Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Hey. No smacking of kids.


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Anonymous said...

What WOULD be a valid enough complaint about SSD? Crappy product isn't a good enough gripe?

Not the OP but I haven't heard a crappy quality complaint on here about SSD for a while. It's all about how cliquey and snobby they are. That does get old.

Anonymous said...

Everybody on here has an obviously strong opinion about what makes a good store, just wondering in your opinion which is the best store out there at the moment?

Anonymous said...

^^^^ so does their we're better than you attitude and the snobbishness there

Anonymous said...

Well look who they have as an admin. Traci Reed.

Anonymous said...

so does their we're better than you attitude and the snobbishness there

I don't get that vibe from SSD, never have. If you don't like it there, don't go there. And if you don't go there, what does it matter how they behave if you don't participate. I just don't get the constant complaining.

I did see the post at SSD about the drive by posting and I love how so many missed the point.

Anonymous said...

Well look who they have as an admin. Traci Reed.


Old news and I don't even hang there.

Anonymous said...

#6- I know it's old news.

Anonymous said...

^^^^ so does their we're better than you attitude and the snobbishness there


I don't understand your response in relation to what the OP asked?
The question was in your opinion what is the best store.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure there is a store forum that isn't snotty or cliquish. Some are more friendly than others.

Anonymous said...

Hey dumbass #8 - I posted at the same time as the person you are referring to asking about a store.

Anonymous said...

Hey dumbass #8 - I posted at the same time as the person you are referring to asking about a store.

Now I understand why you think places are snobby.

Anonymous said...

#11 I totally agree with you.

Anonymous said...

I can think of two very friendly forums, but I'm not bringing up their names because I don't want them to get trashed.

Anonymous said...

#13 - not everything gets trashed, geez louise.

Anonymous said...

#14 The majority of things get trashed.

Anonymous said...

#15 - only if it deserves it

Anonymous said...

#16 Define "deserves it"?

Anonymous said...

As stated above. Snobbishness.

Anonymous said...

Where is snobbishness? I don't see any.

Anonymous said...

19- I'm not sure. It was mentioned by someone above.

Anonymous said...

I think #18 was replying to #17 about defining deserves.

Anonymous said...

sometimes I wonder if it's just one person arguing with themselves here

Anonymous said...

I think some of you need to take a sociology class. There isn't going to be a group of people that don't form "cliques". They all know each other and they don't know you. That makes you an outsider no matter how friendly they are / you are. Unless you're going to take the time to hang around and befriend people, you're always going to be the outsider. Find a group that seems like your kind of crowd and make an effort to spend time there.

Anonymous said...

sometimes I wonder if it's just one person arguing with themselves here
Aug 13, 2012 4:43:00 AM


Anonymous said...

Thank you, Dr. Phil/23

Anonymous said...

For the most part I will agree with Dr Phil. But there are some groups that it will not matter how long you are there, how much you participate, you will always be "on the outside" no matter what because they are snotty little bitches.
That said, Some of you need to get over it and realize you won't "fit in" everywhere. Just find some place you do and have fun. But not everyone has to bend over backwards to make you part of the group just because you show up in the forum one day.

Anonymous said...

And if you're an annoying nutbag, no one is going to take you in at any forum.

Anonymous said...

Oh, there are annoying nutbags at every forum.

Anonymous said...

Can Silhouette really do this? I am beyond angry. I bought the designer software just for this purpose.

Wouldn't that be like Adobe saying digital designers can't sell kits made with Photoshop?

Anonymous said...

29 - Oh wahhhhh. Grow up.

Anonymous said...

30 What? I don't have a right to be angry about them saying I can't sell designs I made AFTER changing their TOU?

Anonymous said...

Yeah right - only the bitches on this site are allowed to bitch (and you'll know who they are because they're the ones insulting everyone). Heaven help you if you want to actually complain about something valid!

Anonymous said...

Thanks 32.

The $ I spent on the designer software is nothing compared to the time I've spent designing and making previews and promoting. I think I have a legitimate gripe. Just trying to see if they have a legal right to do this.

And no, I can't afford to hire a lawyer to figure it out for me. (before anyone suggests it) I know there are a couple of lawyers in the digi crowd, hoping for some free advice. Sue me!

Anonymous said...

Can Silhouette really do this? I am beyond angry. I bought the designer software just for this purpose.

Wouldn't that be like Adobe saying digital designers can't sell kits made with Photoshop?

No, it's not. The only thing you can't sell are .STUDIO files. You can still sell all other formats that work with the system. I'm not getting the anger. Can they do it? Of course they can, it's their patent.

Anonymous said...

