Monday, October 1, 2012


Smack away.


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Anonymous said...

Happy busy digi scrap season everybody!!!
Yay Halloween stuff is coming out and my wishlist is getting huge for all the sales to come!

Anonymous said...

Just saw TDF 46 lineup. It looks pretty good. Will someone who subscribes tell me if it's worth signing back up? (I stopped a few months ago because I just wasn't liking anything. Well that and they were including actions and stuff that I'll never use.) Are the kits big and good quality? What are the kit themes?

Anonymous said...

2-I get them, but more to support the site than to use the kits. I'm not sure in fact, that I've ever used any of the kits. I've been there for about 2 years now.

Anonymous said...

#2 - I subscribe, but the paypal subscription hasn't gone through yet so I can't download yet... Looks like a good line up to me too, I'll report back.

I sent an application in to TDD about 2 months ago and haven't gotten a response. It's so rude and warning that it will happen doesn't excuse it. It makes it so hard because I still want to do it, it's great exposure - but does that send the message that it's acceptable behavior?

Anonymous said...

I still need to download, but the line-up is mixed for me. Bella Gypsy's is nice from the preview (Fall in Love). Ya Yeah's is gross colors in pink and blue (Sugar and Spice). Some of the elements look OK, but the colors are not my thing at all. Kitschy Digitals is flat stuff with a weird color palette (Dutch Love) and is a small offering based upon the preview. Scrappy Creations by Melanie has 4 very simple, basic templates. I wouldn't download them for free. Heather Roselli is fall colors and is OK. It's called Miles of Smiles. I'm not a big fan of hers, but the colors are nice for the season. Megan Turnridge's is beautiful. It's called Autumn Splendor. Flergs kit is a dark Halloween kit, but I like it. It's called Happy Haunting.

I'd say it's worth the price if you like 2-3 of the kits (which I do). I was most disappointed with Ya Yeah's because I normally like their products and this was a hot mess IMO.

Anonymous said...

Then either they didn't get it or you probably will never hear back. There is a process as they buy a product from your store and QC it. It took about a week for me to hear back to schedule which month I would be in. They just don't want to send rejections out is all it amounts too and that is rude to leave people hanging like that IMO.

Anonymous said...

TDF? It's not on the list, I don't know what it is.

Anonymous said...

thanks for the info #5 (I'm post 2). I think I'll chance it. I've been very good with my DS money lately lol so I'll "splurge." I've always been a fan of Bella Gypsy and Meagan Turnidge so if you like those kits then I probably will, too. :) TBH, I'm not a huge fan of Flergs (her stuff seems great, but it's just not my style I guess), but I am a total sucker for a good Halloween kit.

Anonymous said...

#7 TDD The Daily Digi.You can buy 7 kits each month if you subscribe for $5 or $7.50 with the playbook.

By the way I'm not subscribed all year long.I just buy the $5 month plan when I like 2-3 out of 7.And once I pay and download I cancel my subscription.I don't like this system at all.It taked time and I have to double check my paypal statement in case I was charged a second month.There should be an easier option for customers who don't want to pay all year long.There should be a direct option for customers that are interested in buying one month only.If Steph thinks that's a smart way of luring customers into buying a whole year she's wrong.

And yes I agree Steph is snotty.I once begged here to give me a few hours after the month was over so I could buy the digi files( I let her know a day before,I had issues with my credit card)and she strictly refused.That was a bummer.

Anonymous said...

Jenn Labre has gone back to SM.

Anonymous said...

#7 TDF The Digi Files from TDD The Daily Digi site.

Anonymous said...

A designer at my store heard back a few months later, so it's not always now or never. I just think it's extremely rude and unprofessional not to respond at all. A simple form letter would be sufficient.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I inquired about TDD quite some time ago and never heard back and I heard that from a designer friend too. I heard to get in depends on who you know.

Anonymous said...

I really liked the lady who first started The Daily Digi,I can't remember her name.She was very sweet and nice and I think she generously wanted to help out designers and promote their work.After she left and passed on The Daily Digi to Stef the site wasn't the same.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone heard anything from any of the ZZS designers about where they will be moving?

Anonymous said...

OceanWide Designs is at Gingerscraps now, that's the only one I know

Anonymous said...

I just think it's extremely rude and unprofessional not to respond at all. A simple form letter would be sufficient.
Oct 1, 2012 9:58:00 AM

I inquired about TDD quite some time ago and never heard back and I heard that from a designer friend too. I heard to get in depends on who you know.
Oct 1, 2012 11:45:00 AM

Agree on both counts. It's an unprofessional way to run a business.

Anonymous said...

TDD has a history of flakiness.

Anonymous said...

Lots of companies get unsolicited resumes and they don't respond "Sorry, we won't be hiring you" to each one. They don't have the time and/or manpower. So, I can understand why TDF doesn't send out TBNT (Thanks But No Thanks) emails. It's actually not a matter of professionalism: it's a matter of time and effort. Why should they spend the time to tell you that your stuff isn't worth it?
BUT, if they sent you an email asking for a sample and they didn't let you know "Sorry, we're not going to ask you to participate," then that's unprofessional. (But I'm pretty sure that's not what we're talking about here, is it?)

Anonymous said...

But isn't having a form on the site INVITING people to apply a bit like a call? That is not really unsollicited then. Is it?

Anonymous said...

#21- I think they should have the decency to respond regardless.

Anonymous said...

An automated response acknowledging receipt of the application would go a long way

Anonymous said...

I agree with 21 and 23. They've asked people to apply, so (at the least) an automated "we got your application" would be appropriate.

