Thursday, January 2, 2014

January 2014

smack away


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Anonymous said...

Oh spare us the lecture on mean girls... You're on a smack blog.

Anonymous said...

Jesus 2 you didn't understand the point of 1's post at all, did you? There, there. Pat, pat.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone else hear the rumor that TDC is changing hands again?

Anonymous said...

One thing you can say for SSD, it inspires passion in a lot of people. Whether you are a fan or a foe, you defend your POV fiercely. I don't see where they is anything more wrong with SSD than any other digi shop.

There are mean girls everywhere because a lot of women tend to be insecure, jealous and catty. Now before you decide to hang me, I am not calling anyone in particular mean, insecure, jealous or catty. Just saying that women in general and the digi community in particular would all benefit if we worked to lift each other up, instead of putting each other down. Ooops, that was a bit of a lecture wasn't it? Sorry, it slipped out.

I would wager that SSD has a good deal of applications already sent in, and I'd also bet many of them were sent on the sly by people who would "never sell there in a million years!" Pretty sure it they are offered a spot, that tune will change to, "show me the money," and the place they have been hating on will now be the sweetest shoppe on the web.

Anonymous said...

No 4, any idea on who is the new owner?

Anonymous said...

I look for TDC to close soon.

Anonymous said...

Believe me, several have and will apply. Say what you like, but SSD is still the best place to shop for kits, hands down. They have, by far, the best selection and quality. They also have a huge customer base and following.


Best quality? Please! If you think that their designers are offeringthe best quality you have shit in your eyes. Jaggies, strays, missing pixels and that's just with Jenn Barrette. The best selection ? Seriously they all start to look the same.

Anonymous said...

Best quality? Please! If you think that their designers are offeringthe best quality you have shit in your eyes. Jaggies, strays, missing pixels and that's just with Jenn Barrette. The best selection ? Seriously they all start to look the same.
Sorry, I love her designs. If you don't, don't buy them. Yes, anytime, I'm looking for a specific theme, they have it. I scrap mostly small children, both sexes, and all the holidays. P & CO is getting there, but, they need more. They're newish so I'm holding out hope. They have some really top-knotch designers.

Head hunters in the real world "invite" qualified people to apply for positions all the time. That doesn't mean they'll all get the job..obviously. Some of the ideas and misconceptions on this blog are what's wrong with the world today. Everyone has to be a winner so there's no hurt feelings. Well, unfortunately, in the real world, life ain't that way. I KNOW Robin mentioned Natasha's (sp?) name during the babe call and then didn't give her the position and, yes, that was shitty. That STILL doesn't mean as atonement she should hire everyone she invites to apply for a designer position.

Anonymous said...

I would wager that SSD has a good deal of applications already sent in, and I'd also bet many of them were sent on the sly by people who would "never sell there in a million years!" Pretty sure it they are offered a spot, that tune will change to, "show me the money," and the place they have been hating on will now be the sweetest shoppe on the web.
^^Said so well!^^

Anonymous said...

Spare us the lecture, please. Equating what SSD is doing to anything that occurs in "the real world" is a spotty analogy at best.
Equating what SSD does or has done is the real world, Sweetheart. Nothing spotty OR analogical about it. It's what's done all the time in business. Nothing new there.

Anonymous said...

If it makes you feel better about your shop to defend it here then by all means go ahead, but just know that you are not convincing anyone that SSD is anything other than a group of insecure junior high mean girls. I hope designers realize that getting in to a place like that isn't worth what you will put up with once you're on the inside.
The idea that anyone who likes SSD is employed there or on their ct is absolutely ridiculous. Does it make you feel better to think the only time something positive can be said about them is from someone with a definite agenda? When I see posts like yours, all I see is jealousy.

Anonymous said...

Jesus 2 you didn't understand the point of 1's post at all, did you? There, there. Pat, pat.
There's someone missing the entire point here but it's not poster #2.

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with 12. I am not employed by SSD in any way, but I still think they have the right to run their shop and their calls the way they want. If you don't approve, don't participate. If you are a wonderful designer or scrapper or person, it is their loss.

When it comes to choosing designers and CT members, the process is entirely subjective. Just because I think some one is good doesn't mean the next person will. It's a matter of taste and popularity because they do want popular designers in their shop bringing the buyers back week after week.

I do think there is a clique at SSD that hurts their business by driving potential customers away, which is a shame all the way around, but there are cliques every where. Any one who thinks otherwise does not get out much.

Anonymous said...

No 4, any idea on who is the new owner?
I've heard rumors but nothing concrete. A lot of people have said they think it's Kim (Kimeric) but that's just talk. Who knows.

Anonymous said...

So basically we went from "Robin totally did not invite people to apply." To "of course she did, she would be stupid not to."

I think that sums it up.

I think SSD is unique in the almost Lord of the Flies way it considers new designers. God help you if you're piggy! But then again if you are piggy you'd never know.

Anonymous said...

14 said-I do think there is a clique at SSD that hurts their business by driving potential customers away, which is a shame all the way around, but there are cliques every where. Any one who thinks otherwise does not get out much.

and YES YES YES. It's a shame too. They are not welcoming to new people at.all. I don't even go there any more. I used to ct for a couple of the designers there, and was required to make an appearance once in awhile. I was really happy when they left there. I hated it there.

Anonymous said...

So basically we went from "Robin totally did not invite people to apply." To "of course she did, she would be stupid not to."

I think that sums it up.

I think SSD is unique in the almost Lord of the Flies way it considers new designers. God help you if you're piggy! But then again if you are piggy you'd never know.
What a big deal you're making over a simple designer call. Do you OVER analyze situations as a habit or is SSD just lucky to have your attention? I hope you work from home by yourself. I'd hate for others to subjected to your crappola.

Anonymous said...

and YES YES YES. It's a shame too. They are not welcoming to new people at.all. I don't even go there any more. I used to ct for a couple of the designers there, and was required to make an appearance once in awhile. I was really happy when they left there. I hated it there.
I've noticed this too. The regulars basically ignore anyone new when they post unless it could lead to them buying something!

Anonymous said...

i would advise against anyone reading this blog, to apply at ssd. why? because i want the job and if you bitches all apply, my chances go down. i doubt that they are all horrible human beings or there would not be such a following or anything to smack at length over and over and over again. i am willing to take that chance for fame, fortune and sheer popularity! please show me the money! i don't care how ugly that ass is...i will kiss it.

Anonymous said...

While I think it is totally okay to disagree with what another person says, I think it's wrong to name call and disparage others for their opinions. It does not make your point stronger or more valid. In fact it makes it weaker because it says you are not intelligent enough to defend it logically. I can certainly be a bitch when I want to, but I would never stoop to calling a total, anonymous group of strangers names because we don't see eye to eye. I'll leave that to you number 20 and hope that expressing your venom made you feel better.

