Responding to 197: 198 is correct, it's a quality issue vs a design choice. Two totally different issues. But the fact is that this discussion began because someone was complaining that a product they purchased had elements that were too small, and then someone said something about how if you were to contact the designer they wouldn't offer a refund or anything and stated that it was wrong and bad customer service. So that's where the "attitude" is coming from, because sizing issues are NOT quality-related and NOT customer-service related. They're issues of artistic interpretation/preference. If you were to contact me and ask for different size flowers, I'd be offended and annoyed. But if you contacted me and alerted me that one of my products was blurry or jagged and needed to be fixed, I would be grateful. See the difference? I am always going to bend over backwards to put out a quality product, and I want to know when it isn't. But I don't want to turn into a custom art catering business, and I won't honor special requests to make my kits difference for style preferences. BIG DIFFERENCE.
Back to the size question, customers like to use a kit and its content AS IS. I doubt most scrappers would like to have to resize all the elements they buy simply because the designer left them a bit larger so that Customer XYZ could choose the size. We either buy what is available, or make it ourselves. I am sure there would be people smacking any designer who would purposefully leave all the elements "a little larger than needed" simply because they want to use them with as little extra work as possible. Don't you think?
I resize almost everything when I create a layout, and I don't mind doing it. I view it as part of the artistic process when I am scrapbooking, and resizing things is part of what sets my work apart from others. I rarely use flowers as-is (I downsize), and I find that most designers DO leave things bigger than necessary because I end up sizing most everything down. Flowers, buttons, ribbons, most of them are provided huge as-is. I want to know who the original poster of this conversation buys from, that the elements are too small? I never find that! I am a simplistic scrapper, though, so I don't like to see my entire page filled with giant flowers that would never bear likeness to anything realistic if I were paper scrapping.
I would bet you money that whoever posted this originally is a "fill the entire page fully with 100 elements" type scrapper. There's nothing wrong with that, even if it's not my style, but I believe that they're the only ones who want flowers to be larger than 1".
Someone said Paislee Press has small elements in her products. Well if that's her way of designing, so be it. If I don't like that style I won't buy it. NEXT!
I have never had a problem resizing UP as long as you use appropriate settings for what you're resizing. Once printed, you can't even tell. I've taken web sized 600x600 LOs (saved at 300dpi) and printed them at 12x12" and things were crisp and clear.
There are even programs you can buy to resize UP for you (just search Google).
With everything, it's knowing how to do something properly. It is a perfect as getting it the perfect size first off? No. But printed, there isn't any difference.
It's always great when something comes perfectly sized for your needs, but since that doesn't always happen, learn how to resize things to suit your needs without putting that on the designer.
It can be argued that resizing DOWN loses a lot of the detail in an element as well. This happens to me a lot more often than resizing UP the occasional flower. I think a GOOD designer makes most items close to the perfect size for most people (minimal sizing up or down). This is how they keep the detail and artistry in tact. If you're buying from someone who doesn't do that for you, well, speak with what counts the most - your money - and buy elsewhere.
I can actually understand where 146/151 is coming from and the reaction she/he got was over the top. I recently purchased a kit and the elements were not the sizes shown on the preview. I was forced to scale down to an 8x8 layout because the frames, flowers and ribbons were tiny, yet others were huge! I think for the average scrapper, it can be very difficult working with a kit that isn't consistent in size. Whether you are going to provide small or large elements, they should be suitable for the industry standard of 12x12 or 8x8 layouts without looking ridiculous either way. Shoot me down all you like but to me, that is as much about quality control as jagged edges are.
Well Actually most does. It is either on their blog or store and it takes about 10 seconds to look at them -----
It should be at their store, not their blog. Just because I like a designer's kits, doesn't mean I want to know everything they do. And I still say that actually a lot don't.
If a designer makes an element, for example a flower 5 inches, then re-sizes it to 2 inches, saves it at the smaller size, can it be re-sized UP again without losing quality? I didn't know elements couldn't be sized up. ---------
I don't know. If you knit a sweater and it shrinks in the wash and you try to resize it, does it loose quality? Yes. The shape is all wrong when you do that. Digital items are not that much different from real items in that sense.
A photograph of a man with his back to the camera cannot be turned around in Photoshop to face the camera.
Myself, I am running a profitable business and I create art that people can either buy or not buy, but I am not a custom artwork creation business. "You get what you get and you don't throw a fit" (our family motto for our kids).
Besides, who the F wants to scrap with a button that's 3 inches big on a 12 inch page??? That's lunacy. People who expect that should be designing their own shit. Just saying. --------
Who are you to dictate at what size I may want my buttons on a scrap page and then calling it lunacy? My art, like your 'art' is just as subjective.
In all truth, I think anything bigger than a 1-2 inch button is testing the boundaries of sanity. Nobody scraps bigger than 12x12 or 12x24, and a button that's bigger than 1-2 inches would look like it came from another dimension in a weird parallel universe filled with giants and unicorns. -----
really? The bounds of sanity? I think you are already living in that parallel universe.
It's DIGITAL scrapping, not PHYSICAL scrapping. The laws of physics do not necessarily have to apply. Yes, I can print out my page and have a PHYSICAL page and if I choose to have a 3 inch button on there, that's my choice. It does not mean I'm insane. Get a grip. I'm not going to call you insane because you decided what size a button should be.
Do you get to change the size of an actual paper scrapping product? No you do not. -------
Er, no, but that's because I get to hold the product in my hand and can see it for real. Too many times the designer in their preview has been 'artistic' and the element is not the size it should be. Do you see the difference? If the button in the preview looks like a 2 inch button, I expect a 2 inch button, not a 1 inch button. In paper scrapping, a 2 inch button is a 2 inch button. It doesn't magically change size when I get it home.
For the people who are complaining about initials on filenames ... it's not laziness ... the reason that is the naming convention is that many programs crash with really long file names. Having a file called ReallyGreatDesigner_AwesomeKit_RedStripedPaper coudl cause problems for lots of folks. That is why the industry standard moved to abbreviations, and so 'properly' (as you put it) naming that file would be RGD_AwesomeKit_RedStripedPaper or similar.
(I do agree it's frustrating when all you get is 'paper1' or 'element1') by poster #125 on the last page ------------------------------------------------ Thanks for your feedback. However, I have a follow-up question for you & other designers:
If you label your files with a 2 or 3 letter abbreviation, do you include this information anywhere in your kit so your customers know what those initials stand for? (ie. in the TOU, preview, etc..) Or so the customers can figure out who designed the button if the files get separated from the folder?
For example, "ABC-kitname is designed by XYZ-designer, and all file names in this kit start with the code XYZ".
Or another situation, how may people here have seen digikits marketed as ABC-kitname designed by XYZ-designer & yet the individual filenames are labeled JKL or some other unrelated initials that are not identified in the kit preview? Sure, the JKL may be the designer's real name or some other thing that makes sense to the designer, but it's completely unknown to the buyer. How is the customer supposed to know who designed it if this file gets separated from its folder?
Once again I ask the question..... If you don't identify your name on each digital item sold, in a way that's EASY for a customer to figure out who you are, why should anybody else care?? If you don't take the time to label your files with your name, why should I waste my time searching all over the place trying to identify who the random initials JKL stand for?
If you request/demand people to give you credit on the internet when they upload a layout to a gallery using your work, are you labeling your kit files in a way that clearly identifies you as the designer?
If not, then you too are part of the problem. Then it's not just a case of a customer not following your TOU (if that's clearly listed as a requirement), then it's also an issue of you the designer not caring enough (or being too lazy) to label your kits & the individual files well.
I use three letters because my design name is longer. But every kit uses the same three letters and everything - previews, tous, files, folders start with those same three letters. I assume that the customer ought be able to match my files with me as a designer because a simple search of their files for those three letters should pop up my tous and preview unless they rename things, then that's not my fault. I agree and that's a huge pet peeve of mine too, designers do not use consistent file naming. I'm not sure how a customer is expected to match a tou or preview to files if they aren't consistently named with the same prefix and I find that a lot of designers don't use the same prefixes for their tous, previews and other extras.
I agree with 26, I credit the kit not the individual designers in a collab.
On the size thing, buttons/flowers aren't what I usually have a problem with. I hate when you open something labeled a frame, with three openings and it's 2 inches big. That's not a frame, it's a tag.
