Sunday, April 1, 2012


Smack away.


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Anonymous said...

The other designers at Oscraps could release just as much product as Kitty and Charlize if they were willing to produce total shit every week. I feel like they're spamming my eyes every time I open the newsletter.


OMG agreed!

Anonymous said...

Charlize's products are not what I'd call "original" or "modern" but I guess that's just me. Oscraps took a major step down by adding her to the mix not the other way around.

How is it O designers don't have to live up to the same "production quotas" that everyone else does? I've seen people post in here about designers needing to release more than once a month, so why is it O designers don't have to?

I think it's about time a few active designers shook those ladies up. Maybe now they'll start designing instead of whatever they are doing. It's like they got into Oscraps and decided they didn't have to do anything else.

Anonymous said...

Scrap Orchard's Vegas event was a lot of fun. IMO anyways. I didn't hear about anyone getting tattoos this year.

Anonymous said...

#2 why should they have production quotas? They're not performing monkeys. It's funny that people will condemn sites like SSD for putting out cookie-cutter, recycled crap then turn around and bitch about another store NOT requiring their designers to churn things out purely to meet a quota. Why do you think it is that SSD has so many products that look alike? Creativity doesn't just strike on demand.

It's not a volume game. If you're a decent designer who has been around for a few years, you've probably built a fairly stable customer base that has come to trust you. Especially if you're not a total moron who looks desperate for money with your 12 product releases a week using the same crap, different color.

If some of those designers can make as much money with 2 releases a month as these other designers who are releasing 4 products a month - more power to them. I'd rather buy from designers who aren't carpet bombing me every other day with some new product that looks the same as their last twelve products.

Most of the paper lines only put out new product lines seasonally. Spoiled much?

Anonymous said...

Most of the paper lines only put out new product lines seasonally. Spoiled much?

Anonymous said...

not so stupid. Lena didn't get in at SSD, but she did just join as a designer at TDC. and yes, her sickening posts at TDC get overwhelming. she begs for praise, and freely admits to doing so. she floods the forums (public and private) with her incessant 'drooling' over the more popular designers kits. personally, i am sick to death of her whining and ass-kissing - so i try to avoid any thread she takes part in.

Anonymous said...

By saying that she floods the forums (both public and private) with her incessant 'drooling' over the more popular designers kits, you make it appear that you're either a designer or a CTM at TDC. How classy of you to bring your dirty laundry here. I'm so proud of you I could poop.

Anonymous said...

and yes, you are so stupid.

Anonymous said...

What do paper lines have to do with digiscrap designers? Sorry, but I don't think it's being spoiled to say one store should be held to the same scrutiny as another. You can't say one store/designer should be putting out more product but then say, oh well that one doesn't have to because they are at such and such store.

I don't think the OP was saying that the designers at O should be putting out stuff every week, but any idiot can see that the majority of the design load is being carried by those three designers and it's making the others look lazy. Whether they are or not is irrelevant. It makes the other designers LOOK like they should be putting out more product.

Personally, I agree that one pack elements or papers per month doesn't make you an active designer. At least put out a full kit or collection.

Anonymous said...

Paper lines also put out a shitload of products every season, not just 12 papers and a handful of elements.

Anonymous said...

By saying that she floods the forums (both public and private) with her incessant 'drooling' over the more popular designers kits, you make it appear that you're either a designer or a CTM at TDC. How classy of you to bring your dirty laundry here. I'm so proud of you I could poop.
Apr 10, 2012 1:49:00 PM

Uhm, you do realize where YOU are, right?

Lena is an obnoxious kiss ass. If you're not her or someone who is close to her, then why in the world are you defending her?

Anonymous said...

Defending her? I'm not sure I'd use that word, but here's why. It's b/c you are being STUPID. Yes, I am here on a smack blog, true. Not to air my dirty laundry, but I am here reading and responding, and not bad-mouthing people who are posting in forums where they are a site-CT, just because I want to assume/believe that it's because that person is a kiss-ass. I would love to have a site-CT at my store who was as active as her. You're being childish.

Anonymous said...

#9 explain to me what the hell "the design load" is, exactly? These designers aren't on salary, they're independent contractors. They create enough product to make the amount of money they want/need to make.

Do you have a job? Does your paycheck cover the bills and your other expenses? If so, do you then say "I'm going to go get ANOTHER job for an EXTRA 20 hours a week because other people do it!" No - you work as much as you have to in order to maintain your lifestyle. Why are these designers any different?

The fact that Kitty, Charlize and Anna make up the majority of the product releases at Oscraps only means that they need to release that much in order to pay their bills. They're not doing it for YOU so that you have brand new things to scrap with all the time. They're not doing it for the STORE so that the store owner can make tons of money off them.

Other designers either sell more of their less frequent releases or don't need to make as much money. How does that make them lazy?

Anonymous said...

#12- she kissed ass and drooled for quite some time so that she could get a perm. spot at TDC. Don't you get it???

Anonymous said...

but that LOL attitude is unprofessional.

She wasn't LOLing about the files, she was LOLing at her trying to post on the blog. Geez, get a grip.

Anonymous said...

but any idiot can see that the majority of the design load is being carried by those three designers and it's making the others look lazy. Whether they are or not is irrelevant. It makes the other designers LOOK like they should be putting out more product.

Well, I'm not an idiot then, because I don't think it makes the other designers look lazy, nor do I require them to put out more product.

Anonymous said...

#14 - you are beginning to sound very childish now and I didn't have an opinion either way before. Let it drop.

Anonymous said...

I'm wondering which stores have these strict product release quotas? I know SSD put it in their last two calls, but I don't even think Robin enforces it with her long-term designers as long as they're bringing in money.

Anonymous said...

