When I designed, I was at what is commonly referred to as "middle tier" and I received well over 50 apps when I had calls. I would imagine Traci would receive at least that many. I'm sure she didn't receive as many as she thought she would, though.
The requirements are more than most CTMs could handle. Not that I disagree with them or think them too much (they're hers to dictate), but I do think most CTMs take more time complaining about how crappy their photos are than it would take to actually improve their photography skills. Far too many scrappers feel entitled to be on CTs because they're fans. What they fail to realize is that many designers, like Traci, view this as their JOB and "hire" CTMs who will showcase their work the best possible. Someone with shitty photos and/or shadowing skills isn't showcasing the products in the best possible way.
But god forbid you actually told a scrapper that. They go crazy and blow it off and then sit around and bitch and cry wondering why they can't make it on those teams.
Your pages might be 100% perfect for your memories and your family, but this is a BUSINESS and they're not good enough for marketing. There is nothing wrong with that and no one is telling you to change how you scrap, but you wont be making any of those CTs anytime soon.
I'm not traci. But I feel that we have no reason to not believe regarding her numbers. She has no reason to lie.
Of course, she has reason to lie...especially if she didn't get very many apps. I found the How To thing for the CT Calls to be ridiculous. It's not like we're talking a paid position here..Geez, if anyone takes being on a stupid team, for free kits in return, that seriously, they really, really, really need to get a legitimate job (or get their head(s) examined)! Nothing like bloating your ego with a bunch of grandiose requirements...Give me a break and get over yourself, Traci Reed, and anyone else who thinks they're some CEO of some lucrative business. I mean if it were THAT lucrative, you could actually PAY your employees, right????
#197- I found her post about the CT call very stuck up. I think if you require your CT to have good camera and processing skills, you should learn how to do that yourself.
This is one of those things that is pretty clear cut whether the designer states it or not. If you are a great scrapper with crappy pictures, you probably aren't going to get picked for the CT because really your layouts still won't showcase the designer's kits in an interesting way. She stated the obvious and is being called stuck-up for that?
Of course, she has reason to lie...especially if she didn't get very many apps.
But then I think she just wouldn't have said anything at all if it wasn't the number she hoped for. I don't think there was any reason to lie. She doesn't have anything to prove. I think her sales and being at SSD do that already.
You still didn't say what that reason is. Not getting CT apps in high numbers really isn't that big of a deal.
Granted..it ain't a big deal at all..to us..to someone who has an ego the size of Texas, it would be more than enough reason to embellish the number of applicants. People have lied about a lot less.
Granted..it ain't a big deal at all..to us..to someone who has an ego the size of Texas, it would be more than enough reason to embellish the number of applicants. People have lied about a lot less. ----
But you have no proof that she lied other than you think she has a big ego? That makes a lot of sense. Sounds like playground gossip to me.
She stated the obvious and is being called stuck-up for that? ---------- It's Traci - they'll always find a reason to be pissy about her. I knew with the CT call, they would bitch about her eventually. I'm kinda shocked it took this long - I thought they'd bitch when she opened an event on Facebook about it. I just do my best not to feed the Traci Trolls - they'll bitch and moan no matter what. Best to let them do it and move on.
Traci is innovative. She's talented and she takes herself seriously. She's professional. If you don't like that, don't fan her or apply to her CT calls and then flip out and talk smack about her where her team members can see it because YOUR ego is too big to realize that you just simply weren't good enough to make her team.
DUH! She said "where her team members can..." But why does it matter anyway? Some people do actually have good things to say about designers without being the designer or CT.
Nope, I guess I wasn't clear in my rant. I am on another CT where the designer had applied to traci's call and got rejected and then she and some other CT members flipped out....
I applied to Traci's call. I got rejected too but I wasn't upset. I understand that this isn't a personal thing. This is her business.
I applied to Traci's call. I got rejected too but I wasn't upset. I understand that this isn't a personal thing. This is her business.
It's her business but it's not the CT's business. That's what I don't get. What is the big draw to do all this work for these people when all you get in return is free kits??!! I cannot imagine going through this dog and pony show for free scrapbook kits. They're simply not that expensive and there's so much competition out there, one can usually find a good sale somewhere. What is the big draw to be on a CT?
Gee, thanks, Traci, for giving advice on how to apply to a CT (also known as "This is what I'm looking for") AFTER having your CT call. Not that I applied anyway. Just think it's funny to give that advice after you've finished the call.
She said why she did it and it makes sense. I've asked designers after rejections and most of them never offered any real advice IF they even replied. It was always, "Well, you're work is great but I just didn't have space for everyone."
#27 - Traci posted what she was looking for in her call. What she posted today isn't really mind blowing. It's basically expanding what she was looking for during the call and giving a few additional pieces of advice.
I don't get the big deal at all.
#22 - I heard something about a couple designers who slammed Traci in their CT forums. As a designer, I have no idea why any designer would even mention another designer at all, but if they had to, why say anything less than positive to your CT? Most CTs know lots of designers and other CTs. You never know who they know or who they CT for. Odds are, it's going to make its way back to the other designer.
Sounds like sour grapes to me and very unprofessional. I hope those designers don't sell in my store. Unless a designer sells in the same store or is friends with another designer, I don't understand why designers CT for other designers anyway.
In the CT Call, Traci asked if you'd be willing to leave other teams if she picked you. Why did she ask that? I don't know Traci/don't scrap with her stuff/don't know designers or people who CT for her, so I don't have anyone to ask. I'm hoping someone here can fill me in. I almost sent Traci an email just to ask about this. It seems odd to me because if a person is willing to say Buh-bye to other designers in order to CT for Traci, then aren't those people also willing to say Buh-bye to Traci in order to CT for a "bigger" designer/store? I thought that was stuck-up and, well, not a good idea. But if that's what works for her, then fine.
29: OMG, I can't imagine CTMs/designers slamming another designer in their private forum. No, I'm not being sarcastic. Designers I CT for are really nice and supportive--of other designers, of their store(s), of us. Like 29 said, the designers' words are gonna bite them in the ass. Someone's going to do a screen grab of the bitching and show it to someone, who'll show someone else, etc etc etc.
#30, it said, if asked would you be willing to limit the number of teams you are on. I think that explains itself. A CTM that is spreading herself over too many teams might not be as productive and devoted to the team. I was on her team a very long time ago and she asked that question then. But I was only on 2 other CTs so I don't know if she really does asks CTMs to leave other teams.
179 you wish them "nothing but the best"? even though you're the original poster about them on a smack blog. SMH. Idiot. --
Not the OP but you are an idiot. If someone has crap quality, that doesn't mean that the person who brought the subject up wants them to fail. There was nothing malicious in the original post, just honest criticism.
I applied and didn't get it, but the Fb page was great. There were a lot of people talking and being friendly on it. I think one of the reason's I wanted to be on her team, is the ladies on it now, have some fantastic pages and they(current team) have stated again and again, she helps them to make better pages. It is learning their craft. So you get the product free and knowledge from someone who is professional and helpful. I like her product, don't know her personally. She answered all the questions very honest and straightforward on the page. It was a different kind of call and funny thing, I didn't make it, but by golly, I will buy her product again and again. She could have given us a coupon! <--said with humor! If you are reading, haha, send one to all us non-hawties, the tepid ones! hahaha and to #18 she is stuck up because she did something other designers haven't? (the FB ct page?) that is what drew me to the call in the first place, it was something different.
Anyone ever hear of a site that requires you to input your credit card number before you can download one of their freebies? I was shocked to read this requirement in a newletter I received today. There's no way I would do this.
Selling something does not equal talented. It just means she producing stuff people will buy. I also never said I didn't like her stuff, just that it was ordinary.
I never said anything about unfriendly, just unprofessional.
When I hear people say a designer is innovative, I stupidly assume they are talking about the product.
thank you for your answer :) And I'm not being snarky either.
Anyone ever hear of a site that requires you to input your credit card number before you can download one of their freebies? I was shocked to read this requirement in a newletter I received today. There's no way I would do this. _________
Haven't heard of that before... yikes! I wouldn't, either. What store?
Talent is subjective. I think Track has talent which is why I buy her stuff. Her kits are well put together and my pages come together quickly when I use her stuff.
LOL Mye now has something in her CT call that she saw in another designer's CT call? How NOT surprising at all! That girl doesn't have an original idea in her head. Her whole business is based on what everyone else does. There is not a single idea she won't steal and use, most of the time word-for-word. Pathetic!
Do people actually buy this crap? http://cudigitals.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1_173&products_id=6341 ------------------- This is not bad quality, but like a lot of CU products (especially some actions, scripts and templates), I would question how useful it is to a designer or a scrapper: how often will you use the same penguin, hat, heart, shoe, Christmas tree, etc. even in different colors, textures, etc.
As a designer, I am careful to purchase products that can be used many times without looking identical each time. I would not buy a "single" penguin template because I am not sure how many penguins I would use, and if I needed 5 of them, I would want them more different than just their colors. I probably would want different positions (standing, sitting, etc.), or have some doing different things (sliding, dancing, etc.). Maybe that is just me and other designers are OK in purchasing those "cookie-cutter" products for their kits. Who knows? But again, maybe it is purchased more by scrappers than designers, even if this is in a CU store?
I'm only a scrapper and I buy CU templates before, but nothing like that example. I buy stuff from GS Creations at SHCo all the time. It's quick and easy to clip a kit paper to the template and make it match what I'm working with.
I don't understand all the hype and talk(gossip)about Traci Reed. I'm a customer. I follow her facebook page and I'm subscribed to her newsletter. I have bought a few kits from her over the past few years and I have most of her freebies.Her designs are good but not amazing. There isn't one product I have to have, I just buy lots of digi supplies on sales and some of those supplies were Traci's among others. But I acknowledge that she looks very professional. Her blog, her freebies, her facebook page, the girl means business and good for her. I've read many times here on the smackblog about her good sales. How does anyone know how her sales are? A hunch?
LOL Mye now has something in her CT call that she saw in another designer's CT call? How NOT surprising at all! That girl doesn't have an original idea in her head. Her whole business is based on what everyone else does. There is not a single idea she won't steal and use, most of the time word-for-word. Pathetic!
