Monday, October 1, 2012


Smack away.


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Anonymous said...

#160, there was a freebie in the newsletter. It just wasn't one you wanted. It was a cluster and layered page.

Anonymous said...

Gawd, I can't wait until this election is over. I just had to go unsubscribe from a designer I actually like, because she is CONSTANTLY pushing political crap! Seriously, CONSTANT, non-stop bashing of the candidate she doesn't like. Enough is enough. Not sure if I'll re-subscribe or not.

Anonymous said...

I think what people are missing from the whole freebie thing is it isn't the freebie people are complaining about, it's how it's handled. That makes it a complain about how a store or designer does business. If they can't execute a free item to the satisfaction of those receiving it, what are the odds they'll come back and give them money for their work?


The problem is that some people love Facebook and some hate it and won't use it as posted on this blog. Personally I think the people afraid of everything fb need to get over it. The downloads will come from 4shared if that is were the designer uploads it for sharing whether it is on a blog, fb, or an email. Don't download poser stuff and you won't get VD.

Anonymous said...

#3, was it on her business FB page, personal FB page, or blog?

Anonymous said...

#3- I saw one that posted that shit on her fanpage.

Anonymous said...

I think someone from aafter fiive is blocking posts....anyone else hear the rumors about them closing?

Anonymous said...

Spelling was it was the third time I tried to post.....

Anonymous said...

totally unprofessional on a fanpage! save it for the personal page!

it isn't anyone I have liked because I'm not getting that stuff in my feed from any designers.

Anonymous said...

After Five Designs
testing testing.

Anonymous said...

Nope, not being blocked.

Anonymous said...

I hope After Five is not closing. I have always really liked that store.

I was thinking about all of the store closings lately and was remembering Scrap Artist. It was my favorite and I was devastated when it closed. Not sure why. The Designers were all wonderful and extremely talented. Sad.

Anonymous said...

2: Yes, this week it was a QP from an ooooold kit. But last week (and like all last month), you had to attend the chat. And like another poster said on the past page, it's not about the freebie itself.
And 4, why should people get over their hatred of fb? Is it taking over the world--resistance is futile? (Though you're right: you'll get the Clap from a 4Shared link whether you click it on fb or a blog. But that's why I don't DL 4Shared freebies ever.)

Anonymous said...

Don't download poser stuff and you won't get VD.
I think I just spit diet coke laughing. I hate posers. The weird eyes give me the willies.

Anonymous said...

SSD and SO are name brands. They will always carry a higher price tag just like name brand clothes. Name brand clothes aren't always higher quality but people want the name.

Name brands? When I buy a kit I'm buying from a designer whose work I like. I've never, ever bought from someone simply because of what digi-store they're at. The 'brand' is the designer not the store.

Anonymous said...

#3 here.

The designer I'm talking about does this on her personal Facebook page, but even so, almost everything she has posted lately has been dumping on a candidate, ridiculing him, digging up any alleged dirt on him that she can. Normally I like reading some of her posts (and not just design-related posts) but I really can't take any more of that shit. I wonder how much time she wastes digging up all the crap she posts.

Even if it is "just" her personal page, she has to know that a great many of her customers are signed up for her personal updates, and so are being hit with a constant barrage of political crap.

Seriously does anyone like to see constant bashing and ridiculing, to the exclusion of almost everything else? So I just turned off her posts, now I won't have to put up with any of it anymore. I may miss some of her new design announcements (she also posts those on her personal page) but that's a small price to pay to not have to be hammered with political junk ALL the time. And if it's not bashing a candidate, it's bashing certain people's religious beliefs almost as often, and just nasty! I just don't care to see all that constant ugliness.

Anonymous said...

Let me guess ...... Michaela Ferkul ?

Anonymous said...

17: good grief, who's the designer?! I want to know because I do not want to buy from a known bigot. I mean, everyone has their own bigotries and ignorances (is "ignorances" a word? Hmm. It is now!), but I don't want to buy from someone who flaunts them like that on her fan page. Personal page, I get it--she thinks she's "amongst friends" and can say what she wants. But not her fan page. That's just bad business. (Though, I think it's stupid for designers to "friend" customers. Use your fan page, people!)

Anonymous said...

Gawd, I can't wait until this election is over. I just had to go unsubscribe from a designer I actually like, because she is CONSTANTLY pushing political crap! Seriously, CONSTANT, non-stop bashing of the candidate she doesn't like. Enough is enough. Not sure if I'll re-subscribe or not.

Ah, campaign time, known as unfriend and block season.

Anonymous said...

If it's her personal page, then she can say what she wants. Unfriend her and like her fanpage.

Anonymous said...

Let me guess ...... Michaela Ferkul ?


Not the OP, but that is a ridiculous suggestion.

Anonymous said...

#19, she said personal page, not a fanpage.

Anonymous said...

Some designers don't have fan pages, they just have personal pages and use those to conduct business with. Stupid, I know, since it's not that hard to start a business/fan page.

Anonymous said...

#17- Traci Reed?

Anonymous said...

