Friday, November 30, 2012


The silly season.


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Anonymous said...

I think DHD has always sucked and has always been overpriced. Nothing new there other than different designers selling overpriced kits. Big deal.

If the best of that are going to Pixels & Co, I give that store 6 months. Tops.

Anonymous said...

Diane Rooney - isn't she the one who criticizes CU so vehemently in the DCR? She could use some.

Anonymous said...

Why do you have to be like this? Yes, I get it's a smack blog but people are having a civil conversation where someone is trying to understand why stores that do both paper and tagger kits aren't appealing to the paper scrappers.

I congratulate the OP who is asking, as there have been some rude and side comments thrown her way, which she is gracefully ignoring.


Gracefully ignoring? Really? Even though we have explained over and over the why, these idiot poser designers keep pushing us to come dig for gems and insulting us for sticking with what we like. Give me a break.

I think that post was called for. We have said what is wrong with the kits in those stores many times over the course of this topic and that poster still didn't get it. It is like they are stuck in another time when it comes to what is in style and I have found that these people tend to think that everyone else is moving in the wrong direction while they are still teazing their banges.

Anonymous said...

OP= original poster.
the designer in the DCR that gets on people for using CU is Diane Rigdon.

and DHD was never that darn great. something happened there, and no one is saying what. i just don't care anymore. its old news. this new place..Pixels & Co will be just another 9th & Bloom. Once the initial 'newness' wears off, no one will pay attention, and all those little ladies that left will be left emptyhanded. i rather like that.

Anonymous said...

I would love someone to link us up to the "gems" we're missing in the poser stores. I'm not interested in digging through pages of awful crap to find one good thing either. It's just not a good use of my time. Although, I do read this blog so maybe I need to better prioritize my time.

Anonymous said...

#199- It reminds me of when 9th&B opened,it took so many SPD designers with them.

Anonymous said...

I congratulate the OP who is asking, as there have been some rude and side comments thrown her way, which she is gracefully ignoring.
Gracefully ignoring? Really? Even though we have explained over and over the why, these idiot poser designers keep pushing us to come dig for gems and insulting us for sticking with what we like. Give me a break.


Yes gracefully ignoring. I'm not a poser designer, never have been, never will be. I was simply asking why everyone seems to harp about certain stores and designers when there are a ton more stores out there, not just the same old ones. I honestly can't understand why people don't just ignore what they don't like, and see if anything catches their eye. You never know what you'll find or who might become a new favorite designer. Makes me think this is like a little high school clique that wants to gripe about the popular kids behind their back and kiss their ass in public. Thank you to those who have responded halfway decent, to me, it was an honest question, and I thought I might get intelligent answers.

Anonymous said...

8, we told you why. I won't shop at a store with that trash. I have kids looking over my shoulder. That isn't the content I want them to see. I don't get why you don't understand that. Plus when I looked last night, I didn't find any gems. Just blurry, over digitized kits with bad color schemes.

And I don't gripe about the stores that I love to shop in. I have no problems with them. If I did I would find someplace else to shop but it won't be a poser store. The people that gripe are just sour grapes. Who knows why they gripe but they clearly don't shop at the stores they gripe about.

Anonymous said...

#8, that wasn't gracefully ignoring. That was just bitchy.

Anonymous said...

#8, I've said it before, and I'll say it again. You're coming to a smack blog. If you're going to bring something or someone up, expect it to get smacked.

Anonymous said...

#8, that wasn't gracefully ignoring. That was just bitchy.


Really? I rather thought it was pretty decent. Not half as bitchy as what I have seen on here, and my question is this, why are ya'll calling them poser stores if they offer more than posers? Renderosity and DAZ are poser stuff, and just because a store has people who create those figures it doesn't make it a poser store.

I'm gonna go do a bit of browsing and see if I can find a few nice kits to bring back. Ya'll keep talking about how bad these places are, now my curiosity is up.

Anonymous said...

I love scrapping Christmas pictures!

Just how many Christmas pictures can one person have? Never enough to use all the Christmas themed kits they buy, that's for sure.

Anonymous said...

The people that gripe are just sour grapes. Who knows why they gripe but they clearly don't shop at the stores they gripe about.

Oh god, not sour grapes, is this new jealousy card? What would anyone have anything to be sour grapes about? Crap quality and crap customer service? Yeah, I guess, that does annoy me and makes me a little sour. I can't imagine why though @@

I do complain about some stores and yes, contrary to what you think, I do shop there, which is why I complain about some of the designers there. So, clearly, some of them do shop there.

Anonymous said...

DHD has never been my favorite store, but I do think that up until a few months ago, the designers there were all at a certain level of talent (regardless of their prices.)
The new designers they've brought on are waaaay below that level.
I'm actually excited about P&Co, I hope it's not another 9th&B but time will tell.

Anonymous said...

If I see posers in provocative positions "dressed" like tramps, then it is a poser store. It overtakes and defines the store. Too me it is the lowest of the low-tier.

I'm not totally offended by all posers. I was willing to browse Bellazingaro because their posers look like dolls. That isn't my style but I don't mind just scrolling past those either.

Anonymous said...

#14: You fit in much better with the poser stores. Why don't you go browse for gems since you are unhappy with your current stores?

Anonymous said...

Two things:

I'm not totally offended by all posers. I was willing to browse Bellazingaro because their posers look like dolls. That isn't my style but I don't mind just scrolling past those either.

Those are called Cookie posers I think, and they just might be the cutest and easiest on the eyes. But then again, as said before, posers and other figures are more for the signature tag community.



Ok, did some browsing. My findings:

Nuthouse scraps, don't like the name, or the category names, (filberts for cripes sake, how does anyone know what each category contains?) but they do have some cute designs.

