Can anyone tell me how to make my own washi tape?? I want to do this as PU only (I do not design and don't want to) ...Can I buy a product and then change the blending mode on a paper?? Or is there an action?
I did google & found the same thing, but thanks! (eye roll) Since those are 72 ppi, I figured someone might be nice enough to give some GOOD advice vs the typical, "try google"
If it's for personal use, you can use a tape kit (or even just a solid one from an existing kit) and overlay it with the patterned paper you want. Lower the fill, not the opacity, until you get the look you want. If you want a true washi effect, add some texture.
I did google & found the same thing, but thanks! (eye roll) Since those are 72 ppi, I figured someone might be nice enough to give some GOOD advice vs the typical, "try google" -----
Wow, no wonder people don't try and help when they are met with this kind of response.
She gave you the actual link and didn't just say - try Google.
Right below the opacity slider is a fill slider. Using that (on the original tape layer, not your masked patterned paper) instead of the opacity will keep your effects at 100%. Otherwise, your shadows will be affected, because they will be lightened.
That's just how I'd do it... I'm sure there are other ways.
Ok customers, do you prefer weekly or monthly newsletters? What is a subject line that will get you to open the newsletter? What kind of blog content gets you to follow a blog?
As a customer only... I will say I prefer weekly newsletters. However, it doesn't matter what the subject says... I get a lot of newsletters (because I was obsessive and went through store by store finding all the seperate designer newsletters at one point and have never bothered to unsubscribe) however I would guess about 95% of them go unopened. There are only a couple I ever open and they are the main designers I purchase from. I don't read the subject lines, just who they're from.
Weekly or monthly doesn't matter, as long as you have something to share. If you find you don't have enough to share every week, then it's fine if you just send one every month. I'd prefer that to a weekly one that just repeats the same info each time. I like it when the subject line describes the content inside rather than a generic "weekly newsletter". If you have a tutorial or a sale or a freebie or whatever, say so.
I'm the one who said try google and took the time to try to find you a useful link. If you had any skill in your program, or any common freaking sense, you would realize you can scan or use any tape as a base and adapt her tutorial for your personal use.
6-I totally agree. I don't even try to help sometimes. I have to know the person, and know how they've responded to help in the past to try. You don't get that on an anonymous blog. Sorry to the one that tried to help. What a sad response.
18-great response. Good constructive criticism. I hate getting 50 newsletters a week with the same things I saw last week. I totally agree. If you have something new, then send a news letter, if you don't, then wait until you do. Be sure to tell me, though, when you have a sale!
A couple designers moved to SSD, then some closed up shop, like Pixel Gypsy, Kelly Mize, Wendy Page, Cluster Queen, and I just read Megan Turnridge (read that here), and now Joyful Heart, I think there are more, but I can't think of them.
As a designer I did contact some stores if they had open (guest) spots. From loads of stores I didn't even get a reply back. And as for SO they said "we're not looking at the moment", when a couple weeks later new designers were announced. I hate it when stores can't even find the time or decency to write back, or just say my style doesn't fit their store, or even tell me my designs suck. I can take a no like an adult. Just wish some stores can treat people as adults too. Saying they're all for customer service. I'm a designer yes, but doesn't mean I can't be a customer also. Stores lost my shopping money because of the lack of getting back to me or being honest.
Given how Aly reacted when she got a no from a store - I don't blame store owners for being cautious with saying no. You never know who you are dealing with or how unhinged they are.
If someone is to make a fit for getting a "no thanks" reply, they might also make a fit for not getting any answer. They could find reasons to complain either way, so a store owner does not really avoid a problem by not replying at all. I still don't think that is the reason behind most "no answer" though. If anything, it could be an excuse that is given to get out of doing something unpleasant.
I can't believe I'm defending SO, but it takes time to bring on new designers. If they had them lined up, it was likely 1-2 months ago and they're now just opening their shops. So, I can see giving the "we're not looking" response in that case. At least they had the courtesy to reply. I agree, the no response thing is much worse than simply saying "we're not looking."
I know SO doesn't take on guests hardly at all anymore - if at all. I know a designer who guested there awhile ago and she said they only take on people now who want to sell at SO exclusively. So, a guest spot really isn't a guest spot.
Ditto what 32 says. It takes time to set up new designers, especially if they have to leave their existing shops to come on exclusively. 2-3 months is probably the average.
the no reply is just plain rude! It annoys me more when they're bragging about their GREAT customer service. Uh-huh. They think in boxes. Designers, Customers and Scrappers...oh wait, people can be all 3 at the same time!
I agree with #32. It takes time to close one shop, open another, and get everything set up and ready.
Getting a response that they aren't looking may just mean for the time being. If I was looking to move, and I got a response, I'd try again there rather than the places that didn't even respond.
CS can be a big deal. I've only dealt with CS at SSD, SO, TDC, DHD,
And as for SO they said "we're not looking at the moment", when a couple weeks later new designers were announced. ----
Maybe that's why they weren't looking, because they already had new designers on board. Also, a lot of stores book their guests at least six months in advance.
Just pointing out that it's not as personal as you think may think.
On the newsletters, I agree with what was already said. Some newsletters I open, even if I'm not actively scrapping at the time. Toiny from The Studio tells about her life in Germany and I love what she writes and how she writes it. Studio Manu always have a fantastic freebie and something in her store like 70% off, so I always open that. Katie Pertiet has a 99c special in hers, plus a link to a monthly YouTube video about a nifty little PS trick. I didn't used to like Krista Sahlin, but I do now, and her newsleter (or blog) usually has a nifty little scrap trick. Can't forget DHD - they have a frebie or a $1.00 kit, or more than one. Gina Caberra at DDE (Digital Design Essentials - needs to be added to the list of stores) usually has a special or a grabbag she calls an Idea Notebook.
The store newsletters will do, but I usually get my favorite designers' newsletters individually. MScraps has a great freebie, and a blog offering, plus I like it there, so I always read that one. I get A5D, Oscraps, SSD, SO and a couple of other stores newsletters just to see what's going on and see all the new releases in one fell swoop, but I don't really buy unless I am bowled over by their 1" preview pictures.
Which brings me to my idea - why aren't there weekly Flickr slideshow previews for the scrap stores? The little preview images won't sell me on a single thing and rarely make me even click the store, but I can see the same preview in a larger size on a blog and be completely in love with it. All it woudl take is a little link in the newsletter to get me to click Flicker.
I hate it when somebody apologizes about their newsletter being if we know the schedule and are waiting with baited breath. LOL!
I'm the one who said try google and took the time to try to find you a useful link. If you had any skill in your program, or any common freaking sense, you would realize you can scan or use any tape as a base and adapt her tutorial for your personal use -------------------- That's ok...I didn't ask about my program (or anything about that) actually I do use Google for's too bad I can't lower the fill because it is not offered on my program. (But THANK YOU Gen for being oh so kind and taking less time to explain vs. Google! I will be more than happy to buy from you in the future) I agree, I have room to grow in my program, but that is one of a few reason I do not design is quickly jumping to the top of my list of sites I hate. Could they have handled the Designer Discovery contest any worse. First they said they would post the Top 25 on Monday June 11 but it wasn't posted until after dinnertime that night. Then they said they would post the Top 10 on Monday June 18 but it still isn't posted and in their forum someone has posted that it will be announced on June 19. Not according to the info in the designer discovery class area in the back end of the site? That says June 18. Way to have your shit together JS! A site that big and well-known should be more organized, my god.
