil's advocate" so to speak.
This blog is sickening. You all just ran a business into the ground with all your stupid talk. Kate, I'm ashamed of you too. I always had respect for you, but not anymore. I'm glad you left some of the teams you were on. I hope some day this comes back to bite you. Any designer that has you on their team right now should be looking for a replacement if this is how you treat someone that hasn't done anything to you. I hope you are satisfied now. All of you in fact should be really putting a star in your cap today. It's really something when you run a business into the ground when all Charly was trying to was give the store a chance at success. You are all sick people.
Maybe you should start picking on another store and see if you can run that one into the ground. Pretty soon we won't have anywhere to shop. Go ahead. You did a good job so far with MSS.
Who wants to pick the next store name out of the hat? Come on ladies--I use that word loosely. And that might fit too. (Loose ladies for those that are so stupid not to figure out a play on words). There aren't many brains here for sure. And if there are brains, you sure haven't used them wisely.
20-Charly was trying to put it back together--but thanks to the stupid people on this dumb blog, she wasn't given that chance. She's hurt and disgusted, and I don't blame her for not even trying now. You people disgust me too.
As said often, you don't have to come here, read here, or even let it get to you. If you do come here, read it, and feel offended by it, who's to blame? Be glad you can put a lock on this site, and that this smacking is all in 1 place...here..so you just have to use one lock instead of going through all over the www.
26-You all deserve each other. Don't worry, I won't let the door hit me as I leave. Get back to your back biting sorry lives. You are right, at least you are all together. What a swarm of witches. I'm rid of you all. I hope some of you see the light and make something better of your lives than ruining other people.
MSS never even got OFF the ground, let alone run back into the ground. That store was a hot mess from day 1 with Absent Jac behind the wheel. While her designers and staff were trying, she was off playing on Facebook. Sad, sad, sad.
Anyone who buys a dud of a store deserves to be smacked. I also not trying to be mean here, Charly, but a fool and their money are soon parted. I don't know you at all, but I really hope you didn't pay much for that site - especially since it was worthless to begin with.
I am not afraid to post as me,why should I hide like everyone else?i am not here starting things like a lot of you are,I am here to see what I did wrong to make people hate me so much.is that wrong?so I don't spell to your standards my store I co own is ugly to you so stay away. Please explain what I did wrong?
Charly, you are wasting your time here. These people are beyond help. They don't know what they are talking about. If you read back, you'll see that some of them claim to be store owners, others claim to be designers. Maybe they were afraid that MSS would take business away from their stores if it became a success. I guess it's a cut throat business by the looks of it. More and more stores surface, that draws business away from the stores that are already in existence. Sorry it has all hurt your feelings. You'd think business people would stick up for each other. Man, this stinks. Kate I feel sorry for you too. As someone already said--Karma bites sometimes.
Not to speak for the rest of the smacking community...but my biggest "WTF" with her purchasing the store was simple: if she isn't able to pull in anything other than semi-small name, somewhat maybe barely successful designers for her Berry Ugly store, how in the world does she expect to be able to do so by purchasing MSS? A store's main foundation for its reputation is the owner...and Charly's style does not scream "successful store owner, go join them now!"
Charlie - please take what is said on here with a huge grain of salt. For all we know, it could be one person talking smack to their self? I do think that 'Kate' has probably been smacking as she obviously posted under her real name since she forgot to select "anon" from the drop down menu. She then subsequently deleted her original post.
I don't know you as a person or designer, but I just want you to know that I admire your original spirit to take on a new store. Remember that very few scrappers and/or potential customers know about this blog. Because of how this link has been shared, it's mostly CTs and designers (or ex CTs and ex designers).
I want to think that most of the women on here are reading here in an effort to stay up to date on the 'real' scope behind the scenes in digi-land and not the sugar coated version dished out at DST. There are some, of course, who make nasty, personal attacks against people with little provocation - simply because they can remain anon. They're garbage, here and most probably in real life, although they may try and hide it behind a false facade. Please don't let anything that's said on here affect your business decisions.
46-I admire you for taking that stand. As for Kate, it's sad to see a fellow CT member trash any designer or store. Designers probably think all their ct members are running around sticking them in the back whenever they can. Even when I leave a designer or a store, for whatever reason, I never stab them in the back. I'm sad I even found out about this place.
interesting very interesting. I'm not sure how Kate got dragged through the mud here the woman just simply asked a question and then you all attack and slam her .. WTF!
I don't see any store taking over this industry. Unless, one store wants to take on all the designers that are peoples favorites. Somehow I don't see that happening.
Why is everyone who comes here to read the smacking, sad that they've found out this place? You were all to curious to see what's this blog is all about in the first place, so stop whining! You're sad yourself you couldn't stop from being curious to read this blog. So get over it and move on.
OMG #57 why not tell people to buzz off if they regret coming here? Than just don't come here! It was their own choice to come here in the first place. Nobody invited them to come over. So yeah, buzz off, if it's not to your liking.
I'm not Kate, but I would have gone back and deleted it at first because it's really scary to see you posted on the Smack Blog.
As for 'whats it to me' ... I'm interested because some people are tearing her to bits for being disloyal and stabbing people in the back, and I don't see that in her post.
Maybe people see it as stabbing cause she wants to drop posting at the gallery at MSS, but that's a choice of her own, and her right to do so. Only Charly lovers would see that as backstabbing. Don't see anything wrong with her question also.
#67- I think it goes beyond what she said. People are going to wonder how many other times she posted here "anon" and smacked people. I don't care either way. I didn't see her post as bad either.
I find it the height of irony that someone can post they think "so much less" of someone for posting on a smack blog (and a pretty innocent comment, at that.) Dear poster 19, I think so much less of you, now.
than they think "so much less" of themselves too, cause they're posting here too saying they think so much less of someone posting here...still with me? LOL
66- It doesn't matter if people saw what she posted or if it wasn't "bad". What matters is they saw her name here and a deleted post.
^^ This is so strange. Kate is being called all sorts of names and people are 'ashamed of her' all based on speculation of what she might have deleted?
It could be that someone loves the free market system and sees her remark as an attempt to persuade others to boycott a store. She is free to do that of course, but when a person is participating in as many CT's as she does, and is supposed to be promoting the designers product, it isn't wise to publicly boycott anyplace or be so outspoken. People --and other designers are watching. Karma bites. Personally, I wouldn't have her on a ct of mine. Fortunately, my designs are at two different stores, and I gross over $2000. a month.
Wow! You all talk so much crap about Kate, but none of you are any better. You are all just in here to run your mouth and trash people. Get a life. All Kate did was ask something and you jumped all over her. You just have nothing better to do with your time that sit here and bitch and moan. Seriously, if you all are SO brave then why aren't you posting as yourselves??? Because you aren't brave at all. Anyone can hide behind anonymous just like I am doing right now. Ignorance is bliss and y'all are some damn blissful people!
84-So why aren't you defending Charly like you are Kate? Why is it ok to totally trash a person to a point she quits a business that employs other other? What is with you? In this terrible economy, any store that employs anybody is a blessing to them. Are digi stores going to be a thing of the past like paper scrapping stores are? We used to have 3 paper scrapping stores in my town, now the closest one is 90 miles away. Are we going to have to shop in Brazilian stores because people like are on this blog take down the stores one by one? It's going to be so sad when they all go out of business and you won't have anybody to trash.
I bet so many of these people who are criticizing Kate are those who don't have the balls to post as themselves. It might ruin the picture perfect bullshit reputations you all think you have.
But most of us know that those who are sweet to our faces are no the same behind the scenes.
89-is that you Kate? What is wrong with you guys? Do you think this is all about Kate? How wrong you are. It's about the whole idea of TRASHING someone. See how easy it is? Does she deserve it? That is debatable. Did Charly deserve it? Get off your "poor Kate" horse. She didn't delete her post for nothing.
89-I agree that Kate is amazing. These people on here don't KNOW her. They saw her post and took a cheap shot! Kate will always be an amazing person no matter what anyone says about her on here.
Actually, 90, there's no proof that what she deleted was any different than what she later posted. And since it's supposedly so "horrible" to post as yourself, I don't blame her for freaking out and deleting it. I'll bet your high horse would decrease in elevation if your avatar suddenly appeared next to your nasty post.
well said #95. she reposted what she had posted to begin with. she just generally wanted to know what a lot of people want to know. is MSS really closing or is this all BS to try and drum up business?
