I certainly don't want it to be 1200+ comments, but what do you guys feel is a good number? I don't want to be derailing important conversations about British English, after all.
Those of you agreeing that you don't see what the problem is with Nicole's post did not see the orginal. She states in her edit note that it was too offense. If you didn't see the orignal post, you have no idea what you are talking about here.
^^^^^ You are assuming that I didn't see the original post when, actually, I did. And no, I did not find it offensive. I thought it read as her opinion.
We can continue to argue over the sensitivity scale to death and never get the other side to agree with us. So maybe we can just accept the difference in opinion and move on? I think, offensive or not, it is not a wise thing for a business owner to say/do. I'm sure Nicole sees this too, hence the apology. Lesson learned for her (and most probably for other designers as well.) Some customers may gracefully accept it; some may not and never go back; some may think she shouldn't even have to apologize; and some watch from the sideline as entertainment -- like many of us. That's the way life is. *shrug*
Does anyone know what's going on with Zoe Pearn? She and some of the other SSD gals are discussing an alleged copyright infringement issue on Zoe's facebook page. Apparently someone copied her paper line and they are insinuating that it's a 'well known' digital designer?
Those of you agreeing that you don't see what the problem is with Nicole's post did not see the orginal. She states in her edit note that it was too offense. If you didn't see the orignal post, you have no idea what you are talking about here. ----------- You're assuming that she edited out things that she said. She didn't, though, she only edited out the 2nd layout she had posted as an example of the types of pages she isn't inspired to create anymore. Once people started commenting that they would be "crushed" if their layout was posted with reference to being "pointless", she realized that it could be taken that way and removed the image. She never removed/altered anything she had written. Very obviously YOU are the one who doesn't know what she is talking about, so please stop spouting off at the rest of us. If you DID know what you were talking about, you would have known what I just said to be true, and you wouldn't be furthering the conspiracy theories.
I agree with the comment 2 above mine, and let's just all move on. Instead, I want to know more about Zoe's copyright infringement. Who copied her papers?
From Zoe's post (she has taken it down because hopefully she will sue the pants off of them). She is stating her work was copied here: http://www.grant.com.au/index.php?PCID=14785&PSO=60&PSID=1569&PSV=Primary&CDO
What a good friend you are, spilling her personal business onto a smack blog (that she removed from her FB page for a reason, I am sure). I hope she figures out who you are and defriends you immediately. Ass.
I don't see it. I just looked through Zoe's whole shop at SSD and I don't see anything that looks exactly like this Babyboo Boy kit by Grace Taylor. It looks similar to Zoe's Alphabet Soup for Boys, but the animal shapes are very obviously different and most of the papers have no resemblance. Is this an infringement of a product that's not in her shop anymore? If not, I don't think she'll have a strong case. I had assumed you meant that someone literally "copied" the papers from one of her kits and was selling them as their own.
The only thing in her paper line that I could find that was vaguely similar to that link was this: http://www.mymindseye.com/AlphabetSoup/AlphabetSoup.asp
I just don't see it. Yes, there are elephants, giraffes, a bee but the shapes are all different and paper patterns different IMO. But maybe there is something else I'm missing.
I agree. If we're talking about Zoe's Alphabet Soup line, it's vaguely similar in that it's animals for babies and kids. Beyond that, it's clearly different work, different patterns, different papers, different everything. This Grace Taylor may have used Zoe's line as inspiration, which isn't right, but there's no way anyone's going to win a copyright lawsuit just because something's similar. In the scrapbooking world, something's similar all the time. There are rarely any truly new ideas, and it's up to each designer to try to make theirs as original as they can in order to set themselves apart. But there's no such thing as a copyright on the idea of having animals on scrapbook papers.
In the scrapbooking world, something's similar all the time. There are rarely any truly new ideas, and it's up to each designer to try to make theirs as original as they can in order to set themselves apart.
I think this is true in any design world. Was it Reservoir Dogs where the opening scene is the actors talking about how everyone copies everyone? Or was that Swingers copying Reservoir Dogs? It's all muddled. Been a while since I've seen either of those movies.
Post 16, I happen to agree with post 9. Whoever ran straight to this blog and posted links that Zoe was removing from her personal FB page is a giant ass. If it's not you, well then don't worry about it. If it is you, then yes you are an ass. Friends don't share their friend's info on a smack blog if it's private.
Has anyone heard of the Digitals CAKE? Is there anything good there? I can't stand another color swatch based kits, but was wondering. Did anyone bought something?
I don't see it. I just looked through Zoe's whole shop at SSD and I don't see anything that looks exactly like this Babyboo Boy kit by Grace Taylor. It looks similar to Zoe's Alphabet Soup for Boys, but the animal shapes are very obviously different and most of the papers have no resemblance. Is this an infringement of a product that's not in her shop anymore? If not, I don't think she'll have a strong case. I had assumed you meant that someone literally "copied" the papers from one of her kits and was selling them as their own. _____ It's not that.. it's a specific element in the kit that was stolen from Zoe, and I'm not going to say which element, since that was part of the post that Zoe removed.
I don't see links to Zoe's post, I see one link to the product in question.
I agree with the person who said if she posted it on FB, then it wasn't private. Sorry. If she had wanted it to be private, she would have discussed it in private. End of story. No need to shoot the messenger in this case.