I'm wondering which stores have these strict product release quotas? I know SSD put it in their last two calls, but I don't even think Robin enforces it with her long-term designers as long as they're bringing in money.


Almost every stores ask for a minimum of 2 products per month

Anonymous said...

SSD has too many designers NOT putting out new product. That is part of their problem.

Anonymous said...

#19 - I've been in lots of stores and not one of them ever asked for a minimum product release per month.

Anonymous said...

I think it's mostly the low to mid tier stores that require a product minimum. My first 2 stores required 2 releases a month, now there's no requirement, but it does help sales when I release regularly. I try to do weekly, but if the mojo isn't there, I'm not going to put out a crap product just to release something.

Anonymous said...

#22 - I've only ever sold at middle tier stores (#21 here). I actually think it's the top tier stores that require product minimum, which would make sense.

Anonymous said...

#17 - I love how you think it's just one person responding to you. It's not.

Anonymous said...

#24 - I love how you think it's not the first time I posted on that topic, when it was. Think before you call someone out.

Anonymous said...

I think the bigger/older stores actually use monthly sales quotas more than they do product quotas. SBG and Oscraps both have monthly minimum sales, FYI. If you apply to either store you find out about them right off the bat.

Anonymous said...

#26 - So, what are the quotas?

Anonymous said...

When I applied to SBG over four years ago, Maya expected me to have $2000 per month in sales. I would have no clue what the quota would be now.

Anonymous said...

Three Paper Peonies, and Paislee Press. Enlighten me, are they related? Who is copying who? Just wondering...

Anonymous said...

Not sure about the copying thing, but Paislee Press has been around a long time. Definitely longer than Three Paper Peonies.

Anonymous said...

I think SBG was doing much better over 4 years ago than it is now. I'm sure that's true for many/all stores, but SBG really seems to have gone downhill in the past couple of/few years.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

31 - how do you mean? I know they have changed their look, but it seems that the store is still full of goodies. Am I just not noticing a decline?

Anonymous said...

Whatever do you mean? SBG has Lizzy now. All their worries are over. I can't see her making $200 let alone the possible quota that I'm sure exists there.

But never fear, she is announcing her CT via video today. After extending the call one more day "because [she] can." As a designer, I know that's the same as saying, "most everyone who applied on time sucks."

What a twit.

Anonymous said...

34 - ROFLMAO! really - the Fizzy Pop call does seem a bit ridiculous to me -

Anonymous said...

I seriously doubt there is any digi store in existence today that has a $2K per month sales quota in place. There aren't enough designer who can make that money in this over-saturated market. I know of multiple stores that have sales quotas, but they're much lower. SO and TDC for instance both have quotas but they're closer to 1/8 or 1/10 that amount. Just enough for the owner to ensure that she makes enough commission to pay server fees and cover expenses.

Anonymous said...

Curious what is the quota at SO?

Anonymous said...

Really? Well, let's see.......1/10 to 1/8 would be $200 - $250....didn't even need a calculator.

Anonymous said...

Well considering TDC is only $50, I figured her math was off. So again, does anyone know what the SO quota actually is?

Anonymous said...

There should be quota's at some stores. Traffic is very important, and without consistant new product, traffic declines. at TDC, for example - when can anyone remember a new release from Disasterpiece Studio? She released some older crap that she had at Digiscrap Vault - nothing new in well over a year. NOTHING. Then there is Kelly Mize who does nothing at all, and who the heck is this Sara J person? yuck is all I can say, and puts out a mini kit a month it looks like. Would love to know WHY they stay on. Or why they are allowed to stay on.

Anonymous said...

IMO now that Sugarplum Paperie and Mari Koegelenberg left for Sweet Shoppe, TDC is being held together by Etc. by Danyale, Elise's Pieces, Dawn by Design, Danielle Engebretson, Wishing Well Creations, ViVa Artistry, and Sherwood Studio. I would have included Amanda Heimann in there too but she hardly ever releases anything anymore. A kit I bought from her last easter is still on the front page of her store, which is a sad indication of how much product she's put out in the past year.

Anonymous said...

Last I knew, SO's sales quota was about $200-250 a month, so it doesn't seem like #36's math is off by much there. Maybe she's from SO......

Anonymous said...

I heard that Viva is leaving TDC for SBG

Anonymous said...

^^^ That's the most logical thing I've read on this blog for ages, though I don't wish Maya upon anyone.

Anonymous said...

Even GP has a $200 quota - I'm sure SO and SSD have higher. If they don't they should.

Anonymous said...

Dawn by Design and Wishing Well Creations put out new product only about once a month. That is not holding TDC together. Viva is leaving for SBG on the 15th, and I agree - a much better fit for their products.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't be surprised if Danielle follows too.

Anonymous said...

Went and looked, and #46 is right. I think Dawn came to TDC early last fall? She looks as if she might put out one new product a month. Three new products since December, same as Wishing Well. Looks like more, since things are offered individually. I didn't realize there were some (other than those stated) that don't produce regularly. I think you can pare down that list of who is 'holding TDC' together.

Anonymous said...

Kimeric Kreations puts out tons of stuff at TDC. And like another poster said, Sherwood Studio and Etc. by Danyale put out lots, too.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to go ahead and agree with whoever posted earlier and said that some designers can afford to release products less frequently. Looking thru the TDC lineup just now, I don't recognize half of the designers but I do recognize Amanda Heimann and Wishing Well. I will bet you that when they release kits they make as much with one kit as Kimirec makes with 3-4 kits. Not a knock on Kimirec completely, but I think Amanda and Wishing Well are more well known and I would assume they can sell more quantity of each kit than some others. So the argument becomes: what's better? Putting out average product once a week just to churn out product, or putting out really great products less frequently that make the same amount of money?

Anonymous said...