#89 and 92- The bottom line is she meant to post here "anon". She didn't. She can be sweet all she wants but she still posts here. Coming here to defend her is just going to drag this on longer than it would if you would just ignore it.
95-You think MY post was nasty? This whole stinking blog is nasty. Have you seen all the deplorable things said against other people here? Where do you have your head?
What has been said against Kate is quite calm compared to what is said about other people. If Kate is feeling the heat, maybe she should get out of the kitchen.
I don't give a rat's ass if either Charly or Kate is a nice person or a rotten person, or stupid, or fantastic. What I do find incredibly annoying is that anonymous posters would fall on them like piranhas when they themselves would do the EXACT SAME THING. In fact, I have a little more respect for Charly for posting as herself. I don't think she's the greatest designer in the world, and I'm not sure she's the steadiest business person, but I have more respect for her than I do RF or a lowlife like Amanda Dykan.
97-trying to drum up business? Now I know you are completely crazy. There is no business to drum up when the store closes. That is the whole issue right there.
100-Yes, it was good for Charly to post as herself. But she still didn't get anybody to answer her question--exactly what did she do to irritate someone so much to trash her in the first place?
Kate might not get a few CT's she might apply for, but Charly lost a business over being trashed. Designers lost a place to sell their products. The digi community lost a great place to post from other designers. It's a shame.
Charly didn't lose a business. Charly got an idea of how much bigger the bite was than she could chew, and she made a decision based on that. And since the bite WAS too big... well...
I think what Kate said is fine and I think the fact that she posts here is fine. heck, I post here. What kind of hypocrite comes here and POSTS and says Kate is somehow awful and 'karma' will 'bite' her for posting here, too?
As for Charly - she deserved the bashing she got. Everything that was said about her was true. She bought a store and immediately started posting how she had no idea how to run it. Then she comes here and posts and shows that she has absolutely no grasp of professionalism and no ability to communicate in proper English. She can be kind or not - I have no experience with her outside of thes blog - but being kind or sweet is totally irrelevant. She very clearly has no business skills.
Even the fact that the bashing she got here is causing her to walk away from the store shows she has no business skills ... we all love to bash Maya from SBG, far far worse than any bashing Charly got, but it hasn't stopped Maya from running her store.
106-the whole digi community lost with this, not just Charly. You guys didn't give her a chance to even get started.
Whatever. Charly made two bad choices here - one was to buy a business she couldn't handle, and the other was to base business decisions on the smack blog. I'm not laying blame at the smack blog for any of that.
Nobody goes into a business knowing everything there is to know about it. Even Donald Trump has been known to make unwise business decisions. I totally believe Charly thought she could save the site. I saw no ulterior motive on her part at all. Yes, when someone buys a business, their plan is to make some money. I'm sure that thought didn't escape her, but the way she was bashed on this blog was cruel and unusual unless someone thought that her success with MSS would bring them down, or take something from them. Yes, I think MSS could have been a success. The whole mess is unfortunate.
Donald Trump has made poor business decisions, but he can string together a proper grammatical sentence in his own language.
I'm not out for blood from Charly, but I am really, really tired of people who think that id doesn't matter if they don't communicate effectively. Grammar CAN be learned. You aren't just a lost cause who everyone has to put up with if you find yourself as an adult who was never taught proper communication skills.
I don't thinks he had an ulterior motive, no, but I do think it's just as well she's closing it. Dying sites need to be allowed to die and there are enough poorly managed sites out there as it is.
117-That is sad. Here someone is trying to better herself, and she's still trashed to smithereens. All this because of her grammar? I think this sentence that you wrote--"I don't thinks he had an ulterior motive" was another mistake. Should we trash you now too because you made TWO errors in your post? How many errors are we allowed to make in a post? Who made you the grammar police?
oh for heavens sake. MSS was a mess before Charly came along - and that just made it worse. Charly is average in design skills. She's been doing it for years, and still puts out juvenile products with no improvement. She has had her hand in MANY stores, all of which, other than the current Berry Sweet have collapsed. IF MSS was doing well BEFORE Charly came along, then yes - I can see the 'uproar' about how she could ruin it. It would have been no worse if Charly took it over, other than it would be completely screwed up, xcart wise. If Charly chooses to listen to what is said here and base her decisions on that - its her problem and hers alone.
yes Maya reads here. does she care what is said? NO. obviously. say what you will about her, she is a shrewd and successful business person.
bottom line: no one has to like or get along with anyone. Scrap stores are not and will not close because of what is said here. Charly got upset - and made her choice. If she can't toughen up, then she still has alot to learn. Toughening up doesn't include becoming a general bitch to make it, either. It does include being able to take the crap that is thrown your way without crying over it.
When You Type Like This. People, Lose Respekt (sk) For You.
The woman has no business writing ads or any publicity for the store. It's based on appearances and if your grammar and spelling are crap, it reflects the business.
119 - there is a BIG difference between a couple of typos as in 116 and a total lack of understanding of the English language.
This is an excerpt and it's so bad. There are capitals in the middle of sentences, no capitals at the beginning of sentences, no spacing after periods, total run-on sentences, and that is really just the beginning.
Why do people think this is OK and defend it because the person is 'sweet?' If you own a business it is absolutely YOUR job to work on your professionalism and communication. You don't just throw up your hands and say 'oh well I can't spell to your standards.' If you have a problem with spelling and grammar FIX IT that is what your computer is for. It just means you have to actually realize it is important and take the time to fix it.
Yup you all fucking win..I will stick to my Ugly Berry Sweet Scraps store and you all can have every other place there is in Digi OK? Is that better are you all Happy you won i will Leave no worries there i just need to know where you all hang out so i know its your place and i am not wanted..Oh please let me know what other shops you all are in and if i am a member i will leave to make you all Happy ok?I do not want to be anywhere i am not wanted.I am sorry i cannot construct a sentence without f-ing it up.
'Fess up, 122. You own several businesses and are planning to take over the world! No? Ah, well, then your grammar mistakes don't matter, in spite of the myopic miscreants who think it does :)
If Charly would spend her money on some professional webdesign of Berry Sweet Crap instead of buying MSS would make her look a lot more professional as a store owner instead of a storehopper just to try her luck on getting $$ out of it.
Also diving in, in how to run a business before you go into it, is wiser than learn the ropes when you're already in it, and trying to keep your business floating.
I could care less about the grammar here. As someone said, however, I just think it's funny when those who live in glass houses do throw stones. He (or she) who throws the stones may be the next one that gets cut.
If your grammar and spelling are crap, it reflects the business.
That sentence is totally and completely grammatically correct. She is saying that the bad grammar is a reflection of the business.
She is NOT saying it reflects ON the business. For some reason, some of you decided that is what she was saying and that she made an error. She didn't.
The fact that so many people think she made a grammatical error is kind of funny and kind of a sad reflection of how grammar is (or isn't) taught in schools.
'Fess up, 122. You own several businesses and are planning to take over the world! No? Ah, well, then your grammar mistakes don't matter, in spite of the myopic miscreants who think it does :)
^^ It's not myopic, it's a well known fact that poor grammar, spelling, and communication skills effect how your business performs. That is why people who don't have those skills hire assistant's to step in and do it for them (or at lest run what they write through spell-check.)
Berry Sweet Scraps was done by a professional from scratch,I know who did it for them,Alos Charly is not the sole owner so why only pick on her?I do not know Charly but i do know she does not store hop,she has been in a few shops,wow is that a sin?CT Members hop more than anything.I also see nothing wrong with her shop,If you do not like it do not look at it easy peasy.
I don't know Charly or Berry Sweet Scraps, cause it's not my style, but if that's made by a professional, how professional is that? Looks amateuristic to me, and it's definitely not appealing to me, and make me want to spend money there.
