The DST Blog Train is out and it seems those who commented can't find much that they like in it. What blog trains do you like, and why do you like them?
Not all buyers are really "discriminative" and they might not see much difference between a good and bad designer. ____ Yeah, I'm one who doesn't notice minor things. I would not be a good QCer.
They just posted a thread at TLP about security issues. They're trying to figure it out. If you can get on somewhere else- phone, ipad, etc., they would like to know what message you're getting.
Interested to see who moves forward in the Cropped contest. So many of the submitted LO's aren't very good. I saw in the forum that they had to keep it to about 25% of the page - posted by Joelsgirl who used half the page for her LO.
The Cropped challenge two said "keep things light and airy, and leave 75% white space." I originally started with a dark background paper, but after reviewing the words "light and airy," I decided to re-do my layout with a light background. Maybe others chose white backgrounds for the same reason.
I don't believe a creative team spot is part of the prizes.
Tiffany, I thought your page was fun. Now that you point out light and airy for your background, your picture reminds me of that too - and lends itself to your "lighthearted" layout. Nice work.
I think there are a number of great scrappers involved (my opinion) - I like watching from the back of the sidelines.
Using white for light and airy seems so literal. Nothing personal, Tiffany. All those white backgrounds are boring. It will be interesting to see who moves forward, though. I don't like participating in contests, but I like watching them.
Looks like a couple posted past the deadline or is the blog incorrect? I'm not participating, so I don't know if there were more detailed instructions. The blog says Round 2: Appetizers | July 12-16. A couple were posted today.
#7 - You think a lot of the cropped 2 pages aren't very good? I really like most of them, a few are a little boring, I agree. Guess it's just a matter of taste. I think it will be hard for the judges though. Can't wait to see the results.
I really like this week's Iron Scrapper kit. I just wish they didn't require you to put so many of one kind of element on your pages when you enter the contests - I get some pretty bad pages because of that.
ITA #7. Most of them are so plain and boring. This is a contest for a creative team? Why did so many of them use white paper? I don't get it. - No, it's not a contest for a creative team. That's your opinion that the pages are plain and boring. I think most of them are quite good especially given the guidelines of the round which is the WHOLE POINT of the contest.
Looks like a couple posted past the deadline or is the blog incorrect? I'm not participating, so I don't know if there were more detailed instructions. The blog says Round 2: Appetizers | July 12-16. A couple were posted today. -- It's interesting you're policing when people post their layouts when you're not even participating. Need a hobby?
Using white for light and airy seems so literal. -- Lots of folks like white space in their layouts. That's their style. Just like some like 8,000 elements on theirs. There's a bunch of us who like somewhere in between. It's all a matter of taste.
Are there any stores where half the designers don't suck? Seems like every store has at least a couple of oddballs. --- I doubt you'll find any store ever where you like ALL the designers, unless your taste is extremely widespread.
I want to like Lily Pad stuff but I have never found anything there I'd actually scrap with. -- It's getting increasingly more so, imo. Some of the designs, while I don't even dislike them, I'd never use them on a page.
22 - White space does not refer to a specific color or hue. White space can be any color, so I agree, the use of all that white for white space is literal and boring. It shows many do not understand what white space really means and a simple internet search could have helped them be more creative - which is also the purpose of this contest.
191, 193 Yes, the blended picture. It has a funny sort of plastic look to it, and she says it is plastic wrap filter. That filter is in photoshop, but when I tried it it didn't look like that. she must have done other things to the mask or photo. Thanks for looking at it for me. ---------
Late in answering, but it definitely looks like the plastic wrap filter in PS. It takes a lot of tweaking to get the look just right, so I guess that's what she probably did.
Anonymous said... I really like this week's Iron Scrapper kit. I just wish they didn't require you to put so many of one kind of element on your pages when you enter the contests - I get some pretty bad pages because of that. Jul 18, 2013, 12:21:00 PM
I like the kit, but those plaid papers are horrid. If your going to do plaid, learn to do it right.
If no purchase is necessary, why do the layouts have to contain 100% P&Co product?
I realize that you could use existing stash from them, but that would still require a purchase in the first instance. ------- They have free products as well.
#32 They've given out a ton of freebies since they've been open, including at least two or three mega collabs, not to mention a lot of dollar items. It's pretty easy to have accumulated a large stash for next to nothing if you've been following them a while.
I assumed she (Trish) asked cuz she was going to do a blog post or tutorial or something for the site (as part of her Babe duties). Common sense people, give it a try!
38 - If she needs to write a post about how she makes a LO, only she would know. Asking something like that in a public forum is something only someone truly arrogant would do.
Many of us write blog posts every day without the need to do such a thing.
ITA #39. Write the blog post and get over yourself already. No one cares how Trish makes a LO because virtually no one wants to make a LO that looks like hers. SSD needs to get a clue.
I have noticed the new CTs at SSD have been making more LOs after recent bashing on this blog, though. I guess someone reads here...
worst way to recolor when you have white or black words or letters. you can see the funky edges on some of the letters at the end of the tutorial. changing the hue/saturation in this case would be the quickest and easiest way to recolor because the letters won't be effected.
No one cares how Trish makes a LO because virtually no one wants to make a LO that looks like hers. SSD needs to get a clue. ---- That's why it's annoying for her to post something such as that. She is BY FAR the worst Babe scrapper. I don't care what style you prefer, she's AWFUL! She also appears to be very self-assured to the point of arrogance about her "talent" from other posts she has made (not just this one). To some of us, this notion (her talent) is absolutely ludicrous.
#43 - no, I don't. I know what ellipses mean, see, I even know what they are called. I stick to my original post and you can ... --- Where did you look it up?
I have a question. How do you make them look so damn ugly? --- Really. There are some that she really had to go out of her way to make look as bad as they do.
I have a question. How do you make them look so damn ugly? --------
From her gallery, it strikes me that she loves the look of the pages from some of the Brazilian scrappers, who do that all color; mix and match; wild abandon so well. It's too bad that she seems so regimented in trying to recreate that look.
49 - It is a shame since she does it so poorly. Apparently she can't look at a LO and reproduce it, but yet, she's going to write a blog post to help others recreate her "style".
I really don't get it and how she's on these big CT's. So many on those teams have actual talent. Is she their token shit scrapper? I thought SSD had that covered already.
Most of the layouts that moved on in Cropped are great. A couple definitely don't strike me as "light and airy", though. And not because it's not a white background.
with as many templates and tutorials that Trish does, I think she's really trying to be the next Sugarbabe turned designer. She's doesn't realize that the others who have done so succeeded because they have talent, not because they kissed so many asses to get on the team.
