A lot of the designers were complaining that the palette wasn't summerish at all... I know many struggled with it and I think that the sales will suffer this month!
#4 How do you know it isn't the other way around and that Robyn "copied" the first. Similar yes. Totally the same not so much and the first has a lot more doodles which makes me believe she had hers first!!
Because Robyn Gough bitched on FB about someone stealing her designs and selling them as her own. Matter of fact...#4 probably IS Robyn, trying to get anyone in the world to pay attention to her.
I'm looking for some new designers to try in a couple of styles.
1. clean modern graphic style (ie Paislee Press)
2. Vintage inspired, slightly shabby but not too distressed (ie. Katie Pertiet)
3. Some recent kits I've liked have been by Megan Turnridge, Scrapyrus (Papyrus kit), & Sahlin Studio.
4. I like nice papers, subtle textures, kits that have a "paper" feel, pretty color combinations. ----------------------
Thanks to everyone who took time to answer. :)
Here are the suggestions for anyone else who may be looking:
- Pixels & Co. - for clean & simple similar to Paislee Press, I like Three Paper Peonies - For a paper feel kit & papers try Shabby Miss Jenn. She also has great prices. - For clean modern graphic style you should definately check out Digital Design Essentials. - I second 3 Paper Peonies- Sahlins prices are a bit over the top sometimes- so I usually hold off until sales - check out Forever Joy Designs I have become a groupie of hers since the Basics collections came out
^ what do you tell a designer when you quit because they aren't putting out kits? I have a couple I'd love to quit, so I can apply for new, more active teams, but I have no idea what to say to them!
I have been CTing a long time, and I have found the BEST thing is to be honest with the designer. Say, hey, I love CTing for the free kits it's true, but I also like the deadline to get a page done. Sadly, you haven't been making kits on a regular basis, so I can go on a freelance,and when you make a kit, I can help out here and there. I am gonna go and apply to a few other designers so I can be a bit more active. The designer is more aware that she isn't making kits too, and to add oh I am just cutting back on teams and then join 3 more is wrong. There are some really awesome designers out there! I am honored to create for a lot of them! ♥ They produce a kit a week, and more, and are organized and oh it is heaven for an active scrapper. Just be kind and honest.
I second being honest. You can tell your designer that you just feel like her team is no longer a good fit for you. If you want to go into more detail, feel free, but don't think you have to.
If there's one thing I have learned it's don't hang on to a team that isn't a good fit. It's not good for you or the designer.
And if your designer is a drama queen you may get a snotty response or general nastiness. Just shake it off and move on.
As a designer, I'd much rather know the truth - and I'd hate to think I have CT members who feel 'stuck' on my team because they don;t know how to tell me they need to move on.
Yeah, be honest but not harsh. Or just tell them "Good luck with your business, but I need to step down or become a freelancer. I love your designs but I am looking for a more routine designer to CT for--I need that schedule to help me stay on track." Or something like that.
My problem with designers lately is giving the CT kits reeealllly last-minute. I'm talking almost midnight my time the night before its released. Like, literally last minute. (And I understand there are time zone differences, so my midnight might be the designer's afternoon. HOWEVER, if you sell in a store that's based on Eastern Standard Time, then they're even "later" than midnight.) I want to stay on my teams but I can't make a page (1) in the middle of the night or (2) right in the morning so she can quickly add it to her newsletter or store images.
I am a designer and I often give my CT kits at the last minute but I don't require layouts at any specific time. I am just a last minute worker. I don't mind if the LOs come a week later.
As a CTM, I prefer a couple days lead time. That way if I'm busy one day, I can work on it the next day without it impacting the designer. If a designer is like #35, then I always make a page when I can. If a designer expects me to wait up for her to finish at the last minute, she can kiss my ass.
If you release on Friday, then ideally, I'd love the kit by Wednesday. I could probably still swing a layout if you post it early Thursday morning. I love having even more time than that, but understand that it's not always possible.
And I second (third, fourth?) honesty in quitting.
I always feel bad because I feel like I'm finishing up my kits last minute but I'm getting them done a week before the release date - I guess I'm not that bad.
i'm a designer and would never wait until the day before a kit release to get it to my team. i realize that making LOs for me is not the biggest priority in their lives. I am completely organized and work several weeks ahead. so my CTs have minimum 1-2 weeks to produce a layout.
Ugh! Are you kidding me? Seriously who would buy this? http://www.gottapixel.net/store/product.php?productid=10002153&cat=2&page=1 $3.38 and 50% off...NEVER!
28-I'm 27. I did quit a few CTs lately. My life circumstances have changed, and I don't have as much time for theteams as I did a few months ago. That doesn't mean, however, that in the future I won't apply to some other teams. Circumstances in life change all the time. I told the designers the truth when I stepped down from their teams. I respect them and I loved their designs. I just don't have the time right now to make ct worthy layouts for several teams, so I cut back. I could have stayed and made ok layouts for them in 1/2 the time I usually take, but I'm not satisfied with that, and that isn't what my designers would have appreciated either. If I can't do a great job and produce quality layouts for a designer, then I need to give up that position to someone that can devote the time to do that.
48 - How often do you produce kits? I know it seems like I am asking a lot of questions. I just want to get a feel for you before I give suggestions :)
I suggest Gingerscraps or Gotta Pixel. I've sold in both and they are not bad. My sales were good and consistent and I always did well by participating in the GGI and the GS Buffet. Those are really the only two decent non exclusive stores, IMHO
Did anyone catch the second podcast from Traci Reed and Lain Ehmann yet? I honestly don't understand why Lain has thrown in with the likes of Traci Reed. I used to have tons of business respect for Lain and I swear Traci brings absolutely nothing to the table, except for her occasional moments of bragging about how long she's been doing this, how many fans and newsletter subscribers she has, and blah, blah, blah.
Lain, you know what they say about lying down with dogs? You might want to think about that. Your podcast would be better if it was just you talking with a variety of different guests.
#44 Pickleberrypop is another good, non-exclusive shop. They have more of a mix of design styles. I also design more of a traditional style, and I'm always happy with my sales! They do have a two product release/$300 volume requirement per month, but that's easily doable. They also do a $1 sale each month (The Pickle Barrel) which brings in a lot of sales! It's a great team to work with - no drama!
GingerScraps has gone down hill IMO, I think because Ginger is a flake. Although you will probably get in, since she will just about take on any new designer these days. I would definitely recommend GP over GS.
56 you're typing to just see what it looks like aren't you? When I first appliedtp GS I did not get in. So no, she doesn't take on just anyone. But GS seems as solid as ever right now. Unless you're behind the scenes you're nothing but a maybe jealous outtsider looking in. And you have no room to say anything about being a designer there. Hey Jen Yurko
57-I'm at GS as a ct for a designer there. I've been a member there since it opened, and yes there are problems there. The quality of the designers has definitely declined over the past year. I don't think Ginger is a flake, but maybe she should check out some of the products before she approves the designers. Maybe she does. I don't know. I actually stay away from there as much as I can and still stay on the ct I'm on. It's not my favorite place. But then, I don't like sweet shop or Scrap orchard either.
Any problems at GS are almost entirely the other designers. From what I've heard, there is a real division amongst the designers about products and promotion. Some want their designs heavily promoted without giving anything in return (not even their product to the store CT) and others believe in normal store promotion (CT layouts, challenges, newsletters, etc) and are generous with those who help promote them (the store CT).
I wouldn't go there if I got 100% of my commissions. I don't want to associate myself with stupid, ignorant designers who think they deserve the world handed to them and then shit on the very people who try to help make their business successful.
What I don't like is when you try to apply to a store and never hear back from them. Just tell me no if that is the answer I can take that better than no answer at all.
#57 - You're clueless and have no idea about what goes on there. And NO I am not Jen Y!
#61 - "Some want their designs heavily promoted without giving anything in return"...nothing in return? is getting the kit FREE not enough?
#61 - "I don't want to associate myself with stupid, ignorant designers who think they deserve the world handed to them and then shit on the very people who try to help make their business successful." - the site CT is a joke! They WANT WANT WANT but don't want to do any of the work except for posting a layout.
65 - What is required of them that they don't do? I've always thought of GS as a very active and friendly place mostly due to CT who are pretty active in the forums. I rarely see any designers active there except for the few who host a challenge.
Personally, I don't ask my CT to do anything I wouldn't do for myself. I'm not trying to be snotty, I'm genuinely curious what they're not doing that makes them a joke.