It may be that I do not completely understand the purpose of the smack blog. I thought it was to share opinions, ideas and questions that may not be welcome in the more "pollyanna" type forums. I am a firm believer that we all learn and grow with the constructive critique of our peers, whether it is good or bad. But even a negative opinion can be shared without expressing rancor toward your fellow posters, to designers and to store. You can dislike a product, a call or a shop without hating the people who have worked hard to create it.

As far as SSD goes, I hated the Lord of The Flies, I thought it was a horrid book and I think it is a ridiculous comparison. I wonder how many people who are expressing such hatred for the shop actually have been in their designer or team forum and really knows what goes on there? So put your hand up if you are a former SSD designer and know the real scoop and can back up your words with proof. If you are just gossiping and/or expressing an opinion, then own up to it and stop saying "I know for a fact." when you don't. This all reminds me of the telephone game, each time something is passed along it gets more blown out of proportion.

SSD has things they need to work on, (I am no 14 and have already said their clique hurts their business in my opinion.) just like every other site or business out there, but it is not owned by Satan and staffed by demons, so perpetuating it in such a way is silly, childish and completely unfair. And just to reiterate, I am not paid by SSD in any way.

Anonymous said...

I am # 20 and was trying to lighten the mood and be funny. I guess I failed miserably. I call my best girlfriends "bitches". Sorry it came off as venomous. Not intended. I guess I forgot my smiley face. :) :) :) :)

Anonymous said...

I thought you were funny, 20 (&22), for what it's worth. :) :) :)

Anonymous said...

#20/22 - don't apologize to that puffed up, pontificating poster! It was obvious you were saying what you did, tongue in cheek. I liked your post and "got" it and I have a feeling most did.

Anonymous said...

may be that I do not completely understand the purpose of the smack blog. I thought it was to share opinions, ideas and questions that may not be welcome in the more "pollyanna" type forums. I am a firm believer that we all learn and grow with the constructive critique of our peers, whether it is good or bad. But even a negative opinion can be shared without expressing rancor toward your fellow posters, to designers and to store. You can dislike a product, a call or a shop without hating the people who have worked hard to create it.
Let me provide you with an opportunity to "learn and grow." Before you opt to lecture people and/or call them out for their offensive behavior, it is most probably beneficial to all concerned that you clarify the intent of the offending party. Clearly, you completely misunderstood 20's post when it was obvious to others that she was kidding. Maybe next time it will save you some keystrokes if you do that AND from looking like a fool.

Anonymous said...

I'm almost certain The Lord of the Flies comment was meant to be amusing and not taken literally. I doubt anyone here actually harbors any real hatred toward SSD or any digi store or designer. One may not like business practices. Another might dislike the facade of perfection. Others may have actual experience and first hand knowledge of less than ideal practices. But with all that aside it is interesting to see how seriously people take this! To me it is like a digital scrapbooking tabloid magazine. Some things might be true... Others aren't... But it is still entertaining for what it is: gossip.

Anonymous said...

20, I am truly sorry. I did not know you were joking and I feel bad for making you feel bad. I hope you will accept my apology.

25, Give me a break. I am sorry I missed the joke, and sorry that bitch is such a commonly used phrase that most people consider it funny, but please don't give me a lecture on not lecturing people. Frankly, you can call me a fool if you want, it doesn't bother me because I don't feel foolish. I made a mistake, I apologized. I will move on.

What bothers me is when people start back peddling once someone questions their need to be so mean. "I doubt any one harbors any real hatred towards SSD?" If this is true, well you certainly fooled me, again.

I agree that this blog is like a gossip magazine and that is the fun part, but I don't care for the ugliness that rears its head as well. If that makes me a "puffed up, pontificating poster!" (great alliteration by the way, 24) then I can live with it. And I can keep my opinions to myself. ;)

Anonymous said...

You're the one who said you welcomed criticism so you can learn and grow. Just because it's criticism you don't like doesn't mean it's not valid.

Anonymous said...

Just now reading here for the first time in a week or two, and I want it made clear that I do harbor a bit of real hatred toward SSD. If that bothers you, suck it I am entitled to my opinion. Also, the Lord of the Flies comparison is both spot-on and hysterically funny. Does everyone here know that when a designer applies there, the SSD staff starts a thread in that person's honor and tears them to shreds? What an awful awful practice and mean-spirited and holier-than-thou. Shouldn't the addition of a new designer be an owner's decision and based on whether that person will contribute to the shop and earn the owner more commission instead of being based on whether the other designers like or feel threatened by the applicant? I would never want to work somewhere that's run that way. Just wow.

Anonymous said...

Does everyone here know that when a designer applies there, the SSD staff starts a thread in that person's honor and tears them to shreds? What an awful awful practice and mean-spirited and holier-than-thou.


I'm not 29. But I support that statement. Ironically and hypocritically, some of the designers at SSD also post and cry foul on Facebook how their children are getting bullied at school and yet they have no problem doing the same to designers that can't read such posts. Sad, just so sad.

Anonymous said...

^^ THIS ^^

Anonymous said...

So they are only supposed to say nice things about the designers that apply? Never mind that the applying designer's color schemes are out dated and their elements are boring or an SSD designer knows the designer is difficult to work with or misses deadlines from working at former stores? Do you really think that stuff just should be pushed under the rug?

If a designer applies to any store, they should expect to be evaluated both personally and professionally by more than just the store owner. If that's bullying, then every interview process I've ever been through is as well.

Anonymous said...

Why is it ok to tear apart designers here but it isn't ok for designers to tear them apart when they apply for a call? At least the designers have guts to do it with their real names knowing that anything could be screen shot and shared outside that forum and on this blog or anywhere on the internet. Just saying they aren't doing anything different than we are doing here. We're just as mean and our design income isn't dependent on it.

Anonymous said...

#32 are you serious?
I can think of some less than dependable designers at SSD who are not consistent or very good professional people but that didn't seem to be a problem when they 'got the job' or were offered their 'old job back'. And you take your designers opinions seriously about 'bad experiences'? That is absolute bias. 1 person has a bad experience or 'know they are difficult to work with' but that doesn't mean other designers/customers believe the same thing - how should that be a deciding factor?

Design ability, popularity, income and reputation in general *NOT a reputation with 1 or 2 designers within the shop* should be the ultimate deciding factor. But we don't live in a perfect world do we?

Anonymous said...

What happened to the Scrap Nerds shop? I thought it was supposed to open a few days ago? Not a good sign.

Anonymous said...

I hadn't heard when Scrap Nerds were opening. They probably say on their facebook page.

Anonymous said...

I hadn't heard when Scrap Nerds were opening. They probably say on their facebook page.


