#199 #200 HAHAHA Hilarious!! Ok this is getting old. I'm not that triplet designer. I live in Europe so I have a totally different lifestyle than you do and I'm more open minded. And about the stupid space thing english is my second language.
Well if it is getting old then why do you keep inviting comment by lurking to see if someone mentions you? See, glutton for punishment. No wonder people get smacked, lol
I don't think so. Most Europeans would have written pay cheque, not pay check. Why? Because most Europeans learn British English, not American English. I was tempted to say all, instead of most, but I didn't want to generalize.
that's really condescending to say you are more open minded. You don't know if our minds are closed or not.
(I personally don't care about the 2 boyfriends thing. I don't understand why you would want to manage that mess. One guy is enough for me. But to each *HIS* own.)
#6 Ok give me a break know it all. I learned american english.I had my reasons. Ok..everybody.Enough with this game. It started out because I was trying to prove there are at least 2 people on this blog(that I know of)that don't use spaces. From now on I will so I can continue smacking without anybody understanding who I am. Yes I live in Europe.I know American english,I'm single and I spend tons of money on digital products because it's my guilty pleasure. I won't continue this.Smack away if you want but I won't comment anymore.I have nothing else to prove.Believe what you want people.I'm going to bed.It's 5 am here.
No, I'm talking abut #5 who keeps cropping up and trying to defend herself and her spacing. I couldn't give two shits about Aly, she can take a flying leap for all I care. #5 just reeks of Charly on so many levels. Or maybe it is just the no spaces that bug the crap out of me.
#21 Finally!! #25 Tada! Good Night Bitches!! Of course I'll come back and keep commenting but I won't mention anything about me anymore. Promise. You can all sleep well tonight!! P.s I fixed the space thingy that was getting on all your nerves. LOL!
Well that was fun. Does anyone know how much truth there is behind the Sunny Day/Wild Cherry thing? I was going to apply to her store since she has a designer call out, but I'm not sure now. Kinda want to know what it is like on the inside. I know she only co owns Berry Sweet Scraps, who is her co owner and is she as bad as Charly comes across? Does Charly actually do anything?
Is it just me or is anyone else starting to feel sorry for the people of Europe to have that psycho (#2,11 and 31) running around loose over there?
#36- #2, #11 and #31 are all the same person from what I read. I don't think "they" are a designer at all from what she wrote on the last page. She has assistants and a job on the computer all day LOL.
I may have been rude earlier and misunderstood. As a small gesture I'm adding this link I just found. A free Instagram photobook for whoever is interested. I think most people in digiland use Instagram. Enjoy.
#36- So no two people alike can hit return all the time or have similar language? God forbid if two people use the same puncuation marks or words. I can say it looks like 90% of people who post on facebook.
RE Charly/Wild Cherry/unnamed triplet mess: Has she ever SCRAPPED her twin sister? I'm guessing that if she scrapped a page with her twin (and triplet?) sibling then maybe--MAYBE--this is legit. And that's only if the page is over a year old (because I doubt she has the ability to plan this so far in advance.) But I looked through a few pages of her gallery and all I see are pics of her, LOTS of LOs of what are apparently her dogs, and then her immediate family. And that's the extent of time/energy I'll give to this. I've never bought from her or her store, and now I never will.
57 why not? Just because she co owns it doesn't mean there aren't some quality designers there whose products you might like. Why punish a whole store and their designers for the actions of one idiot? There are a few designers there I buy from that are very nice, very good quality kits, and whom are very professional in dealing with them. Have you ever bothered to look beyond Charly?
Wonder wth type of job 67 has anyway...two assistants, 2 boyfriends, a desk, computers, and 5 a.m. Does it involve a 900 dial a twit maybe, or something a little more risque' since you say you are so open minded.
#69 Well if you want to know..I have websites with Us customers and visitors. My assistants write the articles and keep the sites working. I also have a very powerful Pinterest account and drive much traffic to my sites. That's why I'm coming to the Us and that's why I work in Us hours. And American English is my first language,I was born there but moved to Europe in my teens. I also have a DSL line 24 mbps.
#69 sorry 69!!!! I didn't get your nasty hint. I have a rich boyfriend so I don't need to do those things. One is rich and one is good in bed. For anyone that's wondering. LOL! True story!
While I'm reading all your lovely comments I'm also pinning to pinterest,looking at Digital Design Essentials sale today to buy Halloween stuff and finding articles for my team tomorrow.
60: Yes, I've checked out the store. I also bought the Fix that Berry Sweet Scraps was featured in. (What month was that? I can't remember.) And I didn't like anything by anyone in the kit. I guess it's just not my style. Trashed the whole thing. And frankly, why would a designer feel comfortable being in her store, even if it's only co-owned by her? I wouldn't trust her, so I wouldn't want to work with her.
I'm not tripping over myself I just didn't want to get into details. I rarely speak english for the last 20 years. Not a blogger. Enough about me. No more clues. You already know enough for an anonymous blog. It was fun.
