Monday, July 1, 2013

July 2013

The DST Blog Train is out and it seems those who commented can't find much that they like in it.  What blog trains do you like, and why do you like them?


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Anonymous said...

Continuing the conversation from the end of June's post, La Grier is going back to SSD. Not speculation, I know it to be true.

Anonymous said...

I have seen, in the past, a large collab that was also based on different places in the world and it was great. I expected something interesting from the blog train but the designers didn't do a good job in my opinion. Some kits don't even reflect anywhere in the world or any feature. They look like the designers made a kit almost at random. It could have been interesting, but it was disappointing to say the least.

Anonymous said...

Continuing the conversation from the end of June's post, La Grier is going back to SSD. Not speculation, I know it to be true.
Is this good news or not-so-good news? I have never used any of her designs. I've bought a kit but haven't used it yet.

Anonymous said...

Anybody have a look at the new Digi Files yet?

Anonymous said...

Continuing the conversation from the end of June's post, La Grier is going back to SSD. Not speculation, I know it to be true.
BFD. She lost my business when she failed to respond to 3 product issue emails.

And her stuff has morphed into ugly.

Anonymous said...

Decent color palette, decent theme - how the heck did they manage to mess it up?

Anonymous said...

5 - nobody was saying it was a BFD. Just reporting that she's moving back there. Angry much? If if makes you feel better to rant here, please do go ahead.....

Anonymous said...

What s BFD?

Anonymous said...

BFD- big fucking deal

Anonymous said...

How on earth do we get a weightloss kit from a 'welcome to my world' theme??

I wanted to do the DST blog train because I liked the idea but I ran out of time. Now I'm just as glad I didn't bother. What a pile of crap.

Anonymous said...

4-yes. There were a couple I didn't download, but may use the rest some day when I have time.

Anonymous said...

How on earth do we get a weightloss kit from a 'welcome to my world' theme??

Maybe she misunderstood the theme and thought it meant her world and not her part of the world, although she isn't the only one that missed by a mile.

Anonymous said...

10- maybe her world is a world of dieting? She might have used the theme less literally (although I think it does not make much sense to divert so much from such a theme).

Anonymous said...

Re La Grier: I bought some of her stuff, way back, because I thought they were decent sized, until I unzipped. Big disappointment!

Anonymous said...


I hate it when designers make elements look bigger than they are on previews.

Anonymous said...

Amy Stoffel is retiring. Not moving stores, she says....just....retiring. right.

Anonymous said...

Amy Stoffel is still designing???

Anonymous said...

I love Amy Stoffel, hope she has a big retirement sale!

Anonymous said...

if you love her so much you better go check out her sale at SM as it ends fri. - and then she is gone.

Anonymous said...

.....for a month or two. She'll pop back up, she always does.

Anonymous said...

When has she done this before?

Anonymous said...

she's moved but never retired. I think her sale is 50% off.

Anonymous said...

Amy Stoffel is retiring.


good riddens

Anonymous said...

The Digi Files - July 2013

Pixel Gypsy - A nice subtle sort of kit. It doesn't stand out as special but it is pleasant to the eye. I personally would use the kit.

Jacque Larsen - I am sure some people love this style but it is just not for me. The postcards are the only thing I could see myself maybe using. The launch pads are ultra-simplistic. (which is a style, I get it.. just again not for me)

Sara Gleason - Great colors for the summer. A good mix of patterns and elements. I will be using this kit for sure. The colors are a bit girly for those who do not like that.

Rainy Dayz designs - an example of a designer I've never heard of but am happy that I have now. Her templates are cute and ok for CU/PU/S4H.

Sarah Jones - I was a bit put off by the preview but once I opened the kit I realized it was nicer than it appeared. Bold colors (much in her usual style) and an overall fun kit that would work especially well for boys. My only complaint is I hate kits that include recolors to flesh them out. I do not need 8 recolors of an epoxy brad.

Amanda Heimann - I don't love the font choices for the word art and the palette feels odd to me. The kit is well put together which is what I would expect from a Scrap Orchard Designer but it just doesn't do it for me.

Studio Tangie - I'm not into art journaling but I collect art journaling things because I want to learn the style. This is a nice set to add to that collection. If you aren't into art journaling at all this set will seem useless to you.

Overall I think this month is a bit hit and miss. For me it was worth it, for you it may not be.

Anonymous said...

I don't do the Digi Files but it seems from comments that every month is hit and miss.

