question: can you make a decent living doing s4h? or is it just pin money.... is this a budding area or has it not taken off? curious, have been thinking about setting something up...
Well, what's the definition of a good designer? The ones who happen to sell a lot, or designers who don't sell that much, but stay in close contact with their (potential) customers, good CS etc?
I first got here when I was still doing CT work. Like #5, I was googling somebody in the biz and this blog (I mean the original one) came up. I don't CT anymore. I haven't been doing it for a long time actually but one day I might have enough time to do it again so I like to stay updated.
#12 not everyone thinks that. There are many people almost worshipping Traci Reed, and she's not a good quality designer, but I do think she takes quite good money from it. It's just opinion like.
#7 why would you want know what they make? Just recently someone said she makes "thousands".
200-I'm not the grammar police either. I feel the same way. If I see an ad poorly written with misspelled words and such, I usually won't buy the product. If they are careless in their business practices, then their product probably isn't worth buying.
Designers make anywhere from $0 - $3000 a month. From being an admin in stores I'd guess 50% of the designer selling make less than $100 per month in a single store (there are many designers who sell in multiple stores to increase how much they make), another 25% in the $100 - $300 range, 10% in the $300 - $500, 10% in the $500 - $1000 and only 5% above $1000. And of the 5% probably only 1% or less make $2000 or more. When you look at most stores, there are probably 1-3 designers who make up the bulk of their sales. The big name stores probably have more equality in sales numbers across the board but may have a few who make significantly less but round out the product offerings in the store. However, in some cases, I think that people might be surprised at what certain designers actually make. There are designers out there who are not in top stores and aren't heavy hitters in the industry who do regularly make $1000 per month so you can't always judge a book by it's cover.
^^^^ I consider this post to be heresay. If you have conducted an industry wide survey and then verified the results against actual sales reports, you really have no idea how much the "average" designer makes. I get so irritated at people who write crap like this. Like you have enough data to actually apply percentages to your opinion. And make no mistake, this is your opinion, not fact. Being an admin in some stores does not give you insight into every single store and the financials for a large cross section of designers. Just saying.
Not the op but I'd say that's pretty accurate overall. I think the percentages might be different if you were talking about designers who only do pu products. Then I'd say it's probably more around 1-3% not 5 that make over a thousand.
I think people like to "fluff" their earnings. I rarely believe anyone who comes in here and says they make such and such amounts. So feel free to flood the thread with "I make such and such". Saying something doesn't make it true.
That's strange you feel that way, #16 - I happen to feel that #15 is pretty dead on with her figures, AND the last comment about 'non-heavy hitters' regularly making a grand or more. Its not hearsay (notice the correct spelling) at all if she has first hand knowledge. As far as I'm concerned, she is pretty accurate.
I am the OP and if you'll notice it's all prefaced by "I'd guess." Of course it's my opinion, albeit, I feel based on a good amount of observation and actual sales figures for several stores. In fact, I probably erred a little on the safe side with my guesses, it's probably more than 50% who make less than $100 a month in a single store. In one store I was in, less than 10% of the designers did 80% of the sales in the store and that is FACT. Look at all those store listed on the side of this blog, there are A LOT of designers trying to make it in this industry, so it shouldn't be surprising that many of them aren't making a whole lot, there's only so much purchase $$ to go around. I'm not really sure why #16 is so irritated, very odd.
20-I had no idea they made so little! With all they go through-(the time for designing, uploading, downloading, keeping a ct, and the all important customer service) it doesn't look like it would be worth the time and effort. If it were me, I wouldn't do all that for that little return.
Jennifer Wilson and Stephanie Medley-Rath did a survey that they sent to digital designers in 2011, which asked about a number of different issues (time spent designing, advertising, etc). Here are the results for YEARLY SALES: 59 respondents reported making $500 or less; 28 indicated they make between $501-1000; 29 said they make between $1001-5000; 22 reported sales in the $5001-10000 range; 20 said they earn between $10,000-30,000; 3 reported sales of $30,001-50,000; and 3 reported yearly sales of $50,001 or more.
There was no way to see whether those designers sell PU or CU items or just regular stuff, nor was there a way to see the size of their shop, etc. Still, it's a glimpse at the earnings of 135 designers and gives you an idea of how sales break down across a group of that size.
So of that sample the average is - 53% less than $100 per month, in fact 36% make less than $50 per month but 16% make about $800 or more per month. Interesting.
I suppose it boils down to the fact that most designers are not designers full time. Those that are, those that spend 40+ hours a week designing, managing their brands, networking, etc - these designers I can understand make a marketable wage of 1k or more monthly. So with that in mind, that survey that was referenced above - did it measure the hours against the income? Lumping part time designer income against full time income skews the result. IMO.
I, too, made $1500/month on average working part-time designing. I made about $15-20/hour based upon how much time I spent designing and marketing. I retired from design because I can make a lot more outside of the home with less drama.
Just getting back to Trixie Scraps new kit......OMG, how does she not get sued over that? 'Disney' is even in the url!!!!!!
Just getting back to Trixie Scraps new kit......OMG, how does she not get sued over that? 'Disney' is even in the url!!!!!! ------------------------------------------------
She is probably safe because IF Disney was going to go after someone wouldn't it be this bullshit instead??
Now you are just looking a bit desperate for a reason to smack her. Personal grudge, much? You know it's not a solo kit, right? Why not smack both of the designers who made the kit?