30 What? I don't have a right to be angry about them saying I can't sell designs I made AFTER changing their TOU?
Aug 13, 2012 4:32:00 PM

Do you reserve the right to change your TOU? Do you expect people to follow YOUR TOU? Then no, you don't have a right to be angry.

Their product, their terms. Same as when a customer buys your product or a license to use your product.

Anonymous said...

I expect people to abide by the TOU that is in place when they bought my product.

Anonymous said...

I will never cease to be amazed by the assholes who scream that customers had better follow their terms of use, but have a problem when they are expected to do the same.

Anonymous said...

If you look at the average TOU it clearly states "subject to change at any time". If the Silhouette TOU does not state this, then you have a complaint, but I doubt very much that it won't.

Anonymous said...

37 - You are not getting it, they changed the terms after I bought it.

That would be like me selling a CU product, then after I sold 100's of them, say, "oh sorry, those are for personal use only now."

And just for the record, I've never "screamed" here or anywhere else about customers following my tou.

Anonymous said...

If you look at the average TOU it clearly states "subject to change at any time". If the Silhouette TOU does not state this, then you have a complaint, but I doubt very much that it won't.
Aug 13, 2012 5:19:00 PM

This. Every digi designer I've ever bought from has the subject to change at any time in their terms.

Not getting all the outrage.

Anonymous said...

No, 39, YOU are the one not getting it.

Their product-their terms. You agreed to their terms when you bought the software. As has already been pointed out to you, just about every TOU has the subject to change disclaimer.

All the butthurt and drama isn't going to change it. You need to follow the TOU.

Anonymous said...

You are not getting it, they changed the terms after I bought it.

Look at their TOU, if it states 'subject to change at any time', then you have no legitimate complaint. You can be annoyed about it but it won't change anything and they aren't doing anything wrong.

Anonymous said...

On page 49, or thereabouts, of the Silhouette manual it states:

The specifications, etc., in this manual are subject to change without notice

Etc. includes the User Agreement. So the answer is yes, Silhouette can legally change their terms of use.

Anonymous said...

You definitely have a right to be angry if you now have to go change all the product you created before the new terms. But it is what it is... and it sounds like it sucks. Sorry for everyone that has to go through and change their products!!

Anonymous said...

Actually legally you can't change terms retrospectively. You are required to follow the terms in place when you made the purchase.

People put things like 'terms are subject to change' in their agreements knowing that it isn't actually legally binding - they do it hoping most people will accept the terms changes.

Anonymous said...

This is a pretty different case, but I found this interesting:

' "Indeed, a party can't unilaterally change the terms of a contract; it must obtain the other party's consent before doing so... This is because a revised contract is merely an offer and does not bind the parties until accepted." '

Anonymous said...

Please do take on a legal battle with Silhouette. That would be interesting to watch.

Anonymous said...

I agree they can not change them retroactively. It would be my understanding that you can not make and sell any new files going forward, but the ones you already made under the old agreement should be fine.

I'm not a lawyer, though.

Anonymous said...

It sounds like what Silhouette did recently was give notification that their terms were changing.
If you don't accept the new terms, then you shouldn't be using their software.

Anonymous said...

The case linked is about websites and Terms of Service agreements, not Terms of Use on design software.

Anonymous said...

you can still purchase DXF and SVG files from me (and other sources) and still use them in Studio. It means that you can import DXF files singly into your Library with the standard Studio and you can import singly or drag+drop multiple DXF or SVG files into your Library using the Designer Edition.

It’s not as if this change inhibits other artists from making wonderful art for people to use with their Silhouette. You can still access all the amazingness out there. You just can’t get it in the form of a .STUDIO file.
From the Kerri Bradford site that was linked earlier.

I'm not getting all the outrage. If you expect your TOUs to be honored, then you need to do the same.

Anonymous said...

#51 - exactly. I already pointed out she can still sell files using the product, just not .STUDIO files. I guess she doesn't want to hear that though.

#49 - spot on.

Anonymous said...

LOL I guess the unsympathetic types aren't cutting files designers, because they would get the frustration if they were. And I think it's very frustrating. Yeah, maybe the company is within their rights, but it is still upsetting to have based a chunk of your business on it and then having it ripped out from under you. And removing files from all your product is annoying and tedious, too.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with you #53.

I'm actually pretty shocked at the responses here, it makes me think Silhouette employees are here, who else would know what page the tou is on?

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding? Silhouette employees? Thanks for the laugh. You know how hard it was to find the TOU and what page it was on? I Googled "Silhouette TOU". So to answer your question, who would know, anyone with a brain.

As for being shocked, be shocked by things that are shocking, which are certainly not the responses here.

