#200 I don't know, I tried it and found it very cumbersome to have to put every shadow on a new layer then mess with it. And if it was too far off, to have to start over. In PS/PSE I can adjust the sliders and see in real time what it's doing before committing. After committing I can go back any time and tweak with a single click. I only have to break it out to a separate layer for certain effects. And since I have my favorite settings saved as styles, I can apply them with one click. If I don't like that one, click on another and it overwrites the settings. In PSP I'd have to undo and redo the shadow with new settings. It took me forever to get the shadows done on one layout, after that I saved the layered file and took it into PS to shadow :)
LMAO #4 isn't everyone who posts here a bitch in one way or another? What makes what #1 up there said any different from many other posts on here? I think the lady who complained about store owners as designers doesn't like feeling the competition.
3 it doesn't seem much different to me. I use ps cs3, and psp x2 and I use shadow styles in cs, and those are on their own layer, and I warp them and change their opacity virtually the same way. I guess it just depends on what you are used to using and prefer.
What I don't get is just how store owners think a psp user is a pirate or a potential pirate just because they use psp. What difference does it make?
Im sorry for Myes woes, my heart feels for her. There is something to be said for not living in US. It wouldn't be an issue here in NZ or in AUs or Britain. Public health cover guarantees everyone is covered. My husband had a kidney transplant last year total cost to us $0. Top specialists, great hospital even free accommodation for the 2wk daily check ups. I hope she gets what she needs for her son. US health system sucks, BADLY...
Examples of collabs that WERE initiated but only got little response are these: http://www.digishoptalk.com/boards/showthread.php?t=311353&highlight=Charity+collab
Anonymous said... 190 One was put together by Bev the owner of scrapble for her son's gf who's house burnt down and lost everything.
The other is put together by melaniedesigns for a ct member who is battling cancer treatment.
The third link is Anne Fischer who died in November the same month as Eva Kipler.
My guess is because they aren't "elite" designers...not much attention or effort was made for their attempts at charity collabs. Jan 4, 2013 7:12:00 PM
It's not that 'this community' picks and chooses who they help. It's actually pretty much 'every community.' It's human nature that people help who they are familiar with first. Closer and more personal connection encourages more effort of help. For all the examples given, I'm quite sure that if it's the first designer herself's house that's burnt down, not "her son's gf's", the responses will be somewhat different. (It doesn't matter that both scenarios are probably equally tragic, it's just human nature.) If the CT member or designer in question have been around here for long and in close contact with many stores and designers and other CTs, there will certainly be more people moved to help. Or if the predicament is something people can personally relate to (like Mye's son's case), or if it's well told (in words and pictures), of course it would move more people. Again, it's just natural.
I'm not saying that it's good or it's the way life should be, it's not. But it's in our nature.
#5, I agree with you about #1. She is just a nasty bitch and I could care less what she thinks about what I said.
To address your comment though, about me not liking to feel the competition, it's not really about that. I understand that this is business and that in business there will be competition. That's fine and I can deal with that, no problem. What I don't like is the unfair advantage a store owner gets in picking and choosing the types of products to offer. As I said, she can examine the sales of the designers in her store and if she finds a particular type of product selling well for one of her designers, then decides to start making the same type of thing (when she never did before she was a store owner), I just think that sucks. And I say it's an unfair advantage because I can't access the admin side of HER store to see what is selling well for her, right? That's my point and I still think there is some validity to it. And, end of the day, if the store owner that prompted my little rant continues doing what annoyed me, I can just take myself, my work and my customer base elsewhere. So, it's all good. But, thanks for addressing my comment without being an insulting jackass like #1.
Really? well sorry to burst your bubble there Number 11, but you come across as whiny and pathetic. If you don't like what people say here in response to your rant, then don't offer your opinion, because everyone on here can and will be a bitch about something posted, and you are no better than anyone else here who has gotten an earful about their own rants and posts, and you won't be the last, you don't like it, then don't rant about it, if you don't like what your store owner does, then leave. Easy peasy, correct? besides, I think it is childish to assume that just because one store owner starts making something she didn't make before is doing it because she has access to what sells in her store. Any designer who can run a sales report can see the sales for the store as a whole, not just an admin. I am a designer in 8 stores, and out of those 8, three of them have the private area and I have access to my sales only, the other 5 have public for all designers the sales report, and it is easy to click and run it for the whole store and see the sales that month. Besides, I'm sure that what your owner sees in sales must surely be an indication of what all the other stores are getting in sales, so I honestly can't see how you feel she has the unfair advantage. All anyone has to do is watch the trends and see what goes, and adjust themselves accordingly.
Clearly I don't care. I'm sure everyone appreciates the grammar police, as usual, snarking about the little things. Not everyone has a stick up their ass and talks like they do, or rather types like they do.
I guess you're all the kind of people who always give to every Salvation Army bell ringer stand, every time, every shop, every location. You must also give to every coin can for every cause and you most definitely give to every charity that calls and mails you.
You must have been quite generous every single time someone asked you to donate this past holiday season at every register in every store. $1 here, $5 there. How wonderful not a single one of you ever felt weary at being asked to help donate to every cause out there.
With all this energy and generosity, it's amazing cancer still exists.
The point is you give what you are able to give. You come off as thinking you're some victim of something...the victim in this situation is Mye's infant son. If you cannot help, so be it. Others, however, can and will. It's unfortunate that hearing about peoples' troubles makes you weary. Maybe you should take a break. Re: the Salvation Ringers..I give to each one every time I go into a store where they are. Just FYI..I know there's lots of folks who do the same...it makes you weary..it makes some of us feel good to do something.
I think you're all missing the point of the original post - people want to help, but it does seem like someone needs help all the time.
The OP never bashed Mye or her son, in fact she feels badly for them. But here you all are bashing her, how generous.
I think it's crazy anyone has to pay $12500 for a surgery in any country. I also find it funny most of the Americans who support Mye and her pleas for help and others like her don't support their own countrymen in their pleas for improved healthcare laws.
I think you all like to sit around feeling good about yourselves because you put $1 in a red bucket every Christmas - maybe even 10 different buckets. A whole $10.
I never buy from store owners because invariably I find their quality is terrible (and their prices are overinflated). Cat at Catscrap, Maya, Kami, Vicki (Oscraps)- I can't think of them all, but I don't even look in their shops. The thing I do not like is when a store owner sells her things at a different shop.
167-Aren't most of the stores owned by a designer or two? I don't understand your beef.
as for Mye, I have never bought anything from her before, but I have now. It was my choice. I don't care what kind of person she is, or how good of a designer she is, (or not). Her baby needs help. He's an innocent little baby. Apparently where she lives the doctors won't do the operation unless they know they will be paid. They don't have much time to raise 12,000. There aren't many people that I know that have 12,000 sitting around. I know, I don't associate with the elite people of the world that have lots of money. I'm grateful, however, that I have enough money to help out when I see a need, even if it is only a little! If a LOT of people help just a little, that baby will be on the road to recovery. Nobody is standing over anybody with a club to make them donate. If you don't want to, just don't!
#16, you don't know what we do and do not support. There are plenty of charitable people that support national heathcare and charitable people who don't support it. We know the system is broken no matter which side they are on.
Talk about smug. You are worse than anyone who drops a buck in a pot and feels proud.
You know, 11, if it sells well, chances are that scrappers buy more than one so that they have options. I think designers who can follow trends AND make high quality products are at the greatest advantage. A sales report won't help style.
Why is is that someone who is on a lot of CTMs and someone who hunts down freebies is considered a whore but the same never seems to apply to designers who are at a lot of stores? Technically, aren't they more of a whore, because they are actually selling something?
While that collab kit has nothing to do with Mye's boy, it's nice to see that she has helped others when they need it. I hope now that she's the one who's in need she will be returned with the same love.
I'm so sick of hearing about health care in the US. Where is it written that everyone is entitled to free health care? Or free anything. There are a lot of charities in the US that will help out if you need it. Or better yet ... Get a job - get a life. Feel free to smack me, I don't give a shit.
It's funny cause the rant of #11 looks to me like Laitha and SBB. The "new" owner who is also a designer sounds like Tami and her new fancy mat that she never did before while Laitha do a pack with every new kit.
This all sounds to me like Gotta Pixel with Stacy what's her face now designing. It seemed like the month she started selling their they cleaned house and dropped 8 designers.
- 11 WTF are you talking about? Is there some niche item that only 1 designer can/should make and that is your competitive advantage?
38- what are you talking about? I just went through their stores and saw one pack of the fancy mats in Tami's store, and after 4 pages in Laitha's I didn't see any.
It looks like Tami has been at the store for some time and been the co-owner for a few months. If anything it looks like she's designing less.
#39, #40 Hope you are all proud of yourselves. I've never used Cassel's stuff, I don't use PSP, and it's not my style, but some of her scripts look really useful. But to get someone's store pulled because you don't like her stuff is really cruel. It's one thing to critique kits anonymously, it's another thing to get someone fired. This place is astonishingly disgusting. And those of you lurking and reading here in self defense? Part of the problem. Glad someone gave me a heads up so I got to see the kind of people you really are. Won't be back.
22- you're right. When I get into something, I tend to buy it from a lot of different people. Last year, it was anything blue and yellow. I spent probably over $1,000 in the past year just on blue and yellow kits, and it seemed like every other week, a new one was coming out at the two or three stores I shop at most often. This month alone, I've bought probably 10 different styles of Journaling Cards.
45 I beg to differ. People here just say that to make themselves feel better about their smack. Cassel would have probably still been there if she wasn't smacked here first.
I'm with 47. Her stuff had been in that store for months and all of a sudden it's closed right after she's smacked bad? Doesn't say much for the ownership there. She wouldn't pull it like that, she runs a legit business and would give notice which is honorable. I think SHCo was bullied into letting her go. Can't say it's quality, the quality was fine until she was smacked. It's sheer meanness. Won't be shopping there again, and if you design there you should be worried that you'll be next.
#11 doesn't sound like Laitha to me. English isn't her first language and while that post wasn't the best example of great English, it's better than I've seen from non-native speakers.
48 - Her stuff was not in that store for months, but only for a few days. In her own store yes. In other stores before, yes. But not at SHCO. She just joined January 1st if I remember correctly. However, it still does not explain such a short stay at that store.
still doesn't give me confidence in the store ownership. Mighty fishy that all of a sudden there's a problem. I have no idea who owns that shop, but no matter why they made this decision it was very poorly handled. Reflects badly on the whole shop to open and close a store in days. But I thought she did a guest spot there first? Like I said, I can't use her stuff, so I don't pay attention and am not sure, but I know people who do which is how I got the heads up.
