Tuesday, May 1, 2012


For the record, I have no access to anyone's IP addresses, and no desire to know who's posting on this blog.

Of course I am a participant.


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Anonymous said...

#193 - are you joking?

Anonymous said...

#197 - why do you say that After 5 is near closing?

Anonymous said...

#197- K-Studio and Laurie Ann are not going to SO.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't doubt if 191 was Ms. Cheri herself. Your quality has sucked donkey balls since you started and has not gotten any better.

Anonymous said...

#200- The forum has been dead for years.

Anonymous said...

I was just about to post the exact same question!

Anonymous said...

#193- Your as crazy as Aly posting that shit.

Anonymous said...

3-Only since the Hall of fame problem. Before that, it was lots of fun.

Anonymous said...

#3 - the fact that the forum has been dead for 'years' and the store is still around shows that the forum is irrelevant, doesn't it?

Anonymous said...

#6- Yes it used to be.

#7- I was only answering a question someone asked.

Anonymous said...

7-No, not at all. You go where you go for reasons, and I go where I go for reasons.

Anonymous said...

#8 - I asked the question about why someone thought after 5 is near closing.

#9 - what's your point?

If someone says the store is near closing because the forum is dead and has been for years and the store is still around, then clearly the store does not rely on the forums.

Anonymous said...

10-The question I was answering was about 2 peas--which isn't near closing-at all.

Anonymous said...

I was replying to #3 who was replying to me #200 on the other page, asking about after 5.

Anonymous said...

I don't think Aly knows who is moving to SO. I think she is full of shit. Why would anyone even tell her in the first place.

Anonymous said...

I haven't heard of anyone yet who has announced they are moving to a new store. I didn't even know SO was adding more designers.

Anonymous said...

WendyBird Designs (hybrid creator) is coming to SO

Anonymous said...

whats boring is talking about fonts, this is a smack blog.

what's interesting and sad is talking about Aly and seeing her self destruct again.

Aly you need to examine that empty space inside you have and stop trying to fill the void with negative attention.

Anonymous said...

Is hybrid really that great in sales? I've always wondered because it always seems cool, but is there a large market for it?

Anonymous said...

#16 - why even bring it up again? You're as stupid as she is.

Anonymous said...

Yes, trailblazers. Jealous much?

Anonymous said...

The thing that amuses me is that so much of the hybrid stuff for sale in the digo stores is available for free online.

Anonymous said...

#19 - don't make me laugh, oops, too late.

Anonymous said...

17. I don't think there is a lot of call for hybrid things.

15- That isn't the one I know about, but I'm not surprised that Wendy Bird is going to SO

Anonymous said...

I went to see if I had missed something new and "trailblazing" at SO and got a warning about a Trojan. I guess that's new and not something I get at most digi sites, but not what I had expected.

Anonymous said...

#19- Jealous? Of what? Being a mediocre trailblazer. No thanks.

Anonymous said...

#16- Please stop bringing it up. She will come back.

Anonymous said...

How exactly are they "trailblazing"?

Anonymous said...

26- That's what we are trying to figure out.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone see that Ju Kneipp left Oscraps AND CatScrap to go to Design House Digital? Or did I miss that in the crazy talk this weekend?

Anonymous said...

I just saw on facebook that Daybreak Scraps is opening at godigital--probably a good fit for her. That store is freaky.

Anonymous said...

28-It was announced via newsletter a few days ago.

Anonymous said...

#29- Never heard of that store. Is it new?

Anonymous said...

Is Dawn that posted here Daybreak Scraps? If so, I thought she was retiring because of being smacked here.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

#29 - no, it's not a new store. It's been around for at least three or four years.

Anonymous said...

#34 here - I was talking about GoDigitalScrapbooking.

DesignHouseDigital has also been around for a couple of years now.

Anonymous said...

They've sort of flown under my radar, but this makes me rethink. Any reviews on other designers there?

For those who ARE designers, would you leave two pretty established stores like Oscraps and CS to go there? Are they bigger than I was thinking?

Anonymous said...

31: You haven't been missing much. Go Digital sucks.

36: The ownership change at CS might have been a trigger.

Anonymous said...

#36 - are you talking about GoDigital or DesignHouse?

Anonymous said...