I asked a friend on the GS CT and she said their requirements are to work with the monthly buffet, the monthly store collab if there is one, to make a page with an assigned designer, make at least one more page/month above and beyond the first 3, post all pages to a minimum of 4 galleries, leave 30 gallery comments, make 20 forum comments, and enable at least 3 times/month at another site like DST.
That seems like a lot of site work to me and I wouldn't do it especially since she said they do not get 100% access to the store products because some designers don't give their products to the store CT - some even charge them for the products. They even limit how many promotional $1 items (the Buffet) the CT can download and charge them for anything above and beyond.
Now, as a designer, I think that is absolute shit. If a CTM isn't doing all of those requirements, remove her from the team if she doesn't improve. If they're doing all those requirements, they should have anything they want from the store. Comments and forum participation take time and build a community that only the designers benefit from. I'd say that's worth some free product that the CTM still needs to put into galleries. It's not like they get it for free without some promotion.
I'd love to know what else #65 expects a store CT to do as well.
65-I know a lot of the designers were upset over how things were promoted in the store. I know a few of the designers left the store at one of the changes. The good part of GS? The drama stays in the back room. TDC is very laid back and calm. No drama that I know of. I like it there.
I've been at GS and they have a ton of requirements and a shitty staff. I would also recommend Pickleberrypop. I CT for a few of the designers there and I know some of them are making a pretty good living at it. The owner is awesome and I've never seen any drama there since she took over (almost two years ago I think). They've really increased the number of paper-type designers and they also have a monthly promo.
69 - Again, I ask, what makes them shitty? I don't understand it. If what 67 said about their requirements, it seems like every other store CT out there. What aren't they doing that you wish they would? Just curious, not being snotty.
70-the requirements are GS are much more than where I CT, and we get full reign of anything in the store except CU products as long as we use it on a layout. We only have to post to 2 other galleries and 30 gallery posts per month. We're encouraged to be active in the forum, but no number was mentioned. When a CTM is treated nicely, and makes it home, it's not hard to make comments in the forum or the gallery because the other posters become your friends. When it's a set number, you see an awful amount of stupid posts that don't mean anything to anybody except a number to fulfill a requirement. It's fun where I'm at, and I'm glad I'm there.
As a designer, there are a ton of quarterly requirements at GS too. They have some freebie thing you have to contribute to regularly. By the time you add up regular releases, GGI, spotlights, quarterly freebies, etc. it adds up to quite a bit, which is okay if it's your only store. But add another store and it's tough to keep up with.
I wonder how many designers would agree with those few at GS who don't give access to there products to the store CT for free? Is this a new trend? to those that CT at GS do you pay those designers for kits or do you just bypass them?
I'm not a CT at GS, but I CT for others. I also buy from a few designers that I like that I don't CT for. If I were a CT at a store, I would never buy from a designer who sold at that store. Store CTs are a lot of time and extra non-scrap work (which is why I avoid them) and any designer who wanted to charge me for kits after I spend my time promoting their store and community to get them sales is ridiculous.
I've been a CT for over 6 years and I have never in my time heard of a designer who charges a CT for product! How does GS even keep a CT if that's how they're treated? Unbelievable!
I have a friend on the GS CT and I'm going to make sure she knows how ungrateful some of the designers are there. I can't believe a designer would call a CTM shitty even anonymously. I know some CT's aren't reliable everywhere you go, but I can't believe ALL of the CT's are "shitty" at GS.
I wish I knew who those designers are who charge CT's for product so I can never buy from them.
Those requirements for GS are completely over the top - both for CT and for designers.
With that kind of workload for site CT they absolutely deserve full access to the store - and any designers who don't want to fully participate in the store (ie: share with the CT who are actively bringing traffic to the store, supporting forum members, and creating community) are clearly disrespectful and arrogant and should be asked to either change their ways or leave.
AS for the posted above who said that the site CT 'WANT WANT WANT but don't want to do any of the work except for posting a layout. ' ... a CT is supposed to post a layout, that IS the work. They are not your blog team or your social media team or your forum love team. Stop expecting them to be more than CT.
The store I am at you need to contribute to 6 collabs a year - but most designers contribute monthly because there is a feeling of mutual respect and the designers want to give back. Everything else is voluntary including FWP, site events, featured designer, newsletter freebies, Facebook freebies and other promotional things - but there is always a huge list of designers who are volunteering to do them. The owner works very hard, has multiple paid admin and multiple different promotional teams. That way, the load is spread over many different people instead of asking so much of one group. It's very much a give and take which is why the designers give so much.
GS designers who charge the store CT for product: 1. Wendy Tunison Designs
GS designers who close their store to the store CT- the CT are not allowed to use older product in the store and can't use new product unless the designer posts that it's okay: 1. Blue Heart Scraps 2. Pixels By Jen 3. Pretty In Green 4. Roseytoes 5. Twin Mom Scraps 6. Wendy Tunison Designs
The other designers have their stores completely open to the CT.
Roseytoes is an idiot. At Christmas time she apparently gave out the same code to multiple designers as Christmas presents for the CT. The code could be used multiple times (which it damn well should have been in case someone was on the ct for multiple teams- otherwise she'd be screwing designers/ct). From what I heard, there was another GS designer who also didn't set their coupon to single use. They wanted designers to identify and then pay for their ct members who had used the coupon more than once
Love em or hate em I would assume that Connie and Trixie are the two best sellers at GS. It says a lot that they don't limit their product to the store ct. Isn't that what helps sell- having store ct show and make your product look good?!
The designers listed are some of the shittiest designers at GS. Wendy is the best of those listed and she'll never get a dime out of me. I can't even fathom charging a CTM for products. I'm glad I don't sell at GS, because I couldn't work with someone with that attitude.
I've worked with both Connie and Trixie in previous store CTs and they have always been generous with the store CT and appreciative. I'm not surprised they treat the GS CT well.
I sell my kits at GS and I allow the CT full access to my store. And they take advantage of it, believe me. I don't mind - if they are willing to work with my products, they can have whatever they want.
I just wanted to say - not all the designers at GS are "shitty" and I don't think that about any of the CT, either. I also don't feel there is a lot of drama, but I don't go looking or it, either. I find it to be a friendly place. And, I think Ginger is a great owner. She works hard and is always willing to help her team in whatever way she can. Sometimes she might come off a little indecisive, but I think it's because she is trying to keep things harmonious and fun. I really like it there, and just wanted to say so, fwiw.
Isn't it the store CT's J-O-B to work with products in the store? I, too, think it's disgusting that those designers restrict access and I can't imagine how any designer on that list is making Ginger so much money she couldn't tell them to piss off. That's a horrible attitude to have in a store. It doesn't do much for morale I would imagine.
Hmmm ... a 'great' owner who either a) doesn't understand the value of treating CT with respect or b) can't set up boundaries with designers about how they treat the site CT.
And #53 It's sad that there's no way Lain can tell the difference between actual listeners and those who just want to hear what jabbering Traci is trying to pass off as business advice. I would bet money that the majority of their listeners are in the second camp.
Who cares is GS limits or doesn't limit the use of kits. Most of their ct sucks just like most of their designers.
I don't shop at GS, but it really just sounds like they had a big problem with ct taking advantage of the open access so they changed the rules to try and fix it. I wouldn't buy from the designers listed including trixie and connie whether it was new or old kits so I don't know why anyone is complaining at all.
87, yes that is still a good place to check for calls. Or if you are interested in a specific designer, email them directly to see if they have an opening. Many designers don't have calls very often.
Will someone please tell me how a CT can take advantage of open access? I understand if they download and don't use, but that doesn't sound like what everyone is talking about. I really don't get it.
I think more stores are like this and even more designers than you think.
Some of the designers don't even post their products to the New Products threads/galleries at all, and others wait until the very last moment to post it as available to the store ct.
Some of the designers don't even post their products to the New Products threads/galleries at all, and others wait until the very last moment to post it as available to the store ct.
This is not the same as not allowing the CT access - this is just not allowing them early access (which, as we discussed above, many designers don't do even for their own CT and it's usually because they are working right up until the last minute)
"From what I heard, there was another GS designer who also didn't set their coupon to single use. They wanted designers to identify and then pay for their ct members who had used the coupon more than once."
If a designer doesn't know how to set coupons, sales, or specials in her own store, she's an idiot. If a customer takes advantage of you, you deserve it, plain and simple.
When a CT is only paid for their time with product, taking away access to their product is like asking them to work for free. Shame on those designers mentioned in #82 and shame on Ginger for allowing her staff to do that insane amount of work while decreasing their payment.
I wonder how those designers listed in #82 would feel about having their commissions decreased in order to pay someone real money to do their store promotions.