Has anyone here even brought up the fact that Charly didn't buy MSS alone? She had someone else buy half the store and she was only a co owner. To me all of you are the same sick, pathetic bitches who all are in the same narrow minded circle (and forums obviously) who just delight in bringing others down to your level, which I might add is pretty damned low to the ground. Just because the previous owner of MSS let the store fail, doesn't mean it couldn't have been given new life with new owners. Stores close, stores open, stores change hands, and many times those stores that change hands can become a success. Who is to say how MSS would have turned out if she kept/keeps it, she wasn't running it alone, she had help, and I see it that her posting in forums for help is showing that she has the want to learn, correct? It wasn't showing her ignorance. Just because someone doesn't have the best writing or people skills does not make them ignorant nor deserving of being smacked here or anywhere else, and perhaps she can now take all this shit and refine her skills and learn to write and speak better, who knows. She still didn't deserve all of this. Do any of you know her reasons for opening and closing stores? Do you know for a fact her stores were shit? Do you know for a fact she ran a bad business? Do you really know anything about her or her stores, present or past? Why do you hate Berry Sweet? What is so wrong with it that you find a need to smack that too? Can't any of you simply realize the fact that any store open is one more chance for designers to try and make a little money, especially in todays economy all the extra you can get is welcome. You've all sat there bashing heads and lives, and not once have you thought that in the whole digi world you are only covering a few select people and stores, and there are tons out there, so it just shows how small of a group of bitches you are. Just because half of you didn't choose to stay at MSS, didn't give you the right to ruin the chance for someone else, and frankly, Jac selling out was smart, she had no clue what she was doing either and since she kept posting and playing on FB, it shows she didn't want to try and learn how to run a store. Charly bought half of it, and was willing to try, that shows more guts than Jac ever had, and more guts than all of you have as well for doing your damnedest to to run everyone screaming from the prospect of a "new improved MSS". The digi world is still huge, and why it has to be so cut throat is beyond me. Go back to your forums and sit there like you do all day and find someone else to bash, let those alone who are trying to make ends meet, and who are trying to reopen a store to give others a chance to earn a little money. Just because MSS was bad before, doesn't mean it would be the same with new owners, besides, it was obviously good enough for most of you to sell there or CT there at one time, right?
132-So is anybody here going to fess up on being an English teacher? That would be funny. The professional teachers telling Charley that she isn't professional because she can't write, when they are the ones that taught her how to do it. That would definitely be poetic justice.
142 I assume because all of you seem to know so much about it, who owned it, who CT'd for it, who bought it now and who left. Somewhat speaks for itself that you were there in one capacity or another.
142 No, I didn't buy it, I just know she has a co owner for MSS. I have enough on my plate keeping up my own store and design work, so I don't need to take on another job.
152-And I make 2000.00 a month as a designer and I'm not going to ask any of you guys to be on my CT. And I'm going to start my sentences with an AND. so there--and I'm NOT going to capitalize the first word in my sentence if I don't want to either and I'm going to use run on sentences too.
I want to know how many designers make that much money a month. I can't see many designers pulling in that much. As far as designers for SO, my first thought is do they really need more?
Can't any of you simply realize the fact that any store open is one more chance for designers to try and make a little money, especially in todays economy all the extra you can get is welcome.
I couldn't disagree with you more. In this economy we need less stores competing for people's dollars.
Just because the previous owner of MSS let the store fail, doesn't mean it couldn't have been given new life with new owners. Stores close, stores open, stores change hands, and many times those stores that change hands can become a success.
Many times? I don't think so. Many times what happens is the store gets another 9 months to a year and closes anyway.
I see it that her posting in forums for help is showing that she has the want to learn, correct? It wasn't showing her ignorance.
The way to do this without looking ignorant is to use google and find answers yourself. Then if you need further clarification, you say 'I tried X but it doesn't work like the tutorial said, does anyone have tips?' What Charly did was basically ask people in the DCR to save her the tie of doing her own research.
In other forums - for example the zencart forums - people won't even reply to your thread if you ask a question that clearly shows you haven't done your due diligence trying to figure it out yourself.
Just because half of you didn't choose to stay at MSS, didn't give you the right to ruin the chance for someone else
We didn't ruin anything. See previous comments of how other store owners handle being smacked here. Some have been extensively, personally smacked, lik Maya from SBG, and run very successful business without skipping a beat. Another one that has been repeatedly smacked is Stuff That's Crap, and yet it too stays in business. Charly made a choice here, nothing anyone said on this blog 'ruined' her business.
161 - perhaps that's part of it. I know at least two people are commenting because one is me (not a store owner) and there are comments that are not made by me.
If you guys were all so sure that MSS was going to fail anyhow, I don't understand the all out war to try and make the fall sooner than it would have been. You should have just backed off and let her fall on her own. That proves you weren't sure she'd fail! She needed your help to fail. Good job ladies. I hope you can rest now. What a bunch of losers you are. I hope some of you lose your jobs and see how it feels.
I have a feeling that designers who actually make that much don't come and post on the Smack Blog. I find it a bit hypocritical that no one smacked Jen for posting on here as herself when commenting about blog train colors but when Kate made a simple inquiry about if anyone else was going to continue to post their lo's at MSS she's ripped to pieces.
I don't think anyone should be ripped to shreds for posting here as themselves on that merit alone. Afterall, YOU are here, too!
163-I'm curious. I'm not Charly, I'm not on the CT at MSS or at her other store, whatever it is. I have posted at MSS in the gallery way before the store opened, but that is my only connection. What exactly is your motivation to making sure that Charly fails in her business? What makes you hate her so much?
Sunny Day Scraps is the same person who asked for someone to draw a freaking SUN for her logo in the DCR. L A Z Y. If she can't draw a circle and some lines, how is she "designing"?
http://www.digishoptalk.com/boards/showthread.php?t=269924 which reads: I am ISO of a cu sun that i can use for a Design name Logo for my Kit previews and such.Thanks for any help.
You honestly expect her to google ANYTHING? L A Z Y.
really -169 that cracked me up. Yeah we should all stop pick on Charly as a designer. OMG how hard is it as a designer to draw or shape a sun? If you can't even do that, you're not a designer IMO.
-171 it's not about asking for a CU item. It's a circle with rectangle shapes! C'mon. Or you draw one on paper and scan it in. I think it even comes with PS if she uses that.
I don't even know who charly is but after the way you people talk about her, I want to go spend my entire digibudget on her products rather than yours.
There is a reason this blog is anonymous. I doubt I'd be able to buy from my favorite designers if I knew who each of you were.
We all are still waiting on what the issue is with Charly.What has she done?I see she has asked and 4 or 5 others aswell,no one seems to have come up with anything yet.I have went back to the first post on the Blog and not once have i seen anyone say anything about her intill this MSS Bullshit,So it must have something to do with her purchasing it,So she must of beat one of you to the purchase.
175- You would be surprised at how many are store owners that post here. I wouldn't go spending money on anything of hers even if I feel bad for her. She's not bad, just not my style.
175-You can find her store here: http://berrysweetscraps.com/shop/index.php?main_page=index&manufacturers_id=3&zenid=31370c897fc524f9037f4bbd3da15126 and I'm sure she'd appreciate the business after this week.
177-Thats what scares me,It could be my favorite store owners posting here being rude and nasty and picking and choosing who they bash next,If you don't like someone stay away from them,why talk about them on a blog all day,once it dies down you talk some more about them just to bring them back to your spotlight.
I see nothing wrong with Charly,She is not my style but alot of Designers aren't.Does that make her a bad person?I do not think so.No one deserves to be treated like Charly is or anyone on this Blog who has been Bashed.
Everyone has feelings,everyone takes being labeled and spotlighted and bashed in different ways,some could be unstable and commit suicide after reading shit like this about them,some could get depressed,some do not care,but not everyone is strong,people have feelings!Is this fun to you all that make fun of people?Do you get your Jollys off doing it?
163-I'm curious. I'm not Charly, I'm not on the CT at MSS or at her other store, whatever it is. I have posted at MSS in the gallery way before the store opened, but that is my only connection. What exactly is your motivation to making sure that Charly fails in her business? What makes you hate her so much?
^^ I don't have any motivation to see that Charly fails in her business. I don't think posting on a smack blog has anything to do with Charly failing in her business. I've said it repeatedly but you never comment on it (probably because it is hard to argue with) but lots of store owners have been smacked here and their business is doing just fine.