Digital House Designs started a few years ago by a couple of designers that used to be exclusive to 2 peas. When they left 2 peas, they took the bulk of the designers with them. It was sad for 2 peas let me tell you.
Godigital has been around for a lot longer than Digital house Designs. I'm not too familiar with many of the designers there.
I don't think the dhd kits have much in them. I don't like kits that aren't full.

Anonymous said...

When they left 2 peas, they took the bulk of the designers with them. It was sad for 2 peas let me tell you.

The bulk? Maybe two or three designers left with them, hardly the bulk.

Anonymous said...

39 here again. The designers at DHD are good designers, they just don't pack their product with enough. Their product is good though.

Anonymous said...

40-They took the bulk of the good ones.

Anonymous said...

36 here, and I was talking about DHD/Ju Kneipp/OS/CS.

39: I just went and looked at their site, because I used to frequent 2Ps a lot. I only recognize one name there, Kate Teague. Who am I missing?

Anonymous said...

43 here. To clarify, I do recognize other names there (Tiffany Tillman, Audrey Neal, and Karla Dudley) but I don't remember anyone else from 2Ps.

Anonymous said...

Loved the idea of the Ulitmate store and most of the list I agreed with except katie pertiet
, such a diva... anyway that got me to thinking who is the Queen of Scrapping these days. IMO it would be a close call between Anne Aspnes and Shabby Princess although she has been around for years still heads the pack. I cant think of anyone else that stands out like those two. Just about every LO I see these days has something of Anna's.
And a question if Anna is queen does that make Oscraps the place to be?

Anonymous said...

@96 Exact thing happened to me.
Then I scanned in my handwriting and it turned out just fine. Ended up making quite some fonts that way.. to me it was really worth it.

Anonymous said...

43-I'm getting ready for bed, but will look them up tomorrow for you.

Anonymous said...

I don't remember Tiffany Tillman at 2 peas--
besides designers, a few of the Garden Girls joined them too.

Anonymous said...

Meredith Fenwick was at 2Peas for a bit and she also was at DHD for a bit

My only experience with DHD was their blog train collab kit last year for iNSD, it didn't thrill me.

Anonymous said...

Anne Aspnes and Shabby Princess although she has been around for years still heads the pack.

Just a FYI but Anna has also been around for years. She was at SBE before she started at Designer Digitals.

Anonymous said...

DesignHouseDigital might be "off the radar" because it's not filled with drama-filled designers. (Refreshing!) DesignHouseDigital is professional, & I find their products to be well-designed.

Anonymous said...

48: I wasn't clear, I guess. I recognize the other names, but I don't think any of them were ever at 2Ps.

49: Meredith Fenwick! I use to really like her papers. I just Googled, and it looks like her blog is all about jewelry now.

Anonymous said...

#50 Just a FYI but Anna has also been around for years. She was at SBE before she started at Designer Digitals.

OMG I hadnt thought of SBE in years, just had to go and check them out. Dont recognise anyone there dosnt look very active..used to post there back in 2006/7

Anonymous said...

Do you think it's better for a store to have designers from every style for more diversity, or to cater to a certain niche and do it well? I guess I kind of see both sides of it. Is it better for many customers to buy a couple things, or a few customers to buy most of the things? Or is that the $64,000 question?

Anonymous said...

I think both can be successful. Look at brick and mortar stores: some are carrying things for various needs, others are very specialized in their products. I would guess that is a matter of how you market whatever product you carry. Meet the need of your customers and they will come back.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

52-Jen Alyson (or close) was one of the designers at 2 peas that left, (she has retired now). Gennifer Bursett was a Garden Girl, but is now a designer at DHD. Apparently 2 peas had a rule for garden girls at that time that they couldn't be "seen" at another website. If they posted at another website under their own names, they were kicked from the garden girls club. They had to make up pseudo names! So Gennifer quit the GG to go there. She still posts at 2 peas occasionally.
I actually don't remember who the other designers were that left, but there were several.

AlyD said...

197 That siggy is not updated....you know since Anna's store has been closed for months now, but nice try

AlyD said...

5 insulted! I'm not lame enough to do a yo mama joke!

AlyD said...

13 because I'm on their ct duh

AlyD said...

I hate gennifer being spelled with a g. Random I know. It just looks weird to me

Anonymous said...

53-I thought SBE closed.