The challenge was to "keep things light and airy, and leave 75% white space". Misuse of the comma aside, the light and airy is a reference to the concept of white space, not to the LO itself.
Did someone pass a bottle of literal juice around here or are some of you really not that creative?
She used to be a designer back in the day. I know she sold at Digiscrap Café and I'm thinking somewhere else at one point. But quit and came back several times. I think she absolutely wants to be a SSD designer and when she wasn't making it on the merits of her work decided that this might be the way in.
From her gallery, it strikes me that she loves the look of the pages from some of the Brazilian scrappers, who do that all color; mix and match; wild abandon so well. It's too bad that she seems so regimented in trying to recreate that look. - Yes! It's like her stuff is a cheap, very cheap knockoff!
She's doesn't realize that the others who have done so succeeded because they have talent, not because they kissed so many asses to get on the team. - ^^I agree.^^
She used to be a designer back in the day. I know she sold at Digiscrap Café and I'm thinking somewhere else at one point. - She designed something besides templates?
Did someone pass a bottle of literal juice around here or are some of you really not that creative? - Do you mean to sound like an asshole or are you really not that articulate?
We don't know that to be true, that's just supposition. - Thank you, Perry Mason. However, actually, we do know that. Last I looked, that's what a tutorial was.
Perhaps that sentence is open to misinterpretation. With the comma, it does seem that "light and airy" and "leave 75% white space" were 2 different parts of the challenges.
That reads differently, than say, "keep things light and airy by leaving 75% white space".
I have no idea how they were judged, or what they meant by light and airy, but I can see why it might be an issue as it wasn't as clear as it could have been.
Yes, 61, kits and such. It's been a few years. Here are a few links:
68, ITA with you. It's NOT a misuse of the comma if those two items ("light and airy" and "75% white space") are supposed to be treated as two separate things and the author wanted the two items to be treated as such. But that's just the editor in me trying to pay attention to sociolinguistics.
I didn't participate in Cropped, but I did love seeing everyone's interpretation of the guideline (or two guidelines) for this round.
Thank you, Perry Mason. However, actually, we do know that. Last I looked, that's what a tutorial was ------
What tutorial? One person asks if she is writing a tutorial, that is all, at least all when I looked when I wrote my post about supposition. Guess I am Perry Mason and you are not.
worst way to recolor when you have white or black words or letters. you can see the funky edges on some of the letters at the end of the tutorial. changing the hue/saturation in this case would be the quickest and easiest way to recolor because the letters won't be effected.
Does anyone else like the mixed matters grab bags at SM? I bought 5 out of the 6. Not that I'll have time to scrap with most of them, LOL! I just keep thinking when I retire I'll be able to go thru my massive stash.
Wow, you're presumptuous. What makes you think I'm not doing any scrapping or saving any money for retirement? Geez, assume much? -----
I didn't assume anything. You said, and I quote - Not that I will have time to scrap with most - see, no assumption. And I never said you weren't saving for your retirement, just mentioning ways in which you could save further.
worst way to recolor when you have white or black words or letters. you can see the funky edges on some of the letters at the end of the tutorial. changing the hue/saturation in this case would be the quickest and easiest way to recolor because the letters won't be effected.
^^^ This is why designers include recolors! OMG that is a really bizarre way to recolor! Clearly recoloring isn't as easy as I thought it was.
98, YES! I was being sarcastic! Although I guess maybe not, since for that particular person it was clearly difficult since she did it in such a bizarre way.
How difficult, really, would it be for Scrap Orchard to be consistent in their bundle packaging. Some months, it starts with SO_date. Other times it's SO_kitname_date. This week's Iron Scrapper offering doesn't even have SO in it and I spent a while trying to find where it downloaded. I had to go back through my downloads history in my browser to find out what it was. I know this is a first world problem; but seriously--I shouldn't have to go hunting around my downloads folder to find kits.
Is DST's product gallery worth using, as a designer? I had it years ago and it was good, but now it looks full of crap. Does anyone actually look at it anymore?
And what if they end a sentence with a preposition? Oh my!!!!! ____________ Once again, we have a dumbass who misses the entire point. Do you ENJOY showing off your stupidity?
^^^^ oh no! that should of been used!!! the grammer police are going to beat me up!!! aaaaiiiieeeeeeeee!!!!! beat me, whip me, make me write bad checks!!!
^^^^ oh no! that should of been used!!! the grammer police are going to beat me up!!! aaaaiiiieeeeeeeee!!!!! beat me, whip me, make me write bad checks!!!
You are a DUMB ASS. It should have been "head." Try again. ------
You are so stupid, it hurts. Someone said I should have used spell check, however, as heard was spelled correctly, spell check wouldn't pick it up. Do try and keep up.
Yes but the spell check would not catch that as the word was spelled correctly, so the entire reference to opening Word is irrelevant. ---------
Exactly. It's a shame that someone on here seems to have nothing better to do than sit around and call people a dumb ass all the time. However, if there's more than one person doing it, which I highly doubt, they must be twins separated at birth, they seem so alike.
I am the poster of 96, 112, 113, 122 and 123. The use of spell check referenced in post 122 was with regards to the word "sentence" in post 96, not the word "heard" which should of been "head" in post 110. I did not make post 110.
Whomever said that spell check would not have caught 100's mistake is correct. Word's grammar check doesn't catch it either; however, it does say that the comma after the word all should be a semi-colon. Beat me some more, grammar police!
You may now return to calling me dumb ass. Doesn't bother me much at all!
And now to annoy another group of people = look what got posted on facebook!!
A Letter of Love from Royanna Fritschmann:
Being so gravely ill has given me time to reflect on what is truly important! We are given only this moment in time nothing past that is guaranteed! I want to live in the present, I want to IN-JOY in every single moment with ALL of my heart and with the utmost JOY!
Leaving Divine Digital was the absolute most heart wrenching and most difficult decisions I have ever had to make! But in the process God gave me all the tools to move on, to find myself again, and to see that I had a purpose here to fufill!
Time away has been great in refilling my soul, it gave me time to revive my heart, it gave me time to focus on the things I am good at and called to be, it also gave me time to face the music to the things I am terrible at, all the pain I brought to some, and it gave me time to grow from those mistakes but it helped me find forgiveness for those I hurt and those that hurt me! Hence I am here today in this very moment, ready to LIVE!
I know my gifts and talents of designing are like a present to others! They are talents given to me by God to be used for HIS glory - not to keep to myself but to share with others!. So as of today I am honored to announce a new path and a new journey that will bless many and will help those leave a legacy...and learn a lesson or two along the way! So join me on this exciting and inspirational Journey as I open my new store “STUDIO R DESIGNS” at “Smashing Scraps”!