I don't agree that Kimeric's products are average. She makes nice kits, if you're into the shabbier vintage type kit. I do think that the reason the PP recognized Amanda Heimann and Wishing Well Creations is because their style appeals to a broader audience. It's much more mainstream, like what you see in paper lines at scrapbook stores and Micheals and Hobby Lobby. Just like the style at SSD that everyone always bitches about, but buys and buys a lot of it. That doesn't make it a better style, but yeah - I bet those 2 outsell Kimeric.

Anonymous said...

Went and looked, and #46 is right. I think Dawn came to TDC early last fall? She looks as if she might put out one new product a month. Three new products since December, same as Wishing Well.


You sure do know a lot about the timing of releases at TDC by these designers, given that the release dates for their products aren't listed on the product pages. I'd say you're one of the designers at TDC that didn't get mentioned, or got blasted a few posts up. Anytime someone makes a point of saying something like "went and looked" it's a dead giveaway that you probably didn't have to look at all. Pathetic.

Anonymous said...

Went and looked, and #46 is right. I think Dawn came to TDC early last fall? She looks as if she might put out one new product a month. Three new products since December, same as Wishing Well. Looks like more, since things are offered individually. I didn't realize there were some (other than those stated) that don't produce regularly. I think you can pare down that list of who is 'holding TDC' together.

How are you figuring 3 products?

Dawn by Design: let's assume her first product this year was the Potential kit which is a New Years kit. I see 4 kits and 1 template set, plus 2 extra sets of project life cards. That's 7 products in 3 months, and while it isn't a product a week, it's about a product every other week. Not terrible.

Wishing Well: same thing, if you start with her Every Day Life products b/c they are the first thing that show up in her shop after Christmas-themed kits. I see 3 Every Day Life bundles that have anywhere from 4-7 products in each, 1 template set, another kit/bundle, and 2 sets of project life cards that aren't included elsewhere. That's 6-7 products in 3 months too, which is something new every couple of weeks.

I've seen worse.

Amanda Heimann, for instance: I happen to know that her Shore Thing collab with Misty Cato came out last summer. She has 9 products listed since then and 3 are alphas. Of the other six, only 2 are kits and one paper pack is the same as one of those kits. That leaves 3 other products, which are a template set, a paper pack, and an element pack. In almost a year. That's about one product every 2-3 months.

Anonymous said...

#52- all I had to do was check the Whats New thread in the forum. If you scroll back, you can see where the products were released and when.

Anonymous said...

#50-You honestly believe that Wishing Well's product is that good? C'mon. The same palette, over and over;same basic papers, which you get a tremendous amount of, even if they are just recolored patterns. Very basic elements time and time again. If you have seen one of her kits, you have seen them all.

Anonymous said...

Am I the only one who think that this is too much to be called a coincidence

Anonymous said...

#56 - Yes you are. They both look like rabbits.

I find it amazing when people like you post these things. How is it you know so much about stock images?

Anonymous said...

No #56 you aren't the only one. You can clearly tell from the detail of the rabbit head that they are nearly identical except in a different position of the body.

Whether this violates the copyright I'm not sure.

Anonymous said...

I also think they are nearly identical except for the body position. Even if she bought the photo and licensing with it she cannot sell it as CU.

Anonymous said...

I sometimes wonder why others are so curious as to who makes what where. Is it jealousy because someone might be making more then someone else? $200-$250.00 a month is probably pretty normal these days for many but then I think many more are making a whole lot less. Then again designers at SBG are required to make $2000 a month-REALLY? I would bet that most of the designers there are making a lot less then they use to make which probably means as a whole, designers at SBG aren't making anywhere near $2000 a month. The market, the economy, etc. has a whole lot of play as to who is making what where. What use to be the norm is no longer normal.

And who really cares if a designer is making no more then a kit a month? If you don't produce you don't make money-pretty simple. I know a lot of stores have no quotas. In fact I would gander that most of the stores out there have no quotas. With quotas designers obviously move around a lot. I've never been at a store that has a quota and I wouldn't be at a store that has a quota. I'm not a machine.

Anonymous said...

Then again designers at SBG are required to make $2000 a month-REALLY? I would bet that most of the designers there are making a lot less then they use to make which probably means as a whole, designers at SBG aren't making anywhere near $2000 a month.

I did say FOUR YEARS ago, I have no clue what they make now. And no one else said they make so much, so I don't know what you are going about.

Anonymous said...

Went and looked, and #46 is right. I think Dawn came to TDC early last fall? She looks as if she might put out one new product a month. Three new products since December, same as Wishing Well.


You sure do know a lot about the timing of releases at TDC by these designers, given that the release dates for their products aren't listed on the product pages. I'd say you're one of the designers at TDC that didn't get mentioned, or got blasted a few posts up. Anytime someone makes a point of saying something like "went and looked" it's a dead giveaway that you probably didn't have to look at all. Pathetic.

Wow, knowing that someone puts out product once a month is knowing a lot? Really? It's you who is pathetic, or stupid, I haven't decided yet.

Anonymous said...

#57 - how is that you know so much about so little?

Anonymous said...

Wow, knowing that someone puts out product once a month is knowing a lot? Really? It's you who is pathetic, or stupid, I haven't decided yet.

Knowing the basics of when someone arrived at a shop, and how often they release products, stinks of another designer at the same shop posting here out of jealousy or whatever else. My bet is that Kimeric, who suddenly got brought up just a few posts later, was feeling miffed that nobody mentioned her in the previous post about the stronger designers at TDC. Very doubtful that someone else suddenly wanted to point out how much product she produces. Very bloody doubtful.

Anonymous said...

Oh no! I brought up Kimeric (but I'm not her). I follow TDC and she is one of the more productive designers, so I thought she was worth a mention when talking about how much product the designers there put out. She is nice so I'm sorry to have got her some negative attention.