AlyD said...

13 that comment was so stupid now that I'm re reading it. Not everyone hates me and thinks I'm untrustworthy. I'm a great ct member...in my opinion at least...and in the opinion of those who's teams I'm still on since they haven't kicked me out.

Anonymous said...

63-Maybe they haven't connected the dots of who you are, where you've been, or what you've been accused of. I wouldn't want you on my team just because it wouldn't be good to have an accused pirate advertise my product.

AlyD said...

I think Secret Stash has grown so much as a designer since she was at PDP. I don't think I like her too much as a person but I'll continue to buy from her because her designs are really good.

Speaking of PDP, does anyone else notice that pamela (the new owner) is running that place into the ground? Or has the store become that irrelevant that no one noticed.

AlyD said...

64 I'm pretty sure they all know actually. And people can accuse me if they want. No one has proven iand never will because its bullshit t. :) and even if I WAS a pirate...I don't think I need to be one someone's team to pirate their kits.

AlyD said...

Would you like me to give you a list of People who's ct I am on? So you can "warn" them...again? Would that make you guys happy?

AlyD said...

Moving on from the "I am going to call Alyssa a pirate with no proof because she is the worst person in the world and does everything illegal" topic...until someone brings it up again or continues the convo...

Does anyone here use the genesis framework for their wordpress blog? Do you like it?

Anonymous said...

Secret Stash wasn't at PDP for very long was she? But I agree that she has grown as a designer.

Anonymous said...

66-I'm pretty sure they don't know. No designer in her right mind would have their product associated with even a suspected pirate. It could ruin their reputation just by association. I'd drop you like a hot potato with just a suspicion.

Anonymous said...

69- I agree. She has grown so much. Any word yet on who the new SO designers are?

AlyD said...

70 well luckily I ct for designers who aren't stuck in highschool and have minds of their own

AlyD said...

69 I think she was there for like 2 years. I may be wrong though.

Anonymous said...

I think it's sad that one person is posting anon to call themselves names and then the same person comes back signed in to argue with herself. Didn't this happen once before somewhere else where she signed in saying to herself, they think you are me, but I'm not, but they think you are, and then she screwed herself by posting as the wrong "her"? Or was that the other looney - Dykan? Somebody help me find that thread - it's priceless!

Anonymous said...

70-or ones that don't know your background. I don't think I'm stuck in high school at all. In this business, you just don't associate with suspected pirates. It's a killer.

Anonymous said...

74- I missed that. I can see Amanda doing that. Does she still sell anywhere? I haven't seen her around in a long time.

Anonymous said...

74-That happened at 2 peas long ago--
It's pretty sad when people do that.

Anonymous said...

#77- So that was the cat fight at 2Peas someone mentioned yesterday.

Anonymous said...

Holy heck, has anyone actually used a template from Cluster Queen Creations? I bought some things from her over insd and am now trying to use them and wow her quality is terrible! Her templates have one jagged edge after another. I am appalled that she calls herself a designer and sells in not one, but two stores with the quality that she sells. What are her stores thinking or am I the only one who is upset with the crap that she sells?

Anonymous said...

That was a catfight?

Anonymous said...

78-Yes. It was a long time ago. I think it may have even had death threats involved. Both egos got banned.

Anonymous said...

79-Don't the stores you shop at have quality control looking at kits? Ginger scraps has a great QC team. Maybe you should switch shops.

Anonymous said...

Amanda Dykan and her alter ego...wow

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

81- So she made a death threat against herself? Wow. What did people say when they found out it was all her? That's just crazy. Aly crazy.

Anonymous said...

#70- Her quality has gotten alot better. It used to be much worse than it is now.

Anonymous said...

#84- Thanks. I see some of the regulars around the community are there. It will make a good read while I drink my tea this morning.

Anonymous said...

85-Yes, isn't that bazaar? The administration looked at IP addresses and made an announcement that there was nothing to worry about, that it was one and the same, and then banned the crazy.
A number of weird things happened over there over the years--I imagine like most forums.

Anonymous said...

It seems like Shannon fueled the fire by getting into the middle of it and keeping it going. I'm only on page #8 so I don't know what happens to make it go 24 pages long.

Anonymous said...

