I just read the thread posted in DST about closing the blog down. Here's my official statement.
I'm not going anywhere.
I have been talked about here, people I know have been talked about here, and people I don't know have been talked about here.
Unfortunately, we are in a business prevalent with people who should not be doing it. If your quality is bad, it will be talked about. If your manner is unprofessional, you will be talked about. And, sometimes, if you're just plain awesome, you will be talked about. (That's my category, for the record.)
Keep on keepin' on.
«Oldest ‹Older 801 – 935 of 935 Newer› Newest»I wonder why she is so quick to close her store?
So SugarHill is having a call. I suppose they'll get hundreds of applications. I wish I made CU because that's the place to really make some money. (no I'm affiliated with them, just wish I made CU)
Although some stores or designers offer CU products, do you think that regular scrappers, sometimes, purchase CU products just so they can make their own papers/elements (or just use those) in their pages? I always wondered if CU products were only purchased by designers or not.
162: I think Brook copies a lot of pages. Nothing about her work that looks so unique. Her pages are fine, but not original like they fuss over.
She does copy alot I've noticed that and she never gives credit and she can't say it's a PIN challenge layout. She has 4 on her page now if you look at the latest one's. Original, NO she is not but we aren't voting so whaev'
and look who intro'd herself the other day http://www.sweetshoppecommunity.com/forum/showthread.php?t=64380 what does that tell you :) I only say that b/c she really is a Great scrapper no copycat so I hope she did make it!
#6- Shannon has never posted to SSD before, so how would she get nominated to be a Babe?
#6 - I hope she did make it. Shannon is a great scrapper. Brook definitely copies without any credit whatsoever. I can understand being inspired and having pages look the same, but to pretend you're doing something original and unique while doing it? That's classless.
#6- Shannon has never posted to SSD before, so how would she get nominated to be a Babe?
Jun 11, 2012 9:45:00 PM
Believe it or not, people at SSD actually know other people outside of SSD.
Shocking. I know.
#9- No, not shocking. I think she is an amazing scrapper, I just think she is to good to be a Babe. Then again I might buy from SSD again if they had a decent scrapper on the team.
#5- I'm not a designer, just on a few CT's but I occasionally buy CU stuff. During iNSD, they had a great sale & I bought a few things: the label maker from Mommyish, A banner template pack & some faded journaling paper templates. I use those usually on my own pages, not CT pages, since some designers don't want stuff that's not theirs on the pages.
#6- Do they have to credit that when they do a portfolio layout?
#6- Shannon has never posted to SSD before, so how would she get nominated to be a Babe?
Jun 11, 2012 9:45:00 PM
Believe it or not, people at SSD actually know other people outside of SSD.
Shocking. I know. Jun 11, 2012 9:46:00 PM
ummm what she said and you got to nominate people you liked and thought wore worthy of a babe spot. Not just people at SSD's it was in the Newsletter they sent out and I think on the blog...
#8 Brook definitely copies without any credit whatsoever.
I know and I can't believe no one has mentioned it to her in her gallery comments.
So SugarHill is having a call. I suppose they'll get hundreds of applications.
Hundreds? I doubt it. I don't even think they would get up to 30.
do you think that regular scrappers, sometimes, purchase CU products just so they can make their own papers/elements (or just use those) in their pages
I make my own paper and elements using stuff I've bought PU. I'm not selling it or giving it away, so I don't see the need to get CU.
I purchase CU stuff for personal use. Mainly just styles but also a few things like shapes and some templatey bits for my own use.
I make my own paper and elements using stuff I've bought PU. I'm not selling it or giving it away, so I don't see the need to get CU.
If something is CU, it does not mean it has to be used CU or that it cannot be used PU too. If you like those flowers or those ribbons or those overlays, it is not a matter of need, is it? For me, if I like something, I don't care if it is PU or CU. I can use either one in my layouts!
#17 - PU is generally cheaper, which is why I use PU. Besides, I take bits and pieces from lots of kits to make one or two items.
I didn't say I didn't like CU, I merely pointed out I don't need it.
In today's market most CU, in fact, isn't priced higher then PU. Once upon a time a designer would make a kit and price it lower for the PU version and a bit more for the CU version but it became a hassle to have to have two separate kits, so now some designers sell licenses for their products if one wants to use for CU and others just make their kits and price them the way they would price anything else.
have you guys seen that designer contest over at JS? http://www.jessicasprague.com/cpg/thumbnails.php?album=2101
Not surprised to see some of those designers in there. I like the ones from Laura Passage and Renne Looney.
@ #1, maybe the new owner of TDC told CQC that her stuff sucks and told her to leave the store? If only SM would be so smart and make the same move, kicking her out of their store. She has horrible products and a lot of her colors are just plain nasty! Bad, bad designer, if you can call her that!
