How is that any different from the person who was smacked for being a bad designer and her son died in January? Isn't that beyond 'mean' too? ---------------------- Have no idea of who you are talking about.
Sara is not designing anything or providing customer service (that I know of-maybe I'm wrong).
Was this designer's kid been brought into the smacking?
Sara was criticized for being a CT lead simply because her husband is sick.
If someone's designs are crappy, that doesn't change because something bad has happened to them. Can designers not separate their personal and professional lives? It sure hasn't ever seemed like it.
I had a child die. Should everyone tiptoe around me for the rest of my life? Should I be exempt from criticism about my job performance?
Now if something was said about her kid, that's wrong. If she was smacked simply for having a sick kid, that's wrong. But it sure doesn't sound like it from post 401.
thank you 8 and 9. i was just wondering about the whole 9th and bloom thing. I've been gone a while, and just stumbled upon something about the sudden close last fall and figured I'd go back and read instead of asking.
I am smacking each one of you anonymous people who keep mentioning me and my son. Please just let it drop. At least I had the guts to come here as myself and post how hurt I was. At least a few of us don't play the 'haha you don't know who I am so I can say whatever the hell I want game'. #2 I am truly sorry you had a child to die. It is the worst pain I have ever gone through. No, I don't expect people to tiptoe around me, but at 6 months out it's a little bit raw. I don't sleep at night. I'm barely holding it together to keep my job. My husband wants to die, half of the time I do, too. The only thing that brings me any kind of joy is being creative. All I am asking is that I be left alone to do my 'bad designs' in peace. BTW, I applaud Gennifer(I hope I spelled that right) for coming out. I think we all should at least then we know who our frenemies are.
18-Dawn please just go away. I meant that in the most sincere way I could. If you aren't here reading this crap, you can't be hurt by what is said. This stuff doesn't mean anything. Go and do some designing and forget about this blog.
What is the usual file size for galleries? I was trying to upload to one that has a max of 160 kb. I couldn't get my layout that small and have it still be a reasonable size to be seen. I know at DST it is unlimited.
I just went back to DSTHoF and read through january's posts. Dawn was not smacked. There was one post from someone saying that her son had passed away and telling people to leave condolences on her facebook page.
I couldn't even figure out what store she was selling at. That's seriously the only post about her I saw.
Usually, the file size is 150kb, but I've seen 200kb at some galleries....they usually tell you in the gallery what the limit is.
In other news, check out what OTBDS posted: I have recently been approached by two individuals ( not connected) who would like to purchase a commercial use license from me- for use of my designs in artwork. One suggested a yearly fee. I would like to hear suggestions of a reasonable amount- many varied backgrounds here and I am curious as to what you all think?
Dawn, I'm #2 and I'm very sorry for your loss. I hope that things will get better for you. I hope you and your DH are going to a counselor. I waited longer than I needed to.
I don't know what's going on with any smacking of you on this blog, but I do hope that if this blog upsets you, you'll just pass it on by.
I'll be sending good thoughts your way. Again, I'm so sorry for your loss. Time helps dull some of the pain, but I know how hard it can be to hang on for easier days.
Dawn, I simply do not understand why you keep coming here only to get hurt. If any of your friends are telling you that you were mentioned here, tell them shut the fuck up. They aren't friends doing you any favors.
I just went back to DSTHoF and read through january's posts. Dawn was not smacked. There was one post from someone saying that her son had passed away and telling people to leave condolences on her facebook page. ----
No one said she was smacked on that blog in January. I do believe her name came up on this blog around May.
#20, at the gallery where I most often post my designs, it is 150. The way I keep mine clear and easily viewable is to resize my original layout to 600x600 (keeping it at 300 ppi). Then I save for web, and just reduce the compression quality until it is under 150. Sometimes that means my compression quality is around 70 or 80, especially with simpler images. Sometimes it has to go lower, in the 50s.
If all the new people coming here and wanting to know what was and wasn't said would just go back and read, it would clear up a lot of things. Dawn was not smacked but someone did make a remark about her fitting in at a certain store which apparently she or others felt was unkind. I'd never heard of the store so I don't know. Her loss was mentioned only to let people know that she was suffering and they should leave her alone. Many of you who get insulted so easily read too much into things. If someone asks a question, it's treated as an insult. If someone gives an opinion, it's taken as a statement of fact and argued about. Try just taking things as they are typed and not reading your own emotional baggage onto the them. You'll go through life much happier and much less insulted when you understand this simple universal truth: "It's not all about you."
I thought what was said about her was rude. And when I read it I thought it was directed at her and the shop. Either way, she has asked us to move on...
This has been brought up many times. Both sides of the opinion have value: choosing to give freebies as you want is your own business, of course. Giving big freebies might attract traffic; that is true. Some people are not in this to make money but just for fun, so why would they be bothered by those who feel they are giving "too much"?
But on the other side, designers who want to make money can feel that scrappers won't have the urge to buy anything if they can get so much for free, which makes sense.
Who is right? who is wrong? It seems that this is and will be a never ending discussion with no clear "winner", except the scrappers!
Every few months I do give away a bigger freebie but I use it as an incentive to sign up for my newsletter or something like that. Actually that is how I started my newsletter and had lots of subscriptions. I don't have too many unsubs and have a good open and click rate. So it can be beneficial...but just give them occasionally.
Occasionally is fine, but if hundreds of designers do that "occasionally", it ends up with something readily available to the scrapper just about any time. Just look at those listed here: Take your pick, just about any day!
I'd like to know who is coming to SO... is it someone besides Megan Turnridge, someone else mentioned her already. I thought I saw a post about JustJaimee opening there, but obviously not. lol
is there someone else...maybe with different products? not sure who else would fit there that isn't settled at a store.
Many of you who get insulted so easily read too much into things. If someone asks a question, it's treated as an insult. If someone gives an opinion, it's taken as a statement of fact and argued about. Try just taking things as they are typed and not reading your own emotional baggage onto the them. You'll go through life much happier and much less insulted when you understand this simple universal truth: "It's not all about you." -------
Not the freebies argument again! That was going on around five years ago and guess what, the industry is still here and designers are still selling and scrappers are still buying.
Clearly it's not the threat some see it to be.
There are those scrappers who will only ever get freebies and there are those who won't. Yes, it is that simple.
freebies do not hurt the "industry." If they did, it would have died out years ago. As someone else above said, some people will always use only freebies, some people will buy everything, and there are a whole lot of scrappers in between. It really is that simple.