#84 That's a great one too but not the one I was thinking of. Perhaps it's at Baby Gaga. I'll have to keep looking. It was very whiny in tone and the more I remember, the more it was definitely not Amanda (who is a photographer now operating under the name Mulberry Lane Studio).

Anonymous said...

#82 Im not sure if the stores she sells in have a qc team or not. I was just shocked at the quality and ended up deleting her products. I have no use for jagged templates. Its a shame that I spent money on her. She really needs some sort of good mentor or something to improve her lousy quality.

Anonymous said...

#90- I'm not sure Amanda was at Baby Gaga.

Anonymous said...

#91- I think she does. Captivated Visions.

Anonymous said...

Right, it wasn't Amanda - it was the other nut. The only one who mentions her by name is her in her posts to herself.

Anonymous said...

#93 CV has got her work cut out for her, either that or she's not doing a good job. Maybe CQC doesn't listen? At any rate, I figured I would buy from her since she had been selling a couple of months in a store and her quality shouldn't be that bad. Boy was I wrong and got screwed over in the process.

On that note, what store has a good quality control team checking products in their store? I really don't want to spend any more money on garbage designers.

Anonymous said...

Cluster Queen doesn't listen to suggestions when it comes to quality or her product. A friend of mine bought a kit of hers a couple week back and emailed her about her quality. My friend was told that she, Cluster Queen, didn't know how to fix the problem and offered a coupon, which my friend never got. That is a total rip! Cluster Queen is a joke and I wouldn't spend any money on her, she's just a wannabe

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Ruby Rynne posts here. Her "you need to get help" sounds alot like what was posted to Happytits yesterday.

Anonymous said...

97-I'm not Ruby Rynne, but I did tell her to get help--but someone else suggested it also. All those suggestions didn't come from just me.

Anonymous said...

Is Jady Day known for being unresponsive? Someone had to call her out on the SSD forum for not getting back to her.

Anonymous said...

#98- I know. That whole thread was like wow to me. Never even knew Amanda and I'm glad I didn't either. That was what 3 years ago?

Anonymous said...

#99- Yes! I'm glad someone finally did call her out on it.

Anonymous said...

#99 - Jady Day doesn't answer any customers. I know it was listed a few pages back as being a designer who provides poor customer service. She doesn't get my business, either.

Anonymous said...

I wondered if it was just that the customer was being impatient but it seemed that it was more of an unresponsiveness.

Anonymous said...

I can't imagine that such poor customer service would be tolerated at Sweet Shoppe? They seem to pride themselves on good CS and I've always been happy with mine.

I think this just further shows what poor choices they made in picking their new designers.

Anonymous said...

Anybody hear of the designer Simply Scrappy? She disappeared a year or so ago. She used to sell at Funky.

Anonymous said...

So Aly... You supposedly had ovarian cancer in 2008 and managed to beat it and keep both your ovaries? Not only that but you managed to go on and have 2 more children that soon after? Coming from someone who really did have ovarian cancer, your story doesn't add up.

Anonymous said...

105- Didn't Aly sell there at that time? Ask her, if you are not in fact her posting "anon".

Anonymous said...

107-No, I'm not Aly. I was on the CT for Simply Scrappy, and I think there may have been some pirate things going on with her also. I think Aly was at funky at the time-that is why I asked.

Anonymous said...

Anybody hear of the designer Simply Scrappy? She disappeared a year or so ago. She used to sell at Funky.


Yes. I used to ct for her until she disappeared without telling any of us what was going on.

Anonymous said...

109--haha, me too! We were so excited to be on her team too, but she left! The last thing she wrote in our now defunct forum was "don't post anything from this kit---some of the elements were pirated, not by me, but the person I got it from didn't have the right to sell it" or something like that!!

Then she disappeared. She disappeared from Funky and the owner had to close the store because she never contacted them either!!

I wonder who she really was now!!

Anonymous said...

#108- Maybe because her design name sounded way to much like Laura B's Simply Scraps? I thought you were talking about her at first.

Anonymous said...

#110- Sounds like she bought a CU pack that had items in it that weren't allowed to be resold. I "think" there was a CU designer that got called out for that last year.

Anonymous said...