Proceeds from my sales at this store will be split two fold! 90% will be going to fund my medical costs of my blood disease treatments the other 10% will be donated to the American Red Cross to help fund blood collection activities to help patients like myself who need multilple blood transfusions to keep them alive! I hope you will join me at my new store!
I noticed that Haroer Finch has a paper pack on Quality DigiScrap Freebies, but then I looked and the papers are not that bad. But I did not download it to see the actual quality (probably won't anyways).
And on another note if RA gives 10% to the American Red Cross she will probably only be donating 10 cents a month lol.
My favorite part of Royanna's delusional message is "Time has always been great in refilling my soul" (don't even get me started on the grammar issues in that sentence alone) and how she then goes on to say, "it gave me time to..." and she lists a bunch of things.
So, Royanna, TIME gave you time? LOL you idiot. Jeez. Have another glass of wine and ramble on some more, you nut job.
You may now return to calling me dumb ass. Doesn't bother me much at all! - Really? It doesn't bother you much at all? Why all the posts defending yourself?
#140, I wasn't defending myself. I was clarifying for those who had mixed up which anonymous poster had made which post, which some had mixed up. Looks like more things are going over people's "heards" who don't remember the original post that started it all (which was 91) but that doesn't bother me much either ;)
I know my gifts and talents of designing are like a present to others! They are talents given to me by God to be used for HIS glory - not to keep to myself but to share with others!. So as of today I am honored to announce a new path and a new journey that will bless many and will help those leave a legacy...and learn a lesson or two along the way!
Well, be like Royanna, open a store, don't pay your designers regularly and always be sick so customers will feel sorry for you and (a) buy more product and (b) jump all over any designer that asks for the money you owe her and label her a hater. Do that and you can make lots of money, just don't let anybody know and always insist you are broke and struggling to feed your kids.
Well, they are off to a brilliant start already! This home page is showing new release for May! And it's currently the end of Jul. How very up to date of them.
$2000 a month maybe 5 years ago, but I don't think many designers make near that any more now. I think most better selling designers would be lucky to sell $500 a month.
Hey Grammar Police here in post #157 - Did you forget that you posted in post #126 and already pointed that out? Or have two different Grammar Police done committed double jeopardy and punished me twice for the same crime?? Hope you loved that one though it passed in Word it looks wrong lol - beat me some more, shudda woudda coudda :PPPP And #157 poster #126 found another mistake that you missed!!
I totally read your comment as if it were from a spam bot.
You know the kind.
As anonymous explained, I'm totally surprised that anyone can earn $1,500 in a month by not being at a top tier store. Please visit this website for more information
No offense, I've just been seeing far too many spam bot comments. Good for you for making that much. I never had much success. Around $300/$400 per month and that was about 4/5 years ago.
"Ok, so what could a top-earning designer make each money? I suppose it varies, but people must have an idea of figures...?" -------
"Honest question, but why do you care and how is it your business?"
I care because I am thinking of trying to get into a store as a designer and would like to know what my potential earnings could be. It is called research.
I appreciate the input from designers who have commented so far. If anyone has anything else to add, I would be happy to hear it.
#165 - Instead of looking at what the top earners make, which would be near impossible for a newbie and most designers don't even come close, why not look at the average earnings. That would be a more reasonable expectation. At least imo.
164 - A spam bot? Just because you can't make any money doesn't mean other people can't.
168 - That poll had 116 responses. That's no where near the amount of designers in this industry. I would expect most of the lower earners were the majority of responses because they wanted to see the results. If I remember correctly, only people who responded got to see the results or maybe I'm thinking of something else. Most top earners don't take the time to answer things like that. There are more in the $1500+ club than you can imagine.
If you're not one of them after 4-5 years, #164, you never will be. You're just not making something customers want to buy.
150-I can't believe she's going to have any designers at her new store after sticking it to them for so long at the other store. She really has a bad reputation as far as paying her designers!
The DST forum is pretty quiet (like most forums) as people are most often in FB, but I would say that it is still used for discussion and information now and then. I think it is a better place than FB for information that one might want to refer to, in the future. Try to find info on FB!!! If it is more than a week old, you are mostly out of luck.
I think some are really good and some make me wonder why they moved forward. I also really dislike having non-contestants able to post in that gallery. I've disliked it the entire time, though.
I remember a few years ago when the top designers were the likes of Gina Miller, Christina Renee, etc, and by all accounts they were doing extremely well every month. I know Gina is now focusing more on photography. Actually, quite a few of the designers from back then have moved more into photography. Perhaps designing is not as lucrative as it was once?
I agree #177. A few of this week's make me feel bad for the people that got cut last week, because it's clear those people shouldn't have moved on. Jengerbread88 for example - wow, that's bad. And her page from last week wasn't great, either.
I care because I am thinking of trying to get into a store as a designer and would like to know what my potential earnings could be. It is called research. --------
Okay, but research on a smack blog? How can you believe what anyone tells you?
A spam bot? Just because you can't make any money doesn't mean other people can't. ------
WTF? Did you not understand what I was saying? I wasn't accusing her of being a spam bot, I said it sounded like a spam bot; it was the wording. Quit being an asshole.
Okay, but research on a smack blog? How can you believe what anyone tells you?
Well, I can't exactly email lots of designers and ask them what they earn, can I? I don't think I would get a very good response! I agree that asking here is not ideal, but at least it is anonymous, so people may not mind sharing some info.
I'm interested to know what sort of styles are most popular with customers? ----------
That's a hard one to answer. If you make kits that are too generic, not many will buy them as they won't have enough of whatever it is that will make a customer put their money down or it will look too much like what's out there.
It's best to do what you are good at and do it well; rather than trying to appeal to everyone.
Do many people still post in the designer forum at DST?? -----------
When I quit designing about four or five years ago, it was already really, really quiet in there. From what I've heard from my designing friends, it's even more quiet now.
Some of those cropped contestants really shouldn't have progressed to this level considering all the other good layouts that didn't make it to this round. And seriously? How many layouts are about depression?!? makes me depressed looking at all of them....
192 - I noticed that, too. I think some of those contestants waited to see what was posted then merged those ideas into their own pages. How creative! That's fine to use inspiration in your every day pages, but hardly seems in the spirit of Cropped.
I only liked Tronesia, Amson, Catgoddess, and Janet Scott Photography. The others are horrible or flat out not creative. I didn't see any of the non-contestants pages that were worth much, either.
