Bit slow off the mark this month. I just downloaded a couple of contributions for the Digi Scrap Parade Blog Train. Some looked fab and others looked not so fab. Which ones did you like ?
"Dear Paraders, if I cannot see what you are offering, I will not click like on your page. There are others who do give a preview and they got my 'vote'."
Dear Paraders, if I cannot see what you are offering, I will not click like on your page. There are others who do give a preview and they got my 'vote'." ------ Designers, pay attention! It's SOOOOO much work to click "like" and "unlike" if need be.
sorry about the confusion about the KAagard item listed above. I just double checked & even though the journaling cards are travel related, it looks like it's from ScrapOrchard (not from the Digi Scrap Parade Blog Train).
the name of the item is SO_KAagard_FriendlySkies_FBTrainMegaFreebee
I think it may have been from the ScrapOrchard facebook page, or else from Kristin Aagard's own page.
SO's facebook train is completely and utterly pointless. The only reason Kami wants them to do that instead is because she gets 100% of the money from the store collab it promotes.
It is fact that if I don't shop with them, then they don't have me as a customer, which is a loss of money for them. I never said it was huge amounts or anything like that, just a loss. Plain and simple.
The fact that you had to distort what I said into something else says a lot about you.
In reference to comments from last month about SHCO's blog train and designers using a lot of CU thereby being very unoriginal: I did an experiment where I spent a period of time creating my own original ellies. The 3D, realistic kind. I have to say that sales-wise, the time involved was not worth the payoff. In other words, there was no significant ROI on my time to create those items.
Sooooo... I decided to focus on my other strengths like color, pattern, and making well-rounded and versatile kits. I now use CU products unashamedly, knowing that my customer base can tolerate it. This also helps me get more product out in a faster manner, which in turn helps with sales.
Plus, I also enjoy shopping for and playing with new CU goodies. It's a lot like how I feel when shopping for new scrapping goodies, so why deny myself that pleasure - especially if it doesn't hurt my sales? KWIM?
Now, if I had a personal goal to be very unique then my opinions on the matter would be different. It's just which kind of designer you want to be and I'm happy being one that uses a moderate amount of CU.
Speaking of CU...I wish I was good enough to draw these and give them away for free!! No designer who put that much effort into drawing would ever give these away for free....unless the designer didn't draw them and is violating clip art terms of use!
16 said "Looks to me like the SO August Mega is a direct ripoff of the DigiScrap Parade." --- Funny enough, the SO mega was released first, although the DSP sneak peeks started the end of July...probably after SO had created the mega. So, IDK who "ripped off" whom. If the SO designers weren't involved in the DS Parade at all, then who knows who had the travel idea first? To me, the more important issue is: Travel as a theme is so overdone. Couldn't SO or DSP come up with a more unique theme (especially SO, since the mega is for sale)?
And don't get me started on Rachaels Scraps! Haven't bought one of her hideous grab bags in nearly 6 months! ------------------------------------- I used to really like her stuff; it was usually clear and free of jaggies. About 6-9 months ago, I noticed that the quality wasn't what it used to be. More and more often, her extracted items are blurry and not worth the money.
Example 1:
Example 2:
Example 3:
The fact that you had to distort what I said into something else says a lot about you. -- The fact that you took the time to complain about clicking a tab a couple of times (max) says a whole helluva lot more about YOU!
Have a great day. I have a hunch that's difficult for you.
Speaking of CU...I wish I was good enough to draw these and give them away for free!! No designer who put that much effort into drawing would ever give these away for free....unless the designer didn't draw them and is violating clip art terms of use!
It was created with Miss Tiina's and a bunch of SugarHill co designers.
General statement about the clicking like or make the effort of doing so...
Why would someone take the time to like a page, that will no doubt flood a news feed like they do, if the designer can't bother to provide a photo to entice them to like the page for their product?
That is the purpose of the blog trains in my experience.
So why does it bother some so much, if they choose not to like then unlike if necessary? That's more of an "Errmaageeerddd, you can't puuush buttons quickly!" kind of statement.
All of the SO people are still "in" the DSP group, even though they do not participate. The idea or theme and the palette were given out shortly after the last parade. SO lacks originality, and went with the DSP idea. not that its original,but to do the same basic idea at the same time? Yet they are too good to participate in the DSP one....because they didn't like P&Co being included.
^^ to be fair, SO doesn't like ANYONE being included, LOL. I think the whole prejudice against P&Co is ridiculous. It makes me want to shop there even though none of it is my thing. Sometimes being in a predominantly female industry stinks. Not very happy with TDF's attitude about it, either.
23 - I have no idea when or how SO decides on the collab themes but at my store they are all decided long for the entire year around November. So their August collab theme could have been decided before the DSP was ever even thought of.
I didn't receive an Allison Pennington newsletter this week (or last week..)Is there any coupon? I want to buy something from her store, and a coupon will be so nice.
The travel thing for summer is definitely something everyone does. The color palette for this parade and the last parade look very similar and some are the same.
I don't see how SO ripped off the Parade in any way and I really can't stand SO. I just yawned and thought, wow, a travel kit for summer, how original. I'd rather download the parade for free than spend even $5 on something I pretty much have 50 kits for already.
27- I just got her newsletter about 15 minutes ago. I can't remember if there was a coupon for everything but I know there was a 20% off for something in it. LOL I'm so helpful aren't I?
Funny enough, the SO mega was released first, although the DSP sneak peeks started the end of July...probably after SO had created the mega. So, IDK who "ripped off" whom. If the SO designers weren't involved in the DS Parade at all, then who knows who had the travel idea first? To me, the more important issue is: Travel as a theme is so overdone. Couldn't SO or DSP come up with a more unique theme (especially SO, since the mega is for sale)?
Funny enough, the DSP chose their colors and theme back in May. I sincerely doubt that SO had already created their mega at that point. I've been bothered for a while about the fact that the SO designers are all in our DSP group on FB but haven't lifted a finger the entire time, and yet both times it's taken place they kick off a similar event the same week. Coupled with the fact that Kami has banned her designers from participating in both just reeks of desperation, lack of originality, and lack of business sense. I wish that those in charge of the DSP would kick SO out for good because I know I am not the only designer who is pissed about it.
My favorites from the DSP - Scotty Girl Robyn Meierotto Laurie Ann Meagan's Creations Clever Monkey Wishing Well Creations Etc by Danyale Amy Wolff The Lilypad Memory Clips Little Butterfly Wings Juno Sarah J Litabells Melissa Bennett Allison Pennigton Peppermint Creative
"WTF #2, Micheline Martin didn't participate in the Parade. What are you talking about? Aug 2, 2013, 3:18:00 PM"
No, you are incorrect about that.
The Micheline Martin kit is part of The Lilypad contribution which is #29 on the list. It is located at
#2, you're smoking crack. #4 is right, Kristin Aagard wasn't in the Parade, either.
Seems to me that nobody should pay a lick of attention to your list of recommendations, if you have zero idea who designed what. Aug 2, 2013, 3:19:00 PM
No need to be rude.
As mentioned above in post #7, the KAagard item listed is actually part of the ScrapOrchard freebie. But it's still cute & still available for free & is still travel related.
You don't need to "like" the same designer kits as mentioned above in post #2. Feel free to be helpful & list your own favorites, instead of just being cranky.
Why would someone take the time to like a page, that will no doubt flood a news feed like they do, if the designer can't bother to provide a photo to entice them to like the page for their product? ----------
I didn't mind the travel theme, the thing that was funny to me was that several designers used the same airplane shape, the same car shape, a bunch of arrows etc. and they made very similar items. Out of #34's list, the only one that I remember is Memory Clips, even though she used arrows and maps, she used them differently and it was useable.
Speaking of CU...I wish I was good enough to draw these and give them away for free!! No designer who put that much effort into drawing would ever give these away for free....unless the designer didn't draw them and is violating clip art terms of use!
They are probably done in Illustrator and are not that difficult to draw. I was surprised at how easy it is to make something cute in Illustrator.
My favorites from the DSP - Robyn Meierotto Laurie Ann Clever Monkey Etc by Danyale Amy Wolff The Lilypad Memory Clips Little Butterfly Wings Allison Pennigton Peppermint Creative
Speaking of CU...I wish I was good enough to draw these and give them away for free!! No designer who put that much effort into drawing would ever give these away for free....unless the designer didn't draw them and is violating clip art terms of use!
They are probably done in Illustrator and are not that difficult to draw. I was surprised at how easy it is to make something cute in Illustrator.
Nice leap of logic there though. Aug 2, 2013, 5:18:00 PM
The leap was that she made those herself. It's nothing more than Miss Tiina and Magical Scraps CU. Seems like someone was just trying to promote their freebie.
re SO designers in the DSP fb group: Why does the person in charge of DSP allow that? (I'm not a designer, so IDK who's in charge of that stuff.) That seems to be DSP's problem, not SO's designers.
ITA with 45. If you're not going to participate TWICE in a row, they should be removed from the group by the person in charge of DSP.
But, I do think it's in very poor taste by the SO designers to remain part of a group they don't participate in. You can and should remove yourself from that group if you don't intend to participate. Whether that intention is dictated by Kami or not, you're still not a participant.