It said the 3rd, so they're late with no updates that I've seen.

Anonymous said...

It said meet the designers on June 3, not that they are opening on June 3. But they are behind on the designer reveal.

Anonymous said...

They aren't even finished with the CT call. They have awhile before they open.

Anonymous said...

If they drag it out too long, no one is going to be interested when they do open.

Anonymous said...

Who the hell would apply to a store CT call when you don't even know who the designers are? No thanks.

Anonymous said...

If you want to know who the designers are just type it on FB and you will find their private group.

Anonymous said...

I see at least two names on the Scrap Nerds designer list I wouldn't touch with a 10-foot pole.

Anonymous said...

Does everyone here know that when a designer applies there, the SSD staff starts a thread in that person's honor and tears them to shreds? What an awful awful practice and mean-spirited and holier-than-thou.
It's the real world. Adults need to suck it up and realize that's just the way it is. What I find interesting is your need to tell people about this. What's YOUR motive? However they go about it, theirs is obviously to choose a designer whom with they can all work. This isn't something that's done that's broadcasted publicly which means you found out privately. Why share it? You find it SO awful, did you voice your disapproval to the offenders (not anonymously, of course). I'm always intrigued why people relate info like this.

Anonymous said...

In the real word, you are generally hired by HR or your direct supervisor. Not every person you'll work with.

Anonymous said...

In my real world, we have an interview committee for new hires and yes after the person leaves, we all sit around and talk about what we liked and didn't like.

Anonymous said...

OK, so who do you want to see the new SSD designers be?

Anonymous said...

43- I see at least two names on the Scrap Nerds designer list I wouldn't touch with a 10-foot pole.

Like who?

Anonymous said...

46: Even so, they are a presumably qualified committee, not your coworkers. The people who you would be competing with. If you think that the designers can be totally objective when looking at another, then bless your naive little heart, you're sadly mistaken.

Anonymous said...

I don't get the beef everyone seems to have with SSD. Yes, there is a clique, but every other scrapbook store has one. My Scrapbook Art and Digi Shop Talk use to be the worst when it came to that, ignoring people. I've been a digi scrapper for almost a decade, only a few staying have the staying power. SSD has been a top store for years, just like the Lilypad, and the Digi Chick for that matter. What it boils down to is what your personal style is, which store suits your needs best. Pixel and company seems like a great store, but their kits seem to look alike too. And it is digi, everything looks similar. There are only a handful of designers that you can say without a doubt that's them. Studio Basic, CD Muckoskey, Kate Hadfield, Michelle Godin are a few good examples.

There are always going to be people that don't like something, just because. I'm not saying people don't have a right, but it's a business, they're not here to be our friends or make us feel all warm and fuzzy.

Anonymous said...

ooops a few of my words got jumbled. You get what I mean though.

Anonymous said...

Why is it, that SMJ is seemingly untouchable when it comes to copyright violations or laws? I know she has been brought up before for ripping off Jolee, Lego, Star Wars and a few others.Today she is clearly using despicable me and I don't get it why/how she keeps getting away with it.

Anonymous said...

It's not OK but you have to either have one of those companies willing to go after her or the outcry in digiland has to be so great that people stop shopping there and she's forced to change. Both are probably unlikely. I won't shop there but there are many customers who don't give two hoots about copyright violations and just want a kit for what they are scrapping and if she offers exactly what they want, they will buy it whether it's ethical on her end or not. Report her to the companies that own the copyrights. If you can get enough other people to join you in reporting her then maybe one of the companies will take action, but it's very unlikely that they will spend any time and effort on a digiscrap designer/store who probably don't make enough in a year to cover their legal fees.

Anonymous said...

49 - If you honestly think coworkers have no say in whether you're hired, you're in for quite a reality check.

Secretaries, receptionists especially are asked how you were in the waiting room, if you were polite, what they think of how you treated them. More often than not, a hiring committee has at least one of your future coworkers on it - it's what makes them qualified to know if you're qualified. If you do get the job, a single coworker who doesn't like you will do everything in their power to get you fired.

That's the real world, honey. If you think otherwise, "then bless your naive little heart."

Anonymous said...

I wish that people would stop shopping in her store. It sickens me to watch her in action for the past few months. Every single kit she releases is a gross violation of law and ethics. I wish the customers would see it that way and boycott her.

Anonymous said...

#49... nope I sat on two interview committees this year and could have sat on more. I was interviewing for people who would be my equal as coworkers (well, except I'd have seniority but would be doing the exact same job as me) and for people who I would be supervising.

I imagine if someone was listening to what we were saying, they'd think we were horrible people. I expect if I could read what the designers are saying I'd think they were horrible people. I just really don't care what they're saying. Just saying there's plenty of jobs where you get hired by your future coworkers who are just as concerned with whether you'll fit the culture of the business as whether you can do the job. In fact, as a professional, I've always been hired by a committee that included coworkers.

Anonymous said...

I think a consignment store is, again, a little different from the companies out there, where you're paid a salary and your income is not totally commission-based. Add that to this industry which is totally saturated and money is spread thin, then you can see why there's a problem (or perceived problem) if other designers get to decide who to join the store.

Anonymous said...

I totally get why people want SMJ stuff - it's what their kids love. They don't care if it's copyrighted or not. I'm tempted to buy some of it myself.

Anonymous said...

I wish that people would stop shopping in her store. It sickens me to watch her in action for the past few months. Every single kit she releases is a gross violation of law and ethics. I wish the customers would see it that way and boycott her.
Good grief, who seriously gives a shit besides you and a few others? You're trying to boycott her? Really? That all reflects upon you a million times more negatively than it does smj.

Anonymous said...

Why does that reflect badly on the op? Everyone has the right to spend their money where they want, to support and not support causes of their choice. The op deems SMJ's practice unethical and wishes to boycott (and rile others to boycott) her products. What's negative about standing up for your own beliefs? It's called having integrity, something SMJ obviously lacks. I'm disgusted by her blatant disregard of copyright and have stopped shopping from her. I do care and I'm sure a lot of others do too.

Anonymous said...

Good grief, who seriously gives a shit besides you and a few others? You're trying to boycott her? Really? That all reflects upon you a million times more negatively than it does smj.
Perhaps if you were a designer and had had to deal with people blatantly pirating your kits, you may have a different opinion of ethics and integrity. The fact that you don't care may lead one to believe that you're not above piracy either. If you were, you'd "get it".

Anonymous said...

Maybe if some of these companies would offer digital kits for purchase, this would happen less often. But I doubt anyone has even received a cease and desist order over it. I report a designer on eBay and she never got shut down by Disney.

Anonymous said...

Maybe if some of these companies would offer digital kits for purchase, this would happen less often.