Anonymous said...

Probably intentionally. Mixing the good with the bad so that a whole month doesn't end up missing.

Anonymous said...

Scrap Stacks is always pretty good imo. I haven't felt ripped off yet!

Anonymous said...

Is it possible for someone to post the previews of the digi files?

Anonymous said...

WTF? Splendid Fiins wants $2.99 for ONE template?! Even at half off for SOSN, that's $1.50 for one template. A normal 4-template pack is, like what? $4 to $6 usually? So, broken down, that means each template costs $1 to $1.50 each. At regular price. IDK why, but Splendid's pricing drives me nuts.

I realize it comes with "customizable" stuff and a QP, but that still seems ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

Art journaling is not the same as altered art, even though so many digi scrappers seem to think it is.

I do art journaling and use kits by designers like Sara Gleason, Paislee Press, Natali Designs, Amy Wolff, Taylor Made Designs, Anna Aspnes, Rosey Posey, even some Flergs plus the digi 'traditional' art journal designers like Tangie and Sherrie JD. It doesn't have to be just like Tangie's stuff, it can be clean and simple.

Anonymous said...

#24 and #29, thanks for your reviews and #29 especially for the previews. I can't see Sara Gleason's though. Pretty please? Thanks!!

I really like the look of Tangie's contribution, it's very generous compared to some.

Anonymous said...

#30 - this is the same template set out and it's free, with a bunch of stuff included

Anonymous said...

32, whoops, sorry. I tried to make sure I included every preview. My bad.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

We posted at the same time!

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

just took a look at the MSA FPP kit wonderland.
Gotta say normally not my style but I like it.
good variety in the papers & elements. very happy.

Anonymous said...

Anyone get the ScrapStacks this month? Theres one I like- but if I wait till its in the store, I can get it for less than buying a a whole lotta stuff I dont like

Anonymous said...

I have the July Scrap Pack. I adore two of them- Shawna's and Suzy Q's. Amy's and Forever Joy's are nice, but not necessarily my style. I am happy with it for five bucks.

Anonymous said...

>>Anyone get the ScrapStacks this month? Theres one I like- but if I wait till its in the store, I can get it for less than buying a a whole lotta stuff I dont like

I think contractually, they'll be required to sell the kit for more than $5 when it goes into the store. So you're better off getting it with the pack.

Anonymous said...

Why doesn't every store have a Fourth of July sale? I want to shop!

Anonymous said...

Hey DSA: It's July now, time to put the new Fix up!

Anonymous said...

I don't think the Fix comes out until the 15th.

Anonymous said...

42. Why doesn't every store have a Fourth of July sale? I want to shop!
Because not every shop is based in the United States and therefore do not Celebrate the 4th of July.

Anonymous said...

24 said: My only complaint is I hate kits that include recolors to flesh them out. I do not need 8 recolors of an epoxy brad.

I had a designer explain this to me one time. Some people do know how to recolor--some don't. So when and if someone posts a layout with her kit, she didn't want the public to see recolors that weren't good with her name on it as the credited designer. The person looking at the layout has no idea which elements may be recolored.

Anonymous said...

46 (and 24), I know not everyone does this, but I mention "recolored" in my credits whenever I've recolored something. I figure that people need to know (1) I changed the item and (2) not to find this is in the kit. It's the same reason that I say "brush used as paper mask is mine" (or whatever) to make it clear that whatever I've added to a page isn't originally found in the kit.

My problem with recolors isn't that they're in the kit: it's when designers say "kit includes 50 unique elements!" when really the kit has 25 elements and each has been recolored once. That's not 50 UNIQUE's 25 unique elements, each recolored for a total of 50 elements.

Anonymous said...

A little bird told me something is about to blow up... get your popcorn!

Anonymous said...

48? Where, when, what? Have to share something more than that.

Anonymous said...

It better not just be forth of July fireworks.. or I'll be pissed.

Anonymous said...

48- You just assume they will come here to blow it up? So enlighten us. What did your little bird tell you?

Anonymous said...

good . I'm bored as all get out. On with the show, please.

Anonymous said...

Inquiring minds wanna know!

Anonymous said...

47-I understand. Personally, I don't like that either. I was just saying what a designer told me about why she does. Her kits are huge though-and she does have a lot of variety along with the repeat items she recolors. But I'm still with you on it.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone else here heard what's going on between the Daily Digi and Pixels & Company? Is that what you're referring about #46? I want to hear the gossip. I think I only have part of the story from other people on a CT I am on.