I liked these out of what I browsed:

This one I can easily see me using for recipe cards

Heartbeatz creationz

Don't like the store, the theme is too bright, the name, and those awful z's.

Mystical Scraps

The colors are ok, but the header is atrocious, looks junked up but found a cute kit I could use for my grandsons photos.

Digital Scrap Designs

Ok looking store, tons of stuff to browse, went through kits only and found a couple I might be going back to get.

Bella Zingaro Studio

Odd name, but nice looking store, soft, clean, looks like a blogger design. Again, a lot of products, clicked on kits only, found a few I like and will be going back to
try too.

So my overall thoughts are yes, there can be some usable products buried in these stores, I found a few I like, and if the ones I am purchasing are good quality, then I'll continue to watch for new stuff. I can avoid the crap stuff, and focus on what is nice. So thanks to the OP who brought up the question about different tiers.

Anonymous said...

Ugh! I wouldn't download any of that even as a freebie. Just goes to show that there are all kinds of scrappers out there. I am not into the CU templated/cartoony elements. I prefer a more realistic paper style. Those are all too digital for me.It's precisely why I don't go digging because there is nothing there for me. I'll stick to SO, SSD, OSD, TLP, TDC, and SM. I occassionally go to several others but that's where the bulk of my $$ is spent.

Anonymous said...

I completely agree, 19.

Anonymous said...

None of those are even in the realm of useable for me. That's just yucky... I'm going to stick to the stores that I'm at, thanks, because if that is what else is available, there's no reason for me to waste my time.
Thanks for doing that digging so I didn't have to use a bunch of time to find those kits and prove even further that I wouldn't shop at those stores.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, agreeing w/19... sorry, would NEVER consider using any of those. Ever.

@ #2 - As for the new P&Co, why 6 months "tops"? All those DHD designers leaving have been around longer than that. Your statement seems stupid and snarky.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for doing all that work, #18. I'm glad you found something you like. Those kits are not at all my style and a quick browse beyond that confirmed that they don't create anything in my style. I'll be sticking with the stores #19 listed.

Anonymous said...

I have seen some of these butterflies before.

I'm fairly certain KimB has that centre butterfly in one of her CU packs. The body is different though. It's been changed.

Anonymous said...

You fit in much better with the poser stores. Why don't you go browse for gems since you are unhappy with your current stores?

What the hell are you talking about? I specifically said SOME designers at the stores I purchase from. I know that's hard for someone like you to understand. Why do I say that? Well, I never mentioned posers in my post, not once. I never made one reference to posers, so why are you telling me to look at poser stores?

Anonymous said...

@ #2 - As for the new P&Co, why 6 months "tops"? All those DHD designers leaving have been around longer than that. Your statement seems stupid and snarky.

Just like the ones that left to open up 9th & Bloom. And the ones that left other stores to open up Shabby Pickle, who left to open up 9th & Bloom.

Are you seeing a pattern?

Anonymous said...

I'll stick to SO, SSD, OSD, TLP, TDC, and SM.

Out of all those, I'd only shop at TLP. The rest are not for me.

Anonymous said...

26, you do realize that most stores in digi land exist because designers left to start a new one, right? Earliest example I know of is SSD. Many of the early designers came from TDC. It's short sighted to make such a correlation. We have different characters at play and that can make or break that store.

Anonymous said...

Gee, 27. Now I'm really rethinking where I shop. Thanks for that profound post!

Anonymous said...

25, since you like to come here and bitch about the stores you shop at, by our poser friend('s)(s') logic you should come shop at their stores because otherwise you are a two-faced wanna-be-popular scrapper that only complains about people behind their backs but is super sweet to their face. That's why they invited you.

Anonymous said...

Those blog CT layouts on DHD ... just ... wow. Total shitstorm.

Anonymous said...

#18 I'm glad you took the time to dig the products you liked for us.
I checked all of them. The bark if you like kit is similar to a kit I already have. The dogs are the same but the kit is much better.
Bad to the bone by Jen Yurko and Shio Designs.

I liked the Boughs of Holly Bundle and I think that designer Just so scrappy has potential.
But my conclusion is that I'll keep shopping at SO,SSD,TLP,SM,OSD,TDC,Shabby Miss Jenn,DD,SBG and a few others. I can't keep track of these stores, I don't need new ones.

Anonymous said...

OP = Original Poster

Anonymous said...

31-Isn't DHD having enough problems without dragging them through the dirt even more?

Anonymous said...

34- their problems are through their own fault if that's the designers and CT they're choosing to bring on board. They'd be suffering the same even without 31 saying anything (but she's not the first this month to comment on their CT's... um... interesting style)

Anonymous said...

With a few better known stores closing recently and the lack of a RECENT store spin-offs being successful - I can't think of a single one in several years - I'd say 6 months for P&Co is quite generous.

SSD as an example of a successful spin-off is ridiculous since it was many (5-6? can't remember) years ago.

Anonymous said...

@36 - Considering Gen obviously was the one keeping DHD going (in light of what appears to be happening there now), I think you're wrong. It's not about it being a "spin-off", but rather the talent and quality of the team. So if they were all making it before, why would they not continue to do that under a different name?

Anonymous said...

Gee, 27. Now I'm really rethinking where I shop. Thanks for that profound post!


Thank you! Please do think about shopping elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

26, you do realize that most stores in digi land exist because designers left to start a new one, right? Earliest example I know of is SSD. Many of the early designers came from TDC. It's short sighted to make such a correlation. We have different characters at play and that can make or break that store.