Honestly, if they came to me right now, I'd tell them thanks, but no thanks, and why. I don't think that kind of behavior is acceptable.

Anonymous said...

#16 some of them are moving on and some are retiring

Anonymous said...

I think that there might be a few stores where designers make in the thousands but probably most make a few hundred - if that.

When you factor in the time you spend on your computer - I'd rather work outside the home. But there are still quite a few SAHMs that are willing to do this for a few bucks. So if you're going to stay home anyway and designing is a creative release for you - then a few hundred bucks is probably worth it :)

Anonymous said...

Don't most stores have minimums? My store's is pretty low in my book. Where would a designer make less than a few hundred?

Anonymous said...

I was really excited this morning when I saw the lineup of designers for this months Digi Files. When I went in later today to download the kits, I saw the previews and was less than impressed. :( I still downloaded most of it, but overall it just didn't seem like the designers best work - at least not my favorite stuff from them. For the most part it seemed to be less than stellar color choices. I skipped over the templates and Heather Roselli's kit. My favorites were Bella Gypsy, Megan Turnidge, and Flergs.

Anonymous said...

Don't most stores have minimums? My store's is pretty low in my book. Where would a designer make less than a few hundred?
I have been in 6 stores over the years (not big ones mind you) but none of them had minimums. I always wondered what quotas "bigger" stores would have (if they have some even). I am sure many designers there were not even making $100 a month! No wonder the stores closed I guess!

Anonymous said...

My store has a $400 minimum. I'm not sure if it's a "bigger" store.

Anonymous said...

#30 yeah right! what a tosser. 2 of the big stores have only a $150 minimum. Where's your store, in fairy land?

Anonymous said...

Well, I guess that answers my bigger question, huh? I know of at least one other store with a $400 minimum, so I know mine is not the only one.

Anonymous said...

I also sell in a store that has a $400 minimum. So, #31, it's not fairy land at all... more like a store owner who expects her designers to work as professionals. Pity not all of them do! We'd have far less crappy product on the market if they did.

Anonymous said...

I use to work in a couple of stores - not high level but mid to low. I only made about $50 a month. It wasn't worth it.

Anonymous said...

#34- Did you move to a bigger store?

Anonymous said...

If she applied to other stores, I hope the store owner didn't base her decision on how much she made at other stores! This is a good example of why it is not a meaningful information to ask a candidate.

Anonymous said...

If an applicant to a store is asked to divulge how much money she is or was making in other stores, would store owners be willing to disclose the average sale their designers make? I never asked as the situation never happened, but I wonder. If it is ok to ask one way, shouldn't it be ok the other way too? Or are store owners "above" that?

Anonymous said...

Is there a list somewhere on this blog that tells who owns each store? I know that a lot of them have changed hands through the years. Anyone care to share any info on the shops that you know about?

Anonymous said...

Interestingly, GottaPixel is having a call, and they do seem to have a quota of $400 a month. So I guess #32 and #33 were very factual!

Gennifer said...

37: I agree with you, but designers vary so much. Do you think a high/low works? That, to me, gives a more accurate picture of what the possibilities are.

Anonymous said...

I think a high and a low would be useful. I also think guesting first is useful.

Anonymous said...

Gennifer, I am not sure a high/low would give a more sufficient information if given without the average. What if 1 designer makes $1000 a month, but all the other 24 make under $100. You would get info that the range is from $100 to $1000. The average would still be closer to $100 than my math assuming that the average between the high and the low is areound $500. But in any case, do store owners even share that information? I am sure if I had to pick where to apply, that information would be useful to me, just like the store-owner might want to use the candidates' past sale record to pick and choose.

Gennifer said...

Yeah, I get it. It's just such a fine line between giving accurate information and sharing info on other people's sales, and what is fair to them.

I actually just did the numbers for my store last night, and figured the average monthly (per designer) for the YTD. There's an $1800 difference between the lowest average and highest. So, while I don't want to give someone false numbers, I also want them to know that there's real money to be made. At the same time, we're coming into our busiest season, so the YTD average isn't really a great indicator, either.

As far as past sales, I personally don't ask that of prospective designers. I let them know what our requirements are, and if they feel like they can meet them, that's good enough for me.

Anonymous said...

Just like most statistics, they are simply a "static" picture of a dynamic happening, but it will give an idea. If your store has an average per designer of $500 and the next door store has an average of $150, it might determine where I will apply first. We all know that the $ is not always the only factor in the equation anyways. Other requirements might have more weight for some designers.

Anonymous said...

I've applied at stores that had a $200 quota. It seems reasonable to me that if the shop has a quota, I should expect to make at least that much or be asked to leave.

Anonymous said...

I think a quota is kind of a giveaway of how much one can expect to sell for, but not all stores have such quotas. Or if the quota is only $50, does that mean you can expect to only make that or is that a bare minimum that you have to meet every single month so it might not reflect on the sales?

Anonymous said...

I'll admit that I dont make a ton as a designer- only about $50 a month. On a good month I make $250 and slower ones I might make $25. But at the end of the year, I average about $600. I work full time and design for the pics I want to scrap and sell what I make. I probably wont ever make as much as Flergs or some others, and that is okay. My goal was to not have my scrapping cost me money, and it doesnt.

Anonymous said...

#20: I agree with you--to a point. Businesses often get dozens, maybe even hundreds of applicants for each open position--not to mention the unsolicited "please consider me" submissions. To respond to each one would be difficult.