Yes, it's frustrating to have to change the files and remove product, but that's the nature of the business.

Anonymous said...

Act like a professional and then maybe you won't be shocked that you need to follow the TOU when you use software.

Anonymous said...

What other types of files can be used in a Silhouette?

Are these other files types easy to use? Can these other files be used 'as-is' or do they need to be modified before you can cut with them in Silhouette? thanks

Anonymous said...

#57 - please read #51 and you will see what other file types can be used, which are .DXF and .SVG.

Also, check this out - it may be useful.

Anonymous said...

If you can still sell your designs to silhouette customers then a chunk of your business has not been ripped out from under you.

Part of business is totally about frustration. That's why it's business and not pleasure. You're in it to make money, not have an easy time enjoying yourself. Get off the pity pot and move on. You can still design files for silhouette users. If you don't agree to the terms of the silhouette software, then don't use it.

Anonymous said...

No, I cannot still sell my designs. I designed them, following THEIR TOU, they changed it, now I can't. These are cutting files FOR the Silhouette. I spent days on each design, then previews, promoting etc.

I'm not sure why you think I'm not being professional.

Anonymous said...

You can use SVG and DFX for the Silhouette. Sure it's a PITA changing them from .STUDIO, but those are the only files you can't sell any more.

As for why some think you aren't being professional, how about the fact that you were hoping for some free legal advice and asking for it on a smack blog.

Anonymous said...

Its Studio who is being unprofessional. They entered unto a business agreement and changed it after the fact.

I don't sell cutting files, but I would probably refuse to take the files out of old products, created before the TOU change.

Anonymous said...

Silhouette I mean, is being unprofessional. I got confused between their file name and their software name.

Anonymous said...

How is Silhouette being unprofessional? It's not the first time a corporation has changed their TOU. They don't change them just for fun you know.

You can refuse as much as you like, but don't come crying here when you get sued.

Anonymous said...

do you read? I just said I don't make those files. I said if I did, I would refuse to remove files made before the TOU change. Because you can't change TOU retroactively. You can't change any agreement retroactively. Imagine how many banks would retroactively increase mortgage rates if they could?

Anonymous said...

No, I cannot still sell my designs. I designed them, following THEIR TOU, they changed it, now I can't. These are cutting files FOR the Silhouette. I spent days on each design, then previews, promoting etc.

I'm not sure why you think I'm not being professional.
Aug 14, 2012 12:14:00 AM

Are you being petulant or are you just stupid? You can still sell your files, only in a different format. And those formats can be used FOR the Silhouette.

Your refusal to accept a change in Silhouette's TOU is what's making you seem unprofessional. Unpleasant things happen in business all the time. A professional deals with it and doesn't get bogged down in whining and stomping their feet about something they don't like.

Anonymous said...

.STUDIO is a Proprietary file format. I can understand Silhouette wanting to protect their profits.

If it's really that upsetting to you, why not apply to sell in the Silhouette store? You would probably be reaching a larger customer base there vs a solely digi market anyhow.

Anonymous said...

And for the whiny cutting files designer, taking that idiot's advice about refusing to take out your files would be stupid.

They changed their TOU. They gave notice. They are not demanding that you go back and give them the money from your past sales. But from this point forward, you have been notified that you are breaking TOU by selling .studio files. You have two choices: continue to design cutting files for the Silhouette in the .DXF or .SVG format OR quit using their Studio software to design your product that you're selling.

Because it sounds like that's what this is really about. Cheapos who don't have or didn't want to learn how to use design software like Adobe Illustrator were using the Studio software to design .studio files and selling them. Now, that loophole that was being taken advantage of is closed.

From the Keri whatever site that you originally linked:
And even with the latest Studio License Agreement, from how I–and others I know–understand it to be, is that it’s you aren’t allowed to create your art file in the program and sell it. Since I created my art in Illustrator, this did not seem to be an issue.

If you were already following Silhouette's TOU, you would have been using a separate program to create your files. And if that's the case, it will be no problem for you to create your files in the .DVX and .SVG file formats. The change in terms happened because of people who weren't following the terms and who were creating their designs with the Studio program (that's why they were in .STUDIO format) and then selling them.
Once again, conduct yourself like a professional if you expect to make money.

Too cheap to use an actual design program, too cheap to seek out real legal help, and too cheap and greedy to follow TOU.

I hope your sorry ass gets sued six ways to Sunday.

Anonymous said...

wow, 68. The ceiling in here is entirely too low for that big ole high horse you're riding.

Anonymous said...

Yes, because expecting a "designer" to conduct themselves in a professional manner and follow TOUs of the products they use is being on *such* a high horse @@

Why don't you go consult a lawyer, since you are so hellbent on breaking Silhouette's TOU.