Why, yes, I do realize that (duh!), however, the two I mentioned, and note I only mentioned those two and not other stores, had something in common in they way the started. It's pretty much the same way that Pixel & Co are starting up, so there is a correlation. Not short sightedness on my part, but perhaps a lack of digi history on yours.

Anonymous said...

25, since you like to come here and bitch about the stores you shop at, by our poser friend('s)(s') logic you should come shop at their stores because otherwise you are a two-faced wanna-be-popular scrapper that only complains about people behind their backs but is super sweet to their face. That's why they invited you.


I didn't bitch about the stores I shop at. I said I had complaints about some of the designers at some of the stores I shop at. Big difference. But whatever.

Anonymous said...

Isn't DHD having enough problems without dragging them through the dirt even more?

No one is dragging them through the dirt. Stop being dramatic. People are offering an honest criticism.

Anonymous said...

#18 Of all of those kits you listed they are just not my style. I do agree however that the Boughs Of Holly kit by Just So Scrappy has a lot of potential so I will be keeping an eye on that designer. Thanks for the links.

Anonymous said...

Just so scrappy has been around a while. Love her stuff and I speak as a customer of hers and have most of her stuff. Over at her own shop her kits are only $1.50. They are ram packed every common element is recolored in each of the color palate but I love that as it saved me doing it and for that price you can't complain at all

Anonymous said...

Just how many Christmas pictures can one person have? Never enough to use all the Christmas themed kits they buy, that's for sure.


Ha! I could NEVER have too many Christmas kits to scrap by holiday pics of my grandkids, kids, husband, etc. So, not it's not for's just that way for YOU.

Anonymous said...

Isn't DHD having enough problems without dragging them through the dirt even more?


Good Lord, people are just giving their opinions. Dragging them through the dirt is a bit of an exaggeration, don't ya think?

Anonymous said...

Out of all those, I'd only shop at TLP. The rest are not for me.


Who cares? I know I'm very concerned where an anonymous shopper shops...

Anonymous said...

The people that gripe are just sour grapes. Who knows why they gripe but they clearly don't shop at the stores they gripe about.


Why would I shop at a store I gripe about and don't like, Dumbass?

Anonymous said...

#37 - Sounds exactly like the Shabby Pickle/9th&Bloom situation to me and we all know how that turned out.

If Gen were keeping it together at DHD, why would anyone leave? There would be no problems if she were keeping DHD going as you state. All would be well.

All is apparently not well and people think they can do better with a brand new store and they think all those loyal DHD customers will follow them. Think again. Ask any designer that left their stores to go to 9th&Bloom. It didn't happen.

Anonymous said...

Something is making the designers all leave DHD. They seem to be leaving controlled manner a couple at a time as if they are being arranged so there wasn't a mass exodus. Something happened, but no one is saying what. The call DHD did had a very short deadline and as soon as it was over, the other designers started leaving. Whoever is running DHD was trying to entice good designers to apply based on their current designers before they all left. It was a nice last ditch effort to fool some designers into signing on to save the sinking ship but it obviously didn't work based on the new "talent" they took on. DHD had some very talented designers and now that Gen left, so did they.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE Karla Dudley & some of the other DHD designers that are leaving, and I'll be checking out the new store for sure. I'm excited b/c I bet there will be good sales when the store opens, and I hope to snag some of my fave designers' kits for cheapo! Who is running DHD now? Is it even someone who is in the industry (scrapbooking I mean)?

About the #18 poster -- I think it's cool that she shops around & finds stuff she likes. I agree, it doesn't take that long to browse thru a shop and see if there is something that strikes my eye. Thanks for pointing out some of the kits you like. They're not my style but I do like to browse around, too. :)

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said... 44

Just how many Christmas pictures can one person have? Never enough to use all the Christmas themed kits they buy, that's for sure.

I have a TON of Christmas pictures! And you're also right that I probably won't use all the fun kits I have, although that's true for ALL my kits, not just Christmas. I have a tendency to buy more cute kits than I honestly need. Sometimes I have to just sit back and make myself not shop and use the stuff I have first.

Anonymous said...

So who else buys more than they use? I can't be the only one, right?

Anonymous said...

what is a tagger kit?

Anonymous said...

A kit designed at low-resolution to be used for making siggies and other web-based images.

Anonymous said...

#52- No, you're not. Everyone I know also has the same problem. LOL

Anonymous said...

Who is your favorite designer at DD? I like Lynn G. Like Katie P.'s stuff but don't like her personally. Curious about y'all...

Arielle H Gordon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

48 - You're an idiot. Gen left BEFORE the others, therefore she wasn't there to keep it together. And as for loyal customers not following a designer - ARE YOU HIGH? I follow(stalk) designers I like no matter where they go.

Anonymous said...

I could NEVER have too many Christmas kits to scrap by holiday pics of my grandkids, kids, husband, etc. So, not it's not for's just that way for YOU.

I don't buy Christmas kits, so no, smart ass, it's not just that way for me.

Anonymous said...

Who cares? I know I'm very concerned where an anonymous shopper shops...

but you picked on my post alone, instead of all the other posters who mentioned a lot of stores. If you don't care, it would have been valid to pick on a poster who mentioned a ton of stores, instead of just one. Did I not mention one of your favorites?

Anonymous said...

Who cares? I know I'm very concerned where an anonymous shopper shops...

In that case, no one is talking to you. It's not about you.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I have to just sit back and make myself not shop and use the stuff I have first.

Me too. Thanks for your honest response.

Anonymous said...

Who is your favorite designer at DD? I like Lynn G. Like Katie P.'s stuff but don't like her personally. Curious about y'all...

It used to be Anna Aspnes, since she left, I haven't been back.

