Maybe this blog does not reveal things first, and possibly a lot of things are revealed somewhere else and quickly brought up here, but for many readers, this is where they get the information about this and that and others. To me, this blog has revealed a few things simply because I didn't happen to be in the private CT forum for one, or reading the FB page for the other designer, and so on. And do you think that anything has come here FIRST? I doubt it, although it surely could have come here very fast, and before it is discussed at length elsewhere.
I don't come here very often, but when I do, my stomach turns. I hope to goodness I'm not "friends" with 98% of you in the digi-world. I would hate to know that I associate with most of you in a forum or chats, etc.
I'm dropping out now because I'm guessing you guys will attack me after saying that.
I'm not going to attack you, but I will say that if you don't come here very often, you're very likely missing all of the good, productive conversations that happen here.
ITA with 4: News may not be announced here first but sometimes it's here before it hits DST/DSA/wherever. And it gives people a chance to check out the gossip. And yes, there's quite a bit of smack, too. Charly/Renay sure did see her/their share of it. And no, designers shouldn't use this place to find out the "truth" about stores/owners. What they should do is ask a designer at the store what they think--or better yet, ask a designer who used to sell at the store (they no longer have reason to pretend to love the store, so less reason to lie. Unless they were kicked out, but whatever).
the point is not whether news hits here first or elsewhere, the point was that some were saying that this blog was a great revealer of truths, which it isn't.
12: the point is not whether news hits here first or elsewhere, the point was that some were saying that this blog was a great revealer of truths, which it isn't. ---- So, if this place doesn't reveal truths, what does it reveal?
It's weird they sent you that message, especially if you used a different name/address. I've heard of fb doing that if they think the account is spam (if you don't try to find friends or "like" statuses or whatever.) My DS account is completely separate from my IRL account. BUT, DH checks his fb on my laptop occasionally, so maybe fb already knew this IP address had multiple users and hence, multiple fb accounts. But funny enough, I deactivated my personal fb account a few months ago (it was becoming a huge time suck), so I'm glad that it wasn't connected to my DS account since I need that for CT forums.
Thanks for your response. I had only used the account a couple times when facebook said I needed to submit my phone number to continue using the account. I "liked" a few digi designers, but did nothing spam-like with the account.
Has anyone here been asked to submit their phone number to facebook for their account??
So, if this place doesn't reveal truths, what does it reveal? Oct 22, 2012 9:32:00 PM
Some truths, I guess. But far more of what is posted here is just the result of personal grudges. That proverbial axe gets ground down here every day. Too many who use the cloak of anonymity to try and compete with fellow designers/stores by embellishing the truth (or telling outright lies). Bored housewives with nothing better to do than gossip all day. To call this blog a good source of "the truth" ... well, that might be the funniest thing I've read this week.
Facebook terms are that you can only have one account, and you can't use a fake name. Why would you be surprised when they catch you breaking their TOU? I am surprised more people don't get busted.
#21- Really? Because I see alot of people who use a nickname or design name etc etc. In some cases a designer uses their design name (for a personal DS page so people know who they are).
People as a family tend to use the same computer or IP address so is that saying noone else in the house can have a FB page but one person?
The only requirement for a FB name is a first and last name, so sure, designer names can be used, depending on how they are entered into the boxes. I've seen some pretty strange names in the comments sections.
Seriously? Read the fucking TERMS of Facebook. Just because you see people doing it doesn't make it OK. ___________________________________
Facebook users provide their real names and information, and we need your help to keep it that way. Here are some commitments you make to us relating to registering and maintaining the security of your account:
You will not provide any false personal information on Facebook, or create an account for anyone other than yourself without permission. You will not create more than one personal account.
Not only that, but you can sign up with your real name and then change your display name to your designer name. Many have done it, and you are not breaking any of their terms because you have given the correct information.
How come new kits at SDD cost $7.99 and collabs cost $7.99 also? Aren't collabs supposed to be more expensive than kits? Way too pricey for me..and at 35% sales the price for a kit will be $5.19.
Has anyone here been asked to submit their phone number to facebook for their account?? --- There is no way I'd give fb my phone number. They already want too much info for my liking. I read an article about how social media in the USA is supposed to be "all real" (real names, real pics, etc) so there's complete transparency, but in other countries people value their privacy--and personal info--more, so they want to be able to use avies or fake names in order to keep their details private. Anyway, this discussion about fb and its terms reminded me that maybe we should value our personal info a bit more and we shouldn't give fb so much info, especially since apps that your friends use have access to YOUR personal info, which seems shady to me.
Everything about my online self is fake - name, photo, where I live, how old I am, etc. Some people may think that's a bad thing, but I'll never get fired from my job because of something I said online or posted on Facebook. That's all that matters to me.
Everything about my online self is true. I'll never get fired from my job because of something I said online or posted on Facebook either. I just keep it all nice.
I know someone who was fired for what she said on FB. Honestly, I wasnt really shocked when it happened. She used to vent a lot. I've noticed with her new job, that doesnt happen. Mine is real, but I filter what I put out there. No desire to ruin my life over something on Facebook or twitter.
#32 - You can be fired even for being nice. All it takes is someone to say you meant it differently or they were offended by it (no matter what it is). I've seen it happen to perfectly nice, decent, hard working people. I take NO chances.
#35 - for freebies, of course. Or maybe I'd like to play some games without grief from friends or co-workers, or family because I actually stopped for 5 mins to play a game and relax - at home on my own time - instead of calling them or working overtime, etc.
Believe it or not, some people don't care to have 1000 friends they didn't like back in high school finding them on Facebook and pretending to give a shit what they're doing 10 years later.
lol @ 37 or the constant, why didn't you like that 100th lolcats photo I just shared? or why aren't you online? or why didn't you poke me back? or all the other stupid crap people who live on Facebook worry about. I'm tempted to make my own fake page.
It's really nice to have a fake fb page. No one IRL feels bad that I didn't friend them (or that I didn't accept their friend request). My DH knows about my fake fb page, and that's the only person IRL who knows about it. (I figured he should know that I'm not "me" on fb--transparency in a marriage is needed. Transparency on facebook...not so much.)
32 - You can be fired even for being nice. All it takes is someone to say you meant it differently or they were offended by it (no matter what it is). I've seen it happen to perfectly nice, decent, hard working people. I take NO chances. -----
I don't come here very often, but when I do, my stomach turns. I hope to goodness I'm not "friends" with 98% of you in the digi-world. I would hate to know that I associate with most of you in a forum or chats, etc.
I'm dropping out now because I'm guessing you guys will attack me after saying that.
I'm just appalled that grown women act like this.
I agree. Nothing but trash here now. Moving along. Carry on bottom feeders.
I agree. Nothing but trash here now. Moving along. Carry on bottom feeders.
It hasn't been the same since you left, Oh Queen of Trash. We miss your leadership. You steered us in the right direction. Please come back, all is forgiven.
I don't come here very often, but when I do, my stomach turns. I hope to goodness I'm not "friends" with 98% of you in the digi-world. I would hate to know that I associate with most of you in a forum or chats, etc.
I'm dropping out now because I'm guessing you guys will attack me after saying that.
I'm just appalled that grown women act like this.
I agree. Nothing but trash here now. Moving along. Carry on bottom feeders. ------------
The thing is, when you come here and try to show how much better you are, you are merely proving that you aren't.
Have you ever just "cold called"--nowadays I guess we'd say "cold emailed"--a designer and asked if they have a CT position open? How did it work out for you? (Or, if you're a designer, have you ever had a scrapper email you and ask if they could join your team?)
Have you ever just "cold called"--nowadays I guess we'd say "cold emailed"--a designer and asked if they have a CT position open? How did it work out for you? (Or, if you're a designer, have you ever had a scrapper email you and ask if they could join your team?)
Both. And it has worked out both ways. Not always of course, as it depends on the designer, their need for a CT at the time, and whether or not the applicant's style meets their needs.
It's really nice to have a fake fb page. No one IRL feels bad that I didn't friend them (or that I didn't accept their friend request). My DH knows about my fake fb page, and that's the only person IRL who knows about it. (I figured he should know that I'm not "me" on fb--transparency in a marriage is needed. Transparency on facebook...not so much.) -------------------------------------------------
So who are your "friends" on fb if no one you know knows about it? Do you just talk with strangers?
I had to laugh at the $10.45 price tag on PRD's new kit at The Lilypad. Sure it's 50% off for today but over 10 bucks for a solo kit? No thanks. Now that seems like price jacking I do believe that at ZZS that same kit was $6.99 why the increase in price?
I was just looking at TLP's SOSN and saw that Pink Reptile Design has a kit whose regular price is $10.45, and it was part of TDF. What makes this worth that?
who cares about the price of kits being $10.00? Designers are so sick of cheap customers after they have spent hours on making these huge kits and getting paid so little. People at McDonalds make more money per hour then most digital scrapbook designers and kit prices haven't changed much in the last 10 years. Why the hell do you think so many of us aren't designing any longer!!
#79 who cares about the price of kits being $10.00? Designers are so sick of cheap customers after they have spent hours on making these huge kits and getting paid so little. People at McDonalds make more money per hour then most digital scrapbook designers and kit prices haven't changed much in the last 10 years. Why the hell do you think so many of us aren't designing any longer!!