How does stealing an idea word-for-word factor into designing kits for digital scrapbooking? If you're referring to themed scrapping then you'd better "smack" almost every designer out there because most of them do similar themes (i.e. elf on the shelf, Christmas in general, etc.etc.etc.). They do this because it appears that's what we consumers want. So please explain...sounds more like you have a personal problem with Mye, Traci.
Her whole business is based on what everyone else does. There is not a single idea she won't steal and use, most of the time word-for-word. Pathetic! -----
I can think of a lot of designers like that. Quite a few of them selling at the so called top tier stores.
Talent is subjective. I think Track has talent which is why I buy her stuff. Her kits are well put together and my pages come together quickly when I use her stuff.
Her newest kit out today is awesome. Just look at it and tell me she doesn't have talent!
Talent is subjective. I think Track has talent which is why I buy her stuff. Her kits are well put together and my pages come together quickly when I use her stuff.
Her newest kit out today is awesome. Just look at it and tell me she doesn't have talent!
-------- 59, her newest kit is a collab. Here's the link so people know what I'm talking about: http://www.sweetshoppedesigns.com/sweetshoppe/product.php?productid=24668&cat=0&page=1 So half that "talent" is from someone else. I have no ax to grind with Traci, but I just thought I'd point that out. I do like the color palette but it's not a kit I'd scrap with.
When is Charly going to come here whining? I rather enjoyed her last soap opera.
58 haven't you already noticed her drama has started again? Go back a couple of pages. Apparently she is now Crescent Moon Designs and selling at PDW, and PDW knows it is her and doesn't care. They lost my business, completely, and I used to spend quite a bit there. To take her on under yet another name with her history shows a distinct lack of business sense. Wonder how much sales they have lost since it has been brought up.
#63 yes, I noticed the drama. What I wonder is when is she going to come here to try and defend herself. She dug and dug her hole deeper last time by coming here. I can't fathom why she keeps trying to make it in designing, it's not going to happen. Whack job. I know she's at Scrapbird, too, but Scrapbird has no scruples either.
This franlk person clearly put "Check it out! Great designer to work for!"
Which doesn't indicate she's Crescent Moon Designs, people need reading lessons. Like #69 said, it's probably someone on her CT or something.
I've seen other CT post calls for designers too. Is everyone so bored they really want to gossip about Charly? Surely there's someone more interesting to talk about.
"Please Note To download this special please add it to your cart. ..... If you are NOT purchasing other items at checkout you will be asked to enter a credit card number. You must enter this information, but you will not be charged. If you would like to check out using Paypal the total of your cart must be more than $0."
I've received the ScrapGirls newsletter emails for a few years & have downloaded many of their freebies, but I have never had to enter a credit card number before. I don't know if this is a new requirement or what's going on with this, but I'd NEVER give my credit card number just for a freebie. Any other stores do this??
Her newest kit out today is awesome. Just look at it and tell me she doesn't have talent! ------
That kit is awful. I expected much better from Traci and Gina.
I don't like the color palette and the idea is completely unoriginal.
I have no idea who is responsible for the cream colored flower in the top left hand corner, but the recolor on that is dreadful. In fact, a lot of the recolors are dreadful.
From a fan of Gina and Traci, that is one big letdown.
Genuinely curious, what makes a recolor bad and what makes it good? Just from the preview I can't tell-- maybe I won't be able to tell even if zoomed in 100%. Can someone give an example of a really good recolor?
With the kit we are talking about, I think they are bad recolors because they are all flat colors. The flower, for instance, has no real high and low lights. The cream ribbon, again, has no real high and low lights, just bright white patches and flat darker patches for shadows. The cream button near the word resolve, again, no real high and low lights. I'll be the first to admit that cream is a PITA to do well, but these aren't even really close to okay, not in my book, especially considering the years of design experience both of them have.
The orange button just above the cream flower has too much high light, as does the tan button near the tree. It makes that button look curved at the top and flat on the bottom. Sometimes you have to 'fake' an element to make it look more real.
Totally jealous of that piece of mediocrity, you totally called it.
I wish I could have thought of something so bland, with a theme that has been done to death since the beginning of 2012, something that is truly, honestly, boring as fuck.
#199 from the previous page, I'm #197, I'm glad to read I am not the only one thinking that. It was THE reason why I didn't apply to her call. One day I'll take the step to improve my phone-pics, cause that's mostly the pics I use for scrapping. Keep forgetting to buy a new cord for my camera so I can attach my camera to my laptop again, even though I only use my camera on vacation or during concerts.
#199 from the previous page, I'm #197, I'm glad to read I am not the only one thinking that. It was THE reason why I didn't apply to her call. One day I'll take the step to improve my phone-pics, cause that's mostly the pics I use for scrapping. Keep forgetting to buy a new cord for my camera so I can attach my camera to my laptop again, even though I only use my camera on vacation or during concerts. ----- I get that Traci wants CTMs who have great pics, but when I look at a CT LO, I look past the pics. If a designer needs her CT's LOs to have great pics then maybe the product isn't that great. If I see a LO with great pics but crappy elements/papers, I don't think to myself, "WOW! This LO really shows off how great the kit is!" I think to myself, "Wow, what a crappy kit! Those awesome, in-focus and correctly colored pics make it that much more obvious how blurry the elements are." You can put a bow on a pile of shit but it's still a pile of shit. But I'm NOT saying Traci's kits are shitty. I'm saying that you shouldn't let a pretty photo of a sunset (that's been post-processed to look pretty) cloud your judgement about a kit's quality.
What about those challenges that make you use bad pictures, the ones you wouldn't have thought about scrapping? I've created some of the best layouts from those.
I have to say when it comes to CT layouts, it's not about the pictures anyway.
The pics requirement is what turned me away too. I thought the FB event was a bit much but I was still considering applying until she gave out the impression that if I don't own a DSLR I'm not good enough to use her products. She also lost a customer on that one.
As a designer, I didn't bother to apply, but I didn't take the good picture requirement as anything insulting. It's really nothing other than it could be what catches someone's eye in a gallery. A good picture might get someone to click on a LO in a gallery, and therefore helps more people see your products. A mediocre picture isn't going to tempt me to click on a LO unless there is something awesome about the LO.
So, you either need to be a decent scrapper with awesome photos OR an amazing scrapper with OK-awesome photos.
The point to me is, you have to be better than ordinary in some way to be on her CT - and I'd say that in an ideal world, would be true of all designers. Sadly, there aren't enough of that pool to go around.
From what I saw of her team this year, most of them have something about their pages I click on in galleries. A couple are OK scrappers with OK pics (like Laura), but she's active at SSD and people follow and love her gallery because of that. Therefore, people are LOOKING at the product. That's every designer's goal.
To twist it around like some of you have to the point where she's lost a customer is kinda crazy IMO. The entire point of CTs is that they're the best form of marketing for a product. Not everyone is good at that and that is OK and how it should be.
There can be downsides to having an awesome scrapper on your team, from this customer's opinion at least. I follow Tamara's gallery (she teaches classes at SO) and when I see an ugly, uninspired page from her, I think the product must be horrible. I figure if she teaches classes about scrapbooking, majority of her pages should be amazing, so if she can't make a kit look appealing, it must be difficult to scrap with.
A couple are OK scrappers with OK pics (like Laura)
Ok scrapper is an understatement..most of her stuff is sub par (looks as if she's just starting and figuring out how to do it) and doesn't even begin to compare with other "babes."
Sure... This template is horrible and the kit looks so cheap. Even she couldn't make either look good. http://www.digishoptalk.com/gallery/showphoto.php?photo=1709851&title=sweet-sixteen&cat=500
The shadows are flat and boring and the kit looks flat and boring. http://www.digishoptalk.com/gallery/showphoto.php?photo=1709849&title=joy&cat=500
Her normal style is so full, I see her make this with a MEGA, and I wonder if there is anything inside worth using. http://www.digishoptalk.com/gallery/showphoto.php?photo=1706465&title=live-2c-laugh-2c-love&cat=500
The post-processing on this photo is poor and the page is very uninspiring. http://www.digishoptalk.com/gallery/showphoto.php?photo=1691281&title=autumn&cat=500
Thanks, 99. I agree with the "OK scrapper" label but for what it's worth, I think designers should have a couple of CTMs who don't have professional-quality photos. It's far easier to make awesome layouts when you're starting with a gorgeous well-lighted photo, especially portraits. My photos are crappy, taken with a cheap point and shoot and mostly with flash and I find it more inspiring to see beautiful layouts made with photos similar to mine.
That's why I have no idea why Traci gets the brunt of complaints regarding her call. I've seen several of her CT pages with regular, non-professional photos. Maybe she wanted something different this time. I don't see how that makes her some egotistical monster who someone who likes her stuff would no longer buy from. That really makes no sense to me at all.
As I understood it, when she was talking about good photos - I thought it meant more about post processing and the like. Meaning - no crazy dark photos. No overly blurry (all the time) photos. Or photos that were really yellow or just off colored in general. She wants people that can take their normal, every day photos and just make them look the best they can look. If they don't know how to fix color or exposure, then she was suggesting they learn before applying to any team (and I've seen this requirement on more than one CT call. Tracie Stroud is the first one to come to mind).
If they don't know how to fix color or exposure, then she was suggesting they learn before applying to any team (and I've seen this requirement on more than one CT call. ------
and just the other day someone was blasting Mye for copying someone elses CT call. Looks like it wasn't unique to that other designer either.
Thanks #76. I'm a new customer and these are really things I need to learn to make wise purchasing choices. I still thinks the flower looks okay, but can see what you mean with the cream-colored ribbon and the buttons. The orange one especially.
and just the other day someone was blasting Mye for copying someone elses CT call. Looks like it wasn't unique to that other designer either. -------- Yes. Yes, *that* was my point. Glad you caught that.... No, it's not a copying issue. When I say I've seen it on other CT calls, her's was one of the first. I just wanted to point out that she isn't the only one wanting decent photos showcasing their work. Good lord, stop trying to invent smack when there isn't any.
