Thursday, January 2, 2014

January 2014

smack away


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Anonymous said...


Agree. It reminds me of a poor man's version of Rhonna Farrer.

Anonymous said...

I want to buy the Digi Files this month, but I remember someone saying you can't cancel your subscription. Has anyone successfully bought only one month of the digi files and then cancel subscription since they changed their payment method?

Anonymous said...

About Digi Files- I think you can subscribe to get the files, but in order to unsubscribe you have to contact support and have them do it. I don't like that idea so want be buying anymore there.

Anonymous said...

Thank you. Talk about crazy!! I don't think I will buy it either. Too much risk!

Anonymous said...

I got another one of Nettio's KA newsletters and it made me think of a question. Why do *I* need to know my scrapping style? Why can I not just scrap and go with what I like? I don't think scrapping is guesswork for me and why would I scrap pages that I don't like to begin with?

Anonymous said...

5-If you love how you scrap, there is no reason to change at all. Be happy!

Anonymous said...

I agree with #6 - if you are happy with your scrapping, then you have likely already found your style. From my reading of the KA descriptions, Lynette is reaching out to scrappers who lack a feeling of satisfaction with their pages. Style can be more than just the visual look of the page, but also encompass your motivation as well. When you tap into the things that resonate with you (whether that be photography, or creative writing, or working with color, working with shape and form, or simply the who, what and when, etc.), that's finding your style, and you will be more satisfied with your pages because you will truly be scratching the itch that makes you want to create.

Anonymous said...

I have also found my style has changed over the years. Was looking back through one of my galleries the other day and it was interesting to see the change. Also looked at some my earliest pages and cringed when looking at the horrific shadowing etc., but also how I evolved as I learned my program.

Anonymous said...

Designers, if you are in a store that has treated other designers crappy, one of these days, it's going to be your turn. Don't think because right now things are hunky dory for you, that your time won't be coming. If you know there has been an injustice to another designer, and you do nothing about it then shame on you. The customers are going to abandon you in droves--as some of your creative team already has.

Anonymous said...

and don't pretend you don't know what I'm talking about.

Anonymous said...

Actually No I don't.

Anonymous said...

I don't either.

Anonymous said...

#9 is warning the designers at SO. Unfortunately a few CT will leave, but there are 10 more waiting to take their places. Kami got the rest of the girls to party hard in Utah and they think they are BFFs and all is perfect. They'll go off on their beach love fest too. The ones who don't go on these outings are the ones who need to be worried. Very worried.

Anonymous said...

I feel sorry for the designers stuck with a nutzo store owner. But now is the time to make your own decisions. Don't wait for someone else to to decide for you.

Anonymous said...

Not everyone who parties hard buys the Kool-Aid. I might just be biding my time.

Anonymous said...

I'm a designer and sure wouldn't put up with the shenanigans she pulls off. I wouldn't touch that store with a 10 foot pole.

Anonymous said...

Keep your friends close, your enemies closer.

Anonymous said...

Your store owner shouldn't be your enemy though. Sad.

Anonymous said...

I agree. Biding my time.

Anonymous said...

If there are so many of you "biding your time," can't you all just start a new store and move there? Those at P&Co did.

Anonymous said...

Those at 9th & Bloom did too and look what happened there. It doesn't always work out.

Anonymous said...

You don't have to stand for the crap she dishes out.

Anonymous said...

Which store owners charge their designer's rent?

Anonymous said...

Almost all do 23. That is what the commission is for. %15 some places %20 others.

Anonymous said...

There is a large subscription button for the DigiFiles on the side bar. You click it and then click the large UNSUBSCRIBE tab. Not much to it.

Anonymous said...

SO charges $50 in rent on top of your commission of 20% or whatever it is could be 25% ??? My designer told me that's why she isn't doing the megas anymore.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes, "rent" is the minimum the store gets, meaning that if you sell enough for them to collect say at least $25 in commission, you are ok, but if you just leave your stuff in the store, no promotion, and then no sale, then maybe they will charge you that "rent", which might make designers work a bit more than just wait for sales to fall from the sky. At least, it helps pay storage fees for stuff that is just ... stored there. I have seen that before, but I cannot remember where.

Anonymous said...

i use to sell at a store that charge us a server fee, like $5 or $10 if our sales fell below a certain amount, like if they were below $100. If our sales were above that mark, no server fee. I am not sure I would love paying $50 plus 20-25% commission if my sales were good.

Anonymous said...

Those at 9th & Bloom did too and look what happened there. It doesn't always work out.


The only reason that didn't work out is because Dizzy Lizzy is an idiot and the people in charge were incompetent when it came to making sure that one person was in charge of PayPal, etc. That whole mess was caused by too many hands in the cookie jar when it came to PayPal/xcart/etc. The store itself was doing just fine, in terms of sales. It didn't shut down because it was failing. It shut down because the owner(s) were idiots.

Anonymous said...

April fool sale at Sugar Hill today. 75% off everything.

Anonymous said...

Anyone else noticing Heather Greenwood trying to become a designer lately? It's like she watched the rest of the SSD CT get promoted with very little or no experience, and decided that she should be next.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

not at all surprised that Heather is trying to be a designer. When she bought her domain name, I knew it was coming. I really hope she doesn't get a spot at SSD considering she has stepped down twice within 6 months as a babe to focus on 'other things' but has kept her TLP spot as a Polly.

Anonymous said...

#29 - it still shut down. Who's to say that if the disgruntled designers at SO open a a new store, they won't be idiots about the business side? Just because someone can design, it doesn't make them capable of running a store. ScapFlower didn't last long after it's new owners and name change (formerly being CatScrap); the designers that split from Scrap Girls, their store didn't last long either; both stores that Lauren Reid started didn't last.

... said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

What store did the former Scrap Girls open? I never heard about a split there.

Anonymous said...