Oh please - she got herself fired (if in fact she was fired). Her product was crap compared to what is sold in that store - and to what is expected in today's market. Her stuff was something we'd see in 2006 - not now.
Oh God....anyone see Ms. Charly's latest? She is having a moon baby call. First she has twins, then triplets, then a new design name as her sister, then she reinvents herself as crescent moon and now she can't make her own freebies? WTH.
53 - How can she get herself fired in just a few days if her products are bad. Were they fine when she was "hired" and suddenly they are bad? That reasoning is not making sense. And if she didn't get herself fired why would she leave after such a short time? Her products are different than the rest, maybe. Crap? I have seen other stuff that I can call crap but you would like so again, a matter of opinion.
53 Oh please yourself. Your point would be valid if tina had never seen her products before taking her in the store. And I highly doubt that. Obviously she found them useful enough to take her on. So I doubt her being fired has anything to do with her "crap 2006 products".
#53 if it was crap why was she invited to open a store in the first place? Fishy if you ask me. Sounds like someone listens to bullies. And if you think your comments here 'don't have that power' then you probably think you're a nice person too.
But to get someone's store pulled because you don't like her stuff is really cruel. It's one thing to critique kits anonymously, it's another thing to get someone fired. This place is astonishingly disgusting. And those of you lurking and reading here in self defense? Part of the problem. Glad someone gave me a heads up so I got to see the kind of people you really are. Won't be back.
WTF are you talking about? No one got anyone fired. Not to mention, you don't know what kind of people we are as you don't even know who we are.
Cassel would have probably still been there if she wasn't smacked here first. -------
Are you kdding? Nothing was really said on this blog about Cassel joining Sugar Hill except that her scripts were crap and that was tame compared to what else has been said about Cassel in the past. OMG, I really can' believe who ridiculous some of you are. Other designers that joined Sugar Hill have been smacked much worse and they are still there! Explain that if you will.
Then if she was not "fired because of this blog", find another good explanation for the disappearance after less than a week. So far, nobody even suggested a logical reason or scenario. What might be going on? I doubt she just suddenly changed her mind after uploading dozens of products to a store.
Maybe there was a contractual issue? Maybe Cassel changed her mind about being at SHCO? Maybe it's a reason that we can't think of because it is none of our business? But I don't think it was because of what was posted on this blog. Tina would have to shut herself down if that's what it was.
Then if she was not "fired because of this blog", find another good explanation for the disappearance after less than a week. So far, nobody even suggested a logical reason or scenario. ---
Since I have no information at all about why she left, I cannot give you a reason and I will not assume a reason, that's a logical scenario.
Now, how about you answer my question about all the other designers at Sugar Hill that were smacked and are still selling there?
Being smacked on this blog caused it whether she was fired or if she made the decision herself. -----
Prove it. Go on, I dare you. Definite proof not just your idiotic assumption. I checked the things that were said about Cassel, (one page over) and they were nothing, nothing at all compared to the stuff that has been said about her in the past.
Then if she was not "fired because of this blog", find another good explanation for the disappearance after less than a week. So far, nobody even suggested a logical reason or scenario. ---------
Then if she was not "fired because of this blog", find another good explanation for the disappearance after less than a week. So far, nobody even suggested a logical reason or scenario. ---------
Neither have you.
-------------- Right, because to me, it at least looks like she got fired. That is my guess. Why would she be fired? I don't know but it still seems odd. Can you prove otherwise?
I highly doubt Miss Tiina fired Cassel over this blog. MT has been smacked here for many years and is still alive and well and probably selling tons of products.
I don't know what happened, but I would eat my own bonnet if it was because of this blog.
81 you are safe as nobody would dare ask Tina, Tina would not admit it if it were true, you would not believe it if someone proved it because they would be anonymous and you would not be found since you are anonymous too.
#79 - I don't have to prove otherwise. You are the one saying she was fired because of this blog, the burden of proof is on you.
However, if all it takes for someone to be fired from Sugar Hill is being smacked on this blog, please explain why other designers who were smacked here are still selling there? I have repeatedly asked this, with no response.
#87 - don't like anyone who knows things you don't? She's very knowledgeable about PSP and lots of other things, but that doesn't make a "know it all" to me. She's helped me a lot to learn new things and always answers questions nicely. I think people here just like being mean. Sick, really.
#89 - she does not always answer questions nicely, whatever your experiences are. It's stupid to assume that your experiences are those that everyone has.
Do adults really talk about other adults being mean?
Tina has shoddy business practices. I feel bad for those people that spent money on a lifetime membership to the confectionary club which included products by her and Victoria Feemster. Victoria Feemster is no longer there and all her stuff is gone from the club (which they paid for) without notice!
I've barely interacted with Cassel at DST and even though I was a beginning designer, being new to the community a lot of her posts have felt "pushy" to say the least.
She does tend to act like she is, a bit of a know it all in some aspects. First impressions last longer than the second.
And this is coming from someone who doesn't know her from any of the other designers except by what goes on at DST before I even found this blog. Take it with a grain of salt if you will, but that's a newbies opinion on the matter.
Um, but wasn't Shiloh associated with some kind of wrong doing? It seems stealing would be a reason to get fired.
You all are really thick. You don't believe that Tina reads at DST but you believe that she reads here. Everyone knows that she is a bit of a know-it-all and a little rough on the edges in her interactions with people on the forums.
You don't even know the real reason why Cassel is no longer at SHco. You have nothing but assumptions and fairy tales. I agree with the poster that said it may have been a problem with the contract. She also designs for Acot. I think they have a really strange designer contract.
ACOT doesn't care where else you sell. Their contract is one of the most liberal I've seen in this business. I would highly doubt ACOT has anything to do with it.
She also designs for Acot. I think they have a really strange designer contract. ------------- Cassel hasn't been at ACOT for quite a while. I think it was a guest spot only. And well over a year ago, if I remember.
Shilo didn't steal anything. Happy Tits accused her of not paying her ( Happy Tits) the money from joint collabs. I think it was Happy Tits that ended up as the one who wasn't paying out the money. Not sure on this one. Shilo retired, she wasn't fired from anywhere.
If this blog is the reason Cassel was fired - we should all be ashamed to be here. (And no, I never posted anything negative, but I read here so I'm counting myself in this sorted mess.)
I'd like to find out the truth, because I sure as hell will never shop at Sugar Hill again if that's the case.
100- Unfortunately, it is very unlikely that the "truth" will be known (and accepted) whichever it is, especially from an anonymous blog. You'll have to decide for yourself without really knowing.
99 NOPE. Incorrect. Shiloh was not paying me or the other girl for the collab when we were sending her everything we made with receipts from the stores so she can confirm that we were sending the right amount.
It's amazing how you all twist stuff. I have more money than Shilo will ever have. I had no reason not to send her anything! I have never and will never be a thief like Shiloh is.
Still haven't seen a cent frim shilo by the way. Lol.
99 Also you are wrong again. Shilo did not retire right away. She was FIRED from SHCO and remained at DigiScrappersBrasil for about two months after that. THEN she retired.
101 You are right! They jump to conclusions any other time. Lol. Why not now?
And I must agree with whoever said Miss Tiina probably fired cassel because what was said on this blog. I was in contact with Tiina for weeks over the shilo stealing incident before I even bought it here and Shilo remained in the store even though Tina confirmed that she had made much more than she had sent us. She wouldn't tell us exactly how much because she couldn't but that's how we originally knew we weren't getting paid the right amount. Tina didn't care.
It wasn't until you all started smacking Shilo here that she was removed from the store. So yeah..I wouldn't put it past tinna to have fired cassel.
99 And you must know by now that I would have come right back here to shut down your delusions and lies with comment after comment. So why even say them in the first place? Unless of course you really thought you were right about what happened with the Shilo stealing situation...which I can not blame you for. It's easy to point fingers when you don't know the whole story.
Am I the only one who finds it funny that people who can call people idiots and stupid, (and worse, then complain about someone else being "pushy" and "rough around the edges"? Not looking in the mirror much? Oh right, what you say on here doesn't matter at all, you're just innocents.
Got news for you ladies, everything matters. What comes out of your mouth (or off the tips of your fingers) reflects on you and those around you. I was raised to not say anything in public that I wouldn't say to my mother's face. Anonymity doesn't protect you from that. You know how you've behaved, and it eats away at your self respect whether you acknowledge it or not.
This could be a useful forum as long as the mean girls aren't allowed to run it. But that's long gotten out of hand, and I think those of us who are able to criticize constructively without being mean need to stand up to the bitches who've poisoned this well.
Miss Tiina most definitely reads here. Just got this email a couple of hours ago.
"Hi there,
Due to the unexpected changes in the Confectionery Club last November, I would like to offer this coupon of $100.00 to spend in my shop on anything you like…
Amount: $100.00
Code: removed
Valid through: March 31, 2013
Please accept my apologies for not notifying you and sending this email sooner and enjoy!"
Well Miss Tina (since you read here) - I think you're a coward and a poor business women. You hire someone but then fire her because of what is said on a SMACK blog. You're pathetic and I will never buy from you again.
115,116 - you both must be bffs with Cassel - pretty sure the other 1000 customers of Tina don't care and will continue to buy from her and the other shco designers
Cassel makes some great utility scripts for PSP - they work just like action/scripts in PS products and has been making actions lately for PS products also. The problem is, she won't put those in any other shop than her own. I'm betting that Tina took her on thinking Cassel would be putting her best scripts in SHCO. Instead, she got some of Cassel's older scripts that are outdated (the ones that make elements). Tina probably requested the newer, better scripts - and Cassel probably refused. That's what I think happened. I doubt very much it had anything to do with what was said on this blog.
119 Maybe so, but if that was the case, wouldn't it make more sense to ask her to remove the "older ones" and keep others? Why close the entire shop and also loose on the "good ones"?
This blog is nowhere near as nasty as the other blogs were, so whoever says it is, hasn't been around that long or is just looking for something to smack (oh, the irony).
The only thing said about Cassel on this blog upon her joining SugarHill was that her scripts sucked, that is all. If that's a bad smacking, color me confused because I thought a bad smacking would be along the lines of what Tina herself received on this blog.
This could be a useful forum as long as the mean girls aren't allowed to run it. But that's long gotten out of hand, and I think those of us who are able to criticize constructively without being mean need to stand up to the bitches who've poisoned this well. ------
It's interesting to me that those who come here to preach about the rest of us being nasty, so often end up calling the rest of us bitches, which is not a word I usually see here, even about designers that some don't like. It usually comes from the sanctimonious hand slappers.
Well Miss Tina (since you read here) - I think you're a coward and a poor business women. You hire someone but then fire her because of what is said on a SMACK blog. You're pathetic and I will never buy from you again. ----------
And you are an idiot. There's absolutely no proof that this happened, but you are going to condemn Tina for it anyway. What does that say about you?