However, TDD should at least have the courtesy to send you a message that says something to the effect of, "Thanks for your submission. If were are interested in having you join us, we will be in touch."

I highly doubt that TDD gets so many applicants to their program that they can't send out a "thank you for your application" email. With a well-crafted form letter/email, it would take one, maybe two hours tops per month. Not a lot of time and certainly more professional than not responding at all.

Anonymous said...

re: designer's increasing prices when they move shop - Captivated Visions new prices at SBG are higher than they were at Scrap Orchard - so it does indeed happen.

Anonymous said...

The store I design for doesn't have a $ quota. We do have to participate in the monthly collab 4 times a year, give freebies for the challenges, and participate in the forum and gallery regularly. So there is more than a dollar quota for some stores.

Anonymous said...

Thoughts on the latest blog trains?

Anonymous said...

I'm #20 and I do agree that TDD could at least send out an automated email saying that they received your app, if only for the peace of mind of those submitting the form. It would definitely help them appear more courteous. But I still think that they've done enough by saying on the form that it'll take time to hear back from them. You expect them to take 2 hours out of their month (that's the hypothetical number thrown out there, so I'm just going with it lol)...but would YOU take 2 hours out of your lives every month to tell someone "We don't want you"? Or would you rather spend that time with your family/friends? (Or doing other work, like making sure the designers that you do pick create awesome kits/templates?)

Anonymous said...

I saw the GP call, and found it odd that the monthly quota doubled in such a short time since their last call (then it was $200 a month - but it's obvious that the quota they place is not indicative of the lower monthly sales average of the store's designers, as I know at least one of the recent boots from GP was due to lack of meeting the $200 monthly quota).

As a previous commenter on the discussion (from last month, but I'm too lazy to look up my last comment number), my initial design goal was to one day be at was the first store I ever knew of. But, at my current store, I don't make $400 in sales a month. Based on previous discussions with admins, I'm among the top sellers in my store, but I guess that still wouldn't make me "good enough" for GP. And, I think that financial mindset is sad.

Regardless, after seeing Gennifer's comment about the sales numbers at her store, I think she should just add me there and then who cares about GP. ;)

Anonymous said...

to #53 don't let that stop you especially if the admins of your site tell you this. I know and others designers could tell you that the store can make a huge difference in your sales. You can be in a store and make less than 200 $ and on a another one you can make more than 500 $ with the same products.

Anonymous said...

#54 Thank you. Although, Stacy denied me once long ago, so I doubt I'd take that chance again, hehe. I do know I have lots to learn and much more room to grow in both my design and marketing processes. I just wish there were a more reliable way to compare sales from store to store - both for designers AND owners

Gennifer said...

53: If your sales have plateaued, and you're not seeing growth, I'd consider a new store. I'm not a fan of jumping around from store to store, but sometimes you do outgrow the one you're at. Making the move to another store (even with the same products) could result in a significant increase.

Then again, if you love the store you're at, stay! Money isn't everything! :)

Gennifer said...

52: I respond to every inquiry I get, and while I would much rather be doing a lot of other things, that's part of being a business owner. I don't think it's out of line to expect that, frankly.

Anonymous said...

Gennifer - I just wanted to say I admire you for posting as yourself.

Anonymous said...

As a shop owner, I do ask for previous sales amounts from all applicants. I'm also willing to share high and low and even an average figure with designers who ask me for it. I think that's a fair trade..if I ask, you can ask. We also have a shop minimum of $300 per month. However, I don't make my only judgment on whether to add or keep a designer on whether they have sold that much in the past or if they consistently meet the minimum when they first join the team. If I see potential in them as a designer, and they have a unique style, I'm more than happy to give a designer time to build their customer base to meet the minimums. I think it's important to ask ALL of the questions so that you can choose a shop that will fit YOU. Like Gennifer, I also reply to every inquiry I get. It's time consuming, but I just think that's the right way to run a shop.

Anonymous said...

There are some good templates in the STS blog train and SNP Facebook hops, but the kits aren't anything to get excited about (or download for that matter).

Gennifer said...

58: Please don't admire me for this! I wouldn't have "come out" unless I had been forced, and I usually do post anonymously. I just wanted to give some opinions and ask some questions and thought it might be nice to hear less vague stats from a store owner who's already known to post here.

But, feel free to admire me for my sparkling wit and amazing fashion sense. ;)

Gennifer said...

59: Thanks for being classy! If I run DHD into the ground, can I sell at your store?

Anonymous said...

#59: I agree, you sound like quite the classy store owner. Too bad you don't feel comfortable telling us which store - I'd love to send you an application! ;)

Anonymous said...

#51 - I followed the DigiScrapForum blog train and picked up a few minis.Some I will keep the full kit, some I will only keep an item or two. I love paper so that influenced my picks. Trying to remember off hand ones I picked up. From a quick look at the list, but I know I picked up a couple others as well. Will have to check out the other two trains.

Trixie Scraps
Digi Cyber Scraps (liked a couple of the papers)
Fran B Designs (like the small patterns but not sure if I like the washed out look, need to open and investigate further)
Phlox Dragon Designs (nice paper)
Albums to Remember
Bon Scrapatit
Mad Genius (really liked dark flower)


Anonymous said...

The DigiScrapForum blog train is so bad...I didn't even download these kind of freebies when I first discovered digital scrapbooking 5 years ago.The color palette is awful.

Anonymous said...

Weeds & Wildflowers is back from a long summer vacation and back to designing.

Anonymous said...

Ok I'm very curious...who do you think are the top earning designers?The designers with great sales?