A site that big and well-known should be more organized, my god. ---------- Here's a universal truth about every scrapping site out there that you need to take to heart for your own sanity:
They are all unprofessional. Scrapbooking is overrun with dumbass women who couldn't be professional if their lives depended on it. It has always been this way, and it looks like it always will be.
I blame the Mormons. They started the "industry." And they are inherently stupid and entitled. Look at the religious shit they believe.
I said "the industry". Obviously they did not invent scrapbooking. I thought it went without saying that I meant the industry of cutesy supplies, companies like Ck, and the dumbass scrap celebs.
But thanks for reminding us all why the industry is inherently unprofessional and overrun with the stupid. @@
DHD - they have a frebie or a $1.00 kit, or more than one. Gina Caberra at DDE (Digital Design Essentials - needs to be added to the list of stores) usually has a special or a grabbag she calls an Idea Notebook. They have a freebie up NOW that you have to go through paypal to get it, what a waste of time a direct link to the download is so much easier!!What do you need to go through paypay for if it's free!!
#53 I couldn't agree more. They haven't been on time with anything. Hilarious they charged $10 for designers to compete and then didn't even manage to set up a forum for them to discuss, ask questions or network. $10 for admin fees. What administration?
Lazy. I've seen more effort put into a monthly challenge where you get stuff for free than went into this.
I'm also not that impressed with the store product. 40% off doesn't mean much when it's not something you'd use anyway.
#53: Not excusing their failure to post the stuff on June 18, but they technically did post the June 11 stuff on time--from the sounds of it, just not the time you wanted.
40% off at Jessica Sprague is awesome! For me anyway,.. I love Cosmo Cricket stuff (more into paper scrapping) but can't find much of it here so time to stock up on the digital versions! Sure, printing my own isn't the same but it'll do for now...
Haven't really been following the challenge/comp but I hope it's not won based on the votes in the album... the one that got the most votes was nice enough colors but so boring!
jaaa did someone in babedome say something to the copycat Brook she' linked to another ct member's layout that she lifted wow say it isn't so... Maybe it happened and they said something to her.. She's learning to give credit where credit is due!! I' won't link b/c it's not worth the gallery views :p
#71 Yes it did. They even copped out and made it a popularity contest. Again, Lazy. Not to mention unfair to the lesser known designers some of whom had much better entries but not the fan base of some other more established artists.
I bought one kit at JS and was sorely disappointed in both the quality and size - it was a Cosmo Cricket kit. I've taken some of her photography courses as well and was not impressed. Nothing I didn't already know through free classes I'd taken online. I believe stuff on that site is overpriced. I can get better elsewhere. And the classes are only good if you don't know anything at all. If you're intermediate, you already know what she has to teach. So I would disagree with the "beat by a mile" comment unless you are a newbie or like low quality at high prices.
I like the Cosmo Cricket and ep stuff. Also some of Jodi whatsherface (used to be gypsy chick at SA) The sale prices are great, and the regular prices aren't any higher than places like SSD.
I haven't taken any of the classes b/c they do seem high priced for what they're saying you get. All the class and club scandals in the past have pretty much kept me from doing classes. There are plenty of free tuts out there if you're willing to put in some time looking.
76, which designer did you buy from? I've been looking at echo park papers, and they seem to have at least as many as papers as places like Sweet Shoppe or Designer Digitals, etc. I haven't bothered with any JS kits, because I never really saw her appeal in the first place. I've thought about buying some of the Becky Higgins project life digital stuff, but so far, I haven't pulled the trigger.
the digital scrapping stuff at that I've looked at and liked isn't any more expensive than SSD or TDC or DD or many other stores. I was actually pleasantly surprised that I could get some paper company lines for the same price as many other digi stores.
73, no they were doing a scraplift challenge so she had to credit it. otherwise she will continue copying people and getting told how wonderful she is.
with regards to 77, (Im 72) - I think in general, digiscrappers would think the cosmo cricket kits are small. When you look at a paper line, everything is usually pretty relevant to the theme of the kit whereas digi kits have a lot of filler rubbish that looks good in theory, but you probably wouldn't miss it if it weren't there. Cosmo Cricket/EP etc are pretty much just digital versions of their paper lines from what I can tell so if you look at them as if they were physical products, they're not small at all.
#87 - I think it depends on what style of scrapper you are. I can see where a lot of scrappers wouldn't find any value in most of the products at JS. I can also see there is a market for them.
Most seem to forget that the vast majority of scrappers are kit scrappers. All that "filler rubbish" is actually what sells most kits. Sure, the themed stuff is cute, but if it takes you 2-3 hours to find all that filler rubbish in your stash, what's the point?
88-I like filler rubbish myself. I enjoy kit scrapping. It's faster to scrap on the go. Also, since so many designers like credit for the use of the kits, it's just easier if I stay within a kit. I also like to do some clustering. If there isn't enough cluster rubbish in the kit, I can't do that. (I actually don't consider it rubbish, I was just using your word.)
If you think that digital scrap kits are too high at $7.99 then you will faint dead away if you check out the sites that sell digital stamps.
The problem with Jessica Sprague (and DHD) is that I can make anything they sell with very little effort. I think that's why I think of them as over priced. Maybe that's the problem with digiscrapping - at some point, your customers will be as good at Photoshop as you are.
91, You will always be better at Photoshop than me because I don't care to learn it. I've been a digital customer forever & I'd rather buy it already made.
Hmm so Sara is now a CT lead for Crystal Livesay. I wonder how you would have time to lead a CT team when your husband is so sick. Wouldn't you put all your extra time being with him? Plus she runs DSA.
It could also mean that she doesn't have time to scrapbook, and this way she can still get new releases without meeting that requirement. I've had people do something like that before.
#106 - please see comment #104, which was posted 15 mins before you asked your question.
If you, and others, have never been in the position Sara is in, you can't judge her. You don't know what it's like to be with someone who is sick 24/7. You need time out or you will go crazy, which is not good for you or the person you are looking after.
I think Sara is a good and nice person, too. But when you don't have the time to handle the responsibilities you currently have, you shouldn't be taking on new ones. That isn't saying that she doesn't need a time out, but a new responsibility is not a time out.
I am sure Sara was asked if she could do it. If she says she can do that, who is to say she can't? If she manages to do it right, that is great. If she finds out she can't, I am sure the situation will be addressed when the time comes. Why judge her ability based on something we don't know? Give her a chance, give her a break. And I am not Sara, and I don't even know her.
How is she not handling her responsibilities? CT lead is a pretty easy job- my lead has major health issues that dont always allow her to scrap often but she handles the lead just fine.
What is the benefit for releasing on different days? Don't most people wait for Fridays or Saturdays anyway? Are sales better if you release on days other than Fridays?
130-I think it's great that they release on different days. I look at them the day they are released. If they all released on the same days it would be overwhelming.