Yawn, the monthly discussion of "Who are the top earning designers?" and "How much do designers make?" The discussion doesn't change much month to month. Boring...move on.
#190 - ITA If someone's going to start designing by copying a style that someone else has just to make money, it probably won't work. Copying is never as good as the original. If you don't have any creative juices and a style that's your own, then your going to rely on a lot of CU customers now are pretty good about spotting that.
#195- I thought the same thing when I looked through the gallery. I wish some different people had made it this round and possibly made pages that looked different. Some of those pages are really, really poor. I'm guessing the mystery ingredients and challenge stumped a lot of people so they ended up looking to see who did what and tried to make it a little different. I didn't think it looked that hard, but I'm not in the contest and things can be more stressful when you're competing.
I'm #200 on the previous page (so 800 I guess) and I just wanted to say that if Janet had included the back story, which she shared in the description, on her page as journaling, that would have made that page awesome.
«Oldest ‹Older 601 – 800 of 976 Newer› Newest»I didn't get a message at TLP, but I can see it happening. Hasn't it happened a bunch of times in the last year?
I want to like Lily Pad stuff but I have never found anything there I'd actually scrap with.
Not all buyers are really "discriminative" and they might not see much difference between a good and bad designer.
Yeah, I'm one who doesn't notice minor things. I would not be a good QCer.
They just posted a thread at TLP about security issues. They're trying to figure it out. If you can get on somewhere else- phone, ipad, etc., they would like to know what message you're getting.
Are there any stores where half the designers don't suck? Seems like every store has at least a couple of oddballs.
Interested to see who moves forward in the Cropped contest. So many of the submitted LO's aren't very good. I saw in the forum that they had to keep it to about 25% of the page - posted by Joelsgirl who used half the page for her LO.
ITA #7. Most of them are so plain and boring. This is a contest for a creative team? Why did so many of them use white paper? I don't get it.
The Cropped challenge two said "keep things light and airy, and leave 75% white space." I originally started with a dark background paper, but after reviewing the words "light and airy," I decided to re-do my layout with a light background. Maybe others chose white backgrounds for the same reason.
I don't believe a creative team spot is part of the prizes.
Tiffany, I thought your page was fun. Now that you point out light and airy for your background, your picture reminds me of that too - and lends itself to your "lighthearted" layout. Nice work.
I think there are a number of great scrappers involved (my opinion) - I like watching from the back of the sidelines.
Using white for light and airy seems so literal. Nothing personal, Tiffany. All those white backgrounds are boring. It will be interesting to see who moves forward, though. I don't like participating in contests, but I like watching them.
Looks like a couple posted past the deadline or is the blog incorrect? I'm not participating, so I don't know if there were more detailed instructions. The blog says Round 2: Appetizers | July 12-16. A couple were posted today.
Thank you kindly, #10.
#12, the email had the deadline at noon on Wednesday the 17th. Round One had a Wednesday deadline as well, I believe.
It was Wednesday at 12 MDT. Looks like only one was past that (posted at 2:07).
#7 - You think a lot of the cropped 2 pages aren't very good? I really like most of them, a few are a little boring, I agree. Guess it's just a matter of taste. I think it will be hard for the judges though. Can't wait to see the results.
I agree with #15. Some are great, some are a little plain. I don't think any of them are BAD, though.
I thought the same thing 15. Not really sure what would be considered "good" by that person, but clearly it's a matter of "to each its own."
Or ... "to each their own" ... Meh, I don't care. Grammer police -- back off, lol
I really like this week's Iron Scrapper kit. I just wish they didn't require you to put so many of one kind of element on your pages when you enter the contests - I get some pretty bad pages because of that.
ITA #7. Most of them are so plain and boring. This is a contest for a creative team? Why did so many of them use white paper? I don't get it.
No, it's not a contest for a creative team. That's your opinion that the pages are plain and boring. I think most of them are quite good especially given the guidelines of the round which is the WHOLE POINT of the contest.
Looks like a couple posted past the deadline or is the blog incorrect? I'm not participating, so I don't know if there were more detailed instructions. The blog says Round 2: Appetizers | July 12-16. A couple were posted today.
It's interesting you're policing when people post their layouts when you're not even participating. Need a hobby?
Using white for light and airy seems so literal.
Lots of folks like white space in their layouts. That's their style. Just like some like 8,000 elements on theirs. There's a bunch of us who like somewhere in between. It's all a matter of taste.
I think there are a number of great scrappers involved (my opinion)
It's my opinion too. I've enjoyed watching this contest a lot.
Are there any stores where half the designers don't suck? Seems like every store has at least a couple of oddballs.
I doubt you'll find any store ever where you like ALL the designers, unless your taste is extremely widespread.
I want to like Lily Pad stuff but I have never found anything there I'd actually scrap with.
It's getting increasingly more so, imo. Some of the designs, while I don't even dislike them, I'd never use them on a page.
22 - White space does not refer to a specific color or hue. White space can be any color, so I agree, the use of all that white for white space is literal and boring. It shows many do not understand what white space really means and a simple internet search could have helped them be more creative - which is also the purpose of this contest.
191, 193 Yes, the blended picture. It has a funny sort of plastic look to it, and she says it is plastic wrap filter. That filter is in photoshop, but when I tried it it didn't look like that. she must have done other things to the mask or photo. Thanks for looking at it for me.
Late in answering, but it definitely looks like the plastic wrap filter in PS. It takes a lot of tweaking to get the look just right, so I guess that's what she probably did.
Using white for light and airy seems so literal.
Agreed. Any pale color could have been used for light and airy, pale blue comes to mind immediately.
Anonymous said...
I really like this week's Iron Scrapper kit. I just wish they didn't require you to put so many of one kind of element on your pages when you enter the contests - I get some pretty bad pages because of that.
Jul 18, 2013, 12:21:00 PM
I like the kit, but those plaid papers are horrid. If your going to do plaid, learn to do it right.
I have a question. How do you make them look so damn ugly?
What an arrogant thread to start.
If no purchase is necessary, why do the layouts have to contain 100% P&Co product?
I realize that you could use existing stash from them, but that would still require a purchase in the first instance.
If no purchase is necessary, why do the layouts have to contain 100% P&Co product?
I realize that you could use existing stash from them, but that would still require a purchase in the first instance.
They have free products as well.
#32 They've given out a ton of freebies since they've been open, including at least two or three mega collabs, not to mention a lot of dollar items. It's pretty easy to have accumulated a large stash for next to nothing if you've been following them a while.
#33 and #34 - thanks! That's good to know.
31 - That's Trish.
30, 31- so not surprised that she started it. she thinks that she is some super scrapper. I can't stand her.