Anonymous said...

Sorry I meant #48 not #46

Anonymous said...

55 - For those like me who don't know what's going on between the Daily Digi and Pixels & co could enlighten us ?

Anonymous said...

Yes please, do tell 55

Anonymous said...

54, I'm 47. I love me a big kit! :) I don't mind the recolors--sometimes, I even keep a few if they're a good, especially yellow. Personally, I hate recoloring stuff to be yellow. I just hate when designers market their products in such a way as to fool a customer into thinking the items are "unique" when they're really just recolors.

And yeah, SPILL IT, people! What's going on?

Anonymous said...

I dont think I am qualified to spill the story because I am only on a team with someone who is on one of the pixels & co designer's teams, but what I have heard is that the designers have been told that they arent allowed to advertise at TDD anymore and whoever owns that site wont tell them why or something like that.

Anonymous said...

Jennifer owns Pixels.

Anonymous said...

No I meant whoever owns TDD

Anonymous said...

Why doesn't every store have a Fourth of July sale? I want to shop!


Because some stores are not located in the US and don't have US designers.

Anonymous said...

Why do template designers make templates with just a tiny place for a photo?

Anonymous said...


It's a template, make the photo space bigger.

Anonymous said...

ITA with 65. Just adjust the template to work for you. It's not different than deleting an element layer you don't like. If you use PS, delete the template's photo layer (copy the layer's styles if you like them), then just use a vector shape (square, rectangle, circle, whatever) to "draw" the size you need. And if that's still not perfect, you can adjust it more because it's a vector. I love vectors.

Anonymous said...

#64 - I can think of dozens of template designers who don't do that.

Anonymous said...

#64 cause it's a template to scrap a bad photo :PPP

Anonymous said...

That's pretty low to blackball a site and all of its designers and give no explanation. Anyone know why Steph would do that?

Anonymous said...

I would imagine that there is something tangible behind that kind of decision (even if it does sound weird) because it would be stupid to do something like that "just because". But what is the reason? Who knows the actual story???

Anonymous said...

Do you think it's because of this blog?

Anonymous said...


Why would you think that?

Anonymous said...

From what I hear, Gennifer herself doesn't even know why her shop is being blacklisted so I doubt that something "tangible" happened between her and Steph. My best guess is that it's because Gennifer used to own this blog and still posts here. Irony that Steph wouldn't know that if she didn't read here too tho.

Anonymous said...

I hope someone comes along with more details than that.

Anonymous said...

I bet it as to do with all the comments each month about what's in the Digi Files and it might have hurt the sales.

Anonymous said...

Blacklisting P&Co isn't going to make people stop posting the Digi Files previews. It's only going to make them do it more, and make you look like an asshole.

Anonymous said...

75- But if that were the case, why target that group of designers in particular? And even if Gennifer owns the store and used to own this blog, that, in itself, shouldn't put the burden on those designers. Anyone can post anything about any of the Digi Files products so that would not explain targeting those designers in particular.

Anonymous said...

75, Gennifer doesn't run this blog anymore, so I really hope TDD/TDF isn't blacklisting P&Co because of that.

Plus, I get TDF. Actually, I quit my subscription awhile ago, then read about the Files on here (in a not-all-happy post about them) and thought to myself "I forgot about them!" joined back up.

This is a place to bitch and moan about everything. TDF gets it every month because it's a MONTHLY thing. But not every review on here is bad. Actually, this month the majority written has been positive.

Anonymous said...

Amen to 76!

Anonymous said...

I think it makes sense. A few months ago when Pixels&Co joined the Digi Scrap Parade group on FB, some of the designers I know threw a fit. A few left the group, and a couple of stores threatened to walk completely. Gennifer left, but the other designers stayed, and it seemed to settle things down.

At the time, I thought it was just those egotistical people/stores. Maybe they put pressure on Steph, or maybe she's just egotistical too.

Anonymous said...

Happy 4th of July to my American Smackers!

Anonymous said...

80: No way! Which stores was it? I have my suspicions.

Anonymous said...

#80 that's really really sad.and it's bad for (their) business - tell us the stores names ("and a couple of stores threatened to walk completely")

Anonymous said...

Why the resistance to P&co for the digiscrap parade?
Which stores threatened to walk? I assure SM and SO - since those were the lower tier stores of those involved, and I assume more in comp with P&co

Anonymous said...

