Wednesday, May 1, 2013

May 2013

I've downloaded a dozen zips from the Digiscrap Parade Blog Train and I'm happy with what I downloaded.  Judging from the previews I've seen of the next DST Blog Train, I say the Digiscrap Parade blog train is a 100% improvement.  Well done contributors, I'll be looking forward to the next one!

What does everyone else think about it ?  Any gripes or praise you'd like to dish out ?


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Anonymous said...

199, I do. But then, aren't they owned by the same person? I don't know why they don't just combine into one store.

Anonymous said...

Yep. They are both owned by Joyce Paul

Anonymous said...

195 - Any job that has ever set out an announcement of those who were hired did send out a no-thanks before the announcement. Even a short form letter suffices.
And you're right, she's probably better off without me. Just like my $$ is better off spent elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

I agree - I have applied to many jobs and didn't get a call back - but I also didn't get an announcement about who got the job. That's totally unprofessional and inconsiderate.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand why the alpha in this preview: are soooo small..?? we should be able to see them, before purchasing..

Anonymous said...

I am starting to wonder if my expectations for curly ribbons are too high. I can't make them myself so I am always on the look out for CU and so far I have not found many that don't have blurred or washed out points.

Look at the detailed images on those - I would be ashamed to put ribbons like that in store in a PU kit, much less for CU.

Anonymous said...

#199- They are both owned by Joyce Paul. You would think she would have blog trains that were not so much alike.

Anonymous said...

#5 - Yes, you're right. And she's included a zoomed-in view on the detailed images.

Anonymous said...

I was disappointed to find out that I didn't make the Sahlin team. Especially since she didn't indicate in her call that those not chosen wouldn't be contacted. If she had said that up front I would feel differently.

Also a little put-off by what she said about how she chose. Apparently I am not inspiring enough. Oh well.

Just went and had some NSD retail therapy. I feel better.

Anonymous said...

#200 really? A slap on the face would be to tell you personally that your application sucked and that you are not worth having on the team because you are probably the type to run off to the smack blog and whine about it. Instead your name wasn't on the list of those that were accepted. Boo fucking hoo. You should really write the book on how other people should handle things properly because I am sure you are an expert on the lives of others more than your own.

Anonymous said...

STFU 210. If you are the type of trailer park trash with an overinflated ego that Sahlin and others with a similar business approach surround themselves with, you've made it clear that those of us who can use the English language without cursing and name-calling are cleare to good to spend our money on those designers.

There's a lot of choices out there and I prefer to spend my money on those who respect and customer service. There's nothing ground breaking or earth shattering about SS, and I hope the next person looking for Disney products that likely violate several copyrights shops elsewhere

Anonymous said...

#10- It was a tasteless way to reject an application. You mean to tell me that you would not in any way be upset by that?

Anonymous said...

11. Ok next time I will just use an acronym for fuck like you did. That is so much smarter.

12. No I would not have felt upset by such a thing.

Anonymous said...

12- clearly the answer is yes. There are two possibilities:
A) she is a heartless person with no common sense of decency and how you treat people
B) she's on Sahlin's CT, and clearly so high on herself and SS that there is nothing Sahlin can do that is wrong or offensive

Anonymous said...

6 - she has notorious bad cu. I purchased from her before, when I brought it to her attention that several of her items had poor quality, she had the nerve to try and teach me how to use her items and no refund or compensation was offered.

Anonymous said...

Just a rant-
Anyone BESIDES me, completely annoyed that blog hops have turned into FACEBOOK hops?

I don't like or have facebook, and I apparently can't "like" pages without logging in?

*Oh the horror* ha!

Anonymous said...

When I first started CT'ing, I rarely got an email back saying I was not selected to be on the team. There was a few exceptions to the rule, and even fewer that gave us that applied a coupon for a free kit or something like that. Whether I spent money, was their fan for ages or whatever made no difference and did not offend me in the least. If you're a fan of hers, get newsletters long enough, on her fb page, etc; more than likely you'd know she sends out announcements, no? If not, why do you think she wouldn't announce her new CT?

I would say that if a designer is in a more popular store, the outcome for applications would be overwhelming to say the least. Having to reply to each one individually may take up more time than you think. Sadly, it's situations like mentioned previously that make me wonder if common sense is as rarer than a smiling stranger.

Anonymous said...


Meant to say common sense is more rare than a smiling stranger.

Grammar forbid I let that one go.

Anonymous said...

Take a look at Disasterpiece Studios "Sproings", "Twiddles" and "Flitzgibbons" @ Sugarhill

Anonymous said...

curling ribbon for packages doesn't have much texture, which is part of the problem in that example. That kind of is what it looks like.

Disasterpiece is very good, but everyone has them.

Anonymous said...

What activities (besides shopping) is fun to do during iNSD weekend? I did a scavenger hunt, but am looking for something else to do.

Anonymous said...

Sahlin Studio isn't the first designer not to send out "rejection" letters. And she didn't send you an email headlined "I chose THESE people, not you!" Don't make it sound like she personally selected you to receive a "Fuck you, I didn't choose you" email. She sent out a newsletter, to which YOU initially subscribed. Why don't you and your big, bruised ego snarf down a gallon of ice cream and watch Downton Abbey?

Anonymous said...

Were you born this way, or is your pathetic attitude a result of your shitty life?

Anonymous said...

21: I don't do anything but shop. There are so many things to do but I'd rather spend my money and spend the rest of my free time scrapping. But I do know that SO has a ton of stuff going on and people seem to like the prizes.

Anonymous said...

23, why is it pathetic? The whiny attitude is pathetic. And this is a smack blog. I find "complaining about how you found out you weren't picked for a CT" completely smack-worthy.

Anonymous said...

Okay...I'm totally pissed right now. I hopped through all the blogs for the code for pixels & co coupon and one blog is in error. Kelly Mobley's blog and I can't complete the stupid code.
Why use a code I don't understand?
This whole code thing is so mixed up and confusing I'm getting really pissed. Do we get a free collab and journal cards with the code? I'm so mixed up. Whoever thought this would be a good idea for marketing and satisfying customers has no clue what they're doing.
Can someone please give me the code?