I personally think
Sahlin Studio
Designs By Dani
Valorie Wibbens
Jenn Barette
Kristin Aagard
Kristin Cronin-Barrow

Anonymous said...

No. 67
Anna Aspnes

Anonymous said...

Gennifer, I have to compliment you on your store.... Your blog..... Your designers.... I'm seriously considering jumping ship... I'm not a designer but I am a CT for store... I seem to be spending more time and more money at DHD! :)

Anonymous said...

I'd love to be on the store CT for DHD too :)

Anonymous said...

49 - funny. They weren't really worth what she was charging at SO imo.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Gennifer & #63 - I think it helps that I was a designer for years before I was a shop owner (now there's a hint!) I look at it from both points of view. And hey, 63...I'm comfortable telling you what shop I own - go check out MSA's Hot Spot and you'll find us :) I'll be waiting patiently for your application *grin*

Anonymous said...

As for me it's exactly like #47

Anonymous said...

I have always wondered: if someone only expects to make say $50 a month because they are in it only for the hobby, what advantages are there for a store owner to have those designers in their store? Are those designers bringing in more than the little tiny commission? If not, can a store survive on pennies like that? And for the designer, wouldn't it be better to sell from her blog and keep 100% of the profit? And if the "social" aspect of a store with other designers and CT and such is the appealing factor, it would be free to still participate in a store forum. Or maybe I am missing the point?

Anonymous said...

No,$50 a month designers would be a loss for the store if they were charging commission only. I wager that's why stores have minimums.

Not only is the store not making money off a $50/month designer, that designer isn't bringing in any traffic for the other designers. Isn't that the point of all selling together, to bring in traffic for each other?

Anonymous said...

74- Here is what I look at. Does the designer participate in the forum, collabs, challenges etc and support the shop? Or does she park her products and disapear? Does she advertise, even if just on her blog and FB?

I have one designer in my shop that brings in close to nothing- last month I paid her less than $10 in commissions- but her blog brought in almost as much traffic as Facebook. She is a great blogger and works hard to support the site. No, I am not making money directly from her sales but the traffic she generates is incredible. So, I'll keep her.

Obviously, we need better sales than that to support the site and most of my other designers do much better than she does. But my site is smaller and I dont yet have $1000 a month hosting costs.

Anonymous said...

Scrap Orchard is having a guest designer next month....any guesses who?

Anonymous said...

Here's an idea to save on bandwidth fees. How about when you have a store collab and the designers make ugly papers, you just leave them out of the kit.

I just downloaded a collab with 60 papers, maybe 10 were anything I would use. There were so many with no texture or either just plain awful.

Anonymous said...

Wow...what collab was that?

Anonymous said...

I think most stores should have a QC team if they can't do it themselves, especially with store Collabs. If they are just going to throw everything in a giant kit without looking at them first, why should we be bothered to buy it?

Anonymous said...

#78- Sadly in most store collabs there are always 1 or 2 designers that don't work with the rest of the collab.

Anonymous said...

76-I'm a CT member at a couple of stores. I enjoy it when the designers have a presence in the forums--even if it's not an overwhelming presence. Just BE there once in awhile. That shows they at least have an interest in the store. If they don't have an interest in the store, it's hard for the CT members to make the customers feel at home there.

Anonymous said...

Please share what collab!

Anonymous said...

I am not 78 but if I go with the numbers and how bad she think some papers are I would say it's the PBP collab

Anonymous said...

I snagged it and liked most of it. Honestly, it was better than a lot of the collabs I've seen. Some of them are really bad.

Anonymous said...

I've downloaded the PBP Collab, and while there are some patterned papers that I won't use, I thought it was one of the better ones that I've downloaded.

Anonymous said...

Well, it looks like they decided to make us pay for the featured kits. It's a REALLY good deal at $5.00 for 12 kits but I'm guessing JenJ is realizing that running a site isn't that cheap. MSA did say we have a 10 LO limit a day, now they have to find a way to pay for it. What do you guys think?

Anonymous said...

I think the line up looks really good and I'd be willing to pay $5 for all of that. I'm wondering if it's more than just paying for the site. After all, she gets $20 per month from her sponsors, charges for the featured sponsor, hot spot, ads in the magazine, and the Art Social is for sale as well. It seems like she should have a pretty good stream of revenue coming in already. If the current sponsors are correct, that's $740 per month right there. I'm sure that it will bring in a ton more money for the site but I wonder if it's motivated by the need for more revenue or just that the opportunity for more revenue is there and she's going to take it.

Anonymous said...

Ok I'm very curious...who do you think are the top earning designers?The designers with great sales?

I personally think
Sahlin Studio
Designs By Dani
Valorie Wibbens
Jenn Barette
Kristin Aagard
Kristin Cronin-Barrow

I'm surprised by this list. Not one mention of a SBG designer, who I'm sure are mostly top earners.

Anonymous said...

#87 - I'm thinking she's throwing down the glove to DST.

I think I've downloaded a total of two of the featured kits since JenJ took over, which I have since deleted as they aren't my style. While it's a decent line up, I don't purchase from any of these designers because they aren't my style.

Anonymous said...

#89 I thought of SBG but didn't want to make a huge list.From SBG i would say Natali Designs,Rosey Posey and Kitty Designs.
What do you think?

Anonymous said...


I would think Anna Aspnes at the O would be a top earner

What about Flergs at SG?

Anonymous said...

What about Katie Pertiet?

Anonymous said...