This Grace Taylor may have used Zoe's line as inspiration, which isn't right ---------
Why? Do you know how many of those baby boy kit are out there and have been for a long time? Zoe did not invent that idea. Taking inspiration is not wrong. Copying is wrong, but inspiration is not.
Dudes, get a life seriously. Do you not have anything better to do? My PRIVATE facebook page is only accessible to "friends". It is not visible to the public. If I wanted everybody to know my business, I would post it in a public forum. I removed my post for LEGAL reasons - what part of that don't you understand?
And #25 I would very much like to "shoot the messenger" in this case :)
I know Zoe's Alphabet Soup line really well and I can definitely see what she sees. The colors and style are the same and the icons are small alterations from Zoe's. For instance the bee is nearly exactly the same except it has big eyes instead of small.
That being said, copyright is very interesting and unless something is stolen pixel for pixel, there is pretty much nothing she can do about it. I believe all you have to do is change something 15% and it's not considered illegal/prosecutable.
Whats funny is that most of the icons she used in her line were from a CU Font. So its really only the colors and some icons and treatments that were really hers to begin with.
Doubting seriously that post #27 is really Zoe, but the point made there is exactly what I was trying to say earlier today after one of her Facebook "friends" ran here with info. If you can see what's on a person's personal FB page (not business page), it is because you are friends with that person and if that's the case, you shouldn't be running off to spread the info you read there on a smack blog, of all places. Show some respect to your "friend" and don't share info you read on a personal Facebook page. If Zoe had wanted it to be a public convo, she'd have posted it on her business page. And to whoever said that a personal Facebook page isn't ever private: yes, that's true if you are an accomplished hacker. Otherwise, for the rest of us, we never would have been able to see that conversation if we weren't friends on Facebook with Zoe. So sharing it is, well, very "unfriendly." I said it before and I will say it again, I hope Zoe knows who spilled the beans here and unfriends that person on Facebook immediately.
I've seen those colors and ideas for a boy kit before, I think by Michelle Coleman or Katie Pertiet or someone like that, and that was about three years ago.
I've also seen that kind of bee everywhere, for heaven's sake, I've got one of those bees in my stash and it's been there for a really long time.
Doubting seriously that post #27 is really Zoe, ------
I doubt it too, just making a point.
BTW, you don't need to be an accomplished hacker to see a private page. It's really not that hard. It's on the web, enough said. It's much harder to see someone's private emails.
Has it been confirmed that it was her personal page? If so, why take it down? Her taking it down leads me to believe that she posted that on her business page.
The fact that #6 asked what was going on, again, leads me to believe that it was in a public place.
It is my personal page... I'm just friends with the wrong people apparently. Oh, didn't you think I'd find this?? I had thought that smack blogs kind of died a long time ago, but there will always be people with nothing better to do. Obviously the people here don't "know" me, and are just talking smack for the sake of it, because if they did know me, they would know that I wouldn't post anything personal on a business page.
And why wouldn't I comment? Why is that so hard to believe? You can all say whatever you want about anything you want, why shouldn't I? What, aren't the people being picked apart allowed to post comments or something? Sorry, I'm not familiar with smack blog etiquette. :)
Wow! Sensitive much? I think the person who posted from your FB got more smack than you did. People were curious about what was going on, I think it was more nosy than anything.
The posts you are making are making you look more crazy than anything said previously.
And no, most people do not come on here and admit who they are. They are smarter than that.
Wow Zoe, way to be over dramatic. No one is picking you apart and no one is smacking you. Get a grip. People are asking questions, that is all.
It's a simple truth though, if the dirt had been posted on a business page, that is unprofessional, that's all anyone ever said. If that's a smack and a pick apart, wow, news to me.
Smack blogs aren't secret, so I'm not sure why you would think that no one thought you wouldn't find this.
You clearly have nothing better to do either. Oh, you heard your name was mentioned? Is that why you came? Hmm.
You can talk smack all you want, and be as dramatic as you want, but remember, you may lost some customers. You just lost me. Way to go, well done.
Oh, to be a fly on the wall when Robin finds out one of her precious "professionals" is answering posts on the smack blog. I thought y'all were supposed to be above all the drama or something. Guess not.
I had thought that smack blogs kind of died a long time ago, but there will always be people with nothing better to do. Obviously the people here don't "know" me, and are just talking smack for the sake of it, because if they did know me, they would know that I wouldn't post anything personal on a business page. ---
You are right, absolutely. You wouldn't post private things on a business page. You are too busy coming to a smack blog and putting every one down. I'm super impressed with your professional standards.
Wow, someone here has a bone to pick with Zoe Pearn and is trying to stir up trouble for her, because no WAY to I believe that's really Zoe up above posting here. Not a chance.
Someone who's trying to create trouble for her, though, and make her look sorta crazy? Yes.
I am on Zoe's Facebook and I can't imagine her talking like this. She is quite upset that something on her personal Facebook page ended up her though. Why do these smack blogs like to pick on SSD so much?
And why wouldn't I comment? Why is that so hard to believe? You can all say whatever you want about anything you want, why shouldn't I? What, aren't the people being picked apart allowed to post comments or something? Sorry, I'm not familiar with smack blog etiquette. :)
Best thing to do when smacked is to ignore those doing the smaking as they only do it to get attention or put down others because they have nothing better to do with their sad lives. It's not worth the time to get upset over. I learned that a long time ago when the smak blogs evolved.