Although most sales MIGHT happen over the weekend, I would guess that those releasing, on Thursday, for example, might just hope customers will see THEIR sales/new releases first, so they would spend their money with them first, instead of reading about their new release and think "oh... if I had known before I spent my money at this other store". Just an idea for a possible scenario. But there might be other "technical" reasons. Who knows? Maybe store owners/designers can chime in what determined why their stores have release days in particular.
I wasn't involved in choosing when DHD set their releases, so I can't say for sure. I would think that it's more to distinguish yourself from the pack, though... along the lines of what 132 is saying. 133 has a good point, though.
I hate NR sales (like SSD has) that last for only one day. If I had to choose to spend my money at a store who has a weekend long sale or one that only has a one day sale, I'm going with the weekend long sale. They will get my money first. I know quite a few stores that do this.
136-I also like more than one day to choose what I'd like to buy. I like the Gotta Grab it things in fact. Sometimes I'll buy things on the first day, but then go back later and find more kits I'd like.
One of the main reasons I don't ever buy at SSD is that I am too busy on Saturdays to mess around with a one day sale. One day sales are annoying enough, but add that to one of my only days that I can do real-life errands, or might have something planned with the family, and I just don't have time to shop for scrapping stuff in that one day window.
Yeah, I'm rarely at my computer on weekends, so I wouldn't have the opportunity to take advantage of a Saturday only sale. Unless it was good enough for me to make a special point of getting online, which it isn't.
I only shop at SSD on DSD/iNSD because of the Saturday only sale. I would shop throughout the year if it were Fri-Sun, but I'm not usually around on Saturdays and if I am, I usually forget and remember on Sunday, but then it's too late for the sale. So, I wish list a bunch, then, when it comes time to shop, I remove a bunch because I can't justify spending so much money all at once. Spread out, I'd spend a lot more $$ and actually have time to scrap with it all, too.
I don't get release days, isn't it better to have new releases on varying days to keep customers coming back each time there is a new release. It would seem counter productive to me to only have them coming to the store on a certain day.
To me, it is like real life stores. If they had their new stuff or the sales on irregular days, it would be more annoying, I think. In my store, my customers know the new release will be on what day, and some of them actually purchase within minutes of me uploading it! Yes, you might hope that irregular release days will get customers to come back, but they are "lazy" by nature: if they like stuff in 5 stores, they might not want to check each store every day. Customers will have a routine. If their routine includes visiting your store on a specific day, you have more chance to get their money, than if you are hoping they will find your randomly released new products. Don't make your customers work to buy from you, or they are more likely to go buy somewhere else. Make it as easy as you can for them. It will pay off.
Yeah, if I had to check in on a daily basis to see what stuff was releasing each day and what those particular designers were offering as a sale price, it would get old. Having one consistent release day works better, in my opinion, unless you are somebody with a really big newsletter/Facebook/Twitter audience or something.
I really like that stores release new products on different days of the week. If they were all on one day I probably wouldn't go to all the individual stores, but spread throughout the week is great.
I shop at SSD and really wish they would have new releases on sale for 2 days instead of just one-at times when they have extended the sale I have bought more the second day.
I haven't shopped at SSD in forever. Partly because of their chintzy sales and release schedules, and mostly because their stuff all looks the same-and has for years.
Lauren Grier is going to be more annoying than usual now that she is taking charge of her team blog again. I want to vomit everytime I go to TLP now because I can't stand her gross posts in the forum. Maybe she should focus on answering customer emails first instead of wanting attention.
151-It doesn't really matter. But I like all the designers at the store to release on the same day. Like all Two Peas designers always release on Tuesday.
Looking at SSD's new releases today and got annoyed - American 4th of July kits with 'token' Canada Day elements piss me off. It's like they're too lazy to do a full Canada Day kit, so let's throw in 2 pieces of word art and a maple leaf and maybe the Canadians will be stupid enough to buy it.
"It's like they're too lazy to do a full Canada Day kit, so let's throw in 2 pieces of word art and a maple leaf and maybe the Canadians will be stupid enough to buy it."
that's funny :)
do customers even buy word art on its own? often it's just a couple lines of text saved as a png so why wouldn't they just type it themselves & save their money?
(obviously there's also word art that's fantastic with a lot of detail & an interesting design)
I also don't get why you would put your brand new products on sale for the first day. Wouldn't you want to make as much money as you can at full price before you go putting it on sale?
FWIW I don't think most stores who release on varying days put their products on sale just because they are new. I could be wrong, but that would indeed annoy customers if they don't know what days products are going to be released. If they don't want to buy at full price they can easily wait for a sale. Varying days means customers keep coming back and they don't get pissed off because there is always something new and the first day isn't a sale so it is no biggie if they missed the opening day.
^^^^ Makes no sense to me, the bulk of my sales on a new product are in the first few days, I want those sales to be at full price, and they always are! I have also been in a few stores and have never had that as a requirement. I doubt it is most stores.
Places that offer 10 or 20% off on new releases aren't giving up that much in sales.
The whole new release thing is aimed at the scrappers who always want the 'latest and greatest' and think they need everything right away. They're going after a certain kind of shopper, and hoping that the small discount will just get them more of those new release shoppers. It probably does help them bring a bit more of those type of shoppers than a store who doesn't discount new releases at all.
Jenn Barrette and Kristin Cronin-Barrow have their new Everyday storytelling summer kit this week. $7.99 and it is not jam packed at all. What a shame.
#168 I use to always laugh because I'd have a sale and yet as soon as it was over I'd have a ton more sales on the items that had been on sale. I always wondered where the people were when I was running the sale. I think it goes back to if I like a kit I'm going to purchase it whether it is on sale or not.
#173- You are correct, I need to say sorry for that. Somehow when I extracted my window was set to sort by nothing and so it only showed about 25 elements. I sorted and it's fine and definitely worth the money.
People always panic when it seems "tons" of people are leaving a store. I've been around the digi-world since 2005. I can say that it *always* seems like a big deal. It is the nature of things. People move from store to store and it generally is the same set of designers who are always looking for the "greener" grass. I think it is funny that people spazz about TDC because that store has been around since 2005! (I could be wrong but I remember shopping there when Fee Jardine was there) It always seems to make it through the highs and lows. That tells me they must have a solid admin.
Lots of stores seem to pop up and fade (9th&B) for example. In the end it comes down to owners realizing that these stores are a full time gig. If you want it to succeed you have to put time into it.
I don't worry about TDC at all. I'll continue to buy there like I have for 7 years now.
I think designers tend to move in January and June in droves. Something about the beginning of the year and the end of the school year. I see it with CTMs too, but not as much as designers.
167-I don't know why anyone would pay for templates anyway, I have about 100 that I collected over the past five years and they were all free. Lots of stores and designers have template challenges and there are so many ways a template can be used so they can be used more than once.
I guess my disappointment was that I like Just Jaimee and I have only heard Catscrap/Scrapflower smacked here so I thought it might be a bad move. I will have to check the store out.
No, but why smack someone who hasn't done anything wrong? It's not like she's giving bad CS, is a bitch or anything.
You're so wrong. Sara really can be a giant bitch. That's probably why someone decided to bring her up and smack her here again. I think that deep down she is a nice person who acts like a bitch when she doesn't get her way. The real her shining through.
