Monday, October 1, 2012


Smack away.


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Anonymous said...

I think Shabby Miss Jenn uses the same elements over and over again. If not the same very similar.

Anonymous said...

I don't like her style at all. (Microferk Designs)

Anonymous said...

Well, I certainly don't like the fact that I've got a scad of duplicate embellishments.

Anonymous said...

I don't like Microferk Designs either.

Anonymous said...

Old ladies love her stuff.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Flergs, a bunch of SSD designers (Reed, KCB, KH, JB,SC, Jady Day) and Shabby Miss Jenn all use the same stuff over and over and over.

Anonymous said...

If someone put a little creativity into changing the elements and creating unique items, using an element over wouldn't be a problem. Shame that some designers don't follow this and think recoloring an element to match the current kit is inspiring.

Anonymous said...

ITA #10 which is why I havent bought anything in forever. I can recolor like they do and save a lot of money. I keep watching for something unique though. When I can't get a kit out of my head then I have to buy it.

Anonymous said...

Intellect and intelligence mean the same thing. It would have sounded better had you just used one or the other. When you're redundant, it's as if you don't have much (worthwhile) to say...just fyi.

No, they don't. They are not the same thing at all. You illustrated my point beautifully. Thank you.

Now, FYI, stop trying to sound smart, you fail miserably every time you try.

Anonymous said...

you're both morons.

And you are ...

Anonymous said...

Smartest post of the day.

From a moron's point of view, I'm assuming.

(PS: You should stop talking to yourself)

Anonymous said...

I just bought a kit from KittyScrap "Funny Halloween". The quality on many of the items was very bad - very blurry. I had to delete them. There are huge amounts of white space around most of the items too. Obviously she doesn't know how to trim elements. And about half of her kit is recolored CU from Starlight designs. The kit was half price and the preview looked somewhat enticing, so I thought I give her a try. Last time. Since this is the place to smack designs I thought I just put it out there for an FYI.

Anonymous said...

My bad - it's called "Funny Pumpkin" not "Funny Halloween".

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I shop mostly at
SSD (although lately they have only been getting about 1/10th of my money compared to 90% two years ago, I feel as if there is a lot of repetition in themes and colors lately)
TDC (they have been getting a bit more of money lately)

and occasionally PBP, SBB, and gottapixel- I check out their mix and match each month- sometimes I find something I like there.

As for repeating elements, lots of designers do that, one person who seems to use the same stars, etc. a lot is Connie Prince (sometimes she has cute themes and colors, but not enough "new" elements to make an unique page without the same basics)

Anonymous said...

#9- I agree, that's why they have been getting a lot less of my money lately (I am #18). It's a shame because many of them have great ideas and colors for kits, but it seems as if I already own half of the kit anyway

Anonymous said...

I forgot to add DHD (I shop there once in a while, but I don't like the fact that some of the designers changed from S4H friendly to pretty expensive S4H. I find it quite irritating when designers do this and usually just don't purchase stuff from them because of that. It inflates the cost of each kit even more than the costs increased when they moved to the store.)

Anonymous said...

#15 That's bad. I wouldn't even download it if it was a freebie.

Anonymous said...

Ok so we talked about designers using the same elements over and over again. Maybe we should praise the designers that are unique. I know a few.

Rosey Posey SBG
Valorie Wibbens TLP
Designs by Dani personal store
NLD Designs A5
Kitty Designs Ocraps
Jennifer Barrette SSD

Anonymous said...

IMO, there are just as many unique designers out there as there are basic ones (ones who reuse items). It just depends on your style is all.

Nerdy Scrappers Studio (OSD)
Paula Kesselring (OSD)
Sissy Sparrows (OSD)
Tracy Martin (OSD)
Adorable Pixels (SM)
Alissa Jones (SM)
Clever Monkey Graphics (SM)
geniaBeana Scraps (SM)
Stolen Moments (SM)
Dream Big Designs (SO)
Kristin Aagard Designs (S0)
mle Card (SO)
Sugary Fancy Designs (A5D/SO)
WendyBird Designs (SO)

Those are just the ones I could think of off the top of my head. There are many high quality, more reuse type designers out there who get my business, too. I might be able to recolor a flower myself, but I have no interest in making everything for one page myself from scratch. I'll happily pay someone else to do that for me and put it together nicely with a handful of never seen before elements. I consider that worth something because they I might get the same ribbon or string or flower, but who cares about that crap really? As long as there is something new in there, it's new to me.

SuzyQ Scraps (SO)
Traci Reed (SDD)
Jenn Barrette (SDD)

They all get my cash.

There are tons of other unique, semi-unique designers out there at other stores with various styles.

Anonymous said...