So this (from her FB page) "To whoever shared it, may I suggest you get a life, mind your own business, and perhaps... grow up??" and this (from here) "And why wouldn't I comment? Why is that so hard to believe? You can all say whatever you want about anything you want, why shouldn't I? What, aren't the people being picked apart allowed to post comments or something? Sorry, I'm not familiar with smack blog etiquette. :)" are so different? No.
Sad. No one was "smacking" Zoe at all until she showed up. (If it's indeed her.) People were just talking whether there's a case for copyright infringement. Designers really should learn that you can turn yourself from the hero to the villain of the situation just by posting here. Look what happened to Studio Demo and Shilo over half a year ago. Now hardly anyone remembers what Shilo did at first.
And why wouldn't Zoe (if that IS her) not want to defend herself? She's being talked about here and - if it was me - that would be enough to make me want to defend myself.
It sounds like Zoe. She's got a real hard-done-by chip on her shoulder. Total whiner. I'm someone else on her facebook private page. Hardly private with over 500 people on it.
And why wouldn't Zoe (if that IS her) not want to defend herself? She's being talked about here and - if it was me - that would be enough to make me want to defend myself.
Defend herself against WHAT? No one said anything about her - they were discussing if there was a legitimate copyright violation and nothing more.
Not the OP, but you are the one that is being stupid, even more stupid than I gave you credit for, and I didn't give you credit for intelligence in the first place.
IF Zoe really has 500+ friends on her "personal" Facebook page, and IF many of them are from the digi world, then yes, it was really stupid of her to have a discussion about business issues (like copyright violations) out in the open on her page.
That still doesn't excuse the person who came here and shared someone else's info, but it does say more about the fact that Zoe (allegedly) allows people who aren't really her friends to view her Facebook page, which is really stupid.
That's why you have a business page, Zoe. People you don't know belong there. People you do know belong on your personal page. If you went and mixed the two up, then you have NO BUSINESS being mad at whoever shared your information here, because you basically allowed a stranger to have access to it. My advice is that you trim down your friend list to just those you actually know, and then this sort of thing won't happen again.
It was over 600 at the time that all this stuff was posted. She's down alot now. I'm not sure if she's deleting people or if they're deleting her. But anyway... yeah it was her personal fb page with over 600 friends... many of them 'scrap acquaintances'.
I bet Robin is really happy with all of this. ------- Agreed. The ironic part is that it'd be tough to get rid of her for something like this, as I happen to feel that - even though her style/theme of kit doesn't really appeal to me - she's one of the most talented designers around. She's someone you definitely want to keep in your shop, but at the same time there's going to have to be some heavy-hitting discussion on this turn of events. Yikes.
This entire discussion on this blog and whatever is happening on FB (I, personally, don't use it at all), is just proof that even industry veterans aren't above making foolish business decisions/missteps.
I love Zoe's work even though it isn't my style. I hope she realizes that she really is making herself look bad (if it is her) and anyone here "defending" her isn't helping.
It's one thing to come here as a professional and express yourself as an adult. It's quite another to come here telling people they have no lives... and then telling THEM to grow-up.
I can understand being upset for having something on your FB page posted here, but nothing, nothing online is private. Not even your "private" FB page - whether it has 500 friends or 5 friends. This is something people need to realize and accept.
When you bring-up copyright issues, someone is always going to see what you're saying and many, many others will not. The fact that happens here is just warm-up for any legal action Zoe attempts to take. You really think lawyers are going to be nicer than some ladies on a smack blog?
The great irony of all of this is that there was absolutely nothing about this situation that was going to make Zoe look bad. So she learned that someone stole an image (or whatever) from one of her kits? Discussed it with some co-workers and friends on her Facebook page? Decided she might take legal action and thus removed the references from the web? SO WHAT? Nothing harmful there.
No, where the real trouble began was when she (or someone else) came to this blog to speak on her behalf, and acted like a child. I didn't think it was really her, until someone above (post 53) added comments that she posted on her Facebook page in response to all of this. Now, I tend to believe that it really is her, here on this blog, spouting off and telling people off. The comments all have the same tone. That said, UNTIL she did that, nobody here had anything bad to say about Zoe herself. It was just a civilized discussion about the potential merits of her case, and how easy it would be to win a lawsuit if it even came to that.
But now, Zoe, your actions in the past 24 hours have made you look childish, immature, and unprofessional. The analogy used above about Alyssa/Shilo last year is spot-on: at this point, nobody even remembers that Alyssa was originally the victim in that scandal. That's because the way she came to this blog and handled herself just diverted attention from Shilo's wrongdoings to Alyssa, and ended up ensuring that her place in digi history would be as a narcissistic, immature, semi-crazy moron. Zoe, walk away. You're simply too good of a designer to let this blog ruin your reputation, which up to this point has been spotless, so far as I can tell.
If I were Robin, I wouldn't have had ANY problem with any of this - until the point when Zoe posted here, and on her Facebook page, in response to the info having been shared here on the blog. Now, if I were Robin, I'd be holding a "closed door meeting" with Zoe about the way she represents the SSD brand. If we didn't see eye to eye after that discussion, I'd actually consider letting her go.
Disagree totally - Zoe did nothing wrong. On the other hand, the facebook leaker didn't do anything wrong, either. It was out there, no matter what Miss Zoe thinks. I must be more forgiving in the Christian spirit than I thought. Let's hold hands and sing Kumbaya.
P.S. The Blog Train will come out tomorrow - are you all so excited to start smacking? Here's an idea for one of the stops: That cheap dollar store palette - why doesn't somebody write an action that will automatically change the colors to somehting useable?