I've been reading here for awhile now, and must say I am impressed by the knowledge shared as well as the innuendos, and accusations and questions. I am a former designer for Berry Sweet Scraps, I have since retired and only do the occasional CT work. I wanted to speak on behalf of the BSS designers and staff there. I know for a fact that Charly doesn't do much except sit on her ass and troll her forum and send out atrocious emails to her designers that always need to be corrected. Her co owner, whom I choose not to name, is a very professional lady who handles 90% of that stores inner workings. She does the planning, and handles things that apparently Charly can't. Her co owner has never been anything but kind and understanding, and very helpful, so maybe you are wrong in punishing a whole store because of one person. One bad apple doesn't ruin the whole basket. I personally don't like Charly, I didn't join her store for her, I joined for the co owner, whom I have followed since she started owning stores 5 years ago. Either way, Charly does very little of value. Just my two cents worth.
I know for a fact that Charly doesn't do much except sit on her ass and troll her forum and send out atrocious emails to her designers that always need to be corrected. Her co owner, whom I choose not to name, is a very professional lady who handles 90% of that stores inner workings. She does the planning, and handles things that apparently Charly can't. ------
So why doesn't she give Charly her walking papers? If she isn't contributing anything, why the heck keep her on?
93 We all know Charly likes to buy stores so she must have put most of the money into the store. I'm not 100% sure but I have a feeling. So she may not have grounds to kick her out. She probably just doesn't have enough to buy her out or something.
So why doesn't she give Charly her walking papers? If she isn't contributing anything, why the heck keep her on?
That is something I don't know. I just know they had one store together, she worked to build it up and then Charly decided she wanted a new store. She holds the hosting packages, she had the new store built up, then cancels the others hosting. From what I gleaned before leaving she brought the co with her, and since she owns the domains and hosting, the co can't boot her. It's either the co sell out, which no one will co with Charly once they find out who owns it, or the co walks away and loses any stake she had in it. I'm guessing she can't find anyone willing to buy her half of the store. But I do know the co went into ownership with Charly not knowing her split personality.
It's not just based on the hahaha!!! and use of bwahaha it's also the language and use of !!! And the lies to cover it up the are intentional opposites of the truth.
The need to cover up the about ESL sealed it for me as that is also posted on the FB page and the poster contradicted himself. You would think that wouldn't be something easily mixed up.
I'm 102 and I was asking if Aly was always lurking, and why she could post Berry Sweets co owners blog and profile, but no one would post the crazy Europeans FB. Makes you think she has something against the BSS co owner IMO.
I know for a fact that Charly doesn't do much Why are we on the co owner anyway, are we smacking her for something? I thought this was about Sunny Day/Wild Cherry? -----
No one is smacking the co owner but as the discussion is about Charly and the people who live in her head (which explains her lack of language skills, there's simply no room!) the co owner cropped up by association.
I'm done. Had a dose of AlyD, trashed Sunny Day, got a headache from a crazy European. May as well call it a night. BTW, I have nothing against Babycakes, her designs are cute, she doesn't have a particular style, but keeps it mixed, never heard anything about her, just thought she might have dropped from the same bucket Charly did since she is her co owner. Didn't hurt to dig a little. G'night ladies, it's been interesting.
108 what the hell? lol. i posted that info and not the crazy European's facebook because I don't know who they are talking about which means I don't care to post the facebook.
109 No, I didn't get turned down from there. Good guess though! I don't have anything against the co owner. Don't even know her. i just answered a question.
I'm the crazy european and no one knows my facebook. I'm not the designer they think I am. I'm not a man,not brazilian,nor a triplet. So many assumtions. First I have the hots for junior, then I am junior. Crazy imagination y'all! I'm just a single woman who lives in Europe, loves digital scrapbook that's all.
I don't ever remember shopping there, but I must have signed up for a newsletter from Croppin Paradise because I just got one that said they are closing. Anybody hear of them? I also got a newsletter from Gingerscraps. They are adding three new designers. The list gets longer and longer there. Pretty soon, we can call it the new MyMemories store. What makes those stores so attractive to designers while other stores close or have designers leaving all the time?
a longer list of mid-tier designers *might* mean an active store. There so many factors as to why other stores don't survive. But Gingerscraps has some designers that are pretty consistent and that activity attracts some to the store.
Croppin Paradise isn't just digital though. There could be many reasons that store is closing.
Single european? I thought she had 2 boyfriends and lots of sex? Or am I confusing her with one of the other psychos that tries to get attention away from themselves by offering more info?
GS forum/challenges are hopping and everyone is nice there. The store has lots of great designers, but ITA with 145: they need to say bye-bye to the non-producing designers. But maybe those non-producers bring in store traffic via their blogs or something? IDK. I'm not a designer (thank goodness).
145-(143 here) I don't go to gingerscraps much so I'm not familiar with their designers except a few of them, so not sure who produces or not. My question was a more general one I guess. Thank you to those that answered.
I think it might depend on how big those kits are and what their value might be. How is a paper scrapper going to benefit from it and work with the kits? Print everything out and cut it out? Cant wait to see how that goes.