I comment on her incredibly poor grammar because, well, it's the truth and I find it aggravating that people want to claim that grammar and spelling don't matter when they do.
I commented on her asking for help with a store without doing her own research because that is pretty disrespectful to the people who DID take the time to learn for themselves.
I didn't make the comments about the CU sun, but I will say that I think that is pretty ridiculous. It's a circle and some lines.
Here's what I do have motivation to do: I have motivation to see this industry cleaned up. I'd like to see more quality product and less stuff pumped out that never improves, is done primarily with scripts and actions, and leaves a poor impression of what Digital Scrapbooking can be. I'd also like to see stores professionally managed, by people with skills. In the real world, if someone bought a store without first researching if they could actually run it, that store would close fairly quickly. I don't see why it's particularly vindictive to suggest the same should happen here. If you don't know anything about running a digital store, don't buy one. Too many people think it will be 'fun' or 'relaxing' to run a store and they are very wrong. It's serious. It's a business. If you can't be bothered to take the time to research and learn it, don't do it.
182-Just so you know, internet stalking and bullying are against the law.
^^ It would be pretty hard to make a claim that you were being stalked if you choose to come to a smack blog to read what people are saying about you. That's pretty different than someone following you around the internet.
187-So now you are the business police too. My goodness, if this wasn't so sad, it would be hilarious. It's very presumptuous of you to think you are best business person in digi land, and that it's up to you to make sure nobody of a different educational level is allowed to run a business. You are pathetic.
193-Another interesting point--I thought I saw it written here that WLS is a stupid place to hang out. What are you doing there? Did you check with miss 187 if you could go there?
187-So now you are the business police too. My goodness, if this wasn't so sad, it would be hilarious. It's very presumptuous of you to think you are best business person in digi land, and that it's up to you to make sure nobody of a different educational level is allowed to run a business. You are pathetic.
^^ You asked why I care. I told you. I didn't say it was the only opinion or that I was the best businessperson in digiland. I just told you why I care and why I comment on the Charly issue. You went ahead and made a bunch of assumptions.
You (again) ignore my point that many people have been smacked and gone on to be successful. Talking about someone here is in no way an effort to close their business. If I wanted to do that I'd be actively contacting other designers and store owners. And then you really could accuse me of stalking.
All I'm doing is conversing on the topic at hand. On a smack blog. It's not about anything else.
#187- What business is it of yours what they do with their shop? Unless of course you sell there. If so, then you have the choice to leave at any time. If you have such a high motivation then why post here?
182 - and you had to just run here with it to add more fuel to the fire. You are pathetic! And it is bullying no matter how you slice it!! You can all jump up and down and say that it is not but it is and we all know it!
«Oldest ‹Older 1601 – 1800 of 2608 Newer› Newest»186 - I KNOW Marie H. I've worked with her in the past. She is not the brightest bulb in the box and filled with DRAMA. If it isn't her sick daughter, it's her husband. Would I work with her again? No way. She joins a store that I am at (I CT for a store and design for one), I will talk to the owner so I can avoid her at all costs. Drama bitch.
MSS is now having a designer call! Hurry and apply everyone lol!
Befor her name was Profile Couture it was Digital Couture about 2 years ago.
No it wasn't. They are not the same person.
If Digital Couture and Jenn Howland are the same, how come they keep referring to each other as separate people?
Befor her name was Profile Couture it was Digital Couture about 2 years ago.
Profile Couture is actually Aly DeMorales (aka Happy Tits on this blog). She was Paper Planes Designs and then one other that for right now I can't remember. She is now Designs by Aly DeMorales and sells at Stuff That's Crap.
Digital Couture's name was something like Molly or similar ... I'm sure it could be found on the old smack blog as when she entered that design competition everyone was interested to FINALLY know her name. And I agree she was incredibly rude and I'm glad she's gone.
If Digital Couture and Jenn Howland are the same, how come they keep referring to each other as separate people?
They aren't.
And thank you for offering the name of the Jen who actually owned Inspiration Lane (Jen Yurko did not.)
#4 - thanks. I didn't think they were the same person.
the designer call at MSS is as bad looking, as the berry horrible craps store. Yep...2 weeks tops.
Ju Kneipp moved to DHD. If it wasn't a big player before, it will be now. I've actually liked it for years...very classy stuff. I've always liked Sara's stuff.
Should have just kept the comment up there LOL. Just asking if everyone is gonna stop posting their LOs at MSS. I know I'm considering it.
With Charly being the owner hell no. If you look she even deleted everything in the forum.
Kate brave to be posting on here with your real name..
Why becouse deleting still left your photo up there to let everyone know who you are.
There is NO WAY I'd go to MSS with that intellectually ignorant Charly being involved. She seriously cannot construct a sentence without f-ing it up.
You all have nothing to worry about,that intellectually ignorant Charly wants nothing to do with MSS take it and shove it,It's not worth it to me anymore,I can not believe there is so many mean people in Digi and to think any of them were my so called friends or pretended to,All i wanted to do is have fun,design and relelax,but knowing you all hate me so much for what i have no idea,i have done nothing wrong to anyone,I do not hate anymore nor do i say anything wrong to anyone,I mind my Buisness,But seems no one wants me around you win Yup you all fucking win..I will stick to my Ugly Berry Sweet Scraps store and you all can have every other place there is in Digi OK? Is that better are you all Happy you won i will Leave no worries there i just need to know where you all hang out so i know its your place and i am not wanted..Oh please let me know what other shops you all are in and if i am a member i will leave to make you all Happy ok?I do not want to be anywhere i am not wanted.I am sorry i cannot construct a sentence without f-ing it up.
and now she's going to neglect Berry horrid scraps?
I'm sorry, #14. I couldn't understand a word you were trying to say with the run-on sentences. I know grammar isn't a real concern for most Americans these days, but it does make you look "ignorant" to people when you type like that.
It's hard to take someone seriously when they can't even form a sentence. I'm not trying to be mean saying this to you. I'm not smacking you. I'm merely letting you know that you show people your ignorance and then people call you ignorant. If you don't care about communicating effectively, why should anyone care about what you're saying?
Also, I think it's really for the best you let MSS die. I have enjoyed posting my layouts in their gallery, but digi doesn't need another store. If you can't find the relaxation you're seeking at the current store you own, I'm not sure how you think you're going to find it elsewhere.
Hi Charly. (14)
Anyone REALLY know that #14 is Charly? If she wanted to be known as herself, maybe she would have posted as herself (also giving her the option to delete her poste later on, if needed). With the anonymity of this blog, it would be fairly easy for anyone to pretend it is Charly, just to make her look even worse. I don't know Charly myself, so I would not be able to tell the difference. I am just the "devil's advocate" so to speak.
This blog is sickening. You all just ran a business into the ground with all your stupid talk. Kate, I'm ashamed of you too. I always had respect for you, but not anymore. I'm glad you left some of the teams you were on. I hope some day this comes back to bite you. Any designer that has you on their team right now should be looking for a replacement if this is how you treat someone that hasn't done anything to you. I hope you are satisfied now. All of you in fact should be really putting a star in your cap today. It's really something when you run a business into the ground when all Charly was trying to was give the store a chance at success. You are all sick people.
The business was already to the ground otherwise it wouldn't be closed...
19 - mmmmmmwah! Kisses!!!
18-I guess you'll find out for sure when she closes mss--which is happening. You guys are bunch of freaks.
Maybe you should start picking on another store and see if you can run that one into the ground. Pretty soon we won't have anywhere to shop. Go ahead. You did a good job so far with MSS.
Who wants to pick the next store name out of the hat? Come on ladies--I use that word loosely. And that might fit too. (Loose ladies for those that are so stupid not to figure out a play on words). There aren't many brains here for sure. And if there are brains, you sure haven't used them wisely.
20-Charly was trying to put it back together--but thanks to the stupid people on this dumb blog, she wasn't given that chance. She's hurt and disgusted, and I don't blame her for not even trying now. You people disgust me too.
As said often, you don't have to come here, read here, or even let it get to you. If you do come here, read it, and feel offended by it, who's to blame? Be glad you can put a lock on this site, and that this smacking is all in 1 place...here..so you just have to use one lock instead of going through all over the www.