34, I think the original point was that if the designers at SO are fed up with Kami but still want to sell their designs they can leave together and form their own shop. If they're such big idiots that they can't do what she's currently doing (but without all the drama) then they deserve to fail. But why assume that it will fail just because some other stores haven't? For every shop you just listed that failed when it split off from another, we can all give you just as many that have thrived. SO being one of them.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, "just because some other stores haven't succeeded"

Anonymous said...

I really hope she doesn't get a spot at SSD considering she has stepped down twice within 6 months as a babe to focus on 'other things' but has kept her TLP spot as a Polly.
If her designs are good what does any of that matter? Truly, I don't give a rip what or where someone has been if they make great designs. Why not judge her on that instead of other stuff that has absolutely nothing to do with her design skill?

Anonymous said...

#37 - I don't assume it will fail, merely pointed out the possibility that it could and I'm fully aware of what the original point was, or I wouldn't be having this discussion. Most of the stores that succeeded after splitting from another store, opened up at least 5 years ago, most of the ones in recent times, failed.

#36 - I can't remember the name but it was a very quiet split and I saw the news on here a few months back that the store was closing.

Anonymous said...

If her designs are good what does any of that matter? Truly, I don't give a rip what or where someone has been if they make great designs. Why not judge her on that instead of other stuff that has absolutely nothing to do with her design skill?


Mostly because I feel like if she doesn't feel like she belongs at SSD enough to stay and sticks at TLP, why should she get a spot? But then I am really tired of the babes all becoming designers- at least one of the newest batch should not have made it yet, if not both.

Anonymous said...

"Truly, I don't give a rip what or where someone has been if they make great designs."

Seriously, this. It's fun to read the behind-the-scenes gossip, but unless I learn that a designer is, I dunno, a neo-Nazi sympathizer or something, as a customer, I really don't care.

Anonymous said...

I like Amber Shaw's new logo. It feels more grown up, and fits the (usually) soft colors of her kits.

Which designer is next on the SO chopping block? And did you notice SO didn't do anything for their "2014 Birthday Bash"?

Anonymous said...

SO is definitely not what it used to be, I loved it there but stopped about a year ago.

Anonymous said...

SO is definitely not what it used to be, I loved it there but stopped about a year ago.
Agreed. Definitely not what it used to be. I tried to stay around and participate here and there with their larger celebrations, but the Pin Gallery turned me off bad, and then the redesign of their store... I haven't been there in ages.

Anonymous said...

holy crap ScrapStacks sux this month
and the lineup for digifiles blah
Aprils kit @ DST another blah
MSA isn't out yet, maybe that will be a winner
what the hell

Anonymous said...

all the honeybees are leaving so.... I just noticed that catgoddess is now a sugarbabe. I think carrie, judie, and someone else all left so for ssd. so is losing designers and bees. A sign? Downward Spiral?

Anonymous said...

Obviously what happened to Amber was shady and that's why they are all leaving. Not sure what it will mean for SO. Most likely there are other CT and designers just waiting to take their place so it won't have much of an affect.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know what happened to Amber?

Anonymous said...

If her designs are good what does any of that matter? Truly, I don't give a rip what or where someone has been if they make great designs. Why not judge her on that instead of other stuff that has absolutely nothing to do with her design skill?


Um maybe because SSD has never and I mean never brought on new designers based on their designs alone and not on other factors? It's a sorority. I have watched first hand from the inside how they stir up drama about designers who apply and don't accept some of the most talented people just out of jealousy or fear or because they don't like someone. It's never based on design and talent. Never has been. Don't kid yourself.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know what happened to Amber?


Yes, and it's ridic. I saw enough of the documentation of what happened to know that I would never touch anything Kami's associated with with a 10 ft pole. Or a 50 ft pole.

Anonymous said...

Amber who? & What happened?

Anonymous said...

the way Kami treats people
just remember, Karma's a bitch

Anonymous said...

Kami's a bitch. Fixed that for you.

Anonymous said...

I think Scrap Orchard's exclusivity (you can't be a Honey Bee if you are on another store team) is a big factor in team members leaving. I suspect that people who have taken spots at SSD would have been happy to stay at SO too, if SO allowed it.

In the past I have thought that exclusive store teams would be a good thing because it would help bring in more talent to these prestigious spots. But lately I think it would just be more divisive of the larger community. That's definitely the vibe I get from SO.

What do you guys think about exclusive store teams?

Anonymous said...

I think if you are on a store team, you shouldn't be on another store team or a team from a designer from another store. How you can you give 100% to all of them?

Anonymous said...

Yes, and it's ridic. I saw enough of the documentation of what happened to know that I would never touch anything Kami's associated with with a 10 ft pole. Or a 50 ft pole.

Another "I know something you don't know". Either spill it or don't bother saying anything.

Anonymous said...

Maybe you can't 56, but clearly some people can. We're adults and I would expect to be treated like an adult. I think exclusivity for unpaid creative team work is ridiculous. Kits are not really payment. Once you start thinking that way, you start losing people. Once they have enough kits, they just stop creating for you. Being on creative teams used to be fun. Now it's all about whining because they can't use templates for everything.

Anonymous said...

5 -- I think Nettio's scrapping style course sounds intriguing. I *do* waste money buying products that don't really suit my style, and I *do* waste time pushing elements around the page because I don't know what to do next. But 99 dollars is a bit spendy. If it were 49 dollars, I might sign up for it.

Anonymous said...

56-I was on a store team once when the owner decided her store CT was going to be exclusive. I was already on a few other teams, and didn't want to give them up, so I didn't. I gave up the store CT instead. That store is no longer in opened. Most of the CT left. They were replaced by inferior scrappers, and the store went downhill fast, and finally closed. I'm NOT saying if they hadn't made that move the same thing wouldn't have happened--maybe it was on the way down before they made that move. Personally, I don't care to ct for more than one store at a time, but I also have a few designers from other stores. It's the store CT's that take the most time because they want the CTMs to be active in the forum and in the gallery. I like doing that though, so it's not a problem.

Anonymous said...