#152- So all that work for a once a month Scrap Pack? No thanks. Any bets on who will apply? I think having a CT call is making their rules a huge joke.
2 blog posts a month on top of layouts and praise team duties is a big load of work. There's only so many topics you can cover on the blog. And who knows what you're getting in that monthly pack - it might not even be your style. It's one thing to be on a designer CT and get a kit here or there that you might not be crazy about. This could be fantasy stuff one month, art journaling the next, and so on.
So all that work for a once a month Scrap Pack? No thanks. Any bets on who will apply? I think having a CT call is making their rules a huge joke. --- That's what I thought. If the Scrap Pack is like 6 really awesome designers, then it MIGHT be worth making LOs...but I'm sure not going to praise AND blog write on top of making LOs. That's what the praise team and the blog team do. But hey, if you like to praise and create and blog, then apply.
BWAHAHHAA sorry but that is hilarious. She can't even keep her own story straight! Busted, with a capitol B. You'd have thought she would have thunk it out better before trying to do two design names. Twin indeed, in her own mind maybe. I feel so sorry for her designers and co owner that don't get sales because of her stupid ass crap. Doesn't she realize all the negative publicity just keeps people from shopping?
I don't know why, after the years I've spent in this hobby, I'm still surprised by all the crazy out there. This Charly/Renay story takes the cake. Certainly seems like she is pretending to have a twin.
I have concrete proof she's not a twin nor a triplet
http://www.sunjournal.com/node/329706 ---------------------------- How do you know it is her? Just curious as I can imagine there might be more than one person of the same name. Not that I am doubting as I would love this to be true!
Oh that is her alright, that obituary clearly lists her name, and as someone who has been around her awhile, and on CT with her, that is her name. Plus it was on all her paypal receipts from that Kreative Kreations store she owned, they need a verified bank account, so the name is the same. Is she insane or what?
#176 Not the other person but I had her on my CT and that's her real name and if you look here http://berrysweetscraps.com/2012/ct-spotlight-of-the-month-ladybug-deanna-2/ you will see that names and location matches.
I just can't believe how stupid it is. Forget crazy... seriously... using the same name and photo o.O It didn't exactly take any effort for people to tear that story to shreds. How hard would it have been to come up with a completely unrelated name?
How do you know it is her? Just curious as I can imagine there might be more than one person of the same name. Not that I am doubting as I would love this to be true! -----
Two Charlinda Renay Lyons married to John Lyons, living in Maine? No, I don't think so.
#180 That and just don't use a freakin photo. I mean there are so many designers that you have never seen their face. They could be the same as another one but we will never know.
#172- You're saying this is her because you know her IRL?
No, because the facts speak for themselves. I'm not saying there are no other Charlindas living in Maine, because there are. It seems to be a name there.
However, I haven't found another that is Charlinda Renay who is married to a John Lyons. I also found other things to prove it's her, but I'm not going to post that. Sorry.
She designs under two names claiming to be twins (or triplets) and recently was discovered (read the posts above for info) that she used the same picture as her "Twin" for a profile picture, that she scrapped as herself over 2 years ago.
#189- Do we really need to go over all that again? It's all on this page if you want to know what's going on. Sorry, but this whole thing is exhausting and I'm over it already.
How do you guys feel about Paislee Press moving to TLP? I knew she would follow One Little Bird there. Is there something going on over at Oscraps that two of the big designers are leaving or left?
Do we really need to go over all that again? It's all on this page if you want to know what's going on. Sorry, but this whole thing is exhausting and I'm over it already. ------
Yeah? Sorry, this blog doesn't exist solely for your entertainment. When I see something on the blog I don't like, I skip it or just not visit for a few days.
I actually feel kinda bad for her co-owner and the designers that put faith in her store. Sad. I wonder what name she'll come back as once she gets over it?
«Oldest ‹Older 1001 – 1200 of 2453 Newer› Newest»#199 #200 HAHAHA Hilarious!!
Ok this is getting old. I'm not that triplet designer.
I live in Europe so I have a totally different lifestyle than you do and I'm more open minded.
And about the stupid space thing english is my second language.
And about the stupid space thing english is my second language.
I do believe that all languages use a space and grammar. Italian, French, German, Greek, Spanish, Portuguese, etc.
And about the stupid space thing english is my second language.
LOL punctuation sort of works the same for most languages.
Well if it is getting old then why do you keep inviting comment by lurking to see if someone mentions you? See, glutton for punishment. No wonder people get smacked, lol
I live in Europe
I don't think so. Most Europeans would have written pay cheque, not pay check. Why? Because most Europeans learn British English, not American English. I was tempted to say all, instead of most, but I didn't want to generalize.
that's really condescending to say you are more open minded. You don't know if our minds are closed or not.
(I personally don't care about the 2 boyfriends thing. I don't understand why you would want to manage that mess. One guy is enough for me. But to each *HIS* own.)
hmmm, got #2 figured out.That riddle wasn't hard to solve.