Neither of them have tried to hide the fact that it's "inspired by" a Disney movie, so I'm not shocked to see the word in the URL. People looking for Disney kits put the word Disney in their search. Putting it in the link gives the kit a chance to come up in such a search. You're a bit over the top, don't you think? If anyone should have a problem with it, it should be Disney. Clearly, we've all read it enough here to know that they don't.
It doesn't matter if Disney sues. Our community has flayed many a designer for this kind of thing, but for some reason other designers get a pass. It doesn't make sense.
I know we're all sick of miss Happy Tits but I heard she applied to Zig Zag Scraps and they told her NO. (A friend of mine is on the store CT and heard it from one of the owners) I don't know under what name she applied this time though. I wonder how long it will take for her to come here and whine.
I really don't see the copyright issue for the Trixie scraps and brittish designs. There is no Disney characters in the kit. You can clearly see its an inspiration kit not a copy kit
#37 'You're a bit over the top' comment.....that's funny! Who's 'over the top'....I think you are? you're not Tracy are you! LOL And yes the other designer is very much in the wrong too!
#34 - I mostly sold PU. I had a few CU items, but they weren't great sellers (not my customer base). I had 2 stores.
When I first started selling, I didn't make that much. I quickly targeted better stores and was accepted everywhere I applied (not bragging). I chose 2 stores I believed would be best for my style.
My advice is if you're not being accepted into higher traffic stores after 4-6 months, you likely never will be. There are a lot of designers out there who feel you need to "pay your dues" and I encountered a few who were bitter I was "successful" after just 2-3 months.
If you're in a higher traffic store and you're not making at least $200, the store likely isn't the problem - your designs are. That doesn't mean the quality is poor, it just means they're unappealing to customers (maybe poor use of color) or they're too much like other, more established designers those customers are already shop with.
If you don't know if your store is higher traffic, you should learn more about business in general.
It's not a "direct copy". Go back and look again. All are generic items that no one can claim as their own - crown, bear, bow & arrow. The one thing I see that I would think might violate something is that they have the "fate be changed" quote word for word. But I don't know if that matters either. I think it is definitely "inspired" by. Personally, I would have liked to see some things that more clearly denoted Scotland. I've only looked at the preview so maybe there are some elements that I just can't see.
If you think that crown is a direct copy of the one in the movie, you need some serious corrective lenses. Here's the original: Theirs is a poor imitation at best. BTW - The movie is really cute and worth the price of admission if you haven't seen it.
Well, I bought the kit. If the crown or word art is your problem, you need to smack Britt, since she is the one who designed them. Trixie's half of the kit is more Scottish or Celtic. Sorry to ruin your field day, but as an earlier poster said, some designers seem to be able to get away with the copyright problems without ever being mentioned here, and I think in this case you are smacking the wrong person.
Did we ever find out why Trixie left PBP so suddenly?
Considering the complete lack of drama at PBP, it must be her attitude. That would be my guess anyway, since her reputation for being a whiner precedes her.
I can assure you that Disney doesn't care. I've reported the designers at Ebay who sell the actual Disney graphics (probably right-clicking off the web). And they have done NOTHING!
I can assure you that Disney doesn't care. I've reported the designers at Ebay who sell the actual Disney graphics (probably right-clicking off the web). And they have done NOTHING!
Considering the gazillions of dollars they make on Disney, I doubt a few dozen digi kits, or even a few thousand of anything else, is even on their radar. It would cost them more to pay people to enforce it than their time or money is worth. Hence the reason people will continue to abuse it. Sad but probably true.
Me So Scrappy is down completely and for good since today.
Did you read this somewhere? That is really crappy to close without giving anyone warning they were going to. What about all the people that were using their open gallery as their primary gallery for all their layouts? Now they don't even have an option to go in there and copy them (with all the credits) to a different gallery. They should have given their members notice. FAIL.
55--that is why you keep copies of your layouts and find a way to keep track of your credits. I agree though, it was a crappy thing to do with no notice.
57--I didn't say I was using their gallery. I know it will impact some of the girls who are on a team with me and they are upset about it. But, you're right and they should have been keeping track of their credits a different way, I suppose. Though, I'm sure they also didn't expect their gallery to be shut down without warning, either.
60-It takes money to run a website and without the revenue from the store, I really can't blame her for closing the forum and the gallery. I agree, though that she should have given warning. That was pretty crappy.
I'm not paying $5 to read the rules for a contest. But if it's an ASDR rip off, that's great. ASDR was a lot of fun, but the follow through on prizes was a mess and half of them weren't even worth downloading.
I don't think SSD has ever done a contest thing before though, have they? This might lend some weight to the rumor that sales are down there.
#70 Actually makes me laugh when I read posts like this. There are some very disturbed people out there that love smacking others because it makes them feel better...go for it! LOL
I don't think it will. Most CTMs just want to dump off their pages and move on. Most don't want to leave comments on pages. What's the point of that anyway? How does she plan on enforcing the "active member" requirement? If you're going to have an open gallery, have an open gallery and stop trying to force a community.
As a CTM, I only want comments that are genuine and not required. I hate when other CTMs leave forced comments on my pages. I'd rather have none at all.
#78 You could have pulled the words right out of my mouth. Seriously. I do NOT want comments on my layouts just because it's a requirement! and on the CTM side, do you know how hard it is to post a "meaningful comment" on a layout that just flat out sucks?
The forum and gallery are lame. If you are going to start a site, at least have PHPBB and a "real"-ish gallery. This is all Wordpress based and is not very user friendly.
I bought the SSD Scrapping Games kit with the preview of the prizes - I don't shop there very often but I was tempted. And I have to say I am not at all inspired by the prizes. Boooooring.