26-You all deserve each other. Don't worry, I won't let the door hit me as I leave. Get back to your back biting sorry lives. You are right, at least you are all together. What a swarm of witches. I'm rid of you all. I hope some of you see the light and make something better of your lives than ruining other people.
ok thank you, bye.
Karma is a bitch Charly. It's pay back time.
Karma? What have I ever done? Show your faces or are you hiding? I have never done anything to anyone!
MSS never even got OFF the ground, let alone run back into the ground. That store was a hot mess from day 1 with Absent Jac behind the wheel. While her designers and staff were trying, she was off playing on Facebook. Sad, sad, sad.
Anyone who buys a dud of a store deserves to be smacked. I also not trying to be mean here, Charly, but a fool and their money are soon parted. I don't know you at all, but I really hope you didn't pay much for that site - especially since it was worthless to begin with.
MSS was great as just a blog and a gallery. Why can't it just go back to being that?
32-because someone has to pay for it stupid.
Charly - that was BEYOND DUMB posting as yourself.
#33- Is there a need to be rude? All someone did was ask a question.
#32 - because that doesn't make money.
32 - because Jac got greedy and actually thought people make lots of money from a new store with 'ok' designers.
I just have one thing to say about this entire page of comments.... LOL!
I am not afraid to post as me,why should I hide like everyone else?i am not here starting things like a lot of you are,I am here to see what I did wrong to make people hate me so much.is that wrong?so I don't spell to your standards my store I co own is ugly to you so stay away. Please explain what I did wrong?
I'd love to know what #29 meant by the karma comment.
Me too
35-Now THAT is rich! Someone calling someone rude on this blog. Actually made me LOL for the first time this morning. Thank you for the laugh.
Charly, you are wasting your time here. These people are beyond help. They don't know what they are talking about. If you read back, you'll see that some of them claim to be store owners, others claim to be designers. Maybe they were afraid that MSS would take business away from their stores if it became a success. I guess it's a cut throat business by the looks of it. More and more stores surface, that draws business away from the stores that are already in existence. Sorry it has all hurt your feelings. You'd think business people would stick up for each other. Man, this stinks.
Kate I feel sorry for you too. As someone already said--Karma bites sometimes.
MSS would take business away from other stores? Did Berry Sweet Scraps took over digiland? Ok, that was to funny.
Charly's store become a huge success? Ha!
Not to speak for the rest of the smacking community...but my biggest "WTF" with her purchasing the store was simple: if she isn't able to pull in anything other than semi-small name, somewhat maybe barely successful designers for her Berry Ugly store, how in the world does she expect to be able to do so by purchasing MSS? A store's main foundation for its reputation is the owner...and Charly's style does not scream "successful store owner, go join them now!"
Charlie - please take what is said on here with a huge grain of salt. For all we know, it could be one person talking smack to their self? I do think that 'Kate' has probably been smacking as she obviously posted under her real name since she forgot to select "anon" from the drop down menu. She then subsequently deleted her original post.
I don't know you as a person or designer, but I just want you to know that I admire your original spirit to take on a new store. Remember that very few scrappers and/or potential customers know about this blog. Because of how this link has been shared, it's mostly CTs and designers (or ex CTs and ex designers).
I want to think that most of the women on here are reading here in an effort to stay up to date on the 'real' scope behind the scenes in digi-land and not the sugar coated version dished out at DST. There are some, of course, who make nasty, personal attacks against people with little provocation - simply because they can remain anon. They're garbage, here and most probably in real life, although they may try and hide it behind a false facade. Please don't let anything that's said on here affect your business decisions.
9- I don't get any play at MSS, regardless of who owns it. I'm going to guess that's why you were asking, not because of this Charly nonsense.
46-I admire you for taking that stand.
As for Kate, it's sad to see a fellow CT member trash any designer or store. Designers probably think all their ct members are running around sticking them in the back whenever they can. Even when I leave a designer or a store, for whatever reason, I never stab them in the back. I'm sad I even found out about this place.
44-I hope you weren't the one that stabbed Charley for her sentence structure. lol
interesting very interesting. I'm not sure how Kate got dragged through the mud here the woman just simply asked a question and then you all attack and slam her .. WTF!
I don't see any store taking over this industry. Unless, one store wants to take on all the designers that are peoples favorites. Somehow I don't see that happening.
Why is everyone who comes here to read the smacking, sad that they've found out this place? You were all to curious to see what's this blog is all about in the first place, so stop whining! You're sad yourself you couldn't stop from being curious to read this blog. So get over it and move on.
minus 's.
50- That is because she went back and deleted her original comment when she saw she posted as herself. Just like Happytits did.
53- huh?
50-mud sticks sometimes.
52-@ho are you to tell someone else to buzz off? Who made you king of the world? Are you related to that stupid Obama? He's already taken that spot.
OMG #57 why not tell people to buzz off if they regret coming here? Than just don't come here! It was their own choice to come here in the first place. Nobody invited them to come over. So yeah, buzz off, if it's not to your liking.
57- No political shit here please. LOL
58-It's not your job. Stick to what you do best--stab people in the back.
#57-58, People know they don't have to read here. Thing is they can't stop reading and get mad.
Di anyone SEE the first thing Kate posted, or are you all just assuming she posted something awful? Her second post isn't that big of a deal.
62- I didn't see it, but why go back and delete it if it wasn't awful to begin with? She already knew by then she posted as herself.
62-What is it to you unless you're Kate and are afraid of that Karma that bites?
Is art journaling still the "in" thing to do in scrapping? I don't see much of it anymore in shops.
I'm not Kate, but I would have gone back and deleted it at first because it's really scary to see you posted on the Smack Blog.
As for 'whats it to me' ... I'm interested because some people are tearing her to bits for being disloyal and stabbing people in the back, and I don't see that in her post.
Maybe people see it as stabbing cause she wants to drop posting at the gallery at MSS, but that's a choice of her own, and her right to do so. Only Charly lovers would see that as backstabbing. Don't see anything wrong with her question also.
66- It doesn't matter if people saw what she posted or if it wasn't "bad". What matters is they saw her name here and a deleted post.
only Charly lovers... LOL
Maybe Charly should just sell MSS and that would solve all the problems .. are you all on agreement with that?!
#67- I think it goes beyond what she said. People are going to wonder how many other times she posted here "anon" and smacked people. I don't care either way. I didn't see her post as bad either.
I find it the height of irony that someone can post they think "so much less" of someone for posting on a smack blog (and a pretty innocent comment, at that.) Dear poster 19, I think so much less of you, now.
Maybe Kate was/is on a CT (store or designer) at one of Charlys stores. Dunno how many she owns now. Than still I'm not seeing it as backstabbing.
than they think "so much less" of themselves too, cause they're posting here too saying they think so much less of someone posting here...still with me? LOL
66- It doesn't matter if people saw what she posted or if it wasn't "bad". What matters is they saw her name here and a deleted post.
This is so strange. Kate is being called all sorts of names and people are 'ashamed of her' all based on speculation of what she might have deleted?
^^^Well, in reality, it might be only one really suspicious bitter poster. Might even be someone else who is being smacked, who knows?
76- People have always been like this when someone accidentally posts as themselves.
72-Good! You made my day.
It could be that someone loves the free market system and sees her remark as an attempt to persuade others to boycott a store. She is free to do that of course, but when a person is participating in as many CT's as she does, and is supposed to be promoting the designers product, it isn't wise to publicly boycott anyplace or be so outspoken. People --and other designers are watching. Karma bites. Personally, I wouldn't have her on a ct of mine. Fortunately, my designs are at two different stores, and I gross over $2000. a month.
#79- What does how much you "gross" have to do with it?
80-I threw that in just for you.
ah, brag time again. Well, is someone earning more than #79?
Oh, and she's not on my team, and she never will be. I have friends that I'll be talking with.
Wow! You all talk so much crap about Kate, but none of you are any better. You are all just in here to run your mouth and trash people. Get a life. All Kate did was ask something and you jumped all over her. You just have nothing better to do with your time that sit here and bitch and moan. Seriously, if you all are SO brave then why aren't you posting as yourselves??? Because you aren't brave at all. Anyone can hide behind anonymous just like I am doing right now. Ignorance is bliss and y'all are some damn blissful people!
82-Little do you know.
