Thursday, May 31, 2012


I just read the thread posted in DST about closing the blog down. Here's my official statement.

I'm not going anywhere.

I have been talked about here, people I know have been talked about here, and people I don't know have been talked about here.

Unfortunately, we are in a business prevalent with people who should not be doing it. If your quality is bad, it will be talked about. If your manner is unprofessional, you will be talked about. And, sometimes, if you're just plain awesome, you will be talked about. (That's my category, for the record.)

Keep on keepin' on.


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Anonymous said...

Yes she is at Shabby Pickle:

Anonymous said...

Aly you're a fucking moron. The screenshot shows you saying "I don't own it anymore" Indicating you DID own it at one point. God you're an idiot. You should just do us all a favor and go away. FFS no one even gives a shit anymore. Anyone bringing that bitch (yes, you Aly) back up should be shot.

Anonymous said...

#4- You just brought her back up.

Anonymous said...

and time for more shots.

Anonymous said...

I'd like a shot

Anonymous said...

I wish I was a drinker...

Anonymous said...

Me too

Anonymous said...

U like to talk about people here so stop bitching!

Anonymous said...

#10- Who the hell is bitching? Nobody I see on this page.

Anonymous said...

Who is bitching? We're taking shots, if we have them.

Anonymous said...

I've got tequila and captain morgan. Shall I alternate or just pick one?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Bunch of drunks on here

Anonymous said...

#15- I'll have a shot in your honor!

AlyD said...

195 I made that arangement before I decided not to sell. I wasnt going to back out and leave her hanging. You all are a bunch of nitpick era!

AlyD said...

Nitpickers* damn auto correct,

AlyD said...

190 negative!

AlyD said...

196 youre still stupid. I have to give notice before I close my store dumbass. And I'm not taking my personal store down as I will not be giving the kits there already for free. They will continue to be for sale. Any new ones will be for free unless I have a change of heart. At that point you can call me stupid. And I'll take it with a smile and we'll get over it. Until then, you're still the stupid one.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone else think that makes absolutely no sense? Or is it just me?

Taking a shot.

AlyD said...

4 I forgot to put quotes like I usually do. It's sarcasm. But of course you all missed it because you're stuck in believing everything I say is a lie. I never owned it. My name isn't on anything regarding the store. Even if I did own it....what's it to everyone here? Would u get satisfaction out of me being the previous owner? Because I can say I did when I didn't just to make you all happy.

AlyD said...

5 there are some people here that will never get enough of me! I wish I knew who they were. I'm thinking about making my Facebook all public for them to give them more shit to talk about. This is fun. :)

AlyD said...

21 I don't drink but I've wanted to take a shot for a while now.

Anonymous said...

21- I think it's funny. Makes for good reading.

Anonymous said...

It's a virtual drinking game so you can have virtual drinks, so everyone can join in. This is terrific, because it means you only have a virtual headache!

I think I need to take about 20 shots, oh my!

Anonymous said...

I forgot to put quotes like I usually do. It's sarcasm. But of course you all missed it because you're stuck in believing everything I say is a lie.

Watching the backpedaling with amusement.

We missed the sarcasm because it wasn't sarcasm. Do you really we are that stupid? Sorry to break it you, but we are not.

Anonymous said...

How about 2 shots for everytime Happytits posts back to back.

Anonymous said...

2 shots for whenever someone says Happytits.

AlyD said...

Happytits! I love that nickname!

Anonymous said...

#28 - only one shot, please, even as a virtual drink that would make for a whopping virtual hangover.

I'm also #27 and should have said *Do you really *think we are that stupid (too many shots)

AlyD said...

27 okie. It wasn't sarcasm. You know everything. Go you!!!! Still doesnt answer the question though. What is it to you?

Anonymous said...

#32 - it's nothing to me, which is why I'm only party amused. The rest of the time, I'm just bored with you. You're like a bad song on the radio that gets played all the time.

AlyD said...

Is that supposed to hurt my feelings? It's kind of sad that you find me amusing at all even though it's only partly.....especially since everything is nothing to you. Goo miss anonymous!

Anonymous said...

*partly amused

Anonymous said...

#34 - no, it's not supposed to hurt your feelings. I have no interest in doing that. I didn't say everything is nothing to me, your situation is nothing to me. Please don't exaggerate and put words in my mouth, although, I do understand that you are very good at doing that. Seeing things the way you want to see them.

AlyD said...

Exactly. My situation is nothing to me....but you are still amused! Like I said, sad.

Anonymous said...

Nothing to you, huh? Yes, you are sad, a very sad and lost little girl.