#29 - the problem is, they don't just type it on a smack blog, they type it everywhere and those self same people probably do hate to look stupid on a smack blog, they assume we know who they are.
I agree and that's a huge pet peeve of mine too, designers do not use consistent file naming. I'm not sure how a customer is expected to match a tou or preview to files if they aren't consistently named with the same prefix and I find that a lot of designers don't use the same prefixes for their tous, previews and other extras. -------------------------------------
Yes, agree! :) Please be consistent in your naming.
Know what I hate, since we're all in complaint mode today? I hate when someone comes along to this blog after having not read it for a while and thinks it's their duty to comment on every. last. thing. as though all of us are waiting with bated breath for their amazing opinions to surface.
Specifically comment 10-16 (and probably 19-20 too). Listen, if you haven't kept up with the conversation, it's really not necessary to leave a comment on every. fucking. sentence. that displeases you. So annoying.
It's like this: most of us were having a conversation, and you missed it. We've mainly moved on. Keep up next time.
I'm guessing 32's point was that all of those posts seemed to come from one person. Yes it was all related to conversation that's taken place today, but some of the posts seemed to pick apart the same comment as other posts and were just choosing a different sentence from the same post. I dunno, I understand 32's point because it irked me to read all of those in a row just now too. Maybe not enough to rant about it on here, but enough to point out that someone doesn't need to use a separate post for every sentence they want to comment on.
Maybe not enough to rant about it on here, but enough to point out that someone doesn't need to use a separate post for every sentence they want to comment on ----
Yeah, I do otherwise most of you can't follow the damn conversation.
I don't know if a lot of scrappers (who don't design) realize that designers are artists, too. they want their kits to come together in a certain way, and it represents them. If a designer thinks that 4 inch buttons look absurd on a layout they aren't going to include 4 inch buttons in their kit. Just like if they hate digital glitter they aren't going to include that in a kit. It's not a quality issue or ac customer service issue, it's what the designer personally wants their kit to look like.
Ha! I would never have wasted my time writing about it, especially to people who can't be reasoned with, but I have to say that I get annoyed by the same thing 32 brought up! LMAO. Of course now we'll both get smacked for saying so. But it's true, and I always assume it's Carly Dee doing it. She's just the type to think that everyone would give a shit about her opinion. LOL!
#41- I agree. I'm a designer and I want my kits to be what I like and would scrap with. I'm lucky that my customers seem to like what I design. As for my buttons, I don't make them smaller to suit people. I like my buttons bigger so I leave them bigger. #32 and 42- I also get annoyed by the same thing but I do not agree that it's just one person. The bottom line is they can comment however they want just like you can. #43- Make that 101 likes.
Wallah is a word, but it doesn't mean voila. In India, a wallah is someone who does a particular job. A rickshaw wallah drives a rickshaw, a chai wallah serves tea, etc. I'm done being a geek now, feel free to get on with the deeply important button size discussion.
I've never been here before today. I don't plan to come back. I'm sad that so many people make it a joke to try and hurt other people, and to try to bring them down. Some of you need a conscious. It's hard for me to imagine someone sitting in their house writing some of the trash that is here. It is sad you don't have anything better to do than try to bring someone else down. So so sad. May God Bless you all. I pray that God can reach you some day and change your lives so you don't have to revert to ruining other people.
Q for designers - who are the forerunners in design or the ones that you always follow? The designers other designers aspire to? I know there are horses for courses and not all are going to be to suit my style. I can still use there inspiration. My top 10 has shrunk to about 5 these days and Im desperately looking for some more quality designers. Im not on CT;s nor tied to a particular store. I regularly purchase from : Anna Aspnes Sahlin Studios one little bird fei fei kristin aagard
I used to like katie pertiet, lynn grieveson dani mogstad, amanda rockwell,Ali edwards, studio birgit, kasia, mystique, shabby princess, peppermint some have retired,others have bored me or I have moved on in style whos to say. anyway hoping that others have some gems they always turn to.
I've never been here before today. I don't plan to come back ^^^^^^ #46 good then I need not tell you to sodd off!! hate preachers..when I want a sermon I will go to church...
Does Kasia even design anymore? Last I remember she was at 9th&B, but left. She always had good quality IMO. I used to love Shabby Princess but I'm not sure she designs anymore.
I don't know if a lot of scrappers (who don't design) realize that designers are artists, too. they want their kits to come together in a certain way, and it represents them. If a designer thinks that 4 inch buttons look absurd on a layout they aren't going to include 4 inch buttons in their kit. Just like if they hate digital glitter they aren't going to include that in a kit. It's not a quality issue or ac customer service issue, it's what the designer personally wants their kit to look like. ----------
Well, that's all find and dandy but seeing as people critique and criticize artists all the time, I don' see why designers should think they are exempt from the process.
#61- Is it morning where you are? LOL. You're lively today. IMO, you're just answering how alot of people answer. I don't know why it annoys #32. At least I can tell what you are responding too. I can't tell half the time who people here are talking too.
#59 Good for you.. seriously... not looking for designers that copy or want to be exactly the same, what I was asking is (it must have been poorly put) was , who do you admire or respect as a designer? either for their designs, success, business, or contribution to digi...
Natali Designs - she doesn't produce much these days but I've been a fan of her stuff since she started. It's always well made.
Anna Aspnes - I love her arty style
Denise Docherty - I wish she was still designing. I had a look at her kits from 2005 and they are better than some of the stuff around now
Not sure who else. I used to love Ztampf's stuff, but since she went Studio, it's not as good as it used to be. I guess she doesn't have as much time as she used too.
I don't know if a lot of scrappers (who don't design) realize that designers are artists, too. they want their kits to come together in a certain way, and it represents them. If a designer thinks that 4 inch buttons look absurd on a layout they aren't going to include 4 inch buttons in their kit. Just like if they hate digital glitter they aren't going to include that in a kit. It's not a quality issue or ac customer service issue, it's what the designer personally wants their kit to look like. ----------
Well, that's all find and dandy but seeing as people critique and criticize artists all the time, I don' see why designers should think they are exempt from the process.
^^^^ Huh? How did me saying it's not a quality issue or a customer service issue make you believe I don't think designers can (and should be) critiqued regularly?
What's with the Carly and Laura hate. I really enjoy both of them and imagine that the nastiness here is just some sort of jealousy. They're good scrappers and nice people.
#77- I can't answer you. People will be discussing something and then someone drops by and just brings up a random name, hoping people will have a smack party. If it isn't them it's SO, Rachel, Megs, SSD, Maya, Lizzy and so on. If you read back you can see who people like to have a party with. People seem to hate Kami and SO more than anything.
It seems childish. I get that this is a smack blog but I always thought it was smacking designers who the elite bunch here thought were subpar. But to smack Carly by betraying her and posting her private statuses or by being nasty to Laura who has really never been anything but nice....I just don't get it.
They both have always gone out of their way for me. They both may have humor or sarcasm people don't get, but they have never done anything to me. Both can be annoying at times but can't everyone be annoying? I know I can. I'm sure I annoy my CT and store forum on a daily basis.
Anonymous said... 143 Oscraps releases new things all the time, it's just that their designers release on different days. May 22, 2012 11:45:00 AM
Anonymous said... 144 Maybe that is the problem then. Different release days. May 22, 2012 11:47:00 AM ------- I don't see that being a problem at SBG.
#79 - does it ever occur to you that maybe those people nice to you aren't nice to others? Just a thought... Seriously. Maybe people just have no respect for women who live on Facebook all day. What a sad life that must be.
Designers/Stores I will not buy from due to poor customer service (lack of a response through a variety of means):
Trixie Scraps Bella Gypsy Jady Day Studio Scrapbook Bytes Shabby Pickle
I've had amazing customer service in the past from: Connie Prince The Lilypad Scrap Orchard Sweet Shoppe Gotta Pixel Tami Miller
I've shopped elsewhere with lots of other stores and designers, but never needed their help in any way, so I can't say anything about their service. But, once you're on my do not buy from list, I don't buy from you. If a designer is exclusive at a shop on my list, I don't buy from them anymore.
As for designers, Traci Reed has horrible quality. If she spent half as much time on her designs as she does on the forums then she might have better quality. I will not buy from her. Her recoloring skills are shitty at best.