Name brands? When I buy a kit I'm buying from a designer whose work I like. I've never, ever bought from someone simply because of what digi-store they're at. The 'brand' is the designer not the store.

I agree with you and you probably aren't the sort of person who asks who is top tier etc., but some people do.

Anonymous said...

Then they should think before they post and remain profressional or get a business page.

But it is a free country. They can say whatever they want. The designer should think about their public voice if business slows down.

Anonymous said...

#22 Why is it so ridiculous ? Almost everything she posts is political, and bashing Mitt Romney

Anonymous said...

#25, Traci has a fanpage.

Anonymous said...

#22 Why is it so ridiculous ? Almost everything she posts is political, and bashing Mitt Romney

Because the OP stated that person was bashing religious beliefs. While I know Miki has her views, she doesn't bash on religious beliefs.

As for Mitt, who isn't bashing him? He makes it so easy. Even people in other countries are bashing him.

Anonymous said...

#25, Traci has a fanpage.


And? It doesn't means she's not saying crap on her personal page. I wouldn't know, I'm not a fan.

Anonymous said...

But it is a free country. They can say whatever they want.


Nobody is saying they can't.

Anonymous said...

#31, the poster said the designer doesn't have a fanpage. A designer can say whatever they want on a personal page. It's your own fault for becoming fb friends with someone you don't really know.

Anonymous said...

I've heard it from 2 different sources.....Amy has lost her passion for digi and is closing A5D.

Anonymous said...

Someone posted about A5D possibly closing LAST month too. Amy lost her passion a few years ago. Why she would take on a few new designers when she planned on closing is beyond me.

Anonymous said...

I won't believe it unless I read an official announcement.

Anonymous said...

It's your own fault for becoming fb friends with someone you don't really know.


I'm #31 - are you specially referring to me are you using the generic you?

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't buy anything from a designer that posted political things on her fan page, and more so if it was against Mitt Romney. I wouldn't think she was too smart. If she isn't smart, then her kits are probably trash too.

Anonymous said...

the poster said the designer doesn't have a fanpage.

No she did'nt. She just said that the postings were on the designer's personal page.

Anonymous said...

#37, that was generic you.

Anonymous said...

don't be a facebook whore. don't friend designers.

Anonymous said...

#18 - Yes.

And yes, she does also bash most things Christian-related.

Anonymous said...

#42 - I've never seen her bash, I've seen her explain but I guess that's a matter of perspective.

Anonymous said...

#22 My guess wasn't so ridiculous after all. Just because YOU like someone and agree with their political views, doesn't mean everyone else does, or that they want/need to read them every 5 minutes.

Anonymous said...

#44 - as it happens, I don't. I never said I agreed with her views and I would never assume that everyone else would agree with hers or mine, so ... get over yourself.

Anonymous said...

I wish all the political views would stop. I'm so glad that only one or two of my FB friends even mentions them.

Anonymous said...

Haha I got defriended by someone on facebook a couple of days ago - they are in the same CT as me and added me (I don't add people but I don't usually decline so have a few randoms like that). Anyway, the woman posts at least 10 posts a day about Obama. I am not from the US and have no opinion on any of the parties however I find it irritating to pretty much get bombarded with crap. I posted STFU with political moaning as my status after she posted 3 times in a row and within seconds she defriended me. I feel so rejected.

Anonymous said...

#17 Tell us who the deisgner is,stop making us guess. It's an anonymous blog. What are afraid of?

Anonymous said...

She has already answered. #18 guessed Michaela Ferkul and the OP responded at #42

Anonymous said...

I unfriended michaela about a month ago for the same crap. Once in awhile its fine but it was just getting ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

#47 I am pretty sure I know who it is cause I have her too and I find that so irritating.

Anonymous said...

I agree it's really getting ridiculous; I have now also unsubscribed from this designer's updates (along with Jenn White's; she is just as bad) as well. (not sure why I waited so long). Do people really think that their updates bashing one candidate or another, or any other political views, on Facebook are going to change anyone's mind? All they do is annoy people and make you want to block their updates.

Anonymous said...

They're looking for the on-the-fencers. But they also just want to express their POV. It's their wall. They can say what they want. And you can unsub and like their fan page to get product updates.

Anonymous said...

From the previous page:
Scrapable removed Cherry from the list of their designer.
I am surprised Charly is still at Scrapbird. I would have imagined that this story would affect her too, unless that store owner is not aware of this situation?

Anonymous said...

Cherry's website is in "Maintenance Mode"

Anonymous said...

The owner of Scrapbird covers up for designers who sell there and pirate from others. Why would she care about the Charly saga?

Anonymous said...

That retirement lasted really long.

Anonymous said...

She changed her mind...
You never change your mind?

Anonymous said...

#57 - When did she retire initially? I don't know this designer so I don't know what it means.

Anonymous said...

Who the hell is Erin Kay? Must be someone that sucks since I never knew of her or that she retired.

Anonymous said...

Secret Stash. It says it on the header.

Anonymous said...

Oh nm, Secret Stash,I thought she was a friend of Happy Tits.