I am #5 and my question was simply because I am wondering if a CU store is somewhat limiting its reach because "regular" scrappers will just pass it with the excuse that "I don't need CU", while I find that some CU products would be great for any scrappers. Is a designer creating CU product better to go in a store that sells both, PU and CU or can they do well enough in a CU only store? Just curious.
I remember seeing a store acronym list on here not long ago. I scrolled back through May but obviously scrolled through too fast and missed it. Does anyone recall where it was or make a copy of it you could paste in again?
do you think that regular scrappers, sometimes, purchase CU products just so they can make their own papers/elements (or just use those) in their pages? I always wondered if CU products were only purchased by designers or not.
I've wondered that too. Some of the sale prices have been very low (comparable to PU) so I can see how it would be a good option for some people who like to tweak/color/create their own stuff. I personally haven't purchased any CU for personal scrapping yet, but would consider it in the future.
DSC for sale. Another one bites the dust.
What is DSC?
I purchase CU products on occasion and I'm not a designer. I'm always amazed at the PU designers who fail to put leaves and ribbons in their kits, so a handy stash of nice leaves and ribbons is nice to have without having to sort through GB's worth of kits to find what I want.
I don't use any of that stuff on my CT pages, but I do on my personal pages. I only post CT pages in galleries. Then I don't have to worry about credits or confusing customers.
a good number of my customers aren't designers but buy my CU products if that helps answer the question.
DSC is digital scrap cafe
I wouldn't mind seeing that store code list either. Anyone have it or know where it is?
Not all of these exist anymore. This is the first post from the list in the DCR at DST.
2LP - two little pixels
3S - 3Scrapateers
ACOT - A Cherry on Top
AD - Armina Designs
AFS - Art For Scrapbooking
AMS - A Moment In Scrap
AS - Ahhh Scrap
ATS = Angels that Scrap
B2K = Bits2kits
BB - Blue Bazaar
BDS - Boutique-Digiscrap (Shop)
BOP - Welcome to Bouquet of Pixels
CDS - China Digital Scrapbooks
CGE - CG Essentials
CHS - Country Hollow Scraps
CVD - Creative Victorian Designs
D2C - Design2create
DAD - DigiApe Designs
DD - DesignerDigitals
DD - Divine Digital
D&D - Denim and Daisies.net
DDD - Digital Design Den
DDR - Digidesign Resort
DID - Designs In Digital
DSPD - DigiScrap Professional Designs
Digitals - digitalscrapbookpages
DP - DecoPages
DPH - Digital Paper Hearts
DPI - Digital Pink Ink
DS - Delicious Scraps
DSA - DigiScrapAds
DSA - Digi Scrap Addicts
DSC - Digital Scrap Café
DSC - Digi Scrap Campus
DSD - Digi Style Designs
DSD - DigiScrapDepot
DSDI - Digi Scraps Drive-In
DSG - Digital Scrap Garden
DSI - Digital Scrap Ink
DSM - Digi Scrapbook Mania
DSN - Digitalscrapn
DSO - DSO- Supporting your Digi Scrap Obsession & digital-scrapbooking.org
DSP - Digital Scrpabook Place
DSS - Digital Scrapbooking Studio
DSS - Digiscrapstation
DSS - DigiScrapShop
DSS DigiScrapShop
DSS - Digiscrapshop
DST - Digishop talk
DSV - Welcome to the Vault: High Quality Commercial Use tools you can trust!
DT3 - DigiTop3
EDR - Elite Designer Resources
ES - Elemental Scraps
ESS - Enchanted Studio Scraps
ESS - Welcome to e-scapeandscrap.net
FPD - Funky Playground
GA - Gabs-Art gabs-art
GDS - GoDigitalScrapbooking.com
GnG - Glam'N Glitter
GP - Gotta Pixel
GS - Gingerscraps
HW - Hummie's World
IL - Inspiration Lane
JDL - Just Digi Layouts
K-Joi - K-Joi Studios
KK - Kreative Kreations
LDD - LittleDreamer Designs
LLP - LilyPad
LYM - Log Your Memory (Log Your Memory)
M2 - Moo Two Designs
MA - Michelle's Angels
MD - Merkeley Designs
MLAS - My Life and Scrap
MLAS = My Life & Scrap
MLAS = My Life & Scrap
MMD = Micheline Martin Designs
N4D - Nuts4Digi
NDISB - Natural Designs in Scrap Booking
PBP - PickleBerryPop
PDP - Polka Dot Plum
PDW - Plain Digital Wrapper
PGD = Pixel Gypsy Designs
PGD = Pixel Gypsy Designs
PIS - Pink Ink Studios
ROH - Randi Oh Designs (.com)
SA - ScrapArtist
SAS - Stone Accents Studio see DSS
SB - ScrapBird
SBB - Scrapbook-Bytes
SBE - Scrapbook-Elements
SBG - Scrapbook Graphics
SCT - Secret City Treasures
SD - ScrapDish
SD - Scrapper's Delights
SDD - Scrappity-Doo-Dah
SDK - Scrappin Digi Kreations
SG - ScrapGirls
SH - Scraphead
SI - ScrapInsider
SIS - Scrap It Sassy
SM - ScrapMatters
SML - ScrapMall
SNT - Scrap N Tag
SO - Scrap Orchard
SOTB - Scrap Outside the Box
SPD - Shabby Pickle Designs
SSD - Sweet Shoppe Designs
STS - Stuff to Scrap
SUN- Sunshine Studio Scraps
SWAM - ScrapsWithAMouse.com
SWNM - Scraps Wraps-N-More
TDC - The Digi Chick
the O - Oscraps :: Digital Scrapbooking
TLP - The Lilypad
TSG - The Scrapping Garden
WSS - Wool Sweater Street
ZZS = Zig Zag Scrap
Digital Scrap Cafe should have been closed over a year ago. The forum was fun once with a few CTs keeping it friendly with challenges and stuff back then. Too bad it went down hill fast. Suddenly no one was there anymore. And then they took in COLS and the owners went to sell their design at WLS as well while they couldn't even keep their own store alive. Really too bad. I used to like it.