I agree with 86 on Jady Day. I still can't understand how she got into SSD. Her stuff looks way to plastic and overused.
Lauren Grier used to be a really good designer. Lately, her quality has gone downhill and her patterns seem overused. If she would put out something different I might buy from her again. Plus, when you email her don't expect a response back from her.
#89, I think half the scrappers and designers I know are on Facebook all day. I guess we all have sad sad lives. It's not like we actually enjoy talking to each other or anything.
Sitting in front of a computer all day on Facebook is sad. How exactly is that contributing anything to society? Spending a bit of time here and there, sure, I get that. But ALL DAY? There's a big difference.
91 get with the times. I can be on FB all day, on and off, and also take my kids to activities, go to the grocery store, run errands, cook meals, do laundry, clean my house, scrap, design, and pay bills. I have FB on my phone. It's not "sitting in front of a computer all day" if I pull out my phone for 2 minutes once or twice an hour, while doing all of those other things. Don't judge others until you have seen what they do with your own two eyes. Or one eye, as you might be a cyclops given that you're so behind the times and those existed way back in the dark ages.
BTW that's a joke, for those who are going to run to wikipedia to tell me all the reasons I am wrong.
Did this blog address just get posted somewhere publicly in recent days? Seems we have a lot of noobs showing up here, offended and shocked and appalled as they always are before they realize they can't look away from the train wreck that is this blog and before they know it, they're regulars too. But for real, did some idiot go and post this for a bunch of noobs to find?
I haven't seen it posted anywhere, and I'm on a lot of CT's. I guess the ones I'm on don't really care much about trashy talk. They probably have better things to do.--like be on facebook all day. bwah---
Agree #87 about the quality of Traci Reed. It shockes me that she still is able to sell at a store like SSD with her horrible quality issues. Got a pack of stitches full of dropshadows all over the place.
you have Carly = Snaggletooth, and Charly = Sunny Day Scraps = the one who's buying stores just to get her feet in somewhere even if she doesn't know how to run a store..Sorry but that woman annoys me terribly.
Some people have been smacked for what they have done, but a lot are smacked for what they say, what they design, how they promote, what they post. Others are smacked for what others think they did. Finally, others are smacked for what people think of them in general, or on just about anything they disagree. Unfortunately, I can see that although some smacking might be based on facts, a lot is not. Nobody is safe from "the smack blog".
109, your comment is so idiotic it makes me weep for your future. The very definition of "newbie" is that the person is "new". So if someone has been here all along, they're not a newbie, and if they're a newbie, they haven't been here all along. Do try to keep up.
#110 just confirmed that lots of the noobs around here this week are from her camp. Sad part is that confirming this, by posting what she just did, is only going to make us smack Charly harder for sending her noobs over here to fight for her. So dumb.
sorry, by "her camp" I meant Charly's. typed too fast, and am on my phone (lest some really worried soul get concerned that I am sitting at my computer all day being non-productive)
114 - I am not 109, but that post didn't mean that athe same persons (named "newbies") were here all that time, but that there are "some newbies" all the time (new one from week to week maybe). Just like there are new designers all the time. It does not mean the same designers pretend to be new to the industry all the time.
I really don't understand why Charly bought a store and not knowing the ins and outs, how to bring that to life? It's jumping into designing and don't even know what program you have to use for that. If it's dead it's dead, buying a store is like a sequel.
#115, Just because someone made that comment does not mean she sent them. I think you are just looking for a reason to keep smacking Sunny Day Scraps because you have nothing better to do.
From what I've seen, Charly's store is doing just fine. Jac was closing MSS (for whatever reason) and Charly stepped in to try and save it. She used her own money--she didn't ask for a government hand out to do that (or part of a stupid Obama stimulus plan) It's called free enterprise--What is with you people? My goodness.
124--all stores have their good points and their bad points. I don't care for scrapmatters. Does that make it a bad store? No. I don't care for the studio--does that make it a bad store? No. I like some of the designers at both mentioned stores, but just don't care for the sites. It's all a personal preference. If you don't like Berry Sweet scraps, that's fine--don't shop there, like I don't shop at Scrapmatters or the studio. I admire people that step out and try to do something.
#116 - Now I think you're really sad. Who the fuck checks the smack blog from their phone while pretending to be doing something else? That is a new low around here. I feel very bad for you, almost so bad that I feel bad for smacking you in the first place.
#117 - Who said I, or anyone else, spends all day on a smack blog? How would you even know? It's all ANONYMOUS and likely many people. Compare that to Facebook where some people (not all, and certainly not all just on their computers...) post a status update every 10 mins thinking someone actually gives a shit about their boring life. It's much easier to say they spend all day on Facebook (regardless of whether they're sitting on their ass in front of the computer or sitting on their ass on their phone).
I'll start a list with what I know - if others do the same, maybe you'll have enough to post:
SBG - Scrapbook Graphics SM - ScrapMatters PBP - Pickleberry Pop TLP - The Lily Pad SO - ScrapOrchard ACOT - A Cherry on Top GP - Gotta Pixel MSS - Me So Scrappy SSD - Sweet Shoppe Designs DSP - Digital Scrapbook Place TDC - The DigiChick FPD - Funky Playground Designs
Sorry they're not in alpha order - that's just what I could remember off the top of my head.
131-if you put all the stores that have failed on a list, and all the ones that have done well on another list, the failed list will probably be much bigger than the other list I'm sure. There have been a LOT of stores that failed unfortunately!
How do you all know if all the stores do not sell anything?Have you been admin in all of them?Just becouse a store closes doesn't mean its a flop,Stores close for many reasons.Just curious. Also i see many stores that close come back with new ones all the time.
List those failed stores with their owners and you'll probably notice a pattern. I wouldn't want to sell at a store whose owner has closed stores in the past just to come out with new ones. Seems a little unstable if you ask me.
A5D After five designs CS Catscrap DSB Digiscrappers Brazil STS Stuff to scrap DD Divine digital or Designer Digitals O Oscraps SP Shabby Pickle SG Scrap girls SBB Scrapbook bytes DHD Design house digital MS Memory Scraps PDP polka dot plum SHC SugarHillCo
I know that some stores have closed because the owner-designer decides to retire, or gets sick, or gets a day job--and just can't handle the day to day operations, so yes, some stores close that have been successful. Life circumstances change for a lot of people. Some stores have merged with other stores in the past, and they were two successful stores to begin with.
Someone was asking for store acronyms and I mentioned SBE. I don't really care if you've never heard of the designers and wouldn't buy there. I've not heard of half the stores and designers mentioned on this blog but I don't feel it necessary to point that out, until just now that is.
At SBE at least 8 of the designers there have been designing and selling for around 5 years or more.
It's not somewhere where I go shopping but they do seem steady and have very little drama. The only reason SBE ever seemed to get smacked was because of their poor shop design. It must have something going for them to be around that long.
153- I am 151 and my comment was in response to 148 who thought that SBE had closed. I was curious to whether they were still open or not... and to 147 (who I assume is you since you're getting defensive) who thought it was so funny that SBE wasn't mentioned when SBB was. I'm so sorry I didn't spell it out for you - I've heard of the designers at SBB but not at SBE, which is probably why it was mentioned and SBB was not
And I was just adding to the rest of the pointless nonsense here because I'm bored.
#150 - How do you know she got married? It's probably just another made up lie. Kind of like how she had cancer, has "three" kids yet has named 5 different kids as her kids, and the list goes on. If she really did get married, good luck to him being married to a nutjob.
#176 - oh yeah, I forgot about that. She claimed she had ovarian cancer. If she did, I do feel sorry for her, as she is quite young however if she didn't, well, that's just despicable.
Scrapdish isn't closed, but might as well be. At the time they were supposed to close, someone bought it at the last minute.
Happytit's announced her 'marriage' and short honeymoon on her FB page.
Charly has deleted her posts for help (not just one) in the DCR at DST. Someone else (I assume the one that got smacked here this week and everyone called the smacker "mean") posted that she was so hurt by the smacking that she was going to quit designing. Happytits posted in that thread, as did Charly. Now she's hunkydory again. Isn't that special.
I think the whole premise of a smack blog in the digital scrapbooking world is uncalled for. It can be hurtful, damaging, UNTRUE or HALFTRUE, mostly just plain gossip and personal opinions. It is in extremely poor taste to have a blog such as this one.