Anonymous said...

#61 thank you, I was having trouble feeling the Braille letters.

Anonymous said...

#62- No she isn't.

Anonymous said...

So if she was making fun of Obama would you have defriended her, too? Not that I think it's smart for any designer to display their personal political or religious views on facebook. But I think it's funny that usually it's the same people who defriend/boycott a person for having an opposing view that will bitch because someone boycotts a company who having an equally opposing view to someone else as long as it's something they themselves agree with.

Anonymous said...

I support Romney and turned off a friend's feed (non-digiscrapper) that is pro-Romney. I don't want to read it all the time.

Anonymous said...

Why do people send friend requests to designers and then bitch about the opinions that appear on their personal pages? Just unfriend them and stick to their business pages. The designer probably didn't want to offend the person by refusing the request in the first place.

Anonymous said...

don't be a facebook whore. don't friend designers.



Anonymous said...

I don't discuss politics or religion even on my personal FB page. I don't want my friends to dislike me for my views. I know, "they are not your friends if they don't like you for who you are", and all that, but why make enemies. It is personal and not something I like to broadcast. I believe everyone has the right to their own views but don't push them on me or tell me I am wrong if my views are different from yours. Saying nothing is sometimes the better choice.

And I agree that customers should never friend request a designer. It is like stalking.

Anonymous said...

#69, you're wrong because your views are different from mine. I discuss politics. It's my personal page. But I don't friend digi scrappers. It's mostly bickering with my family.

Anonymous said...

I find it interesting that all the opinionated people on this blog would have problems with people posting their opinions on facebook. Except maybe that we're big chickens and posting anon. They just aren't afraid.

Anonymous said...

I have designers that were added as friends way before designers used FB fan pages. I was invited to be their friend to get digital scrapping related info. Not all designers have a fanpage. Who knows why.

Anonymous said...

Please save the political BS for your fan pages and personal facebook pages. You are cluttering up our smack.

Anonymous said...

What smack? This is it. Unless you have something to contribute?

AlyD said...

What the hell does her being friends with me have to do with her coming back to design? I think you just wanted to bring me up again.

How the hell would you know unless you are her? Lol. Hey Erin!

Anonymous said...

Yes, Royanna is sick, but she still managed to walk all over Disneyland last Sunday for a charity fundraiser. And that's nowhere near the first time she had not posted scheduled freebies and claimed to be sick, yet her facebook page has her posting at Disneyland or the beach or out doing something instead of home sick in bed. I do believe that she does indeed have some serious health problems, but they don't stop her from doing fun personal stuff they way they stop her from doing work. And yes, her store is run totally chaotic.

Anonymous said...

#69, you're wrong because your views are different from mine. I discuss politics. It's my personal page. But I don't friend digi scrappers. It's mostly bickering with my family.
#70, I totally agree with you. You are free to post on your FB page, whatever floats your boat. I support your freedom to do so. I choose not to. And, just so you know, I am never wrong. :)

#76, Give the poor girl a break. If I had what she has, I would be traveling with my family as well, rather than worrying about your freebie.

Anonymous said...

If SHE had what she has, she wouldn't be traveling at all.

Anonymous said...

Cherry's website is in "Maintenance Mode"


Still? I about this time yesterday and it was only supposed to be for 2 hours.

Anonymous said...

I find it interesting that all the opinionated people on this blog would have problems with people posting their opinions on facebook.

It's political opinions that they are complaining about. When the politics hit this blog from time to time, the posters get the heck smacked out of them. Don't turn this into something it isn't.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Royanna is sick, but she still managed to walk all over Disneyland last Sunday for a charity fundraiser.

What is with her and Disneyland?

Anonymous said...

#76, Give the poor girl a break.

No. Royanna has been given more breaks and chances than anyone I know. If she wants to spend time with her family, shut the damn store down or sell it to someone else. This crap with Royanna goes back to 2006 or even earlier.

Anonymous said...

I am sorry. I don't know Royanna personally or anything about her store or her illness, other than what I have read here. Just trying to show some compassion. Getting brownie points with Jesus.

Anonymous said...

Jesus only likes special brownies.

Anonymous said...

So, Charly, was your theft conviction a misdemeanor or a felony?

Anonymous said...

So, Charly, was your theft conviction a misdemeanor or a felony?

Anonymous said...

85 said: So, Charly, was your theft conviction a misdemeanor or a felony?
---who cares? Who. The. Hell. Cares.
At this point it's gone beyond smacking and into some strange type of stalking situation. This is no longer DS-related, so if you're so focused on looking up info on her and then spreading it around here then WTF is wrong with YOU?

Anonymous said...

#87- Yep, I agree with you. This is why people want this blog shut down. Some people go too far with things.

Anonymous said...

Now now, maybe #85 is "Renay"

Anonymous said...

#88 - totally agree.

Anonymous said...

Cut it out. It is not funny or acceptable anymore. Shame on you.

Anonymous said...

Secret Stash back again? She was Miss Erin before that and now something different... and no one is allowed to bash her, but you all gang-up on a kid? Seriously messed up.