72, you're right that Zoe did nothing wrong initially. But in the past 24 hours, she's botched that up painfully. Your post is spot-on, if only it was written yesterday midday. At this point, however, post 70 is totally right and Zoe would still be in the right if she'd kept her nose clean and stayed away from this blog, and not issued rants on her Facebook page about the leak of info.
P.S. The Blog Train will come out tomorrow - are you all so excited to start smacking? Here's an idea for one of the stops: That cheap dollar store palette - why doesn't somebody write an action that will automatically change the colors to somehting useable? ----- I'm actually more excited that we'll get a new space here at the blog tomorrow as it's the end of the month. A clean unmarred space for us to muck up with our blog train picks and pans. Digi heaven.
I'm gonna take a wild guess and bet that Robin had that "closed door meeting" with Zoe because the rant is missing from her business page, now.
I was really shocked to see Zoe rant here. I'd expect that behavior from the likes of someone like Alyssa. But not from a career-minded designer, as I'd expect Zoe to be. Really ODD.
I'm so sick of people complaining about blog train colors. If you don't like them, don't download or don't take part in making anything. What I've learned from reading here, is that most of the complainers are totally wrong when it comes to the blog trains. I take part in these trains now and then and I get thousands of downloads - yes thousands. And yes I get it that some freebie hunters aren't too particular but the DST trains have been around for a long time now and a lot of those freebie hunters must have their EHs pretty full, so they probably don't have to download every freebie they come across. Yet, so many love the blog trains....mmmmmm.
And I happen to really like the colors this month :)
Why thank you so much!!! Yes, Im a pompous hypocritical bitch just like you. Make you feel better now? -----
Considering that you have no idea of the basics of grammar, I doubt you know what pompous and hypocritical means, much less bitch, which, by the way, I didn't use. Your need to name call indicates your intelligence level.
What I've learned from reading here, is that most of the complainers are totally wrong when it comes to the blog trains. I take part in these trains now and then and I get thousands of downloads - yes thousands. -------
How can they be wrong? It's their opinion and they didn't download or didn't like.
I'm sure the thousands that do download don't mind dollar stuff, I'm a little more fussy, I go to Walmart at the very least.
I'm so sick of people complaining about blog train colors. If you don't like them, don't download or don't take part in making anything. What I've learned from reading here, is that most of the complainers are totally wrong when it comes to the blog trains. I take part in these trains now and then and I get thousands of downloads - yes thousands. And yes I get it that some freebie hunters aren't too particular but the DST trains have been around for a long time now and a lot of those freebie hunters must have their EHs pretty full, so they probably don't have to download every freebie they come across. Yet, so many love the blog trains....mmmmmm.
And I happen to really like the colors this month :)
Every time I've seen Trish comment about blog trains and color choices in the past few go arounds, she starts out with the "I'm so tired of the complaining, so if you don't like it just don't participate!" rant. This makes me think that either you're Trish (please god find a person to do your palettes for you from now on! PLEASE GOD!); or else you have the same taste and the same mannerisms as Trish. Either way, it's bad for you.
The palettes for the past couple have been atrocious. January's was about as ugly as it comes. This month's is sickeningly pastel. It wouldn't hurt to have one month with something basic and simple, is all we're saying.
I take part in these trains too for the most part, I don't have time for all of them but you also need to consider that the high web hits also mean higher page rankings which translate into more traffic from searches. It's not just about the higher sales. But, for me at least, I see an increase in sales and increase in new customers during and for a period after the train. I wouldn't discount them altogether. You really need to look at the whole picture as annoying as I find the freebie hunters.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 285 of 285 Newer› Newest»Those of you agreeing that you don't see what the problem is with Nicole's post did not see the orginal. She states in her edit note that it was too offense. If you didn't see the orignal post, you have no idea what you are talking about here.
You are assuming that I didn't see the original post when, actually, I did. And no, I did not find it offensive. I thought it read as her opinion.
Those of you agreeing that you don't see what the problem is with Nicole's post did not see the orginal
How do YOU know that? You don't know what I have read!
We can continue to argue over the sensitivity scale to death and never get the other side to agree with us. So maybe we can just accept the difference in opinion and move on? I think, offensive or not, it is not a wise thing for a business owner to say/do. I'm sure Nicole sees this too, hence the apology. Lesson learned for her (and most probably for other designers as well.) Some customers may gracefully accept it; some may not and never go back; some may think she shouldn't even have to apologize; and some watch from the sideline as entertainment -- like many of us. That's the way life is. *shrug*
Does anyone know what's going on with Zoe Pearn? She and some of the other SSD gals are discussing an alleged copyright infringement issue on Zoe's facebook page. Apparently someone copied her paper line and they are insinuating that it's a 'well known' digital designer?
Those of you agreeing that you don't see what the problem is with Nicole's post did not see the orginal. She states in her edit note that it was too offense. If you didn't see the orignal post, you have no idea what you are talking about here.
You're assuming that she edited out things that she said. She didn't, though, she only edited out the 2nd layout she had posted as an example of the types of pages she isn't inspired to create anymore. Once people started commenting that they would be "crushed" if their layout was posted with reference to being "pointless", she realized that it could be taken that way and removed the image. She never removed/altered anything she had written. Very obviously YOU are the one who doesn't know what she is talking about, so please stop spouting off at the rest of us. If you DID know what you were talking about, you would have known what I just said to be true, and you wouldn't be furthering the conspiracy theories.