AlyD said...

Whoops. It is nothing to me....but I meant to put "you" In that post.

But I'm a sad girl...(I can take the little because I love the fact that I'm still young! 22! )

But I'm sad because I don't give a crap about what the anonymous people on this blog have to say about me or what they think of me? I will never meet any of you so why the hell do I care what you say? Once I decide to be done with this "industry" none of this will all. You all have no affect on my life whatsoever. That makes me a sad girl? You all and this blog is nothing to me but a source of entertainment when I'm bored in bed like now.

Anonymous said...

3 shots for when the grammar police show up
1 shots for when there is a complaint about a blog train (I changed it from 3 to 1 because we don''t want anyone to have alcoholic poisoning.)
1 shot for every dictionary quote
1 shot for asking which store is top tier
1 shot for asking anything how much someone makes
1 shot for every time someone mentions overuse of CU
1 shot for Disney piracy

Anonymous said...

But I'm sad because I don't give a crap about what the anonymous people on this blog have to say about me or what they think of me? I will never meet any of you so why the hell do I care what you say? Once I decide to be done with this "industry" none of this will all. You all have no affect on my life whatsoever. That makes me a sad girl? You all and this blog is nothing to me but a source of entertainment when I'm bored in bed like now.

Say what you want, but you do care or you wouldn't keep coming back.

Anonymous said...

If you really wanted her to leave you would stop talking to her.

Anonymous said...

I can think of better things to do in bed, and they don't involve being bored. Sleep is good, and a good book too!

Anonymous said...

How can you be bored with your loving new hubby and all your wonderful friends and your 3 kids and your sister who you just bought a house with and the studying you should be doing for your degree and your lucrative designing career and your poor health and your lawsuit and your young life...

Anonymous said...

Your name might not have been on it, but one of your alter egos was. We all know you were Tiffany Dazzle.

When are you going to stop with the lies Aly ?

Anonymous said...

#45 that's a lot to know about someone! That has to be borderline stalker-ish

Anonymous said...

47- It's all stuff she has said herself on here. If you guys want her to stop talking, don't talk to her.

Anonymous said...

From what I can see, Starlight Creations CU doesn't state that you MUST make changes, only that you cannot resell HER product (ie. take her CU, make a pack of ONLY that CU and resell as a kit or CU) and that you MUST make your own product (I consider a kit a 'product'). She also says that you cannot ONLY her product in a single kit (which I think you all feel the designer at artscow may have done but I think I see stuff that is not Starlights). She also states that you MAY make changes, recolor, etc, not that you MUST.

Just wanting clarification. Because that's how I read it.

Anonymous said...

47 - talk to whom?

She's easy to ignore. I seriously think most of the 'conversations' are her talking to herself.

Anonymous said...

Dammit, 49 again. I must have been a page behind. Regardless, didn't realize I was bringing up old news re Starlight. Not even sure how I missed a whole page...oops.

Really really sick of this Aly stuff. I have no opinion on the matter other than I don't care and am tired of seeing it.

Anonymous said...

Ok I have a serious question - does the way AlyD acts reflect poorly on the designers she CTs for or do you not give it another thought? If you liked the designers stuff, would you still buy it or steer clear because of her?

Would just like to clarify that I'm not a designer, just a customer.

Anonymous said...

Oh great we have the smack blog stalker back. I have never seen a more narcissistic crazy attention hoare. I thought Amanda was nuts, but Aly needs to be locked in a straight jacket in a mental institution. Aly, get a life and go away, no one cares about your made up dramas. Get some help, SERIOUSLY!

Anonymous said...

#52 - I would still buy from the designer. I honestly don't give a rat's behind how a CT behaves in the forums, unless it's promoting products in threads that have nothing to do with the request.

Anonymous said...

#45 that's a lot to know about someone! That has to be borderline stalker-ish

No, Aly has mentioned all of this numerous times.

Anonymous said...

Comercial Use by StarLight Designs

This license is not intended for large businesses or re-distributors. A commercial license does not give you the right to use these products
in any way that you wish, please abide by all commercial licensing rules. Before you purchase a license please be sure to carefully read the
terms that you will be agreeing to. Thank you!


This product was created by StarLight Designs. The product is for Commercial use, but the product itself can not be resold - only product created USING THIS PRODUCT can be sold commercially.

Do not make kits or sets containing only items created using my items.

You can do make template with this items.

Do not use any images for obscene, defamatory, or immoral works or any other purpose which is prohibited by law.

Feel free to modify images (size, color, etc.) as necessary.

Don't make commercial use products with my kits.