I can't imagine how Kami could do any damage to Amber - so why not actually tell us what happened?

Anonymous said...

59 - I love how she's trying to sell a Kick Ass Scrapbooking class (for $100, no less) on finding style in order to save you time and money, but yet she's bashing fast scrapbooking on her Nettio Designs Facebook Page.

Anyone who pays $100 for that fool's advice doesn't deserve to have a $100 to spend.

Anonymous said...

Her Kickass blog post today was about not feeling guilty - for scrapbooking too much or too little. Typical hypocrite. She might want to spend some time reading and comprehending the swill she dishes out.

Those who can, do; those who can't, teach.

Anonymous said...

If you're on a store team, you should be promoting that store. Not other stores, who are in direct competition. I can't imagine one of the marketing people from McDonalds posting on Facebook "These Wendy's Frosties sure are delicious, and $1 off today only!"

Perhaps the issue is not in the rule of exclusivity, but in the compensation given to the creative team members. If you don't feel that the free product is enough compensation to be exclusive, then don't create for that store. Or, convince the store you deserve something more.

Anonymous said...

Using that logic, 64, one CT member should only create for one designer as other designers are also in direct competition, even within the same store.

Anonymous said...

63 - I saw that, too, and thought, well, making people feel guilty for scrapping too fast (or too slow, or too much, or for too many people) is one sure fire way to create customers who feel guilty. I think she is and has always been a pompous asshole.

Anonymous said...

Using that logic, 64, one CT member should only create for one designer as other designers are also in direct competition, even within the same store.

Maybe, but at the same time, the designers within the store are working together in a way to bring traffic to the store as a whole. Why else would they all sell in one store as opposed to each having their own? They are in competition in a way, but working together in others. If one designer brings 10 customers to the store, that will in theory benefit the other 20 designers as they get more exposure for their goods.

Anonymous said...

67 - At the same time, each digi store is working to bring more and more people into the digiscrapping fold. Exposure to this craft benefits everyone - each store, each designer. You can't limit a store CT any more than you can limit a designer CT. You can try, but the logic just isn't there.

I get your point, but I truly don't believe it.

There aren't many stores that I'm aware of that require exclusivity (SO is the only one I can think of). That rule is more a reflection of the store owners personality than it is a calculated business decision.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to require exclusivity, but unless I'm paying cash, I don't think it's even possible to ask. Because bitch.

Anonymous said...

I think I am going to make a new blog since the owner obviously forgot about this one. I will keep it updated.

Anonymous said...

I think I am going to make a new blog since the owner obviously forgot about this one. I will keep it updated.
Be sure to give us the URL.

Anonymous said...

it would be pretty stupid to make a new blog and not give us the URL

Anonymous said...

I didn't think Lynette's post on Facebook had anything to do with guilt or in any way conflicted with her message on guilt free scrapbooking. She was simply making a personal observation that her slow style of scrapping seems to be incompatible with the current fast pace of the creative team experience.

Anonymous said...

72 I haven't made it yet! I just got in from work.

Anonymous said...

New Digismack Blog:

Anonymous said...

New Digismack Blog:

Anonymous said...

New Digismack Blog:

Anonymous said...

I just realized I haven't enabled anonymous comments yet! Sorry! Hold on. I'll update you when its done.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous comments enabled. Smack Away.

Anonymous said...

Those who can, do; those who can't, teach.

I know it's an old saying but it's an idiotic old saying.

Anonymous said...

NO THANK YOU to the idea of a new smack blog. Seems like a great way to set-up a blog that tracks IP addresses and outs people who participate. I'm rather fond of staying here on this old forgotten blog that nobody pays attention to, because it's actually anon.

Digi Smacker said...

I have no interest in "tracking IP address" nor do I know how to. I participate just ask much as anyone else does so why would I care who participates? You are free to stay here.

Anonymous said...

Not sure I buy that 81, but I also think a new blog is a dumb idea. This blog is just about dead as it is, and that has nothing to do with the owner not updating it. Seems like it might be time to just let the whole smack blog thing die, since so many people already have. Starting a new blog and offering "fun" new activities and posts seems like beating a dead horse just for enjoyment. Kinda twisted to be having so much fun with it, if you ask me.

Anonymous said...

Seems like a great way to set-up a blog that tracks IP addresses and outs people who participate.

Thanks for the laugh.

Anonymous said...

"I know it's an old saying but it's an idiotic old saying."

Thank you. Yeah, so my son's wonderful math teacher is only *teaching* math because she can't *do* math, I guess? It is a ridiculous saying.

(I teach history, btw. And of course I only *teach* history because I can't build a time machine and go back and *do* the history! ... )

Has anyone visited the new and improved Jessica Sprague store (now called Snap [star icon] Click Supply Co.)? It looks cute, with a cleaner, and more stylish, storefront. Her products aren't getting any cheaper, though.

Anonymous said...

Maybe you misunderstand. "Her" products aren't hers at all. She's just a store owner, reselling products by other designers. They set their own prices. She just happens to be selling for the big paper companies and their digital versions, along with a few of the individual designers who design for those companies.

Anonymous said...

Seems like a great way to set-up a blog that tracks IP addresses and outs people who participate.

Thanks for the laugh.


Why laugh? Not far up above in this post people admitted that there are IP-tracking widgets or whatever that you can install on blogger sites to capture IP addresses. Just because the current blog owner doesn't have that installed doesn't mean the next one couldn't set it up. Not that I don't understand the desire to have a new post every once in a while, but it does seem coincidental that just a few days after someone talked about IP tracking someone suddenly wants to set up a new blog and encourage participation like 83 said with "fun" posts to engage people.

Anonymous said...


Suddenly wants a new blog? Okay then. If someone honestly has nothing better to do than track IP addresses on an insignificant smack blog, I feel sorry for them.

Anonymous said...

86: No, I did not misunderstand. I understand that Jessica Sprague is not Basic Grey, is not Cosmo Cricket. When I said "her products," I meant the products that are sold at her store. So let me rephrase: the products that are sold at Jessica Sprague's store, which products are not actually designed and produced by her, are not getting any cheaper.