I'm a regular SSD shopper and I like all the SSD prizes as far as gift cards and chances to win access to the store. The other prizes aren't anything I'm interested in. The DST prize would be nice, but not enough to convince me I have half a chance at winning it!
You don't have to buy the kit to find out the prizes. They'll post them publically next week. It's just early knowledge of the prizes. Plus all the kit sales money goes back to the contest players somehow (no details on that in the downloads).
I don't plan on posting the list of prizes because I'm greedy and would like more people to buy it so I can win more $$. Plain and simple.
#88 Thanks for your honesty. It actually sounds like a good idea for a challenge. The money spent on the kits goes towards the gift certificates they are giving away. I bet we'll see more contests like this from other places in the future - like it or not. Most people who enter contests are in it for the prize and probably don't really generate a lot of sales in the host store. Not a bad idea at all...
The gift certificate amounts are set - they aren't going up. The store uses funds from the sale of those kits to offset their costs. So to 'Greedy' above, you won't get more by not telling people what the prizes are.
I am not going to type them all out because I don't care enough. Bascially there are large GCs to SSD and GCs to other sites like Daily Digi, and Heritage Makers and Persnickity Prints and some other sites I've never heard of. Not much different than prizes to almost every other scrapping contest that's ever been held.
Since I couldn't even find another kit I liked to spend $10 to get the free kit - I really don't find the huge GCs to SSD to be interesting at all.
When people are 'eeeee!' over prizes and it's just the same old shit every contest has I find it pretty underwhelming.
I'm frustrated. I currently CT for a designer. She hasn't offered her product to the CT members, yet I see new product in the store. If she doesn't want us on her team you'd think she'd just get rid of the team. Why have a team if she isn't going to use it? Anybody else have something like this happen?
#100 - I generally leave CTs like that. If it's once or twice, I don't, but if it's a regular thing, I do. What's the point? I'd rather be on a CT that doesn't waste my time, even if it's not a lot of time. It gets annoying.
101-Thanks. Yes, I'm annoyed. Being on her team actually keeps me off of other teams. Some designers count up the number of CT's a person is on, and if they are on several, they don't choose you! I have a few CT's that the designers aren't very productive, so having them on my list of teams also keeps me from other teams.
102 - Sounds like it's time to resign. I have a CT for a reason. I expect them to do their jobs in a timely manner. My responsibility is to provide them with product in a timely manner so they can do their job. Like you said, if a designer isn't going to have their CT work with new products, why have a CT?
Frankly, I didn't ASK you. I was just venting my frustration. I have enough to do without her product, so I'm actually not worried about it. I was just frustrated. I'm over it. If she wants me to work with her product, she'll give it to me. If she doesn't, I won't go begging for it. I can quit. In fact, I joined two other CT's today, so I probably won't have time for her when she does ask.
Not all designers care if LOs are done before the product hits the store. I don't always giver product to my CT before it hits the store but that doesn't mean they aren't welcome to it.
Frankly, I didn't ASK you. I was just venting my frustration. I have enough to do without her product, so I'm actually not worried about it. I was just frustrated. I'm over it. If she wants me to work with her product, she'll give it to me. If she doesn't, I won't go begging for it. I can quit. In fact, I joined two other CT's today, so I probably won't have time for her when she does ask. -----
#116 - I'm by no means the grammar police, but I really, really HATE when people call someone else a dummy when they can't even communicate properly. It's you're not your and it's "it's" not its and there should be a comma before dummy - not to mention the lack of caps where necessary.
You may want to stop pointing your finger at others and start pointing it at yourself.
12-I stand by my comment I didn't ask YOU! Obviously, you just like to slam people. ---
No, I don't like to slam people, but I do like to point out when they are being stupid. And how as I supposed to know you didn't ask me specifically, you never mentioned me.
What are you doing on this blog at all if you feel the need to say someone can't complain here? Honestly, some of you people are idiots. -
I wasn't aware this blog was just so people can complain. Besides, she asked a damn question and I answered her. Isn't that part of the blog too? Isn't it?
I just think it's hilarious that a CTM actually complained about a designer not giving her a new release before putting in a shop. If the designer works too close to a deadline and doesn't have time to wait for CT layouts, then the designer misses out on whatever exposure you could have given, and that is the designer's problem. Acting like the designer somehow owes you something is complete BS.
They may be correcting you, but I will admit to discounting almost everything said by someone who doesn't know the difference between 'your' and 'you're' and 'to' and 'too'.
I know we're all sick of miss Happy Tits but I heard she applied to Zig Zag Scraps and they told her NO. (A friend of mine is on the store CT and heard it from one of the owners) I don't know under what name she applied this time though. I wonder how long it will take for her to come here and whine. ___________
Im done with designing until my baby is born. And I'll be coming back as Aly demoraes lol. Losers. You don't have to make shit up to make me still relevant.
I made my own toast, but I didn't make the marmalade. Sometimes I just don't have the time to make my own and buying it is easier. And sometimes my oranges just aren't good enough. It's all about the oranges, isn't it?
Can you please learn to spell biscuits before you start talking about it? Toast may be a stuck up bitch but she's doing something right. Everyone loves her!
As far as marmalade. YUCK! That's just gross and we all know marmalade is just a rip off of real preserves anyway.
THANK YOU! Peanut butter is so overdone anyway. Much like Toast. Did you see the last toast that came out? GROSS!