-Use these products in your photography, scrapbooking and/or design business to the extent listed below:

-Create custom greeting cards, candy wrappers, layouts, invitations and other printed materials for your customers provided that they are finished pieces.
This means that you may sell items that are printed but you may not sell a download or cd of any kind.

-You may use products incorporated into your designs to create scrapkits but may not be resold as a stand-alone product. You may not make brushes,
rub-ons, or include in a kit for redistribution.

-You may use the graphics in your web design projects providing that proper credit is given on the website
All website design must be for family friendly websites only. No indecent websites will be tolerated.
We reserve the right to request this list at any time.


-Claim these graphics as your own either in their original state, or in an altered state.

-Offer downloads of the kits/graphics in any way shape or form. Distribute these graphics in any format except for the uses defined above.

-Unless noted for commercial use, you may not make into an alpha product

-Print or have printed any of the original graphics, papers or kit pieces to sell in stores on websites or on ebay.
You cannot buy a kit and print pieces or papers from it and sell those in stores or online shops.

Thank you for your purchase and your continued support!
You may contact me at

-Share these files with friends, family, etc. Please feel free to direct them to the store where you purchased your product.

-Sell these graphics through any means in their purchased format.

Anonymous said...

Aly - that screenshots proves you owned WLS because you say 'I don't own it anymore'

Stupid, much?

Anonymous said...

Ok I have a serious question - does the way AlyD acts reflect poorly on the designers she CTs for or do you not give it another thought? If you liked the designers stuff, would you still buy it or steer clear because of her?

Absolutely it reflects on the designers. It shows that they are either a) not smart enough to see through her lies or b) they don't care that she is a liar. Either one means I don't support that designer.

Anonymous said...

Stupid, much?

This makes you sound so stupid, did you know that?

Anonymous said...

or 57 it means they don't know who they are dealing with. Yet. Because they will soon enough.

I would still buy from the designer if I liked what they had to offer. I would not join that designers CT though.

Anonymous said...

49: from her TOU which states that the product itself cannot be resold only something you make from the product - which means a derivative graphic - correct?


This product was created by StarLight Designs. The product is for Commercial use, but the product itself can not be resold - only product created USING THIS PRODUCT can be sold commercially.

Anonymous said...

To number 49 -

and that you MUST make your own product (I consider a kit a 'product').


Are you kidding me?

Anonymous said...

#61 are you for real? It might be a poor choice of a word but I'd bet that she means that she wants her "product" used as a tool and that the designer should alter her item in some form.

Anonymous said...

I took 61 to mean considering a kit a "product" for the are you kidding me?

Most CU designers consider each individual graphic a product and if they require derivative works you cannot just plop it in a kit and call it done.

Anonymous said...

I agree with #57.

Given that Aly is/was on a couple of Scrap Orchard designer's CTs and we all know Kami and a good portion of her design team read and contribute here tells me that Scrap Orchard condones that sort of behavior from its representatives. Just one more reason why I'll never shop there.

People are fired in the real world every day for doing things that a company feels will impact negatively on their business. It's not exactly a new concept.

Anonymous said...


I took 61 to mean considering a kit a "product" for the are you kidding me?

Most CU designers consider each individual graphic a product and if they require derivative works you cannot just plop it in a kit and call it done.
Jun 9, 2012 6:20:00 AM

^^^^^ that

Anonymous said...

52-Definitely. Most designers I have CT'd for in the past expect their CT to behave respectfully in the digi public and in forums. I'm not even sure I'd stay with a designer as a CT if Aly was on a team I was on. Since I'm not CTing anymore though, that isn't an issue.

Anonymous said...

I have nothing to add, but didn't like the number of comments lol.

Anonymous said...

Kami reads and posts here, she knows.

Anonymous said...

So out of curiosity I peeked over at Scrap Orachard and Aly/Alyssa is not on the site CT so what would it have to do with Kami? If the indvidual designer wants her are you saying Kami should fire the designer?

Anonymous said...

#69 - I don't think anyone is saying Kami should FIRE the designer, but I would think as a store owner, she should INFORM the designer of what Aly is doing. Not all designers read here and would know what is happening, but it can definitely impact them negatively.

Anonymous said...

I have no idea what CTs Alyssa is on, so I can't say that she's negatively impacting any designers.

Anonymous said...

It's one thing if one of my CTs post here anonymously, but if I see them posting here non-anonymously, I would most likely drop them from my team. Just saying!

Anonymous said...

#72- Well, seeing as you post here then I wouldn't see why you would drop a CT member for doing the same thing.