I've never heard of Katie Pertiet. LOL. I guess we each have our fave designers...but that doesn't mean they're top earners. Frankly, I don't care how much my fave designers make: I care that they keep putting out wonderful, top-quality kits at fair prices. I'll pay more for a GREAT kit from a little-known designer than a shitty kit by a "top" designer.
For example, I refuse to buy anything from Anna Aspnes. Every kit I've ever DLed from her (freebies, purchased, whatever) has had lots of elements with stray pixels and blurry papers.

Anonymous said...

Katie wins the most products I have ever seen in a store award. When does she sleep?

Anonymous said...

#89 I thought of SBG but didn't want to make a huge list.From SBG i would say Natali Designs,Rosey Posey and Kitty Designs.
What do you think?

Kitty Designs is at Oscraps.

I wouldn't have included Rosey Posey in that line up. I would say

Natali Designs
Tangie Baxter
Dawn Inksip

Although, all of them would be reasonable earners or they would be out of there.

Anonymous said...

Katie wins the most products I have ever seen in a store award. When does she sleep?

There's not much too them.

Anonymous said...

For example, I refuse to buy anything from Anna Aspnes. Every kit I've ever DLed from her (freebies, purchased, whatever) has had lots of elements with stray pixels and blurry papers.

I've had some issues with Anna's stuff, but not every single thing and never blurry papers.

Anonymous said...

Frankly, I don't care how much my fave designers make: I care that they keep putting out wonderful, top-quality kits at fair prices. I'll pay more for a GREAT kit from a little-known designer than a shitty kit by a "top" designer.

I don't really either, but it is what's being discussed so I thought I'd give my two cents (see what I did there?)

Anonymous said...

LOL I dont buy from Katie or Anna but it seems like every published digital layout (CK etc) has something from one or both of them. I try to find a layout that doesnt.

On that note, this past issue of CK had some of Gennifer's stuff in it.

Anonymous said...

94 katie Pertiet is the owner/designer DD.

Anonymous said...

I don't really either, but it is what's being discussed so I thought I'd give my two cents (see what I did there?)
I wasn't trying to say that I didn't care what we were discussing. I was trying to include another facet: I meant that, to me, it's not how much money a designer makes, it's how great their designs are...and sometimes, how much a designer makes doesn't reflect how great her/his designs are. HOWEVER, I sure do hope the designers I love make money. Otherwise they'll retire and I'll be sad.
And #98: I didn't say every element has strays, but more elements than I'm comfortable with had strays. I don't want to spend time cleaning up a designer's work.
So, can I bring up a new topic for those who'd like to discuss it? :) What kit theme or color palette are you SICK of seeing? What theme/color palette would you LOVE to see?

Gennifer said...

Hey, 69 and 70. Contact me if you're serious!

Anonymous said...

So, can I bring up a new topic for those who'd like to discuss it? :) What kit theme or color palette are you SICK of seeing? What theme/color palette would you LOVE to see?

Pink for girls and blue for boys, I'm sick of seeing it.

Something not seasonal, by which I mean, something a little more global. Every time single time I see the world Fall or hear it, I cringe. To me, it just sounds juvenile.

Anonymous said...

I've never heard of Katie Pertiet. LOL. I guess we each have our fave designers...but that doesn't mean they're top earners.

Katie Pertiet has been around for at least 8 years. She sold many of her items to be made into clear stamps to a company that is now defunct but I'm sure she has sold other stuff to other companies and she is well known in the scrap world be it digital or hybird. She's also a snot in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

I laugh when I see the lists of 'top' or 'high paid' guys have no idea who are the top earners! You think you know, but you really don't!

Anonymous said...

Since you know so much 106 do share.

Anonymous said...

I would love to know too 106 since you are all knowing.

Anonymous said...

#106 please share I would really love to know!

Anonymous said...

Not 106 but I agree with her. You would be supprised off how many designers do very good money but are never mentionned in your list.

Anonymous said...

Wow, 2 know-it-alls that aren't willing to share. Are you afraid you'll name someone and we'll all laugh. Come on now - share already or go away.

Anonymous said...

Wow 1 crazy bitch who isn't smart enough to figure it out by herself.

Anonymous said...

I doubt 106 would share that information. If she really knows, it is either because she is the store owner where some of those designers are selling, or she is one herself. In either case, it would not make sense to come out with the info. I sure would love to know too, because I am curious, but I would be really surprised if the accurate information is shared.
And if it is shared, people will either guess who is posting or simply think they are assuming without knowing and won't believe it. So what is there to learn?

Anonymous said...

I made thousands every month when I was a designer and never even crossed the radar of anyone here or at any of the supposed "big name" shops. I think the designers listed have loyal fans and customers, but that doesn't mean other designers don't, too.

There isn't any secret to making thousands each month. It's just like most other jobs - you need to produce, produce, produce. Most designers aren't going to make a lot of money making one or two things a month.

Anonymous said...

105-I don't share your "snot" opinion of Katie. She's always been very nice to me.

Anonymous said...

104 said "Pink for girls and blue for boys, I'm sick of seeing it."
OMG, me too. And I'm sick of "My little Prince" and "My little Princess" themes. And c'mon, designers: could you come up with a baby boy kit that doesn't revolve around either sports or transportation? My son is not even a year old. He's not playing football and he isn't driving a car or a plane or a boat. Yeah, that's stuff that dudes are supposed to like, but a baby? Nope. Shouldn't a baby boy kit have stuff related to a BABY in it? And sports/transportation as stereotypical GUY stuff bothers me too, but that's another topic!
OK, rant over.

Anonymous said...