Sure, the people who don't agree with it could quit reading but that is the same as burying your head in the sand. It still exists if we ignore it. I think it is time to put the smack blogs to bed. If you all need a place to discuss things like who has quality kits, which stores to shop at, etc, create a blog for that and post with your real names.
I doubt this blog will disappear but I think you should feel ashamed and ask the Lord for forgiveness and close it down. This type of thing is bullying. Just like when kids in school post things on forums like Topix and Facebook to humiliate and hurt other kids. Some of those kids have gone on to commit suicide. Just because it is anonymous does not make it right, it hurts just the same. My hope is that you will look deep into your hearts and stop this. Take it to private email or a members only blog or forum. Don't make it public where anyone can read it. Personally, I'd rather see it disappear completely.
What hurts me most is knowing I cannot truly trust anyone in digi any longer because who knows who posts what here, at least if they emailed me or private messaged me we could have a civil discussion about what is good or not good about my products. That would be much nicer and not taken as a personal attack. I have chosen to go on creating for the creative outlet.
#172 - She also mentioned it on her personal blog which there was a link to somewhere. How she was having to go to the states for surgery/treatment and her mother was going with her. This was at the exact same time that she was opening WLS and supposedly had a brand new infant.
#184 - Someone who apparently lost her son in a tragic accident (read her profile) and wishes people would speak to her face rather than her back - like most of us I'm sure.
#180 -- You got to love a designer that stalks the threads at DST and then comes back here to report what she's seen. Despicable! Nothing better than throwing in a little tidbit and watch the sharks churn up the waters right! It's gotten to the point that you can't post anything at DST because it just ends up here as entertainment.
180, that's kinda because DST is a joke now. It used to be a great site, but it has gone so far downhill there's no saving it. At this point in time, I honestly think I get more accurate/up to date info here at this dumb blog than I ever get at DST anymore.
187 - I don't understand your statement. We all know that this blog is full of opiniated posters, some jaleous ones, and more, but what kind of information are you not getting at DST that you find here (beside the smacking stuff)? Is it because you don't have access to the designer section and wish you could see what is posted there and then, you rely on some not-so-trustworthy designers to copy and paste from there to here?
^^ I have access and you missed my point all together. If it's already posted at DST then why do people feel they need to come here and feed it to the sharks?
194 - I think you are #186 (saying this blog is like teasing sharks), and I was refering to the comment #187 who said that this blog is where there is more accurate information than DST. How would this be more accurate than DST?
«Oldest ‹Older 1201 – 1400 of 2608 Newer› Newest»I can sometimes tell when someone scraps 8x8 because they don't scale the elements down accordingly and they end up with the Giant Button Effect.
That's a good solution 199, if someone wants their elements to be bigger, they should just scrap in 8x8 and wallah! = bigger elements. Problem solved.
Responding to 197:
198 is correct, it's a quality issue vs a design choice. Two totally different issues. But the fact is that this discussion began because someone was complaining that a product they purchased had elements that were too small, and then someone said something about how if you were to contact the designer they wouldn't offer a refund or anything and stated that it was wrong and bad customer service. So that's where the "attitude" is coming from, because sizing issues are NOT quality-related and NOT customer-service related. They're issues of artistic interpretation/preference. If you were to contact me and ask for different size flowers, I'd be offended and annoyed. But if you contacted me and alerted me that one of my products was blurry or jagged and needed to be fixed, I would be grateful. See the difference? I am always going to bend over backwards to put out a quality product, and I want to know when it isn't. But I don't want to turn into a custom art catering business, and I won't honor special requests to make my kits difference for style preferences. BIG DIFFERENCE.
^^ pressing the like button.
Back to the size question, customers like to use a kit and its content AS IS. I doubt most scrappers would like to have to resize all the elements they buy simply because the designer left them a bit larger so that Customer XYZ could choose the size. We either buy what is available, or make it ourselves. I am sure there would be people smacking any designer who would purposefully leave all the elements "a little larger than needed" simply because they want to use them with as little extra work as possible. Don't you think?
And we're back to the point we can't please all!
I resize almost everything when I create a layout, and I don't mind doing it. I view it as part of the artistic process when I am scrapbooking, and resizing things is part of what sets my work apart from others. I rarely use flowers as-is (I downsize), and I find that most designers DO leave things bigger than necessary because I end up sizing most everything down. Flowers, buttons, ribbons, most of them are provided huge as-is. I want to know who the original poster of this conversation buys from, that the elements are too small? I never find that! I am a simplistic scrapper, though, so I don't like to see my entire page filled with giant flowers that would never bear likeness to anything realistic if I were paper scrapping.
I would bet you money that whoever posted this originally is a "fill the entire page fully with 100 elements" type scrapper. There's nothing wrong with that, even if it's not my style, but I believe that they're the only ones who want flowers to be larger than 1".
Someone said Paislee Press has small elements in her products. Well if that's her way of designing, so be it. If I don't like that style I won't buy it. NEXT!
I have never had a problem resizing UP as long as you use appropriate settings for what you're resizing. Once printed, you can't even tell. I've taken web sized 600x600 LOs (saved at 300dpi) and printed them at 12x12" and things were crisp and clear.
There are even programs you can buy to resize UP for you (just search Google).
With everything, it's knowing how to do something properly. It is a perfect as getting it the perfect size first off? No. But printed, there isn't any difference.
It's always great when something comes perfectly sized for your needs, but since that doesn't always happen, learn how to resize things to suit your needs without putting that on the designer.
It can be argued that resizing DOWN loses a lot of the detail in an element as well. This happens to me a lot more often than resizing UP the occasional flower. I think a GOOD designer makes most items close to the perfect size for most people (minimal sizing up or down). This is how they keep the detail and artistry in tact. If you're buying from someone who doesn't do that for you, well, speak with what counts the most - your money - and buy elsewhere.
Yes 1" is so much bigger than most people realize. If you've ever printed, you know this to be true.
I can actually understand where 146/151 is coming from and the reaction she/he got was over the top. I recently purchased a kit and the elements were not the sizes shown on the preview. I was forced to scale down to an 8x8 layout because the frames, flowers and ribbons were tiny, yet others were huge! I think for the average scrapper, it can be very difficult working with a kit that isn't consistent in size. Whether you are going to provide small or large elements, they should be suitable for the industry standard of 12x12 or 8x8 layouts without looking ridiculous either way. Shoot me down all you like but to me, that is as much about quality control as jagged edges are.
Well Actually most does. It is either on their blog or store and it takes about 10 seconds to look at them
It should be at their store, not their blog. Just because I like a designer's kits, doesn't mean I want to know everything they do. And I still say that actually a lot don't.
And it is sad we have spent 100+ posts talking about something so trivial.
Why sad? It is only ok if we smack someone, that wouldn't be sad? Oh, and congratulations for contributing post 101+!!!!!
Yes, but they should know that they are small.... quality control people!
Having something smaller than you like is not a lack of quality control. If it was blurry, yes, that would be a quality issue.
If a designer makes an element, for example a flower 5 inches, then re-sizes it to 2 inches, saves it at the smaller size, can it be re-sized UP again without losing quality? I didn't know elements couldn't be sized up.
I don't know. If you knit a sweater and it shrinks in the wash and you try to resize it, does it loose quality? Yes. The shape is all wrong when you do that. Digital items are not that much different from real items in that sense.
A photograph of a man with his back to the camera cannot be turned around in Photoshop to face the camera.
If you erase his hat, his hair will not be there.
I've been reading way too much Clients from Hell.
Myself, I am running a profitable business and I create art that people can either buy or not buy, but I am not a custom artwork creation business. "You get what you get and you don't throw a fit" (our family motto for our kids).
Besides, who the F wants to scrap with a button that's 3 inches big on a 12 inch page??? That's lunacy. People who expect that should be designing their own shit. Just saying.
Who are you to dictate at what size I may want my buttons on a scrap page and then calling it lunacy? My art, like your 'art' is just as subjective.
In all truth, I think anything bigger than a 1-2 inch button is testing the boundaries of sanity. Nobody scraps bigger than 12x12 or 12x24, and a button that's bigger than 1-2 inches would look like it came from another dimension in a weird parallel universe filled with giants and unicorns.
really? The bounds of sanity? I think you are already living in that parallel universe.