111-Nope, just trying to piece together things that happened on my old CT. With all the talk about piracy, and how designers should be cautious with CT members, I thought I'd throw out a ball that says CT members should be cautious with the designers! It's a shame things like this happens.
I was also a CT at a store that closed because of some piracy issues--remember a store called Pretty Scrappy? I loved it there. Until one day it wasn't there. No explanations, no nothing. I found out what happened somewhere else!

Anonymous said...

113- It's the designers that don't bother to read TOU's on stuff they think they can recolor and resell. Mainly on stamps and cliparts. Then there are those that make kits that violate copyrights on characters. Thankfully, most designers do read and follow them.

Anonymous said...

I think Aly gave up.

AlyD said...

106 well I never told anyone my story. Just the fact that I had ovarian cancer. I never went into detail. since you don't know my whole story I don't think you have room to say if it adds up or not. I also have no desire to explain or tell my whole story because my health is no ones that posts on this blog's business. Especially since no matter what anyone says, i will be called a liar.... Makes no sense

If you really want to talk about it out of concern...which I doubt based on your accusatory tone while typing....you can email me.

AlyD said...

115 you thought wrong! I have a life lol. I didnt post for a couple of hours And I gave up?? I DO get out of my house. Lol

AlyD said...

108. I used to like her designs. I sold with her at elemental scraps. When she moved to funky, I swear she just moved her products because I never saw her around the forums.

AlyD said...

She deletd all of her design related posts....

Anonymous said...

118-I liked her designs also, that is why I was on her CT, but who was she really?

Anonymous said...

120- Do you think she was Aly?

AlyD said...

CURIOUS. I always hear talk about "gross" color swatches. Other than my EAster Blossoms kit (which was said here to have gross colors) what kits jum put to you as having gross colors?

AlyD said...

120 what the hell? Why would it be me? I barely have time to get kits out now. What makes you think I would have time to make as two designers?

AlyD said...

Omg you all are so desperate for shit to talk About me. Lol. It's kinda funny. You're really grasping now. keep on going...lol

Anonymous said...

They say your Screwed in the head,They should get checked.

Anonymous said...

121-I have to admit, the thought occurred to me. They were both at funky at the same time. I know that isn't proof. I hope it wasn't Aly. That would just prove she might be even sicker than we originally thought. After reading about the Amanda Dykan/LilyAnne episode, it really made me wonder.

AlyD said...

120 idkwho she was "really". =/ the blog says her name was Jess.

Question to everyone, why do you all assumeso much that there is a "dark side" to everything? Maybe she was just a designer who decided to get a life or a new hobby? Why did she have to be someone else?

AlyD said...

I was always jealous of her previews :(

Anonymous said...

127-and you know what they say about He that protests too much.
If she hadn't written the last message in the forum about making sure nobody used things in the kit she had us work on, it wouldn't have "piracy" written all over it. Piracy at funky while you were there hooks you to some sort of funny business. That is the link. But we don't know who Jess really was now do we--and she disappeared from digi-land.

Anonymous said...

@digismacker/blog owner - As much as I want to see AlyD gone from this blog, I still don't want to see her (or anyone else) banned. Free speech is the best thing this place can offer. Without it, I just won't feel it's worth a visit anymore and we will always have to wonder if there are others you've barred from posting or if any comments are getting deleted. Thanks.

AlyD said...

129 sorry. Forgot I was a pirate for a sec. My bad.

Anonymous said...

Oh I'm 130. Sorry I interrupted you. Pls continue. I just wanted to state my point to the blog owner.

DigiSmacker said...

130: I actually feel the same way.

Aly, can you possibly contain your responses to one comment, instead of posting 5 at a time?

Anonymous said...

Lol just reading that LilyAnne thread... the comments "those poor people who used her products" etc like it's the end of the world... you'd think someone had run over their dog.

Anonymous said...

On another topic, which may or may not been discussed recently.

What do you think about Designers that let their CT post pictures from google in their layouts?

Mind you some may be innocent, (like stock pictures, properly attained) but pictures of Actors or other famous people are blatant copy write violations yet I still sometimes see these layouts in larger stores.

Anonymous said...

Yes, just read what posts are new to you and comment by post # in one comment. It's not hard.

Anonymous said...