I agree with the comment 2 above mine, and let's just all move on. Instead, I want to know more about Zoe's copyright infringement. Who copied her papers?
From Zoe's post (she has taken it down because hopefully she will sue the pants off of them). She is stating her work was copied here:
What a good friend you are, spilling her personal business onto a smack blog (that she removed from her FB page for a reason, I am sure). I hope she figures out who you are and defriends you immediately. Ass.
I don't see it. I just looked through Zoe's whole shop at SSD and I don't see anything that looks exactly like this Babyboo Boy kit by Grace Taylor. It looks similar to Zoe's Alphabet Soup for Boys, but the animal shapes are very obviously different and most of the papers have no resemblance. Is this an infringement of a product that's not in her shop anymore? If not, I don't think she'll have a strong case. I had assumed you meant that someone literally "copied" the papers from one of her kits and was selling them as their own.
Maybe it's an actual paper line, not a digital one.
The only thing in her paper line that I could find that was vaguely similar to that link was this: http://www.mymindseye.com/AlphabetSoup/AlphabetSoup.asp
I just don't see it. Yes, there are elephants, giraffes, a bee but the shapes are all different and paper patterns different IMO. But maybe there is something else I'm missing.
I agree. If we're talking about Zoe's Alphabet Soup line, it's vaguely similar in that it's animals for babies and kids. Beyond that, it's clearly different work, different patterns, different papers, different everything. This Grace Taylor may have used Zoe's line as inspiration, which isn't right, but there's no way anyone's going to win a copyright lawsuit just because something's similar. In the scrapbooking world, something's similar all the time. There are rarely any truly new ideas, and it's up to each designer to try to make theirs as original as they can in order to set themselves apart. But there's no such thing as a copyright on the idea of having animals on scrapbook papers.
In the scrapbooking world, something's similar all the time. There are rarely any truly new ideas, and it's up to each designer to try to make theirs as original as they can in order to set themselves apart.
I think this is true in any design world. Was it Reservoir Dogs where the opening scene is the actors talking about how everyone copies everyone? Or was that Swingers copying Reservoir Dogs? It's all muddled. Been a while since I've seen either of those movies.
LOL all I remember about the opening of Reservoir Dogs was the conversation about tipping for service. Classic.
Post 9
Ass - as in you can kiss mine.
Post 16, I happen to agree with post 9. Whoever ran straight to this blog and posted links that Zoe was removing from her personal FB page is a giant ass. If it's not you, well then don't worry about it. If it is you, then yes you are an ass. Friends don't share their friend's info on a smack blog if it's private.
Was she talking about it on her personal page, or her public one?
Nothing posted on a Facebook page is "private." if she wanted it to stay that way, she should have discussed it OFFline.
Has anyone heard of the Digitals CAKE? Is there anything good there? I can't stand another color swatch based kits, but was wondering. Did anyone bought something?
No idea what you are talking about.
I googled and found this: http://digitalscrapbookpages.com/digitals/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=333&zenid=8f7ec9caa557edc6a40514910bafd4fa
I don't see it. I just looked through Zoe's whole shop at SSD and I don't see anything that looks exactly like this Babyboo Boy kit by Grace Taylor. It looks similar to Zoe's Alphabet Soup for Boys, but the animal shapes are very obviously different and most of the papers have no resemblance. Is this an infringement of a product that's not in her shop anymore? If not, I don't think she'll have a strong case. I had assumed you meant that someone literally "copied" the papers from one of her kits and was selling them as their own.
It's not that.. it's a specific element in the kit that was stolen from Zoe, and I'm not going to say which element, since that was part of the post that Zoe removed.
I don't see links to Zoe's post, I see one link to the product in question.
I agree with the person who said if she posted it on FB, then it wasn't private. Sorry. If she had wanted it to be private, she would have discussed it in private. End of story. No need to shoot the messenger in this case.
This Grace Taylor may have used Zoe's line as inspiration, which isn't right
Why? Do you know how many of those baby boy kit are out there and have been for a long time? Zoe did not invent that idea. Taking inspiration is not wrong. Copying is wrong, but inspiration is not.
Dudes, get a life seriously. Do you not have anything better to do? My PRIVATE facebook page is only accessible to "friends". It is not visible to the public. If I wanted everybody to know my business, I would post it in a public forum. I removed my post for LEGAL reasons - what part of that don't you understand?
And #25 I would very much like to "shoot the messenger" in this case :)
I know Zoe's Alphabet Soup line really well and I can definitely see what she sees. The colors and style are the same and the icons are small alterations from Zoe's. For instance the bee is nearly exactly the same except it has big eyes instead of small.
That being said, copyright is very interesting and unless something is stolen pixel for pixel, there is pretty much nothing she can do about it. I believe all you have to do is change something 15% and it's not considered illegal/prosecutable.
Whats funny is that most of the icons she used in her line were from a CU Font. So its really only the colors and some icons and treatments that were really hers to begin with.
Posting on an a smack blog and telling people to get a life is the height of hypocrisy.
You can shoot the messenger as much as you want, but you put the message out there.