Anonymous said...

Knowing the basics of when someone arrived at a shop, and how often they release products, stinks of another designer at the same shop posting here out of jealousy or whatever else.

Maybe in your world.

Anonymous said...

Oh no! I brought up Kimeric (but I'm not her). I follow TDC and she is one of the more productive designers, so I thought she was worth a mention when talking about how much product the designers there put out. She is nice so I'm sorry to have got her some negative attention.
Good god, everyone knows that the first rule of this blog is you never willingly bring up yourself or anyone you actually like, because the attention is rarely pleasant or positive. "Oh no! I'm sorry to have got her some negative attention!". I call BS. SMH.

Anonymous said...

. She is nice so I'm sorry to have got her some negative attention.
Meh. I think her "designs" aren't worth half their price.

Anonymous said...

I'd find it more likely that Amanda was the one bringing up her own name.

Anonymous said...

In fact I would gander that most of the stores out there have no quotas.


Anonymous said...

In fact I would gander that most of the stores out there have no quotas.



Gander-an informal look or glance

Anonymous said...

I'd find it more likely that Amanda was the one bringing up her own name.


I have inside info that suggests you are completely correct.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Can someone please tell me how designers like Kristen Aagard get their elements so dimensional? Is it a special program? Style? And please don't say go ask at DST. I'd be too embarrassed. Really just hoping someone can offer some insight. Thank you.

Laura said...

It's knowing how to use your program. Bevel and emboss, inner shadow, inner glow. All that stuff.

Anonymous said...

True - it's knowing how to use styles well. I only wish I had some of that knowledge. My styles never end up looking that good!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said... 71

In fact I would gander that most of the stores out there have no quotas.



Gander-an informal look or glance


I know that, but it doesn't make sense where it is.

Anonymous said...

What is your impression of Lauren Bavin?

Anonymous said...

It's knowing how to use your program. Bevel and emboss, inner shadow, inner glow. All that stuff.

Can you point me to some good you tube videos?

Anonymous said...

Can you point me to some good you tube videos?

Jesus Christ, use google. It's not our job to teach you how to design, on a smack blog no less. OMFG.

Anonymous said...

What is your impression of Lauren Bavin?
WhoTF is Lauren Bavin?

Anonymous said...

Lauren Bavin is one of the designers at DSP, who has been there for many years. I think she is really very good, even though most of her stuff is not my style. She makes most stuff from scratch (I think) and makes it all look very good - very realistic (no scanned ribbons, bows, and such - all digitally created, but better than most)

Anonymous said...

Looking at 1 item from Lauren Bavin, I know why I've never heard of her

that 'bow' looks dreadful and I'd never, ever buy anything like it.

Anonymous said...

#78 - why do you ask?

Anonymous said...

Looking at 1 item from Lauren Bavin, I know why I've never heard of her

that 'bow' looks dreadful and I'd never, ever buy anything like it.

$6.49 for that? No thanks!

Anonymous said...

#84 - she probably wants to get her name 'out there' and doesn't have the sense not to do it on a smack blog

Anonymous said...

#86 - I doubt very much that Lauren posted on here. She has no need to get her name out there. Not affiliated but I know that much.

Anonymous said...

definately not trying to get her name out there. She has been around since 2003 at DSP. She is a fixture at that site. I did meet her once at a laptop crop in NZ. Very knowledgable about her programmes but dead set against scanning images. Although I have not purchased in years due to
a. crap product
b. to pricey for size of kits
c. only create things in 200dsp instead of the industry standard of 300dpsi ... that caused a major falling out many years ago ancient history....

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I don't think Lauren would have the time or inclination to waste time on a smack blog, she works at designing full time. It is her day job. She is also one of the most seasoned designers in the industry and yes very against scanning. FWIW DSP now does everything at 300ppi and has done for quite some time now.

Her product however is certainly not crap. She does beautiful work and is far more skilled than most 'designers' in the industry. It may not be to your taste, but it isn't crap. There wouldn't be many designers out there who could do a digital bow without scanning to that quality. I don't think it is one of her best, but I have seen far worse, including scanned bows or otherwise.

Anonymous said...

Ahh yeah, Lauren has absolutely no need to get her name out there, she is one of the longest standing 2003 or 2004, biggest following designers out there. She has a VERY loyal and very large customer base.

Anonymous said...

I've never heard of her. Definitely not my style. Looks like she's been giving designing tips to the designers at Stuff thats Crap.

Anonymous said...

DSP blows. High prices, small kits, and a huge majority of their stuff is crappy looking.

Anonymous said...

There is a bow there? I see a ribbon but where is the bow?

I don't care for the all-digitally created look but I actually think this is some of the better looking in that genre I've ever seen.

Anonymous said...

I think you all need glasses... or to get out more.

Anonymous said...

#94 - need glasses? Maybe you need to get out more, just because some don't agree with your view, it doesn't mean they are "sheltered" or "blind".

I personally don't care for the bow in that kit, it does look very digital, however the rest of the kit looks pretty much like the other stuff out there.

Anonymous said...

My first purchase in 2004 was a Lauren Bavin heritage style kit. I think it was a paper pack. Back then, you could not find realistic anything and she came pretty close. She created glass like elements and textures that just weren't available. Now - fast forward 8 years and times have changed. Her product can appear dated because it is digital and we as a market are used to scans now for ribbons and glass and frames, etc. She is a "true" designer - and for all the people who bitch about CU here, you do understand that giving up the CU means going back to a semi-realistic style, right?. All that said, I do not find their products priced equitably for this market. You get very little for your money and I really don't understand how anyone makes money there. I do know several designers who left DSP very unhappy years back and they were all top notch designers. I just don't shop there because I get decent product elsewhere and more of it for my bucks.