Anonymous said...

what is a tagger kit?


Gee, let me google that for you

Anonymous said...

Based on the new designers and new CT LOs at DHD, it's pretty obvious the owner doesn't have a clue and that Gen was the one driving the creative side of things. If Gen left and everyone goes with her, I would think that former DHD success would continue at her new site and what's left of DHD now will nose dive. I give DHD 6 mos. Or, it will limp along as a low tier store. So sad - I really enjoyed shopping there.

Anonymous said...

I was always a little surprised that DHD was as successful as it was - I'm not a fan of the flat look, and it's hard to start a new store (just ask Lisa Sisneros). If the successful designers move to Pixels and Co, it could work.

Anonymous said...

64- in the future, works really well for telling people to go to hell while still googling it for them. It's become a favorite of mine for people too lazy to do their own damn research.

Anonymous said...

#67 - thanks, I couldn't remember that url.

Anonymous said...

It's Christmas Eve here, so I'll be away from the computer for a few days.

Have a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays fellow blog bitches :)

Enjoy the time with your family, you never know what's around the corner.

Anonymous said...

#68 You could have Googled for the "Let me Google that for you" site! LOL

Anonymous said...

Given that Gen still reads here and responds here, I'd say this DHD hate spawns from her and/or her clan. None of that makes me want to follow her or anyone else to a new store. DHD was never my thing anyway even when it was *eyeroll* "more creative when Gen was there."

From the line-up revealed so far at Pixels&Co, I'd also say 6 months is generous.

Anonymous said...

From the line-up revealed so far at Pixels&Co, I'd also say 6 months is generous.


Agreed. I've always thought DHD was way overpriced for what it offered and I don't see pixels & co being any different unless the designers have all miraculously improved their skills in transit.

Anonymous said...

I can't imagine the stupidity in starting a new store when the global economy is in shambles and the digital scrapbooking industry on a slow downturn in sales. Even the big established stores are fighting to keep customers and sales up.

I have no doubt Gen left DHD because it was a few people there who outed her as the owner of this blog. I can't blame her because I'm sure that made for a shit work environment, but a new store in these industry conditions isn't very smart.

Anonymous said...

I've been commenting negatively on DHD. I'm not part of Gen or her clan and have nothing to do with P&Co. I just simply feel that DHD really is going downhill and that it was much better when Gen was there, end of story. It's an anonymous blog, so I don't see how you get off thinking that someone is the one saying something just because they're known to look here... I'm sorry, other people still talk here, too, and it's all anonymous.

Anonymous said...

Wow! So many of you can predict the future! I hope P&Co proves all you bitches wrong! And I will come back and remind you that you aren't the know-it-alls you think you are. It's not like 9&B. Holly was a total flake.

Anonymous said...

I wonder why Just So Scrappy isn't in a better store? I think she could do well at Ginger Scraps or Gotta Pixel. Her style fits in there. I picked up a kit and she doesn't seem to have quality issues. A lot of CU, maybe? I don't design, so I'm not watching CU products to know.

Anonymous said...

Oh, nevermind. She has other designers in her own store. That certainly limits her.

Anonymous said...

Something happened at DHD - and Gen was at the heart of it. No one is talking as to why, but her groupies are leaving with her. She is a snobby bitch, all you have to do is read her FB feed to see that fact. As for Lisa Sisneros (who is also going to P&Co.), she took over Catscrap, which was failing miserably at the time. Sales were non existant - something a makeover couldn't correct.

Gennifer said...

Hey, guys! Just wanted to clear a few things up.

I haven't posted anything here about DHD/P&Co, although I've obviously been reading. I don't know who *is* posting, but since most of it is vague and inaccurate, I don't think it's anyone who's in my "harem."

I left DHD completely of my own accord, because my former partner and I had different visions for the site. It didn't have anything to do with this blog.

Lisa Sisneros is not coming to P&Co.

78, I'm sorry I've come across that way, and I'll certainly reevaluate how I put myself out there. At the end of the day, though, not everyone loves everyone else, and that's just how it is. ;)

Happy Holidays, all y'all! :)

Anonymous said...

Frankly, I hope both stores (DHD and Pixels&Co) prosper. I love this hobby and enjoy shopping at all the stores. I'm not connected to either store. I'm just a customer at one and a potential customer at the another one. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all!

Anonymous said...

So, I'm a new designer and I have to say that for a smack blog, this is really NOT one at least not lately. What it is, though, is the only place I've found to get industry info. (The DCR is totally useless.) I hate though that this is done under the guise of smack. It seems like most of this could be discussed openly, so why isn't it? What am I missing here?

Anonymous said...

I can't imagine the stupidity in starting a new store when the global economy is in shambles and the digital scrapbooking industry on a slow downturn in sales. Even the big established stores are fighting to keep customers and sales up.


You know this how? The ONLY way to bolster an economy that is flailing is to create competition between new and existing business so no one entity monopolizes the market, therefore, inflating prices, etc. Get a grip. Read some ECON 101 and quit talking shit about stuff of which you have no clue.

Anonymous said...

Something happened at DHD - and Gen was at the heart of it. No one is talking as to why, but her groupies are leaving with her. She is a snobby bitch, all you have to do is read her FB feed to see that fact. As for Lisa Sisneros (who is also going to P&Co.), she took over Catscrap, which was failing miserably at the time. Sales were non existant - something a makeover couldn't correct.


You obviously have an agenda and you are a liar..good thing this is anonymous or your credibility (if you have any irl) would be shot all to hell, huh? I can see making observations, having opinions, etc..etc..but downright lying? What a crack.

Anonymous said...