I doubt it. It would probably happen more often. You would have a designer or four buy the original kit released, and then change it slightly and resell it. Or put pieces of it in their kits. Hell, it'd be easier for SMJ to create her kits if there was one already out there to use.

On SSD bash threads: I think it's one thing to state "Designer X made a collab with me, was late, and didn't share my portion of the $" compared to "Designer X is a total jerk. I heard she steals ideas, and she thinks she can support her family on her crappy ideas. She stinks." or whatever. The first I think is totally a legitimate concern. The second is just someone being catty and bitchy.

In the real world, I have had occasion to be on hiring committees. Typically, we don't invite the catty people to participate again, and keep it to the legitimate concern people. And employees were not used for sales positions. Mostly, because we had the problem of people not wanting others who could outsell them (or gave that appearance on paper).

Anonymous said...

I doubt it. It would probably happen more often. You would have a designer or four buy the original kit released, and then change it slightly and resell it. Or put pieces of it in their kits. Hell, it'd be easier for SMJ to create her kits if there was one already out there to use.

This doesn't even happen that often now. If that were the case why aren't these designers buying SMJ's kits, making slight changes, and reselling? It's because not that many designers are pirates.

I agree with the PP that these companies should give digital scrapbookers legit digit products for purchase. Until they do, I'll buy SMJ's kits.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

At least the designers have guts to do it with their real names knowing that anything could be screen shot and shared outside that forum and on this blog or anywhere on the internet.

I'm not an SSD fan but this is an interesting point. The fact that such screen shots have never surfaced would suggest there's a very good chance it never happened.

Anonymous said...

My Scrapbook Art and Digi Shop Talk use to be the worst when it came to that, ignoring people. I

They aren't stores so cliques there don't matter anywhere near as much - they weren't trying to get your business, so there's no need to be as inviting as a store should be.

Anonymous said...

Secretaries, receptionists especially are asked how you were in the waiting room, if you were polite, what they think of how you treated them.

Really? In all my years of doing either one of those jobs, and that includes doing both those jobs on the executive floor, I have never, ever been asked about the behavior of a future employee in the waiting area.

Anonymous said...

I'm not an SSD fan but this is an interesting point. The fact that such screen shots have never surfaced would suggest there's a very good chance it never happened.


Such screenshots have surfaced. Nobody is going to be dumb enough to post them on this blog because it would lead back to them, in the sense that you can't really upload an image to your Photobucket account to share it here anonymously. I personally have seen conversations from SSD, both screenshots and cut-paste conversations, and everything that has been said about it here is for the most part entirely accurate. I've seen entire threads where they tear apart their applicants. It made me not apply there when they had their last call.

Anonymous said...

last call = not the current call

Anonymous said...

68 - You do know just because something doesn't happen to you personally, that it can and does happen to others, right?

Anonymous said...

I expect them to tear apart their applicants. But I'm not going to believe it is catty or personal until these screen shots are posted. It's just people posting catty BS on this blog at this point.

Anonymous said...

#68: I've hired many times over the years, and the opinion of my support staff has always weighed heavily in my decisions. How someone treats the receptionist counts big in my book.

Anonymous said...

I personally have seen conversations from SSD, both screenshots and cut-paste conversations, and everything that has been said about it here is for the most part entirely accurate. I've seen entire threads where they tear apart their applicants. It made me not apply there when they had their last call.
Well, that's very interesting that you've seen these things. Obviously, they've been sent to you without the knowledge of most of the posters. That means they have a mole who is not only participating in their discussions (opening up the threads and reading them IS participating whether the person reply-posts is immaterial) but is then passing on those private discussions to someone else. The mole is the biggest asshole in this scenario and you run a close second by passing this shit on which truly is none of your business. Just because you got the information in an underhanded way, doesn't mean it's yours to do with as you please. Talk about a lack of integrity and blatant dishonesty. You and your mole friend take the cake.

Anonymous said...

But I'm not going to believe it is catty or personal until these screen shots are posted.
You know's none of your business whether it's catty. They're not your conversations to judge or critique. Don't you ever have private conversations with anyone? Would you want recordings or "screen shots" of those to be made available to all of us for our listening and/or viewing pleasure?

Anonymous said...

Such screenshots have surfaced. Nobody is going to be dumb enough to post them on this blog because it would lead back to them, in the sense that you can't really upload an image to your Photobucket account to share it here anonymously.
Not to mention that the initial person who made those screen shots is a trusted participant in the conversations in question and would and should be canned if discovered.

Anonymous said...

Wah, wah, wah! If you don't want what you say to be repeated then don't say it at all. It's the internet people, it doesn't matter if you think a conversation should be kept private or not, the minute you type it there is the possibility that it will be shared and even anonymously, that you will be found out. Moral of the story is, only write what you can live with others knowing you wrote. If you are fine with others knowing you are mean and catty or willing to take that risk, by all means, otherwise, think before you type.

Anonymous said...

It's all rumor and speculation to the people that haven't seen these catty posts. I have a feeling it is mostly constructive concerns or criticism that some super sensitive idiot took to be tearing someone apart.

Anonymous said...

Wah, wah, wah! If you don't want what you say to be repeated then don't say it at all. It's the internet people, it doesn't matter if you think a conversation should be kept private or not, the minute you type it there is the possibility that it will be shared and even anonymously, that you will be found out. Moral of the story is, only write what you can live with others knowing you wrote. If you are fine with others knowing you are mean and catty or willing to take that risk, by all means, otherwise, think before you type.
Well, thanks, Einstein, for informing us this is the internet because not a one of us knew that. Obviously, anytime anyone says or writes anything (irl or on the internet) there is a possibility it will be passed on to others. That is not the point. The point is that the devious, two-faced assholes who pass it on are the real jerks. You can bet they don't inform the people who are doing the talking that they are passing it on and/or that they are out of line. No, they'd rather be passive (or in some cases an active participant) and then stir the shit by betraying confidences.

Anonymous said...

It's all rumor and speculation to the people that haven't seen these catty posts. I have a feeling it is mostly constructive concerns or criticism that some super sensitive idiot took to be tearing someone apart.
Maybe and maybe not. Truly, it's no one's business.

Anonymous said...

Really? In all my years of doing either one of those jobs, and that includes doing both those jobs on the executive floor, I have never, ever been asked about the behavior of a future employee in the waiting area.
That's unfortunate that your opinion wasn't valued anymore than that. This is a common practice - to speak with support staff regarding applicants.

Anonymous said...