Not that anyone missed her to begin with besides CT whores.

Anonymous said...

What do you want to bash her about? Changing her name? Coming out of retirement? Really?

Anonymous said...

So, Charly, was your theft conviction a misdemeanor or a felony?

Stupid bitch! Do you think you are the only that found that info? No, but some of just had the decency to leave it where it was.

Anonymous said...

I am sorry. I don't know Royanna personally or anything about her store or her illness, other than what I have read here. Just trying to show some compassion. Getting brownie points with Jesus.

Compassion is good. You don't have any reason to apologize. Royanna, on the other hand, does.

Anonymous said...

Secret Stash back again? She was Miss Erin before that and now something different... and no one is allowed to bash her, but you all gang-up on a kid? Seriously messed up.

What's seriously messed up is you making assumptions. Who said no one was allowed to bash on Secret Stash or whatever the hell her name is? No one. You just made that up.

Anonymous said...

What do you want to bash her about? Changing her name? Coming out of retirement? Really?


Maybe because she retired and changed her name more often than Re? Not that I care, but if you are going to bash on Re (not saying you did per se), for doing it, then she is most definitely fair game.

Anonymous said...

Can we stop using the expressions freebie whores and CT whores etc? It makes you sound about 17.

Anonymous said...

#97 nobody said that she couldn't be bashed. It doesn't mean that they won't say it's stupid to bash someone over changing their design name. It was dumb when they did it to Re too.

Anonymous said...

Terms of Use:

You won't need to pass the Bar Exam to understand my Terms of Use. They are short, sweet, and extremely flexible. I am so over all the TOU drama.

Basically, it’d be really awesome if you wouldn’t give away, resell, or claim as your own, my original files. That’s it. You can treat them as if you created them yourself. Commercial, personal, S4H, I DON’T CARE.

I suppose she wouldn't care, seeing as how they aren't her graphics to begin with:

Anonymous said...

#97 nobody said that she couldn't be bashed.

Yeah, and? Did I say anything to that effect? No, so why are you telling me this?

Anonymous said...

because you are #92. And don't say you aren't.

Anonymous said...

#100 - without knowing who made the ones at Vecteezy, which could have been Kansas, I'm not going to say anything about that.

However, her TOU is very childish.

Anonymous said...

Looks like Charly's co owner decided to leave. I saw a store closing ad come through my FB groups tonight and I checked her blog, she is leaving BSS. Smart lady to distance herself from this crap and get out.

Anonymous said...

because you are #92. And don't say you aren't.


WTH? There's all kinds of stupid, isn't there? And you just proved it. Good for you.

Anonymous said...

those paisely look alike (doesn't most paisely?) but a closer look shows they aren' the same at all.

Anonymous said...

#103 as all VectEezy premium packs have to be exclusive to VectEezy, I think it is safe to assume she didn't create them.

Anonymous said...

#105 aka #92, bashing a designer for changing their name isn't stupid?

Anonymous said...

I think you need to look again #106

Anonymous said...

If you think it is a copy, then report it and let them deal with it.

Anonymous said...

Saying it's a violation is going to do no good here. Report it if you think it's a copy.

Anonymous said...

#105 aka #92, bashing a designer for changing their name isn't stupid?

I'm not #92. I already implied it was stupid at #97 - just pointing out that if people were going to bash one why not the other. Geez louise, what the hell is your problem?

Anonymous said...

SSD prices have definitely gone up, $7.49 for a solo kit! I can't remember them being that high but then I haven't bought for a while as I'm waiting for the 'sales'

Anonymous said...

I was checking out a few new releases on facebook. Wow! All I can say is there are way too many products out in digiland. I'm interested in a few halloween kits but I'll browse around and save my favorites in a folder and then decide what I'm going to buy when the sales come out.

Anonymous said...

#113 I agree and with only 35% sales they have ,the prices are still high. $5.19 for a kit at a sale price. Too much.

Anonymous said...

#114 - I agree. Alot of the designers need to retire so that my sales will go up. LOL. In my perfect world, there would be about 10 stores. Round up the designers and place them in those 10 stores, and then close the rest. Will make shopping so much easier. When they make me Queen of Digiland, this is how it will work. :)

Anonymous said...

Regarding the term CT to put some names out there? Who are considered CT whores?

Anonymous said...

Those paisleys are very similar, but not exact. Take a 2nd look.

Anonymous said...


I'm assuming CT whores are the ones who are on 20 teams at any given time. But I could be wrong, that's merely a guess.

Anonymous said...

How many teams do you have to be on to be labeled at a "CT Whore"
just curious..

Anonymous said...

We should give you names so they can be smacked here? No way. People join CT's for lots of different reasons, and they are for that person to decide how many CT's they want to be on. As long as they are keeping up with the designers assignments, it shouldn't concern anybody but the CTM and the designer.

Anonymous said...

#120 I would guess 7 or more, but I do not know.

Anonymous said...

Lets see, it's been mentioned anywhere from 7-over 20 to be considered a CT whore. If it is 7, then just about any CTM you could mention would fall into that category. If the number is over 20, I wouldn't think there wouldn't be that many.

