Thursday, March 1, 2012


A clean unmarred space for you to muck up with your blog train picks and pans.


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Anonymous said...

I've seen many people come up here and say they make 1-2K a month, but I've never seen one of them name their store(s).
Mar 5, 2012 4:14:00 PM

That would really narrow down the anonymity, wouldn't it?

Anonymous said...

Well, as long as we're talking about this, I would love to know what a typical designer makes in a store like SSD or SBG. I am making about $2500 a month right now, but that is between two different stores. I've thought about the benefits of going exclusive and sometimes I think I'd love to do it. But, I always worry it would be like cutting my income in half to have just one store.

I almost applied for SSD's call, but changed my mind. I've heard (mostly here) that you need to be active in their forum or be friends with their designers for them to take you. I am only active in the forums where I sell my kits and I believe that's the way it should be. They had something in their call advertisement also about telling them your average monthly sales so they could make sure that moving you into their store would be a good move for both parties involved. That seemed like an admission it might not be a good move for the designer, as well as for the store. So, are they saying that designers who aren't exclusive could be making more than their designers are?

It's anonymous, so can some of the exclusive designers give us an idea of your average monthly sales in your store? I know you tend to get more respect in this business if you are exclusive. But, I wouldn't want to make less than I do right now.


I can only think of a couple of designers who could possibly make this much money and are at 2 non-exclusive stores right now, and would also consider applying at SSD seeing as how there's a particular style that we're talking about for SSD. I have 2, maybe 3 guesses, but my first would be that you're currently at GP and ACOT. I know you won't come here and confirm, but just felt like throwing my guesses out there into the wind to see what kind of drama I can stir up. I am positive I am not far off.

Anonymous said...

I can only think of a couple of designers who could possibly make this much money and are at 2 non-exclusive stores right now, and would also consider applying at SSD seeing as how there's a particular style that we're talking about for SSD. I have 2, maybe 3 guesses, but my first would be that you're currently at GP and ACOT. I know you won't come here and confirm, but just felt like throwing my guesses out there into the wind to see what kind of drama I can stir up. I am positive I am not far off.
Mar 5, 2012 6:29:00 PM

Of the designers that sell at those 2 stores, the only one I could see applying to SSD is Bella Gypsy. Neither sister is active at either store where they sell. At. All. And I would be shocked if they made any where near $2500.

Lena is only active at SSD and doesn't bother to be active where she sells. Tabitha isn't active anywhere.

Anonymous said...

I'd actually be shocked if they didn't make that much money each month. GP might get knocked around here for not being a "top store", but the fact is that the place is high-traffic and sales are high-volume. Meaning designers can rake in the money even though the pricing is lower, because there are so many repeat sales of each product. I don't know as much about ACOT at all, but looking at the designers who are there I would bet it's similar, while also having the same thing 2Peas has in that paper scrappers shop there and the digital designers there get sales from people who aren't even a part of digi.

Anonymous said...

responding to 3, Lena is also active at TDC, another place she doesn't sell that also happens to be exclusive just like SSD. interesting that her 2 hangouts are pretty well respected exclusive shops, and the poster above talks about considering the benefits of going exclusive, but thinks they will make more money by staying at their 2 shops. it does sound like we may have a match.

Anonymous said...

I've seen many people come up here and say they make 1-2K a month, but I've never seen one of them name their store(s).
Mar 5, 2012 4:14:00 PM

That would really narrow down the anonymity, wouldn't it?

I know, LOL, but still... what a tease those statements are!

Anonymous said...

Last month for me was $1,646.13 and I am at more than 1, less than 4 stores. ACOT is one of them, it is my top grossing store.

Anonymous said...

Considering Lena is in the hospital and had surgery today, I'm sure you're still far off.

Anonymous said...

what is ACOT?

Anonymous said...

ACOT = A Cherry On Top

It's like the poor man's 2Peas. Mainly a paper scrapping online store, with a digital department.

Anonymous said...

Considering Lena is in the hospital and had surgery today, I'm sure you're still far off.


Probably not that far off, she was posting to facebook from her phone all day long with only a short gap while she was in the surgery. Before anyone gets their panties in a ruffle about it being her private page, she is facebook friends with almost all of digiworld and just about anyone could have seen that info.

Anonymous said...

ACOT = a reasonably priced alternative to "Too Pricey"

Anonymous said...

Another one bites the dust: I just got a notice that Scrapbooks Etc. magazine is ceasing publication.

Where did you see this info. I just went to their site and they are still offering subscriptions.

Anonymous said...

It's like the poor man's 2Peas. Mainly a paper scrapping online store, with a digital department.

It's been around a heck of a lot longer then Two Peas Store.

Anonymous said...

I don't think their digital products are all that great imo and I could care less who has been around the longest.

Anonymous said...

I used to sell at ACOT and my sales were shit. Their main focus is on the paper side and except for a weekly newsletter, no advertising is done for the digi designers. They had a digi coordinator who was non-exisitant and there was zero teamwork. Some designers like the drop and go atmosphere, but I'd rather feel like part of a team.

Anonymous said...

Another one bites the dust: I just got a notice that Scrapbooks Etc. magazine is ceasing publication.

Where did you see this info. I just went to their site and they are still offering subscriptions.
I was the OP. I received an e-mail notice yesterday afternoon from a third-party vendor that they could not honor the SBE subscription I'd purchased from them because the magazine was ceasing publication.

This morning I got a message that SBE is not ceasing publication. Apparently the third-party vendor could not honor the purchase made on their website.

Apologies for posting something that turned out to be false.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

So I'm 99.5% sure Tracie Stroud isn't going to SSD. Any guesses about who is going? Anyone in the know want to fill the rest of us in?

Anonymous said...

Jady Day is going.

Anonymous said...


Waiting for store closing sales to start popping up, I'm sure that will tell us a lot.

Anonymous said...