I looked at Brooke's gallery and you're right, she does seem to copy a lot on her layouts and none are cited.
Holy shit that's alot of stores. I don't reconize half of them.
Examples of her "copying"? I guess I don't look at enough layouts to notice.
Great list - Blog Owner - can you post it on the front page - pretty please with sugar on top!
Oh sweet heaven - I made the mistake of looking at wool sweater street because I'd never heard of it. Wishing I never had...
#37- LOL
Some of those numerous stores are personal stores, which does add a LOT.
32-I used to love DSC. But when it went down was when it got hacked and it was offline for a few months. When it came back up, it was never the same. Yes, the CT tried to keep it going, but it didn't work. So sad.
I just received the newsletter from 2 peas. They have a new designer. Not impressed.
Why so mysterious, 41? Just say who it is, and why you are not impressed. Don't give the rest of us homework to figure it out.
41- I think they mean Fiddlette and Aja Abney's new Yeah Yeah label or something.
21-Here is the link given in the newsletter-I'll let you figure it out. http://www.twopeasinabucket.com/shop/digital-category/this-week/digital-kits/
I've been digital scrapping for little bit, more of a supply hoarder for lot longer. I've noticed in the galleries that everyone scraps single pages. Why is that? Just because it is faster, or that is what designers want their CT to scrap?
As a paper scrapper, I would make 2 sided pages that matched for albums. Now, I want to move all the way to digital. Does anyone scrap that way digitally, two sided? Do any stores focus on two sided scrapping?
Lots of people do 2-sided pages and there are plenty of templates made for them as well. I do single 12x12 pages because I print them individually and put them in page protectors. I can't print a 12x24 and do that (at least not that I know of!).
I do lots of 2 page LOs. I was a paper scrapper too and I prefer the way they look in books. I usually post pages in gallerys individually.
Thank you for the store list!
went to peek at DSC to see if anyone is even left there designer wise...and my antivirus won't let it open...says "Web Attack" by mass injection trojan.
Wasn't there a scrapper at SM who scraps 2 pagers? She was in that designer contest or apprective program? I can't remember. I know there are a few that post pages. I can't remember names.
49-me too.
I can post a list, but DAMN. Do we want that whole thing posted?
43--They are U-G-L-Y!! WITH capitols and exclamation marks.
#52: Could you post the most common ones (SO, SM, A5D, TLP, TDC, SSD, etc.)?
Someone needs to weed through that list as many are not even open anymore.
Yeah, just the common ones would be great.
I looked at Brooke's gallery and you're right, she does seem to copy a lot on her layouts and none are cited.
There's absolutely no requirement to list a lifted layout. A courtesy, but not requirement.
There is no requirement, but she's been called original more than once at SSD and she's not. Just like most of SSD thinking they're original and they're not. She fits right in!
I'll add them as you request them. If I add the ones I know, you might figure out who I am. ;)
There's absolutely no requirement to list a lifted layout. A courtesy, but not requirement.
required or not, if you lift and don't credit, you suck
^^^ LIKE.
#60 - suck what exactly?
#62- Use your imagination.
Not to beat a dead horse...
"OMG!!!!! Teri here and GUESS WHAT!!!! The awesome and amazing Tracie Stroud has given me a $10 coupon to her store!!" {one winner will win it...whoop}
via Scrap Orchard Facebook status.
Suck up much?
Regarding the list...we often talk about closed stores so why not leave them? At least the more popular ones?
"OMG!!!!! Teri here and GUESS WHAT!!!! The awesome and amazing Tracie Stroud has given me a $10 coupon to her store!!" {one winner will win it...whoop}
via Scrap Orchard Facebook status.
Suck up much?
not sure how you mean that...........I read it to mean she has $10 to Tracie's store to give away, not that she has $10 to Tracie's store.