In other news, check out what OTBDS posted: I have recently been approached by two individuals ( not connected) who would like to purchase a commercial use license from me- for use of my designs in artwork. One suggested a yearly fee. I would like to hear suggestions of a reasonable amount- many varied backgrounds here and I am curious as to what you all think?
^^^^^^^^^^ i think this is a blatant , "see Im sooooo good that they want to use my products " shout out for herself.... I question anyone that would use her product, so blurry, huge quality issues and just plain ugly....just my opinion...
ha, Julie, maybe it has nothing to do with how many freebies you give out and everything to do with how crappy your product is. Spend more time worrying about yourself and less time worrying about others and maybe you'll make some money.
#58 - nothing is going on. It's the old freebie argument. All you need to know is right here on this blog. No, I don't have backroom access but this argument is so old and worn, I know it by heart.
59 nailed it. A designer is honked off because some of the blog train participants are giving away full kits. Does it undermine sales blah blah blah....
I was more put off by her use of large letters and bold print to rant about the freebies. How is that any better than all caps? it's clear she was intentionally 'shouting.'
#73 - wouldn't matter if she was the best designer in the world, she still wouldn't be in the position to lay out how all designers should their business. Not sure who the 'she' is though.
If you look at the products of most of the designers who complain about freebies vs. the kind of stuff they are complaining about you'd see it's pretty much the same unappealing and in a lot of cases, unsalable crap.
80- I'm betting it was absentmindedness, not laziness. Like she copied and pasted and forgot to edit. Still, she should probably fix it becuase it doesnt look good.
And btw, how lazy is it to have a product go into the store that has includes: xxxxxxxxxxxxx in the description? -------------------------------- beyond lazy
#79- TLP did that with Dr. Suess and still sold it. The only thing that happened was CD had to change the title of her doodles. Her doodles were almost identical to his artwork. She got to sell them awayway.
Gotta hand it to her. She's got quite an ego if she thinks that she should dictate what the rest of the industry should do even though she's been designing for about a nanosecond.
From what I've seen in the forum, she's completely ignored some really good comments about marketing from industry vets (like Kimeric and Jewel). The only people she seems to be agreeing with are other designers no one's ever heard of (and probably are having trouble with their sales, too).
Julie is new and you should give her some slack for posting her opinion on what she sees an industry problem. At least she had the nerve to put her name on it and not just come to a smack blog to complain about it.
She didn't just post her opinion she posted a rant, in large bold letters where she demanded that 'all and I do mean all' designers change their ways to suit her opinion.
I dont think just because someone adds layers of green and red to create a caterpillar it necessarily make it a copy of his work. I think they did a good job representing his style and celebrating his work.
I agree, 97. It's hard to feel the need to pay a designer CU or S4H/S4O fees for using their work in products, when they feel that they're above the same requirements.
#97- Sad to say most designers don't care about copyrights. You ever see how much Disney is used? Angry Birds? Jacque Larsen did an Angry Birds pack and she still sells it. They try to work around it but a Mickey ear is a Mickey ear.
Ok so these doodles and felts aren't rips offs of Dr. Suess then?
#97- Sad to say most designers don't care about copyrights. You ever see how much Disney is used? Angry Birds? ==============================================
Yes, I do. And it's why I don't bother with anything other than a PU license. Screw them and their double standards.
No, not really. I used to like her stuff years ago, and bought quite a bit of it back in her early oscraps days. I'm talking early on in her first oscrap days, b/c I'm pretty sure she was there more than once. I lost track.
I got very tired of her incessant store hopping, and as time went on and she went to stores like SSD, she got more and more of a diva attitude.
I don't know her personally. Never have-and never wanted to. I just think she sucks.
Ok so these doodles and felts aren't rips offs of Dr. Suess then? Jun 26, 2012 2:44:00 PM
IMO, the doodles are iffy, but a direct copy or imitation, although they're awfully close and skirting the line.
The felt doodles are a direct copy.
Just more examples of why I can't take digi designers seriously when they start whining about copyright and piracy.
Just more examples of why I can't take digi designers seriously when they start whining about copyright and piracy. ----
Really? So a few of them do that that makes them all bad? Why not take the designers seriously who do follow copyright instead of lumping them in all together.
#105- It's kind of hard to get around making green eggs and ham felts. I think everyone knows where that comes from. --
So does that mean no one can make green eggs and ham? I'm not sure what you are saying. I think you are saying that green eggs and ham are just that, but everyone associates it with Dr Seuss.
Really? So a few of them do that that makes them all bad? Why not take the designers seriously who do follow copyright instead of lumping them in all together. Jun 26, 2012 4:42:00 PM
I do take the ones who fly straight seriously. It's just that there are so few of them.
No one is doing anything to her, except for her friends pointing her here. What a bunch of asshats. If my friend was in pain, I wouldn't be telling her about a smack blog or anything like it.
@120 Agreed! If they were really your friends they wouldn't be sending you here to read this blog in your current state of mind. I have yet to read anything that's truly a bash/smack post about you as a person or a designer. So I'd get a new lot of friends for bothering you needlessly.
As for Dawn's so-called "Friends". Maybe you should learn the definition of friendship or at the very least "smacking". Since you clearly don't understand either.
#97- Sad to say most designers don't care about copyrights. You ever see how much Disney is used? Angry Birds? Jacque Larsen did an Angry Birds pack and she still sells it. They try to work around it but a Mickey ear is a Mickey ear. -------------------------------------------
Most NO WAY! Some of course. It really really irks me that I might be tarred with the same feather and have customers not want to follow my TOU because SOME designers don't know how to follow copyright laws. Really? It sounds like you are making excuses or maybe you are just buying from the wrong people.
I would rather stick with designers who respect copyright and follow it myself than abuse it because 'everyone else' is doing it.
#124- I was responding to a comment #97 made. I never once said I wouldn't follow a TOU. I was agreeing with #97 about designers pushing the copyright envelope. Your little "freak out" would be better suited for the ones that actually said they wouldn't follow a TOU.
Try just taking things as they are typed and not reading your own emotional baggage onto the them. You'll go through life much happier and much less insulted when you understand this simple universal truth: "It's not all about you."