178 - I want to repin these so horribly bad! But I don't want to be "outed". :)
#8 And what is your conclusion doctor?
#6 Ok give me a break know it all. I learned american english.I had my reasons.
Ok..everybody.Enough with this game.
It started out because I was trying to prove there are at least 2 people on this blog(that I know of)that don't use spaces.
From now on I will so I can continue smacking without anybody understanding who I am.
Yes I live in Europe.I know American english,I'm single and I spend tons of money on digital products because it's my guilty pleasure.
I won't continue this.Smack away if you want but I won't comment anymore.I have nothing else to prove.Believe what you want people.I'm going to bed.It's 5 am here.
ohh somebody hit a nerve lol lol! If you can't fly with the big girls, then stick your broom back in the closet!
I won't continue this.Smack away if you want but I won't comment anymore.
is that a promise?
You know she is hanging around still to see what is being said. And there is that no spaces thingy again.
#11 not as open minded as you claim to be? Surely that open mind can handle a bit of smack!
#5 - you make zero sense. I think you're talking to AlyD right? How the hell is lurking inviting someone to mention her? o.O
#5 was talking to #2 which has nothing to do with AlyD. It has to do with the over-sexed European in our midst.
No, I'm talking abut #5 who keeps cropping up and trying to defend herself and her spacing. I couldn't give two shits about Aly, she can take a flying leap for all I care. #5 just reeks of Charly on so many levels. Or maybe it is just the no spaces that bug the crap out of me.
Ok give me a break know it all.
But I thought you were the smart one, clearly not if I'm a know it all.
Crap, I meant I'm #5 talking about #2, too many numbers to keep my head on straight. Sorry.
#2 isn't Charly. #2 can spell and it isn't just spell check spelling.
No, I'm talking abut #5 who keeps cropping up and trying to defend herself and her spacing.
#5 is not defending anything. She's asking why the person you're pissed with keeps cropping up too. You are basically saying the same thing.
#23 (or #2 or #11) you are a creep. Go away.
Yes I live in Europe.I know American english,I'm single and I spend tons of money on digital products because it's my guilty pleasure.
Oh, it's you! You've been here before saying similar things. I've been wondering about this feeling of déjà vu
#2 isn't Charly. #2 can spell and it isn't just spell check spelling.
Charly doesn't even spell check spell. I'm convinced she thinks the squiggly lines under words are decoration only.
it really smells in here!
don't feed the troll!
*sigh* another troll...isn't there a bridge somewhere you're supposed to be under?
And it isn't even Halloween yet! We're honored.
#21 Finally!!
#25 Tada!
Good Night Bitches!!
Of course I'll come back and keep commenting but I won't mention anything about me anymore. Promise. You can all sleep well tonight!!
P.s I fixed the space thingy that was getting on all your nerves. LOL!
Told you she wouldn't go away no matter what she said.
Good Night Bitches!!
It always amazes me that people who have English as a second language seem to know the worst words.
#32 - here's your cookie
Got enough for everyone?
Actually, the way you hit return all the time really looks like a designer I have seen on facebook. The language is similar as well.
I really hope the nasty ones aren't designers I buy from.
#37, you can bet they are! LOL!
#36 I'm confused. What do you mean?
Well that was fun. Does anyone know how much truth there is behind the Sunny Day/Wild Cherry thing? I was going to apply to her store since she has a designer call out, but I'm not sure now. Kinda want to know what it is like on the inside. I know she only co owns Berry Sweet Scraps, who is her co owner and is she as bad as Charly comes across? Does Charly actually do anything?
#35 - of course
#37 - who in particular is being nasty?
Is it just me or is anyone else starting to feel sorry for the people of Europe to have that psycho (#2,11 and 31) running around loose over there?
#36- #2, #11 and #31 are all the same person from what I read. I don't think "they" are a designer at all from what she wrote on the last page. She has assistants and a job on the computer all day LOL.
#37- Sadly I agree with #38.
I may have been rude earlier and misunderstood. As a small gesture I'm adding this link I just found.
A free Instagram photobook for whoever is interested. I think most people in digiland use Instagram. Enjoy.
#33- I think people reconize the word bitch in Europe LOL.
#2 is the over-sexed European with 2 boyfriends? This whole thing is making my brain hurt.
#6- I know quite a few people from Europe who write "check" and not "cheque".
Does anyone here know how to use a freaking space bar?
#45, yes to both.
Umm looks like all but one person did.
I know quite a few people from Europe who write "check" and not "cheque".
I said most - see what I did there? I used the word most and not the word all. Your point is redundant.
#33- I think people reconize the word bitch in Europe LOL.
I think not. Having actually been there.
I don't think he's European.
#36- So no two people alike can hit return all the time or have similar language? God forbid if two people use the same puncuation marks or words. I can say it looks like 90% of people who post on facebook.
Does anyone here know how to use a freaking space bar?
WTH are you talking about?
#52- Brazilian maybe?
#54- Sorry! All I saw was this big paragraph full of run on sentences with no spaces. It was like trying to read in the dark.