It's DIGITAL scrapping, not PHYSICAL scrapping. The laws of physics do not necessarily have to apply. Yes, I can print out my page and have a PHYSICAL page and if I choose to have a 3 inch button on there, that's my choice. It does not mean I'm insane. Get a grip. I'm not going to call you insane because you decided what size a button should be.
But to piss and moan because you wish a flower was larger? Honestly?!
Actually, the only pissing and moaning seems to be coming from designers because one customer dared to ask for larger elements.
Ok, what size should a button be then?
That's common with designers. You get used to it.
Do you get to change the size of an actual paper scrapping product? No you do not.
Er, no, but that's because I get to hold the product in my hand and can see it for real. Too many times the designer in their preview has been 'artistic' and the element is not the size it should be. Do you see the difference? If the button in the preview looks like a 2 inch button, I expect a 2 inch button, not a 1 inch button. In paper scrapping, a 2 inch button is a 2 inch button. It doesn't magically change size when I get it home.
*voila - I really, really hate it when people type wallah, it makes them look stupid
Lookee here - real buttons for scrapping in various sizes!! Oooh
See, not all buttons are created equal.
^^ pressing the like button.
What size button would that be then?
For the people who are complaining about initials on filenames ... it's not laziness ... the reason that is the naming convention is that many programs crash with really long file names. Having a file called ReallyGreatDesigner_AwesomeKit_RedStripedPaper coudl cause problems for lots of folks. That is why the industry standard moved to abbreviations, and so 'properly' (as you put it) naming that file would be RGD_AwesomeKit_RedStripedPaper or similar.
(I do agree it's frustrating when all you get is 'paper1' or 'element1')
by poster #125 on the last page
Thanks for your feedback. However, I have a follow-up question for you & other designers:
If you label your files with a 2 or 3 letter abbreviation, do you include this information anywhere in your kit so your customers know what those initials stand for? (ie. in the TOU, preview, etc..) Or so the customers can figure out who designed the button if the files get separated from the folder?
For example, "ABC-kitname is designed by XYZ-designer, and all file names in this kit start with the code XYZ".
Or another situation, how may people here have seen digikits marketed as ABC-kitname designed by XYZ-designer & yet the individual filenames are labeled JKL or some other unrelated initials that are not identified in the kit preview? Sure, the JKL may be the designer's real name or some other thing that makes sense to the designer, but it's completely unknown to the buyer. How is the customer supposed to know who designed it if this file gets separated from its folder?
Once again I ask the question..... If you don't identify your name on each digital item sold, in a way that's EASY for a customer to figure out who you are, why should anybody else care?? If you don't take the time to label your files with your name, why should I waste my time searching all over the place trying to identify who the random initials JKL stand for?
If you request/demand people to give you credit on the internet when they upload a layout to a gallery using your work, are you labeling your kit files in a way that clearly identifies you as the designer?
If not, then you too are part of the problem. Then it's not just a case of a customer not following your TOU (if that's clearly listed as a requirement), then it's also an issue of you the designer not caring enough (or being too lazy) to label your kits & the individual files well.
"here are even programs you can buy to resize UP for you (just search Google). "
I didn't know that. Thanks.
Well, usually if it is a store collab, I just say what store it is and the kit name when I credit. I don't name each designer out of the kit I used.
I use three letters because my design name is longer. But every kit uses the same three letters and everything - previews, tous, files, folders start with those same three letters. I assume that the customer ought be able to match my files with me as a designer because a simple search of their files for those three letters should pop up my tous and preview unless they rename things, then that's not my fault. I agree and that's a huge pet peeve of mine too, designers do not use consistent file naming. I'm not sure how a customer is expected to match a tou or preview to files if they aren't consistently named with the same prefix and I find that a lot of designers don't use the same prefixes for their tous, previews and other extras.
I agree with 26, I credit the kit not the individual designers in a collab.
On the size thing, buttons/flowers aren't what I usually have a problem with. I hate when you open something labeled a frame, with three openings and it's 2 inches big. That's not a frame, it's a tag.
*voila - I really, really hate it when people type wallah, it makes them look stupid
And people hate to look stupid on an anonymous smack blog. ;) (I agree with you)
#29 - the problem is, they don't just type it on a smack blog, they type it everywhere and those self same people probably do hate to look stupid on a smack blog, they assume we know who they are.
I agree and that's a huge pet peeve of mine too, designers do not use consistent file naming. I'm not sure how a customer is expected to match a tou or preview to files if they aren't consistently named with the same prefix and I find that a lot of designers don't use the same prefixes for their tous, previews and other extras.
Yes, agree! :) Please be consistent in your naming.
Know what I hate, since we're all in complaint mode today? I hate when someone comes along to this blog after having not read it for a while and thinks it's their duty to comment on every. last. thing. as though all of us are waiting with bated breath for their amazing opinions to surface.
Specifically comment 10-16 (and probably 19-20 too). Listen, if you haven't kept up with the conversation, it's really not necessary to leave a comment on every. fucking. sentence. that displeases you. So annoying.
It's like this: most of us were having a conversation, and you missed it. We've mainly moved on. Keep up next time.
Comments 10-16 were responses to the whole button debate. #20, was a grammar correction. Explain your point please.
I'm guessing 32's point was that all of those posts seemed to come from one person. Yes it was all related to conversation that's taken place today, but some of the posts seemed to pick apart the same comment as other posts and were just choosing a different sentence from the same post. I dunno, I understand 32's point because it irked me to read all of those in a row just now too. Maybe not enough to rant about it on here, but enough to point out that someone doesn't need to use a separate post for every sentence they want to comment on.
#32 - I'm glad I annoyed you today. Hopefully I'll be able to continue to annoy you.
A ... conversation ... that ... took ... place ... less ... than ... 24 ... hours ... ago ... is ... not ... a ... really ... long ... time ... ago.
Maybe not enough to rant about it on here, but enough to point out that someone doesn't need to use a separate post for every sentence they want to comment on
Yeah, I do otherwise most of you can't follow the damn conversation.
#34 - that fact that you thought they were all sentences from the same post, when they were not, just goes to show how much repetition happens here.
Yeah, yeah, I did it again - so shoot me.
Quit with the policing, 'kay?
wallah is not a word, you know that right?
Yeah, I do otherwise most of you can't follow the damn conversation.
Maybe it's the only way YOU can follow your own thought process.
Quit with the policing, 'kay?
You realize that bossing me around is akin to policing, right? 'kay?
I don't know if a lot of scrappers (who don't design) realize that designers are artists, too. they want their kits to come together in a certain way, and it represents them. If a designer thinks that 4 inch buttons look absurd on a layout they aren't going to include 4 inch buttons in their kit. Just like if they hate digital glitter they aren't going to include that in a kit. It's not a quality issue or ac customer service issue, it's what the designer personally wants their kit to look like.
Ha! I would never have wasted my time writing about it, especially to people who can't be reasoned with, but I have to say that I get annoyed by the same thing 32 brought up! LMAO. Of course now we'll both get smacked for saying so. But it's true, and I always assume it's Carly Dee doing it. She's just the type to think that everyone would give a shit about her opinion. LOL!
[clicking like 100 times on 41's post above]
#41- I agree. I'm a designer and I want my kits to be what I like and would scrap with. I'm lucky that my customers seem to like what I design. As for my buttons, I don't make them smaller to suit people. I like my buttons bigger so I leave them bigger.
#32 and 42- I also get annoyed by the same thing but I do not agree that it's just one person. The bottom line is they can comment however they want just like you can.
Make that 101 likes.
wallah is not a word, you know that right?
Wallah is a word, but it doesn't mean voila. In India, a wallah is someone who does a particular job. A rickshaw wallah drives a rickshaw, a chai wallah serves tea, etc. I'm done being a geek now, feel free to get on with the deeply important button size discussion.
I've never been here before today. I don't plan to come back. I'm sad that so many people make it a joke to try and hurt other people, and to try to bring them down. Some of you need a conscious. It's hard for me to imagine someone sitting in their house writing some of the trash that is here. It is sad you don't have anything better to do than try to bring someone else down. So so sad. May God Bless you all. I pray that God can reach you some day and change your lives so you don't have to revert to ruining other people.