Ditto 46. Especially if remaining in the group makes it look like you're piggybacking off the ideas of the DSP group. You may not be, but it sure looks a lot worse for you if you stay in the group and have no intention of participating and then make something eerily similar and have a FB train that starts on the same exact date. It's not even a week like DSD where most people have FB trains either so it just looks desperate and petty to have one out of the blue after saying you can't participate in the DSP.
SO saying their designers can't participate in DSP because of a megaLAME FB train by just a handful of designers is absurd. Then again, it's Kami, so if it makes sense, SO wont do it.
What does everyone think of their newest "designer" Amber Shaw?
I don't think the SO train was "out of the blue." They have been doing FB trains for the last several months with word-art that coordinates with the monthly Mega kits.
Anyone else think that the color swatch for TLP's August BYOC is almost identical to the one P&Co has for their BYOC? Is that sort of thing just a weird coincidence, that 2 shops would pick almost the same colors to do the same sort of event?
I might be remembering wrong, but I think the August BYOC color swatch was picked through a challenge earlier in the year. People submitted color swatches and inspiration boards and someone's was picked as the winner. I think she gets the entire BYOC as a prize.
Yes 44, she is 'Designer of the Year' for uploading the most crap! LOL My Memories cares more about quantity rather than quality. It's rather sad that a designer of that standard can boast a Designer of the Year title!
peaking of CU...I wish I was good enough to draw these and give them away for free!! No designer who put that much effort into drawing would ever give these away for free....unless the designer didn't draw them and is violating clip art terms of use! ___________________________________________________
the fact that anyone thinks SO ripped off DSP is ridiculous, just Iike the store I sell at, SO has their colors and themes picked out several months in advance and if I'm correct their mega contributions are due 2 months prior to the mega. Alot of stores do it ahead like that. Ideas and colors are gonna cross in digi, there isn't anything new under the sun.
Finally one of the SO gang has arrived to act indignant and flabbergasted at anyone for questioning them! Thank you 58 we were wondering where you were.
I'm #58 and I think you just wanted to use big words. I was only agreeing with what others said because that's how my store does it too. Do you design? Have you ever used similar colors or theme as someone else at the same time? I bet you never make Christmas kits either and if you do, they are so original. Again, nothing is new under the sun. If you don't like something DON'T BUY IT no matter where it sells at. Or maybe you just like to bitch about something.
#48...I LOVE the new "designer" Amber Shaw...her kits are fun and colorful and a perfect fit at SO, IMO. She may be a new "designer" to SO but she is certainly not a new designer!
#63 I was just about to say the same thing, good thing I read all the way through before I posted. I love Amber Shaw's designs. I have been a fan for years, since see was Ruby Lane. I am excited for her to begin at SO. I have never been a huge fan of Scrap Orchard, but, now I have a reason to shop there.
25-There is a lot of MIDDLE SCHOOL taking place in the digi world unfortunately. There is so much going on behind the scenes. It's sad really that women (mostly) can be so vindictive to other women (mostly) in this business.
63 and 64-I've also been an Amber Shaw fan for several years. I don't remember the name of the store she began in, but she certainly isn't a "new" designer at all. Besides designing cute kits, she's also a nice person, and has great customer service.
Wow #68 if that is the condescending manner in which you teach, then, for your children's sake I hope you don't home school either! And #67 I am #64. I didn't bring up her name #48 did. I was just responding to the question.
69, it was clear that none of you who posted about Amber Shaw understood the meaning of the first sentence. The quotes were meant to indicate sarcasm. Something your brain obviously cannot comprehend.
I'm not 68, but I am 70. And I weep for the future if all of you (or one of you, if you posted about Amber 3 times to make her look better) didn't understand the first post. IDIOTS.
Oh and please don't come back here and tell me I didn't have to be nasty and resort to name-calling. I really, really did. But you'll never understand why.
Any of the people that posted can come back and post whatever they want to. Talk about IDIOT, telling someone else not to post here. YOU are the idiot.
Fuck off 73, I never said you couldn't post. That was someone else, who you already referred to as #67. I already said that I am #70 and #72. Did you forget that part already? And...... you have proven once again that you are an IDIOT.
#72 I totally understood the meaning and I was purposefully ignoring the condescending tone of the implied lack of skill because I totally disagreed with her. Sorry if you didn't get that from my posts (#64 and #69) guess you were the one having a bit of trouble with comprehension.
First, you started post #64 by saying "#63 I was just about to say the same thing."
63's post was very focused on correcting the idea that Amber Shaw was a "new" designer"...... and completely ignoring the fact that the original post didn't say that. The original post said: new "designer" which is completely different. The original post implied that she sucks.
So if you were originally agreeing with and supporting 63's post, then you really didn't understand it at all. Don't tell me otherwise now (post #75) because you're just making yourself look foolish.
77 and 78 what you say is true. The problem here is that Kami is a selfish bitch and I wouldn't wish that on anyone and I feel bad that Amber felt the need to resort to moving there.
Kami definitely reads here and she will never turn anything over, leaf or otherwise. Otherwise, that ridiculous gallery would be gone by now. EVERYBODY hates it, Kami. Do you have any idea how many customers you've lost over that gallery? I am on one of your designer's CT's in fact, and I refuse to upload there because of that dumb gallery. You want to know why your sales are dropping? Maybe listen to your customers when they tell you what the like/don't like.
They have been doing FB trains for the last several months with word-art that coordinates with the monthly Mega kits. -- I might add these word art trains are a HUGE waste of clicking time!
I thinks it's hilarious with all of the anonymity that people can make assumptions who is posting for who. Anytime something bad is said about a designer that could be a customer or onlooker, then they are accused of being a disgruntled CT applicant or designer that didn't get into a store or on a CT. If someones says something nice or likes a designer than they are on their CT or the designer themselves. Based upon assumptions, I am now convinced that Elvis, Martha Stewart, and my neighbor post on this blog based upon certain responses. I could be one of them though.
My Memories chooses their top designers based on number of uploads of their special templates for their software. It doesn't have anything to do with actually selling them, it's just putting them in the store. Some of those are awesome - and the majority are crap because they're tossed together and thrown in the store. I do sell at MM and more than one other store, and my best sales come from MM, despite the fact that I don't upload those crappy templates. My other store isn't 'top tier' though.
I don't hang out at a forum that anybody here thinks is a top tier store. Let me tell you, though, it's a lot friendlier, has less drama, less ass kissing, less back biting than what I've seen at the forums that are normally called top tier. I'll stick with my normal people and not the rock stars thank you.
I don't hang out at a forum that anybody here thinks is a top tier store. Let me tell you, though, it's a lot friendlier, has less drama, less ass kissing, less back biting than what I've seen at the forums that are normally called top tier. I'll stick with my normal people and not the rock stars thank you. __
It's the ass kissing on the SSD forum when they're close to a "babe call" that makes me want to puke. Usually, however, I don't see it anywhere really. Maybe I'm not looking for it.
I don't mind "normal people," I do, however, mind mediocre work and I see a LOT of that at SO, TLP, and SM. I also have been seeing A LOT of repetitive color schemes and cu embellishments from SSD.
I also have been seeing A LOT of repetitive color schemes and cu embellishments from SSD. __________ Ditto. I wish some of the others who don't design as much would step up and do some kits. Kristin C B and Zoe Pearn are starting to do the same crap over and over again with the same colors.
I see the Amber Shaw CT has hit the smack blog. Or Amber Shaw herself. ______ Yeah, because NO ONE ELSE in DigiLand could possibly like her work. That's why she's been in business for years. Get a grip.
Fuck off 73, I never said you couldn't post. That was someone else, who you already referred to as #67. I already said that I am #70 and #72. Did you forget that part already? And...... you have proven once again that you are an IDIOT.
I hate stupidity. --------
And yet you are here. For someone who hates stupidity, why do you spend time on here with the supposedly stupid people? That seems a stupid thing to do.
I don't hang out at a forum that anybody here thinks is a top tier store. Let me tell you, though, it's a lot friendlier, has less drama, less ass kissing, less back biting than what I've seen at the forums that are normally called top tier. I'll stick with my normal people and not the rock stars thank you. -----
Sounds like you'd be be a perfect fit at the other store forums.
It's the ass kissing on the SSD forum when they're close to a "babe call" that makes me want to puke. Usually, however, I don't see it anywhere really. Maybe I'm not looking for it. -----------
Agreed, I'm also not seeing any back biting and drama.
FYI, Shirley is someone specifically and on this blog, it could possibly be several someones, they display similar attitudes, so I call them Shirley. --
Hey, Einstein, if it's "several someones" it's not anyone specific. Further, just because someone asks you what the hell you're talking about does not mean your post was a success. It, in fact, means just the opposite, that you're not communicating what you mean in an understandable way.
Whatever, Shirley. I said that Shirley was someone specific AND ON THIS blog it could be several someones. I'll break it down for you, so you will understand, seeing as you are having so much trouble. It means that she's a real person and I use her name to apply it to people on this blog with similar attitudes, like you.
Further, just because someone asks you what the hell you're talking about does not mean your post was a success. It, in fact, means just the opposite, that you're not communicating what you mean in an understandable way. ----------
Asking me who Shirley is not someone not understanding me, it just means they don't know who Shirley is. I'm beginning to understand why you call me Einstein ...