Yeah usually if it's posted via SO, it's a giveaway.
thanks for posting that list of stores above. wow, didn't realize there were so many digi-scrap stores! I guess I'm out of the loop because I don't recognize so many of those store names.
68- I think alot of them are closed.
Re: 2 page vs single page scrapbook layouts
I like the flow of an album with 2 page layouts, but I personally find them tricky to do well. If I can't think of a good 2pg arrangement, sometimes I make a decorative layout for the 1st page & then just a simple grid of photos for the 2nd page. (Or one huge photo on the 2nd page). The pages feel like they go together & it's quick.
#63 - stupid much? Since you put the much at the end of the sentence (what does even mean? Isn't that what the kids are doing and soccer moms do it so they look 'cool'?)
She meant she had a gift certificate to give away, how does that make her a 'suck up'?
OMG!! Have you seen the new FPD colors?? OMFG UGLY!!!!!
Digitals = Digital Scrapbook Pages
OMG!! Have you seen the new FPD colors?? OMFG UGLY!!!!!
OMG really???!!! Are you sure???!!!!! Wow!!!!! I think they are okay, the DST colors are much worse.
#71- I think you mean #64.
#75 - out of all the posts that have misquoted the number, you had to pick mine. I feel special.
#76- That is because I was poster #63. Your welcome.
Are the digital design classes at JessicaSprague's shop any good?
#72 you are right. The new FPD colors are awful.
How the heck can neutral colors be considered awful? Unless, of course, it's the neutrality itself.
I'm taking the Illustrator class and like it.
#81 - what are you learning? I've found a lot of free tuts on the net for Illustrator and they are easy to follow.
I'm usually fairly anti-FPD but those colors aren't that bad.
#83 - I'd have to agree - they are better than the old colors.
This is ass kissing.
or excitement.
Good gracious. You have people genuinely interested in a community. The horror.
I used to think a lot of girls kissed ass at Scrap Girls too, then after being a part of their community for awhile I realized: Hey, they're not kiss asses, they just genuinely enjoy being a part of their active site.
I'm guessing either a lot of you don't have that community style feeling, or you're craving it sooo bad you have to diss those who do. I know it's a smack blog but why all the ass-kissing talk really unless you want to be some of them?
Deep thoughts by Jack Handy. :D
Whether intentional or otherwise, I found their community friendly yet largely "christian" based. Mind you, I'm all for the freedom of religion (please do not turn this into one of those debates, this is just for backstory) but not being of "christian" breed, I found it slightly offensive and overbearing.
#87- More than one person feels this way. It's been said for years. I would say yes, it would be excitement if a few of those girls posted all the time. Yet, some just started posting again when the Babe call got posted.
#85- that thread didn't bother me in so much as the girl who started it seemed genuinely interested. its all the coy bullshit responses of "well one is a girl" etc that makes me want to vomit.
It is the oh-so-tired "so much inspiration" line that gets me.
I think that thread is just excitement. It does become annoying to play the "I know what you don't know" game. I think Nikki got a Babe spot. She isn't listed on the SO staff page anymore, and I think she was a site CT there.
#88: That's actually a turn-off for me for a lot of sites, not just Scrap Girls.
Yay! Disasterpiece Studios is back! (She's at TDC.)
I wonder if Digi Smacker is Disasterpiece Studios...
57: I looked at Brooke's gallery and you're right, she does seem to copy a lot on her layouts and none are cited.
There's absolutely no requirement to list a lifted layout. A courtesy, but not requirement.
You must also be a Brooke since you made the obvious statement above... No courtesy!! Not Original!! Anyway that's a great attitude to the original creator who has all the creativity!
95- Digi Smacker is a store owner.
#66: Yes, she has a gift cert to give away. You are confused by my post and I am confused by your post. We are at an impasse.
#77: "The awesome and amazing Tracie Stroud"
That's not sucking up? Is she really "awesome" and "amazing"? Really?
And I don't think one $10 gift cert deserves an "OMG!"
And the "much"...just something us soccer moms say to sound stupid. Get over it.
I've been digital scrapping for little bit, more of a supply hoarder for lot longer. I've noticed in the galleries that everyone scraps single pages. Why is that? Just because it is faster, or that is what designers want their CT to scrap?
As a paper scrapper, I would make 2 sided pages that matched for albums. Now, I want to move all the way to digital. Does anyone scrap that way digitally, two sided? Do any stores focus on two sided scrapping?
As a CTM, I have only been told once that we couldn't scrap two pages. I can't remember which store that was now. They said it was easier for marketing and their newsletter. In other words, it was too time consuming for them to add a double page that's resized under the other normal size examples!
I do make two pagers every now and then. Janet Phillips focuses on a lot of them but personally, I dont buy many of them since I can easily make some of the pages with out a template.
#97 that explains everything
Why is Funky Playground FPD, and not FPG?
Funky Playground Designs
Ah, thanks!