134-Having been on the CT part of one of these situations, yes, something like this does have far reaching co-lateral damage. When it made a store close--and all those designers had to find a new store? and all because of one person's bad choices. The people that owned that store surely weren't too happy to lose their income, as I'm sure the designers affected were hurt. Maybe not as traumatic as having your dog run over, but if you are counting on the money your designs bring into the home, traumatic in a different way. I think the part that hurt ME--although I had nothing to do with any ct, store, or designer there, is the suspicion it stirs up in me!! Lack of trust in designers, CT members, and stores that might be complicit with wrong doing! So, who do you trust? It's a trust issue. I just expect people to be honest. If a cashier gives me 1 cent more than I'm supposed to have, I give it back!!

Anonymous said...

Well, you know, she hasn't had time to be on a computer to take stuff out of her store and make it free. I can see why she hasn't had time. But I consider an ipad a computer. I figure she's logged in as herself on the ipad and as anon on a laptop or something. Don't know how she has the time with a new husband, cancer, a sick child, and two others all needing her attention. All I have is a dog and I only get to come check here maybe once or twice a week... Oh, well I do have a job too.

Anonymous said...

#134- That is pretty common. Even designers make pages with actors/clothing/actresses/musicians etc in them. I have no clue what's okay to use and what isn't. It's not just limited to layouts. People post pictures from google all over their blogs too.

Anonymous said...

#138 And those are the designers I more than likely won't buy from. Not because I think their product may have images that aren't theirs, but because their marketing does.

Sad really, it isn't too hard to find a picture you can take yourself. I alone have over 400+ pictures a month I take on the average, and 90% of them never find their way to a layout. :(

Anonymous said...

#139- It's not everyday one meets a celebrity to take a picture of. Most use them for kits that are movie or music related.

AlyD said...

137 you're stupid too. Im not giving my old kits for free so I don't need to change my store.

AlyD said...

132 I can try. :)

Anonymous said...

141 - You were never called stupid. You were childish and immature 3 years ago and you still are now. Your attitude proves that your so-called life is a pack of lies. Anyone who has lived through what you claim to have lived through, grows up and realizes what life is all about. They don't sit around making the same childish mistakes and wasting precious time because they are "bored". If you are indeed a mother, I pity your children. Perhaps we'll do a little research and call Child Protective Services in Bermuda, or is it Washington state, or wait, Alabama? No matter, since you use your "real" name, it will be an easy thing to check into. Children shouldn't have to live with someone like you and your antics are just a sad cry for help.

Anonymous said...

She can not loose her children for mental illness sorry to say...Or even being childish,they have to be abused or in immediate danger.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to see the faces on Child Protective Service's face when they read the nasty smacking done to her by "anon" people. She stayed away till someone came by and mentioned Happytits. Sorry #143, I don't think you would win. I don't agree with the way she is acting at all, but I have to say if people would stop mentioning her she might stay away.

Anonymous said...

I would like to know if it's OK to use google pictures of celebrities. Some people have different thoughts on this.

Anonymous said...

#145 No one came by and mentioned her or her rude nickname. In fact, there was a discussion going on about something else entirely when she showed up. I don't see #143 trying to "win" anything. And yes #144, one can lose custody of one's children for mental illness if that mental illness is causing them to neglect their children - which is a form of abuse. I guess you are on your anon computer now. You are the only one who came here and decided you were being discussed. You are the one who is delusional. Or perhaps it bothered you that your name was not being discussed.

Anonymous said...

Just 2 more days until a new thread and a new month! And hopefully some new topics of discussion.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

#147- Yes, in fact someone did mention her. They said "Happytits got married". What someone says on a smack blog is not an "official" mental illness diagnosis. Are you a Dr? I should hope not if your sitting on a smack blog posting.

Anonymous said...

#148 and 149- They were talking about Google pictures and layouts before she came back. That's a new topic.

Anonymous said...

People if you're going to talk about COPYRIGHT can you please learn to spell COPYRIGHT correctly? And while the spelling nazi is at it, let's add knowing the difference between lose and loose, choose, chose & choice - etc. I can't believe half of you are in any kind of business at all with your poor language skills. And before I get a bunch of "English isn't my first language" responses, if you're going to run an international business where the majority of your customers and other people you interact with have English as their first language you might want to at least attempt to master the language. (And I highly doubt the people posting these posts are all people who don't speak English)

Anonymous said...

Why does it bother you so much? I notice it too but really, in the whole scheme of life, it's not that important.