Anonymous said...

61 - Are you kidding ME? I mean, what is a kit? It's a PRODUCT. It isn't FIFTY separate products. I sell it as one PRODUCT. Why is that statement such a big deal to you? And when I buy something from Starlight, I typically do some recoloring. But honestly? I have spent an HOUR fixing her bad extraction. And when I spend that much time on it, I really don't care if I recolor those leaves to a different shade of green or not or make something new from it when all I want is some foliage. Also, AS I STATED ABOVE: She also states that you MAY make changes, recolor, etc, not that you MUST.

Anonymous said...

If you buy foliage CU, why would you want it any other color than green? The TOU's that require altering is stupid.

Anonymous said...

I've never used commercial foliage without altering it in some way. Most need corrective Photoshopping (levels, curves, noise reduction and proper sharpening), not to mention painting low-lights and highlights on by hand.
Also- do you use the same of green on every stinking kit? If not, why wouldn't you alter the foliage to the correct green?

Anonymous said...

#73 - they said if they post non-anonymously. #72 is posting anonymously. See the difference>?

Anonymous said...

"when I buy something from Starlight, I typically do some recoloring. But honestly? I have spent an HOUR fixing her bad extraction."

If you need to spend an hour fixing her bad extraction, why do you continue buying CU product from her? Why don't you invest that same hour into creating something yourself? Or buy from better quality CU sources?

Anonymous said...

#74 - Her first sentence of her TOU clearly states:

This product was created by StarLight Designs. The product is for Commercial use, but the product itself can not be resold - only product created USING THIS PRODUCT can be sold commercially.

Yes you MAY change color, etc but you had dam well better us the product to create another product and NOT use as is as per her TOU. I don't know how much clearer a TOU can be. Whether or not you spent hours cleaning up her graphic is irrelevant - you used it and you have to abide by her TOU.

A kit may be a product but when a CU designer sells graphics and describes her 'product' in a TOU, you can bet she's talking about each individual graphic.

Anonymous said...

#79 use not us

Anonymous said...

Foliage could be made into a frame or flower cluster. I rarely just have a leaf.

Anonymous said...

This (blog) is what happens when too many women are in one corner of the internet.

Anonymous said...

Scrapping is mostly women, so I have to agree with you.

Anonymous said...

#70-good point, that makes sense.

Anonymous said...

For heavens sake, stop dissing on women. 2 shots every time someone does that. Have you seen blogs and forums where it's mostly men? It's much, much worse.

#79 - I agree with you

Anonymous said...

3 shots every time someone uses "2 shots for saying that" to discredit someone else.

Anonymous said...

2 shots for saying that.

Awesome, I get 5!

Anonymous said...

#82 Try viewing some of those Mama's pages on Facebook, they're entirely worse and might even be a younger generation of nasty.
Those girls want me to literally punch them in the face for their over opinionated asses, at least I can tolerate you guys.

Anonymous said...

#88- What Mama's?

Anonymous said...

Didn't mention any specific, just in general. Was not meant to imply any "Mamas" that might be here, just pages they have on Facebook that are considered "uncensored".

Anonymous said...

You have that much time on your hands?

Anonymous said...

90- Are you Aly?

Anonymous said...

Right, because people here don't have "that much time" on their hands. They can chat on a smack blog but not browse Facebook.

A bit contradictory, but that's what's so great about these blogs. (Sing song) Nooobody knooows the trooouble that's bodyy knowsss what's neeext.

And no, I'm not Aly. I'm just having fun since no one has anything to smack about yet.

Anonymous said...

93- If you have to come to a smack blog to have fun, I don't know what to say. By the way, we were talking about CU and altering it. If that bores you, I'm sure there will be an ugly blog train coming up that you can smack.

Anonymous said...

93: Here are her two latest kits. One has CU from scrappin cop that she may or may not have a license but either way - no link back to SC as per her TOU. She doesn't even bother changing the tag when she uploads. If you put her 'Daddy n Me' kit in your account and then start to create something you can see the actual tags. The watch workings still have SC on their tag and two other say:

bricks cu Vol72 a

APD OldPapers - CU - pp3

Not sure who those belong to?

And her other kit -

She sells these on Etsy. She also has CU from Tiramisu Designs - not sure if she adhered to that TOU either.

Anonymous said...

The copyright police arrived!

Anonymous said...

2 shots!

Anonymous said...

So much for MScraps new server. It's taking a while for things to load.

AlyD said...

45 finished my degree. Graduated. Husband and I live in 2 different countries. My babies are asleep when I'm on here. My health is fine. My house has to do with this how? And lawsuit? :D I love this.