111, ending your post just now with a smily face and a heart just makes me want to start calling people Shirley, too. Ranting at someone and ending it with sweet nothings is nothing short of annoying. Shirley.
Oh, good grief, let the "Shirley" poster have her fun. Maybe she'll leave people irl alone if she can be obnoxious and obtuse here. We can just scroll over her posts. Can you imagine having to deal with her in person? Look at it as our way of doing a good deed for her community.
Oh, good grief, let the "Shirley" poster have her fun. Maybe she'll leave people irl alone if she can be obnoxious and obtuse here. We can just scroll over her posts. Can you imagine having to deal with her in person? Look at it as our way of doing a good deed for her community. --------
Who died and made you the good Samaritan? You think you are so much better and yet you are here ... think about that hypocrisy for a while.
OMG there's got to be some better gossip to hash out on here than this Shirley BS. Are things really this slow? Let's talk about the MSA Featured Pass for August. Anyone else buy or download it? I think it's their worst one yet this year.
So found Harper Finch on Deviant Art (by accident) and she is now offering a CU license ($10) for her PU products which she clearly USES CU to make - should be interesting to see how that works....
Ok kids. It's naptime. Please put your toys away and I'll wake you up when your parents are here....oh wait, this isn't kindergarten? Sure sounds like.
Ok kids. It's naptime. Please put your toys away and I'll wake you up when your parents are here....oh wait, this isn't kindergarten? Sure sounds like. __
If you don't like the immaturity here, go someplace else. By the way, nap time is two words, Teacher.
Kristin C B and Zoe Pearn are starting to do the same crap over and over again with the same colors. _ This is so true. I like both these designers, however, their work is really getting repetitive and buying their stuff is a waste of my money.
Harper Finch on Deviant Art (by accident) and she is now offering a CU license ($10) for her PU products which she clearly USES CU to make __ Everything this woman does has previously been done by someone else.
I see the Amber Shaw CT has hit the smack blog. Or Amber Shaw herself.
You don't "see" shit, Stupid. Your statement that you do reflects your stupidity (hence. the well-deserved name calling). Then your dramatic admonishment to stop is even more idiotic. What are you? Thirteen?
I've made many suggestions to designers over the years for original, or at least hard to find, kits and none of them ever make them. They just keep pumping out the same stuff. That leads me to believe the same stuff must sell and they don't want to ruin that by making something different.
You don't "see" shit, Stupid. Your statement that you do reflects your stupidity (hence. the well-deserved name calling). Then your dramatic admonishment to stop is even more idiotic. What are you? Thirteen?
There are a lot of designers that do very well each month at MyMemories. I am sure the 20,000 fans on their facebook page has a lot to do with that. They obviously have a loyal fan base.
The way My Memories picks top designers is based on a point system. You get a lot of points for submitting templates, a portion of points come from sales, selling software and driving traffic. Say a designer makes $600 in sales a month, she gets 60 points, she also creates 2 templates (6 points) Her month total is 66. Another designer makes 25 templates so she gets 75 points, sales are $100 (10 points) so she ends up with 85 points. The designer who created the most product wins, not the designer who sold more. From what I have seen the winner is usually the one who creates the most templates. Some designers even have people creating templates for them. I have read here that there are many designers who do well at MyMemories, I have no idea if that is true or not. I imagine many would say their sales have gone down over the last year. With 100 plus designers there are only so many dollars customers spend. The more designers it is spread over then less each one makes. I know customers have left because there is too much in the store and they can never find anything. They don't care to take the time to wade through everything to find what they need. So although sales used to be great, I am not sure all designers would still agree they do very well. But maybe they do, I really have no idea as I don't go around asking what everyone makes. Plus what is good sales to one may not be to another.
It's very, very hard to have your kits seen at MyMemories because the site is hard to search for customers. And there's so many designers now that put up just crap but make shitloads of templates that it's hard to say who is actually a top designer there.
#134 is dead on. When I first opened at MyMemories, I was making over $1K a month there. Now, I'm lucky to hit $400. I tried making templates for a while, but they don't sell and I don't have the time to devote to making a store-exclusive product that won't sell. And, since the point system is heavily weighted for people who make a shitload of templates, those are the people who end up the "top" designers, even though they might be making crap.
If you aren't one of the 15 designers who are listed on the front page of the shop, it is very difficult to get your products noticed. It also doesn't help that they seem to promote very few designers in their newsletters. I'm close to closing my store - it's almost not worth the time it takes to name/zip everything in the format they want it anymore.
#136 - I totally agree with you. The newsletter highlights just a select few and it's the same with their fanpage. I've emailed L letting her know that I'm having a sale, etc. and nothing. Of course, you can post your own status update on their fp, but those get lost and I wonder if anyone looks at them. It's the same with the front page and the 'New Digital Scrapbooking Kits'. Those aren't the new ones, they are ones that Hannah decided to highlight and they stay on the front page from 2 weeks to 1 month.
There are some designers who put up hundreds of album templates each month - they are the ones who make the front page. Otherwise you are lost in the large crowd because the search function is crap.
Renaming everything you make is a PITA! You have to put a descriptive name on everything - every paper you make. But you can't put your designer's initials on it. Your files are put into group folders and them uploaded. The bottom line is that it's different from any other store in digi-land which means that if you sell at another store you basically have to rename everything for just Mymemories.
139: IDK if you've heard of this product, but I use Bulk Rename Utility to rename files. (It's free--or at least, it was when I got it.) I'm not at MM, but the two stores at which I sold required files to be named quite differently. Anyway, maybe it'd save you some time (or at least make it easier for you to rename files).
BTW, I HATE how MM names their files. And it bothers me that they promote quantity vs quality. I've never purchased anything there because I can never find what I want. (Plus, with all those crappy designs being "featured," it makes a first-time visitor think the whole store is just full of crap. And that impression is tough to fix since it's tough to search the site.)
Me too 136, I make 1/3 of what I used to at My Memories. At my other stores sales are increasing so I don't think it is due to quality issues or creativity. I have tried to figure out what it is and the only thing I can think of is too many designers, poor search function and actually getting my products noticed. There seem to be some who get a lot of publicity while others don't get much. There are areas where you can participate to get noticed but I haven't found they work all that great. Not sure what the solution is. Maybe they will become the victim of their own success. I guess time will tell. For now I keep creating in hopes my sales will go up and I am thankful for what I do make to help with my family finances.
141-I CT for a designer that is there, but thankfully, she's at another store too because I can't figure out how to post a layout in the gallery there. I never have bought anything there!! The previews are too small to see anything in the kit. I don't like that site at all.
I think it's because have they taken on every designer (and I say that loosely) in the industry and it has cheapened their reputation and taken sales away from (what used to be) their highest selling designers. I sold there for a minute until I realized what they were doing then I bolted. I made about $75 a month as compared to the $1-2K I make at my other shop, so I doubt it's the quality either.
148- SSD usually only does store wide sales a few times a year aside from the major scrap holidays. I'd be surprised if they had another store wide before scrapbooking day this fall.
MM drowned themselves with greed. They have some good designers but they have more bad designers, hard to weed through all the bad to get to the good. To me they have become the dumping grounds for anyone to say they are a designer. I left a long time ago before the started the rush of designers I saw the writing on the walls. Now way I needed to be associated with this kind of company, I would rather be seen with quality designers than with wanna be designers. Hard to go to there site you get sick seeing what comes up and say to myself really- seriously really.
One of the newer people to show up at MM doesn't even texture anything. It's gross. But even though those designers are there, I wonder if they're selling anything?
Okay, question on the Cropped comp. I know they all have mystery basket ingredients they have to use. Do you think it's fair that they hid those ingredients if they can't use them? Isn't part of the challenge to use them?
I think hiding them isn't really using them. What does anyone else think? Does anyone else care?
I'm not participating and haven't played along, just wondering.
I agree that hiding them (especially almost completely hiding them) is very different from using them or repurposing them in a creative way. The one that comes to mind the most was the vintage card in Round 2. Some people really hid that thing, and I thought that was disappointing.
The challenge is to use them creatively per the rules posted on the blog. If it makes sense to hide them, hide them. If it makes sense to showcase them, showcase them. Hiding them is still using them.
I think it's more creative to hide them as long as you can still see them. It's more like the Chopped TV show. If the chefs are given a hot dog, they don't just cook the hot dog and showcase the hot dog in all its hot dogginess on a plate. They put it in a blender or put it in a stuffing, etc.
There is nothing creative about using a pie chart as... gasp... a pie chart.
ITA with 157. Otherwise, we'd see the same papers used as backgrounds if they couldn't do something creative with the papers provided for example.
I can see 156's point when that creativity is stretched, though. I remember one LO with that card and all they used was the diamond stamped onto a background or something like that. I never thought of using a card that way so it was creative in my mind.
I don't see how anyone could find that unfair, though. If they didn't use all of the mystery items or didn't follow the guidelines and advanced, that's unfair. Using an item in a way you wouldn't have isn't unfair, it's just different.
Just got around to unzipping the DSA kit for Aug and what a Mega waste of time, not wasting another minute on that crap. Also D/L the Aug DST members kit from Jkniepp and was presently surprised. Great Kit. Love his papers. I have been a member since 08 & have discovered loads of new designers to me. I d/l a free kit every month, the past 4 months I haven't bothered, very disappointing. I was beginning to think that all the good designers had deserted DST for good.