Okay I shop at SSD...and they just announced that they have accepted 6 new designers. More guesses as to who is going there?

Anonymous said...

This is a smack blog -- who DON'T you want to see go to SSD?

For me: Jady Day (although it's been said she's going), Captivated Visions, Re (Tattered Heart?)

Anonymous said...

And not agreeing with Google either? Are you serious? So let's just not have any search engines at all, no way to find any content, just word of mouth... you want to find a site about hamsters? Tough luck! Yeah ok. Maybe you need less time on the internet and more time with your tinfoil hat.

and maybe you need to be less of a drama queen, real housewife anyone?

Anonymous said...

any word on when the SSD announcement is going to be? I know I missed it somewhere.

Anonymous said...

It's anonymous, so can some of the exclusive designers give us an idea of your average monthly sales in your store? I

I think that would depend entirely on the designer. For instance, I think that Tangie over at SBG is probably one of the higher income earners there, while Christina Renee probably isn't.

Anonymous said...

any word on when the SSD announcement is going to be? I know I missed it somewhere.
From SSD thread, before May.

Anonymous said...

And not agreeing with Google either? Are you serious? So let's just not have any search engines at all, no way to find any content, just word of mouth... you want to find a site about hamsters? Tough luck! Yeah ok. Maybe you need less time on the internet and more time with your tinfoil hat.

and maybe you need to be less of a drama queen, real housewife anyone?

Where's the drama queen in that? I don't see it.

Anonymous said...

New designers will open their shops April 7th at SSD

Anonymous said...

EVERYONE knows that is the place for all your hamster needs, no need for evil Google to find that out! Seriously people, stop being such Google fanboys(girls).

Anonymous said...

Jady Day
Lynette - templates
Nicole Seitler
Mari k
Erica Z

Anonymous said...

Either you are full of shit or Nicole will be selling TDC, then? I don't know how her style even fits in at SSD. I have been buying from her for years and she has never been the kind of designer who regularly or frequently releases new kits. Her motivation seems to come in spurts. Very odd choice for SSD, if that is true.

Never heard of Lynette or Rubia... Who are they? And Erica Zane, really? She's another inconsistent designer. Most of that list makes very little sense to me.

Anonymous said...

I believe Lynette is Nettio and Rubia is Studio Basic.

Anonymous said...

I can confirm Jady Day, she's there for sure.

I've always been a fan of Erica Zane, I've never heard of anyone else on that list.

Anonymous said...

Rubia is Studio Basic at Mscraps, not sure about Lynette. I just can't belive that Nicole would give up thedigichick.

Anonymous said...

Anyone know how many people applied?

Anonymous said...

Anyone know how many people applied?

from what ive heard only about 40.

Anonymous said...

Nicole is selling TDC.

Anonymous said...

To who? Or will she be advertising for a buyer?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Rubia over Tracie? Wtf?

Anonymous said...

I think Tracie was invited to SSD but she turned it down for some reason. I have no inside info, I just got that impression from some things I saw mentioned in a few places. I could be completely off base. I'd love to know the story if I'm right though.

Anonymous said...

My guess is Nicole is selling TDC to the bitch who used to run Funky Playground. You know, the one who ran it into the ground and then left it to an idiot. I don't remember her name but I do remember her incredibly arrogant profile photo from the FPG forum.

Anonymous said...


Are you thinking of Michelle Batton? I don't know her, so I don't know if she's a bitch or not, but she had FPD after the original owners sold it.

Anonymous said...

I used to sell at FPD and I thought Michelle was always nice unless there was something I wasn't seeing. I left when what's her face took over. When you put something in the new contract saying "Don't discuss your contract with other designers" there is something fishy there!

Anonymous said...


Why? That's standard in contracts.

Anonymous said...

I was offered a contract at Funky Playground (turned it down after seeing how it's declined recently) and it was not in the recent contract. I can see it being in there though. That's pretty standard contract language.

Anonymous said...

Other designers in the store? Then some people probably get better terms than others. I've never had a contract that stated that I couldn't discuss it specifically with other designers within the store. If that's what it says, I'd bet she's trying to cover something up.

Other designers outside the store? Very standard under confidentiality clauses.

Anonymous said...

No it was within the store. I can understand not discussing it with people outside the store. I talked to another designer when the new contract came out and we were obth not happy about it so we left. Several designers left after the change.

Anonymous said...

Something fishy? Trying to cover something up? Seems as though Miss Anti Google is not the only one wearing a tin foil hat.

As long as you are happy with your contract, what the heck does it matter what the others have in their contracts?

I have had plenty of contracts that state I can't discuss the contents with anyone, and that includes fellow designers. It's business, that's all, nothing else.

Anonymous said...

I think Nicole is joining SSD. I just saw a post by an 'anon' designer that writes suspiciously like her.

Anonymous said...

Foil hat? Whatever #50 whatever.

Anonymous said...


Didn't understand the reference?

it's not you, it's me said...

#51, I saw the same post and *almost* responded, "Nicole?"

But, I didn't want to be banned there or outted here. ;)

Anonymous said...

Didn't understand the reference?

Nope just saying I don't wear one is all.

Anonymous said...

I think Nicole is joining SSD. I just saw a post by an 'anon' designer that writes suspiciously like her.


Link us up to the post?

Anonymous said...

You know what would be funny? If there were two people giving each other attitude on this blog and they happen to be good friends in real life? I mean this is anon you never know who is putting your posts down!

Anonymous said...

Jady Day
Lynette - templates
Nicole Seitler
Mari k
Erica Z
Mar 7, 2012 11:56:00 AM

I really can't believe this. Studio Basic? Really? And Nicole? She barely releases anything. Talk about getting ahead because of who you know. You'd think if TDC was such a great store, she's want to sell there if she's getting back into designing full time. That should tell you all you need to know about TDC sales.

I can believe Jady Day, Nettio, and Mari.