Cassel makes some great utility scripts for PSP - they work just like action/scripts in PS products and has been making actions lately for PS products also. The problem is, she won't put those in any other shop than her own. I'm betting that Tina took her on thinking Cassel would be putting her best scripts in SHCO. Instead, she got some of Cassel's older scripts that are outdated (the ones that make elements). Tina probably requested the newer, better scripts - and Cassel probably refused. That's what I think happened. I doubt very much it had anything to do with what was said on this blog. ----------------
This is far more likely than having someone fired because a few anons said her scripts sucked.
And you are an idiot. There's absolutely no proof that this happened, but you are going to condemn Tina for it anyway. What does that say about you? ------------- Probably the same way anyone would condem anyone else mentioned in this blog for anything, proven or not. People do that in real life and base decisions on rumors, impressions, hear-say, etc. Nothing different here.
Tina probably requested the newer, better scripts - and Cassel probably refused. ______
If she was only there a few days, she didn't even have time to upload everything! It seemed like she was still adding to the store, I don't think this is likely. Seems if Tina only wanted certain types of scripts she would have expressed that before taking Cassel on. Or given her more time to get everything into the shop. Timing is suspicious. I blame it on the blog or those same nasty individuals reaching out to Tina directly.
130- Just because she posted here? Because there is a lot of irony in that. Or because of what she said?
This blog has not stopped me from shopping with anyone. I have actually found some new designers from this blog. I have also reconsidered some of my design strategy from some of the comments I have read along the way. While the criticisms werent directed at me (thank God!), some of them are well thought out and very helpful to a new designer.
#131 - once again, blaming this blog is ridiculous. Post #78 on this page listed the posts made on page 1 about Cassel. They are all really innocent comments, saying nothing more than her scripts sucked. If that gets someone fired, well ... I don't know what to say.
It's only suspicious if you want it to be, in which case, almost anything can be and will be suspicious.
#131 - she had plenty of time. The scripts average less than 1MB each. She could have uploaded her entire inventory in less than an hour. New designers at stores have a minimum of a week or two to get set up, and in most cases a month. Cassel has always kept her best scripts available at HER PERSONAL store only. I still stand by what I said before (in post #119). When she was at Digiscrap Warehouse, she did the same thing. The best scripts were kept back at 'home'. I could be wrong, but it makes more sense to me than anyone being "fired" for being mentioned here.
Uploading small files is quick, adding descriptions and such for each of them takes much more time than that. Now, what "best scripts" were missing? or not yet in store? or which ones were not at Digiscrap Warehouse?
Her "best" scripts are the utility scripts for element QC'ing, smoothing, element seperaters and layer seperaters - she has some very useful scripts like that, just as there are actions for PS products. and they have always been in her personal shop only. I don't understand Cassel's reasoning either for keeping them at a personal shop only - I guess she is the only one who could answer that one.
And maybe she had not YET put them in the store. I bought the Stray Pixels Catcher, the Element separator and the Smoothener scripts at DSW. And I saw the Element Separator at SHCo, pretty sure. So I really wonder what you are talking about. Maybe check your facts?
Has it occurred to anyone that she might have had to redo the previews of all her products for SHCo? So uploading stuff to the store is not that simple or fast when you have to redo packaging.
Still, if you noticed her previews WERE different than from her store so I doubt she just changed them for the fun of it! Otherwise it would surely have been faster.
Looking at what she posted on FB ad groups, the previews for SHCO were not the same she uses in her store. And by the way, she has a very useful script for Photoshop in there. It was on the SHCO newsletter so you obviously don't receive or read their NL either.
She didn't have to change her previews. It wasn't required by the store to do so. ---------------- Then how are you so knowlegeable of the store internal policies on the previews? Can I have your crystal ball?
There's a HUGE difference between and all white background of MT's previews and a Racheal's scraps dark fabric background. That's not standard. They are all over the place style-wise.
Meaning, she wasn't required to change the preview. Mommyish uses the same preview at O.
I don't care if she was fired or left of her own accord which is actually more likely the case. Cassel probably read all the stuff here and decided on her own to leave the store because of the pressure. Or who knows maybe she just wasn't making any sales since the customers at SHCo are looking for something MUCH different than what Cassel creates.
I'm sure for being a psp script they are high quality, but when you put the end product against the other end products sold at SHCo there's a HUGE difference. She probably just didn't feel she fit there. It can be hard joining a store and not feeling like your products fit, and you usually know right away.
Did anyone else take a peek at the January Challenges over at P&Co? If this is what their challenges will be like after the official grand opening, I don't have much hope for the participation... I mean, how many days of "I'm so inspired by how simple and grid-like this layout is!" before people start to puke? I have a feeling it's going to be like SSD's "White with pops of color" issue with the portfolio last year.
Or who knows maybe she just wasn't making any sales since the customers at SHCo are looking for something MUCH different than what Cassel creates. ---------- And she would leave a store after uploading numerous products based on the sales of only 5 days?
Here is some info on the challenges: http://pixelsandcompany.com/forum/showthread.php?25-Jump-Start-January-Challenge-Let-s-start-things-out-with-a-bang!
The only logical explanation is that Cassel was bullied out of SHCO.
Whether the other designers bullied Tina into closing Cassel's shop...whether Tina saw the negative feedback on this blog which led to her decision or whether Cassel herself saw the negative feedback on this blog and made the decision to close her shop. All of this no matter which way you spin it is a form of bullying.
So please stop lying to yourselves to make yourself feel better about what you say here by saying that this blog has no power because it really does. Some people (like Tina probably) are easily influenced by what others have to say because they feel a constant need to impress people and stay in their good graces. This blog and just gossip in general has power over people like that and there are more than enough of those people in this digiscrap community! Sad but true.
Whether Cassel had to change her previews, or chose to do so, it still does not make the whole "opening a store" a simple and quick process. Been there, done that. Even using the same previews and packaging, reuploading stuff to a new store is a pain. Different style from the store? Wouldn't she have noticed before applying (and be accepted)? Too little sales? I would never extrapolate my sales based on a week only, especially in January. My opinion (and yes, it is just mine) is that there was something else going on, and we probably will never know.
People are talking online all the time that this and that products are such crap. Be it movies, books, music, soap, or of course digiscrap stuff. If the 'talks' are leaning the same way - meaning most people that have been talking agreed that such products are indeed crappy - and as a result, those in the same industry feel that they don't want to hire or work with that person anymore. (This happens a lot with directors of bad movies.) Does that mean the public should be blamed for "bullying" that person out of business? Who is actually at fault here? The public who gives their opinion or the person who made things that virtually everyone agrees are crappy?
Oh no! I wonder if Pepsi will go out of business from being bullied on this blog?
You know what, if that is the case, then Miss Tina needs to grow a pair and understand that a few knocks on a blog don't mean a thing. It's someone's opinion. And some are going to think a product is crap while other people will love it. That is the nature of business. Really the only thing that reflects the truth in the end is sales and repeat customers.
If Cassel was "bullied" out of the position, which I doubt it, Miss Tina needs to grow-up and not allow a blog to run her business. Maybe even stop reading here because it is stupid to fire someone because 1 or 2 posters don't like the product. (and it's because they don't like PSP)
What is said on this blog might just be opinions, and maybe should not be taken for truth, but whether it is a designer, a store owner, a fellow designer or a customer, some will take anything said and base various decisions on it (applying to a store, accepting a designer, purchasing from a designer, entering in a contest, joining a group, etc.) Does it make sense? Most of the time no, but that is human nature. Many people will let those posts and opinions influence them, while others will just be able to ignore it and make their own decisions based on facts they can document.
If it's a matter of being fired because of being smacked based off of opinion, why is Just Jamie still there? She was smacked just a few weeks ago because someone felt like her designs were flat.
It has nothing to do with this blog. It's probably some other reason.
If you are a business owner and can't deal with a few smacks, then you shouldn't be in business. You should NEVER allow a few anonymous grumps to bully your business decisions. That's a recipe for business failure.
Am I saying that you shouldn't listen to your customers? No. But there is a huge difference between a smack blog and paying customers.
164- Thank you for letting us know that it's member hosted. I was afraid that the challenges next month would be repetitive. I'll be sure to check back AFTER the Jump Start thing is done.
162 Just Jamiee vs Cassel........you do the math. Saying someone's product was "flat" compared to saying Tina was desperate for bringing on cassel are two different things.
I find it so funny how much in denial you all are that this blog doesn't have power. It does. It all depends on the person being smack and other people directly involved. There are more impressionable people out there than you think....
Saying Cassel's stuff looks dated is an opinion and I could clearly see that myself as a store owner. Saying it doesn't work correctly or as described is "smack" I would take seriously as an owner and look into it. Nothing said on this blog about Cassel is anything other than opinion (at least in this month's smack).
A bunch of people who don't like PSP and think all PSP is capable of is the stuff Cassel's element scripts make isn't anything I would fire a designer over - at all. I'd never hire her in the first place. Not because she uses PSP, but because what she makes look dated. I've seen plenty of PS actions that make the same, dated digital looking elements out there.
There is a market for those scripts and actions and the products they create. It's not a market my customers want. In a store like SHCo, I can't imagine many customers wanting digital looking elements (made in PSP or PS), so I wonder what Tina was thinking when she brought Cassel on to begin with.
#167 The "you all" you mentioned might means just a few people actually. And even so, I think it's just a difference in degree we're talking about here. I for one believe this blog has influence on people. But powerful? Maybe, but not by much. I can't see that it could be such a deal breaker in itself.
I never had any contact Miss Tiina, but I highly doubt she (or any store owner for that matter) would fire anyone solely on what was said on this blog. And just to make it clear that apart from a few people directly involve, no one knows for a fact why Cassel is not at SHCO anymore. If it's Cassel herself who resigned (which is what I think), then SHE is the only person who does know.
I think some people want this blog to hold that much power in the community. It does but only for the weak. If you notice, all the smacking in the world doesn't change certain stores and designers. It only has power if you allow it to control your thoughts and actions.
I'm willing to bet that most of you saying this blog did this are over 60, too. That generation has a hard time taking responsbility for their own actions and saying, "you said this, so that caused me too..."
170, I know exactly what you are talking about. They do this mostly when it comes to social situations. "I'm sorry I called you a two-faced bitch. But you made me angry. And I still think you really shouldn't hold your fork that way." (true story) But I've seen people of all ages do it.
Age aside, nobody can make you do something. Nobody can make someone else do something. It's a choice made by your own brain. You can choose to stand firm in the direction you are going despite what anyone else says. Or you can let other's influence you. Some influences are good and are based on trust and wisdome. But why anyone with half a brain would choose this place as a primary influence in business decisions is way beyond me.