This sort of mentality exists in designers who aren't making much money and they think if people didn't have access to their products for free, they would buy them.
Newsflash - the CTs aren't the reason you're not making enough money. It's because other designers do it better and it's only when your products are $1 that they sell.
As a former CTM, I dropped my store teams when they started assigning designers. You know why some designers don't get CT love? It's because the designer's products suck. I hated so many of the products I scrapped with and my pages were so ugly in my eyes. It wasn't worth the other product I got for free that I actually liked.
Store owners - if majority of your CT don't like working with certain designers products, most of your customers probably wont, either.
I blame store owners for so many of these problems. Get rid of these dead weight designers who don't generate money for the store and who treat staff like shit.
That's why I will never join a store team. I don't always love all the designers in a store. At least with individual designers I know if I like most or all of their stuff.
Would love to know how the designers treat their personal CTs.
#106 - Just as you might not like to use all of the designer's products in one store, it is also possible that the designer doesn't like the layouts that the store CT create with her product. Some designers request that the site CT not be able to download their product because they are super picky about how their product is shown for promotion and want more control over the CT and layouts used to promote their product.
Just because you don't like a designer doesn't mean that they do not sell well. You don't represent all tastes and styles. Some stores have a wide variety of styles and not everyone is going to want to scrap with them but you can't know for sure (unless the designers are telling you) how poor or good their sales are.
This is where your blame of the store owners falls apart because you are assuming you know more than you do when it comes down to it. You don't really know what people are earning. Besides, there are many good reasons to keep people on a team even if their sales are not the best. Also, if store owners started firing everyone who didn't sell extremely well, you would probably blame them for being terrible to work for. Why? Because that is what you come here for, right? To take pleasure in criticizing and smacking people who have the courage to put themselves out there, anonymously.
You guys always think you know so much that you can judge others reasons or capabilities. With that level of criticism dished out to total strangers, I would hate to have to live inside of your heads. I would be afraid to do anything with my life as how we judge other4s is pretty much a reflection of how we judge ourselves.
You can call me a hypocrite because I am here anonymously, or you can pick apart my grammar or simply fling pointless crap my way, but I only ever have anything to say in support of the people who you all attempt to sabotage and even though it is a waste of time to try to positively influence any of you here to think twice about the way you treat others, I can't help myself for trying. I am actually confused as to what you get out of this activity.
115 - I love how you try to prove 106 wrong by using the same argument she did, just attempting to twist it to the positive. Nice try, though.
I'd guess a decent CTM would be able to work with more than one style of product and that's why a store would take her on to begin with. I don't scrap with a lot of fantasy products, but I can appreciate quality fantasy products and am intelligent enough to identify crap products when I see them.
In my experience, it's always the designers who no one wants to work with who rarely make any new product, don't contribute to store events, etc. If you're not making new products, you're definitely not doing well in sales. That's why most of the top shops have regular release requirements and sales quotas.
Also, putting people down doesn't make your point stronger. It just makes you seem petty and weak.
Haha 116 - their biggest complaint is that it's too "flat" -- and my biggest complaint when paper scrapbooking took off was that it was WAY too thick. I hated that a page could easily be an inch thick, which would make shitty books in my opinion. And then I saw a friend making digi pages, asked her about it - and never looked back! I'll take my flat pages any day! lol :P
#115, you are indeed a hypocrite, but not for being anonymous. You are a self-righteous asshole who is smacking people for doing EXACTLY what you're doing in your lengthy and pointless lecture of a post.
I love my store CTs. The one thing I like about them is you get a variety of product that way. I'm on the teams from the designers I love, and at the two stores I love, where we get to use anything in the store. It's definitely the best way to go as a CTM.
I used to be on GS's store CT. Most of the designers who don't allow store CTMs access to their stuff never really posted their new releases, anyway. Or they posted so last minute that I never worked with their kits (because if you don't respect the deadlines, then I don't feel the need to bust my ass making you a LO. I'm not trying to be a bitch: I'm trying to keep my sanity, and scrapping verylastminute zaps my sanity way fast. And yes, I know that's bad grammar.) So it's not like all of a sudden you don't have access to this great stuff by all these great designers. For me, it was more like "Now it's official: These people don't want you to work with their products, so now you don't have to feel guilty if they post something Thursday night for Friday's release."
And as far as it sounding like a lot of work: it was actually less work than another store for which I used to CT. The fact that I knew exactly what was expected of me (store mega, buffet LO, "assigned designer" LO, and then whatever I wanted) made life simple. I like simple. And most of the designers let you use whatever you want in the store. Some designers even said "PLEASE use my stuff!" and "Thanks for your hard work!" which, for me, helped take away the sting of changing the CT rules.
I never saw something in the store that I wanted to scrap with and realized it wasn't "available" to me as a CTM. So many of the designers are/were very generous and very open to the store CT. I stopped CTing there less than a year ago (less than 6 months? IDK), so I can't speak about what is going on right now, but I LOVED it when I was there. I just had to quit because I quit almost all my teams cuz life got crazy.
If you CT at a store, what are the reqs? And do you think they're hard/easy/just right?
Well, I'm glad I don't sell at your site then, 124. I don't believe in overworking a CT, whether its a store CT or a personal team. But, if I'm going to give free product to a store CT, I at least hope they post in ONE place outside our own little universe. It's great to sell to existing customers, but you also need to advertise and market outside of your own world to bring in new customers. And with your store only requiring you to post where you already live, then none of you, as a store CT, are helping to draw in new business.
Oops, you removed your info and photo from your page, but the photo is still here...looks like peeps are gonna know who your are slinging crap around about others on here...you might wanna watch your own back now, faces are easy to place with names in digiland.
Hmmm- was the SWL site edited? I don't see a photo of Rebecca there. But judging from these photos- here she is: http://scraporchard.com/scrappin/aurian
I don't like the new Scrap Orchard but I also didn't like the new Lilypad or the new Sweet Shoppe. The only scrapshop that changed for the better was Scrapflower but we all now how that went. I guess I don't like changes. Now I'm used to the new Sweet Shoppe and The Lilypad.
#82 I am one of those designers, and I do not allow open access to my older kits because I would prefer that the newer kits get the most advertising. I do not need new layouts for older kits. Sometimes I do post late but that is because I have a life outside of Digi and that always comes first, yes it hurts my sales but I can still make enough to be happy with, and not avoid my family, and I'm not saying other designers avoid their family I just have a different schedule. CTM are encouraged to message me to work with older kits and most of the time have their choice of what to work with when they are assigned to me. Ginger Scraps is a great store to sell at, and is very friendly, there is NO drama, we have ideas on improving somethings as this business evolves, and no one wants to be taken advantage of or stepped on by anyone, So I'm not sure who you are and why you are so unhappy but if you are so upset with the store then please step down, there is no need to start up drama.
Just because *you* think it's a great store and there's no drama doesn't make her complaint invalid, or mean that she's the only one who feels that way.
Nor does her complaint make yours invalid, or mean that you're the only one who feels that way.
To all 'Sherlock wannabe': copy image's url and use Google search by image. http://www.google.com/insidesearch/features/images/searchbyimage.html I found her blog that way, and -surprise!- there's a scrabooking tab with link to her gallery.
138 - Promotion of new products is for your personal creative team. The store creative team's promotion of your new releases is a bonus. The store team is responsible for keeping the store as a whole active and friendly. Their payment for doing so is your product. Limiting their choices for payment is simply entitled behavior - or not understanding your business.
I've seen the forums at GS go way downhill in activity over the past year or so. It used to be very active and friendly with a lot of events and scraps. Now I know what changed there and why the activity level is so low.
I've been a designer for a long time and it amazes me how some designers conduct business and their overall lack of knowledge.
I do what's expected of me on all my teams, but I don't ever volunteer for more unless I really know the designer. Too many designers take advantage of loyal team members then shit on them - as shown above.
If you want people to go the extra mile to promote you, you need to give extra, too.
I think we have some entitled CT people here. I was on many CT for years and I did not expect anything beyond what I created layouts with. I'm a designer now and I'm pretty open. MY CT can download anything they want, but I expect a layout with it.
I don't think they're out of line. For a designer to dictate which kits can or cannot be used with a site ct, and/or CHARGING for the kit? That's not at all the same as what most designers allow, and seems stingy.
It's the designers business. When I started CTing over 8 years ago some designers required CT to work with specific kits only and others gave free reign. Some limited the number of kits a CT could download in a month, some didn't. As a designer myself I have had issues in the past with CT downloading a lot and not making layouts with everything. One CT even went as far as to use my kit for CU. There are reasons designers limit. If you don't like the limits then don't CT for that designer/store. It's that simple.