Anonymous said...

They changed their TOU. They gave notice. They are not demanding that you go back and give them the money from your past sales. But from this point forward, you have been notified that you are breaking TOU by selling .studio files. You have two choices: continue to design cutting files for the Silhouette in the .DXF or .SVG format OR quit using their Studio software to design your product that you're selling.

Because it sounds like that's what this is really about. Cheapos who don't have or didn't want to learn how to use design software like Adobe Illustrator were using the Studio software to design .studio files and selling them. Now, that loophole that was being taken advantage of is closed.

From the Keri whatever site that you originally linked:
And even with the latest Studio License Agreement, from how I–and others I know–understand it to be, is that it’s you aren’t allowed to create your art file in the program and sell it. Since I created my art in Illustrator, this did not seem to be an issue.

If you were already following Silhouette's TOU, you would have been using a separate program to create your files. And if that's the case, it will be no problem for you to create your files in the .DVX and .SVG file formats. The change in terms happened because of people who weren't following the terms and who were creating their designs with the Studio program (that's why they were in .STUDIO format) and then selling them.
Good catch!

Only someone who was designing the files in the studio software and then breaking tous by selling them would be unable to keep designing silhouette files and just use the other two formats.

Anonymous said...

I don't create cutting files, but I do have friends who specialize in creating them, have Illustrator, and are still really upset because they were trying to serve their customers the best possible solutions, and it involved much more than just dvx or svg files. So come on down off your arrogant steed and try being human. The real loser is the consumer, and that is a shame.

Anonymous said...

Can consumers not use .DXF or .SVG files in a Silhouette?

Anonymous said...

I do have friends who specialize in creating them, have Illustrator, and are still really upset because they were trying to serve their customers the best possible solutions, and it involved much more than just dvx or svg files.
What does it involve? Why is it harder to create a file in the dxf or svg format?

Anonymous said...

I would think that limiting yourself to selling designs that only work in one machine would be silly. Unless you're one of those that was making your designs using the studio software, which was not supposed to be happening anyway.

Anonymous said...

I buy cutting files, and I have no problem with using the DXF and SVG files for my Cameo. I'm not sure why anyone would say that I (the consumer) am losing out.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, I'm still a little confused about the outrage about the .studio files.

Can designers still design the .DXF or .SVG files for use in the Silhouette?

Can consumers still use the .DXF or .SVG files for use in the Silhouette?

Then is the problem just the convenience factor of not being able to sell/use the .studio files anymore? Or what am I missing?

I'd be so appreciative if someone could clarify this better for me. I'm considering purchasing a Silhouette & am now worried the software. Will I still be able to cut out true type fonts? I'd like to be able to design my own files for cutting too - with these changes will I need to buy some special software instead of Illustrator? Thanks in advance.

Anonymous said...

sorry about the typo, that should read "am now worried ABOUT the software" in comment #77 above

Anonymous said...

I would also like to know what the big problem is. Are consumers not going to be able to to use DXF and SVG files? Keri Bradford's post said that designers will still be able to design and sell files for consumers to use.

So what's the posts about the consumer losing out?

And what huge, involved problems are there for designers to make DXF and SVG files?

I'd also really appreciate someone explaining this to me.

Anonymous said...

I'm guessing Silhouette's big money maker must be the actual files they sell - the designers make very little from them, and this latest move seems to be to preserve their little dynasty. I'm sure a lot of digi scrappers will continue to figure it out and enjoy it, but the casual user will probably stick to the easy stuff Silhouette feeds them.

Anonymous said...

I can't delete any of Natali's files, it always says its in use. I had to download a special software just to delete her stuff. Anyone encounter that before?

Anonymous said...

#80 I think that's the case too. Kari said she used to work for that co. and chose not to sell in the online store.

This is how it works, they sell subscriptions, it's around $10 a month for 25 designs. The designer gets to keep a whopping 20% of that.

Anonymous said...

Designers are not making the actual files in Silhouette, they make them in Photoshop, Illustrator or ?

The do make the cut lines for the files in Silhouette and then save them in that format so customers can just open and cut.

If you have an svg you have to make the cut lines yourself, if it's a simple design it no big deal, sometimes an intricate design is a little tricky.

#77 - you will still be able to cut any font or design, you just can't save it as a studio file and sell it.

The outrage is because now we have to go in and change all our files, and previews, plus change them out at all the galleries where we've posted them.

Yeah, big PITA.

Anonymous said...

Eh, I don't think consumers are losing out if they can still cut any font or design they want.

Changing out files and previews is a hassle, but that's part of doing business. PITA, yes.