Anonymous said...

Funny 25- since most of the people hear think your shitty attitude and the way people were/were not told to be smack worthy.

Anonymous said...

I would rather get Sahlin Studio's rejection letter than Traci Reed's. Traci was a total asshole in hers. Hers was more of a "Fuck you, you suck" letter than Sahlin Studios.

Anonymous said...

#22- It wasn't that it was a rejection letter dumbass. It was the fact she sent the list of who made it to all the people she rejected.

Anonymous said...

The application was a google form. It would not have been difficult nor time consuming to send a letter to all she didn't take that said "thanks for applying. I can't offer you a spot". The announcement didn't need to be ego stroking or have a coupon.
Instead, it was announced in the newsletter (which in theory all who applied are subscribed to since they like her products) that said she looked at # teams and whether or not she found a gallery to inspire her for her scrapbooking when deciding who to take. Here are the names and click here to see them on my blog.
And oh yeah- don't forget it's iNSD and BYOC so come shop!

Anonymous said...

Hey store owners: it would be really nice if each and every product that's on sale actually shows up as ON SALE when I look at the item--before I actually add it to my cart.

I am not saying this with any malice (and so you're probably wondering why I'm on a smack blog to say it, but I know y'all read here). I just want to help you get money; and you'd actually get more of my money if I knew that stuff on my wish list was marked down cuz I'd just click "add to cart" on every single thing.

Anonymous said...

Well done, Sahlin Studios. Nothing says professionalism and class to a customer who applied to your CT by finding out they weren't chosen when the list of new members is in their email inbox.

Seeing as she loves to breach copyright, I'm not sure why you expected her to be professional in the first place. Her actions Seem par for the course

Anonymous said...

Like every job you ever applied for sent a no thank you letter.

Not the OP, but actually they have. Otherwise, how the heck would you know you weren't accepted? Think!

Anonymous said...

29, well maybe she wants you to know who made the cut so you can see what she actually likes? IDK. I'm trying to make sense of it, but it ain't working. (And that was the universal use of "you," not you specifically.)

Anonymous said...

I don't understand why the alpha in this preview: are soooo small..?? we should be able to see them, before purchasing..

I think she's showing the scale of the alpha to the page, not sure though. It should say so in the description.

Anonymous said...

STFU 210. If you are the type of trailer park trash with an overinflated ego that Sahlin and others with a similar business approach surround themselves with, you've made it clear that those of us who can use the English language without cursing and name-calling are cleare to good to spend our money on those designers.

So you used a well known curse word acronym and called everyone trailer park trash, but you aren't into cursing and name calling. Good to know.

Anonymous said...

Anyone BESIDES me, completely annoyed that blog hops have turned into FACEBOOK hops?

Yes but I'm more annoyed by the fact that a lot of the designers who offer the freebies don't show a preview of the freebie. I've have found several new to me designers by liking their freebie enough to like their FB page and seeing their other products.

Anonymous said...

Having to reply to each one individually may take up more time than you think.

I don't think anyone is asking for a personal rejection letter but a form letter would be nice. It's not that hard.

I see a lot of smiling strangers but then again, I smile at them. You get what you give.

Anonymous said...

31. why wouldn't you just write to the store and ask them about this? It is not as if this is the kind of request one needs to hide behind anonymity for. If you truly want action or to help people then take the most direct path to it. If you are here to complain it only looks like complaining for the sake of it.

Anonymous said...

Hell the word "fuck" itself is actually an acronym. Don't believe me, google it.

Anonymous said...

33. It doesn't take a whole lot of thinking to know that you didn't get the job if no one contacted you to tell you so.

Anonymous said...

It doesn't take a whole lot of thinking to know that you didn't get the job if no one contacted you to tell you so.

Any job that doesn't contact me to let me know I wasn't accepted is not a job I would want to work at in the first place. I agree that it doesn't take a lot of thinking if you haven't heard. On the other hand though, if there's a long wait time to know if you've been accepted, it's hard to know who is interested and who is not if you haven't heard.

Anonymous said...

Hell the word "fuck" itself is actually an acronym. Don't believe me, google it.


Only recently. The word has been used since the 1500s and it wasn't an acronym then.

Anonymous said...

42. When you audition for a play you wait until they post the cast to know if you made it or not. The people who did not make it look at the list and see that they are not on it. That is what this designer did with her CT thing. I personally don't think it is offensive. Is it smart business, maybe not. But only because there are a bunch of insecure, overly sensitive people out there who will be spiteful and nasty because they were not sent a personal email it may be safer to walk on eggshells and treat everyone with kid gloves. I bet many of the same people would bitch and complain even if they did receive a rejection email, either about the people who were selected not being good enough or some other rant like no one explained to me why I wasn't chosen. All crap I have read here before.

Anonymous said...

28 - Traci is a major *C word* with god awfully ugly ass children who has ugly kits as well. Why would anyone WANT to be on her team?

Anonymous said...

Sahlin has a few designers on her team... I wonder if they applied or if she sent them an invite? hmmm

Anonymous said...

Hey 45- tell us how you really feel about her

Anonymous said...

#45 I agree with you she's been known to snub some of the babes and only compliment's her fav. crazy I know but they all do the best with her kits so why only kiss up to one and not the others.

Anonymous said...

#45- I agree 100%. Traci is a huge *C word*. You would be surprised at the amount of suck-ups who kiss her ass everyday. She is by far the most stuck up her own ass designer I have ever had to deal with. What designer posts Instagram pictures of themselves sitting in their car? Traci does! We don't give a shit what you look like sitting in your car.

Anonymous said...

#48- She does that with her own CT also. If you guest CT for her, she treats you like shit.

Anonymous said...

The Babe call is up and running. They have a link to apply in the newsletter!

Anonymous said...

I don't like the fact that if i'm on a team, the designer doesn't even take 3mins to skim the pages and post a Thank you at the end. I devote my time to create something for you. I've had to walk away from those people because it's just not a good feeling.