The downside of having SSD designers vote is if they are holding a grudge against another designer because they had a personal issue at another store and it wasn't over money. They are going to vote against them and talk everyone into doing the same because of it. Get over it and keep your devious, pettiness to yourself. Seriously where is the integrity of the other designers that they would allow this to be ok. Business is Business!!
I wish that mole would post some of the screenshots so everyone could see how petty they really all are, it happens and they know it does!!
As for Re seriously that guy retires once a year and is so immature he doesn't stick with designing and then he wonders why he isn't making money or any new fans. duhhhh Take your business more seriously and stop traveling so much with the little bit of money you do make!!

Anonymous said...

The downside of having SSD designers vote is if they are holding a grudge against another designer because they had a personal issue at another store and it wasn't over money. They are going to vote against them and talk everyone into doing the same because of it. Get over it and keep your devious, pettiness to yourself. Seriously where is the integrity of the other designers that they would allow this to be ok. Business is Business!!


How do you know this is what is actually happening? You don't know what they are "voting" on or what they are convincing other designers. It's likely not even true that they are so mean.

Anonymous said...

Well, that's very interesting that you've seen these things. Obviously, they've been sent to you without the knowledge of most of the posters.


Said just like someone who was most likely involved in the conversations we're talking about. SMH

Yes, I have seen what your staff has said about other designers over the years. You honestly think your designers don't gossip? YOU'RE PARTICIPATING ON A SMACK BLOG, YOU FLAMING IDIOT. Your involvement here just supports the idea that y'all can't keep your mouths - and screenshots - closed.

Anonymous said...

You all act like only SSD talks about other designers and they're the only designers out there who have ever said anything bad about another designer. You all need to get a grip and buy a clue.

If screenshots are floating around and being shared, that's just one designer sharing shit. It's not any different than SSD designers talking shit in their threads. You might want to convince yourself that it is and that you're a better person, but talking about shit is talking shit. You're still perpetuating nothing but shit.

Anonymous said...

Wow someone (or maybe several people) is trying really hard to defend SSD. You can call the person who posts or repeats conversations every name in the book but the fact still remains that if the people posting didn't give them interesting stuff to repeat (ie: kept it professional) then there would be no issue, they wouldn't want to out them because there is no story there. So nope, sorry, I don't buy it that they are the only or even biggest problem in that situation. Don't give them anything to repeat and the problem is solved.

Anonymous said...

So nope, sorry, I don't buy it that they are the only or even biggest problem in that situation. Don't give them anything to repeat and the problem is solved.
Well, there's been nothing specific repeated here..just a bunch of vague gossip that doesn't mean anything, so yes, the problem is/was/will always be the gossips who stir the shit with a bunch of meaningless drivel. Whether you "buy" it or not is equally meaningless.

Anonymous said...

You all act like only SSD talks about other designers and they're the only designers out there who have ever said anything bad about another designer. You all need to get a grip and buy a clue.
The issue is that they are having an open "designer call" voting as a "team" who will join them but first they are carrying over all their crappy past experiences with said designer's' and therefore soiling it with personal petty issues! Yes, they will take some of your money, they are competition! "Hello" If the designers are so scared about that then produce better work and stop re-coloring all of your previous flowers, ribbons and papers!
85:This has nothing to do with being a better person, this is a smack blog. So let's talk shit to talk shit or say how it is and let people make a choice on what they want to believe. It's obviously a great topic.

Anonymous said...

So nope, sorry, I don't buy it that they are the only or even biggest problem in that situation. Don't give them anything to repeat and the problem is solved.



Anonymous said...

Jen Alyson is opening at Pixels and Co. in a few weeks. She announced it on her facebook page. Looks like that is where everyone is headed lately.

Anonymous said...

So nope, sorry, I don't buy it that they are the only or even biggest problem in that situation. Don't give them anything to repeat and the problem is solved.



Saying "AMEN" to your own post is kinda dumb.

Anonymous said...

Said just like someone who was most likely involved in the conversations we're talking about. SMH

You're an idiot. SMH.

Anonymous said...

LOL Sorry 91 - you might like to think that no one else agrees with me but at least one other person does. Your desperate attempt at trying to minimize my perfectly reasonable argument won't work. I don't presume to say that you have been posting multiple times in a row to make it sounds like more people agree with you because it's anonymous and it would be completely idiotic of me to assume that I know what the same person posted here. You know what they say about assuming.

Anonymous said...

It's so obvious that there are many people from Pixel & Company on this blog posting and their true character is evident. I wouldn't go to that site any closer than a ten foot pole. It wouldn't matter what kind of designs they have -- they don't deserve my patronage.

Anonymous said...

Hey 91, I was post 89 and it was the first time I'd posted anything on this blog in weeks. Nice try. If you're hellbent on figuring out which people have posted more than once on here, I have a tip for you. #95 and #89 are the same person. FREAK OUT NOW!

Anonymous said...

If there are people from PCO posting here, which wouldn't surprise me because I think that there are people from every store here, why is it okay for you to post here and not them? Sanctimonious, don't you think?

Anonymous said...

And 86 and 93 and 96 are the same person too!

Anonymous said...

Ooops make that 97, someone snuck one in there on me.

Anonymous said...

94, if your post is in response to the info about Jen Alyson you are really reaching. I have very little to do with PCO but I do give them my money on occasion. I also shop at TLP and SSD so I am an equal-opportunity customer for any store that sells what I like.

I was merely commenting on the fact that it really seems in the past year like TLP and PCO are the two main places that designers are leaving other top stores to go to. Didn't someone just talk up above a few weeks ago about Sugarplum Paperie leaving SSD to go to PCO. Many of my favorite designers from over the years are showing up at each of those store. Stolen Moments would be another one. She closed SM to go to TLP right after she did that Becky Higgins core kit.

Anonymous said...

Hey 91, I was post 89 and it was the first time I'd posted anything on this blog in weeks. Nice try. If you're hellbent on figuring out which people have posted more than once on here, I have a tip for you. #95 and #89 are the same person. FREAK OUT NOW!
What are you? 12?

Anonymous said...

What are you? 12?


See I thought the OP was pretty clear that she was 89 and 95. How are you not getting that? LMAO

Don't be bitter just because the rest of us are making fun of someone's (possibly your) attempt to play psychic friends network on this blog and decide who posted what - when really it's all anonymous.

Anonymous said...

Don't be bitter
Not the op but I think "bitter" is somewhat of an exaggeration.

Anonymous said...

Not any of the pp's but calling someone 12 just for making a joke seems kinda bitter to me.

Anonymous said...

68 - You do know just because something doesn't happen to you personally, that it can and does happen to others, right?

Where did I say otherwise? I was merely pointing out my experience, as you surmised.

Anonymous said...

That's unfortunate that your opinion wasn't valued anymore than that. This is a common practice - to speak with support staff regarding applicants.

My opinion was valued, or I would not have been on the executive floor. However, applicants that are on the executive floor already know how to behave and have been largely approved and therefore such practice was not required.

Anonymous said...