I think it's more creative to hide them as long as you can still see them. It's more like the Chopped TV show. If the chefs are given a hot dog, they don't just cook the hot dog and showcase the hot dog in all its hot dogginess on a plate. They put it in a blender or put it in a stuffing, etc. ----------
I agree with this. I asked the original question and I should have been more clear and meant hiding as in hiding completely. That's how I think it's unfair (in answer to post #158)
I think it is more creative to build a theme for your layout that incorporates the mystery items in a visual way, even if that is using the elements in an "obvious" way (such as a pie chart). Hiding an element so that just a corner of it is peeking out does not seem especially creative to me.
I agree with #165. I don't see how hiding the element is creative at all. I think it's creative to somehow use those difficult items and stick to the theme of the challenge and still create a cohesive layout.
I don't see how using a vintage card, a patterned paper, or a pie chart or any of those items is difficult at all. I think using them differently than the person who posted before you is creative - whether it's hiding it, making it a brush, etc. Seeing pages that have used the item similarly is boring and not creative.
163 - I saw that, too, and thought it was odd. Especially since Janet had used that technique in last week's challenge. Not that it's a creative technique as it's been done to death.
I don't see how using a vintage card, a patterned paper, or a pie chart or any of those items is difficult at all. ---------
It's not hard to use ONE of those items on a layout, what's hard is using all 4 unrelated items and sticking to the week's theme and making a stunning layout.
Also, I really doubt people were copying because it takes a while to do one of those and there really wouldn't be enough time to see what everyone else did and then make your own layout, unless you waited to the very end, which a few people did, however, I wouldn't automatically believe they were copying.
#172 I thought the same thing when I saw that preview, especially b/c the dart didn't seem to go with anything else in that collection so it stood out that much more. PENIS!
Janet will be a finalist, if not the winner. ----------- Why do you say that? -------
Because while I've liked all her pages, I didn't think they really tackled the challenges in an out of the ordinary manner. It was all something I ahd seen before. I think some of the other players did a better job and they didn't get through.
Chelle had some contest...and the winner got to choose what elements she would make out of felt . Whoever won chose those lovely ellies. Penis dart and all.
The dart was in the contest from last year. A bunch of people wanted the dog and manatee so she released the past 2 years of the felt things this week as one bundle. After last year's contest, she made a little nerf gun mini and sold it.
Michele Martin is having a buy my store $40 this w/end at the TLP, I haven't purchased from her before but like the looks of a few of the kits. Anyone have any feedback on her quality etc. I was burnt on another BMS a couple years back don't want to make that mistake again.
189: I have a few of her kits and I like them. I can't think of any glaringly obvious QC issues right now. If I have time to search my EHD later today (and if no one else has responded), I can search for more kits. I checked Isabella (old BYOC element and paper packs) and spot-checked a few things: nothing wrong.
I will say that I wish she'd include a few more neutral colors in her papers/elements sometimes. Things are a bit bright for me, and I'm usually a one-kit scrapper, so when a kit is very brightly colored, I like a neutral besides bright white in the kit. But that's a very personal response, when I'm assuming you're more concerned about quality.
Who is the Shirley that you are comparing all these folks with? I ask because I am actually named Shirley and I am wondering if there is something that you need to talk to me about.
190-I would think that the industry references would be fellow designers that you've worked with? They can say if you're a team player or not. People that you've collabed with for instance could say you're prompt with your parts of the collab. Designers from stores you have been at can attest to your participation in forums, speed scraps, store activities and such as that. Designers know a lot about other designers.
I like Micheline's stuff, but the kits always feel small for full price. I think her Buy My Store is a great deal. I only bought one thing that I was disappointed with from her, a stamp set that didn't come as brushes for some reason, but it's retired now.
DigiFiles is meh. What are you supposed to scrap with Gina Miller's part? It's not a whole kit.
I'm really disappointed with the MSA kit this month too. That's $5 I wish I could get back. There's only 4 kits left and I don't think I'll scrap with anything I've received so far.
I just looked over the buy my store deal and sorry to say, I don't see anything there that inspires me except her collabs, which of course, won't be included in the deal. So, no deal for me. I love buy my store promotions too.
Who is the Shirley that you are comparing all these folks with? I ask because I am actually named Shirley and I am wondering if there is something that you need to talk to me about. --------
Really? I can absolutely guarantee that you are not the Shirley I'm referencing.
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 588 Newer› Newest»I found it funny how almost all the designers stayed within a box. By the time I hit #20 on the list, they were all starting to look the same.
These are the kits that had parts I liked the best from the August Digi Scrap Parade Blog Train:
Robyn Meierotto - my favorite kit from this month
scotty girl design - well done kit with a nice mix of stuff
SarahJ Designs - I like her map alpha (instead of flat paper she made it acrylic), some fun papers
Snips and Snails Designs - has a nice cohesive travel kit
Dawn by Design - I really like her template, it's clean lined & something I'd use
Etc_Dan - nice globe paper & silver metal embellishments
Kim Broedelet - nice papers & tags
LaurieAnnHGD - nice papers
MegsC - vintage images & grungy papers
quirkytwerp - map themed paper & tags
Juno Designs - nice kit
Jennifer Labre - cute road sign paper
Valorie Wibbens - I like that she has a map of Japan
micheline martin - nice paper
Amy Wolff - some cute papers & a cityscape border
Stolen Moments & KAagard - cute journaling cards
Down This Road Designs - missing the button that's shown in the kit preview
Thank you to all the designers that contributed this month!
"Dear Paraders, if I cannot see what you are offering, I will not click like on your page. There are others who do give a preview and they got my 'vote'."
me too
I don't see Kaagard from your list anywhere in the parade
Dear Paraders, if I cannot see what you are offering, I will not click like on your page. There are others who do give a preview and they got my 'vote'."
Designers, pay attention! It's SOOOOO much work to click "like" and "unlike" if need be.
I agree with the post about grab bags. I feel like they should be cohesive for style. An all paper style, or all realistic, or all fantasy.
sorry about the confusion about the KAagard item listed above. I just double checked & even though the journaling cards are travel related, it looks like it's from ScrapOrchard (not from the Digi Scrap Parade Blog Train).
the name of the item is SO_KAagard_FriendlySkies_FBTrainMegaFreebee
I think it may have been from the ScrapOrchard facebook page, or else from Kristin Aagard's own page.
Designers, pay attention! It's SOOOOO much work to click "like" and "unlike" if need be
Hey Shirley, it's their loss, not mine. It's SOOOOO much work making a preview if need be, oh wait ...
SO's facebook train is completely and utterly pointless. The only reason Kami wants them to do that instead is because she gets 100% of the money from the store collab it promotes.
Hey Shirley, it's their loss, not mine.
How is it their loss?
Will not be a customer, that's how.
#11 anyone that thinks like that has a distorted/optimistic view of their power in the digi scrap market place.
It is fact that if I don't shop with them, then they don't have me as a customer, which is a loss of money for them. I never said it was huge amounts or anything like that, just a loss. Plain and simple.
The fact that you had to distort what I said into something else says a lot about you.
In reference to comments from last month about SHCO's blog train and designers using a lot of CU thereby being very unoriginal: I did an experiment where I spent a period of time creating my own original ellies. The 3D, realistic kind. I have to say that sales-wise, the time involved was not worth the payoff. In other words, there was no significant ROI on my time to create those items.
Sooooo... I decided to focus on my other strengths like color, pattern, and making well-rounded and versatile kits. I now use CU products unashamedly, knowing that my customer base can tolerate it. This also helps me get more product out in a faster manner, which in turn helps with sales.
Plus, I also enjoy shopping for and playing with new CU goodies. It's a lot like how I feel when shopping for new scrapping goodies, so why deny myself that pleasure - especially if it doesn't hurt my sales? KWIM?
Now, if I had a personal goal to be very unique then my opinions on the matter would be different. It's just which kind of designer you want to be and I'm happy being one that uses a moderate amount of CU.
Speaking of CU...I wish I was good enough to draw these and give them away for free!! No designer who put that much effort into drawing would ever give these away for free....unless the designer didn't draw them and is violating clip art terms of use!
Looks to me like the SO August Mega is a direct ripoff of the DigiScrap Parade.
16 said "Looks to me like the SO August Mega is a direct ripoff of the DigiScrap Parade."
Funny enough, the SO mega was released first, although the DSP sneak peeks started the end of July...probably after SO had created the mega. So, IDK who "ripped off" whom. If the SO designers weren't involved in the DS Parade at all, then who knows who had the travel idea first? To me, the more important issue is: Travel as a theme is so overdone. Couldn't SO or DSP come up with a more unique theme (especially SO, since the mega is for sale)?
And don't get me started on Rachaels Scraps! Haven't bought one of her hideous grab bags in nearly 6 months!
I used to really like her stuff; it was usually clear and free of jaggies. About 6-9 months ago, I noticed that the quality wasn't what it used to be. More and more often, her extracted items are blurry and not worth the money.
Example 1:
Example 2:
Example 3:
The fact that you had to distort what I said into something else says a lot about you.
The fact that you took the time to complain about clicking a tab a couple of times (max) says a whole helluva lot more about YOU!