SSD and SO are the ones I heard.

Anonymous said...

Gennifer started this blog after the other one closed. She may not own it anymore but she DID start this blog. Gennifer also still posts here. Steph really can't do anything about "anon" posters but she can do something to Gennifer who posts under her own name. I could be way off base and it's a really dumb reason to blacklist a whole store.

Anonymous said...

a couple of stores threatened to walk completely
I wish I knew who these were for sure.

Anonymous said...

Why the resistance to P&co for the digiscrap parade?
Does anyone know the answer to this?

Anonymous said...

some of the designers I know threw a fit
who, please? I'd never buy another thing from them if I knew AND I don't shop at P & Co. They're way too expensive for what they offer imo. I just don't like the arrogance of threatening to leave if someone doesn't get her way. Grow the hell up!

Anonymous said...

That's pretty low to blackball a site and all of its designers and give no explanation.
If she feels so strongly as to blackball an entire store then she needs to be an adult and say why.

Anonymous said...

Not to mention, if she's afraid of criticism of the Digifiles, then make sure there's nothing to criticize - e.g. stop calling a pack of journal cards and a simple blocked template a kit - it's not, and it's going to get smacked here.

Anonymous said...

A few months ago when Pixels&Co joined the Digi Scrap Parade group on FB, some of the designers I know threw a fit. A few left the group, and a couple of stores threatened to walk completely. Gennifer left, but the other designers stayed, and it seemed to settle things down.

So they bullied her out. No wonder there's so many kids who bully, look at their parents. I don't use the word bully lightly, but that was bullying and if Pixel & Co are blacklisted from Digi Files for no good reason other than Gennifer used to run this blog, that's also bullying.

Anonymous said...

It is unfortunate but it proves that there can be repercussions for anything we do in public life. So mind your P's and Q's ladies. We are never anonymous, no matter what we think.

Anonymous said...

I try not to post anything that I would be ashamed of if I forgot to check "anonymous." I think a lot of people post this way, and that's the valid part of the blog that Gennifer embraced (IMO). I didn't realize that some people use the anonymity to spread lies against specific people they have a grudge against (not valid criticism, but actual lies). That has tempered my tolerance of the smack for smack's sake. i still don't think that was Gennifer's motive in keeping it going. I was very surprised by some of my design acquaintances' opinions about her being in the Parade. So I've kind of lost faith in a lot of the digi community lately (and I don't even know Gennifer, I could be completely wrong about all of this).

Anonymous said...

Not to mention, if she's afraid of criticism of the Digifiles, then make sure there's nothing to criticize - e.g. stop calling a pack of journal cards and a simple blocked template a kit - it's not, and it's going to get smacked here.

Anonymous said...

Steph really can't do anything about "anon" posters but she can do something to Gennifer who posts under her own name.
Steph should pay more attention to what she puts out in product. One would think that would keep her plenty busy.

Anonymous said...

87, it was SSD and SO like someone else mentioned. I know for a fact.

Anonymous said...

I've known Gennifer for years at 2 peas, and never found her to be abrasive, rude, or unpleasant. I was quite surprised to see that she was the owner here when that piece of information came out. I don't hold it against her. I don't care for the bashing of people here. So I can hear someone saying--so why do you come here then? I come here once in awhile because my name has come up once or twice. I let it slide.

Anonymous said...

I didn't realize that some people use the anonymity to spread lies against specific people they have a grudge against (not valid criticism, but actual lies).
People have been doing this forever under the safety cloak of anonymity. It's amazing that adults would do this but they do in all walks of life for all kinds of reasons. Some would say a blog like this just begs for this type of behavior. It's been my experience that gossips and liars always find an audience somewhere so if it wasn't here it would be someplace else.

Anonymous said...

it was SSD and SO like someone else mentioned. I know for a fact.
yeah, well, there's no way to verify that (for a fact)

Anonymous said...

You could ask those two stores if you don't believe me.

Anonymous said...

it was SSD and SO like someone else mentioned. I know for a fact.
yeah, well, there's no way to verify that (for a fact)

It wasn't just designers from those stores. I would guess that there were some from each store that were not happy, and some that didn't think it was an issue at all.

Anonymous said...

I applied to P&CO a while back, and was turned down. Gennifer was nothing but kind and professional, and even though she had nothing to gain, she gave me helpful advice on areas I could improve in, and answered every question I had.

In contrast, when I applied for TDF I never even received a confirmation of my application.