I assumed she (Trish) asked cuz she was going to do a blog post or tutorial or something for the site (as part of her Babe duties). Common sense people, give it a try!
38 - If she needs to write a post about how she makes a LO, only she would know. Asking something like that in a public forum is something only someone truly arrogant would do.
Many of us write blog posts every day without the need to do such a thing.
ITA #39. Write the blog post and get over yourself already. No one cares how Trish makes a LO because virtually no one wants to make a LO that looks like hers. SSD needs to get a clue.
I have noticed the new CTs at SSD have been making more LOs after recent bashing on this blog, though. I guess someone reads here...
worst way to recolor when you have white or black words or letters. you can see the funky edges on some of the letters at the end of the tutorial. changing the hue/saturation in this case would be the quickest and easiest way to recolor because the letters won't be effected.
I guess someone reads here
This has already been stated repeatedly about SSD girls.
42 - You may want to learn what certain punctuation conveys...
#43 - no, I don't. I know what ellipses mean, see, I even know what they are called. I stick to my original post and you can ...
No one cares how Trish makes a LO because virtually no one wants to make a LO that looks like hers. SSD needs to get a clue.
That's why it's annoying for her to post something such as that. She is BY FAR the worst Babe scrapper. I don't care what style you prefer, she's AWFUL! She also appears to be very self-assured to the point of arrogance about her "talent" from other posts she has made (not just this one). To some of us, this notion (her talent) is absolutely ludicrous.
#43 - no, I don't. I know what ellipses mean, see, I even know what they are called. I stick to my original post and you can ...
Where did you look it up?
I have a question. How do you make them look so damn ugly?
Really. There are some that she really had to go out of her way to make look as bad as they do.
Where did you look it up?
Aw, what a fantastic comeback. You are so ...
I have a question. How do you make them look so damn ugly?
From her gallery, it strikes me that she loves the look of the pages from some of the Brazilian scrappers, who do that all color; mix and match; wild abandon so well. It's too bad that she seems so regimented in trying to recreate that look.
48 - There is more than one person questioning your use of ... Keep trying.
49 - It is a shame since she does it so poorly. Apparently she can't look at a LO and reproduce it, but yet, she's going to write a blog post to help others recreate her "style".
I really don't get it and how she's on these big CT's. So many on those teams have actual talent. Is she their token shit scrapper? I thought SSD had that covered already.
There is more than one person questioning your use of ... Keep trying.
Nobody is questioning my use of ellipses at all. Keep trying.
but yet, she's going to write a blog post to help others recreate her "style".
We don't know that to be true, that's just supposition.
#53 no its not this from her thread.
... just kidding, Trish. You know we love you. By any chance... Are you preparing for a SLASB tutorial?
yup, lol
No way in hell would I take advice on how to create layouts from this hack.
Most of the layouts that moved on in Cropped are great. A couple definitely don't strike me as "light and airy", though. And not because it's not a white background.
with as many templates and tutorials that Trish does, I think she's really trying to be the next Sugarbabe turned designer. She's doesn't realize that the others who have done so succeeded because they have talent, not because they kissed so many asses to get on the team.
The challenge was to "keep things light and airy, and leave 75% white space". Misuse of the comma aside, the light and airy is a reference to the concept of white space, not to the LO itself.
Did someone pass a bottle of literal juice around here or are some of you really not that creative?
Ding, ding, ding! We have a winner!
She used to be a designer back in the day. I know she sold at Digiscrap Café and I'm thinking somewhere else at one point. But quit and came back several times. I think she absolutely wants to be a SSD designer and when she wasn't making it on the merits of her work decided that this might be the way in.
From her gallery, it strikes me that she loves the look of the pages from some of the Brazilian scrappers, who do that all color; mix and match; wild abandon so well. It's too bad that she seems so regimented in trying to recreate that look.
Yes! It's like her stuff is a cheap, very cheap knockoff!
She's doesn't realize that the others who have done so succeeded because they have talent, not because they kissed so many asses to get on the team.
^^I agree.^^
She used to be a designer back in the day. I know she sold at Digiscrap Café and I'm thinking somewhere else at one point.
She designed something besides templates?
Did someone pass a bottle of literal juice around here or are some of you really not that creative?
Do you mean to sound like an asshole or are you really not that articulate?
No way in hell would I take advice on how to create layouts from this hack.
We don't know that to be true, that's just supposition.
Thank you, Perry Mason. However, actually, we do know that. Last I looked, that's what a tutorial was.
Do you mean to sound like an asshole or are you really not that articulate?
Jul 19, 2013, 11:10:00 AM
Great comeback...
#57 - and which of the winning layouts was yours?
Perhaps that sentence is open to misinterpretation. With the comma, it does seem that "light and airy" and "leave 75% white space" were 2 different parts of the challenges.
That reads differently, than say, "keep things light and airy by leaving 75% white space".
I have no idea how they were judged, or what they meant by light and airy, but I can see why it might be an issue as it wasn't as clear as it could have been.
Yes, 61, kits and such. It's been a few years. Here are a few links:
^^Thank you^^
#69 - ROFL, that's nasty!
I'm 57 and I'm not a participant. I get sick of all the literal bitchiness. It sounds like sour grapes.
Alot of my favorite layouts from pixels contest are on the CT, so I don't think they were eligible to officially move on.
68, ITA with you. It's NOT a misuse of the comma if those two items ("light and airy" and "75% white space") are supposed to be treated as two separate things and the author wanted the two items to be treated as such. But that's just the editor in me trying to pay attention to sociolinguistics.
I didn't participate in Cropped, but I did love seeing everyone's interpretation of the guideline (or two guidelines) for this round.
Thank you, Perry Mason. However, actually, we do know that. Last I looked, that's what a tutorial was
What tutorial? One person asks if she is writing a tutorial, that is all, at least all when I looked when I wrote my post about supposition. Guess I am Perry Mason and you are not.
I get sick of all the literal bitchiness
Do you mean the bitchiness about being literal or the bitchiness that is literal? :)
Do you mean the bitchiness about being literal or the bitchiness that is literal? :)
Guess I am Perry Mason and you are not.
Thank you, Counselor.
You're welcome.
I get sick of all the literal bitchiness
Yeah, cuz you weren't being a bitch when you
posted this:
"Did someone pass a bottle of literal juice around here or are some of you really not that creative?"
Don't like being called an asshole? Don't act like one. It really is that simple.
It sounds like sour grapes.
Where does it sound like sour grapes in anyone's post but yours?