Have a great day. I have a hunch that's difficult for you.
Speaking of CU...I wish I was good enough to draw these and give them away for free!! No designer who put that much effort into drawing would ever give these away for free....unless the designer didn't draw them and is violating clip art terms of use!
It was created with Miss Tiina's and a bunch of SugarHill co designers.
General statement about the clicking like or make the effort of doing so...
Why would someone take the time to like a page, that will no doubt flood a news feed like they do, if the designer can't bother to provide a photo to entice them to like the page for their product?
That is the purpose of the blog trains in my experience.
So why does it bother some so much, if they choose not to like then unlike if necessary? That's more of an "Errmaageeerddd, you can't puuush buttons quickly!" kind of statement.
Thank you for the morning laughs. :D
^^and thank YOU for taking a whole lot of space to basically say nothing that hasn't already been
All of the SO people are still "in" the DSP group, even though they do not participate. The idea or theme and the palette were given out shortly after the last parade. SO lacks originality, and went with the DSP idea. not that its original,but to do the same basic idea at the same time? Yet they are too good to participate in the DSP one....because they didn't like P&Co being included.
^^ to be fair, SO doesn't like ANYONE being included, LOL. I think the whole prejudice against P&Co is ridiculous. It makes me want to shop there even though none of it is my thing. Sometimes being in a predominantly female industry stinks. Not very happy with TDF's attitude about it, either.
It's very middle school.
23 - I have no idea when or how SO decides on the collab themes but at my store they are all decided long for the entire year around November. So their August collab theme could have been decided before the DSP was ever even thought of.
24 - What did TDF say about P&Co?
I didn't receive an Allison Pennington newsletter this week (or last week..)Is there any coupon? I want to buy something from her store, and a coupon will be so nice.
The travel thing for summer is definitely something everyone does. The color palette for this parade and the last parade look very similar and some are the same.
I don't see how SO ripped off the Parade in any way and I really can't stand SO. I just yawned and thought, wow, a travel kit for summer, how original. I'd rather download the parade for free than spend even $5 on something I pretty much have 50 kits for already.
26 - according to posts early last month, TDF has blackballed P&Co designers from advertising.
27- I just got her newsletter about 15 minutes ago. I can't remember if there was a coupon for everything but I know there was a 20% off for something in it. LOL I'm so helpful aren't I?
WTF #2, Micheline Martin didn't participate in the Parade. What are you talking about?
#2, you're smoking crack. #4 is right, Kristin Aagard wasn't in the Parade, either.
Seems to me that nobody should pay a lick of attention to your list of recommendations, if you have zero idea who designed what.
Funny enough, the SO mega was released first, although the DSP sneak peeks started the end of July...probably after SO had created the mega. So, IDK who "ripped off" whom. If the SO designers weren't involved in the DS Parade at all, then who knows who had the travel idea first? To me, the more important issue is: Travel as a theme is so overdone. Couldn't SO or DSP come up with a more unique theme (especially SO, since the mega is for sale)?
Funny enough, the DSP chose their colors and theme back in May. I sincerely doubt that SO had already created their mega at that point. I've been bothered for a while about the fact that the SO designers are all in our DSP group on FB but haven't lifted a finger the entire time, and yet both times it's taken place they kick off a similar event the same week. Coupled with the fact that Kami has banned her designers from participating in both just reeks of desperation, lack of originality, and lack of business sense. I wish that those in charge of the DSP would kick SO out for good because I know I am not the only designer who is pissed about it.
My favorites from the DSP -
Scotty Girl
Robyn Meierotto
Laurie Ann
Meagan's Creations
Clever Monkey
Wishing Well Creations
Etc by Danyale
Amy Wolff
The Lilypad
Memory Clips
Little Butterfly Wings
Sarah J
Melissa Bennett
Allison Pennigton
Peppermint Creative
"WTF #2, Micheline Martin didn't participate in the Parade. What are you talking about? Aug 2, 2013, 3:18:00 PM"
No, you are incorrect about that.
The Micheline Martin kit is part of The Lilypad contribution which is #29 on the list. It is located at
#2, you're smoking crack. #4 is right, Kristin Aagard wasn't in the Parade, either.
Seems to me that nobody should pay a lick of attention to your list of recommendations, if you have zero idea who designed what.
Aug 2, 2013, 3:19:00 PM
No need to be rude.
As mentioned above in post #7, the KAagard item listed is actually part of the ScrapOrchard freebie. But it's still cute & still available for free & is still travel related.
You don't need to "like" the same designer kits as mentioned above in post #2. Feel free to be helpful & list your own favorites, instead of just being cranky.
The fact that you took the time to complain about clicking a tab a couple of times (max) says a whole helluva lot more about YOU!
Have a great day. I have a hunch that's difficult for you.
Hey Shirley, I didn't complain. You turned it into something that it wasn't. But I guess that's normal for you.
Why would someone take the time to like a page, that will no doubt flood a news feed like they do, if the designer can't bother to provide a photo to entice them to like the page for their product?
I didn't mind the travel theme, the thing that was funny to me was that several designers used the same airplane shape, the same car shape, a bunch of arrows etc. and they made very similar items. Out of #34's list, the only one that I remember is Memory Clips, even though she used arrows and maps, she used them differently and it was useable.
Speaking of CU...I wish I was good enough to draw these and give them away for free!! No designer who put that much effort into drawing would ever give these away for free....unless the designer didn't draw them and is violating clip art terms of use!
They are probably done in Illustrator and are not that difficult to draw. I was surprised at how easy it is to make something cute in Illustrator.
Nice leap of logic there though.
Who the frick is Shirley
My favorites from the DSP -
Robyn Meierotto
Laurie Ann
Clever Monkey
Etc by Danyale
Amy Wolff
The Lilypad
Memory Clips
Little Butterfly Wings
Allison Pennigton
Peppermint Creative
I wish that those in charge of the DSP would kick SO out for good because I know I am not the only designer who is pissed about it.
Speaking of CU...I wish I was good enough to draw these and give them away for free!! No designer who put that much effort into drawing would ever give these away for free....unless the designer didn't draw them and is violating clip art terms of use!
They are probably done in Illustrator and are not that difficult to draw. I was surprised at how easy it is to make something cute in Illustrator.
Nice leap of logic there though.
Aug 2, 2013, 5:18:00 PM
The leap was that she made those herself. It's nothing more than Miss Tiina and Magical Scraps CU. Seems like someone was just trying to promote their freebie.
She's the Designer of the Year!
re SO designers in the DSP fb group: Why does the person in charge of DSP allow that? (I'm not a designer, so IDK who's in charge of that stuff.) That seems to be DSP's problem, not SO's designers.
ITA with 45. If you're not going to participate TWICE in a row, they should be removed from the group by the person in charge of DSP.
But, I do think it's in very poor taste by the SO designers to remain part of a group they don't participate in. You can and should remove yourself from that group if you don't intend to participate. Whether that intention is dictated by Kami or not, you're still not a participant.
Ditto 46. Especially if remaining in the group makes it look like you're piggybacking off the ideas of the DSP group. You may not be, but it sure looks a lot worse for you if you stay in the group and have no intention of participating and then make something eerily similar and have a FB train that starts on the same exact date. It's not even a week like DSD where most people have FB trains either so it just looks desperate and petty to have one out of the blue after saying you can't participate in the DSP.
SO saying their designers can't participate in DSP because of a megaLAME FB train by just a handful of designers is absurd. Then again, it's Kami, so if it makes sense, SO wont do it.
What does everyone think of their newest "designer" Amber Shaw?
I don't think the SO train was "out of the blue." They have been doing FB trains for the last several months with word-art that coordinates with the monthly Mega kits.
The leap was that she made those herself.
No, it wasn't. The leap was that she must have stolen them because she wouldn't spend that much time drawing something only to give it away.
Who the frick is Shirley
You are, probably.
Anyone else think that the color swatch for TLP's August BYOC is almost identical to the one P&Co has for their BYOC? Is that sort of thing just a weird coincidence, that 2 shops would pick almost the same colors to do the same sort of event?
No. Everyone seems to be using that color palette. The themes are completely different.
I might be remembering wrong, but I think the August BYOC color swatch was picked through a challenge earlier in the year. People submitted color swatches and inspiration boards and someone's was picked as the winner. I think she gets the entire BYOC as a prize.
Yes 44, she is 'Designer of the Year' for uploading the most crap! LOL
My Memories cares more about quantity rather than quality. It's rather sad that a designer of that standard can boast a Designer of the Year title!
peaking of CU...I wish I was good enough to draw these and give them away for free!! No designer who put that much effort into drawing would ever give these away for free....unless the designer didn't draw them and is violating clip art terms of use!
She got them here:
Thank you #55...exactly what I was going to say!
the fact that anyone thinks SO ripped off DSP is ridiculous, just
Iike the store I sell at, SO has their colors and themes picked out several months in advance and if I'm correct their mega contributions are due 2 months prior to the mega. Alot of stores do it ahead like that. Ideas and colors are gonna cross in digi, there isn't anything new under the sun.
Finally one of the SO gang has arrived to act indignant and flabbergasted at anyone for questioning them! Thank you 58 we were wondering where you were.
I didn't think 58 sounded indignant or flabbergasted. Other people have said the same things as 58.