Maybe I just suck, but if I had my choice of interacting with Steph or Gennifer on a continuing basis, I know who I would choose.

Anonymous said...

OK, stores and designers have threatened to leave the parade. I am not sure exactly what you are talking about. Can someone make a chronological story of this so it can make sense to those who are only reading bits here and there and have a hard time seeing a whole picture?

Anonymous said...

I'm 80, and I agree with what 102 said, there probably WERE designers on both sides of the issue from every store. None of the other three stores were going to walk away though, which means that either Robin and Kami dictated what their store would do (which wouldn't surprise me) or that they took a vote, and the majority of their designers were on the same side. Either way, egotistical and hyoocritical store/designers, because I'm willing to bet money that there are readers and posters from both of those stores here.

Anonymous said...

Given Steph's recent reading of Daring Greatly by Brene Brown and discussion on the Digi Show around the impact of negativity on creativity has resulted in her not wanting to associate with someone who began a Smack Blog (and still posts here openly). She seemed very taken with the idea (during the podcast) of being supportive of others and not bringing them down with gossip and negativity. Perhaps that has all resulted in this blacklisting thing? Not sure but the timing definitely seems interesting.

Anonymous said...

Amber Shaw is moving to ScrapOrchard August 1st.

Anonymous said...

It was May or June. After the first Parade, because P&Co wasn't included in the first one. They were added to the group, Gennifer posted and introduced herself, said they were glad to be there, blah blah. People freaked out immediately behind the scenes. SSD and SO were going to leave the group, and instead, Gennifer left, or maybe was kicked out. (I think left, not sure.) The rest of her designers stayed. Officially, SSD and SO are still a part of it, but I don't know if they are actually going to participate. SO didn't in the first one, they did their dumb tech one instead.

Anonymous said...

to spread lies against specific people they have a grudge against (not valid criticism, but actual lies).

I've seen this criticism before and the lies, which are very few, are very quickly outed. While there are some grudge holders, these also seem to be very few of the posters and are usually fairly quickly outed.

Just because something is unpleasant to hear about someone else, it doesn't make it a grudge and it doesn't make it a lie.

Anonymous said...

Can someone make a chronological story of this so it can make sense to those who are only reading bits here and there and have a hard time seeing a whole picture?

If you want the whole story, read the whole story instead of just bits and pieces. It really helps to make sense of the whole picture.

Anonymous said...

Given Steph's recent reading of Daring Greatly by Brene Brown and discussion on the Digi Show around the impact of negativity on creativity has resulted in her not wanting to associate with someone who began a Smack Blog (and still posts here openly). She seemed very taken with the idea (during the podcast) of being supportive of others and not bringing them down with gossip and negativity. Perhaps that has all resulted in this blacklisting thing? Not sure but the timing definitely seems interesting.

Now that would be ironic, considering that Gennifer wasn't negative and gossipy. Steph is making an assumption there, if it's true, and thus being gossipy and negative herself.

Anonymous said...

Just because something is unpleasant to hear about someone else, it doesn't make it a grudge and it doesn't make it a lie.

This is very true. However, if they are in the nature of personal attacks rather than "ugly product" or "bad quality" the chances are it is more likely to be motivated by spite. I have enough evidence in these instances to be convinced that it was a malicious lie. And it sort of opened my naive eyes, that's all I was saying.

Anonymous said...


Fair enough.

Anonymous said...

What is Digi Scrap Parade?

Maybe Steph knows if you lie with dogs you will get fleas and chose not to.

Anonymous said...

What is Digi Scrap Parade?

Maybe Steph knows if you lie with dogs you will get fleas and chose not to.

y'know, if you don't even know what the Digi Scrap Parade is, I'm not sure you would recognize a flea or a dog.

Anonymous said...

What is Digi Scrap Parade?

Anonymous said...

Maybe Steph knows if you lie with dogs you will get fleas and chose not to.

I'd rather lie down with a dog and get fleas than wake it up and have it maul me. Let sleeping dogs lie and all that.

Anonymous said...

I've seen this criticism before and the lies, which are very few, are very quickly outed.
How do you KNOW this?

Anonymous said...


Because I've SEEN it. It's been outed on the blog, in its various incarnations, that's how I KNOW.

Sure, other people have said some things are lies but there's never been proof of it being a lie.

Anonymous said...

I think at a certain point decent folks just withdraw.

Anonymous said...