I know there are many people without even half a brain walking around. I just don't think that Miss Tina is one of them. I think there is another reason behind Cassel's leaving.
I'm willing to bet that most of you saying this blog did this are over 60, too. That generation has a hard time taking responsbility for their own actions and saying, "you said this, so that caused me too..."
oh, we hit a sore spot with the over-60 comment, did we?
=== What exactly do you mean by THAT generation and your statement makes no sense to me. Please explain. Does being over 60 make an opinion worthless? Youngsters. Gee Willikers.
I happen to think that a lot of people posting here are relatively new to digi, at least those that have accidentally used their real names and then deleted or changed their comments. I've never heard of most of them.
It's been explained. Your opinion is worthless if you aren't allowing people to take responsibility for their decisions and you place blame where it doesn't belong--on this blog. That's not an opinion. It's speculation until you have evidence.
I think it's also about the matronly and self-righteous lectures that want to blame this blog for everything. It sounds over 60. And Cassel's products do appeal to the over-60 crowd.
So, go scrap your grandkids and quit lecturing us.
well, hate to tell ya hun, but you're way wrong on the over-60 comment. Some of us just mature faster than others apparently. Maturity doesn't have an age limit, though many do gain perspective over time and don't feel the need to 'trash talk' or otherwise make cruel comments in order to make ourselves feel more important or powerful. I think the "taking responsibility for your own actions" writer needs to look in the mirror and stop denying the consequences of their actions. Pot calling the kettle black here or what?
Nothing cruel was said about Cassel. It was just someone's opinion. They don't like her scripts. Do you love every designer out there? Have you ever told a friend that you don't like that type of car or a certain shop?
The Adobe giveaway wasn't fake, it was a mistake by Adobe, they've made a statement,read here: http://www.forbes.com/sites/adriankingsleyhughes/2013/01/07/download-adobe-cs2-applications-for-free/ "You have heard wrong! Adobe is absolutely not providing free copies of CS2!
What is true is that Adobe is terminating the activation servers for CS2 and that for existing licensed users of CS2 who need to reinstall their software, copies of CS2 that don’t require activation but do require valid serial numbers are available."
well, hate to tell ya hun, but you're way wrong on the over-60 comment. Some of us just mature faster than others apparently. Maturity doesn't have an age limit, though many do gain perspective over time and don't feel the need to 'trash talk' or otherwise make cruel comments in order to make ourselves feel more important or powerful. I think the "taking responsibility for your own actions" writer needs to look in the mirror and stop denying the consequences of their actions. Pot calling the kettle black here or what? ==== Thank you for this, however old you are. :) ==== It's been explained. Your opinion is worthless if you aren't allowing people to take responsibility for their decisions and you place blame where it doesn't belong--on this blog. That's not an opinion. It's speculation until you have evidence.
I think it's also about the matronly and self-righteous lectures that want to blame this blog for everything. It sounds over 60. And Cassel's products do appeal to the over-60 crowd.
So, go scrap your grandkids and quit lecturing us. === I am #178 and I am NOT over 60, don't have grandkids but I am "matronly" enough to know that what you are posting is something you just made up, in order to cast blame on others, young whippersnapper. Yep, that is why I am here, to lecture to the misinformed, young and entitled, like yourself, to try and make this blog a better place. And I take FULL responsibility for that. Respect your elders, smart alec. You might learn something.
whether Cassel herself saw the negative feedback on this blog ---------
Oh please, once again, there has been far, far more worse said about Cassel on this blog than her scripts sucked and she's never done anything about it, not publicly anyway. Why the heck leave a store because of the harmless things said this time?
You seem to think this blog has so much power, it doesn't. So quit telling yourself that to make you feel superior
Some people (like Tina probably) are easily influenced by what others have to say because they feel a constant need to impress people and stay in their good graces. This blog and just gossip in general has power over people ------
It seems to me that you are one those people. You are giving the blog far more credit and power than it has.
I think some people want this blog to hold that much power in the community. It does but only for the weak. If you notice, all the smacking in the world doesn't change certain stores and designers. It only has power if you allow it to control your thoughts and actions.
I'm willing to bet that most of you saying this blog did this are over 60, too. That generation has a hard time taking responsbility for their own actions and saying, "you said this, so that caused me too..." -----
I agree except for the over 60 part, it's the under 35s that are the most guilty of that action. And I'm not over 60, not even close.
It's been explained. Your opinion is worthless if you aren't allowing people to take responsibility for their decisions and you place blame where it doesn't belong--on this blog. That's not an opinion. It's speculation until you have evidence.
I think it's also about the matronly and self-righteous lectures that want to blame this blog for everything. It sounds over 60. And Cassel's products do appeal to the over-60 crowd.
So, go scrap your grandkids and quit lecturing us. ------------
I think you are the one in denial, I really do. Saying that someone's product is flat and saying someone's product is crap is pretty much the same.
-- Actually, saying a product is flat is what I consider constructive criticism. That statement is about as negative as I saying "your opinion is your own," unless you read something into it that I cannot see.
Saying a product is crap is just lack of creativity. At least saying something is flat gives reason why it would be considered "crap". Try again.
self-righteous = pot calling kettle... takes one to know one?
What I don't get is why people here can't post legitimate criticism of work without getting all nasty about it. I can swear like a sailor too, I am just smart enough to know when it's required and when it's just being childish like a 12 year old who just learned a new word.
If you don't like the style of Cassel's script results, then say that. Say they look dated, flat, whatever. But to call them 'pathetic', 'trailer trash version products', and 'gross' is not legitimate critique. You conflate your comments here with magazine reviews of movies or music, but they at least are able to make cogent observations about the work to support their opinions.
Whatever your age, I would hope anyone old enough to be posting on here would be mature enough to not resort to name-calling and bullying.
Because it is a "SMACK" blog, the purpose of such a thing is to criticize without the bother of filters. Everyone acts like these things are new to the world, but they have been around since I was in junior high/high school and that was a good 15 years ago at least. (Although, they were called Smash Books then, see the movie Mean Girls for reference if you really don't know.)
The people that complain about them are the ones who either get smacked or feel the need to save the rest of it from this evil blog. And no, the only power anything has is the power that you give to it...so with that reasoning.
If you don't like it, don't read it. Amazing how such a simple concept is so easily forgotten. No one is going to change this blog into a nicey-nice kiss ass blog. It won't happen, ever. Get over it and move on or don't comment.
Ahh, so it IS a Junior High thing that some just can't seem to grow out of. Too bad. It could be a good forum to discuss things, but if you'd rather have fun 'smacking' people, whatever.
Why would you want to smack people? Is it fun or something? As I recall in the movie, the smash book hurt a lot of people and caused a lot of pain. Funny you'd want to re-create that here, when you could just as easily have valuable, open conversation.
So can you explain - why smack? Fun? A sense of power? Just plain mean?
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 2881 Newer› Newest»In case anyone needs it: http://myedeleon.com/blog/
#200 I don't know, I tried it and found it very cumbersome to have to put every shadow on a new layer then mess with it. And if it was too far off, to have to start over. In PS/PSE I can adjust the sliders and see in real time what it's doing before committing. After committing I can go back any time and tweak with a single click. I only have to break it out to a separate layer for certain effects. And since I have my favorite settings saved as styles, I can apply them with one click. If I don't like that one, click on another and it overwrites the settings. In PSP I'd have to undo and redo the shadow with new settings. It took me forever to get the shadows done on one layout, after that I saved the layered file and took it into PS to shadow :)
#199, you're not much of a bitch are you?
SO sorry that people in need get on the nerves of some of you poor ladies. It's positively awful that their tragedies harsh your mellow!
LMAO #4 isn't everyone who posts here a bitch in one way or another? What makes what #1 up there said any different from many other posts on here? I think the lady who complained about store owners as designers doesn't like feeling the competition.
3 it doesn't seem much different to me. I use ps cs3, and psp x2 and I use shadow styles in cs, and those are on their own layer, and I warp them and change their opacity virtually the same way. I guess it just depends on what you are used to using and prefer.
What I don't get is just how store owners think a psp user is a pirate or a potential pirate just because they use psp. What difference does it make?
Im sorry for Myes woes, my heart feels for her. There is something to be said for not living in US. It wouldn't be an issue here in NZ or in AUs or Britain. Public health cover guarantees everyone is covered. My husband had a kidney transplant last year total cost to us $0. Top specialists, great hospital even free accommodation for the 2wk daily check ups.
I hope she gets what she needs for her son. US health system sucks, BADLY...
Mye lives in the Philippines.
Examples of collabs that WERE initiated but only got little response are these:
can't seem them. Maybe if they had asked outside of the DCR.
Anonymous said... 190
One was put together by Bev the owner of scrapble for her son's gf who's house burnt down and lost everything.
The other is put together by melaniedesigns for a ct member who is battling cancer treatment.
The third link is Anne Fischer who died in November the same month as Eva Kipler.
My guess is because they aren't "elite" designers...not much attention or effort was made for their attempts at charity collabs.
Jan 4, 2013 7:12:00 PM
It's not that 'this community' picks and chooses who they help. It's actually pretty much 'every community.' It's human nature that people help who they are familiar with first. Closer and more personal connection encourages more effort of help. For all the examples given, I'm quite sure that if it's the first designer herself's house that's burnt down, not "her son's gf's", the responses will be somewhat different. (It doesn't matter that both scenarios are probably equally tragic, it's just human nature.) If the CT member or designer in question have been around here for long and in close contact with many stores and designers and other CTs, there will certainly be more people moved to help. Or if the predicament is something people can personally relate to (like Mye's son's case), or if it's well told (in words and pictures), of course it would move more people. Again, it's just natural.
I'm not saying that it's good or it's the way life should be, it's not. But it's in our nature.
#5, I agree with you about #1. She is just a nasty bitch and I could care less what she thinks about what I said.
To address your comment though, about me not liking to feel the competition, it's not really about that. I understand that this is business and that in business there will be competition. That's fine and I can deal with that, no problem. What I don't like is the unfair advantage a store owner gets in picking and choosing the types of products to offer. As I said, she can examine the sales of the designers in her store and if she finds a particular type of product selling well for one of her designers, then decides to start making the same type of thing (when she never did before she was a store owner), I just think that sucks. And I say it's an unfair advantage because I can't access the admin side of HER store to see what is selling well for her, right? That's my point and I still think there is some validity to it. And, end of the day, if the store owner that prompted my little rant continues doing what annoyed me, I can just take myself, my work and my customer base elsewhere. So, it's all good. But, thanks for addressing my comment without being an insulting jackass like #1.