#193, you're a moron as well.
Good grief, here I am, trying to explain a philosophical conundrum, and I get called a moron. Well, I guess that elementary response is expected from a smack blog. I'm just surprised you used the word "moron" again. Just shows you're neither full of intellect nor intelligence. I'll let you guess what I think you're full of.

Anonymous said...

only a moron would spend time going over that with another moron.

Anonymous said...

23: I agree with pretty much that whole list (and you named a few designers I've never heard of, so I'm gonna go check them out! Thanks for the info, especially before DSD weekend...Wait, now I'm going to spend more money!).
I'd add Amanda Heimann at SO to the "unique" list. Her kits have lots of coordinating pieces (different patterns that work well together in both the papers and the elements). And I love her traditional paper look.

Anonymous said...

I'm just surprised you used the word "moron" again.


Or it's a different person? Never thought of that, eh?

Anonymous said...

I agree, 26. I wish Amanda H. would design more though.

Anonymous said...

For some reason, I am finding that Traci Reed's elements in her kits are starting to look similar.

Anonymous said...

#29- YES! I have to agree here.

Anonymous said...

#29 i'm with you on that.

And thanks for that list of unique designers. Theres a few on there im going to check out.

Anonymous said...

What is happening with our former leader, Gennifer and Audrey Neal? Both retiring from DHD? What is up with that? Not happy about this news. Gen, I know you are around here, tell us this is not so!

Gennifer said...

It is so. Audrey's and my retirement aren't related, it just worked out that way. And my retirement isn't a permanant one; I'm working on something new already. :)

Anonymous said...

SuzyQ Scraps (SO)
Traci Reed (SDD)
Jenn Barrette (SDD)

They all get my cash.

There are tons of other unique, semi-unique designers out there at other stores with various styles.

I used to like Charlize but her stuff isn't that great anymore.

Fayette Designs at PBP
Vera Lim Designs

Pretty sure they both do most, if not all, of their own art.

Anonymous said...

Or it's a different person? Never thought of that, eh?
I sure did think of that. If it's a different person, then that person couldn't think of a new term synonymous with "moron"? How sad. Same person, different person...still could have come up with a new term.

Anonymous said...

It is so. Audrey's and my retirement aren't related, it just worked out that way. And my retirement isn't a permanant one; I'm working on something new already. :)
That is good to hear. Can't wait to see.

Anonymous said...

Gen, I'm sorry to see you leave DHD, but I wish you good luck with whatever it is you do next!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said... 20
I forgot to add DHD (I shop there once in a while, but I don't like the fact that some of the designers changed from S4H friendly to pretty expensive S4H. I find it quite irritating when designers do this and usually just don't purchase stuff from them because of that. It inflates the cost of each kit even more than the costs increased when they moved to the store.)
Oct 29, 2012 6:22:00 AM

What irritates me about DHD is that you have to pay 'full kit price' for only a pack of elements.

Anonymous said...

This unique designers conversation makes me laugh every time it comes up because it points out how outlandish the expectations are of digital designers. Release new product every week! But make brand new and totally unique things every time! And then sell it for no more than $5! Don't put a ton of recolored basics in the kit! But now the kits aren't big enough! These colors are too similar to another kit you made! You've already done this theme!

Wah wah wah.

Anonymous said...

What do you consider "full kit price?"

Anonymous said...

#39 you are reading my mind

Anonymous said...

Not to mention that many of the so called unique designers are using, reusing, and recoloring the same CU.

Anonymous said...

"Who else frequently reuses elements?"

Paislee Press - her doodles and overall style are unique and gorgeous, but her realisitic elements are the same ones used over. and over. and over. And not greatly recolored, either.

Anonymous said...

I sure did think of that. If it's a different person, then that person couldn't think of a new term synonymous with "moron"? How sad. Same person, different person...still could have come up with a new term.

Oct 29, 2012 12:30:00 PM

Or maybe they think it is funny how you are over reacting to the use of moron? That is pretty moronic, is it not? I think your desire to be right as anonymous is incredibly moronic.

Anonymous said...

Make your own elements if you know how to use your program. That will save you a TON of money and you can make them correctly, in great quantities, and never from CU.

Anonymous said...

I agree with #45, but then with such low price points for kits it's sometimes daunting to make all my realistic elements myself and not from CU. CU saves so much time. And there is still cost and time involved in making my own elements when you consider going to the store to buy the ribbons/buttons/flowers, photo/scanning, extracting, cleaning up, editing, etc. Sometimes I think it's just six one way, half a dozen the other with the only bonus being that the elements I've done myself are unique. But I'm not sure how valuable that is to my customers, so I'm always undecided about the best way to go, KWIM? I think some customers don't care whether elements are CU or not, as long as they are clear (not blurry) and match the kit.

Anonymous said...