How can ScrapFlower be smacked when it just opened today? I mean I get the whole switch from CatScrap but looking through the store it seems like a whole new place to me. I'm with you on the Jaimee thing! I love her kits too.
#186- So the Sara calvary has arrived. Not everyone wants to be a CT lead. Some of us hear all the time about how sick her husband is yet she is taking on new teams. That's what it's about. I didn't say she was a bad person, I just don't understand how she can take on new teams with her husband so sick.
#187- Catscrap had been around for so long it's just weird to not see it anymore. For me anyway. I do think Scrapflower will be good and it's a nice change.
188, I am not the Sara calvary. I don't even know her. I just think it's beyond mean to bash someone whose husband is dying for daring to be a CT lead.
I mean, if she were being a gigantic bitch about something, that would be one thing. But you're saying that you just don't agree with the way she's spending her free time because her husband is sick? I'm not even sure-is her DH terminal?
I guess my view might be biased because my sister's husband was given a terminal diagnosis last year. The normal "time left" scenario is usually about a year. My sister is a nurse who happens to treat people with the same kind of cancer that my BIL has, so she's been through hell and back this past year. He's actually done much better than the doctors thought he would, but it would absolutely piss me off if someone was bad-mouthing her for getting out and doing something fun once in a while.
No, my sister is not Sara, and I don't care if you don't believe me. I just think it's beyond wrong to criticize someone for nothing more than having a terminal loved one and daring to do something relaxing or having a kind of escape. WTF? Are you really that much of a bitch?
#191- Actually no I'm not. I was hoping someone would explain to me and you did. I like Sara. I always think her heart is in the right place. I just don't want to see her get overwhelmed by taking on too much. Being a CT lead is alot of work, that's all I was trying to say.
Ok, 192, thank you for explaining what you meant. Like I said, I don't know Sara, so I have no idea how she's been acting or what all she has taken on, but I just know what my sister has been going through, and it bothered me to think that someone would say things behind her back if they happened to see her out doing something "fun."
#188 - what do you care if she can or can not handle the added responsibility of an extra CT lead? If you aren't her family or the designer, it seems to be it doesn't affect you one way or the other.
I guess my disappointment was that I like Just Jaimee and I have only heard Catscrap/Scrapflower smacked here so I thought it might be a bad move. I will have to check the store out. ----
So instead of deciding for yourself, you say it's a bad move because Scrapflower was smacked here, which it wasn't by the way, it was mentioned they were late opening and that's about it.
That's the dumbest thing I've heard in a long time.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 627 Newer› Newest»Can anyone tell me how to make my own washi tape?? I want to do this as PU only (I do not design and don't want to) ...Can I buy a product and then change the blending mode on a paper?? Or is there an action?
try google...
The main thing that stops me using Hootsuite is that you can't post to groups with it.
I did google & found the same thing, but thanks! (eye roll) Since those are 72 ppi, I figured someone might be nice enough to give some GOOD advice vs the typical, "try google"
If it's for personal use, you can use a tape kit (or even just a solid one from an existing kit) and overlay it with the patterned paper you want. Lower the fill, not the opacity, until you get the look you want. If you want a true washi effect, add some texture.
I did google & found the same thing, but thanks! (eye roll) Since those are 72 ppi, I figured someone might be nice enough to give some GOOD advice vs the typical, "try google"
Wow, no wonder people don't try and help when they are met with this kind of response.
She gave you the actual link and didn't just say - try Google.
what is 'Lower the fill'?
OH! What program are you using?
Gennifer, I hope you find out who the would-be blackmailers are and expose them! I would love to know who NOT to buy from . . .
I'm using Photoshop. Thanks!
Right below the opacity slider is a fill slider. Using that (on the original tape layer, not your masked patterned paper) instead of the opacity will keep your effects at 100%. Otherwise, your shadows will be affected, because they will be lightened.
That's just how I'd do it... I'm sure there are other ways.
oh cool - thank you!
You are using Photoshop and don't know what lower the fill is? Why not get a program you can handle.
I did know, I just didn't know I knew until she explained it then I realized I do that all the time. I don't use the lingo I guess.
Ok customers, do you prefer weekly or monthly newsletters? What is a subject line that will get you to open the newsletter? What kind of blog content gets you to follow a blog?
aside from smack of course, LOL.
As a customer only... I will say I prefer weekly newsletters. However, it doesn't matter what the subject says... I get a lot of newsletters (because I was obsessive and went through store by store finding all the seperate designer newsletters at one point and have never bothered to unsubscribe) however I would guess about 95% of them go unopened. There are only a couple I ever open and they are the main designers I purchase from. I don't read the subject lines, just who they're from.
Weekly or monthly doesn't matter, as long as you have something to share. If you find you don't have enough to share every week, then it's fine if you just send one every month. I'd prefer that to a weekly one that just repeats the same info each time. I like it when the subject line describes the content inside rather than a generic "weekly newsletter". If you have a tutorial or a sale or a freebie or whatever, say so.
I'm the one who said try google and took the time to try to find you a useful link. If you had any skill in your program, or any common freaking sense, you would realize you can scan or use any tape as a base and adapt her tutorial for your personal use.
Instead of a a Thank you I got an eye roll...
Up yours.
6-I totally agree. I don't even try to help sometimes. I have to know the person, and know how they've responded to help in the past to try. You don't get that on an anonymous blog. Sorry to the one that tried to help. What a sad response.
18-great response. Good constructive criticism. I hate getting 50 newsletters a week with the same things I saw last week. I totally agree. If you have something new, then send a news letter, if you don't, then wait until you do. Be sure to tell me, though, when you have a sale!
Seems like a lot of designers are leaving The Digichick? More than usual...
#22 - who specifically?
A couple designers moved to SSD, then some closed up shop, like Pixel Gypsy, Kelly Mize, Wendy Page, Cluster Queen, and I just read Megan Turnridge (read that here), and now Joyful Heart, I think there are more, but I can't think of them.
So, since Kami does supposedly read here, which designers do you think she should take on at SO?
#25 - is there a call at SO?
As a designer I did contact some stores if they had open (guest) spots. From loads of stores I didn't even get a reply back. And as for SO they said "we're not looking at the moment", when a couple weeks later new designers were announced. I hate it when stores can't even find the time or decency to write back, or just say my style doesn't fit their store, or even tell me my designs suck. I can take a no like an adult. Just wish some stores can treat people as adults too. Saying they're all for customer service. I'm a designer yes, but doesn't mean I can't be a customer also. Stores lost my shopping money because of the lack of getting back to me or being honest.
Given how Aly reacted when she got a no from a store - I don't blame store owners for being cautious with saying no. You never know who you are dealing with or how unhinged they are.
#28 Not everyone is like Aly. I think those designers are in the minority who are behaving like that.
Nothing wrong with being cautious, but just to say nothing, hoping it will pass by in silence isn't the way either IMO.
If someone is to make a fit for getting a "no thanks" reply, they might also make a fit for not getting any answer. They could find reasons to complain either way, so a store owner does not really avoid a problem by not replying at all. I still don't think that is the reason behind most "no answer" though. If anything, it could be an excuse that is given to get out of doing something unpleasant.