Some of us like all the crap in our cereal. If you don't like it, just delete it. It's not that difficult. Geez. If I'm going to pay that much for a box of cereal, I expect there to be at least 20-30 different pieces of crap in it. And I don't mean 1 piece of crap colored in 20 different ways. I mean 20 original and different pieces of crap.
«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 600 of 764 Newer› Newest»I always wonder how people who are not CT or Designers find there way here....?
The same way that CTs and designers do?
question: can you make a decent living doing s4h? or is it just pin money.... is this a budding area or has it not taken off? curious, have been thinking about setting something up...
#2 & 3 I was searching a designer name and this site was in my google results.
#4 - probably a question best asked at DST because I don't think anyone here really knows, I could be wrong.
I think it would only be pin money though.
#4 got me thinking. Would love to know how much designers make. Especially some of the good ones.
Well, what's the definition of a good designer? The ones who happen to sell a lot, or designers who don't sell that much, but stay in close contact with their (potential) customers, good CS etc?
#2 i was smacked here and asked for the link to read your opinion... very bad !
I returned anyway.
#9 if you are not a designer or a CT, how on earth were you smacked here?
I first got here when I was still doing CT work. Like #5, I was googling somebody in the biz and this blog (I mean the original one) came up. I don't CT anymore. I haven't been doing it for a long time actually but one day I might have enough time to do it again so I like to stay updated.
#8 Definition of a good one is quality designs.
#12 not everyone thinks that. There are many people almost worshipping Traci Reed, and she's not a good quality designer, but I do think she takes quite good money from it. It's just opinion like.
#7 why would you want know what they make? Just recently someone said she makes "thousands".
200-I'm not the grammar police either. I feel the same way. If I see an ad poorly written with misspelled words and such, I usually won't buy the product. If they are careless in their business practices, then their product probably isn't worth buying.
Designers make anywhere from $0 - $3000 a month. From being an admin in stores I'd guess 50% of the designer selling make less than $100 per month in a single store (there are many designers who sell in multiple stores to increase how much they make), another 25% in the $100 - $300 range, 10% in the $300 - $500, 10% in the $500 - $1000 and only 5% above $1000. And of the 5% probably only 1% or less make $2000 or more. When you look at most stores, there are probably 1-3 designers who make up the bulk of their sales. The big name stores probably have more equality in sales numbers across the board but may have a few who make significantly less but round out the product offerings in the store. However, in some cases, I think that people might be surprised at what certain designers actually make. There are designers out there who are not in top stores and aren't heavy hitters in the industry who do regularly make $1000 per month so you can't always judge a book by it's cover.
I consider this post to be heresay. If you have conducted an industry wide survey and then verified the results against actual sales reports, you really have no idea how much the "average" designer makes. I get so irritated at people who write crap like this. Like you have enough data to actually apply percentages to your opinion. And make no mistake, this is your opinion, not fact. Being an admin in some stores does not give you insight into every single store and the financials for a large cross section of designers. Just saying.
Not the op but I'd say that's pretty accurate overall. I think the percentages might be different if you were talking about designers who only do pu products. Then I'd say it's probably more around 1-3% not 5 that make over a thousand.
I think people like to "fluff" their earnings. I rarely believe anyone who comes in here and says they make such and such amounts. So feel free to flood the thread with "I make such and such". Saying something doesn't make it true.
That's strange you feel that way, #16 - I happen to feel that #15 is pretty dead on with her figures, AND the last comment about 'non-heavy hitters' regularly making a grand or more. Its not hearsay (notice the correct spelling) at all if she has first hand knowledge. As far as I'm concerned, she is pretty accurate.
#16: It's "hearsay", not "heresay". To quote you though: "I get so irritated at people who write crap like this."
I am the OP and if you'll notice it's all prefaced by "I'd guess." Of course it's my opinion, albeit, I feel based on a good amount of observation and actual sales figures for several stores. In fact, I probably erred a little on the safe side with my guesses, it's probably more than 50% who make less than $100 a month in a single store. In one store I was in, less than 10% of the designers did 80% of the sales in the store and that is FACT. Look at all those store listed on the side of this blog, there are A LOT of designers trying to make it in this industry, so it shouldn't be surprising that many of them aren't making a whole lot, there's only so much purchase $$ to go around. I'm not really sure why #16 is so irritated, very odd.
20-I had no idea they made so little! With all they go through-(the time for designing, uploading, downloading, keeping a ct, and the all important customer service) it doesn't look like it would be worth the time and effort. If it were me, I wouldn't do all that for that little return.
My store doesn't have a single person making less than $100 per month, let alone 50%.
22-That is good.
Jennifer Wilson and Stephanie Medley-Rath did a survey that they sent to digital designers in 2011, which asked about a number of different issues (time spent designing, advertising, etc). Here are the results for YEARLY SALES: 59 respondents reported making $500 or less; 28 indicated they make between $501-1000; 29 said they make between $1001-5000; 22 reported sales in the $5001-10000 range; 20 said they earn between $10,000-30,000; 3 reported sales of $30,001-50,000; and 3 reported yearly sales of $50,001 or more.
There was no way to see whether those designers sell PU or CU items or just regular stuff, nor was there a way to see the size of their shop, etc. Still, it's a glimpse at the earnings of 135 designers and gives you an idea of how sales break down across a group of that size.
Sorry, that's across a group of 164 designers. I missed one of the groups when I initially tallied the numbers.
So of that sample the average is - 53% less than $100 per month, in fact 36% make less than $50 per month but 16% make about $800 or more per month. Interesting.