If your sales are good (however you define that), then why change? Obviously if you do well in sales, your customers like what you make.

Anonymous said...

#39-and then we wonder why so many designers are retiring. Maybe they are just burned out trying to come up with something new.

Anonymous said...

Amen #39 & #48!!

Anonymous said...

As a customer, I wouldn't know a CU element from a non-CU element. I don't watch those ads and I don't mind if a designer uses them. It makes buying a pleasant experience to remain ignorant. I look for kits that have pieces that fit my scrapping style and coordinate well with the kit's theme.

I'm in agreement on the repeats whether they are CU or designer made. I would like something different in every kit. Except maybe a few ribbons and flowers. Some stuff is just stock and would be if I was a paper scrapper. But for goodness sakes, don't use that same owl in every kit.

Anonymous said...

Well, since designing something (by definition) entails "coming up with something new", maybe it's a good thing to retire BEFORE one gets burnt out. It's not fair to the customer if a designer is doing shoddy work in any way.

Anonymous said...

only a moron would spend time going over that with another moron.

Go home troll. You're boring me.

Anonymous said...

Usually one doesn't foresee burn-out.

Anonymous said...

For some reason, I am finding that Traci Reed's elements in her kits are starting to look similar.

They've always been similar.

Anonymous said...

This unique designers conversation makes me laugh every time it comes up because it points out how outlandish the expectations are of digital designers. Release new product every week! But make brand new and totally unique things every time! And then sell it for no more than $5! Don't put a ton of recolored basics in the kit! But now the kits aren't big enough! These colors are too similar to another kit you made! You've already done this theme!

Wah wah wah.

Wah wah wah right back at you. What a drama queen you are.

Anonymous said...

The discusion about intellect vs intelligence bores me, #52. At least this supposed troll was calling it what it is.

Anonymous said...

#39-and then we wonder why so many designers are retiring. Maybe they are just burned out trying to come up with something new.

Most of the ones retiring are the ones that use a lot of CU, maybe they just haven't found any new sources.

I don't wonder why any of them are retiring, I wonder why it took so long for some of them to retire.

Anonymous said...

The discusion about intellect vs intelligence bores me, #52. At least this supposed troll was calling it what it is.

Yeah, I'm not surprised you were bored.

Anonymous said...

Usually one doesn't foresee burn-out.

This, of course, is bull shit.

Anonymous said...

I don't wonder why any of them are retiring, I wonder why it took so long for some of them to retire.

I agree with this...and some of them should have never started!

Anonymous said...

If that's the case, why don't more retire before they put themselves into the stressful state of burn-out? If they can see it coming, why don't they take measures to prevent it?

There are some things where I know it will drive me there. Being on CT's causes burn-out for me. But it took experience to know the limits. I was already well into burnout before I know to walk away.

Anonymous said...

Dear Troll, you are right. There is a difference between intellect and intelligence. I used the word moron too many times to describe you. Since you are right, will you please find something else to be trollish about? Thanks for the consideration.

Anonymous said...

I was already well into burnout before I know to walk away.

Well, maybe you should be more in tune with your body and mind.

Anonymous said...

Dear Troll, you are right. There is a difference between intellect and intelligence. I used the word moron too many times to describe you. Since you are right, will you please find something else to be trollish about? Thanks for the consideration.

You're a moron.

Anonymous said...

Maybe so. But I think most people are the same way when they enter into something new and take on more than they should.

Anonymous said...

LOL, #62!!! Good luck trying to reason with a troll.

Anonymous said...

If you purchase something from a designer and the work is shoddy, don't you ask for your money back? Burnout or not, there's no excuse!

Anonymous said...

You're a moron.

And you are a Fucktard and thus we have come to an impasse.

Anonymous said...

I've only been truly disappointed with one kit and that was by Allison Pennington. Both the elements and papers looked horrible and not like what was in the preview at all. It didn't dawn on me to ask for my money back. For the most part, however, I have been very pleased with designers' work.

Anonymous said...

67: If you purchase something from a designer and the work is shoddy, don't you ask for your money back? Burnout or not, there's no excuse!
I let the designer and/or store know about the bad elements/papers. Usually the store gives me a coupon code. But I've only alerted the store like twice. Otherwise, if the kit was like $2 or less, I just never buy from that designer again.
But now that I know about this blog, maybe I'll just smack the designer's kit here. I'd hate for someone else to spend their hard-earned money on a shitty kit.

Anonymous said...

I've only been truly disappointed with one kit and that was by Allison Pennington. Both the elements and papers looked horrible and not like what was in the preview at all. It didn't dawn on me to ask for my money back. For the most part, however, I have been very pleased with designers' work.

What kit? I have a couple of hers and I was impressed with the quality, as well as the quantity, of everything in it.