Any previews for The Digi Files this month? Thnx
I'm #58 and I think you just wanted to use big words. I was only agreeing with what others said because that's how my store does it too. Do you design? Have you ever used similar colors or theme as someone else at the same time? I bet you never make Christmas kits either and if you do, they are so original. Again, nothing is new under the sun. If you don't like something DON'T BUY IT no matter where it sells at. Or maybe you just like to bitch about something.
#48...I LOVE the new "designer" Amber Shaw...her kits are fun and colorful and a perfect fit at SO, IMO. She may be a new "designer" to SO but she is certainly not a new designer!
#63 I was just about to say the same thing, good thing I read all the way through before I posted. I love Amber Shaw's designs. I have been a fan for years, since see was Ruby Lane. I am excited for her to begin at SO. I have never been a huge fan of Scrap Orchard, but, now I have a reason to shop there.
25-There is a lot of MIDDLE SCHOOL taking place in the digi world unfortunately. There is so much going on behind the scenes. It's sad really that women (mostly) can be so vindictive to other women (mostly) in this business.
63 and 64-I've also been an Amber Shaw fan for several years. I don't remember the name of the store she began in, but she certainly isn't a "new" designer at all. Besides designing cute kits, she's also a nice person, and has great customer service.
#63,64 and #66.
I see the Amber Shaw CT has hit the smack blog. Or Amber Shaw herself.
Those comments belong on DST. If you bring up a designers name here, 9 times out of 10 it will get smacked. That's a stupid thing to do.
63 - Let me explain the sentence for you and for those who don't understand basic reading comprehension...
What does everyone think of their newest "designer" Amber Shaw?
Means Amber is the newest designer at SO, not a new designer. The " " around designer implies the OP doesn't think she's much of a designer.
I hope none of you home school your children.
Wow #68 if that is the condescending manner in which you teach, then, for your children's sake I hope you don't home school either! And #67 I am #64. I didn't bring up her name #48 did. I was just responding to the question.
Amen 68
67-I'm not her CT-so you don't know what you are talking about. Besides that--you can't dictate to me what I can put on this blog. so YOU stop it.
69, it was clear that none of you who posted about Amber Shaw understood the meaning of the first sentence. The quotes were meant to indicate sarcasm. Something your brain obviously cannot comprehend.
I'm not 68, but I am 70. And I weep for the future if all of you (or one of you, if you posted about Amber 3 times to make her look better) didn't understand the first post. IDIOTS.
Oh and please don't come back here and tell me I didn't have to be nasty and resort to name-calling. I really, really did. But you'll never understand why.
Any of the people that posted can come back and post whatever they want to. Talk about IDIOT, telling someone else not to post here. YOU are the idiot.
Fuck off 73, I never said you couldn't post. That was someone else, who you already referred to as #67. I already said that I am #70 and #72. Did you forget that part already? And...... you have proven once again that you are an IDIOT.
I hate stupidity.
#72 I totally understood the meaning and I was purposefully ignoring the condescending tone of the implied lack of skill because I totally disagreed with her. Sorry if you didn't get that from my posts (#64 and #69) guess you were the one having a bit of trouble with comprehension.
75, just stop.
First, you started post #64 by saying "#63 I was just about to say the same thing."
63's post was very focused on correcting the idea that Amber Shaw was a "new" designer"...... and completely ignoring the fact that the original post didn't say that. The original post said: new "designer" which is completely different. The original post implied that she sucks.
So if you were originally agreeing with and supporting 63's post, then you really didn't understand it at all. Don't tell me otherwise now (post #75) because you're just making yourself look foolish.
Can I get an "IDIOT!" from the crowd? Word.
The idiot here is the store owner that let her go.
I wish her luck at her new store. She deserves it.
75 do you even know what reading comprehension means?
77 and 78 what you say is true. The problem here is that Kami is a selfish bitch and I wouldn't wish that on anyone and I feel bad that Amber felt the need to resort to moving there.
I wish I could buy 68, 72, and 76 a beer IRL.
I wish that those in charge of the DSP would kick SO out for good because I know I am not the only designer who is pissed about it.
Ditto your ditto!
Maybe Kami reads here and will turn over a new leaf.
My Memories cares more about quantity rather than quality.
Truer words were never spoken.
Kami definitely reads here and she will never turn anything over, leaf or otherwise. Otherwise, that ridiculous gallery would be gone by now. EVERYBODY hates it, Kami. Do you have any idea how many customers you've lost over that gallery? I am on one of your designer's CT's in fact, and I refuse to upload there because of that dumb gallery. You want to know why your sales are dropping? Maybe listen to your customers when they tell you what the like/don't like.
what "they" like, not "the" - sorry
Who the frick is Shirley
No one specifically. The poster is trying to be cute, witty and/or get under the op's skin. All of these appear to be one huge FAIL.
I wish I could buy 68, 72, and 76 a beer IRL.
Me too!
They have been doing FB trains for the last several months with word-art that coordinates with the monthly Mega kits.
I might add these word art trains are a HUGE waste of clicking time!
I thinks it's hilarious with all of the anonymity that people can make assumptions who is posting for who. Anytime something bad is said about a designer that could be a customer or onlooker, then they are accused of being a disgruntled CT applicant or designer that didn't get into a store or on a CT. If someones says something nice or likes a designer than they are on their CT or the designer themselves. Based upon assumptions, I am now convinced that Elvis, Martha Stewart, and my neighbor post on this blog based upon certain responses. I could be one of them though.
My Memories cares more about quantity rather than quality.
Truer words were never spoken.
Very accurate. There is absolutely no quality checking. Anyone can sell there. It's all about quantity, quantity and more quantity.
92-But several designers I've talked with sell more there than at their other stores. Why is that??
My Memories chooses their top designers based on number of uploads of their special templates for their software. It doesn't have anything to do with actually selling them, it's just putting them in the store. Some of those are awesome - and the majority are crap because they're tossed together and thrown in the store. I do sell at MM and more than one other store, and my best sales come from MM, despite the fact that I don't upload those crappy templates. My other store isn't 'top tier' though.
I don't hang out at a forum that anybody here thinks is a top tier store. Let me tell you, though, it's a lot friendlier, has less drama, less ass kissing, less back biting than what I've seen at the forums that are normally called top tier. I'll stick with my normal people and not the rock stars thank you.
I don't hang out at a forum that anybody here thinks is a top tier store. Let me tell you, though, it's a lot friendlier, has less drama, less ass kissing, less back biting than what I've seen at the forums that are normally called top tier. I'll stick with my normal people and not the rock stars thank you.
It's the ass kissing on the SSD forum when they're close to a "babe call" that makes me want to puke. Usually, however, I don't see it anywhere really. Maybe I'm not looking for it.
I'll stick with my normal people
I don't mind "normal people," I do, however, mind mediocre work and I see a LOT of that at SO, TLP, and SM. I also have been seeing A LOT of repetitive color schemes and cu embellishments from SSD.
It's the ass kissing on the SSD forum when they're close to a "babe call" that makes me want to puke.
Tara and Trish outdid themselves this last babe call with the ass kissing. I guess it paid off!
I also have been seeing A LOT of repetitive color schemes and cu embellishments from SSD.
Ditto. I wish some of the others who don't design as much would step up and do some kits. Kristin C B and Zoe Pearn are starting to do the same crap over and over again with the same colors.
I see the Amber Shaw CT has hit the smack blog. Or Amber Shaw herself.
Yeah, because NO ONE ELSE in DigiLand could possibly like her work. That's why she's been in business for years. Get a grip.
The idiot here is the store owner that let her go.
The idiots are both Amber and Kami for not doing a little research on each other. They deserve each other as far as I'm concerned.
I don't remember the name of the store she began in, but she certainly isn't a "new" designer at all.
The OP clearly meant new to SO, she specifically said newest. That anyone would take it any other way is silly.
Fuck off 73, I never said you couldn't post. That was someone else, who you already referred to as #67. I already said that I am #70 and #72. Did you forget that part already? And...... you have proven once again that you are an IDIOT.
I hate stupidity.
And yet you are here. For someone who hates stupidity, why do you spend time on here with the supposedly stupid people? That seems a stupid thing to do.
I wish I could buy 68, 72, and 76 a beer IRL.
Go ahead, buy yourself a beer.
No one specifically. The poster is trying to be cute, witty and/or get under the op's skin. All of these appear to be one huge FAIL.
Nope, the fact that someone had to ask who the "frick" is Shirley would deem it a success.
FYI, Shirley is someone specifically and on this blog, it could possibly be several someones, they display similar attitudes, so I call them Shirley.
I don't hang out at a forum that anybody here thinks is a top tier store. Let me tell you, though, it's a lot friendlier, has less drama, less ass kissing, less back biting than what I've seen at the forums that are normally called top tier. I'll stick with my normal people and not the rock stars thank you.
Sounds like you'd be be a perfect fit at the other store forums.
It's the ass kissing on the SSD forum when they're close to a "babe call" that makes me want to puke. Usually, however, I don't see it anywhere really. Maybe I'm not looking for it.
Agreed, I'm also not seeing any back biting and drama.
FYI, Shirley is someone specifically and on this blog, it could possibly be several someones, they display similar attitudes, so I call them Shirley.