Doubting seriously that post #27 is really Zoe, but the point made there is exactly what I was trying to say earlier today after one of her Facebook "friends" ran here with info. If you can see what's on a person's personal FB page (not business page), it is because you are friends with that person and if that's the case, you shouldn't be running off to spread the info you read there on a smack blog, of all places. Show some respect to your "friend" and don't share info you read on a personal Facebook page. If Zoe had wanted it to be a public convo, she'd have posted it on her business page. And to whoever said that a personal Facebook page isn't ever private: yes, that's true if you are an accomplished hacker. Otherwise, for the rest of us, we never would have been able to see that conversation if we weren't friends on Facebook with Zoe. So sharing it is, well, very "unfriendly." I said it before and I will say it again, I hope Zoe knows who spilled the beans here and unfriends that person on Facebook immediately.
I've seen those colors and ideas for a boy kit before, I think by Michelle Coleman or Katie Pertiet or someone like that, and that was about three years ago.
I've also seen that kind of bee everywhere, for heaven's sake, I've got one of those bees in my stash and it's been there for a really long time.
Doubting seriously that post #27 is really Zoe,
I doubt it too, just making a point.
BTW, you don't need to be an accomplished hacker to see a private page. It's really not that hard. It's on the web, enough said. It's much harder to see someone's private emails.
Has it been confirmed that it was her personal page? If so, why take it down? Her taking it down leads me to believe that she posted that on her business page.
The fact that #6 asked what was going on, again, leads me to believe that it was in a public place.
It was her personal page. And 27 was really her.
How do you know? Not being snarky, just curious.
In the interest of keeping myself anonymous, let's just say I do. ;)
It is my personal page... I'm just friends with the wrong people apparently. Oh, didn't you think I'd find this?? I had thought that smack blogs kind of died a long time ago, but there will always be people with nothing better to do. Obviously the people here don't "know" me, and are just talking smack for the sake of it, because if they did know me, they would know that I wouldn't post anything personal on a business page.
And why wouldn't I comment? Why is that so hard to believe? You can all say whatever you want about anything you want, why shouldn't I? What, aren't the people being picked apart allowed to post comments or something? Sorry, I'm not familiar with smack blog etiquette. :)
Wow! Sensitive much? I think the person who posted from your FB got more smack than you did. People were curious about what was going on, I think it was more nosy than anything.
The posts you are making are making you look more crazy than anything said previously.
And no, most people do not come on here and admit who they are. They are smarter than that.
Wow Zoe, way to be over dramatic. No one is picking you apart and no one is smacking you. Get a grip. People are asking questions, that is all.
It's a simple truth though, if the dirt had been posted on a business page, that is unprofessional, that's all anyone ever said. If that's a smack and a pick apart, wow, news to me.
Smack blogs aren't secret, so I'm not sure why you would think that no one thought you wouldn't find this.
You clearly have nothing better to do either. Oh, you heard your name was mentioned? Is that why you came? Hmm.
You can talk smack all you want, and be as dramatic as you want, but remember, you may lost some customers. You just lost me. Way to go, well done.
Oh, to be a fly on the wall when Robin finds out one of her precious "professionals" is answering posts on the smack blog. I thought y'all were supposed to be above all the drama or something. Guess not.
I had thought that smack blogs kind of died a long time ago, but there will always be people with nothing better to do. Obviously the people here don't "know" me, and are just talking smack for the sake of it, because if they did know me, they would know that I wouldn't post anything personal on a business page.
You are right, absolutely. You wouldn't post private things on a business page. You are too busy coming to a smack blog and putting every one down. I'm super impressed with your professional standards.
I don't know Zoe, but hasn't everyone at some point said something to someone that they shouldn't have? I know I have.
Zoe, I'd drop it here. You just make it worse for yourself.
Why do you think Zoe is posting as anon, so Robin won't know. That way she can say it wasn't her.
Doesn't really sound like Zoe Pearn at all...just saying.
Wow, someone here has a bone to pick with Zoe Pearn and is trying to stir up trouble for her, because no WAY to I believe that's really Zoe up above posting here. Not a chance.
Someone who's trying to create trouble for her, though, and make her look sorta crazy? Yes.
# 44 - it does sound like Zoe, sort of. I'm not sure, but I'm hoping it's not.
I think it is. And that's really unfortunate. Zoe, you're well respected. Stop now, it's only going to get worse.
Go back and read it again once you've calmed down. They were smacking the original poster more than you.
I am on Zoe's Facebook and I can't imagine her talking like this. She is quite upset that something on her personal Facebook page ended up her though.
Why do these smack blogs like to pick on SSD so much?
No one is picking on SSD, stop seeing things that aren't there.
The more some of you, whoever you are, keep defending Zoe and SSD, the more likely it is to get out of hand.
And why wouldn't I comment? Why is that so hard to believe? You can all say whatever you want about anything you want, why shouldn't I? What, aren't the people being picked apart allowed to post comments or something? Sorry, I'm not familiar with smack blog etiquette. :)
Best thing to do when smacked is to ignore those doing the smaking as they only do it to get attention or put down others because they have nothing better to do with their sad lives. It's not worth the time to get upset over. I learned that a long time ago when the smak blogs evolved.
So we may have sad lives. Maybe you do too, you read here, don't you? And if you say you read for laughs, you do have an even sadder life.
they only do it to get attention or put down others because they have nothing better to do with their sad lives
Not only hypocritical, you are pompous too. Congratulations on achieving a new high in your life. It must make you so happy.