AlyD said...

53 awwww. I'm not going anywhere!

AlyD said...

64 this isn't the real world to me. Like I said, at the end of the day I don't care. If they "fire" me they "fire" me. Less work for me.

I think all of you take this waaaaaay to seriously. It's funny almost. Serious many of you have real jobs?

AlyD said...

72 that's a bit hypocritical though.

AlyD said...

92 no she's not! I don't post anonymous. Never will. Anything I have to say I'll say under my name.

Anonymous said...

103-You are a liar.

AlyD said...

104 so I've heard.

AlyD said...

This has turned into the Aly blog! I love it

AlyD said...

Serious question. Why do you all care so much about the lives of people you'll never meet.

Anonymous said...

...As the Blog Turns.

Anonymous said...

This blog actually used to kind of interesting - not any more.

Anonymous said...

Do you think there's a "blacklist" of digital designers and ct members?

Anonymous said...

Serious question. Why do you all care so much about the lives of people you'll never meet.

Why do you? You keep saying over and over again how you don't care. You know what, if that were true, you wouldn't be here.

And you saying we take it way too seriously, look at how often you post. See what I did there?

Anonymous said...

#110- What do you mean by a blacklist? Designers people won't buy from? I'm a designer and haven't seen one like that.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I mean a blacklist of designers that stores won't hire or a list of ct members you just don't let on your ct.

Anonymous said...

#113- Really? Where have you seen one? I do believe that designers talk about each other and maybe that affects them getting into a good shop.

Anonymous said...

#114- If that was the case, then some of the crappy designers selling in really good shops, wouldn't get hired.

Anonymous said...

114 - That would only be true if they were on the list.

Anonymous said...

#110 - that question has been asked since forever. I don't know and quite honestly, I don't care. The kind of people that would participate in that sort of thing are not the kind of people I want to work with.

There's enough prejudice and bigotry already.

Anonymous said...

I'm very quickly compiling one, 110. I'm a store owner, and there are some that I wouldn't let sell in my shop or on the site CT.

Anonymous said...

Well, spill the list. This is a smack blog afterall. Where better to post it!

Anonymous said...

#119- Let's say that some of the people you wouldn't want to sell at or CT for your shop buy from you, why would you let them buy from you then? Money?

Anonymous said...

No, no blacklist, Otherwise Digiscrapwarehouse would still be in business and SugarHill would be out in the cold...but that didn't happen.

Mscraps must have downgraded their server.

Anonymous said...

#122- Why SugarHill?

Anonymous said...

118 said "There's enough prejudice and bigotry already."

Personally, as a store owner, former designer, I don't think that that has anything to with who a designer would like on their team or a store owner would like in their store. It's all business. A designer is looking for a person that can make good layouts, takes responsibility seriously, and is a team player. She's trying to make money with her designs. A store owner is looking for designers that make a good product, if they are known in the business it is a plus so they will bring more traffic to the site. Both of them look for people that are trustworthy, and take their jobs seriously.

Anonymous said...

When I was a CTM, I didn't apply to teams that weren't at stores I liked. I know designers like their members active at the sites where they sell.

Anonymous said...

I think customers should make a "list" of stores and designers they won't buy from and why they won't. I would rather see a list from people who actually have reasons why they won't buy from a store or designer.

Anonymous said...

121: 119 here, and your question can't possibly be serious, can it? Just in case, let me explain. There's a difference between someone patronizing my store (whether spending money or just downloading freebies) and someone who is endorsing my store.

I can and will choose who I want to be the public face of my site.

Anonymous said...

127-124 here and I agree with you completely. I don't allow drama with anyone on the site CT. I encourage the designers to do the same with their private CTMs. Drama drives business away and also makes for an unpleasant working relationship.

Anonymous said...

#128- So do forums that are groupish and cliquey. I see it said on this blog alot. That is why so many smack SO and SSD.

Anonymous said...

Aly, nobody cares about you and your dramas. GO AWAY! Anyone who says otherwise is just trolling.

Anonymous said...

Wow so this is where all the talentless hacks come to trash talk their betters without having the courage to put their own name to it.
Some one should flush you all down the toilet like the crap you all are.

Anonymous said...

2 shots!
#131- Are you including yourself in the "talentless hacks" statement, Aly?

Anonymous said...

I am far from talentless, and if I trash talk anyone here, it's the real talentless hacks. Is that you?

Anonymous said...

I don't think anyone is "talentless". I think there are many that make bad decisions with their products or business.

Anonymous said...