I agree with the PP about Erica. Her stuff is OK, but she is no where near a regular releaser.

Anonymous said...

#56 - check this thread:

Anonymous said...

SSD must not have had very great people to pick from if those were the six they chose from the 40 who applied. It shows a lack of dedication on Nicole's part that she is selling TDC so she can go sell at SSD. That's really lousy, actually.

Only other observation is about Jady Day. I hope she's done store hopping now. You could get dizzy trying to follow her.

Anonymous said...

It shows a lack of dedication on Nicole's part that she is selling TDC so she can go sell at SSD. That's really lousy, actually.

She's had it for three years, hardly a lack of dedication.

Anonymous said...

It shows a lack of dedication on Nicole's part that she is selling TDC so she can go sell at SSD. That's really lousy, actually.


Did you ever think that she was already in the process of selling TDC so she'd have more time to design, when the SSD call came out? The whole thing strangely makes sense to me. If I were a store owner who didn't want to own a store anymore because it kept me from designing as much as I'd like, and I decided to sell it, I'd probably want to sell somewhere else too. No sense hanging around the old store where everyone still thinks you're in charge and won't leave you alone when things go wrong or need to be fixed. I am surprised to see her turn up at SSD though, if that's true, because her design style seems more sophisticated or clean or adult-like than most of the child-like cutesy things that SSD is known for. But I'll bet you her sales will be good there. Nice change of pace for that shop.

Anonymous said...

What about Fee Jardine? She isn't one of the new SSD designers in the back room right now? I'm honestly shocked if she's going somewhere other than SSD now that she's back to designing.

Anonymous said...

I agree that if those were the 6 from the 40, SSD is really reaching.

I think it's great if Nicole wants to get back to designing full-time, but as a business owner, I only would have accepted designers who were already doing business full-time. It's one thing if Nicole was back from a break (like Fee) and was fresh and ready to go. But she's not. She's a burnt out store owner with a bad rep right now. I wouldn't have touched her with a 10-foot pole. She's already alienated her own store's customer base. Unless she goes to SSD on a leash, who's to say she wont pull the same BS there?

Studio Basic releases regularly, but it's all in pieces and parts most of the time. SSD's customers are kit scrappers. I'd be shocked if she did well long term there.

Jady Day fits in well and I really don't see her as being a store hopper. She was at SM for a long time and just recently moved to SO. If my dream store (I assume it is based upon her style) had a call and I just moved, I'd still apply, too.

Nettio's templates are perfect there and she's a Babe already. Seems the natural evolution. I hope she lowers her prices, though.

Mari's style seems well-suited for something different at SSD and she doesn't see to ever have any drama around her, so that will be refreshing.

And Erica Zane. Her stuff is OK, but I don't follow her, so I have no idea how frequently she releases. I wouldn't buy any of her stuff.

Anonymous said...

I should add to my previous comment (#64), that I am a long-time, regular SSD customer.

Anonymous said...

I'm a regular long time SSD customer too and I'm really disappointed in that list. Of that list I would only really buy from Jady Day and occasionally Rubia's templates. That list is a total disappointment.

I was thinking it would be Fee, Captivated Visions, Secret Stash, Bella Gypsy and Jady Day.

Anonymous said...

I disagree about the importance of accepting only designers who are "already doing business full-time" (from #64). As another long-time, regular SSD customer, I can say with certainty that SSD already has more than one designer who doesn't release regularly. Dani Mogstad? We're lucky if we see a kit a month from her. Besides, I think that without store ownership on her to do list, Nicole will start releasing regularly. Say what you will about her, but the fact is that she has a long history in the industry and she has a large customer base and is well-known. I can completley see why Robin would want to bring someone like that onboard. I don't disagree that there was some unfortunate timing related to all of the smacking she got here just a few weeks ago, but that's not a reason to reject someone who could make you a lot of money, especially when one of your own designers (Zoe Pearn) lashed out publicly at everyone on this blog just days later.

Anonymous said...

Whoever thought Captivated Visions was a good fit for SSD is on crack. Her style has become so grungy and odd over the past year or so since she landed at SO that it almost looks like the papers and elements are dirty and falling apart. I cannot for the life of me picture SSD's clientele buying what she sells. Her style is fine, for another store. If she ever ends up at SSD in my lifetime, I will eat my hat.

I do agree that Bella Gypsy would fit into SSD nicely, but I still believe that she's the one who came here about a week ago and said she considered applying but didn't think she'd make as much as if she stayed at her "two stores" where she makes over 2K a month. I don't think she(they) applied.

Anonymous said...

Bella Gypsy's color choices are terrible, and I see her as someone who would still use shitty free CU templates from Scrappin Cop.

Anonymous said...

I've been digiscrapping for 5 years and I have always shopped exclusively at SSD. I have never and will never buy from any of those 6 designers except for Jady Day. I don't care how long Nicole has been in the industry. Her stuff is boring beyond belief. The others are so eh, I have to wonder if SSD is really doing OK to take them on.

I also, 100% agree with Captivated Visions. She fits in fine where she is now, but there is no way she's a good fit at all for SSD. Even if they're looking for something different, she's just waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too different.

Anonymous said...

I've been digiscrapping for 5 years and I have always shopped exclusively at SSD. I have never and will never buy from any of those 6 designers except for Jady Day. I don't care how long Nicole has been in the industry. Her stuff is boring beyond belief. The others are so eh, I have to wonder if SSD is really doing OK to take them on.


You shop exclusively at one place? That's boring beyond belief, too. As for how SSD is doing, the fact that they are taking on 6 new designers should tell you something. I can't remember the last time Robin took more than 2 or 3. She's always created the impression that SSD is the most exclusive, selective place in the biz and that it's almost impossible to get-in. Nobody gets in unless there's a call, and there are only calls every 1.5-2 years. This is the first one since fall of 2010. Nobody leaves, nobody joins. It's like a club. Yet right now, they take on 6 new people which probably says that they need to increase revenue and are trying to do it with volume. The strangest part to me is that one (Nettio) is a template designer and one (SS) rarely designs kits at all?