Anonymous said...

Frankly, I'm on 20. Only 7 of those 20 are what I would call busy teams. Two are store teams, so 5 layouts a month are required. The other teams are individual designers. About 3 of those have almost weekly or every other week releases. The rest of them are lucky to have about 1 every other month. One hasn't had a release since last January, and a couple of the others haven't been heard from since spring. Even though the number of CT's I'm on is big, there isn't that much of a job.

Anonymous said...

I've been on a team with a woman who many of you would consider a "CT whore." She is a retired woman (so no outside-the-home job or kids to get in the way of her scrapping time, natch!) and just a sweet, kind, funny person. She always got her LOs done on time--unlike some CTMs who were "busy with real life" every other week and never seemed to get a LO done on time.
So which is worse? Being a "CT whore" who's on 20 teams but actually doing the work, or being on 3 teams but always flaking? To me, a CT whore is someone who just wants to add the designers' names to her stupid siggy. I don't care how many teams you're on.
But I do hate when a CTM uses the same pic over and over again in her CT LOs. It makes the LO less...IDK the word...less original/unique? That's when it seems like a CT LO factory: Step 1. Place bg ppr. 2. Arrange a ton of elements so the page looks "full." 3. Plop picture on page. 4. Flood Galleries with LO.

Anonymous said...

I've been known to use the same photo several times actually. Even though I have a lot of photos to chose from, I do have a lot of favorites. If I see a kit that really goes with a photo I've already used, I'll use it again.

Anonymous said...

I am not sure the #98 wants to define CT whore or freebie whore. I think it is just that maybe we can use a less derogative term for the same thing. I personally don't like the word either. I am sure there are other ways to label the "excessive" in both situations.

Anonymous said...

127-Then EXCESSIVE is kind of like the word "is" is. (if you aren't from the USA, that won't mean anything to you.) Take for example one person may eat one apple a week, and one person may eat 7 apples a day. Who is to judge what excessive is? And if you live in New York City, your mayor proposed banning the sale of sugary drinks larger than 16 ounces in regulated food establishments, including in movie theaters and sports arenas. He judged. Are you going to judge a CTM? Do you do anything "in EXCESS?" Are you fat? Are you skinny? Do you drink to excess? Do you smoke? Do you enjoy being judged in any of those areas?

Anonymous said...

#128 - I am #127, and I just was just stating that #98 is probably not trying to find a definition of "whore", but probably want posters to find a different word for whatever they mean when they use "whore". Just like I am not trying to define "excessive" either. Re-read the post:
I am sure there are other ways to LABEL the "excessive"

I didn't say:
I am sure there are other ways to DEFINE "excessive"

Anonymous said...

129-I read your comment correctly. I was just saying that EXCESSIVE is subjective, and really none of anybody's business.
It's like trying to tell someone how many kids to have.

Anonymous said...

#130 - anything over 3 is excessive

Anonymous said...

131-in your opinion. I have one, so maybe I think anything over 1 is excessive.

Anonymous said...

From Baby Cake Scraps the co owner of BSS with Charly

Store Closing Sale
It is with a heavy heart that I am announcing I have made the decision to step down as co owner and designer of Berry Sweet Scraps. I did not come to this decision lightly, but feel that I am making the right decisions for me. Many close friends know why I made this decision, and understand my reasons, and for that I am grateful. So in light of everything, I am having a closing sale at Berry Sweet Scraps

Anonymous said...

133-I hope she feels good about her decision. I feel for her.

Anonymous said...

#131 - this is true. Some zero-population organizations say 1 is excessive.

Anonymous said...

#118 - Look again. I had to do a triple take before I saw one of them was exactly the same. Top left in the one by Kansas is the same one as top right in the Vecteezy set.

Anonymous said...

Having more children than you can afford to care for is excessive.

Anonymous said...

126: I've been known to use the same photo several times actually. Even though I have a lot of photos to chose from, I do have a lot of favorites. If I see a kit that really goes with a photo I've already used, I'll use it again.
I'm post 125. I wasn't saying it's wrong to scrap the same photo more than once. I've scrapped a few of my faves 2 or even 3 times (mostly because my scrapping style has changed and I want to scrap the pic with my new style. And abilities.) I was saying "Why have the exact SAME pic in every LO?" It makes the LOs less unique, and if a designer wants her CTM's LOs to sell her kits, then having unique, fun, never-before-seen LOs is a good idea--and a LO that has the same pic as the last 4 LOs is kind of not unique.

Anonymous said...

Sugary Fancy is moving to Scrap orchard. Ok someone tell me what's going on at After Five???

Anonymous said...

After Sugary fancy leaves After Five there will be only 12 designers and 2 guests left.

Anonymous said...

And with Sugary Fancy at Scrap orchard that makes it 25 designers just right for the christmas countdown advent calendar they do every year.

Anonymous said...

The only thing going on at After 5 is that Amy is closing down the shop.

Anonymous said...

Noooooooooooo say it's not true ! I Love After Five,it's in my top three shops!