83- How is you posting "anon" any better than what she did by using her name?
85-Do people really earn $2,000 a month all the time?
84-So why aren't you defending Charly like you are Kate? Why is it ok to totally trash a person to a point she quits a business that employs other other? What is with you? In this terrible economy, any store that employs anybody is a blessing to them. Are digi stores going to be a thing of the past like paper scrapping stores are? We used to have 3 paper scrapping stores in my town, now the closest one is 90 miles away. Are we going to have to shop in Brazilian stores because people like are on this blog take down the stores one by one? It's going to be so sad when they all go out of business and you won't have anybody to trash.
86-I doubt that most designers earn that much a month. I wouldn't earn that much if I didn't have a great promotion team.
84- so well said.
I bet so many of these people who are criticizing Kate are those who don't have the balls to post as themselves. It might ruin the picture perfect bullshit reputations you all think you have.
But most of us know that those who are sweet to our faces are no the same behind the scenes.
Kate is genuinely sweet.
89-is that you Kate?
What is wrong with you guys? Do you think this is all about Kate? How wrong you are. It's about the whole idea of TRASHING someone. See how easy it is? Does she deserve it? That is debatable. Did Charly deserve it? Get off your "poor Kate" horse. She didn't delete her post for nothing.
Selective trashing is laughable.
89-I agree that Kate is amazing. These people on here don't KNOW her. They saw her post and took a cheap shot! Kate will always be an amazing person no matter what anyone says about her on here.
Is it ok if we trash Ginger now? How about Bev? Oh, we haven't trashed Amy today, let's get on that after lunch.
92-and so is Charly.
Actually, 90, there's no proof that what she deleted was any different than what she later posted. And since it's supposedly so "horrible" to post as yourself, I don't blame her for freaking out and deleting it. I'll bet your high horse would decrease in elevation if your avatar suddenly appeared next to your nasty post.
Selective reading is also laughable
well said #95. she reposted what she had posted to begin with. she just generally wanted to know what a lot of people want to know. is MSS really closing or is this all BS to try and drum up business?
#89 and 92- The bottom line is she meant to post here "anon". She didn't. She can be sweet all she wants but she still posts here. Coming here to defend her is just going to drag this on longer than it would if you would just ignore it.
95-You think MY post was nasty? This whole stinking blog is nasty. Have you seen all the deplorable things said against other people here? Where do you have your head?
What has been said against Kate is quite calm compared to what is said about other people. If Kate is feeling the heat, maybe she should get out of the kitchen.
I don't give a rat's ass if either Charly or Kate is a nice person or a rotten person, or stupid, or fantastic. What I do find incredibly annoying is that anonymous posters would fall on them like piranhas when they themselves would do the EXACT SAME THING. In fact, I have a little more respect for Charly for posting as herself. I don't think she's the greatest designer in the world, and I'm not sure she's the steadiest business person, but I have more respect for her than I do RF or a lowlife like Amanda Dykan.
97-trying to drum up business? Now I know you are completely crazy. There is no business to drum up when the store closes. That is the whole issue right there.
100-Yes, it was good for Charly to post as herself. But she still didn't get anybody to answer her question--exactly what did she do to irritate someone so much to trash her in the first place?
Kate might not get a few CT's she might apply for, but Charly lost a business over being trashed. Designers lost a place to sell their products. The digi community lost a great place to post from other designers. It's a shame.
99, I don't think you would leave your post if your name showed. And that is why I think you are hypocritical.
104-You don't post here with your name either, so wear your own hypocrisy.
Charly didn't lose a business. Charly got an idea of how much bigger the bite was than she could chew, and she made a decision based on that. And since the bite WAS too big... well...
106-the whole digi community lost with this, not just Charly. You guys didn't give her a chance to even get started.
I think what Kate said is fine and I think the fact that she posts here is fine. heck, I post here. What kind of hypocrite comes here and POSTS and says Kate is somehow awful and 'karma' will 'bite' her for posting here, too?
As for Charly - she deserved the bashing she got. Everything that was said about her was true. She bought a store and immediately started posting how she had no idea how to run it. Then she comes here and posts and shows that she has absolutely no grasp of professionalism and no ability to communicate in proper English. She can be kind or not - I have no experience with her outside of thes blog - but being kind or sweet is totally irrelevant. She very clearly has no business skills.
Even the fact that the bashing she got here is causing her to walk away from the store shows she has no business skills ... we all love to bash Maya from SBG, far far worse than any bashing Charly got, but it hasn't stopped Maya from running her store.
105, there's the rub - I wasn't criticizing or assuming the worst about Kate. So that sort of shoots your logic, sorry :)
103, I must have missed something so I am genuinely curious. This blog caused MSS to close? how?
100--Laughing at the Amanda Dykman reference. I was around when that all happened. Not a fun time.
106-the whole digi community lost with this, not just Charly. You guys didn't give her a chance to even get started.
Whatever. Charly made two bad choices here - one was to buy a business she couldn't handle, and the other was to base business decisions on the smack blog. I'm not laying blame at the smack blog for any of that.
So, go on and heap coals on Charly's head now. Geeze, you guys are out for blood now?
108- Does Maya even know what is said about her here?
Nobody goes into a business knowing everything there is to know about it. Even Donald Trump has been known to make unwise business decisions. I totally believe Charly thought she could save the site. I saw no ulterior motive on her part at all. Yes, when someone buys a business, their plan is to make some money. I'm sure that thought didn't escape her, but the way she was bashed on this blog was cruel and unusual unless someone thought that her success with MSS would bring them down, or take something from them. Yes, I think MSS could have been a success. The whole mess is unfortunate.
Donald Trump has made poor business decisions, but he can string together a proper grammatical sentence in his own language.
I'm not out for blood from Charly, but I am really, really tired of people who think that id doesn't matter if they don't communicate effectively. Grammar CAN be learned. You aren't just a lost cause who everyone has to put up with if you find yourself as an adult who was never taught proper communication skills.
I don't thinks he had an ulterior motive, no, but I do think it's just as well she's closing it. Dying sites need to be allowed to die and there are enough poorly managed sites out there as it is.
should say *it doesn't matter
(yes, mistakes happen, but for the most part my post was well formed and grammatical. Charly's was not)
I'm pretty sure Maya knows what is said about her store. She had been known to post on the old smack blog.
117-That is sad. Here someone is trying to better herself, and she's still trashed to smithereens. All this because of her grammar?
I think this sentence that you wrote--"I don't thinks he had an ulterior motive" was another mistake.
Should we trash you now too because you made TWO errors in your post? How many errors are we allowed to make in a post? Who made you the grammar police?
Kate: You'll be ok. This will die down. Nobody will Karma-tize you--whatever that means. (Whoops, the grammar police might get me on that one.)
oh for heavens sake. MSS was a mess before Charly came along - and that just made it worse. Charly is average in design skills. She's been doing it for years, and still puts out juvenile products with no improvement. She has had her hand in MANY stores, all of which, other than the current Berry Sweet have collapsed. IF MSS was doing well BEFORE Charly came along, then yes - I can see the 'uproar' about how she could ruin it. It would have been no worse if Charly took it over, other than it would be completely screwed up, xcart wise. If Charly chooses to listen to what is said here and base her decisions on that - its her problem and hers alone.
yes Maya reads here. does she care what is said? NO. obviously. say what you will about her, she is a shrewd and successful business person.
bottom line: no one has to like or get along with anyone. Scrap stores are not and will not close because of what is said here. Charly got upset - and made her choice. If she can't toughen up, then she still has alot to learn. Toughening up doesn't include becoming a general bitch to make it, either. It does include being able to take the crap that is thrown your way without crying over it.
116 - EXACTLY.
When You Type Like This. People, Lose Respekt (sk) For You.
The woman has no business writing ads or any publicity for the store. It's based on appearances and if your grammar and spelling are crap, it reflects the business.
122-it reflects the business?
That is, of course, grammatically correct?
119 - there is a BIG difference between a couple of typos as in 116 and a total lack of understanding of the English language.
This is an excerpt and it's so bad. There are capitals in the middle of sentences, no capitals at the beginning of sentences, no spacing after periods, total run-on sentences, and that is really just the beginning.