I don't think they had a legit sample group. In my first year, I sold over $11K.
I'm not anything special, so I have a hard time imagining that's right.
24: Is this information posted somewhere? I'd like to read more.
#28: I believe that the information was only sent back to the designers who responded in the first place, so that they could see the survey results.
I suppose it boils down to the fact that most designers are not designers full time. Those that are, those that spend 40+ hours a week designing, managing their brands, networking, etc - these designers I can understand make a marketable wage of 1k or more monthly. So with that in mind, that survey that was referenced above - did it measure the hours against the income? Lumping part time designer income against full time income skews the result. IMO.
And make no mistake, this is your opinion, not fact.
she never said it was fact, she said "I guess". get over yourself.
I, too, made $1500/month on average working part-time designing. I made about $15-20/hour based upon how much time I spent designing and marketing. I retired from design because I can make a lot more outside of the home with less drama.
Oh, and I was no one special, either. One of the many "no-names" out there.
#32 - tell us more. How many stores, PU, CU, etc? Thanks.
Just getting back to Trixie Scraps new kit......OMG, how does she not get sued over that?
'Disney' is even in the url!!!!!!
Anonymous said... 35
Just getting back to Trixie Scraps new kit......OMG, how does she not get sued over that?
'Disney' is even in the url!!!!!!
She is probably safe because IF Disney was going to go after someone wouldn't it be this bullshit instead??
Now you are just looking a bit desperate for a reason to smack her. Personal grudge, much? You know it's not a solo kit, right? Why not smack both of the designers who made the kit?
Neither of them have tried to hide the fact that it's "inspired by" a Disney movie, so I'm not shocked to see the word in the URL. People looking for Disney kits put the word Disney in their search. Putting it in the link gives the kit a chance to come up in such a search. You're a bit over the top, don't you think? If anyone should have a problem with it, it should be Disney. Clearly, we've all read it enough here to know that they don't.
Just getting back to Trixie Scraps new kit......OMG, how does she not get sued over that?
Do you pay attention at all? It has been said time and time and time again that Disney doesn't give a crap, that's why she doesn't get sued.
It doesn't matter if Disney sues. Our community has flayed many a designer for this kind of thing, but for some reason other designers get a pass. It doesn't make sense.
I know we're all sick of miss Happy Tits but I heard she applied to Zig Zag Scraps and they told her NO. (A friend of mine is on the store CT and heard it from one of the owners) I don't know under what name she applied this time though. I wonder how long it will take for her to come here and whine.
I really don't see the copyright issue for the Trixie scraps and brittish designs. There is no Disney characters in the kit. You can clearly see its an inspiration kit not a copy kit
#37 'You're a bit over the top' comment.....that's funny! Who's 'over the top'....I think you are? you're not Tracy are you! LOL
And yes the other designer is very much in the wrong too!'s a direct copy, right down to the tiara/crown! She copies other designers, so why not copy Disney too! Time to get original Tracy!
#34 - I mostly sold PU. I had a few CU items, but they weren't great sellers (not my customer base). I had 2 stores.
When I first started selling, I didn't make that much. I quickly targeted better stores and was accepted everywhere I applied (not bragging). I chose 2 stores I believed would be best for my style.
My advice is if you're not being accepted into higher traffic stores after 4-6 months, you likely never will be. There are a lot of designers out there who feel you need to "pay your dues" and I encountered a few who were bitter I was "successful" after just 2-3 months.
If you're in a higher traffic store and you're not making at least $200, the store likely isn't the problem - your designs are. That doesn't mean the quality is poor, it just means they're unappealing to customers (maybe poor use of color) or they're too much like other, more established designers those customers are already shop with.
If you don't know if your store is higher traffic, you should learn more about business in general.
It's not a "direct copy". Go back and look again. All are generic items that no one can claim as their own - crown, bear, bow & arrow. The one thing I see that I would think might violate something is that they have the "fate be changed" quote word for word. But I don't know if that matters either. I think it is definitely "inspired" by. Personally, I would have liked to see some things that more clearly denoted Scotland. I've only looked at the preview so maybe there are some elements that I just can't see.
I agree with #44 - well said
If you think that crown is a direct copy of the one in the movie, you need some serious corrective lenses. Here's the original:
Theirs is a poor imitation at best.
BTW - The movie is really cute and worth the price of admission if you haven't seen it.
Well, I bought the kit. If the crown or word art is your problem, you need to smack Britt, since she is the one who designed them. Trixie's half of the kit is more Scottish or Celtic. Sorry to ruin your field day, but as an earlier poster said, some designers seem to be able to get away with the copyright problems without ever being mentioned here, and I think in this case you are smacking the wrong person.
Did we ever find out why Trixie left PBP so suddenly?
Me So Scrappy is down completely and for good since today.
Did we ever find out why Trixie left PBP so suddenly?
Considering the complete lack of drama at PBP, it must be her attitude. That would be my guess anyway, since her reputation for being a whiner precedes her.
if it bothers you that much report it...
I can assure you that Disney doesn't care. I've reported the designers at Ebay who sell the actual Disney graphics (probably right-clicking off the web). And they have done NOTHING!
I can assure you that Disney doesn't care. I've reported the designers at Ebay who sell the actual Disney graphics (probably right-clicking off the web). And they have done NOTHING!
Considering the gazillions of dollars they make on Disney, I doubt a few dozen digi kits, or even a few thousand of anything else, is even on their radar. It would cost them more to pay people to enforce it than their time or money is worth. Hence the reason people will continue to abuse it. Sad but probably true.