Anonymous said...

oh and they are looking for a PSAction or Lightroom designer

Anonymous said...

Different people get offended by different hings. It doesn't help you to say 'that's not offensive' ... because all that means is it isn't offensive to you. There is n universal rule for what is and isn't offensive.

Anonymous said...

I am a healthcare manager, when I post a position I can get up to 500 applications. HR doesn't even look at them all, let alone send them to me. I don't interview all the ones that are sent to me. So no, not all applicants are notified they are not going to be considered. I do call all the applicants that I interview.

Anonymous said...

52 - you get the kit for free. that IS your thank you.

Anonymous said...

#45- I agree 100%. Traci is a huge *C word*.
I don't get it. What is she so conceited about? Her kits are average. There's a lot of 'em, I'll say that, but, they're really just okay. Her counterparts like KCB, Zoe P., J. Kniepp and Shawna Clingerman ALL consistently do better work than she does and they ALL seem to be much more pleasant and gracious.

Anonymous said...

I don't like the fact that if i'm on a team, the designer doesn't even take 3mins to skim the pages and post a Thank you at the end.
You should be thanking her for the free kit. Since I'm sure you don't and she doesn't thank you then it's even and a wash. Grow up.

Anonymous said...

The Babe call is up and running. They have a link to apply in the newsletter!
Anyone care to make a guess who'll get it?

Anonymous said...

55- so you send the list of those you hire to all the applicants? Do you have a professional relationship with all applicants?
If not- it's not the same thing.
Sahlin required layouts with her products as part of the app. She was clearly targeting her customer base.

No one is crying about not being chosen- the issue is the communication, or rather lack of. And I'll be honest, I won't be purchasing from her again. Period.

Anonymous said...

You would be surprised at the amount of suck-ups who kiss her ass everyday. She is by far the most stuck up her own ass designer I have ever had to deal with.
Unfortunately, I wouldn't be surprised because I can read it on forums and FB. Trish is the absolute worst offender though and that's ironic since they're both just average at what they do.

Anonymous said...

No one is crying about not being chosen- the issue is the communication, or rather lack of. And I'll be honest, I won't be purchasing from her again. Period.
I agree that she should have notified people who didn't make it BEFORE she notified those who did. That's good professionalism and the right thing to do.

Anonymous said...

I am a healthcare manager, when I post a position I can get up to 500 applications.
This comparison is so flawed that it's almost funny. It would be laughable if I didn't know you were serious.

Anonymous said...

42. When you audition for a play you wait until they post the cast to know if you made it or not. The people who did not make it look at the list and see that they are not on it. That is what this designer did with her CT thing. I personally don't think it is offensive.

Um, I'm #42 and I don't think it's offensive either.

Anonymous said...

Traci is a major *C word* with god awfully ugly ass children who has ugly kits as well. Why would anyone WANT to be on her team?

WTF? I don't like Traci but leave her kids out of it. That makes you the cunt, not her. Yeah, I'm brave enough to type it out unlike you, who's only brave enough to smack on children.

Anonymous said...

#45- I agree 100%. Traci is a huge *C word*.

Of course you do, it would look a little weird disagreeing with yourself.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

You should be thanking her for the free kit. Since I'm sure you don't and she doesn't thank you then it's even and a wash. Grow up.

She did, idiot. She made a page with the kit advertising it for the designer. That's a thank you.

Anonymous said...

She did, idiot. She made a page with the kit advertising it for the designer. That's a thank you.
Right and the designer GAVE her the kit to start with. So why does anyone need to SAY thank you to anyone? That was her initial gripe. She needs to grow up or quit the ct if she's that sensitive.

Anonymous said...

WTF? I don't like Traci but leave her kids out of it. That makes you the cunt, not her. Yeah, I'm brave enough to type it out unlike you, who's only brave enough to smack on children.
^^ Agree ^^

Anonymous said...

#45- I agree 100%. Traci is a huge *C word*.

Of course you do, it would look a little weird disagreeing with yourself.


LOL! Love it!

Anonymous said...

Traci is a major *C word* with god awfully ugly ass children who has ugly kits as well. Why would anyone WANT to be on her team?
It sounds like YOU wanted to be on her team and didn't make it. Why else would you be so venomous? Take a second and look at that post you made. It says a whole lot about you, not her.

Anonymous said...

She needs to grow up or quit the ct if she's that sensitive.
I agree. The designer is supposed to go through each ct page and write a comment on them? I don't think so. I let my ct know what a fantastic (or not) job they do and don't need to stroke them individually each time they scrap for goodness sakes.

Anonymous said...


Maybe the designer doesn't even say thank you in the private forum or wherever the CT and designer do their 'thing'. That's pretty low. No need for a comment on every layout but a thank you in the private forum would be nice.

Anonymous said...

Right and the designer GAVE her the kit to start with.

But only so the CT could work with it, not because the designer was feeling generous.

I don't know the kind of designers you've been working with, but every time a designer has given me a kit, I've said thank you and they've said thank you back for every layout I make. It's called courtesy.

Anonymous said...

The designer is supposed to go through each ct page and write a comment on them?

That's not what the OP said. From my reading, it seems the designer can't even be bothered to skim the CT kit thread and say thank you at the end, which is pretty low.

Anonymous said...

Hmm Charly is now exclusive at Stuff To Scrap? What happened at the other store she was in, Plain Digital Wrapper? They figure out what a loon she is?

Anonymous said...

If you are a designer and you can't take even an hour of your time thanking your CUSTOMERS who applied to your CT call for their time, you suck. It's called professionalism, gratitude, and courtesy. Sahlin needs to learn it.

Don't agree with bringing her kids into it, and I don't like/won't use the "c" word, but I do agree Traci Reed is an opinionated bitch. I defriended her on Facebook during the US election season because she was about as intolerable as an exposed nerve ending. Her mama obviously never taught her when to shut her mouth. If she has "friends," I would imagine it's because most of them are more afraid of being her enemy than they are glad to be her friend.

There are actually designers out there that don't say thank you to their CT constantly? As far as I'm concerned, I can't say thank you enough. They do a lot for me and I'm keenly aware of how much they help me. Shame on those who don't appreciate their CTs and express that appreciation as often as they possibly can!

