whats happened to GSO (gallery standouts) did the person who threatened to take over the domain do it?? have the old GSO started a new blog ? anyone know whats happening tried this link from last month http://gallerystandouts.com/fingerpointing/2013/finger-pointing-29th-of-january/
#194 - don't feel bad, if she was upset by a couple of none flaming comments on a smack bog, she's not cut out for business. She needs to grow up a little. Even my emotional 12 year old girl wouldn't have been upset by the comments on this blog if they had been about her, know what I'm saying?
This. If I were a designer, I'd be much more concerned about what the criticisms were re: my work instead of how they were articulated. Grow up, get a backbone and pay attention to critiques. They just might be legitimate. From reading her blog, this person is either really, really young or extremely immature.
I certainly didn't mean to make someone "throw in the towel"! I didn't want to come across as having my panties in a twist or super negative, but maybe I did.
If your very specific comments regarding this designer's work causes her to quit, she should have done so yesterday. My goodness, an honest critique should be welcomed (especially by a new designer) instead of whined about both on her blog and Facebook. By what SHE has said and how she has reacted, I wouldn't buy anything from her ever just because of that!
Young, immature, prone to outbursts over non-personal criticism... sounds like Harper Finch is perfect for the new Digichick. I, too, hope the mature, professional designers at TDC run far away from that site as it continues to spin down the drain.
I downloaded a few of Harper's freebies and found the same things others did - poor quality. I don't care that it's 100% CU (or close enough to it), but at least use it well. I don't see anything wrong with any of the comments on the smack blog about her products. No one was personally attacking her, but commenting on how she's marketing her business and her product quality.
Now she's opened herself up to critique about her behaviour with her childish outburst. If someone says your quality is questionable, ask why and what you can do to make it better. Don't insult them by saying they have their panties in a wad. That just makes you look like a baby.
WTF is up with 4Shared? It keeps playing this creppy sounding guy talking in a non-English language with crowd noises in the background!! Has the sight been sold to Eastern Europeans?
2 Young, immature, prone to outbursts over non-personal criticism... sounds like Harper Finch is perfect for the new Digichick. I, too, hope the mature, professional designers at TDC run far away from that site as it continues to spin down the drain _____________ Nope. I'm pretty sure you've explained why she won't fit in at TDC since all the immature and prone to emotional outbursts designers have left TDC leaving the professional, mature AND stable designers
Thanks guys. I guess I'm feeling awful because no matter the quality (and it isn't *that* bad compared to some of the stuff out there), Harper Finch has obviously put in a lot of time into making them, something I can relate to as a designer myself, but now she's put up her donation kit for free, either out of rage or to refute people's claim that it's not really free. It's not my intention to rob someone of their potential income. :( Just wondering if it's free, not asking for it to be.
Also, since she has disabled anonymous comments, I'll post the tutorial to removing jaggies here, in case she or her fans read here still: http://www.lunacore.com/photoshop/tutorials/tut001.htm Sorry if I've hurt your feelings, Harper, but we can all learn something new and improve, right? All the best to you.
LOL, even with the jaggie issue, Harpers products are too good to be Charly or one of her personalities. Honestly? Attitude aside, I think for a newbie Harper shows promise. She needs to learn some QC and how to temper her tude is all.
I just read her blog post - her work was 'crucified' according to her and then she says she has thick skin. Alrighty then. I've rarely seen such benign comments about someone's work as I saw about hers, she really is a drama queen. Undue malice? I'm not sure what blog she went to, but it couldn't have been this one.
WTF is up with 4Shared? It keeps playing this creppy sounding guy talking in a non-English language with crowd noises in the background!! Has the sight been sold to Eastern Europeans?
I just went there and didn't see any 'creppy' guy on the 'sight'. Maybe it's an ad because I have ad block and therefore it's blocked.
Could be another one of Charly's siblings. ------------------------------------------- Nah, Charly's back to being Charly, whoever that really is lol. Different design name of course, but she's still putting out the same shitty stuff as before.
"**Due to recent staff changes at Scrap Orchard- we will be temporarily suspending the Orchard Spotlight. We will be back next month with a brand new set of coordinating freebies for you!**"
What new staff changes are they talking about? I didn't recognize any changes to the designer line up, am I missing something? Were there supposed to be more downloads to their spotlight freebie kit?
#31 Thaty Borges is missing, but I can't figure out where she went or what happened. There is no update on her blog or her FB page. The freebie there isn't working either and still had A5D packaging. Anyone know what's up with her?
I have adds blocked, too. I don't see the creepy guy, just hear his voice over and over again - and loud, too. 4shared is changing and not for the better. It is begining to look too much like MediaFire. I have pop-up blocker on and it is the devil to get a download to actually start at MediaFire. And all these buttons saying "download" - click the wrong one and if you're lucky all you will have is a new toolbar!
I had something download and install itself on my computer Monday morning. Only thing is I didn't download anything that morning. I go off and eat breakfast and come back to find something calling itself "Disk Protection System" installed, runing and telling me that tipet.exe is inflected and to update my virus protection to remove it now. Of course they want my money! This program not only stopped Microsoft Security Essentials from running when ever I tried, it also shut down Task Manager when ever I started it! Finally got it to stop some how and manually deleted it.
Got MalwareBytes installed now, too. I still remember when AVG had you delete a windows file as a virus!!
I don't understand how a program can download and install itself. You can't install any legit program without getting the window asking for permission to allow it from Windows!
32 - There must be another one missing, too. There are supposed to be 6 designers featured in a 3-month period, and only 4 have been featured so far. I can't figure out who it is, though.
It seems like some of the designers they took on when that other store closed. A lot of the designers there have released new kits (when the haven't released much at all since Christmas) or they've done extra coupons or something. I bet it's just someone finally putting their foot down and saying release new stuff or you're out. Although someone on here mentioned awhile ago that Thaty was retiring and I can't even remember what that KStudio stuff looks like, so it's probably not too big of a loss.
KStudio's had been releasing and even had a collab a week or so ago but her style had changed quite a bit from her A5D days so maybe it wasn't selling all that great. The collab is gone from the store and SuzyQ has just her part there. Odd.
That would explain the items removed from my wish list at SO. I think I had that collab in there. I hate when it doesn't tell you what was removed from your wish list, it just tells you stuff has disappeared.
I buy fairly regularly, so it seemed weird something so recent would be gone!
8- I'm 7. And nope- not at TDC, but at SO and SSD so I see the outbursts. Funny how folks might change stores and not their behavior. ___
I call bullshit. This is one of those statements that jumps out and says L I A R. You're at both SO and SSD and you're saying there's outbursts occurring at both those places? You are FULL O' CRAP!
48 I can think of at least two people who would have been knowledgeable of the behind the scenes at TDC, SO and to a certain extend though probably more second hand at SSD so maybe not completely bullshit
SO seems to be pushing people away. The horrible new gallery, deleting posts/comments in the forums, and missing designers. Feels like drama behind the scenes. Wonder how many designers will keep leaving? Do they keep their CT?
If not hanging out at SO, SSD, or TLP... where do you go? How are P&Co, or SM?
I saw when people posted about the character length that it was deleted. Then the girl reposted the same question. The whole new scrapin gallery had a bunch of questions in the information section, and all of them were deleted.
I kind of hope that they change back to a regular gallery eventually at SO but it they are smart they will wait to make that decision till after they delete the old gallery and save the server fees on that beast. The idea of ScrapPin is good sorta but the execution was poor at best and it defeats the purpose of a gallery as a tool for advertising in its current form it is virtually impossible to use unless you spend a lot of time searching down hashtags and I am way too lazy of a customer to do that I just moved on to other stores when I want to buy something and want to see layouts using the product.
If not hanging out at SO, SSD, or TLP... where do you go? How are P&Co, or SM? -------------------------------- I've been hanging out at SM lately and I like it there. They have a nice challenge system and a lenient gallery policy. I like that I can post all my layouts there, as long as at least half of them have at least one SM item. Too bad more stores don't understand that if you let me post layouts with other products, I'll be more likely to post there. And will think of your store first when I need to buy something because I want to support your store/gallery.