Stores I stopped buying from: reason

Scrappity Doo Dah: there was a lot of drama a couple of years ago when the posted in their forum that our craft has 'rules' and one of them is to credit everything on your layout, down to the last button. This triggered a lot of blog posts and Hummie got involved and it was just crazy drama that was entirely not necessary. There are no 'rules' to our craft other than don't pirate.

Scrap Matters: the way they handled their closing/not closing bullshit with lies and more lies and then 'oh look everything is OK and we don't know why 3/4 of our designers left.' Bullshit.

Stuff To Scrap: Nicole rips off Disney regularly and sent an email to her designers where she stated that infringing on copyright is only and issue if you get caught.

Brownie Scraps: they used to be a fun place to hang out but they changed owners and things just got weird and I stopped hanging out there. I just checked them out and now they are all templates. No thanks.

Ginger Scraps: started not liking these guys when they started hosting Scrapping Survivor - contests always have drama and it turns me off - solidified my desire to never go back when there was recent drama regarding Shannon and Jen leaving. I heard how Ginger behaved toward Shannon and it was not good.

Scrapbook Graphics: it really turns me off how arrogantly Maya behaves in the DCR. Case in point, her handling of her 'innovative' and 'creative' designer who had 'come up with something new' and didn't like that others were copying her ... only to find out she copied it from a free Gunhilde tutorial.

There are others I never did shop at and never will, mostly the ones that have posers and tagger stuff because the style doesn't suit me at all.

Anonymous said...

I have no clue what you're referring to about the "rules" but when you post something online you SHOULD post credits when possible. Not doing so is disrespectful of the designer(s) whose work you've used. If you don't want to credit then don't post it online.

I have a feeling those stores aren't missing your money or your forum activity and are doing just fine without you.

Anonymous said...

136 - many, many designers do not require credit, as was shown in a flurry of blogs responding to that thread. It's totally not up to a store to post 'rules' like that and it scares new scrappers away.

As for if those stores and forums are hurting from losing my business - I don't care. I don't spend my money at businesses who behave in a manner I don't agree with.

I posted my list because a few people asked not because I'm on some vendetta to bring the stores down. No need to go on the attack.

Anonymous said...

I consider someone posting credits to be a nicety, and not a requirement.

Anonymous said...

Wow so this is where all the talentless hacks come to trash talk their betters without having the courage to put their own name to it.
Some one should flush you all down the toilet like the crap you all are.

and you are so much better why? Oh, right, you aren't.

Anonymous said...

Wow so this is where all the talentless hacks come to trash talk their betters without having the courage to put their own name to it.

My betters? Are you fucking kidding me? What in all that is holy is a better? Unless they have won awards for bravery or something, they aren't better than me.

Anonymous said...

I have a feeling those stores aren't missing your money or your forum activity and are doing just fine without you.

I have a feeling you are stupid, arrogant, self righteous bitch, but I could be wrong. I doubt it though.

Anonymous said...

#135- That right there makes me never want to buy/scrap or use anything from STS ever again.

I really don't understand why people think this is okay and endorse it, which is exactly what they are doing by selling and participating there...intentionally or otherwise.

Anonymous said...

Another one who doesn't seem to get copyright and/or trademark. Coca Cola items are trademarked even if they are vintage you can't use them in a kit.

Anonymous said...

#122 - No, no blacklist, Otherwise Digiscrapwarehouse would still be in business and SugarHill would be out in the cold...but that didn't happen.
I can see that having a store blacklisted could affect it, but how would it make Digiscrapwarehouse still be in business?

Anonymous said...

Back to the SSD babe call-I heard invites went out and they mostly went to people no one would have guessed. That's sad. I would have liked to see a few mentioned here get it. Oh well.

Anonymous said...

I've been an SSD regular for years and was torn on whether I'd be happy to get an email but I'm not keen on 85% of the new designers and would struggle to work with their stuff! Good luck to whoever did get a spot.

A few of my guesses are Nikki Epperson, Brooke, Kimberly and Pomi!

Anonymous said...

145----Let me guess, Kimberly Morris, YepBrooke, Kimberly Walker, Taracotta....

Anonymous said...

147 - shocker (not) if true, all the people close to Traci!

Anonymous said...

147- Yes, add Tanyia to that. All Traci's people.

Anonymous said...

#148- The only one on Traci's team is Tara. You know Tara got a spot. I hope I'm wrong and they took on scrappers that aren't on most of the SSD CT teams. I'm not sure who Kimberly Walker is?

Anonymous said...