Anonymous said...

#6 for curly ribbons Rachel's Scrap Store
The absolute best CU in the business. Her or Kim B. I wouldn't buy CU anywhere else. Always fantastic quality and always wonderful customer service. Good Luck

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Who is having the best deals on CU?

I would personally avoid shc it is too mainstream, not one original idea in the entire store and everyone uses those products in kits. There is better places to aquire some fantastic cu resources but I wont post them here. My advice to you is shop around.

Anonymous said...

I despise it when the children of a disliked designer are brought up disparagingly in a discussion. You can't sink much further than that. I don't know the designer in question, I don't shop at that store, but please leave the children out.

Anonymous said...

55 said "I am a healthcare manager, when I post a position I can get up to 500 applications. HR doesn't even look at them all, let alone send them to me. I don't interview all the ones that are sent to me. So no, not all applicants are notified they are not going to be considered. I do call all the applicants that I interview."
I was thinking about how the "higher up" you go in the corporate ladder, the less likely you are to get a "thanks but no thanks" letter/email/phone call. (The only time I ever got a "thanks but no thanks" call was when they wanted to keep my resume for future reference and they wanted to leave me with a good impression of the company.) I applied for some major jobs a few years back and I didn't get any acknowledgement from the places that didn't interview me, let alone the places that flat-out did NOT want an interview. There is no way a large company with 1,000s of employees is going to spend time writing letters/making phone calls to people they do NOT want to hire--a company is too busy keeping tabs on the people who work for them. And that costs money simply because it takes time to deal with that. Why should it be different in DS?

So I guess that if I can't expect a rejection letter IRL then why should I expect it in digital scrapping? Scrappers seem to feel very entitled. "I want a thank you comment on my LO!" "I want a designer to send me a nicely worded rejection letter!" "I want at least half off for iNSD or I won't buy anything!" It's fine to want those things, don't get me wrong. Thankfully there are lots of stores and lots of designers and lots of sales, so hopefully there's a sale/store/designer/CT call that you can find and be happy with.

Anonymous said...

#66- Sorry you lose. We are not the same person. I took her use of the statement *C word* because I don't like to use the word. I didn't realize *C word* was trademarked to the person who said it first.

Anonymous said...

#26: To get the kit, the code is GETMOREORLESSTODAY13. To get the coordinating journal cards, the code is P&COCTROCKSYOURSOCKSTHISINSD13.

You're welcome. :)

Anonymous said...

It's fucking hilarious that a ct is complaining because they don't get a great big thank you. Clearly there are several people ready and willing to take your place go elsewhere.

You got something for free and you worked with it in return. It's tit for tat. No thanks necessary. A designer shouldn't thank you for working with something you got for FREE.

Maybe you should go back to paying for the kits, cheap fuck. Yeah I said it. I'm a ct, too, but I think a lot of ct's just do it for the free stuff because they're too cheap to buy it. Now you want a thank you when you are the one who, in the end, is saving money by not having to buy the kit in the first damn place? Get over yourself.

Anonymous said...

I don't expect my boss to thank me for everything I type up or file away or do for the company. I do the work I'm paid to do. My thank you is the fact that I still have a job and a paycheck at the end of the week. As long as I'm not being abused or harassed I don't need a thank you for doing what I should be doing anyway because I'm paid for it.

Likewise, ct's shouldn't need 'gratitude' for something they are ultimately paid to do with free product. As long as the designer isn't abusive or even unpleasant to work with it shouldn't be an issue of "thanks" or no "thanks". JMO.

Anonymous said...

#85- You sound just like a designer. If you are, you should be lucky people even want to be on your CT so get the fuck over YOURSELF.

Anonymous said...

I don't know about anyone else but I am pissed off that my boss doesn't thank me every day just for showing up for work. I'm sure he is pissed off that I don't thank him every day for having a job.

All of the petty complaints I see of designers or store owners read like nothing more than a pathetic attempt to sabotage competition. Even if you are not a competitive designer it is pretty obvious that far too many women love to bash other women just for the hell of it.

Anonymous said...

The iNSD sales don't seem to be that great this year.

Anonymous said...

Luiza Garay is still using 4shared for downloads, I'll pass. Everyone else on the Sugarhill hop had direct download.

Anonymous said...

Even if you are not a competitive designer it is pretty obvious that far too many women love to bash other women just for the hell of it.
This is precisely why women do each other in so often in the business world. So often, they're their own worst enemies. Very sad.

Anonymous said...

Mainstream CU made me laugh a bit. I always assumed good designers take CU to create something unique thus making it not 100% obvious where it came from.

Moving from that... I often find good CU at scrapbook graphics and sometimes scrap orchard as well.

Anonymous said...

88 - Spot on.

Obviously a lot of you have been out of the workforce for some time.

Most employers don't call you if they are not going to offer you the position. Regardless of whether or not you made it to the point of actually being interviewed. This whole "it's rude of them" is completely unrealistic in the business world.

Come back to reality ladies. CTM's don't work for free, they work for product. Most people don't expect to be thanked every time they get something done that they're paid to do.

Anonymous said...

There is no way a large company with 1,000s of employees is going to spend time writing letters/making phone calls to people they do NOT want to hire--a company is too busy keeping tabs on the people who work for them. And that costs money simply because it takes time to deal with that. Why should it be different in DS?

Because they aren't large companies with 1000s of employees, that's why.

Anonymous said...

You all must have some crappy bosses. Every boss I have ever worked for has thanked me for my work. Maybe I've been lucky and had great bosses (and I haven't really, because one was a real bastard but even he thanked me for typing up his correspondence etc.) or maybe your work isn't good enough to thank you for it.

Anonymous said...

Obviously a lot of you have been out of the workforce for some time.

Most employers don't call you if they are not going to offer you the position. Regardless of whether or not you made it to the point of actually being interviewed. This whole "it's rude of them" is completely unrealistic in the business world.

Come back to reality ladies. CTM's don't work for free, they work for product. Most people don't expect to be thanked every time they get something done that they're paid to do.