Regarding the OSD Eric Carle kit, I see it as a good tribute, not a direct copy. Great work with the coloring. I guess in this case it's really subjective. Maybe they should have left out the caterpillar (that's the closest thing to the original that I see) but really this is much better (copyright wise) than a lot of Disney rip-off kits in the market. IMO
The caterpillar in the book is painted not made of felt and really looks nothing like the felt one in the kit. The colors are similar, we all know the book so well that it's obvious to us what it represents. And I guess that's where copyright gets kind of sticky - the artwork isn't stolen or replicated but the representation is obvious. Some will argue that as long as the original artwork isn't stolen it's OK, others that the use of his "characters" whether an exact copy or not is using his reputation for your own financial gain. I much prefer some of the other offerings as inspired by his style and not his specific works. Could he sue over that kit if it was brought to his attention? He'd probably win, especially with the use of his name attached to the promotion. I think the direct reference to him as celebrating his birthday makes it a further stretch than if his name wasn't mentioned at all and that kit was released in another context. I'm not sure that we can say that no one is ever allowed to make green and blue catepillars with red heads. Very touchy subject for sure and many, many designers, are a thin line away from infringement which can only be decided in actualy court proceedings which of course is very unlikely to ever happen.
137 posted in quotations the part she wanted people to read.
If you just *have* to read the rest, it was in comment to the freebie rant:
Thanks to Wendy, Kimerick, Piccolina, Jewel and Jen-C for the great comments!! I offer freebies and I've found customers appreciate having the ability to really work with my designs to see if they fit their individual style.
I think Jewel made the best point in that you can't lose $$ that wasn't yours to begin with. Jen-C's point about repeat customers is definitely true. Once they find me, they usually buy everything I have in my store. Or I've signed them up as CT and then the CT's are out there selling my designs for me. One thing I hear over and over is Marketing, Marketing, Marketing!!
As far as the d/l numbers go, I tend to look at where that number is over time. In the beginning, I had low d/l numbers like that, too. Each month that number gets larger and larger and my sales get more and more. One month, I remember whipping something out really quick because I forgot to do it earlier and the d/l number was really low that month. I truly believe it's because the customers didn't like what they saw. To be honest, I wasn't totally pleased with my portion either. It was a lesson I am not too quick to forget.
You are using Photoshop and don't know what lower the fill is? Why not get a program you can handle.
---- everyone has stages over learning. You jumped right into your program knowing everything? I am impressed if you did. Seems to me, she is trying to learn.
Outside the Box studio is applying to the Scrap Girls call?
I honestly do not see that happening, I don't think she fits in there at ALL! SG actually takes pride in the product they put out (even if I wouldn't pay half the prices they ask for), but I giggled a bit when I saw this. Thoughts?
Isn't a $30 quota almost like just a symbolic quota? I mean those who cannot meet that kind of quota might consider their "designing career" altogether, don't you think?
She has a $10 buy my store ad on her blog. I know when I first started out, I would always buy those thinking it was such a great deal. Now I realize that only the "not so good" designers offer buy my store deals. So really, it was just a waste of $$ and the time I spent downloading (and later deleting) a bunch of cheap garbage. Now if Kristen Aagard would do a buy my store I'd be all over that!
She exclusive to scrap take out at the moment which I believe has no min, so yeah. I'm guessing not even 30 a month. It's not even the CU that bothers me, it's her hideous color choices. Her kits are gross.
from the 'designer' who does not like all those freebies being handed out:
"I did copy and Paste from a post that I did on a private forum on FB, so being in bold was not meant as a shout or rant. It was just stating my frustration. I also think it was not badly written, or a completely non valid point. It was not meant to critize in any way shape or form. It was just bringing up a frustration. I will change the font size to not offend anyone, but I will not change how I feel. Again, it was just stating a frustration of mine, and was not an attack.
I NEVER said that Freebies shouldn't exist, I just said I didn't think that a Full kit and then some should be what's offered as a freebie. If the Smackers really bothered to read, which apparently the cowards didn't or are to ignorant to bother to read, as that wouldn't give them something to "Smack about" which by the way, doesn't really faze me as they are only words typed from a bunch of cowards and bullies......they would see that I said in the very first line. "Iget that we have to do freebies once in a while, and a blog hop is a good idea I think". That was my first line.
There have been extremely valid points made in this thread, and I totally get it now, and have said that.
I do get the freebie thing but am I not entitled to an opinion? I guess not as it seems anyone that has an opinion is immediately SMACKED!!and yes that is meant to be in bold. "
I wonder who Tracy King Anderson was referring to in her facebook post: Hey, thanks a lot former team member for deleting the tutorial screenshots you posted on our blog while you were with us. You couldn't send me a friendly email, first? NOT NICE, if you ask me! Sure hope your team members don't do it back to you someday, but then you'd have earned that karma, right? :/
I liked the *idea* of the SSD blog getting more personal with the designers and babes, but the actual result not so much. Seems like every day is just a new brag post. Look at my lovely remodel, my awesome vacation, my beautiful home. Meh.
Sorry, guys! I accidentally switched it to moderate sometimes after we got spammed last month, instead of back to never, and when this post hit 14 days old it kicked it into moderation. It's fixed now.
Someone needs to tell that pissed-off-about-freebies designer that customers read here, too. She just made damn sure that I'd never buy anything she ever puts out-even if her design skills improve.
I thought that was already pointed out, but I can be wrong. She's digging her own grave, oh well, more sales for other designers, cause she thinks it goes that way.
This Julie Enriquez sounds like an ignorant ass who won't be in the biz 6 months from now. "Designers" like her are a dime a dozen-they come and go every day. -----------------------------------------------
Yeah, well, if she had a 'goodbye sale' she'd get smacked for doing that too. Doesn't matter what designers do, someone will smack them for it. Jun 29, 2012 1:57:00 PM
boo fucking hoo
You could always go get a real job if you can't take it. Oh yeah, you wouldn't be able to handle that either.
186 - wow, bitchy much? I wasn't complaining, I'm not even a designer. I was stating a fact.
And FYI, I do have "a real job" (a very good one, in fact) Maybe you should try igniting your brain before you make stupid assumptions about someone you know absolutely nothing about.
The butthurt about designers getting "bashed" is getting really old.
Saying you don't like someone's work is not bashing. Pointing out quality issues is not bashing. Relating bad CS experiences is not bashing. Stating preferences about prices, sales, etc. is not bashing.
Maybe all the whiny designers and "not a designer"s could learn to distinguish between opinions and bashing. Or maybe not, since it appears there has rarely been any professionalism in digi. Even from the get-go.