Really? well sorry to burst your bubble there Number 11, but you come across as whiny and pathetic. If you don't like what people say here in response to your rant, then don't offer your opinion, because everyone on here can and will be a bitch about something posted, and you are no better than anyone else here who has gotten an earful about their own rants and posts, and you won't be the last, you don't like it, then don't rant about it, if you don't like what your store owner does, then leave. Easy peasy, correct? besides, I think it is childish to assume that just because one store owner starts making something she didn't make before is doing it because she has access to what sells in her store. Any designer who can run a sales report can see the sales for the store as a whole, not just an admin. I am a designer in 8 stores, and out of those 8, three of them have the private area and I have access to my sales only, the other 5 have public for all designers the sales report, and it is easy to click and run it for the whole store and see the sales that month. Besides, I'm sure that what your owner sees in sales must surely be an indication of what all the other stores are getting in sales, so I honestly can't see how you feel she has the unfair advantage. All anyone has to do is watch the trends and see what goes, and adjust themselves accordingly.
Here's your medal #12. Clearly, you are in need of one. And a remedial class on proper sentence structure. wow.
Clearly I don't care. I'm sure everyone appreciates the grammar police, as usual, snarking about the little things. Not everyone has a stick up their ass and talks like they do, or rather types like they do.
I guess you're all the kind of people who always give to every Salvation Army bell ringer stand, every time, every shop, every location. You must also give to every coin can for every cause and you most definitely give to every charity that calls and mails you.
You must have been quite generous every single time someone asked you to donate this past holiday season at every register in every store. $1 here, $5 there. How wonderful not a single one of you ever felt weary at being asked to help donate to every cause out there.
With all this energy and generosity, it's amazing cancer still exists.
The point is you give what you are able to give. You come off as thinking you're some victim of something...the victim in this situation is Mye's infant son. If you cannot help, so be it. Others, however, can and will. It's unfortunate that hearing about peoples' troubles makes you weary. Maybe you should take a break. Re: the Salvation Ringers..I give to each one every time I go into a store where they are. Just FYI..I know there's lots of folks who do the same...it makes you weary..it makes some of us feel good to do something.
I think you're all missing the point of the original post - people want to help, but it does seem like someone needs help all the time.
The OP never bashed Mye or her son, in fact she feels badly for them. But here you all are bashing her, how generous.
I think it's crazy anyone has to pay $12500 for a surgery in any country. I also find it funny most of the Americans who support Mye and her pleas for help and others like her don't support their own countrymen in their pleas for improved healthcare laws.
I think you all like to sit around feeling good about yourselves because you put $1 in a red bucket every Christmas - maybe even 10 different buckets. A whole $10.
Please don't confuse smugness with charity.
I never buy from store owners because invariably I find their quality is terrible (and their prices are overinflated). Cat at Catscrap, Maya, Kami, Vicki (Oscraps)- I can't think of them all, but I don't even look in their shops. The thing I do not like is when a store owner sells her things at a different shop.
167-Aren't most of the stores owned by a designer or two? I don't understand your beef.
as for Mye, I have never bought anything from her before, but I have now. It was my choice. I don't care what kind of person she is, or how good of a designer she is, (or not). Her baby needs help. He's an innocent little baby. Apparently where she lives the doctors won't do the operation unless they know they will be paid. They don't have much time to raise 12,000. There aren't many people that I know that have 12,000 sitting around. I know, I don't associate with the elite people of the world that have lots of money. I'm grateful, however, that I have enough money to help out when I see a need, even if it is only a little! If a LOT of people help just a little, that baby will be on the road to recovery. Nobody is standing over anybody with a club to make them donate. If you don't want to, just don't!
Here's your medal #12. Clearly, you are in need of one. And a remedial class on proper sentence structure. wow.
Best argument you have? She beat you up pretty bad, didn't she, 11?
#16, you don't know what we do and do not support. There are plenty of charitable people that support national heathcare and charitable people who don't support it. We know the system is broken no matter which side they are on.
Talk about smug. You are worse than anyone who drops a buck in a pot and feels proud.
WOW 8 stores?
You know, 11, if it sells well, chances are that scrappers buy more than one so that they have options. I think designers who can follow trends AND make high quality products are at the greatest advantage. A sales report won't help style.
#21 Yeah 8 stores.
I think if Mye offered a buy my store sale that it would raise a lot of funds.
Why is is that someone who is on a lot of CTMs and someone who hunts down freebies is considered a whore but the same never seems to apply to designers who are at a lot of stores? Technically, aren't they more of a whore, because they are actually selling something?
Fuck off #26 - you've been spamming the pea blog and now here?
Note that this blog also has ads and therefore you are putting money in the pocket of the blog owner every time you post.
I'm sure she is grateful.
I don't see ads any longer. Is it just me?
#24, that's a very old collab. Mye's baby is a little boy.
That was for a child named Bella Grace, nothing to do with Mye's little boy.
#29 - I don't know, I have ad block so I don't see them even when they are there.
#26- Gennifer started this blog, but how do you know it's a girl who owns it now? You don't.
#28- Pea blog?
What designer is in EIGHT stores? I can't even find one that is in more than 3.
#33 - pea smack blog
#33 I was wondering what eight stores too.
While that collab kit has nothing to do with Mye's boy, it's nice to see that she has helped others when they need it. I hope now that she's the one who's in need she will be returned with the same love.
I'm so sick of hearing about health care in the US. Where is it written that everyone is entitled to free health care? Or free anything. There are a lot of charities in the US that will help out if you need it. Or better yet ... Get a job - get a life. Feel free to smack me, I don't give a shit.
It's funny cause the rant of #11 looks to me like Laitha and SBB. The "new" owner who is also a designer sounds like Tami and her new fancy mat that she never did before while Laitha do a pack with every new kit.
Cassel is no longer at SHCO.
Ha that was fast lol
This all sounds to me like Gotta Pixel with Stacy what's her face now designing. It seemed like the month she started selling their they cleaned house and dropped 8 designers.
- 11 WTF are you talking about? Is there some niche item that only 1 designer can/should make and that is your competitive advantage?
38- what are you talking about? I just went through their stores and saw one pack of the fancy mats in Tami's store, and after 4 pages in Laitha's I didn't see any.
It looks like Tami has been at the store for some time and been the co-owner for a few months. If anything it looks like she's designing less.
#39, #40 Hope you are all proud of yourselves. I've never used Cassel's stuff, I don't use PSP, and it's not my style, but some of her scripts look really useful. But to get someone's store pulled because you don't like her stuff is really cruel. It's one thing to critique kits anonymously, it's another thing to get someone fired. This place is astonishingly disgusting. And those of you lurking and reading here in self defense? Part of the problem. Glad someone gave me a heads up so I got to see the kind of people you really are. Won't be back.
42- I'm 39 I didn't do anything but point out the obvious. I really didn't care that cassel was at shco. I didn't try to get anyone fired.
How do you even know she was fired? She could have just made the decision to close her shop there.
22- you're right. When I get into something, I tend to buy it from a lot of different people. Last year, it was anything blue and yellow. I spent probably over $1,000 in the past year just on blue and yellow kits, and it seemed like every other week, a new one was coming out at the two or three stores I shop at most often. This month alone, I've bought probably 10 different styles of Journaling Cards.
42, this blog doesn't have that much power. There's another reason that she is no longer in that store.
#45 what's the reason?
45 I beg to differ. People here just say that to make themselves feel better about their smack. Cassel would have probably still been there if she wasn't smacked here first.
I'm with 47. Her stuff had been in that store for months and all of a sudden it's closed right after she's smacked bad? Doesn't say much for the ownership there. She wouldn't pull it like that, she runs a legit business and would give notice which is honorable. I think SHCo was bullied into letting her go. Can't say it's quality, the quality was fine until she was smacked. It's sheer meanness. Won't be shopping there again, and if you design there you should be worried that you'll be next.
#11 doesn't sound like Laitha to me. English isn't her first language and while that post wasn't the best example of great English, it's better than I've seen from non-native speakers.
48 - Her stuff was not in that store for months, but only for a few days. In her own store yes. In other stores before, yes. But not at SHCO. She just joined January 1st if I remember correctly. However, it still does not explain such a short stay at that store.
X50 this blog explains her very short stay at shco.
still doesn't give me confidence in the store ownership. Mighty fishy that all of a sudden there's a problem. I have no idea who owns that shop, but no matter why they made this decision it was very poorly handled. Reflects badly on the whole shop to open and close a store in days. But I thought she did a guest spot there first? Like I said, I can't use her stuff, so I don't pay attention and am not sure, but I know people who do which is how I got the heads up.
Oh please - she got herself fired (if in fact she was fired). Her product was crap compared to what is sold in that store - and to what is expected in today's market. Her stuff was something we'd see in 2006 - not now.
Oh God....anyone see Ms. Charly's latest? She is having a moon baby call. First she has twins, then triplets, then a new design name as her sister, then she reinvents herself as crescent moon and now she can't make her own freebies? WTH.
53 - How can she get herself fired in just a few days if her products are bad. Were they fine when she was "hired" and suddenly they are bad? That reasoning is not making sense. And if she didn't get herself fired why would she leave after such a short time? Her products are different than the rest, maybe. Crap? I have seen other stuff that I can call crap but you would like so again, a matter of opinion.
53 Oh please yourself. Your point would be valid if tina had never seen her products before taking her in the store. And I highly doubt that. Obviously she found them useful enough to take her on. So I doubt her being fired has anything to do with her "crap 2006 products".
#53 if it was crap why was she invited to open a store in the first place? Fishy if you ask me. Sounds like someone listens to bullies. And if you think your comments here 'don't have that power' then you probably think you're a nice person too.
She wouldn't put her newest and best scripts in the SHCO Store, just the ones that were 4 or 5 years old.
58 maybe she was going to release in stages?
I'm so sick of hearing about health care in the US. Where is it written that everyone is entitled to free health care?
It's not free if you pay taxes. Geez.
But to get someone's store pulled because you don't like her stuff is really cruel. It's one thing to critique kits anonymously, it's another thing to get someone fired. This place is astonishingly disgusting. And those of you lurking and reading here in self defense? Part of the problem. Glad someone gave me a heads up so I got to see the kind of people you really are. Won't be back.
WTF are you talking about? No one got anyone fired. Not to mention, you don't know what kind of people we are as you don't even know who we are.
There really is all kinds of stupid.
Cassel would have probably still been there if she wasn't smacked here first.
Are you kdding? Nothing was really said on this blog about Cassel joining Sugar Hill except that her scripts were crap and that was tame compared to what else has been said about Cassel in the past. OMG, I really can' believe who ridiculous some of you are. Other designers that joined Sugar Hill have been smacked much worse and they are still there! Explain that if you will.
her stuff had been in that store for months and all of a sudden it's closed right after she's smacked bad
She wasn't smacked bad at at all.