90% of my digi purchases are based on the great layouts made with the kit or elements. I believe the layouts are the most important marketing tool to sell digi products. I've been tricked many many times by amazing layouts and disappointed when I unzipped the kit but I hope one day I'll be as good as the CTM's and make great layouts as they do.
I rarely base my purchases on the layouts but I know that I'm unusual in that regard. I use the layouts to check papers and elements. If only three out of 10 papers are being used, for example, or the same elements over and over, it makes me suspicious of the unused papers and elements. Not always but it does make me think twice about a kit.
#90 My pics are good enough and the ones that are blurry, I don't even consider myself to use. I do know how to make pics lighter/darker but that is about it what I know on how to improve. Oh and not to zoom in because the picture will be pixelated more that way. Doesn't make Traci, Mye, Tracie Stroud or whoeever puts it literally into their call a bad designer to me. Just saves me the disappointment when I apply and get rejected, although I don't (and I'm sure nobody doesn't) like it to be rejected when I really, REALLY like that designer.
There's one designer I would love to CT for but she doesn't have calls. She invites people to her CT based on how well they have used her products in the gallery. I know I will never get invited because I don't have the cash to buy products, so I can't buy much of her stuff to make layouts with to get that invite :( I think the invite is a good idea, I've been invited by a few designers and I always seem to do my best work for them.
I never base my purchases on LOs. I base them on those designers who have 100% samples to see how the quality is. You can't tell quality from LOs and I gave up my CT team a long time ago. Not having a CT has never hurt my sales and I'm not sure that many customers base their buys on CT LOs. That's not to say I don't like looking at LOs but I don't look at them for buying purposes. Might be an interesting question to ask on the DST scrap board or in store forums. You might be surprised that there are a lot more people like me.
I rarely base my purchases on the layouts but I know that I'm unusual in that regard. I use the layouts to check papers and elements. If only three out of 10 papers are being used, for example, or the same elements over and over, it makes me suspicious of the unused papers and elements. Not always but it does make me think twice about a kit. ^^^this^^^ re 113: I'm post 90, and I just want to say that I didn't intend to imply that Traci is a "bad designer" for having the "good photo/post-processing" requirement. In fact, I said that I didn't think her stuff is bad. ALL designers want CTMs who have nice pics to scrap. But when I look at CT LOs, I pay attention to the papers/elements since those are what I'm buying.
I thought it was in such poor taste when Traci Reed commented on her FB status after several fans outed themselves as not offered a position on the CT. Her comment was something so gross like "I send out awesome "rejection" letters".
Yep. You're awesome and amazing and folks who wanted for whatever reason to join your ct should be grateful for the rejection letter you sent out.
I'm not a huge fan of her designs, but I can guarantee I won't be spending money at her store ever. Too many other places where designers have talent AND people skills.
#109 90% of my digi purchases are based on the great layouts made with the kit or elements. I believe the layouts are the most important marketing tool to sell digi products. I've been tricked many many times by amazing layouts and disappointed when I unzipped the kit but I hope one day I'll be as good as the CTM's and make great layouts as they do. -------------------------------------- That seems foolish. You should figure out your scrapping style and what types of ellies/colors you gravitate towards before you spend more money on kits that aren't worth it
What's going on with Scrap takeout? No challenges in December? And changes coming in January? http://scraptakeout.com/forum/showthread.php?2189-challenges&highlight=challenge
Ah...makes more sense now. I STILL don't understand what the appeal is to be on anyone's CT, especially the ones where the designer has all these specifications, requirements, etc.etc.etc. It seems an awful lot of work for minimal compensation.
I could understand being a ct for an entire store maybe..at least one would get a large assortment of kits to select..but scrapping entirely from one person most of the time...Don't get it! There's only a couple designers I can think of who I like THAT consistently.
Meg Mullens only invites people, she doesn't have calls.
If I was a designer, this is what I would do. The whole dog and pony show with the "CT CALLS" seems ridiculous and an opportunity for the designers to puff up their egos with their self-important requirements for a job they seriously do not provide adequate compensation. The designers should be kissing these people's feet..they virtually, in many cases, sell the kit for them. In return, they get to put on their siggies that they "Happily Create for________" and get some free downloads that aren't actually FREE at all.
The biggest mystery to me, however, is not the designers with the over-inflated egos, it's the people who go on and on and on about their "dream gigs" and the grovelers who write about some of these designers like they're DaVinci. Give me a break.
And those scrappers don't make the choice to apply and then follow the requirements? They can walk away at any time. I think it works for some scrappers.
A CT call no doubt is another form of advertising for a designer. It's just apart of the business. And it's only a dog and pony show if you follow it. Turn off the station if you don't like it.
So..it was a lot more work than it was worth? Thanks for replying. I've always wondered! -----
I never found it to be such, but then I only ever CTed for designers whose work I really liked and I was never on more than two or three teams, usually two. The designers were also very easygoing but I know that some require a lot more work than just producing layouts.
I CT for a shop and a few designers. I think it only works if there is a personality and a design-style click. This is "fun" for me, so I would rather walk and pay for all of my kits than deal with high maintenace people and drama.
So the teams I'm on, I adore. We chit chat, sometimes provide feedback/suggestions for new kits, and do our best to make pretties.
A CT call no doubt is another form of advertising for a designer. It's just apart of the business. And it's only a dog and pony show if you follow it. Turn off the station if you don't like it.
Thanks for the lecture, however, it was unnecessary and actually not applicable. I was simply stating I don't know what the allure is to be on a ct. I wish to discuss it on this blog. I wasn't asking for advice on how to avoid reading about ct calls but thanks for tip.
Then why did you call it a dog and pony show if you only wanted to discuss the allure of being on a CT? You should know everything you say on this blog will be debated.
I don't think it's immature to use a smack blog so we'll just have to agree to disagree. I get a lot of useful information here that people are afraid to say publicly.
138, if you want to know the allure of being on a CT, I can tell you why I'm on a few CTs. I can't speak for others of course, but for me, I like being able to see the product before the general public does, and a few teams have made kits based on my suggestions. It's awesome to get exactly what I want from a designer whose work I really admire. And like someone else said, it's nice to chat with the other CTMs and to get a chance to make suggestions on the kit--it's a win-win situation for the designer and the CTMs: the designer gets feedback that makes their kits better (so they should sell more) and the CTMs get product they love. For free. I ONLY CT for designers/stores that I really like. It doesn't feel like work: it is a chance for me to interact with people who enjoy the same hobby that I do, and to get great kits for free. I'd buy them anyway, so this just means they actually get USED (instead of half the stuff I buy because I love but just don't actually scrap with). The designers I CT for don't have insane requirements. I did CT for a woman who said in her call "easy CT reqs! Just 3 LOs per month, posted to my store's gallery and DST and one of your choice!" Then she upped the reqs: we had to blog, we had to post on her fb page (I hate fb), we had to make 2 pages instead of one per kit, we had to do enabling at different sites... I was spending more time promoting her stuff than on making LOs for her. Forget it. A $5 kit isn't worth that. She was a new designer and I thought that I'd take a chance (her stuff looked nice), but it wasn't worth it. Now I don't even apply to a call unless I've purchased the designer's work.
Then why did you call it a dog and pony show if you only wanted to discuss the allure of being on a CT? You should know everything you say on this blog will be debated.
I called it that because that's what I think it is.
HOw any of you know how many CTs anyone is on is beyond me. I'm a customer and post my layouts in the galleries. I wonder if people think I'm on the CTs? It could seem like I am on a lot of them when I'm just scrapping.
And really? You remember the names from the lists? I've seen them, I just don't put it together when I'm browsing the gallery. And it still doesn't show how many CTs they are on. I think some of you are too obsessed.
I think you're a dumbass if you can't read someones signature on a forum that says, "I happily create for___________." Some of those folks create for several people and it's noted on every post they make. Makes me wonder how you scrap if you're this dense...
I link up all the time. There are a few girls that are CTs for about a billion designers, and they're listed in their signatures, too... When I see someone's signature and it says "Creating for (insert 15 names and stores here)" I think they're a kitwhore.
I link up all the time. There are a few girls that are CTs for about a billion designers, and they're listed in their signatures, too... When I see someone's signature and it says "Creating for (insert 15 names and stores here)" I think they're a kitwhore.
Exactly. One doesn't have to be a stalker to notice these peoples' siggies that have eighty-five people they ct or "happily create for"...
HOw any of you know how many CTs anyone is on is beyond me. I'm a customer and post my layouts in the galleries. I wonder if people think I'm on the CTs? It could seem like I am on a lot of them when I'm just scrapping.
I have a hunch you aren't good enough to be on a ct.
I have a hunch you aren't good enough to be on a ct.
I was at one time. I got tired of it. I'm a free bird and buy my kits since I can afford them. I scrap with what I want, and not some designer's latest release that doesn't suit my photographs.
So that's probably the reason that I don't have the obsession with creative teams that most of you do. -----
Most? How do you know it's most? You don't. And no one's obsessed either. It's an observation on how a lot of layouts look the same.
You didn't touch any nerves. That's as lame as the jealousy card and pot meet kettle. None of them are original observations and they are usually completely incorrect.
I did because all that could be returned was personal attacks when the posters have no idea about my scrapping skills.
The obsession that SOME people have with how many CTs someone is on is just crazy. Stop complaining about what everyone else is doing when they are doing you no harm.
Oh, like that argument hasn't been made before. Really original, 180. My complaint isn't about something that is driven by jealousy. It's telling people to mind their own business. I would happily do just that if you jealous morons would stop bringing up those that are on "too many CTs".
My question isn't about why someone is on so many ct's. it's why someone ct's period. It's a question I was interested in getting answers to and I did. If you don't want to join in the conversation, start a new topic or stfu. No one is obsessed with anything. I'm certainly not jealous of people on a ct as I think it's pretty much a thankless job..without pay. Others have said to them, it's worth it-cool...it wouldn't be for me.
I don't mind girls that are on many teams, I DO mind always seeing the SAME names appear whenever there's been a call. I'll admit it: it's partly jealousy: what do they have that I don't because some of those girls are just as average as I am.
And #150: I totally agree with you. If your budget is $0, being on a CT (or more) is great.