I can't believe I'm defending SO, but it takes time to bring on new designers. If they had them lined up, it was likely 1-2 months ago and they're now just opening their shops. So, I can see giving the "we're not looking" response in that case. At least they had the courtesy to reply. I agree, the no response thing is much worse than simply saying "we're not looking."
I know SO doesn't take on guests hardly at all anymore - if at all. I know a designer who guested there awhile ago and she said they only take on people now who want to sell at SO exclusively. So, a guest spot really isn't a guest spot.
Ditto what 32 says. It takes time to set up new designers, especially if they have to leave their existing shops to come on exclusively. 2-3 months is probably the average.
the no reply is just plain rude! It annoys me more when they're bragging about their GREAT customer service. Uh-huh. They think in boxes. Designers, Customers and Scrappers...oh wait, people can be all 3 at the same time!
Any customer is also going to be a scrapper.
You can pretty much assume that any store giving poor cs to you as a designer is also giving poor cs to non-designer customers, too.
I am a non designer. There are very few stores I will shop in these days. Crappy cs is the main reason
One Story Down is having a designer call.
"Let Me Google That For You"
For all those people who find it more convenient to bother you with their question rather than google it for themselves.
^^Saw it on FB, felt it was appropriate
I agree with #32. It takes time to close one shop, open another, and get everything set up and ready.
Getting a response that they aren't looking may just mean for the time being. If I was looking to move, and I got a response, I'd try again there rather than the places that didn't even respond.
CS can be a big deal. I've only dealt with CS at SSD, SO, TDC, DHD,
I do think SO needs a little diversity.
#37 that made me LOL especially after reading #4
Personally I prefer Dogpile for all my searching needs.
Fa Mura....worth the price or leave it alone? Are any of her products worth the price actually, even on sale?
Some of her stuff is OK, other not so much. Hit or miss.
SO, I agree could use some diversity.
With regard to SO, I agree.
And as for SO they said "we're not looking at the moment", when a couple weeks later new designers were announced.
Maybe that's why they weren't looking, because they already had new designers on board. Also, a lot of stores book their guests at least six months in advance.
Just pointing out that it's not as personal as you think may think.
One Story Down is having a designer call.
Again? or should that be already?
Here's who I'd like to see:
Kristin Aagard
Kim B
Danielle Engebretson
Karen Lewis
Jennifer Labre
Ellie Lash
Fee Jardine
Crystal Livesay
On the newsletters, I agree with what was already said. Some newsletters I open, even if I'm not actively scrapping at the time. Toiny from The Studio tells about her life in Germany and I love what she writes and how she writes it. Studio Manu always have a fantastic freebie and something in her store like 70% off, so I always open that. Katie Pertiet has a 99c special in hers, plus a link to a monthly YouTube video about a nifty little PS trick. I didn't used to like Krista Sahlin, but I do now, and her newsleter (or blog) usually has a nifty little scrap trick. Can't forget DHD - they have a frebie or a $1.00 kit, or more than one. Gina Caberra at DDE (Digital Design Essentials - needs to be added to the list of stores) usually has a special or a grabbag she calls an Idea Notebook.
The store newsletters will do, but I usually get my favorite designers' newsletters individually. MScraps has a great freebie, and a blog offering, plus I like it there, so I always read that one. I get A5D, Oscraps, SSD, SO and a couple of other stores newsletters just to see what's going on and see all the new releases in one fell swoop, but I don't really buy unless I am bowled over by their 1" preview pictures.
Which brings me to my idea - why aren't there weekly Flickr slideshow previews for the scrap stores? The little preview images won't sell me on a single thing and rarely make me even click the store, but I can see the same preview in a larger size on a blog and be completely in love with it. All it woudl take is a little link in the newsletter to get me to click Flicker.
I hate it when somebody apologizes about their newsletter being if we know the schedule and are waiting with baited breath. LOL!
LOL OTBDS would have applied to OSD if it wasn't for it being exclusive.
I'm the one who said try google and took the time to try to find you a useful link. If you had any skill in your program, or any common freaking sense, you would realize you can scan or use any tape as a base and adapt her tutorial for your personal use
That's ok...I didn't ask about my program (or anything about that) actually I do use Google for's too bad I can't lower the fill because it is not offered on my program. (But THANK YOU Gen for being oh so kind and taking less time to explain vs. Google! I will be more than happy to buy from you in the future)
I agree, I have room to grow in my program, but that is one of a few reason I do not design
And I love how people can give snark but can't take it-
Pot Meet Kettle
A shot every time someone mentions the ole pot and kettle.
A shot for every time someone mentions the ole pot and kettle. is quickly jumping to the top of my list of sites I hate. Could they have handled the Designer Discovery contest any worse. First they said they would post the Top 25 on Monday June 11 but it wasn't posted until after dinnertime that night. Then they said they would post the Top 10 on Monday June 18 but it still isn't posted and in their forum someone has posted that it will be announced on June 19. Not according to the info in the designer discovery class area in the back end of the site? That says June 18. Way to have your shit together JS! A site that big and well-known should be more organized, my god.
not sure about stupid contests, but I love their products, and they are all 40% off this week. Score!
A site that big and well-known should be more organized, my god.
Here's a universal truth about every scrapping site out there that you need to take to heart for your own sanity:
They are all unprofessional. Scrapbooking is overrun with dumbass women who couldn't be professional if their lives depended on it. It has always been this way, and it looks like it always will be.
I blame the Mormons. They started the "industry." And they are inherently stupid and entitled. Look at the religious shit they believe.
A shot for every time someone mentions the ole pot and kettle.
It was three shots because it was so rare for a while, but it seems to have come back - worse luck.
I blame the Mormons. They started the "industry." And they are inherently stupid and entitled. Look at the religious shit they believe.
They did not start the industry. In fact, Mark Twain was offering scrapbooking supplies way back when. He was most definitely not a Mormon.
I said "the industry". Obviously they did not invent scrapbooking. I thought it went without saying that I meant the industry of cutesy supplies, companies like Ck, and the dumbass scrap celebs.
But thanks for reminding us all why the industry is inherently unprofessional and overrun with the stupid. @@
#55, I'm not even Mormon and I find that offensive. What a sad, intolerant bigot you must be. You're disgusting :(
Mye de Leon is closing her GP and SM stores June 20th (just announced tonight on Facebook). Opening a new "improved" store (exclusive?) on July 25th.
The only thing I see being improved is SM and GP once she's gone.
If you're not a fan of hers, why do you care, or even follow her FB page?
I AM a fan, and I'm excited to see what she has coming up.
But thanks for reminding us all why the industry is inherently unprofessional and overrun with the stupid. @@
What the heck do you mean? Are you referring to yourself by chance?
I'll repeat, the industry, even as described by you, was not started by the Mormons. Whatever you or they may believe.
Obviously they did not invent scrapbooking.
Invent? You don't invent something like that, you invent television or radio or a car, but not scrap booking.
Everyone knows Maya invented scrapbooking.
64- LOL
60-61 I used to be a fan but all her stuff looks the same now. She's a Connie Prince clone. If I liked that style, I'd choose Connie over Mye any day.