Anonymous said...

Betcha there is a stampede for this:

Anonymous said...

Opened the SSD newsletter to find a bunch of gross looking palettes and nothing worth clicking on. :(

Anonymous said...

#98, I unsubbed a couple weeks ago. GROSS!!

Anonymous said...

I thought several of them are really cute. Which palettes are "gross?"

Anonymous said...

I thought there were some cute things this week, I really liked Melissa Bennett's ribbons. I don't usually buy from her but I liked those.

Otherwise, yuck

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I buy a lot from SSD but not much this week, meh.

Anonymous said...

I thought the collab from Elise and Sugarplum was pretty (but not enough to buy it) and I totally had to have the collab from Shawna and Mari. I love the colors and the papers are wonderful.

I didn't see anything wrong with the color schemes from the old SSD designers (except for the collab from Libby - seriously gross) and Jady Day, but those other new designers scheme's are horrible.

Anonymous said...

I love the colors of Libby's collab, the actual kit is yuck, but the colors are lovely.

The rest of the new releases look like the same old same old so I don't get the yuck, unsubscribed, etc.

Anonymous said...

I'm not a fan of Melissa Bennett but I do like that she changes her freebie on a regular basis, unlike most of the other designers there. I'll give her kudos for promotion.

Anonymous said...

#74 - you use the burn and dodge tool, shadowing and gloss contours. That is how you can achieve a dimensional look. BTW, her previews look like a "Where's Waldo" picture. Way too much going on. JMO.

Anonymous said...

#74 - you use the burn and dodge tool, shadowing and gloss contours. That is how you can achieve a dimensional look. BTW, her previews look like a "Where's Waldo" picture. Way too much going on. JMO.

speaking of the burn and dodge tool-I would suspect that at least 75% of the designers don't even know how to use this tool or what it is for. Don't know if PSP has something similar as I've never used PSP and I don't even know if PSE has this but PS users should learn how to use this tool!!

Anonymous said...

I would suspect that at least 75% of the designers don't even know how to use this tool or what it is for.

Yeah, but, so? As a designer who knows how to use that tool, I often simply choose NOT to. What is it you would like to see designers do more often with that tool?

Anonymous said...

For one, you can take a CU flower or ribbon and add dimension that a photo or scan takes away. I have taken some nice but dull CU and brought it to life with "that tool". Learning how to add light and take away light should be a given for any digital designer. Why you would chose not to use it - who knows. I use it in everything I produce - the edges of an overlay, the patterns on a paper, elements and frames. I see it as a necessary tool for the style I design in.

Anonymous said...

This is a hideous color palette


Anonymous said...

#109 - The key to your point is "I see it as a necessary tool for the style I design in." Not every designer has a need for this tool, so saying it should be a given for everyone is snobbish and flat out wrong.

Anonymous said...

For one, you can take a CU flower or ribbon and add dimension that a photo or scan takes away. I have taken some nice but dull CU and brought it to life with "that tool". Learning how to add light and take away light should be a given for any digital designer. Why you would chose not to use it - who knows. I use it in everything I produce - the edges of an overlay, the patterns on a paper, elements and frames. I see it as a necessary tool for the style I design in.
Apr 15, 2012 4:06:00 PM

It is a pretty easy tool to use, but I don't use it because there are better ways to do a similar effect that is more easily reversible. I did use it in my early days of designing, but it is a rare occasion I use it now.

Anonymous said...

#111 - she didn't say the tool should be a given, she said learning how to add and take away light should be a given for every designer.

Anonymous said...

It is a pretty easy tool to use, but I don't use it because there are better ways to do a similar effect that is more easily reversible. I did use it in my early days of designing, but it is a rare occasion I use it now.
Apr 15, 2012 8:08:00 PM
I concur.

I love when people go on and on about a tool and how everyone should use it and they don't know why anyone wouldn't - when there are easier, better, and more effective ways to adjust photos and add light.

Anonymous said...

Then share your easier, better ways #112. Someone was asking how a designer achieved a certain look. If your way is faster and easier, why not share it with the beginning designer who asked for help in the first place. And #114 I love when people are so full of themselves that they cannot be bothered to actually share their knowledge. No one went "on and on" about a tool. The poster related her post to her own style and choice. Geez. Love drama much?

Anonymous said...

#115 - I concur.

Anonymous said...

#114 - she wasn't talking about adjusting photos, duh! She was talking about scanned elements. I just love it when people fail at reading comprehension.

Anonymous said...

#112. Someone was asking how a designer achieved a certain look. If your way is faster and easier, why not share it with the beginning designer who asked for help in the first place.
Not sure why that is my job, but layers, brushwork and blend modes, and maybe a masking if needed.

Anonymous said...

I love when people go on and on about a tool and how everyone should use it and they don't know why anyone wouldn't - when there are easier, better, and more effective ways to adjust photos and add light.

I don't think one was talking about photos. I think we were talking about using the tool in designing. I'm sure there are lots of ways to do something even in designing. That is the beauty of design software but a good many designers don't know their programs well enough to use all the tools included and the burn and dodge tool is very easy to use and I use it more then many of the other tools available.

Anonymous said...

#114 - she wasn't talking about adjusting photos, duh! She was talking about scanned elements. I just love it when people fail at reading comprehension.
Apr 16, 2012 1:24:00 AM

WTF do you think a scanned element is, genius? IT'S A PHOTO!

Anonymous said...

As the person who originally asked for how designers achieve that 3d look, I do use dodge and burn, but was hoping for an easier, quicker method, such as a style. So thanks for sharing. It appears others would like this information also, since I am not the only one who posted about it. I'd even pay for the information on how to do it. Something to think about for those in the know.

Anonymous said...