156-I too CT for several designers I love. I have fun doing it. That is why I CT. When it stops being fun I'll stop. I think I might have been on the team you described though. (The one that changed the requirements after you get on the team.) I like requirements spelled out before an application is sent to the designer. It's only fair to know what to expect. I'm sure a person wouldn't apply for a paying job if the job you thought was an "Accountant" position but the job was actually for a mechanic. Let me CT. I'll do a good job for you. I don't want to be a writer. I'm not good at that. Flame away. I'm not here often, so by the time I come back, it will be over.
185, I'm post 156. When the designer kept adding reqs, I actually thought "this isn't what I signed up for. I'd be pissed if an actual IRL job did this to me" so reading your post made me laugh. It's nice to know I'm not the only one who gets annoyed when a designer heaps on a bunch of extra stuff. Designers need to realize the value of having a CT and the value of having a blog team, a promo/fb/twitter team, an ISO search person etc etc etc etc. A good CTM can do more than make a LO, but that doesn't mean your CT should do *everything* for you. Most CTMs will burn out or start resenting you.
What bugs me about people being on so many CTs is that sometimes, or rather, quite often, they drop the ball. I have been on a couple of CTs where a designer had a couple of people who were on a long list of creative teams, and when it would come time to do a layout with the kit, or do the blogging, or do whatever else was spelled out in the initial requirements, they'd drop the ball. Sometimes, this meant that the rest of us worked extra to make up the slack. When a member says they'll blog a certain day, but then a different creative team has them blogging over on her page the same day, rather than writing a post early, they drop the ball and then either no post goes up, or another CT member may take over the post. Unfortunately, as a CT member, that regularly got delegated to me. As a designer, I carefully consider how many other teams a person is on and whether or not they can contribute their fair share of the CT duties.
Are they paid positions? No. They're not. But it is a commitment that people choose to make. It also irks me, as a designer, when I accept someone on my creative team, and then they download some kits, then say "Sorry, I didn't realize how much commitment this would be on top of my other teams. I need to step down," and then never follow through with layouts, or if they do follow through with those, they leave pretty quickly. Unfortunately, that means that I made a spot for them on my team that I could have filled with someone else who was passionate about my designs and willing to stick with the team. It sucks for me, because now I have a team member disappearing, and it sucks for some of the people I had to turn down (since I like a smaller, dedicated team) to make room for someone who clearly didn't want the position as much as they said they did in the first place.
Not everyone on a million CTs is bad, and many can handle the commitment. But I will say from a design perspective, it is definitely something I look at before choosing creative team members.
As a designer, if a CTM drops the ball, I take on that burden instead of passing it on to another CTM. It is MY business after all and not theirs. If one volunteers to fill-in, I might consider taking her up on it depending upon who it is.
I also remove any CTM not carrying their weight as soon as it becomes apparent. I don't wait and I don't care how good of a scrapper she is or who she knows, etc. All I know is she's dragging down my CT and no one signs up for that.
I see far too many designers keep on inactive CTs just because they're good scrappers. Meanwhile, other CTs are working their butts off for me while that slacker is still on the team. It's bad for morale and when payment is only my kits and the pleasure of being on my team, bad morale is bad for business.
Trying to figure out some digi history here... Didn't Shauna of Pineapple Plantation Designs open up Scrap Orchard with Kami and Mel? I see no mention of that anymore. Whatever happened to her? And did they all open up DigiScrapAddicts as well?
Oh, like that argument hasn't been made before. Really original, 180. My complaint isn't about something that is driven by jealousy. It's telling people to mind their own business. I would happily do just that if you jealous morons would stop bringing up those that are on "too many CTs".
No one is jealous.
No one is a moron, except you.
I wasn't aiming for originality, I was aiming to get you to understand, which you didn't, so suck on that.
If you don't want to join in the conversation, start a new topic or stfu. No one is obsessed with anything. I'm certainly not jealous of people on a ct as I think it's pretty much a thankless job..without pay. -------
Didn't Shauna of Pineapple Plantation Designs open up Scrap Orchard with Kami and Mel? I see no mention of that anymore. Whatever happened to her? And did they all open up DigiScrapAddicts as well? ----------
I believe Shauna got really sick and retired. As for the rest, #193 has already answered.
188-I feel for you. For the other side of the coin, I am a ct that does participate in several teams. Many of these designers I help out only produce one kit a month or so. Two haven't even produced a kit in more than 6 months. When they do produce a kit, they tell the ctm, give us links to the kit, and expect us to have a layout within a day or two, and sometimes within few hours. When I signed up with them, they said we'd always have plenty of time to make the layouts. Since I'm on so many teams, though, if I sent my application to you, apparently you wouldn't choose me for your team because of my present list. I'm loyal, (that is why I stay with those non-producing designers), I'm on time with my layouts almost always, I produce very nice layouts that frequently get mentioned in GSO threads, and LOTW threads. I try to promote a kit in several places. So, for me being loyal and truthful in disclosing how many CT's I'm on, we both miss out on a good professional relationship.
200- I'm 188. I wouldn't exclude you entirely for your list of teams. I would carefully consider your list of teams and your level of apparent commitment before choosing you. I definitely would review your work, and if I liked it, you'd still make my list. I'm just saying the CT list is a factor. If I have two equally qualified applicants, whose work I like equally well, and are otherwise neck-and-neck in terms of what I'm looking for, the list of CT commitments is something I look at as a deciding factor.
«Oldest ‹Older 601 – 800 of 1332 Newer› Newest»Give me an example of how she has a giant ego.
They would type but it is so big there isn't room in here for them to explain.
Exactly, #3.
Traci, we're not going to explain it to you. Just ask anyone else who's not you.
They would type but it is so big there isn't room in here for them to explain
Then it's one of those "feelings" things based on an online persona that not many people really know. I get it.
#2, DUH! She's successful and actually posts in the forums and on her blog. That's all it takes to be considered a big ego around here.
When I designed, I was at what is commonly referred to as "middle tier" and I received well over 50 apps when I had calls. I would imagine Traci would receive at least that many. I'm sure she didn't receive as many as she thought she would, though.
The requirements are more than most CTMs could handle. Not that I disagree with them or think them too much (they're hers to dictate), but I do think most CTMs take more time complaining about how crappy their photos are than it would take to actually improve their photography skills. Far too many scrappers feel entitled to be on CTs because they're fans. What they fail to realize is that many designers, like Traci, view this as their JOB and "hire" CTMs who will showcase their work the best possible. Someone with shitty photos and/or shadowing skills isn't showcasing the products in the best possible way.
But god forbid you actually told a scrapper that. They go crazy and blow it off and then sit around and bitch and cry wondering why they can't make it on those teams.
Your pages might be 100% perfect for your memories and your family, but this is a BUSINESS and they're not good enough for marketing. There is nothing wrong with that and no one is telling you to change how you scrap, but you wont be making any of those CTs anytime soon.
I'm not traci. But I feel that we have no reason to not believe regarding her numbers. She has no reason to lie.
Of course, she has reason to lie...especially if she didn't get very many apps. I found the How To thing for the CT Calls to be ridiculous. It's not like we're talking a paid position here..Geez, if anyone takes being on a stupid team, for free kits in return, that seriously, they really, really, really need to get a legitimate job (or get their head(s) examined)! Nothing like bloating your ego with a bunch of grandiose requirements...Give me a break and get over yourself, Traci Reed, and anyone else who thinks they're some CEO of some lucrative business. I mean if it were THAT lucrative, you could actually PAY your employees, right????
Traci posts in forums when it suits her or when it's about her.
#9, I post in forums when it suits me. I guess that means I have a big ego?
#197- I found her post about the CT call very stuck up. I think if you require your CT to have good camera and processing skills, you should learn how to do that yourself.
This is one of those things that is pretty clear cut whether the designer states it or not. If you are a great scrapper with crappy pictures, you probably aren't going to get picked for the CT because really your layouts still won't showcase the designer's kits in an interesting way. She stated the obvious and is being called stuck-up for that?
Of course, she has reason to lie...especially if she didn't get very many apps.
But then I think she just wouldn't have said anything at all if it wasn't the number she hoped for. I don't think there was any reason to lie. She doesn't have anything to prove. I think her sales and being at SSD do that already.
Of course, she has reason to lie...especially if she didn't get very many apps.
You still didn't say what that reason is. Not getting CT apps in high numbers really isn't that big of a deal.
You still didn't say what that reason is. Not getting CT apps in high numbers really isn't that big of a deal.
Granted..it ain't a big deal at all..to us..to someone who has an ego the size of Texas, it would be more than enough reason to embellish the number of applicants. People have lied about a lot less.
Granted..it ain't a big deal at all..to us..to someone who has an ego the size of Texas, it would be more than enough reason to embellish the number of applicants. People have lied about a lot less.
But you have no proof that she lied other than you think she has a big ego? That makes a lot of sense. Sounds like playground gossip to me.
#11- Yes.
She stated the obvious and is being called stuck-up for that?
It's Traci - they'll always find a reason to be pissy about her. I knew with the CT call, they would bitch about her eventually. I'm kinda shocked it took this long - I thought they'd bitch when she opened an event on Facebook about it. I just do my best not to feed the Traci Trolls - they'll bitch and moan no matter what. Best to let them do it and move on.
#17- She actually opened a Facebook event about her CT call? Now THAT is stuck-up. I have never seen a designer do that before.
Traci is innovative. She's talented and she takes herself seriously. She's professional. If you don't like that, don't fan her or apply to her CT calls and then flip out and talk smack about her where her team members can see it because YOUR ego is too big to realize that you just simply weren't good enough to make her team.
Let me guess, CT member or Traci?
DUH! She said "where her team members can..." But why does it matter anyway? Some people do actually have good things to say about designers without being the designer or CT.
#19 here
Nope, I guess I wasn't clear in my rant. I am on another CT where the designer had applied to traci's call and got rejected and then she and some other CT members flipped out....
I applied to Traci's call. I got rejected too but I wasn't upset. I understand that this isn't a personal thing. This is her business.
I applied to Traci's call. I got rejected too but I wasn't upset. I understand that this isn't a personal thing. This is her business.