Or obviously not. Maybe I just live in a place that still extends common courtesies. No one is talking about a phone call but a form letter or email to all those rejected is easy to knock off in about 15 minutes, if not less.

And if you've been interviewed and not contacted, that is bad business, regardless of what you think.

I live in reality, thank you very much, and by the sounds of it, a much nicer reality than most of you so I won't be joining you in yours.

It has made me realize why so many of the US companies etc that hit our shores don't last and have to pack their bags and go home after a few years. Clearly it's bad business practices and treating their employees and potential employees like shit. Some of them include the Disney stores, Starbucks and Borders (long before they went broke in the US).

Anonymous said...

Even if you are not a competitive designer it is pretty obvious that far too many women love to bash other women just for the hell of it.
This is precisely why women do each other in so often in the business world. So often, they're their own worst enemies. Very sad.

Men too.

Anonymous said...

A designer shouldn't thank you for working with something you got for FREE.


But as a CT I didn't get it for free. Free implies no obligation, no strings attached. I have to work with the kit, so therefore it's not free.

Anonymous said...

If there wasn't going to be at least a form rejection email sent out, it would have taken 30 seconds to mention that in the call. Then it wouldn't have been a big deal.

I see it differently since digi-designers rely on the relationship, real or perceived, with their customers for sales. You should do what you can to avoid pissing them off. Corporations don't have a personal relationship with their customers. Nor are they typically asking customers to come work for them.

I've seen other designers note in their calls that no rejection notices would be sent and guess what? They weren't smacked when they announced their CT. Simple.

And a copy/paste in the BCC of a mass email of all that were rejected wouldn't have taken more than 5 minutes and it would have kept her name off the smack blog.

Anonymous said...

I agree. If was a google form app- easy to create one form email no thanks.

And for those that keep discussing corporate business. The businesses that don't hire you- do you show there? Have lots of choices but choose them? Did they contact you with the next sales ad and a list of whom they did hire??

Anonymous said...

And a copy/paste in the BCC of a mass email of all that were rejected wouldn't have taken more than 5 minutes and it would have kept her name off the smack blog.

No it wouldn't. Sahlin Studios has been all over the smack blog since she decided that Disney copyright doesn't apply to her and her BFF Britt. This CT thing is just her latest fuck you to the people who worship her.

Anonymous said...

96: Borders actually had customer service and tried to help the people who walked through its doors. But they couldn't compete with the low prices from Amazon. When e-readers became prevalent, they just couldn't do anything more to stay in business. So...their "small business" approach to selling books was the last nail in the coffin.

So it's kind of funny to me that you used a business known for wanting to be kind as an example of a business that didn't last in your country--"long before" it went out of business in the big, bad USA. Your country doesn't like helpful/knowledgeable staff?

And another thing: You named Starbucks, also a business that prides itself on taking care of its employees (as well as the earth and, in this economy, EVERYONE, regardless of where they work). Starbucks is a chain but they try to pay attention to local customs. They may not always get it right, that's for sure--especially in terms of how strong local peoples like their coffee. So if the Starbucks near you failed then perhaps it's your fault for not liking their coffee and not the fault of the all-bad, all-horrible, all-greedy US company.

Please stop stereotyping the US.

Anonymous said...

100: I'm sorry I'm late to this party, but I'm confused: she sent everyone who applied a "no thank you" email? Or do you mean her newsletter? I didn't apply but I did get her newsletter, where she (like every designer) announces the new CTMs.

If she sent an email that announced the winners to everyone who applied, that is very very very odd. She could have just said "Thanks, but I am not adding you to my team" cuz she's already sending everyone a letter. Why not make it a polite one instead of a completely obnoxious one?

Anonymous said...

Is it worth applying at SSD for the Sugar Babe position if I'm not a regular? By the sounds of it, it's like highschool over there.

Anonymous said...

So if the Starbucks near you failed then perhaps it's your fault for not liking their coffee and not the fault of the all-bad, all-horrible, all-greedy US company.


Anonymous said...

So if the Starbucks near you failed then perhaps it's your fault for not liking their coffee and not the fault of the all-bad, all-horrible, all-greedy US company. Please stop stereotyping the US.

I didn't. I made an observation on what has been said on here. The only person stereotyping, in fact, was you. Ironic, don't you think?

One of the reasons that both Starbucks and Borders failed where I live is because they charged far too much compared to the local product. It has nothing to do with 'big horrible corporation whatever', which I never mentioned, nor implied, not once. You said that, not me. I wonder why?

I wasn't talking about customer service, was I? No, I was talking about employers and employees and the treatment thereof. Your CS examples are completely irrelevant to the conversation.

Anonymous said...

100: I'm sorry I'm late to this party, but I'm confused: she sent everyone who applied a "no thank you" email? Or do you mean her newsletter? I didn't apply but I did get her newsletter, where she (like every designer) announces the new CTMs.

If she sent an email that announced the winners to everyone who applied, that is very very very odd. She could have just said "Thanks, but I am not adding you to my team" cuz she's already sending everyone a letter. Why not make it a polite one instead of a completely obnoxious one?

In the CT call, it was just stated that a decision would be made by May 3rd. There was no email sent to those that weren't accepted, just a newsletter announcing her new CT in which she stated that she chose them because of how inspired she felt when looking at their pages.

So, those that applied, but weren't chosen found out in an email that announced her new CT and then went on to talk about her NSD sales.

So, IMO she could have emailed a mass email to those not chosen, thanking them for applying before she sent out the announcement or just put in her call that applicants not chosen would not be contacted.

I just think that most people that applied would also subscribe to her newsletter as fans/customers.

No it wouldn't. Sahlin Studios has been all over the smack blog since she decided that Disney copyright doesn't apply to her and her BFF Britt. This CT thing is just her latest fuck you to the people who worship her.



Anonymous said...

So if the Starbucks near you failed then perhaps it's your fault for not liking their coffee and not the fault of the all-bad, all-horrible, all-greedy US company.