#22 - Yes, I do buy CU for purely PU. A lot. I don't need any more flowers and always need to recolors kits to match photos anyway, ergo, I don't really need new kits unless I am really taken with something.
#45 Yes I do scrap 2 open pages. There was a fantastic article about 10 ways of how to do it at the Daily Digi and I can't find it now.
Digismacker, just copy and paste that whole store acronym list in the sidebar, would you? I've been around a while and still have to stop and think about them sometimes.
64 - That's what they do.
78 - waste of money unless you need a daily email "You're great", and other students posting in a forum. If you are a self starter, Google is your friend
"I just read the thread posted in DST about closing the blog down. Here's my official statement.
I'm not going anywhere.
I have been talked about here, people I know have been talked about here, and people I don't know have been talked about here.
Unfortunately, we are in a business prevalent with people who should not be doing it. If your quality is bad, it will be talked about. If your manner is unprofessional, you will be talked about. And, sometimes, if you're just plain awesome, you will be talked about. (That's my category, for the record.)
Keep on keepin' on."
Digi Smacker, it sounds like you feel pretty strongly about taking a stand and continuing to drive this blog no matter who it hurts. Do you feel strongly enough that you are willing to put your name behind it? Are you willing to risk your designer reputation and the reputation of the designers who sell in your store in the name of ridding the digi community of “people who should not be doing it?” Or are you only willing to make “official statements” like the above, if you can hide behind a veil of anonymity?
We find it ironic that you have posted the acronyms of several stores at the top of this blog so that everyone will know which stores are being smacked, yet didn't post your own store there. We have also noticed that your own store has been “anonymously” praised and promoted on this blog, while other stores have been torn down and other store owners and designers have been ripped apart. Many here claim to not be promoting their own agenda, but you clearly are. What do you expect the designers, store owners and customers who read here will think of you when they find out who you are? Do you think they might assume that you want to see other stores and designers fail, so that you and your store can rise above? That you've been feeding the flames of lies and gossip to underhandedly damage your competitors?
It is important to know that it is difficult to maintain true anonymity on the web. Those who post here should realize that the owner of this blog can very likely see your ip address. There are trackers that are quickly and easily installed on blogs that provide that information. And many of them are free. Before you write something about someone that you don't want to put your name behind, you might want to consider that at some point, it's possible that what you said might come back to slap you in the face.
As far as Digi Smacker goes, you are not anonymous. We know exactly who you are, and we can prove it. So unless you would like to put your reputation and your store's reputation on the line, we suggest that you end his blog immediately and close all comments so that a new smack blog is not linked to this one. Otherwise you yourself might be the next designer and the next store owner who is ruined by this blog. Only this time it won't be based on lies and gossip. It will be based on the truth. We have the documentation to prove who you are.
I just read the thread posted in DST about closing the blog down. Here's my official statement.
I'm not going anywhere.
I have been talked about here, people I know have been talked about here, and people I don't know have been talked about here.
Unfortunately, we are in a business prevalent with people who should not be doing it. If your quality is bad, it will be talked about. If your manner is unprofessional, you will be talked about. And, sometimes, if you're just plain awesome, you will be talked about. (That's my category, for the record.)
Keep on keepin' on.
Digi Smacker, it sounds like you feel pretty strongly about taking a stand and continuing to drive this blog no matter who it hurts. Do you feel strongly enough that you are willing to put your name behind it? Are you willing to risk your designer reputation and the reputation of the designers who sell in your store in the name of ridding the digi community of “people who should not be doing it?” Or are you only willing to make “official statements” like the above, if you can hide behind a veil of anonymity?
We find it ironic that you have posted the acronyms of several stores at the top of this blog so that everyone will know which stores are being smacked, yet didn't post your own store there. We have also noticed that your own store has been “anonymously” praised and promoted on this blog, while other stores have been torn down and other store owners and designers have been ripped apart. Many here claim to not be promoting their own agenda, but you clearly are. What do you expect the designers, store owners and customers who read here will think of you when they find out who you are? Do you think they might assume that you want to see other stores and designers fail, so that you and your store can rise above? That you've been feeding the flames of lies and gossip to underhandedly damage your competitors?
It is important to know that it is difficult to maintain true anonymity on the web. Those who post here should realize that the owner of this blog can very likely see your ip address. There are trackers that are quickly and easily installed on blogs that provide that information. And many of them are free. Before you write something about someone that you don't want to put your name behind, you might want to consider that at some point, it's possible that what you said might come back to slap you in the face.
As far as Digi Smacker goes, you are not anonymous. We know exactly who you are, and we can prove it. So unless you would like to put your reputation and your store's reputation on the line, we suggest that you end his blog immediately and close all comments so that a new smack blog is not linked to this one. Otherwise you yourself might be the next designer and the next store owner who is ruined by this blog. Only this time it won't be based on lies and gossip. It will be based on the truth. We have the documentation to prove who you are.
"I just read the thread posted in DST about closing the blog down. Here's my official statement.