If Tara got a spot I'm leaving SSD. I can't stand the thought of having to read her friday peeks all about how wonderful SSD is and how Robin is the best and the designers are the best and how wonderful everything is.

With a lot of capitals thrown in for emphasis.

Anonymous said...

#151- Or how awesome Traci's products are for that week, when we all know her quality is crappy.

Anonymous said...

DigiScrapWarehouse wasn't blacklisted. It closed because the owner didn't want to run it any longer. I wouldn't be surprised that the new CU store was actually DigiScrapWarehouse renamed and bought by whoever the owner is of the new CU store.

Anonymous said...

152- Yes, that. They're sooooooooo YUMMMMMMMMY, you just HAAAAAAAVE to have them.

Anonymous said...

I definitely think Brook will get a Babe spot. I don't know who Pins for the challenge inspiration, but she is there a lot.

I also think that Kimberly, Nikki, and Joana (hybrid) will get spots.

Anonymous said...

#154- People asked for examples of ass-kissing. There is one right there. I can't even look in the Peek thread anymore.

#155- Joana is amazing at hybrid. She deserves a spot. 100%. I think she is the only one that has been mentioned here that deserves one.

Anonymous said...

DigiScrapWarehouse wasn't blacklisted. It closed because the owner didn't want to run it any longer. I wouldn't be surprised that the new CU store was actually DigiScrapWarehouse renamed and bought by whoever the owner is of the new CU store.
It does look like the new store has most of the old designers and a few new ones. Somehow, it does not look like they have the best content now. It does not seem to really compare to what DSW was. Is it just me?

Anonymous said...

156- Yes Joana is amazing at hybrid. She's not an ass kisser and she's really good at it. I hope she gets the spot.

Anonymous said...

Why would she be the only one mentioned here that deserves a spot?
I think some of the girls that have been talked about are really good.

Anonymous said...

#159- Nikki comes and goes with her scrapping. Her pages are really good but she isn't consistant. She has only been back scrapping for about a month. I'm sorry, but there are plenty of other girls who deserve it more. If Nikki hadn't left scrapping for whatever reason she did, I would say yes she deserves it.

Tara's pages are so-so. I don't think she is good enough to be a Babe.

Anonymous said...

#122 & 144 - Why SugarHill? Miiss Tiina, the owner, is one person people would have loved to blacklist, if it were possible.

No. SHCO's success is what made DSW go under. You could see it dying week by week as she tried to stem the bleeding.

Anonymous said...

Tanyia is another kiss ass. She's on Traci's team right next to Tara on Traci's asshole. Her pages are OK, but there are tons of better scrappers. Tara's pages aren't very good IMO. I agree she's not good enough to be a babe.

I think Brook copies a lot of pages. Nothing about her work that looks so unique. Her pages are fine, but not original like they fuss over. She doesn't appear to be a kiss-ass, though, so for that, I hope she makes it.

Anonymous said...

162- Brook is a much better scrapper than Tara and Tanyia. I don't know Tanyia all that well but her pages don't excite me. Wasn't she nominated last time too?

Anonymous said...

No. SHCO's success is what made DSW go under. You could see it dying week by week as she tried to stem the bleeding.
Can you elaborate? I don't think I see the connection. Maybe a timing issue, but that might be just a coincidence, IMO.

Anonymous said...

The only real issue I have with Traci Reed is that she "thinks" her quality is the best. Her CT team isn't going to tell her that her products have crappy quality. They are to busy being on her ass everyday.

Anonymous said...

Maybe if people stopped buying her stuff she'd get the picture. She must be doing something right.

Anonymous said...

166- Some people don't care if the quality is crappy. They buy because her CT says it's amazing. She is one of the reasons why I don't buy from SSD anymore.

Anonymous said...

#157 what new store? Has DSW a new site?

Anonymous said...

The "new store" is ProfessionalScrapDesign. It was mentioned here, a few weeks ago, when subscribers to DSW mailing list got emails from this new store.

Anonymous said...

162- I don't see tanyia as a kiss ass. I think she's out the outside of that group and for that reason alone I hope she gets a spot.

Anonymous said...

#170- I don't see her as one either. The other girls mentioned, yes.

Anonymous said...

I always thought one of the perks of having a creative team was so that they could tell you if your stuff is crap condition so you can FIX IT before you release it. Man, I must be on the wrong reality again today.

Anonymous said...

172- they should. Mine lets me know if there is a problem

Why would SHCO be blacklisted? I'm not sure I understand that one. They are having a designer call. I dont design CU but I would think that would be the store to make good money in right now.

Anonymous said...