186 - wow, bitchy much? I wasn't complaining, I'm not even a designer. I was stating a fact. --------------------
Yes, when confronted with OTT whining and bitching about 'smack' from smacking bitches who are reading a SMACK BLOG, I suppose that makes me 'bitchy.'
If you do not like to read what's posted here, then why the hell are you here? To prove your moral superiority by claiming to be above all this? To defend some designer who's your BFF? To post smack about your competitors? To check out what's being said about you?
For the entertainment value? If so, why are you whining about smack here at the smack blog?
Saying you don't like someone's work is not bashing. Pointing out quality issues is not bashing. Relating bad CS experiences is not bashing. Stating preferences about prices, sales, etc. is not bashing.
YES! And that is exactly why this blog needs to be here, because we are prevented from having such conversations at DST, our so-called 'conference center' for all things digi. We need a place where we can be honest about people's quality or customer service skills or kit sizes or pricing or whatever it is without being censored.
«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 600 of 627 Newer› Newest»I just think it's beyond mean to bash someone whose husband is dying for daring to be a CT lead.
How is that any different from the person who was smacked for being a bad designer and her son died in January? Isn't that beyond 'mean' too?
How is that any different from the person who was smacked for being a bad designer and her son died in January? Isn't that beyond 'mean' too?
Have no idea of who you are talking about.
Sara is not designing anything or providing customer service (that I know of-maybe I'm wrong).
Was this designer's kid been brought into the smacking?
Sara was criticized for being a CT lead simply because her husband is sick.
If someone's designs are crappy, that doesn't change because something bad has happened to them. Can designers not separate their personal and professional lives? It sure hasn't ever seemed like it.
I had a child die. Should everyone tiptoe around me for the rest of my life? Should I be exempt from criticism about my job performance?
Now if something was said about her kid, that's wrong. If she was smacked simply for having a sick kid, that's wrong. But it sure doesn't sound like it from post 401.
Sara wasn't "smacked". Someone just posted an opinion. It wasn't mean or nasty.
#2- She owns DSA so yes I'm sure she has to provide some kind of CS to people.
Sara's been providing crappy CS at DSA? Do tell.
I wasn't around in January, so I don't know anything about all that.
Are there any archived posts from 2001? Or was there a different smack blog last fall? If so, can anyone tell me where to find it?
oops, I meant 2011. Last fall-October and November
#2 - I agree with you, or couldn't you tell from my post? I was #1 - just pointing out the disparity
#5 - why do you want to know?
here you go -
October starts here Seems that most of the Aly stuff started during Oct/Nov 2011.
thank you 8 and 9. i was just wondering about the whole 9th and bloom thing. I've been gone a while, and just stumbled upon something about the sudden close last fall and figured I'd go back and read instead of asking.
Anyone want to do a review on the designers at Scrapflower? It's been a while since we had one on here.
#10- Thank god it wasn't about Aly or she would come back. Yeah that whole 9th&B mess was crazy. I liked it there.
1-Dawn wasn't smacked.
The store where she opened her store was smacked.
#13- Dawn thought she was smacked. That's why she came and posted here as herself.
14-She thought wrong.
#11 you should do it!
I'm pretty sure that Dawn was smacked
I am smacking each one of you anonymous people who keep mentioning me and my son. Please just let it drop. At least I had the guts to come here as myself and post how hurt I was. At least a few of us don't play the 'haha you don't know who I am so I can say whatever the hell I want game'. #2 I am truly sorry you had a child to die. It is the worst pain I have ever gone through. No, I don't expect people to tiptoe around me, but at 6 months out it's a little bit raw. I don't sleep at night. I'm barely holding it together to keep my job. My husband wants to die, half of the time I do, too. The only thing that brings me any kind of joy is being creative. All I am asking is that I be left alone to do my 'bad designs' in peace. BTW, I applaud Gennifer(I hope I spelled that right) for coming out. I think we all should at least then we know who our frenemies are.
18-Dawn please just go away. I meant that in the most sincere way I could. If you aren't here reading this crap, you can't be hurt by what is said. This stuff doesn't mean anything. Go and do some designing and forget about this blog.
What is the usual file size for galleries? I was trying to upload to one that has a max of 160 kb. I couldn't get my layout that small and have it still be a reasonable size to be seen. I know at DST it is unlimited.
I just went back to DSTHoF and read through january's posts. Dawn was not smacked. There was one post from someone saying that her son had passed away and telling people to leave condolences on her facebook page.
I couldn't even figure out what store she was selling at. That's seriously the only post about her I saw.
Usually, the file size is 150kb, but I've seen 200kb at some galleries....they usually tell you in the gallery what the limit is.
In other news, check out what OTBDS posted: I have recently been approached by two individuals ( not connected) who would like to purchase a commercial use license from me- for use of my designs in artwork. One suggested a yearly fee. I would like to hear suggestions of a reasonable amount- many varied backgrounds here and I am curious as to what you all think?
Dawn, I'm #2 and I'm very sorry for your loss. I hope that things will get better for you. I hope you and your DH are going to a counselor. I waited longer than I needed to.
I don't know what's going on with any smacking of you on this blog, but I do hope that if this blog upsets you, you'll just pass it on by.
I'll be sending good thoughts your way. Again, I'm so sorry for your loss. Time helps dull some of the pain, but I know how hard it can be to hang on for easier days.
22- Who is OTBDS?
Outside the Box Design Studio.....
Dawn, I simply do not understand why you keep coming here only to get hurt. If any of your friends are telling you that you were mentioned here, tell them shut the fuck up. They aren't friends doing you any favors.
I just went back to DSTHoF and read through january's posts. Dawn was not smacked. There was one post from someone saying that her son had passed away and telling people to leave condolences on her facebook page.
No one said she was smacked on that blog in January. I do believe her name came up on this blog around May.
Well, since May was not mentioned until your post, 27, January was all I had to go on.
#20, at the gallery where I most often post my designs, it is 150. The way I keep mine clear and easily viewable is to resize my original layout to 600x600 (keeping it at 300 ppi). Then I save for web, and just reduce the compression quality until it is under 150. Sometimes that means my compression quality is around 70 or 80, especially with simpler images. Sometimes it has to go lower, in the 50s.
Dawn was NOT smacked! It was suggested she would fit in at Scrappity Doo Dah that is ALL. Good grief.
Mye is at DHD. She's actually exclusive, too:
Mye's products are still up at My Memories...
IMO I think DHD has more of a paper scrapping style. Mye is great, but I'm not sure her style fits the DHD genre. I wish her luck in any case.