Anonymous said...

I'm new in this conversation 89, but why would Jessica Sprague's site being redesigned result in the other companies who sell products at her site lowering their prices? You're not making any sense.

Digi Smacker said...

Really? Must every thing be a conspiracy? I didn't even SEE the conversation about IP tracking nor do I care to go back and look for it which is the main reason I made a new blog to be sorted by month.

I don't even know how to track IP addresses. But if I did, I would need to know where each and everyone one of you live in order to "out you". And frankly, I don't give that much of a fuck to know that information.

If I REALLY wanted to out you all, I'm sure I can do it right from this blog just like they did to Gennifer. I don't need a new blog to do that. I was just doing everyone a favor so it is easy to find things in the future.

But if that is the way you really feel, I will delete the blog. It's no big deal because I have no ulterior motives with making it. You don't want an organized space? Fine. Just say so and the blog is gone.

You can't do anything nice for people these days without them thinking there is some hidden reason. It's a shame.

Anonymous said...

Welcome to my reality Digi Smacker. I feel as though this blog itself is not at all nice. It is very often hurtful to many designers who don't deserve to be shit on. So many people who post here get joy out of bringing misery to others. It's a shame to me that it even exists, yet it does, and here you are at the helm.

Anonymous said...

I love someone to start a blog for nice people, where those who are the opposite of bitchy and spiteful can post. I'd love to see a place where we could actually be supportive and encouraging to one another rather than trashing each other. Not sure why people think they need to shit on someone else to give their own selves a leg up. It probably wouldn't be very popular though. There are probably way more mean and nasty bitches than there are sweet ones who's egos don't get in the way. slap slap slap! wake up! oh. sorry. I was dreaming I guess. I hate when that happens!

Anonymous said...

What is Cyberbullying?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing 94. People have posted mean and hurtful things about me on this blog more than once and I've always come away from it feeling as if I'd been bullied. It helps to know others feel the same way. I know it's a pipe dream, but I really wish this blog (and others like it) would just go away. But, for those who enjoy posting here, I challenge you to do this. The next time you want to post something about someone, read it back to yourself with your own name in the place of the person you are ridiculing. Would you like to come here and find your post written about you? If not, then maybe you will see that you are hurting other people for your own amusement.

Anonymous said...

I think there are people who aren't mean spirited here, and they enjoy being able to discuss issues in the digi scrap community anonymously. Is there a way to have anonymous posting but still be moderated so that bullying type posts are deleted? (Probably not in this blog format)

Anonymous said...

I think there are people who aren't mean spirited here, and they enjoy being able to discuss issues in the digi scrap community anonymously. Is there a way to have anonymous posting but still be moderated so that bullying type posts are deleted? (Probably not in this blog format)
What's bullying and what's constructive criticism? Who are you or anyone else to judge the difference? If you and/others else are offended by what's written here, why in the world do you take time in your busy day(s) to read what's posted? Many times people have posted things that are true, yet probably some would say unkind. Is that inappropriate as well? Should all posts that you or some other "monitor" don't agree with be deleted? Give me a break. Grow up. If you're offended by what's written somewhere, STAY AWAY! It really is that simple.

Anonymous said...

There are probably way more mean and nasty bitches than there are sweet ones who's egos don't get in the way. slap slap slap! wake up! oh. sorry. I was dreaming I guess. I hate when that happens!
Get off your high horse. You're right here in the middle of the all "the mean and nasty bitches." You are dreaming, Sweetheart. By your post, not only are you as mean and nasty as anyone else, you're a hypocritical martyr. Yea, YOU!!

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't mind a new blog if the new blog owner updated it more often than here. I do think there are some people here that have been really helpful on various topics (ie. the person who explained how to set up lists in facebook ---- thank you so much!). It was good when people used to write constructive feedback on different kits. I hope the occasional nasty comments haven't scared off the people who were trying to have good discussions here, but unfortunately it's been getting slower & slower here. Maybe a new blog address would inject some new energy.

Anonymous said...

There are probably way more mean and nasty bitches than there are sweet ones who's egos don't get in the way. slap slap slap! wake up! oh. sorry. I was dreaming I guess. I hate when that happens!
Get off your high horse. You're right here in the middle of the all "the mean and nasty bitches." You are dreaming, Sweetheart. By your post, not only are you as mean and nasty as anyone else, you're a hypocritical martyr. Yea, YOU!!
I rest my case!

Anonymous said...

Maybe a new blog address would inject some new energy.


See this is what's sad. Those of you who are dying for a smack blog to have energy injected into it. It was dying on its own long before anyone stopped updating it with a new monthly post. It used to get thousands of comments a month and lately it's only been 3,4,500 a month. I'll bet that's why the "owner" stopped updating it. It was dead anyway. Those of you who are trying to figure out how to "inject energy" into it might need to take a good long look at yourselves and figure out why you care so much about the life or death of a smack blog.

Anonymous said...

whatever happened to simon, anyway? I found that phase of the blog to be useful and interesting. Trashing people, not so much. It IS interesting to know some of what goes on behind the scenes, however, and there really are only a handful of people who are obsessed with being assholes here.

Anonymous said...

97, phrases like "give me a break," "grow up," and "STAY AWAY" are ones that help distinguish between bullying and constructive criticism.

Anonymous said...

By classifying everything that is negative as bullying, you are demeaning real bullying.

Anonymous said...

I love someone to start a blog for nice people, where those who are the opposite of bitchy and spiteful can post. I'd love to see a place where we could actually be supportive and encouraging to one another rather than trashing each other. Not sure why people think they need to shit on someone else to give their own selves a leg up. It probably wouldn't be very popular though.

If that's what you want, why don't you start it, why rely on someone else? Besides, the kind of thing you are looking for is called a forum. If people need help and support from a bunch of strangers, well, that's just sad.

Anonymous said...