RE Charly/Wild Cherry/unnamed triplet mess: Has she ever SCRAPPED her twin sister? I'm guessing that if she scrapped a page with her twin (and triplet?) sibling then maybe--MAYBE--this is legit. And that's only if the page is over a year old (because I doubt she has the ability to plan this so far in advance.) But I looked through a few pages of her gallery and all I see are pics of her, LOTS of LOs of what are apparently her dogs, and then her immediate family. And that's the extent of time/energy I'll give to this. I've never bought from her or her store, and now I never will.
#7- You think Miss European is actually a *HE*?
I'm not #7, but I think so as well.
57 why not? Just because she co owns it doesn't mean there aren't some quality designers there whose products you might like. Why punish a whole store and their designers for the actions of one idiot? There are a few designers there I buy from that are very nice, very good quality kits, and whom are very professional in dealing with them. Have you ever bothered to look beyond Charly?
#7 #52 #55 #58 #59 LMAO!!!!!!!!!(no space european DD troll)but especially #58
I have a feeling that only 5-10 people comment on this blog.
This blog is sooooo funny!!
#59- There aren't may "he's" in the digital world. I know of one HE in the community that has a over-usage of exclamation points.
welcome back #2. Must not really be 5 a.m.?
#61- It's funny you picked out the comments where someone thinks you're Brazilian or a man.
Just ignore the child and he will go away.
#64 It's 5.45 am actually.
I have a few more things to do workwise and while I'm waiting I can't resist.
#65 Yes because those comments are hilarious. Why am I a man? Because a woman can't have 2 boyfriends?
#62 Yes I use lots of !!!!!!!! so what?
From a crazy triplet designer I now became the junior brazilian designer? You girls have a crazy imagination!! LMAO!!!!!
Guess what? I'll be moving to the Us soon.
Wonder wth type of job 67 has anyway...two assistants, 2 boyfriends, a desk, computers, and 5 a.m. Does it involve a 900 dial a twit maybe, or something a little more risque' since you say you are so open minded.
Just keep digging. Just keep digging...
#70- What are you digging? LOL! A hole to bury #68 in?
no, #68 is doing that on his own.
#69 Well if you want to know..I have websites with Us customers and visitors.
My assistants write the articles and keep the sites working.
I also have a very powerful Pinterest account and drive much traffic to my sites.
That's why I'm coming to the Us and that's why
I work in Us hours.
And American English is my first language,I was born there but moved to Europe in my teens.
I also have a DSL line 24 mbps.
#69 sorry 69!!!! I didn't get your nasty hint.
I have a rich boyfriend so I don't need to do those things.
One is rich and one is good in bed. For anyone that's wondering. LOL! True story!
While I'm reading all your lovely comments I'm also pinning to pinterest,looking at Digital Design Essentials sale today to buy Halloween stuff and finding articles for my team tomorrow.
ohhhh I'm impressed.
And American English is my first language,I was born there but moved to Europe in my teens.
Wait, what? If you are post #2, you specially say that English is your second language.
Thanks for catching that 77, I was thinking the same thing. Someone is tripping over themselves now.
75 sounds like a blogger!
60: Yes, I've checked out the store. I also bought the Fix that Berry Sweet Scraps was featured in. (What month was that? I can't remember.) And I didn't like anything by anyone in the kit. I guess it's just not my style. Trashed the whole thing. And frankly, why would a designer feel comfortable being in her store, even if it's only co-owned by her? I wouldn't trust her, so I wouldn't want to work with her.
I'm not tripping over myself I just didn't want to get into details. I rarely speak english for the last 20 years.
Not a blogger.
Enough about me. No more clues.
You already know enough for an anonymous blog.
It was fun.
Are #73 and #74 the same person? I think so.
#74- Then again your assistants are doing all your work so you can come here and annoy us. Thanks.
#80- They didn't say you sounded like a blogger, dummy. They said #75 did.
The hahaha's also give it away. It's all over your facebook page and your posts on the previous page.
I've been reading here for awhile now, and must say I am impressed by the knowledge shared as well as the innuendos, and accusations and questions. I am a former designer for Berry Sweet Scraps, I have since retired and only do the occasional CT work. I wanted to speak on behalf of the BSS designers and staff there. I know for a fact that Charly doesn't do much except sit on her ass and troll her forum and send out atrocious emails to her designers that always need to be corrected. Her co owner, whom I choose not to name, is a very professional lady who handles 90% of that stores inner workings. She does the planning, and handles things that apparently Charly can't. Her co owner has never been anything but kind and understanding, and very helpful, so maybe you are wrong in punishing a whole store because of one person. One bad apple doesn't ruin the whole basket. I personally don't like Charly, I didn't join her store for her, I joined for the co owner, whom I have followed since she started owning stores 5 years ago. Either way, Charly does very little of value. Just my two cents worth.
#74 doesn't have assistants, it's all a lie.
#80 Duhhhh 73,74,75,80 same person
Sorry I meant #82 Duhhhh 73,74,75,80 same person
#83 It's an anonymous blog. Who do you have in mind?