32-That is why I thought she'd be at Scrap Orchard.
There is another new designer coming to SO soon.
Digital Scrap Cafe is finally closing/ closed
If all the new people coming here and wanting to know what was and wasn't said would just go back and read, it would clear up a lot of things. Dawn was not smacked but someone did make a remark about her fitting in at a certain store which apparently she or others felt was unkind. I'd never heard of the store so I don't know. Her loss was mentioned only to let people know that she was suffering and they should leave her alone. Many of you who get insulted so easily read too much into things. If someone asks a question, it's treated as an insult. If someone gives an opinion, it's taken as a statement of fact and argued about. Try just taking things as they are typed and not reading your own emotional baggage onto the them. You'll go through life much happier and much less insulted when you understand this simple universal truth: "It's not all about you."
I thought what was said about her was rude. And when I read it I thought it was directed at her and the shop. Either way, she has asked us to move on...
Who is the new designer at SO going to be?
Dawn was not smacked but someone did make a remark about her fitting in at a certain store which apparently she or others felt was unkind.
And the person who originally posted this later came back and explained what she meant. It wasn't smack AT ALL. Good grief people.
If i want to make a full kit free that should be my buisness nobody elses.
This has been brought up many times. Both sides of the opinion have value: choosing to give freebies as you want is your own business, of course. Giving big freebies might attract traffic; that is true. Some people are not in this to make money but just for fun, so why would they be bothered by those who feel they are giving "too much"?
But on the other side, designers who want to make money can feel that scrappers won't have the urge to buy anything if they can get so much for free, which makes sense.
Who is right? who is wrong? It seems that this is and will be a never ending discussion with no clear "winner", except the scrappers!
Every few months I do give away a bigger freebie but I use it as an incentive to sign up for my newsletter or something like that. Actually that is how I started my newsletter and had lots of subscriptions. I don't have too many unsubs and have a good open and click rate. So it can be beneficial...but just give them occasionally.
Occasionally is fine, but if hundreds of designers do that "occasionally", it ends up with something readily available to the scrapper just about any time. Just look at those listed here: Take your pick, just about any day!
I'd like to know who is coming to SO... is it someone besides Megan Turnridge, someone else mentioned her already. I thought I saw a post about JustJaimee opening there, but obviously not. lol
is there someone else...maybe with different products? not sure who else would fit there that isn't settled at a store.
Before anyone brings it up...and I know you all will because you secretly love me! YES, I'm finally officially retiring and yes I am pregnant! YAY!
12 - I havent gone anywhere! I am just busy!
I tend to buy more from designers who aren't stingy with freebies.
Of course, that's if I like their style and their products.
Stores and designers that are notoriously stingy with sales and/or freebies rarely get my business.
Of course, when I find something I really, really love,and feel like I *have* to have I'll usually splurge.
One of the people that has been mentioned here is going far, far away. Have fun with your smacking.
The Jessica Sprague site extended their sale for another week. Do you think that means that their sales weren't what they were hoping for?
47- Huh?
Many of you who get insulted so easily read too much into things. If someone asks a question, it's treated as an insult. If someone gives an opinion, it's taken as a statement of fact and argued about. Try just taking things as they are typed and not reading your own emotional baggage onto the them. You'll go through life much happier and much less insulted when you understand this simple universal truth: "It's not all about you."
Hello Wise Woman.
Not the freebies argument again! That was going on around five years ago and guess what, the industry is still here and designers are still selling and scrappers are still buying.
Clearly it's not the threat some see it to be.
There are those scrappers who will only ever get freebies and there are those who won't. Yes, it is that simple.
Glad I am not the only one confused by 47.
#47 is just trying to get attention, which succeeded.
freebies do not hurt the "industry." If they did, it would have died out years ago. As someone else above said, some people will always use only freebies, some people will buy everything, and there are a whole lot of scrappers in between. It really is that simple.
53 is exactly right.
In other news, check out what OTBDS posted: I have recently been approached by two individuals ( not connected) who would like to purchase a commercial use license from me- for use of my designs in artwork. One suggested a yearly fee. I would like to hear suggestions of a reasonable amount- many varied backgrounds here and I am curious as to what you all think?
i think this is a blatant , "see Im sooooo good that they want to use my products " shout out for herself....
I question anyone that would use her product,
so blurry, huge quality issues and just plain ugly....just my opinion...
ha, Julie, maybe it has nothing to do with how many freebies you give out and everything to do with how crappy your product is. Spend more time worrying about yourself and less time worrying about others and maybe you'll make some money.
Can someone enlighten those of us without backroom access as to what is going on?
#58 - nothing is going on. It's the old freebie argument. All you need to know is right here on this blog. No, I don't have backroom access but this argument is so old and worn, I know it by heart.
59 nailed it. A designer is honked off because some of the blog train participants are giving away full kits. Does it undermine sales blah blah blah....
So which Julie is honked off?
53 being anonymous isn't a good way to get attention
53 being anonymous isnt a good way to get attention
It seems like the same 4 or 5 debates circulate all the time-they have for years.
1. freebies will or will not bring down the industry.
2. pricing too low hurts the industry.
3. which stores are top tier.
4. CU
5. copyright-what's a violation
lather, rinse, repeat
#65- LOL
Well, who has their panties in a wad about freebies in the backroom? This is a smack blog, why keep it secret?
it might be the 'same old conversation' for the oldies in the industry, but there are always new people learning about digi scrapping every day.
don't jump on them just because they want to discuss something that is new for them.
if you're a designer you should be happy they are excited about digital scrapping. an influx of new scrappers means a potential for new clients.
I think they repeat because there's always new designers and scrappers who don't know what went before.
it might be the 'same old conversation' for the oldies in the industry, but there are always new people learning about digi scrapping every day.
don't jump on them just because they want to discuss something that is new for them.
Yes, it's so difficult to search in the archives. I pity them.
if you're a designer you should be happy they are excited about digital scrapping. an influx of new scrappers means a potential for new clients.
It ain't the scrappers asking, it's the designers. I wish they did more research first.
I was more put off by her use of large letters and bold print to rant about the freebies. How is that any better than all caps? it's clear she was intentionally 'shouting.'
I don's think she is that bad of a designer. Not awesome, but not as awful as some other stuff that's floating around there.
Certainly she's in no position to lay out how 'all designers and I do mean all' should run their business.
#73 - wouldn't matter if she was the best designer in the world, she still wouldn't be in the position to lay out how all designers should their business. Not sure who the 'she' is though.