Me So Scrappy is down completely and for good since today.
Did you read this somewhere? That is really crappy to close without giving anyone warning they were going to. What about all the people that were using their open gallery as their primary gallery for all their layouts? Now they don't even have an option to go in there and copy them (with all the credits) to a different gallery. They should have given their members notice. FAIL.
#50- Where did you read this?
55--that is why you keep copies of your layouts and find a way to keep track of your credits. I agree though, it was a crappy thing to do with no notice.
Me So Scrappy: private Facebook group info. I was on their team and they kept me in the group. It's been announced to 'us' only an hour or so ago.
57--I didn't say I was using their gallery. I know it will impact some of the girls who are on a team with me and they are upset about it. But, you're right and they should have been keeping track of their credits a different way, I suppose. Though, I'm sure they also didn't expect their gallery to be shut down without warning, either.
That just tells you what kind of a person Jac is. Rude and worthless.
#58- Then it shouldn't be to hard to figure out who you are.
#61 - who cares?
60-It takes money to run a website and without the revenue from the store, I really can't blame her for closing the forum and the gallery. I agree, though that she should have given warning. That was pretty crappy.
#62- I take it you don't.
The Facebook page is gone, too.
Anyone seen the "sneak" for the digi games at SSD? Another popularity contest if you asked me.
66- Yes, I agree. It seems like a copy of the ASDR.
So....Me So Scrappy can now be called Me so Crappy! LOL
68- Too late with that. It's been called that for a while.'s a direct copy, right down to the tiara/crown! She copies other designers, so why not copy Disney too! Time to get original Tracy!
Time to get new glasses Miss Anon and while you are at, a brain would be good too.
I'm not paying $5 to read the rules for a contest. But if it's an ASDR rip off, that's great. ASDR was a lot of fun, but the follow through on prizes was a mess and half of them weren't even worth downloading.
I don't think SSD has ever done a contest thing before though, have they? This might lend some weight to the rumor that sales are down there.
#71 at $7.00 per kit, I stopped shipping there, even though my fav. designers are there.... I kinda afford the habit.
kinda= can't
Sorry! Baby on lap! :)
#70 Actually makes me laugh when I read posts like this. There are some very disturbed people out there that love smacking others because it makes them feel better...go for it! LOL
#74 - who, exactly, are you referring to as being disturbed? Me, #70 or the person I was replying to? I willing admit to being disturbed.
I'm disturbed too. I'm not either of the above posters, but I just thought I'd put it out there.
There is a new site, with an open gallery, owned by Ocean Wide Designs:
Thoughts? Think it will replace MSS?
I don't think it will. Most CTMs just want to dump off their pages and move on. Most don't want to leave comments on pages. What's the point of that anyway? How does she plan on enforcing the "active member" requirement? If you're going to have an open gallery, have an open gallery and stop trying to force a community.
As a CTM, I only want comments that are genuine and not required. I hate when other CTMs leave forced comments on my pages. I'd rather have none at all.
Comments don't sell kits.
#78 You could have pulled the words right out of my mouth. Seriously. I do NOT want comments on my layouts just because it's a requirement! and on the CTM side, do you know how hard it is to post a "meaningful comment" on a layout that just flat out sucks?
The forum and gallery are lame. If you are going to start a site, at least have PHPBB and a "real"-ish gallery. This is all Wordpress based and is not very user friendly.
Well, Meg isn't very user friendly either.
I looked at it, tried to go through the gallery, wont be signing up anytime soon....
I bought the SSD Scrapping Games kit with the preview of the prizes - I don't shop there very often but I was tempted. And I have to say I am not at all inspired by the prizes. Boooooring.
But Traci Reed said they are SO EXCITING!
I'm a regular SSD shopper and I like all the SSD prizes as far as gift cards and chances to win access to the store. The other prizes aren't anything I'm interested in. The DST prize would be nice, but not enough to convince me I have half a chance at winning it!
I think it's pretty pathetic you have to buy the kit to find out what the prizes are.
So, is anyone going to post them here?
You don't have to buy the kit to find out the prizes. They'll post them publically next week. It's just early knowledge of the prizes. Plus all the kit sales money goes back to the contest players somehow (no details on that in the downloads).
I don't plan on posting the list of prizes because I'm greedy and would like more people to buy it so I can win more $$. Plain and simple.
#88 Thanks for your honesty. It actually sounds like a good idea for a challenge. The money spent on the kits goes towards the gift certificates they are giving away. I bet we'll see more contests like this from other places in the future - like it or not. Most people who enter contests are in it for the prize and probably don't really generate a lot of sales in the host store. Not a bad idea at all...
#84- Traci Reed would find playing with a paper bag exciting.
Wow that's rough, even for here :) but funny
The gift certificate amounts are set - they aren't going up. The store uses funds from the sale of those kits to offset their costs. So to 'Greedy' above, you won't get more by not telling people what the prizes are.
I am not going to type them all out because I don't care enough. Bascially there are large GCs to SSD and GCs to other sites like Daily Digi, and Heritage Makers and Persnickity Prints and some other sites I've never heard of. Not much different than prizes to almost every other scrapping contest that's ever been held.
Since I couldn't even find another kit I liked to spend $10 to get the free kit - I really don't find the huge GCs to SSD to be interesting at all.
When people are 'eeeee!' over prizes and it's just the same old shit every contest has I find it pretty underwhelming.
Scrap Orchard - now THAT is a prize - a DSLR.
Ok, I get it, Disney doesn't care!