DHD - they have a frebie or a $1.00 kit, or more than one. Gina Caberra at DDE (Digital Design Essentials - needs to be added to the list of stores) usually has a special or a grabbag she calls an Idea Notebook.
They have a freebie up NOW that you have to go through paypal to get it, what a waste of time a direct link to the download is so much easier!!What do you need to go through paypay for if it's free!!
#53 I couldn't agree more. They haven't been on time with anything. Hilarious they charged $10 for designers to compete and then didn't even manage to set up a forum for them to discuss, ask questions or network. $10 for admin fees. What administration?
Lazy. I've seen more effort put into a monthly challenge where you get stuff for free than went into this.
I'm also not that impressed with the store product. 40% off doesn't mean much when it's not something you'd use anyway.
#53: Not excusing their failure to post the stuff on June 18, but they technically did post the June 11 stuff on time--from the sounds of it, just not the time you wanted.
#55 - That *was* a disgusting post.
#68 - Exactly my thoughts - on all points.
40% off at Jessica Sprague is awesome! For me anyway,.. I love Cosmo Cricket stuff (more into paper scrapping) but can't find much of it here so time to stock up on the digital versions! Sure, printing my own isn't the same but it'll do for now...
Haven't really been following the challenge/comp but I hope it's not won based on the votes in the album... the one that got the most votes was nice enough colors but so boring!
jaaa did someone in babedome say something to the copycat Brook she' linked to another ct member's layout that she lifted wow say it isn't so...
Maybe it happened and they said something to her.. She's learning to give credit where credit is due!! I' won't link b/c it's not worth the gallery views :p
#71 Yes it did. They even copped out and made it a popularity contest. Again, Lazy. Not to mention unfair to the lesser known designers some of whom had much better entries but not the fan base of some other more established artists.
I think EP is making the final decision, so not a popular vote for the winner. has the vast majority of digi stores beat by a mile. There are only a few out there that are worth a customer's time.
I bought one kit at JS and was sorely disappointed in both the quality and size - it was a Cosmo Cricket kit. I've taken some of her photography courses as well and was not impressed. Nothing I didn't already know through free classes I'd taken online. I believe stuff on that site is overpriced. I can get better elsewhere. And the classes are only good if you don't know anything at all. If you're intermediate, you already know what she has to teach. So I would disagree with the "beat by a mile" comment unless you are a newbie or like low quality at high prices.
So Gen, have you seen an increase in sales since you outed yourself? Just curious.
I like the Cosmo Cricket and ep stuff. Also some of Jodi whatsherface (used to be gypsy chick at SA) The sale prices are great, and the regular prices aren't any higher than places like SSD.
I haven't taken any of the classes b/c they do seem high priced for what they're saying you get. All the class and club scandals in the past have pretty much kept me from doing classes. There are plenty of free tuts out there if you're willing to put in some time looking.
#75 Beat by a mile? Only if you're referring to their ability to overprice
76, which designer did you buy from? I've been looking at echo park papers, and they seem to have at least as many as papers as places like Sweet Shoppe or Designer Digitals, etc. I haven't bothered with any JS kits, because I never really saw her appeal in the first place. I've thought about buying some of the Becky Higgins project life digital stuff, but so far, I haven't pulled the trigger.
the digital scrapping stuff at that I've looked at and liked isn't any more expensive than SSD or TDC or DD or many other stores. I was actually pleasantly surprised that I could get some paper company lines for the same price as many other digi stores.
77: No comment.
I just hope that you out them and stick it to them, Gennifer!
73, no they were doing a scraplift challenge so she had to credit it. otherwise she will continue copying people and getting told how wonderful she is.
85: bwaaa haaa OMG so figures!
with regards to 77, (Im 72) - I think in general, digiscrappers would think the cosmo cricket kits are small. When you look at a paper line, everything is usually pretty relevant to the theme of the kit whereas digi kits have a lot of filler rubbish that looks good in theory, but you probably wouldn't miss it if it weren't there. Cosmo Cricket/EP etc are pretty much just digital versions of their paper lines from what I can tell so if you look at them as if they were physical products, they're not small at all.
#87 - I think it depends on what style of scrapper you are. I can see where a lot of scrappers wouldn't find any value in most of the products at JS. I can also see there is a market for them.
Most seem to forget that the vast majority of scrappers are kit scrappers. All that "filler rubbish" is actually what sells most kits. Sure, the themed stuff is cute, but if it takes you 2-3 hours to find all that filler rubbish in your stash, what's the point?
88-I like filler rubbish myself. I enjoy kit scrapping. It's faster to scrap on the go. Also, since so many designers like credit for the use of the kits, it's just easier if I stay within a kit. I also like to do some clustering. If there isn't enough cluster rubbish in the kit, I can't do that. (I actually don't consider it rubbish, I was just using your word.)
If you think that digital scrap kits are too high at $7.99 then you will faint dead away if you check out the sites that sell digital stamps.
The problem with Jessica Sprague (and DHD) is that I can make anything they sell with very little effort. I think that's why I think of them as over priced. Maybe that's the problem with digiscrapping - at some point, your customers will be as good at Photoshop as you are.
91, You will always be better at Photoshop than me because I don't care to learn it. I've been a digital customer forever & I'd rather buy it already made.
As if Crap Takeout couldn't get any more pathetic, they've taken on Digi Deboah.
Hmm so Sara is now a CT lead for Crystal Livesay. I wonder how you would have time to lead a CT team when your husband is so sick. Wouldn't you put all your extra time being with him? Plus she runs DSA.
Maybe she needs the outlet? If she spends a lot of time in hospitals or sitting bedside, she may have time.
What's wrong with her husband? It looks like I'm out of the gossip loop
It could also mean that she doesn't have time to scrapbook, and this way she can still get new releases without meeting that requirement. I've had people do something like that before.
91: Isn't that the case with any store?
#98- True but some shops aren't overpriced.
I just don't see JS as any more overpriced than a lot of other digi stores.
96 - I think cancer and from what I've heard, it's not looking good at all.
Well, that's sad. I haven't kept up with all the ct dramas, but way back when Sara first started scrapping, she was nice.
I still think Sara is nice. I have worked with her on several projects and would do it again.
Her husband does have cancer and it is not "not looking good". He's in treatment now.
She has always been really nice to me. A need to be an authority figure maybe, but definitely nice and genuine.
#94 - personal issue with Sara?
#95 and #97 - I agree.
How can she find the time to take on a CT lead position when it's "not looking good"?
#106 - please see comment #104, which was posted 15 mins before you asked your question.
If you, and others, have never been in the position Sara is in, you can't judge her. You don't know what it's like to be with someone who is sick 24/7. You need time out or you will go crazy, which is not good for you or the person you are looking after.
I think Sara's a nice person.
Where is Aly? It's kind of quiet without her.
Don't Beetlejuice her.
I think Sara is a good and nice person, too. But when you don't have the time to handle the responsibilities you currently have, you shouldn't be taking on new ones. That isn't saying that she doesn't need a time out, but a new responsibility is not a time out.
I am sure Sara was asked if she could do it. If she says she can do that, who is to say she can't? If she manages to do it right, that is great. If she finds out she can't, I am sure the situation will be addressed when the time comes. Why judge her ability based on something we don't know? Give her a chance, give her a break.