Worthy of drama and claims that someone could sue? Hardly.

Anonymous said...

I don't think anyone claimed they were going to sue.

Anonymous said...

What is .DXF

Anonymous said...

Not all consumers are techie, so if you remove some of the ease in use, you will lose some of the customers. It just is what it is.

Anonymous said...

538 elements? This is one thing that is wrong with this industry. Regular price of this kit is $3.99. (60 papers and 3 alphas are also included).

Anonymous said...

538 elements? This is one thing that is wrong with this industry. Regular price of this kit is $3.99. (60 papers and 3 alphas are also included).


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...sites that require me to allow cookies just to browse your site don't get repeat visits...

Anonymous said...

Let the popularity contest begin. Voting begins tonight for the "games" at SSD.

Anonymous said...

do you read? I just said I don't make those files. I said if I did, I would refuse to remove files made before the TOU change. Because you can't change TOU retroactively. You can't change any agreement retroactively.

@@ No, I don't read, quite obviously. I'm not really sure how I'm replying to you seeing as I'm completely illiterate.

No one is talking about changing the TOU retroactively, so apparently you don't read either.

Anonymous said...

wow, 68. The ceiling in here is entirely too low for that big ole high horse you're riding.

Again I understand why some of you think places are snobby and cliquey. If anyone with a decent and/or intelligent opinion says something, they are on a high horse.

Anonymous said...

So come on down off your arrogant steed and try being human.


Why not just stop feeling inferior and realize that some people actually understand what they are talking about. It's never too late to learn.

Anonymous said...

This is one thing that is wrong with this industry. Regular price of this kit is $3.99. (60 papers and 3 alphas are also included).

No it isn't.

Anonymous said...

No it isn't.

Than what is? That's what it says.

Anonymous said...

#95 - I was referring to 'this is one thing that is wrong with the industry. I thought that would have been obvious. Apparently not.

Anonymous said...

538 elements? This is one thing that is wrong with this industry. Regular price of this kit is $3.99. (60 papers and 3 alphas are also included).

Come on now. You really think she put 538 elements in there? That has to be a typo.

Anonymous said...

#97 - not necessarily. If it's a bunch of recolors, it wouldn't be hard to have that many elements.

Anonymous said...

high horse - an attitude of arrogant superiority

I think the OP had a point. Even the most intelligent opinions lose value if you are rude. Not to say you can't be rude, but don't expect your opinion to be well-received if you are.

Anonymous said...

That kit is really cute, but I'm guessing it doesn't have 538 elements .

Anonymous said...

#99 - fair point.

Anonymous said...

Interesting who people are questioning the elements, but not the amount of papers at 60. Also, there are 10 download files. So, I'm guessing that there are 60 papers and 538 elements. The whole thing is nothing but CU so it wouldn't that hard.

Anonymous said...

*how, not who

Anonymous said...

Eh, that kit isn't really a style I'd use (I don't like those cartoony little kids) but some of the stuff I see on the preview doesn't look bad.

If she wants to load a kit, good for her.

Anonymous said...

Not all consumers are techie, so if you remove some of the ease in use, you will lose some of the customers. It just is what it is.
Aug 14, 2012 12:19:00 PM

Yeah, well, that's pretty much the nature of the beast when you're selling digital files. There's only so much ease of use/dumbing down you can do.

Anonymous said...

81. The one time I got that message, I restarted the computer and then the file deleted just fine.

Anonymous said...

Nikki Epperson is the ultimate kiss ass. She is now posting at TLP so she can become a Pollywog. She did it at SSD for the same reason. Am I the only one who sees through what she does?

Anonymous said...

I really like Nikki, and I don't think she's a kiss ass at all. I know her in a different arena than CT'ing though.

Anonymous said...

Nikki Epperson is the ultimate kiss ass. She is now posting at TLP so she can become a Pollywog. She did it at SSD for the same reason. Am I the only one who sees through what she does?

why do you care? Who is she hurting?

Anonymous said...

#109- Noone. Just making an observation like other people do on here.

Anonymous said...

It sounded like more than an observation. It sounded personal.

Anonymous said...

#111- It's just annoying. Nothing personal.

Anonymous said...

As I don't hang at SSD nor TLP, I don't find it annoying. *shrug*

Anonymous said...

The real loser is the consumer, and that is a shame.

No, not really. I checked the Silhouette website and there are more than enough cutting files available. I don't think they are losing at all.

Anonymous said...

What is .DXF


Dd you mistake the comments section for the Google search bar?

Anonymous said...

115- LOL

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the reply 106. I restarted many many times but it's still always locked. I get that everytime with Natali's files only.

Anonymous said...