Anonymous said...

#143 - not for long. What's up with so many digi shops closing?

Anonymous said...

It's a lot harder to run a shop than it looks. And more expensive. Things are different than when we first started out I think. And a lot of people, even those who've designed before, think, "I can do this!" and start out strong. But it's the every day nature of running that kind of business that will kill you. It's always something. And people want an answer yesterday, so heaven forbid you take half a day to go out and about with your kids. As a store owner, if you're not careful your expenses can chew up any profits easily, leaving you working hard for very little. So I think this is normal contraction for an industry that's maturing (not that everyone's mature! LOL)and to be expected. Doubt we'll get down to those 10 stores, as there will always be people who think they can do it, but it's like opening a restaurant. Everyone who can cook dinner thinks they can run a restaurant, but very very few truly succeed.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand the complaints about the price of kits at SSD. Those things are loaded with patterned papers and ellies. Compare that to Paislee Press's recent release at The Lilypad for $6.99 and the volumes of each kit just don't compare.

Anonymous said...

Personally, all the Charly/Renay drama aside, I think Babycakes is making the right choice. I was a designer at Berry Sweet until a few days ago, and when she said she was leaving, I had no idea what was going on, then I read here and pulled everything immediately. It's no wonder that she lost her lead designers and head CT, people already knew what crap Charly was capable of! I've never seen so many blatant lies and obvious similarities that point to the exact same person in my life, and at her forum, she carries on like nothing ever happened. I wish Babycakes luck with her new shop, and I'll be one of the designers there with her, as will be a half dozen others from Berry Sweet. I just hope Charly comes clean and clears her name or vanishes entirely.

Anonymous said...

#146 I agree but Paislee Press is also expensive.

Anonymous said...

I read your comment correctly. I was just saying that EXCESSIVE is subjective, and really none of anybody's business.

But using the word whore is acceptable? SMH. It's saying the same thing, only not as nicely.

Anonymous said...

!44 - What's up with so many digi shops closing?

Perhaps it was the combination of prices decreasing to a certain threshold, a glut of freebies, and designers finding it not lucrative enough to design any more. Supply versus demand. You know what comes next.

Anonymous said...

What's up with so many digi shops closing?

Sign of the times. It's called the economy.

Anonymous said...

Like I mentioned earlier #114 way too many digi products coming out each week and I don't know if there are that many customers to cover all these designers and shops. I'm dizzy from so many designs and designers. I have to sort out my facebook designers list and narrow it down to favorites.

Anonymous said...

Opinions on store owners paying late? I am talking about constant late payments sometimes as much as 3 weeks late.

Anonymous said...

#153 - Time to move on. That's not acceptable.

Anonymous said...

#152 - Lots of products released might not be the main issue, but lots of products that are no longer original might contribute. Also, larger CT who obviously do not pay. Loads of blog trains, FB hops, blog freebies, FB "freebies if you like me", store collabs if you buy for $10, buy my store offers, newsletter freebies, etc. Those are all valid marketing strategies, and some designers use them well, but others just overdo it, and is not "forcing" anyone to purchase as there is so much one can get for free, even good stuff. Again, it is not because freebies are bad or because CT is bad, but some things are done too much, too often or badly used.

Anonymous said...

Opinions on store owners paying late? I am talking about constant late payments sometimes as much as 3 weeks late.

Move on. I had one store owner who paid me late twice in a row, that was enough. I moved on. Good move on my part. The store closed a few months later.

Anonymous said...

#135 Thank you. There are actually 2 that are identical. Flip the Kansas preview and the black paisley near the edge is the same as the top right one on the Vecteezy preview.

Then the Paisley right under the 10 of Kansas's preview is exactly the same as the one on the top right of the Vecteezy preview (mirror the Vecteezy preview and you'll see)

Anonymous said...

And with Sugary Fancy at Scrap orchard that makes it 25 designers just right for the christmas countdown advent calendar they do every year.
LOL, that's exactly what I thought. I love the SO Christmastime stuff, so I have no problem with it (although doing a Christmas-themed month-long event must alienate people of other--or no--religion).

Anonymous said...

(although doing a Christmas-themed month-long event must alienate people of other--or no--religion).

Why must it? It may, but it's not a definite. It doesn't alienate me.

Anonymous said...

149-No, I don't like the word whore either. I think it's like children calling people nasty names, but I've come to expect that from most of the posters here. What I wrote had nothing to do with that word.

Anonymous said...

#160 - it did, in a roundabout way, because the person you were replying to was asking about using another word, other than whore, and she said excessive wasn't right either and then you replied.

Anonymous said...

I can't stand the use of the word whore either. It's like my husband who says things like "he raped you with that quote" or "they are raping the company". To me the word whore means prostitute, period and rape means a violent act of sexual aggression.

Anonymous said...