And I'm specifically talking about the 3d look that those like Kristen Aagard, Lliella, Jady Day, etc., create with their whimsical elements. Not a scanned flower, etc.

Anonymous said...

I would certainly never offer my tools that make my elements UNIQUE for free or for pay.

I'm really amazed that not one, but two people posted (and who knows how many others thought it but didn't post) that a scanned element wasn't a photo. Above all else, this lack of common sense is what hurts this industry.

Anonymous said...

Be expecting an announcement from Jenn Barrette relatively soon.

Anonymous said...

I'm guessing she's moving to The Lilypad?

Anonymous said...

TLP is stealing all the good designers when they guest. It's a digital monopoly.

Anonymous said...

So if #124-126 are correct, it begs the question: why are so many designers at SSD leaving suddenly? It's always been one of the shops with the most stability in way of the design team not floating around digiland as always seems to be the case with many non-SSD designers. It's always been very difficult to get in to SSD, and once in very few designers have seemed to have left. So what's happening now? There has been some serious turnover there in recent months compared to normal. I want the inside scoop, if someone's willing to give it. Is Robin hard to work for? Have new changes been implemented that people don't like? What's up?

Anonymous said...

I'm guessing it has something to do with the new designers that were brought on.

Anonymous said...

WTF do you think a scanned element is, genius? IT'S A PHOTO!

No a scanned and extracted element might have been a part of a photo but once it's extracted it's an element where dodge and burn can then be used to it's full potential. Dont' need to be a genius to figure that out and since more then one poster has the same idea of what is an element and what is a photo you obviously didn't make yourself clear as to what you were trying to say so take a deep breath and realize the mistake was yours not the other posters!!

Anonymous said...

#128 I doubt it, as a few of them were already out the door before the new designers even started. Why else do you think that Robin brought on SIX new people? She had already received notice from some of her designers.

Anonymous said...

#129 while I agree with you in part, I do think you need to take your own advice and take a deep breath. Who cares whose mistake is whose? This is a smack blog. You don't have to work so hard to defend yourself and your position. Everyone around here is always going to think that everyone else is an idiot, regardless of what you do to defend your points. Breathe.

Anonymous said...

#'s124/124/126... WTF cares where Jenn Barrette goes, anyway? Her work is full of jaggies and strays and was never up to the supposed "SSD quality standards" anyway. I do not agree that she is a "good designer" being stolen by TLP. it's more like she is good at being a phony, fake friend to the "right people." if you are not one of the people she believes can scratch her back and help her go places, then she is one of the meanest designers in this business.

Not surprised at all that she'd already be leaving SSD. She never stays anywhere for long.

Anonymous said...

#129 - I have to agree you're a moron. An extracted part of a photo is still a photo. You can use dodge and burn on anything. You can call it an element all you want, but it's nothing more than a photo. An extracted flower is still a photo of a flower. It's not real. Not unless you're smoking something pretty serious...

Anonymous said...

#132 - Who isn't a fake and phony in this business? I think that would be a smaller list than who is a fake and phony. There is so much ass kissing behind the scenes, it's pathetic. If you're not an ass kisser and have your own opinion, don't ever voice it. If so, you will be finished, because these bitches do nothing but trash talk everyone.

Anonymous said...

#134, I agree with you 100% ... Guess I should have said "she is one of the many" fake, phony people in the biz. And I've learned the hard way to just do my own thing and not interact with too many people because you are right about what happens when you aren't an ass-kisser, too!

Anonymous said...

I'm a newer designer and you all are making me nervous. Now I'm convinced that everyone who has been nice to me may secretly be talking about me behind my back. Yuk.

And if they were, how would I ever find out anyway? Should I even care?

Anonymous said...

#136 - You'll find out soon enough I'm sure. I'd care, personally. It's not just stupid, bored high school antics. This is your business and they're messing with your paycheck.

But they wont care anyway. They'll sit around on Facebook all day bored and wanting attention from anyone who will give it. So, they'll trash who they think they need to trash just so someone will talk with them.

Anonymous said...

So, is that trashing done on people's personal FB pages? Because I follow a handful of desiners' business pages and never see talking like that.

Thanks for making the point about how I should care b/c it will mess with my business. I guess I just figure that since I'm a good person who doesn't do that kind of stuff, that it would be out of my hands if someone treated me like that. Meaning I wouldn't have caused it by treating someone else rudely. Someone would just have to decide that for whatever reason, they were going to treat me like that. So, what could I do to prevent it or what could I do about it once it happens?

Anonymous said...

I highly doubt it happens on anyone's actual page, but I know it happens in messaging on FB or in other IM programs all.the.time.

You're very naive if you think being a good person is going to stop anyone from messing with you. Some of these women are bored and vindictive. The fact that you are nice would be reason enough for you to be a target.

I, personally, don't interact with other designers anymore. I tried at first because I heard it was important to network. After some very bad experiences, I just keep to myself and make products and earn my paychecks. I make more money that way and now I don't waste half my day talking with other designers.

Anonymous said...

To prevent it?
Don't trust anyone in this business. At all.

Anonymous said...

You're very naive if you think being a good person is going to stop anyone from messing with you.

Oh no, I didn't mean that. I just meant that as long as I'm not doing anything to stir up the pot, then it is out of my hands if someone decides to treat me badly. So, why worry about it until it happens?

I make more money that way and now I don't waste half my day talking with other designers.

This is something I've been thinking about lately. Less time in the forums/social media places and more time working could only be a good thing, right?

Anonymous said...

It's true. You never know who is trashing you and the sad part is... the better you are, or the more of a threat you are to another designer's business (competition for example), the more they will try to tear you down (not all designers obviously, but some who are childish). There are some very talented, well-established designers in this industry who have likely paid their dues in that department and have experienced some amount of this and moved past that. However, anyone new coming in to this, especially during your initial growth mode where people start to actually know who you are, the more likely you are to experience this no matter how you are. There are just too many people out there who are willing to trash others. Hence the reason for this blog.