Why would SHCO be blacklisted? I'm not sure I understand that one. They are having a designer call. I dont design CU but I would think that would be the store to make good money in right now.
And did you see the commission they offer? 90/10! I have never seen that!

Anonymous said...

As at CTM, I used to tell the designer when I saw something wrong. Some actually got miffed that I said something, so I left their CT. I can endorse a mistake and someone who corrects a mistake. I can't endorse bad quality from someone who gets pissed when you let them know it's bad quality.

Then I get talked about behind my back that I'm not a loyal CTM and I'm a bitch.

Now I keep my mouth shut and I can understand why other CTMs do, too.

Anonymous said...

I have seen 90/10 but usually from newer smaller shops. I would rather do that and pay the $5 server fee. It seems a little more fair to me.

Anonymous said...

If you sell for $100 in a month, $5 is only 5% and would put the commission at 85/15 which is still more than most stores. But if you sell for $200 or $500, that $5 fee is really minimal! I wonder if one can earn that much in that store?

Anonymous said...

I think a $5.00 fee/month is more than fair. The cost of bandwidth for a busy store is pretty expensive. Considering a designer stores their files on the server and with their sales, contribute to the bandwidth, it just makes sense.

Anonymous said...

So any inside scoop as to who the new babes are? Anyone willing to name names?

Anonymous said...

I would guesstimate that there are several designers that do over $1000/month. If so, a 20% commission is $200. Multiply that by a few designers and thats a lot of money. A big shop can easily have server fees of $300-$500 depending on traffic.

Anonymous said...

My store's server fees are about $900/month.

Anonymous said...

#175- I can relate to that. Also, add the fact that if you don't say anything a designer will come down hard on you for not saying anything in the first place. It's a lose lose situation.

Anonymous said...

181- Is that alot compared to most stores?

Anonymous said...

181 here, and I don't think so. I have a decent-sized store (it's included in the "lists" here) but I don't have anything to compare it with. It's just more than the $300-%500 that 180 estimated.

Anonymous said...

As a CTM, I would love to see this blacklist of stores and designers to know where to avoid, I would also love to see the list of CTMs because I have been known to turn away from teams because of some members and their drama!!

Anonymous said...

I'm 180 and I was basing that on what my current and former store owner said the server fees were.

Anonymous said...

#185- There really isn't a "list" that is passed around from designer to designer. Designers have their own "lists" as to who they don't want on their team. Same with store owners. I would go to the designers you CT for and ask them if they have a "list" for when they do CT calls or change stores. I do think that store owners talk to each other about who to hire or not hire.

Anonymous said...

185-I've left teams because of drama also.

Anonymous said...

I've left teams when the designer went to a store I didn't like or their products started going downhill.

Anonymous said...

172-I've found that most designers appreciate the CTM finding the problems in a kit before it's on the market.

Anonymous said...

189-Yes, me too.

Anonymous said...

I'm a designer and I've always told my CTM's to please tell me if they find a problem with any of my products. I always quality check myself, but occasionally something gets through that I missed. The times a CTM has approached me with an error they found, I have been greatful and I make sure the whole team knows it.

Anonymous said...

Another one who doesn't seem to get copyright and/or trademark. Coca Cola items are trademarked even if they are vintage you can't use them in a kit.

And contrary to belief, so are most of the pinup girls. A lot of them are under copyright of the estate of the illustrator.

Anonymous said...

DigiScrapWarehouse wasn't blacklisted.


No one said it was blacklisted. Someone said if they could, they would have it blacklisted.

Anonymous said...

As a CTM, I would love to see this blacklist of stores and designers to know where to avoid,

Why not make your own decision about that. Your own interactions with people should be the judge. If you hear something about someone, and you've never met them, how do you know it's true?

Anonymous said...

153- They were talking about SugarHill being "blacklisted" not DSW.

Anonymous said...

195- You don't. That's the way the community is. If one person thinks a store owner, designer, CT member or just a regular forum member is a bitch, then chances are all her friends will think so too. I doubt half the people who smack Maya or Kami have had any run-ins with them, they go off of what everyone else says about them.

Anonymous said...

As a CTM, I keep my own black list of stores, CT members I wouldn't want to share a CT with, and designers I wouldn't CT for. I base this on personal observations, and direct dealings with people. I don't decide these things on gossip.

Anonymous said...

#197 - probably true. So sad.

Anonymous said...

#197 - I've had plenty of interaction with Kami and I wouldn't give her a dime.

Anonymous said...

Cluster Queen is closing up her shop at TDC on Friday.

Anonymous said...

#1- Her SM shop is still open.

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