It's so obvious that there are many people from Pixel & Company on this blog posting and their true character is evident.

It's not obvious at all.

Anonymous said...

My opinion was valued, or I would not have been on the executive floor. However, applicants that are on the executive floor already know how to behave and have been largely approved and therefore such practice was not required.
Just because you were there does not by any means indicate that your opinion was valued. We've all known people in positions such as that whom shouldn't be there. It appears you might be one of 'em. You sound pretty negative...probably a malcontent they couldn't get rid of to save their necks. There's a need for such practices in every position imaginable, even as high up as YOUR executive floor,

Anonymous said...

It's so obvious that there are many people from Pixel & Company on this blog posting and their true character is evident.
Care to elaborate? It's not clear to me at all. What do you mean by their true character is evident?

Anonymous said...

My opinion was valued, or I would not have been on the executive floor.
You haven't been around much, have you? This world is FULL of incompetent people on executive floors. Get real.

Anonymous said...

It's so obvious that there are many people from Pixel & Company on this blog posting and their true character is evident. I wouldn't go to that site any closer than a ten foot pole. It wouldn't matter what kind of designs they have -- they don't deserve my patronage.
I have a feeling they and a whole lot of others wouldn't want your patronage. You sound like an asshole.

Anonymous said...

I've seen screen shots from SSD back shop happenings also. I know about 4 people that have also seen them.

Anonymous said...

You sound pretty negative.

Where do I sound negative? I had that job for 10 years, you'd think if I was that much of a malcontent as you claim, they would have managed to get rid of me.

Anonymous said...

You haven't been around much, have you? This world is FULL of incompetent people on executive floors. Get real.

I've been around a lot, no need for me to get real but if it amuses you, I'll try.

Anonymous said...

I've seen screen shots from SSD back shop happenings also. I know about 4 people that have also seen them.

And I've seen a unicorn and I know at least five other people that have seen one too.

Anonymous said...

I have a feeling they and a whole lot of others wouldn't want your patronage. You sound like an asshole.

Assholes have money to spend, just like everyone else.

Anonymous said...

And I've seen a unicorn and I know at least five other people that have seen one too.

Anonymous said...

I've seen screen shots from SSD back shop happenings also. I know about 4 people that have also seen them.
Shame on you for looking and then perpetuating the crap by telling about it. You and the "about" 4 people who looked and engaged in conversation about it all are just as bad as the people who initially did it.

Anonymous said...

Assholes have money to spend, just like everyone else.
Yeah, but sometimes it just ain't worth it to sell to them. Besides, I find the people that bitch and moan the most spend the least everywhere, not just in Digiland.

Anonymous said...

117-I didn't ASK to see them--they were sent to me, and I didn't know what they were until I opened the email. --all I'm saying is that YES this happens, so those that are trying to say it doesn't are mistaken.

Anonymous said...

Okay, say it does happen. So what? If it bothers you, don't apply or give them your business. There, your problem is solved. I am pretty sure it says in the SSD ad that the designers decide who will join them, so those who choose to apply know going in that they will be talked about. If they are okay with it then other people should just mind their own business and stop crying sbout it. People talk trash all the time. If they didn't this smack blog would not exsist. At least at SSD they use their names.

Anonymous said...

Assholes have money to spend, just like everyone else.
This made me laugh. Preach on Sister!!

Anonymous said...

120-I wouldn't apply there even if I was a designer. I don't see YOU using your name here oh Holier Than Thou.

Anonymous said...

LOL 122. I actually prefer "Her Holiness." In no way was I trying to say I think I am better than anyone else. I actually love gossiping as much as you obviously do. I was simply pointing out that people talk trash all the time. Here we do it anonymously. At SSD, they do it in their private forum where they believe they are free to speak their minds, good or bad, without someone in their circle betraying their trust. Apparently they are wrong. That is their problem.

If you don't like the designers or the store, why do you care what they think or say? It doesn't make sense to get your panties in a wad over the opinions of people who don't matter to you. I just think it is a waste of time and energy, but it is your time and your energy, so do as you please and say what you will. :)

Anonymous said...

I don't see YOU using your name here oh Holier Than Thou.


WTF? She never implied she was better than everyone else. She merely pointed out that at SSD they use their names, which they do.

Anonymous said...

WTF - Her store is like a copyright infringement explosion.

Anonymous said...

It's a sad truth that very few care. Report her and move on.

Anonymous said...

Agree 125. I actually think it's pretty disgusting that she continues to get away with it.

Anonymous said...


Did you report her? If not, that's why she continues to get away with it

Anonymous said...

Even if she's reported, if the companies don't care or take action, she'll continue to get away with it. One of the other reasons she continues to get away with it is, as someone has pointed out earlier, that people want these kits. Someone commented on the new kit: " I'm so excited to finally have a REAL My Little Pony kit!" Apparently, the other little pony kits out there are not real enough for her.

Anonymous said...

And I've seen a unicorn and I know at least five other people that have seen one too.

Please post screenshot of the people you know talking about the unicorn or we won't believe you.

Anonymous said...

Shame on you for looking and then perpetuating the crap by telling about it. You and the "about" 4 people who looked and engaged in conversation about it all are just as bad as the people who initially did it.
Actually, you're worse. Those people, using their names, were speaking (they thought) privately. You, however, obviously just wish to stir shit by looking at SOMEONE ELSE'S private conversation, discussing it with other people (you did say four others you know of saw it too, right? so you must have discussed it with them unless you communicated telepathically), and then anonymously post about it on a smack blog where nothing can be substantiated and you can't be discovered for the devious jerk you are. You're only above the asshole who is the sender of the screen shots who is leaking private discussions simply to hurt peoples' feelings because of some selfish agenda.

Anonymous said...

If you don't like the designers or the store, why do you care what they think or say?
This is the million-dollar question!!!! If SSD designers are so underhanded, untalented, two-faced, etc.etc.ETC., why are you and ALL the others allowing them to take up space in your brains? Why even give ANY of it a moment's thought if you don't shop there, don't wish to design there and/or think their practices are evil? It seems like the sane and mature thing to do is to ignore it all and forget they even exist.

Anonymous said...

Agree 125. I actually think it's pretty disgusting that she continues to get away with it.
Interesting. Are you disgusted because she makes money from these designs and you can't/don't OR is a ethically wrong thing to you? If it's a question of ethics, and she's been reported, and nothing is done, why do you care unless it's jealousy from the money she's making from them?

Anonymous said...

I don't really care what they think of me personally, but I will discuss the process, which I think is faulty. It's no different than discussing SO's gallery. I've never uploaded a layout there, and likely never will, but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate what they tried to do, and discuss the fact that it failed miserably.

Anonymous said...