You'd think we were talking about something of value. None of those designers on 82's list are worth a shit. I wouldn't download any of their stuff for free - without a layout. I'd be thankful to not work with that crap as a CTM.
143/145 "Big" former freebies sell. Some of my bestsellers have been kits that were part of the Download-A-Day program when I was at Divine Digital. That includes kit add-ons that were limited time (but longer than a day) blog freebies. And some of these kits did get pirated, too (gggrrrrrrr!).
158-I think you are wrong. TDC is still a good shop. Two additional designers do not define a whole store. Besides that, I really enjoy their products. Different folks like different things.
Does anyone knows what font was used on Mye's last kit for the words Boy and tough? I bought the kit and would love to use the font in my page. http://pixelsandcompany.com/shop/About-A-Boy.html
The lowercase 'o' is different in each word, so I doubt it's a font. I don't see it on any of the CT pages other than those 2 exact words in the preview.
I was looking at Forever Joy's new kit and I was mesmerised by the CT Layouts. They really made me want to buy that kit although I have no use for it. Good Job! Of course the designer is very talented as well.
I think the brand new exciting designers as touted by SBG in their newsletter VERY disappointing. Sherwood Studio? Blah. Artclaud is an average template designer at best. And that is stretching it. Jen Maddocks? Poor quality, another Blah. And, the cherry on top is the one and only Lauren Reid! There was a time when SBG was tops, whether you liked the owner or not. Not anymore. Not for a long time now.
And some of these kits did get pirated, too ---------
Yeah, it happens when you have them free, they get snaffled and uploaded elsewhere. It's not right but I don't always think the person uploading elsewhere knows it's wrong. Some do of course.
#182, yes you did say some know it is wrong and some don't. I was pointing out what was done in my particular case and that I thought that meant that they did know it was wrong.
I'm starting to get pissed as a customer with designers that sell only seperates and the total amount of the products together is way more pricey than buying the kit or bundle which does not exist as an option.
182-we're not posting illegally here. They are posting copyrighted things to a site, and that is illegal. That is the difference. -----
That's not what was said. And you can post copyrighted images to any site you want, as long as you own or have the right to do so, otherwise, a lot of people would be in big trouble.
129 I never said I knew who she was, I said people can place the face and know who she was and there should have been you're not your...where we the grammar police on this one, lol
....looks like peeps are gonna know who your are slinging crap around about others on here...you might wanna watch your own back now, faces are easy to place with names in digiland.
138 - Promotion of new products is for your personal creative team. The store creative team's promotion of your new releases is a bonus. The store team is responsible for keeping the store as a whole active and friendly. Their payment for doing so is your product. Limiting their choices for payment is simply entitled behavior - or not understanding your business.
I've seen the forums at GS go way downhill in activity over the past year or so. It used to be very active and friendly with a lot of events and scraps. Now I know what changed there and why the activity level is so low.
I've been a designer for a long time and it amazes me how some designers conduct business and their overall lack of knowledge.
^^^ This summed it up perfectly. Site CT are for site promotion, not designer promotion. Yes, they often promote new releases, but even when they promote your older kits (around digi-land and on social media) they are bringing traffic to the store in general which also promotes your new releases.
Saying you 'do not need new layouts for older kits' shows how little you understand your own business. When a CT posts an awesome layout on Pinterest and it gets re-pinned dozens of times and you are getting viral traffic, do you think people look at your kit in the store and think 'Oh, I won't buy that (even though I love the layout) because it's an older kit.'
If your answer to that is 'yes' then you are essentially saying your older kits are such crap they don't deserve promotion, and you should retire those kits from the store (and bonus you wouldn't have to worry about those greedy CT wanting to download them anymore!)
Store owners need to set boundaries with their designers, ie: this is my store and I set the rules based on the needs of the overall store, not your specific preferences, and you can take it or leave it.
I'm starting to get pissed as a customer with designers that sell only seperates and the total amount of the products together is way more pricey than buying the kit or bundle which does not exist as an option.
^^^ This bugs me too. I'll skip buying anything even if I really like it when all I can do is buy separates that add up to more than the cost of a full kit.
I'm starting to get pissed as a customer with designers that sell only seperates and the total amount of the products together is way more pricey than buying the kit or bundle which does not exist as an option. --- YES! This has been happening frequently and it's very irritating. I make a point of buying nothing from the "set" when that's the case. Like another poster said, I don't care how well I like it, I won't buy any of it.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 780 Newer› Newest»I am confused as to GGI's color palette. Doesn't it seem more like a fall palette as opposed to a summer?
A lot of the designers were complaining that the palette wasn't summerish at all... I know many struggled with it and I think that the sales will suffer this month!
199, I see three kits that would work for Disney photos but I don't see infringement on Disney's copyright at all. That's a big stretch to say that.
Wow blatant piracy here!
Check this out!
#4 How do you know it isn't the other way around and that Robyn "copied" the first. Similar yes. Totally the same not so much and the first has a lot more doodles which makes me believe she had hers first!!
Because Robyn Gough bitched on FB about someone stealing her designs and selling them as her own. Matter of fact...#4 probably IS Robyn, trying to get anyone in the world to pay attention to her.
Robyn has been in the digiscrapping industry a long time, I doubt she needs to start pirating now.
The color palette is horrible, not Summer at all.
@199-I don't see infringement on Disney's copyright at all.
I bought that set years ago from Robin at DSP. I would be very surprised if she was the one doing the pirating.
FWIW #4 doesn't say which one is doing the pirating.
It was available at least in 2009
Frames with doodles around them. I was drawing those back in the 80s. Not exactly innovative.
If she doesn't want people copying or using her stuff, then stop selling them commercial use. What a twit.
Who are you talking about? It is the one who is pirating who is selling the commercial use!
My aren't you a genius #12! Wish I was you when I grew up.
#4 could be anyone, there is a post about it in the DCR so others can check the store for piracy of their own items.
I recognise some scrappin cop frames in the etsy one.
The seller on etsy didn't join etsy till 2011, looks like she is the pirater.
Isn't Robyn the owner of SSD? Why doesn't she sell at SSD?!
different Robin #18
I thought robin gough was at DSP?
The only kit I saw at GP that was "Disney-ish" was Trixie Scraps. Hakuna Matata. But it didn't look Disney. It looked Africa.
Doesn't matter. The palette sucked.
Did I miss some other Disney?
I'm looking for some new designers to try in a couple of styles.
1. clean modern graphic style (ie Paislee Press)
2. Vintage inspired, slightly shabby but not too distressed (ie. Katie Pertiet)
3. Some recent kits I've liked have been by Megan Turnridge, Scrapyrus (Papyrus kit), & Sahlin Studio.
4. I like nice papers, subtle textures, kits that have a "paper" feel, pretty color combinations.
Thanks to everyone who took time to answer. :)
Here are the suggestions for anyone else who may be looking:
- Pixels & Co.
- for clean & simple similar to Paislee Press, I like Three Paper Peonies
- For a paper feel kit & papers try Shabby Miss Jenn. She also has great prices.
- For clean modern graphic style you should definately check out Digital Design Essentials.
- I second 3 Paper Peonies- Sahlins prices are a bit over the top sometimes- so I usually hold off until sales
- check out Forever Joy Designs I have become a groupie of hers since the Basics collections came out
I think Dawn By Design would also fit your description :)
If she doesn't want people copying or using her stuff, then stop selling them commercial use. What a twit.
How does that even make sense?
Looks like the copied products have been removed from the Etsy store.
Those GGI colors this month are yuk!
195-I quit too. May be the same designer--
^ what do you tell a designer when you quit because they aren't putting out kits? I have a couple I'd love to quit, so I can apply for new, more active teams, but I have no idea what to say to them!
I have been CTing a long time, and I have found the BEST thing is to be honest with the designer. Say, hey, I love CTing for the free kits it's true, but I also like the deadline to get a page done. Sadly, you haven't been making kits on a regular basis, so I can go on a freelance,and when you make a kit, I can help out here and there. I am gonna go and apply to a few other designers so I can be a bit more active. The designer is more aware that she isn't making kits too, and to add oh I am just cutting back on teams and then join 3 more is wrong. There are some really awesome designers out there! I am honored to create for a lot of them! ♥ They produce a kit a week, and more, and are organized and oh it is heaven for an active scrapper. Just be kind and honest.
I second being honest. You can tell your designer that you just feel like her team is no longer a good fit for you. If you want to go into more detail, feel free, but don't think you have to.