Gen, you've never come across as a snobby bitch to me.

Anonymous said...

Gen, I'm anonymous, so it doesn't matter who I am at all, I'm not saying this for any reason other than I totally 100% stand behind this-- I totally love you and I look forward to P&Co opening. Literally counting the days.

That said, using a poor economy as a reason against starting a new store is stupid. A new store can only help, not harm. Is it a financial risk? Yes. It would be an equal risk in a good economy. From a design standpoint, I have not seen my sales drop AT ALL and I've been designing much longer than the economic downturn. As a shopper, my scrapping budget is the same as it was-- a VERY decent amount.

Anonymous said...

Given that Gen still reads here and responds here, I'd say this DHD hate spawns from her and/or her clan.

You'd be wrong. Why does someone always assume it's a designer or a CTM? It just makes you look stupid.

Anonymous said...

Wow! So many of you can predict the future! I hope P&Co proves all you bitches wrong! And I will come back and remind you that you aren't the know-it-alls you think you are.

Knowing one thing doesn't make anyone a know it all. And coming back and reminding everyone how wrong they were, wouldn't that make you a know it all too?

Anonymous said...

#82 - The only businesses that are typically successful in bad economies are those that provide something new and unique. Recycling the same, tired designers into a new store isn't giving this industry anything new or unique.

You might want to read a bit before you tell others to.

Anonymous said...

# 88
Since most of us have nothing original to offer to humanity, shall we dig a hole and wait to die?

Anonymous said...

#89 - overly dramatic, aren't you? Let's compare a digi store with life, the universe and everything because that's totally the same thing.

Anonymous said...

As a shopper, my scrapping budget is the same as it was-'

and you'd be unusual in that. The average scrapper is generally buying less, unless it's sale time. Check out the forums, blogs, FB etc and you'll see that most scrappers don't have the same scrapping budget they had a few years ago.

Anonymous said...

Check out the forums, blogs, FB etc and you'll see that most scrappers don't have the same scrapping budget they had a few years ago.


You don't know what the hell you're talking about. Are you the same idiot that is constantly posting generalizations and half-truths as gospel? Are you the same idiot who downright lies when handy? You just HAVE to be the same idiot who frequently plays the jealousy card when people post information of which you disagree? Get a life and S T F U!

Anonymous said...

You don't know what the hell you're talking about. Are you the same idiot that is constantly posting generalizations and half-truths as gospel? Are you the same idiot who downright lies when handy? You just HAVE to be the same idiot who frequently plays the jealousy card when people post information of which you disagree? Get a life and S T F U!

No, I'm not that person but it sure sounds like you are that person. Now go and have a nice Christmas. Peace be with you.

Anonymous said...

The rest of us can be thankful for at least one thing this year... that we're not as crazy as #92.

Anonymous said...

"Given that Gen still reads here and responds here, I'd say this DHD hate spawns from her and/or her clan."

I don't think there's so much "hate" as "criticism." I haven't said anything about DHD myself - never been a designer, ct, or customer there - but I did check the site and had to agree with what others have said here. If one store's general quality has suddenly gone downhill, why on earth shouldn't we be talking about it? That's not hate. It's peer criticism. I'm sorry though that the store is in trouble. (It's just obvious to me that way although if the staff thinks it's not, my bad. But I'd feel even more sorry for you.)

Anyway, I'll move on now. Happy holidays to you all.

Anonymous said...

It really gets on my nerves when I can't find the products used on a layout. I usually have this problem at TLP because most ct members there use products from 3-4 different designers to make a kit and I always end up browsing the gallery for hours with no results.
Can someone please help me? Does anyone know where I can find the word happy in red and white that is featured on the middle layout on the left?

Thanks in advance.

By the way a good idea would be for the layout featured under the product to be linked to the gallery with the correct credits so customers can find where to buy the products. Why have CT'S make layouts if they're mixed with different products and the customer can't find the products used on the layout?
I usually buy stuff when something like a word ore one element hits my eye on a layout.
Usually I have a 3 favorite elements rule to buy a kit.

Anonymous said...

I'm #96. Found the happy word I was looking for. It's from One Little Bird if anyone was interested.
Thanks to google image search and the layouts url address I was able to find the designer.

But things shouldn't be so complicated....

Anonymous said...

The rest of us can be thankful for at least one thing this year... that we're not as crazy as #92.

No kidding. Thanks for the laugh.

Anonymous said...

#97 - while I generally don't have that problem the few time I do, I agree with you 100%!

Once again, as it's Christmas in the pm here (around 6.00 in the evening), have a good one!

See you in the New year!!

Anonymous said...

You don't know what the hell you're talking about. Are you the same idiot that is constantly posting generalizations and half-truths as gospel? Are you the same idiot who downright lies when handy? You just HAVE to be the same idiot who frequently plays the jealousy card when people post information of which you disagree? Get a life and S T F U!

Chill out! Sorry the holidays are getting to you. I hope you have a better new year.

Anonymous said...

I have never interacted with Gen (other than her at this blog) and I am the one who said DHD's CT pages are a shitstorm. It's not because I am a fan of Gen, it's because those layouts really are a shitstorm.

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Smackers. Have a wonderful holiday!

Anonymous said...

Another store is closing the end of the year...Bits2Kits...posted on their facebook fan page....

Anonymous said...

Gen have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, and good luck in your new venture. I'm sure, that despite the smacks here, you'll give it the old one-two, and hopefully P&Co will be a wonderful success.

Anonymous said...

The problem, 101, is that they aren't CT LOs - they are scrappers LOs (customer LOs), and one was from somebody who was proud of her effots and still trying to figure out Photoshop.