Anonymous said...

I can't remember the name of it. I bought it to scrap back yard pics of my kids so it was something with an outdoorsy theme. I wasn't impressed with the quality obviously nor the quantity. It was a complete waste of my money and I'll never buy another kit from her. Ever. Glad your experience has been different.

Anonymous said...

I went and looked it up and it's In My Own Back Yard. It looks great in the previews...downloaded, not at all.

Anonymous said...

I've only contacted two designers about shoddy quality.

One of them 'fixed' the problem and resent the kits, they were not fixed in my opinion. The strays, the blurriness and the bad recolors were the same. Never purchased anything from her again, but I did download some of her freebies from time to time to check on her quality, it never improved. To this day I'm amazed that she had the following she had.

The other designer apologized profusely and gave me a coupon to her store for the price of the kit and a freebie.

Anonymous said...

#74 here again. I've had lots of shoddy quality, but those two were exceptionally bad which is why I contacted the designers.

Anonymous said...

I hope a customer would contact me if my product was shoddy. Sometimes things slip through...

Anonymous said...

Yeah, well, when it's the entire kit, I doubt it slipped through.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, well, when it's the entire kit, I doubt it slipped through.


I'd have to agree.

Gennifer said...

Thanks, 36 and 37!

Anonymous said...

I don't care if you reuse the same elements, like ribbons or strings, but space them out! There are enough different types of buttons and ribbon out there that you can wait 4 kits or something before you reuse. Jen Yurko is the first person that comes to my mind, she literally has the same damn string and flat ribbons in every kit. Come on, that's just lazy. Melissa Bennett is another one, I have a couple of kits of hers with the exact same flower.

I don't want all of my pages to look exactly the same. It will stand out when you print a book.

Anonymous said...

74: I've only contacted two designers about shoddy quality.

One of them 'fixed' the problem and resent the kits, they were not fixed in my opinion. The strays, the blurriness and the bad recolors were the same. Never purchased anything from her again, but I did download some of her freebies from time to time to check on her quality, it never improved. To this day I'm amazed that she had the following she had.

The other designer apologized profusely and gave me a coupon to her store for the price of the kit and a freebie.
C'mon, name names. Who "fixed" the kit so badly? (And I thought stores make designers give samples of their work when they apply? And don't they have QC teams or someone who can at least spot-check things?)

Anonymous said...

I have had issues with Micheline Martin's stuff. But I hold onto my kits since I buy on sale and didn't realize how bad it was until months later. I think her overall designs are really well put together but the quality is lacking in her elements.

Anonymous said...

C'mon, name names. Who "fixed" the kit so badly?

No, I will not. It's not my intention to smack the designer personally, just her inability to fix issues and the quality of work.

I know from previous smack blogs that others have had issues with her products as well.

Anonymous said...

mentioning her name isn't smacking her personally.

Anonymous said...

so is it just me or is A5D still down? and...I also can't bring up Design House Digital, no matter what I try. Anyone else having problems?

Anonymous said...

There's no need to know her name. The issue was about whether or not anyone had contacted a designer about shoddy quality, which I have. Knowing her name isn't going to change that issue or circumstance.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for being so helpful and informative.

Anonymous said...

I can't bring up either shop either. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

86: There's no need to know her name. The issue was about whether or not anyone had contacted a designer about shoddy quality, which I have. Knowing her name isn't going to change that issue or circumstance.
You're not smacking her personally--That'd be saying something like "Designer X is a b*tch and I hate her and she's fat." That's personal and I don't like that. But I do like knowing which designers to avoid because they don't take care of their customers. But you've made up your mind and I get it. Well, I don't get it because you're on a smack blog. Sharing DS info is what it's about, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for being so helpful and informative.


You are most welcome.

Anonymous said...

But I do like knowing which designers to avoid because they don't take care of their customers.

But she did take care of me, in a manner of speaking. She responded and attempted to fix the problems. It's just that she had no clue how to fix the problems with her products.

Anonymous said...

But she did take care of me, in a manner of speaking. She responded and attempted to fix the problems. It's just that she had no clue how to fix the problems with her products.


That's BS. I would have told her I wanted my money back and included screen shots and a CC to the store owner. She didn't fix anything for you. And you aren't helping anything by protecting her.

Anonymous said...

82 - I agree. I won't ever purchase from her again. Some stuff was fine, others so blurry it was unfixable.

Anonymous said...

I wonder how many sites will be down because of the storm?

Anonymous said...