^^^ which is exactly why it was utter bullshit for someone like Re Kneipp to pretend like he was coming to this blog to get advice and support from a bunch of strangers last month. No, you were trashing someone, Re and you got caught up in the moment and posted under your real name and then had to delete it. If you'd really just posted a question in which you needed help and support, you would have left the comment there.

Anonymous said...

Scrapyrus is at Scrapbookgraphics. A good fit, I think.

Anonymous said...

97, phrases like "give me a break," "grow up," and "STAY AWAY" are ones that help distinguish between bullying and constructive criticism.
If that's what constitutes bullying to you, you're very, very naive.

Anonymous said...

#93 Why do you still participate here ? just curious. If you want sunshine and roses thats what forums are for.
I bet the majority of posters here are on the more constructive side with the odd bitch thrown in.
I do miss Simon and the others that posted reviews on kits I found that so helpful in getting to know different designers and who to avoid.

Anonymous said...

#101: Ever think that maybe people just want a space where they can talk about stuff? Where can you complain about how hard SO's gallery is to use? Or point out how rude a post was that specifically called out a user to apply for a SugarBabe, and then not pick her like at SSD? Or a designer having a sale?

You can't say those things on the respective boards. I think it's constructive criticism to point out the gallery thing, but I bet there would be repercussions. Why? Because I did point out something I thought was pretty stupid, and punished customers at a store. I received a lot of flak for that, especially from the store owner. However, it must have been a good idea, because it was implemented. And yes, I'm sure the person who posted about the SugarBabe thing would feel attacked, but yet, she did the same thing to someone else, and publicly.

Yes, there are catty, mean people here. But there are catty mean people everywhere. And I think that in our current "Everyone is special" "Everyone deserves a prize" mindset the idea of "Constructive Criticism has been re-labelled as bullying.

And #95 (Who sounds like the same as #101): Yep, maybe something mean was posted about you. Stop and ask yourself if you are being overly sensitive, or if you are offended because it's true. Yes, there are a few personal attacks, but there are also a lot of true statements.

Personally, I have never written anything I wouldn't say to someone's face, but I find myself to be more blunt and not someone who hides things in roses and sunshine. I'd use my name, but that is punished by the Digi Scrapping community.

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous comments enabled. Smack Away."

I just checked out the other blog and Im curious as to why you couldn't or wouldn't post those questions or prompts here?

Anonymous said...

110, I am 95, but I am not 101, so first off, don't assume you know who (or how many) anonymous posters are. I wanted to address some of your comments.

Yes, some of the things said about me in the past ARE true, but also very hurtful. The things said have nothing to do with digiscrap at all. They are vicious, personal attacks, meant to hurt feelings. If the comments were about digiscrap, I wouldn't take issue with them. But when someone goes personal, it IS bullying.

I don't belong to the "everybody is special" way of thinking at all. Constructive criticism is important, when it's constructive. But, all too often, this blog is used as a means of working out personal grudges, then the gang mentality kicks in and before you know it, we have a wagon of people all slinging personal attacks. Look at what just happened with Kami in the last week. Saying you don't agree with the way she runs her store, okay. Calling her a bitch and a whole host of other names I've seen her called is a personal attack. That is not constructive, it's just mean.

Over the years, I've seen people get ridiculed for their personal appearance or their weight. I've seen this blog poke fun at the content of someone's Facebook profile and their "selfies." Heck, at least once I've seen someone make fun of the looks of someone's children!! None of this, and I repeat NONE of it has anything to do with digiscrap, nor is it constructive. It's bullying, plain and simple. Nothing you try to say to justify it will change the fact that it's mean and just plain wrong.

Anonymous said...


If it bothers you so much, why do you keep coming back? Glutton for punishment?

Anonymous said...

Calling her a bitch and a whole host of other names I've seen her called is a personal attack.

A "whole host"? Hmm, I don't think so, I think you are exaggerating a tiny bit.

Anonymous said...

Over the years, I've seen people get ridiculed for their personal appearance or their weight. I've seen this blog poke fun at the content of someone's Facebook profile and their "selfies." Heck, at least once I've seen someone make fun of the looks of someone's children!! None of this, and I repeat NONE of it has anything to do with digiscrap, nor is it constructive. It's bullying, plain and simple. Nothing you try to say to justify it will change the fact that it's mean and just plain wrong.
A person's judgement as well as sanity would truly be in question when he or she continues "for years" to come to a site that obviously adversely affects them. If I were you, I'd be more concerned with why I do that and less concerned with trying to control anonymous posters' behavior.

Anonymous said...

There are people who disagree with the negativity here, but they keep coming back because, as #110 pointed out, it is just about the only place to discuss topics about the community frankly. They aren't glutton for punishment, they take the bad with the good, and maybe occasionally voice the fact that they don't like the bad.

Anonymous said...

#112: (I am #110):

Can I point out the rudeness and defensiveness in how you responded to a simple statement?
"I am 95, but I am not 101, so first off, don't assume you know who (or how many) anonymous posters are."

I was not assuming how many anonymous posters there are. I simply stated "#95 (Who sounds like the same as #101)". The non defensive response could have simply been: I am #101, but not #95.

I have not been here for years. I haven't read what the blog was in the past. Personally, I see no reason to drag the past 'smack' into my current life, since it's old news.

Why am I here? Because like I stated, and #116 stated I ignore the bad, and just take the opportunity to discuss topics about the community. Whether people want to admit it or not, the digiscrap community can be very cliquish, and not open to criticism.

Yes, there are people who take any opportunity to be rude and personal. Perhaps someone has a personality clash and takes the chance to bash someone. Perhaps the anonymous commenter has worked with the person personally and that was their impression. We don't have a way to vet anonymous posters. I read a great article the other day: snarky comments are typically someone being jealous of another's accomplishments. Perhaps that's why rude and personal comments flourish here.