That kit is really cute, but I'm guessing it doesn't have 538 elements .


I have quite a few of her kits and yes she does recolor most elements but there are still a lot of unique elements in her kits (100-200). Yes they are at a low price but it means for people like me who dont have a big budget to spend, I can get a kit full of different elements and I personally think at a good quality for a excellent price.

Anonymous said...

Not all consumers are techie, so if you remove some of the ease in use, you will lose some of the customers. It just is what it is.
Aug 14, 2012 12:19:00 PM

I'd imagine that anyone that would even buy a Silhouette has enough techie skills to figure it out.

Anonymous said...

The SSD finalists are jokes. All the popular scrappers from SSD and the "new" ones are mostly scrappers popular at other sites. So, no one really "new."

It's mostly a let's pat ourselves on the back for being so awesome "contest." If it weren't for Cindy, I'd never shop at that store again.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I was pretty disgusted by the results. Who do you think should win from each category?

Anonymous said...

#120, who would you have picked instead?

Anonymous said...

#81: Try downloading Unlocker from CNET:

I had the same trouble with some files from a designer and this program cleared the problem right up for me.

Anonymous said...

I have quite a few of her kits and yes she does recolor most elements but there are still a lot of unique elements in her kits (100-200). Yes they are at a low price but it means for people like me who dont have a big budget to spend, I can get a kit full of different elements and I personally think at a good quality for a excellent price.

It actually looks like a cute kit at a good price.

Anonymous said...

If there's not enough, people complain. If there's too much, people complain. And it's always with the "that's what wrong with this industry" heading. What's wrong with this industry is all the complaining.

Anonymous said...

Time to find a new industry, 125.

Anonymous said...

I think you need to look at the LO's and the vote casters in each catagory-you will quickly pick out who voted to bring the "regulars" into the final. I really think that there are some great LO's that got over looked but there was a lot of competition and judging is subjective because people don't all look at a LO the same.
Like the GSO blog-some of those LO's to me are total crap-but I know they are beautiful to the people who picked them.

Anonymous said...

Kimberly Morris has some of the ugliest pages I have ever seen. They are boring and her shadows are terrible. And shocker, she got a best overall portfolio nomination.

Anonymous said...

Kimberly Morris has some of the ugliest pages I have ever seen. They are boring and her shadows are terrible. And shocker, she got a best overall portfolio nomination.

Aug 15, 2012 12:09:00 PM
Even bigger shocker, she got it from Laura. I don't know why Laura can't just say she picked her friends. It's clearly what she did.

Anonymous said...

#128 and 129- you are correct. Especially about Laura picking her friends. I thought all of her pages were ugly, especially the one she put in for diving that had people foaming at the mouth with accolades.

Anonymous said...

#130- The one with the ugly looking face? That got nominated for something too.

Anonymous said...

yes that one, it was nominated for diving. The face scares me.

The other thing I thought interesting was that the selected some 600X600 pages when the "official uniform" size was 700X700.

Anonymous said...

Some girls posted 600x600 in their games portfolio and I think they took them from there. What matters is that in the gallery it's posted at 700x700.

Anonymous said...

Not sure why any of you complaining about the latest SSD contest are acting surprised.

Their contests have always been this way. But the really stupid thing is that despite them always being this way, people who aren't part of the clique continue to enter and act all butthurt that it's still happening.

If what you're doing isn't working for you, then quit doing it.

SSD isn't going to change the way they do things until people wise up and quit entering the contests.

Anonymous said...

Um wrong. The two I just checked are 600X600 in the gallery.

Anonymous said...

135 is right. Each of the pages in the voting threads that look smaller than the others are 600X600.

Anonymous said...

Why would they ask for 700x700? Seems odd.

Anonymous said...

135- You're right. I didn't check hard enough.

Anonymous said...

Why would you expect ssd to follow the rules of the contest if their predetermined winners had decided to break them?

silly rabbits

Anonymous said...

anyone see the digi scrap connect blog train? is it worth the tour?

Anonymous said...

#139- I like Trix!

Anonymous said...

I like Froot Loops more than Trix.

But my favorite is Cinnamon Toast Crunch.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Lucky Charms!

Anonymous said...

Rice Crispies over vanilla ice cream :)

Anonymous said...

But my favorite is Cinnamon Toast Crunch.

We're back to TOAST!!!

Anonymous said...

I love the brown sugar frosted mini-wheats... with toast!

Anonymous said...

Golden Grahams for this girl!

Anonymous said...

If there's not enough, people complain. If there's too much, people complain. And it's always with the "that's what wrong with this industry" heading. What's wrong with this industry is all the complaining.

Ever hear of the saying - you can't please all of the people all of the time.