My fault? For the whole of a franchise to fail? Wow, I'm impressed with myself! Who knows what other corporations and franchises I can bring down!

Anonymous said...

Your country doesn't like helpful/knowledgeable staff?

This is not under discussion, so why bring it up?

Anonymous said...

98 - Likewise the ct has been paid for the work he/she has done and shouldn't be bitching about being not thanked enough.

That being said, maybe you should talk about this with the designer instead of simply bringing it here. If you have talked to the designer, and you still don't like the results, then find another team. There are too many designers out there to waste time being on a team you don't like.

Anonymous said...


perhaps you shouldn't assume that I was the one complaining in the first place, because I wasn't.

Anonymous said...

108, that was a play on words: "you" meaning "generic humanity" as well as the normal meaning of "you." That being said, when compared with most peoples of most European cultures, most (US of) Americans like weak coffee. So perhaps Starbucks failed in your country ("your country" meaning "the country to which the original basher of America referred) because "you" (meaning the people of the country, not you individually) don't like Starbucks' coffee.

109 (which I'm assuming is the same person as 108...but you know what they say about ASSumptions!): what do you mean, that's not under discussion? The person mentioned US-based companies that failed in her (or his... or should I say "your"?) country. So, if said person brings up companies and how they failed, are we not allowed to ask why they may have failed? Seems a bit touchy to ask why bring it up.

Anonymous said...

106, a statement was made that a designer needs to be polite when issuing "rejection" emails. (Sorry for the term "rejection emails, but I can't think of a nicer way to put it). If you didn't make the team, then you're a customer (or potential customer). (And in case it isn't clear, that's the universal use of "you," not a specific to just YOU "you.") So yes, it's about customer service: everyone is complaining that Sahlin Studio handled this incorrectly. Whether an applicant actually purchased her items before the call is irrelevant: Sahlin The Business Owner mishandled this situation. It is most definitely about customer service.

Your prejudice is so engrained that you can't even see what you did, so let me explain. You put "US" before "companies." So yes, you are the one who stereotyped by saying those companies treated employees and customers like shit. You implied that US companies are horrible--well, you didn't imply it, you said "US companies" and "[c]learly it's bad business practices and treating their employees and potential employees like shit." You equated US companies with negative descriptors. If you had just said "sometimes companies treat their employees like shit and those companies usually fail," then that would have been a blanket statement about ANY company. You specifically mentioned US companies not lasting because they are bad. You made it about the US and you said those US companies "treat their employees like shit." If you didn't mean the US companies, then you shouldn't have said "US." And like many people with a prejudice, you can't even see the error of your words/beliefs.

Anonymous said...

111 - I didn't assume you were the one complaining. I simply added to the conversation, much like you did.

I didn't say "YOU shouldn't be bitching". My statement was general. If one can say the designer isn't giving something away for free because they are getting something out of it, the ct is also getting something out of the deal as well, and therefore shouldn't expect more from it than it is, a business transaction.

However, if it does bother you (in a general sense you, not 111 specifically) then they should talk to the designer or just simply move on.

Anonymous said...

he country to which the original basher of America referred

Nobody bashed America. Get a grip.

Anonymous said...

109 (which I'm assuming is the same person as 108...but you know what they say about ASSumptions!): what do you mean, that's not under discussion?

Customer service was not under discussion. That's what I meant. Pretty obvious seeing as that is what I was replying to specifically.

Anonymous said...

You specifically mentioned US companies not lasting because they are bad. You made it about the US and you said those US companies "treat their employees like shit." If you didn't mean the US companies, then you shouldn't have said "US." And like many people with a prejudice, you can't even see the error of your words/beliefs.

You are so wrong, it's not funny. Fact: US companies failed on these shores. That's a fact, not prejudice. You are so willing to see people being prejudiced, you can't see beyond it. Everything is prejudicial, which makes you the prejudiced one.

Anonymous said...

You equated US companies with negative descriptors. If you had just said "sometimes companies treat their employees like shit and those companies usually fail," then that would have been a blanket statement about ANY company. You specifically mentioned US companies not lasting because they are bad. You made it about the US and you said those US companies


No honey, you did. You made into a prejudice war.

Anonymous said...

Seriously, all companies fail on all shores for all kinds of reasons regardless of where they are based.

Anonymous said...

So bored of this discussion. Can we talk about something else? Anyone got any good deals or coupons today? Anyone had fun? I splurged on a ton of stuff I probably don't need, and it felt good. I'll probably feel guilty tomorrow though.

Anonymous said...

Was anyone else disappointed with the SHCO blog train? I think I only downloaded from two of the stops. Everyone made some really basic stuff, for the most part. It all felt kinda like they mailed it in to me :(

Ladies from SHCO, a freebie is your best chance to win over a new customer. I shopped this weekend with the people who tried a little!

Anonymous said...

121 - Basic things are sometimes overlooked and needed. It's free and I'd be thankful

Anonymous said...

I AM thankful to the two people who made something worth downloading. And I shopped with them to show my gratitude.

Funny how the tide turns here. Any other day, everyone would be screaming about basic, boring CU items and the "same old, same old." But, I guess because it's free, we don't get to have an expectation that they would try a little? whatever.

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure non of the designers at Sugarhill hurt this weekend because of their same old, boring freebies

Anonymous said...

I'm curious which two you thought put in effort. @ 123

Anonymous said...

104- If you want to apply, apply. If you think it's high school, why in the world would you want to apply?

Anonymous said...

104- Not all the babes they took in last time were part of the hangout in the forums or gallery. If you like the designers and feel like you can create with all of their work then apply.
I'm on CT's and I don't talk to anyone one on one outside of the forums. I can't imagine they all act like High School Students so do what you feel is right.

Anonymous said...

Those FWP items over at SSD are just fugly. Seriously fugly

Anonymous said...

I've been gone from digi way too long-what happened with Design House Digital? I thought Gennifer was owner or part-owner in that? Now she owns Pixel & Co?