I've seen comments about a selfie recently, and personally I agreed. It wasn't an attack on the selfie itself, but on the fact that the same selfie has been the focus of at least 10 layouts intended to sell different products. At least take another selfie. As a consumer, it makes me feel like the designer doesn't care enough about the kit to have good marketing.

Anonymous said...

111-I believe the reason that person made the new blog was because the owner of this blog hasn't updated the blog since January. The idea was to get away from this blog to a blog that she (he?) was going to keep updated.

Anonymous said...

But, all too often, this blog is used as a means of working out personal grudges, then the gang mentality kicks in and before you know it, we have a wagon of people all slinging personal attacks.

You have no idea if it's a 'wagon' of people, or just one or two people posting multiple times. Assuming there's a gang ... I'm sorry, I don't even know what to make of that comment. And even if it is gang, why assume there's a gang mentality, implying that they are only saying what they are saying because everyone else. Perhaps they, too, have had personal encounters with that person and that person may, in fact, truly be an unpleasant person.

Anonymous said...

They aren't glutton for punishment, they take the bad with the good, and maybe occasionally voice the fact that they don't like the bad.

Poster #112 is clearly not taking the bad with the good. It reads as though she is taking the posting here very personally, even when it's not about her. That does make someone a glutton for punishment.

Anonymous said...

I believe the reason that person made the new blog was because the owner of this blog hasn't updated the blog since January.

The owner of this blog made the new blog ... post #91

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing 94. People have posted mean and hurtful things about me on this blog more than once and I've always come away from it feeling as if I'd been bullied. It helps to know others feel the same way. I know it's a pipe dream, but I really wish this blog (and others like it) would just go away.

If don't keep coming back, then it's gone away from your life. It's not up to everyone else to make it disappear, it's up to you to not keep visiting. I really don't understand the mentality of "I don't like it, make it go away".

Anonymous said...

"There are people who disagree with the negativity here, but they keep coming back because, as #110 pointed out, it is just about the only place to discuss topics about the community frankly. They aren't glutton for punishment, they take the bad with the good, and maybe occasionally voice the fact that they don't like the bad. "
good point

Anonymous said...

You certainly keep track of who visits your blog and probably this one also. It's called sitemeter and once it's installed on your blog you can see who has visited it by clicking on the referrals. You won't be able to see who made what comment, but you can see you reads your blog.

Anonymous said...


I have sitemeter on my blog, I can't see who reads it. I can only see where they come from and it's very generic.

Anonymous said...

I wish instead of making a new blog, #91 would just make a new post. Seriously. If you want to add the other stuff where you comment on color schemes, you could post that here.

Anonymous said...

91 is not the owner of this blog. She can't make a new post here.

Anonymous said...

Why does Traci Reed feel the need to make herself sound orgasmic just to promote a class she's teaching? She's so weird. "Oh! Oh! Oh!!! The True Scrap Pocket Pages individual classes are up for sale! Yay!! You can buy just MY class......" You would think that someone who touts herself as a marketing genius would know that it's unprofessional to start business posts out like the deli scene from When Harry Met Sally. SMH

Anonymous said...

Scrapyrus is back - opening at SBG…..

Anonymous said...

LMAO at 128. I saw that too.

Anonymous said...

Why does Traci Reed feel the need to make herself sound orgasmic just to promote a class she's teaching? She's so weird. "Oh! Oh! Oh!!! The True Scrap Pocket Pages individual classes are up for sale! Yay!! You can buy just MY class......" You would think that someone who touts herself as a marketing genius would know that it's unprofessional to start business posts out like the deli scene from When Harry Met Sally. SMH
I'd say she succeeded in getting you to read the entire ad which I'm sure is her business-touting goal. Since when is the digiscrap business formal in its advertising? One of the newest enterprises has the name Kickass in it for goodness sakes.

Anonymous said...

One of the newest enterprises has the name Kickass in it for goodness sakes.


Yes and that's gone over so well. *insert eyeroll here*

Anonymous said...

One of the newest enterprises has the name Kickass in it for goodness sakes.


Yes and that's gone over so well. *insert eyeroll here*
Not the op but it's unfortunate that you don't feel you can get your point across without the sophomoric eye roll insertion. That's more annoying than Traci Reed's business tactics and Nettio's business name combined.

Anonymous said...

127-Sometimes it's futile to try to explain that to some people.

Anonymous said...

"Oh!Oh!Oh!" is your idea of starting to orgasm? How spectacularly mediocre.

Anonymous said...

127-Sometimes it's futile to try to explain that to some people.

Sometimes people make mistakes.

Anonymous said...

What's happening over at one story down?

Anonymous said...

One Story Down is closing.

Anonymous said...

What's happening over at one story down?

Unfortunately, nothing has been happening there for ages.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, kinda see that coming when they were trying to rescue it from being closed down the first time around.

Anonymous said...

Where did you see that about OSD? Nothing on the store blog or forum…..just curious.

Anonymous said...

Has any 'rescued' store survived for more than a year after being rescued?

Anonymous said...

So disappointed with this month's MSA FPP download. Even the previous months are also disappointing. Makes me wish I hadn't bought the subscription in the first place.

Anonymous said...

#sobeachy2014 has begun. Let the chunk fest begin.

Anonymous said...

144- really? Not affiliated with SO in any way- but that is just so uncool. Nothing about their talent, biz sense, even personalities. Just their weight. As you perceive it. Shame on you.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure 144 is a supermodel.

Anonymous said...

#145 & #146 I agree. While I may no longer be a fan of SO, my reasons have nothing to do with the way they look or if they take trips together. Couldn't care less what a designer, owner, CTM looks like.

Anonymous said...

144 - It must kill you that no matter how thin you are, there are fatties out there who are better than you'll ever be.

Anonymous said...

Today, newsletters announcing OSD closure, and the FINAL episode of the Digi Show??

Anonymous said...

Yeah, apparently Steph was too busy with her multitude of podcasts and decided to cut that one so she can homeschool her youngest. I get the wanting more time for family, but really wish she had tried to hand off the reins instead of just killing the show altogether. Or maybe she did. Who knows.