So this (from her FB page) "To whoever shared it, may I suggest you get a life, mind your own business, and perhaps... grow up??" and this (from here) "And why wouldn't I comment? Why is that so hard to believe? You can all say whatever you want about anything you want, why shouldn't I? What, aren't the people being picked apart allowed to post comments or something? Sorry, I'm not familiar with smack blog etiquette. :)" are so different? No.
The idiocy continues.
wow someone has a very short fuse.
Sad. No one was "smacking" Zoe at all until she showed up. (If it's indeed her.) People were just talking whether there's a case for copyright infringement. Designers really should learn that you can turn yourself from the hero to the villain of the situation just by posting here. Look what happened to Studio Demo and Shilo over half a year ago. Now hardly anyone remembers what Shilo did at first.
And why wouldn't Zoe (if that IS her) not want to defend herself? She's being talked about here and - if it was me - that would be enough to make me want to defend myself.
It sounds like Zoe. She's got a real hard-done-by chip on her shoulder. Total whiner. I'm someone else on her facebook private page. Hardly private with over 500 people on it.
And why wouldn't Zoe (if that IS her) not want to defend herself? She's being talked about here and - if it was me - that would be enough to make me want to defend myself.
Defend herself against WHAT? No one said anything about her - they were discussing if there was a legitimate copyright violation and nothing more.
Defend herself against WHAT? No one said anything about her - they were discussing if there was a legitimate copyright violation and nothing more.
You really *have* to ask? LOL
You are even more stupid than I gave you credit for.
Not the OP, but you are the one that is being stupid, even more stupid than I gave you credit for, and I didn't give you credit for intelligence in the first place.
She's being talked about here and - if it was me - that would be enough to make me want to defend myself.
Why? It's an anon blog. Are you really that insecure that you need to defend yourself against people you don't know? Lame.
Why? It's an anon blog. Are you really that insecure that you need to defend yourself against people you don't know? Lame.
Maybe because it's a natural human instinct. Enough said ;)
Not only hypocritical, you are pompous too. Congratulations on achieving a new high in your life. It must make you so happy.
Why thank you so much!!! Yes, Im a pompous hypocritical bitch just like you. Make you feel better now?
Not only hypocritical, you are pompous too. Congratulations on achieving a new high in your life. It must make you so happy.
Yes, feels wonderful thanks
IF Zoe really has 500+ friends on her "personal" Facebook page, and IF many of them are from the digi world, then yes, it was really stupid of her to have a discussion about business issues (like copyright violations) out in the open on her page.
That still doesn't excuse the person who came here and shared someone else's info, but it does say more about the fact that Zoe (allegedly) allows people who aren't really her friends to view her Facebook page, which is really stupid.
That's why you have a business page, Zoe. People you don't know belong there. People you do know belong on your personal page. If you went and mixed the two up, then you have NO BUSINESS being mad at whoever shared your information here, because you basically allowed a stranger to have access to it. My advice is that you trim down your friend list to just those you actually know, and then this sort of thing won't happen again.
It was over 600 at the time that all this stuff was posted. She's down alot now. I'm not sure if she's deleting people or if they're deleting her. But anyway... yeah it was her personal fb page with over 600 friends... many of them 'scrap acquaintances'.
I bet Robin is really happy with all of this.
I bet Robin is really happy with all of this.
Agreed. The ironic part is that it'd be tough to get rid of her for something like this, as I happen to feel that - even though her style/theme of kit doesn't really appeal to me - she's one of the most talented designers around. She's someone you definitely want to keep in your shop, but at the same time there's going to have to be some heavy-hitting discussion on this turn of events. Yikes.
This entire discussion on this blog and whatever is happening on FB (I, personally, don't use it at all), is just proof that even industry veterans aren't above making foolish business decisions/missteps.
I love Zoe's work even though it isn't my style. I hope she realizes that she really is making herself look bad (if it is her) and anyone here "defending" her isn't helping.
It's one thing to come here as a professional and express yourself as an adult. It's quite another to come here telling people they have no lives... and then telling THEM to grow-up.
I can understand being upset for having something on your FB page posted here, but nothing, nothing online is private. Not even your "private" FB page - whether it has 500 friends or 5 friends. This is something people need to realize and accept.
When you bring-up copyright issues, someone is always going to see what you're saying and many, many others will not. The fact that happens here is just warm-up for any legal action Zoe attempts to take. You really think lawyers are going to be nicer than some ladies on a smack blog?
The great irony of all of this is that there was absolutely nothing about this situation that was going to make Zoe look bad. So she learned that someone stole an image (or whatever) from one of her kits? Discussed it with some co-workers and friends on her Facebook page? Decided she might take legal action and thus removed the references from the web? SO WHAT? Nothing harmful there.
No, where the real trouble began was when she (or someone else) came to this blog to speak on her behalf, and acted like a child. I didn't think it was really her, until someone above (post 53) added comments that she posted on her Facebook page in response to all of this. Now, I tend to believe that it really is her, here on this blog, spouting off and telling people off. The comments all have the same tone. That said, UNTIL she did that, nobody here had anything bad to say about Zoe herself. It was just a civilized discussion about the potential merits of her case, and how easy it would be to win a lawsuit if it even came to that.
But now, Zoe, your actions in the past 24 hours have made you look childish, immature, and unprofessional. The analogy used above about Alyssa/Shilo last year is spot-on: at this point, nobody even remembers that Alyssa was originally the victim in that scandal. That's because the way she came to this blog and handled herself just diverted attention from Shilo's wrongdoings to Alyssa, and ended up ensuring that her place in digi history would be as a narcissistic, immature, semi-crazy moron. Zoe, walk away. You're simply too good of a designer to let this blog ruin your reputation, which up to this point has been spotless, so far as I can tell.