Anonymous said...

Sorry, that should have read SB and not SS at the end. Typo.

Anonymous said...

Jady Day was at SO before she was at SM. She "retired" from SO for about 3 days (I'm being sarcastic, but it was not a long retirement) then popped up at SM. She hopped back over to SO when the whole SM debacle happened, and I think that by going to SSD she's totally giving the finger to the SO owner, who saved her ass when she needed it. She changes stores more often than she changes her Mormon underwear. I won't follow her again.

Anonymous said...

You shop exclusively at one place? That's boring beyond belief, too

Have you seen the shit elsewhere? I never said I didn't LOOK at other stores (which I do from time to time). Sorry having a style is boring to you. But while you look endlessly in other stores hoping to find something to buy, I'm scrapping.

If you're a designer, I'm sure you'd love loyal customers like me.

Anonymous said...

Jady Day was at SO before she was at SM. She "retired" from SO for about 3 days (I'm being sarcastic, but it was not a long retirement) then popped up at SM. She hopped back over to SO when the whole SM debacle happened, and I think that by going to SSD she's totally giving the finger to the SO owner, who saved her ass when she needed it. She changes stores more often than she changes her Mormon underwear. I won't follow her again.

Anonymous said...

Have you seen the shit elsewhere? I never said I didn't LOOK at other stores (which I do from time to time). Sorry having a style is boring to you. But while you look endlessly in other stores hoping to find something to buy, I'm scrapping.

If you're a designer, I'm sure you'd love loyal customers like me.


You're right. IF I were a designer, I'm sure I would love to have a loyal customer like you: as long as my designs were filled with lots of baby and kid-themed elements and papers and targeted toward people who scrap about their kids only. But if I were a designer who targets another market alltogether, your loyalty would mean nothing because I wouldn't be selling what you wanted. That's what you don't get: your scrap preferences have nothing to do with everyone else's, and there are some of us who like a different style because we scrap about different things. I'm not saying yours is wrong, but you can't say that someone else's is either. I happen to love Sugarplum Paperie's products, because I am not busy scrapping only about my kids and playgrounds and school and soccer practice. Her papers are beautiful and I like the simple elements and style. Maybe you need to get your head out of your ass and realize that SSD might be realizing there is a way to increase their customer base if they start offering things that appeal to scrappers who don't JUST want to scrap about their children. Just because you don't like it, doesn't mean someone else won't either. Robin's smart enough to know that, and I give her props for that. She's running a business, not trying to gain your personal approval with every decision she makes.

Anonymous said...

Take it personally much?

Seriously. Wow. I certainly hope you're not Nicole. You may just be someone defending her, but you're not doing her any favors at all.

I never said anything about Nicole's style or different styles of scrapping being "wrong". I was stating my opinion of her designs and what I prefer for my own scrap pages. I don't like wasting my time browsing the 100s of digiscrap stores to find maybe a handful of kits that appeal to me. I know certain designers at SSD are always going to put out something I want month after month.

I also never said anything about scrapping only my kids. I don't even HAVE kids. You may want to pull your head out of your ass before you start typing again.

If you think SSD is just for people who only scrap their kids in between taking them to soccer practice, you are 100% wrong.

Anonymous said...

I'm post 76 and I don't even know Nicole, but I'm a customer. I love her work, and could care less where she sells. But if moving to SSD means that she will be releasing more often, I'm all for it.

As for assuming you scrap your kids with your SSD stash, I know I am not the only one on this blog who sees you type that out of the 6 new designers, you would only buy from Jady Day and nods knowingly about the type of product you buy. Almost all of Yari's products are filled with juvenile elements and themes, which fits right into the typical SSD style or theme. You did pass judgment on anything other than that style, too. And I quote: "The others are so eh, I have to wonder if SSD is really doing OK to take them on."

Head. Ass. Yours.

Anonymous said...

#78 I'd just give it up now. You're really reading a lot into what people are saying on here and you're making yourself look like an idiot. I didn't take anything said before you as the law. People express their opinions and whether you like them or not, it doesn't make them any more or less their opinions. You don't have to agree, but someone saying their find other designs boring isn't exactly the rudest thing worth going bat-shit crazy over.

If you're the customer base SSD can expect to come over with their new designers, for the first time in my life, I actually feel sorry for them.

Anonymous said...

their=they. stupid typos!

Anonymous said...

You don't have to agree, but someone saying their find other designs boring isn't exactly the rudest thing worth going bat-shit crazy over.
Not either of the OPs but, really. It's a smack blog, dummy. Nobody was going bat-shit crazy: one person said "this is boring" and another said "no it's not according to me, and your other style is boring to me".

Second of all I think it's worth laughing over the fact that you made this point: "People express their opinions and whether you like them or not, it doesn't make them any more or less their opinions" while arguing with poster 78, even though that was their original point and they're the person who originally said the following: "That's what you don't get: your scrap preferences have nothing to do with everyone else's, and there are some of us who like a different style because we scrap about different things. I'm not saying yours is wrong, but you can't say that someone else's is either."

You might want to master reading comprehension before you post next time. You sorta just made 78's point for her, whilst simultaneously calling her an idiot.

Anonymous said...

Can we get back to the awful choices that SSD supposedly made? I'm still hoping the person above was wrong.

And the antics going on in the forum now with all the "new designer" profiles trying to entice customers while not telling who the new designers are. I roll my eyes.

Anonymous said...