48 I can think of at least two people who would have been knowledgeable of the behind the scenes at TDC, SO and to a certain extend though probably more second hand at SSD so maybe not completely bullshit
and that would be Lena Gardner and ?????
what I am interested in is who the original comment was referring to. who has left TDC for one of those places and is prone to outbursts and bad behavior?
None of those 4 designers are behind the scenes at SSD, though. I think they're all friendly with at least one designer at SSD, though, so second hand information at best. My thought went to a CTM, but I have no idea really.
I do know Laura Banasiak is a total drama queen bitch, though. She always has been. She'll stab you right in the back while kissing your ass. I can tell by how others react to her on this blog that I'm not the only one she's treated poorly. She fits right in at SO, IMO.
Dear Designers, When you apply to a shop, please take a moment to run QC on your kits. If you do not, and the shop turns you down for having elements that do not meet quality standards, do not blame the CU designer you purchased from and do not get nasty with the store owner. Your kits are your responsibility no matter where you get your tools.
65, I know exactly who you are and you need to let it go. She left TDC and you don't have to deal with her anymore and your grudge is especially apparent because she has no connection to SO whatsoever and yet you bring her up here on this blog.
Re: all the people above who are complaining about having to read this blog on their phone and scroll through pages of comments. I find it odd that people are so desperate to read this blog while on the go that they need to do it from their phone. When I am out and about, I don't even think about this blog. Are some of us really that obsessed?
Dear Designers, When you apply to a shop, please take a moment to run QC on your kits. If you do not, and the shop turns you down for having elements that do not meet quality standards, do not blame the CU designer you purchased from and do not get nasty with the store owner. Your kits are your responsibility no matter where you get your tools.
Thanks, Annoyed shop owner --------
Dear Shop Owner
Please don't tell me you have run a QC on my kit when I know for fact you never downloaded the kit.
And now Traci Reed is going to jump on the Mickey Mouse bandwagon and teach us all how to scrapbook with a color scheme that is so startlingly similar to Sahlin/Britt's copyright disaster project life bundle that I almost can't stand it.
this isn't the first time this year that someone has mentioned a similarity between one of Traci's products and something else that was released within a week or so. once = coincidence, twice = pattern.
#82 - not a Traci Reed fan but she made a Disney kit collab in those same colors about 18 months or more ago, well before Sahlin and Britt. So it looks like Sahlin and Britt jumped on that bandwagon, doesn't it?
75- What if I sent you screen prints showing the problems? Which I did in this particular case. At first glance her stuff was cute too, its a shame the quality was so piss poor.
#85 - that's not what I'm talking about. I have had show owners talk about my lack of quality when I know for a fact they never downloaded the kit. Honest critique is fine with me and I'd be grateful to anyone who pointed out faults and flaws on my work. However, to lie and say they were there, when they couldn't even know because they never looked at the kit, that's low.
#89 - nope, since the quality issue was never brought up by any shop owner who actually downloaded the kit. Besides, if they didn't download the kit, how the heck can they see the preview?
You know, I once had a store owner tell me that she regretted never accepting me into her store because I had good quality kits, but she didn't think I was a nice person. She apologized for being wrong.
nope- but got the digifiles- first time. I liked it alot- and was surprised I did b/c I usually get burned buying things like that- last scrap pack was just meh.
65, I know exactly who you are and you need to let it go. She left TDC and you don't have to deal with her anymore and your grudge is especially apparent because she has no connection to SO whatsoever and yet you bring her up here on this blog
________________ woah! look at the mind reader! you're an idiot. this is an anonymous blog that has discused ad nauseum that nicole went to ssd when she sold tdc. not a secret that mari made the move with her. i didn't write the post you responded to - but i could have since it's common knowledge. obviously you are defensive about something. hmmm. what could it be? oh i know - that a) the original post was write and the drama queens have infected other shops; and b) it's common knowledge just who the drama queens are
95, anyone who knows Mari knows she is not a drama queen. I can't speak for Nicole on that or defend her, but to lump Mari in with anything dramatic just shows you that you don't know her. Besides, you yourself admitted that you weren't the OP 65 so you have no idea to what I am referring.
Oh and the original post was not "write" because that's not even the correct word. Now who's the idiot???
Wow 95 I think you missed the point, which was that Nicole has never had a connection with SO, and so bringing her up in this conversation makes very little sense unless 65 has a grudge because she obviously doesn't fit the description of someone who used to be at TDC and is now in the know at SSD and SO.
I agree, most people don't change their behaviors when they change stores. So someone who is a diva at TDC will expect to be a diva at their next store, whether it's SO or SSD... or any other store.
Funny 103 since I think that is what the original 2 post was saying. And unless you have something else to add, it seems to be that there is more drama and attitude following those who have left NOT those that remain
67 said "Re: all the people above who are complaining about having to read this blog on their phone and scroll through pages of comments. I find it odd that people are so desperate to read this blog while on the go that they need to do it from their phone. When I am out and about, I don't even think about this blog. Are some of us really that obsessed?" --- How old are you that you still use a computer instead of your cell/tablet to go online? I bet you even have a home telephone number, and maybe *gasp* a VCR, too! OK, all joking aside, I can't use my laptop during the day (kids running around, stuff gets spilled on it or it gets knocked over), so I use my phone or my tablets. But good job being super judgmental and completely disregarding the way other people might choose to do things. And if you don't think about this blog, then when did you decide you needed to write on this blog about how other people choose to read this blog? That would be way meta if you weren't so autocratic in your post.
From the Harper Finch blog...apparently someone touched, or rather stomped a nerve, lol And bullying, how she can say the comments were bullying is beyond my comprehension. She should have taken them with a grain of salt and fixed things, instead she just adds fuel to the fire. For some reason she puts me in mind of someone, and I can't figure it out.
I've made a point of not specifically addressing the "blog" that focused on my work, nor the one or two "anonymous" posters in my comments section. And I won't be doing so, but I think it's important to say something on the subject of "bullying," something that has somehow found its' way from children on the playground to adults on the internet. It's so very silly and ridiculous but it can really affect people and I don't know if those who do it are entirely aware of that. Which is essentially the reason why I'm even touching upon it.
Simple comments made out of spite, jealousy or simple boredom are far reaching and can create problems far greater than undue criticism. As a new designer who has never made any claims to being anything but a novice enjoying a hobby, spiteful comments and nonconstructive critique can affect not only my desire to continue my hobby, let alone enjoy it, but also obliterate my reputation from the very start before I've even had a chance to crawl, let alone walk. All of us are enthusiasts of digital scrapbooking and it would be such a detriment if we were denied the talent of the new/next generation of designers getting their feet wet. None of this would even exist if that were the rule of thumb.
How old are you that you still use a computer instead of your cell/tablet to go online? I bet you even have a home telephone number, and maybe *gasp* a VCR, too! OK, all joking aside, I can't use my laptop during the day (kids running around, stuff gets spilled on it or it gets knocked over), so I use my phone or my tablets. But good job being super judgmental and completely disregarding the way other people might choose to do things. ------
It is not bullying to state honestly what one dislikes about a designer's work. That is the issue. Ms. Finch (or whatever her name is) CHOSE to take it to a personal level by what SHE said on her blog and Facebook. Using a long diatribe about bullying as a smoke screen will not stop her work from being critiqued. Some people are unhappy with her lack of quality checking. She is a new designer. One would think she'd welcome the information and use it to either change what she does or simply ignore the same complaints when made again. HER CHOICE.
How old are you that you still use a computer instead of your cell/tablet to go online? I bet you even have a home telephone number, and maybe *gasp* a VCR, too! OK, all joking aside, I can't use my laptop during the day (kids running around, stuff gets spilled on it or it gets knocked over), so I use my phone or my tablets. But good job being super judgmental and completely disregarding the way other people might choose to do things.
Not only are you doing exactly what you're bitching about someone else doing, but You're an Idiot!