I don't mind paying full price for a kit that I need at that moment AND that is original, non-repetitive for the designer, high quality, and uses very few, if any, commercial use products or has designs that are so similar to everyone else that paying more makes no sense. However, that is not the case in 95% or more of the products out there.
Also, remember this is a hobby, which equals discretionary money. Few people have the money or are willing to spend that much on one page (most only use a kit once) when you have to factor in the cost of printing the page. It ends up costing more than paper scrapping. Many people got into digital scrapping to save money.
Finally, I (and most scrappers) will spend more money per designer when their price point is more reasonable or items are on sale. For instance, I love Kaye Winiecke, and her prices are reasonable. However, when I pay full price for one of her products that is the only product I buy. On the other hand, during a sale, I will spend between $20 and $40 on her products. Which brings in more money for the designer in the end?
62 Is SO doing Farmers Market DSD weekend or the weekend after? (I need to TRY to budget my money accordingly...)
Farmers Market is usually the same time as Black Friday... they want to give you a few weeks to recover from DSD and be ready to open your wallet again lol
I was just looking at TLP's SOSN and saw that Pink Reptile Design has a kit whose regular price is $10.45, and it was part of TDF. What makes this worth that? ________________
Now the regular price is listed as $7.49. Funny how that works.
TLP has their collab Thankful for You in their SOSN sale...but it's not marked half off. If TLP were an actual brick and mortar store, they could get in trouble for breaking pricing laws (if you say something is half off but it doesn't ring up at half off, then in some states not only can you get the sale price but you get an extra percentage off, too). I realize Thankful for You is a charity collab; which means they should be extra careful about pricing it. I don't know Jonathan Allagier or his family so I mean no disrespect to them, but I do want TLP to be careful with their pricing.
#65 (and #66): Thanks for answering my question. I think I'm going to muster up the courage to PM the designer. And I laughed at how you fixed your mistake--sorry that others brought fecal matter into it.
#86 I only pointed that out as an example of what factors into many consumers' minds when they decide what to purchase and from whom to purchase. While I do think that matters to some designers, others must be doing quite well at the higher price points or they would lower them.
I have "cold emailed" some designers, and it worked out well. My email was something like a cover letter, with the info most ask for when they recruit CT's, including a link to my most inclusive gallery so the designer could see what I do.
Also, remember this is a hobby, which equals discretionary money. Few people have the money or are willing to spend that much on one page (most only use a kit once) when you have to factor in the cost of printing the page. It ends up costing more than paper scrapping. Many people got into digital scrapping to save money. --------------------- Hobbies are not always inexpensive. Many people can spend much more on other hobbies (golf, camping, model trains, etc.) or even other activities (make-up, decoration, going to the movies, skiing, etc.). What you choose to spend on your hobby is your choice. If you find that a hobby is too expensive, change hobby, but don't expect the designers to price their product for your budget.
If a scrapper uses a kit only once, it is their problem. If I throw out my brushes after I used them once to create a painting, that is my problem, not the paintbrush company. It is perfectly ok to reuse the same brush, just like it is perfectly ok to reuse the same kit. In a creative world like digital scrapbooking, you might as well exercise your creativity and see how else you can use that single kit.
The cost of printing is also yours to decide. You can do many other things with your layouts than printing them. I am not saying not to print, but it is still a choice. You can use them digitally, making slideshows, use them in digital frames, etc.
The designers are not responsible for your choice of how you budget your "inexpensive" hobby.
89: The designers are not responsible for your choice of how you budget your "inexpensive" hobby. ---- But designers are responsible for their sales. No matter how much a kit costs, designers need to figure out how to market themselves and get their names out to the buying public (as opposed to the freebie hunters). And you do have a point: a kit can be used more than once. But you're forgetting that no matter how long it takes you, the designer, to make a kit, you can sell MULTIPLE COPIES of it to the public. A physical item, like a golf club, can only be purchased once and then used by one person at a time, right? So that's another reason other hobbies cost more. As far as digital items, an MP3 on iTunes is less than a dollar. And talk about time and money needed to create an album nowadays! Don't try to whine about how long it takes to make a kit and so you have to charge a lot for digital work, customers be damned. That's bullshit. If it were true, then every single record label and recording artist really would have gone bankrupt when MP3s came out (and the RIAA threatened that Napster would bring down the recording industry. I think iTunes alone has proven that wrong. But I digress.) If the time it takes to make a kit doesn't cover your costs, then shut up and retire.
89: The designers are not responsible for your choice of how you budget your "inexpensive" hobby. ---- #90 But designers are responsible for their sales. No matter how much a kit costs, designers need to figure out how to market themselves and get their names out to the buying public (as opposed to the freebie hunters). And you do have a point: a kit can be used more than once. But you're forgetting that no matter how long it takes you, the designer, to make a kit, you can sell MULTIPLE COPIES of it to the public. A physical item, like a golf club, can only be purchased once and then used by one person at a time, right? So that's another reason other hobbies cost more. As far as digital items, an MP3 on iTunes is less than a dollar. And talk about time and money needed to create an album nowadays! Don't try to whine about how long it takes to make a kit and so you have to charge a lot for digital work, customers be damned. That's bullshit. If it were true, then every single record label and recording artist really would have gone bankrupt when MP3s came out (and the RIAA threatened that Napster would bring down the recording industry. I think iTunes alone has proven that wrong. But I digress.)
I am #80 and #86 - #90 was much more articulate in stating what I was attempting to say. Personally, this is not an inexpensive hobby for me, but I tend to be a hoarder, and I like to print my layouts into nice photo books.
"So who are your "friends" on fb if no one you know knows about it? Do you just talk with strangers?"
maybe I don't want to talk to anyone at all on facebook. BUT if I want to keep up to date on new products, sales, & occasional freebies, it unfortunately seems necessary to have a fb account.
I'm on a few CT's. I don't need to buy any products, but I do. I usually buy the kits when they are on sale. I do that with clothes, food, and other household items. Why wouldn't I? I like to support the designers, but I also like to get a deal. I don't ask the designers to put their product on sale, but I do take advantage of the sales when they are offered.
74: So who are your "friends" on fb if no one you know knows about it? Do you just talk with strangers? --- I'm the commenter you quoted. As others have already answered, it's about the info, not the "friends." I use fb for my CT forums and for learning about deals at stores. But I do hate it when a designer says "When I reach XXX number of fans, I'll have a freebie!" I like the coupon codes designers give out via fb, but I don't like the freebies. I don't care how long it takes you to get to XX number of fans so I'm not going to "share" or "like" your status to help you get likes. I just want to save a few bucks on my next order of your products. (That's right: I'd rather spend money than grab a freebie. Who knew?)
94: I usually buy the kits when they are on sale. I do that with clothes, food, and other household items. Why wouldn't I?
You know what I find funny? Designers who brag about being couponers but who never put their own products on sale. Or who give out a coupon code but say "Not good on sale items!" or whatever. So, it's OK for them to get a deal IRL, but they won't ever let their own customers get a good deal? Whatever.
If designers put products out at $10 and it sells, why should they put the price down? Yes, it is about making sales, but if they make enough sales to be worth it at that price, while not making twice the number of sales at $5, that is their math. If they find it is marketing the products well enough, good for them. If it was not working, then they would have changed or quit. So, although YOU might not be willing to pay that price, others probably are.
Yes, golf clubs are physical products, but I doubt one golfer will use them once and then have to buy more (would you imagine?). Same goes for membership fees. They can sell the membership to dozens or hundreds of golfers in one season. And surprisingly, the next year too!
98--the statement you made about golf clubs proves my point: a golfer uses his clubs many times over many years, so that most definitely justifies the cost of the club. But how many times do you use a DS kit? Once, maybe twice? Why would I pay $10 for a kit I'll use on one LO? Where I live, that's 3 gallons of gas. Or one day's worth of groceries (we spend about $60-$75 per week on groceries). So in this economy, you're literally asking me to take food off my table.
And you are right: a designer with half as many sales at twice the price still makes the same amount. But she's losing half her fan base, which means her kits are showcased in galleries half as often. She's losing free advertising from the LOs (if she cares about that. I know some designers don't). And what happens when those "rich" customers lose their jobs or lose hours at work? They're eventually going to stop buying. My issue with designers raising their prices is and always has been: are their products really unique and quality kits? If a designer starts charging more for kits but her quality hasn't increased and she's still using CU or reusing her own elements, then I stop buying from her. (I'll buy the CU pack the designer used from Miss Tiina instead of the kit. Then I can make the elements whatever color I want and use whatever actions I want. Plus, Miss Tiina's packs are always cheaper than the kit.) And, with the issue of reusing kits...if scrappers actually reused kits then *no one would buy new kits* and we'd all just use the same red, blue, yellow, green, or purple papers and the same flower/staple/ribbon/frame. So please don't pretend that scrappers reuse digital supplies and don't pretend that the ability to reuse DS stuff means you should charge more.