If there's one thing I have learned it's don't hang on to a team that isn't a good fit. It's not good for you or the designer.
And if your designer is a drama queen you may get a snotty response or general nastiness. Just shake it off and move on.
As a designer, I'd much rather know the truth - and I'd hate to think I have CT members who feel 'stuck' on my team because they don;t know how to tell me they need to move on.
What 30 and 31 said. Honesty is the best policy. And be respectful.
Yeah, be honest but not harsh. Or just tell them "Good luck with your business, but I need to step down or become a freelancer. I love your designs but I am looking for a more routine designer to CT for--I need that schedule to help me stay on track." Or something like that.
My problem with designers lately is giving the CT kits reeealllly last-minute. I'm talking almost midnight my time the night before its released. Like, literally last minute. (And I understand there are time zone differences, so my midnight might be the designer's afternoon. HOWEVER, if you sell in a store that's based on Eastern Standard Time, then they're even "later" than midnight.) I want to stay on my teams but I can't make a page (1) in the middle of the night or (2) right in the morning so she can quickly add it to her newsletter or store images.
As a designer, I'm curious: How much lead time do CT members like to have? A day? A few days? A week?
I am a designer and I often give my CT kits at the last minute but I don't require layouts at any specific time. I am just a last minute worker. I don't mind if the LOs come a week later.
As a CTM, I prefer a couple days lead time. That way if I'm busy one day, I can work on it the next day without it impacting the designer. If a designer is like #35, then I always make a page when I can. If a designer expects me to wait up for her to finish at the last minute, she can kiss my ass.
she can kiss my ass.
I'm a lot like 35. I don't expect layouts right away. I try to give kits at least a few days in advance though.
If you release on Friday, then ideally, I'd love the kit by Wednesday. I could probably still swing a layout if you post it early Thursday morning. I love having even more time than that, but understand that it's not always possible.
And I second (third, fourth?) honesty in quitting.
I always feel bad because I feel like I'm finishing up my kits last minute but I'm getting them done a week before the release date - I guess I'm not that bad.
i'm a designer and would never wait until the day before a kit release to get it to my team.
i realize that making LOs for me is not the biggest priority in their lives.
I am completely organized and work several weeks ahead. so my CTs have minimum 1-2 weeks to produce a layout.
Ugh! Are you kidding me? Seriously who would buy this? http://www.gottapixel.net/store/product.php?productid=10002153&cat=2&page=1
$3.38 and 50% off...NEVER!
I wish Cluster Queen would stop adding hand drawn doodles to her kits. She really sucks at them.
I am looking to add a store. I am currently in one. What is a good non-exclusive store and which should I stay away from? Give good reasons please.
44 - What is your design style?
34-I'm a CTM that likes to work ahead. Most of the designers I ct for do have their kits early. When I say I work ahead, I mean about 2 weeks ahead.
28-I'm 27. I did quit a few CTs lately. My life circumstances have changed, and I don't have as much time for theteams as I did a few months ago. That doesn't mean, however, that in the future I won't apply to some other teams. Circumstances in life change all the time. I told the designers the truth when I stepped down from their teams. I respect them and I loved their designs. I just don't have the time right now to make ct worthy layouts for several teams, so I cut back. I could have stayed and made ok layouts for them in 1/2 the time I usually take, but I'm not satisfied with that, and that isn't what my designers would have appreciated either. If I can't do a great job and produce quality layouts for a designer, then I need to give up that position to someone that can devote the time to do that.
#45 I am a paper type of designer I guess you would say, not the realistic/fantasy type of style.
48 - How often do you produce kits? I know it seems like I am asking a lot of questions. I just want to get a feel for you before I give suggestions :)
48-I try to do kits 3 times a month and I usually do some add ons to go with the kits itself. Thanks for the help btw!
I'd like to add a paper-style non-exclusive store too - but I worry about many of them after reading this blog for too long!
I suggest Gingerscraps or Gotta Pixel. I've sold in both and they are not bad. My sales were good and consistent and I always did well by participating in the GGI and the GS Buffet. Those are really the only two decent non exclusive stores, IMHO
Did anyone catch the second podcast from Traci Reed and Lain Ehmann yet? I honestly don't understand why Lain has thrown in with the likes of Traci Reed. I used to have tons of business respect for Lain and I swear Traci brings absolutely nothing to the table, except for her occasional moments of bragging about how long she's been doing this, how many fans and newsletter subscribers she has, and blah, blah, blah.
Lain, you know what they say about lying down with dogs? You might want to think about that. Your podcast would be better if it was just you talking with a variety of different guests.
I have heard lots of not-so-good things about Stacy from Gotta Pixel.
#44 Pickleberrypop is another good, non-exclusive shop. They have more of a mix of design styles. I also design more of a traditional style, and I'm always happy with my sales! They do have a two product release/$300 volume requirement per month, but that's easily doable. They also do a $1 sale each month (The Pickle Barrel) which brings in a lot of sales! It's a great team to work with - no drama!
GingerScraps has gone down hill IMO, I think because Ginger is a flake. Although you will probably get in, since she will just about take on any new designer these days. I would definitely recommend GP over GS.
56 you're typing to just see what it looks like aren't you? When I first appliedtp GS I did not get in. So no, she doesn't take on just anyone. But GS seems as solid as ever right now. Unless you're behind the scenes you're nothing but a maybe jealous outtsider looking in. And you have no room to say anything about being a designer there. Hey Jen Yurko
I would recommend Pickleberrypop and also Scrapbook-Bytes.
57-I'm at GS as a ct for a designer there. I've been a member there since it opened, and yes there are problems there. The quality of the designers has definitely declined over the past year. I don't think Ginger is a flake, but maybe she should check out some of the products before she approves the designers. Maybe she does. I don't know. I actually stay away from there as much as I can and still stay on the ct I'm on. It's not my favorite place. But then, I don't like sweet shop or Scrap orchard either.
I don't think ScrapMatters is exclusive - that might be a good option. What about TDC (though I think it looks like everyone is leaving that store)?
Any problems at GS are almost entirely the other designers. From what I've heard, there is a real division amongst the designers about products and promotion. Some want their designs heavily promoted without giving anything in return (not even their product to the store CT) and others believe in normal store promotion (CT layouts, challenges, newsletters, etc) and are generous with those who help promote them (the store CT).
I wouldn't go there if I got 100% of my commissions. I don't want to associate myself with stupid, ignorant designers who think they deserve the world handed to them and then shit on the very people who try to help make their business successful.
ScrapMatters is exclusive.
What I don't like is when you try to apply to a store and never hear back from them. Just tell me no if that is the answer I can take that better than no answer at all.
TDC is exclusive. Everyone is leaving? No one has left in a year, with the exception of Sherwood Studio who is moving to SBG at the end of this week.
#57 - You're clueless and have no idea about what goes on there. And NO I am not Jen Y!
#61 - "Some want their designs heavily promoted without giving anything in return"...nothing in return? is getting the kit FREE not enough?
#61 - "I don't want to associate myself with stupid, ignorant designers who think they deserve the world handed to them and then shit on the very people who try to help make their business successful." - the site CT is a joke! They WANT WANT WANT but don't want to do any of the work except for posting a layout.
65 - What is required of them that they don't do? I've always thought of GS as a very active and friendly place mostly due to CT who are pretty active in the forums. I rarely see any designers active there except for the few who host a challenge.
Personally, I don't ask my CT to do anything I wouldn't do for myself. I'm not trying to be snotty, I'm genuinely curious what they're not doing that makes them a joke.
I asked a friend on the GS CT and she said their requirements are to work with the monthly buffet, the monthly store collab if there is one, to make a page with an assigned designer, make at least one more page/month above and beyond the first 3, post all pages to a minimum of 4 galleries, leave 30 gallery comments, make 20 forum comments, and enable at least 3 times/month at another site like DST.
That seems like a lot of site work to me and I wouldn't do it especially since she said they do not get 100% access to the store products because some designers don't give their products to the store CT - some even charge them for the products. They even limit how many promotional $1 items (the Buffet) the CT can download and charge them for anything above and beyond.
Now, as a designer, I think that is absolute shit. If a CTM isn't doing all of those requirements, remove her from the team if she doesn't improve. If they're doing all those requirements, they should have anything they want from the store. Comments and forum participation take time and build a community that only the designers benefit from. I'd say that's worth some free product that the CTM still needs to put into galleries. It's not like they get it for free without some promotion.
I'd love to know what else #65 expects a store CT to do as well.