One would think she'd welcome the information and use it to either change what she does or simply ignore the same complaints when made again. HER CHOICE.
______ Exactly. A lecture about bullying will not intimidate people (it will probably just piss them off since that's not what any of them were doing) from discussing a designer's work..especially if it's substandard.
I just read Harper Finch's blog and see she has posted the same lecture re: bullying there as she or someone did above. I actually like her work and was following her seeing what she was doing next, etc. I especially was fond of her patterned papers. Given her present defensive and immature attitude, I wouldn't buy a dollar kit from her. What if I had a complaint about something once I bought and downloaded it? Would she fly off the handle and act like a child? I'm betting yes. Then she would go to FB and her blog, complain about me, etc. etc. No thank you. If my twelve-year-old behaved this way, she'd be grounded.
Again, OP on Harper Finch here. As someone above pointed out, I don't think my (or others') comments here were spiteful and non-constructive, and they were definitely not made out of jealousy (LOL!). The scary thing is how many people have commented on her blog and FB that they love her stuff, and find no quality problem with them, etc! Maybe we can't blame Finch's attitude entirely when so many "fans" are fueling her along. No wonder this industry is filled with sub-par designers and products.
How old are you that you still use a computer instead of your cell/tablet to go online? I bet you even have a home telephone number, and maybe *gasp* a VCR, too! ---
Joking or otherwise, people use their computers for more than just "internet" dumb ass. You don't play real games or do other forms of design on a tablet or a phone. Ooooh no, I don't have a laptop, I must be old. Really?
I'm 107 and I said I was joking. She was inconsiderate to people who don't use always use a computer. I was pretending not to understand who wouldn't use their phone (or still have a home phone). I'm sorry the sarcasm was lost on you all. 120: I wish I were 15. Life would be a lot easier. And I could find my boobs in my bra instead of in my socks. Damn gravity. Everyone's so touchy today. You want to say I'm a dumb ass, that's fine. I've got my big girl pants on. But come on people, do you really think I seriously thought that using your phone/tablet was *the best and only way* to surf the internet or play games or (try to) design? Yikes. Go drink a cup of coffee and wake up. Maybe that'll help you read where I said that I was joking. Of course phones don't compare to a computer for pretty much any task other than actually Talking On The Phone. Phones suck for reading anything on the internet. And of course you can't design anything worthwhile on your phone. (Can you imagine even TRYING?! Like, plugging your wacom into your phone? Double yikes.) 119: I would hate reading a smack blog on a 27" screen. The mean text would be so...right in your face. Although designing or scrapping on a big monitor would be lovely (mine's only 22". Nothing to sneeze at, but that's not 27"!).
122: re 27" monitor, you have to have a good graphics card so you can adjust your screen res properly. Then you can fit a whole lot more on your monitor.
I'm 107 and I said I was joking. She was inconsiderate to people who don't use always use a computer. I was pretending not to understand who wouldn't use their phone (or still have a home phone). I'm sorry the sarcasm was lost on you all. __
The "sarcasm" wasn't lost; it just wasn't humorous to me and, apparently, others. You said you were kidding but then were an asshole right after that so you contradicted yourself which, of course, made people believe you weren't being sincere when saying it was a joke. You sound like you're very young and your typing skills reflect that as well-maybe you are fifteen-intellectually, anyway.
when so many "fans" are fueling her along. No wonder this industry is filled with sub-par designers and products.
What's ironic is the fans rushing to her defense are most likely taking her word for what was done/said and have no idea what the facts are. They just blindly jumped on the "Poor Me" bandwagon and fed into Finch's victim role, hook, line and sinker. Part of that is probably because she offers so much free stuff and they don't want her to stop doing that. It would be interesting to see how many on that bandwagon would actually buy stuff from her.
Maybe we can't blame Finch's attitude entirely when so many "fans" are fueling her along.
Well, that might be true if she wasn't the one who first informed those "fans" of the gross injustices done to her. She way over reacted and exaggerated the situation, which wasn't really even a situation until she personally got involved. I tell ya..if I were a store owner, even if she evolves into the best designer ever in digital scrapbook history, I'd avoid her like the plague! She obviously enjoys playing the part of victim and what an employee she'd make!
from Harper Finch's blog "I've made a point of not specifically addressing the "blog" that focused on my work, nor the one or two "anonymous" posters in my comments section. And I won't be doing so"
Then WTF does she keep bringing up for??? I smell a drama queen.
I am putting together a very strange mental picture on this Ms Finch - Drama Queen, feeding the freebie hunter's fix, rabid fan followers who stick up for her, even when the facts are clear, ...Does anybody else see Royanna in this picture?
Exactly! When I was first starting out, I just downloaded free stuff, lots and lots of it and never bought anything.
Me too! And then I started to want to be better at this hobby and found out how much of that stuff I downloaded was unusable. That's when I started deleting stuff and spending money on kits worth my while.
I also downloaded tons of freebies when I first discovered digital scrapbooking but as time past and while I was visiting many blogs daily I started learning all the designers, stores and compared the quality of freebies with store products. It didn't take long for me to leave the freebies behind once I purchased my first kit for $1. That was it. I was hooked. #134 Not that you mentioned it, I think it's time for me to delete most of the freebies I have from 5 years ago on an EHD.
Me too! And then I started to want to be better at this hobby and found out how much of that stuff I downloaded was unusable. That's when I started deleting stuff and spending money on kits worth my while.
This. I go back and look at most of those layouts done with those freebies I od'd on and I literally shudder!!!!!
So what is the deal with Harper Finch and her alleged guest spot at TDC? I hope the owner there reads this blog and told her "thanks but no thanks" because first it said she was opening there on Mar 1 which didn't happen, and then her blog said it changed to Mar 8 but I know from an inside source at TDC that she hasn't shown up there yet.
I hope the owner of TDC boots her out of there. No store deserves an immature attention-seeker on their staff. I guarantee you no amount of money she could possibly bring to a business would be enough to deal with her. She's brand new and acting like this? Can you imagine if she gets a little experience and success? She'd be absolutely unbearable. Trust me.
I know what's your problem about Harper Finch!!! You're jealous, because none of you can recolor CU stuff, neither can you put jaggies on all of your elements!
Yeah, I'm thinking the spot was offered to her before all the commotion she's made about a few honest criticisms of her work. One of the reasons she might have had such a HUGE fit is her head was already starting to swell from the invitation to TDC. I tell ya, people, owners of stores should RUN not walk away from this one.
I've seen designers like this before and they can tear a store apart.
I know what's your problem about Harper Finch!!! You're jealous, because none of you can recolor CU stuff, neither can you put jaggies on all of your elements!
Yes, that's it. I believe she even said that on her blog..that people (only one or two, of course..because that's all that could possibly find fault with what she does) were bored and/or jealous..I can't remember specifically and am too lazy to go look..but something like that.
Well I for one have decided that I won't be spending any pocket change on Harper Finch. I read her diatribe and that has turned me off her products. Imperfections can be fixed and if she is a new designer, and not an old one re-emerging with a new identity, i.e. Charly for one comes to mind, then she should have taken the comments with a grain of salt, looked at her products closer and fixed her mistakes. Designers who throw a huge fit like that are definitely ones I don't want in my store or on my design team and if they can't take criticism then how do they expect to hone their craft? And how did she get a guest spot anywhere? Being new, it isn't my inclination to take a newbie on as a guest, I reserve my guest spots for more seasoned designers who are looking to expand a little.
Like someone else said, if she becomes the greatest designer ever in digiville, I wouldn't buy one thing from her. I CERTAINLY wouldn't have her guest in my store let alone be there permanently. There are far too many talented, sweet-spirited designers out there to even give her a moment's notice.
158 - maybe it was a test to see who stayed and who got booted. You help with the collab, and you can stay. You don't - and poof -- a bunch of useless designers are finally gone. I hope things pick back up soon - I haven't seen much in the way of new releases for months now!
http://shop.scrapmatters.com/product.php?productid=13247&cat=437&page=1 What do you all think ? Another designer who cross the line. ---------------------- I honestly don't see anything wrong with that one, except maybe the mouse ears. What were you thinking she crossed the line with?