I am not using these arguments to justify the designers having higher prices, I am using them to justify that they can do what they want, and the scrappers will do what they want. It is not the scrappers privilege to require designers to set their price to suit everyone. Not all designers market to everyone. Some will target scrappers with more money to spend, and if you are not in that category, then they are not looking at you. Designers trying to please every scrapper burn themselves out in trying to to make everyone happy.
Some designers target newcomers with rock bottom prices, simple kits, or using lots of CU that newcomers won't mind having. Others will have higher prices, never use CU products, but might not release much. Choose what you want, how much you want to pay, find the designers who meet your needs, and shop there. Not every scrapper will buy from every designer and not every designer is catering to every scrapper.
" I am using them to justify that they can do what they want" But you shouldn't have to justify them doing what they want. I mean, isn't "doing what they want" the justification for doing what you want? (Whoa, that's meta. I need to sit down for a minute.)
Theres only one designer out there whose products i will spend more than 4 or 5 dollars on is Lori Davison. They are unique, quality, beautiful and large. Most kits i have bought from her i have used at least twice and sometimes even three times.
OK so I'm annoyed with SO. They have their newsletter with an "exlusive" d/l that they make a big deal about not being able to reset or share if you missed their super duper exciting newsletter.
What's the big thing today? A frickin' link to their FB page for a crappy kit by Laura Banasiak. Not smacking the freebie (or the fact that it's a freebie) but the execution. Don't make me give you my email to get and "exclusive" and then put it up on FB. Laura is not making any new fans by the way she is showing fans love this month.
I just looked at Lori Davison. She's a very talented artist, but I don't think I'd every buy anything for scrapbooking from her. --------------------- This is a good example of a designer targeting some scrappers who like her particular style instead of trying to please everyone. I would not buy (or even download for free) any of her stuff because, they just don't suit my needs and style. But I am sure she has her following and does pretty well with her stuff. At least one poster from this blog would buy from her!
"So who are your "friends" on fb if no one you know knows about it? Do you just talk with strangers?"
maybe I don't want to talk to anyone at all on facebook. BUT if I want to keep up to date on new products, sales, & occasional freebies, it unfortunately seems necessary to have a fb account. --------------------------------------------
Oh, I didn't think about that. I only use FB for people I know. I don't keep track of new products, sales, etc on FB. I do that via emails and blog reader. But I can see that FB would be the trend for that so I can see having a designated digi scrapping FB account.
"Unfortunately there has not been a corresponding increase in sales even from over 2000 new subscribers that covers that cost every month."
Anyone would continue to buy from this designer if you received this in her newsletter ? I surely don't. BTW it was in her newsletter telling us about why she is closing her newsletter.
SO does 2 newsletters a week, one with the new releases that has an exclusive freebie, the other is the featured designer newsletter that has the extra freebies, whether it's a freebie when you go to their chat or a fb freebie or whatever... the same disclaimer is on both so it is a bit confusing but it doesn't piss me off like it does 107... I hear a bunch of the A5D designers are going to SO
112- Who was that? If she is using a decent mail provider she should be able to see who is opening her newsletter and purge the ones who consistently dont open.
re SO's newsletter freebie: the freebie isn't a very exclusive to the newsletter if it's on Laura's FACEBOOK PAGE. The newsletter states this: "Please note that the Free’bees offered through our Newsletters are Exclusive to our Newsletter and therefore can only be accessed through our Newsletter"
How the hell is something that's on fb "Exclusive" to only newsletter subscribers?! It's available to anyone who likes Laura's page. (Just like when you have to attend the SOUL chat to get the's not exclusive to the newsletter, it's available to anyone who attends the chat--and the chat was promoted all over SO, so it's not like only SO newsletter subscribers could go to the chat). I don't care what the freebie--er, freebee--is; I care that they're lying about how/where you get it. It's shady.
Laura Banasiak is one of the neediest people I have ever met. Oct 24, 2012 12:49:00 PM
Did you see the photo of herself she gave to SO for their newsletter? That's the face she makes for a photo she's going to use for her business? It makes her look like an immature, high school mean girl. I've always thought she was a wannabe. She tries too hard to be cool or trendy (or something).
But how many times do you use a DS kit? Once, maybe twice? Why would I pay $10 for a kit I'll use on one LO? -----------
that's your choice. I use a kit multiple times and by multiple, I mean up to 10 times or more because I mix and match my stash. Most of my pages have at least three or four kits used on them.
It is not the scrappers privilege to require designers to set their price to suit everyone. Not all designers market to everyone. Some will target scrappers with more money to spend, and if you are not in that category, then they are not looking at you. Designers trying to please every scrapper burn themselves out in trying to to make everyone happy. ----------
I agree, you have a sad life if you are that worried about the principle of how a freebie is offered or delivered. Go stalk your freebie and move on. ---
I said I wasn't the OP. Geez, learn to read. So sad that you can't do that yet.
It's not about "how the freebie is delivered." It's about a company being honest with its customers. I care about honesty and integrity. If those aren't principles you care about, then that's your problem.
So what's this big news that KStudio is posting about on her FB account? Anyone think she's going to buy After5 and keep it going? Seems a shame to close such a great store.
136: Nah, I bet the news is that she's jumping ship to SO (or other well-known store--I don't have insider info, just speculating!). I like K Studio's designs, so I hope she goes to a store where I normally shop.
I wasn't talking to you, #130. I was agreeing with #125. How about you stop thinking the world revolves only around your posts? ----
Considering I was the only person who mentioned principles at that point and you then addressed that issue, it was pretty clear you were talking to me. Back pedal all you wish.
#133 Why do you consider her principles small? I do not think one measures principles. You either have principles or you don't. You either follow through on what you say you will do or you don't.
The fact that you don't care if you download a freebie from a newsletter or FB has nothing to do with your principles. It has nothing to do with the point the poster is trying to make.
Her point is that if a store entices you to sign up for their newsletter by offering you an exclusive freebie for being a newsletter subscriber then they should give the newsletter subscribers an exclusive freebie. Exclusive would imply that the freebie was not available to non newsletter subscribers.
I actually think this was a smack worthy subject. Is it ok for stores to offer something and then not deliver what was promised?
just out of curiosity, what are the costs associated with a newsletter? --------------- Nothing but your time to do it. So saying that's the reason is a cop out
If you don't want to take the time to do a newsletter because it's not helping your sales, great. Don't do one. Obviously no one will miss it.
Announcing to your readership, 'not one of you 2000 people have helped my sales and you're just wasting my time' is just being a whiny, attention seeking asshole.
#144 - thank you for getting it. I wasn't the one who brought up the issue of the freebie in the first place, but I did get what the OP was saying and brought up the point about principles.
#146 - no kidding, I agree that it's completely unprofessional.
Her point is that if a store entices you to sign up for their newsletter by offering you an exclusive freebie for being a newsletter subscriber then they should give the newsletter subscribers an exclusive freebie. Exclusive would imply that the freebie was not available to non newsletter subscribers.
They are using FB and their newsletter in the same way. FB is virutally the same as signing up for a newsletter. It's all advertisement trying to get you to purchase no matter how you look at it.
OMG! This topic is soooooo stupid. You get your lame freebie. Why does it freakin' matter if it is exclusive? It's not like it is created just for you anyway and thousand of freebie hunters aren't already downloading it. Just unsub from the newsletter if you think they lack principles.
They are using FB and their newsletter in the same way. FB is virutally the same as signing up for a newsletter. I ------
Nope. If I sign up for a newsletter to get exclusives, I do not want to be redirected to FB to get something that everyone else can have. If it's a general freebie, sure, I have no problem going to FB or elsewhere to get it but if I'm told it's exclusive to newsletter subscribers, then it should be exclusive to those subscribers.
I also use a kit multiple times and I have tons of kits. There are also many kits I haven't used ...yet. But I'm sure that everything I buy will come in handy some day soon.
So... Scrap Matters and the daily download tragedy continues. After giving a second chance and making two polls where we voted which days we didn't download, the days with the most votes would win and be released as new download links. So today the new links were up and running. Amber gave away 7-8 links out of 23 total. This daily download thing is soooo crazy. It's so funny how they managed the whole thing. I hope this would be a good lesson. If you want to pleasure all your customers don't have 24 hour links. That would be better than this fiasco of voting polls and second and third chances. By the way I'm a customer. I'll continue to shop there but this whole thing is ridiculous.
Is Banasiak pregnant or does she just have a huge gut? New profile picture on Facebook (it's public, I would not want to be friends with that "person")
Am I the only one that buys a kit after seeing great layouts made out of it? I'm usually disappointed in the kit after unzipping it but I try to be positive that I'll make a similar layout with the ones the CT made.
163: Sorry, I couldn't help it. You just set that up so nicely!
And as far as A5D's forums...they haven't been active in a long time. The "Announcements" subforum's last post was in July, for Pete's sake. And "New Products" hasn't been posted in since Sept. Jeez, those are awesome places for designers to post, so it seems like they checked out a long time ago, even if they haven't actually left the store yet.