65-I know a lot of the designers were upset over how things were promoted in the store. I know a few of the designers left the store at one of the changes. The good part of GS? The drama stays in the back room.
TDC is very laid back and calm. No drama that I know of. I like it there.
I've been at GS and they have a ton of requirements and a shitty staff. I would also recommend Pickleberrypop. I CT for a few of the designers there and I know some of them are making a pretty good living at it. The owner is awesome and I've never seen any drama there since she took over (almost two years ago I think). They've really increased the number of paper-type designers and they also have a monthly promo.
69 - Again, I ask, what makes them shitty? I don't understand it. If what 67 said about their requirements, it seems like every other store CT out there. What aren't they doing that you wish they would? Just curious, not being snotty.
70-the requirements are GS are much more than where I CT, and we get full reign of anything in the store except CU products as long as we use it on a layout. We only have to post to 2 other galleries and 30 gallery posts per month. We're encouraged to be active in the forum, but no number was mentioned. When a CTM is treated nicely, and makes it home, it's not hard to make comments in the forum or the gallery because the other posters become your friends. When it's a set number, you see an awful amount of stupid posts that don't mean anything to anybody except a number to fulfill a requirement. It's fun where I'm at, and I'm glad I'm there.
As a designer, there are a ton of quarterly requirements at GS too. They have some freebie thing you have to contribute to regularly. By the time you add up regular releases, GGI, spotlights, quarterly freebies, etc. it adds up to quite a bit, which is okay if it's your only store. But add another store and it's tough to keep up with.
72-I can imagine. Seems like that is about all anybody would ever get done.
I wonder how many designers would agree with those few at GS who don't give access to there products to the store CT for free? Is this a new trend? to those that CT at GS do you pay those designers for kits or do you just bypass them?
I'm not a CT at GS, but I CT for others. I also buy from a few designers that I like that I don't CT for. If I were a CT at a store, I would never buy from a designer who sold at that store. Store CTs are a lot of time and extra non-scrap work (which is why I avoid them) and any designer who wanted to charge me for kits after I spend my time promoting their store and community to get them sales is ridiculous.
I've been a CT for over 6 years and I have never in my time heard of a designer who charges a CT for product! How does GS even keep a CT if that's how they're treated? Unbelievable!
Which designers don't give access to their store at GS? I just don't understand the logic.
72- did you mean gp?
I have a friend on the GS CT and I'm going to make sure she knows how ungrateful some of the designers are there. I can't believe a designer would call a CTM shitty even anonymously. I know some CT's aren't reliable everywhere you go, but I can't believe ALL of the CT's are "shitty" at GS.
I wish I knew who those designers are who charge CT's for product so I can never buy from them.
Those requirements for GS are completely over the top - both for CT and for designers.
With that kind of workload for site CT they absolutely deserve full access to the store - and any designers who don't want to fully participate in the store (ie: share with the CT who are actively bringing traffic to the store, supporting forum members, and creating community) are clearly disrespectful and arrogant and should be asked to either change their ways or leave.
AS for the posted above who said that the site CT 'WANT WANT WANT but don't want to do any of the work except for posting a layout. ' ... a CT is supposed to post a layout, that IS the work. They are not your blog team or your social media team or your forum love team. Stop expecting them to be more than CT.
The store I am at you need to contribute to 6 collabs a year - but most designers contribute monthly because there is a feeling of mutual respect and the designers want to give back. Everything else is voluntary including FWP, site events, featured designer, newsletter freebies, Facebook freebies and other promotional things - but there is always a huge list of designers who are volunteering to do them. The owner works very hard, has multiple paid admin and multiple different promotional teams. That way, the load is spread over many different people instead of asking so much of one group. It's very much a give and take which is why the designers give so much.
I wish I knew who those designers are who charge CT's for product so I can never buy from them.
I'd like to know, too.
74-I'm another CT that would never buy products from a designer that didn't offer their products for the CT to use at the store.
TCP might be worth a try. There is some nice stuff in the store there.
GS designers who charge the store CT for product:
1. Wendy Tunison Designs
GS designers who close their store to the store CT- the CT are not allowed to use older product in the store and can't use new product unless the designer posts that it's okay:
1. Blue Heart Scraps
2. Pixels By Jen
3. Pretty In Green
4. Roseytoes
5. Twin Mom Scraps
6. Wendy Tunison Designs
The other designers have their stores completely open to the CT.
What is TCP?
Roseytoes is an idiot. At Christmas time she apparently gave out the same code to multiple designers as Christmas presents for the CT. The code could be used multiple times (which it damn well should have been in case someone was on the ct for multiple teams- otherwise she'd be screwing designers/ct). From what I heard, there was another GS designer who also didn't set their coupon to single use. They wanted designers to identify and then pay for their ct members who had used the coupon more than once
Love em or hate em I would assume that Connie and Trixie are the two best sellers at GS. It says a lot that they don't limit their product to the store ct. Isn't that what helps sell- having store ct show and make your product look good?!
82 - Thanks for posting.
The designers listed are some of the shittiest designers at GS. Wendy is the best of those listed and she'll never get a dime out of me. I can't even fathom charging a CTM for products. I'm glad I don't sell at GS, because I couldn't work with someone with that attitude.
I'm looking to join a CT right now. Is DST still the place to look or is there another place?
I remember when she posted her CT call at DST - the requirements were extensive. I guess I'm not surprised she controls what the store CT work with.
I've worked with both Connie and Trixie in previous store CTs and they have always been generous with the store CT and appreciative. I'm not surprised they treat the GS CT well.
I sell my kits at GS and I allow the CT full access to my store. And they take advantage of it, believe me. I don't mind - if they are willing to work with my products, they can have whatever they want.
I just wanted to say - not all the designers at GS are "shitty" and I don't think that about any of the CT, either. I also don't feel there is a lot of drama, but I don't go looking or it, either. I find it to be a friendly place. And, I think Ginger is a great owner. She works hard and is always willing to help her team in whatever way she can. Sometimes she might come off a little indecisive, but I think it's because she is trying to keep things harmonious and fun. I really like it there, and just wanted to say so, fwiw.
Isn't it the store CT's J-O-B to work with products in the store? I, too, think it's disgusting that those designers restrict access and I can't imagine how any designer on that list is making Ginger so much money she couldn't tell them to piss off. That's a horrible attitude to have in a store. It doesn't do much for morale I would imagine.
I think Ginger is a great owner
Hmmm ... a 'great' owner who either a) doesn't understand the value of treating CT with respect or b) can't set up boundaries with designers about how they treat the site CT.
thanks 82 will be avoiding all of those designers in future....
And #53 It's sad that there's no way Lain can tell the difference between actual listeners and those who just want to hear what jabbering Traci is trying to pass off as business advice. I would bet money that the majority of their listeners are in the second camp.
Who cares is GS limits or doesn't limit the use of kits. Most of their ct sucks just like most of their designers.
I don't shop at GS, but it really just sounds like they had a big problem with ct taking advantage of the open access so they changed the rules to try and fix it. I wouldn't buy from the designers listed including trixie and connie whether it was new or old kits so I don't know why anyone is complaining at all.
87, yes that is still a good place to check for calls. Or if you are interested in a specific designer, email them directly to see if they have an opening. Many designers don't have calls very often.
Will someone please tell me how a CT can take advantage of open access? I understand if they download and don't use, but that doesn't sound like what everyone is talking about. I really don't get it.
I think more stores are like this and even more designers than you think.
Some of the designers don't even post their products to the New Products threads/galleries at all, and others wait until the very last moment to post it as available to the store ct.
96-just because you wouldn't buy from them doesn't make them poison. Other people obviously have different tastes than you do.
100 - People might not have known all that before. I can tell you that one designer that was mentioned in # 82 is even worse than you can all imagine.
#101: Do tell.
Some of the designers don't even post their products to the New Products threads/galleries at all, and others wait until the very last moment to post it as available to the store ct.
This is not the same as not allowing the CT access - this is just not allowing them early access (which, as we discussed above, many designers don't do even for their own CT and it's usually because they are working right up until the last minute)
"From what I heard, there was another GS designer who also didn't set their coupon to single use. They wanted designers to identify and then pay for their ct members who had used the coupon more than once."
If a designer doesn't know how to set coupons, sales, or specials in her own store, she's an idiot. If a customer takes advantage of you, you deserve it, plain and simple.
When a CT is only paid for their time with product, taking away access to their product is like asking them to work for free. Shame on those designers mentioned in #82 and shame on Ginger for allowing her staff to do that insane amount of work while decreasing their payment.
^ this!