Anonymous said...

#105 - Um, no, those are all CT layouts from *new* CTMs. Hopefully they will figure out Photoshop quickly.

Anonymous said...

Either way, using bad layouts to promote your products is a bad idea.

Anonymous said...

I think when talking about a CT whore...Mummyd might be one. Her signature at SSD (see the thank you kits thread) rotates her designers. I counted 30!

Anonymous said...

Holy shit and none of them are SSD designers, so what's she doing posting there? Surely one of them has had a kit with a thank you word art in it.

Anonymous said...

Saw STO is having a ct call. Anyone going to apply?

Anonymous said...

106-Who are the new CT members? I'm never there, so don't know whose layouts to look at that are so bad. I've looked through the gallery --about the first 2 pages, and nothing stands out as bad to me.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Holy shit! Those look like LO's I did in 2005 when I was just starting digi. Not what I would expect for a CT in 2012.

Anonymous said...

110, What's STO?

Anonymous said...

I'm curious. I don't know how the whole guesting thing works. For example Laura Banasiak from Scrap Orchard is over at the Lily Pad. She only has a couple kits. Do you think that she's moving or staying at Scrap Orchard?

Anonymous said...

#108 wow that is a lot of designers. I wonder if she is full time on all of them or freelance.

Anonymous said...

#114 Scrap TakeOut

Anonymous said...

Does anyone really just guest at TLP? It seems like every guest turns permanent.

Anonymous said...

#118 Jenn Barrette, Mari Koeglenberg, Brittish Designs, Tickled Pink Studios all were guests and didn't stay.

Anonymous said...

Captivated Visions guested and didn't stay as well.

Where do you see the CT call for STO? Their forums are down for maintenance and I didn't see it at DST.

Anonymous said...

#120 Not the OP but I saw it on Facebook.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, #121. I didn't even think to look there.

Anonymous said...

Why in the world would a store have a store CT call when the store is down? I guess that's one way to only get apps from scrappers who are already 100% familiar with your store...

I wont be applying because I can't see a thing about who even sells there let alone if I like their products.

Anonymous said...

You can see some of the products on their blog. You're not missing much. A couple of things look OK, but the rest is just freakish doodles by Jen Yurko and poorly recolored garbage from beginner looking designers.

Anonymous said...

#124 Who would you consider beginner looking designers from STO?

Anonymous said...

112-You win, those do look pretty amateurish.

Anonymous said...

#108 That amount of CT's she must be an amazing scrapper.

Anonymous said...

#127 or a CT whore?

Anonymous said...

#127----She's not even remotely good.

Anonymous said...

STO designers are just fine. You guys are weird.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Laura Banasiak is not staying at TLP.

Anonymous said...

The new free kit at Persnickety Prints is really cute!

Anonymous said...

Laura B's guest spot hasn't even started yet, so all this speculation is kinda funny.

Anonymous said...

Right, because this is make believe.

Look before you post.

Anonymous said...

oh in that case, she's definitely staying on.

I can admit I was mistaken if you can admit you were unnecessarily bitchy.

Anonymous said...

By the way, that first part was sarcasm. It's still a silly assumption given that she's only got a few products in, and has presumably only been there for the month of December. Quite a leap to say she's staying.

I was seriously about the unnecessarily bitchy part, though. Just because it's allowed here, doesn't mean it's required.

Anonymous said...

Laura's guest spot was for December. She is NOT staying.

Anonymous said...

Oh please. That wasn't "unnecessarily" bitchy - that was awesomely bitchy! Besides, you opened yourself up to it by not looking. What did you expect from a smack blog?

Anonymous said...

She's listed under guest. That doesn't mean she is staying.

Anonymous said...

That's why I like this place... it excites my eyes - cause bitches be trippin!

Anonymous said...

Laura B's guest spot hasn't even started yet, so all this speculation is kinda funny.


What's even funnier is that there wasn't very much speculation. Two posts maybe? Yeah, that's a lot!

Anonymous said...

That's why I like this place... it excites my eyes - cause bitches be trippin!
You just made my day. Nearly spit my coffee out, lmao!

Anonymous said...

if you can admit you were unnecessarily bitchy.

Not the OP but that was nothing like bitchy.

Anonymous said...

#133 I've seen that kit before. It was included in the Scrap Stack pack sold in November.

Anonymous said...

The new free kit at Persnickety Prints is really cute!


It is and this is the only place I heard about it. It's a pretty large collab from SO and very nice..just FYI.

Anonymous said...

130 STO designers are just fine. You guys are weird.
Name 3 designers who aren't amateurish

Anonymous said...

Anyone see the Scrapper contest at Brownie Scraps? If you don't want the prize to be on their store CT at the end, you win an amazing $10 gift certificate to the store. A whole $10! Very enticing... ::eyeroll::

Anonymous said...

The new free kit at Persnickety Prints is really cute!


It is and this is the only place I heard about it. It's a pretty large collab from SO and very nice..just FYI.


It was part of the Scrap Pack at Scrap Stacks last month. I have it from that and I think it's a fun kit.

Anonymous said...

So they're giving away a kit for free that people paid for last month? That's classy.

Anonymous said...

#150 - I agree with you.

Anonymous said...

I was just going to say that. Best thing to do, is not buy any Scrap Stacks with store collabs in them. They just give them away for free later.

Anonymous said...

I'm with you 3. Lame.

Anonymous said...

So they're giving away a kit for free that people paid for last month? That's classy.


Agreed. I'm glad I didn't buy it; I'd be pissed!

Anonymous said...

So they're giving away a kit for free that people paid for last month? That's classy.

Yep, I was thinking the same. At least wait 12 months.