#158--I am anything but religious but enjoy the daily advent kit SO does and buy Christmas kits. Christmas just has a different meaning to me, for me it is about family and being thankful for what we have and those around us.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand the complaints about the price of kits at SSD. Those things are loaded with patterned papers and ellies. Compare that to Paislee Press's recent release at The Lilypad for $6.99 and the volumes of each kit just don't compare.
I agree! Her slogan is 'embrace your inner minimalist'. So why are we paying the same price for less? I refuse to but anything from her. Even at 25% off.

Anonymous said...

More doesn't equal quality. I'd rather pay more for less and have quality, then less for more and have shite.

Anonymous said...

More doesn't equal quality. I'd rather pay more for less and have quality, then less for more and have shite.

I agree - I just bought something from La Grier and the quality was atrocious! I will never EVER buy anything from her again.

Anonymous said...

165: More doesn't equal quality. I'd rather pay more for less and have quality, then less for more and have shite.
But I also think that SSD is overpriced, no matter what size kits they have (though I'm usually very pleased with quality, so I can't complain too much). I also think that many SBG designers are overpriced--but that may have more to do with the fact that I'm not a fan of SBG in general.
What I hate is that SSD doesn't do big sales. Don't they realize that they're missing out on "DS extreme couponers" as I like to call those scrappers who only buy when it's really inexpensive? People who LOVE a certain designer or store buy when stuff is new. And they don't care if something is only 20% you're not going to lose those purchases if you also do a nice, big, dollar sale every once in awhile. Hell, just ask SO. People shop there all the time (apparently--obviously I don't have the numbers or something), but their Farmers Market is a huge draw.

Anonymous said...

I think people should stop posting their political opinions on Facebook, too. And sharing links about things that the government (local, federal and international) so that are illegal - like shooting young black kids. People should stop sharing stories about child labor and slavery, and posting petitions from groups like Avaaz.

Keep your political opinions private, because having open honest discussions about our differences might actually lead some people to re-think things and change their minds, or at least come to a better understanding of other people's opinions. It's much better for us to be divided, bitter, angry at each other and judgmental.

Facebook is for posting recipes, posting photos of things you bought on your recent trip to the outlet shops, posting photos of your kids artwork, and general doing whatever it takes to further the illusion that we are all healthy, happy, and being treated fairly by our government.

In short - Facebook should be used to keep people asleep, not wake people up.

Anonymous said...

Says who? It's my facebook page and I don't have to put happy things all the time if I don't want. Granted, I'm not political so I don't post that kind of thing...and as for the rest you mentioned, why would people post that stuff to begin with? Maybe you should evaluate who YOU have on your friends list before you tell everyone what they should post.

In short, I seriously hope your post was sarcastic. If it wasn't, maybe you should be the one who isn't on facebook.

Anonymous said...

Oh and, this blog is for Digi smack...not facebook smack. Go do that somewhere else please. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Of course #168 was sarcastic. The last sentence proves that.

Anonymous said...

#170- It's also not Political Smack.

Anonymous said...

I think #168s post is dripping, nay, gushing with sarcasm.

Anonymous said...

If you want to get a good deal at SSD just do the challenges. If you get the points you can get a 40% coupon good on anything. That is what I do and when I use my coupon I place a large order. And if you follow them I have seen some designers have a certain kit cheap for a day or two. People just wanna gripe and gripe.

Anonymous said...

#168 !!!

Anonymous said...

I love A5D. I'm so sad they are closing. :(

Anonymous said...

Has it been confirmed somewhere?

Anonymous said...

Keep your political opinions private, because having open honest discussions about our differences might actually lead some people to re-think things and change their minds, or at least come to a better understanding of other people's opinions.



Anonymous said...

I think people should stop posting their political opinions on Facebook, too. And sharing links about things that the government (local, federal and international) so that are illegal - like shooting young black kids.

Here's the thing - not everyone lives in the US. There's a shocker.

Anonymous said...

Oh! So only Americans care when American cops shoot young black kids. Good to know.

Anonymous said...

179-There is a possibility that the political posts weren't meant for the non USA facebook people. There's a shocker.

Anonymous said...

I'll post what I want to post on my facebook page. If you don't like it, unfriend me--you won't be missed.

Anonymous said...

Oh! So only Americans care when American cops shoot young black kids. Good to know.

Hey, you're the ones that have that right to bear arms and all.

And nice way to twist what I was saying, good to know.

Anonymous said...

here is a possibility that the political posts weren't meant for the non USA facebook people. There's a shocker.

Exactly my point. I'm so glad you understand.

I have a quite a few intentional FB friends and none of them, except for those in the US, post political stuff thinking that everyone else will be interested. Because they know that no one else will be interested.

Anonymous said...

Hey, you're the ones that have that right to bear arms and all.

I agree with you and probably because only Americans shoot young black kids just because of the color of their skin.

Anonymous said...

Since when did the smack blog become a bash America blog? If this is what this blog has become shut it down already.

As for A5D, Amy has been an inactive owner for the last 2 years. Kristin Aagard pretty much ran that site not Amy. I'm not at all shocked it's closing.

Anonymous said...

Can we get back to the DIGI smack?
Not interested in a discussion about the political facebook stuff.

Anonymous said...