It's her business but it's not the CT's business. That's what I don't get. What is the big draw to do all this work for these people when all you get in return is free kits??!! I cannot imagine going through this dog and pony show for free scrapbook kits. They're simply not that expensive and there's so much competition out there, one can usually find a good sale somewhere. What is the big draw to be on a CT?
Some people just like being on CTs. Why the need to have them explain their choices to you?
Totally different subject...
Even at $3, this is so overpriced it's not funny. It makes SSD prices look like a thrift store.
If you make a team so many ladies want it makes you feel good about yourself.
Gee, thanks, Traci, for giving advice on how to apply to a CT (also known as "This is what I'm looking for") AFTER having your CT call. Not that I applied anyway. Just think it's funny to give that advice after you've finished the call.
She said why she did it and it makes sense. I've asked designers after rejections and most of them never offered any real advice IF they even replied. It was always, "Well, you're work is great but I just didn't have space for everyone."
#27 - Traci posted what she was looking for in her call. What she posted today isn't really mind blowing. It's basically expanding what she was looking for during the call and giving a few additional pieces of advice.
I don't get the big deal at all.
#22 - I heard something about a couple designers who slammed Traci in their CT forums. As a designer, I have no idea why any designer would even mention another designer at all, but if they had to, why say anything less than positive to your CT? Most CTs know lots of designers and other CTs. You never know who they know or who they CT for. Odds are, it's going to make its way back to the other designer.
Sounds like sour grapes to me and very unprofessional. I hope those designers don't sell in my store. Unless a designer sells in the same store or is friends with another designer, I don't understand why designers CT for other designers anyway.
In the CT Call, Traci asked if you'd be willing to leave other teams if she picked you. Why did she ask that? I don't know Traci/don't scrap with her stuff/don't know designers or people who CT for her, so I don't have anyone to ask. I'm hoping someone here can fill me in. I almost sent Traci an email just to ask about this. It seems odd to me because if a person is willing to say Buh-bye to other designers in order to CT for Traci, then aren't those people also willing to say Buh-bye to Traci in order to CT for a "bigger" designer/store? I thought that was stuck-up and, well, not a good idea. But if that's what works for her, then fine.
29: OMG, I can't imagine CTMs/designers slamming another designer in their private forum. No, I'm not being sarcastic. Designers I CT for are really nice and supportive--of other designers, of their store(s), of us. Like 29 said, the designers' words are gonna bite them in the ass. Someone's going to do a screen grab of the bitching and show it to someone, who'll show someone else, etc etc etc.
#30, it said, if asked would you be willing to limit the number of teams you are on. I think that explains itself. A CTM that is spreading herself over too many teams might not be as productive and devoted to the team. I was on her team a very long time ago and she asked that question then. But I was only on 2 other CTs so I don't know if she really does asks CTMs to leave other teams.
179 you wish them "nothing but the best"? even though you're the original poster about them on a smack blog. SMH. Idiot.
Not the OP but you are an idiot. If someone has crap quality, that doesn't mean that the person who brought the subject up wants them to fail. There was nothing malicious in the original post, just honest criticism.
And I feel for Traci, clearly being at the top has brought out all the jealous cows.
Not with the jealousy again. Some of you need a new record.
She's successful and actually posts in the forums and on her blog. That's all it takes to be considered a big ego around here.
No it's not. There are quite a few successful designers that post in the forums and on their blogs and are not considered egoistical. Try again.
Your pages might be 100% perfect for your memories and your family, but this is a BUSINESS and they're not good enough for marketing.
totally agree, but if it's a business, I want to be paid, in cash, not kits. Otherwise, it's not a business.
I applied and didn't get it, but the Fb page was great. There were a lot of people talking and being friendly on it. I think one of the reason's I wanted to be on her team, is the ladies on it now, have some fantastic pages and they(current team) have stated again and again, she helps them to make better pages. It is learning their craft. So you get the product free and knowledge from someone who is professional and helpful. I like her product, don't know her personally. She answered all the questions very honest and straightforward on the page. It was a different kind of call and funny thing, I didn't make it, but by golly, I will buy her product again and again. She could have given us a coupon! <--said with humor! If you are reading, haha, send one to all us non-hawties, the tepid ones! hahaha
and to #18 she is stuck up because she did something other designers haven't? (the FB ct page?) that is what drew me to the call in the first place, it was something different.
If you make a team so many ladies want it makes you feel good about yourself.
Yeah, when I was in elementary school, but then I grew up
Traci is innovative. She's talented and she takes herself seriously. She's professional.
How is she innovative? I haven't seen anything of her's that is innovative. Do you have an example?
Talented? Meh, matter of opinion. To me, she's not doing anything new or fantastic and her work is okay.
Professional? Well, unless she has changed a lot since I last worked with her, I will state that she is not.
Using facebook events is pretty innovative. It loaded in my phone's calendar to remind me to apply. No other designer has used that feature for FB.
I can't convince you to like her stuff, if you don't, then you don't. But I would say she wouldn't be at SSD if she wasn't selling.
And all my dealings with her have been professional and friendly.
Anyone ever hear of a site that requires you to input your credit card number before you can download one of their freebies? I was shocked to read this requirement in a newletter I received today. There's no way I would do this.
Selling something does not equal talented. It just means she producing stuff people will buy. I also never said I didn't like her stuff, just that it was ordinary.
I never said anything about unfriendly, just unprofessional.
When I hear people say a designer is innovative, I stupidly assume they are talking about the product.
thank you for your answer :) And I'm not being snarky either.
Anyone ever hear of a site that requires you to input your credit card number before you can download one of their freebies? I was shocked to read this requirement in a newletter I received today. There's no way I would do this.
Haven't heard of that before... yikes! I wouldn't, either. What store?
Talent is subjective. I think Track has talent which is why I buy her stuff. Her kits are well put together and my pages come together quickly when I use her stuff.
That should be Traci not Track. WTF autocorrect????
"Track" has gotten better in the last 6 months. Anytime before that she had terrible quality issues.
Yes #43, I'd really like to know the store name as well. Seems shady.
Do people actually buy this crap?
^ Probably. That wasn't too awful.
LOL Mye now has something in her CT call that she saw in another designer's CT call? How NOT surprising at all! That girl doesn't have an original idea in her head. Her whole business is based on what everyone else does. There is not a single idea she won't steal and use, most of the time word-for-word. Pathetic!
Do people actually buy this crap?
This is not bad quality, but like a lot of CU products (especially some actions, scripts and templates), I would question how useful it is to a designer or a scrapper: how often will you use the same penguin, hat, heart, shoe, Christmas tree, etc. even in different colors, textures, etc.
As a designer, I am careful to purchase products that can be used many times without looking identical each time. I would not buy a "single" penguin template because I am not sure how many penguins I would use, and if I needed 5 of them, I would want them more different than just their colors. I probably would want different positions (standing, sitting, etc.), or have some doing different things (sliding, dancing, etc.). Maybe that is just me and other designers are OK in purchasing those "cookie-cutter" products for their kits. Who knows?
But again, maybe it is purchased more by scrappers than designers, even if this is in a CU store?
I'm only a scrapper and I buy CU templates before, but nothing like that example. I buy stuff from GS Creations at SHCo all the time. It's quick and easy to clip a kit paper to the template and make it match what I'm working with.
I don't understand all the hype and talk(gossip)about Traci Reed. I'm a customer. I follow her facebook page and I'm subscribed to her newsletter. I have bought a few kits from her over the past few years and I have most of her freebies.Her designs are good but not amazing. There isn't one product I have to have, I just buy lots of digi supplies on sales and some of those supplies were Traci's among others. But I acknowledge that she looks very professional. Her blog, her freebies, her facebook page, the girl means business and good for her.
I've read many times here on the smackblog about her good sales. How does anyone know how her sales are? A hunch?
I've read many times here on the smackblog about her good sales. How does anyone know how her sales are?
Anyone who sells at SSD has good sales or they'd be booted...and yes, I KNOW this.
LOL Mye now has something in her CT call that she saw in another designer's CT call? How NOT surprising at all! That girl doesn't have an original idea in her head. Her whole business is based on what everyone else does. There is not a single idea she won't steal and use, most of the time word-for-word. Pathetic!
How does stealing an idea word-for-word factor into designing kits for digital scrapbooking? If you're referring to themed scrapping then you'd better "smack" almost every designer out there because most of them do similar themes (i.e. elf on the shelf, Christmas in general, etc.etc.etc.). They do this because it appears that's what we consumers want. So please explain...sounds more like you have a personal problem with Mye, Traci.
Her whole business is based on what everyone else does. There is not a single idea she won't steal and use, most of the time word-for-word. Pathetic!
I can think of a lot of designers like that. Quite a few of them selling at the so called top tier stores.
When is Charly going to come here whining? I rather enjoyed her last soap opera.
Talent is subjective. I think Track has talent which is why I buy her stuff. Her kits are well put together and my pages come together quickly when I use her stuff.
Her newest kit out today is awesome. Just look at it and tell me she doesn't have talent!
58 - read Royanna's latest pity party for a laugh.
Talent is subjective. I think Track has talent which is why I buy her stuff. Her kits are well put together and my pages come together quickly when I use her stuff.
Her newest kit out today is awesome. Just look at it and tell me she doesn't have talent!
59, her newest kit is a collab. Here's the link so people know what I'm talking about: http://www.sweetshoppedesigns.com/sweetshoppe/product.php?productid=24668&cat=0&page=1
So half that "talent" is from someone else. I have no ax to grind with Traci, but I just thought I'd point that out. I do like the color palette but it's not a kit I'd scrap with.
Who is the best designer, quality-wise, at SSD? I think Jady Day and Krystal
do a good job.
When is Charly going to come here whining? I rather enjoyed her last soap opera.
58 haven't you already noticed her drama has started again? Go back a couple of pages. Apparently she is now Crescent Moon Designs and selling at PDW, and PDW knows it is her and doesn't care. They lost my business, completely, and I used to spend quite a bit there. To take her on under yet another name with her history shows a distinct lack of business sense. Wonder how much sales they have lost since it has been brought up.