Why do people think this is OK and defend it because the person is 'sweet?' If you own a business it is absolutely YOUR job to work on your professionalism and communication. You don't just throw up your hands and say 'oh well I can't spell to your standards.' If you have a problem with spelling and grammar FIX IT that is what your computer is for. It just means you have to actually realize it is important and take the time to fix it.
Yup you all fucking win..I will stick to my Ugly Berry Sweet Scraps store and you all can have every other place there is in Digi OK? Is that better are you all Happy you won i will Leave no worries there i just need to know where you all hang out so i know its your place and i am not wanted..Oh please let me know what other shops you all are in and if i am a member i will leave to make you all Happy ok?I do not want to be anywhere i am not wanted.I am sorry i cannot construct a sentence without f-ing it up.
123 - actually yes that is grammatically correct.
errr, no, it's not.
It reflects poorly on the business would have been the correct way to phrase that.
I'm not interested in grammar and I'm not #123. I just think it's funny when those who live in glass houses do throw stones.
123 - yes, the whole part (if your grammar and spelling are crap, it reflects the business) is fine. Not just " it reflects the business".
'Fess up, 122. You own several businesses and are planning to take over the world!
No? Ah, well, then your grammar mistakes don't matter, in spite of the myopic miscreants who think it does :)
If Charly would spend her money on some professional webdesign of Berry Sweet Crap instead of buying MSS would make her look a lot more professional as a store owner instead of a storehopper just to try her luck on getting $$ out of it.
Also diving in, in how to run a business before you go into it, is wiser than learn the ropes when you're already in it, and trying to keep your business floating.
129- Please use a different translator.
I could care less about the grammar here. As someone said, however, I just think it's funny when those who live in glass houses do throw stones.
He (or she) who throws the stones may be the next one that gets cut.
If your grammar and spelling are crap, it reflects the business.
That sentence is totally and completely grammatically correct. She is saying that the bad grammar is a reflection of the business.
She is NOT saying it reflects ON the business. For some reason, some of you decided that is what she was saying and that she made an error. She didn't.
The fact that so many people think she made a grammatical error is kind of funny and kind of a sad reflection of how grammar is (or isn't) taught in schools.
I'm a English teacher IRL, 122 is fine.
'Fess up, 122. You own several businesses and are planning to take over the world!
No? Ah, well, then your grammar mistakes don't matter, in spite of the myopic miscreants who think it does :)
It's not myopic, it's a well known fact that poor grammar, spelling, and communication skills effect how your business performs. That is why people who don't have those skills hire assistant's to step in and do it for them (or at lest run what they write through spell-check.)
Actually I did understand #129, and I kinda agree.
^^ and to that too.
Berry Sweet Scraps was done by a professional from scratch,I know who did it for them,Alos Charly is not the sole owner so why only pick on her?I do not know Charly but i do know she does not store hop,she has been in a few shops,wow is that a sin?CT Members hop more than anything.I also see nothing wrong with her shop,If you do not like it do not look at it easy peasy.
Thanks Charly. You may as well sign in, we can tell it's you.
I don't know Charly or Berry Sweet Scraps, cause it's not my style, but if that's made by a professional, how professional is that? Looks amateuristic to me, and it's definitely not appealing to me, and make me want to spend money there.
I am sorry to tell you I am not Charly.
Has anyone here even brought up the fact that Charly didn't buy MSS alone? She had someone else buy half the store and she was only a co owner. To me all of you are the same sick, pathetic bitches who all are in the same narrow minded circle (and forums obviously) who just delight in bringing others down to your level, which I might add is pretty damned low to the ground. Just because the previous owner of MSS let the store fail, doesn't mean it couldn't have been given new life with new owners. Stores close, stores open, stores change hands, and many times those stores that change hands can become a success. Who is to say how MSS would have turned out if she kept/keeps it, she wasn't running it alone, she had help, and I see it that her posting in forums for help is showing that she has the want to learn, correct? It wasn't showing her ignorance. Just because someone doesn't have the best writing or people skills does not make them ignorant nor deserving of being smacked here or anywhere else, and perhaps she can now take all this shit and refine her skills and learn to write and speak better, who knows. She still didn't deserve all of this. Do any of you know her reasons for opening and closing stores? Do you know for a fact her stores were shit? Do you know for a fact she ran a bad business? Do you really know anything about her or her stores, present or past? Why do you hate Berry Sweet? What is so wrong with it that you find a need to smack that too? Can't any of you simply realize the fact that any store open is one more chance for designers to try and make a little money, especially in todays economy all the extra you can get is welcome. You've all sat there bashing heads and lives, and not once have you thought that in the whole digi world you are only covering a few select people and stores, and there are tons out there, so it just shows how small of a group of bitches you are. Just because half of you didn't choose to stay at MSS, didn't give you the right to ruin the chance for someone else, and frankly, Jac selling out was smart, she had no clue what she was doing either and since she kept posting and playing on FB, it shows she didn't want to try and learn how to run a store. Charly bought half of it, and was willing to try, that shows more guts than Jac ever had, and more guts than all of you have as well for doing your damnedest to to run everyone screaming from the prospect of a "new improved MSS". The digi world is still huge, and why it has to be so cut throat is beyond me. Go back to your forums and sit there like you do all day and find someone else to bash, let those alone who are trying to make ends meet, and who are trying to reopen a store to give others a chance to earn a little money. Just because MSS was bad before, doesn't mean it would be the same with new owners, besides, it was obviously good enough for most of you to sell there or CT there at one time, right?
141- Why do you assume we are all from MSS?
and you're the other half who bought it -141?
Who did buy the other half of MSS?
I don't think you will ever find out after what is said on here about Charly,Why would the co owner want to speak up?
And it speaks for itself when so many designers and/or CT's are leaving MSS knowing who'd be the new (co)owner.
Scrap Orchard is announcing some new designers on Wednesday....any guesses?
Someone that fits the clique?
Oh My Ahhh Scrap for Sale!!I pray the new owner is up to everyones expectations.
132-So is anybody here going to fess up on being an English teacher? That would be funny. The professional teachers telling Charley that she isn't professional because she can't write, when they are the ones that taught her how to do it. That would definitely be poetic justice.
142 I assume because all of you seem to know so much about it, who owned it, who CT'd for it, who bought it now and who left. Somewhat speaks for itself that you were there in one capacity or another.
142 No, I didn't buy it, I just know she has a co owner for MSS. I have enough on my plate keeping up my own store and design work, so I don't need to take on another job.
Sorry to disappoint.
I'm buying Ahhh Scrap, and everyone hates me.
152-And I make 2000.00 a month as a designer and I'm not going to ask any of you guys to be on my CT. And I'm going to start my sentences with an AND. so there--and I'm NOT going to capitalize the first word in my sentence if I don't want to either and I'm going to use run on sentences too.
I want to know how many designers make that much money a month. I can't see many designers pulling in that much. As far as designers for SO, my first thought is do they really need more?
Apparently they do, since Yari went to SSD and Faith is retiring.
Can't any of you simply realize the fact that any store open is one more chance for designers to try and make a little money, especially in todays economy all the extra you can get is welcome.
I couldn't disagree with you more. In this economy we need less stores competing for people's dollars.
-153 is again bragging about her earnings...get off your high horse.
Just because the previous owner of MSS let the store fail, doesn't mean it couldn't have been given new life with new owners. Stores close, stores open, stores change hands, and many times those stores that change hands can become a success.
Many times? I don't think so. Many times what happens is the store gets another 9 months to a year and closes anyway.
I see it that her posting in forums for help is showing that she has the want to learn, correct? It wasn't showing her ignorance.
The way to do this without looking ignorant is to use google and find answers yourself. Then if you need further clarification, you say 'I tried X but it doesn't work like the tutorial said, does anyone have tips?' What Charly did was basically ask people in the DCR to save her the tie of doing her own research.
In other forums - for example the zencart forums - people won't even reply to your thread if you ask a question that clearly shows you haven't done your due diligence trying to figure it out yourself.
157--I'm 153, and I'm NOT a designer. It was sarcasm honey. (Should that be capitalized?)
156-That is exactly why I think it's a store owner that is trying to make sure MSS doesn't make it.