I knew she wouldn't pick the right second chance days for the SO kit and they'd be back here talking about it. I would have given the second chances offering today and tomorrow. Even days today and odds tomorrow. If you miss out after that, tough luck, buy it in the store in Nov.
if you are unable to visit SM every day for your link then wait until it shows up in the store and purchase it. That is assuming it will end up in the store. Tt's a freebie and they stated the link would be up for 24 hours, deal with it. I didn't get gas the other day and 24 hours later the price had gone up. Guess what? I had to deal with it and pay the extra.
Guess what #168 & #169 I have all the links for the freebie I'm just making fun of the circus going on at SM. Why have 24 links if you're going to be giving away 2nd,2rd and maybe 4th chances along the way? I'm guessing Amber likes the attention. Who knows?
A newsletter is free until your list gets big. Once you go over 2000 subscribers mail chimp goes from free to $30 a month. I find it hard to believe that someone with 2000 subscribers cant cover a $30 a month newsletter bill.
Sorry #168 I reread your comment and now understood what you meant. I agree with you. Give all the links for one day and whoever misses out they can buy it in the store but nooooo she had to make it into a soap opera. Vote now,vote later,I'll send a pm,I'll give out the links with the most votes.Ridiculous. That's a first for digiland.
Can someone smack who the designer was with the 2000 subscriber newsletter that complained about it? Don't make me start opening all my newsletters one by one. I don't have the time!
Is Banasiak pregnant or does she just have a huge gut ----
Who the fuck cares? I'm not friends with her, but I'm so over people smacking on the way other people look. Those who do are usually pretty insecure about their own looks and so lash out at others.
Is Banasiak pregnant or does she just have a huge gut? New profile picture on Facebook (it's public, I would not want to be friends with that "person") Oct 24, 2012 8:06:00 PM
And what difference would it make, in either case? Are you a perfect size 4? If not, then STFU.
I just looked at her profile pic. The one with her kid? I don't see a huge gut. I see a nice picture of her with her kid. And I don't even like her, so go figure.
#176, I 1000% agree. Designers are not professing to be cover models. It's not like their looks need to be perfect to maintain their job security, or anything. Why the hell should it matter what someone looks like?
#173 and #174 - the newsletter I got with the 2000 subscribers/didn't have the sales to keep the newsletter going was Christine Smith Digital Design. She requested that you subscribe for her RSS feed then unsubscribe from the newsletter.
Who said it had to do with cost? It was only speculated here as far as I can understand. Creating a newsletter can take time, depending on how you set it up, what you have in it, if you want to add freebies, stories, previews of products, CT layouts, coupons, etc. Maybe she finds that her time spent creating the newsletter would be better spent in other marketing strategies? I would not know because I don't receive her NL, but sometimes, designers DO make the right decision for THEIR business even if it might seem odd to those without inside information.
179 - WAIT A MINUTE! She was the one who was BEGGING for subscribers. Here is just part of it.
With Banasiak - who cares? I'm fat - larger than she is - are you going to come after me next? Although, she is a bigger bitch, but we're not talking about that.
#179 - really? Use Google. She's a digital designer that has been around forever, and I mean forever. I have some of her earlier stuff from 2006, but she's been around since probably 2005.
#186 how is it possible her earlier stuff be better than her newer stuff? She got worse at designing over the years? So what if she's been around digiland since 2005, looking at her deisgns I'd say they look like 2005 designs. In 2008 all the freebies looked like that but now even the freebies are 10 times better.
#188 - I don't know how it's possible, it just is. As to so what if she's been around, I was just pointing out that she was veteran. That is all, no need to get snooty about it.
Can anyone explain why Sahlin Studio is so popular? Just saw her Snow White kit, which is priced over $6 for just 8 papers and 36 elements, none of which are all that exceptional or unique. Yet, people fawn all over her. Why? I surely have to be missing something.
Christine Smith was offering a free kit if she could get 700 new subscribers to her newsletter. At the same time, she was posting constantly in the DCR with all her damn tips and tricks for marketing. She is a know-it-all, and if you try to correct her or offer an opinion you get...scolded? LOL! Guess her marketing tips didn't work so hot for her after all. She sells crap anyhow.
The copyright police are out searching again. I saw an angry birds kit (don't remember where?) which was identical to the real angry birds and I thought about the copyright police on this blog.
#191 Yes Sahlin Studio is popular. I remember last year when the Lily Pad had a contest in the forums where we could win one favorite product from each designer. They made a seperate forum post for each designer and we commented which product we would like to win from each one. At the end I saw the numbers. Sahlin Studio had the most comments and her comments were double almost triple from the second most wanted designer there.
I love her stuff,they are well made and unique. But yes I agree although I liked the Snow White kit I'll wait for a 40% sale to buy it.
#196 it is but if you look it's not the only kit by her that is a copyright infringement. She has one about pacman, the little prince, Alice in Wonderland.
Not to rehash something that already went quiet, but, it's not that the freebie should be exclusive, so much as it was a bait and switch. You don't tell someone they'll get something ONLY if they subscribe to your newsletter, and then give it to everyone.
Sahlin Studio always sends a very gracious thank you email after purchases. Not every designer does this and it's a nice touch. I like her designs too. Don't buy it all but always look to see what she has.
«Oldest ‹Older 1801 – 2000 of 2453 Newer› Newest»Charly is still at ScrapBird.
Maybe this blog does not reveal things first, and possibly a lot of things are revealed somewhere else and quickly brought up here, but for many readers, this is where they get the information about this and that and others. To me, this blog has revealed a few things simply because I didn't happen to be in the private CT forum for one, or reading the FB page for the other designer, and so on. And do you think that anything has come here FIRST? I doubt it, although it surely could have come here very fast, and before it is discussed at length elsewhere.
I don't come here very often, but when I do, my stomach turns. I hope to goodness I'm not "friends" with 98% of you in the digi-world. I would hate to know that I associate with most of you in a forum or chats, etc.
I'm dropping out now because I'm guessing you guys will attack me after saying that.
I'm just appalled that grown women act like this.
And do you think that anything has come here FIRST? I doubt it,
I'm pretty sure that the Amanda/LilyAnne debacle was first on this blog, well, the earlier version of this blog.
I'm not going to attack you, but I will say that if you don't come here very often, you're very likely missing all of the good, productive conversations that happen here.
Oh, dear, a sanctimommy dropped by.
I don't come here very often, but when I do, my stomach turns.
and yet you come here anyway, even though we make you sick and you are appalled. What the heck does that reveal about you?
ITA with 4: News may not be announced here first but sometimes it's here before it hits DST/DSA/wherever. And it gives people a chance to check out the gossip. And yes, there's quite a bit of smack, too. Charly/Renay sure did see her/their share of it.
And no, designers shouldn't use this place to find out the "truth" about stores/owners. What they should do is ask a designer at the store what they think--or better yet, ask a designer who used to sell at the store (they no longer have reason to pretend to love the store, so less reason to lie. Unless they were kicked out, but whatever).
Curiosity killed the cat..and the digi scrap store..and the designer...and the
the point is not whether news hits here first or elsewhere, the point was that some were saying that this blog was a great revealer of truths, which it isn't.
12: the point is not whether news hits here first or elsewhere, the point was that some were saying that this blog was a great revealer of truths, which it isn't.
So, if this place doesn't reveal truths, what does it reveal?
Speculation, lots of it.
you just revealed truth, #14. Making this blog reveal truths.
It's weird they sent you that message, especially if you used a different name/address. I've heard of fb doing that if they think the account is spam (if you don't try to find friends or "like" statuses or whatever.) My DS account is completely separate from my IRL account. BUT, DH checks his fb on my laptop occasionally, so maybe fb already knew this IP address had multiple users and hence, multiple fb accounts. But funny enough, I deactivated my personal fb account a few months ago (it was becoming a huge time suck), so I'm glad that it wasn't connected to my DS account since I need that for CT forums.
Thanks for your response. I had only used the account a couple times when facebook said I needed to submit my phone number to continue using the account. I "liked" a few digi designers, but did nothing spam-like with the account.
Has anyone here been asked to submit their phone number to facebook for their account??
Has anyone here been asked to submit their phone number to facebook for their account?
Yep, but I could skip that option.
you just revealed truth, #14. Making this blog reveal truths.
I never said it didn't reveal some truths, it's just not a great revealer of them.
So, if this place doesn't reveal truths, what does it reveal?
Oct 22, 2012 9:32:00 PM
Some truths, I guess. But far more of what is posted here is just the result of personal grudges. That proverbial axe gets ground down here every day. Too many who use the cloak of anonymity to try and compete with fellow designers/stores by embellishing the truth (or telling outright lies). Bored housewives with nothing better to do than gossip all day. To call this blog a good source of "the truth" ... well, that might be the funniest thing I've read this week.
So, no bored workers, hmm? I used to visit this blog far more often when I was at work than I do now that I'm at home.
Facebook terms are that you can only have one account, and you can't use a fake name. Why would you be surprised when they catch you breaking their TOU? I am surprised more people don't get busted.
#21- Really? Because I see alot of people who use a nickname or design name etc etc. In some cases a designer uses their design name (for a personal DS page so people know who they are).
People as a family tend to use the same computer or IP address so is that saying noone else in the house can have a FB page but one person?
The only requirement for a FB name is a first and last name, so sure, designer names can be used, depending on how they are entered into the boxes. I've seen some pretty strange names in the comments sections.