96 - of those on your list, Rosey Posey is the only one I buy from. lol

Goes to show, we really have no idea who is a top seller.

Anonymous said...

112 - never claimed to be a know-it-all, moron -- that's why I asked (not that I expected an answer - and will ya look, I never got one). But yep - bitch I am. What of it.

Anonymous said...

118 - At least you own it, Bitchy Bitcherton.

Anonymous said...

Here are my picks for top producers and my personal heroes, in no particular order:

Miss Tiina
Lorie Davison
Katie Pertiet
NitWit Collections
Carina Gardner
Jodie Lee
Rhonna Farrar
Pamela Fogul
Anna Aspnes

Anonymous said...

I agree with 117. I haven't heard of half of these "top" designers, and I've only bought from one or two.

Anonymous said...

I laugh when I see the lists of 'top' or 'high paid' guys have no idea who are the top earners! You think you know, but you really don't!

Who said anything about knowing? Hmm, no one. We said 'we think'. I laugh at people like you. So self important.

Anonymous said...

96 - of those on your list, Rosey Posey is the only one I buy from. lol

Goes to show, we really have no idea who is a top seller.


Go figure, on my list, which #96, I don't buy from any of them.

Goes to show .. nothing, except that I didn't name favorites. My favorites rarely, if ever, crop up on these kinds of lists, or any kind of list actually.

Anonymous said...

Just because some of you haven't heard of them, doesn't mean they aren't top money earners.

It's an incredibly simple way of looking at things.

Anonymous said...

You would be supprised off how many designers do very good money but are never mentionned in your list.

No I wouldn't be 'supprised' in the least. I know that top earners do not necessarily revolve around my spending habits. Some of them may be on that list, and some not. I don't really care either way. I'm just here to play a guessing game.

Anonymous said...

120 - I've been around since the beginning and I've never heard of Pamela Vogul. I Googled, came up with nothing. Where is she?

Anonymous said...

supprised - that's not a word.

Anonymous said...

#122 You are jealous because you don't know how much some designers are making! That's why I can laugh. I am not a store owner, just a designer who works hard and makes a serious living out of designing.
This blog reminds me a little of the high school mentality....who's popular and who's not. The ones with the cheerleaders making the most noise aren't always the ones who come out on top. LOL

Anonymous said...

Is this the Katie Pertiet you are talking about?
If so I think her kits are seriously overpriced.

Anonymous said...

126 - I googled too. This was the 2nd result:

Anonymous said...

Yes, Pamela Fogul is Miss Mint of Peppermint Creative

Anonymous said...

#122 You are jealous because you don't know how much some designers are making! That's why I can laugh. I am not a store owner, just a designer who works hard and makes a serious living out of designing.
This blog reminds me a little of the high school mentality....who's popular and who's not. The ones with the cheerleaders making the most noise aren't always the ones who come out on top. LOL

Jealous? You sure did prove your point about high school mentality, didn't you?

Seriously, I can't believe you said I was jealous -I'll be laughing about that for weeks!

I don't give two hoots about how much a designer makes. Not one iota.

Anonymous said...

supprised - that's not a word.


Thanks Captain Obvious.

Anonymous said...

Is this the Katie Pertiet you are talking about?
If so I think her kits are seriously overpriced.

Yes and yes.

Anonymous said...

#116 have to agree on the little prince and princess and the baby boy kits with sports and car themes. I'm a little sick of seeing little owls in every kit. Don't get me wrong, they are cute, but a little overdone now. I'm already sick of fall and halloween kits too. It starts getting to the point where they all look the same. And chevron papers make my eyes hurt. Is it just me or does it seem like some designers put out the same stuff over and over just changing the colors up.

Anonymous said...

If you were a designer, and had a CT call and you received an application from someone that was not of your political persuasion, would you consider her anyhow? (You knew because of some of her facebook posts)

Anonymous said...

How about this, who are the most unique designers?

I like Lorie Davison and Irene Alexeeva before she retired.

Anonymous said...

#136 I would consider her unless she was very rude about it. I would respect her political opinion but expect the same consideration back.

Anonymous said...

#138 - I agree and would also add that she doesn't make any pages using my kits that represent her political leanings, but I would and do ask that of all my CTMs. I prefer to keep politics away from my business.

Anonymous said...

Is it just me or does it seem like some designers put out the same stuff over and over just changing the colors up.

It sure seems like that to me sometimes too.

Anonymous said...

Is it just me or does it seem like some designers put out the same stuff over and over just changing the colors up.

And making a HUGE amount of money, doing it!

Anonymous said...

Getting back to the money discussion ..... there's a poll now at DST in the Designer section:

Sorry ahead of time to those that can't see it.

Anonymous said...

If you were a designer, and had a CT call and you received an application from someone that was not of your political persuasion, would you consider her anyhow? (You knew because of some of her facebook posts)


Does the CT applicant know you are this shallow?

Anonymous said...

Lorie Davison is a true artist. Hopefully she is illustrating some books as well. She could be the next Mary Engelbreit.

Anonymous said...

#144 - she used to be an illustrator - I don't think she wants to do that kind of work anymore as it would be to to stressful with deadlines, etc.

Anonymous said...

If you were a designer, and had a CT call and you received an application from someone that was not of your political persuasion, would you consider her anyhow? (You knew because of some of her facebook posts)

I don't hire CT's with mullets or with family members on Facebook, that have mullets. I am proud to say that all of my CT layouts are mullet free.

Anonymous said...

#145 here - I didn't mean to type 'to to', but my keyboard is acting up. Apologies.