And I am not Sara, and I don't even know her.
#112- So everyone else talked about here can be judged except Sara?
How is she not handling her responsibilities? CT lead is a pretty easy job- my lead has major health issues that dont always allow her to scrap often but she handles the lead just fine.
Being a CT lead (if you're not doing layouts) can be very low-key. Perfect for someone who has other priorities.
#112- So everyone else talked about here can be judged except Sara?
No, but why smack someone who hasn't done anything wrong? It's not like she's giving bad CS, is a bitch or anything.
But when you don't have the time to handle the responsibilities you currently have, you shouldn't be taking on new ones.
So which responsibility is she not handling? I'm curious, you seem to know that's she's not doing her job somewhere.
#109 - Yes and isn't it bliss?
Not sure why someone is saying Sara isn't or can't fulfill her duties.
I'm trying to get back into my scrapping and today I cleaned out my store bookmarks. So many I had to delete-closed, dead domains, etc.
I can't believe how much crap is out there, too.
It seems like there's less quality out there, despite all the new shops. Bah
#116- Last I heard she was being annoying with her posts about TIFF files. She was being kind of bitchy.
#121 - I thought that was someone else and if it's the same person, she was smacked for that already.
Do any stores have mid week releases other than SBG?
SO and A5D on Thursdays
DHD on Thursdays, plus $$ releases on Tuesday each week.
Great, thanks. Pity there's not more though.
TDC on Thursdays, too.
Why does it matter?
2Ps releases on Tuesday.
What is the benefit for releasing on different days? Don't most people wait for Fridays or Saturdays anyway? Are sales better if you release on days other than Fridays?
DD always has quite a few things at 30% off each Thursday. Designer Digitals, not Divine Digital.
130-I think it's great that they release on different days. I look at them the day they are released. If they all released on the same days it would be overwhelming.
Although most sales MIGHT happen over the weekend, I would guess that those releasing, on Thursday, for example, might just hope customers will see THEIR sales/new releases first, so they would spend their money with them first, instead of reading about their new release and think "oh... if I had known before I spent my money at this other store". Just an idea for a possible scenario. But there might be other "technical" reasons. Who knows? Maybe store owners/designers can chime in what determined why their stores have release days in particular.
I wasn't involved in choosing when DHD set their releases, so I can't say for sure. I would think that it's more to distinguish yourself from the pack, though... along the lines of what 132 is saying. 133 has a good point, though.
SO sets their new release day for Thursday so that customers all over the world can get the new release sale price for the whole weekend......
I hate NR sales (like SSD has) that last for only one day. If I had to choose to spend my money at a store who has a weekend long sale or one that only has a one day sale, I'm going with the weekend long sale. They will get my money first. I know quite a few stores that do this.
136-I also like more than one day to choose what I'd like to buy. I like the Gotta Grab it things in fact. Sometimes I'll buy things on the first day, but then go back later and find more kits I'd like.
133 - That is EXACTLY why I release mid to late week. (Wednesday or Thursday)
One of the main reasons I don't ever buy at SSD is that I am too busy on Saturdays to mess around with a one day sale. One day sales are annoying enough, but add that to one of my only days that I can do real-life errands, or might have something planned with the family, and I just don't have time to shop for scrapping stuff in that one day window.
They lost my shopping $ a long time ago.
Yeah, I'm rarely at my computer on weekends, so I wouldn't have the opportunity to take advantage of a Saturday only sale. Unless it was good enough for me to make a special point of getting online, which it isn't.
I only shop at SSD on DSD/iNSD because of the Saturday only sale. I would shop throughout the year if it were Fri-Sun, but I'm not usually around on Saturdays and if I am, I usually forget and remember on Sunday, but then it's too late for the sale. So, I wish list a bunch, then, when it comes time to shop, I remove a bunch because I can't justify spending so much money all at once. Spread out, I'd spend a lot more $$ and actually have time to scrap with it all, too.
I don't get release days, isn't it better to have new releases on varying days to keep customers coming back each time there is a new release. It would seem counter productive to me to only have them coming to the store on a certain day.
To me, it is like real life stores. If they had their new stuff or the sales on irregular days, it would be more annoying, I think. In my store, my customers know the new release will be on what day, and some of them actually purchase within minutes of me uploading it! Yes, you might hope that irregular release days will get customers to come back, but they are "lazy" by nature: if they like stuff in 5 stores, they might not want to check each store every day. Customers will have a routine. If their routine includes visiting your store on a specific day, you have more chance to get their money, than if you are hoping they will find your randomly released new products. Don't make your customers work to buy from you, or they are more likely to go buy somewhere else. Make it as easy as you can for them. It will pay off.
Yeah, if I had to check in on a daily basis to see what stuff was releasing each day and what those particular designers were offering as a sale price, it would get old. Having one consistent release day works better, in my opinion, unless you are somebody with a really big newsletter/Facebook/Twitter audience or something.
One new kit from one designer will only draw a few to the store. 20 kits released a bunch of different designers is something to come see.
I really like that stores release new products on different days of the week. If they were all on one day I probably wouldn't go to all the individual stores, but spread throughout the week is great.
I shop at SSD and really wish they would have new releases on sale for 2 days instead of just one-at times when they have extended the sale I have bought more the second day.
I haven't shopped at SSD in forever. Partly because of their chintzy sales and release schedules, and mostly because their stuff all looks the same-and has for years.
Lauren Grier is going to be more annoying than usual now that she is taking charge of her team blog again. I want to vomit everytime I go to TLP now because I can't stand her gross posts in the forum. Maybe she should focus on answering customer emails first instead of wanting attention.
145-I like the stores that all the designers will release on the same day, but I like to have different stores release on different days.
#150- Do you like them better at the end of the week?
How do you all expect me to "go away"? I don't post for a few days and I still see my name mentioned many times. That's love! <3
#149- maybe she comes from the Jady Day school of customer service. if you look in the SSD forum, she still hasn't answered that person's email.
I don't even notice release days. I just shop when I want too, which isn't very often.
Hasn't "La" always been like this, 149? I avoid any place where she goes.
I think it's the SSD school of customer service. Every designer there is an ass about CS.
149 - YES!! I've emailed her 3 times over the course of a year about the same damn thing - not one response. I will never EVER buy from her again.
WTF is up with the Jessica Sprague contest? You're telling me that they don't know who the winner is yet? Doubtful. Lazy Lazy Lazy.
151-It doesn't really matter. But I like all the designers at the store to release on the same day. Like all Two Peas designers always release on Tuesday.
#153- She hasn't answered her yet?
Looking at SSD's new releases today and got annoyed - American 4th of July kits with 'token' Canada Day elements piss me off. It's like they're too lazy to do a full Canada Day kit, so let's throw in 2 pieces of word art and a maple leaf and maybe the Canadians will be stupid enough to buy it.
161-Then don't buy them if you don't like them. Wait for a Canada day one. I remember seeing a huge one last year from some place.
Jen C Designs has a Canada Day kit.
there's one at TDC and PBP, too.
Yeah, I've seen Canada Day kits all over the place. For years.
I've also seen combo kits that include USA and Canada stuff.