Seriously? Read the fucking TERMS of Facebook. Just because you see people doing it doesn't make it OK.
Facebook users provide their real names and information, and we need your help to keep it that way. Here are some commitments you make to us relating to registering and maintaining the security of your account:
You will not provide any false personal information on Facebook, or create an account for anyone other than yourself without permission.
You will not create more than one personal account.
Seriously? Read the fucking TERMS of Facebook.
The terms don't fuck, at least, not that I'm aware of.
Oh, by the way, get a grip. You may bust something.
A designer name is not necessarily false information. Now there's a thing.
Not only that, but you can sign up with your real name and then change your display name to your designer name. Many have done it, and you are not breaking any of their terms because you have given the correct information.
How come new kits at SDD cost $7.99 and collabs cost $7.99 also? Aren't collabs supposed to be more expensive than kits?
Way too pricey for me..and at 35% sales the price for a kit will be $5.19.
Did you mean Sweet Shoppe Designs? SDD is Scrappity-Doo-Dah and definitely not $7.99 for new kits.
I'm #27 Yes sorry I meant Sweet Shoppe Designs.
Has anyone here been asked to submit their phone number to facebook for their account??
There is no way I'd give fb my phone number. They already want too much info for my liking. I read an article about how social media in the USA is supposed to be "all real" (real names, real pics, etc) so there's complete transparency, but in other countries people value their privacy--and personal info--more, so they want to be able to use avies or fake names in order to keep their details private.
Anyway, this discussion about fb and its terms reminded me that maybe we should value our personal info a bit more and we shouldn't give fb so much info, especially since apps that your friends use have access to YOUR personal info, which seems shady to me.
Everything about my online self is fake - name, photo, where I live, how old I am, etc. Some people may think that's a bad thing, but I'll never get fired from my job because of something I said online or posted on Facebook. That's all that matters to me.
Everything about my online self is true. I'll never get fired from my job because of something I said online or posted on Facebook either. I just keep it all nice.
I know someone who was fired for what she said on FB. Honestly, I wasnt really shocked when it happened. She used to vent a lot. I've noticed with her new job, that doesnt happen. Mine is real, but I filter what I put out there. No desire to ruin my life over something on Facebook or twitter.
#32 - You can be fired even for being nice. All it takes is someone to say you meant it differently or they were offended by it (no matter what it is). I've seen it happen to perfectly nice, decent, hard working people. I take NO chances.
#31- So why have a FB page then?
Real life jobs fire you for anything you do on Facebook. Even some designers or store owners will fire you for what you say and do on Facebook also.
#35 - for freebies, of course. Or maybe I'd like to play some games without grief from friends or co-workers, or family because I actually stopped for 5 mins to play a game and relax - at home on my own time - instead of calling them or working overtime, etc.
Believe it or not, some people don't care to have 1000 friends they didn't like back in high school finding them on Facebook and pretending to give a shit what they're doing 10 years later.
lol @ 37
or the constant, why didn't you like that 100th lolcats photo I just shared? or why aren't you online? or why didn't you poke me back? or all the other stupid crap people who live on Facebook worry about. I'm tempted to make my own fake page.
#37- LOL!
#38- I hate that poking crap on FB. People really do get upset if you don't poke them back.
It's really nice to have a fake fb page. No one IRL feels bad that I didn't friend them (or that I didn't accept their friend request).
My DH knows about my fake fb page, and that's the only person IRL who knows about it. (I figured he should know that I'm not "me" on fb--transparency in a marriage is needed. Transparency on facebook...not so much.)
Didn't a SSD insider reveal all the new designers with their last call many weeks before the designers were announced publicly?
Yes they did.
32 - You can be fired even for being nice. All it takes is someone to say you meant it differently or they were offended by it (no matter what it is). I've seen it happen to perfectly nice, decent, hard working people. I take NO chances.
Happens in real life too, not just FB.
People still poke each other on FB? I thought that had long gone.
I don't come here very often, but when I do, my stomach turns. I hope to goodness I'm not "friends" with 98% of you in the digi-world. I would hate to know that I associate with most of you in a forum or chats, etc.
I'm dropping out now because I'm guessing you guys will attack me after saying that.
I'm just appalled that grown women act like this.
I agree. Nothing but trash here now. Moving along. Carry on bottom feeders.
I agree. Nothing but trash here now. Moving along. Carry on bottom feeders.
Including yourself of course. Have a nice day.
I agree. Nothing but trash here now. Moving along. Carry on bottom feeders.
It hasn't been the same since you left, Oh Queen of Trash. We miss your leadership. You steered us in the right direction. Please come back, all is forgiven.
#47- LOL! Only trashy shit I see now is that whole BSS saga and Aly.
#45- Bottom feeders? What does that make you?
Who applied for the Scrapstacks CT call?
How would we know? We'll know when they announce the team.
I thought they announced it already. No wonder I couldn't find any info on it. Sorry!
I read every post here in the voice of Peppermint Granberg.
I don't come here very often, but when I do, my stomach turns. I hope to goodness I'm not "friends" with 98% of you in the digi-world. I would hate to know that I associate with most of you in a forum or chats, etc.
I'm dropping out now because I'm guessing you guys will attack me after saying that.
I'm just appalled that grown women act like this.
I agree. Nothing but trash here now. Moving along. Carry on bottom feeders.
The thing is, when you come here and try to show how much better you are, you are merely proving that you aren't.
#53- Or Honey Boo Boo's mom lol!
50-not me!
i love me some sketty!!
WTH is this Honey Boo Boo garbage? A new cartoon or what? I could look it up, but I'm afraid of what I'll find.
I LOVE Honey Boo Boo! They're so... genuine. A lot more interesting to watch than some of the other crap that gets made.
any hints about what's coming up for DSD?
Sales, games, prizes, challenges, specials, blog hops/trains, FB hops, the usual
Is SO doing Farmers Market DSD weekend or the weekend after? (I need to TRY to budget my money accordingly...)
Have you ever just "cold called"--nowadays I guess we'd say "cold emailed"--a designer and asked if they have a CT position open? How did it work out for you? (Or, if you're a designer, have you ever had a scrapper email you and ask if they could join your team?)
Have you ever just "cold called"--nowadays I guess we'd say "cold emailed"--a designer and asked if they have a CT position open? How did it work out for you? (Or, if you're a designer, have you ever had a scrapper email you and ask if they could join your team?)
Both. And it has worked out both ways. Not always of course, as it depends on the designer, their need for a CT at the time, and whether or not the applicant's style meets their needs.
Yes, I've had a designer do that. I liked her style, so it worked out for both of us.
DOH! I've had a CT member do that. I'm the designer!
DOH! I've had a CT member do that. I'm the designer!
Well aren't you hot shit!
Well aren't you hot shit!
Isn't all shit hot?
Isn't all shit hot?
I wouldn't know. I don't typically run it between my fingers.
#69- LMAO!
I wouldn't know. I don't typically run it between my fingers.
Not a mommy then?
Ouch, 67. I answered a question. Did it seem like I was saying I was hot shit?
It's really nice to have a fake fb page. No one IRL feels bad that I didn't friend them (or that I didn't accept their friend request).
My DH knows about my fake fb page, and that's the only person IRL who knows about it. (I figured he should know that I'm not "me" on fb--transparency in a marriage is needed. Transparency on facebook...not so much.)
So who are your "friends" on fb if no one you know knows about it? Do you just talk with strangers?
#74- She said it was a DS page only. Just because you have never met them in real life doesn't make them strangers.
I had to laugh at the $10.45 price tag on PRD's new kit at The Lilypad. Sure it's 50% off for today but over 10 bucks for a solo kit? No thanks. Now that seems like price jacking I do believe that at ZZS that same kit was $6.99 why the increase in price?
I was just looking at TLP's SOSN and saw that Pink Reptile Design has a kit whose regular price is $10.45, and it was part of TDF. What makes this worth that?
Did not mean to be redundant.. #76 did not show up in my refresh.
who cares about the price of kits being $10.00? Designers are so sick of cheap customers after they have spent hours on making these huge kits and getting paid so little. People at McDonalds make more money per hour then most digital scrapbook designers and kit prices haven't changed much in the last 10 years. Why the hell do you think so many of us aren't designing any longer!!
#79 who cares about the price of kits being $10.00? Designers are so sick of cheap customers after they have spent hours on making these huge kits and getting paid so little. People at McDonalds make more money per hour then most digital scrapbook designers and kit prices haven't changed much in the last 10 years. Why the hell do you think so many of us aren't designing any longer!!
I don't mind paying full price for a kit that I need at that moment AND that is original, non-repetitive for the designer, high quality, and uses very few, if any, commercial use products or has designs that are so similar to everyone else that paying more makes no sense. However, that is not the case in 95% or more of the products out there.
Also, remember this is a hobby, which equals discretionary money. Few people have the money or are willing to spend that much on one page (most only use a kit once) when you have to factor in the cost of printing the page. It ends up costing more than paper scrapping. Many people got into digital scrapping to save money.