There are also many people (on this blog for instance), who love to trash other designers' work as if they are so much better, or as if they never went through the learning curve themselves. Some women are just shitty that way. Sad but true.

Anonymous said...

It's not only designers - some CT members are total cunts as well.

Anonymous said...

It's not only designers - some CT members are total cunts as well.


Amen to that! Wish us designers had a way of knowing which of our own CT members are the cunts!

Anonymous said...

I don't know where you all are selling at, but I don't ever want to be there. 136, I haven't encountered anyone like that at all. "You reap what you sow" is an old saying for a reason.

Anonymous said...

ditto 145

Anonymous said...

#120 - gee, nice attempt at rescuing yourself, but you still look like a fool

Anonymous said...

I'm really amazed that not one, but two people posted (and who knows how many others thought it but didn't post) that a scanned element wasn't a photo. Above all else, this lack of common sense is what hurts this industry.

I'm really not sure how it's a lack of common sense. Generally, when people talk about photos, they are talking about photos taken with a camera, when they talk about scanned elements, they talk about scanned elements. Most people, with the exception of a few self righteous here, do not talk about photos and mean scans. They just don't. That's common sense you know.

A photo is a photo and a scan is a scan. While a scan could technically be a photo, pretty much the rest of the world refers to them as scans.

Anonymous said...

I'm a newer designer and you all are making me nervous. Now I'm convinced that everyone who has been nice to me may secretly be talking about me behind my back. Yuk.

And if they were, how would I ever find out anyway? Should I even care?

What the heck are you doing on a smack blog? Get off now and stop worrying about what's being said on her. It doesn't matter, unless you put your name to it.

Anonymous said...

Wish us designers had a way of knowing which of our own CT members are the cunts!

Like draws to like, it should be easy to figure it out now, shouldn't it?

Anonymous said...

Wish us designers had a way of knowing which of our own CT members are the cunts!

Like draws to like, it should be easy to figure it out now, shouldn't it?


Really? LMAO! Sounds like you are the biggest cunt ever for saying that! I guess you must have a bunch of them on your team!

Anonymous said...

Well, I'm going to throw in the towel on designing now. Why bother when there is such talent out there to compete with?

Anonymous said...

Seriously #152?? That designer needs to learn color theory. My eyes are bleeding!

I so hope you are being sarcastic!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, but they are offered in tagger size as well!!

Anonymous said...

OMFG 153, of COURSE she was sarcastic. Are you stupid??

Anonymous said...

OMFG 153, of COURSE she was sarcastic. Are you stupid??
FFS, no are you??

Anonymous said...

It is actually so sad. What is it about new designers and the inability to lower saturation on their colors. Gawd. I have seen this time and time again. There are so many great palette tools out there...what a waste of time those products are.

Anonymous said...

#153 - yes, I was being sarcastic. With this type of out there, along with the daily offerings of KarenHeckYeah out there again, well - - makes you want to stop looking in the 'new products' thread at DST.

Anonymous said...

Really? LMAO! Sounds like you are the biggest cunt ever for saying that! I guess you must have a bunch of them on your team!

For sure, I'm not even a designer. God, you must be so proud being such a moron. I'm sure your parents are beyond pleased with you.

Anonymous said...

Really? LMAO! Sounds like you are the biggest cunt ever for saying that! I guess you must have a bunch of them on your team!


Did I hit a nerve? Of course I did.

Anonymous said...

152 - who would actually pay for something like that?

Anonymous said...

Maybe 159 is one of the CT members that I initially posted about in 143.

Anonymous said...

Taggers probably love these kind of kits as it is more tagger then scrapbooker geared. I wouldn't even sell in a store with taggers and I know stores that won't hire designers who design tagger kits.

Anonymous said...

It is actually so sad. What is it about new designers and the inability to lower saturation on their colors.

Either that, or they lower them so much, everything looks completely washed out.

Anonymous said...

Maybe 159 is one of the CT members that I initially posted about in 143.

Any woman who calls another woman a cunt is lower than low. Congratulations on reaching that level.

Anonymous said...

Any woman who calls another woman a cunt is lower than low. Congratulations on reaching that level.
Apr 17, 2012 6:30:00 PM

Agreed! Why do people do it? Shock value? It just makes you look like you have no class whatsoever. If you want to look like trash, using that particular word is the quickest way to do it.

Anonymous said...

Any woman who calls another woman a cunt is lower than low. Congratulations on reaching that level.
Apr 17, 2012 6:30:00 PM

Agreed! Why do people do it? Shock value? It just makes you look like you have no class whatsoever. If you want to look like trash, using that particular word is the quickest way to do it.

That is the way Carly always talks though.

Anonymous said...

That is the way alot of people talk not just one person. I see it alot over facebook. You would be surprised to know how many girls talk trashy on there. I think it comes down to they just don't care or think it matters. I think it's funny, but that is just me.
There are alot of girls who use the C-word. In other countries it's not as taboo to say as it would be in the U.S.

Anonymous said...

Going to touch on a couple topics here lol.

Who really cares how people act. Not everyone will do and act as you want them to. There are always going to be one or two or maybe a handful of girls you think are way to trashy or dont act or speak like you think they should.