Anonymous said...

Being classy is what Scrap Orchard does best. I have no idea why people support that site. They're horrible and giving away something people just paid for last month is deplorable.

I did buy it because I wanted to support Scrap Stacks as the idea seemed fun. Never again will I buy from them. Ever.

Anonymous said...

I bought the Scrap Pack, too, and am equally as pissed. I'll never buy another Pack and I wont give another dime to SO. I like a few of the designers there, but not enough to support a site that does something like that.

Anonymous said...

#156 - it's not Scrap Orchard that has released the kit as a freebie on their site, it's Persnickety Prints. Are you going to stop buying from them too, if you ever have?

Anonymous said...

Do you think Persnickety Prints did that without permission? Hardly. That was Scrap Orchard's very poor choice.

Anonymous said...

It's not ScrapStacks fault, nor Persnickety. The blame lies solely with SO. They are the ones who chose to give away a kit that the public was charged for previously. I doubt SS knew SO was going to do that beforehand, and I doubt Persnickety knew/knows where the kit came from either. Kami decided to be lazy and recycle a kit for their own publicity. Poor choice on her part. I hope she isn't planning on recycling it again for some other site, too.

Anonymous said...

I wont buy from Scrap Stacks again, because I'll just wait a month and get the products for free.

Kami is a true idiot and if none of those designers at SO said something about it, they're idiots, too. SO is a joke.

Anonymous said...

, and I doubt Persnickety knew/knows where the kit came from either.

Don't be daft! It's says right on their blog that the kit comes from SO. Persnickety knows exactly what they are doing and are just as guilty.

Anonymous said...

I think the OP meant Persnickity probably doesn't realize SO is recycling something people paid for last month, not that they didn't know it came from SO.

Anonymous said...

Do you think Persnickety Prints did that without permission? Hardly. That was Scrap Orchard's very poor choice.

and Persnickety's poor choice too.

Easy to say you won't shop at SO, knowing there are quite a few competitive and similar stores out there, but not so easy to say you won't get prints from Persnickety, because that market isn't so big. Hypocrites.

Anonymous said...

Well, here's 1 pissed off scrapper. Definitely will think twice now before buying a Pack...

Anonymous said...

I think the OP meant Persnickity probably doesn't realize SO is recycling something people paid for last month,

How could they not? They are involved at Scrap Stacks. They'd have to be pretty damn stupid not realize that the kit was offered last month.

Anonymous said...

I'm #156. I don't shop at Persnickity and never will. All 3 places are on my boycott list. There are TONS of places to print books and prints, which is why I've never shopped there.

I wasn't being a hypocrite, I just didn't think to add them to my first post because I've never shopped there. I'll try to be more clear with my hate in the future. :)

Anonymous said...

Somebody asked on the PP facebook fan page: Isn't this the same kit that was included in last month's ScrapPack? Persnickity Prints FB page....PP replied "I have no idea, SO donated this kit to us" -

I for one will not shop at either place...I prefer Shutterfly anyway. Any store that is going to charge for the kit and a month later donate it to another site for free is pretty low in my book.

Anonymous said...

163 - Yes that's exactly what I meant. I, for one, love Persnickety, and I can understand how they wouldn't know this was the same kit donated to another site for publicity. If they are smart, they'll be having a long conversation with Kami, and perhaps, rightfully, distancing themselves from Scrap Orchard.

Anonymous said...

I also doubt Scrap Stacks knew SO was going to pull something like this either. They don't have control over what a store does with a kit once it's out of their hands. Unless this becomes a common occurrence, I will still purchase any stack that I like. Hopefully, this will be a warning to any future shop that wants to pull this kind of stunt.

My question. Is anyone complaining to SO directly? Because that's where the blame lies, so why not comment on THEIR FB page?

Anonymous said...

I'm curious to know why Persnickety is on #167's boycott list. I've had nothing but great service from them. I do page prints--Shutterfly is way to expensive for page prints.

Anonymous said...

The number of people who bought the kit at Scrapstacks vs the number of very happy people downloading from Persnappity... yeah, I think the only loser here is Scrapstacks.

Anonymous said...

Persnickity is on my boycott list after this incident. Not that it matters to them since I've never shopped there, but I wont do business with anyone associated with shoddy business practices. I have to agree with a previous posted, how could they not have known about SO's kit since they're involved at Scrap Stacks. Either they have no idea what is going on where they're involved or they don't care. Neither is anything I want to support.

Anonymous said...

Somebody asked on the PP facebook fan page: Isn't this the same kit that was included in last month's ScrapPack? Persnickity Prints FB page....PP replied "I have no idea, SO donated this kit to us" -

So not only stupid but liars as well. Way to go Persnickety.

Anonymous said...

I also doubt Scrap Stacks knew SO was going to pull something like this either. They don't have control over what a store does with a kit once it's out of their hands.

Yes they do. At DST, it was a condition of being a featured designer that you couldn't sell or give away the featured kit within 12 months of it being featured.

Anonymous said...

s that's exactly what I meant. I, for one, love Persnickety, and I can understand how they wouldn't know this was the same kit donated to another site for publicity. If they are smart,

They've already proven they aren't smart and I, for one, can't understand how they couldn't know.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes it appears when people play the fool, they think that'll get them out of it. Instead of owning up to their mistakes and looking like an ass.

Dumbass people need to learn to stand on their feet if they want to run a real business.

Anonymous said...

Easy to say you won't shop at SO, knowing there are quite a few competitive and similar stores out there, but not so easy to say you won't get prints from Persnickety, because that market isn't so big. Hypocrites.

Nice assumption. I never shopped at Persnickity in the first place so they don't need to go on my boycott list.