Anonymous said...

146 - Then stay away from Starry Eye Designs. I thought she was a 'he' the first few times I saw 'her'.

And yes, I realize you were being sarcastic.

Anonymous said...

#148 - really? you must know some strange looking men

Anonymous said...

#146 LOL that was funny.

Anonymous said...

Gennifer, I'm #70 how can I contact you?

Anonymous said...

I don't hire CT's with mullets or with family members on Facebook, that have mullets. I am proud to say that all of my CT layouts are mullet free.

The Anti Mullet Party- that's the one I'm voting for!

Anonymous said...

Does it make sense to you to have one of your best customers on your CT?
I'm talking about a serious spender that buys everything you release on the NR day and most likely owns every item that you have produced?
Would their spending habits on your products sway your decision if that person applied to your CT one way or the other?

Anonymous said...

Can we assume she's a great scrapper and you make more than $50.00 a month? If so, you won't find someone more in love with you and your designs and she won't steal from you or put your stuff up on a private trading forum. She will probably end up being your best cheerleader, and you could also have her do something PR related such as watch the forums at MSA or DST for queries, and suggest kits of yours that fall within the requested parameters. (If she already has them then she knows your stock inside and out.)

Anonymous said...

And if you don't choose her, would she have a legitimate gripe (because she is a good scrapper) and become a non-customer out of disgust? A woman scorned and all that.

Anonymous said...

#153 - Oh boy, that is one big kettle of fish you got there. I would hire her out of loyalty. I agree with #154 and #155 in that respect. But I can see how it would be tempting not to. A great CT member can be worth a lot to you in the grand scheme of things.

Anonymous said...

#153- If that person can bring you new business by being your new CT member in the long run, I don't see why a designer shouldn't add them.

Anonymous said...

To list of top earners I would have to add:
Jenn Barrette
Sara Gleason

Anonymous said...

I got picked up by a designer when I was one of her best customers. We became friends, then she stabbed me in the back, and now I wouldn't buy another product from her if she was destitute. I also won't say who she is as I won't hurt her reputation with others. I will say that she posts here.

Anonymous said...

#159- That happens alot more than people think. Sometimes I think it's best to not become friends with a designer you CT for because of that.

Anonymous said...

153: I had a CTM who was a big buyer from me. Like 154 said, a former buyer can be a big CT cheerleader. In my case, I ended up really liking her.
If you have a good feeling about her as a person and if you like her LOs, I say take her on. If she gets 2 people to buy your kit based on her 1 CT LO, then you've already doubled what she was spending on your stuff. ;) (The argument could be made that she would have posted that same LO after PURCHASING the kit, but really, don't you think she'll try even harder to make great LOs and post them promptly if she's on your team? I mean, I buy stuff all the time but I don't always post the LOs I make using the kits.)

Anonymous said...

161-When I as a customer buy a kit, the layout is probably only going to get posted in one or two places. If I use a CT kit, it gets posted in about 7 or 8 places. So if posting a layout in more places gets more people interested in your product, then maybe you'll get more business. I think I saw it stated here, though, that CT layouts don't bring in that much business. Since I'm not a designer, though, I don't know that. In my way of thinking, if it doesn't work, there wouldn't be that many CT members.

Anonymous said...

I got picked up by a designer when I was one of her best customers. We became friends, then she stabbed me in the back, and now I wouldn't buy another product from her if she was destitute. I also won't say who she is as I won't hurt her reputation with others. I will say that she posts here.

I think in a way that having been a customer makes things more difficult - there's a little awkwardness. Or can be, depending on the personality types involved. I have added a good customer to my CT, but only after I had observed her other CT performances and her interactions with others. It doesn't take much to tip the balance on a harmonious team. I've had friends who didn't have good luck with this at all, and as near as I could tell as an observer, it was partly due to the change in the balance of power.

Anonymous said...

Here's a question for you all... How do you feel about kits that have all the papers with the same overlay? Like different patterns and colors but the same "grunge" or texture through the whole kit. Drives me nuts, am I the only one??

Gennifer said...

#151: Glad you found me.

My best friend is someone I was originally on a CT for. I think that scrapbooking is an emotional hobby, and it's hard to not have that emotion cross over into the relationships you make. I don't see a problem with making friends with people you CT for, or who CT for you. In fact, I encourage my designers to do just that. Unfortunately, time gets in the way sometimes, so I'm not as close to my personal CT as I would like to be.

Anonymous said...

#164- I hate that! I would love alot of different textures besides the same one used over and over again in the same kit.

#165- Gennifer, scrapbooking is one of the most emotional hobbies I have ever been a part of. You get close to people, people grow apart, move on to other things, designers retire, stores close. It's tough.

Anonymous said...

Depends... I like the same paper texture throughout a kit, but creases/grunge brushes to be varied. I actually really hate kits that have fabric textures mixed in with stone textures mixed in with paper textures. To each their own, I guess...

Anonymous said...

#167- What I hate is....when art journaling papers are mixed in with regular patterened papers. I understand why they do it but sometimes it just doesn't work.

Anonymous said...

I design in both the paper & digi industry - when putting together a product line for a paper company, I really detest having to be so limited on the papers we include in the kit. Digi gives us FREEDOM which I love! So, for my digi designs, I do include several colors with the same overlay/texture, but I don't "count" them as extra papers when pricing the kit. It's like getting several colors of cardstock that coordinate with a kit. I know that customers are savvy and can recolor with fairly decent results most of the time, but why not make it easy for them? I loved having every color of cardstock in my paper stash...and doing it digitally is much more economical and doesn't take up the room! You can always delete them!