Finally, I (and most scrappers) will spend more money per designer when their price point is more reasonable or items are on sale. For instance, I love Kaye Winiecke, and her prices are reasonable. However, when I pay full price for one of her products that is the only product I buy. On the other hand, during a sale, I will spend between $20 and $40 on her products. Which brings in more money for the designer in the end?
62 Is SO doing Farmers Market DSD weekend or the weekend after? (I need to TRY to budget my money accordingly...)
Farmers Market is usually the same time as Black Friday... they want to give you a few weeks to recover from DSD and be ready to open your wallet again lol
I was just looking at TLP's SOSN and saw that Pink Reptile Design has a kit whose regular price is $10.45, and it was part of TDF. What makes this worth that?
Now the regular price is listed as $7.49. Funny how that works.
It was probably an error, her other kits aren't priced at $10
TLP has their collab Thankful for You in their SOSN sale...but it's not marked half off. If TLP were an actual brick and mortar store, they could get in trouble for breaking pricing laws (if you say something is half off but it doesn't ring up at half off, then in some states not only can you get the sale price but you get an extra percentage off, too). I realize Thankful for You is a charity collab; which means they should be extra careful about pricing it. I don't know Jonathan Allagier or his family so I mean no disrespect to them, but I do want TLP to be careful with their pricing.
#65 (and #66): Thanks for answering my question. I think I'm going to muster up the courage to PM the designer. And I laughed at how you fixed your mistake--sorry that others brought fecal matter into it.
****Few people have the money or are willing to spend that much on one page (most only use a kit once)*****
Yeah, because designers really care how many times we use the kit.
I have many in my stash that I haven't even used. Maybe they should take that into their pricing strategy as well?
#86 I only pointed that out as an example of what factors into many consumers' minds when they decide what to purchase and from whom to purchase. While I do think that matters to some designers, others must be doing quite well at the higher price points or they would lower them.
I have "cold emailed" some designers, and it worked out well. My email was something like a cover letter, with the info most ask for when they recruit CT's, including a link to my most inclusive gallery so the designer could see what I do.
Also, remember this is a hobby, which equals discretionary money. Few people have the money or are willing to spend that much on one page (most only use a kit once) when you have to factor in the cost of printing the page. It ends up costing more than paper scrapping. Many people got into digital scrapping to save money.
Hobbies are not always inexpensive. Many people can spend much more on other hobbies (golf, camping, model trains, etc.) or even other activities (make-up, decoration, going to the movies, skiing, etc.). What you choose to spend on your hobby is your choice. If you find that a hobby is too expensive, change hobby, but don't expect the designers to price their product for your budget.
If a scrapper uses a kit only once, it is their problem. If I throw out my brushes after I used them once to create a painting, that is my problem, not the paintbrush company. It is perfectly ok to reuse the same brush, just like it is perfectly ok to reuse the same kit. In a creative world like digital scrapbooking, you might as well exercise your creativity and see how else you can use that single kit.
The cost of printing is also yours to decide. You can do many other things with your layouts than printing them. I am not saying not to print, but it is still a choice. You can use them digitally, making slideshows, use them in digital frames, etc.
The designers are not responsible for your choice of how you budget your "inexpensive" hobby.
89: The designers are not responsible for your choice of how you budget your "inexpensive" hobby.
But designers are responsible for their sales. No matter how much a kit costs, designers need to figure out how to market themselves and get their names out to the buying public (as opposed to the freebie hunters).
And you do have a point: a kit can be used more than once. But you're forgetting that no matter how long it takes you, the designer, to make a kit, you can sell MULTIPLE COPIES of it to the public. A physical item, like a golf club, can only be purchased once and then used by one person at a time, right? So that's another reason other hobbies cost more.
As far as digital items, an MP3 on iTunes is less than a dollar. And talk about time and money needed to create an album nowadays! Don't try to whine about how long it takes to make a kit and so you have to charge a lot for digital work, customers be damned. That's bullshit. If it were true, then every single record label and recording artist really would have gone bankrupt when MP3s came out (and the RIAA threatened that Napster would bring down the recording industry. I think iTunes alone has proven that wrong. But I digress.)
If the time it takes to make a kit doesn't cover your costs, then shut up and retire.
89: The designers are not responsible for your choice of how you budget your "inexpensive" hobby.
#90 But designers are responsible for their sales. No matter how much a kit costs, designers need to figure out how to market themselves and get their names out to the buying public (as opposed to the freebie hunters).
And you do have a point: a kit can be used more than once. But you're forgetting that no matter how long it takes you, the designer, to make a kit, you can sell MULTIPLE COPIES of it to the public. A physical item, like a golf club, can only be purchased once and then used by one person at a time, right? So that's another reason other hobbies cost more.
As far as digital items, an MP3 on iTunes is less than a dollar. And talk about time and money needed to create an album nowadays! Don't try to whine about how long it takes to make a kit and so you have to charge a lot for digital work, customers be damned. That's bullshit. If it were true, then every single record label and recording artist really would have gone bankrupt when MP3s came out (and the RIAA threatened that Napster would bring down the recording industry. I think iTunes alone has proven that wrong. But I digress.)
I am #80 and #86 - #90 was much more articulate in stating what I was attempting to say. Personally, this is not an inexpensive hobby for me, but I tend to be a hoarder, and I like to print my layouts into nice photo books.
86-I have many in my stash that I haven't even used. Maybe they should take that into their pricing strategy as well?
I had to giggle at that remark. I have many in my stash I haven't even unzipped.
"So who are your "friends" on fb if no one you know knows about it? Do you just talk with strangers?"
maybe I don't want to talk to anyone at all on facebook. BUT if I want to keep up to date on new products, sales, & occasional freebies, it unfortunately seems necessary to have a fb account.
I'm on a few CT's. I don't need to buy any products, but I do. I usually buy the kits when they are on sale. I do that with clothes, food, and other household items. Why wouldn't I? I like to support the designers, but I also like to get a deal. I don't ask the designers to put their product on sale, but I do take advantage of the sales when they are offered.
74: So who are your "friends" on fb if no one you know knows about it? Do you just talk with strangers?
I'm the commenter you quoted. As others have already answered, it's about the info, not the "friends." I use fb for my CT forums and for learning about deals at stores. But I do hate it when a designer says "When I reach XXX number of fans, I'll have a freebie!" I like the coupon codes designers give out via fb, but I don't like the freebies. I don't care how long it takes you to get to XX number of fans so I'm not going to "share" or "like" your status to help you get likes. I just want to save a few bucks on my next order of your products. (That's right: I'd rather spend money than grab a freebie. Who knew?)
Honey Boo Boo is an obnoxious obese little girl that is being exploited by her parents.
94: I usually buy the kits when they are on sale. I do that with clothes, food, and other household items. Why wouldn't I?
You know what I find funny? Designers who brag about being couponers but who never put their own products on sale. Or who give out a coupon code but say "Not good on sale items!" or whatever. So, it's OK for them to get a deal IRL, but they won't ever let their own customers get a good deal? Whatever.
If designers put products out at $10 and it sells, why should they put the price down? Yes, it is about making sales, but if they make enough sales to be worth it at that price, while not making twice the number of sales at $5, that is their math. If they find it is marketing the products well enough, good for them. If it was not working, then they would have changed or quit. So, although YOU might not be willing to pay that price, others probably are.
Yes, golf clubs are physical products, but I doubt one golfer will use them once and then have to buy more (would you imagine?). Same goes for membership fees. They can sell the membership to dozens or hundreds of golfers in one season. And surprisingly, the next year too!
98--the statement you made about golf clubs proves my point: a golfer uses his clubs many times over many years, so that most definitely justifies the cost of the club. But how many times do you use a DS kit? Once, maybe twice? Why would I pay $10 for a kit I'll use on one LO? Where I live, that's 3 gallons of gas. Or one day's worth of groceries (we spend about $60-$75 per week on groceries). So in this economy, you're literally asking me to take food off my table.
And you are right: a designer with half as many sales at twice the price still makes the same amount. But she's losing half her fan base, which means her kits are showcased in galleries half as often. She's losing free advertising from the LOs (if she cares about that. I know some designers don't). And what happens when those "rich" customers lose their jobs or lose hours at work? They're eventually going to stop buying.
My issue with designers raising their prices is and always has been: are their products really unique and quality kits? If a designer starts charging more for kits but her quality hasn't increased and she's still using CU or reusing her own elements, then I stop buying from her. (I'll buy the CU pack the designer used from Miss Tiina instead of the kit. Then I can make the elements whatever color I want and use whatever actions I want. Plus, Miss Tiina's packs are always cheaper than the kit.)
And, with the issue of reusing kits...if scrappers actually reused kits then *no one would buy new kits* and we'd all just use the same red, blue, yellow, green, or purple papers and the same flower/staple/ribbon/frame. So please don't pretend that scrappers reuse digital supplies and don't pretend that the ability to reuse DS stuff means you should charge more.
I am not using these arguments to justify the designers having higher prices, I am using them to justify that they can do what they want, and the scrappers will do what they want. It is not the scrappers privilege to require designers to set their price to suit everyone. Not all designers market to everyone. Some will target scrappers with more money to spend, and if you are not in that category, then they are not looking at you. Designers trying to please every scrapper burn themselves out in trying to to make everyone happy.