Q for designers - who are the forerunners in design or the ones that you always follow? The designers other designers aspire to?
I know there are horses for courses and not all are going to be to suit my style. I can still use there inspiration. My top 10 has shrunk to about 5 these days and Im desperately looking for some more quality designers. Im not on CT;s nor tied to a particular store.
I regularly purchase from :
Anna Aspnes
Sahlin Studios
one little bird
fei fei
kristin aagard
I used to like katie pertiet, lynn grieveson dani mogstad, amanda rockwell,Ali edwards, studio birgit, kasia, mystique, shabby princess, peppermint some have retired,others have bored me or I have moved on in style whos to say.
anyway hoping that others have some gems they always turn to.
I've never been here before today. I don't plan to come back
#46 good then I need not tell you to sodd off!!
hate preachers..when I want a sermon I will go to church...
Does Kasia even design anymore? Last I remember she was at 9th&B, but left. She always had good quality IMO. I used to love Shabby Princess but I'm not sure she designs anymore.
What does sodd mean? Is that a nice way to say the F-word.
"when I want a sermon I will go to church"
Maybe a trip there would do you some good!
52, was that really necessary?
^^ pressing the like button.
What size button would that be then?
So LOL that I choked on my coffee.
You realize that bossing me around is akin to policing, right? 'kay?
I wasn't bossing anyone, 'kay?
Maybe it's the only way YOU can follow your own thought process.
Nah, from long experience on these blogs, I know most people can't follow a conversation unless it's doled out in tiny portions.
May God Bless you all
Which one are you talking about in particular?
What does sodd mean? Is that a nice way to say the F-word.
Nothing, it's actually sod off and yes it means the same as fuck off.
Q for designers - who are the forerunners in design or the ones that you always follow? The designers other designers aspire to?
No one. I aspire to be me. If that sounds vain, so be it. Why would I want to be like someone else?
#38 - what are you talking about?
Awww, did I do it again? Post a bunch of comments in a row?
#32 - are you still annoyed? I hope so, I'm doing it just for you.
I don't know if a lot of scrappers (who don't design) realize that designers are artists, too. they want their kits to come together in a certain way, and it represents them. If a designer thinks that 4 inch buttons look absurd on a layout they aren't going to include 4 inch buttons in their kit. Just like if they hate digital glitter they aren't going to include that in a kit. It's not a quality issue or ac customer service issue, it's what the designer personally wants their kit to look like.
Well, that's all find and dandy but seeing as people critique and criticize artists all the time, I don' see why designers should think they are exempt from the process.
#61- Is it morning where you are? LOL. You're lively today. IMO, you're just answering how alot of people answer. I don't know why it annoys #32. At least I can tell what you are responding too. I can't tell half the time who people here are talking too.
I think we should all post a bunch of comments in a row for #32. I would do it now, but I have to go to work.
#59 Good for you.. seriously... not looking for designers that copy or want to be exactly the same, what I was asking is (it must have been poorly put) was , who do you admire or respect as a designer? either for their designs, success, business, or contribution to digi...
My top 5 are Sahlin Studio, One Little Bird, Paislee Press, Robyn Meierotto, and Karla Dudley.
#52 good for what ?? for my damned soul cause I read/contribute to a blog?? whats the word Im looking for ,ummm right got it - hypocrisy
#65 - oh, sorry, my bad.
Natali Designs - she doesn't produce much these days but I've been a fan of her stuff since she started. It's always well made.
Anna Aspnes - I love her arty style
Denise Docherty - I wish she was still designing. I had a look at her kits from 2005 and they are better than some of the stuff around now
Not sure who else. I used to love Ztampf's stuff, but since she went Studio, it's not as good as it used to be. I guess she doesn't have as much time as she used too.
#63 - it was morningish when I first answered, but it's not anymore. I'm glad I'm not annoying you at least.
I don't know if a lot of scrappers (who don't design) realize that designers are artists, too. they want their kits to come together in a certain way, and it represents them. If a designer thinks that 4 inch buttons look absurd on a layout they aren't going to include 4 inch buttons in their kit. Just like if they hate digital glitter they aren't going to include that in a kit. It's not a quality issue or ac customer service issue, it's what the designer personally wants their kit to look like.
Well, that's all find and dandy but seeing as people critique and criticize artists all the time, I don' see why designers should think they are exempt from the process.
Huh? How did me saying it's not a quality issue or a customer service issue make you believe I don't think designers can (and should be) critiqued regularly?
Ok, what designers can't you stand buying from or refuse to buy from? Quality wise or design wise.
Can someone please explain why I keep seeing crocheted and knitted baby and toddler hats in kits? All kinds of kits.
Can you link to a specific product? I havent seen hats yet just doilies.
#72 Because somebody is selling them as CU, perhaps? ;-)
How would you even use a knitted baby hat on a layout? That's just weird to me.
placing it on your baby's head picture?
but I think those are looking weird..
What's with the Carly and Laura hate. I really enjoy both of them and imagine that the nastiness here is just some sort of jealousy. They're good scrappers and nice people.
#77- I can't answer you. People will be discussing something and then someone drops by and just brings up a random name, hoping people will have a smack party. If it isn't them it's SO, Rachel, Megs, SSD, Maya, Lizzy and so on. If you read back you can see who people like to have a party with. People seem to hate Kami and SO more than anything.
It seems childish. I get that this is a smack blog but I always thought it was smacking designers who the elite bunch here thought were subpar. But to smack Carly by betraying her and posting her private statuses or by being nasty to Laura who has really never been anything but nice....I just don't get it.
They both have always gone out of their way for me. They both may have humor or sarcasm people don't get, but they have never done anything to me. Both can be annoying at times but can't everyone be annoying? I know I can. I'm sure I annoy my CT and store forum on a daily basis.
Anonymous said... 143
Oscraps releases new things all the time, it's just that their designers release on different days.
May 22, 2012 11:45:00 AM
Anonymous said... 144
Maybe that is the problem then. Different release days.
May 22, 2012 11:47:00 AM
I don't see that being a problem at SBG.
Wouldn't it be handy to have a list on that blog (for instance, on the right side of the blog) with all the store abbreviations we usually use?
#82 - I know that would be helpful to me. I can't keep them all straight!
Got another ProfessionalScrapDesigns newsletter today--one that I didn't subscribe to.
It starts out with "On behave of all PSD Designers" and later includes a link to unsubscribe--a link that leads nowhere.
#79 - does it ever occur to you that maybe those people nice to you aren't nice to others? Just a thought... Seriously. Maybe people just have no respect for women who live on Facebook all day. What a sad life that must be.
Designers/Stores I will not buy from due to poor customer service (lack of a response through a variety of means):
Trixie Scraps
Bella Gypsy
Jady Day Studio
Scrapbook Bytes
Shabby Pickle
I've had amazing customer service in the past from:
Connie Prince
The Lilypad
Scrap Orchard
Sweet Shoppe
Gotta Pixel
Tami Miller
I've shopped elsewhere with lots of other stores and designers, but never needed their help in any way, so I can't say anything about their service. But, once you're on my do not buy from list, I don't buy from you. If a designer is exclusive at a shop on my list, I don't buy from them anymore.
I speak with my money. Period.
As for designers, Traci Reed has horrible quality. If she spent half as much time on her designs as she does on the forums then she might have better quality. I will not buy from her. Her recoloring skills are shitty at best.
I agree with 86 on Jady Day. I still can't understand how she got into SSD. Her stuff looks way to plastic and overused.
Lauren Grier used to be a really good designer. Lately, her quality has gone downhill and her patterns seem overused. If she would put out something different I might buy from her again. Plus, when you email her don't expect a response back from her.
Shabby Pickle went downhill fast after Holly and Lizzy stole half the designers from that shop for 9th&B.
#85, you lose me when you start commenting or speculating on the quality of someone's life based on whether they're on Facebook or not.
How do you know whether someone has a sad life or not?
Most use FB as a way to connect with other adults. That's not sad.
#89, I think half the scrappers and designers I know are on Facebook all day. I guess we all have sad sad lives. It's not like we actually enjoy talking to each other or anything.
Sitting in front of a computer all day on Facebook is sad. How exactly is that contributing anything to society? Spending a bit of time here and there, sure, I get that. But ALL DAY? There's a big difference.