I have no idea who owns that shop, but no matter why they made this decision it was very poorly handled.
Considering you don't even know who owns it, you have no idea what decisions were made or how they were handled.
Sounds like someone listens to bullies.
Sounds like you are an idiot. A lot of the Sugar Hill designers have been smacked here and they are still selling there.
Explain that, if you can.
X50 this blog explains her very short stay at shco.
No it doesn't.
and yeah, I know I posted to this topic a lot in a short space of time. Sorry about that.
Then if she was not "fired because of this blog", find another good explanation for the disappearance after less than a week. So far, nobody even suggested a logical reason or scenario. What might be going on? I doubt she just suddenly changed her mind after uploading dozens of products to a store.
Her stuff isn't there anymore because it's crap.
Right... her stuff was ok on January 1st and 5 days later, it is crap. Do PSP stuff get moldy after 5 days?
68 bullshit. If that was the case she wouldn't have been there in the first place.
Being smacked on this blog caused it whether she was fired or if she made the decision herself.
Continue telling yourself differently in attempts to justify your own smacking.
Believe it or not this blog has more power than you think. Get out of denial!!
69 apparently so. That's why I use pscs! The materials never expire.
Maybe there was a contractual issue? Maybe Cassel changed her mind about being at SHCO? Maybe it's a reason that we can't think of because it is none of our business? But I don't think it was because of what was posted on this blog. Tina would have to shut herself down if that's what it was.
#70- Hi Cassel
Cassel knows the reason and it has nothing to do with this blog, 73. 70 is NOT Cassel.
Then if she was not "fired because of this blog", find another good explanation for the disappearance after less than a week. So far, nobody even suggested a logical reason or scenario.
Since I have no information at all about why she left, I cannot give you a reason and I will not assume a reason, that's a logical scenario.
Now, how about you answer my question about all the other designers at Sugar Hill that were smacked and are still selling there?
Being smacked on this blog caused it whether she was fired or if she made the decision herself.
Prove it. Go on, I dare you. Definite proof not just your idiotic assumption. I checked the things that were said about Cassel, (one page over) and they were nothing, nothing at all compared to the stuff that has been said about her in the past.
Then if she was not "fired because of this blog", find another good explanation for the disappearance after less than a week. So far, nobody even suggested a logical reason or scenario.
Neither have you.
Posts about Cassel on page 1, all of them extraordinarily tame and not 'smacked' bad in the least
10, 15, 17, 20, 22, 24, 28 and 103.
Then if she was not "fired because of this blog", find another good explanation for the disappearance after less than a week. So far, nobody even suggested a logical reason or scenario.
Neither have you.
Right, because to me, it at least looks like she got fired. That is my guess. Why would she be fired? I don't know but it still seems odd. Can you prove otherwise?
Seemed doesn't mean that's what happened. Why don't you prove she was fired? She may have left by her own choice.
I highly doubt Miss Tiina fired Cassel over this blog. MT has been smacked here for many years and is still alive and well and probably selling tons of products.
I don't know what happened, but I would eat my own bonnet if it was because of this blog.
81 you are safe as nobody would dare ask Tina, Tina would not admit it if it were true, you would not believe it if someone proved it because they would be anonymous and you would not be found since you are anonymous too.
#79 - I don't have to prove otherwise. You are the one saying she was fired because of this blog, the burden of proof is on you.
However, if all it takes for someone to be fired from Sugar Hill is being smacked on this blog, please explain why other designers who were smacked here are still selling there? I have repeatedly asked this, with no response.
Why would she be fired?
Because Cassel is a pushy know it all, which Tina wouldn't have known prior to hiring her.
How's that?
Then how do you know it, 84?
Because I have seen her in action and Tina doesn't hang around the forums, that's how.
That doesn't mean Tina doesn't lurk. I don't hang out the forums either according to most people but I know she's a know-it-all.
#86 - it's an entirely different thing to see someone being a pushy know it all and actually interacting with them.
#87 - don't like anyone who knows things you don't? She's very knowledgeable about PSP and lots of other things, but that doesn't make a "know it all" to me. She's helped me a lot to learn new things and always answers questions nicely. I think people here just like being mean. Sick, really.
#89 - she does not always answer questions nicely, whatever your experiences are. It's stupid to assume that your experiences are those that everyone has.
Do adults really talk about other adults being mean?
I think people here just like being mean. Sick, really.
And yet you are here, which is strange if it offends you. Wouldn't that make you the sick one?
Another designer let go from shco because of this blog? Shilo after being smacked about basically stealing.
Tina has shoddy business practices. I feel bad for those people that spent money on a lifetime membership to the confectionary club which included products by her and Victoria Feemster. Victoria Feemster is no longer there and all her stuff is gone from the club (which they paid for) without notice!
I've barely interacted with Cassel at DST and even though I was a beginning designer, being new to the community a lot of her posts have felt "pushy" to say the least.
She does tend to act like she is, a bit of a know it all in some aspects. First impressions last longer than the second.
And this is coming from someone who doesn't know her from any of the other designers except by what goes on at DST before I even found this blog. Take it with a grain of salt if you will, but that's a newbies opinion on the matter.
93, that's why you don't join clubs in this community.
Um, but wasn't Shiloh associated with some kind of wrong doing? It seems stealing would be a reason to get fired.
You all are really thick. You don't believe that Tina reads at DST but you believe that she reads here. Everyone knows that she is a bit of a know-it-all and a little rough on the edges in her interactions with people on the forums.
You don't even know the real reason why Cassel is no longer at SHco. You have nothing but assumptions and fairy tales. I agree with the poster that said it may have been a problem with the contract. She also designs for Acot. I think they have a really strange designer contract.
ACOT doesn't care where else you sell. Their contract is one of the most liberal I've seen in this business. I would highly doubt ACOT has anything to do with it.
She also designs for Acot. I think they have a really strange designer contract.
Cassel hasn't been at ACOT for quite a while. I think it was a guest spot only. And well over a year ago, if I remember.
Shilo didn't steal anything. Happy Tits accused her of not paying her ( Happy Tits) the money from joint collabs. I think it was Happy Tits that ended up as the one who wasn't paying out the money. Not sure on this one. Shilo retired, she wasn't fired from anywhere.
If this blog is the reason Cassel was fired - we should all be ashamed to be here. (And no, I never posted anything negative, but I read here so I'm counting myself in this sorted mess.)
I'd like to find out the truth, because I sure as hell will never shop at Sugar Hill again if that's the case.
100- Unfortunately, it is very unlikely that the "truth" will be known (and accepted) whichever it is, especially from an anonymous blog. You'll have to decide for yourself without really knowing.
99 NOPE. Incorrect. Shiloh was not paying me or the other girl for the collab when we were sending her everything we made with receipts from the stores so she can confirm that we were sending the right amount.
It's amazing how you all twist stuff. I have more money than Shilo will ever have. I had no reason not to send her anything! I have never and will never be a thief like Shiloh is.
Still haven't seen a cent frim shilo by the way. Lol.
99 Also you are wrong again. Shilo did not retire right away. She was FIRED from SHCO and remained at DigiScrappersBrasil for about two months after that. THEN she retired.
101 You are right! They jump to conclusions any other time. Lol. Why not now?
And I must agree with whoever said Miss Tiina probably fired cassel because what was said on this blog. I was in contact with Tiina for weeks over the shilo stealing incident before I even bought it here and Shilo remained in the store even though Tina confirmed that she had made much more than she had sent us. She wouldn't tell us exactly how much because she couldn't but that's how we originally knew we weren't getting paid the right amount. Tina didn't care.
It wasn't until you all started smacking Shilo here that she was removed from the store. So yeah..I wouldn't put it past tinna to have fired cassel.
99 And you must know by now that I would have come right back here to shut down your delusions and lies with comment after comment. So why even say them in the first place? Unless of course you really thought you were right about what happened with the Shilo stealing situation...which I can not blame you for. It's easy to point fingers when you don't know the whole story.
Am I the only one who finds it funny that people who can call people idiots and stupid, (and worse, then complain about someone else being "pushy" and "rough around the edges"? Not looking in the mirror much? Oh right, what you say on here doesn't matter at all, you're just innocents.
Got news for you ladies, everything matters. What comes out of your mouth (or off the tips of your fingers) reflects on you and those around you. I was raised to not say anything in public that I wouldn't say to my mother's face. Anonymity doesn't protect you from that. You know how you've behaved, and it eats away at your self respect whether you acknowledge it or not.
This could be a useful forum as long as the mean girls aren't allowed to run it. But that's long gotten out of hand, and I think those of us who are able to criticize constructively without being mean need to stand up to the bitches who've poisoned this well.
#106 - You had me until you called them bitches. Look in the mirror much?
I wouldn't call anyone a 'bitch' to my mother's face. Just sayin'.
Yeah, 106, because this blog has always been about being constructive? Ha ha! You act like the bad attitudes here are something new.
Go make your own boring blog if you want to be in control.
I would think the other designers at SHCO complained loudly when they saw Cassel's stuff in the store.
I would think the other designers at SHCO complained loudly when they saw Cassel's stuff in the store.
^^ Yeah - if I were there I would have too.
I agree with #110.
Miss Tiina most definitely reads here. Just got this email a couple of hours ago.
"Hi there,
Due to the unexpected changes in the Confectionery Club last November, I would like
to offer this coupon of $100.00 to spend in my shop on anything you like…
Amount: $100.00
Code: removed
Valid through: March 31, 2013
Please accept my apologies for not notifying you and sending this email sooner and enjoy!"
I'd rather have $100 for Miss Tiina's store than what that other chick had in the confectionery.
Well Miss Tina (since you read here) - I think you're a coward and a poor business women. You hire someone but then fire her because of what is said on a SMACK blog. You're pathetic and I will never buy from you again.
Me either.
115,116 - you both must be bffs with Cassel - pretty sure the other 1000 customers of Tina don't care and will continue to buy from her and the other shco designers
It is absurd to think Tina fired her because a couple people on this blog said her scripts sucked.
Cassel makes some great utility scripts for PSP - they work just like action/scripts in PS products and has been making actions lately for PS products also. The problem is, she won't put those in any other shop than her own. I'm betting that Tina took her on thinking Cassel would be putting her best scripts in SHCO. Instead, she got some of Cassel's older scripts that are outdated (the ones that make elements). Tina probably requested the newer, better scripts - and Cassel probably refused. That's what I think happened. I doubt very much it had anything to do with what was said on this blog.
I'd say #110 and #119 probably both have it.