It looks like more "established" stores are closing, leaving more and more designers somewhat stranded. Some stores have taken on displaced designers inthe past, following closing of other stores, but it will gradually start to be harder to get into an "established" store if all the veteran designers take those places. More and more designers will look like store hoppers with all those closings.
There is a gorgeous free font at Creative Market this week - Tiaga. For those of you who think you are limited to 11 fonts, this is one to pick up. All you have to do is change it substantially (like make an alpha that isn't simply recolored flat or WA) and you're good to go. Requires an account, which then in turn gives you the font and license.
I can confirm that Two Peas is shutting down the digital end for the most part. They have decided to move in a new direction. It was very sudden for the designers as well as the creative team
I wouldn't be surprised that given the discussion she's raised this past week, TDC canceled Finch's guest spot and now her new release has to be "exclusive to her Etsy store."
Harper Finch Facebook "I've decided the best venture for me is to stick to my Etsy store for the time being. The designers at TDC are fantastic and I admire them greatly!"
Not a fan of the new OSD gallery at all. But maybe it will work out for them. Curious why they would do that. Does it take less server space? Or is it because it is free software (assuming its free or inexpensive- I have no idea if it is).
183: I would assume that they think this is the way that galleries are evolving. I am not sure if that is true or not but things change. People always resist change.
"OMG. The sheer amount of CU that girl regurgitated for FREE. If I were a Cu designer I'd be tapping her on the shoulder...
She clearly violates Ellie Lash (That Girl)'s TOU with the Pot Of Gold freebie. She used 4 out of 5 of the Fandangles in a freebie. Ellie's TOU has always been no more than 50% in a kit.
190 - Yes almost every item listed under Bestsellers on the right is a copyright violation. Heck even the product titles are direct violations of trademark.
Harper Finch never showed up at TDC. My guess is that they offered her a guest spot before QC anything and then canceled it once they looked at her products up close. Also wondering if 75 up above is Miss Finch.
Do you really think that a store owner would offer a spot (guest or not) without checking QC first? (exception made for those who never QC after either!) But seriously speaking, would a professional store owner do that? And if they made this horrible mistake, if they fire, let go or cancel the spot after offering it in the first place, doesn't it look as bad for them then it does for the designer in question?
It would only look bad if the designer failed QC and then refused to correct it. I sold at a few smaller stores and they almost always offered a spot based on what I submitted with my application and then QC'd the rest of my items once I started loading into the shop. I've never applied to TDC, so I have no idea if they have a QC process or not. If most of her issues is jags, they may have asked her to fix them, hence the delay from the 1st to the 8th and she may have just decided not to do it. Maybe they're artistic jags, like Think Outside the Box Amanda, LOL!
That sounds more likely. No one is going to download every freebie a designer has in order to check their quality. And not all of her stuff is bad. The CU is quite good ;)
«Oldest ‹Older 2601 – 2800 of 2881 Newer› Newest»whats happened to GSO (gallery standouts) did the person who threatened to take over the domain do it?? have the old GSO started a new blog ? anyone know whats happening
tried this link from last month http://gallerystandouts.com/fingerpointing/2013/finger-pointing-29th-of-january/
198 don't worry all fixed now, don't know what happened there...
#194 - don't feel bad, if she was upset by a couple of none flaming comments on a smack bog, she's not cut out for business. She needs to grow up a little. Even my emotional 12 year old girl wouldn't have been upset by the comments on this blog if they had been about her, know what I'm saying?
This. If I were a designer, I'd be much more concerned about what the criticisms were re: my work instead of how they were articulated. Grow up, get a backbone and pay attention to critiques. They just might be legitimate. From reading her blog, this person is either really, really young or extremely immature.
I certainly didn't mean to make someone "throw in the towel"! I didn't want to come across as having my panties in a twist or super negative, but maybe I did.
If your very specific comments regarding this designer's work causes her to quit, she should have done so yesterday. My goodness, an honest critique should be welcomed (especially by a new designer) instead of whined about both on her blog and Facebook. By what SHE has said and how she has reacted, I wouldn't buy anything from her ever just because of that!
Young, immature, prone to outbursts over non-personal criticism... sounds like Harper Finch is perfect for the new Digichick. I, too, hope the mature, professional designers at TDC run far away from that site as it continues to spin down the drain.
I downloaded a few of Harper's freebies and found the same things others did - poor quality. I don't care that it's 100% CU (or close enough to it), but at least use it well. I don't see anything wrong with any of the comments on the smack blog about her products. No one was personally attacking her, but commenting on how she's marketing her business and her product quality.
Now she's opened herself up to critique about her behaviour with her childish outburst. If someone says your quality is questionable, ask why and what you can do to make it better. Don't insult them by saying they have their panties in a wad. That just makes you look like a baby.
WTF is up with 4Shared? It keeps playing this creppy sounding guy talking in a non-English language with crowd noises in the background!! Has the sight been sold to Eastern Europeans?
I can't even figure out 4Shared anymore.
People still use 4shared?
People still use 4shared?
Once in a blue moon if there's a freebie I just can't live without.
2 Young, immature, prone to outbursts over non-personal criticism... sounds like Harper Finch is perfect for the new Digichick. I, too, hope the mature, professional designers at TDC run far away from that site as it continues to spin down the drain
Nope. I'm pretty sure you've explained why she won't fit in at TDC since all the immature and prone to emotional outbursts designers have left TDC leaving the professional, mature AND stable designers
Hmmm #7 you must be one of those huh?
Thanks guys. I guess I'm feeling awful because no matter the quality (and it isn't *that* bad compared to some of the stuff out there), Harper Finch has obviously put in a lot of time into making them, something I can relate to as a designer myself, but now she's put up her donation kit for free, either out of rage or to refute people's claim that it's not really free. It's not my intention to rob someone of their potential income. :( Just wondering if it's free, not asking for it to be.
Also, since she has disabled anonymous comments, I'll post the tutorial to removing jaggies here, in case she or her fans read here still: http://www.lunacore.com/photoshop/tutorials/tut001.htm
Sorry if I've hurt your feelings, Harper, but we can all learn something new and improve, right? All the best to you.
Is Harper Finch even a real person or just a made up design name? Who is the person behind the name?
I was thinking Harper Finch might be someone who really likes To Kill A Mockingbird. Harper Lee + Finch = Harper Finch?
I was thinking the same thing, #11. It doesn't sound like a real name.
Could be another one of Charly's siblings.
LOL, even with the jaggie issue, Harpers products are too good to be Charly or one of her personalities. Honestly? Attitude aside, I think for a newbie Harper shows promise. She needs to learn some QC and how to temper her tude is all.
I just read her blog post - her work was 'crucified' according to her and then she says she has thick skin. Alrighty then. I've rarely seen such benign comments about someone's work as I saw about hers, she really is a drama queen. Undue malice? I'm not sure what blog she went to, but it couldn't have been this one.
8- I'm 7. And nope- not at TDC, but at SO and SSD so I see the outbursts. Funny how folks might change stores and not their behavior.
WTF is up with 4Shared? It keeps playing this creppy sounding guy talking in a non-English language with crowd noises in the background!! Has the sight been sold to Eastern Europeans?
I just went there and didn't see any 'creppy' guy on the 'sight'. Maybe it's an ad because I have ad block and therefore it's blocked.
Could be another one of Charly's siblings.
Nah, Charly's back to being Charly, whoever that really is lol. Different design name of course, but she's still putting out the same shitty stuff as before.
Harper Finch is a real name, there are some listed in the phone book.
Well, if it's in the phone book it must be legit. And I'm a French model.
It is A real name, not necessarily HER real name.
What does it matter if it's her real name or not?
THsi is stupid u alls kn eed swag yololo fish SWag doe
And enter the troll...
Well, if it's in the phone book it must be legit. And I'm a French model.