Anonymous said...

from Micheline Martin's facebook page:

"Hey guys!! So I was thinking that I don't do CT calls ever and I'm sure there are some of you that would kill to be on my CT Team ♥ . I've only done private invites but RIGHT NOW I'm making an exception. Comment on THIS POST with a link to your gallery. And later today (around evening time) I'll do a RANDOM draw (So it's fair for everyone) and 2 lucky people will win a guest spot on my team for 3 months. Requirements are FREE STYLE. You get what you want to work with (but you must hand in a layout obviously) You will get access to my Private CT Forum along with access to my Private CT Area on Facebook ♥. Good Luck Guys!!"

........ain't nothin' like sounding really damn conceited to get people to want to be on your team, Micheline! wow, just wow.

Anonymous said...

123 I don't see anything different on that blog train than I normally see in Sugar Hill's shop. I'm not saying that to say that what's in the shop is bad either. I just don't really see a difference. It's all just basic CU.

Personally, I am more likely to buy the basic products because I can customize them to my own designs and blend them in so my work doesn't scream "CU!". I don't buy things that are so specific that they're recognizable right away. To each his (or her) own I guess.

Anonymous said...

130 - Random, my ass. If she draws someone who she doen't know or doesn't like, there's NO WAY she'll offer them a spot.

Anonymous said...

Can anyone tell me where Kellie Mize sells now? I don't see her listed at DigiChick

Anonymous said...

I'm sure there are some of you that would kill to be on my CT Team ♥


Anonymous said...

@130 yeah it's a little conceited sounding but nice that it's a random draw instead of picking favorites. Assuming it really is random.

Anonymous said...

133 - Google it. I found her with a VERY SIMPLE Google search.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure there are some of you that would kill to be on my CT Team ♥
GAWD! I've only bought a few things from this woman but I'll never even look at her stuff ever again. What an arrogant piece of work!

Anonymous said...

. Assuming it really is random.
Yeah, right. Someone that full of themselves is NOT going to randomly choose someone to represent her.

Anonymous said...

If it was truly random, why would you have to link your gallery?

Anonymous said...

If it was truly random, why would you have to link your gallery?
LOL! Good question.

Anonymous said...

133 - Google it. I found her with a VERY SIMPLE Google search.
You, of course, couldn't just say what you found. You had to be a condescending jerk instead.

Anonymous said...

it's a little conceited sounding

It's a LOT conceited sounding, and in a market that's SO competitive, a really dumb move. It's not like if someone doesn't like her attitude they can't go find dozens of others who do just as good as work, if not lots better.

Anonymous said...

Those FWP items over at SSD are just fugly. Seriously fugly
Misty Cato's free kit sucks. The collab by SSD, on the other hand, does not. It's a great kit with a lot of different elements and papers. A few of the quick pages done by the Babes are nicely put together too.

Anonymous said...

Is it worth applying at SSD for the Sugar Babe position if I'm not a regular? By the sounds of it, it's like highschool over there.
It's as "high school" as you want to make it, I suppose. The Babes (except for Laura) don't irritate me nearly as much as Trish does.

Anonymous said...

This is precisely why women do each other in so often in the business world. So often, they're their own worst enemies. Very sad.

Men too.


It's been my experience that men don't do this nearly as often or as pettily as women. Women should support each other. So often, they just don't do that because of their own insecurities, I guess.

Anonymous said...

141 It's not like you couldn't have taken the time that you used posting here to go and search on google. You had to be a lazy jerk instead.

No I'm not the op. I just hate it when people want other people to answer questions they can easily answer for themselves and then get mad when people tell them to do just that.

Anonymous said...

No I'm not the op. I just hate it when people want other people to answer questions they can easily answer for themselves and then get mad when people tell them to do just that.
Why take the time to answer at all then? I know! You want to be a condescending jerk!

Anonymous said...

Misty Cato's free kit sucks.
Yeah, it's pretty ugly. It's free because no one would ever buy it. Some of her stuff is really good (has a couple neat newspaper and magazine-like templates) and other stuff is bad..really bad.

Anonymous said...

I thought Gennifer was owner or part-owner in that?
She was.

Now she owns Pixel & Co?
She does.

Anonymous said...

The Babes (except for Laura) don't irritate me

Anonymous said...

I'm the one that posted the question about Kellie Mize. I originally did a google search and all that came up was her Facebook and then a bunch of old links from DigiChick. Since she hasn't bothered to update her FB page since Dec, I was just hoping that maybe she had thrown up her templates and kits at some new store.

Sew me for asking @@ (and the s-e-w was deliberate before someone else decides to get all cunty)

Anonymous said...

Misty Cato's stuff sucks, free or not. And as far as that SSD collab kit, it just goes to show how people's tastes differ so wildly-I think it's major fug.

Anonymous said...

And as far as that SSD collab kit, it just goes to show how people's tastes differ so wildly-I think it's major fug.
Do you have it or are you basing your opinion on the preview?

Anonymous said...

Those colors in that Bohemian collab are awful. Dreadful, in fact.

Anonymous said...

Not all of Misty's stuff is bad.

Anonymous said...

Those colors in that Bohemian collab are awful. Dreadful, in fact.
No, actually, they're quite pretty.

Anonymous said...

Sew me for asking
So you're intentionally being stupid?

Anonymous said...

No, actually, they're quite pretty.
May 5, 2013, 12:46:00 PM

Meh. Maybe if you like stuff that's cheap and tacky looking.

Anonymous said...

Purples, pinks, blues and greens are far from dreadful colors and they combine really well. You're reaching way out there to insult the kit. Maybe you just don't care for SSD?

Anonymous said...

Meh. Maybe if you like stuff that's cheap and tacky looking.
Yeah, you don't like SSD. That's obvious. Get over it.

Anonymous said...

That collab from SSD is gorgeous. If you don't like it, fine. To say it's cheap and tacky looking is ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

Who had the best collab this weekend, do you think?

Anonymous said...

151 - Did you even fucking read her "about" section on her facebook page? It says EXACTLY what she's doing.

"Sew" stupid.

Anonymous said...

Everyone knows that SSD sucks. They have a very few designers that are ok. The rest are sub-par. The vast majority of them churn out shit that is the same, crappy cookie cutter stuff.