Now Kristin is gone I'm sure it's just a matter of time.
Makes me sad b/c I know of one designer who just barely moved there. I doubt she knew what she was getting into.

Anonymous said...

187 - Guess what? It's not always about what YOU want. Obviously, others do care. Feel free to leave anytime.

Anonymous said...

189 - You're right, it's not all about me. And I guess it is also silly of me to assume that those who come to a blog titled DIGI SMACK would be here for, um, digi smack.

Anonymous said...

190 - No, what's silly is acting like a little kid demanding your own way and expecting everyone else to entertain you.

The Facebook discussion is digi smack as far as I'm concerned, others were complaining about designers posting political rants.

I for one think it's pretty bad business practice, even if it is a personal page. Of course they have the right to their opinion, just as I have the right to take me $$$ elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

185: "I agree with you and probably because only Americans shoot young black kids just because of the color of their skin."
Are you being serious? Because if you are, that is a ridiculously stereotypical and prejudiced statement. I'm sick of the bigotry on this blog. Let's get back to smacking digi, people!
How about this: if A5D is closing, anyone care to dish about where designers are going?

Anonymous said...

I have a quite a few intentional FB friends and none of them, except for those in the US, post political stuff thinking that everyone else will be interested. Because they know that no one else will be interested.

And I have quite a few intentional FB friends who do post lots of political things, re-share my political postings and thank me for sharing them. We share them to increase the reach, and it works.

Politics is by far the MOST important discussion you can have right now. It effects how much food you can put on your plate, your quality of life, the quality of your community, and how much money you have for extras like Digital Scrapbook supplies.

Saying 'I'm not interested in Politics' shows you complete and total ignorance.

Anonymous said...

Personal pages are just that - personal pages. If you ask to 'friend' someone you need to be aware that you are agreeing to read whatever their PERSONAL opinions are, in whatever way they feel like sharing them. It has nothing to do with their business, their quality, or their customer service.

Even if you don't agree with them, it doesn't make them 'stupid' (gasp - yes two very different opinions can come from two very intelligent people!) and it doesn't mean they will have bad quality designs. What a ridiculous thing to say.

Anonymous said...

Since when did the smack blog become a bash America blog? If this is what this blog has become shut it down already.

Sir, yes, sir. I only see one negative post, so, get a grip, 'kay?

Anonymous said...

Saying 'I'm not interested in Politics' shows you complete and total ignorance.


Did I say that? Why, no, I didn't. Saying I'm completely ignorant shows what a presumptuous, assuming, judgmental person you.

Anonymous said...

Politics is by far the MOST important discussion you can have right now. It effects how much food you can put on your plate, your quality of life, the quality of your community, and how much money you have for extras like Digital Scrapbook supplies.

Um, no. The elections are not happening in my country, so I don't care about your politics. I care about mine, but not yours.

Anonymous said...

Even if you don't agree with them, it doesn't make them 'stupid' (gasp - yes two very different opinions can come from two very intelligent people!) and it doesn't mean they will have bad quality designs. What a ridiculous thing to say.

Yeah it is. I didn't see anyone say that, so ... why did you?

Anonymous said...

Actually someone earlier did say it:

I wouldn't buy anything from a designer that posted political things on her fan page, and more so if it was against Mitt Romney. I wouldn't think she was too smart. If she isn't smart, then her kits are probably trash too.

Anonymous said...

Politics is by far the MOST important discussion you can have right now. It effects how much food you can put on your plate, your quality of life, the quality of your community, and how much money you have for extras like Digital Scrapbook supplies.

Um, no. The elections are not happening in my country, so I don't care about your politics. I care about mine, but not yours.

I'm no American but I do understand that American politics are very important internationally.

Anonymous said...

Personal pages are just that - personal pages. If you ask to 'friend' someone you need to be aware that you are agreeing to read whatever their PERSONAL opinions are, in whatever way they feel like sharing them. It has nothing to do with their business, their quality, or their customer service.
194, I agree with you: Personal pages are for a PERSON'S PERSONAL opinions/pics/whatever. The problem, however, is if a designer accepts friend requests from customers. The designer's page is no longer a *personal* page for her friends and family: it's a platform where customers can view her opinions and info about her everyday life. And guess what: if you're in a seller/buyer relationship then everything you read about the seller will affect your decision to (or rather, not to) buy.
If you're from the Southern US, then you probably know about the hoopla over Chick-fil-A's owner supporting "Biblical Marriage" (meaning, he's VERY anti-gay marriage). When this came to light, people ate there to support his views, and people boycotted the restaurant to show support for gay rights (for example, my extremely Republic, Catholic, anti-gay marriage friend ate there to show support. I, however, have refused to eat there since this came to light). My point is, the moment the owner of Chick-Fil-A took his PERSONAL views and announced them as tied to his restaurant, his patrons responded. It's the same thing with designers on facebook (but on a much smaller scale). Designers, whether awesome quality or brand-new or whatever, have the rights to their own opinions. But that doesn't mean customers can't show their disapproval of those opinions by not buying from them.

Anonymous said...

Anybody have any news about After Five?

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