I posted a support issue on the SO Fab page once - it wasn't even negative just looking for help - and they deleted the comment. No way in hell they will let a complaint stay up.

Anonymous said...

Did SSD have a coupon going through year end or just the free giveaways?

Anonymous said...

Nice naked lady kit at TLP. Thought just taggers posted naked people in their kits.

Anonymous said...

#180 Wow that kit is bad. I wouldn't download it even if it was free. $7.49??? What??

Anonymous said...

Nice assumption. I never shopped at Persnickity in the first place so they don't need to go on my boycott list.

I didn't assume anything. It was a general statement.

Anonymous said...

#180 - Seems a typical art journaling kit to me, with typical vintage art works that sometimes have naked ladies in them. It's been done before.

Anonymous said...

175 - True, but that doesn't mean they can enforce it in any way.

Anonymous said...

Did SSD have a coupon going through year end or just the free giveaways?
They had a 25% off coupon in an email. It was good through tonight. I used it right before the deadline - I almost forgot about it.

Anonymous said...

I don't get all the rage. I paid $5 for three huge store collab kits. Big whoop. Even if it was just 2 kits, that's still 2 store collab kits for $2.50 each. And SO didn't get that money, did they? Doesn't scrapstacks keep that for 'operating expenses'?

Anonymous said...

I agree with you, 186. SO donated the kit to Scrap Stacks, and now they've donated it to Persnickety. It's not the wisest move, but I don't see it as some wickedly deceitful thing.

I don't think Persnickety is involved with Scrap Stacks, and I have no idea what has been included in previous months there. Is the site even that big? How many people DO know, or do buy them?

Anonymous said...

#186 - what rage? I see some people pissed off, but no rage.

Anonymous said...

Question for Designers:

Do you ever get tired of being asked (or forced) to contribute to collab kits or freebie kits?

It seems like some stores have have a lot of requirements for them, & have frequent giveaways, so I wonder if you feel like you're required to give away too much? Do you feel like you're running out of creative ideas when you're required to contribute to so many freebies?

Do you feel like all these giveaways actually help you in your sales and/or name recognition? Are they too time consuming?

I'm curious about this from a designer's point of view so thanks in advance for any feedback. Hope everyone here has a happy new year! :)

Anonymous said...

How often is frequent? monthly? quarterly? every other month? weekly?

Anonymous said...

The store I am at only does quarterly, so no, I don't think that's too much. It's usually only a few papers and elements each time.

Anonymous said...

As a designer, any requirements for me contributing to freebies or collabs to the store are in my contract. Since I agreed to the contract, it's hardly being forced to do something.

Anything extra, as long as it's designed to help sales, I contribute to. There have been things I've declined to participate with that aren't contractual and there have never been any issues in my saying, "I pass."

I have never felt burnt out from making the 3-4 papers and 5-6 elements required for those things. I would never agree to do that monthly and I'm not aware of any site that requires monthly collabs anymore from ALL designers.

What I do get sick of are the designers that never contribute to store collabs or events, but reap the benefits from my participation, time, and promotion.

Anonymous said...

The big deal with SO's move is that they didn't "donate" the kit to Scrap Stacks. They allowed Scrap Stacks to sell their kit as part of the Scrap Pack. Now, if they allowed Scrap Stacks to give it away one month, then recycled it as a giveaway the next month somewhere else, there is no problem other than laziness.

The fact is, people PAID MONEY for that kit one month and now it's free the next month. I'm pretty sure if The Daily Digi kits were given away for free one month later, no one would buy those either and the same complaints would be voiced.

It's wrong and extremely poor business, which isn't shocking with SO involved.

Anonymous said...

It's just as much Scrap Stack's fault as SO. At TDD it's right in the agreement that anything you contribute must retail for at least $7.99 total after your feature and never less (except for occasional sales). I'm assuming the only enforcement could be public outing on the issue and refusing to ever allow the person to contribute to TDD and not advertising the designer as they do for others. If Scrap Stacks didn't bother to protect their customers by adding a clause about how the kits must be handled afterwards, they are just as much at fault over the whole thing. It is bad business for SO to do it anyway.

Anonymous said...

#175. Scrapstacks: In order to finance the site, we will offer a Scrap Pack each month. This pack will contain products by three featured designers/stores. These designers will then have their own "featured designer" category and at least one blog post to further promote the designer and her store during the course of the promotional month. After the month, the designer/store may then add the kit to her own shop.

Anonymous said...

#180 Right? That's as far from a poser tube naked lady as it gets. Some people need to quit being such prudes and associating art and the human form with porn every time.

Anonymous said...

I'm one of the ones that said I won't shop in poser stores because of content. The nude in the TLP kit is artist and not anything like that poser trash which is pretty much scans from the VS catalog. I don't have a problem with my kids seeing the nude in Michelle's kit. There is nothing suggestive in that image. Anyone with an ounce of class will understand the difference.

I still won't be purchasing that kit. I don't care for Michelle's work in general.

Anonymous said...

197-I also feel the same about the poser stores.

Anonymous said...

180 - the artistic style appears to be an ode to Maxfield Parrish, looks very much like his illustrations.

Anonymous said...

I have always loved SO but this SS/PP stunt has really ticked me off. Scrap Stacks doesn't own the rights to the kit. But they need to work out a better contract with their designers to keep those kits from being handed out for free.

I doubt they read here though. I might just send Penny and Kami an email expressing my disappointment.

Anonymous said...

Kami reads here. Gennifer herself confirmed that.

SO lost another customer over this bullshit, too. Sorry Andrea and Emily. I love your products, but I can't support a store like that.

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