Guess they weren't so sure after all.
Are #73 and #74 the same person? I think so.
It's pretty obvious that it is the same person.
#80- They didn't say you sounded like a blogger, dummy. They said #75 did.
Same person, dummy.
#83- Alot of people say hahaha!!! so I wouldn't base it just on that.
#87- Sometimes it's hard to tell so I was making sure.
#88- From what I read a *HE*.
I know for a fact that Charly doesn't do much except sit on her ass and troll her forum and send out atrocious emails to her designers that always need to be corrected. Her co owner, whom I choose not to name, is a very professional lady who handles 90% of that stores inner workings. She does the planning, and handles things that apparently Charly can't.
So why doesn't she give Charly her walking papers? If she isn't contributing anything, why the heck keep her on?
Co-Owner of Berry Sweet Scraps:
We all know Charly likes to buy stores so she must have put most of the money into the store. I'm not 100% sure but I have a feeling. So she may not have grounds to kick her out. She probably just doesn't have enough to buy her out or something.
So why doesn't she give Charly her walking papers? If she isn't contributing anything, why the heck keep her on?
That is something I don't know. I just know they had one store together, she worked to build it up and then Charly decided she wanted a new store. She holds the hosting packages, she had the new store built up, then cancels the others hosting. From what I gleaned before leaving she brought the co with her, and since she owns the domains and hosting, the co can't boot her. It's either the co sell out, which no one will co with Charly once they find out who owns it, or the co walks away and loses any stake she had in it. I'm guessing she can't find anyone willing to buy her half of the store. But I do know the co went into ownership with Charly not knowing her split personality.
It's not just based on the hahaha!!! and use of bwahaha it's also the language and use of !!! And the lies to cover it up the are intentional opposites of the truth.
The need to cover up the about ESL sealed it for me as that is also posted on the FB page and the poster contradicted himself. You would think that wouldn't be something easily mixed up.
#97- ESL?
I'm reading the post on the fanpage and I do agree it does sound like him but I can't be 100% sure it is.
English as a second language.
#100- Ok, I see it now LOL.
Geez Aly are you always lurking?
So you can post the cos blog but you can't post the fb of 73,74,75,80?
Nice, got something against the BSS co do you?
#102- I didn't understand much of what you said so I'll ask. What is COS and BSS co? Then maybe you can get an answer to your questions.
figure it out on your own #102, the information is there if you just read the past posts.
It has nothing to do with Aly. She probably doesn't even know what we are talking about.
COS = co owners
BSS = Berry Sweet Scraps
#104- I think #102 was asking Aly why she has something against Berry Sweet Scraps because Aly posted both of the blog links.
no, all those post numbers are about the over-sexed "european".
I'm 102 and I was asking if Aly was always lurking, and why she could post Berry Sweets co owners blog and profile, but no one would post the crazy Europeans FB. Makes you think she has something against the BSS co owner IMO.
#108- I think she got turned down to design there.
dang, but you girls are chatty! re speaks portuguese, right? orgasmo is orgasm, so yes, he knew what the -- big o-- was.
From searching, I've ascertained that Charly has a bit of a past and definitely no twin or triplet sister.
Seriously? That profile says "Berry Sweets Owner". So what if she posted it? It's public information.
I won't post the FB because I'm not 100% certain it is who I think it is. Hints and insinuation is libel.
She's 100% certain who the Berry Sweets owner is.
that should read "hints and insinuations are not libel."
I deserve a smack for that. LOL!
She's Berry Sweets co owner, check Charly's profile, it also says owner.
Why are we on the co owner anyway, are we smacking her for something? I thought this was about Sunny Day/Wild Cherry?
^whatever. How about if you call Jerry Springer and let him help them sort it out?
Do not click that link to Berry Sweet's blog. I need to disenfect my eyes now.
Why? What is wrong with it?
I know for a fact that Charly doesn't do much Why are we on the co owner anyway, are we smacking her for something? I thought this was about Sunny Day/Wild Cherry?
No one is smacking the co owner but as the discussion is about Charly and the people who live in her head (which explains her lack of language skills, there's simply no room!) the co owner cropped up by association.
Sorry, I meant Babycakes. That header is tacky. Not what I would ever using to scrap.
Berry Sweet is fine...
Why? What is wrong with it?
It's pink, very, very pink and ... there are posers.
People are entitled to whatever floats their boat. So it's bright, maybe she likes pink, lol
People are entitled to whatever floats their boat. So it's bright, maybe she likes pink, lol
And? No one said otherwise.
Well, I'm entitled to say that I need to disinfect my eyes and that it doesn't float my boat.
No one told ya to click it. Wonder how much traffic you generated for her blog lol
I think I went blind in one eye from that blog.
#125, I should've known better, you're right. I just never learn. But I hope to offer my suffering as a sacrificial warning for others.
I hope that wasn't your scrapping eye, 126.
I hope not either.
So are we smacking her for having a too bright blog, lol
Anonymous said... 130
So are we smacking her for having a too bright blog, lol
Um, no. The blog, maybe, her, not that I've seen.