I'm a long time SSD shopper, and that list is really disappointing. I was hoping for Bella Gypsy, Traci Stroud, or Secret Stash, or more like them. I can't believe they took Studio Basic, a store hopper like Jady Day, and Erica Zane over some of those. Nicole's style doesn't fit SSD at all, and her kits are almost too small to scrap a layout with. Nettio's templates are ok, but they're really expensive, and all she makes is "favorites" templates. I don't understand how they made these decisions.

Anonymous said...

Why does everyone keep bringing up Secret Stash? I think her stuff is really hit or miss. What is it that you all like about her kits?

Anonymous said...

"I'm a long time SSD shopper, and that list is really disappointing. I was hoping for Bella Gypsy, Traci Stroud, or Secret Stash, or more like them. I can't believe they took Studio Basic, a store hopper like Jady Day, and Erica Zane over some of those. Nicole's style doesn't fit SSD at all, and her kits are almost too small to scrap a layout with. Nettio's templates are ok, but they're really expensive, and all she makes is "favorites" templates. I don't understand how they made these decisions. "

AMEN,especially about Lynette's favorites templates and Nicole's kits being too small.

Anonymous said...

Why do people keep saying that they can't believe that SSD picked these designers over designer A, B, or C? How in the world do you even know that they applied?

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know that this list is the ACTUAL list or just a guess?

Anonymous said...

I know that at least 2 of them are definite. I can't say for the rest of them. But given my knowledge of half the list, I'd say it's accurate.

I also think Nicole's accurate. I checked the thread someone posted up above in the SSD forum and New Designer 5 sounds exactly like her. There's another thread where they're playing something like 20 questions and she showed up there too, and even uses the same smily faces that Nicole uses in her posts at TDC. I'm at least 95% sure.

Anonymous said...


because it's not possible that someone else uses those smiley faces? lol

Anonymous said...

Why do so many bring up Bella Gypsy?

As for Nicole's style not being SSD, give her a few months there, and it will be.

I can think of a few designers who weren't SSD's style but soon were.

Anonymous said...

I was hoping for Laura Banasiak or Captivated Visions. Lauren Grier isn't cutting it for me anymore. Her stuff used to be so unique and fun.

Anonymous said...

91, it's not as though you can't *gasp* make a purchase from LB or CV over at SO. Someone doesn't have to sell at SSD in order for your Paypal account to work, you know.

I giggle at people who feel that they "need" all of their favorite designers to be under one roof. It. Will. Never. Happen.

Anonymous said...

La Grier is perfect for the moody-esque type kits. I haven't liked her stuff in ages.

Anonymous said...

because it's not possible that someone else uses those smiley faces? lol


Duh of course someone else can use the same smilie's, but I know exactly what she meant, b/c ND5 chooses the same ones in the same situations as Nicole. It's her, I'm certain.

it's not you, it's me said...

What ever happened to Shilo?

Anonymous said...

What ever happened to Shilo?

Who cares? Sounds like Happy Tits trying to stir the pot again.

it's not you, it's me said...

Nope, I'm not Shilo. I was going though my stash last night and saw something from her. She just disappeared. Not everyone asking a question is HT.

it's not you, it's me said...

Oops - supposed to be I'm not HT.

Anonymous said...

Wow this blog went from hopping and interesting yesterday morning to booooorrrring YAWN.

Anonymous said...

Have you seen the shit elsewhere?

Cheeky cow.

Granted it might not be your style, but not everything out there is shit. Some is, but there's also some good stuff. I can name loads really good lesser known designers for example who produce good quality stuff consistently.

Anonymous said...

I always hear everyone talking about Happy Tits. Who the hell is Happy Tits?

Anonymous said...

I always hear everyone talking about Happy Tits. Who the hell is Happy Tits?

Here we go! LOL No more boooooorrrrring!

Anonymous said...

Nope, I'm not Shilo. I was going though my stash last night and saw something from her. She just disappeared. Not everyone asking a question is HT.


She took a break because of some personal things and until after her wedding is over. She might design in the future but she hasn't decided yet. I think she was at DSB for a month or two after all the drama with Happy Tits. And no, I'm not Shilo either. Just someone who talks to her still.

Anonymous said...

(☺)(☺) <<<<< Happy Tits

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Studio Fizzy Pop .. coming soon - April 6th ... blech ...

Seriously - yes, I'm going to have a bitch. I'm an established designer (i.e. not new) but not in a "top" store. There are total flakes who store hop from "top store" to "top store" and we get skipped past. I have a great fan base. I do really well ($750-$1000+/month). But I feel like I really work hard for where I am when some people don't produce for weeks on end and get drooled over all the time.

Anonymous said...

and where have you applied that you were turned down?

Anonymous said...

I feel the same way 106. I'm especially bitter about a certain recent call.

Anonymous said...

"but I feel like I really work hard for where I am when some people don't produce for weeks on end and get drooled over all the time."

Just because people are being drooled over or talked about doesn't mean that they are making all that much money or even more than you do. I'm a designer and have never been mentioned here and I make 1500-200 a month. I made even more than that when I used to sell at a bigger shop, but hated the politics.

Anonymous said...

Studio Fizzy Pop. You have GOT to be kidding me?

That disgusts me.

Anonymous said...

I thought Fizzy Pop would have been at SSD for sure. She used to hang there at lot, but I guess they didn't need any more template designers.

As for Studio Fizzy Pop, why the surprise? SBG has brought on board lots of average designers - most of them don't last long.

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't you assume SSD? That's the day they are supposedly beginning new designers.....

Anonymous said...

She must really need the money bad.LOL.

Anonymous said...


Which she are referring to?

Anonymous said...

Where are you getting your info on Fizzy Pop? And seriously? You're making that much money and still bitching? Get over yourself.

Anonymous said...

I'm an established designer (i.e. not new) but not in a "top" store. There are total flakes who store hop from "top store" to "top store" and we get skipped past. I have a great fan base. I do really well ($750-$1000+/month). But I feel like I really work hard for where I am when some people don't produce for weeks on end and get drooled over all the time.
Mar 9, 2012 2:51:00 PM

I believe you need to refer to the "it's 80% who you know" rule in this industry. I'm not saying it's right or fair, but it's how it is.