Meh. PDW never had my business. It's hard to lose something you don't have.
I'm willing to bet that unless a scrapper follows this blog they have no clue what went down and she's just another designer in that store.
#63 yes, I noticed the drama. What I wonder is when is she going to come here to try and defend herself. She dug and dug her hole deeper last time by coming here. I can't fathom why she keeps trying to make it in designing, it's not going to happen. Whack job. I know she's at Scrapbird, too, but Scrapbird has no scruples either.
That Tracy Reed Gina Miller kit looks just like any other kit. It's not horrible, but it isn't undeniable innovation and awesomeness.
Crescent Moon Designs is Charly?
The signature says Linda, so who is who?
Interestingly, that call is not posted by Crescent Moon Designs, yet the graphic says "my forum". The post is done by franlk. Who is franlk?
More than likely someone on her CT.
This franlk person clearly put "Check it out! Great designer to work for!"
Which doesn't indicate she's Crescent Moon Designs, people need reading lessons. Like #69 said, it's probably someone on her CT or something.
I've seen other CT post calls for designers too. Is everyone so bored they really want to gossip about Charly? Surely there's someone more interesting to talk about.
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If you are NOT purchasing other items at checkout you will be asked to enter a credit card number. You must enter this information, but you will not be charged.
If you would like to check out using Paypal the total of your cart must be more than $0."
I've received the ScrapGirls newsletter emails for a few years & have downloaded many of their freebies, but I have never had to enter a credit card number before. I don't know if this is a new requirement or what's going on with this, but I'd NEVER give my credit card number just for a freebie. Any other stores do this??
Crescent Moon Designs is Charly?
The signature says Linda, so who is who?
It makes me laugh when people don't bother to double-check their ads before posting. "Comittments"?
Her newest kit out today is awesome. Just look at it and tell me she doesn't have talent!
That kit is awful. I expected much better from Traci and Gina.
I don't like the color palette and the idea is completely unoriginal.
I have no idea who is responsible for the cream colored flower in the top left hand corner, but the recolor on that is dreadful. In fact, a lot of the recolors are dreadful.
From a fan of Gina and Traci, that is one big letdown.
It makes me laugh when people don't bother to double-check their ads before posting. "Comittments"?
Charly is queen of the misspellings.
Genuinely curious, what makes a recolor bad and what makes it good? Just from the preview I can't tell-- maybe I won't be able to tell even if zoomed in 100%. Can someone give an example of a really good recolor?
With the kit we are talking about, I think they are bad recolors because they are all flat colors. The flower, for instance, has no real high and low lights. The cream ribbon, again, has no real high and low lights, just bright white patches and flat darker patches for shadows. The cream button near the word resolve, again, no real high and low lights. I'll be the first to admit that cream is a PITA to do well, but these aren't even really close to okay, not in my book, especially considering the years of design experience both of them have.
The orange button just above the cream flower has too much high light, as does the tan button near the tree. It makes that button look curved at the top and flat on the bottom. Sometimes you have to 'fake' an element to make it look more real.
This is just from the preview.
A bad recolor, to me, is one that has more grey than color. It doesn't have varying hues of a color.
A bad recolor looks all the same. Nothing in real life looks all the same.
66 What designers have you purchased from?
That Tracy Reed Gina Miller kit looks just like any other kit. It's not horrible, but it isn't undeniable innovation and awesomeness.
Oh please.. That kit is hardly rocket science.
Totally jealous of that piece of mediocrity, you totally called it.
I wish I could have thought of something so bland, with a theme that has been done to death since the beginning of 2012, something that is truly, honestly, boring as fuck.
something that is truly, honestly, boring as fuck
I must be a very lucky girl, I've never had a boring fuck before.
#83 - I have and I haven't :) and I knew someone was going to out me on that.
#199 from the previous page, I'm #197, I'm glad to read I am not the only one thinking that. It was THE reason why I didn't apply to her call. One day I'll take the step to improve my phone-pics, cause that's mostly the pics I use for scrapping. Keep forgetting to buy a new cord for my camera so I can attach my camera to my laptop again, even though I only use my camera on vacation or during concerts.
Scrappity Doo Dah is closing at the end of the year.
I have the kit, and that cream flower looks good enough to me even at 100%. As do the buttons in question. The lady doth protest too much, methinks.
All 4 of those items are Traci's, for those wondering.
#86 where did you hear that?
From the forum.
#199 from the previous page, I'm #197, I'm glad to read I am not the only one thinking that. It was THE reason why I didn't apply to her call. One day I'll take the step to improve my phone-pics, cause that's mostly the pics I use for scrapping. Keep forgetting to buy a new cord for my camera so I can attach my camera to my laptop again, even though I only use my camera on vacation or during concerts.
I get that Traci wants CTMs who have great pics, but when I look at a CT LO, I look past the pics. If a designer needs her CT's LOs to have great pics then maybe the product isn't that great. If I see a LO with great pics but crappy elements/papers, I don't think to myself, "WOW! This LO really shows off how great the kit is!" I think to myself, "Wow, what a crappy kit! Those awesome, in-focus and correctly colored pics make it that much more obvious how blurry the elements are." You can put a bow on a pile of shit but it's still a pile of shit. But I'm NOT saying Traci's kits are shitty. I'm saying that you shouldn't let a pretty photo of a sunset (that's been post-processed to look pretty) cloud your judgement about a kit's quality.
I have to agree with you #90.
What about those challenges that make you use bad pictures, the ones you wouldn't have thought about scrapping? I've created some of the best layouts from those.
I have to say when it comes to CT layouts, it's not about the pictures anyway.
The pics requirement is what turned me away too. I thought the FB event was a bit much but I was still considering applying until she gave out the impression that if I don't own a DSLR I'm not good enough to use her products. She also lost a customer on that one.
As a designer, I didn't bother to apply, but I didn't take the good picture requirement as anything insulting. It's really nothing other than it could be what catches someone's eye in a gallery. A good picture might get someone to click on a LO in a gallery, and therefore helps more people see your products. A mediocre picture isn't going to tempt me to click on a LO unless there is something awesome about the LO.
So, you either need to be a decent scrapper with awesome photos OR an amazing scrapper with OK-awesome photos.
The point to me is, you have to be better than ordinary in some way to be on her CT - and I'd say that in an ideal world, would be true of all designers. Sadly, there aren't enough of that pool to go around.
From what I saw of her team this year, most of them have something about their pages I click on in galleries. A couple are OK scrappers with OK pics (like Laura), but she's active at SSD and people follow and love her gallery because of that. Therefore, people are LOOKING at the product. That's every designer's goal.
To twist it around like some of you have to the point where she's lost a customer is kinda crazy IMO. The entire point of CTs is that they're the best form of marketing for a product. Not everyone is good at that and that is OK and how it should be.
There can be downsides to having an awesome scrapper on your team, from this customer's opinion at least. I follow Tamara's gallery (she teaches classes at SO) and when I see an ugly, uninspired page from her, I think the product must be horrible. I figure if she teaches classes about scrapbooking, majority of her pages should be amazing, so if she can't make a kit look appealing, it must be difficult to scrap with.
A couple are OK scrappers with OK pics (like Laura)
Ok scrapper is an understatement..most of her stuff is sub par (looks as if she's just starting and figuring out how to do it) and doesn't even begin to compare with other "babes."
I personally like all Tamara's pages. Can you give an example?
This template is horrible and the kit looks so cheap. Even she couldn't make either look good.
The shadows are flat and boring and the kit looks flat and boring.
Her normal style is so full, I see her make this with a MEGA, and I wonder if there is anything inside worth using.
The post-processing on this photo is poor and the page is very uninspiring.
Those are just from the past week...
A couple are OK scrappers with OK pics (like Laura)
Who is Laura?
This is Laura
Thanks, 99.
I agree with the "OK scrapper" label but for what it's worth, I think designers should have a couple of CTMs who don't have professional-quality photos. It's far easier to make awesome layouts when you're starting with a gorgeous well-lighted photo, especially portraits. My photos are crappy, taken with a cheap point and shoot and mostly with flash and I find it more inspiring to see beautiful layouts made with photos similar to mine.
I agree #100.
That's why I have no idea why Traci gets the brunt of complaints regarding her call. I've seen several of her CT pages with regular, non-professional photos. Maybe she wanted something different this time. I don't see how that makes her some egotistical monster who someone who likes her stuff would no longer buy from. That really makes no sense to me at all.
As I understood it, when she was talking about good photos - I thought it meant more about post processing and the like. Meaning - no crazy dark photos. No overly blurry (all the time) photos. Or photos that were really yellow or just off colored in general. She wants people that can take their normal, every day photos and just make them look the best they can look. If they don't know how to fix color or exposure, then she was suggesting they learn before applying to any team (and I've seen this requirement on more than one CT call. Tracie Stroud is the first one to come to mind).
The lady doth protest too much, methinks.
What does this mean? I think I know what you are implying, and you are dead wrong. You think they are okay, I don't.
If they don't know how to fix color or exposure, then she was suggesting they learn before applying to any team (and I've seen this requirement on more than one CT call.
and just the other day someone was blasting Mye for copying someone elses CT call. Looks like it wasn't unique to that other designer either.
All 4 of those items are Traci's, for those wondering.
No surprise there.
Thanks #76. I'm a new customer and these are really things I need to learn to make wise purchasing choices. I still thinks the flower looks okay, but can see what you mean with the cream-colored ribbon and the buttons. The orange one especially.
and just the other day someone was blasting Mye for copying someone elses CT call. Looks like it wasn't unique to that other designer either.
Yes. Yes, *that* was my point. Glad you caught that.... No, it's not a copying issue. When I say I've seen it on other CT calls, her's was one of the first. I just wanted to point out that she isn't the only one wanting decent photos showcasing their work. Good lord, stop trying to invent smack when there isn't any.
A good photo enhances the kit instead of detracting from it, and there's no way a layout with a bad photo will ever be picked up for publication.
It may not be spelled out in the call, but I can guarantee any designer with a lick of business sense is using that as a criterion.