One of my best friends says "I seen" instead of "I saw". Of course I cringe when I hear her say it but, she is an amazing, funny, smart, talented person. Using incorrect grammar doesn't change that.

Anonymous said...

#152- It's a smack blog.

Anonymous said...

Yeah I have friends that aren't perfect either. However, kinda hard to say, it's ok that anonymous poster #35 posts like they've never seen the inside of a classroom because he/she is amazing, funny, smart and talented isn't it since all we have to go on about a person is each individual post.

So yeah - I'm smacking people's ignorance.

Anonymous said...

#152-Whats it your buisness how any of us type or speak? Are you our keeper?Or is it just anouther thing to bash people for?
Ya my Grammer sucks,but thats my concern not yours.

Anonymous said...

155- I don't see what is wrong with post #35. Some people type on Ipads, cell phones and so on. It's really easy to mispell on those.

156- LOL

Anonymous said...

I'm sure most people would run spell check on their blogs/descriptions/(etc. relating to business) before posting. A smack blog? Who gives a hell if you spell check or not. Oh no, I might look unintelligent if I spell something wrong. Who cares? No one knows who you are, get over yourself.

Anonymous said...

#158- #152 is one of those hollier than thou designers that run around correcting grammar everyday and get offended by it.

Anonymous said...

#140 That is the same mentality and excuse people use for "innocently" using people's items for their own gain. Just because it's on Google does not mean it's not under copyright, I really do not understand why people are so blatantly ignorant to this. Creativity, I would think, would lend an option for those styles of layouts that choose to promote music/movies.

Anonymous said...

#159 People who get offended by grammar and spelling issues on a SMACK BLOG tend to have more serious time on their hands than most of us, I would assume.

Anonymous said...

I think this is the longest thread on this blog yet.

Anonymous said...

Post # 152
People if you're going to talk about COPYRIGHT can you please learn to spell COPYRIGHT correctly? And while the spelling nazi is at it, let's add knowing the difference between lose and loose, choose, chose & choice - etc. I can't believe half of you are in any kind of business at all with your poor language skills. And before I get a bunch of "English isn't my first language" responses, if you're going to run an international business where the majority of your customers and other people you interact with have English as their first language you might want to at least attempt to master the language. (And I highly doubt the people posting these posts are all people who don't speak English)

May 30, 2012 3:47:00 PM

What you have to remember is not everyone on this blog is a designer or in the business in another form, but are actually customers! So while you are trying to correct people, by belittling them for proper use, please remember that you too are discouraging the customer from buying from petty designers who bitch about spelling and grammar. When someone spells something wrong or writes it grammatically incorrect, what good are you doing by pointing it out and trying to embarrass them for their typo? Read the post; understand what the person is saying and move on with the discussion. Don’t critique the spelling or grammar. No one cares what the grammar police have to say; we aren’t in high school getting graded on our reports.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure if anyone answered, but who are the new designers at SO? With SO being "trailblazers" and all, I'm hoping it's someone good.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes my brain runs faster then my fingers and I use the wrong tense, word or whatever. Only means I wasn't paying as much attention as I should have been but doesn't mean I don't know the right usage. I'm sure with autocorrect especially on an iPad or iPhone it sometimes decides it knows better how to spell something then I do. Just get over yourself, the only time it really matters is when I'm writing a business letter or doing professional writing!!

Anonymous said...

Someone said some Wendy, who I have never heard of. Still waiting to hear too. Should be interesting.

Anonymous said...

I wish Darcy Baldwin would just announce the winner of her store instead being annoying as shit.

Anonymous said...

^^^ instead of. I'll correct my own grammar on this one, thanks. My Ipad is terrible to post on.

Anonymous said...

#163 - I'm not a designer so that really doesn't affect me all that much. But thanks for your concern.

Anonymous said...

#159 - *holier

The problem is that so many of you who say it's a smack blog and who cares, I don't type like that in the forums or when I advertise are a bunch of a liars. Decent use of grammar and spelling are a habit and it's one you never get out of it. I can see all of you double, triple and quadruple checking your posts in the forums and still getting it wrong. As for the whole English isn't my first language, that's bogus too. I can tell by your basic sentence structures that most of you are native English speakers, you're just too damn lazy to do it properly.