What do you expect from someone who doesn't have anything more original to say than 'it sounds like sour grapes'.
worst way to recolor when you have white or black words or letters. you can see the funky edges on some of the letters at the end of the tutorial. changing the hue/saturation in this case would be the quickest and easiest way to recolor because the letters won't be effected.
Not to mention you lose any and all texture.
What do you expect from someone who doesn't have anything more original to say than 'it sounds like sour grapes'.
Does anyone else like the mixed matters grab bags at SM? I bought 5 out of the 6. Not that I'll have time to scrap with most of them, LOL! I just keep thinking when I retire I'll be able to go thru my massive stash.
Instead of browsing and buying, how about spending that time scrapping instead and saving money for your retirement into the bargain.
#86, Wow, you're presumptuous. What makes you think I'm not doing any scrapping or saving any money for retirement? Geez, assume much?
85, I love the grab bags, just can't decide which one to get! Which one didn't you get?
I didn't like #2 as much as the others, so I didn't get that. Plus, I got the free with purchase kit, so really a good deal!
Wow, you're presumptuous. What makes you think I'm not doing any scrapping or saving any money for retirement? Geez, assume much?
I didn't assume anything. You said, and I quote - Not that I will have time to scrap with most - see, no assumption. And I never said you weren't saving for your retirement, just mentioning ways in which you could save further.
Whenever I see anyone ending a sentence with the word 'much', I want to slap them silly. It sounds so uneducated and juvenile.
worst way to recolor when you have white or black words or letters. you can see the funky edges on some of the letters at the end of the tutorial. changing the hue/saturation in this case would be the quickest and easiest way to recolor because the letters won't be effected.
This is why designers include recolors! OMG that is a really bizarre way to recolor! Clearly recoloring isn't as easy as I thought it was.
This is why designers include recolors! OMG that is a really bizarre way to recolor! Clearly recoloring isn't as easy as I thought it was.
Yep and she's apparently doing that tutorial on behalf of the store. Crazy.
Please tell me she is not a designer??
Whenever I see anyone ending a sentence with the word 'much', I want to slap them silly. It sounds so uneducated and juvenile.
And what if they end a sentence with a preposition? Oh my!!!!!
That depends on the preposition.
Clearly recoloring isn't as easy as I thought it was.
Not sure if you are being sarcastic, but if not, recoloring is dead easy.
98, YES! I was being sarcastic! Although I guess maybe not, since for that particular person it was clearly difficult since she did it in such a bizarre way.
I thought you were being sarcastic. It was a truly bizarre method of recoloring that kind of element.
How difficult, really, would it be for Scrap Orchard to be consistent in their bundle packaging. Some months, it starts with SO_date. Other times it's SO_kitname_date. This week's Iron Scrapper offering doesn't even have SO in it and I spent a while trying to find where it downloaded. I had to go back through my downloads history in my browser to find out what it was. I know this is a first world problem; but seriously--I shouldn't have to go hunting around my downloads folder to find kits.
Is DST's product gallery worth using, as a designer? I had it years ago and it was good, but now it looks full of crap. Does anyone actually look at it anymore?
^^^ Wouldn't it be easier for do a search with the date you downloaded it?
103 you just answered the question didn't you? Unless you want to download crap.
102, no. Don't waste your money.
And what if they end a sentence with a preposition? Oh my!!!!!
Once again, we have a dumbass who misses the entire point. Do you ENJOY showing off your stupidity?
Once again, we have a dumbass who misses the entire point. Do you ENJOY showing off your stupidity?
You must be a peach IRL.
102 - for $10 a year, what do you have to lose?
Umm -- $10? :P
Once again, we have a dumbass who misses the entire point. Do you ENJOY showing off your stupidity?
The only dumb ass is you. The OP didn't miss the point at all, however, her post seems to have flown over your heard entirely.
your "heard"
No, that poster is not the ONLY dumbass.
So it's stupid to not care about your point? Lots of stupid people in the world!!
Doesn't bother me much ;-)
Does anyone buy this shit?
At first I thought the elements were not too bad until I scrolled down to those flowers. Now those are hard on the eyes!
That's what I was talking about, those same shitty flowers and crappy glitter paper in EVERY kit she "designs" (insert heavy sarcasm)
^ I had the same experience.
No, that poster is not the ONLY dumbass.
It's dumb ass - two words - seems you've proven your point.
No, that poster is not the ONLY dumbass.
It's a typo, so sue me.
Has this chick ever even heard of gamut?
Sure am glad I opened up Word and use spell check on sentence before I posted.....
^^^^ oh no! that should of been used!!! the grammer police are going to beat me up!!! aaaaiiiieeeeeeeee!!!!! beat me, whip me, make me write bad checks!!!
Sure am glad I opened up Word and use spell check on sentence before I posted
Heard was spelled correctly. Try again.
Heard was spelled correctly. Try again.
You are a DUMB ASS. It should have been "head."
Try again.
^^^^ oh no! that should of been used!!! the grammer police are going to beat me up!!! aaaaiiiieeeeeeeee!!!!! beat me, whip me, make me write bad checks!!!
1. 'should HAVE been' - not 'should OF been'
2. 'grammar' - not 'grammer'
-Grammar Police
Sure am glad I opened up Word and use spell check on sentence before I posted
Heard was spelled correctly. Try again.
You are a DUMB ASS. It should have been "head."
Try again.
Yes but the spell check would not catch that as the word was spelled correctly, so the entire reference to opening Word is irrelevant. Dumber Ass.
Seriously Harper Finch is getting worse over time.
You are a DUMB ASS. It should have been "head."
Try again.
You are so stupid, it hurts. Someone said I should have used spell check, however, as heard was spelled correctly, spell check wouldn't pick it up. Do try and keep up.
Yes but the spell check would not catch that as the word was spelled correctly, so the entire reference to opening Word is irrelevant.
Exactly. It's a shame that someone on here seems to have nothing better to do than sit around and call people a dumb ass all the time. However, if there's more than one person doing it, which I highly doubt, they must be twins separated at birth, they seem so alike.
I am the poster of 96, 112, 113, 122 and 123. The use of spell check referenced in post 122 was with regards to the word "sentence" in post 96, not the word "heard" which should of been "head" in post 110. I did not make post 110.
Whomever said that spell check would not have caught 100's mistake is correct. Word's grammar check doesn't catch it either; however, it does say that the comma after the word all should be a semi-colon. Beat me some more, grammar police!
You may now return to calling me dumb ass. Doesn't bother me much at all!
And now to annoy another group of people = look what got posted on facebook!!
A Letter of Love from Royanna Fritschmann:
Being so gravely ill has given me time
to reflect on what is truly important!
We are given only this moment in time
nothing past that is guaranteed!