^^^ Are you saying decent people don't read here?

Anonymous said...

Advertisers refuse to promote products all the time - it's not bullying. Companies can't get far enough away from Paula Deen right now. I don't think it's so weird that other designers question Gennifer's character because of her involvement in this blog. Since the whole story is being hashed out here, probably by designers and CTMs at P&Co, maybe those people have a legit reason to not want to be in business with anyone at P&Co.

Anonymous said...


You are seriously comparing this situation to the Paula Deen situation? I don't see anyone removing themselves from Chris Brown, nor Mike Tyson. So that proves it's okay to hit and rape women, but you can't say anything nasty. Pretty screwed up, if you ask me.

And you don't know for a fact if the whole story is being hashed out here, and if it is, for argument's sake, you don't know by whom.

Anonymous said...

If Kami had anything to do with P&Co not being part of DSP then she's a fucking hypocrite. She's long been a friend of Gennifer's even after Gennifer was outed as the owner of the old smack blog.

Oh wait... we're talking about Kami. Of course she's a two-faced hypocrite.

If Robin had anything to do with P&CO not being part of DSP then she's a fucking hypocrite, too. It's common knowledge Laura reads and posts here all the time - among others who are Babes and Designers.

It's more honorable to admit to reading and posting here than it is to read and post here and lie about it and pretend to be virtuous and almighty.


Anonymous said...

121, no, I think they stop trying to make their point. Because it seems that no one is listening.
122, I think that some folks are really judgmental, and don't have that much room to judge in the first place. My opinion, obviously.

Anonymous said...

I disagree. You're here, and what is your character like? Mine is just fine, and I wouldn't judge or question someone else's character who was here. Most of us (not all, but most) are okay, with a few random crazies.

I'm also not so sure it's P&Co people here. If it was, wouldn't this have been discussed when the DSP thing happened? And I still have never seen details about the whole DHD exodus, and you can't tell me it wasn't something major to make them all leave. I think they are pretty tight-lipped, and I think we're seeing secondhand information.

Anonymous said...

Sure, other people have said some things are lies but there's never been proof of it being a lie.
Spoken like a true gossip AND liar.

Anonymous said...

#124- Don't forget Traci Reed. She also reads and posts here daily.

Anonymous said...

It's common knowledge Laura reads and posts here all the time - among others who are Babes and Designers.
She (Laura) and some of the other "Babes" should spend more time honing their scrapping skills then posting here. They need the practice.

Anonymous said...

I'm also not so sure it's P&Co people here.
I don't think it is either.

Anonymous said...

It's more honorable to admit to reading and posting here than it is to read and post here and lie about it and pretend to be virtuous and almighty.


Anonymous said...

I don't think #122 was saying this is like Paula Deen. I think the point was that this is all a business and people's actions can affect their business. It did affect Mike Tyson and Chris Brown because their names can't come up without people mentioning their past and I'm sure there are many many advertisers who will never work with them because of their history. People may always associate Gennifer with the smack blog.

Anonymous said...

I just took a gander at Gennifer's shop, and found this:


Anonymous said...

Spoken like a true gossip AND liar.

Spoken like a hypocritical, sanctimonious, bitch who never provides proof and then tells everyone else they need to get a life and that we are all just nasty.

Anonymous said...

Spoken like a true gossip AND liar.

Where's your proof?

Anonymous said...

Spoken like a hypocritical, sanctimonious, bitch who never provides proof and then tells everyone else they need to get a life and that we are all just nasty.
Actually, this is exactly the way you sound. Way to describe yourself! You think it too or you wouldn't be so defensive!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Don't forget Traci Reed. She also reads and posts here daily.

Traci Reed is a fucking moron with as much 'business sense" as my big toe.

Anonymous said...

Where's your proof?
You just gave it! Thanks.

Anonymous said...


Gee, LOL, no I didn't.

Anonymous said...

Traci Reed is a fucking moron with as much 'business sense" as my big toe.
Well, she appears to be supporting herself and her family with her "business sense" so it must not be THAT bad.

Anonymous said...

Actually, this is exactly the way you sound. Way to describe yourself! You think it too or you wouldn't be so defensive!!!!!!

The only one being defensive is you, look at all those exclamation marks. And what exactly am I thinking?

Anonymous said...

Gee, LOL, no I didn't.
You're such an idiot, you can't see it but it's there. You need to change the subject, because you have NO idea. NONE!

Anonymous said...