Une catin, no doubt
Une catin, no doubt
Is that even English?
What are you all smoking tonight? This conversation is greatly entertaining.
26 - no it's French. It means whore.
Is that even English?
You could have typed that into Google and found your answer.
#27 - if you think this conversation is greatly entertaining, then maybe you are the one smoking something.
This was in SO's most recent newsletter:
"**Due to recent staff changes at Scrap Orchard- we will be temporarily suspending the Orchard Spotlight. We will be back next month with a brand new set of coordinating freebies for you!**"
What new staff changes are they talking about? I didn't recognize any changes to the designer line up, am I missing something? Were there supposed to be more downloads to their spotlight freebie kit?
#31 Thaty Borges is missing, but I can't figure out where she went or what happened. There is no update on her blog or her FB page. The freebie there isn't working either and still had A5D packaging. Anyone know what's up with her?
#27 - if you think this conversation is greatly entertaining, then maybe you are the one smoking something.
#32 - Thaty moved on again? Gee, isn't that a surprise.
I have adds blocked, too. I don't see the creepy guy, just hear his voice over and over again - and loud, too. 4shared is changing and not for the better. It is begining to look too much like MediaFire. I have pop-up blocker on and it is the devil to get a download to actually start at MediaFire. And all these buttons saying "download" - click the wrong one and if you're lucky all you will have is a new toolbar!
I had something download and install itself on my computer Monday morning. Only thing is I didn't download anything that morning. I go off and eat breakfast and come back to find something calling itself "Disk Protection System" installed, runing and telling me that tipet.exe is inflected and to update my virus protection to remove it now. Of course they want my money! This program not only stopped Microsoft Security Essentials from running when ever I tried, it also shut down Task Manager when ever I started it! Finally got it to stop some how and manually deleted it.
That's what SpyBot, Ad Aware and Anti-Virus are for. I use AVG because it's free and effecitive.
Got MalwareBytes installed now, too. I still remember when AVG had you delete a windows file as a virus!!
I don't understand how a program can download and install itself. You can't install any legit program without getting the window asking for permission to allow it from Windows!
Just going to a site that's been infected with malware or a virus can infect your browser and then your entire computer.
Kristen Rice (KStudio) is also missing from SO's designers list wonder what is going on???
32 - There must be another one missing, too. There are supposed to be 6 designers featured in a 3-month period, and only 4 have been featured so far. I can't figure out who it is, though.
It's all very strange!
Sorry! I didn't see 39's comment before I (40) posted.
It seems like some of the designers they took on when that other store closed. A lot of the designers there have released new kits (when the haven't released much at all since Christmas) or they've done extra coupons or something. I bet it's just someone finally putting their foot down and saying release new stuff or you're out. Although someone on here mentioned awhile ago that Thaty was retiring and I can't even remember what that KStudio stuff looks like, so it's probably not too big of a loss.
KStudio's had been releasing and even had a collab a week or so ago but her style had changed quite a bit from her A5D days so maybe it wasn't selling all that great. The collab is gone from the store and SuzyQ has just her part there. Odd.
Sounds like 16 was right on the $$ on drama at SO
That would explain the items removed from my wish list at SO. I think I had that collab in there. I hate when it doesn't tell you what was removed from your wish list, it just tells you stuff has disappeared.
I buy fairly regularly, so it seemed weird something so recent would be gone!
I loved KStudio, I'm sad she's gone from SO. And so sudden! Come on, dish people! There has to be something up!
8- I'm 7. And nope- not at TDC, but at SO and SSD so I see the outbursts. Funny how folks might change stores and not their behavior.
I'm intrigued. Care to elaborate?
8- I'm 7. And nope- not at TDC, but at SO and SSD so I see the outbursts. Funny how folks might change stores and not their behavior.
I call bullshit. This is one of those statements that jumps out and says L I A R. You're at both SO and SSD and you're saying there's outbursts occurring at both those places? You are FULL O' CRAP!
48 I can think of at least two people who would have been knowledgeable of the behind the scenes at TDC, SO and to a certain extend though probably more second hand at SSD so maybe not completely bullshit
SO seems to be pushing people away. The horrible new gallery, deleting posts/comments in the forums, and missing designers. Feels like drama behind the scenes. Wonder how many designers will keep leaving? Do they keep their CT?
If not hanging out at SO, SSD, or TLP... where do you go? How are P&Co, or SM?
SO's been deleting posts/comments in the forums? What sort of posts? What explanation was given for the deletions?
I saw when people posted about the character length that it was deleted. Then the girl reposted the same question. The whole new scrapin gallery had a bunch of questions in the information section, and all of them were deleted.
I kind of hope that they change back to a regular gallery eventually at SO but it they are smart they will wait to make that decision till after they delete the old gallery and save the server fees on that beast. The idea of ScrapPin is good sorta but the execution was poor at best and it defeats the purpose of a gallery as a tool for advertising in its current form it is virtually impossible to use unless you spend a lot of time searching down hashtags and I am way too lazy of a customer to do that I just moved on to other stores when I want to buy something and want to see layouts using the product.
If not hanging out at SO, SSD, or TLP... where do you go? How are P&Co, or SM?
I've been hanging out at SM lately and I like it there. They have a nice challenge system and a lenient gallery policy. I like that I can post all my layouts there, as long as at least half of them have at least one SM item. Too bad more stores don't understand that if you let me post layouts with other products, I'll be more likely to post there. And will think of your store first when I need to buy something because I want to support your store/gallery.
I wish Kami would listen to 53, just sayin. The whole thing is killing some of us.
48 I can think of at least two people who would have been knowledgeable of the behind the scenes at TDC, SO and to a certain extend though probably more second hand at SSD so maybe not completely bullshit
and that would be Lena Gardner and ?????
what I am interested in is who the original comment was referring to. who has left TDC for one of those places and is prone to outbursts and bad behavior?
If not hanging out at SO, SSD, or TLP... where do you go? How are P&Co, or SM?
does anyone visit P&Co? I'd love to know how that place is doing and what people think of it.
56, my guess would be Laura Banasiak
58, that Laura is the one prone to outbursts or that she is the other person in addition to Lena who has ties to those places?
Amanda Heimann and Megan Turnidge were both at TDC. They didn't produce much there and it doesn't look like they produce much at SO, either.
KStudio's shop closed at the end of February apparently.
None of those 4 designers are behind the scenes at SSD, though. I think they're all friendly with at least one designer at SSD, though, so second hand information at best. My thought went to a CTM, but I have no idea really.
I do know Laura Banasiak is a total drama queen bitch, though. She always has been. She'll stab you right in the back while kissing your ass. I can tell by how others react to her on this blog that I'm not the only one she's treated poorly. She fits right in at SO, IMO.
Dear Designers,
When you apply to a shop, please take a moment to run QC on your kits. If you do not, and the shop turns you down for having elements that do not meet quality standards, do not blame the CU designer you purchased from and do not get nasty with the store owner. Your kits are your responsibility no matter where you get your tools.
Annoyed shop owner
Nicole went to SSD, and I'm sure they all were familiar with her, possible Mari K as well.
65, I know exactly who you are and you need to let it go. She left TDC and you don't have to deal with her anymore and your grudge is especially apparent because she has no connection to SO whatsoever and yet you bring her up here on this blog.
Re: all the people above who are complaining about having to read this blog on their phone and scroll through pages of comments. I find it odd that people are so desperate to read this blog while on the go that they need to do it from their phone. When I am out and about, I don't even think about this blog. Are some of us really that obsessed?
I do know Laura Banasiak is a total drama queen bitch, though.
Yep, there's a few of those around the digiscrap world.
67 - There are times when you have nothing to do but wait, and not always do I carry a book with me.
^haha right?
I usually have better things to read on my phone than a smack blog. That's what apps are for.
If not hanging out at SO, SSD, or TLP... where do you go? How are P&Co, or SM?
None of those places. Store forums never appealed to me. I used to hang at DST in the early days but now I don't hang anywhere, except here.