And I've seen a unicorn and I know at least five other people that have seen one too.
Yeah, and some of the accusations here re: SSD practices are about as realistic as a unicorn sighting.

Anonymous said...

I don't really care what they think of me personally, but I will discuss the process, which I think is faulty. It's no different than discussing SO's gallery. I've never uploaded a layout there, and likely never will, but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate what they tried to do, and discuss the fact that it failed miserably.
Huh? Care to say to whom/what you're referring?

Anonymous said...

I don't really care what they think of me personally, but I will discuss the process
Who is "they" and what is the "process?" Please tell me you journal on your layouts better than this or you're gonna have bunches of very confused future relatives!

Anonymous said...

Not any of the pp's but calling someone 12 just for making a joke seems kinda bitter to me.
Not if the joke sounds like it came from a twelve-year-old (which it did), it's not bitter, just truthful.

Anonymous said...

134 here: 133 snuck in just before me, but I thought it was obvious that I was talking about SSD and their process of a group discussion to choose new designers. I was answering the question "Why even give ANY of it a moment's thought if you don't shop there, don't wish to design there and/or think their practices are evil?".

Anonymous said...

Back to smacking scrappers, rather than stores or designers since there's no proof that all the drama has happened(not that I am doubting it, but it's not as fun to smack if we can't all see it)........

Does Zora/DeepGirl ever scrap anything different? All of her pages look the SAME. a background paper, a few photos laid in a grid, one small cluster with a vertical ribbon or paper strip, and that's it. How is she on CT's?

Anonymous said...

How is she on CT's?
I could ask that same question about bunches of ct people!

Anonymous said...

Scrapping is so individual that I think designers are smart to have a wide variety of styles amongst their CT members. I also think being a good CT member is as much about enthusiasm and participation as it is ability. While I might not prefer a CT member's style, I do appreciate the time and energy they give to their designer.

I have worked on teams with Zora and she is a great CT member; she is reliable, supportive, friendly and even if her layouts are not your personal style, I am pretty sure there are other people out in the community, like me, who love what she is doing. I think she makes very cohesive albums that are pleasing as a whole, but then I love a simple layout as much as I do a clustered one. :)

Anonymous said...

Don't get me wrong- I love simple layouts and busy layouts and everything in between. My style is all over the place depending on my mood. It just gets to me that every layout she does is the same way. I appreciate seeing non traditional size/shape layouts, but when it's the same formula every single week, it gets a little crazy.

Anonymous said...

I'll take Zora's work over Carrie's and Trish's any day of the week. Also, while I'm a big fan of clustering, I cannot stand Chococo's (sp) lo's. I can spot them a mile away and rarely ever like them. Others LOVE her pages and say she is an inspiration to them. It's all a matter of what you think looks good, and, luckily, that differs from person to person. I also don't understand the 2" by 2" pic on a page with a couple elements and a few words and then all that white space. However, plenty do understand it, do it and love it. I can't fathom scrapping that way..ever! Lol.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, and some of the accusations here re: SSD practices are about as realistic as a unicorn sighting.

That was the point.

Anonymous said...

Shame on you for looking and then perpetuating the crap by telling about it. You and the "about" 4 people who looked and engaged in conversation about it all are just as bad as the people who initially did it.
Actually, you're worse.

WTF? You are both saying the same thing, she did it with less words though, but she's worse? I think you got your wires crossed there.

Anonymous said...

Does Zora/DeepGirl ever scrap anything different?

Who is she and why should I care?

Anonymous said...

I'm a designer and even if i was talented (probably not enought) to join SSD, i won't apply. I'm not an ass kissing girl and i'm not able to join this (particular) team.

Anonymous said...

I'm a designer and even if i was talented (probably not enought) to join SSD, i won't apply. I'm not an ass kissing girl and i'm not able to join this (particular) team.
Bully for you!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm a designer and even if i was talented (probably not enought) to join SSD, i won't apply. I'm not an ass kissing girl and i'm not able to join this (particular) team.

That is sad on so many levels. To belittle your own talent by saying you are not good enough to make the team there is bad enough, but to indicate that anyone who does make it is an ass kisser is just wrong.

Anonymous said...

I'm a designer and even if i was talented (probably not enought) to join SSD, i won't apply. I'm not an ass kissing girl and i'm not able to join this (particular) team.

My, my, aren't just self righteous.

Anonymous said...

Anything new on the Nerds? Has the site opened and I missed it?

Anonymous said...

In light of all the craziness and shootings, you'd think this kind of layout would be pulled. Don't care which side you are on with regards to gun and guns don't mix (even if those are toy guns). Gah!

Anonymous said...

As long as toy guns are sold and kids play with them, they're going to be scrapped. Just because it offends you, doesn't mean it offends others. This is your opinion and your preference. Everyone has them. If all layouts were pulled that someone didn't like for whatever reasons, there would be no galleries.

Anonymous said...

you'd think this kind of layout would be pulled
by whom? the gallery police? some people like it. you don't. that means it should be pulled?

Anonymous said...

It's a beautiful layout, but I agree it's in really poor taste, although I know no one's going to pull it. I personally would NEVER post a photo like that, it would have been cute enough with no guns.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't bother me. Is it just because they are realistic looking toy guns? What if they were nerf guns? Should we not be allowed to post hunting LOs because they might include real guns? I find this photo completely harmless, let's worry about some real problems.

Anonymous said...

Is it just because they are realistic looking toy guns? What if they were nerf guns?
I think that's it - if they were obviously Nerfs or waterguns in fun bright colors they would look like toys, but they don't, and I think it's pretty tasteless. And obviously everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but that includes the people who don't like it just as well as the people who do.

Anonymous said...

I find it amazing that a large number of people were complaining about a boob being shown in a layout (boobgate), and almost no one thinks a little girl carrying what looks like some sort of Uzi is offensive. Kinda sums up the USA though, SMH (and btw I'm from the US before all you "patriots" start complaining about my post).

Anonymous said...

I find hunting pictures absolutely offensive and heartbreaking. I have seen layouts with dead deer and birds. I cannot begin to think why anyone would want to memorialize something's death no matter how much "fun" family members/children/friends had killing it. I don't find the gun pics referred to tasteful by any stretch. My complaint with the post was that the op seemed to feel it should be pulled. I think we're all mature enough to decide for ourselves whether we think something is offensive without a monitor "pulling" a layout because he or she thinks we shouldn't look at it.
Whoever said, "that sums up the U.S.A." is absolutely correct. We can decide for ourselves what to look at and what we find to be distasteful. It should be noted that though it was expressed that the boob shots were offensive to some, the layouts were NOT "pulled" by the owner of said shop who happens to be from the U.S.A.

Anonymous said...