If you look at the products of most of the designers who complain about freebies vs. the kind of stuff they are complaining about you'd see it's pretty much the same unappealing and in a lot of cases, unsalable crap.
this is the annoyed designer:
Never heard of her.
Me either.
So since copyright is one of those never ending topics - what about the Eric Carle stuff at OSD?!!!
Just because they're celebrating him does that let them copy his artwork? I don't see anywhere that they got permission to use it.
Isn't this the same thing that a bunch of shops and designers went through with Dr Suess stuff?
And btw, how lazy is it to have a product go into the store that has
includes: xxxxxxxxxxxxx
in the description?
Never heard of her.
I don't think many have since she only has 86 fans at the moment.
80- I'm betting it was absentmindedness, not laziness. Like she copied and pasted and forgot to edit. Still, she should probably fix it becuase it doesnt look good.
And btw, how lazy is it to have a product go into the store that has
includes: xxxxxxxxxxxxx
in the description?
beyond lazy
this is the annoyed designer:
Another who has never heard of her.
I had never heard of her store either.
They're both beyond awful. I seriously doubt that anyone giving away freebies is hurting her or that store's business.
I wouldn't buy anything there. I wouldn't even take it for free. It's wretched.
#79- TLP did that with Dr. Suess and still sold it. The only thing that happened was CD had to change the title of her doodles. Her doodles were almost identical to his artwork. She got to sell them awayway.
Gotta hand it to her. She's got quite an ego if she thinks that she should dictate what the rest of the industry should do even though she's been designing for about a nanosecond.
From what I've seen in the forum, she's completely ignored some really good comments about marketing from industry vets (like Kimeric and Jewel). The only people she seems to be agreeing with are other designers no one's ever heard of (and probably are having trouble with their sales, too).
The caterpillar in that kit is a direct copy - that's really disappointing that a big store things that is OK.
Julie is new and you should give her some slack for posting her opinion on what she sees an industry problem. At least she had the nerve to put her name on it and not just come to a smack blog to complain about it.
Hi Julie!
#87- Sadly you're right.
She didn't just post her opinion she posted a rant, in large bold letters where she demanded that 'all and I do mean all' designers change their ways to suit her opinion.
Lauren Reid knows better. That's what makes it so bad.
This Julie sounds like an ignorant ass who won't be in the biz 6 months from now. "Designers" like her are a dime a dozen-they come and go every day.
It's best to ignore the likes of her.
I dont think just because someone adds layers of green and red to create a caterpillar it necessarily make it a copy of his work. I think they did a good job representing his style and celebrating his work.
#92 - agreed.
any other parts of that kit you think are a "direct copy"?
stuff like this (lauren reid's rip off of Eric Carle) is precisely why no one takes digital piracy seriously.
If digi designers won't respect other artists' work, why the hell should anyone respect theirs?
You can't have it both ways.
Lauren Reid sucked before this, and she'll still suck after it all blows over.
She just sucks.
I agree, 97. It's hard to feel the need to pay a designer CU or S4H/S4O fees for using their work in products, when they feel that they're above the same requirements.
#98- Issues with Lauren?
#97- Sad to say most designers don't care about copyrights. You ever see how much Disney is used? Angry Birds? Jacque Larsen did an Angry Birds pack and she still sells it. They try to work around it but a Mickey ear is a Mickey ear.
Ok so these doodles and felts aren't rips offs of Dr. Suess then?
#97- Sad to say most designers don't care about copyrights. You ever see how much Disney is used? Angry Birds?
Yes, I do. And it's why I don't bother with anything other than a PU license. Screw them and their double standards.
#98- Issues with Lauren?
Jun 26, 2012 2:38:00 PM
No, not really. I used to like her stuff years ago, and bought quite a bit of it back in her early oscraps days. I'm talking early on in her first oscrap days, b/c I'm pretty sure she was there more than once. I lost track.
I got very tired of her incessant store hopping, and as time went on and she went to stores like SSD, she got more and more of a diva attitude.
I don't know her personally. Never have-and never wanted to. I just think she sucks.
Ok so these doodles and felts aren't rips offs of Dr. Suess then?
Jun 26, 2012 2:44:00 PM
IMO, the doodles are iffy, but a direct copy or imitation, although they're awfully close and skirting the line.
The felt doodles are a direct copy.
Just more examples of why I can't take digi designers seriously when they start whining about copyright and piracy.
oops, that first paragraph should say 'NOT a direct copy or imitation'
#104- I have to agree with you on the store hopping. I hate when designers store hop.
#105- It's kind of hard to get around making green eggs and ham felts. I think everyone knows where that comes from.
Just because they're celebrating him does that let them copy his artwork? I don't see anywhere that they got permission to use it.
I'm not seeing the copying. A similarity, but not copying.
Just more examples of why I can't take digi designers seriously when they start whining about copyright and piracy.
Really? So a few of them do that that makes them all bad? Why not take the designers seriously who do follow copyright instead of lumping them in all together.
#105- It's kind of hard to get around making green eggs and ham felts. I think everyone knows where that comes from.
So does that mean no one can make green eggs and ham? I'm not sure what you are saying. I think you are saying that green eggs and ham are just that, but everyone associates it with Dr Seuss.
so nobody else sees anything in the Nom Nom Nom kit that's a copyright issue?
I dont care about other kits, you were smacking about this one and I dont see it.
Really? So a few of them do that that makes them all bad? Why not take the designers seriously who do follow copyright instead of lumping them in all together.
Jun 26, 2012 4:42:00 PM
I do take the ones who fly straight seriously. It's just that there are so few of them.
#113 - so, you know all designers?
#114 Seems she thinks she does.
Dawn, you say your son just died, your husband wants to die and you want to die sometimes too. Why in THE HELL are you on a smack blog then? Go away.
The ones that are worth my time and money-yes.
Leave Dawn alone!!111!
#116- I have to agree with you. Wasting her time coming here doesn't seem to be working for her. She keeps getting more "fragile".
Leave Dawn alone!!111!
No one is doing anything to her, except for her friends pointing her here. What a bunch of asshats. If my friend was in pain, I wouldn't be telling her about a smack blog or anything like it.
#120- I'm sure they mean well by telling her. From the way she flips out, this blog isn't the best place for her.
#121 - they couldn't possibly mean well by telling her.