I can recreate Fizzy Poop's templates in 5 mins. Same with Sara Gleason's. Not to mention countless others, but they're all in the right circles.

Anonymous said...

anyone know who's going to one story down?

Anonymous said...

Did anyone ever see any information other than a generic call from One Story Down? Like commission rates or exclusivity requirements or anything?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I'm still not quite understanding that call. Lauren Reid is at TLP. is she leaving to be a store owner? Isn't she also at 2Ps?

Unless she was leaving one - or both - I question her commitment as a store owner.

Anonymous said...

I've never understood Lauren. I guess she's been at so many stores, she had to make her own.

Didn't Nicole create a sister site to TDC and now she's moving to SSD? How is that going to work?

Anonymous said...

Well, Lauren Grier is leaving SSD. Didn't she just have a CT call there this week?

Anonymous said...

Doesn't stop her from taking her CT if she's leaving.

Anonymous said...

Who said Lauren is leaving SSD?

Anonymous said...

It's in the newsletter. Her and Dani are leaving.

Anonymous said...

I wonder what's up, both of them have been there forever!

I know Lauren has her own store, but I don't know about Dani.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Lauren is going to OSD?

Anonymous said...


Could be. I thought if Lizzy was starting to design again, that would have been perfect for her.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Lauren and Dani were invited to leave because their sales aren't hitting the level they should be. Neither of them has been as active as they used to be over the last six months, for one reason or another.

Anonymous said...

I'd say #129 has it right. I know someone defended Nicole's inactivity as a designer against SSD keeping on Dani, but it's one thing if a CURRENT designer needs some time to get their life in order, take a break, etc. It's quite another to bring on another inactive designer as a NEW designer.

I'm guessing both Dani and La just haven't had the sales to stay any longer. I'm sure Robin gave them a long time to bounce back, too. I can't see her kicking them to the curb straight away.

Anonymous said...

I very much doubt that Lauren and Dani had lower sales than some of those girls there. I wonder if they left due to something that happened with the new designer call. Sour grapes over the decisions? Seems weird they'd both suddenly leave immediately following it (the newsletter said 3/15 is their last day).

What does SSD have without them? Pretty much nothing.

Anonymous said...

What does SSD have without them? Pretty much nothing.
Mar 10, 2012 8:29:00 AM

LOL! You're not really serious, right? I like Dani's stuff, but it's nothing I can't buy from other designers there. La's stuff has been so ugly lately, SSD will look better once her stuff is gone.

Anonymous said...

Lauren is guesting at TLP. Maybe she'll stay there?

Anonymous said...

I think 133 has it right.

Anonymous said...

I agree. I think her stuff is a better fit for TLP.

Anonymous said...

What about Dani, then? Will she just sell out of her personal shop? On facebook she specifically mentioned that she isn't retiring and alluded to something more coming.

Anonymous said...

maybe she's doing a switch with Jady Day?

not really being serious, just throwing it out there.

Anonymous said...

On the SSD blog it said that Dani was leaving as she wanted to concentrate more on her own brand. She'd look really flaky turning up at another store after such a public announcement.

Anonymous said...

A store I keep seeing great stuff from is Zig Zag Scrap, and it seems a lot of designers are moving there.

Anonymous said...

Looking at it, my 3 favorites are Brine Design, Studio 68 and T for Me.

Anonymous said...

A store I keep seeing great stuff from is Zig Zag Scrap, and it seems a lot of designers are moving there.
Mar 10, 2012 8:22:00 PM

And they'll quickly leave after making $10/month.

Anonymous said...

sounds like you speak from experience?

Anonymous said...

Brine should have gone to scrap matters when she had the chance

Anonymous said...

I was at ZZS for several months. My average was about $12 a week. My other store - $50-110 a week consistently. Moving on is good.

Anonymous said...

I don't really care for Brine. I had high hopes for her during Designer Apprentice last year, but her newer stuff just isn't cutting it for me. Have you seen her project 52 ribbons & flowers? Not sure if it's the color combinations or the overall quality but I can't stand them.

A lot of ZZS designers are hit and miss with their products though, imo.

Anonymous said...


Eew, you are right about those ribbons and flowers, they are horrible. I think it is the colors.

Anonymous said...

Well I'm a regular customer of hers and I've got the subscription for her p52 products. I'm really happy that the colors match enough from month to month, although I would like to see more element sets.

Anonymous said...


mmm, 'kay, it's still horrible, even if it does match.

It seems to me to be pretty restricting to only match the people who subbed to her P52. If you didn't sub to it, the element set as it stands is yucky.

Anonymous said...

The colors are horrible in that collection. The flower looks distorted in shape, too. I never buy those subscription deals. There is always something I don't like and wouldn't buy, so if I just buy what I like, it's always cheaper in the long run.

Anonymous said...

I agree.

Anonymous said...

I don't care that they match the "collection". The colors are horrible and why would I pay $4 for a pack of what are obviously a bunch of recolors? and poorly executed recolors to boot!

Anonymous said...

How are sales at Scrapable?

Anonymous said...

You're better off at Zigzag.

Anonymous said...

Anyone have thoughts about GingerScraps?

Anonymous said...

*shudders* place gives me the creeps

Anonymous said...

#149 hence the reason why she's selling them as individual packs

Anonymous said...

Gingerscraps is below par on product but has a nice enough community

Anonymous said...

I don't see how Gingerscraps store looks any different than a store like Gotta Pixel.

The biggest problem I can tell at Gingerscraps is too many inactive designers. This is a problem that plagues a lot of stores and it's 100% within their control to get rid of the baggage. The store looks dated in many ways because of it.

These little stores need to start skimming away the freeloaders who make the store look shitty. If more did that, there would be fewer and fewer designers to worry about and fewer designers to manage and just take-up space.