If I were Robin, I wouldn't have had ANY problem with any of this - until the point when Zoe posted here, and on her Facebook page, in response to the info having been shared here on the blog. Now, if I were Robin, I'd be holding a "closed door meeting" with Zoe about the way she represents the SSD brand. If we didn't see eye to eye after that discussion, I'd actually consider letting her go.
Huge applause to you #70. Very well written and my thoughts exactly.
Disagree totally - Zoe did nothing wrong. On the other hand, the facebook leaker didn't do anything wrong, either. It was out there, no matter what Miss Zoe thinks. I must be more forgiving in the Christian spirit than I thought.
Let's hold hands and sing Kumbaya.
P.S. The Blog Train will come out tomorrow - are you all so excited to start smacking? Here's an idea for one of the stops: That cheap dollar store palette - why doesn't somebody write an action that will automatically change the colors to somehting useable?
72, you're right that Zoe did nothing wrong initially. But in the past 24 hours, she's botched that up painfully. Your post is spot-on, if only it was written yesterday midday. At this point, however, post 70 is totally right and Zoe would still be in the right if she'd kept her nose clean and stayed away from this blog, and not issued rants on her Facebook page about the leak of info.
P.S. The Blog Train will come out tomorrow - are you all so excited to start smacking? Here's an idea for one of the stops: That cheap dollar store palette - why doesn't somebody write an action that will automatically change the colors to somehting useable?
I'm actually more excited that we'll get a new space here at the blog tomorrow as it's the end of the month. A clean unmarred space for us to muck up with our blog train picks and pans. Digi heaven.
why doesn't somebody write an action that will automatically change the colors to somehting useable?
That would be the BEST addition ever.
I'm gonna take a wild guess and bet that Robin had that "closed door meeting" with Zoe because the rant is missing from her business page, now.
I was really shocked to see Zoe rant here. I'd expect that behavior from the likes of someone like Alyssa. But not from a career-minded designer, as I'd expect Zoe to be. Really ODD.
I'm so sick of people complaining about blog train colors. If you don't like them, don't download or don't take part in making anything. What I've learned from reading here, is that most of the complainers are totally wrong when it comes to the blog trains. I take part in these trains now and then and I get thousands of downloads - yes thousands. And yes I get it that some freebie hunters aren't too particular but the DST trains have been around for a long time now and a lot of those freebie hunters must have their EHs pretty full, so they probably don't have to download every freebie they come across. Yet, so many love the blog trains....mmmmmm.
And I happen to really like the colors this month :)
Why thank you so much!!! Yes, Im a pompous hypocritical bitch just like you. Make you feel better now?
Considering that you have no idea of the basics of grammar, I doubt you know what pompous and hypocritical means, much less bitch, which, by the way, I didn't use. Your need to name call indicates your intelligence level.
Have a nice day.
I'm so sick of people complaining about blog train colors. If you don't like them, don't download or don't take part in making anything.
I'm so sick of people complaining about people complaining abut the blog train. If you don't like to read the complaints, then don't come.
Yes, feels wonderful thanks
Good :)
What I've learned from reading here, is that most of the complainers are totally wrong when it comes to the blog trains. I take part in these trains now and then and I get thousands of downloads - yes thousands.
How can they be wrong? It's their opinion and they didn't download or didn't like.
I'm sure the thousands that do download don't mind dollar stuff, I'm a little more fussy, I go to Walmart at the very least.
Yet, so many love the blog trains....mmmmmm.
There's no accounting for taste.
I'm so sick of people complaining about blog train colors. If you don't like them, don't download or don't take part in making anything. What I've learned from reading here, is that most of the complainers are totally wrong when it comes to the blog trains. I take part in these trains now and then and I get thousands of downloads - yes thousands. And yes I get it that some freebie hunters aren't too particular but the DST trains have been around for a long time now and a lot of those freebie hunters must have their EHs pretty full, so they probably don't have to download every freebie they come across. Yet, so many love the blog trains....mmmmmm.
And I happen to really like the colors this month :)
Every time I've seen Trish comment about blog trains and color choices in the past few go arounds, she starts out with the "I'm so tired of the complaining, so if you don't like it just don't participate!" rant. This makes me think that either you're Trish (please god find a person to do your palettes for you from now on! PLEASE GOD!); or else you have the same taste and the same mannerisms as Trish. Either way, it's bad for you.
The palettes for the past couple have been atrocious. January's was about as ugly as it comes. This month's is sickeningly pastel. It wouldn't hurt to have one month with something basic and simple, is all we're saying.
Why doesn't someone just start a new blog train ffs? It's not like Trish is on top of shit anyway.
I take part in these trains now and then and I get thousands of downloads - yes thousands.
I'm impressed, but only if those downloads translate into sales, otherwise, it's just the freebie hunters.
I take part in these trains too for the most part, I don't have time for all of them but you also need to consider that the high web hits also mean higher page rankings which translate into more traffic from searches. It's not just about the higher sales. But, for me at least, I see an increase in sales and increase in new customers during and for a period after the train. I wouldn't discount them altogether. You really need to look at the whole picture as annoying as I find the freebie hunters.
#86 - you gave a reasonable response and I agree with you. I'm objecting to #77, who seems a little full of herself and her thousands of downloads.
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