Maybe we can smack her for having bad taste in who she co owns a store with lol
I'm done. Had a dose of AlyD, trashed Sunny Day, got a headache from a crazy European. May as well call it a night. BTW, I have nothing against Babycakes, her designs are cute, she doesn't have a particular style, but keeps it mixed, never heard anything about her, just thought she might have dropped from the same bucket Charly did since she is her co owner. Didn't hurt to dig a little. G'night ladies, it's been interesting.
Maybe we can smack her for having bad taste in who she co owns a store with lol
Why? And stop putting LOL at the end of your posts, you know you aren't being funny.
#134- Why? Maybe she wants to add lol at the end of her posts.
#135 - perhaps she does but it's weird LOLing at yourself and about things that aren't really funny
How do you know I know I'm not being funny...LOL
what the hell? lol. i posted that info and not the crazy European's facebook because I don't know who they are talking about which means I don't care to post the facebook.
No, I didn't get turned down from there. Good guess though! I don't have anything against the co owner. Don't even know her. i just answered a question.
I'm the crazy european and no one knows my facebook. I'm not the designer they think I am. I'm not a man,not brazilian,nor a triplet.
So many assumtions. First I have the hots for junior, then I am junior. Crazy imagination y'all!
I'm just a single woman who lives in Europe, loves digital scrapbook that's all.
I heard Babycakes was actually another Charly ultra-ego. She can't buy herself out. lol
#139, you were trying to turn the smack off of you. There's some work going on behind the scenes. You might want to stop digging your hole now.
#141 You might want to stop assuming you know everything!!!
I don't ever remember shopping there, but I must have signed up for a newsletter from Croppin Paradise because I just got one that said they are closing. Anybody hear of them? I also got a newsletter from Gingerscraps. They are adding three new designers. The list gets longer and longer there. Pretty soon, we can call it the new MyMemories store. What makes those stores so attractive to designers while other stores close or have designers leaving all the time?
a longer list of mid-tier designers *might* mean an active store. There so many factors as to why other stores don't survive. But Gingerscraps has some designers that are pretty consistent and that activity attracts some to the store.
Croppin Paradise isn't just digital though. There could be many reasons that store is closing.
Gingerscraps needs to ditch those who don't produce. They're not different than most stores in that respect, though.
Single european? I thought she had 2 boyfriends and lots of sex? Or am I confusing her with one of the other psychos that tries to get attention away from themselves by offering more info?
GS forum/challenges are hopping and everyone is nice there. The store has lots of great designers, but ITA with 145: they need to say bye-bye to the non-producing designers. But maybe those non-producers bring in store traffic via their blogs or something? IDK. I'm not a designer (thank goodness).
145-(143 here) I don't go to gingerscraps much so I'm not familiar with their designers except a few of them, so not sure who produces or not. My question was a more general one I guess. Thank you to those that answered.
#140 There's that lol again, Charly by some chance trying to throw the heat off yourself?
Babycakes is not another Charly alter ego.
ScrapStacks CT call.... bet loads of CT whores apply. Looks like too much work for no benefit to me!
Seems like an awful lot of work, doesnt it?
ScrapStacks Ct call? Really? So they basically just turned it into a scrap whore site plus bonus!
Good thing I won't be on that site, it all seems a bit ridiculous to me.
I think it might depend on how big those kits are and what their value might be. How is a paper scrapper going to benefit from it and work with the kits? Print everything out and cut it out? Cant wait to see how that goes.
#152- So all that work for a once a month Scrap Pack? No thanks. Any bets on who will apply? I think having a CT call is making their rules a huge joke.
How do you know I know I'm not being funny...LOL
Because I'm not laughing.
There's that lol again, Charly by some chance trying to throw the heat off yourself?
can't be, there's punctuation and a grain of sense in the sentence.
ScrapStacks CT call doesn't seem that different from other CT calls. Just weird considering the kind of site they are.
2 blog posts a month on top of layouts and praise team duties is a big load of work. There's only so many topics you can cover on the blog. And who knows what you're getting in that monthly pack - it might not even be your style. It's one thing to be on a designer CT and get a kit here or there that you might not be crazy about. This could be fantasy stuff one month, art journaling the next, and so on.
ScrapStacks CT call doesn't seem that different from other CT calls. Just weird considering the kind of site they are.
So all that work for a once a month Scrap Pack? No thanks. Any bets on who will apply? I think having a CT call is making their rules a huge joke.
That's what I thought. If the Scrap Pack is like 6 really awesome designers, then it MIGHT be worth making LOs...but I'm sure not going to praise AND blog write on top of making LOs. That's what the praise team and the blog team do. But hey, if you like to praise and create and blog, then apply.
Honestly I'm already so over scrapstacks. Haven't been there in days.
Who will apply? Kimberly, Sally, Tara......
#162- I think they are all on the site staff.
How can someone not remember how many children they have?
How can you forget one of your son ? Also Charly have only 1 son.
Here are the twins. I took the avatar of both of them.