But the other shows are not my style and I'll miss that one.

Anonymous said...

RE: the Digi Show - I wish Katie & Peppermint would continue the show with weekly guests. Or even have a podcast once a month. The announcement to end the show was so abrupt.

Anonymous said...

I wish she had shut down one of the others instead, like Capturing Magic. There are a myriad of Disney podcasts. There's nothing quite like the Digi Show. And I find a lot of the info in the Daily Digi Digest is the same as the questions and answers she posts for designers online. Sure, some of it is expanded answers, but I haven't felt like it introduces me to designers or their personalities like the Digi Show does.

Anonymous said...

Agreed. The Disney stuff doesn't offer original content. I wonder if she'll see a dip in her DigiFiles purchases? Also, I wonder what Persnickety Prints thinks (or if they care...they were a sponsor of the show).

Anonymous said...

I don't like the Digi Digest podcast and I'm disappointed that is all that there is left for digital scrapbookers. And I think her choosing Capturing Magic over The Digi Show is very disappointing ... and shitty. Maybe I'm being selfish but I'm disappointed in her decision to shut down the original show but keeping the Disney one. And I won't support her any further by buying the Digi Files. Obviously, it's her business and she can do what she wants but I feel like this decision came very abruptly and seems short sighted to me.

Anonymous said...

Every business decision she's ever made is short-sighted and stupid. She has almost no business sense at all. She's been alienating people for no reason for years. Good riddance.

Anonymous said...


and yet, she's still around. Clearly not as short sighted and stupid as you think.

Anonymous said...

Uhhhhhhhh, her fanbase and number of subscribers has been shrinking for years now 156. She might still be alive, yeah. Doesn't mean she's succeeding in business. If Digi Digest had been profitable she would have kept it.

Anonymous said...

I don't know anything about the success or lack of for the digi files or anything else, but I can say that I have no interest in listening to a marketing tool podcast. If I had any interest in what those designers had to say I would read their post on the site, but I always skip those.

I tried to like Capturing Magic, I really did. But it was that podcast that made me realize it wasn't Steph that kept me listening to The Digi Show. It was Katie and Peppermint and the interaction between the three of them. Capturing Magic was just awful, and with so many BETTER Disney podcasts out there I unsubscribed after giving it the college try (like 3 episodes was all I could handle).

I am hoping that someone will start a new digital scrapbooking podcast.

Anonymous said...

I really wish Peppermint & Katie will keep the podcast going. I love hearing them talk. Peppermint is especially funny!

Anonymous said...

I have tried listening, but to me they are just so awkward and dull that I rarely make it through an entire episode.

Anonymous said...

I could do without Katie's Utah drawl. Peppermint should just do one.

Anonymous said...

The final episode of The Digi Show was so disappointing. It was short, barely had any content, & was dull. Steph barely even acknowledged the listeners in it.

I wish Katie & Peppermint would continue making a digi podcast & include different guests each time.

Anonymous said...

I hate when my comment disappears instead of posting!

#162: I agree. It was more of a "Weren't we awesome? Look at what we did." instead of a "Thanks guys for listening".

#158: I agree. I gave Capturing Magic a chance when it first started. Bored, and didn't have anything new to the scene. I gave it another chance when I was planning a trip to Disneyland recently. Still bored, and not any great tips - even though Carsland was new to me, and I listened to that episode.

I do hope someone else picks up a digital scrap podcast.

And onto the other news there: Classes. $64.00 seems like a high price for a learning to scrap class. Personally, I don't buy a class that I can't hear the teacher first since if I hate their voice, I won't use the class (burned by that before!). Anyone else have thoughts?

Anonymous said...


Agree about hearing the teacher's voice first. As many of these kinds of classes are being offered by Americans, being a non American, I find some accents and voices particularly grating, while others are easy and pleasant to listen too. The Digi Show did not fall into the easy and pleasant category, sadly. Does anyone remember one of the original digi scrap shows, so long ago it was before podcasts and I can't remember the name of it anymore. That was a great show, I really missed it when they stopped doing it.

Anonymous said...

I just found this digi scrap podcast

Anonymous said...

WTH. I can only see five of 192 products at a time?

Anonymous said...

I stopped listening to Capturing Magic after a couple episodes because I couldn't handle listening to Britt any longer. For me, it has been much better since Britt left. Though when that Heather girl is on there I have to speed up the podcast since she just rambles on and on and on.

Anonymous said...

WTH. I can only see five of 192 products at a time?
That's obnoxious!


I've listened to hers before. I found it a little rough, and then it was fairly sporadic as to when new episodes came out, that I stopped. I see there's only one this year so far, so it looks like it's still sporadic.

Anonymous said...

WTH. I can only see five of 192 products at a time?
I just noticed this too and it's extremely time-consuming AND annoying. It would really benefit her, I would think, to change this asap.

Anonymous said...

Could always send her constructive criticism...?

Anonymous said...

Certainly she would know that looking at only five items per page is a pain.

Anonymous said...

She's too busy stealing money from people to care about the layout of her new store I am sure.

Anonymous said...

Since this blog is so slow, & the new blog digismackorama isn't busy either, is there any blog/place you guys can recommend for discussing digi scrapping, that has active discussions?? Ideally a place to discuss kits, marketing, which stores are good places to sell, what's going on in the industry etc... It doesn't have to be anonymous (although some people won't discuss certain topics unless it is, ie sales or behind the scenes info). Thanks in advance! :)

Anonymous said...

Is it possible that she made a mistake and didn't realize she hadn't paid the other designers? I don't know how collab payments work amongst designers so I was just wondering. Could it have simply been an oversight?

Anonymous said...

The stores I have sold at did the divisions and payments of collabs for us. We would only receive our half of the monies. I wonder why P&Co doesn't do that?

Anonymous said...