I want to live in the present, I want
to IN-JOY in every single moment with
ALL of my heart and with the utmost JOY!
Leaving Divine Digital was the absolute
most heart wrenching and most difficult
decisions I have ever had to make! But
in the process God gave me all the tools
to move on, to find myself again, and to see
that I had a purpose here to fufill!
Time away has been great in refilling
my soul, it gave me time to revive my
heart, it gave me time to focus on the
things I am good at and called to be,
it also gave me time to face the music
to the things I am terrible at, all the pain
I brought to some, and it gave me time to
grow from those mistakes but it helped
me find forgiveness for those I hurt and those
that hurt me! Hence I am here today in this
very moment, ready to LIVE!
I know my gifts and talents of designing are like
a present to others! They are talents given to me
by God to be used for HIS glory - not to keep
to myself but to share with others!. So as of today
I am honored to announce a new path and a
new journey that will bless many and will help
those leave a legacy...and learn a lesson or two
along the way! So join me on this exciting and
inspirational Journey as I open my new store
“STUDIO R DESIGNS” at “Smashing Scraps”!
Proceeds from my sales at this store will be
split two fold! 90% will be going to fund my
medical costs of my blood disease treatments
the other 10% will be donated to the American
Red Cross to help fund blood collection activities
to help patients like myself who need multilple
blood transfusions to keep them alive!
I hope you will join me at my new store!
I noticed that Haroer Finch has a paper pack on Quality DigiScrap Freebies, but then I looked and the papers are not that bad. But I did not download it to see the actual quality (probably won't anyways).
And on another note if RA gives 10% to the American Red Cross she will probably only be donating 10 cents a month lol.
Does anyone know a ballpark figure of what a popular designer might earn per month?
Popularity and earnings are not always proportional.
Ok, so what could a top-earning designer make each money? I suppose it varies, but people must have an idea of figures...?
I would not be surprised that the top-earning designers would make $2000 a month. I am not a top designer and I make around $1000 a month.
My favorite part of Royanna's delusional message is "Time has always been great in refilling my soul" (don't even get me started on the grammar issues in that sentence alone) and how she then goes on to say, "it gave me time to..." and she lists a bunch of things.
So, Royanna, TIME gave you time? LOL you idiot. Jeez. Have another glass of wine and ramble on some more, you nut job.
Thanks for your input, 137. Anyone else have some info on designers' earning that they can divulge?
You may now return to calling me dumb ass. Doesn't bother me much at all!
Really? It doesn't bother you much at all? Why all the posts defending yourself?
"90% will be going to fund my
medical costs of my blood disease treatments"
And all of my trips to Disney.
#140, I wasn't defending myself. I was clarifying for those who had mixed up which anonymous poster had made which post, which some had mixed up. Looks like more things are going over people's "heards" who don't remember the original post that started it all (which was 91) but that doesn't bother me much either ;)
#141, LMAO!
#139 - I only make about $300 a month (80%).
Not trying to be mean, but wow those HF roses hurt my eyes. I literally had to turn away.
Really? It doesn't bother you much at all? Why all the posts defending yourself?
twit! If you look at the posts she lists, none of them are defending herself.
I know my gifts and talents of designing are like
a present to others! They are talents given to me
by God to be used for HIS glory - not to keep
to myself but to share with others!. So as of today
I am honored to announce a new path and a
new journey that will bless many and will help
those leave a legacy...and learn a lesson or two
along the way!
Holy moly, what an ego that girl has.
Ok, so what could a top-earning designer make each money? I suppose it varies, but people must have an idea of figures...?
Honest question, but why do you care and how is it your business?
148 - Maybe she thinks she'll be a top earning designer once she starts?
Well, be like Royanna, open a store, don't pay your designers regularly and always be sick so customers will feel sorry for you and (a) buy more product and (b) jump all over any designer that asks for the money you owe her and label her a hater. Do that and you can make lots of money, just don't let anybody know and always insist you are broke and struggling to feed your kids.
^^Yup and you too can make over $1000 every month besides the money you steal from your designers.
Sounds like a plan, and evidently it works, you would think people would get a clue.
I don't think it does work all that well, but who really knows.
Well, they are off to a brilliant start already! This home page is showing new release for May! And it's currently the end of Jul. How very up to date of them.
Honest question, but why do you care and how is it your business?
Why do YOU care?
$2000 a month maybe 5 years ago, but I don't think many designers make near that any more now. I think most better selling designers would be lucky to sell $500 a month.
Grammar Police here...
SHOULD HAVE, not should of! Oh that is an annoying grammar mistake!!!!
Why do YOU care?
I don't.
SHOULD HAVE, not should of! Oh that is an annoying grammar mistake!!!!
"I could care less", instead of "I couldn't care less" is right up there.
Hey Grammar Police here in post #157 - Did you forget that you posted in post #126 and already pointed that out? Or have two different Grammar Police done committed double jeopardy and punished me twice for the same crime?? Hope you loved that one though it passed in Word it looks wrong lol - beat me some more, shudda woudda coudda :PPPP And #157 poster #126 found another mistake that you missed!!
I can't believe anyone has the balls to say that their designs are a gift from God to everyone. Just ... wow.
Royanna is seriously delusional! I almost feel sorry for her as she is obviously not mentally competent!!
I make $1500+/month and I'm not at any of the usual stores mentioned here as being top stores (SSD, SO, TLP).
I totally read your comment as if it were from a spam bot.
You know the kind.
As anonymous explained, I'm totally surprised that anyone can earn $1,500 in a month by not being at a top tier store. Please visit this website for more information
No offense, I've just been seeing far too many spam bot comments. Good for you for making that much. I never had much success. Around $300/$400 per month and that was about 4/5 years ago.
"Ok, so what could a top-earning designer make each money? I suppose it varies, but people must have an idea of figures...?"
"Honest question, but why do you care and how is it your business?"
I care because I am thinking of trying to get into a store as a designer and would like to know what my potential earnings could be. It is called research.
I appreciate the input from designers who have commented so far. If anyone has anything else to add, I would be happy to hear it.
Unless you are an advertising genuis, your potential earnings are only pennies!
#165 - Instead of looking at what the top earners make, which would be near impossible for a newbie and most designers don't even come close, why not look at the average earnings. That would be a more reasonable expectation. At least imo.
This was a poll from a few months ago at DST in the Designer area. As you can see, most designers don't make the 'big bucks'.
under $50 27 23.28%
$51-150 14 12.07%
$151-$300 23 19.83%
$301-$500 11 9.48%
$501-$750 13 11.21%
$751-$1000 6 5.17%
$1001-$1500 5 4.31%
$1501-$2000 6 5.17%
$2001-$2500 1 0.86%
$2501-$3000 3 2.59%
over $3000 7 6.03%
Voters: 116.