#91, What exactly are you contributing to society by posting here?
91 get with the times. I can be on FB all day, on and off, and also take my kids to activities, go to the grocery store, run errands, cook meals, do laundry, clean my house, scrap, design, and pay bills. I have FB on my phone. It's not "sitting in front of a computer all day" if I pull out my phone for 2 minutes once or twice an hour, while doing all of those other things. Don't judge others until you have seen what they do with your own two eyes. Or one eye, as you might be a cyclops given that you're so behind the times and those existed way back in the dark ages.
BTW that's a joke, for those who are going to run to wikipedia to tell me all the reasons I am wrong.
LOL at 93!
Did this blog address just get posted somewhere publicly in recent days? Seems we have a lot of noobs showing up here, offended and shocked and appalled as they always are before they realize they can't look away from the train wreck that is this blog and before they know it, they're regulars too. But for real, did some idiot go and post this for a bunch of noobs to find?
94- I have seen it posted in a few designers private forums. Some want their CT to come here at times to see if they are getting smacked talked.
I haven't seen it posted anywhere, and I'm on a lot of CT's. I guess the ones I'm on don't really care much about trashy talk. They probably have better things to do.--like be on facebook all day. bwah---
It could be 96 that you are on the teams where the designers do the trashy talk.
Agree #87 about the quality of Traci Reed. It shockes me that she still is able to sell at a store like SSD with her horrible quality issues. Got a pack of stitches full of dropshadows all over the place.
97--I doubt it. very much.
What is Scrap Take Out? Is this yet another new shop opening up? A new store pops up every week it seems.
It was mentioned in the DCR at DST.
101- What was mentioned? The store or the blog?
Oh yuck, sorry I asked. Jen Yurko. No thanks.
STO was discussed heavily about 2 pages back - go and read to your heart's content. We really don't need to go back there.
The newbies seem to be coming over after someone posted what Charly (?-no clue who she is)wrote on her personal FB page. Perhaps...
106, Someone just said that this blog was mentioned in the DCR.
you have Carly = Snaggletooth, and Charly = Sunny Day Scraps = the one who's buying stores just to get her feet in somewhere even if she doesn't know how to run a store..Sorry but that woman annoys me terribly.
The newbies have always been here. You just don't like what they have to say.
Maybe the newbies happen to like Sunny Day Scraps aka Charly. She may not know what she is doing, but has she really done anything to anyone?
Did the majority that's been smacked here done anything to anyone? Probably not, so what's your point?
Some people have been smacked for what they have done, but a lot are smacked for what they say, what they design, how they promote, what they post. Others are smacked for what others think they did. Finally, others are smacked for what people think of them in general, or on just about anything they disagree. Unfortunately, I can see that although some smacking might be based on facts, a lot is not. Nobody is safe from "the smack blog".
109, your comment is so idiotic it makes me weep for your future. The very definition of "newbie" is that the person is "new". So if someone has been here all along, they're not a newbie, and if they're a newbie, they haven't been here all along. Do try to keep up.
#110 just confirmed that lots of the noobs around here this week are from her camp. Sad part is that confirming this, by posting what she just did, is only going to make us smack Charly harder for sending her noobs over here to fight for her. So dumb.
sorry, by "her camp" I meant Charly's. typed too fast, and am on my phone (lest some really worried soul get concerned that I am sitting at my computer all day being non-productive)
113 says Nobody is safe from "the smack blog"
I find this statement ironic that people here smack all day long, yet criticize people that spend any time on facebook. funny.
114 - I am not 109, but that post didn't mean that athe same persons (named "newbies") were here all that time, but that there are "some newbies" all the time (new one from week to week maybe). Just like there are new designers all the time. It does not mean the same designers pretend to be new to the industry all the time.
I really don't understand why Charly bought a store and not knowing the ins and outs, how to bring that to life? It's jumping into designing and don't even know what program you have to use for that. If it's dead it's dead, buying a store is like a sequel.
#115, Just because someone made that comment does not mean she sent them. I think you are just looking for a reason to keep smacking Sunny Day Scraps because you have nothing better to do.
Doesn't Charly already own a store? If she wasn't successful the first time, what makes her think she'll be successful now?
She owns Berry Sweet Scraps, and it looks..well...amateuristic.
From what I've seen, Charly's store is doing just fine. Jac was closing MSS (for whatever reason) and Charly stepped in to try and save it. She used her own money--she didn't ask for a government hand out to do that (or part of a stupid Obama stimulus plan) It's called free enterprise--What is with you people? My goodness.
123, I'm not understanding what an Obama stimulus plan has to do with this.
I've never been to Berry Sweet Scraps, is it really that bad?
124--all stores have their good points and their bad points. I don't care for scrapmatters. Does that make it a bad store? No. I don't care for the studio--does that make it a bad store? No. I like some of the designers at both mentioned stores, but just don't care for the sites. It's all a personal preference. If you don't like Berry Sweet scraps, that's fine--don't shop there, like I don't shop at Scrapmatters or the studio. I admire people that step out and try to do something.
I'll post a list of store abbreviations if someone has it. Half the time, I don't know what you guys are talking about, either. ;)
#116 - Now I think you're really sad. Who the fuck checks the smack blog from their phone while pretending to be doing something else? That is a new low around here. I feel very bad for you, almost so bad that I feel bad for smacking you in the first place.
#117 - Who said I, or anyone else, spends all day on a smack blog? How would you even know? It's all ANONYMOUS and likely many people. Compare that to Facebook where some people (not all, and certainly not all just on their computers...) post a status update every 10 mins thinking someone actually gives a shit about their boring life. It's much easier to say they spend all day on Facebook (regardless of whether they're sitting on their ass in front of the computer or sitting on their ass on their phone).
Anger issues, 127? Wow you seem way more pissed than seems warranted about such trivial issues.
118's last sentence makes it sound as though she's drunk. WTF does that even mean???
I'll start a list with what I know - if others do the same, maybe you'll have enough to post:
SBG - Scrapbook Graphics
SM - ScrapMatters
PBP - Pickleberry Pop
TLP - The Lily Pad
SO - ScrapOrchard
ACOT - A Cherry on Top
GP - Gotta Pixel
MSS - Me So Scrappy
SSD - Sweet Shoppe Designs
DSP - Digital Scrapbook Place
TDC - The DigiChick
FPD - Funky Playground Designs
Sorry they're not in alpha order - that's just what I could remember off the top of my head.
123 - Charly owned another store before that Berry one and it did not do just fine.
BSS-Berry Sweet Scraps
sdd-scrappity doo dah
Not sure about the studio--TS??
131-if you put all the stores that have failed on a list, and all the ones that have done well on another list, the failed list will probably be much bigger than the other list I'm sure. There have been a LOT of stores that failed unfortunately!
How do you all know if all the stores do not sell anything?Have you been admin in all of them?Just becouse a store closes doesn't mean its a flop,Stores close for many reasons.Just curious.
Also i see many stores that close come back with new ones all the time.
Anger issues, 127? Wow you seem way more pissed than seems warranted about such trivial issues.
May 23, 2012 1:12:00 PM
Whatever makes you feel better, honey.
List those failed stores with their owners and you'll probably notice a pattern. I wouldn't want to sell at a store whose owner has closed stores in the past just to come out with new ones. Seems a little unstable if you ask me.
A5D After five designs
CS Catscrap
DSB Digiscrappers Brazil
STS Stuff to scrap
DD Divine digital or Designer Digitals
O Oscraps
SP Shabby Pickle
SG Scrap girls
SBB Scrapbook bytes
DHD Design house digital
MS Memory Scraps
PDP polka dot plum
SHC SugarHillCo
If you take a look at Sunny Day Scraps FB page there are only 98 fans and the page has been around for awhile.
divine digital isn't a store I go to at all. Talk about flaky owners. I had a terrible time with her.
I know that some stores have closed because the owner-designer decides to retire, or gets sick, or gets a day job--and just can't handle the day to day operations, so yes, some stores close that have been successful. Life circumstances change for a lot of people. Some stores have merged with other stores in the past, and they were two successful stores to begin with.
What stores have merged together?
141 this was several years ago.
and I don't remember the names of the original stores. I've been around awhile.
Since when does Happytits sell at Stuff to Crap?