#173 - no such animal. The forums are mostly dead for that kind of discussion and blogs like that are non existent. Perhaps for paper scrappers they are around, but certainly not for digi (as far as I know, I could be wrong)

Anonymous said...

#175 - because if the other designer wasn't part of the store, why should it be up to the store owner to work out the way for that designer? For instance, if you hire a contractor and they hire someone else, it's up to them to pay the sub contractor while it's up to you to pay the original person.

Anonymous said...

Is it possible that she made a mistake and didn't realize she hadn't paid the other designers? I don't know how collab payments work amongst designers so I was just wondering. Could it have simply been an oversight?

I doubt it very much.

Anonymous said...

#173 it used to be at the digishoptalk, but that went down the drain when it changed owners a few years ago. I haven't located a replacement yet. Perhaps some enterprising designer may want to start something. but I doubt it.

Anonymous said...

does anyone here still go to digishoptalk anymore?

Anonymous said...

#175 - because if the other designer wasn't part of the store, why should it be up to the store owner to work out the way for that designer? For instance, if you hire a contractor and they hire someone else, it's up to them to pay the sub contractor while it's up to you to pay the original person.
Well, most of her collabs were with her fellow p and co. Designers. It just seems really weird that she would intentionally do something like that.

Anonymous said...

does anyone here still go to digishoptalk anymore?
If they do, they don't post. Have you checked the forum out?

Anonymous said...

If they do, they don't post. Have you checked the forum out?
yes I checked out the main forum. I'm curious about the private designer section of the forum, but I couldn't check it myself as I'm not a member of that part of the site. I heard that area in the past had good info re: shopping carts etc...

Anonymous said...

#181 - Yeah, it's weird, but I did notice her collabs with Mandy King are still in the store, while her others are not anymore...

Anonymous said...

#177 I didn't realize that the designers she wasn't paying weren't at the store. That better explains the problem.

Anonymous said...

#183: The private designer area used to be good. Now it's just as dead as the rest of the site.

Anonymous said...

Re: forums - I came across a site called Pixel Scrapper recently. Any thoughts or experiences with that forum/site?

Anonymous said...

#187: I've been there off and on for a few years.

I like the "netflix model" of downloading. I like that there is no crediting required for PU or CU. It's very creative friendly. I find the color palettes, and the designer styles are hit and miss for me. Also, some of the quality has been a little off, but not in abundance. Marisa and Jordan have been making some wonderful improvements over the last year - expanding designers, adding more content, improving quality and listening to user suggestions.

I haven't been to the forum recently, but it used to be very new designer question/answer heavy. Good tutorials. The blog train is very hit and miss though because there are a lot of people experimenting with designing that participate, but there are also some good pieces to be had. Just check the quality when you download.

Anonymous said...

MyMemories. Who's heard of it? I'm thinking of applying. Worth it or not?

Anonymous said...

MyMemories. Who's heard of it? I'm thinking of applying. Worth it or not?
It depends on how well known you are.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, #188. I had no idea they'd been around that long.

Anonymous said...

I sell at MM and am thinking about leaving. The designer list is entirely too long and I think it would be hard to sort through what you would want to buy. There are extra fees that are taken out that are not specifically stated in the contract. There was a big stir about that not long ago on the designer FB page and I know of at least one designer quit over it. It is a totally different way of processing your uploads. My sales have drastically tanked and don't think it is worth the hassle anymore.

Anonymous said...

I currently sell at My Memories, too, but I agree with #192. There are way too many designers there, and more than a few of them fill the store with crappy product sold very cheaply. I used to regularly make good money there, but not anymore. I will be closing my store there before too long because the company has no intention on capping the number of designers they take OR the quality of the designers they accept. They'd have 500 designers pumping out crap, if they could.

Anonymous said...

I still get their newsletter but never buy there. Too much work to find something worth having.

Anonymous said...

I visit Pixel Scrapper occasionally & the people in the forum all seem pleasant. You are not allowed to post on the forum until you upload a profile photo & fill out your profile. I think the owners are sincerely trying to make it into a good community. There are lots of free digi downloads available (including commercial use). There are some photoshop tutorials posted there too. There are many beginners in the forum but they all seem to be learning together.

Anonymous said...

I got a coupon at the scrapbook expo to use at MM ($25), and I had a hard time finding stuff I'd use for that amount. In the end, I only bought from Connie Prince and Clever Monkey (Tracey Monette). Most of the others are crap, imo.

Pixel Scrapper is about the same... lots of amateurish designs. I like Janet Scott's kits. I think they're the best in there. The CU stuff is OK, but usually has quality problems -- messed up dpi, blurry, etc. I can make it work, and it's free, so I can't complain.

Anonymous said...

Well, most of her collabs were with her fellow p and co. Designers. It just seems really weird that she would intentionally do something like that.

- - - - - - - -

If you know Mye then it's really not that weird. She is desperate for money. I was told that when she was confronted by the first designer at PCO about not getting paid, she told her that there weren't really any sales and only a few dollars to split. The first designer asked the owner to check and when she did it was discovered that Mye had been lying. If I were another designer looking for a collab partner or a store owner looking for a designer I would avoid her at all costs.

Anonymous said...

#177 I didn't realize that the designers she wasn't paying weren't at the store. That better explains the problem.

- - - - - -

Not true. If you look in her new personal shop you will see that most if not all of the collabs that are missing from her shop now are with PCO designers. They wouldn't let her take those kits with her when she left and so now she can only sell the collabs done with people who didn't know what she was up to.

Anonymous said...

It just seems as if it would be really easy to get caught doing something like that and then your credibility and reputation are shot all to hell. She must have been really desperate to feel like she had to do that.

Anonymous said...

Not true. If you look in her new personal shop you will see that most if not all of the collabs that are missing from her shop now are with PCO designers. They wouldn't let her take those kits with her when she left and so now she can only sell the collabs done with people who didn't know what she was up to.
Well then, obviously, they do not automatically split the revenues of collabs at P&Co. Which is weird, because, I know that is done at all stores I have sold at.

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