I wonder how those designers listed in #82 would feel about having their commissions decreased in order to pay someone real money to do their store promotions.
This sort of mentality exists in designers who aren't making much money and they think if people didn't have access to their products for free, they would buy them.
Newsflash - the CTs aren't the reason you're not making enough money. It's because other designers do it better and it's only when your products are $1 that they sell.
As a former CTM, I dropped my store teams when they started assigning designers. You know why some designers don't get CT love? It's because the designer's products suck. I hated so many of the products I scrapped with and my pages were so ugly in my eyes. It wasn't worth the other product I got for free that I actually liked.
Store owners - if majority of your CT don't like working with certain designers products, most of your customers probably wont, either.
I blame store owners for so many of these problems. Get rid of these dead weight designers who don't generate money for the store and who treat staff like shit.
Couldn't have said it better myself!
not the best color palette at all, but some packs are cute!
308 - are you talking about the GGI?
I grabbed only one pack and it's awful
That's why I will never join a store team. I don't always love all the designers in a store. At least with individual designers I know if I like most or all of their stuff.
Would love to know how the designers treat their personal CTs.
Ya'll are so friggin lame
And you're so much better?
I really want to buy some faith true kits. :(
#106 - Just as you might not like to use all of the designer's products in one store, it is also possible that the designer doesn't like the layouts that the store CT create with her product. Some designers request that the site CT not be able to download their product because they are super picky about how their product is shown for promotion and want more control over the CT and layouts used to promote their product.
Just because you don't like a designer doesn't mean that they do not sell well. You don't represent all tastes and styles. Some stores have a wide variety of styles and not everyone is going to want to scrap with them but you can't know for sure (unless the designers are telling you) how poor or good their sales are.
This is where your blame of the store owners falls apart because you are assuming you know more than you do when it comes down to it. You don't really know what people are earning. Besides, there are many good reasons to keep people on a team even if their sales are not the best. Also, if store owners started firing everyone who didn't sell extremely well, you would probably blame them for being terrible to work for. Why? Because that is what you come here for, right? To take pleasure in criticizing and smacking people who have the courage to put themselves out there, anonymously.
You guys always think you know so much that you can judge others reasons or capabilities. With that level of criticism dished out to total strangers, I would hate to have to live inside of your heads. I would be afraid to do anything with my life as how we judge other4s is pretty much a reflection of how we judge ourselves.
You can call me a hypocrite because I am here anonymously, or you can pick apart my grammar or simply fling pointless crap my way, but I only ever have anything to say in support of the people who you all attempt to sabotage and even though it is a waste of time to try to positively influence any of you here to think twice about the way you treat others, I can't help myself for trying. I am actually confused as to what you get out of this activity.
115 - I love how you try to prove 106 wrong by using the same argument she did, just attempting to twist it to the positive. Nice try, though.
I'd guess a decent CTM would be able to work with more than one style of product and that's why a store would take her on to begin with. I don't scrap with a lot of fantasy products, but I can appreciate quality fantasy products and am intelligent enough to identify crap products when I see them.
In my experience, it's always the designers who no one wants to work with who rarely make any new product, don't contribute to store events, etc. If you're not making new products, you're definitely not doing well in sales. That's why most of the top shops have regular release requirements and sales quotas.
Also, putting people down doesn't make your point stronger. It just makes you seem petty and weak.
115 sounds a lot like Ginger.
Haha 116 - their biggest complaint is that it's too "flat" -- and my biggest complaint when paper scrapbooking took off was that it was WAY too thick. I hated that a page could easily be an inch thick, which would make shitty books in my opinion. And then I saw a friend making digi pages, asked her about it - and never looked back! I'll take my flat pages any day! lol :P
#115, you are indeed a hypocrite, but not for being anonymous. You are a self-righteous asshole who is smacking people for doing EXACTLY what you're doing in your lengthy and pointless lecture of a post.
I love my store CTs. The one thing I like about them is you get a variety of product that way. I'm on the teams from the designers I love, and at the two stores I love, where we get to use anything in the store. It's definitely the best way to go as a CTM.
I used to be on GS's store CT. Most of the designers who don't allow store CTMs access to their stuff never really posted their new releases, anyway. Or they posted so last minute that I never worked with their kits (because if you don't respect the deadlines, then I don't feel the need to bust my ass making you a LO. I'm not trying to be a bitch: I'm trying to keep my sanity, and scrapping verylastminute zaps my sanity way fast. And yes, I know that's bad grammar.) So it's not like all of a sudden you don't have access to this great stuff by all these great designers. For me, it was more like "Now it's official: These people don't want you to work with their products, so now you don't have to feel guilty if they post something Thursday night for Friday's release."
And as far as it sounding like a lot of work: it was actually less work than another store for which I used to CT. The fact that I knew exactly what was expected of me (store mega, buffet LO, "assigned designer" LO, and then whatever I wanted) made life simple. I like simple. And most of the designers let you use whatever you want in the store. Some designers even said "PLEASE use my stuff!" and "Thanks for your hard work!" which, for me, helped take away the sting of changing the CT rules.
I never saw something in the store that I wanted to scrap with and realized it wasn't "available" to me as a CTM. So many of the designers are/were very generous and very open to the store CT. I stopped CTing there less than a year ago (less than 6 months? IDK), so I can't speak about what is going on right now, but I LOVED it when I was there. I just had to quit because I quit almost all my teams cuz life got crazy.
If you CT at a store, what are the reqs? And do you think they're hard/easy/just right?
My store reqs are easy. No assigned designers. Basically 4 los- 3 of which should have NR. No forum count. Reasonable gallery love.
Full access to the store assuming you post the LOs to 4 total galleries or social media.
4 layouts, two with an assigned designer. Comments in forum and gallery, but no specific numbers. Post to our gallery only.
Well, I'm glad I don't sell at your site then, 124. I don't believe in overworking a CT, whether its a store CT or a personal team. But, if I'm going to give free product to a store CT, I at least hope they post in ONE place outside our own little universe. It's great to sell to existing customers, but you also need to advertise and market outside of your own world to bring in new customers. And with your store only requiring you to post where you already live, then none of you, as a store CT, are helping to draw in new business.
#83 tCP = the Creative Pixel Can we have that in the list at the side blog owner? www.thecreativepixel.com
Oops, you removed your info and photo from your page, but the photo is still here...looks like peeps are gonna know who your are slinging crap around about others on here...you might wanna watch your own back now, faces are easy to place with names in digiland.
So spill it, then. If you placed her face and name, tell us who she is. She doesn't look familiar to me.
Looks like 127 is part of Scrapping with Liz team http://www.scrappingwithliz.com/p/creative-team.html
Well, that's fun. What did she say before deleting it?
Hmmm- was the SWL site edited? I don't see a photo of Rebecca there.
But judging from these photos- here she is:
I don't think I've heard of anyone except Tiff from Scrapping with Liz's team. I like Tiff's pages, are any of the others good scrappers?
There is a Rebecca listed below with no picture or info.
Anyone check out the new look of the market at Scrap Orchard? I sincerely hope that's not the final look--boring, dull, and generic.
http://scraporchard.com/scrappin/aurian << that looks like the picture she had on blogger before (I saw it before it was taken down) .. lol busted!
It might be generic, but its a vast improvement to what it was before. Their site gives me the twitches because it's so busy!
I don't like the new Scrap Orchard but I also didn't like the new Lilypad or the new Sweet Shoppe. The only scrapshop that changed for the better was Scrapflower but we all now how that went.
I guess I don't like changes.
Now I'm used to the new Sweet Shoppe and The Lilypad.
I am one of those designers, and I do not allow open access to my older kits because I would prefer that the newer kits get the most advertising. I do not need new layouts for older kits. Sometimes I do post late but that is because I have a life outside of Digi and that always comes first, yes it hurts my sales but I can still make enough to be happy with, and not avoid my family, and I'm not saying other designers avoid their family I just have a different schedule. CTM are encouraged to message me to work with older kits and most of the time have their choice of what to work with when they are assigned to me. Ginger Scraps is a great store to sell at, and is very friendly, there is NO drama, we have ideas on improving somethings as this business evolves, and no one wants to be taken advantage of or stepped on by anyone, So I'm not sure who you are and why you are so unhappy but if you are so upset with the store then please step down, there is no need to start up drama.
^^^ Well said.
So what did Rebecca say?
Just because *you* think it's a great store and there's no drama doesn't make her complaint invalid, or mean that she's the only one who feels that way.
Nor does her complaint make yours invalid, or mean that you're the only one who feels that way.
To all 'Sherlock wannabe': copy image's url and use Google search by image.