Hey, Einstein, if it's "several someones" it's not anyone specific. Further, just because someone asks you what the hell you're talking about does not mean your post was a success. It, in fact, means just the opposite, that you're not communicating what you mean in an understandable way.
Whatever, Shirley. I said that Shirley was someone specific AND ON THIS blog it could be several someones. I'll break it down for you, so you will understand, seeing as you are having so much trouble. It means that she's a real person and I use her name to apply it to people on this blog with similar attitudes, like you.
Further, just because someone asks you what the hell you're talking about does not mean your post was a success. It, in fact, means just the opposite, that you're not communicating what you mean in an understandable way.
Asking me who Shirley is not someone not understanding me, it just means they don't know who Shirley is. I'm beginning to understand why you call me Einstein ...
Whoever keeps using the name Shirley- please just STFU. I am getting headache over your nonsensical aggressive mia culpa posts.
If you insist on posting, do us a favor and start your post with an asterisk or other symbol so I can easily skip your stupid rants,
Thank you! :) <3
111, ending your post just now with a smily face and a heart just makes me want to start calling people Shirley, too. Ranting at someone and ending it with sweet nothings is nothing short of annoying. Shirley.
Oh, good grief, let the "Shirley" poster have her fun. Maybe she'll leave people irl alone if she can be obnoxious and obtuse here. We can just scroll over her posts. Can you imagine having to deal with her in person? Look at it as our way of doing a good deed for her community.
Whoever keeps using the name Shirley- please just STFU. I am getting headache over your nonsensical aggressive mia culpa posts.
If you insist on posting, do us a favor and start your post with an asterisk or other symbol so I can easily skip your stupid rants,
Shut up, Shirley.
Oh, good grief, let the "Shirley" poster have her fun. Maybe she'll leave people irl alone if she can be obnoxious and obtuse here. We can just scroll over her posts. Can you imagine having to deal with her in person? Look at it as our way of doing a good deed for her community.
Who died and made you the good Samaritan? You think you are so much better and yet you are here ... think about that hypocrisy for a while.
Whoever keeps using the name Shirley- please just STFU. I am getting headache over your nonsensical aggressive mia culpa posts.
Aggressive and mea culpa? Hardly.
Can you imagine having to deal with her in person
Can you imagine having to deal with you in real life? You seem such a peach.
Whatever, Jane!
OMG there's got to be some better gossip to hash out on here than this Shirley BS. Are things really this slow? Let's talk about the MSA Featured Pass for August. Anyone else buy or download it? I think it's their worst one yet this year.
How about the digi files? Other than one or two of the things, I think they look pretty good.
So found Harper Finch on Deviant Art (by accident) and she is now offering a CU license ($10) for her PU products which she clearly USES CU to make - should be interesting to see how that works....
Tell Miss Tiina - I'm sure that violates her TOU.
Ok kids. It's naptime. Please put your toys away and I'll wake you up when your parents are here....oh wait, this isn't kindergarten? Sure sounds like.
Ok kids. It's naptime. Please put your toys away and I'll wake you up when your parents are here....oh wait, this isn't kindergarten? Sure sounds like.
If you don't like the immaturity here, go someplace else. By the way, nap time is two words, Teacher.
Who died and made you the good Samaritan? You think you are so much better and yet you are here ... think about that hypocrisy for a while.
LOL - obnoxious and STUPID (you're so OFF the point, I almost have pity for you)! A GREAT combo!! Go get 'em, Einstein!
Kristin C B and Zoe Pearn are starting to do the same crap over and over again with the same colors.
This is so true. I like both these designers, however, their work is really getting repetitive and buying their stuff is a waste of my money.
Harper Finch on Deviant Art (by accident) and she is now offering a CU license ($10) for her PU products which she clearly USES CU to make
Everything this woman does has previously been done by someone else.
Can you imagine having to deal with you in real life? You seem such a peach.
Can't think of your own things to say? Have to copy a post by someone else? Maybe quitting while you're far behind is an idea.
I see the Amber Shaw CT has hit the smack blog. Or Amber Shaw herself.
You don't "see" shit, Stupid. Your statement that you do reflects your stupidity (hence. the well-deserved name calling). Then your dramatic admonishment to stop is even more idiotic. What are you? Thirteen?
I've made many suggestions to designers over the years for original, or at least hard to find, kits and none of them ever make them. They just keep pumping out the same stuff. That leads me to believe the same stuff must sell and they don't want to ruin that by making something different.
You don't "see" shit, Stupid. Your statement that you do reflects your stupidity (hence. the well-deserved name calling). Then your dramatic admonishment to stop is even more idiotic. What are you? Thirteen?
Fuck off Shirley.
Wow #101 that sounds kind of personal.
There are a lot of designers that do very well each month at MyMemories. I am sure the 20,000 fans on their facebook page has a lot to do with that. They obviously have a loyal fan base.
The way My Memories picks top designers is based on a point system. You get a lot of points for submitting templates, a portion of points come from sales, selling software and driving traffic.
Say a designer makes $600 in sales a month, she gets 60 points, she also creates 2 templates (6 points) Her month total is 66. Another designer makes 25 templates so she gets 75 points, sales are $100 (10 points) so she ends up with 85 points. The designer who created the most product wins, not the designer who sold more. From what I have seen the winner is usually the one who creates the most templates.
Some designers even have people creating templates for them.
I have read here that there are many designers who do well at MyMemories, I have no idea if that is true or not. I imagine many would say their sales have gone down over the last year. With 100 plus designers there are only so many dollars customers spend. The more designers it is spread over then less each one makes. I know customers have left because there is too much in the store and they can never find anything. They don't care to take the time to wade through everything to find what they need. So although sales used to be great, I am not sure all designers would still agree they do very well. But maybe they do, I really have no idea as I don't go around asking what everyone makes. Plus what is good sales to one may not be to another.
It's very, very hard to have your kits seen at MyMemories because the site is hard to search for customers. And there's so many designers now that put up just crap but make shitloads of templates that it's hard to say who is actually a top designer there.
#134 is dead on. When I first opened at MyMemories, I was making over $1K a month there. Now, I'm lucky to hit $400. I tried making templates for a while, but they don't sell and I don't have the time to devote to making a store-exclusive product that won't sell. And, since the point system is heavily weighted for people who make a shitload of templates, those are the people who end up the "top" designers, even though they might be making crap.
If you aren't one of the 15 designers who are listed on the front page of the shop, it is very difficult to get your products noticed. It also doesn't help that they seem to promote very few designers in their newsletters. I'm close to closing my store - it's almost not worth the time it takes to name/zip everything in the format they want it anymore.
#136 do you sell in an other store? What's your income in your other store ?
What DOES sell? Most of the 'best sellers' are horrible. Maybe your sales went down because you are too good.
#136 - I totally agree with you. The newsletter highlights just a select few and it's the same with their fanpage. I've emailed L letting her know that I'm having a sale, etc. and nothing. Of course, you can post your own status update on their fp, but those get lost and I wonder if anyone looks at them. It's the same with the front page and the 'New Digital Scrapbooking Kits'. Those aren't the new ones, they are ones that Hannah decided to highlight and they stay on the front page from 2 weeks to 1 month.
There are some designers who put up hundreds of album templates each month - they are the ones who make the front page. Otherwise you are lost in the large crowd because the search function is crap.
Renaming everything you make is a PITA! You have to put a descriptive name on everything - every paper you make. But you can't put your designer's initials on it. Your files are put into group folders and them uploaded. The bottom line is that it's different from any other store in digi-land which means that if you sell at another store you basically have to rename everything for just Mymemories.
Do you think that MyMemories could become victim of its own success in the long run?
139: IDK if you've heard of this product, but I use Bulk Rename Utility to rename files. (It's free--or at least, it was when I got it.) I'm not at MM, but the two stores at which I sold required files to be named quite differently. Anyway, maybe it'd save you some time (or at least make it easier for you to rename files).
BTW, I HATE how MM names their files. And it bothers me that they promote quantity vs quality. I've never purchased anything there because I can never find what I want. (Plus, with all those crappy designs being "featured," it makes a first-time visitor think the whole store is just full of crap. And that impression is tough to fix since it's tough to search the site.)
#140: Absolutely.
#139: Try ReNamer. Free and easy to use.
There's a renaming function in Bridge, if you have that.
Me too 136, I make 1/3 of what I used to at My Memories. At my other stores sales are increasing so I don't think it is due to quality issues or creativity. I have tried to figure out what it is and the only thing I can think of is too many designers, poor search function and actually getting my products noticed. There seem to be some who get a lot of publicity while others don't get much. There are areas where you can participate to get noticed but I haven't found they work all that great. Not sure what the solution is. Maybe they will become the victim of their own success. I guess time will tell. For now I keep creating in hopes my sales will go up and I am thankful for what I do make to help with my family finances.
141-I CT for a designer that is there, but thankfully, she's at another store too because I can't figure out how to post a layout in the gallery there. I never have bought anything there!! The previews are too small to see anything in the kit. I don't like that site at all.
I think it's because have they taken on every designer (and I say that loosely) in the industry and it has cheapened their reputation and taken sales away from (what used to be) their highest selling designers. I sold there for a minute until I realized what they were doing then I bolted. I made about $75 a month as compared to the $1-2K I make at my other shop, so I doubt it's the quality either.
anyone know of an upcoming store wide sale at SSD?