Some designers target newcomers with rock bottom prices, simple kits, or using lots of CU that newcomers won't mind having. Others will have higher prices, never use CU products, but might not release much. Choose what you want, how much you want to pay, find the designers who meet your needs, and shop there. Not every scrapper will buy from every designer and not every designer is catering to every scrapper.
" I am using them to justify that they can do what they want"
But you shouldn't have to justify them doing what they want. I mean, isn't "doing what they want" the justification for doing what you want? (Whoa, that's meta. I need to sit down for a minute.)
Love you #100 ;)
Laura Banasiak is one of the neediest people I have ever met.
^^what the heck are you even talking about^^ I think Laura is very cool and independent!
So, if A5D is closing- where are all their designers going?
Theres only one designer out there whose products i will spend more than 4 or 5 dollars on is Lori Davison. They are unique, quality, beautiful and large. Most kits i have bought from her i have used at least twice and sometimes even three times.
haha #103, what happened?
OK so I'm annoyed with SO. They have their newsletter with an "exlusive" d/l that they make a big deal about not being able to reset or share if you missed their super duper exciting newsletter.
What's the big thing today? A frickin' link to their FB page for a crappy kit by Laura Banasiak. Not smacking the freebie (or the fact that it's a freebie) but the execution. Don't make me give you my email to get and "exclusive" and then put it up on FB. Laura is not making any new fans by the way she is showing fans love this month.
I just looked at Lori Davison. She's a very talented artist, but I don't think I'd every buy anything for scrapbooking from her.
I just looked at Lori Davison. She's a very talented artist, but I don't think I'd every buy anything for scrapbooking from her.
This is a good example of a designer targeting some scrappers who like her particular style instead of trying to please everyone. I would not buy (or even download for free) any of her stuff because, they just don't suit my needs and style. But I am sure she has her following and does pretty well with her stuff. At least one poster from this blog would buy from her!
Maybe it was SO that told Laura to offer it that way to boost FB traffic. Might not be a choice.
As for A5D designers... I like SO, and I'm hoping K Studio or Laurie Ann go to SO. I think that a bunch would fit at MScraps, SBG, and ScrapMatters.
"So who are your "friends" on fb if no one you know knows about it? Do you just talk with strangers?"
maybe I don't want to talk to anyone at all on facebook. BUT if I want to keep up to date on new products, sales, & occasional freebies, it unfortunately seems necessary to have a fb account.
Oh, I didn't think about that. I only use FB for people I know. I don't keep track of new products, sales, etc on FB. I do that via emails and blog reader. But I can see that FB would be the trend for that so I can see having a designated digi scrapping FB account.
"Unfortunately there has not been a corresponding increase in sales even from over 2000 new subscribers that covers that cost every month."
Anyone would continue to buy from this designer if you received this in her newsletter ? I surely don't. BTW it was in her newsletter telling us about why she is closing her newsletter.
#107- She was just complaining about how she "forgot" how to design. How long has it been since she put out a non-crappy kit?
#112- Who is getting rid of their newsletter? Laura? Why would you do that unless you're retiring.
SO does 2 newsletters a week, one with the new releases that has an exclusive freebie, the other is the featured designer newsletter that has the extra freebies, whether it's a freebie when you go to their chat or a fb freebie or whatever... the same disclaimer is on both so it is a bit confusing but it doesn't piss me off like it does 107... I hear a bunch of the A5D designers are going to SO
It's a freebie. Be grateful for the offering. You can always just unsub if it bugs you that much.
112- Who was that? If she is using a decent mail provider she should be able to see who is opening her newsletter and purge the ones who consistently dont open.
just out of curiosity, what are the costs associated with a newsletter?
re SO's newsletter freebie: the freebie isn't a very exclusive to the newsletter if it's on Laura's FACEBOOK PAGE. The newsletter states this: "Please note that the Free’bees offered through our Newsletters are Exclusive to our Newsletter and therefore can only be accessed through our Newsletter"
How the hell is something that's on fb "Exclusive" to only newsletter subscribers?! It's available to anyone who likes Laura's page. (Just like when you have to attend the SOUL chat to get the's not exclusive to the newsletter, it's available to anyone who attends the chat--and the chat was promoted all over SO, so it's not like only SO newsletter subscribers could go to the chat). I don't care what the freebie--er, freebee--is; I care that they're lying about how/where you get it. It's shady.
Laura Banasiak is one of the neediest people I have ever met.
Oct 24, 2012 12:49:00 PM
Did you see the photo of herself she gave to SO for their newsletter? That's the face she makes for a photo she's going to use for her business? It makes her look like an immature, high school mean girl. I've always thought she was a wannabe. She tries too hard to be cool or trendy (or something).
But how many times do you use a DS kit? Once, maybe twice? Why would I pay $10 for a kit I'll use on one LO?
that's your choice. I use a kit multiple times and by multiple, I mean up to 10 times or more because I mix and match my stash. Most of my pages have at least three or four kits used on them.
It is not the scrappers privilege to require designers to set their price to suit everyone. Not all designers market to everyone. Some will target scrappers with more money to spend, and if you are not in that category, then they are not looking at you. Designers trying to please every scrapper burn themselves out in trying to to make everyone happy.
Exactly. Just real life paper supplies.
Laura Banasiak is one of the neediest people I have ever met
have you actually met in person or just online?
It's a freebie. Be grateful for the offering.
I bow down to the Freebie God and thank him for his bounty.
Someone is really ticked about their freebie not being delivered properly. It must be a sad life!
She seems really needy, immature and seems to need lots of compliments to feel good about herself. That may be how she is online and not in real life.
I've never seen her post needing or begging for ego strokes. Where did you get that impression?
Someone is really ticked about their freebie not being delivered properly. It must be a sad life!
Not the OP but it has nothing to do with a sad life or even the freebie itself, it's about the principle. Sad that you didn't seem to grasp that.
I agree, you have a sad life if you are that worried about the principle of how a freebie is offered or delivered. Go stalk your freebie and move on.
I agree, you have a sad life if you are that worried about the principle of how a freebie is offered or delivered. Go stalk your freebie and move on.
I said I wasn't the OP. Geez, learn to read. So sad that you can't do that yet.
you have a sad life if you are that worried about the principle of how a freebie is offered or delivered.
And you have sad life because principles are meaningless to you.
I wasn't talking to you, #130. I was agreeing with #125. How about you stop thinking the world revolves only around your posts?
Right, I have no principles because I don't care about whether I have to download a freebie from facebook or a newsletter.
You go on living in your world of very small principles.
It's not about "how the freebie is delivered." It's about a company being honest with its customers. I care about honesty and integrity. If those aren't principles you care about, then that's your problem.
So what's this big news that KStudio is posting about on her FB account? Anyone think she's going to buy After5 and keep it going? Seems a shame to close such a great store.
136: Nah, I bet the news is that she's jumping ship to SO (or other well-known store--I don't have insider info, just speculating!). I like K Studio's designs, so I hope she goes to a store where I normally shop.
I wasn't talking to you, #130. I was agreeing with #125. How about you stop thinking the world revolves only around your posts?
Considering I was the only person who mentioned principles at that point and you then addressed that issue, it was pretty clear you were talking to me. Back pedal all you wish.
Right, I have no principles because I don't care about whether I have to download a freebie from facebook or a newsletter.
Again, it has nothing to do with the actual freebie. Are you really that dense or do you just act like that for the smack blog?
136- A5D hasn't announced yet it's closing but I'm guessing K-Studio is moving stores.
After5 and keep it going? Seems a shame to close such a great store.
A great store? Really? Maybe two years ago.
You go on living in your world of very small principles.
I will, thanks for your permission.
How about you stop thinking the world revolves only around your posts?
Do try and say something original
#133 Why do you consider her principles small? I do not think one measures principles. You either have principles or you don't. You either follow through on what you say you will do or you don't.
The fact that you don't care if you download a freebie from a newsletter or FB has nothing to do with your principles. It has nothing to do with the point the poster is trying to make.
Her point is that if a store entices you to sign up for their newsletter by offering you an exclusive freebie for being a newsletter subscriber then they should give the newsletter subscribers an exclusive freebie. Exclusive would imply that the freebie was not available to non newsletter subscribers.
I actually think this was a smack worthy subject. Is it ok for stores to offer something and then not deliver what was promised?
just out of curiosity, what are the costs associated with a newsletter?
Nothing but your time to do it. So saying that's the reason is a cop out
If you don't want to take the time to do a newsletter because it's not helping your sales, great. Don't do one. Obviously no one will miss it.
Announcing to your readership, 'not one of you 2000 people have helped my sales and you're just wasting my time' is just being a whiny, attention seeking asshole.
#144 - thank you for getting it. I wasn't the one who brought up the issue of the freebie in the first place, but I did get what the OP was saying and brought up the point about principles.
#146 - no kidding, I agree that it's completely unprofessional.
Her point is that if a store entices you to sign up for their newsletter by offering you an exclusive freebie for being a newsletter subscriber then they should give the newsletter subscribers an exclusive freebie. Exclusive would imply that the freebie was not available to non newsletter subscribers.