Just because half of you didn't choose to stay at MSS, didn't give you the right to ruin the chance for someone else
We didn't ruin anything. See previous comments of how other store owners handle being smacked here. Some have been extensively, personally smacked, lik Maya from SBG, and run very successful business without skipping a beat. Another one that has been repeatedly smacked is Stuff That's Crap, and yet it too stays in business. Charly made a choice here, nothing anyone said on this blog 'ruined' her business.
161 - perhaps that's part of it. I know at least two people are commenting because one is me (not a store owner) and there are comments that are not made by me.
If you guys were all so sure that MSS was going to fail anyhow, I don't understand the all out war to try and make the fall sooner than it would have been. You should have just backed off and let her fall on her own. That proves you weren't sure she'd fail!
She needed your help to fail. Good job ladies. I hope you can rest now. What a bunch of losers you are. I hope some of you lose your jobs and see how it feels.
good grief stop blaming Charly's lack of backbone on the smack blog!
yes, let's stop smack talk on this blog *rolling eyes*
I have a feeling that designers who actually make that much don't come and post on the Smack Blog. I find it a bit hypocritical that no one smacked Jen for posting on here as herself when commenting about blog train colors but when Kate made a simple inquiry about if anyone else was going to continue to post their lo's at MSS she's ripped to pieces.
I don't think anyone should be ripped to shreds for posting here as themselves on that merit alone. Afterall, YOU are here, too!
163-I'm curious. I'm not Charly, I'm not on the CT at MSS or at her other store, whatever it is. I have posted at MSS in the gallery way before the store opened, but that is my only connection. What exactly is your motivation to making sure that Charly fails in her business? What makes you hate her so much?
Sunny Day Scraps is the same person who asked for someone to draw a freaking SUN for her logo in the DCR. L A Z Y. If she can't draw a circle and some lines, how is she "designing"?
which reads:
I am ISO of a cu sun that i can use for a Design name Logo for my Kit previews and such.Thanks for any help.
You honestly expect her to google ANYTHING? L A Z Y.
169-So do you stalk Charly around digiland? That is freaky.
169-I see alot of Designers asking for cu items at DST,Is that a crime?Do you just go looking for posts that are so old just to talk shit? Pathetic.
really -169 that cracked me up. Yeah we should all stop pick on Charly as a designer. OMG how hard is it as a designer to draw or shape a sun? If you can't even do that, you're not a designer IMO.
-171 it's not about asking for a CU item. It's a circle with rectangle shapes! C'mon. Or you draw one on paper and scan it in. I think it even comes with PS if she uses that.
169- I know a few designers that have a logo someone else designed for them. Does that make them less of a designer?
I don't even know who charly is but after the way you people talk about her, I want to go spend my entire digibudget on her products rather than yours.
There is a reason this blog is anonymous. I doubt I'd be able to buy from my favorite designers if I knew who each of you were.
We all are still waiting on what the issue is with Charly.What has she done?I see she has asked and 4 or 5 others aswell,no one seems to have come up with anything yet.I have went back to the first post on the Blog and not once have i seen anyone say anything about her intill this MSS Bullshit,So it must have something to do with her purchasing it,So she must of beat one of you to the purchase.
175- You would be surprised at how many are store owners that post here. I wouldn't go spending money on anything of hers even if I feel bad for her. She's not bad, just not my style.
175-You can find her store here: http://berrysweetscraps.com/shop/index.php?main_page=index&manufacturers_id=3&zenid=31370c897fc524f9037f4bbd3da15126
and I'm sure she'd appreciate the business after this week.
176-Yes. We are all still waiting. Everybody is quick to smack, but not quick to explain why the smacking is going on in the first place.
177-Thats what scares me,It could be my favorite store owners posting here being rude and nasty and picking and choosing who they bash next,If you don't like someone stay away from them,why talk about them on a blog all day,once it dies down you talk some more about them just to bring them back to your spotlight.
I see nothing wrong with Charly,She is not my style but alot of Designers aren't.Does that make her a bad person?I do not think so.No one deserves to be treated like Charly is or anyone on this Blog who has been Bashed.
Everyone has feelings,everyone takes being labeled and spotlighted and bashed in different ways,some could be unstable and commit suicide after reading shit like this about them,some could get depressed,some do not care,but not everyone is strong,people have feelings!Is this fun to you all that make fun of people?Do you get your Jollys off doing it?
180-It's called bullying. I guess they do get their jollies doing it because it keeps happening.
I'm 169. I found it THAT ridiculous that she asked for a CU sun that I remembered it. With DST's search, I found the post in less than 2 minutes.
To all of those saying oh poor Charly (176 & 180), you type very similar to her, so I'm saying you are her or just as uneducated as she is.
182-Just so you know, internet stalking and bullying are against the law.
Who says I'm in the U.S.? But thanks.
You are welcome.
176 & 180 are her. Anyone can see it.
163-I'm curious. I'm not Charly, I'm not on the CT at MSS or at her other store, whatever it is. I have posted at MSS in the gallery way before the store opened, but that is my only connection. What exactly is your motivation to making sure that Charly fails in her business? What makes you hate her so much?
I don't have any motivation to see that Charly fails in her business. I don't think posting on a smack blog has anything to do with Charly failing in her business. I've said it repeatedly but you never comment on it (probably because it is hard to argue with) but lots of store owners have been smacked here and their business is doing just fine.
I comment on her incredibly poor grammar because, well, it's the truth and I find it aggravating that people want to claim that grammar and spelling don't matter when they do.
I commented on her asking for help with a store without doing her own research because that is pretty disrespectful to the people who DID take the time to learn for themselves.
I didn't make the comments about the CU sun, but I will say that I think that is pretty ridiculous. It's a circle and some lines.
Here's what I do have motivation to do: I have motivation to see this industry cleaned up. I'd like to see more quality product and less stuff pumped out that never improves, is done primarily with scripts and actions, and leaves a poor impression of what Digital Scrapbooking can be. I'd also like to see stores professionally managed, by people with skills. In the real world, if someone bought a store without first researching if they could actually run it, that store would close fairly quickly. I don't see why it's particularly vindictive to suggest the same should happen here. If you don't know anything about running a digital store, don't buy one. Too many people think it will be 'fun' or 'relaxing' to run a store and they are very wrong. It's serious. It's a business. If you can't be bothered to take the time to research and learn it, don't do it.
176 & 180 are her. Anyone can see it.
What I think is sad about that is that she is clearly trying to have better grammar, but she just has no knowledge whatsoever of how to write.
#187 for President!
182-Just so you know, internet stalking and bullying are against the law.
It would be pretty hard to make a claim that you were being stalked if you choose to come to a smack blog to read what people are saying about you. That's pretty different than someone following you around the internet.
186 Your are wrong! I am not afraid to post with my name.
187-So now you are the business police too. My goodness, if this wasn't so sad, it would be hilarious. It's very presumptuous of you to think you are best business person in digi land, and that it's up to you to make sure nobody of a different educational level is allowed to run a business. You are pathetic.
Happy Tits is no longer at WLS...interesting.
193-Another interesting point--I thought I saw it written here that WLS is a stupid place to hang out. What are you doing there? Did you check with miss 187 if you could go there?
187-So now you are the business police too. My goodness, if this wasn't so sad, it would be hilarious. It's very presumptuous of you to think you are best business person in digi land, and that it's up to you to make sure nobody of a different educational level is allowed to run a business. You are pathetic.
You asked why I care. I told you. I didn't say it was the only opinion or that I was the best businessperson in digiland. I just told you why I care and why I comment on the Charly issue. You went ahead and made a bunch of assumptions.
You (again) ignore my point that many people have been smacked and gone on to be successful. Talking about someone here is in no way an effort to close their business. If I wanted to do that I'd be actively contacting other designers and store owners. And then you really could accuse me of stalking.
All I'm doing is conversing on the topic at hand. On a smack blog. It's not about anything else.
#187- What business is it of yours what they do with their shop? Unless of course you sell there. If so, then you have the choice to leave at any time. If you have such a high motivation then why post here?
195-You are still pathetic. You forgot that point.
182 - and you had to just run here with it to add more fuel to the fire. You are pathetic! And it is bullying no matter how you slice it!! You can all jump up and down and say that it is not but it is and we all know it!
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