Ironic, don't you think, that you are complaining about the complaining.

Anonymous said...

Good old fashioned corn flakes here, none of the sugar crap for me.

Anonymous said...

What I don't understand is that you some of you seem to think that SSD does this time and time again and yet you still get upset by it. What's the point in that?

Anonymous said...

When will the SSD contest be over? I'm sick of hearing about it.

Anonymous said...

We're back to TOAST!!!


Toast rules!

Anonymous said...

Krystal Hartley is having a CT call. All CT members must tell her how beautiful she is everytime she posts a new picture.

Anonymous said...

Krystal Hartley is having a CT call. All CT members must tell her how beautiful she is everytime she posts a new picture.

I actually laughed out loud at that.

Anonymous said...

Honey Nut Cheerios here.

Anonymous said...

Krystal Hartley is having a CT call. All CT members must tell her how beautiful she is everytime she posts a new picture.

And totally plausible

Anonymous said...

Cap N' Crunch with the berries here!

Anonymous said...

Cap n' crunch with berries turns your crap green.

Anonymous said...

I only like the old school Crunch Berries

Anonymous said...

I love crunch berries, but they chew up the roof of my mouth something awful, so I will stick with toast. Toast has never done me wrong :)

Anonymous said...

Krystal Hartley is having a CT call. All CT members must tell her how beautiful she is everytime she posts a new picture.
Aug 15, 2012 5:55:00 PM

Where did you see this? I don't see it posted anywhere. I could be blind, though.

Anonymous said...

#162- Her fanpage. I would never want to CT for her. I'm not sure how many times I can call her a pretty pretty princess before I want to puke.

Anonymous said...

Like or love Krystal-her new stuff is pretty gorgeous, at least for how I scrap. So what she likes herself, is self-love and promotion a sin? I get much more sick of people like Lizzy and Sarah Cornish flooding my feed with instagram photos. Yes I realize I can hide them, but I'm lazy.

Anonymous said...

164- Her stuff is gorgeous. I just don't like her.

Anonymous said...

I think Kimberly thoroughly deserved an overall portfolio nomination, her LOs jump out of the gallery at you and stand out. It's not Lauras fault she happened to be assigned to that category for judging.

People seem to think SSD is out to be as unfair as possible to the "outsiders" but I have never seen it be anything but welcoming.
It is when you bring the other sites like personal FB pages and twitter into the equation that the clique mentatlity comes to mind. But those pages are personal nothing to do with SSD. On the SSD forum I fail to see the clique. Obviously thats just my opinion. You have already made up your mind.

Anonymous said...

Cinnamon toast rules!

Anonymous said...

Bella G is going to SO?

Jen M said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
DigiSmacker said...

Hey, serious question. Occasionally, comments go into spam, which I only check every couple of weeks. If I approve them, they will mess up the numbers.

So, should I quote them in a new comment, just so they end up here, leave them in spam, or approve them and mess up the comment numbers?

Anonymous said...

What is it that people like about "super talented CD Muckosky"s stuff? The previews just look like a hot mess to me. What is the allure?

Anonymous said...

RE: occasional blocked comments

If you add them back & it shifts the comment numbering, that defeats the purpose of having the posts numbered in the first place. It makes it confusing when people respond to a number but the number has changed.

If it's necessary to add the comments back in that way I'd get rid of the numbers.

However the numbers on the side make it easier to respond to questions/comments. I'd prefer to keep the comments numbered, so which ever method you prefer to do this (quote them in comment or just ignore) is fine with me.

Anonymous said...

What is it that people like about "super talented CD Muckosky"s stuff? The previews just look like a hot mess to me. What is the allure?

Why the sarcasm? Her previews don't look that different from designers who have a similar product. Why do they like it? Because it's like art journaling without it being too out there. Also, she's a scrapping legend.

Anonymous said...

173- She is NOT a scrapping legend. She is known for her alpha's.

Anonymous said...

173- She is NOT a scrapping legend. She is known for her alpha's.

Um, no. She is a scrapping legend.

By the way, there's no apostrophe in alphas.

Anonymous said...

#175- I know there isn't LOL. Want some toast?

Anonymous said...

Anyone see Bella Gypsy's vid?

Anonymous said...

Does it bother anyone else when a designer has a sale that they announce is for a specific purpose (buying a new computer, paying the rent, adopting a child)? Curious...

Anonymous said...

It doesn't bother me but it also won't incite me to buy either.

Anonymous said...

As long as they are not needing something new every other week, it doesnt bother me. I did buy from a designer when she had a house fire, but it was something I was already considering. I wouldnt buy something I wouldnt use though.

Anonymous said...