Too bad more stores don't understand that if you let me post layouts with other products,
They used too until far too many CTs used to post LOs in the galleries with zero to little store products on their layouts.
who has left TDC for one of those places and is prone to outbursts and bad behavior?
Not the OP but I'm guessing she may have been referring to Nicole.
Dear Designers,
When you apply to a shop, please take a moment to run QC on your kits. If you do not, and the shop turns you down for having elements that do not meet quality standards, do not blame the CU designer you purchased from and do not get nasty with the store owner. Your kits are your responsibility no matter where you get your tools.
Annoyed shop owner
Dear Shop Owner
Please don't tell me you have run a QC on my kit when I know for fact you never downloaded the kit.
I usually have better things to read on my phone than a smack blog. That's what apps are for.
Hmm. From the above comments sound there are a few usual suspects
I usually have better things to do at home than read a smack blog.
"I usually have better things to do at home than read a smack blog."
Me too, but I do it anyway. Call it a guilty pleasure :)
Amen 75, I have recently had this happen to me too.
I usually have better things to do at home than read a smack blog.
So, what are you doing here then?
And now Traci Reed is going to jump on the Mickey Mouse bandwagon and teach us all how to scrapbook with a color scheme that is so startlingly similar to Sahlin/Britt's copyright disaster project life bundle that I almost can't stand it.
this isn't the first time this year that someone has mentioned a similarity between one of Traci's products and something else that was released within a week or so. once = coincidence, twice = pattern.
#82 - not a Traci Reed fan but she made a Disney kit collab in those same colors about 18 months or more ago, well before Sahlin and Britt. So it looks like Sahlin and Britt jumped on that bandwagon, doesn't it?
75- What if I sent you screen prints showing the problems? Which I did in this particular case. At first glance her stuff was cute too, its a shame the quality was so piss poor.
#85 - that's not what I'm talking about. I have had show owners talk about my lack of quality when I know for a fact they never downloaded the kit. Honest critique is fine with me and I'd be grateful to anyone who pointed out faults and flaws on my work. However, to lie and say they were there, when they couldn't even know because they never looked at the kit, that's low.
*shop not *show. Too darn tired.
64 - Looking for designers? I'm looking for a new home.
If shop owners can talk about the lack of quality without downloading, maybe it's obvious in the preview, just sayin'
#89 - nope, since the quality issue was never brought up by any shop owner who actually downloaded the kit. Besides, if they didn't download the kit, how the heck can they see the preview?
You know, I once had a store owner tell me that she regretted never accepting me into her store because I had good quality kits, but she didn't think I was a nice person. She apologized for being wrong.
89 - Or maybe they were already interested in you and purchased something. I do that to designers I'm interested in.
Anyone get this month's Scrap Pack? Worth it?
nope- but got the digifiles- first time. I liked it alot- and was surprised I did b/c I usually get burned buying things like that- last scrap pack was just meh.
65, I know exactly who you are and you need to let it go. She left TDC and you don't have to deal with her anymore and your grudge is especially apparent because she has no connection to SO whatsoever and yet you bring her up here on this blog
woah! look at the mind reader!
you're an idiot. this is an anonymous blog that has discused ad nauseum that nicole went to ssd when she sold tdc. not a secret that mari made the move with her. i didn't write the post you responded to - but i could have since it's common knowledge.
obviously you are defensive about something. hmmm. what could it be?
oh i know - that a) the original post was write and the drama queens have infected other shops; and b) it's common knowledge just who the drama queens are
95, anyone who knows Mari knows she is not a drama queen. I can't speak for Nicole on that or defend her, but to lump Mari in with anything dramatic just shows you that you don't know her. Besides, you yourself admitted that you weren't the OP 65 so you have no idea to what I am referring.
Oh and the original post was not "write" because that's not even the correct word. Now who's the idiot???
Wow 95 I think you missed the point, which was that Nicole has never had a connection with SO, and so bringing her up in this conversation makes very little sense unless 65 has a grudge because she obviously doesn't fit the description of someone who used to be at TDC and is now in the know at SSD and SO.
I agree, most people don't change their behaviors when they change stores. So someone who is a diva at TDC will expect to be a diva at their next store, whether it's SO or SSD... or any other store.
Or maybe they were already interested in you and purchased something.
Or maybe they just didn't like you and were too lame to say so.
it's common knowledge just who the drama queens are
It is? News to me.
Wow, 97. You're sure ...invested. Little defensive there?
^^ this!
funny how nobody had brought up the idea that maybe people are leaving TDC because of the attitudes of some of the people who are left there.
I guess no one feels that way, since it would be really easy to say that here. Unless you have stories to tell?
did kami boot the girls from SO or did they leave on their own?
Funny 103 since I think that is what the original 2 post was saying.
And unless you have something else to add, it seems to be that there is more drama and attitude following those who have left NOT those that remain
67 said "Re: all the people above who are complaining about having to read this blog on their phone and scroll through pages of comments. I find it odd that people are so desperate to read this blog while on the go that they need to do it from their phone. When I am out and about, I don't even think about this blog. Are some of us really that obsessed?"
How old are you that you still use a computer instead of your cell/tablet to go online? I bet you even have a home telephone number, and maybe *gasp* a VCR, too!
OK, all joking aside, I can't use my laptop during the day (kids running around, stuff gets spilled on it or it gets knocked over), so I use my phone or my tablets. But good job being super judgmental and completely disregarding the way other people might choose to do things.
And if you don't think about this blog, then when did you decide you needed to write on this blog about how other people choose to read this blog? That would be way meta if you weren't so autocratic in your post.
From the Harper Finch blog...apparently someone touched, or rather stomped a nerve, lol And bullying, how she can say the comments were bullying is beyond my comprehension. She should have taken them with a grain of salt and fixed things, instead she just adds fuel to the fire. For some reason she puts me in mind of someone, and I can't figure it out.
I've made a point of not specifically addressing the "blog" that focused on my work, nor the one or two "anonymous" posters in my comments section. And I won't be doing so, but I think it's important to say something on the subject of "bullying," something that has somehow found its' way from children on the playground to adults on the internet. It's so very silly and ridiculous but it can really affect people and I don't know if those who do it are entirely aware of that. Which is essentially the reason why I'm even touching upon it.
Simple comments made out of spite, jealousy or simple boredom are far reaching and can create problems far greater than undue criticism. As a new designer who has never made any claims to being anything but a novice enjoying a hobby, spiteful comments and nonconstructive critique can affect not only my desire to continue my hobby, let alone enjoy it, but also obliterate my reputation from the very start before I've even had a chance to crawl, let alone walk. All of us are enthusiasts of digital scrapbooking and it would be such a detriment if we were denied the talent of the new/next generation of designers getting their feet wet. None of this would even exist if that were the rule of thumb.
How old are you that you still use a computer instead of your cell/tablet to go online? I bet you even have a home telephone number, and maybe *gasp* a VCR, too!
OK, all joking aside, I can't use my laptop during the day (kids running around, stuff gets spilled on it or it gets knocked over), so I use my phone or my tablets. But good job being super judgmental and completely disregarding the way other people might choose to do things.
Great way to be non judgmental, don't you think?
spiteful comments and nonconstructive critique
There were no spiteful comments and the critique was constructive.
It is not bullying to state honestly what one dislikes about a designer's work. That is the issue. Ms. Finch (or whatever her name is) CHOSE to take it to a personal level by what SHE said on her blog and Facebook. Using a long diatribe about bullying as a smoke screen will not stop her work from being critiqued. Some people are unhappy with her lack of quality checking. She is a new designer. One would think she'd welcome the information and use it to either change what she does or simply ignore the same complaints when made again. HER CHOICE.
How old are you that you still use a computer instead of your cell/tablet to go online? I bet you even have a home telephone number, and maybe *gasp* a VCR, too!
OK, all joking aside, I can't use my laptop during the day (kids running around, stuff gets spilled on it or it gets knocked over), so I use my phone or my tablets. But good job being super judgmental and completely disregarding the way other people might choose to do things.