I'm not #152 but it bugs me no end as well.

Some of you get upset by people's behavior, some get upset by jaggies and color palettes, some get upset for various other reasons, so why the heck can't #152 and I get upset over the use, or lack of use, of decent language skills.

Anonymous said...

Where was it mentioned that SO is getting new designers anyway? I know one designer who is moving there but I'm curious to know...

(and holy shit, was about half a second away from posting as myself)

Anonymous said...

#170 - That makes three of us

Anonymous said...

#170- I didn't say she couldn't be upset by it. If it's that much of an issue go post about it at DST. What purpose does it serve to post here?

Anonymous said...

#163 - it's all anon here so who is going to know who is the customer and who is the designer?

People learn from their mistakes and failures. If they are not told about them, then they won't learn from them. It's that simple. Like you said, we aren't in High School anymore, learn to do it properly.

Anonymous said...

#170- You forgot to add the word "to" to your middle sentence. It should say "bugs me TO no end as well".

Anonymous said...

#173 - what purpose does it serve to post anything here?

Just because some of you don't like the discussion, doesn't mean it can't be discussed.

I don't like a lot of the discussions here, but I'm not telling anyone to 'get over it', 'no one wants to hear', 'go to DST'.

Anonymous said...

Can we get a thread for Aly? And then can she, her alter-egos, and those who want to engage her can please stay out of the general ones?

Anonymous said...

#176- I didn't say it couldn't be discussed.

Anonymous said...

I understand your inclination to say, "discuss it elsewhere" because most of the topics discussed here are about things that have happened elsewhere.

It's a sad statement that you want people to discuss things that happen here, somewhere else. Apparently grammar skills aren't the only thing you need to work on. Your logic is also failing.

The grammar that is being referred to is in posts here on this blog, so this is the most appropriate place to discuss it. (You know, where it's happening)

Anonymous said...

#177 She hasnt posted or been discussed for a decent amount of posts now... why bring her back up?

Anonymous said...

#178 - it's not just about you. Twice you have replied to comments referring to the generic you.

Anonymous said...

When someone spells something wrong or writes it grammatically incorrect, what good are you doing by pointing it out and trying to embarrass them for their typo? Read the post; understand what the person is saying and move on with the discussion.

Embarrassed on an anon smack blog when they are anon? That's a stretch.

The problem is that some of those posts are so badly written, I have no idea what the heck they are trying to say.

Dawn said...

MY SON JUST DIED GODDAMNIT LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE! UNFRIEND ME ON FACEBOOK. I have never caused anyone an ounce of grief in the digi-world so why the fuck are you messing with me? I am going to the police over this smack blog. Period.

Anonymous said...

#180- Because they know she will be back.

Anonymous said...

#170- You forgot to add the word "to" to your middle sentence. It should say "bugs me TO no end as well".

You are incorrect on both counts. The 'as well' indicates that it "also" bugs me. The use of *too (note spelling) also indicates "also".

Anonymous said...

Dawn, I haven't seen you mentioned in a while.

Anonymous said...

#183 - I have no idea who you are, so I can't bug you or mess with you. Good luck with the Police thing.

Anonymous said...

(and holy shit, was about half a second away from posting as myself)

Thanks for the LOL.

Anonymous said...

????? what the heck is that all about? no one has been talking about you Dawn - you have been left alone here - all that was said recently was if you sold as Daybreak Scraps?? wow.

Anonymous said...

#185- It didn't make sense to me. Bugs me no end as well? Sorry.

Anonymous said...

189- That's the thing, nobody has. Maybe she forgot to log out as herself?

Anonymous said...


AlyD said...

143 CPA really? Because I talk shit on a smack blog? Lol okay

Anonymous said...

Hey, I know this is old now - a day old! Oh no!- But thanks for the tip on the iFontMaker app... I managed to make 3 new fonts in about half an hour, which would be perfect for scrapping if I actually still scrapped ;)

Anonymous said...

Can you make fonts with just Photoshop or do you need a special program?

AlyD said...

183 you haven't been mentioned for a while I don't recall anyone saying anything bad. The last thing I remember being said about you is by me when I said that's why I came here to read again. =/

Dawn said...

When you mention people by name/designer name here you are, in fact, cyberbullying. It is a crime. Just because you think you remain anonymous does not make it so.

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