That's BS. I would have told her I wanted my money back and included screen shots and a CC to the store owner. She didn't fix anything for you. And you aren't helping anything by protecting her.
^^^this^^^ I'm post 89, and that's what I meant about the designer not taking care of the OP as a customer. If you go to a restaurant, order a diet Coke, and they give you a root beer, then you send it back and ask for the correct drink. If they say "SORRY!" and give you the wrong drink again, you'd be annoyed and wouldn't think of the situation as corrected (and you wouldn't say "Oh, but they tried!"). Just because this designer is a small business owner doesn't mean that she shouldn't correctly and completely handle customer service issues. Actually, she probably should handle them even better than a big store because she needs the business from every customer she has.
Sorry, not trying to ramble/rant. I just find this interesting.

Anonymous said...

That's BS. I would have told her I wanted my money back and included screen shots and a CC to the store owner. She didn't fix anything for you. And you aren't helping anything by protecting her.

Store owner was notified. For $5, I wasn't going to go all BBB on her. Sheesh.

Anonymous said...

Where does it say go all BBB? Exagerate much? But across the community that $5's adds up to a lot of rip-offs.

Anonymous said...

I'm not mentioning this person because in the past she has been trashed to hell and back for nothing at all. I have no affiliations with her whatsoever, but smacking for the sake of smack I won't tolerate and I know some of you will go there again if I name her.

Besides, judging from what most of you say you purchase, she's not your style of designer and you wouldn't buy from her in the first place.

Anonymous said...

For nothing at all, surely not? If there is anything at all worth smacking, it is poor quality kits.

Anonymous said...

Where does it say go all BBB? Exagerate much

*exaggerate much? Hmm. Where does it say it? It was implied when you were talking about screen shots and CCing the owner etc.

Anonymous said...

I have had issues with Micheline Martin's stuff.


Agree with this statement. Her geek kit was just bad. I expected the geeky glasses to be a decent size because of the preview but instead I get these tiny, blurry, unusable elements. There were too many elements that were way too small for a 12x12 page. I don't understand how the CT scrapped with this kit.

Anonymous said...

For nothing at all, surely not?

It was. They trashed her looks, her kids, where she lived, everything but the quality of her kits and no, it wasn't Traci Reed.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand how the CT scrapped with this kit.

And this is why I don't rely on CT layouts.

Anonymous said...

I have had issues with Micheline Martin's stuff.

Not surprised in the least. Her stuff was never quality and I don't understand how she ever managed to get into the stores she got into.

Anonymous said...

*exaggerate much? Hmm. Where does it say it? It was implied when you were talking about screen shots and CCing the owner etc.

And what do screen shots and CCing the owner have to do with the Better Business Bureau (BBB)?

Anonymous said...

The exageration was that she was going to go all "BBB on her". When the OP said to send screen shots and CC the store owner. The poster never said anything about reporting to the BBB, just letting the store owner know that there is a poor designer not taking care of quality issues. There's a difference. Understand yet, #100?

Anonymous said...

"she has been trashed to hell and back for nothing at all." and if we add that "One of them 'fixed' the problem and resent the kits, they were not fixed in my opinion. The strays, the blurriness and the bad recolors were the same. Never purchased anything from her again"

It sounds like COLS or OTBDS to me. She has no clue how to QC and fix her things and says that because it is art journal it can stay as it is.

Anonymous said...

It sounds like COLS or OTBDS to me. She has no clue how to QC and fix her things and says that because it is art journal it can stay as it is.

It isn't. Her kids were never trashed.

Anonymous said...

And what do screen shots and CCing the owner have to do with the Better Business Bureau (BBB)?

Are you really this stupid?

Anonymous said...

The exageration was that she was going to go all "BBB on her". When the OP said to send screen shots and CC the store owner. The poster never said anything about reporting to the BBB, just letting the store owner know that there is a poor designer not taking care of quality issues. There's a difference. Understand yet, #100?
Duh, I always understood.

Sometimes I wish I never say anything because the level of stupidity displayed on this blog is truly amazing.

Anonymous said...

That's BS. I would have told her I wanted my money back and included screen shots and a CC to the store owner. She didn't fix anything for you. And you aren't helping anything by protecting her.

Store owner was notified. For $5, I wasn't going to go all BBB on her. Sheesh.


Where does the top post say anything about reporting it to the BBB? If BBB means something else, maybe you should let the rest of us in on your secret? Oh wait, that's not your thing now is it?

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I wish I never say anything


You are not alone. We all wish you did not say anything.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You are not alone. We all wish you did not say anything.

Considering you don't even know who I am, or what I've said, that's a pretty stupid thing to say. Thanks for proving my point and to the person who LOLed.

Anonymous said...

Where does the top post say anything about reporting it to the BBB? I

Oh for the love of cheese toasties, it was an analogy. Not everything is literal.

Anonymous said...

No, that wasn't an analogy. It was an exageration.

Anonymous said...

cheese toasties! hahaha!!!

Anonymous said...

It was an exageration.

What is that? I've never seen that word in English, is it a non English word?