Fizzy Pop coming back. I am not liking the style of her new templates. I liked her older ones better. Though I wouldn't really classify them as vintage as she calls them.
On the TDC note, I'm not sure any of the designers there are enough to keep that shop going which is sad cause it has been around awhile. I would like to see it last.
Nicole has always come across to me as someone who is really full of herself and part bitch. Maybe I am just taking her wrong but that is the vibe I get from her.
Oscraps, there are not many designers there that put out like they should.
Flergs, her stuff just seems to be alot of the same stuff with just nasty color palettes. I wish people would stop posting her sneak peeks all over.
Why was The Hidden Heart going on and on about how he is not a good designer and is giving up? What happened?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said... 143 It's not only designers - some CT members are total cunts as well.


I agree. I am pretty sure that is Carly. She got burned by one of her CT members and was being all boo hooey about it. And that IS the way she talks.

Anonymous said...

I agree. I am pretty sure that is Carly. She got burned by one of her CT members and was being all boo hooey about it. And that IS the way she talks.

I have actually seen quite a few designers use that word before so im not really shocked that it was used here. I am not so sure it was her and I am not going to play the guessing game. You don't really know who it was. The C-word is tossed around quite alot behind the scenes in private.

Anonymous said...

There are alot of girls who use the C-word. In other countries it's not as taboo to say as it would be in the U.S.

I'm not in the US and it has nothing to do with being a taboo word or not, I just don't like it as I think it's about as demeaning as it gets.

Anonymous said...

Your assuming who #143 is
Any takers on who you assume #144 is? lol
They both used the C-word!

Anonymous said...

That is the way alot of people talk not just one person. I see it alot over facebook. You would be surprised to know how many girls talk trashy on there. I think it comes down to they just don't care or think it matters. I think it's funny, but that is just me.

What exactly do you think is funny? Using the word or the trash talk?

Anonymous said...

Why was The Hidden Heart going on and on about how he is not a good designer and is giving up? What happened?

Oh, where did you see this? I think what happened is that he is 15! It's called the uncertainty of puberty and adolescence.

Anonymous said...

I'm not in the US and it has nothing to do with being a taboo word or not, I just don't like it as I think it's about as demeaning as it gets.

This is true, but not everyone may share your view. Though most do. A word you say might offend them just as much as the C-word offends you. Words affect people different.

Anonymous said...

#173 - I'm assuming they are the same person.

Anonymous said...

Fizzy Pop coming back. I am not liking the style of her new templates. I liked her older ones better. Though I wouldn't really classify them as vintage as she calls them.

Vintage? How pretentious can she get. Maybe she should be selling on Etsy, she'd make a fortune with her vintage templates, ROTFL.

Anonymous said...

This is true, but not everyone may share your view. Though most do. A word you say might offend them just as much as the C-word offends you. Words affect people different.

I agree completely and I know not everyone will share my view, I don't expect them too.

Anonymous said...

Oh, where did you see this? I think what happened is that he is 15! It's called the uncertainty of puberty and adolescence.

This was on his fan page of all pages.

Anonymous said...

#177, #144 commented on #143's post.
So I assume they are 2 different people.
I don't really care who said what word.
I want to know who not to buy from.

What designers would you never buy from? Based on people skills or design skills?

Anonymous said...

Wont buy from?
Traci Reed.
Her design skills lack big time. If Traci spent as much time on her designs as she does being a FB shit talker then she might actually be a decent designer. I do not like her as a person OR as a designer. She is very rude when you ask her a question. She is very full of herself.

Anonymous said...

#182 - from my experience, she's as fake as they come. I've known her since before she was anyone at all and still grappling her way up.

Anonymous said...

#177, #144 commented on #143's post.
So I assume they are 2 different people.

You know what they say about assuming. Just because one commented on the other post, doesn't mean they are two different people.

Anonymous said...

#184, the best thing about this blog is the game of assuming.
Sometimes I assume those link to ugly products are in fact the designer trying to business. Why else would someone post that?

Anonymous said...

I have a copyright question.
Angry Birds. You can't use anything or make anything that is close to the actual game right?
I have seen quite a few things that match the game. Not exactly, but close. I was wanting to buy one of them.

Anonymous said...

#185 - true, however, I did post the link to Studio Thaty's kit #110, which was god awful and I'm not her. I don't mind some of her stuff, which is why I was so surprised about that particular one.

Anonymous said...

I think it's a matter of taste. I don't mind that color scheme as much as many of her others, so obviously there is something out there for everyone. Every palette a designer uses isn't going to appeal to everyone, and that's why they use many different palettes.

Anonymous said...

I thought Lizzy calling her old template packs 'vintage' was kind of clever actually. JMO

I don't like the C word, but that wouldn't stop me from buying someones product if I liked it.

Anonymous said...

I have a copyright question.
Angry Birds. You can't use anything or make anything that is close to the actual game right?
I have seen quite a few things that match the game. Not exactly, but close. I was wanting to buy one of them.

Unless she obtained permission it's either a copyright or trademark issue. I wouldn't touch it.

Anonymous said...

She just released those last year. Why call them vintage?

#183, I would love to hear more about what you have to say about Traci being fake as they come.

Anonymous said...

I find it truly funny that a "newbie" designer is here on a smack blog worried about trash talking. FFS YOU are on a SMACK BLOG! Duh!

Anonymous said...

I think the better question is, how did you find it? LOL!

Anonymous said...

Bet she'll be slammed with applications.

Anonymous said...

Didn't she open a digi store also?
Why would people want to sell with her.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to apply, take her kits, and then share them on my mommy board.

Anonymous said...

Where is she selling now? Same places?

Anonymous said...

Bet she'll be slammed with applications.
Apr 18, 2012 12:37:00 PM

What is the deal with that positively grotesque color palette she used in her Easter Blossoms kit? I've seen it in other kits as well and none of them look worth a turd.

Was it on Design Seeds?

Anonymous said...

Design Seeds has some of the worst color choices I have ever seen in my life. Yet designers go to it for color inspiration.

Anonymous said...

I really liked the palettes at Design Seeds when it was still new.

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