I can see why some at SO and SSD wouldn't want Gennifer participating in anything with them since Gennifer can actually design and majority of the designers at SO and SSD only wish they could design.

Anonymous said...

The only one being defensive is you, look at all those exclamation marks.
An exclamation mark = defensiveness? You are an idiot!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I can see why some at SO and SSD wouldn't want Gennifer participating in anything with them since Gennifer can actually design and majority of the designers at SO and SSD only wish they could design.
Yeah, right.

Anonymous said...

Well, she appears to be supporting herself and her family with her "business sense" so it must not be THAT bad.

Anonymous said...

Gennifer can actually design
Unfortunately, she and her counterparts charge WAY TOO MUCH for their designs.

Anonymous said...

#142 and #144 - where is your proof? You still haven't given it to me. You are being so defensive, telling me I'm a liar and a gossip and that I can't see the truth. What truth, exactly, have you provided that I can't see?

And FYI, on the internet, multiple exclamation marks mean you are not only being defensive, it also means you know you are wrong and have lost the argument. Resorting to calling me an idiot is another sign.

Anonymous said...

Well, she appears to be supporting herself and her family with her "business sense" so it must not be THAT bad.

Appears, of course, being the key word here. You don't know for sure if she is supporting herself.

Anonymous said...

I just checked out P&Co and ended up buying up big. They have a $1 sale on. Gennifer you just got me as a customer and a fan.

Anonymous said...

And FYI, on the internet, multiple exclamation marks mean you are not only being defensive, it also means you know you are wrong and have lost the argument. Resorting to calling me an idiot is another sign.
I'm not who you're addressing but you do realize you sound kinda nuts, right?

Anonymous said...

Appears, of course, being the key word here. You don't know for sure if she is supporting herself.
Of course, you don't know either unless you are her, therefore, you have no clue if her business sense is profitable and what you say is meaningless because as a previous poster has stated ad nauseum - you have no proof.

Anonymous said...

I just took a gander at Gennifer's shop, and found this:

Good grief, talk about making something out of nothing. What a drama queen.

Anonymous said...

Where's your proof?
This poster has been watching way too many forensic tv shows. What a moron.

Anonymous said...

Of course, you don't know either unless you are her, therefore,

Yeah, but I'm not claiming one way or another, am I? So I don't need proof.

Anonymous said...

This poster has been watching way too many forensic tv shows. What a moron.

Don't watch them. Feel better calling me names? I hope so. I hope it made your day brighter by doing so.

Anonymous said...

I'm not who you're addressing but you do realize you sound kinda nuts, right?

Is that because you are not understanding me? So sorry, I'll try and do better next time.

Anonymous said...

^^I understand what you're saying. You sound nuts by saying it.^^

Anonymous said...

Nuts? As in peanuts? I don't think so.

Anonymous said...

Don't watch them. Feel better calling me names? I hope so. I hope it made your day brighter by doing so.
Where's your proof that you don't watch them? Where's your proof that you sincerely hope you made my day brighter?

Anonymous said...

Nuts? As in peanuts? I don't think so.
You do sound like you're a bit of a dummy.

Anonymous said...

A bit? I think it's a full-fledged DUMMY.

Anonymous said...

You guys are so fun! I'm the dummy and you are the ones falling for what I'm saying? Sounds like you guys are the dummies.

Anonymous said...

Where's your proof that you don't watch them? Where's your proof that you sincerely hope you made my day brighter?

It's in the sincerity of my post, of course.

Anonymous said...

You do sound like you're a bit of a dummy.

The fact that you think I'm being serious makes you the dummy, doesn't it?

Anonymous said...

Oh ... some of the designers/store owners who participate in the Digiscrap Parade are being elitist and snobby? I'm so surprised.

It's like High School all over again. I would feel sorry for Gennifer except that I think she's strong enough to actually not give a fuck.

Anonymous said...

And FYI, on the internet, multiple exclamation marks mean you are not only being defensive, it also means you know you are wrong and have lost the argument. Resorting to calling me an idiot is another sign.
WOW I didn't know that was what it meant. I thought it just meant someone was excited or making sure their point was getting across. Thanks for clearing that up. (insert heavy sarcastic sigh here)

Anonymous said...

I can't believe there has been so much discussion over this, it hardly warrants popcorn! Who the hell cares???

As for blog trains, I avoid them like the plague, I prefer to go to facebook pages for my freebie fixes. Then at least I can pick the designers I want to check out instead of just from those on the blog train.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who argues with someone on the internet needs mental help... that means everyone in the idiotic "proof" tangent.