119 Maybe so, but if that was the case, wouldn't it make more sense to ask her to remove the "older ones" and keep others? Why close the entire shop and also loose on the "good ones"?
This blog is nowhere near as nasty as the other blogs were, so whoever says it is, hasn't been around that long or is just looking for something to smack (oh, the irony).
The only thing said about Cassel on this blog upon her joining SugarHill was that her scripts sucked, that is all. If that's a bad smacking, color me confused because I thought a bad smacking would be along the lines of what Tina herself received on this blog.
If this blog is the reason Cassel was fired - we should all be ashamed to be here.
No. If that's the case, then Tina should be ashamed, not us. I have nothing to be ashamed of.
This could be a useful forum as long as the mean girls aren't allowed to run it. But that's long gotten out of hand, and I think those of us who are able to criticize constructively without being mean need to stand up to the bitches who've poisoned this well.
It's interesting to me that those who come here to preach about the rest of us being nasty, so often end up calling the rest of us bitches, which is not a word I usually see here, even about designers that some don't like. It usually comes from the sanctimonious hand slappers.
Well Miss Tina (since you read here) - I think you're a coward and a poor business women. You hire someone but then fire her because of what is said on a SMACK blog. You're pathetic and I will never buy from you again.
And you are an idiot. There's absolutely no proof that this happened, but you are going to condemn Tina for it anyway. What does that say about you?
Cassel makes some great utility scripts for PSP - they work just like action/scripts in PS products and has been making actions lately for PS products also. The problem is, she won't put those in any other shop than her own. I'm betting that Tina took her on thinking Cassel would be putting her best scripts in SHCO. Instead, she got some of Cassel's older scripts that are outdated (the ones that make elements). Tina probably requested the newer, better scripts - and Cassel probably refused. That's what I think happened. I doubt very much it had anything to do with what was said on this blog.
This is far more likely than having someone fired because a few anons said her scripts sucked.
And you are an idiot. There's absolutely no proof that this happened, but you are going to condemn Tina for it anyway. What does that say about you?
Probably the same way anyone would condem anyone else mentioned in this blog for anything, proven or not. People do that in real life and base decisions on rumors, impressions, hear-say, etc. Nothing different here.
#127 - I think they are idiots too, nothing different.
I'm interested has this blog ever caused anybody who reads here to stop shopping somewhere?
It caused me to stop buying from one designer who named herself. I now have no respect for her.
Tina probably requested the newer, better scripts - and Cassel probably refused.
If she was only there a few days, she didn't even have time to upload everything! It seemed like she was still adding to the store, I don't think this is likely. Seems if Tina only wanted certain types of scripts she would have expressed that before taking Cassel on. Or given her more time to get everything into the shop. Timing is suspicious. I blame it on the blog or those same nasty individuals reaching out to Tina directly.
130- Just because she posted here? Because there is a lot of irony in that. Or because of what she said?
This blog has not stopped me from shopping with anyone. I have actually found some new designers from this blog. I have also reconsidered some of my design strategy from some of the comments I have read along the way. While the criticisms werent directed at me (thank God!), some of them are well thought out and very helpful to a new designer.
#131 - once again, blaming this blog is ridiculous. Post #78 on this page listed the posts made on page 1 about Cassel. They are all really innocent comments, saying nothing more than her scripts sucked. If that gets someone fired, well ... I don't know what to say.
It's only suspicious if you want it to be, in which case, almost anything can be and will be suspicious.
I'm interested has this blog ever caused anybody who reads here to stop shopping somewhere?
Nope. Sure, if something is brought up repeatedly about a designer or a store, I'll check it out and then I'll make a decision based on my experience.
#131 - she had plenty of time. The scripts average less than 1MB each. She could have uploaded her entire inventory in less than an hour. New designers at stores have a minimum of a week or two to get set up, and in most cases a month. Cassel has always kept her best scripts available at HER PERSONAL store only. I still stand by what I said before (in post #119). When she was at Digiscrap Warehouse, she did the same thing. The best scripts were kept back at 'home'. I could be wrong, but it makes more sense to me than anyone being "fired" for being mentioned here.
Uploading small files is quick, adding descriptions and such for each of them takes much more time than that. Now, what "best scripts" were missing? or not yet in store? or which ones were not at Digiscrap Warehouse?
#135- I would think more people would shop at SHCO than Cassel's personal store. I don't understand why she wouldn't add them to her SHCO store.
Her "best" scripts are the utility scripts for element QC'ing, smoothing, element seperaters and layer seperaters - she has some very useful scripts like that, just as there are actions for PS products. and they have always been in her personal shop only. I don't understand Cassel's reasoning either for keeping them at a personal shop only - I guess she is the only one who could answer that one.
And maybe she had not YET put them in the store. I bought the Stray Pixels Catcher, the Element separator and the Smoothener scripts at DSW. And I saw the Element Separator at SHCo, pretty sure. So I really wonder what you are talking about. Maybe check your facts?
Has it occurred to anyone that she might have had to redo the previews of all her products for SHCo? So uploading stuff to the store is not that simple or fast when you have to redo packaging.
they don't have standard previews.
Still, if you noticed her previews WERE different than from her store so I doubt she just changed them for the fun of it! Otherwise it would surely have been faster.
It wasn't required. And I didn't notice because I could care less about PSP scripts.
Looking at what she posted on FB ad groups, the previews for SHCO were not the same she uses in her store. And by the way, she has a very useful script for Photoshop in there. It was on the SHCO newsletter so you obviously don't receive or read their NL either.
Nope. I don't get their newsletter. I didn't know it was required reading for this blog.
I'm not a designer. SHCO is not someplace I shop.
She didn't have to change her previews. It wasn't required by the store to do so.
144, stop trying to pimp her stuff! Sheesh. It's worse than DST here.
I'm not a designer. SHCO is not someplace I shop.
She didn't have to change her previews. It wasn't required by the store to do so.
Then how are you so knowlegeable of the store internal policies on the previews? Can I have your crystal ball?
Because they all have different previews. Duh.
They are all different but all square and all neutral. Coincidence maybe? Maybe that is the preview standard?
They don't look the same. Not even close in color or style.
Good try though.
Um, no.
There's a HUGE difference between and all white background of MT's previews and a Racheal's scraps dark fabric background. That's not standard. They are all over the place style-wise.
Meaning, she wasn't required to change the preview. Mommyish uses the same preview at O.
I don't care if she was fired or left of her own accord which is actually more likely the case. Cassel probably read all the stuff here and decided on her own to leave the store because of the pressure. Or who knows maybe she just wasn't making any sales since the customers at SHCo are looking for something MUCH different than what Cassel creates.
I'm sure for being a psp script they are high quality, but when you put the end product against the other end products sold at SHCo there's a HUGE difference. She probably just didn't feel she fit there. It can be hard joining a store and not feeling like your products fit, and you usually know right away.
Did anyone else take a peek at the January Challenges over at P&Co? If this is what their challenges will be like after the official grand opening, I don't have much hope for the participation... I mean, how many days of "I'm so inspired by how simple and grid-like this layout is!" before people start to puke? I have a feeling it's going to be like SSD's "White with pops of color" issue with the portfolio last year.
Or who knows maybe she just wasn't making any sales since the customers at SHCo are looking for something MUCH different than what Cassel creates.
And she would leave a store after uploading numerous products based on the sales of only 5 days?
Where do you see info On challenges for P&co? Mine says coming soon
Here is some info on the challenges:
The only logical explanation is that Cassel was bullied out of SHCO.
Whether the other designers bullied Tina into closing Cassel's shop...whether Tina saw the negative feedback on this blog which led to her decision or whether Cassel herself saw the negative feedback on this blog and made the decision to close her shop. All of this no matter which way you spin it is a form of bullying.
So please stop lying to yourselves to make yourself feel better about what you say here by saying that this blog has no power because it really does. Some people (like Tina probably) are easily influenced by what others have to say because they feel a constant need to impress people and stay in their good graces. This blog and just gossip in general has power over people like that and there are more than enough of those people in this digiscrap community! Sad but true.
Whether Cassel had to change her previews, or chose to do so, it still does not make the whole "opening a store" a simple and quick process. Been there, done that. Even using the same previews and packaging, reuploading stuff to a new store is a pain. Different style from the store? Wouldn't she have noticed before applying (and be accepted)? Too little sales? I would never extrapolate my sales based on a week only, especially in January. My opinion (and yes, it is just mine) is that there was something else going on, and we probably will never know.
People are talking online all the time that this and that products are such crap. Be it movies, books, music, soap, or of course digiscrap stuff. If the 'talks' are leaning the same way - meaning most people that have been talking agreed that such products are indeed crappy - and as a result, those in the same industry feel that they don't want to hire or work with that person anymore. (This happens a lot with directors of bad movies.) Does that mean the public should be blamed for "bullying" that person out of business? Who is actually at fault here? The public who gives their opinion or the person who made things that virtually everyone agrees are crappy?
I hate Pepsi. It tastes like bug spray.
Oh no! I wonder if Pepsi will go out of business from being bullied on this blog?
You know what, if that is the case, then Miss Tina needs to grow a pair and understand that a few knocks on a blog don't mean a thing. It's someone's opinion. And some are going to think a product is crap while other people will love it. That is the nature of business. Really the only thing that reflects the truth in the end is sales and repeat customers.
If Cassel was "bullied" out of the position, which I doubt it, Miss Tina needs to grow-up and not allow a blog to run her business. Maybe even stop reading here because it is stupid to fire someone because 1 or 2 posters don't like the product. (and it's because they don't like PSP)
What is said on this blog might just be opinions, and maybe should not be taken for truth, but whether it is a designer, a store owner, a fellow designer or a customer, some will take anything said and base various decisions on it (applying to a store, accepting a designer, purchasing from a designer, entering in a contest, joining a group, etc.) Does it make sense? Most of the time no, but that is human nature. Many people will let those posts and opinions influence them, while others will just be able to ignore it and make their own decisions based on facts they can document.
If it's a matter of being fired because of being smacked based off of opinion, why is Just Jamie still there? She was smacked just a few weeks ago because someone felt like her designs were flat.
It has nothing to do with this blog. It's probably some other reason.
If you are a business owner and can't deal with a few smacks, then you shouldn't be in business. You should NEVER allow a few anonymous grumps to bully your business decisions. That's a recipe for business failure.
Am I saying that you shouldn't listen to your customers? No. But there is a huge difference between a smack blog and paying customers.
156: That's a member-hosted challenge. :)
163 - agree
164- Thank you for letting us know that it's member hosted. I was afraid that the challenges next month would be repetitive. I'll be sure to check back AFTER the Jump Start thing is done.