Anonymous said...

GingerScraps does have challenges and a lot of people look for a community with those!

Anonymous said...

Did anyone see the Design House Digital blog hop? Someone asked for a review on them a few months ago and I'd like to see one. I'm curious about this store.

Anonymous said...

GingerScraps could use an update in their site design. I think their designers are more active than some at higher tier stores. Of course I rather have quality over quantity anyday.

There are a couple of designers that I question even being there because their styles just don't really fit.

Anonymous said...

What's the deal with OSD, does anyone know which designers are going there? Fee? Lauren Grier?

Anonymous said...

GingerScraps just had a redesign of the site...

Anonymous said...

That's sad.

Just based on looking at the store (GingerScraps)
here's my take on the designers there.
Blue Heart Scraps - Her color choices are ok, but her designs look flat and blah. Maybe better shadowing of her products?
Creations by Julie - Completely unimpressed by her hybrid, or any other, designs. Her previews look unprofessional
Ginger Scraps - Her designs look dated and her previews too messy to even want to look. She should stick to running the place.
Harmony Star - A mish mash of yuck. By the look of it, she's only participating in the "buffet" anyway so I say lose the dead weight.
Inspired Designs - Not my style, but I can see why those whose style it is would like it.
Kathy Winters - Not my style, but better than Inspired Designs. Relatively consistent in style and her previews look better.
Pixels by Jen - Doesn't seem to release regularly. Some of her products are mildly reminiscent of COLS.
Pretty In Green - Hit & Miss, but overall ok
Psychozoe - Nothing in her shop appeals to me AT ALL. Her style doesn't seem to fit there. She seems more fantasy style.
Statements by Jodi - Her color choices are hideous.
Unforgettable Moments - Hasn't released anything from probably December from the looks of it. Her banner looks better than anything she's released.
Valarie Ostrom - Her more recent items are flat and blah.
Wyld Web Designs - Funky, but fun if you like that style. I do not like her templates.
Colie's Corner - Similar to Connie Prince
Connie Prince - I think we all know about Connie Prince. Not my style but some really love her.
Craft-tastrophic - Overall pretty good. She should leave certain elements out of her kits because they throw off the style (example: Realistic Teddy Bears in an otherwise traditional kit)
Jen Yurko - Hit & Miss. She seems to be on the upper end of the design team here.
JillDZines - No hit just miss. In her defense her store has like only 6 products in it. New to the store?
JoyfulHeartDesigns - Total hit for the style. She needs to go elsewhere though to really sell well I think.
KeepInTouch Designs - Her style seems to be all over the place but never quite strays from poor color choices.
LauraMarieScraps - From what I can tell she releases little beyond the "buffet". And even that isn't anything I'd buy.
LDrag - Great style but like JoyfulHeart, doesn't fit here.
Luv Ewe - Much like Colie's Corner and Connie Prince.
Marie H - Seems to regularly release. Needs to decide on a style.
Roseytoes - Hit & Miss. I imagine she'll do better with her templates than her kits. I like her templates.
Sherry Ferguson - In the same realm as Colie, Connie, & Luv Ewe except less refined.
Snickerdoodle Designs - her latest kit does not match the style of her other kits AT ALL. Either way not my style.
SugarKissedDesigns - Like LDrag & JoyfulHeart, her designs don't seem to fit. She has a more contemporary design going on than the other designers there.
Twin Mom Scraps - Mediocre at best.

Overall, with few exceptions I can't find much I couldn't find elsewhere. (Maybe not for less - GingerScraps prices are reasonable enough - but I could still get it elsewhere)

I agree with a pp about Ginger needing to clean house and update the site design. The store looks dated, and when you see designs that have been (or look like they have been) "sitting on the shelf" for a few years, it's time to do all parties involved a favor and dump them.

I did look at the forum and the gallery. They are both pretty active so kudos on that point.

p.s. These are just my opinions. Take it or leave it.

Anonymous said...

What stores would be good for a new, sorta decent designer to start at to build a following and make a few hundred dollars a month? I'm just curious.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone seem to have troubles with SO's customer service? They are sloooow! I purchased something Saturday and never got the download links. I emailed them 2x and finally got an answer but it was not the correct answer so I emailed them again and am waiting.

Anonymous said...

Kudos to TLP! I ordered something earlier in the month and downloaded but did not try to unzip until yesterday, the files were corrupt. I wrote to customer service and they got back to me within just a few hours and reset my links. Now that's good customer service! I really like their products, too.

Anonymous said...

I think the best stores are ones where you don't have to have your links reset.

Anonymous said...

Cannot stand TLP and their download links. Sometimes I do not get download links for hours after I pay (PayPal balance).

Their latest releases - meh.

Anonymous said...

What stores would be good for a new, sorta decent designer to start at to build a following and make a few hundred dollars a month? I'm just curious.

Making a few hundred dollars a month is not a reasonable expectation for a "new, sorta decent designer" Be happy if you make $100 until you're an established consistently good designer - and even then you may only make a few hundred a month...

Anonymous said...

I made over $700 my first month as a designer, less than a year ago.

I would wait a bit to be sure you're more than "sorta decent", because THAT'S the hurdle, not being new.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

171 again. You're a digiscrapper now? Are you on any store CTs? If not, get on one. Build a relationship there, and then when you're ready to sell you have an in with that store.

As someone said earlier, who you know matters.

Anonymous said...

I do not understand designers with flat, ugly previews. If you can't make one yourself, there are lots of people who provide the service and do an amazing job. I never do my own previews and happily pay my girl every week to do them for me. The time she saves me means I can make more products for the week or even 1-2 more kits/month. Which = more $$ for me. Far more than I pay her every month.

Anonymous said...

I feel the same way about Oscraps. Toss the dead weight already.

Anonymous said...