I'm not going anywhere.
I have been talked about here, people I know have been talked about here, and people I don't know have been talked about here.
Unfortunately, we are in a business prevalent with people who should not be doing it. If your quality is bad, it will be talked about. If your manner is unprofessional, you will be talked about. And, sometimes, if you're just plain awesome, you will be talked about. (That's my category, for the record.)
Keep on keepin' on."
Digi Smacker, it sounds like you feel pretty strongly about taking a stand and continuing to drive this blog no matter who it hurts. Do you feel strongly enough that you are willing to put your name behind it? Are you willing to risk your designer reputation and the reputation of the designers who sell in your store in the name of ridding the digi community of “people who should not be doing it?” Or are you only willing to make “official statements” like the above, if you can hide behind a veil of anonymity?
We find it ironic that you have posted the acronyms of several stores at the top of this blog so that everyone will know which stores are being smacked, yet didn't post your own store there. We have also noticed that your own store has been “anonymously” praised and promoted on this blog, while other stores have been torn down and other store owners and designers have been ripped apart. Many here claim to not be promoting their own agenda, but you clearly are. What do you expect the designers, store owners and customers who read here will think of you when they find out who you are? Do you think they might assume that you want to see other stores and designers fail, so that you and your store can rise above? That you've been feeding the flames of lies and gossip to underhandedly damage your competitors?
It is important to know that it is difficult to maintain true anonymity on the web. Those who post here should realize that the owner of this blog can very likely see your ip address. There are trackers that are quickly and easily installed on blogs that provide that information. And many of them are free. Before you write something about someone that you don't want to put your name behind, you might want to consider that at some point, it's possible that what you said might come back to slap you in the face.
As far as Digi Smacker goes, you are not anonymous. We know exactly who you are, and we can prove it. So unless you would like to put your reputation and your store's reputation on the line, we suggest that you end his blog immediately and close all comments so that a new smack blog is not linked to this one. Otherwise you yourself might be the next designer and the next store owner who is ruined by this blog. Only this time it won't be based on lies and gossip. It will be based on the truth. We have the documentation to prove who you are.
#88 - were you referring to scrapgirls or sweetshoppe?
I glanced at the new FPD design and I think it looks fine.
I don't like the FPD design at all.
I just read the thread posted in DST about closing the blog down. Here's my official statement.
I'm not going anywhere.
I have been talked about here, people I know have been talked about here, and people I don't know have been talked about here.
Unfortunately, we are in a business prevalent with people who should not be doing it. If your quality is bad, it will be talked about. If your manner is unprofessional, you will be talked about. And, sometimes, if you're just plain awesome, you will be talked about. (That's my category, for the record.)
Keep on keepin' on.
Digi Smacker, it sounds like you feel pretty strongly about taking a stand and continuing to drive this blog no matter who it hurts. Do you feel strongly enough that you are willing to put your name behind it? Are you willing to risk your designer reputation and the reputation of the designers who sell in your store in the name of ridding the digi community of “people who should not be doing it?” Or are you only willing to make “official statements” like the above, if you can hide behind a veil of anonymity?
We find it ironic that you have posted the acronyms of several stores at the top of this blog so that everyone will know which stores are being smacked, yet didn't post your own store there. We have also noticed that your own store has been “anonymously” praised and promoted on this blog, while other stores have been torn down and other store owners and designers have been ripped apart. Many here claim to not be promoting their own agenda, but you clearly are. What do you expect the designers, store owners and customers who read here will think of you when they find out who you are? Do you think they might assume that you want to see other stores and designers fail, so that you and your store can rise above? That you've been feeding the flames of lies and gossip to underhandedly damage your competitors?
It is important to know that it is difficult to maintain true anonymity on the web. Those who post here should realize that the owner of this blog can very likely see your ip address. There are trackers that are quickly and easily installed on blogs that provide that information. And many of them are free. Before you write something about someone that you don't want to put your name behind, you might want to consider that at some point, it's possible that what you said might come back to slap you in the face.
As far as Digi Smacker goes, you are not anonymous. We know exactly who you are, and we can prove it. So unless you would like to put your reputation and your store's reputation on the line, we suggest that you end his blog immediately and close all comments so that a new smack blog is not linked to this one. Otherwise you yourself might be the next designer and the next store owner who is ruined by this blog. Only this time it won't be based on lies and gossip. It will be based on the truth. We have the documentation to prove who you are.
Wow I just saw an inflammatory post about the owner of this blog. It was #108, but now it's been deleted. What's up with that, DigiSmacker?
#108- i think you are referring to this post:
I just read the thread posted in DST about closing the blog down. Here's my official statement.
I'm not going anywhere.
I have been talked about here, people I know have been talked about here, and people I don't know have been talked about here.
Unfortunately, we are in a business prevalent with people who should not be doing it. If your quality is bad, it will be talked about. If your manner is unprofessional, you will be talked about. And, sometimes, if you're just plain awesome, you will be talked about. (That's my category, for the record.)