@120 Agreed! If they were really your friends they wouldn't be sending you here to read this blog in your current state of mind. I have yet to read anything that's truly a bash/smack post about you as a person or a designer. So I'd get a new lot of friends for bothering you needlessly.
As for Dawn's so-called "Friends". Maybe you should learn the definition of friendship or at the very least "smacking". Since you clearly don't understand either.
#97- Sad to say most designers don't care about copyrights. You ever see how much Disney is used? Angry Birds? Jacque Larsen did an Angry Birds pack and she still sells it. They try to work around it but a Mickey ear is a Mickey ear.
Most NO WAY! Some of course. It really really irks me that I might be tarred with the same feather and have customers not want to follow my TOU because SOME designers don't know how to follow copyright laws. Really? It sounds like you are making excuses or maybe you are just buying from the wrong people.
I would rather stick with designers who respect copyright and follow it myself than abuse it because 'everyone else' is doing it.
#124- I was responding to a comment #97 made. I never once said I wouldn't follow a TOU. I was agreeing with #97 about designers pushing the copyright envelope. Your little "freak out" would be better suited for the ones that actually said they wouldn't follow a TOU.
Freak out? Exaggeration!
#126 - not the OP but no. It was a little 'freak out'ish.
I would rather stick with designers who respect copyright and follow it myself than abuse it because 'everyone else' is doing it.
Try just taking things as they are typed and not reading your own emotional baggage onto the them. You'll go through life much happier and much less insulted when you understand this simple universal truth: "It's not all about you."
Regarding the OSD Eric Carle kit, I see it as a good tribute, not a direct copy. Great work with the coloring. I guess in this case it's really subjective. Maybe they should have left out the caterpillar (that's the closest thing to the original that I see) but really this is much better (copyright wise) than a lot of Disney rip-off kits in the market. IMO
I agree with 130. It doesnt rub me as being infringement.
Without that felt caterpillar, I would agree that it's not infringement. That caterpillar is a direct copy. And Lauren knows better.
Is the caterpillar really that similar?
Amen, #129.
Yes. Google The Very Hungry Caterpillar or Eric Carle
You've never seen that book before?
The caterpillar in the book is painted not made of felt and really looks nothing like the felt one in the kit. The colors are similar, we all know the book so well that it's obvious to us what it represents. And I guess that's where copyright gets kind of sticky - the artwork isn't stolen or replicated but the representation is obvious. Some will argue that as long as the original artwork isn't stolen it's OK, others that the use of his "characters" whether an exact copy or not is using his reputation for your own financial gain. I much prefer some of the other offerings as inspired by his style and not his specific works. Could he sue over that kit if it was brought to his attention? He'd probably win, especially with the use of his name attached to the promotion. I think the direct reference to him as celebrating his birthday makes it a further stretch than if his name wasn't mentioned at all and that kit was released in another context. I'm not sure that we can say that no one is ever allowed to make green and blue catepillars with red heads. Very touchy subject for sure and many, many designers, are a thin line away from infringement which can only be decided in actualy court proceedings which of course is very unlikely to ever happen.
"Once they find me, they usually buy everything I have in my store."
I found you, but I wouldn't buy a thing from you!!!
More DCR? Don't link if you won't cut and paste, not all of us are designers, contrary to popular belief
137 posted in quotations the part she wanted people to read.
If you just *have* to read the rest, it was in comment to the freebie rant:
Thanks to Wendy, Kimerick, Piccolina, Jewel and Jen-C for the great comments!! I offer freebies and I've found customers appreciate having the ability to really work with my designs to see if they fit their individual style.
I think Jewel made the best point in that you can't lose $$ that wasn't yours to begin with. Jen-C's point about repeat customers is definitely true. Once they find me, they usually buy everything I have in my store. Or I've signed them up as CT and then the CT's are out there selling my designs for me. One thing I hear over and over is Marketing, Marketing, Marketing!!
As far as the d/l numbers go, I tend to look at where that number is over time. In the beginning, I had low d/l numbers like that, too. Each month that number gets larger and larger and my sales get more and more. One month, I remember whipping something out really quick because I forgot to do it earlier and the d/l number was really low that month. I truly believe it's because the customers didn't like what they saw. To be honest, I wasn't totally pleased with my portion either. It was a lesson I am not too quick to forget.
#139 - yes I really did 'have' to read the whole thing. Thanks.
"Once they find me, they usually buy everything I have in my store."
I found you, but I wouldn't buy a thing from you!!!
Digi Deborah is full of (poorly) recolored CU. If she makes more than $150-200 per month, I will eat my shoe.
Digi Deborah is full of (poorly) recolored CU. If she makes more than $150-200 per month, I will eat my shoe.
More like $40-60 per month.
Still to generous, more like $20 per month
Digi Deborah is full of (poorly) recolored CU. If she makes more than $150-200 per month, I will eat my shoe.
I beleive she does, as she in stores with quotas and would otherwise not be welcome to stay. It's a sad statement.
You are using Photoshop and don't know what lower the fill is? Why not get a program you can handle.
everyone has stages over learning. You jumped right into your program knowing everything? I am impressed if you did. Seems to me, she is trying to learn.
Outside the Box studio is applying to the Scrap Girls call?
I honestly do not see that happening, I don't think she fits in there at ALL! SG actually takes pride in the product they put out (even if I wouldn't pay half the prices they ask for), but I giggled a bit when I saw this. Thoughts?
Digi Deborah is full of (poorly) recolored CU. If she makes more than $150-200 per month, I will eat my shoe.
I beleive she does, as she in stores with quotas and would otherwise not be welcome to stay. It's a sad statement.
According to her blog, she's at Funky Playground and Crap Takeout. Funky has a $30 requirement.
Isn't a $30 quota almost like just a symbolic quota? I mean those who cannot meet that kind of quota might consider their "designing career" altogether, don't you think?
She has a $10 buy my store ad on her blog. I know when I first started out, I would always buy those thinking it was such a great deal. Now I realize that only the "not so good" designers offer buy my store deals. So really, it was just a waste of $$ and the time I spent downloading (and later deleting) a bunch of cheap garbage. Now if Kristen Aagard would do a buy my store I'd be all over that!
She exclusive to scrap take out at the moment which I believe has no min, so yeah. I'm guessing not even 30 a month. It's not even the CU that bothers me, it's her hideous color choices. Her kits are gross.
How can she be exclusive to Scrap Take out when she is still selling at FPD and has her own personal store ?
good question. They have her marked as exclusive at STO...