Overall, with few exceptions I can't find much I couldn't find elsewhere. (Maybe not for less - GingerScraps prices are reasonable enough - but I could still get it elsewhere)

but isn't that the sad statement on the digital community these days. If you can find it elsewhere doesn't that tell you that too many designers don't have their own unique style but mimic each other over and over and over again. Then again those who are really unique like Terry Maruca, Mary Fran, Miki Ferkel, Kate Hatfield, Fruitloop Sally and others. Most of these gals have been around for quite awhile. It's nice to see they don't have to follow the pack!!

Anonymous said...

Oscraps did for the most part.

Anonymous said...

While those designers might be "original" they aren't anyone I would actually buy from (with the rare exception of KH once in a great while). "Original" doesn't necessarily denote "desirable".

Anonymous said...

Fruitloop Sally really unique? Are you kidding? Her style is a dime a dozen.

Anonymous said...

JillDZines - No hit just miss. In her defense her store has like only 6 products in it. New to the store?
JoyfulHeartDesigns - Total hit for the style. She needs to go elsewhere though to really sell well I think.

Jill is new to the store, she used to sell at ScrapDish, which is now closed.

JoyfulHeart also sells at TDC. She used to be one of the owners of Inspiration Lane.

Anonymous said...

175 Who is the dead weight at Oscraps?

Anonymous said...

Um - the owner? HA! Be serious though, if it weren't for Kitty Designs & Anna Aspnes, the place wouldn't have hardly any regular new releases.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said... 181
175 Who is the dead weight at Oscraps?
Mar 12, 2012 5:05:00 PM

Creations by Tina Marie
Danielle Young (questionable)

Anonymous said...

174 - can you suggest a person/people who do previews?

Anonymous said...

Join the DCR - I'm sure someone will be happy to send you in the right direction

Anonymous said...

I'd suggest posting in the public forums of DST to find someone to do previews. I think most people ignore the DCR except for the shit designers.

Anonymous said...

Cannot stand TLP and their download links. Sometimes I do not get download links for hours after I pay (PayPal balance).

Their latest releases - meh.

It happens alot at SO also. Except they (SO) take a few days to get back to you and they are snotty.

Anonymous said...

Is the DCR still worth signing up to if you're a new digi designer?

Are there still active conversations there? Can you access older info there (ie. from 1 or 2 yrs ago when the place was busier)?? Thanks in advance.

Anonymous said...

It's free to join, why don't you find out for yourself?

Anonymous said...

#176... Terry Maruca? UNIQUE? Are you high?

Anonymous said...

It happens alot at SO also. Except they (SO) take a few days to get back to you and they are snotty.


Amen to that! Especially the one sister that owns it. I think her name is Mel. What a bitch! And the other sister (Kami I think) is only nice when it suits her. They have the most "clique-ish" community I've ever seen. Every time I stop by there I wonder why I bother. They have really gone down hill this last year too. They should focus more on being a nice place to hang out rather than that stupid-ass Vegas thing they are doing. Way too expensive!

Anonymous said...

An example of someone using this blog to shamelessy promote themselves:

Random comment that didn't fit into the conversation:
I do not understand designers with flat, ugly previews. If you can't make one yourself, there are lots of people who provide the service and do an amazing job. I never do my own previews and happily pay my girl every week to do them for me. The time she saves me means I can make more products for the week or even 1-2 more kits/month. Which = more $$ for me. Far more than I pay her every month.
Mar 12, 2012 1:17:00 PM

A few hours later, this:
174 - can you suggest a person/people who do previews?
Mar 12, 2012 7:12:00 PM

I would bet my left tit that these two comments were left by the same person, trying to set herself up to "recommend" herself to the other designers here. All of this on the same day that Mommyish announces that she is now offering designer preview services for sale. Shameful. Don't you know better? When you bring yourself up here on this blog, you invite the smacking that follows.

Anonymous said...

Mommyish is doing custom packaging you idiot, not previews!

Check your facts before you shoot your mouth off in future

Anonymous said...

^^ amen!

I'm sure she appreciates the free promo to her as well.

Anonymous said...

The Vegas jealousy is pretty amusing. Just because you can't afford it doesn't mean it's stupid or that other people can't afford it. Last year there were like 70 people that obviously didn't think it was stupid, and I can only assume the number will be higher this year.

Anonymous said...

I'm #174 and I absolutely did not set any promotion up nor did I leave any other response until now. My statement was in response to the review of GS and the flat previews. I would never in 100 years ever post the name of the person who helps me with my business on this blog - just as I would never post my name on this blog. It's suicide.

Anonymous said...

The Vegas jealousy is pretty amusing. Just because you can't afford it doesn't mean it's stupid or that other people can't afford it. Last year there were like 70 people that obviously didn't think it was stupid, and I can only assume the number will be higher this year.


Posted by someone from SO no doubt. lol

And jealousy? That's laughable! I wouldn't bother attending if I lived in the same city and it was free. Nothing about it looks appealing unless you are in to a bunch of snotty bitches hanging out together, same as in their forum. And what could you possibly learn from any of those classes that even the beginner scrapper doesn't already know?

Anonymous said...

I have more than enough money to go and I still think it's overpriced for what it is. I won't be going. I'm not totally sure I'd pay that much for a digicon with several stores participating. So not jealous, just uninterested.

You seem insecure about it though, having to defend your purchase and participation and all by insisting others are jealous.

Anonymous said...

Not at all insecure about it. And yes, someone saying that it's stupid sounds like they are just jealous of the others that are going and who will no doubt have a great time. Whether or not you plan on going, denying that it is an awesome experience is just silly.

Anonymous said...

Not at all insecure about it. And yes, someone saying that it's stupid sounds like they are just jealous of the others that are going and who will no doubt have a great time. Whether or not you plan on going, denying that it is an awesome experience is just silly.


Definitely someone from SO posting in defense!

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