That was hard to read. I'll try it again.
under $50 27 23.28%
$51-150 14 12.07%
$151-$300 23 19.83%
$301-$500 --- 11 --- 9.48%
$501-$750 --- 13 --- 11.21%
$751-$1000 --- 6 --- 5.17%
$1001-$1500 --- 5 --- 4.31%
$1501-$2000 --- 6 --- 5.17%
$2001-$2500 --- 1 --- 0.86%
$2501-$3000 --- 3 --- 2.59%
over $3000--- 7 --- 6.03%
Voters: 116.
164 - A spam bot? Just because you can't make any money doesn't mean other people can't.
168 - That poll had 116 responses. That's no where near the amount of designers in this industry. I would expect most of the lower earners were the majority of responses because they wanted to see the results. If I remember correctly, only people who responded got to see the results or maybe I'm thinking of something else. Most top earners don't take the time to answer things like that. There are more in the $1500+ club than you can imagine.
If you're not one of them after 4-5 years, #164, you never will be. You're just not making something customers want to buy.
150-I can't believe she's going to have any designers at her new store after sticking it to them for so long at the other store. She really has a bad reputation as far as paying her designers!
If you're not one of them after 4-5 years, #164, you never will be. You're just not making something customers want to buy.
Not necessarily true. Many people make things people would love to buy, they just fail drastically at marketing.
168: Those stats are interesting to see, thank you.
Who do you reckon are the designers earning over $1500? I'm interested to know what sort of styles are most popular with customers?
Thanks for posting the poll from DST.
Do many people still post in the designer forum at DST??
The DST forum is pretty quiet (like most forums) as people are most often in FB, but I would say that it is still used for discussion and information now and then. I think it is a better place than FB for information that one might want to refer to, in the future. Try to find info on FB!!! If it is more than a week old, you are mostly out of luck.
173 - the poll was anonymous, so I doubt you would get names out of it.
thoughts on this week's Cropped entries?
I think some are really good and some make me wonder why they moved forward. I also really dislike having non-contestants able to post in that gallery. I've disliked it the entire time, though.
I remember a few years ago when the top designers were the likes of Gina Miller, Christina Renee, etc, and by all accounts they were doing extremely well every month. I know Gina is now focusing more on photography. Actually, quite a few of the designers from back then have moved more into photography. Perhaps designing is not as lucrative as it was once?
Not necessarily true. Many people make things people would love to buy, they just fail drastically at marketing.
Jul 24, 2013, 11:20:00 AM
Whatever helps you sleep at night.
Who do you think the top grossing designers are now?
I agree #177. A few of this week's make me feel bad for the people that got cut last week, because it's clear those people shouldn't have moved on. Jengerbread88 for example - wow, that's bad. And her page from last week wasn't great, either.
A few of them are really good, though.
I love the style of Paislee Press and Taylormade designs, for example. Do you think these ladies are among the top earners?
My favorites for the Cropped contest this round are (not in any order):
Janet Scott Photography
I didn't like any of the others.
I care because I am thinking of trying to get into a store as a designer and would like to know what my potential earnings could be. It is called research.
Okay, but research on a smack blog? How can you believe what anyone tells you?
A spam bot? Just because you can't make any money doesn't mean other people can't.
WTF? Did you not understand what I was saying? I wasn't accusing her of being a spam bot, I said it sounded like a spam bot; it was the wording. Quit being an asshole.
That poll had 116 responses. That's no where near the amount of designers in this industry.
Yes, there is.
I love the style of Paislee Press and Taylormade designs, for example. Do you think these ladies are among the top earners?
Okay, but research on a smack blog? How can you believe what anyone tells you?
Well, I can't exactly email lots of designers and ask them what they earn, can I? I don't think I would get a very good response! I agree that asking here is not ideal, but at least it is anonymous, so people may not mind sharing some info.
I guess that's true.
I'm interested to know what sort of styles are most popular with customers?
That's a hard one to answer. If you make kits that are too generic, not many will buy them as they won't have enough of whatever it is that will make a customer put their money down or it will look too much like what's out there.
It's best to do what you are good at and do it well; rather than trying to appeal to everyone.
Do many people still post in the designer forum at DST??
When I quit designing about four or five years ago, it was already really, really quiet in there. From what I've heard from my designing friends, it's even more quiet now.
Some of those cropped contestants really shouldn't have progressed to this level considering all the other good layouts that didn't make it to this round. And seriously? How many layouts are about depression?!? makes me depressed looking at all of them....
Janet Scott Photography
I didn't like any of the others.
I didn't care for Tiff's but I agree with this list. I also liked LindaRoos (who isn't competing apparently) and CarrieA.
That poll had 116 responses. That's no where near the amount of designers in this industry.
Yes, there is.
Jul 24, 2013, 3:19:00 PM
You may want to re-read the statement you quoted or brush-up on your reading comprehension.
192 - I noticed that, too. I think some of those contestants waited to see what was posted then merged those ideas into their own pages. How creative! That's fine to use inspiration in your every day pages, but hardly seems in the spirit of Cropped.
I only liked Tronesia, Amson, Catgoddess, and Janet Scott Photography. The others are horrible or flat out not creative. I didn't see any of the non-contestants pages that were worth much, either.
Yawn, the monthly discussion of "Who are the top earning designers?" and "How much do designers make?" The discussion doesn't change much month to month. Boring...move on.
#190 - ITA If someone's going to start designing by copying a style that someone else has just to make money, it probably won't work. Copying is never as good as the original. If you don't have any creative juices and a style that's your own, then your going to rely on a lot of CU customers now are pretty good about spotting that.
#195- I thought the same thing when I looked through the gallery. I wish some different people had made it this round and possibly made pages that looked different. Some of those pages are really, really poor. I'm guessing the mystery ingredients and challenge stumped a lot of people so they ended up looking to see who did what and tried to make it a little different. I didn't think it looked that hard, but I'm not in the contest and things can be more stressful when you're competing.
You may want to re-read the statement you quoted or brush-up on your reading comprehension.
Perhaps if the original statement had been worded more comprehensively ...
Janet Scott Photography. The others are horrible or flat out not creative.
Interesting, I didn't think Janet's was all that creative. It wasn't horrible, but nothing I haven't seen many times before.
I'm #200 on the previous page (so 800 I guess) and I just wanted to say that if Janet had included the back story, which she shared in the description, on her page as journaling, that would have made that page awesome.
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