148- SSD usually only does store wide sales a few times a year aside from the major scrap holidays. I'd be surprised if they had another store wide before scrapbooking day this fall.
MM drowned themselves with greed. They have some good designers but they have more bad designers, hard to weed through all the bad to get to the good. To me they have become the dumping grounds for anyone to say they are a designer. I left a long time ago before the started the rush of designers I saw the writing on the walls. Now way I needed to be associated with this kind of company, I would rather be seen with quality designers than with wanna be designers. Hard to go to there site you get sick seeing what comes up and say to myself really- seriously really.
One of the newer people to show up at MM doesn't even texture anything. It's gross. But even though those designers are there, I wonder if they're selling anything?
Wow, gone for a few days and we are having a My Memories designer lament fest.
LOL - obnoxious and STUPID (you're so OFF the point, I almost have pity for you)! A GREAT combo!! Go get 'em, Einstein!
Darlin', you keep saying this, perhaps the problem lies with you.
Can't think of your own things to say? Have to copy a post by someone else? Maybe quitting while you're far behind is an idea.
I have to communicate with you in ways that you will understand. This method seems to be working.
Okay, question on the Cropped comp. I know they all have mystery basket ingredients they have to use. Do you think it's fair that they hid those ingredients if they can't use them? Isn't part of the challenge to use them?
I think hiding them isn't really using them. What does anyone else think? Does anyone else care?
I'm not participating and haven't played along, just wondering.
I agree that hiding them (especially almost completely hiding them) is very different from using them or repurposing them in a creative way. The one that comes to mind the most was the vintage card in Round 2. Some people really hid that thing, and I thought that was disappointing.
The challenge is to use them creatively per the rules posted on the blog. If it makes sense to hide them, hide them. If it makes sense to showcase them, showcase them. Hiding them is still using them.
I think it's more creative to hide them as long as you can still see them. It's more like the Chopped TV show. If the chefs are given a hot dog, they don't just cook the hot dog and showcase the hot dog in all its hot dogginess on a plate. They put it in a blender or put it in a stuffing, etc.
There is nothing creative about using a pie chart as... gasp... a pie chart.
ITA with 157. Otherwise, we'd see the same papers used as backgrounds if they couldn't do something creative with the papers provided for example.
I can see 156's point when that creativity is stretched, though. I remember one LO with that card and all they used was the diamond stamped onto a background or something like that. I never thought of using a card that way so it was creative in my mind.
I don't see how anyone could find that unfair, though. If they didn't use all of the mystery items or didn't follow the guidelines and advanced, that's unfair. Using an item in a way you wouldn't have isn't unfair, it's just different.
Just got around to unzipping the DSA kit for Aug and what a Mega waste of time, not wasting another minute on that crap. Also D/L the Aug DST members kit from Jkniepp and was presently surprised. Great Kit. Love his papers. I have been a member since 08 & have discovered loads of new designers to me. I d/l a free kit every month, the past 4 months I haven't bothered, very disappointing. I was beginning to think that all the good designers had deserted DST for good.
Ju Kneipp is a girl. Ru Kneipp is a boy. The DST kit is from Ju and I wasn't impressed. I normally like her stuff, too.
it's Re not Ru
I think it's more creative to hide them as long as you can still see them. It's more like the Chopped TV show. If the chefs are given a hot dog, they don't just cook the hot dog and showcase the hot dog in all its hot dogginess on a plate. They put it in a blender or put it in a stuffing, etc.
I agree with this. I asked the original question and I should have been more clear and meant hiding as in hiding completely. That's how I think it's unfair (in answer to post #158)
Was making a rainbow with elements a requirement for the final round? I thought it was strange that two people out of four made their pages this way.
^^ For Cropped.
I think it is more creative to build a theme for your layout that incorporates the mystery items in a visual way, even if that is using the elements in an "obvious" way (such as a pie chart). Hiding an element so that just a corner of it is peeking out does not seem especially creative to me.
Hiding an element so that just a corner of it is peeking out does not seem especially creative to me.
Me neither.
I agree with #165. I don't see how hiding the element is creative at all. I think it's creative to somehow use those difficult items and stick to the theme of the challenge and still create a cohesive layout.
I don't see how using a vintage card, a patterned paper, or a pie chart or any of those items is difficult at all. I think using them differently than the person who posted before you is creative - whether it's hiding it, making it a brush, etc. Seeing pages that have used the item similarly is boring and not creative.
163 - I saw that, too, and thought it was odd. Especially since Janet had used that technique in last week's challenge. Not that it's a creative technique as it's been done to death.
Janet will be a finalist, if not the winner.
Janet will be a finalist, if not the winner.
Why do you say that?
I like Janet's the least this week. But I didn't like the peach/mint green one, either, so clearly it isn't up to me. Ha.
Maybe I've just got a dirty mind but that dart sure looks like a penis to me.
I think Janet will be eliminated this week. The challenge is a journaling one, and she didn't have any.
I don't see how using a vintage card, a patterned paper, or a pie chart or any of those items is difficult at all.
It's not hard to use ONE of those items on a layout, what's hard is using all 4 unrelated items and sticking to the week's theme and making a stunning layout.
Also, I really doubt people were copying because it takes a while to do one of those and there really wouldn't be enough time to see what everyone else did and then make your own layout, unless you waited to the very end, which a few people did, however, I wouldn't automatically believe they were copying.
#172, LOL. Well, it IS a weiner, what do you expect?!
#173 - I think she named that element Carlos Danger.
#172 I thought the same thing when I saw that preview, especially b/c the dart didn't seem to go with anything else in that collection so it stood out that much more. PENIS!
That is the most random collection of elements ever.
The challenge is a journaling one,
True. Perhaps she thinks she can get away with it by doing it in the description. Of course, if she does goes through ...
Janet will be a finalist, if not the winner.
Why do you say that?
Because while I've liked all her pages, I didn't think they really tackled the challenges in an out of the ordinary manner. It was all something I ahd seen before. I think some of the other players did a better job and they didn't get through.
Maybe I've just got a dirty mind but that dart sure looks like a penis to me.
More like a dildo.
Chelle had some contest...and the winner got to choose what elements she would make out of felt . Whoever won chose those lovely ellies. Penis dart and all.
So what's supposed to be in the mug? Hot chocolate and marshmallows or a landscape?
I thought it was a root beer float.
That makes more sense than a hot chocolate but it still looks weird.
That dart isn't even new.
I think Janet will be eliminated this week. The challenge is a journaling one, and she didn't have any.
The dart was in the contest from last year. A bunch of people wanted the dog and manatee so she released the past 2 years of the felt things this week as one bundle. After last year's contest, she made a little nerf gun mini and sold it.
Michele Martin is having a buy my store $40 this w/end at the TLP, I haven't purchased from her before but like the looks of a few of the kits. Anyone have any feedback on her quality etc.
I was burnt on another BMS a couple years back don't want to make that mistake again.
TDC designer call. They want 3 industry references. Who usually gives these references? The current store owner??
189: I have a few of her kits and I like them. I can't think of any glaringly obvious QC issues right now. If I have time to search my EHD later today (and if no one else has responded), I can search for more kits. I checked Isabella (old BYOC element and paper packs) and spot-checked a few things: nothing wrong.
I will say that I wish she'd include a few more neutral colors in her papers/elements sometimes. Things are a bit bright for me, and I'm usually a one-kit scrapper, so when a kit is very brightly colored, I like a neutral besides bright white in the kit. But that's a very personal response, when I'm assuming you're more concerned about quality.
Who is the Shirley that you are comparing all these folks with? I ask because I am actually named Shirley and I am wondering if there is something that you need to talk to me about.
190-I would think that the industry references would be fellow designers that you've worked with? They can say if you're a team player or not. People that you've collabed with for instance could say you're prompt with your parts of the collab. Designers from stores you have been at can attest to your participation in forums, speed scraps, store activities and such as that. Designers know a lot about other designers.
Does anyone have previews for this month's DigiFiles? Trying to decide whether to buy.
I like Micheline's stuff, but the kits always feel small for full price. I think her Buy My Store is a great deal. I only bought one thing that I was disappointed with from her, a stamp set that didn't come as brushes for some reason, but it's retired now.
DigiFiles is meh. What are you supposed to scrap with Gina Miller's part? It's not a whole kit.
I'm really disappointed with the MSA kit this month too. That's $5 I wish I could get back. There's only 4 kits left and I don't think I'll scrap with anything I've received so far.
Wow, worst TDF in a while. Not a single kit I'd buy out of the lot.
I just looked over the buy my store deal and sorry to say, I don't see anything there that inspires me except her collabs, which of course, won't be included in the deal. So, no deal for me. I love buy my store promotions too.
Who is the Shirley that you are comparing all these folks with? I ask because I am actually named Shirley and I am wondering if there is something that you need to talk to me about.
Really? I can absolutely guarantee that you are not the Shirley I'm referencing.
DigiFiles is meh. What are you supposed to scrap with Gina Miller's part? It's not a whole kit.
I'm really disappointed with the MSA kit this month too
Agree with the The Digi Files, very uninspiring. What do you mean by Gina's part not being a full kit?
I'm not thrilled with the MSA kit either, which is surprising, as I'm a big fan of Sherrie JD.
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