I also hope P&Co vs. TDD wasn't the popcorn inducing gossip. That's not exactly exciting or news. Like 166 said, it's not surprising.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Looks like #1 was correct given all the goats appearing at SSD.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I think it goes a little deeper than just blacklisting P&CO designers - I think there are some issues about designers who contributed to TDF and the agreement between TDF + Designer is not being honored by the latter.

That is a serious issue and unprofessional on the part of TDF.

Anonymous said...

What does goats have to do with La Grier going to SSD?

Anonymous said...

^^ sorry - the agreement is not being honored by TDF (TDD)

Anonymous said...

Well, she appears to be supporting herself and her family with her "business sense" so it must not be THAT bad.

Only cause her husband is a total loser and cannot provide for his family. Have another kid, Tracie - maybe you can go on welfare.

Anonymous said...

havent we discussed here before how steph is unprofessional? not overly surprised.

so and ssd (or kami/robin) thinking their stores are the shit? also discussed previously here, also not a surprise.

it just goes to show that the cries for a non-anonymous blog won't work. it sucks that people are bullying the rest of the pixels crew at the same time.

Anonymous said...

I don't know the reason for all the goats... or why they mean La? Can someone enlighten me?

Anonymous said...

Some drama that goes on in the digi world isn't even up to high school. So unprofessional and disappointing.

Anonymous said...

I don't know the reason for all the goats.
What does goat mean exactly in this case?

Anonymous said...

all the designers and sugarbabes at ssd have goat avatars.

Anonymous said...

I think it's a full-fledged DUMMY.
I couldn't agree more.

Anonymous said...

How many of you are participating in SO's IS? I know we talked a bit about this late last month, but I wanted to see what people thought, now that we know all the prizes and the first challenges have been posted.

I think I might participate. I'd actually like the second-runner-up prize more than the grand/first prizes. Maybe if I win one of those, the second runner up will trade with me. :)

Anonymous said...

all the designers and sugarbabes at ssd have goat avatars.
what do goats have to do with La Grier returning to SSD?

Anonymous said...

#177- There is no way a mediocre designer like Traci Reed can make THAT much money and support a family of 5. She gets help from somewhere and it isn't from her deadbeat husband.

Anonymous said...

What difference does it make which spouse is the breadwinner? I'm a SAHM, does that make me a deadbeat wife?

Anonymous said...

#187- No, not at all. I also don't think you go around quitting jobs like he does.

Anonymous said...

and with the low blow personal info. Nice.

Anonymous said...

#189- It was mentioned by someone else on this blog a while back. There was almost a whole page devoted to Traci and that was brought up.

Anonymous said...

It's your opinion that TR is a mediocre designer. You have absolutely no clue how much money she makes. Saying so was just a segue for you to add the derogatory info about her husband. You are definitely the type of person I avoid IRL. I'm SO very glad you're here and nowhere else! Thanks for making me realize how thankful I am today!!!!!

Anonymous said...

almost a whole page devoted to Traci
you almost make it sound like it was a positive thing

Anonymous said...

#189- It was mentioned by someone else on this blog a while back. There was almost a whole page devoted to Traci and that was brought up.
You're justifying (or attempting to) your gossipy behavior by saying someone else started it? Now THAT is a good reason to slam someone personally.

Anonymous said...

She gets help from somewhere and it isn't from her deadbeat husband.
You know this how?

Anonymous said...

what do goats have to do with La Grier returning to SSD?
Would someone please answer this? Thanks.

Anonymous said...

#193- You're arguing with an anonymous poster? You're as stupid as poster #189. People here don't care about slamming one another. It's called a smack blog for a reason. I've seen far worse said about Traci on here.

Anonymous said...

#195- La Grier has a thing for goats? Not sure.

Anonymous said...

Who cares about Traci Reed. I swear she comes here and brings herself up half the time. It's common knowledge that SSD designers and Babes post here on a daily basis. What is the point of calling them out on it yet again? We know they do.

Anonymous said...

Every once in awhile someone actually posts something nice about someone.

Anonymous said...

It's rare but you're right I have seen it also. For the most part it's just really mean stuff. How does that benefit someone?

Anonymous said...

200-I don't think it's meant to benefit anybody except the person that writes it. Maybe it gives them some sort of power rush or something. I'll never figure it out.

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