Anonymous said...

I prefer a kit to have consistent textures throughout. All my 'paper' papers (aside from the cardstock) always had the same texture, so I guess it's what I'm used to.

Anonymous said...

I can't stand when a kit has so many different textures. When I buy paper it has one texture - paper. Why in the world would I want to scrap a page on a piece of someone's sweater or a close-up of their paper towels?

Anonymous said...

I can't stand when a kit has so many different textures. When I buy paper it has one texture - paper. Why in the world would I want to scrap a page on a piece of someone's sweater or a close-up of their paper towels?
This made me laugh. I agree.

Anonymous said...

I like my textures to be similar but not identical.

169- I've been considering trying to get in with a paper company but dont really know where to start. Care to share?

Anonymous said...

Snips and Snails Designs has a 6 LO PER MONTH requirement for her CT call. Is she nuts?

Anonymous said...

#173 - One of the best things to do is find a company that you think your designs would fit well with, and then contact them directly with a portfolio or links to your digi designs. Companies are often looking for new talent.

CHA is a fantastic place to meet potential clients. I used to go every year and take a LOT of business cards - those contacts can produce some great freelance work. I'll warn you though...print is a completely different world...many more print limitations (you have to get to know your pantone book inside and out - ugh..color issues), creating die lines, always considering print & production costs. It's a lot of fun to see the final product...but it's a completely different beast than designing digi stuff.

Anonymous said...

174-I saw that. Maybe I'm not asking enough from my CT!! Lets see if she gets any new members.

Anonymous said...


I've just gotten around to unzipping the Baby Grace charity kit from Scrapflower. I couldn't believe how many duplicate papers I had to delete, they were recolored quite badly and there were 7 of them. I'm not sure who "DD" is (maybe Damsel Design as only double D on the list) but why oh why not just switch up the paper a bit? 7 duplicates is not necessary imo.

Anonymous said...

How was the rest of it?

Anonymous said...

Damsel is one of the 'STARS' of the industry.

Anonymous said...

How is the rest of the Baby Grace kit?

Anonymous said...

I doubt she's a "star", I've been in this industry for over 5 years and I've never heard of Damsel Design before.

Anonymous said...

I use the same texture when I've made papers, but tend to reorient them differently for each one. IE: facing right on one, facing left, up, down, flipped etc. Perhaps add a slight difference in grunge but not so much they look like they don't belong together. (I hope that made sense to someone LOL).

To me I would prefer this when I buy a kit so that they mesh well together, and retain the "kit" aspect while not be exactly the same.

Anonymous said...

Here's a question for you all... How do you feel about kits that have all the papers with the same overlay? Like different patterns and colors but the same "grunge" or texture through the whole kit. Drives me nuts, am I the only one??


I don't like that either. Never have. It used to drive me nuts 6 years ago and still does.

Anonymous said...

Damsel is one of the 'STARS' of the industry.


According to whom? Like #181, I've been around for over 6 years and never heard of her. Unless she's a recent star, like in the last 18 months or so. I haven't kept up with recent stuff

Anonymous said...

#184- Me either.
As for the Baby Grace Collab it was OK. Nothing amazing.

Anonymous said...

I use the same texture when I've made papers, but tend to reorient them differently for each one. IE: facing right on one, facing left, up, down, flipped etc.

I don't mind when that happens, although, I can just flip the papers in my program and get the same result, I do that anyway when the papers have the same texture on them.

Anonymous said...

#174 - She is one of the most organized designers that I've ever met. Her CT gets her kits a full two weeks before release and she releases every week. While I'm sure not everyone wants to make that many LOs for a CT, I'm sure there are some who won't mind, what that's two more LOs per month than most CTs require?

Anonymous said...

As for the Baby Grace Collab it was OK. Nothing amazing.

So it wasn't an Amazing Grace? Couldn't resist.

Anonymous said...

what that's two more LOs per month than most CTs require?

depends on the designer. Personally, I've never applied to the calls that require me to work with every single kit or the ones where I have to produce a minimum amount of LOs per kit or month. The only requirement I've ever had was if you download it, use it.

Anonymous said...

#187- You have a good point. Getting things early is a major plus for a CT.

Anonymous said...

One of my paper peeves is when the designer uses an element from the kit as a pattern on the paper.

Anonymous said...

#187 - Does she release one kit a week? Having that much time in advance is a huge advantage however if she is only releasing one kit a week 6 LO's per month is a bit too high.

I'll have to look in her store I've never checked her designs out before.

Personally I find designers that have high LO expectations usually require you to work with every kit they produce. This is a turn off for me, I may love your designs but every so often you will produce a kit that I do not like, I don't feel like I should have to work with it and produce a LO that is not my best work just because it was required if you know what I mean?

Anonymous said...

What about the same element being in at least 5 kits in the same store?

Anonymous said...

192-Having the kits 2 weeks in advance is a great plus.

Anonymous said...

Snips and Snails has 6-8 kits a month.

Anonymous said...

I'm 179. Not sure why it didn't show up, I used a SARCASM tag.

She is dreadful. Just looking at her blog will tell you that.

Anonymous said...

#196 - when you use caps lock, the sarcasm tag disappears.

Anonymous said...

194 - She said in her post - "Having that much time in advance is a huge advantage"

So what's your point?

Anonymous said...

Dreadful?? I've seen better, but I've seen many who far, far, worse.

Anonymous said...

#198- She was agreeing with what she said. That was her point.

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