Not only are you doing exactly what you're bitching about someone else doing, but You're an Idiot!
One would think she'd welcome the information and use it to either change what she does or simply ignore the same complaints when made again. HER CHOICE.
Exactly. A lecture about bullying will not intimidate people (it will probably just piss them off since that's not what any of them were doing) from discussing a designer's work..especially if it's substandard.
I just read Harper Finch's blog and see she has posted the same lecture re: bullying there as she or someone did above. I actually like her work and was following her seeing what she was doing next, etc. I especially was fond of her patterned papers. Given her present defensive and immature attitude, I wouldn't buy a dollar kit from her. What if I had a complaint about something once I bought and downloaded it? Would she fly off the handle and act like a child? I'm betting yes. Then she would go to FB and her blog, complain about me, etc. etc.
No thank you. If my twelve-year-old behaved this way, she'd be grounded.
Again, OP on Harper Finch here. As someone above pointed out, I don't think my (or others') comments here were spiteful and non-constructive, and they were definitely not made out of jealousy (LOL!). The scary thing is how many people have commented on her blog and FB that they love her stuff, and find no quality problem with them, etc! Maybe we can't blame Finch's attitude entirely when so many "fans" are fueling her along. No wonder this industry is filled with sub-par designers and products.
when so many "fans" are fueling her along. No wonder this industry is filled with sub-par designers and products.
This has been going on for many, many, many years.
I subscribe to comments using Google Reader. I don't have to scroll through things, even on my phone. I read this before bed. Nighttime reading. :)
How old are you that you still use a computer instead of your cell/tablet to go online? I bet you even have a home telephone number, and maybe *gasp* a VCR, too!
Joking or otherwise, people use their computers for more than just "internet" dumb ass. You don't play real games or do other forms of design on a tablet or a phone. Ooooh no, I don't have a laptop, I must be old. Really?
112: Because it's so much more fun to surf on a phone screen, or even an iPad screen than my 27" monitor? Yeah.
#112 How old are you if you don't have a laptop or desktop and use your phone to surf the internet? 15?
Sorry I'm #120 the comment was for #107
I'm 107 and I said I was joking. She was inconsiderate to people who don't use always use a computer. I was pretending not to understand who wouldn't use their phone (or still have a home phone). I'm sorry the sarcasm was lost on you all.
120: I wish I were 15. Life would be a lot easier. And I could find my boobs in my bra instead of in my socks. Damn gravity.
Everyone's so touchy today. You want to say I'm a dumb ass, that's fine. I've got my big girl pants on. But come on people, do you really think I seriously thought that using your phone/tablet was *the best and only way* to surf the internet or play games or (try to) design? Yikes. Go drink a cup of coffee and wake up. Maybe that'll help you read where I said that I was joking. Of course phones don't compare to a computer for pretty much any task other than actually Talking On The Phone. Phones suck for reading anything on the internet. And of course you can't design anything worthwhile on your phone. (Can you imagine even TRYING?! Like, plugging your wacom into your phone? Double yikes.)
119: I would hate reading a smack blog on a 27" screen. The mean text would be so...right in your face. Although designing or scrapping on a big monitor would be lovely (mine's only 22". Nothing to sneeze at, but that's not 27"!).
Some of us got it, 122. Thanks for the smiles ;) (and really, smack's not that bad on a 27" monitor)
122: re 27" monitor, you have to have a good graphics card so you can adjust your screen res properly. Then you can fit a whole lot more on your monitor.
#117, thank you! Never thought of that, though the link is, I see, directly below this comment box.
I'm 107 and I said I was joking. She was inconsiderate to people who don't use always use a computer. I was pretending not to understand who wouldn't use their phone (or still have a home phone). I'm sorry the sarcasm was lost on you all.
The "sarcasm" wasn't lost; it just wasn't humorous to me and, apparently, others. You said you were kidding but then were an asshole right after that so you contradicted yourself which, of course, made people believe you weren't being sincere when saying it was a joke. You sound like you're very young and your typing skills reflect that as well-maybe you are fifteen-intellectually, anyway.
when so many "fans" are fueling her along. No wonder this industry is filled with sub-par designers and products.
What's ironic is the fans rushing to her defense are most likely taking her word for what was done/said and have no idea what the facts are. They just blindly jumped on the "Poor Me" bandwagon and fed into Finch's victim role, hook, line and sinker. Part of that is probably because she offers so much free stuff and they don't want her to stop doing that. It would be interesting to see how many on that bandwagon would actually buy stuff from her.
Ha, I bet none of them. Freebie hunters are very supportive of their fix.
Maybe we can't blame Finch's attitude entirely when so many "fans" are fueling her along.
Well, that might be true if she wasn't the one who first informed those "fans" of the gross injustices done to her. She way over reacted and exaggerated the situation, which wasn't really even a situation until she personally got involved. I tell ya..if I were a store owner, even if she evolves into the best designer ever in digital scrapbook history, I'd avoid her like the plague! She obviously enjoys playing the part of victim and what an employee she'd make!
Ha, I bet none of them. Freebie hunters are very supportive of their fix.
Exactly! When I was first starting out, I just downloaded free stuff, lots and lots of it and never bought anything.
112: Because it's so much more fun to surf on a phone screen, or even an iPad screen than my 27" monitor? Yeah.
This made me LOL, thanks.
from Harper Finch's blog
"I've made a point of not specifically addressing the "blog" that focused on my work, nor the one or two "anonymous" posters in my comments section. And I won't be doing so"
Then WTF does she keep bringing up for??? I smell a drama queen.
I am putting together a very strange mental picture on this Ms Finch - Drama Queen, feeding the freebie hunter's fix, rabid fan followers who stick up for her, even when the facts are clear, ...Does anybody else see Royanna in this picture?
Exactly! When I was first starting out, I just downloaded free stuff, lots and lots of it and never bought anything.
Me too! And then I started to want to be better at this hobby and found out how much of that stuff I downloaded was unusable. That's when I started deleting stuff and spending money on kits worth my while.
I wonder if Ms.Finch and Royana are related. Sounds like the same kind of situation to me. Blind supporters.
Lol 133 we were posting at the same time! GMTA
I also downloaded tons of freebies when I first discovered digital scrapbooking but as time past and while I was visiting many blogs daily I started learning all the designers, stores and compared the quality of freebies with store products. It didn't take long for me to leave the freebies behind once I purchased my first kit for $1. That was it. I was hooked.
#134 Not that you mentioned it, I think it's time for me to delete most of the freebies I have from 5 years ago on an EHD.
Me too! And then I started to want to be better at this hobby and found out how much of that stuff I downloaded was unusable. That's when I started deleting stuff and spending money on kits worth my while.
This. I go back and look at most of those layouts done with those freebies I od'd on and I literally shudder!!!!!
So what is the deal with Harper Finch and her alleged guest spot at TDC? I hope the owner there reads this blog and told her "thanks but no thanks" because first it said she was opening there on Mar 1 which didn't happen, and then her blog said it changed to Mar 8 but I know from an inside source at TDC that she hasn't shown up there yet.
I hope the owner of TDC boots her out of there. No store deserves an immature attention-seeker on their staff. I guarantee you no amount of money she could possibly bring to a business would be enough to deal with her. She's brand new and acting like this? Can you imagine if she gets a little experience and success? She'd be absolutely unbearable. Trust me.
I know what's your problem about Harper Finch!!! You're jealous, because none of you can recolor CU stuff, neither can you put jaggies on all of your elements!
OMG. The sheer amount of CU that girl regurgitated for FREE. If I were a Cu designer I'd be tapping her on the shoulder...
140- Apparently, the owner (Sinead?) sought her out and offered her a spot.
141 - LOL!
142 - I know, right?! I got the CU patterns from Just Jaimee and her freebie mini kit using those patterns on the same day on my FB feed.
Well the owner obviously didn't QC her stuff, otherwise I'm pretty sure that spot would've been offered. Not to mention her behavior.