179 - LOL It's a riot - gotta buy now!!!

Sorry, I know it was a typo but it made me laugh.

Anonymous said...

cute video!

Anonymous said...

If there's not enough, people complain. If there's too much, people complain. And it's always with the "that's what wrong with this industry" heading. What's wrong with this industry is all the complaining.

Ironic, don't you think, that you are complaining about the complaining.

No, stating a fact or opinion isn't complaining. [Complain: to express dissatisfaction, pain, uneasiness, censure, resentment, or grief.] Let's go to an example, shall we?

Fact/Opinion: What's wrong with this industry is all the complaining. [Alternate statement: What's wrong with these boots is that the sole is adhered with chewing gum.] In neither statement am I expression dissatisfaction, grief, etc.

Complaint: I'm so sick of all the complaining in the digital scrapbooking industry. This complaining is what ruins it for everyone! Why can't everyone just get along?! [Alternate: I hate these boots! What kind of moron adheres a sole with chewing gum! I'm demanding my money back, with interest!]

Anonymous said...

Makes me think back to when Britt-ish Designs had that sale so she could buy a new couch.

Anonymous said...

I have a Cameo, the designer software, MTC & SCAL.
All of the programs can use svg files which is the standard file for cutting.
I can think of only one reason why a designer would design in studio files. The Silhouette software is free & I would suspect that a lot of customers haven't bought the designer edition which allows you to use svg files.
Perhaps Silhouette isn't selling enough of the newer designer edition and wants customers to buy it.
I also think they are in a growth spurt due to the Cameo success so they are tightening things up legally. (translation: they are beginning to act like Provo Craft)
BTW, you cannot export any studio files into any other format.

Anonymous said...

I think it depends what the designer is raising money for and what designer it is.

If I like the designer, and she is offering sales to raise money, and I have items on my wish list, I may consider buying - but only if I have the money. If I don't like the designer, I won't buy.

I do like that they are explaining the out of the blue sale when they really don't have to. Shows that she wants to be a little personal with her customers.

If you are thinking referring to the Scrapping with Liz sale, I personally may not buy anything, but I think it is a good cause. It's not something that she is just dumping, she's talked about her adoption process on her blog before the sale.

That is my opinion, take it or leave it.

Anonymous said...

No, stating a fact or opinion isn't complaining. [Complain: to express dissatisfaction, pain, uneasiness, censure, resentment, or grief.] Let's go to an example, shall we?

In that case, the others were also expressing an opinion about the amount of elements and not complaining about the amount of elements.

Thanks for clearing that up.

Anonymous said...

123 "The SSD finalists are jokes."
I'm curious who do you think should have made the finals? I don't like all of the picks but some are ok.

Anonymous said...

Oh by the way, Blog Owner, I also think you should either just delete them or copy and paste them to a new comment so that the numbering system isn't off.

Anonymous said...

174 - She was the first digital scrapper to win Creating Keepsakes Hall of Fame. I'd say that makes her a scrapping legend.

Anonymous said...

CD is and always has been an incredible scrapper. I remember way back when all this digi started, she made some amazing pages at 2Peas. I emailed her and asked some questions and she emailed back with answers. SUPER nice, then and now.

Anonymous said...

#190 and 191- Not everyone scrapped back then. She rarely scraps now which is why I don't know her as a scrapping legend.

Anonymous said...

Any one else getting tired of the many All About Me kits and subsequent "soul baring" layouts? Some are actually therapeutic and thought provoking, but others not so much, with the same multiple face photos and I am good enough sentiments. Ugh.

Anonymous said...

193- Isn't that what All About Me kits are for?

Anonymous said...

192- I do agree some of the layouts get really overdone but some people scrap for themselves and like to get all their feelings out on "paper".

Anonymous said...

I think what I am tiring of it the CT members who have to keep telling their stories with kit after kit and actually it's SSD which seems to be the worst offender here.

Anonymous said...

Nicole is kissing Lizzy Reiber's ass this week. If you look at her CT's pages for her new kit on her fanpage, you will see Lizzy is the only one out of all the ladies who got called beautiful by Nicole. This is one more reason I can't stand Nicole. I feel bad for the rest of her CT who worked just as hard.

Anonymous said...

Maybe because Lizzy's page has a giant photo OF HER on it? Duh.

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm, Bella Gypsy at SO, after just posting they could not afford to leave their shops and how loyal they were and exclusive was not for them. Isn't that interesting.

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm, Bella Gypsy at SO, after just posting they could not afford to leave their shops and how loyal they were and exclusive was not for them. Isn't that interesting.

Yeah, who would have thunk it? Only, they've done this before, at least twice.

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