There are lots of choices out there.
"It's like they're too lazy to do a full Canada Day kit, so let's throw in 2 pieces of word art and a maple leaf and maybe the Canadians will be stupid enough to buy it."
that's funny :)
do customers even buy word art on its own? often it's just a couple lines of text saved as a png so why wouldn't they just type it themselves & save their money?
(obviously there's also word art that's fantastic with a lot of detail & an interesting design)
Templates and alphas must be the big sellers at SSD these days because it seems that's the majority of their new releases for quite a while now.
I also don't get why you would put your brand new products on sale for the first day. Wouldn't you want to make as much money as you can at full price before you go putting it on sale?
FWIW I don't think most stores who release on varying days put their products on sale just because they are new. I could be wrong, but that would indeed annoy customers if they don't know what days products are going to be released. If they don't want to buy at full price they can easily wait for a sale. Varying days means customers keep coming back and they don't get pissed off because there is always something new and the first day isn't a sale so it is no biggie if they missed the opening day.
Most stores require sales for the new releases for 2 to 3 days
Makes no sense to me, the bulk of my sales on a new product are in the first few days, I want those sales to be at full price, and they always are! I have also been in a few stores and have never had that as a requirement. I doubt it is most stores.
Places that offer 10 or 20% off on new releases aren't giving up that much in sales.
The whole new release thing is aimed at the scrappers who always want the 'latest and greatest' and think they need everything right away. They're going after a certain kind of shopper, and hoping that the small discount will just get them more of those new release shoppers. It probably does help them bring a bit more of those type of shoppers than a store who doesn't discount new releases at all.
Jenn Barrette and Kristin Cronin-Barrow have their new Everyday storytelling summer kit this week. $7.99 and it is not jam packed at all. What a shame.
Seems like a good amount of stuff to me - 20 papers, 70 elements, plus those journal cards. What is missing that you'd like in there?
#168 I use to always laugh because I'd have a sale and yet as soon as it was over I'd have a ton more sales on the items that had been on sale. I always wondered where the people were when I was running the sale. I think it goes back to if I like a kit I'm going to purchase it whether it is on sale or not.
#173- You are correct, I need to say sorry for that. Somehow when I extracted my window was set to sort by nothing and so it only showed about 25 elements. I sorted and it's fine and definitely worth the money.
I hate my Vista PC.
People always panic when it seems "tons" of people are leaving a store. I've been around the digi-world since 2005. I can say that it *always* seems like a big deal. It is the nature of things. People move from store to store and it generally is the same set of designers who are always looking for the "greener" grass. I think it is funny that people spazz about TDC because that store has been around since 2005! (I could be wrong but I remember shopping there when Fee Jardine was there) It always seems to make it through the highs and lows. That tells me they must have a solid admin.
Lots of stores seem to pop up and fade (9th&B) for example. In the end it comes down to owners realizing that these stores are a full time gig. If you want it to succeed you have to put time into it.
I don't worry about TDC at all. I'll continue to buy there like I have for 7 years now.
Where's Mye moving? And I see Scrapflower is up - it's pretty!
I think designers tend to move in January and June in droves. Something about the beginning of the year and the end of the school year. I see it with CTMs too, but not as much as designers.
A little disappointed that Just Jaimee is going to Scrapflower...
I actually like the Scrapflower site. I never went to Catscrap,so I don't know how it was before, but I like the design now.
#179 why? I think she might fit well at Scrapflower. I don't know her much for kits, but I guess I was wrong.
I just bought two kits from Just Jaimee.. no disappointment here. Plus her style seems to fit the store.
167-I don't know why anyone would pay for templates anyway, I have about 100 that I collected over the past five years and they were all free. Lots of stores and designers have template challenges and there are so many ways a template can be used so they can be used more than once.
I guess my disappointment was that I like Just Jaimee and I have only heard Catscrap/Scrapflower smacked here so I thought it might be a bad move. I will have to check the store out.
No, but why smack someone who hasn't done anything wrong? It's not like she's giving bad CS, is a bitch or anything.
You're so wrong. Sara really can be a giant bitch. That's probably why someone decided to bring her up and smack her here again. I think that deep down she is a nice person who acts like a bitch when she doesn't get her way. The real her shining through.
I think the more likely scenario is that someone who's pissy that she got a CT lead is smacking her.
What specifically is Sara being a giant bitch about lately?
What specifically has Sara been a giant bitch about in the past?
#184 -
How can ScrapFlower be smacked when it just opened today? I mean I get the whole switch from CatScrap but looking through the store it seems like a whole new place to me. I'm with you on the Jaimee thing! I love her kits too.
#186- So the Sara calvary has arrived. Not everyone wants to be a CT lead. Some of us hear all the time about how sick her husband is yet she is taking on new teams. That's what it's about. I didn't say she was a bad person, I just don't understand how she can take on new teams with her husband so sick.
#187- Catscrap had been around for so long it's just weird to not see it anymore. For me anyway. I do think Scrapflower will be good and it's a nice change.
So where did catrine go? Did she retire?
188, I am not the Sara calvary. I don't even know her. I just think it's beyond mean to bash someone whose husband is dying for daring to be a CT lead.
I mean, if she were being a gigantic bitch about something, that would be one thing. But you're saying that you just don't agree with the way she's spending her free time because her husband is sick? I'm not even sure-is her DH terminal?
I guess my view might be biased because my sister's husband was given a terminal diagnosis last year. The normal "time left" scenario is usually about a year. My sister is a nurse who happens to treat people with the same kind of cancer that my BIL has, so she's been through hell and back this past year. He's actually done much better than the doctors thought he would, but it would absolutely piss me off if someone was bad-mouthing her for getting out and doing something fun once in a while.
No, my sister is not Sara, and I don't care if you don't believe me. I just think it's beyond wrong to criticize someone for nothing more than having a terminal loved one and daring to do something relaxing or having a kind of escape. WTF? Are you really that much of a bitch?
#191- Actually no I'm not. I was hoping someone would explain to me and you did. I like Sara. I always think her heart is in the right place. I just don't want to see her get overwhelmed by taking on too much. Being a CT lead is alot of work, that's all I was trying to say.
Ok, 192, thank you for explaining what you meant. Like I said, I don't know Sara, so I have no idea how she's been acting or what all she has taken on, but I just know what my sister has been going through, and it bothered me to think that someone would say things behind her back if they happened to see her out doing something "fun."
btw, it's "cavalry."
Who needs spell-check when we have #194?
Thank you for spotting that typo, 194 @@
2 shots. The typo police have arrived.
LOL, I was thirsty. And it worked! Best part was that I didn't misspell it myself. So where IS Mye moving? No one knows? My guess is SO.
#188 - what do you care if she can or can not handle the added responsibility of an extra CT lead? If you aren't her family or the designer, it seems to be it doesn't affect you one way or the other.
I guess my disappointment was that I like Just Jaimee and I have only heard Catscrap/Scrapflower smacked here so I thought it might be a bad move. I will have to check the store out.
So instead of deciding for yourself, you say it's a bad move because Scrapflower was smacked here, which it wasn't by the way, it was mentioned they were late opening and that's about it.
That's the dumbest thing I've heard in a long time.
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