I'm #144, I meant to say *wouldn't have been offered*
140- Apparently, the owner (Sinead?) sought her out and offered her a spot.
Well, there's no accounting for poor judgement. Believe me, if she offers Finch a permanent spot, she'll regret it very quickly.
Yeah, I'm thinking the spot was offered to her before all the commotion she's made about a few honest criticisms of her work. One of the reasons she might have had such a HUGE fit is her head was already starting to swell from the invitation to TDC. I tell ya, people, owners of stores should RUN not walk away from this one.
I've seen designers like this before and they can tear a store apart.
OMG. The sheer amount of CU that girl regurgitated for FREE. If I were a Cu designer I'd be tapping her on the shoulder...
Well, if they do "tap her on the shoulder" they'd better get ready for a mega temper tantrum blasted all over her blog and Facebook.
I know what's your problem about Harper Finch!!! You're jealous, because none of you can recolor CU stuff, neither can you put jaggies on all of your elements!
Yes, that's it. I believe she even said that on her blog..that people (only one or two, of course..because that's all that could possibly find fault with what she does) were bored and/or jealous..I can't remember specifically and am too lazy to go look..but something like that.
Well I for one have decided that I won't be spending any pocket change on Harper Finch. I read her diatribe and that has turned me off her products. Imperfections can be fixed and if she is a new designer, and not an old one re-emerging with a new identity, i.e. Charly for one comes to mind, then she should have taken the comments with a grain of salt, looked at her products closer and fixed her mistakes. Designers who throw a huge fit like that are definitely ones I don't want in my store or on my design team and if they can't take criticism then how do they expect to hone their craft? And how did she get a guest spot anywhere? Being new, it isn't my inclination to take a newbie on as a guest, I reserve my guest spots for more seasoned designers who are looking to expand a little.
well, since she hasn't shown up at TDC, one must conclude that sanity prevailed.
Like someone else said, if she becomes the greatest designer ever in digiville, I wouldn't buy one thing from her. I CERTAINLY wouldn't have her guest in my store let alone be there permanently. There are far too many talented, sweet-spirited designers out there to even give her a moment's notice.
well, since she hasn't shown up at TDC, one must conclude that sanity prevailed.
unfortunately, on her blog she has stated it got postponed and she's starting March 8.
TDC releases on Thursdays, which would be the 7th. Geeze, she can't even get the date right.
she's definitely not at TDC not even for the 8th
Starting to think she made it up.
I don't think it's possible to make something like that up...
Hm. A "special edition" store collab from SO for no apparent reason is out today. I think whoever is saying SO is not doing well is spot on.
All that collab money goes right to the store. Seems unusual to have one for no reason on top of the normal monthly collab.
158 - maybe it was a test to see who stayed and who got booted. You help with the collab, and you can stay. You don't - and poof -- a bunch of useless designers are finally gone. I hope things pick back up soon - I haven't seen much in the way of new releases for months now!
http://shop.scrapmatters.com/product.php?productid=13247&cat=437&page=1 What do you all think ? Another designer who cross the line.
160. They seem to be getting away with it, so no consequences means more kits.
http://shop.scrapmatters.com/product.php?productid=13247&cat=437&page=1 What do you all think ? Another designer who cross the line.
I honestly don't see anything wrong with that one, except maybe the mouse ears. What were you thinking she crossed the line with?
2Peas is "letting go" all its digital designers...but does anyone really care?
163 more info? Where did you see this?
Letting go? Do you mean past one who aren't really "there" anymore or doing away with digi and everyone is gone?
All designers gone, taking out digital completely. Heard it on Facebook, from a designers CT member.
It looks like more "established" stores are closing, leaving more and more designers somewhat stranded. Some stores have taken on displaced designers inthe past, following closing of other stores, but it will gradually start to be harder to get into an "established" store if all the veteran designers take those places. More and more designers will look like store hoppers with all those closings.
Wow hasn't 2 Peas been adding new digital designers lately too? I don't shop there often so I am not sure who is new and who has been around long.
167 What other "established" stores have closed lately? I am curious I can't think of any but that doesn't mean anything I have 'mommy brain' today
There is a gorgeous free font at Creative Market this week - Tiaga. For those of you who think you are limited to 11 fonts, this is one to pick up. All you have to do is change it substantially (like make an alpha that isn't simply recolored flat or WA) and you're good to go. Requires an account, which then in turn gives you the font and license.
Didn't Just Jaimee and Mommyish recently open at 2P's? Wonder if they are pissed?
I like them both - hope they end up somewhere good.
No mention of the DigiChick store opening in todays post
No mention of the DigiChick store opening in todays post
very weird..
someone posted on 2P's FB page... about getting rid of digital... and they deleted the comment.
Silly 2Peas. Don't they know they can't keep things from us? Someone here will find out. OK detectives, what's the real scoop?
I can confirm that Two Peas is shutting down the digital end for the most part. They have decided to move in a new direction. It was very sudden for the designers as well as the creative team
Oh my....they should have just left it closed. http://www.onestorydown.com/forum/
I wouldn't be surprised that given the discussion she's raised this past week, TDC canceled Finch's guest spot and now her new release has to be "exclusive to her Etsy store."
I see nothing wrong with that "Disney" kit that was posted.
Harper Finch Facebook
"I've decided the best venture for me is to stick to my Etsy store for the time being. The designers at TDC are fantastic and I admire them greatly!"
Yep, I really believe this explanation.
Why would you use tumbler for a store gallery?
In reference to: OSD
http://digiscrapsmak.blogspot.com allows anonymous comments now
But I think things will be fixed here, so it's fine either way.
Not a fan of the new OSD gallery at all. But maybe it will work out for them. Curious why they would do that. Does it take less server space? Or is it because it is free software (assuming its free or inexpensive- I have no idea if it is).
Harper Finch Facebook
"I've decided the best venture for me is to stick to my Etsy store for the time being.
I couldn't agree more.
That is awkward you have to scroll down a mile to see the LOs. Not a fan of the new graphics either. Which designers stayed and which ones left?
183: I would assume that they think this is the way that galleries are evolving. I am not sure if that is true or not but things change. People always resist change.
2p's never had sales so maybe their sale numbers weren't good. Who knows?
#170 Thank you!!
"OMG. The sheer amount of CU that girl regurgitated for FREE. If I were a Cu designer I'd be tapping her on the shoulder...
She clearly violates Ellie Lash (That Girl)'s TOU with the Pot Of Gold freebie. She used 4 out of 5 of the Fandangles in a freebie. Ellie's TOU has always been no more than 50% in a kit.
Holy crap... this site http://www.scrappng.com/ is hideous, plus the copyright violations are rampant!
190 - Yes almost every item listed under Bestsellers on the right is a copyright violation. Heck even the product titles are direct violations of trademark.
Harper Finch never showed up at TDC. My guess is that they offered her a guest spot before QC anything and then canceled it once they looked at her products up close. Also wondering if 75 up above is Miss Finch.
Do you really think that a store owner would offer a spot (guest or not) without checking QC first? (exception made for those who never QC after either!) But seriously speaking, would a professional store owner do that? And if they made this horrible mistake, if they fire, let go or cancel the spot after offering it in the first place, doesn't it look as bad for them then it does for the designer in question?
It would only look bad if the designer failed QC and then refused to correct it. I sold at a few smaller stores and they almost always offered a spot based on what I submitted with my application and then QC'd the rest of my items once I started loading into the shop. I've never applied to TDC, so I have no idea if they have a QC process or not. If most of her issues is jags, they may have asked her to fix them, hence the delay from the 1st to the 8th and she may have just decided not to do it. Maybe they're artistic jags, like Think Outside the Box Amanda, LOL!
Do you really think that a store owner would offer a spot (guest or not) without checking QC first?
Uh..yes, I do. I don't "think" it; I know it.
That sounds more likely. No one is going to download every freebie a designer has in order to check their quality. And not all of her stuff is bad. The CU is quite good ;)
The CU is quite good ;)
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