Keep on keepin' on.
Digi Smacker, it sounds like you feel pretty strongly about taking a stand and continuing to drive this blog no matter who it hurts. Do you feel strongly enough that you are willing to put your name behind it? Are you willing to risk your designer reputation and the reputation of the designers who sell in your store in the name of ridding the digi community of “people who should not be doing it?” Or are you only willing to make “official statements” like the above, if you can hide behind a veil of anonymity?
We find it ironic that you have posted the acronyms of several stores at the top of this blog so that everyone will know which stores are being smacked, yet didn't post your own store there. We have also noticed that your own store has been “anonymously” praised and promoted on this blog, while other stores have been torn down and other store owners and designers have been ripped apart. Many here claim to not be promoting their own agenda, but you clearly are. What do you expect the designers, store owners and customers who read here will think of you when they find out who you are? Do you think they might assume that you want to see other stores and designers fail, so that you and your store can rise above? That you've been feeding the flames of lies and gossip to underhandedly damage your competitors?
It is important to know that it is difficult to maintain true anonymity on the web. Those who post here should realize that the owner of this blog can very likely see your ip address. There are trackers that are quickly and easily installed on blogs that provide that information. And many of them are free. Before you write something about someone that you don't want to put your name behind, you might want to consider that at some point, it's possible that what you said might come back to slap you in the face.
As far as Digi Smacker goes, you are not anonymous. We know exactly who you are, and we can prove it. So unless you would like to put your reputation and your store's reputation on the line, we suggest that you end his blog immediately and close all comments so that a new smack blog is not linked to this one. Otherwise you yourself might be the next designer and the next store owner who is ruined by this blog. Only this time it won't be based on lies and gossip. It will be based on the truth. We have the documentation to prove who you are.
what did it say..
#109- this is what it said:
I just read the thread posted in DST about closing the blog down. Here's my official statement.
I'm not going anywhere.
I have been talked about here, people I know have been talked about here, and people I don't know have been talked about here.
Unfortunately, we are in a business prevalent with people who should not be doing it. If your quality is bad, it will be talked about. If your manner is unprofessional, you will be talked about. And, sometimes, if you're just plain awesome, you will be talked about. (That's my category, for the record.)
Keep on keepin' on.
Digi Smacker, it sounds like you feel pretty strongly about taking a stand and continuing to drive this blog no matter who it hurts. Do you feel strongly enough that you are willing to put your name behind it? Are you willing to risk your designer reputation and the reputation of the designers who sell in your store in the name of ridding the digi community of “people who should not be doing it?” Or are you only willing to make “official statements” like the above, if you can hide behind a veil of anonymity?
We find it ironic that you have posted the acronyms of several stores at the top of this blog so that everyone will know which stores are being smacked, yet didn't post your own store there. We have also noticed that your own store has been “anonymously” praised and promoted on this blog, while other stores have been torn down and other store owners and designers have been ripped apart. Many here claim to not be promoting their own agenda, but you clearly are. What do you expect the designers, store owners and customers who read here will think of you when they find out who you are? Do you think they might assume that you want to see other stores and designers fail, so that you and your store can rise above? That you've been feeding the flames of lies and gossip to underhandedly damage your competitors?
It is important to know that it is difficult to maintain true anonymity on the web. Those who post here should realize that the owner of this blog can very likely see your ip address. There are trackers that are quickly and easily installed on blogs that provide that information. And many of them are free. Before you write something about someone that you don't want to put your name behind, you might want to consider that at some point, it's possible that what you said might come back to slap you in the face.
As far as Digi Smacker goes, you are not anonymous. We know exactly who you are, and we can prove it. So unless you would like to put your reputation and your store's reputation on the line, we suggest that you end his blog immediately and close all comments so that a new smack blog is not linked to this one. Otherwise you yourself might be the next designer and the next store owner who is ruined by this blog. Only this time it won't be based on lies and gossip. It will be based on the truth. We have the documentation to prove who you are.
Deleted messages show as deleted and there are no messages showing as deleted.
not if they're deleted by the owner.
I cleaned it up a little...long boring day at work.