I found her blog that way, and -surprise!- there's a scrabooking tab with link to her gallery.
QOTD: Do people buy ex freebies?
Because they missed them when they were free.
^^^^ I asked if not why...
138 - Promotion of new products is for your personal creative team. The store creative team's promotion of your new releases is a bonus. The store team is responsible for keeping the store as a whole active and friendly. Their payment for doing so is your product. Limiting their choices for payment is simply entitled behavior - or not understanding your business.
I've seen the forums at GS go way downhill in activity over the past year or so. It used to be very active and friendly with a lot of events and scraps. Now I know what changed there and why the activity level is so low.
I've been a designer for a long time and it amazes me how some designers conduct business and their overall lack of knowledge.
I'm 82 and I didn't say I was on the CT. I left awhile ago as did many others. Not that you care since we're all so shitty anyway.
I do what's expected of me on all my teams, but I don't ever volunteer for more unless I really know the designer. Too many designers take advantage of loyal team members then shit on them - as shown above.
If you want people to go the extra mile to promote you, you need to give extra, too.
143/145 - yes. Mine sell all the time.
I think we have some entitled CT people here. I was on many CT for years and I did not expect anything beyond what I created layouts with. I'm a designer now and I'm pretty open. MY CT can download anything they want, but I expect a layout with it.
I don't think they're out of line. For a designer to dictate which kits can or cannot be used with a site ct, and/or CHARGING for the kit? That's not at all the same as what most designers allow, and seems stingy.
150 - No one here is saying they want a kit without making a layout. Store CTs make layouts with everything they download just like personal CTs.
It's the designers business. When I started CTing over 8 years ago some designers required CT to work with specific kits only and others gave free reign. Some limited the number of kits a CT could download in a month, some didn't. As a designer myself I have had issues in the past with CT downloading a lot and not making layouts with everything. One CT even went as far as to use my kit for CU. There are reasons designers limit. If you don't like the limits then don't CT for that designer/store. It's that simple.
Right. As a designer, you can absolutely dictate what your CT has access to.
I just don't think that's at all appropriate with a site CT, and there's no way I (as an owner) would allow that.
Yup, I sell ex freebies all the time.
You'd think we were talking about something of value. None of those designers on 82's list are worth a shit. I wouldn't download any of their stuff for free - without a layout. I'd be thankful to not work with that crap as a CTM.
156 you sound so arrogant. Stfu. Just because you dont like it doesn't mean no one else does.
Tdc went completely downhill when they bought on chrissy w and angie kovacs. Bad choice. They make things a new designer can make.
GS is having a designer call *snicker*
143/145 "Big" former freebies sell. Some of my bestsellers have been kits that were part of the Download-A-Day program when I was at Divine Digital. That includes kit add-ons that were limited time (but longer than a day) blog freebies. And some of these kits did get pirated, too (gggrrrrrrr!).
My former freebies sell all the time.
158-I think you are wrong. TDC is still a good shop. Two additional designers do not define a whole store. Besides that, I really enjoy their products. Different folks like different things.
Different strokes for different folks
#159 - where did you see that?
#164 - on their facebook page
#164 - its also in their newsletter
163-exactly. That is what makes it a great hobby. We can scrap with the type of products we personally like.
Does anyone knows what font was used on Mye's last kit for the words Boy and tough? I bought the kit and would love to use the font in my page.
Those look hand-written.
I think is a font because one of her CT also use it in her page.
The lowercase 'o' is different in each word, so I doubt it's a font. I don't see it on any of the CT pages other than those 2 exact words in the preview.
Why don't you ask Mye? I'm sure she'll be glad to help you.
I was looking at Forever Joy's new kit and I was mesmerised by the CT Layouts. They really made me want to buy that kit although I have no use for it.
Good Job! Of course the designer is very talented as well.
What CU designer should we stay away from?
Twin Mom Scraps, for one. Usually blurry.
I think the brand new exciting designers as touted by SBG in their newsletter VERY disappointing. Sherwood Studio? Blah. Artclaud is an average template designer at best. And that is stretching it. Jen Maddocks? Poor quality, another Blah. And, the cherry on top is the one and only Lauren Reid! There was a time when SBG was tops, whether you liked the owner or not. Not anymore. Not for a long time now.
And some of these kits did get pirated, too
Yeah, it happens when you have them free, they get snaffled and uploaded elsewhere. It's not right but I don't always think the person uploading elsewhere knows it's wrong. Some do of course.
The lowercase 'o' is different in each word, so I doubt it's a font.
That doesn't mean it's not a font. Some fonts allow you to use different letter shapes to make them look less formulaic.
#176- Lauren is at SBG now too? She store hops worse than anyone I know.
#177 when the pirates have removed your TOU, any links to your store or blog and any previews, I think they do know it is wrong.
Of course the pirates know it's wrong. Otherwise they wouldn't be posting anonymously at an anonymous site!
Did I not say that some know it's wrong? Of course I did. No need to state the obvious #180 and #181.
#181 - so, are we wrong by posting anon on an anon site? Some would say yes.
We're posting anon because we don't want anyone to know who is behind what we're saying. So, yes. Same thing.
How can a site by anonymous?
182-we're not posting illegally here. They are posting copyrighted things to a site, and that is illegal. That is the difference.
how long as laurie ann been a "guest" at TLP and why is it taking so long to add her as a permanent designer
185 - It's not illegal everywhere.
#182, yes you did say some know it is wrong and some don't. I was pointing out what was done in my particular case and that I thought that meant that they did know it was wrong.
I'm starting to get pissed as a customer with designers that sell only seperates and the total amount of the products together is way more pricey than buying the kit or bundle which does not exist as an option.
182-we're not posting illegally here. They are posting copyrighted things to a site, and that is illegal. That is the difference.
That's not what was said. And you can post copyrighted images to any site you want, as long as you own or have the right to do so, otherwise, a lot of people would be in big trouble.
I was pointing out what was done in my particular case and that I thought that meant that they did know it was wrong.
I never said otherwise.
129 I never said I knew who she was, I said people can place the face and know who she was and there should have been you're not your...where we the grammar police on this one, lol
....looks like peeps are gonna know who your are slinging crap around about others on here...you might wanna watch your own back now, faces are easy to place with names in digiland.
Did anyone apply to the DSA quasi-call?
Heather really needs to learn how to sharpen her kit previews they are so blurry.
I really don't like Heather anyways. Her style is just blah. There are a few I like at SSD but Heather is at the bottom of the barrel.
138 - Promotion of new products is for your personal creative team. The store creative team's promotion of your new releases is a bonus. The store team is responsible for keeping the store as a whole active and friendly. Their payment for doing so is your product. Limiting their choices for payment is simply entitled behavior - or not understanding your business.
I've seen the forums at GS go way downhill in activity over the past year or so. It used to be very active and friendly with a lot of events and scraps. Now I know what changed there and why the activity level is so low.
I've been a designer for a long time and it amazes me how some designers conduct business and their overall lack of knowledge.
This summed it up perfectly. Site CT are for site promotion, not designer promotion. Yes, they often promote new releases, but even when they promote your older kits (around digi-land and on social media) they are bringing traffic to the store in general which also promotes your new releases.
Saying you 'do not need new layouts for older kits' shows how little you understand your own business. When a CT posts an awesome layout on Pinterest and it gets re-pinned dozens of times and you are getting viral traffic, do you think people look at your kit in the store and think 'Oh, I won't buy that (even though I love the layout) because it's an older kit.'
If your answer to that is 'yes' then you are essentially saying your older kits are such crap they don't deserve promotion, and you should retire those kits from the store (and bonus you wouldn't have to worry about those greedy CT wanting to download them anymore!)
Store owners need to set boundaries with their designers, ie: this is my store and I set the rules based on the needs of the overall store, not your specific preferences, and you can take it or leave it.
I'm starting to get pissed as a customer with designers that sell only seperates and the total amount of the products together is way more pricey than buying the kit or bundle which does not exist as an option.
This bugs me too. I'll skip buying anything even if I really like it when all I can do is buy separates that add up to more than the cost of a full kit.
#197 2 Designers that come to mind this minute who use this trick are Forever Joy and Little Butterfly Wings.
I'm starting to get pissed as a customer with designers that sell only seperates and the total amount of the products together is way more pricey than buying the kit or bundle which does not exist as an option.
YES! This has been happening frequently and it's very irritating. I make a point of buying nothing from the "set" when that's the case. Like another poster said, I don't care how well I like it, I won't buy any of it.
The words in Mye's kit are handwritten, not a font.
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