Shabby Pickle went downhill fast after Holly and Lizzy stole half the designers from that shop for 9th&B.
Stole? What are they? Cattle? They left on their own accord.
Speaking of happy tits...
WLS: With Love Studio
There's a difference between newbie and noob. You don't have to be a newbie to be a noob.
I've never heard of Oscraps being referred to as just O, it's always Oscraps.
DD is usually Designer Digitals, Divine Digitals is usually referred to as Divine.
Funny how both lists include SBB but not SBE (Scrap Book Elements)
147 I thought scrapbook elements closed.
#148 - no, why would you think that? Are you thinking of another store?
Happy Tits got married.
I've never shopped at SBE was curious so I googled it.
I've never heard of any of the designers and don't see anything I'd buy
#150 - Is that why she is selling at Stuff to Scrap?
#151 - your point?
Someone was asking for store acronyms and I mentioned SBE. I don't really care if you've never heard of the designers and wouldn't buy there. I've not heard of half the stores and designers mentioned on this blog but I don't feel it necessary to point that out, until just now that is.
At SBE at least 8 of the designers there have been designing and selling for around 5 years or more.
It's not somewhere where I go shopping but they do seem steady and have very little drama. The only reason SBE ever seemed to get smacked was because of their poor shop design. It must have something going for them to be around that long.
149 I guess so.
153- I am 151 and my comment was in response to 148 who thought that SBE had closed. I was curious to whether they were still open or not... and to 147 (who I assume is you since you're getting defensive) who thought it was so funny that SBE wasn't mentioned when SBB was. I'm so sorry I didn't spell it out for you - I've heard of the designers at SBB but not at SBE, which is probably why it was mentioned and SBB was not
And I was just adding to the rest of the pointless nonsense here because I'm bored.
154 It is kind of an ugly store though. I've never heard of any of the designers either.
149, She may be thinking of Scrap Artist.
Then I guess you don't have to shop at those kind of stores.
158-actually, I'm a male.
who I assume is you since you're getting defensive)
But you're just bored, right? Not defensive at all. Why does everyone keep using that word? I don't think it means what you think it means.
#158 - Ah yes, Scrap Artist, that sounds possible.
Scrap Artist was a really good store, until they closed down the forum.
#163 - no one was really using the forum.
I've never heard of Oscraps being referred to as just O, it's always Oscraps.
DD is usually Designer Digitals, Divine Digitals is usually referred to as Divine.
Funny how both lists include SBB but not SBE (Scrap Book Elements)
Ditto this I've never heard of Divine being called DD. DD is Designer Digitals and Divine is just Divine, even though in reality it isn't.
I've also not heard of Sugar Hill being abbreviated as anything other than SHCO, in response to 137's list.
#150 - How do you know she got married? It's probably just another made up lie. Kind of like how she had cancer, has "three" kids yet has named 5 different kids as her kids, and the list goes on. If she really did get married, good luck to him being married to a nutjob.
165- Maybe Happytits announced it somewhere. I do know she is still around and scrapping for designers.
Could we also list the abbreviations of the designers too down the side of the blog? Thanks
#167- There are way to many to list. Some might share the same initals.
#166 - just because she announced it, doesn't mean it happened, that's what #165 was saying.
#165 - what were her kids names?
#170- I think Maceo was one. I don't really know. I think 2 of the kids were her cousins or nephews.
165, When did Aly have cancer? I must have missed that.
@digismacker - There's this thread in DST for list of store acronyms not too long ago. Quite complete. Should be helpful.
sorry - the link:
#172 - around 2008 and if you want more details, go and visit the old smack blog :)
#175, Aly deleted all her comments so I don't know what she said. Probally why I missed it.
174, that's alot of stores. More than I knew existed. How many of them are actually good?
#176 - oh yeah, I forgot about that. She claimed she had ovarian cancer. If she did, I do feel sorry for her, as she is quite young however if she didn't, well, that's just despicable.
#177 - some of them don't exist anymore - like Two Little Pixels, which closed it's doors last year.
ScrapDish doesn't exist anymore either.
That list is out of date and some of the stores were already closed at the time that list was made. Go figure.
Scrapdish isn't closed, but might as well be. At the time they were supposed to close, someone bought it at the last minute.
Happytit's announced her 'marriage' and short honeymoon on her FB page.
Charly has deleted her posts for help (not just one) in the DCR at DST. Someone else (I assume the one that got smacked here this week and everyone called the smacker "mean") posted that she was so hurt by the smacking that she was going to quit designing. Happytits posted in that thread, as did Charly. Now she's hunkydory again. Isn't that special.
well says enough if she deleted her post.
I think the whole premise of a smack blog in the digital scrapbooking world is uncalled for. It can be hurtful, damaging, UNTRUE or HALFTRUE, mostly just plain gossip and personal opinions. It is in extremely poor taste to have a blog such as this one.
Sure, the people who don't agree with it could quit reading but that is the same as burying your head in the sand. It still exists if we ignore it. I think it is time to put the smack blogs to bed. If you all need a place to discuss things like who has quality kits, which stores to shop at, etc, create a blog for that and post with your real names.
I doubt this blog will disappear but I think you should feel ashamed and ask the Lord for forgiveness and close it down. This type of thing is bullying. Just like when kids in school post things on forums like Topix and Facebook to humiliate and hurt other kids. Some of those kids have gone on to commit suicide. Just because it is anonymous does not make it right, it hurts just the same. My hope is that you will look deep into your hearts and stop this. Take it to private email or a members only blog or forum. Don't make it public where anyone can read it. Personally, I'd rather see it disappear completely.
What hurts me most is knowing I cannot truly trust anyone in digi any longer because who knows who posts what here, at least if they emailed me or private messaged me we could have a civil discussion about what is good or not good about my products. That would be much nicer and not taken as a personal attack. I have chosen to go on creating for the creative outlet.
Yeah, lots of stores on that list that aren't here anymore:
Two Little Pixels
Enchanted Studio Scraps
Inspiration Lane
Sunshine Studio Scraps
And then of course it's missing some:
MSS - Me So Scrappy
STO - Scrap Take Out
OSD - One Story Down
Catscrap - though I guess that's changing names
SHCO - Sugar Hill Co
MS - MScraps
And I'm sure there are more......
Who the hell is Dawn?
#172 - She also mentioned it on her personal blog which there was a link to somewhere. How she was having to go to the states for surgery/treatment and her mother was going with her. This was at the exact same time that she was opening WLS and supposedly had a brand new infant.
#184 - Someone who apparently lost her son in a tragic accident (read her profile) and wishes people would speak to her face rather than her back - like most of us I'm sure.
#180 -- You got to love a designer that stalks the threads at DST and then comes back here to report what she's seen. Despicable! Nothing better than throwing in a little tidbit and watch the sharks churn up the waters right! It's gotten to the point that you can't post anything at DST because it just ends up here as entertainment.
180, that's kinda because DST is a joke now. It used to be a great site, but it has gone so far downhill there's no saving it. At this point in time, I honestly think I get more accurate/up to date info here at this dumb blog than I ever get at DST anymore.
Dawn is the person who got ripped to shreds here a few days ago. She posted at DST that she needed a new store and someone slammed her hard.
MSS doesn't look like it's closing. Where did that info come from? Assuming MSS = Me So Scrappy...
MSS was supposed to close, but Charly/Sunny Day Scraps bought it
189- It was closing. Charly bought it.
So basically it will be closing in a few weeks?
187 - I don't understand your statement. We all know that this blog is full of opiniated posters, some jaleous ones, and more, but what kind of information are you not getting at DST that you find here (beside the smacking stuff)? Is it because you don't have access to the designer section and wish you could see what is posted there and then, you rely on some not-so-trustworthy designers to copy and paste from there to here?
I have access and you missed my point all together. If it's already posted at DST then why do people feel they need to come here and feed it to the sharks?
194 - I think you are #186 (saying this blog is like teasing sharks), and I was refering to the comment #187 who said that this blog is where there is more accurate information than DST. How would this be more accurate than DST?
BTW, #194, I tend to agree with you on that.
Bella Gypsy's quality, is it good? I have never bought from them before.
I just bought another BG kit and their quality has always been fine. Just checked the new one and it is good too.
I've always had good luck with BG's things too.
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