And obviously everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but that includes the people who don't like it just as well as the people who do.
Absolutely everyone is entitled to an opinion. That doesn't mean that the layout in question gets pulled because YOU and OTHERS feel it's offensive. That's the point.

Anonymous said...

It's a beautiful layout, but I agree it's in really poor taste, although I know no one's going to pull it. I personally would NEVER post a photo like that, it would have been cute enough with no guns.
I agree that it's in poor taste. I also feel it should NOT be pulled just because I or anyone feel that it is.

Anonymous said...

If you notice, that layout wasn't posted recently. It was posted back in March.

Anonymous said...

If you'll notice, the layout was made by an Australian, a country that has gun control and very little random, crazy shootings. This is probably why the scrapper didn't think twice about it, because it's no an issue in Australia.

Anonymous said...

Actually, fyi, gun control in Australia and the U.K. has proven NOT to be effective and shootings are very much a problem in both countries. Therefore, it IS an issue.

Anonymous said...


Do you live there? Gun control has proven to be effective, despite propaganda in the US about it not working.

Anonymous said...

I have a question about the posting of hunting pictures, or scrapped pages with them. Does it offend you when someone posts pictures of their food? As far as hunters are concerned this is the same thing. It is actual more humane to kill one animal and use it for food than to slaughter millions of chickens. cows, or pigs each day. So I thank my country for the right to provide for my family, if I need to, and for the right to post a picture of it and show pride in it.

Anonymous said...

#166 the stats and information I've seen regarding gun control in Australia and the U.K. did not come from the U.S. They came from Australia and U.K.

Anonymous said...

About scrappers.... are there any that have a good range of different pages? Photoless, white space, art journal, double, photo heavy, cluster heavy? Maybe people who aren't so popular among stores/ct's or other scrappers?

Anonymous said...

Mari Koegelenberg is back designing again it appears, according to facebook and her website.

Anonymous said...

and the preview for her newsletter sign up bonus has Pixels & Co. on it.

Anonymous said...

^^^ "Wow, that's really surprising!" says no one. I mean, where else could she have opened store?

Anonymous said...

I am glad Mari is back as I like her designs. :)

Anonymous said...

I am glad Mari is back as I like her designs. :)
me too

Anonymous said...

So invites went out, who's going to SSD?

Anonymous said...

and how do YOU know if invites went out?

Anonymous said...

Like I would tell you that? It's irrelevant. Try and say they didn't, that would either make you a liar or uninformed. The question stands.

Anonymous said...

The OP could have gotten an invite or rejection letter.

Anonymous said...

Same on Mari. She was one of the few I bought from at SSD. Glad she is back.

I'm curious who they are taking on. It would be cool to see some new names.

Anonymous said...

The OP could have gotten an invite or rejection letter.
My money is on the rejection letter. She sounds kinda miffed to me!

Anonymous said...

Not sure how comment 175 can sound miffed. She got a little snarky with 176 but 176 was being snarky herself.

Anonymous said...

I know it has been mentioned before how some designer basically scanned money and sold it as elements. But I found this kit. It has a $100 bill in it.

Anonymous said...

It is not illegal/unethical or anything else to scan or copy money unless it's done at the exact size of the bill itself. Any other replication is fine. If it was up to some of you people, NOTHING could ever be used as elements because it can be "traced" back to something or someone else. "Oh, I can't use that button because it was purchased at Wal-Mart and they "own" the rights to it." On the one hand you bitch because all kits look the same and on the other, you complain ad nauseum about it when a designer tries to do something beyond the usual cu items.

Anonymous said...

But I found this kit. It has a $100 bill in it.
Oh, GOODIE! The Element Police!

Anonymous said...

I know it has been mentioned before how some designer basically scanned money and sold it as elements
Great! I've used money several times on pages and since I don't want to take the time to scan it, etc. myself, I buy what others have done for my convenience. Isn't that the whole idea?

Anonymous said...

Not sure how comment 175 can sound miffed. She got a little snarky with 176 but 176 was being snarky herself.
Thanks for your unsolicited assessment of the situation.

Anonymous said...

$ 6.99 ?

Anonymous said...

$ 6.99 ?
maybe because it's cu? agree, however, it's WAY overpriced.

Anonymous said...

So invites went out, who's going to SSD?
My guesses: Little Butterfly Wings, Megan Turnridge, Just Jamie

Anonymous said...

183 but it is money not some stupid button. Quite a big difference there.

Anonymous said...

183 but it is money not some stupid button. Quite a big difference there.
Yes, there's a difference between money and a button which is, of course, not the point. That OBVIOUSLY was lost on you.

Bottom Line: There is nothing illegal or unethical or anything else with copying money to use in a kit as an element (as long as it's not used or copied as the exact same size of the real money). If you don't want to buy it, DON'T.

Anonymous said...

I have a question about the posting of hunting pictures, or scrapped pages with them. Does it offend you when someone posts pictures of their food? As far as hunters are concerned this is the same thing.
No, it doesn't offend me when people scrap/post pics of food. This is my opinion - It's offensive to me to have a six-year-old (or anyone for that matter but especially a young kid) holding up a dead deer's head to show off the antlers, with a shit-eatin' grin on his face (the kid's, not the poor deer's) like he just won something. I realize that hunting is necessary to thin out herds and that lots of people do it. I, however, don't like looking at anything having to do with it and I don't if I can help it. There's many, many things in this world that are done legally and that are necessary that I don't want to see on a scrapbook page.

Anonymous said...

191- Lost? Um no. Just replying to what you had wrote. Everyone has the right to bring something up on here or bitch about it.

Anonymous said...

192- good thing you maintain the ability to blink and look in other directions @@

Anonymous said...

191- Lost? Um no. Just replying to what you had wrote. Everyone has the right to bring something up on here or bitch about it.
Uh..yeah, okay. You can bitch about anything you want no matter how little sense it makes.

Anonymous said...

192- good thing you maintain the ability to blink and look in other directions @@
Yeah, well, most of us do. Don't you?

Anonymous said...

Of course. That would be why I don't bitch about peoples layouts in galleries. I move my eyeballs away.

Anonymous said...

Of course. That would be why I don't bitch about peoples layouts in galleries. I move my eyeballs away.
Good for you! You don't bitch about people's layouts! What do you bitch about? If it's nothing, then why are you participating in a smack blog?

Anonymous said...

I'm really more surprised that there is not more speculation as to whom the new designers are at SSD. I'm interested to see how many they add at once. We've seen them bring on 6 at once before, I hope they choose less this time.

Anonymous said...

I hope they choose less this time.

Anonymous said...

I think the store is already quite large.Currently there are 23 designers in store, and adding 6 or more brings it to 30ish. That's just a lot of designers, IMO. Plus, I just can't think of that many designers that I think would fit well at SSD.

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