Deborah is a SERIOUS ass kisser and is now so far up Jen Y's ass that all I can barely see her toes.
#153- I can't even see her toes.
152...I guess thats kind of like Mye being exclusive to DHD when she still has a My Memories shop.
Personal shops don't usually count when we're talking about being exclusive to a store or not.
from the 'designer' who does not like all those freebies being handed out:
"I did copy and Paste from a post that I did on a private forum on FB, so being in bold was not meant as a shout or rant. It was just stating my frustration. I also think it was not badly written, or a completely non valid point. It was not meant to critize in any way shape or form. It was just bringing up a frustration. I will change the font size to not offend anyone, but I will not change how I feel. Again, it was just stating a frustration of mine, and was not an attack.
I NEVER said that Freebies shouldn't exist, I just said I didn't think that a Full kit and then some should be what's offered as a freebie. If the Smackers really bothered to read, which apparently the cowards didn't or are to ignorant to bother to read, as that wouldn't give them something to "Smack about" which by the way, doesn't really faze me as they are only words typed from a bunch of cowards and bullies......they would see that I said in the very first line. "Iget that we have to do freebies once in a while, and a blog hop is a good idea I think". That was my first line.
There have been extremely valid points made in this thread, and I totally get it now, and have said that.
I do get the freebie thing but am I not entitled to an opinion? I guess not as it seems anyone that has an opinion is immediately SMACKED!!and yes that is meant to be in bold.
#152 - having a personal store does not mean you aren't exclusive.
Oh, moderation is on - did we have spammers and I missed it?
#154 How the hell would you know?Unless your up Jen Y's ass aswell..
Is there room for both of them up there?
It's quiet.
I wonder who Tracy King Anderson was referring to in her facebook post:
Hey, thanks a lot former team member for deleting the tutorial screenshots you posted on our blog while you were with us. You couldn't send me a friendly email, first? NOT NICE, if you ask me! Sure hope your team members don't do it back to you someday, but then you'd have earned that karma, right? :/
I don't get it. Why is the snowman wearing mouse ears? Besides that, has she seriously used actual Disney images to make her flairs?
Nothing about this kit makes sense to me.
Also, why is this being moderated? o.O
I liked the *idea* of the SSD blog getting more personal with the designers and babes, but the actual result not so much. Seems like every day is just a new brag post. Look at my lovely remodel, my awesome vacation, my beautiful home. Meh.
So, we're back on moderated?
#154 that is so true
this place is dead
It got quiet in here!
Are we being spammed again? I was wondering why it's so darn quiet.
Sorry, guys! I accidentally switched it to moderate sometimes after we got spammed last month, instead of back to never, and when this post hit 14 days old it kicked it into moderation. It's fixed now.
156: I can tell you that Mye's MM store is closing at the end of this month.
#167- I am tired of Krystal's posts about herself. She is stuck up her own ass about how she looks.
#165 wow - someone needs to tell that designer that she cannot use Disney stuff - look at those flair buttons
Someone needs to tell that pissed-off-about-freebies designer that customers read here, too. She just made damn sure that I'd never buy anything she ever puts out-even if her design skills improve.
I thought that was already pointed out, but I can be wrong. She's digging her own grave, oh well, more sales for other designers, cause she thinks it goes that way.
This Julie Enriquez sounds like an ignorant ass who won't be in the biz 6 months from now. "Designers" like her are a dime a dozen-they come and go every day.
worth repeating
Fizzy Pop is retiring. Again?
180- Yep. Not even a goodbye sale either.
That kit is weird. Snowmen at a beach with ears eating a disney treat. Hmmmmm. She needs to shadow her preview that is for sure!
And yes I just saw that Fizzy Pop is retiring...again.
Has there ever been a designer who actually 'retired' for good? I honestly can't think of one who hasn't come back.
Yep. Not even a goodbye sale either.
Yeah, well, if she had a 'goodbye sale' she'd get smacked for doing that too. Doesn't matter what designers do, someone will smack them for it.
the word "retire" should be banned from the digi industry.
Yeah, well, if she had a 'goodbye sale' she'd get smacked for doing that too. Doesn't matter what designers do, someone will smack them for it.
Jun 29, 2012 1:57:00 PM
boo fucking hoo
You could always go get a real job if you can't take it. Oh yeah, you wouldn't be able to handle that either.
Jennifer Fox and Nikki Epperson have both retired from designing. They haven't come back, either.
thank you, 187. Never heard of Jennifer Fox, but I do remember Nikki Epperson's name from a while back.
Doesn't matter what designers do, someone will smack them for it.
Jun 29, 2012 1:57:00 PM
cue the violins
Jennifer Fox was at 9th and Bloom.
I don't think Lizzy retired the first time. I thought she was taking a "break".
Lizzy had a very difficult time making the sales quota.
#192- Maybe now she will stop thinking she is better than everyone else.
There is no quota at SBG.
186 - wow, bitchy much? I wasn't complaining, I'm not even a designer. I was stating a fact.
And FYI, I do have "a real job" (a very good one, in fact) Maybe you should try igniting your brain before you make stupid assumptions about someone you know absolutely nothing about.
STFU, 195.
196- LOL
The butthurt about designers getting "bashed" is getting really old.
Saying you don't like someone's work is not bashing. Pointing out quality issues is not bashing. Relating bad CS experiences is not bashing. Stating preferences about prices, sales, etc. is not bashing.
Maybe all the whiny designers and "not a designer"s could learn to distinguish between opinions and bashing. Or maybe not, since it appears there has rarely been any professionalism in digi. Even from the get-go.
186 - wow, bitchy much? I wasn't complaining, I'm not even a designer. I was stating a fact.
Yes, when confronted with OTT whining and bitching about 'smack' from smacking bitches who are reading a SMACK BLOG, I suppose that makes me 'bitchy.'
If you do not like to read what's posted here, then why the hell are you here? To prove your moral superiority by claiming to be above all this? To defend some designer who's your BFF? To post smack about your competitors? To check out what's being said about you?
For the entertainment value? If so, why are you whining about smack here at the smack blog?
Saying you don't like someone's work is not bashing. Pointing out quality issues is not bashing. Relating bad CS experiences is not bashing. Stating preferences about prices, sales, etc. is not bashing.
YES! And that is exactly why this blog needs to be here, because we are prevented from having such conversations at DST, our so-called 'conference center' for all things digi. We need a place where we can be honest about people's quality or customer service skills or kit sizes or pricing or whatever it is without being censored.
New comments are not allowed.