3S - 3Scrapateers
ACOT - A Cherry on Top
AD - Armina Designs
AS - Ahhh Scrap
B2K = Bits2kits
CVD - Creative Victorian Designs
D2C - Design2create
DAD - DigiApe Designs
DD - DesignerDigitals
DD - Divine Digital
DDD - Digital Design Den
DDR - Digidesign Resort
DSPD - DigiScrap Professional Designs
Digitals - digitalscrapbookpages
DP - DecoPages
DPH - Digital Paper Hearts
DPI - Digital Pink Ink
DS - Delicious Scraps
DSA - DigiScrapAds
DSA - Digi Scrap Addicts
DSC - Digital Scrap Café
DSC - Digi Scrap Campus
DSD - Digi Style Designs
DSD - DigiScrapDepot
DSDI - Digi Scraps Drive-In
DSG - Digital Scrap Garden
DSI - Digital Scrap Ink
DSM - Digi Scrapbook Mania
DSN - Digitalscrapn
DSO - DSO- digital-scrapbooking.org
DSP - Digital Scrpabook Place
DSS - Digital Scrapbooking Studio
DSS - Digiscrapstation
DSS - DigiScrapShop
DST - Digishop talk
DT3 - DigiTop3
EDR - Elite Designer Resources
ES - Elemental Scraps
ESS - Welcome to e-scapeandscrap.net
FPD - Funky Playground
GA - Gabs-Art gabs-art
GDS - GoDigitalScrapbooking.com
GnG - Glam'N Glitter
GP - Gotta Pixel
GS - Gingerscraps
HW - Hummie's World
IL - Inspiration Lane
JDL - Just Digi Layouts
K-Joi - K-Joi Studios
KK - Kreative Kreations
LDD - LittleDreamer Designs
LLP - LilyPad
LYM - Log Your Memory (Log Your Memory)
M2 - Moo Two Designs
MA - Michelle's Angels
MD - Merkeley Designs
MMD = Micheline Martin Designs
N4D - Nuts4Digi
NDISB - Natural Designs in Scrap Booking
PBP - PickleBerryPop
PDP - Polka Dot Plum
PDW - Plain Digital Wrapper
PGD = Pixel Gypsy Designs
PGD = Pixel Gypsy Designs
PIS - Pink Ink Studios
ROH - Randi Oh Designs (.com)
SB - ScrapBird
SBB - Scrapbook-Bytes
SBE - Scrapbook-Elements
SBG - Scrapbook Graphics
SCT - Secret City Treasures
SD - ScrapDish
SD - Scrapper's Delights
SDD - Scrappity-Doo-Dah
SDK - Scrappin Digi Kreations
SG - ScrapGirls
SH - Scraphead
SI - ScrapInsider
SIS - Scrap It Sassy
SM - ScrapMatters
SML - ScrapMall
SNT - Scrap N Tag
SO - Scrap Orchard
SPD - Shabby Pickle Designs
SSD - Sweet Shoppe Designs
STS - Stuff to Scrap
SWAM - ScrapsWithAMouse.com
SWNM - Scraps Wraps-N-More
TDC - The Digi Chick
the O - Oscraps :: Digital Scrapbooking
TLP - The Lilypad
TSG - The Scrapping Garden
WSS - Wool Sweater Street
ZZS = Zig Zag Scrap
3 deleted posts with screenshots to prove.
Since you won't let us post on here, we'll just send an email to your designer email account and your store email account. Hopefully you don't have an admin monitoring your store's emails. Check your inboxes.
We're giving you a chance to walk away- a chance you don't deserve. This blog is not the only place to release information. We strongly recommend you consider what we are saying.
that's 4 posts now i've seen deleted after being up a few seconds. what's going on, owner?
#113- I have seen that before too. What were the posts about? I know #108 said it was about the owner of this blog.
They only show up as deleted if the comment wasn't anonymous. The blog owner can delete comments and it won't show up as anything at all. Maybe blogger is having posting issue?
#108- Maybe someone found out which store owner Digi Smacker was. If I knew, i'm not sure it would make a difference to me.
One of my comments back to someone just disappeared too.
It would to me if I knew she was deleting negative posts about her store and anonymously posting negative things about other stores.
#117- That's true. She did say she has been smacked here before. Not sure what's going on but this isn't the first time I have seen comments disappear like that.
It's fishy at best. The old smack blog had an absent owner, but at least we knew she wasn't biased. This blog owner has admitted to being a store owner and it seems that she's manipulating what gets posted here to put her store in a good light while putting a negative spin on other stores.
119- I agree!
#105- I was referring to Scrap Girls, even though they are a nice bunch of people.
I've had my comments disappear before when they were nothing to do with a particular store or designer. I highly dount it's the blog owner... more a blogger issue.
Comments used to disappear on the old blog, too.
I think Shabby Miss Jenn owns the blog. She doesn't get smacked that often anymore.
You must also be a Brooke since you made the obvious statement above... No courtesy!! Not Original!! Anyway that's a great attitude to the original creator who has all the creativity!
Yes, yes, I'm Brooke, even though I have no idea who the hell she is.
And the "much"...just something us soccer moms say to sound stupid. Get over it.
When you have to say get over it, you've lost the argument.
it seems that she's manipulating what gets posted here to put her store in a good light while putting a negative spin on other stores.
Seems being the key word here. Into conspiracy theories are you? I agree with the poster who said it was just blogger. It does crazy stuff sometimes.
I don't remember DigiSmacker saying she was an owner, I thought she was just a designer and she said she had been mentioned before, but not really smacked.
^^Agreed. It sounds to me like the op is bitter because they or their store got bashed.
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