And check out the profile pic from Scrapable compared to this
I know twins look alike and all that, but to be standing in the exact same spot, wearing the exact same clothes - I don't think so.
And why would you use your 'twin's' photo about your own NY resolutions?
Or perhaps using the same photo and labeling it "Me"
#166 I think we can say she is totally busted.
And to think I used to have her on one of my teams. Glad she didn't stay long. Some people! Well now she's busted!!
BWAHAHHAA sorry but that is hilarious. She can't even keep her own story straight! Busted, with a capitol B. You'd have thought she would have thunk it out better before trying to do two design names. Twin indeed, in her own mind maybe. I feel so sorry for her designers and co owner that don't get sales because of her stupid ass crap. Doesn't she realize all the negative publicity just keeps people from shopping?
I don't know why, after the years I've spent in this hobby, I'm still surprised by all the crazy out there. This Charly/Renay story takes the cake. Certainly seems like she is pretending to have a twin.
Seriously? Who does shit like this? lol
Charly does, lol
I have concrete proof she's not a twin nor a triplet
I don't know why, after the years I've spent in this hobby, I'm still surprised by all the crazy out there.
You and me both.
Seriously. If you want to have two design brands, feel free. But pretending you are twins? That makes you crazy, ma'am.
#172- You're saying this is her because you know her IRL?
I have concrete proof she's not a twin nor a triplet
How do you know it is her? Just curious as I can imagine there might be more than one person of the same name. Not that I am doubting as I would love this to be true!
Oh that is her alright, that obituary clearly lists her name, and as someone who has been around her awhile, and on CT with her, that is her name. Plus it was on all her paypal receipts from that Kreative Kreations store she owned, they need a verified bank account, so the name is the same. Is she insane or what?
#176 Not the other person but I had her on my CT and that's her real name and if you look here http://berrysweetscraps.com/2012/ct-spotlight-of-the-month-ladybug-deanna-2/ you will see that names and location matches.
Oh my god...the internet thrives once again and busts it wide open. Sorry Charly (haha no pun intended) but you are caught.
Like #174 said, re-brand yourself or have two design names if you want...but don't make up lies about a twin/triplet that doesn't exist. Seriously!
I just can't believe how stupid it is. Forget crazy... seriously... using the same name and photo o.O It didn't exactly take any effort for people to tear that story to shreds. How hard would it have been to come up with a completely unrelated name?
How do you know it is her? Just curious as I can imagine there might be more than one person of the same name. Not that I am doubting as I would love this to be true!
Two Charlinda Renay Lyons married to John Lyons, living in Maine? No, I don't think so.
#180 That and just don't use a freakin photo. I mean there are so many designers that you have never seen their face. They could be the same as another one but we will never know.
Did we ever find out if Renan was in fact the "European" posting here?
With so many stores closing, who do you think is next?
#183 It could be Charly pretending to be someone else just to make diversion.
#172- You're saying this is her because you know her IRL?
No, because the facts speak for themselves. I'm not saying there are no other Charlindas living in Maine, because there are. It seems to be a name there.
However, I haven't found another that is Charlinda Renay who is married to a John Lyons. I also found other things to prove it's her, but I'm not going to post that. Sorry.
I have a feeling Berry Sweet Scraps is going to be having a severe decline in business soon. Does that count?
Seriously. If you want to have two design brands, feel free. But pretending you are twins? That makes you crazy, ma'am.
Can someone give me a quick synopsis of the charly story?
#186- I'm thinking your in fact Jen Yurko and to chicken to post under your own name.
#187- That was a given LOL.
She designs under two names claiming to be twins (or triplets) and recently was discovered (read the posts above for info) that she used the same picture as her "Twin" for a profile picture, that she scrapped as herself over 2 years ago.
I think that about covers it. Anyone else?
#189- Do we really need to go over all that again? It's all on this page if you want to know what's going on. Sorry, but this whole thing is exhausting and I'm over it already.
#191- That about covers it.
I'm thinking your in fact Jen Yurko and to chicken to post under your own name.
Nope. Not even close. And it's *you're, not your. Why would you think I'm Jen? SMH.
Exhausting? Okay.
I find it more entertaining.
There's NO DOUBT that they are the same. Look at the product descriptions at Scrapable. I cannot believe Bev is that naive.
How do you guys feel about Paislee Press moving to TLP? I knew she would follow One Little Bird there. Is there something going on over at Oscraps that two of the big designers are leaving or left?
Do we really need to go over all that again? It's all on this page if you want to know what's going on. Sorry, but this whole thing is exhausting and I'm over it already.
Yeah? Sorry, this blog doesn't exist solely for your entertainment. When I see something on the blog I don't like, I skip it or just not visit for a few days.
I actually feel kinda bad for her co-owner and the designers that put faith in her store. Sad. I wonder what name she'll come back as once she gets over it?
#194- What started this whole thing was Jen firing Charly's "twin". I'm not saying Jen was at all in the wrong.
#198- This blog is here for entertainment. Why else would so many people post and read it?
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