Anonymous said...

analogy vs. exaggeration

intellect vs. intelligence

Two very deep discussions...both of which couldn't be any more dull if you set out to bore us all to death which is a distinct possibility.

Anonymous said...

non English word? I wasn't aware that "non" was a word. It is a prefix, however. Surely you weren't going to correct someone's spelling by using poor spelling yourself?

Anonymous said...

Spell Check is your friend, #116. If you're gonna argue with the written word, everything should be spelled correctly.

Anonymous said...

gonna? If you are going to argue about spelling, maybe you should take your own advice?

Anonymous said...

non English word? I wasn't aware that "non" was a word. It is a prefix, however. Surely you weren't going to correct someone's spelling by using poor spelling yourself?

You're a moron, big time.

Anonymous said...

gonna? If you are going to argue about spelling, maybe you should take your own advice?

You're very defensive, however, I'm impressed. You had no mistakes in your last post. I'll be glad to grade them for you.

Anonymous said...

#122 You do seem to have difficulty with reading comprehension, grammar skills, punctuation placement and, of course, spelling. I'll help you with it all!

Anonymous said...

The grammar trolls are back. Let's party!

Anonymous said...

non English word? I wasn't aware that "non" was a word. It is a prefix, however. Surely you weren't going to correct someone's spelling by using poor spelling yourself?

Non is correct. Look it up.

Anonymous said...

Two very deep discussions...both of which couldn't be any more dull if you set out to bore us all to death which is a distinct possibility.

So, like a child, you complain about being bored but you do nothing to entertain yourself.

Anonymous said...

You had no mistakes in your last post. I'll be glad to grade them for you.

I'm more impressed that you can tell you who is posting what.

Anonymous said...

You do seem to have difficulty with reading comprehension, grammar skills, punctuation placement and, of course, spelling. I'll help you with it all!

You think you know who posted what, however, I can assure you, you are more than likely incorrect.

Anonymous said...

So, like a child, you complain about being bored but you do nothing to entertain yourself.

Yeah, I am. I'm grading posts. Yours was fine.

Anonymous said...

The grammar trolls are back. Let's party!


Daiquiris anyone?

Anonymous said...

You think you know who posted what, however, I can assure you, you are more than likely incorrect.

Who gives a rat's ass?

Anonymous said...

You think you know who posted what, however, I can assure you, you are more than likely incorrect.

One thing is pretty obvious. You're the idiot who has to always be right, which, is interesting since you're anonymous and there's no way you can get credit for your "rightness".

Anonymous said...

I bet it was Barb Speck.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I wish we were back to gushing about carbs. Just sayin' :)

Anonymous said...

Royanna has done it again. Last week, she said she'd release another freebie day on Monday. Monday came and went. Maybe she meant this Monday because yesterday, she said she'd post something that day. She didn't. What I fail to understand is why you make these sort of challenges up and not have everything ready to go before you start them. Or why, if you're sick, why you even start a long-term project like this.

Anonymous said...

#39 - THIS! So tired of hearing people bitch about this. There is something called "The Golden Triangle" Each point is labelled either fast, cheap, or good. You only get two. So if you want fast (frequent releases) and cheap, then it won't be good. If you want fast and good, then it won't be cheap. If you want cheap and good, well guess what honey, it won't be fast.

As for "not naming the designer". I'm calling bullshit. Why even bring it up? btw, thanks for protecting the rest of us from buying shoddy work from a designer who doesn't know how to correct the issue. So now we'll all waste our money when we buy her products and they are shit.

Next time just keep your mouth shut.

Anonymous said...

If someone, as a designer, feels the way you do then the very last thing they should be doing is digital scrapbook designing.

Anonymous said...

Who is Royanna?

Anonymous said...

Royanna owns Divine Digital. She was talked about a few pages back. She is a flake and not consistent at all. Arguably, she is sick and has a ton of health problems. But over and over she promises things and doesnt follow through.

Anonymous said...

^^And doesn't pay her designers on time, respond to emails etc. etc. etc.

Anonymous said...

and stalked designers who turn her store down again and again.

Anonymous said...

Make your own elements if you know how to use your program. That will save you a TON of money and you can make them correctly, in great quantities, and never from CU.
I said this before the trolls began their insult tennis match. It was meant for customers, NOT for designers. If you do not like what is out there to be purchased, make your own digital elements. If you are an expert, and can see what is good and bad about kits, make your own. If you don't like dealing with the designers or stores or ct's or (enter your gripe here), make your own. In other words, if you are so smart, do it yourself. And then, shut up.

Anonymous said...

Who gives a rat's ass?

Are you asking or making a statement?

Anonymous said...

I bet it was Barb Speck.

What was Barb Speck?

Anonymous said...