90% of my digi purchases are based on the great layouts made with the kit or elements. I believe the layouts are the most important marketing tool to sell digi products. I've been tricked many many times by amazing layouts and disappointed when I unzipped the kit but I hope one day I'll be as good as the CTM's and make great layouts as they do.
I rarely base my purchases on the layouts but I know that I'm unusual in that regard. I use the layouts to check papers and elements. If only three out of 10 papers are being used, for example, or the same elements over and over, it makes me suspicious of the unused papers and elements. Not always but it does make me think twice about a kit.
I've purchased kits that the CT used the worst elements. They just enlarged them on their pages.
I don't use CT layouts any longer. I only buy from a handful of designers that I trust.
I thought the thing about the good pics was a polite way of saying she only wanted attractive kids - attractive people. No fatties need apply.
I'd also like to say, it's not about the pic or the post processing, it's really about the cropping.
My pics are good enough and the ones that are blurry, I don't even consider myself to use. I do know how to make pics lighter/darker but that is about it what I know on how to improve. Oh and not to zoom in because the picture will be pixelated more that way.
Doesn't make Traci, Mye, Tracie Stroud or whoeever puts it literally into their call a bad designer to me. Just saves me the disappointment when I apply and get rejected, although I don't (and I'm sure nobody doesn't) like it to be rejected when I really, REALLY like that designer.
There's one designer I would love to CT for but she doesn't have calls. She invites people to her CT based on how well they have used her products in the gallery. I know I will never get invited because I don't have the cash to buy products, so I can't buy much of her stuff to make layouts with to get that invite :( I think the invite is a good idea, I've been invited by a few designers and I always seem to do my best work for them.
114: Have you approached her? She may add you that way.
I'm a designer who works invite-only. I would love to hear from anyone who wanted to be on my team.
#116 Curious who you are then...
I never base my purchases on LOs. I base them on those designers who have 100% samples to see how the quality is. You can't tell quality from LOs and I gave up my CT team a long time ago. Not having a CT has never hurt my sales and I'm not sure that many customers base their buys on CT LOs. That's not to say I don't like looking at LOs but I don't look at them for buying purposes. Might be an interesting question to ask on the DST scrap board or in store forums. You might be surprised that there are a lot more people like me.
Meg Mullens only invites people, she doesn't have calls.
I, for one, have never bought a kit because of anything done by a ct. Never.
I rarely base my purchases on the layouts but I know that I'm unusual in that regard. I use the layouts to check papers and elements. If only three out of 10 papers are being used, for example, or the same elements over and over, it makes me suspicious of the unused papers and elements. Not always but it does make me think twice about a kit.
re 113: I'm post 90, and I just want to say that I didn't intend to imply that Traci is a "bad designer" for having the "good photo/post-processing" requirement. In fact, I said that I didn't think her stuff is bad. ALL designers want CTMs who have nice pics to scrap.
But when I look at CT LOs, I pay attention to the papers/elements since those are what I'm buying.
I thought it was in such poor taste when Traci Reed commented on her FB status after several fans outed themselves as not offered a position on the CT. Her comment was something so gross like "I send out awesome "rejection" letters".
Yep. You're awesome and amazing and folks who wanted for whatever reason to join your ct should be grateful for the rejection letter you sent out.
I'm not a huge fan of her designs, but I can guarantee I won't be spending money at her store ever. Too many other places where designers have talent AND people skills.
90% of my digi purchases are based on the great layouts made with the kit or elements. I believe the layouts are the most important marketing tool to sell digi products. I've been tricked many many times by amazing layouts and disappointed when I unzipped the kit but I hope one day I'll be as good as the CTM's and make great layouts as they do.
That seems foolish. You should figure out your scrapping style and what types of ellies/colors you gravitate towards before you spend more money on kits that aren't worth it
122, it's because she includes a coupon for free kits. I think that is a nice thing to do.
I think a coupon or kit is standard. Bragging about how awesome you are? Might be relatively common but it still reeks or arrogant bitch
why do you all follow her on facebook if you hate her so much? you're either freebie whores or stalkers.
If the people who applied and were rejected are not complaining, why is anyone else?
I think that is who is complaining. Sour grapes.
Hahah! You couldn't give me a free kit to apply for her CT. Not enough kits in the world to get me to join one LULZ
What's going on with Scrap takeout? No challenges in December? And changes coming in January?
I think that is who is complaining. Sour grapes.
Ah...makes more sense now. I STILL don't understand what the appeal is to be on anyone's CT, especially the ones where the designer has all these specifications, requirements, etc.etc.etc. It seems an awful lot of work for minimal compensation.
is this some version of LOL?
I could understand being a ct for an entire store maybe..at least one would get a large assortment of kits to select..but scrapping entirely from one person most of the time...Don't get it! There's only a couple designers I can think of who I like THAT consistently.
I totally agree, 131. I pay for my kits and scrap on my own terms. I was on CTs back in the day and know what it costs to be on one.
why do you all follow her on facebook if you hate her so much? you're either freebie whores or stalkers.
Well, if they're freebie whores, they're not going to get a whole helluva lot from Traci Reed via Facebook..just fyi.
I totally agree, 131. I pay for my kits and scrap on my own terms. I was on CTs back in the day and know what it costs to be on one.
So..it was a lot more work than it was worth? Thanks for replying. I've always wondered!
122, it's because she includes a coupon for free kits. I think that is a nice thing to do.
It's a very nice thing to do especially given that lots of designers don't do squat for their rejected applicants!
Meg Mullens only invites people, she doesn't have calls.
If I was a designer, this is what I would do. The whole dog and pony show with the "CT CALLS" seems ridiculous and an opportunity for the designers to puff up their egos with their self-important requirements for a job they seriously do not provide adequate compensation. The designers should be kissing these people's feet..they virtually, in many cases, sell the kit for them. In return, they get to put on their siggies that they "Happily Create for________" and get some free downloads that aren't actually FREE at all.
are you 13?
The biggest mystery to me, however, is not the designers with the over-inflated egos, it's the people who go on and on and on about their "dream gigs" and the grovelers who write about some of these designers like they're DaVinci. Give me a break.
are you 13?
Good question; hope she or he answers!
114: Have you approached her? She may add you that way.
No, I haven't, yet. I want to make some more layouts that in her style, so to speak.
The designer is Anna Aspnes. I know some don't like her style, but I love it. I always have. I was so very happy when she moved to Oscraps from DD.
And those scrappers don't make the choice to apply and then follow the requirements? They can walk away at any time. I think it works for some scrappers.
A CT call no doubt is another form of advertising for a designer. It's just apart of the business. And it's only a dog and pony show if you follow it. Turn off the station if you don't like it.
So..it was a lot more work than it was worth? Thanks for replying. I've always wondered!
I never found it to be such, but then I only ever CTed for designers whose work I really liked and I was never on more than two or three teams, usually two. The designers were also very easygoing but I know that some require a lot more work than just producing layouts.
are you 13?
Not excusing myself, but you are on an anon smack blog, why question anyone's maturity? Seems a tad hypocritical.
Not excusing myself, but you are on an anon smack blog, why question anyone's maturity? Seems a tad hypocritical.
Pot meet Kettle!
I CT for a shop and a few designers. I think it only works if there is a personality and a design-style click.
This is "fun" for me, so I would rather walk and pay for all of my kits than deal with high maintenace people and drama.
So the teams I'm on, I adore. We chit chat, sometimes provide feedback/suggestions for new kits, and do our best to make pretties.
A CT call no doubt is another form of advertising for a designer. It's just apart of the business. And it's only a dog and pony show if you follow it. Turn off the station if you don't like it.
Thanks for the lecture, however, it was unnecessary and actually not applicable. I was simply stating I don't know what the allure is to be on a ct. I wish to discuss it on this blog. I wasn't asking for advice on how to avoid reading about ct calls but thanks for tip.
Then why did you call it a dog and pony show if you only wanted to discuss the allure of being on a CT? You should know everything you say on this blog will be debated.
When your budget is $0 and you like the hobby, being on a CT makes total sense. Not all are demanding & restrictive. Some are actually fun!
Pot meet Kettle!
Moron, I said not excusing myself.
Or did you fail to see that in attempting to come up with your oh so original reply?
Pot meet Kettle!
Fuck meet Wit! You should get along famously.
Using a smack blog is not the same as using the text-speak of a grade 9.
#153 - yes, it is. I willing admit I'm being immature using the smack blog, no justification required on my part.
I don't think it's immature to use a smack blog so we'll just have to agree to disagree. I get a lot of useful information here that people are afraid to say publicly.
138, if you want to know the allure of being on a CT, I can tell you why I'm on a few CTs. I can't speak for others of course, but for me, I like being able to see the product before the general public does, and a few teams have made kits based on my suggestions. It's awesome to get exactly what I want from a designer whose work I really admire. And like someone else said, it's nice to chat with the other CTMs and to get a chance to make suggestions on the kit--it's a win-win situation for the designer and the CTMs: the designer gets feedback that makes their kits better (so they should sell more) and the CTMs get product they love. For free.
I ONLY CT for designers/stores that I really like. It doesn't feel like work: it is a chance for me to interact with people who enjoy the same hobby that I do, and to get great kits for free. I'd buy them anyway, so this just means they actually get USED (instead of half the stuff I buy because I love but just don't actually scrap with). The designers I CT for don't have insane requirements. I did CT for a woman who said in her call "easy CT reqs! Just 3 LOs per month, posted to my store's gallery and DST and one of your choice!" Then she upped the reqs: we had to blog, we had to post on her fb page (I hate fb), we had to make 2 pages instead of one per kit, we had to do enabling at different sites... I was spending more time promoting her stuff than on making LOs for her. Forget it. A $5 kit isn't worth that. She was a new designer and I thought that I'd take a chance (her stuff looked nice), but it wasn't worth it. Now I don't even apply to a call unless I've purchased the designer's work.
Thank you for the reply. This answered several questions.
Moron, I said not excusing myself.
Yeah, that's the moron calling the kettle black.
When your budget is $0 and you like the hobby, being on a CT makes total sense. Not all are demanding & restrictive. Some are actually fun!
I guess it just depends on who the designer is and what kind of ct they have.
What do you think about the girls who are tons of CTs?