No, she's OK because her mouse's name is Mikey - not Mickey...
#93 - neither do most of us.
Wait, is that kit meant to be $12 o.O wtf.
Yikes, regularly 15.00???
Who pays that??
I'm guessing that is a bad pricing error.
Doesn't look like an error to me......if you look at her shop there are other items prices exactly the same way.
I'm frustrated. I currently CT for a designer. She hasn't offered her product to the CT members, yet I see new product in the store. If she doesn't want us on her team you'd think she'd just get rid of the team. Why have a team if she isn't going to use it? Anybody else have something like this happen?
#100 - I generally leave CTs like that. If it's once or twice, I don't, but if it's a regular thing, I do. What's the point? I'd rather be on a CT that doesn't waste my time, even if it's not a lot of time. It gets annoying.
101-Thanks. Yes, I'm annoyed. Being on her team actually keeps me off of other teams. Some designers count up the number of CT's a person is on, and if they are on several, they don't choose you! I have a few CT's that the designers aren't very productive, so having them on my list of teams also keeps me from other teams.
102 - Sounds like it's time to resign. I have a CT for a reason. I expect them to do their jobs in a timely manner. My responsibility is to provide them with product in a timely manner so they can do their job. Like you said, if a designer isn't going to have their CT work with new products, why have a CT?
100- I hate that too. I have at least 3 designers who do that. Can you just go grab it anyway?
It is up to the designer if you can grab so why don't you ask them not us!also instead of complaining here about them tell them how you feel!
I'm frustrated. I currently CT for a designer. She hasn't offered her product to the CT members, yet I see new product in the store
Why not ask her? What is with some of you CTMs that don't ask your designers anything. It's like you are school children and she's your teacher.
It is up to the designer if you can grab so why don't you ask them not us!also instead of complaining here about them tell them how you feel!
107-so why don't you ask them not us
Frankly, I didn't ASK you. I was just venting my frustration. I have enough to do without her product, so I'm actually not worried about it. I was just frustrated. I'm over it. If she wants me to work with her product, she'll give it to me. If she doesn't, I won't go begging for it. I can quit. In fact, I joined two other CT's today, so I probably won't have time for her when she does ask.
108- Is she a well-known designer? I wonder if you and I CT for the same designer. I have one that does that all the time.
Not all designers care if LOs are done before the product hits the store. I don't always giver product to my CT before it hits the store but that doesn't mean they aren't welcome to it.
Frankly, I didn't ASK you. I was just venting my frustration. I have enough to do without her product, so I'm actually not worried about it. I was just frustrated. I'm over it. If she wants me to work with her product, she'll give it to me. If she doesn't, I won't go begging for it. I can quit. In fact, I joined two other CT's today, so I probably won't have time for her when she does ask.
Hurrah for you. And a jolly good show too!
It's just a CT gig, get a grip, sheesh.
Frankly, I didn't ASK you. I
Frankly, you DID ASK!
Right here in fact babe:
Anybody else have something like this happen?
Sure sounds like you were asking.
So sorry you didn't get the answer you wanted. So sorry that I recommended that you stand up for yourself instead of whining on a blog.
112-I stand by my comment I didn't ask YOU! Obviously, you just like to slam people.
Oh, and I wasn't "whinning" I was stating a fact--thought that would make your day.
You can stand by your comment as much as you want,but your the stupid one it is a question and you asked it!its right there in your post dummy!
#116 - I'm by no means the grammar police, but I really, really HATE when people call someone else a dummy when they can't even communicate properly. It's you're not your and it's "it's" not its and there should be a comma before dummy - not to mention the lack of caps where necessary.
You may want to stop pointing your finger at others and start pointing it at yourself.
What are you doing on this blog at all if you feel the need to say someone can't complain here? Honestly, some of you people are idiots.
12-I stand by my comment I didn't ask YOU! Obviously, you just like to slam people.
No, I don't like to slam people, but I do like to point out when they are being stupid. And how as I supposed to know you didn't ask me specifically, you never mentioned me.
What are you doing on this blog at all if you feel the need to say someone can't complain here? Honestly, some of you people are idiots.
I wasn't aware this blog was just so people can complain. Besides, she asked a damn question and I answered her. Isn't that part of the blog too? Isn't it?
Honestly, some of you are idiots.
Oh, and I wasn't "whinning" I was stating a fact
Oh, but I believe that you did:
If she doesn't want us on her team you'd think she'd just get rid of the team. Why have a team if she isn't going to use it?
Not a statement of fact at all. Sure does sound like pouting to me though.
I just think it's hilarious that a CTM actually complained about a designer not giving her a new release before putting in a shop. If the designer works too close to a deadline and doesn't have time to wait for CT layouts, then the designer misses out on whatever exposure you could have given, and that is the designer's problem. Acting like the designer somehow owes you something is complete BS.
Y'all are boring.
122- You must be one of those designers. Your getting way to defensive.
123-Yes. That.
124 - You're
#126- Dont (correct please no comma) really care.
#127 - Do you mean apostrophe? (Sorry... couldn't resist)
124 - toO
Grammar police wtf?
They may be correcting you, but I will admit to discounting almost everything said by someone who doesn't know the difference between 'your' and 'you're' and 'to' and 'too'.
128- Good job. You get a star. I'm glad you caught that.
131- I don't really care if you discount what I say. Your anonymous.
What's the quality like on Adorable Pixels' stuff (especially paper templates)? Anyone know?
Does anyone buy this shit?
I've seen worse...
132 You're
As in "You're an idiot."