As for "not naming the designer". I'm calling bullshit. Why even bring it up? btw, thanks for protecting the rest of us from buying shoddy work from a designer who doesn't know how to correct the issue. So now we'll all waste our money when we buy her products and they are shit.

Next time just keep your mouth shut.

Your calling bullshit? Good for you!

Judging from what some of you buy, you wouldn't know shit quality any way.

Why bring it up? Because someone asked a question about shoddy quality.

Anonymous said...

139 - Get a fucking clue. That's business. ALL business from a brick & mortar to scrapbooking to tattoo ink. If you don't think so then you're delusional.

147 - How the hell would you know what I buy or don't and from whom? You shouldn't mention about a designer having shit quality and not even knowing how to correct it if you're not going to just come out and say who the fuck it is.

Anonymous said...

How the hell would you know what I buy or don't and from whom? You shouldn't mention about a designer having shit quality and not even knowing how to correct it if you're not going to just come out and say who the fuck it is.

I don't know. I said some of you buy from designers that have shit quality. If you don't, then I'm not talking to you, am I?

And by the by, since this particular designer never comes up on this blog anymore, I'm guessing most of you don't buy from her anyway. Most of you don't even shop at the store she sells at, because most of you don't like the owner. Oh look, a clue.

Anonymous said...

Clearly the store is Gotta Pixel, but since there is more than one designer there, the original argument brought up by others is, cut the shit and just say it. You're obviously wanting to or you'd stop bringing it up.

Anonymous said...

Clearly the store is Gotta Pixel, but since there is more than one designer there, the original argument brought up by others is, cut the shit and just say it. You're obviously wanting to or you'd stop bringing it up.


Nope, it's not Gotta Pixel and everyone else keeps bringing it up and I just reply.

I have to ask, though, why isn't anyone else asking about the two stores that someone else brought up regarding shoddy quality and didn't name?

Anonymous said...

Ohh ohh can I try to guess too ?

"Most of you don't even shop at the store she sells at, because most of you don't like the owner" Is it SBG ?

Anonymous said...

SBG and Christina Renee

Anonymous said...

I'd like to know who the designer is that's being discussed in this thread.

Anonymous said...

Ellie Lash?

Anonymous said...

can't be Ellie Lash cause she mentionned that this designer is also the owner of the store.

Anonymous said...

Ellie does own her own personal store. I would love to see a list of who owns which store.

Anonymous said...

Ellie does own her own personal store


I know but it suddenly disapeared as well as That girl designs FB page

Anonymous said...

#153 - you get a cookie and a gold star.

Anonymous said...

Ellie Lash's store is still there

Anonymous said...

154: I'd like to know who the designer is that's being discussed in this thread.
Anyone know of any "big sales" that weren't buy my store deals? I can't think of any. It sucks that the designer flaked on her.

Anonymous said...

I am searching for it but I am pretty sure it's Christine smith designs. She had a sort of 2 different Sales like buy my store and she owns CU digitals.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if it's Micheline Martin? From her FB page on Oct. 20:

"Hey guys, Last chance to buy my store. Comment on this post if you are interested, first 10 will get it, once I post STOP everyone above my post has won. Here are the rules. You must forward the 20$ to my paypal address (, once I get the notification I will send you your 100% off coupon to the e-mail of your choice (please put your e-mail in the comment part of the payment), that will not expire until next year, it can be used unlimited times and can be also be used to pick any product from today until October 20th 2013. Payment MUST be received within 12 hours, if I haven't gotten payment your spot will be offered to the next in line. Ready...Set....GO!"

Anonymous said...

um, well, I just realized the poster said she is the owner of her own store. Disregard the above post...

Anonymous said...

This is about post 163...Maybe I read what Micheline said wrong (it is late here), but did Micheline want you to pay HER via paypal instead of going through the store? Wouldn't the store owner get pissed about that (because she doesn't get a cut of the BMS sale but she has to spend money to "shelve" Micheline's products and process all the orders)? I understand that Micheline only wants to give this offer to the first 10 people, but that still seems shady.

Anonymous said...

She must have needed a quick $200 to pay the electric bill. LOL!

I agree it doesn't seem right.

Anonymous said...

um, well, I just realized the poster said she is the owner of her own store. Disregard the above post...
and she said it wasn't a buy my store deal, but something similar.

Anonymous said...

What's "similar" to a buy my store deal?

Anonymous said...

Is it ever a good idea to post your paypal address? I would worry about hackers.

Anonymous said...

For most people it is just their email address. If a person gets spam, people know the paypal address.

Anonymous said...

Royanna's ears must of been burning since she finally posted the next "40 days" and also got her DAD for today posted. All this despite posting earlier today on facebook that both her white and red blood cell counts were low. Maybe she managed to also pay her designers.....