Some purples, pinks, blues and greens are fine. The oversaturated crap in that kit is far from pretty.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, you don't like SSD. That's obvious. Get over it.
May 5, 2013, 12:56:00 PM

Yeah, you can't stand anyone having an opinion that's different than yours. That's obvious. Get over it.

Anonymous said...

I don't like that Bohemian collab either. Different strokes and all that.

I do think that the Pixel & Co. kit was the best collab for iNSD. And I say that even though I don't like the owner of that store one little bit.

Anonymous said...

Saying ssd is crap is a bit much. I'll admit some designers there don't do it for me but usually it's pretty froo froo enough. Some people dig the froo froo and the kitschy. For me I still find great product from at least six of the designers regularly.

Anonymous said...

Saying ssd is crap is a bit much.
For you, it might be. For others, it's totally spot on.

SSD has always been a hot-button place for many people. It has its rabidly loyal fans, and it has lots of detractors, too. It's been this way forever. I don't think that's ever going to change.

Anonymous said...

So why does SSD need my picture for a CT call? Are they judging my pages or how obnoxious my selfie is?

And the babes can't use templates? I guess Taniya doesn't need to apply.

Anonymous said...

147 - Take a midol. Jesus Christ. Is 'condescending' the only word you know? No one was condescending. They said find out for yourself. That's not condescending, that's asking you to be self-reliant.

I love how utterly bitchy some women get over nothing, don't you?

Anonymous said...

169. They probably just don't want to litter up their website with ugly "babes" .

Anonymous said...

tastes really do differ. I thought Misty's free kit was prettier than many things in the new releases. I hate the pixels and co kit. Well, not hate, but don't care for.

Anonymous said...

too late for that, 171.

Anonymous said...

tastes really do differ.
^they really do, and that's ok.

Anonymous said...

Everyone knows that SSD sucks
What an idiotic statement.

Anonymous said...

Misty's fwp kit isn't really ugly, it's just really blah. She used to be really good and creative, but now she just churns out boring look-alikes. The bohemian kit doesn't do anything for me at all and it doesn't really look "bohemian", either.

Anonymous said...

173 I honestly think they have a mix of old, young, pretty, lovely and cute. I'm a

Anonymous said...

177- woman and like to teach my girls that it's not ok to judge others for their looks.

Anonymous said...

She used to be really good and creative, but now she just churns out boring look-alikes.

ITA. I used to like her stuff. Then after she moved to SSD, the churning of boring, same-olds began. This has happened with a few (or more) designers that I liked.

Anonymous said...

The bohemian kit doesn't do anything for me at all and it doesn't really look "bohemian", either.
May 5, 2013, 2:06:00 PM

Exactly this!

Anonymous said...

So why does SSD need my picture for a CT call?

I wondered about this too. If it's about scrapping. embracing all kinds of women, and 'having a mix,' why the need for a photo before you make the team?

Anonymous said...

179. That is the problem with stores that seem to want a specific type of style designs. Assimilation. Sheep. That is why I prefer to shop in stores that have a variety. It is easier to find what I am looking for instead of having to wade through a ton of stuff that all starts to look the same, even if there are differences.

Anonymous said...

LOL @ all these comments. My favorite by far is " get all cunty". I was also wondering about the need to a photo for the SSD call. I'm no Tyra Banks.

Anonymous said...

^^^ for a photo.

Anonymous said...

I'm no Tyra Banks.


Exactly. I'm sure none of us are. If SSD is looking for Tyra posers and wannabes, they ought to just nut up and say so.

Anonymous said...

Tastes really do differ. I just made my first order at SSD because of the bohemian kit. I love the colors!

Anonymous said...

Maybe they're going to announce the winners by adding the photos to the babe page. I think they've done that before?

Anonymous said...

No clue why they need a photo. Maybe they'll be announcing it to everyone (including the winners) by showing the new babes with their photos all done up like they do for the babes. That's the only thing I could think of.

Anonymous said...

lol sorry 187 - didn't refresh when I wrote my thoughts. Looks like we had the same guess :)

Anonymous said...

I loved the Sugar Hill Blog/FB Hob. Every designer had nice items to offer - very generous. I like basic CU also so I can actually be creative with it and change it.

So if any SH designers read here - Thanks for the goodies :)

Anonymous said...

Most designers ask for the photo AFTER you make the team. Then they make the announcement with your photo. I have never had a store ask me for a photo of myself when I apply to a call.

Anonymous said...

Kellie Mize retired last fall.

Anonymous said...

Most designers ask for the photo AFTER you make the team. Then they make the announcement with your photo. I have never had a store ask me for a photo of myself when I apply to a call.
May 5, 2013, 5:01:00 PM

Yep, which is why it seems strange that SSD wants photos when you apply.

Anonymous said...

Tastes really do differ. I just made my first order at SSD because of the bohemian kit. I love the colors!
May 5, 2013, 4:00:00 PM

They sure do! I changed my plans and purchased from places where I liked the giveaways after seeing that kit at SSD.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe Tanyia is applying. She just stepped down from her teams with this huge good-bye saying she didn't have time for her teams and was giving time to her family. It was only like a month ago. If they take her or that Trish girl, they're idiots.

Anonymous said...

I don't even know who Tanyia is, lol.

Anonymous said...

Thank you 126, 127 & 144. I guess it doesn't hurt to try... but like the others.... why do they need my picture BEFORE I make the team? *shudder*

Anonymous said...

Maybe SSD is really a "front" for a new beauty contest. Everyone knows only pretty people can make pretty layouts (sarcasm).

Anonymous said...

ITA. I used to like her stuff. Then after she moved to SSD, the churning of boring, same-olds began. This has happened with a few (or more) designers that I liked.


This would lead one to assume that certain types of things sell like crazy at SSD, and that once a designer gets there and figures out the formula, she jumps on board too. Money speaks, and it creates conformity.

Anonymous said...

197, did you even read the replies that came just before yours? SMH. People offered another reason they'd need your photo ahead of time. I'm guessing they're correct - and I'm guessing you have no ability to pay attention to detail.

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