Santa??? Golf??? Where's the commom theme?
Sorry, my finger slipped, Where's the common theme?
Here's the templates she used for the Tee-rific Summer kit.
She didn't even attempt to make them her own.
Utterly pathetic, and I still don't get plopping the Santa stuff into a golf kit.
Christmas in July - have you never heard of it? It's a pretty common theme, albeit a rather stupid one in my opinion.
Morons not just Christmas in July but in some parts of the world Christmas IS IN SUMMER! Get some global awareness ffs
Not the OP but it still doesn't make sense. What does golf have to do with Christmas in July? (and yes, it is summertime in december for me)
Not every person has Christmas in snow. Some have it in the sun. Which is why they add summer things to some kits.
why cant Santa bring you GOLF things?? duhhh
They didn't say they don't get plopping Santa into a summer kit... they said a golf kit, ffs.
Your anonymous.
You're anonymous. Seriously, it's not that bloody hard.
Morons not just Christmas in July but in some parts of the world Christmas IS IN SUMMER! Get some global awareness ffs
True, but that has nothing to do with Christmas in July. Get some perspective, FFS.
I know we're all sick of miss Happy Tits but I heard she applied to Zig Zag Scraps and they told her NO. (A friend of mine is on the store CT and heard it from one of the owners) I don't know under what name she applied this time though. I wonder how long it will take for her to come here and whine.
Im done with designing until my baby is born. And I'll be coming back as Aly demoraes lol. Losers. You don't have to make shit up to make me still relevant.
I like toast.
Toast is lame. Only a jealous designer would like toast.
I don't think you really like toast. There's no way that someone here really likes toast.
Oh I love toast, think it is the best.
Toast with butter, none of that margarine crap.
One with peanut butter for me please.
Toasted english muffins with a smidge of real butter and just a bit of orange marmalade.
I usually don't have much problem with Captivated Visions other than her high opinion of herself. This thread tho - can you say OVERBOARD?
Why because she put EVERY single paint item she has in her shop in that thread?
Toast in July? That is so pointless!
I don't get the thing on CV....she only put what the OP asked for. *shrug*
You must be toast to say you like it so much.
Bagels- everything bagels....
Jealous of toast? Did you get rejected by toast?
161 - WAY overkill.
I only like sourdough toast.
Well isn't that just the bread calling the toaster black?
toast with peanut butter for me, but must have a glass of oj to wash it down.
Did you make that toast from scratch or did you buy some CU product and just plop it into the toaster?
162: If they're not toast, they're definitely on toast's CT. It's so obvious.
I made my own toast, but I didn't make the marmalade. Sometimes I just don't have the time to make my own and buying it is easier. And sometimes my oranges just aren't good enough. It's all about the oranges, isn't it?
Some of us don't like toast, we prefer poptarts.
I personally love frosted strawberry poptarts, but I don't like mine toasted. Straight out of the wrapper, please.
#164 WE all know toast is an uppity bitch.
Clearly poptarts must have been denied a spot in a store - obviously jealous of toast.
You are all uninformed. Toaster Strudels are the best. Yum - drizzled icing.
Toaster Strudels are so stuck-up and full of themselves. They think they are better than every other toaster treat.
Buscuits! With gravy.
That's why you are all morbidly obese, all you do is eat garbage.
Toast is not garbage - it's toast!
Can you please learn to spell biscuits before you start talking about it? Toast may be a stuck up bitch but she's doing something right. Everyone loves her!
As far as marmalade. YUCK! That's just gross and we all know marmalade is just a rip off of real preserves anyway.
Heard peanut butter was going to do a collaboration with jelly (again).
#180- The buscuits was put there for the toast police to correct. Thank you for catching that. You get a slab of butter.
Uh, you guys crack me up.
#181 - Personally, I'm tired of the collabs between peanut butter and jelly. I really love when PB collabs with banana or apple!
You are all uninformed. Toaster Strudels are the best. Yum - drizzled icing.
I'm just not a fan of the Strudel-y style. Plus I'm pretty sure that Toaster Strudel is just recoloring CU Strudels.
Anyone knows you should be using Nutella. Duh.
THANK YOU! Peanut butter is so overdone anyway. Much like Toast. Did you see the last toast that came out? GROSS!
Well, now we know one person who kisses Gennifer's ass.
Besides Mye that is.
#188- Who toast?
#189- There isn't an ass that Mye doesn't kiss.
I can honestly say that I don't have nearly enough people kissing my ass. ;)
I'm thinking it's because of my typo, that says "Dig Smacker" instead of "DigiSmacker". Oops!
Bunch of wierdo's
That's just gross and we all know marmalade is just a rip off of real preserves anyway.
Marmalade is a preserve! Some people don't know their preserves from their peanut butter.
Wierdos - no apostrophe just because it's plural.
You must be one of those cereal people.
#193. It's "wEIrdos", not"wIErdos".
And there's no need for an apostrophe either.
yep, definitely the cereal people. Probaby bringing their posers with them.
I don't know about cereal. I mean, some cereals have so much crap in them you can't even see the cereal. What's with that?
Some of us like all the crap in our cereal. If you don't like it, just delete it. It's not that difficult. Geez. If I'm going to pay that much for a box of cereal, I expect there to be at least 20-30 different pieces of crap in it. And I don't mean 1 piece of crap colored in 20 different ways. I mean 20 original and different pieces of crap.
Not only do I love cereal, but I like it soggy.
Soggy cereal isn't even cereal anymore, it's just mush. Why call it cereal?
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