Anonymous said...

What's "similar" to a buy my store deal?


I don't know. It's just what the OP at DST said.

Anonymous said...

#165 and 166- I'm not sure TLP likes Buy My Store deals which is why she might have done it this way. I have never seen them do a deal like that since they opened. They are kind of picky with individual designer sales over there. If I sold there I would have done it the same way.

Anonymous said...

DSD is coming up also. So it's a good way to get the money before all the sales start popping up.

Anonymous said...

Micheline did it more than once. I think she did 2 or 3 times total, and it was more than 10 (maybe 1-2 more) each time.

If I owned TLP I'd be pissed I didn't get a cut of the sales since I am hosting, etc.

Anonymous said...

If I owned TLP I'd be pissed I didn't get a cut of the sales since I am hosting, etc.
I'd be annoyed, too. But maybe we don't know the whole story. Maybe Micheline told TLP that she'd give them their "cut" (or to hold back some of her earnings to cover the percentage they'd have taken).

Anonymous said...

Sounds like Leigh Penrod of Heartfelt Perfections. She owns the store and recently had an offer out of buy 100 dollars of her product for 5 or 10 dollars. You had to buy the offer, and then she'd send a coupon code for you to add all the products totaled to 100 and check out. But no idea if she is still running it.

Anonymous said...

So, Marie H Designs has vanished yet again. Any bets on when she will "unretire". That girl changes stores more than I visit this blog.

Anonymous said...

So, Marie H Designs has vanished yet again. Any bets on when she will "unretire". That girl changes stores more than I visit this blog.

Boring. If you have read your post like over 2 months ago you would know.

Anonymous said...

Not Leigh either as the OP said there were two offers and she took the cheaper one and it looks like Leigh only has one offer.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand. Anna Forrest Designs is retiring from designing and she has a 20% sale ONLY! Why so generous? You're retiring, give us a 50% off. This may be the first time I've seen a 20% retirement sale.

Anonymous said...

#181 - she's not retiring, she's taking a break. Maybe she doesn't want to give away the farm.

Anonymous said...

One thing is pretty obvious. You're the idiot who has to always be right, which, is interesting since you're anonymous and there's no way you can get credit for your "rightness".

Oh the irony.

Anonymous said...

God I love this blog!

Anonymous said...

Love MSA's new look. SO much better.

Anonymous said...

OMG!! Eva Kipler passed away? Does anyone know why? That's so sad.

Anonymous said...

I just read that on SSD facebook post.....very sad.

Anonymous said...

heart attack. :( :( :(

Anonymous said...

What????????? OMG! Fffffff such a young woman with 3 kids, this is devastating news.
Thanks for the info #188

Anonymous said...

She was only what? 45 years old.

Just awful news. That poor family.

Anonymous said...

Really awful ! just a tought to her family :-(

Anonymous said...

So sad. :(

Anonymous said...

Terrible news :(

Anonymous said...

that's terrible!

Anonymous said...

That's terrible news!

#161 - The almost buy my store and owner are probably Royanna. I'd make book on it.

Have been making my own elements lately, and it's going pretty well. I'm looking at these kits for sale in a whole new light. Can I, or can I not, make the things in the kit I especially like on my own, or is it cheaper just to buy them?

Anonymous said...

I know this is an anonymous blog, but I still want to say that my thoughts are with Eva's family. What a terrible loss and I hope there will be some way that I can help contribute to funeral costs or something. I don't even care about buying a charity kit--I'd just donate directly via SSD if I could. This is terribly sad news.

Anonymous said...

Don't know, but you can probably spell better on your Word Art than Sugarplum Paperie (Unstopable) and Pink Reptile (Embarrasing).

Anonymous said...

I don't understand. Anna Forrest Designs is retiring from designing and she has a 20% sale ONLY! Why so generous? You're retiring, give us a 50% off. This may be the first time I've seen a 20% retirement sale.
OMG. Really? Get over it. There are certainly more tragic things going on in the community. Be happy for what you are given in this life.

RIP Eva. What a horrible tragedy.

Anonymous said...

Re: Anna Forrest, if she's taking a break, why not take a break and leave her actions in a store? Her things are staples and will continue to sell if they remain for sale. Or is it an issue of store minimums?

Anonymous said...

198, don't be a bitch. That was posted before the news of Eva's death. I doubt she would post the same thing now.

Anonymous said...

Or is it an issue of store minimums?
It might be. Who knows? PBP has a fairly high quota if you are not going to market your products.

Anonymous said...

The digital design world is saddened by the death of Eva Kipler. Maybe rather then smaking each other and being nasty you can take a few minutes just to remember a very lovely lady and wish her family some condolences. Sweet Shoppe has a forum thread.

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