Then why did you call it a dog and pony show if you only wanted to discuss the allure of being on a CT? You should know everything you say on this blog will be debated.
I called it that because that's what I think it is.
What do you think about the girls who are tons of CTs?
I think they must be very, very busy!
Yeah, that's the moron calling the kettle black.
Yeah, that's the moron calling the kettle black.
Are you stupid?
What do you think about the girls who are tons of CTs?
I don't think about them. But if that's what they want to do, more power to them.
What do you think about the girls who are tons of CTs?
I get tired of seeing the same work personally from the same folks. Makes me pay less attention to the places I know I'll see them
HOw any of you know how many CTs anyone is on is beyond me. I'm a customer and post my layouts in the galleries. I wonder if people think I'm on the CTs? It could seem like I am on a lot of them when I'm just scrapping.
It's easy to tell when designers or shops list the names of their team.
When things are linked up - it's usually because it is a CT member
I'm 167. I link.
And really? You remember the names from the lists? I've seen them, I just don't put it together when I'm browsing the gallery. And it still doesn't show how many CTs they are on. I think some of you are too obsessed.
I think you're a dumbass if you can't read someones signature on a forum that says, "I happily create for___________." Some of those folks create for several people and it's noted on every post they make. Makes me wonder how you scrap if you're this dense...
You really know Photoshop? Hard to believe.
I link up all the time. There are a few girls that are CTs for about a billion designers, and they're listed in their signatures, too... When I see someone's signature and it says "Creating for (insert 15 names and stores here)" I think they're a kitwhore.
I'm 167. I link.
it's hard to believe you know how...
I link up all the time. There are a few girls that are CTs for about a billion designers, and they're listed in their signatures, too... When I see someone's signature and it says "Creating for (insert 15 names and stores here)" I think they're a kitwhore.
Exactly. One doesn't have to be a stalker to notice these peoples' siggies that have eighty-five people they ct or "happily create for"...
HOw any of you know how many CTs anyone is on is beyond me. I'm a customer and post my layouts in the galleries. I wonder if people think I'm on the CTs? It could seem like I am on a lot of them when I'm just scrapping.
I have a hunch you aren't good enough to be on a ct.
I don't hang out in forums. So that's probably the reason that I don't have the obsession with creative teams that most of you do.
Clearly, I touched a nerve though.
I have a hunch you aren't good enough to be on a ct.
I was at one time. I got tired of it. I'm a free bird and buy my kits since I can afford them. I scrap with what I want, and not some designer's latest release that doesn't suit my photographs.
So that's probably the reason that I don't have the obsession with creative teams that most of you do.
Most? How do you know it's most? You don't. And no one's obsessed either. It's an observation on how a lot of layouts look the same.
You didn't touch any nerves. That's as lame as the jealousy card and pot meet kettle. None of them are original observations and they are usually completely incorrect.
You didn't touch any nerves.
I did because all that could be returned was personal attacks when the posters have no idea about my scrapping skills.
The obsession that SOME people have with how many CTs someone is on is just crazy. Stop complaining about what everyone else is doing when they are doing you no harm.
#179 - you made some snide, personal comments yourself.
Personally, I don't give a damn who is what on team but I do think it's rich of you to complain about their complaining and asking them to stop.
Oh, like that argument hasn't been made before. Really original, 180. My complaint isn't about something that is driven by jealousy. It's telling people to mind their own business. I would happily do just that if you jealous morons would stop bringing up those that are on "too many CTs".
My question isn't about why someone is on so many ct's. it's why someone ct's period. It's a question I was interested in getting answers to and I did. If you don't want to join in the conversation, start a new topic or stfu. No one is obsessed with anything. I'm certainly not jealous of people on a ct as I think it's pretty much a thankless job..without pay. Others have said to them, it's worth it-cool...it wouldn't be for me.
I don't mind girls that are on many teams, I DO mind always seeing the SAME names appear whenever there's been a call. I'll admit it: it's partly jealousy: what do they have that I don't because some of those girls are just as average as I am.
And #150: I totally agree with you. If your budget is $0, being on a CT (or more) is great.
I'm a free bird and buy my kits since I can afford them.
This was unnecessary, but given this blog not surprising.
156-I too CT for several designers I love. I have fun doing it. That is why I CT. When it stops being fun I'll stop. I think I might have been on the team you described though. (The one that changed the requirements after you get on the team.) I like requirements spelled out before an application is sent to the designer. It's only fair to know what to expect. I'm sure a person wouldn't apply for a paying job if the job you thought was an "Accountant" position but the job was actually for a mechanic. Let me CT. I'll do a good job for you. I don't want to be a writer. I'm not good at that. Flame away. I'm not here often, so by the time I come back, it will be over.
185, I'm post 156. When the designer kept adding reqs, I actually thought "this isn't what I signed up for. I'd be pissed if an actual IRL job did this to me" so reading your post made me laugh. It's nice to know I'm not the only one who gets annoyed when a designer heaps on a bunch of extra stuff.
Designers need to realize the value of having a CT and the value of having a blog team, a promo/fb/twitter team, an ISO search person etc etc etc etc. A good CTM can do more than make a LO, but that doesn't mean your CT should do *everything* for you. Most CTMs will burn out or start resenting you.
182, this blog isn't just about your questions. Read post 160, "What do you think about the girls who are tons of CTs?"
What bugs me about people being on so many CTs is that sometimes, or rather, quite often, they drop the ball. I have been on a couple of CTs where a designer had a couple of people who were on a long list of creative teams, and when it would come time to do a layout with the kit, or do the blogging, or do whatever else was spelled out in the initial requirements, they'd drop the ball. Sometimes, this meant that the rest of us worked extra to make up the slack. When a member says they'll blog a certain day, but then a different creative team has them blogging over on her page the same day, rather than writing a post early, they drop the ball and then either no post goes up, or another CT member may take over the post. Unfortunately, as a CT member, that regularly got delegated to me. As a designer, I carefully consider how many other teams a person is on and whether or not they can contribute their fair share of the CT duties.
Are they paid positions? No. They're not. But it is a commitment that people choose to make. It also irks me, as a designer, when I accept someone on my creative team, and then they download some kits, then say "Sorry, I didn't realize how much commitment this would be on top of my other teams. I need to step down," and then never follow through with layouts, or if they do follow through with those, they leave pretty quickly. Unfortunately, that means that I made a spot for them on my team that I could have filled with someone else who was passionate about my designs and willing to stick with the team. It sucks for me, because now I have a team member disappearing, and it sucks for some of the people I had to turn down (since I like a smaller, dedicated team) to make room for someone who clearly didn't want the position as much as they said they did in the first place.
Not everyone on a million CTs is bad, and many can handle the commitment. But I will say from a design perspective, it is definitely something I look at before choosing creative team members.
As a designer, if a CTM drops the ball, I take on that burden instead of passing it on to another CTM. It is MY business after all and not theirs. If one volunteers to fill-in, I might consider taking her up on it depending upon who it is.
I also remove any CTM not carrying their weight as soon as it becomes apparent. I don't wait and I don't care how good of a scrapper she is or who she knows, etc. All I know is she's dragging down my CT and no one signs up for that.
I see far too many designers keep on inactive CTs just because they're good scrappers. Meanwhile, other CTs are working their butts off for me while that slacker is still on the team. It's bad for morale and when payment is only my kits and the pleasure of being on my team, bad morale is bad for business.
182, this blog isn't just about your questions. Read post 160, "What do you think about the girls who are tons of CTs?"
Trying to figure out some digi history here...
Didn't Shauna of Pineapple Plantation Designs open up Scrap Orchard with Kami and Mel? I see no mention of that anymore. Whatever happened to her?
And did they all open up DigiScrapAddicts as well?
DUH! That's what we were discussing. 182 needs to see beyond her own self and questions.
Didn't Shauna of Pineapple Plantation Designs open up Scrap Orchard with Kami and Mel?
Whatever happened to her?
*She retired
And did they all open up DigiScrapAddicts as well?
Oh, like that argument hasn't been made before. Really original, 180. My complaint isn't about something that is driven by jealousy. It's telling people to mind their own business. I would happily do just that if you jealous morons would stop bringing up those that are on "too many CTs".
No one is jealous.
No one is a moron, except you.
I wasn't aiming for originality, I was aiming to get you to understand, which you didn't, so suck on that.
Have a nice day.
If you don't want to join in the conversation, start a new topic or stfu. No one is obsessed with anything. I'm certainly not jealous of people on a ct as I think it's pretty much a thankless job..without pay.
Spot on.
Didn't Shauna of Pineapple Plantation Designs open up Scrap Orchard with Kami and Mel? I see no mention of that anymore. Whatever happened to her?
And did they all open up DigiScrapAddicts as well?
I believe Shauna got really sick and retired. As for the rest, #193 has already answered.
I always felt like there was way more to the Shauna departure, but it's been hush hush.
Or she was really sick and those in the know were being respectful of her privacy.
Exactly #198. It's not always a conspiracy.
188-I feel for you. For the other side of the coin, I am a ct that does participate in several teams. Many of these designers I help out only produce one kit a month or so. Two haven't even produced a kit in more than 6 months. When they do produce a kit, they tell the ctm, give us links to the kit, and expect us to have a layout within a day or two, and sometimes within few hours. When I signed up with them, they said we'd always have plenty of time to make the layouts. Since I'm on so many teams, though, if I sent my application to you, apparently you wouldn't choose me for your team because of my present list. I'm loyal, (that is why I stay with those non-producing designers), I'm on time with my layouts almost always, I produce very nice layouts that frequently get mentioned in GSO threads, and LOTW threads. I try to promote a kit in several places. So, for me being loyal and truthful in disclosing how many CT's I'm on, we both miss out on a good professional relationship.
200- I'm 188. I wouldn't exclude you entirely for your list of teams. I would carefully consider your list of teams and your level of apparent commitment before choosing you. I definitely would review your work, and if I liked it, you'd still make my list. I'm just saying the CT list is a factor. If I have two equally qualified applicants, whose work I like equally well, and are otherwise neck-and-neck in terms of what I'm looking for, the list of CT commitments is something I look at as a deciding factor.
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