162 Just Jamiee vs Cassel........you do the math. Saying someone's product was "flat" compared to saying Tina was desperate for bringing on cassel are two different things.
I find it so funny how much in denial you all are that this blog doesn't have power. It does. It all depends on the person being smack and other people directly involved. There are more impressionable people out there than you think....
161 Exactly! They're in denial.
Saying Cassel's stuff looks dated is an opinion and I could clearly see that myself as a store owner. Saying it doesn't work correctly or as described is "smack" I would take seriously as an owner and look into it. Nothing said on this blog about Cassel is anything other than opinion (at least in this month's smack).
A bunch of people who don't like PSP and think all PSP is capable of is the stuff Cassel's element scripts make isn't anything I would fire a designer over - at all. I'd never hire her in the first place. Not because she uses PSP, but because what she makes look dated. I've seen plenty of PS actions that make the same, dated digital looking elements out there.
There is a market for those scripts and actions and the products they create. It's not a market my customers want. In a store like SHCo, I can't imagine many customers wanting digital looking elements (made in PSP or PS), so I wonder what Tina was thinking when she brought Cassel on to begin with.
#167 The "you all" you mentioned might means just a few people actually. And even so, I think it's just a difference in degree we're talking about here. I for one believe this blog has influence on people. But powerful? Maybe, but not by much. I can't see that it could be such a deal breaker in itself.
I never had any contact Miss Tiina, but I highly doubt she (or any store owner for that matter) would fire anyone solely on what was said on this blog. And just to make it clear that apart from a few people directly involve, no one knows for a fact why Cassel is not at SHCO anymore. If it's Cassel herself who resigned (which is what I think), then SHE is the only person who does know.
I think some people want this blog to hold that much power in the community. It does but only for the weak. If you notice, all the smacking in the world doesn't change certain stores and designers. It only has power if you allow it to control your thoughts and actions.
I'm willing to bet that most of you saying this blog did this are over 60, too. That generation has a hard time taking responsbility for their own actions and saying, "you said this, so that caused me too..."
170 - a agree with your first paragraph, but for the second, you are overgeneralizing big time so would totally disagree with you on that one.
Yes, 170. Also because of the motherly scoldings that they are doling out.
170, I know exactly what you are talking about. They do this mostly when it comes to social situations. "I'm sorry I called you a two-faced bitch. But you made me angry. And I still think you really shouldn't hold your fork that way." (true story) But I've seen people of all ages do it.
Age aside, nobody can make you do something. Nobody can make someone else do something. It's a choice made by your own brain. You can choose to stand firm in the direction you are going despite what anyone else says. Or you can let other's influence you. Some influences are good and are based on trust and wisdome. But why anyone with half a brain would choose this place as a primary influence in business decisions is way beyond me.
I know there are many people without even half a brain walking around. I just don't think that Miss Tina is one of them. I think there is another reason behind Cassel's leaving.
173, your 'true story' had me laughing out loud. Yeah I think we all know someone like that.
I'd always pegged most of you as immature 20-somethings that just liked to hear themselves swear.
oh, we hit a sore spot with the over-60 comment, did we?
Lol 176
I'm willing to bet that most of you saying this blog did this are over 60, too. That generation has a hard time taking responsbility for their own actions and saying, "you said this, so that caused me too..."
oh, we hit a sore spot with the over-60 comment, did we?
What exactly do you mean by THAT generation and your statement makes no sense to me. Please explain. Does being over 60 make an opinion worthless? Youngsters. Gee Willikers.
I happen to think that a lot of people posting here are relatively new to digi, at least those that have accidentally used their real names and then deleted or changed their comments. I've never heard of most of them.
It's been explained. Your opinion is worthless if you aren't allowing people to take responsibility for their decisions and you place blame where it doesn't belong--on this blog. That's not an opinion. It's speculation until you have evidence.
I think it's also about the matronly and self-righteous lectures that want to blame this blog for everything. It sounds over 60. And Cassel's products do appeal to the over-60 crowd.
So, go scrap your grandkids and quit lecturing us.
well, hate to tell ya hun, but you're way wrong on the over-60 comment. Some of us just mature faster than others apparently. Maturity doesn't have an age limit, though many do gain perspective over time and don't feel the need to 'trash talk' or otherwise make cruel comments in order to make ourselves feel more important or powerful. I think the "taking responsibility for your own actions" writer needs to look in the mirror and stop denying the consequences of their actions. Pot calling the kettle black here or what?
Switch to the best! All you PSP users can now get CS2 free! It's legit and downloads from adobe.com
181, what consequences? PROVE that Cassel was fired because of this blog.
(but I never said anything bad about her anyway, I just don't believe this blog is the reason.)
If you post here, you are just as responsible because you keep the conversation moving. Pot or kettle? You choose.
Nothing cruel was said about Cassel. It was just someone's opinion. They don't like her scripts. Do you love every designer out there? Have you ever told a friend that you don't like that type of car or a certain shop?
My Facebook feed is abuzz with the fake Adobe giveaway. Good to know who reads THIS blog, though...
The Adobe giveaway wasn't fake, it was a mistake by Adobe, they've made a statement,read here: http://www.forbes.com/sites/adriankingsleyhughes/2013/01/07/download-adobe-cs2-applications-for-free/
"You have heard wrong! Adobe is absolutely not providing free copies of CS2!
What is true is that Adobe is terminating the activation servers for CS2 and that for existing licensed users of CS2 who need to reinstall their software, copies of CS2 that don’t require activation but do require valid serial numbers are available."
well, hate to tell ya hun, but you're way wrong on the over-60 comment. Some of us just mature faster than others apparently. Maturity doesn't have an age limit, though many do gain perspective over time and don't feel the need to 'trash talk' or otherwise make cruel comments in order to make ourselves feel more important or powerful. I think the "taking responsibility for your own actions" writer needs to look in the mirror and stop denying the consequences of their actions. Pot calling the kettle black here or what?
Thank you for this, however old you are. :)
It's been explained. Your opinion is worthless if you aren't allowing people to take responsibility for their decisions and you place blame where it doesn't belong--on this blog. That's not an opinion. It's speculation until you have evidence.
I think it's also about the matronly and self-righteous lectures that want to blame this blog for everything. It sounds over 60. And Cassel's products do appeal to the over-60 crowd.
So, go scrap your grandkids and quit lecturing us.
I am #178 and I am NOT over 60, don't have grandkids but I am "matronly" enough to know that what you are posting is something you just made up, in order to cast blame on others, young whippersnapper. Yep, that is why I am here, to lecture to the misinformed, young and entitled, like yourself, to try and make this blog a better place. And I take FULL responsibility for that. Respect your elders, smart alec. You might learn something.
#185 How is posting about the giveaway proof you read this blog?
The only logical explanation is that Cassel was bullied out of SHCO.
That is not in the least logical. There is no proof.
whether Cassel herself saw the negative feedback on this blog
Oh please, once again, there has been far, far more worse said about Cassel on this blog than her scripts sucked and she's never done anything about it, not publicly anyway. Why the heck leave a store because of the harmless things said this time?
You seem to think this blog has so much power, it doesn't. So quit telling yourself that to make you feel superior
Some people (like Tina probably) are easily influenced by what others have to say because they feel a constant need to impress people and stay in their good graces. This blog and just gossip in general has power over people
It seems to me that you are one those people. You are giving the blog far more credit and power than it has.
185, I saw that all over FB today, long before someone posted it here.
161 Exactly! They're in denial.
I think you are the one in denial, I really do. Saying that someone's product is flat and saying someone's product is crap is pretty much the same.
I think some people want this blog to hold that much power in the community. It does but only for the weak. If you notice, all the smacking in the world doesn't change certain stores and designers. It only has power if you allow it to control your thoughts and actions.
I'm willing to bet that most of you saying this blog did this are over 60, too. That generation has a hard time taking responsbility for their own actions and saying, "you said this, so that caused me too..."
I agree except for the over 60 part, it's the under 35s that are the most guilty of that action. And I'm not over 60, not even close.
It's been explained. Your opinion is worthless if you aren't allowing people to take responsibility for their decisions and you place blame where it doesn't belong--on this blog. That's not an opinion. It's speculation until you have evidence.
I think it's also about the matronly and self-righteous lectures that want to blame this blog for everything. It sounds over 60. And Cassel's products do appeal to the over-60 crowd.
So, go scrap your grandkids and quit lecturing us.
A bit like this? Say hi to your grandkids.
Dear lord, I hope I never turn 60 if it's going to ruin my taste.
I think there are self-righteous control freaks in every age group. It's just unusual that so many of them post in one place :D
I think you are the one in denial, I really do. Saying that someone's product is flat and saying someone's product is crap is pretty much the same.
Actually, saying a product is flat is what I consider constructive criticism. That statement is about as negative as I saying "your opinion is your own," unless you read something into it that I cannot see.
Saying a product is crap is just lack of creativity. At least saying something is flat gives reason why it would be considered "crap". Try again.
self-righteous = pot calling kettle... takes one to know one?
What I don't get is why people here can't post legitimate criticism of work without getting all nasty about it. I can swear like a sailor too, I am just smart enough to know when it's required and when it's just being childish like a 12 year old who just learned a new word.
If you don't like the style of Cassel's script results, then say that. Say they look dated, flat, whatever. But to call them 'pathetic', 'trailer trash version products', and 'gross' is not legitimate critique. You conflate your comments here with magazine reviews of movies or music, but they at least are able to make cogent observations about the work to support their opinions.
Whatever your age, I would hope anyone old enough to be posting on here would be mature enough to not resort to name-calling and bullying.
Because it is a "SMACK" blog, the purpose of such a thing is to criticize without the bother of filters. Everyone acts like these things are new to the world, but they have been around since I was in junior high/high school and that was a good 15 years ago at least. (Although, they were called Smash Books then, see the movie Mean Girls for reference if you really don't know.)
The people that complain about them are the ones who either get smacked or feel the need to save the rest of it from this evil blog. And no, the only power anything has is the power that you give to it...so with that reasoning.
If you don't like it, don't read it. Amazing how such a simple concept is so easily forgotten. No one is going to change this blog into a nicey-nice kiss ass blog. It won't happen, ever. Get over it and move on or don't comment.
^That was supposed to read "Save the rest of us, not it"
Ahh, so it IS a Junior High thing that some just can't seem to grow out of. Too bad. It could be a good forum to discuss things, but if you'd rather have fun 'smacking' people, whatever.
Why would you want to smack people? Is it fun or something? As I recall in the movie, the smash book hurt a lot of people and caused a lot of pain. Funny you'd want to re-create that here, when you could just as easily have valuable, open conversation.
So can you explain - why smack? Fun? A sense of power? Just plain mean?
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