They are using FB and their newsletter in the same way. FB is virutally the same as signing up for a newsletter. It's all advertisement trying to get you to purchase no matter how you look at it.
OMG! This topic is soooooo stupid. You get your lame freebie. Why does it freakin' matter if it is exclusive? It's not like it is created just for you anyway and thousand of freebie hunters aren't already downloading it. Just unsub from the newsletter if you think they lack principles.
They are using FB and their newsletter in the same way. FB is virutally the same as signing up for a newsletter. I
Nope. If I sign up for a newsletter to get exclusives, I do not want to be redirected to FB to get something that everyone else can have. If it's a general freebie, sure, I have no problem going to FB or elsewhere to get it but if I'm told it's exclusive to newsletter subscribers, then it should be exclusive to those subscribers.
OMG! This topic is soooooo stupid.
ermahgerd, yer soooo right
OMG! This topic is soooooo stupid.
Then change it. You're soooooo good at pointing things out, so why can't you find something new to smack?
#112 Tell us which designer..
I also use a kit multiple times and I have tons of kits. There are also many kits I haven't used ...yet. But I'm sure that everything I buy will come in handy some day soon.
#153 WTF? Spam on the smack blog?
I'm #154 sorry about the comment. A spam comment showed up but it disappeared.
Spambot at #153
Spam disappeared, so sad :(
It's a freebie. Be grateful for the offering.
I bow down to the Freebie God and thank him for his bounty.
So... Scrap Matters and the daily download tragedy continues. After giving a second chance and making two polls where we voted which days we didn't download, the days with the most votes would win and be released as new download links. So today the new links were up and running. Amber gave away 7-8 links out of 23 total. This daily download thing is soooo crazy. It's so funny how they managed the whole thing. I hope this would be a good lesson. If you want to pleasure all your customers don't have 24 hour links. That would be better than this fiasco of voting polls and second and third chances. By the way I'm a customer. I'll continue to shop there but this whole thing is ridiculous.
Is Banasiak pregnant or does she just have a huge gut? New profile picture on Facebook (it's public, I would not want to be friends with that "person")
159: " If you want to pleasure all your customers"
Wow, where I live, pleasuring your customers is illegal.
160- She lost weight so I don't know.
#161 you naughty girl!! LOL!!!
You know what I mean..hahaha
Am I the only one that buys a kit after seeing great layouts made out of it? I'm usually disappointed in the kit after unzipping it but I try to be positive that I'll make a similar layout with the ones the CT made.
Did it already get mentioned that Sugary Fancy is leaving A5D for SO? The forum is dead. The closing rumors seem true.
She announced it on her facebook page on October 20th.
163: Sorry, I couldn't help it. You just set that up so nicely!
And as far as A5D's forums...they haven't been active in a long time. The "Announcements" subforum's last post was in July, for Pete's sake. And "New Products" hasn't been posted in since Sept. Jeez, those are awesome places for designers to post, so it seems like they checked out a long time ago, even if they haven't actually left the store yet.
I knew she wouldn't pick the right second chance days for the SO kit and they'd be back here talking about it. I would have given the second chances offering today and tomorrow. Even days today and odds tomorrow. If you miss out after that, tough luck, buy it in the store in Nov.
if you are unable to visit SM every day for your link then wait until it shows up in the store and purchase it. That is assuming it will end up in the store. Tt's a freebie and they stated the link would be up for 24 hours, deal with it. I didn't get gas the other day and 24 hours later the price had gone up. Guess what? I had to deal with it and pay the extra.
Guess what #168 & #169 I have all the links for the freebie I'm just making fun of the circus going on at SM. Why have 24 links if you're going to be giving away 2nd,2rd and maybe 4th chances along the way? I'm guessing Amber likes the attention. Who knows?
A newsletter is free until your list gets big. Once you go over 2000 subscribers mail chimp goes from free to $30 a month. I find it hard to believe that someone with 2000 subscribers cant cover a $30 a month newsletter bill.
Sorry #168 I reread your comment and now understood what you meant. I agree with you. Give all the links for one day and whoever misses out they can buy it in the store but nooooo she had to make it into a soap opera. Vote now,vote later,I'll send a pm,I'll give out the links with the most votes.Ridiculous. That's a first for digiland.
Can someone smack who the designer was with the 2000 subscriber newsletter that complained about it? Don't make me start opening all my newsletters one by one. I don't have the time!
173- Laura Banasiak
Wow, where I live, pleasuring your customers is illegal.
Not here it isn't.
Is Banasiak pregnant or does she just have a huge gut
Who the fuck cares? I'm not friends with her, but I'm so over people smacking on the way other people look. Those who do are usually pretty insecure about their own looks and so lash out at others.
Is Banasiak pregnant or does she just have a huge gut? New profile picture on Facebook (it's public, I would not want to be friends with that "person")
Oct 24, 2012 8:06:00 PM
And what difference would it make, in either case? Are you a perfect size 4? If not, then STFU.
I just looked at her profile pic. The one with her kid? I don't see a huge gut. I see a nice picture of her with her kid. And I don't even like her, so go figure.
#176, I 1000% agree. Designers are not professing to be cover models. It's not like their looks need to be perfect to maintain their job security, or anything. Why the hell should it matter what someone looks like?
#173 and #174 - the newsletter I got with the 2000 subscribers/didn't have the sales to keep the newsletter going was Christine Smith Digital Design. She requested that you subscribe for her RSS feed then unsubscribe from the newsletter.
179: Wait, she has over 2000 newsletter subscribers but she can't afford to pay Mail Chimp $30 a month? Maybe the newsletter isn't the problem...
Who said it had to do with cost? It was only speculated here as far as I can understand. Creating a newsletter can take time, depending on how you set it up, what you have in it, if you want to add freebies, stories, previews of products, CT layouts, coupons, etc. Maybe she finds that her time spent creating the newsletter would be better spent in other marketing strategies? I would not know because I don't receive her NL, but sometimes, designers DO make the right decision for THEIR business even if it might seem odd to those without inside information.
#179- Who is Christine Smith?
179 - WAIT A MINUTE! She was the one who was BEGGING for subscribers. Here is just part of it.
With Banasiak - who cares? I'm fat - larger than she is - are you going to come after me next? Although, she is a bigger bitch, but we're not talking about that.
#179 thanks for the info.
Now I understand why I don't know Christin Smith. And she has 2000 subscribers? No way!
Who said it had to do with cost?
Um, the designer did. Go and check out post #112.
#179 - really? Use Google. She's a digital designer that has been around forever, and I mean forever. I have some of her earlier stuff from 2006, but she's been around since probably 2005.
Now I understand why I don't know Christin Smith. And she has 2000 subscribers? No way!
Her earlier stuff is much better and nice than that.
Christine Smith ... who owns a STORE .. doesn't make enough to pay $30 a month for a newsletter? Sad.
#186 how is it possible her earlier stuff be better than her newer stuff? She got worse at designing over the years? So what if she's been around digiland since 2005, looking at her deisgns I'd say they look like 2005 designs. In 2008 all the freebies looked like that but now even the freebies are 10 times better.
I think its that the industry evolved and Christine didn't.
#188 - I don't know how it's possible, it just is. As to so what if she's been around, I was just pointing out that she was veteran. That is all, no need to get snooty about it.
Can anyone explain why Sahlin Studio is so popular? Just saw her Snow White kit, which is priced over $6 for just 8 papers and 36 elements, none of which are all that exceptional or unique. Yet, people fawn all over her. Why? I surely have to be missing something.
Yet, people fawn all over her. Why?
They do?
#183 that blog page no longer exists, so obviously she reads here (or someone she knows does) and she has removed it.
#193 - still exists, I just went there.
Christine Smith was offering a free kit if she could get 700 new subscribers to her newsletter. At the same time, she was posting constantly in the DCR with all her damn tips and tricks for marketing. She is a know-it-all, and if you try to correct her or offer an opinion you get...scolded? LOL! Guess her marketing tips didn't work so hot for her after all. She sells crap anyhow.
Can you say blatant copyright infringement:
The copyright police are out searching again. I saw an angry birds kit (don't remember where?) which was identical to the real angry birds and I thought about the copyright police on this blog.
#191 Yes Sahlin Studio is popular. I remember last year when the Lily Pad had a contest in the forums where we could win one favorite product from each designer. They made a seperate forum post for each designer and we commented which product we would like to win from each one. At the end I saw the numbers. Sahlin Studio had the most comments and her comments were double almost triple from the second most wanted designer there.
I love her stuff,they are well made and unique. But yes I agree although I liked the Snow White kit I'll wait for a 40% sale to buy it.
Can you say blatant copyright infringement:
Yep. But I love it! I wish those companies would make kits.
#196 it is but if you look it's not the only kit by her that is a copyright infringement. She has one about pacman, the little prince, Alice in Wonderland.
Not to rehash something that already went quiet, but, it's not that the freebie should be exclusive, so much as it was a bait and switch. You don't tell someone they'll get something ONLY if they subscribe to your newsletter, and then give it to everyone.
Sahlin Studio always sends a very gracious thank you email after purchases. Not every designer does this and it's a nice touch. I like her designs too. Don't buy it all but always look to see what she has.
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